#imagine your son disappearing for 3 weeks then coming back covered in blood and being all “hello son 👋 I missed you 😔 did you have fun?😊”
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arthursfuckinghat · 9 months ago
You know, I don't think I'll ever get used to Dutch's constant two-faced behaviour.
One minute you're coming back to camp and then getting an earful from Dutch about not bringing in enough money, then the next minute he'll greet you and say how he missed you and asks what you've been up to as soon as you walk into camp.
On a bad day, you're the person who's going to betray Dutch in the end. Then on a good day, you're his favourite son who's always been special to him.
The camp gives Arthur grief for his 'moods' but the others didn't seem to comment on Dutch's camp behaviour in the same way, even in the early chapters.
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nikkzwrites · 4 years ago
(They Long to Be) Close to You | Dark Fix-It Fic Series Part 2 | Chapter 4
A/N: This fic is one that I started with my OC because honestly, I personally didn’t like how season 3 ended. So I am rewriting all of Dark with my OC Annalise Dahlheim. I hope you all like it. Some things will be expanded more on just for more depth to Dark that season 3 kinda skipped over so…. yeah. This is part two of the series! You can start the full series here!
CW: Canon Typical Triggers: Smoking, Sex, Language, Drugs, Drinking, Death, Violence.
Word Count:  7.9k
[First Chapter] [Previous Chapter] [Next Chapter]
“From then on, I knew that nothing changes,” the man explained to his son as their carriage went through the Winden woods, “That all things remain. The spinning wheel turns, round and round, in a circle. One fate tied to the next. A thread, red like blood, that connects all our deeds.” The man closed the book and explained to his son, “Ariadae. That was your mother’s favorite play. She surely would have liked to come with us tonight, in the company of such a distinguished young man.” He opened up his watch to see an engraving, “For Charlotte” inside.
His blind son spoke, “Why do we die?”
“The dead are never truly dead,” his father explained, “Maybe they’re not here, now. But everything that once lived, lives on forever. In the eternity of time.”
The old man sat remembering this memory of his father when his carriage stopped. He panicked as he heard his coachmen start to speak to someone. He hid his money away as he held close his mother’s favorite play. As the footsteps approached he asked, “Who is there? Who are you?”
“He who has eyes to see,” The Unknown spoke, “and ears to hear may convince himself that no mortal can keep a secret, because if his lips are silent,he chatters with his fingertips. Betrayal oozes out of him at every pore.”
“I…” The old man spoke, “I don’t understand.”
The middle part of the Unknown nodded, “Oh, but you do. You’re going into town to draft a telegram. Because you want to tell the world about us. Are you not?”
The man started to panic, “You’re one of them. A traveler. All those years.” As the man rambled, the Unknown started to take out his wire, “they said my father was insane. But now they are here. The travelers from the future. The world must know that they exist.”
The Unknown shook his head, “What we know… is a drop. What we don’t know is an ocean.” He slowly leaned forward to eand the man’s life.
Eve spoke to Jonas, “The mistake in all of our thinking is that we each believe ourselves to be an independent entity. One self… besides countless other selves.” When Jonas turned to her, she continued, “While, in reality, we’re all just fractions of an infinite whole.”
“What is this place,” Jonas asked Eve, “A copy of my world?”
Eve strolled over to him and asked, “Do you remember what you said to me? Under the bridge? The light. The forest. You. Me.”
“A glitch in the matrix,” Jonas responded. He stared to glare at her and asked, “Why am I here?”
Eve studied him then looked up at the painting, “You and I. Adam and Eve. That’s what we are. A glitch in the matrix. You want to know why you’re here? To save them. Your world and mine.”
“Last night, Kilian Obendorf, Bartosz Tiedemann, Annalise Dahlheim also known as Annalise Kahnwald, and Franziska Doppler, along with Magnus and Martha Nielsen, found an as-yet-unidentified boy’s body on the Doppler property by the forest road. His clothes and the Walkman are from the 1980s,” Ulrich explained with tears in his eyes, “We also found… an ID card on the body.” His eyes shifted to look at the evidence box. Ulrich started to sob and Charlotte walked over to him to give him a hug.
Charlotte turned to Woller and asked, “Woller, may you continue?” She turned to Ulrich and whispered, “Can I talk to you for a second?” Ulrich looked up and followed the woman into the file room. She turned to the defeated man and said, “You don’t have to do this. Woller can do the briefings. I can go to forensics. Go home.”
“I’ve spent 33 years looking for my brother,” Ulrich spoke up against the woman, “Those are his belongings. Those are Mads’ belongings.” He took a deep breath and said, “Someone… Someone kept them all. And then put them on the boy in the bunker. Thirty-three years later.”
Charlotte’s brow furrowed. She asked, “You think it was the same killer? That it’s all connected. Mads, Erik, the boy in the bunker?”
Ulrich looked at her and asked, “Do you know why I joined the police? When my brother disappeared… they made pretty much every mistake you could imagine. The detective was a drunken moron. And me? I swore I’d do it all differently. That I’d do everything right. That was 33 years ago. And what do I do? My marriage is ruined and now I’m cheating on the woman I cheated on my wife with.” Ulrich sighed as Charlotte touched his face, “I can’t do this anymore.” He allowed her to remove her hand and he walked out of the office.
Jonas looked up to see Bartosz strutting in with Martha slowly approaching behind him. Jonas stormed to Bartosz and demanded, “Where were you?” His eyes turned towards Martha and turned back to Bartosz to ask, “What did she tell you?”
“We’ve been stuck here for weeks,” Bartosz responded to the man, “The fucking device is empty. You have no idea how any of this works. All you did was lie! You knew what would happen, and you told us NOTHING!”
Jonas growled, “Don’t you realize she’s just using you?” He motioned towards the girl and spoke, “That isn’t Martha. She’s dead.” His heart ached at his memories, “No one returns from the dead.”
Magnus spoke up and said, “Whoever she is… she may be our only chance to get out of here.”
Bartosz grit his teeth then asked Jonas, “Why don’t you tell us the truth?” When Jonas didn’t say anything, Bartosz stepped closer and growled, “Tell them who really killed Annalise and Martha.”
Jonas’s eyes flinted to Martha then down after hearing Bartosz. He sidestepped and started his way out of the warehouse. Bartosz growled and waited for a moment before going and chasing him outside.
“Bartosz! Wait,” Magnus called as he and Franziska chased after him.
The rain fell as Jonas walked outside. He silently thanked the God forsaken town for complying with his emotions before he heard Bartosz screaming behind him.
“Tell them,” Bartosz demanded. He growled as he pushed the man over, “Tell them who Adam really is!” The two rolled around fighting just as they did 34 years ago before Magnus and Franziska pulled them apart. Magnus held Bartosz back as he screamed at everyone, “I told you all along! Jonas is to blame for everything!” He fought Magnus off and stood away from everyone as he cried, “It’s him. He’s Adam!” When Magnus looked at him in disbelief, Bartosz screamed through his tears once more, “He’s Adam! Adam wasn’t even the one who killed Annalise! It was just him proper! He killed both of them!” He stormed away from the group after asking Jonas, “Couldn’t have both so killed them both? Huh?”
Jonas and Magnus tried to catch their breaths and exchanged a look.
Eve, at the same time in another universe, told Jonas, “In all of that, didn’t you ever wonder, why you can’t let go of them, of her? You knew, you know it’s impossible. Yet still, you can’t let it go.” When Jonas turned to her with tear filled eyes, she continued, “An invisible bond that binds you for eternity. Adam tried to sever it. But that’s impossible.” She took out a silver tree of life necklace and showed it to him, “You gave this to me.”
Jonas took out his Annalise’s necklace and rubbed his dirt covered fingers over it, cleaning the blood off of it.
“You and I,” Eve continued, “Black and white. Light and shadow. We are bound together for eternity in this eternally repeating deja vu.”
Jonas whispered, “What is all this? What do you want?” His voice started to get louder, “Why don’t you just tell me why I’m actually here?”
“You’ve seen what you’ll do,” Eve tried to reason with him, “What Adam will do. If you want to save your Annalise, you have to choose the side of light. And you have to make me what I am today.”
Jonas slowly approached her, “I have to? I don’t have to do anything anymore. I’m sick to death of always having to do things!”
“Then ask yourself,” Eve responded, “what you want.” Watching his face change she asked, “Do you want her to live?”
Annalise awoke, yet she was still face to face with Mads. She screamed and started to cry again. She kicked the small enclosure entrapping her with the dead boy. She heard a very familiar voice call her name. Then Mads slowly turned to Mikkel then to her father. After that, Annalise found herself listening to her father’s voice message and words flowed out of her mouth without consent, “I just called to let you know I had my first kiss today.” Her tears choked her as her voice continued against her will, “I wish you could have met him Dad. His name is Adam and he reminds me so much of you and mom. You would love him just as much as I’ve fallen for him.” As she looked out the window, her vision faded to black. Her throat feeling like it was being filled with water again. When Annalise tried to scream, she found herself in something like a mirror of Martha’s room. Annalise turned and saw a blond boy there laying next to her, fast asleep. He seemed so familiar. Her hand shakely reached out and his name spilled from her lips without knowing, “Jonas?” 
Right when the boy was about to turn, Annalise shot up in her bed in Ulrich’s house. Her breath shaking from terror and crying. She turned towards her phone to see Bartosz had tried to call her. There was a text there saying, ‘If you need to talk, let me know.’
Hannah burst into the room, “Annalise!” She quickly waddled to the girl and held her closely as the teenager started to scream, “Shhhh… It’s okay. It’s okay. I’m here.” Hannah kissed the girl’s head as she rocked with her, “I’m here.” As she rocked the girl, her eyes started to trace the electrical burn scars on the teenager, yet she said nothing.
Martha stared up at the ceiling in her room. After finding the body last night, it was the last straw and Katharina forced her to come back home to be with her family instead of staying the night with Annalise. When Ulrich was finally able to come home that night, he drove his daughter back to his ex-wife. She sighed remembering that argument and the one before it where Hannah, her, and her mother argued about where Martha should be with as Annalise stood there just zoning out repeatedly and mumbling to herself some physics equations. Katharina had only conceded from seeing Annalise and knowing that the girl probably needed someone. So she made the condition that once Ulrich was back home, he was to bring Martha back. She heard the doorbell ring and sighed as she got out of bed. When she answered the door, there in front of her was Ulrich. “Dad,” she asked in disbelief.
“Can I come inside,” he asked his daughter.
Martha sighed and begrudgingly allowed the man inside. They stood in front of the staircase.
Ulrich asked, “Is Magnus here too?”
Martha studied her father trying to get a read on him, “I think he’s still sleeping.”
Ulrich nodded and told the girl, “You have to tell me the truth. What really happened in the bunker?” When his daughter looked at him again in disbelief, he continued, “What did you see?”
“I did tell the truth,” Martha said, “we went in and the bunker was empty. There was nobody there! Then there was a light. And then this...this body fell down. Annalise fainted at the sight of it.”
“Had you taken anything,” Ulrich asked accusingly.
“What,” Martha questioned him.
As Magnus walked down the stairs, Ulrich asked again, “Did that Kilian kid give you anything?” Magnus just finished walking down the stairs when Ulrich turned to him and asked, “Come on, what did you take?”
“What is this shit,” Magnus sneered at this father, “Are you playing worried father now? Why don’t you ask your precious new daughter?” Martha looked at her brother and shook her head, yet he continued, “You usually don’t give a shit about us!”
Martha crossed her arms and shrugged, “It’s just as we told you. There was this noise...It came from the caves...or the ground,...or… I don’t know. We went to the bunker. At first there was nothing there, then...he...he was just lying there.”
Ulrich turned away and stared out into the dining room calculating what was going on.
“Is that all,” Magnus growled at his father. When his father turned to look at him again, Magnus replied, “Mom will be back any moment. You’d better go. But it was nice of you to drop by to see how we’re doing.” When Ulrich reached up to caress him, Magnus took a step back.
Hannah walked through the halls of the police station with a tray of brownies. When she was greeted by Woller and Charlotte, she asked, “Is Ulrich here? I’ve been trying to reach him all morning. Annalise is having nightmares and just woke up finally.”
Charlotte shook her head and said, “I thought he went home.”
Hannah studied the woman for a second. Her mind started to wonder. “You look so different,” commented the woman, “Did you get a haircut?”
Charlotte shook her head, “No.”
Hannah looked her up and down. She laughed, then hugged the woman. She took her smell in deeply. She pulled away and waited a moment before saying, “It’s nice to see you. I’ll just put this in his office.”
Charlotte turned and watched her go.
Hannah closed the door behind her and walked to place the container on his desk. She looked up as she realized who it was that Ulrich was cheating on her with. She left as the pictures of his children, Annalise with Martha, and herself with him burned their place on his desk.
Annalise sat there staring at the wall. Her brain running six different directions just trying to figure everything out. She ran her fingers through her hair as she screamed. She yelled and closed her eyes. Everything that happened kept running in her head. Her dreams danced in her head. She felt empty. There was a pulling inside of her. She ran out to the woods and screamed again. It felt as if someone was tugging at a string within her. Plucking at it, like a chord of a guitar.
“Can we talk,” Martha asked her brother as she walked in.
Magnus rolled his eyes, “Get lost.” He assumed she was going to scold him about what he said about Annalise. 
Martha, instead, walked in and sat next to Magnus, “Last night…in the forest... Did you see anything else?”
“No,” Magnus told her, “Like what?”
Martha turned away from her brother and asked, “Do you sometimes feel like you’re losing your mind? That nothing makes sense anymore?” She sighed and commented, “Maybe… Dad is right.” When Magnus looked at her confused, she said, “Maybe he was already lying there.” She shrugged and said, “And...we…”
Magnus stared at her and stated, “I know what I saw.” Martha and he sat quietly for a minute before she stood up and walked to his window. “Where are you going,” he asked.
“Don’t tell Mom,” Martha replied, “I’ll be back for dinner.” She opened the window and left.
“Everything repeats itself,” Eve told Jonas, “Again and again for all eternity. Because none of us is prepared to let go.” She lifted up a light and walked over to Jonas, “It took me a long time to understand that. That you can’t let go of your past. That you will always choose her, always choose your Annalise.” She nodded and told him, “And just as you can’t let go of your past, I’ve spent my life clinging to mine.” She made a face then told him, “You trusted Adam. But where did that lead you?” She walked to Jonas and said, “You have to show her, Martha, how everything is connected. You don’t have much time left. She has to see her future in order to understand what must be done.” She handed him the lantern and spoke, “She will follow you. She is bound to your fate, just as you are to hers.”
Jonas grabbed it from her and turned away. He looked at Eve and wondered if she knew what he was thinking. He walked out of the office determined to find Annalise before trying to go forward with Eve’s plan.
In Adam’s world, Martha looked down at the necklace in her hand. She quickly hid it after hearing a knock on the door. She pushed herself closer towards the window as she looked to see who was coming in.
Jonas opened the door and closed it behind him. He stood in the middle of the room and said, “You said I was in your world. With you. Why can’t I remember it?”
“I don’t know,” Martha told the man, “That letter… I didn’t write it.” She slowly approached him and said, “You have to believe me.” As he turned away, she spoke again, “Sic Mundus, what is it?”
Jonas sighed, “Old Tannhaus’ father… tried to bring someone back from the dead. His wife. He was convinced that the ability to time-travel would be the world’s salvation. Every mistake could be prevented before it even occurs. But it doesn’t bring salvation. Only Damnation.”
Martha took a deep breath and growled, “They’re all dead. In my world. I can’t help hoping I can change that.” He glared at her as he tried to walk away, but the girl grabbed him, “I know you think you can’t trust me. I want to prove to you that you can.” She brought him out into the woods and unburied her ball to show him the device she used to get there.”
“This is what you used to travel,” He asked.
Martha nodded at him. She undid a dial and took out a small dark ball, “this is the last one I have.” She held it out to him, “It’s the only way I can go back again.”
Jonas sighed as he took it from her.
Eve sat in her office waiting for her son and Mary. The Unknown walked in with all materials he had grabbed for her. 
The Unknown told his birth mother, “You could have told him which path you’re sending him down. How it will end.”
Eve shrugged as she explained, “He will never stop trying to break this cycle. He’ll never understand that we must preserve the knot. That his Annalise must die. So all the others can live.”
She stared at her son as she opened the leather planner, “The beginning and the end.”
Jonas walked out of the cave and through the woods. He heard sobbing and screaming he only knew as Annalise and ran towards it.
Charlotte walked to the bunker and called Ulrich. She asked him to call her back as she approached the door. She opened it up and walked inside. She stared at the chalk outline and started to investigate. When she knelt down, under a bench she found a penny with a red string around it as if like a necklace.
On the other side of town, Helge sat repeating to himself, “Tick tock. Tick tock.” He looked up and started to walk out of the house to try to stop it.
Bartosz exited Mary’s car. He sighed and looked towards the power plant. As his eyes scanned, he noticed a figure stumbling across the street. Normally he wouldn’t think anything of it, but it looked very familiar. The beating of his heart echoed in his ears when he realized just who it was. He jogged across the street and called, “Anna.”
Jonas was just about to interrupt the girl’s drinking when he heard Bartosz’s voice. The boy had been following her for a while, but he didn’t know how to approach her, so instead he just decided to watch her from afar. He slunked back into the shadows right out of sight of the two. His heart raced. He knew what was going to happen.
Annalise took another large drink of her mixed drink a very kind older man had given her. She smiled gently. It reminded her of the drinks she heard about back home. Fruit punch, Red Bull, vodka mixed in the right fashion still only seemed like fruit punch. He had given her a large bottle just with a few bucks and for “looking cute.” She drank as she made her way to the bus stop out of Winden. The burning sensation masking her brain being torn apart at the seams. 
Bartosz easily caught up to the girl and grabbed her arm, “Anna! What are you doing, idiot?!” He kept a firm grip on her. Frustration rose into his chest. Where did she even get what she was drinking? Where was she going? Shouldn’t she be with Martha or nearly anyone else? She never went anywhere alone.
“I’m going home,” she answered simply, “Now please let me go.” She tried to jerk away.
He shook his head, “What are you drinking? Your place is that way.” He gestured with his shoulder towards where she lived with Ulrich and Hannah. He stared at the girl floundering to get away from him. His heart started to ache. More than that. He was angry. Furious even. Filled to the brim with an anger he had never known before.
Annalise started to cry as she tried to tear away from his grip, “Let me go!” She started to yell at him. Tears built up pressure behind her eyes as she remembered back to what had driven her to this point. How she wished for the rain to finally start in this God abandoned town. The wind howled as it shook the trees awake. At least, she reasoned, that was on her side. “Let me go Bartosz,” she repeated screaming at him with the full force she wanted to let out at everyone.
Jonas felt powerless. Here he was watching a mirror of what happened that night. His throat dried up. His heart started to ache. It was being tugged in so many directions. Jonas wanted to interrupt. He wanted to run, yet his feet stayed firmly rooted in the ground. It was as if the Knot wanted him to see this. It was its punishment for him kissing Martha that night. It was punishment for taking Lise for granted.
“No!” Bartosz roared back at her. He pulled her into his arms. His heart raced. He just wanted her to calm down. He knew instantly then that he loved her. All this time was just him lying to himself trying to keep the status quo and hoping things were going to go back to the way they were before his mother died. He wrapped himself around her. Was she always this tiny, he wondered. It was his first time ever fully embracing her. He had to bend down a bit to bury his face into her shoulder and neck. Oh, how it felt nice to finally hold someone, to hold her, in his arms, but he couldn’t dwell on his own happiness. He needed her to be happy. He thirst to see her smiling and laughing again. That happy radiant infectious smile that he loved seeing across her face. 
Annalise beat her fists into the taller boy as the tears fell from her eyes. She continued to scream at him to let her go. The girl struggled as he just held her in an embrace. Her breathing was off. The thumping his chest made as she hit it reminded her how her heart felt when they saw the boy just drop in the bunker like that. She just wanted to go back home but she could never tell him that. Annalise hated every moment of this. She hated every moment of Winden. She just wanted to go back in time to right before they saw that moment and never see that poor dead boy just drop...Before she agreed to help that short haired Martha... Before she was trapped with that dead boy...
Bartosz pulled his face away. There was something he had heard Magnus mention before while Mikkel was throwing a tantrum. He needed to distract her from her emotions so that Annalise could actually TELL him what was going on. He sighed knowing he was going to hate himself later for indulging the part of him that loved her without ever telling her that, but he had to do it. With one hand, he trapped her wrists from continuing to beat into his chest. The other he used to grab the back of her head. Bartosz pressed his lips against hers. 
The girl froze. His lips were so desperate. She could feel his yearning for her to stop and think about what she was doing. She didn’t pull away. Instead, she allowed herself to kiss him back. There was a saltiness to it, yet tender and warm. Soon, she felt her wrists freed from his grip. She just gently rested her hands against the boy’s chest as his now unoccupied hand found a new home at the small of her back. Annalise’s heart fluttered. She felt as if drunk, longing for love, and finally acquired a bit of that feeling of being wanted.
Bartosz pulled her closer. He clinged to her as they slowly deepened their kiss. They both wanted this for such a long time. He sighed happily as her arms slowly started to snake their way off his chest to around his neck to play with his long hair. He let one of his arms slide under her so that he could scoop her up while they were still making out. He lifted her up into his arms and walked over to the bus stop so that the side of it could be used to stabilize the couple. He pressed her back against it as he could feel the both of them getting weak from the lack of breath and their hearts racing quickly.
The hidden boy’s heart shattered as it fell to the cement. He wondered how much of this was like that night and how much wasn’t. Jonas could see how much heat and longing was between the other two teenagers. They were so desperate for the other one to be close to them that the rest of the world didn’t exist. He didn’t exist. He wasn’t supposed to exist.
Bartosz eventually pulled away gently. Annalise reached up and pressed his forehead against hers. Her eyes closed as the last of her tears drained from her. He calmed himself and asked, “Anna, what’s wrong?” He gently brushed her wild hair from her face, unstuck some strands stuck around her eyes from her tears, and put it in a place not easy to get stuck there again.
Her face contorted in agony. The fountain of sorrow slowly turned back on. Something about this moment felt as if something similar had happened before. It felt as if she, him, the moment, it was all supposed to happen. “I,” she started. She took a breath and then confessed, “I am so scared. What does this all mean Bartosz? There is so much going on in the world now and I’m scared. I don’t know what I’m… I don’t know what role we play in this...” She choked on her words and started to cough.
Bartosz cooed at her and held her close once more, “I know. I know. It’s okay.” He swallowed hard and rocked with her. Bartosz gently kissed her head every so often as he just kept her safe within his arms. The boy just repeated that it was okay, that he was there with her, he wasn’t going to leave her, that everything was going to be okay until he could feel her body start to go limp. She must have been exhausted, he figured. He lifted her up and tried to figure out how to manage her with a bike. In the end, he called his father to come pick them up. He took off the jacket his mother had gifted him and put it on the girl as they waited.
Jonas turned finally unstuck from the Knot. He tracked his way back to where he knew he had to be, with this world’s Martha and to try and fix this world so that his could be fixed and he could go back home to his Lise. Be in her arms once more where she clung to him like that. Where she loved him, when she loved him. Not seeing some stranger with her face loving the boy that shared the same face as his best friend back home. 
Martha walked over to Kilian’s trailer and knocked on the door. She stood back for him and spoke, “Hey.”
He responded back, “Hey.”
Martha stood there staring at him.
“What are you doing here,” He asked the girl.
Martha shook her head, “You weren’t at the dorm. I was worried.”
Kilian grabbed her arm and walked with her away from the trailer, “They kicked me out. Your father called. He wanted to know if I slipped you guys something.”
“Did you,” She asked.
“Fuck no,” He gowled, “No, I didn’t.” He shook his head, “But sure, none of you can get it out of your system. I haven’t lived here for two years, but I’m still the trailer park trash everyone points fingers at.” When Martha didn’t respond, he sneered, “I knew it.”
“What did you know,” she asked him.
He shook his head and said, “That you were only with me to rile up your parents. You didn’t give a shit about me or Erik.”
Martha scoffed at him. If she really wanted to do that, she would have just dated Annalise. She turned her head back towards him. She wasn’t really able to fight back though. Maybe she really was and he was just the safe option.
Kilian turned away and told her, “You’d better go.”
Martha fought back her tears as she whispered, “Okay.”
The boy turned and walked away leaving her alone in the park with Jonas there watching.
“About Regina…” Hannah spoke to Aleksader, “I’m sorry. It must be very difficult for you.” She paused, then asked, “How are you? Bartosz?”
Aleksander nodded and told her, “We’re managing.” He turned towards the pictures on his desk and stared at them.
“I…” Hannah spoke, “I hear that Annalise and Bartosz really like each other.”
Aleksander nodded, “My son speaks of her pretty often. Please, tell me why you are here.”
Hannah shifted awkwardly and got to the point, “I’d like to propose a deal.”
“A deal,” he questioned the woman.
Hannah looked down at her purse, “I have something that belongs to you. I’d like to return it.” She carefully pulled out the bag from 1986 and slid it towards him. As his face changed she asked, “Do you recognize it? Don’t worry. The contents are in a safe place.”
 Aleksander asked quivering, “What do you want? Do you want money?”
“I don’t want money,” Hannah told him, “I want you to destroy Charlotte. I want her to lose everything. Everything.”
Charlotte drove to the church meeting her husband who was talking to a man inside. When she walked in, Peter stood up.
“Charlotte,” Peter asked, “What are you doing here?”
“Thank you,” The man told the pastor before leaving.
Charlotte slowly approached the man and said, “I tried to get a hold of you. I went to the bunker. Why aren’t you home with Franziska?”
Peter shrugged, “I…”
Charlotte shrugged it off and asked, “Last night, where was Helge? You said you ate dinner with him. Where was he afterwards?”
“What is this,” Peter asked her.
“In 1987, when you came to Winden, did your father still live in the cabin,” she asked the man.
Peter shook his head, “I don’t understand.”
“Did he or didn’t he,” Charlotte pressed on.
“No,” Peter shook his head, “After the accident he was moved into the nursing home.”
“And the summer before, in 86,” she asked.
Peter nodded, “I think so. Why do you want to know?”
“Did he use the bunker for anything?”
“Charlotte,” Peter approached her, “What do you want from me?”
She pulled the penny from out her jacket and showed it to him, “This is Helge’s. I found it in the bunker.”
Peter huffed and shook his head, “That...That can’t be. He was with us all night.” He answered his phone to hear that Helge had left the nursing home. He turned to her and said, “Helge’s at the police station and he made a confession.”
Annalise started to stir as she felt the atmosphere around her change. She was warm and cuddling something soft. This was very pleasant compared to last night and how horribly she slept then. She hummed happily, slowly waking up. She could hear a man and a very familiar boy’s voice talking.
Aleksander looked at his son in the rear view mirror with the girl snuggled up to him. “So,” he started to ask, “Is this the girl?”
Bartosz’s face flushed, “What do you mean?” He asked nervously. He started to awkwardly chuckle, “I mean, it’s just Annalise, Dad. You two have met before.”
“Have I,” Aleksander teased, “I don’t remember you telling me you liked her this much.” He chuckled, “You know I was around your age when I met your mom right?”
Bartosz thanked God that Annalise was asleep and couldn’t hear his father embarrassing him, or so he thought. Bartosz groaned, “You don’t have to embarrass me in front of her do you?”
Aleksander chuckled, “I thought she was asleep.”
“Still,” Bartosz complained. He looked over to the girl cuddled up to his side once more. A small smile graced his lips as he moved some of the hair from her face again. He couldn’t complain too much. The thought of her being like this with any other person ate him inside. So somewhere deep inside he knew that if they were together forever, that he would be happy.
When Peter and Charlotte reached the station, Peter asked his father, “Dad, why are you saying this? It makes no sense at all.” He turned to Woller and explained, “He didn’t leave the house. I was with him all night. Elisabeth was there too.”
Helge spoke again, “I killed the boy.”
“Dad,” Peter scolded the man, “Cut it out!”
Charlotte spoke up, “His things… The walkman. The clothes. Those are Mads Nielsen’s things, the boy who disappeared in 1986. Do you remember that?”
“I killed him,” Helge repeated.
“Who,” she asked, “Mads?”
Ulrich stormed into the station. He turned towards Helge and asked, “Where did you get his stuff?” The man rushed forward and grabbed onto the man despite Peter’s yells in protest, “What did you do to Mads?” He yelled at the older man, “What did you do to him?!”
“You’re alive,” Helge asked, staring at the man.
“What,” Ulrich asked.
Helge spoke, “It was you.”
“What was me,” Ulrich asked, pulling the man out of the chair as the other officers tried to pull Ulrich away from Helge.
“It was him,” Helge spoke, “It was him.” Helge held up the penny in his own things.
Charlotte looked down and unfolded her napkin to see the penny she had was still in her possession. It was the same coin, yet… two places at the same time.
Martha walked in the woods alone. She was determined to try and get to Annalise to talk to her when she heard a rustle in the bushes. When Jonas revealed himself from the shadows, she asked him, “What is this? Are you following me? Why won’t you tell me how we know each other? How you know Annalise?” 
“Actually,” Jonas spoke, “You and I, we’ve always known each other.” When Martha swallowed, Jonas approached her, “When Magnus knocked your tooth out in kindergarten… I was there. When Mikkel put spiders in your shoes while camping in the yard… On the third grade class trip… when you were so homesick that Katharina had to come get you. You met Annalise and she told you how your father scared her because she didn’t know German really well to cheer you up on your first day back to school.” He whispered, “Where I come from, you and I share a past.”
Martha shook her head, “You’re nuts.” She turned to walk away from him.
“Last night,” Jonas told her, “in the forest. You saw yourself.” He shook his head and said, “I know how completely insane this all sounds. For the longest time, I too thought it was all totally crazy. That I was crazy.”
“Who are you really,” She asked the boy.
“I can show you,” Jonas explained, “How it’s all connected.”
It wasn’t long before they reached the Tiedemann abode. Annalise knew it was wrong to still pretend she was fully asleep, but when Bartosz scooped her up into his arms to carry her, she didn’t want it to stop. She listened as he mumbled to himself.
Bartosz debated on where to put Annalise, “I could put her in the guest bedroom. But that’s halfway across the house and what if she needs me? I am not going to put her on the couch. I know that much. But… My bedroom… would she be weirded out by that? Would-” He felt her move. He nearly dropped her from surprise. He panicked pulling her closer to him once more. He asked the girl, “Annalise?”
Annalise’s smile couldn’t contain itself any longer hearing his verbal debate. She let out a small giggle surprising the boy. She squealed as she felt herself drop for a moment before he grabbed her once again. The girl clung onto him. She turned to face him once more, “Yes?”
“How long have you been awake,” He asked, walking her into his room and gently placing her on his bed.
Annalise smiled and sat up. Still a little buzzed, she asked, “Do you really want to know?” She looked around his room. It was different. His room was full of dark colors and scattered books, diagrams, and hastily scribbled notes. There was an attached bathroom that seemed nice and light though. Yet still it felt like an empty shell. She yawned and turned to him as he helped remove his coat from her. Her voice strained as she looked at him beggingly, “Stay?”
In the other world, Jonas placed the ball into a large bowl. He walked to the control panel and started up the machine. He stared intently at it as the liquid slowly arose up and formed a ball. Sadly it was not enough energy to hold it. 
After it dropped, the group converged on the bowl to investigate. Sensing someone was missing, Franziska looked up and around. After accounting for who was there, she asked, “Where’s Martha?”
The group all looked up to find the girl missing. Jonas, then, knew, she had lied to him.
Martha rushed back to her room and placed a new ball into her sphere and set it to go to her new objective.
The group walked into the bedroom just as she disappeared. Jonas turned to Bartosz and glared at him as if to say, ‘I told you.’ 
In the other world, Bartosz blushed and took a step back. He blinked wondering if he really heard what she had asked. He dropped the coat in his hands. He shook his head and bent down to pick it up. While he wasn’t staring at her, he asked, “Stay?” He slowly looked up to try and gauge her reaction.
Annalise nodded, “Please?” She grabbed one of his hands and pulled him towards the bed.
Breathless, Bartosz struggled out, “Wait. Just…” He held up the coat once more and slid his hand away so that he could go and put up his coat. His heart raced. He tried to calm himself as his back was turned to her. The boy knew his father wouldn’t care so he couldn’t use that as an excuse. He was shaking with nervousness. He really wished his mom was here so that she could help him with this. Annalise’s small voice pulled him from his thoughts.
“Bartosz,” Annalise asked. When he turned his head, she blushed and asked, “Can I have some water?”
Bartosz nodded quickly and rushed out of the room closing the door behind him. 
Martha followed Jonas to the cave. Right before she walked into it, she got a text from Annalise and Bartosz. The one from Annalise was her asking if Martha was okay and that Kilian had texted her to tell her what had happened. The text from Bartosz consisted of, ‘Annalise is staying over. Help?’ She shook her head and stared at Jonas.
Jonas looked at her and asked, “Is everything okay?”
Martha nodded, “Yeah.” She hid her heart breaking from the boy and started to follow behind him into the cave.
Helge stared at his hands as he sat in a cell.
Martha and Jonas continued through the caves as Charlotte turned away from Ulrich sitting sadly at his desk staring at the picture of him and Hannah.
Hannah walked into her and Ulrich’s bedroom to see the bed perfectly made up and her husband not there. She turned and walked out the door just as Jonas and Martha approached their door.
Eve looked down in her hand to look at Jonas’s Annalise’s necklace and then looked up at the pictures of Adam and Eve.
Bartosz walked to the kitchen and grabbed her bottled water. On his way back, he saw his dad.
Aleksander could read Bartosz’s hesitation all over his face. He chuckled and sat on one of the bar stools. “Something the matter,” He teased.
Bartosz jumped, “No. No. Nothing’s wrong. Everything’s good.” He blushed and tried to stand up taller to seem more confident. He ran his fingers through his hair, “What would be wrong? Everything is perfect.”
Aleksander chuckled, “Maybe the girl in your room?”
“What,” Bartosz unconvincingly laughed, “Annalise?” He shook his head with a giant uneasy smile, “No. There’s nothing…”
Aleksander laughed, “She woke up, didn’t she?”
“She wants me to stay,” Bartosz admitted, “I mean it’s not like it's the first time with someone, but like...What if she doesn’t just want to sleep? In my bed?”
Aleksander leaned on his elbow with his chin in his hand. He chuckled, “Well, it's just a question of if you’d want to, yeah?”
Bartosz’s face glowed, “It’s not just that simple. She’s… I…”
“So you don’t want to,” Aleksander asked.
Bartosz shook his head, “No! I mean… I’d like to, but she’s drunk…” He looked towards his room.
Aleksander nodded, "Well, have you tried talking to her about this?"
Bartosz blushed, "What? No. I… I mean I guess I can. I should."
Aleksander stood up and patted his son's shoulder, "I'm heading to sleep. Stay safe. Pleasant dreams." He walked back to his bedroom.
In the other world, Martha walked through the halls of the decrypted nuclear power plant on September 20, 2053, she walked into a room to be greeted by a gravely voice, “Did you give it to him?” 
When Martha nodded, Adam turned to tell her, “I was always too gullible.” He turned back to look at the machine and said, “You did the right thing.”
Back in Eve’s World, Bartosz walked back into his bedroom to find Annalise not there. He heard the shower running and sighed in contentment. He blinked as he realized she didn't have a change of clothes. He knocked on the door and called, "do you need some clean clothes?"
The water stopped and he heard walking towards the door. She peeked her head out the door, "I'm sorry. I stole some of your pyjamas." She walked away to go grab it. Bartosz blushed seeing her naked form from the display of mirrors. He turned away with closed eyes. When she came back, she showed him what she stole. They were his soft plaid flannel ones that he loved. Not that he would admit that he loved them to his friends due to them being part of a matching set for his family and normally worn for celebrating holidays. 
"Oh," Bartosz nodded, "okay." He turned away and told her, “You can let me know if you need anything else.”
The girl was very quick to walk out. His pants were extremely baggy on her due to his height over her. She was still buttoning the shirt and seemed to be having a bit of issues. She grumbled at the shirt, “Stupid ass buttons.” Eventually, she got it and smiled up at him, “Thank you.” Her face became a little bit more serious, “You know, you don’t have to stay if you don’t want to… I just thought… You know…”
“It’s not that I don’t want to,” He said hurriedly. His breath caught in his throat trying to explain, “I just didn’t want to make you feel like I’m taking advantage…”
Annalise smiled gently. She closed the distance between them and kissed him gently. She pulled away and shook her head, “You wouldn’t be. I’ve been wanting this.” She pressed her lips against his once more.
Bartosz smiled against the kiss then kissed her back. He wrapped his arms around her once again. He scooped her up once again. The boy walked them to his bed and gently sat down keeping her in his lap for the moment.
Annalise giggled against his lips and pulled them down so that they were laying down staring at each other. She smiled and asked, “Do you think that people are meant to meet?”
Bartosz nodded, “Yeah. I mean statistically it would be impossible for us to meet any other way.” He pulled them towards the head of the bed when he saw her yawn again. He chuckled, “You’re exhausted. Please allow yourself sleep. I will be right here in the morning.”
She yawned and nodded, “Promise?”
“Promise,” he kissed her head and tucked her in before going to get changed and showered himself.
Jonas walked with Martha into her 2052. He stumbled out seeing it so bright and more like a desert.
“What is this place,” Martha asked the boy as they walked through the blistering heat under the blazing sun. They looked around to see the debris of trees before just seeing a sandpit, “Where are we?” She turned to him and asked, “Did you do this? How did you do that?”
Jonas simply told the girl, “She told me to bring you here. That she’d explain it to you.”
“Who,” She asked. They turned to see a lone woman walking towards them. Martha asked, “Who is that?”
The woman stopped in front of them and took off her wraps to reveal herself, “Welcome to the future.”
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mrsorange · 5 years ago
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Sitting in front of the steering wheel, Paul watched the old building in silence. He gathered the courage to enter because by doing it his whole life would change. During the half of his life, he had tried to bury what his cousin Angus had told him once. They were thirteen years old and they were arguing over who would ask a girl to go out for an ice-cream. But his cousin had gone further.
“I wish aunt Mary would have never adopted you. Everything would be better without you” these were the words that had broken his heart.
During the following months, Paul had tried to talk to his parents but he was afraid of his father's reaction and he didn’t want to worry his mother who wasn’t feeling feel ok. And then the worst happened, Mary passed away. Full of sadness, Paul decided to bury his doubts. The loss of his mother made the idea of ​​having lost another too much pain to bear.
These doubts came back to his life one day when he visited his father. Paul was helping him with the move when he found a photograph of her mother next to a group of nuns.
“what is this photo of mum?” he asked
“Oh … after we got married, your mother worked as a nurse in London because of the war. It was just a few months; she came back due to sick leave… I mean she came back because you were going to be born” his father answered
“You never told us about that”, said Paul but his father didn’t answer and continued ordering
Paul continued helping with the move and didn’t mention the subject again but that photograph sowed doubts about his origin again. Maybe Angus had told him the true.
Paul returned to touring with The Beatles. He was so busy that he didn’t allow himself to think about it but at night in silence and alone with himself he would do it again. One night he couldn't stand it anymore and called his father.
“Paul what happened? It’s 3 AM “his father asked still asleep
“Dad I need to know” he exclaimed
“What happens?”
“Is it true? ... Is it true that mom was not my mom?”  he said with a broken voice
“where did you get that? “His father asked nervously
“I need to know the truth”
“son, this is not a conversation to have on the phone”
And with those words Paul understood that his greatest fear was true, he stayed in silence by the phone while tears fell down his cheeks.
“Paul ... are you there?”
“yes” he mumbled
“Whenever you have free on the tour we will talk ... if you want I can travel or ...”
“No, I will travel. Maybe next week” he interrupted
Paul continued with the tour, playing in the different shows, traveling from city to city but he could only think in his father. Brian was reluctant to give him two days off to travel to Liverpool as their schedule was very tight between interviews and the next trip to Paris. Moreover, Paul didn’t want to tell him why he needed to travel. He didn’t feel sure about telling him or his friends what was happening in his life. He had not even told Lennon who was his best friend.
Finally, Paul visited his father and had the long-awaited talk. However, his father couldn’t tell him everything about his past as his mother had been very reticent about his adoption. Mary had told him not to make any question and love him as if he were his own blood. So, Jim could only give him a name and an address in London.
Paul got out of the car in his costume that consisted of a black overcoat, a hat and a fake moustache so that people wouldn't recognize him and for now it was working. Women passed by with bags of groceries, a man smoked on the corner and a group of children played football. Suddenly the ball hit the back door of the car causing Paul to panic.
“I’m sorry Sir” said a Ginger boy taking the ball and running away from there.
Paul tightened the lapels of his coat to cover his face a little and climbed the steps of the old building. At that moment a midwife suddenly opened the door. Paul wanted to speak to her but the woman didn’t notice his presence as she was leaving in such a hurry. She got into his car and disappeared at full throttle.
“Excuse me sir ...  can I help you?”  asked another midwife
“yes, I’m looking for Sister Julienne” answered Paul taking off his hat
“Oh yes, wait here please. What is your name?”, the girl asked
“tell her I’m Mary McCartney's son”
Paul was observing the place while he was waiting in the hall. There was a living room with a fireplace that kept the place warm and in one corner there was a television which seemed strange to him.  who could have imagined that nuns would watch television? He kept looking around the place until he saw a corridor and a blackboard caught his attention. He got closer to take a better look. It was a blackboard with women's names, two or three per row, and some were crossed out.
“What are you doing here?” a voice asked and Paul turned around
“I’m waiting for Sister Julienne” he answered nervously
"Wait for her in the living room. You be here," the girl answered. Paul was dazzled by her beauty more than a midwife she looked like a model. She accompanied him to the living room and she stopped to observe him carefully
“You seems familiar to me” she said
“How strange! this is the first time I visit this place” he answered turning his face
Luckily for him the other girl returned with Sister Julianne and when he saw his legs began to shake. she looked at him and said: “James come with me to my office “
As soon as Paul entered, he sat down and took out of his pocket the photo of his mother in the Nonnatus House and put it on the table. The sister took it and smiled as she remembered the moment when the photo had been taken.
“I think you know why I'm here” he said
“And Mary? “She asked although she knew the answer.
“My mother passed away a long time ago that is why I came looking for answers here” he answered with a broken voice “my father told me very little”
Sister Julienne sat in front of him and taking his hands began to narrate how Mary had become his mother:
“At that time our congregation was not only in charge of births. In the middle of the war we also had to take care of those injured by the bombings. We honestly couldn't cope. That is why we got three support nurses, Henrietta, Sarah and Mary. Your mother was just married and had agreed to come to the wolf's mouth just to help others. In those months that we worked side by side, between guards and waking hours, we became very close. She was looking for some comfort since she had lost her first pregnancy. Every child she saw, she protected him and made sure he was safe and sound. One night while we were having dinner after a long day at work, the siren began to sound and we knew it was time for shelter. We went out with the only things we were wearing to the nearest shelter since we did not have much time.  On the way we met a young woman who was no more than 17 years old. She was screaming in pain while leaning against a car. Between the two of us we helped her to put standing and walk the few steps that separated us from our destination”
“Was that young woman my real mother?” muttered Paul
“It's been so long but I still remember her as if it were yesterday. She had light brown hair and freckles all over her face and now looking at you I can tell you that you have the same look of her, especially her eyelashes “she smiled and continued with her story “It didn't take you long to be born. You were a very cute chubby baby. Despite the sounds of the bombs, that night you slept peacefully while your mother hugged you. Mary and I were next to you making sure everything was fine”
“What was her name?” He asked
“I don't know; she didn't want to tell us her name. I didn’t want to insist too much since we were all shocked and scared by what was happening but in the morning I realized why. When we woke up she was gone.  we looked for her everywhere and then we waited for her to appear here but she never did. So, Mary took care of you. She fed you and sang you lullabies until you fell asleep. she didn’t leave your side for a second”  
Sister Julienne stood up and turned to see the cross that was on the wall:  “I don't know if what happened later was right. I always ask God to forgive me. I did not agree but Mary wanted at all costs to take you with her to Liverpool and that's why she falsified your birth certificate. she called your father and arranged to spend some time in Cumbria”.
“my mother did all that” said Paul astonished by this woman very different from the one he had known
“I knew that with her you would be fine but I did not agree with the way she did it. She could have adopted you legally but she did not want to wait. that's why we stopped talking” she sat down again “I don’t know how she receive the sick leave and after that I never heard from her again”
Paul started to cry. After spending so much time trying to bury all his feelings, he was finally able to vent and know the truth. He didn’t understand why they had hidden his origin from him. Despite everything he loved Mary even much more than before and he would never know the reason since she was not there to answer. Perhaps his mother had been afraid that the police would take him away from her or that his biological mother would appear to claim him. Something similar had happened in her neighbourhood with a little girl called Mildred.
Julienne hugged him trying to comfort him: “forgive me for not being able to tell you more things about her”
“Sister, you have helped me a lot. You don't know how much” he said, turning away from her to wipe his tears and making his fake moustache move”
“James you have something”  she said pointing to his face
“Sorry sister” he said and he took it off “it is part of my costume.  I didn’t want to be seen here”
“I see” she said
“I’m not saying it because of the neighbourhood “he explained “I am famous; don't you know The Beatles?”
“I think the girls have mentioned it” she replied
Paul was surprised because she didn’t know the band in the middle of Beatlemania. He began to tell her about their music and how they had managed to get their first album out. When they left the office and headed to the door they heard the TV blasting.
“Sister can you lower the volume?” said Sister Julianne
“No, soon they will be showing the new song of those boys” replied Sister Monica Joan
“She has already prepared her cookies” said the blonde midwife bringing the tray with the teapot
“Trixie and Barbara also want to listen to the program” added the sister
And at that moment the two girls realized who was the mysterious young man who had come looking for sister Julianne. They both were speechless.
“hey boy, don´t you want to sit and watch the program you too?” said Sister Monica Joan
“I can't I have to leave” Paul replied with a smile
Trixie, the young blonde, approached sister Monica Joan and told her who he was.
“IT CAN'T BE TRUE” she exclaimed with joy “ you have to play us a song, you can't leave like this”
“Sister, James … I mean Paul has said that he has to go” said Julienne
“but it's just a song “she begged him
“well, I can play a song”
“Phyllis has a guitar in her room, I'm sure it won't bother her if we borrow it” said the other girl called Barbara and ran to look for it
 Before the small but very important public that consisted of two nuns and two midwives, Paul gave a small concert in the place where he had discovered the truth about his identity. The truth to which he had run away so long and that in spite of everything he had only managed to bond him more with his mother Mary.
Sorry for the grammar mistakes. English is not my first language
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kasimagines · 6 years ago
Supernatural Masterlist
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So I decided to turn my spn masterlist into an actual post so the link works better on mobile and you can save it if you’d like. Here you go! 💋
This is the archive of @wkemeup‘s secondary dean writing blog. If you’d like to read future fics (currently only writing for marvel), please follow @wkemeup. Thank you!
🌻: personal favorites 
Series: (Oldest to Newest)
Anchors and Attachments - Follows the relationship of the reader and Dean when meeting in high school and running into each other again 6 years later.
Anchors Chapters: part one, part two, part three, part four, part five
Attachment Chapters: part one, part two, part three
Home - When the reader realizes her feelings for Dean, it leaves her in a complicated situation with her current boyfriend, who doesn’t take the news very well.
Part one , Part two 
Reckless Abandon - Follows Dean and the reader’s relationship as they deal with the consequences of the mark
part one,  part two,  part three
Sacrifice - The reader leaves Dean, believing it to be the only way she can protect him, after he risks his life on a hunt to save her. She eventually finds herself held captive by demons only to find Dean has once again risked everything in a last attempt to protect her.
part one, part two, part three, part four
Leave & Stay - After Dean and the reader’s messy falling out, he shows up on her motel door months later covered in blood and asking for help.
Leave , Stay
How to Love - Set in the 2014end!verse, the reader has come to know Dean as a ruthless and heartless man. When 2009!Dean shows up and begins to treat her like he used to, with a kindness and compassion she hadn’t experiences in years, she has no idea how to handle it. 🌻
part one, part two, part three, part four, part five
The Edge of Sanity  - The reader and the Winchesters are investigating a series of cases where perfectly ordinary people begin to have sudden mental breakdowns when the reader is kidnapped by the demon behind it all. She is put to the test when the demon continues to wither away her sense of reality. 🌻
Part one, Part two, Part three, Part four, Part five
The Cost - After successfully avoiding the Winchesters for almost three years since her brother died at Dean’s hand, the reader runs into them on a hunt. (Y/n) and Dean are forced to work together and one secret that changed the corse of her life finally comes out. Based on a request by sidneyleanne13
part one, part two
The Last Call - Years after John forces the reader to walk out of Dean’s life, she finds herself bleeding out after a hunt gone wrong, alone, and desperate to hear his voice. So she calls Dean, using whatever time she has left, to tell him what she wished she had said all those years ago before she succumbs to her injuries. Based on a request by warrior-rain 🌻
part one , part two
Broken  - Following years of friendship, Dean and (Y/n)’s relationship turns into something more than either of them are willing to talk about aloud in fear of losing it. According to Crowley, Dean’s secret and undeniable affection for (Y/n) had softened him as a hunters. The King of Hell tracks down (Y/n) and gives her an ultimatum in order to get back the cold and remorseless hunter he requires out of the Winchester: break Deans heart, or be the reason he gets dragged back to hell.  Based on a request by miaislying
part one, part two, part three
How it Ends - Dean sets out to bring (Y/n) back from Hell after the deal she made to save his soul seven months ago. 
part one, part two, part three, part four
Faded - After a witch steals Dean’s memory of you, ten years of your life along side him is ripped away. In a desperate attempt to protect your heart, you beg Sam not to tell Dean about your relationship
Part one, Part two 
Find You - . Dean and the reader are taken hostage by demons and held for days. Soon after you begin to fall dangerously ill due to an untreated wound, the demons drag you away while Dean is helpless but to watch, wondering if he’ll ever see you alive again. (Based off an anonymous request)
Part One,  Part two
One-Shots: (Oldest to Newest)
The Day Dean Died - The reader recalls one of the last times she saw Dean before he died. (set around season 3 finale)
Demon Eyes - The reader discovers what happened to Dean following the season 9 finale. (written before we actually knew what happened)
Night Terrors - The reader had a hard time sleeping after a hunt gone horribly wrong.
To Purgatory and Back - The reader desperately tries to deal with Dean’s disappearance after the killing of Dick Roman, only to find him on her doorstep on the one year anniversary.
Just Be Ok - The reader wakes up in the middle of the night to find Dean wildly upset after a hunt gone wrong.
It’s Okay, I Love You - Dean is possessed by a spell that has him intent on killing the reader. When she realizes she can’t get through to him, she does something drastic. (based on the Tris/Four serum scene in Divergent) 🌻
The List - After the reader realizes how much Dean actually cares about her she panics, knowing exactly what happens to hunters in love. So, she tries to leave, but not before Dean has anything to say about it.
Ghosts That We Knew - When the reader becomes possessed by the demon she has been hunting her whole life, she is forced to helplessly watch as the demon destroys the only thing in her life she ever truly cared for. Dean.
Glances - Dean is blinded by a witch during a case as a punishment for his constant glances in (Y/n)’s direction to confirm her safety. Over the next week, the severity of his circumstances begins to weigh on him. 
Karma - “Could you please write a one shot where dean & the reader go to a bar, get drunk, and the reader ends up being hit on and dragged out the bar by someone and dean kinda snaps out of his drunken state & comes to her rescue? [:” - anonymous
Poison - “could you do an imagine where sam and dean are drinking at the bunker and the reader gets kinda disappointed and sad bc she doesn’t drink? (her dad was an alcoholic or something?) maybe some fluff if you want? thanks! ily” - anonymous”
Broad-Shouldered Beasts - After the death of a teenage boy the reader identified with beacause of their shared past, she breaks down for the first time and leaves Dean to help her pick up the pieces. Based on a request by scarecrow-is-fugly and Broad-Shouldered Beasts by Mumford and Sons. (tw: suicide attempt)
The Irony in Forgetting - “Could you please! please! Please! do a story where your boyfriend does not treat you right and dean protects you. Then you realize the only reason you were dating your boyfriend was to forget about dean and his one night stands… you figure that your boyfriend is the best you can do. Something like that please!! I love love love your blog!” -anonymous 🌻
Unspoken - Ever since Amara broke free, Dean has had trouble controlling his own emotions. He has no control over how he feels for Amara and finds that he is completely helpless to her every need when he’s face to face with her. (Y/n) tries to help sooth the guilt and shame he feels all while struggling with her own heartbreak. 
Promise - After a week of being tortured by demons, Dean finally rescues you only to find you far worse off than he could have imagined. As he raced you to the hospital, you’re plagued by a crippling fear he had never seen in you before and it’s breaking him apart. (Told from Dean’s perspective)
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hymnstoalienstars · 5 years ago
building on There Are Rules AU: don’t antagonize voldemort
Don’t antagonize Voldemort was once a rule but it turned out to be an endless fountain of fun and therefore cut from the list.
There was a time, for example, when Riddle thought he was stalked by an entity that could possess bodies. It wasn’t Harry’s fault, really. Was it his fault he kept resurrecting on the battlefield? Was it his fault he didn’t have a minute to adjust his style of dueling? his body language? Was it his fault the bloody Death Eaters kept trying to kill him?
this is from the prev post
I probably need some actual plot and some info on the First Wizarding War.
i’m just gonna scan the wiki for details (the following is copied from there)
1970 – 31 October, 1981 Cause: Voldemort's return to the United Kingdom in order to begin his first reign of terror Result: Ministry and Order of the Phoenix victory. The disappearance of Voldemort and decline of the Death Eaters. Harry Potter declared the "Boy Who Lived" 
29 November: William Arthur Weasley to Arthur and Molly Weasley
Sometime after Molly graduated, both her brothers were murdered by Death Eaters in the First Wizarding War. (Dolohov)
Arthur was not a member of the first Order of the Phoenix.
Molly: "It's all this uncertainty with You-Know-Who coming back, people think they might be dead tomorrow, so they're rushing all sorts of decisions they'd normally take time over. It was the same last time he was powerful, people eloping left, right, and centre —" Ginny Weasley: "Including you and Dad." — Molly reflecting on her marriage in 1996[src]
The Whomping Willow is planted.
1 September: Individuals that started at Hogwarts
Sirius Black (Gryffindor)[3]
Lily Evans (Gryffindor)[3]
Severus Snape (Slytherin)[3]
Remus Lupin (Gryffindor)[3]
James Potter (Gryffindor)[3]
Peter Pettigrew (Gryffindor)[3]
Adrian (unknown house)[4]
Stebbins (unknown house)[5]
Muggles Who Notice by Blenheim Stalk is published.[1]
Published in 1972, it covered incidents where Muggles noticed elements of the Wizarding world, including the Ilfracombe Incident of 1932 and the story of "Dodgy" Dirk.[1] (a rogue Common Welsh Green dragon attacked a group of sunbathers in Ilfracombe in 1932)
Remus Lupin's friends James Potter, Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew discover that he is a werewolf, and resolve to learn to become animagi.[2]
1 September: Individuals that started Hogwarts Regulus Black (Slytherin)[4] Dirk Cresswell (unknown)[5] (was a Muggle-born wizard. In the mid-1990s he became Head of the Goblin Liaison Office, in the Ministry of Magic.)
Births 12 December: Charlie Weasley to Arthur and Molly Weasley.[8]
Events The Ministry of Magic defeats an appeal against house-elf slavery[2]
Individuals that started Hogwarts Bartemius Crouch Jr
Minister for Magic Eugenia Jenkins is seen as inadequate to the challenge of the first rise of Lord Voldemort, and is replaced by the hard-lined Harold Minchum.[2]
Minister Eugenia Jenkins was Minister for Magic between 1968 and 1975. She dealt competently with the pure-blood riots during the Squib Rights marches in the late sixties. However, when confronted with the first rise of Lord Voldemort, she was ousted from office, being deemed inadequate to the challenge.
The Squib Rights marches were an action by a mass group of Squibs in favour of the betterment of the rights of Squibs[2] that took place in 1968 or 1969, during Eugenia Jenkins's term as Minister for Magic. This demonstration was, presumably, unsuccessful, as a group of extremist Pure-bloods broke out in riot while it was taking place.
Minister Harold Minchum was Minister for Magic between 1975 and 1980. He was seen as a hard-liner, and placed even more Dementors around Azkaban. But he was unable to contain what seemed like Voldemort's unstoppable rise to power.
Regulus Black receives his Dark Mark, thus becoming a Death Eater.[8]
Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew create the Marauder's Map.
22 August: Percy Weasley to Arthur and Molly Weasley[6]
James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Lily Evans and Severus Snape sit their O.W.L. examinations in June. Lily Evans dissolves her friendship with Severus Snape after he calls her a "Mudblood". Sirius Black runs away from home to live with the Potter family[1] Sirius Black sees his cousin Bellatrix Lestrange for the last time before they are both in Azkaban. Sirius Black gets his own place (either in 1976 or 1977) with money he inherited from his uncle Alphard Black.[2]
James Potter and Lily Evans become Head Boy and Girl[1] Sirius Black gets his own place (either in 1976 or 1977) with money he inherited from his uncle Alphard Black.[2] James Potter and Sirius Black are chased by two police men, Fisher and Anderson, as well as three Death Eaters on broomsticks, while riding on Sirius's motorbike. They escape, however, by using magic to lift the police car, causing the three Death Eaters to crash into it.[3] Vernon and Petunia Dursley purchase and move in to 4 Privet Drive.[4] Regulus Black plays for the Slytherin Quidditch team during the 1977 to 1978 school year.
Deaths Dorea Potter née Black[9] Amarillo Lestoat[10] Alphard Black (possibly)[2]
There was some speculation that Dorea Potter was the mother of James Potter and so the paternal grandmother of Harry Potter. However, the actual names of James's parents were revealed to be Fleamont and Euphemia Potter, via Pottermore.[4] In spite of this, it is still more than likely that Dorea was possibly an aunt or a cousin by marriage of James.
It was once presumed that Charlus Potter and Dorea Black, who appeared on the Black family tree, might have been James's parents (since it was known that Charlus and Dorea also had one son). However, J. K. Rowling revealed via Pottermore that that was not the case. It is still more than likely, however, that Charlus Potter is somehow related to Fleamont.
I personally like the idea of Dorea Black being Harry’s grandmother. There’s next to nothing on Euphemia but Dorea Black being bold enough to “run away” with a Potter makes a good story. And it’s a headcanon active in all of my HP stories, I think.
1 April: Twins Fred and George Weasley are born to Arthur and Molly Weasley[3]
Universal Brooms Ltd goes out of business.[1] James Potter, Lily Evans, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Sirius Black, and Severus Snape leave Hogwarts.
Regulus Blacks dies by drinking the Drink of Despair and gets killed by Inferius while trying to destroy a Horcrux of Tom Marvolo Riddle.
The Wedding of James Potter I and Lily Evans took place, with Sirius Black as the Best Man.
Peter Pettigrew begins passing information to Lord Voldemort[3]
Deaths Orion Black[5] Regulus Black[6] Fleamont Potter Euphemia Potter
Births 19 September: Hermione Granger
Professor Sybill Trelawney tells Albus Dumbledore the prophecy concerning Harry Potter and Tom Marvolo Riddle.[1] Death Eater Igor Karkaroff is captured by Auror Alastor Moody and sent to Azkaban.[2] Millicent Bagnold succeeds Harold Minchum becoming Minister for Magic until her retirement in 1990.[3]
(a lot of birthdays)
Deaths c.1980: Evan Rosier and Wilkes, both known Death Eaters, are killed by Aurors.[8] c.1979-1980: Dean Thomas's father[9]
Marlene McKinnon an Order of the Phoenix member is killed by Lord Voldemort who also wipes out her entire family. Harry Potter's first birthday
September: Sirius Black makes Peter Pettigrew the secret keeper
The Order of the Phoenix was founded by Albus Dumbledore during Lord Voldemort's first rise to power in the 1970s. Dumbledore formed the Order to combat Voldemort's increasing threat and power. Aurors from the Ministry of Magic also joined the Order to participate in more secretive, sudden assaults aimed to crush the Dark Rebellion. Dumbledore created a method of communication among Order members by inventing a way to make Patronuses speak. Although the Death Eaters had been attacking mostly Muggles and Muggle-borns to spread terror, they soon turned to attacking "blood traitors" such as Order members as well. The Order had to work hard, as they were outnumbered by a ratio of 20:1 by the Death Eaters. Fabian and Gideon Prewett were murdered by a group of five Death Eaters led by Antonin Dolohov. Caradoc Dearborn disappeared, the Bones family was almost completely destroyed, Benjy Fenwick was brutally murdered, and Marlene McKinnon and her family were murdered by Death Eaters, including Travers. Even as the Order suffered great losses, they continued to fight, and four of their members — James Potter, Lily Potter, Frank Longbottom, and Alice Longbottom — defied Voldemort himself three times.
First WW notes
"Imagine that Voldemort's powerful now. You don't know who his supporters are, you don't know who's working for him and who isn't; you know he can control people so that they do terrible things without being able to stop themselves. You're scared for yourself, and your family, and your friends. Every week, news comes of more deaths, more disappearances, more torturing... The Ministry of Magic's in disarray, they don't know what to do, they're trying to keep everything hidden from the Muggles, but meanwhile, Muggles are dying too. Terror everywhere... panic... confusion... that's how it used to be." —The uncertainty of the first war[src]
Werewolves were a big part of a confict...
Voldemort promised rights to [Dark] Creatures so it was a solid base
Voldemort’s base:
Dark magic - stop the laws that forbid it
that wouldnt be such a thing if all branches were for killing and torturing
like necromancy, for example
or maybe some family magic, blood magic
maybe even random spells or schools of magic... just because people were scared of “the dark”
it probably was the “Light Era”, before the 1970th, Scuib rights, maybe increase in muggleborns and newblood-oldblood marriages
Dark was weaker politically
maybe some bad attitudes towards “dark ws”
Pureblood supremacy
[Dark] creatures’ rights
"Imagine that Voldemort's powerful now. You don't know who his supporters are, you don't know who's working for him and who isn't; you know he can control people so that they do terrible things without being able to stop themselves. You're scared for yourself, and your family, and your friends. Every week, news comes of more deaths, more disappearances, more torturing... The Ministry of Magic's in disarray, they don't know what to do, they're trying to keep everything hidden from the Muggles, but meanwhile, Muggles are dying too. Terror everywhere... panic... confusion... that's how it used to be." —The uncertainty of the first war[src]
Now going exclusively by his preferred name "Lord Voldemort", Riddle laid low and travelled around Europe and Asia. Little is known of his activities during this period, though he explored the Dark Arts extensively, studying the most obscure and arcane branches of magic and consorting with an array of dark wizards, who would all turn out to become his followers in the years to come. As a result of unnamed “magical experiments and transformations”, Voldemort underwent several physical and mental changes, which made him more powerful but less human, and was occasionally accompanied by a group of followers he came to call his "Death Eaters". By the time he was a full-fledged adult, around 1968, Riddle donned a hooded cloak (though he physically still did not resemble the montrous creature he would later in his life) which concealed him completely and he began plotting a wizarding coup, claiming that he was greatly dissatisfied with the current state of the Wizarding World and that he would succeed where so many, including Gellert Grindelwald and Salazar Slytherin, had failed. Voldemort convinced his underlings that to truly create a world full of peace and power, the old regime needed to be torn down at any and all costs and only those who shared pure blood, will and idealism would be allowed to live and thrive in it. In truth however, Lord Voldemort had little interest in political idealism himself. He was completely devoted to amassing his own magical power, and in becoming the most powerful and skilled wizard to have ever lived, invincible and eternal.
Though the Death Eaters were generally even less tolerant of them than wizarding society in general, these creatures were receptive of their violent and destructive goals. Dark activity suddenly arose throughout Great Britain, a country that had been totally untouched by dark magic; even during the reign of terror of Gellert Grindelwald; and Voldemort began surreptitiously killing poor and homeless Muggles (whose absences would not be noticed) with his followers so that he could reanimate their corpses with Necromancy until he had created an army of Inferi, a feat no other dark wizard in history had ever done.
In 1962, Minister Of Magic Ignatius Tuft was forced out of office for promising to institute a controversial Dementor breeding programme for Azkaban. He was replaced by Nobby Leach, who became the first Muggle-born ever to hold the Minister position, leading senior members of the Wizengamot to resign in protest. In 1963, Muggle expert Mordicus Egg published The Philosophy of the Mundane: Why the Muggles Prefer Not to Know, which posited actual theories about why Muggles continued to be unaware of magic. This was a different take on the subject, as it did not assume Muggles to be stupid nor ignorant.
Between 1965 and 1971[9], Dumbledore, who was noted as a social progressive believing strongly in the rights of Muggles as well as Muggle-borns and other oppressed minorities, ascended to the post of Headmaster of Hogwarts.
Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation Of Wizards [ICW] and Chief Warlock of the Wizenagamot. In these positions of great and influential power, Dumbledore passed extreme legislation to prevent any possible dark forces from threatening overall security around Great Britain
In 1968, Nobby Leach left office for mysterious health reasons, leading to a conspiracy theory that he had been poisoned by his Muggle-prejudice advisor Abraxas Malfoy.
[1970] the Death Eaters and their allies (including the particularly destructive Giants) began openly carrying out attacks on Muggles for sport and to sow chaos. Cleaning up these attacks, healing survivors, modifying memories, searching for the perpetrators, and attempting to prevent future attacks occupied more and more of the Ministry's time and attention. As their confidence grew, the Death Eaters began targeting Muggle-born and blood traitor witches and wizards as well, torturing and sometimes killing their victims, which shocked wizarding society. Other "inferior" magical beings such as house-elves (who were treated like vermin) and Goblins (a family of which was slaughtered) also suffered under their reign of terror.
Voldemort himself personally killed hundreds of wizards, though he tended to only fight those he considered worthy of his attention or too powerful for his followers to defeat. In these encounters, he displayed his extraordinary abilities, many of which were thought impossible, and he very quickly earned the reputation of the most powerful and dangerous dark wizard of all time
[1971]Though the Ministry officially viewed the Order as a renegade outfit, a number of powerful Ministry officials (such as Elphias Doge and Dedalus Diggle; and the famous Aurors Alastor Moody and Frank Longbottom and Alice Longbottom) joined instantly to participate in more secretive, sudden assaults to crush the dark rebellion.[12] When Dumbledore helped black market trader Mundungus Fletcher out of trouble, he joined the Order and, due to his extensive knowledge of the criminal underworld, proved very useful. 
To protect the organisation, Voldemort ensured that Death Eaters did not know the identities of too many of their fellows, and, to society at large, their identities were completely unknown.[13] Increasing the confusion and paranoia even further, Voldemort placed many dozens of innocent victims under the Imperius Curse simulaniously, and forced them to carry out his orders. Even friends and family members were not above suspicion of one another.
Evan Rosier, Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix Lestrange, Sewlyn, Jerome Jugson, Jugson, Regulus Black, Rodolphus Lestrange, Rabastan Lestrange, Thorfinn Rowle, Gibbon, Augustus Rookwood, Igor Karkaroff, Crabbe, Goyle, Travers, and Antonin Dolohov. Likely at Snape's urging, Voldemort attempted to recruit Lily Evans, whose prodigious talents made up for her status as a Muggle-born
He took only Severus Snape and Bellatrix Lestrange under his personal wing, sharing with them his personal-secret knowledge of the Dark Arts; and inspiring in Bellatrix a delusional-psychotic attraction bordering on loving obsession, which Voldemort never returned
[1980]Shortly afterwards, due to Pettigrew's betrayal, Death Eaters began systematically murdering Order members and the war entered its most desperate phase. Marlene McKinnon was slaughtered alongside her entire family by Travers, Nott, and Mulciber. Edgar Bones, his wife, and their children were murdered by Thorfinn Rowle and Fenrir Greyback. Gideon Prewett and Fabian Prewett both fought bravely but were ultimately killed by Antonin Dolohov, and Dorcas Meadowes was murdered by Voldemort himself. Caradoc Dearborn disappeared and was never found, though he was presumed dead. Benjy Fenwick was killed by Bellatrix Lestrange, Evan Rosier, and Julius Jerome; and so brutally mutilated that only bits of him were recovered.[12]
In response to this brutal onslaught, Barty Crouch Snr, who despised Voldemort, the Death Eaters, and the Dark Arts entirely; issued an edict giving Ministry Aurors full permission to employ the use of the Unforgivable Curses against their enemies. A massive Ministry campaign, spearheaded and led by Alastor Moody, Kingsley Shackelbolt, and Frank Longbottom; ensued, immediately turning the tide of the war against the Death Eaters.
28 pureblood family names (sacred 28)
Abbott Avery Black Bulstrode Burke Carrow Crouch Fawley Flint Gaunt Greengrass Lestrange Longbottom Macmillan Malfoy Nott Ollivander Parkinson Prewett Rosier Rowle Selwyn Shacklebolt Shafiq Slughorn Travers Weasley Yaxley
Although the Malfoys were noted as respectable members as one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight (a title they are proud of), they did not take the pure-blood supremacy to the point of inbreeding: they were willing to marry half-bloods, many of whom are shown in their family tree.
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ottorocket808 · 5 years ago
Chapter Two: The Weirdo on Maple Street
I wonder how they coaxed her back to Mikes house it was probably easier than I think because they’re also kids and it’s raining and cold because I’m pretty sure it’s November in Indiana. I’m just gonna say that the lunge clap isn’t the best way to tell if somebody is deaf I’m pretty sure they’re gonna flinch regardless because you lunged at them. 🤣🤣🤣 Modesty don’t exist where she’s from y’all cut her some slack. Wait is that blood? Wait it’s probably from her nose. I don’t even know where the nearest ‘nuthouse’ is why does Lucas? How did Dustin and Lucas both forget that they snuck out the house and therefore telling any adults right now would be a bad idea?
Yo Joyce is talkin about spending $2000-$3000 on missing posters and he’s in a different dimension and this is in 1983 that might as well be $20,000-$30,000 now I know my mom would know my voice anywhere they gotta stop doubting Joyce no matter what interference came down the line.
Hop and these pills are gettin on my nerves you are not House sir sidenote Hops reaction to Jonathan volunteering to go to his dads house felt like dick measuring why wouldn’t he want him to go looking for Will if seeing the cops would mean he runs again which means even longer until he comes home.
Don’t start shit with your little brother when he knows your boyfriend was in your room last night without your parents knowledge or consent Nancy. Sidenote it’ll never not be suspicious to hear your kids say ‘nothing’ together when you ask them a question.
I think Wills been missing for 2 or 3 days at this point where is he getting water? I’m pretty sure this kid is well on his way to dehydration on top of breathing in the toxic atmosphere of The Upside Down Will is a strong little dude.
I think I’ve spotted Els first Eggo that might be why she likes them so much Mike gave her her first one I mean Eggos are good but plain with no syrup no butter and lukewarm and she still likes them more than anything else. El’s hesitation towards telling any adults makes perfect sense after what happened to Benny.
Calling a lady crazy who’s kid just went missing feels a little insensitive I mean what did she do in regular my kid isn’t missing life that would make him say that?
Steve’s hair looks so much better but he’s kind of a dick because he invited Nancy to the ‘party’ not her and Barbara which isn’t really a problem is that he did it in front of her but if you pay attention to his ‘friends’ they aren’t any better in all honesty this is just a double date. Nancy’s little brother hangs out with Jonathan’s little brother all the time you’d think she’d stand up for him just because of that I mean she looks legit guilty listening to the others make fun of him I mean how many times has Jonathan been at her house to pick up Will?
Mike said damn goin to school I have girl who doesn’t think I’m weird at home.
I’m pretty sure this is what older siblings are for sharing music and teaching you the ropes to life and giving advice.
Jonathan also said damn goin to school
Lonnie still hasn’t made an appearance and his youngest son has been seen in 2-3 days he ain’t even called Joyce back and he knows that he’s missing and that there’s been full on search party and he’s been AWOL this whole time.
Where the hell did they find a Pinto? Joyce is kind of a boss she got a phone and a pack of camels for free and two weeks pay in advance.
Am I trippin or did the news call the power company a completely different name? If they did who are The Bad Men supposed to be pretending to be? I wonder why Hop didn’t notice the goop on the wood.
I need to know how them getting 3rd in the science fair was political what was their project? How does she know? It’s almost like she was about to start hyperventilating did she see him in her sleep because as much as the Demogorgon scared her I can’t imagine her looking for him on purpose. Was the baby not strapped into her car seat because Mikes mom got into the house way too fast.
I feel like Hop should be concerned that one of his officers was gullible enough to believe that anybody could survive that drop into cement I mean water.
Man these govt people suck Justice for Benny.
Lonnie doesn’t have a single picture of his kids in that house if he did his girlfriend would know who Jonathan is.
Shout out to Dustin for picking up on keywords like ‘Danger’ and El is racking up favorite character points with the double door slam topped off with the locked door El is in the lead as my favorite 2nd is a three way tie between Joyce Mike and Dustin.
Lonnie won’t be getting father of the year anytime soon but his car is sick 1972 Oldsmobile 442 I ain’t mad at it at all. I don’t know why people in small towns swear that people in the city are more ‘real’ you have bullshitters everywhere Lonnie should know he was fake In Hawkins and the only thing that changed was his address and the car he drives.
Barb wasn’t invited to the ‘party’ (double date) and Nancy knows this Steve said do you wanna come to my house not you guys y’all or any other variation. Nancy begging her to go and using Wills vigil as her suggested excuse says a hell of a lot about her character she knows that it’s only supposed to be the four of them because again this is a double date her making Barb be the 5th wheel so she would feel better sucks.
Mike choking on his milk cause he sees El coming down the stairs followed by Dustin’s ‘spasm is still funny but Nancy using Wills Vigil to sneak to see her boyfriend still rubs me the wrong way.
And that torn piece of El’s gown makes its appearance good eye Mr. Clarke.
The boys use so many words she doesn’t know I wonder how lost in conversation she was in the beginning. Dustin looked so grossed out by the spit swear part and I don’t blame him. El looked super suspicious of what Mike was saying about friends telling each other things that parents don’t know.
Parking 3 blocks away is a little excessive. Barb really should’ve just dropped her off and went home. Nancy should know her best friend well enough to know that parties aren’t her thing. Nancy likes to play stupid but she’s not she should’ve just gone by herself there’s nothing wrong with wanting to spend time with the guy that you like but dragging your friend along is unnecessary.
Ew Hop wears tighty whiteys wait who is that lady? So I have the subtitles on and they say her name is Sandra still don’t know who she is but at least we got a name.
El’s powers are crazy strong no wonder they want her back so badly she touches the D&D board closes her eyes for a second and knows which piece is Wills. Dustin is in the drama club? I wonder if he is a lighting and sound guy. You can tell that shit just got real to these kids.
Quick question how close do the Byers live to Steve? I mean for Jonathan to hear Carol scream it’s gotta be pretty close maybe Will had to run way farther than I originally thought. Everything about Barb screams ‘I don’t wanna be here’ shorty still has her coat on she looks extra uncomfortable you can tell this isn’t her thing Barb is a better friend than Nancy deserves. She cut her hand trying to shotgun a beer to make Nancy happy and when she goes inside looking for bandages Nancy doesn’t help she stays outside and plays with her not boyfriend and his ‘friends’ There’s a strong ass lesson about peer pressure wrapped around these five. Jonathan has gotta know that this is creepy I mean he’s hiding behind a bush damn near frantically taking pictures of the popular kids having fun how’d he switch so fast from looking for his brother to this weird shit?
This is the 2nd phone Will burnt up tryna call home man they are $30 a piece man we need a better communication attempt. Ask and ye shall receive sidenote I really do like this song I wanna learn to play the intro where is the dog I know the Demogorgon didn’t eat him but he just disappears. I feel bad for Joyce she’s always alone when the weird shit happens because the Demogorgon coming out the wall like that was some scary shit and nobody but us saw it. That’s how you know she ain’t worried about somebody running off with her whip Joyce has the doors unlocked the windows rolled down with the keys in the visor.
I don’t understand why she begged Barb to go to this thing if she was gonna have sex with Steve anyway and then talking about go home how Nancy she’s supposed to be spending the night at your house to help cover the truth about what’s going on. And Barb being half stubborn half a good friend goes down to the pool to wait for her friend to finish losing her virginity so they can go Barb should’ve gone home and ignored Nancy the next day at school. How did Jonathan not hear The Demogorgon growling or Barb scream and he was what 30 ft from the pool?
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365daysoftododeku · 6 years ago
30th June 2019
Author: CrzA
Admin’s Note: This is the third part to the Bunny Izuku series by @crzangel! Check out Part 1 and Part 2 here!
Never Met Anybunny Like You (Part 3)
“You’re not really going there, are you, Izukkun?” Ochako’s voice is dripping with concern, her long and fluffy brown ears twitching slightly over the sides of her pink face.
“I-I said I would, didn’t I?” Izuku continues to pace the small clearing, tugging at one of his own ears as he gnaws on his lower lip until he tastes blood on his tongue. “Todoroki-kun just wants a friend to talk to, I think.”
“You think? Izukkun, he is the Prince. The King’s son. The son of the King that wants to conquer every land imaginable, possibly destroy our own to do so!” Ochako huffs and Izuku flinches, avoiding her gaze entirely.
“I know that, but he seemed nice and… lonely…”
“With a castle full of servants, how can he be lonely?”
“Things for him aren’t like they are for us, Ocha.” Izuku mutters shyly, feeling his cheeks warm slightly as he thinks back to Todoroki’s words. “It’s not like here, where our King is kind and lives among his people, and everyone helps each other and knows each other. Servants are just that. He spent his free time with flowers and animals! And not the talking kind either! Ocha, he’s so alone he wants me to keep him company! Me!”
“You’re wonderful to be around.” Ochako frowns, not really catching his meaning.
“I had been practically stalking him, for Bunn’s sake!”
At that, she purses her lips. “Doesn’t that just make it more suspicious? You sure he isn’t trying to have you captured and used as a bargaining chip for the King to get what he wants?”
“He could’ve done that rather than let me go the last time.”
Crossing her arms over her chest, Ochako lets out a heavy sigh, her floppy ears swinging when she shakes her head in exasperation. Once again, Izuku flinches at the gesture, knowing very well that her concerns are more than valid despite what he had witnessed of Todoroki’s actions. At least Kacchan isn’t here for this conversation. If he were, it wouldn’t be a conversation to begin with, and Izuku is fairly certain he would be somewhere trying to figure out how to reverse whatever spell his childhood friend put on him that time to get him to shut up. Maybe.
Izuku sinks down to the floor to hide his face behind his knees as he hugs them to his chest, his ears drooping to stick to the back of his head. A miserable noise crawls out of him and tears well up in his eyes for what feels like the millionth time that afternoon alone, and let’s not talk about the entire week that has passed since he last saw Todoroki. How many hours has the Prince spent looking toward the woods, waiting for Izuku to show up and being disappointed each and every time? Or worse, had he not even cared enough to spare them a second glance? Perhaps it was all just talk to get him confused, trick him into trusting him and letting go of secrets that aren’t really his to share.
Todoroki wouldn’t do that, would he? Izuku sniffles. He doesn’t really know him that well—doesn’t know him at all, really. Trusting someone with such a reputation so readily would be stupid. But then again, watching him had been stupid as well, and it didn’t stop him from doing it. And wasn’t that how he became almost certain that Todoroki isn’t like his father?
Scratching at her head, Ochako bends down to poke at the top of Izuku’s, drawing his gaze back to her face. Her features are still twisted in worry and suspicion, but there is a hint of sympathy in them as well. Izuku’s treacherous heart skips a beat, filled with ill-advised hope.
“What if you take someone with you? Just to be safe… Like Tenya-kun… Or maybe even Katsuki-kun.”
And just like that, his heart drops right to his stomach. “Are you crazy? Kacchan would tear up the place, or tear up Todoroki-kun himself! And you know how Tenya-kun can get, he would scare him off with his… everything. He only asked me, he didn’t say I could bring anyone else.”
“Then at least ask Katsuki-kun to give you a charm or a locator spell…”
Izuku pouts. “That’s not such a terrible idea, but it’s still going to be a pain in the fluff…”
She shrugs in return. “Serves you right for sticking your whiskers where they don’t belong.”
“For the last time, I stumbled on the gardens by accident!”
“And I still don’t believe you.” Ochako smiles sweetly and he wrinkles his nose at her, puffing his cheeks petulantly.
Well, it’s not like he has any proof; he was alone, after all. Though, he supposes that even if that is true, he did go back of his own accord, and that is pretty damning in and of itself. Izuku hunches his shoulders, rubbing at a corner of his eye before picking himself up off the floor. Ochako raises an eyebrow at him, her mouth curving in a sly grin that Izuku pointedly ignores as he walks in the general direction of Kacchan’s hut.
The moment Izuku is within range of the wizard’s house, he jumps at the sound of an explosion, his eyes widening when he watches a cloud of black smoke rise from the chimney that almost looks like a skull if he squints hard enough. He has half a mind to just turn on his heels and walk away when a red-headed black cat jumps out of the window with an undignified shriek. Izuku will never get used to the tuft of fiery fur between the cat’s fluffy ears when the rest of him is as dark as night itself. Kacchan keeps saying he looks ridiculous and, for once, Izuku doesn’t disagree, but no one can convince Eijirou to stop dying his hair.
“It’s a tribute to my favourite wizard of all time!” He had said, earning himself a smack of many to the back of the head as Kacchan complained that he should be his favourite wizard.
There aren’t any rules that say a familiar has to be enchanted by their charge though. And Eijirou certainly tells Kacchan that same thing, which isn’t to say he is any less loyal.
“Ah,” The cat opens his mouth, suddenly turning to his human form with a puff of black and flashing Izuku a toothy grin. “Katsuki, it’s Izuku!”
“Hah?! What’s that tall-eared idiot doing here?!”
Kacchan pokes his head outside the window, his face covered in soot as he glares in their general direction. Izuku has to bite back a snort the moment he sees those ridiculous chicken-wing decorations on the side of his hat. That’s what got him turned into an actual bunny the last time and he would prefer to avoid a repeat of that particular situation, if possible. A vein pops on Kacchan’s forehead after one glance at his strained smile.
“You here to make fun of my awesome hat again? This time, I’ll make it that some royal has to actually f—”
“HAH! Katsuki! That’s enough there!” Eijirou quickly interrupts, his cheeks flushing pink as he rushes to cover his charge’s mouth.
Kacchan doesn’t hesitate to bite his hand before barking at Eijirou to stop touching him without permission. Izuku’s eye twitches slightly. Who is the animal familiar again?
“What’chu want, nerd?!” Kacchan grunts once he is done scolding Eijirou, perching himself on the window as he scowls at nothing in particular.
“I was wondering if I could have a protection charm or a tracker?”
“What am I? Your damn mother? Why would I give you any of that shit?”
“Because deep down you care about your friends and don’t want them to get hurt?” Eijirou offers and the vein on Kacchan’s forehead pops even further as he smacks his familiar upside the head for the umpteenth time.
“Shut your mouth, nobody asked ya!” Kacchan grumbles under his breath before narrowing his eyes at Izuku, who is now playing with one of his ears nervously. “And why do you want one of those?”
Izuku kicks at the dirt, staring up at the sky as he casually shrugs his shoulders. “N-no particular reason, just in case something happens.” He mutters quietly.
“I ain’t buying what you’re selling there, Deku.”
Letting go of his ear and letting it point back up with the other, Izuku shifts from one foot to another as they both slowly droop down the longer he mumbles.
“Well, you see, I kind of met with Todoroki-kun again after you turned me into a bunny and he turned me back. And he sort of caught me, so to speak, but he didn’t hurt me, in fact he was really nice and asked me to come back. He looked like he just wanted some company, you know? And I didn’t have the heart to tell him no.
“It’s like when Eijirou-kun gives you the begging eyes, even you can’t resist, right? So, I told him I’d meet him again, but that was six nights ago and I still haven’t dared set foot in those gardens again, because you and I both know who his father is and what he stands for and a small part of me is still worried about that, you know? Like, what if his father shows up? Or what if I somehow have it all wrong? It seems impossible though, I haven’t seen him do anything even remotely bad in the time I watched him—and yes, I know how that sounds but I’m past the point of making excuses.
“Point is, he actually did pretty sweet things. I can’t really see an evil person tending to flowers so lovingly, or talking to bees, for the love of Bunn Might, bees. They communicate through scent, and dance, everyone knows that, why would he talk to them. Not to mention, most humans seem to be scared of them and want them to die. I mean, even you shout at bees to die, but you kind of shout that at everyone, so I don’t know if it counts…” Izuku trails off when he starts to feel Kacchan’s annoyed glare burning holes into him.
His ears shoot back up in alarm as he snaps his head towards his childhood friend, blinking.
“What I mean to say is—”
“You’re going back to that red bastard’s the castle grounds.” Kacchan deadpans with a roll of his eyes. “Fine, I’ll give you both of them, but don’t expect me to rescue you if you get kidnapped.” He warns as he disappears into the hut.
“Th-that’s fine…” Izuku risks a few steps closer when Eijirou gives him an encouraging smile. “Thank you, Kacchan.”
“Thank me when it blows up whoever tries to lay a hand on you!” Kacchan answers from inside, the manic smirk evident in his tone.
By the time Kacchan actually finishes the charm and tracker, the sun is already starting to set and Izuku frowns. Another day passed that Izuku didn’t go back to the gardens like he said he would. At this point, Todoroki may even be angry with him, and if he wasn’t planning to capture him, then now…
Izuku shakes his head to rid himself of those thoughts, not wanting to believe those rumours of his ruthlessness. Todoroki is kind, he knows it. He felt no malice from him, and he is usually a pretty good judge of character. Just look at Kacchan, he is still as foul-mouthed and aggressive as when they were younger, but he has matured enough to even help him when he needs it.
Tomorrow… tomorrow he will go back, with this extra protection just in case. But he won’t need it, Izuku is sure of it.
And need it, he doesn’t. Because Izuku sits perched on a branch, hidden in a canopy waiting for Todoroki’s arrival, and he never shows. Izuku doesn’t go back home that night, or the following one, barely leaving to find any food or closing his eyes to sleep.
When Todoroki finally returns, after two full days of waiting in the trees, Izuku nearly falls off his branch when he sees his face. Without even thinking, Izuku jumps down to the ground, running right into the gardens and catching Todoroki just before he collapses on the floor. Trying not to stare too hard at the bruises and cuts marring his face, Izuku guides the Prince to the nearest bench, gently helping him onto the seat.
“W-what happened to you?”
Todoroki runs a trembling hand through his hair before coughing into the other, his features scrunching in pain one second, then settling into a neutral mask the next. A shake of his head is all the answer Izuku gets to that question.
“You actually came back.” Stunned, Izuku nods weakly, and in spite of his injuries, a small smile twitches at a corner of Todoroki’s lips. “I wish you would have come a few days sooner. I could have warned you to stay away for a while.”
Izuku’s brows furrow in concern and he takes a nervous glance towards the garden’s entrances as his ears stick to his hair. “Is someone—”
“No, that’s not—I just didn’t want you to see me like this. I honestly didn’t expect you to return at all, but I was hoping you would, which doesn’t really make sense with what I just said, does it? Momo wanted me to stay in my room but… I wanted to see.”
“Did something happen? Was the castle attacked?” Izuku asks, but knows that can’t be it the moment the words are out of his mouth. The way Todoroki spoke, it almost sounded like he knew this was coming. “Did you fight in some battle?”
Todoroki purses his lips. “Not yet.” Not yet? Izuku’s eyes widen slightly. Then why is he like this? “It doesn’t matter, okay?” Izuku wants to protest, but looking into Todoroki’s shimmering gaze, he holds his tongue. “Could you do me a favour, actually?”
“Sure, what is it?”
“Tend to the garden for me? I couldn’t do it the past couple of days and I think I still can’t… I will tell you what needs to be done and we can talk while you work… Please?”
For a few heartbeats, Izuku simply stares, but eventually he offers Todoroki a nod and stands. Even if his ears are still firmly pushing onto the back of his head, Izuku listens intently to the instructions before doing it all to the best of his ability and talking about his favourite flowers as he does. Todoroki answers him when appropriate, his expression softening and his posture relaxing as he listens to Izuku’s voice. If not for the sorry state of his face, Izuku might have said he looks peaceful, with his eyes closed and the sunlight warming his pale skin as he leans back on his hands.
Even though his thoughts are screaming at him, Izuku doesn’t ask anything else about how Todoroki got those injuries, forcing himself to talk about the most mundane of things for as long as he can. Before he knows it, he is done with the small tasks and Todoroki gets back on his feet with a satisfied sigh, of all things.
“Thank you. I needed this.”
Izuku bites on his bottom lip but nods his head anyway, hesitating in front of the Prince, his stomach twisted into knots.
“I won’t be back tomorrow, I think.” Todoroki tells him, and Izuku doesn’t know what to say. “But I hope to see you again soon. Sooner than this time.”
“Will you be okay?” Izuku finds himself asking, and Todoroki smiles for barely a second.
“I’ve been through worse, trust me.” That isn’t very reassuring. “And I’ve made it through that, so… I’ll be okay.”
Without thinking, Izuku reaches into his pocket and pulls out the little vial Kacchan had given him and takes one of Todoroki’s hands, placing it in it and looking deep into his mismatched eyes.
“Keep it on you. It will protect you.”
A pause stretches between them before Todoroki closes his fist around the vial and nods with a soft word of gratitude. As satisfied with this outcome as he can really be, Izuku takes a reluctant step backwards, then finally hops his way home.
Would you like your work to be featured in the 365 Days of TodoDeku Project? Apply here! (≧∇≦)/
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padfootagain · 7 years ago
Love On The Battlefield
Here's another imagine for my 2300 followers celebration! It's a Distance AU! for Thor!
Mainly fluff, and a little warning for violence and battles.
Thank you for your request @blacklilyqueen and I don't know if you were the anon too who sent a message later, but otherwise, thank you anon as well.
Hope you all like it!
Gif not mine
Word Count : 1798
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Your city was being destroyed. You pulled an old woman towards the closest table of the café where you worked. Your hair and skin were covered with dust and the white powder of broken plaster. Your lungs were filled with the tiny particles too, making you cough and your throat ache.
It was supposed to be a normal day…
Get out of bed, take a shower, eat something quickly before catching the bus and coming here to work. After that, a date with your neighbour that would probably go sour and you would end up watching a stupid TV show while eating candies.
Instead, you were now struggling to help an old woman to get safely behind the protection of a wooden table.
"Are you hurt?" you asked her.
She shook her head, but seemed to be going in shock quickly. You couldn't blame her though. You reckoned that you were close to going into shock too.
For now, the adrenaline spread through you with just the right amount to keep your body working, but not enough of the chemical substance had been realised through your veins to make you freeze. Instead, you hurried towards another customer who seemed to be bleeding.
"Sir, you're okay?" you asked, kneeling next to him.
He had a bad cut across his brow, and the blood you had seen was clearly coming from this wound. But he nodded his head anyway.
"Come on, we need to get somewhere safe," you encouraged him to sit up.
"Safe? Have you seen what happened? There's no safe place anymore…"
"Sir, come on. We need to get to the back of the café…"
But before you could pull him towards the tables, an alien stopped right before the broken glass of your shop, and turned towards the two of you.
Its face could only be described as one of a monster's. You were too scared to scream, feeling the adrenaline run wilder in your body until not a single muscle could respond, until even your brain had frozen.
The alien pointed what looked like a weapon at you and your customer, and a single thought managed to form in your blank mind.
I'm going to die.
A tear rolled down your cheek at the thought, but you were too scared to react, and the man next to you seemed to be in the same state. Only a couple of seconds had passed since the creature before you had stopped before your café, and yet, to you, it felt like an eternity.
A blue light was alit on the side of its weapon and you guessed that it was about to fire. That was it…
But before the weapon could spit its fire a strange weapon flew right into the alien, and it disappeared in a high-pitch shriek.
"What…?!" the man next to you asked, but you merely shook your head.
You didn't know what had happened, but you knew that you ought someone a thank you.
The same projectile that had taken down the alien flew again before your eyes, this time in the opposite direction, like a boomerang flying back to its owner.
And this time, you recognized the weapon as a hammer.
A hammer?!
Before you could move, a tall man in what looked like an armour walked before your café and peered inside, his long golden hair falling before his face and a red cape floating behind him in the wind and the dust.
He frowned with worry at the sight of you and your customer sitting on the ground.
"Are you hurt?" he asked with concern, taking a step towards you.
You recognized the hammer in his hand.
"Nothing serious," your customer answered.
But the warrior barely seemed to hear the man by your side. He was staring at you, transfixed, and you could only do the same. Why did you have this tickling feeling on your arm?
You rolled up your sleeve to take a look at the numbers written on your forearm. Everyone in the Galaxy had the same kind of tattoo on their arm, that kept on indicating how far their soulmate was. But yours had never seemed to work, it counted in light-years…
Until now.
Now it was down to three.
Three meters…
You counted the steps that you would have to walk to reach this stranger that came to your rescue.
One, two, three…
"Are you alright, my lady?"
You quirked an eyebrow at his strange words, but nodded anyway.
"I'm just fine. Thank you, for saving us," you let out in a breath, but you couldn't manage to speak more loudly, your heart beating too fast.
He nodded, and was about to walk away, when you suddenly stood up, and called for him.
"Wait," you stopped him, and he looked at you again, his intense blue eyes eliciting butterflies across your stomach.
You kept an eye on the numbers on your arm as you walked towards him.
0You stopped right before this stranger who had saved your life, a smile forming on your face despite the circumstances.
"I know it's going to sound strange, but… could I see your arm?"
He raised an eyebrow in surprised but when he looked at your own arm and saw the number on your skin, he hurried to lift his arm, and the pieces of metal on his arms seemed to magically vanish as he passed his fingers upon his forearm.
When you read the number on his skin, your smile turned into an excited grin.
And he had the same expression on his face. The numbers had counted in light-years for almost his whole life, until he came to Earth. He finally could understand why.
You were his soulmate…
The shout broke the warm silence that had settled between the two of you, and the warrior looked away.
You could see several people fighting a bunch of aliens, and you knew what Thor would say before the words passed his lips.
"I'm sorry," he apologized. "I need to go. But I'm glad to have finally met you."
"Are you going to come back?"
"Of course. What's your name?"
"Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N. Can't we at least decide on a place to see each other again?"
"Do not worry. I'll find you. I promise you, I will find you again. Wait for me, and I will find you. But now, I need to go."
You nodded slowly, before calling for him once again as soon as he took a step away from you.
"You didn't tell me your name," you called.
But he let out a laugh.
"Thor, son of Odin."
He turned around to give you one last reassuring smile.
"I will find you, Y/N. We'll see each other again. We are meant to."
Before you could add anything, he was making his hammer spin above his head and was soon flying towards the fray…
…like… literally flying…
You let out a nervous laugh.
You had always been complaining about how normal your life was, but you were starting to think that you should have been more careful at what you had wished for. Maybe Thor was a bit… too much not normal…
 Seven months.
Seven months had flown away since the battle where your soulmate had saved you. You heaved a sigh, as once more, your mind was filled with him.
He had promised to find you, but time was passing by, and he was nowhere to be seen. You had looked for a him after a few weeks spent waiting, and had learnt quite a lot of things about him. But nothing that would allow you to reach him.
He apparently wasn't from Earth. You were falling in love with an alien… how typical of you…
Outside rain was falling hard, playing a strange music against your windowpane, thunder roaring from time to time to break the regular rhythm of the heavy droplets. You were starting to lose hope that he would come back. Perhaps he didn't want to be with his soulmate. Perhaps he didn't want it to be you.
Different worlds, after all… And if what you had hears was correct, you would already be old and grey when only an instant would have passed for him. The rumours said that he was thousands of years old.
One more problem for you to add to your list.
You sipped on your cup of tea, trying to focus on your book once more. There wasn't much that you could do anyway. Except waiting for him to come back.
The storm roared particularly loudly, growling enough for you to frown and take a look at the dark sky outside. Only… it wasn't completely dark… there was a very strange ray of light that pierced the canopy of clouds, and when you looked down at the street, you recognized a silhouette standing in the light.
Your heart leapt in your chest and you threw both your cup of tea and your book away, sprinting towards your bedroom to grab the suitcase that you had prepared in case Thor would show up.
And that weird light looked like the descriptions you had read of his previous arrivals on Earth.
You picked up your coat and an umbrella as well and ran down the stairs to your front door.
Thor had not knocked yet, merely lifting his hand towards the wooden surface when you opened the door.
The same grin formed on both your faces.
"I'm sorry, I'm a bit late," he breathed, a tender glint in his eyes as he stared down at you. "I'll tell you everything later, but let's say… that the transportation to Earth took more time than I thought it would."
"It's okay."
He finally noticed your suitcase, and a little frown appeared on his features.
"Where were you going?"
But your grin only widened at the question.
"Wherever you want to take me," you answered.
His grin was back on his lips, and it's only then that you realized that it was raining everywhere, except around him.
"Would you like to see where I live? I… I'm not from around here."
"I know. Asgard and all. In seven months, I had a bit of time to make some research."
He let out a laugh, before taking your hand in his large and calloused one.
"So… would you like to see it?"
"Yes, please."
You exchanged another bright grin, before stepping inside the street.
And a few seconds later, the light was back, all around you this time, as Thor held you close to his chest.
You had once complained that your life was too normal. But you guessed that many adventures would make it interesting now.
Tag list : @ourdreamsrealized @ponycake27 @mxrihollxnd @sad-orange-thoughts @horsesreign @xinyourdreamsx @jbluevelvet @notkeppeki @rishlo @theshortegg
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aadrue · 6 years ago
Wielding flowers I ventured home from my office.
The day was nothing to be marvelled at; cloudy and cold, it was typical Melbourne winter weather; but not to me. Not that day.
That day had been the second happiest day of my life thus far.
My high heels tapped quickly on the footpath as I raced back to my car. Emotions flooding from every part of my being.
Home now; and as I set the table my body shook with excitement. My breathing unsteady, I felt as though I could faint while I waited for him to return to our home. If only this were the kind of news I could give through the phone.
Table now set, dinner laid out, card in hand.
I waited.
7:00 PM came and left quicker than I’d imagined it would; 10:00PM came creeping not far behind. The wait had come to an end, reality had come to take my hand and walk me back into the room.
Lola now bathed and in bed, my heart was slowly sinking. The cold and gloom grey of the day now matched my heart in tone.
My calls unanswered, my mind now racing, I tried to keep composure as the hours ticked over aggressively but eventually exhaustion got the best of me and my celebrations went to the wayside.
The salted smell of tears soaking through my pillow, our wedding song playing like hymns in my mind, I was to be sleeping alone that night.
The sun came to wake me, but my lover was still no where to be found.
A few more unanswered calls to every person or place I could think he would be; being the youngest of 7 that was no easy feat; but the day had to move forth, so I did my best to keep up with its pace.
Unable to have a cigarette, I substituted for 3 or more kale smoothies. Feeling ill, I didn’t need the nicotine anymore.
A week went by without a single word from him My heart now weighing down heavier as each second passed.
Isn’t it odd how we say emotions are all in our minds until our heart is breaking; and you can feel everything in your chest pulling opposite ways like a rip in the ocean. Remarkable really.
Life carried on anyway, even though I’d lived the illusion it would all collapse into ruins if he were to ever disappear; but I was a mother.
It’s my job to make the world turn even when my universe is on fire.
The weeks quickly turned to months.
I was more heartbroken by the fact that his missing presence was now normality for us. There’s nothing quite like losing someone without closure.
Wallowing in my own self pity over a glass of wine, an old friend had come to keep me company; but the touch of his hand on my arm sent my body into shock. Home or not, alive or not, I’d promised myself to my husband.
I’ve never broken a promise to him, I was not about to start.
However, I longed for the safety of a male presence in my home, but no one would ever make me feel as safe.
I slept deeper than all the ocean combined while in his arms.
Over looking the city lights and wondering if the stars would ever look as beautiful as they did on the nights we’d spent intoxicated in each other, I heard the door slam.
Maybe I’d left it open.
I turn to see his dark shadow standing in our room. In retrospect I should’ve been terrified, but somehow my heart knew.
Blood covering his being, scars in places I’d never seen, he was almost unrecognisable.
It wouldn’t of mattered if he was covered in burns, his looks didn’t change the fact that his soul made me feel at home.
Gently he reached for my hands and helped me to my feet.
I had so much to tell him but I couldn’t speak.
Before either of us had the chance to gather the words we both so desperately needed to say; we heard the cries.
The world stopped. I was frozen.
“Lola?” He glared at me with eyes like a lost puppy.
My heart sunk and my eyes hit the floor, I pulled my hands from his.
I took a deep breath and went to explain but his words found place before mine...
“Dazen?...” he said, in a confused broken tone.
Immediately his legs fell from underneath him.
I didn’t have to speak to tell him, he used to read the words straight from my eyes.
I joined him on the floor, our pieces somehow making a whole while we held each other tightly. It felt good to be home.
My hand under his chin, I kissed his forehead and lead him to our bathroom. The way he walked through the house as if he’d never seen it before still haunts me for it had been our home for years; he’d built it with his own hands.
I carried Dazen back into our room to find him naked in our bed. His scars were purple from the cold touch of winter on his skin yet I’d never thought he looked anymore beautiful than he did in that moment. Supple and childlike, I was still in love.
In hindsight, seeing him on the soft white sheets of our giant bed after all that time was what made everything impossibly close to magic that night.
My family was whole again.
I wrapped Dazen softly, kissed his forehead and placed him down next to his father. My sons piercing blue eyes stared at me as if to tell me it was all okay.
I knew I should’ve left him in his own bed to sleep but I’d waited years thinking I would never have the chance to see such a moment.
It was hard to believe I wasn’t dreaming.
The time now passing as it did before, though everything had changed. My husband home raising our children along side me.
Though I would never tell a soul for I wouldn’t wish the universe to take him away, I struggled having him home.
He’d missed me and loved me the same as the day he had left and I respected that; I respected him; but my idea of love was being so engulfed in someone that them leaving meant the world around me would crash and burn alike to hell in all it’s fury.
That time itself would stop if he left my side.
For moments, I won’t deny the world did crash and burn as some mornings my body refused to believe I wouldn’t shatter onto the floor like porcelain on tile if I dare try get out of bed.
For moments, I think death would’ve been kinder to me.
The months passed though to my disbelief, and eventually, you learn that no matter how much it hurts, you’re going to live to see tomorrow and your feet will catch you as you climb out of bed.
The babies now dressed, waiting to go to school; music blaring through the house as they dance around the kitchen. Sometimes I wished they were allowed to watch cartoons, but he’d of killed me.
I was ready for work but couldn’t take my gaze of this man I’d longed for now magically back in our bed.
Had it of not been for the children being able to see him too, I would’ve sworn I’d lost my mind.
I tip toed over, I woke him with a kiss, he looked up at me and smiled.
God I’d missed his emerald green eyes.
I took his hands into mine, leaning over I whispered softly in his ear, “I love you.”
His cheeks turned as red as the first time he’d kissed me and I knew for sure whatever had scarred his body, had not broken his soul.
My husband was home.
What he did with his day will always be a mystery to me but I’ll never forget arriving at my high rise office to utter chaos. Let this be lesson as to why one should never let their staff watch the news whilst at work.
My largest client, some might call a “successful business man” had been shot point blank in the head in his Pepper Point holiday home. I could lie and say I didn’t know he was a major player in the illegal international transport and sales of stolen pharmaceuticals; but how else would he of paid the exorbitant fees we’d agreed on for my part in keeping him out of a lifetimes incarceration.
Whomever had painted the elegantly modern walls of his home with the most inner parts of his brain had left uncovered a makeshift basement; quite clearly not on the councils approved plans for the dwelling.
The bodies of the 4 girls they’d found rotted and decaying within the DIY torture chamber still give me goosebumps and a watery mouth.
I sat at my desk while my assistant ran around like a chicken struck by lightening; she was new. It’s always the new ones who panic when someone dies.
I waited patiently for the most corrupt gang I’d ever worked with to arrive so I could answer their questions and move on with my day but they never came.
Surely, they would want my files.
The busy day got the best of me, before long I’d forgotten about my clients death and the girls. It was now almost 3:00PM and my babies needed to be picked up from school.
I pull into the bay, 10 minutes late as a rule, and there is my husband.
Flowers in hand, babies beside him. Flawless.
I wasn’t ignorant to the fact his days of being a contract killer served him well when it came to locating people; but I couldn’t help but wonder how long he’d known which school they went too; how many times he had checked on us from afar..
Why had he only come home now.
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animequeens · 7 years ago
Blessing in Disguise Part 3
"Erina sama?" Hisako knocked twice on the wooden door leading into the now-traditionally furnished conference room belonging to Totsuki's headmaster.
"I'm here," Erina replied in a sing-song fashion, her pen tapping mindlessly as the pink haired girl walked in with a stash of documents in tow.
Hisako sat the large pile of files on the table making a muffled bang before arching her back and stretching like a kitten.
"I have some urgent matters to discuss with you Erina Sama." Hisako walked towards Erina with a tea bag in her hands. She set the teabag inside Erina's mug before pouring some hot water in the cup. "Just the usual herbal tea to stabilise the early stages."
"Hmmm," hummed Erina as she took a sip of the tea, "You've really improved the taste to suit my palate, now I don't feel nauseous when I smell it."
Hisako smiled widely at the compliment. She scratched her cheek, proud as she replied, "I just altered a few herbs which had the same effect so I retained the purpose but changed the taste."
Erina smiled into her mug as she took another sip. "So, what do we need to discuss today?"
"2 major issues," Hisako replied seriously, taking her seat opposite Erina. She whipped out her ipad and continued, "I want to first discuss the arrangement of your public appearance as you continue your pregnancy and how we will be deal with your PR image and what you wish to be depicted as. The second is the autumn's election, the current elite tens brought up some proposal for this year's festival."
"What are your views on the public appearance?"
"I propose we restrict public appearance at around 20 weeks into the pregnancy or depending on how much you are showing."
"Hmmm," nodded Erina who had just finished her tea and reverted to tapping her pen lightly against her wooden table, "and you suggest this because?"
"Although Erina sama already have a very established reputation in the culinary world, where the success of your restaurant Fleur en Fleur doesn't rely on a pristine personal image, your role as Totsuki's head master does. Since some traditional Japanese family which some of our student body come from can still be conservative in relation to these matters, I would propose Erina sama hiding the fact that you are pregnant…out of wedlock."
"That is true," Erina sighed before she flicked through the index of elite ten profiles, "3 of the elite tens this year also come from these families."
Hisako looked at the blonde headmaster and she could sense the sadness Erina was trying so desperately to hide.
"I know the situation isn't ideal," Hisako sighed, "keeping him a secret for now is the best course for you though."
"We can hide him now, but how do we hide him after he is born? He won't be using a fake name and even out of wedlock he is of Nakiri blood." Erina twisted her side bangs slightly before letting them fall.
"We can figure it out as time goes?" Hisako suggested weakly, yet even she was unsure how they can maintain her public image if they revealed her pregnancy now.
"Yeah, I'm being silly and emotional again," groaned Erina frustrated with herself, "Must be the hormones again. Damn the devil's spawn."
"You need to stop refering to my god son as a devil's spawn," Hisako chuckled before she flicked her ipad to the next page, "About the autumn's election, the elite ten's this year wanted a supposed 'democratic' approach to the judge selection for this year's festival. The polls came back in today, we just need your signature and confirmation of a date to start organisation."
"The judges were?"
"As per tradition, you of course Erina-sama as the headmaster and the one with the most refined palate. The second judge people voted for was Eishi senpai."
Hisako paused at the mention of their white-haired senpai, unsure whether she should utter the third name.
"The last?" asked Erina half minded. She was too caught up in her own worries to catch the last name uttered by Hisako.
She signed the piece of paper swiftly, before meeting the eyes of a seemingly nervous Hisako.
"What's wrong?" asked Erina confused at her fidgeting best friend.
"Oh nothing," replied an equally puzzled Hisako, shocked by Erina's genuinely calm expression, "That's all for today, so I will head out now, oh but before I leave Erina-sama, I RSVPed your attendance for a social party next month celebrating Eishi senpai's new restaurant."
"That's fine, I didn't have a choice but attend anyways, especially if we need him back to judge the Autumn's election" chuckled Erina before she turned back to the mountainous pile of paper she had to go through.
(one month later)
When the night rolled in, Erina had just finished her day's work. The month following her discovery of her pregnancy had been extremely normal, like always, she would go to work 8:00-18:00, every two weeks she would fly to Paris to check on her restaurant. Her life was seemingly normal, calm and organised – but of course it was all a façade – she knew better than anyone just how terrified she was of her unplanned future ahead.
Erina sighed as supported herself up from her cushioned chair. She arched her back, relieving the pain on her lower back, the bump on her belly still barely protruding.
She has only an hour to both get dressed, be presentable and get herself to the event location.
If she was completely honest, she was feeling under the weather today and her hormonal body could not be bothered to attend yet another event where she must socialise with a bunch of irrelevant people. Ok, irrelevant maybe an exaggeration, since these people were all important people from Tokyo's various food industries, she on the other hand, just couldn't be bothered to maintain her haughty perfect self to the public.
Although she was feeling under the weather, her cousin on the other hand jumped at the opportunity to dress up. Erina had refused her attempts to braiding her hair with no avail. So, when the pair finally got out of the mansion, Erina had her long blonde hair in a half-up-half-down braid and a half million-dollar necklace dangling between her – now even swollen chest.
When Erina stepped out of her limousine in kitten heels (kitten heels refers to heels which are around 3cm in height)– yes, a very uncommon sight, given Erina was the type who would go hard or go home – a bunch of paparazzi's immediately directed their flash light towards her and her white haired cousin. To be fair, the pair of Nakiris were a sight to behold and the public's favourite, so these photos would no doubt end up on the cover of the food magazine tomorrow morning.
"Ms Nakiri what do you think of the new restaurant?" shouted one from the crowd.
"A wonderful edition for those wanting to taste true gourmet food of course," replied Erina smiling, her posture tall and composed as she continued towards the entrance.
When they were finally safe from the paparazzi Erina yawned softly before she whispered to Alice, "I'm losing 3 hours of sleep I could've had."
"Never would I have imagined you of all people complaining about an event celebrating true gourmet food," chuckled Alice in response, her red eyes gleaming with mischief when a red-head amongst the sea of invited guests caught her eye. "I'm going to talk to the director of this company I've been working with, I'll catch you before we leave."
"But you never talked about working with -" Erina wasn't surprised when her response came few seconds too late, the younger Nakiri had already disappeared from her side and made her way across the hall.
Erina sighed at her disappearance – now her fate was sealed – without Alice's occasional sarcasm and personality, tonight was bound to be a boring night mingling with directors from across Japan, forcing smiles on her face. On an even more solemn note, she couldn't even drink some wine to numb her sense to the loud chit-chat bouncing off the walls of the hall, or at least help her survive through all the boring conversations she was bound to have tonight.
"Yo Nakiri." His words cut through the air and falsified her pervious prediction almost instantly. Every part of her body was in denial as she stood still, unwilling to turn around.
"Hey what's up," he tried again, manoeuvring in front of her so they were facing directly, "are we playing that little game where you pretend to ignore me again?"
Erina scoffed at his comment, his smirk rubbing her the wrong way.
"Come on Erina," chuckled Soma, his golden eyes carefully examining the woman in front of him, the slight pout on her lips, and slightly relaxed composure indicated she wasn't reallymad, only mildly, "It's been 2 months since you last saw me and you don't even miss me, I got to say I'm hurt."
"Oh please," the blonde finally uttered, she tried to keep her tone level as she continued, "I'm surprised by the fact you are back so soon, I wouldn't put it upon you to disappear for another five, ten years."
"Surprised? But Hisako was the one who informed me to make sure I'm here before the Autumn's election."
Erina looked dumfounded at the red-head as if he were some foreign creature until she suddenly realised - that day in her office, Hisako did mention a third name.
I'm an idiot
She tortured herself mentally for being too caught up in her worries then, now, she has a bigger problem to deal with.
"Oh right, I remember now," mumbled Erina after a delayed pause, "so how long have you been back?"
"A month give or take." Some replied mindlessly, unaware of the anger set ablaze in those amethyst eyes which were quickly extinguished.
Erina knew she shouldn't be mad, it was a one-night stand, two if you may, she shouldn't have expected him to see her the moment he came back. It would've been nice; but they were just two parallel lines, she really shouldn't have expected more. After all, she was the one who made the decision to keep it a secret from him in the first place.
She didn't have the right to be mad.
"Here Nakiri." Outstretched from Soma's hands was a small rectangular box, neatly wrapped with a ribbon on top. He hoped his gift could ease the awkward tension that had built up since her silent response to his answer. "The dark chocolate you said you wanted, all the way from Ghana."
There he goes again. The way he grins at her as he placed the chocolate box in her hands was the exact reason why she could never learn to hate him.
Why was it whenever she found one reason to hate him, she always seemed to find 20 more to love him?
"Thanks Soma," she replied with a warm smile, "you didn't have to."
"I wanted to," he chuckled, "I would be your delivery guy any day."
"Hmmm," Erina pondered, "so you are off soon again? What type of parcel should I expect next time?"
"That's a secret," laughed Soma, his smug grin appearing on his face again, "it wouldn't be fun if I told you."
"Then tell me," Erina's tone suddenly serious, her eyes looked like a frightened animal as she darted them away, putting on a pretence that his answer wouldn't affect her, "when are you leaving again? I can get an estimated delivery date right?"
"Nothing is sure at this point. But I will be here at least after Autumn's Election." Soma glanced towards her, resisting the urge to grab her right then and there and soothe her suddenly changed demeanour. Yet he had no right to do so, and Erina would skin him alive if he dare tried in public with tens of hungry paparazzis waiting for a piece of juicy gossip. He wasn't sure what was wrong, all he knew was that he hated the darkened look of her usually bright eyes, the ones he knew all too well, the ones that were always ablaze.
"Oh..." Her voice trailed off as she stared at the boy, no man, in front of her. Her nervous hands slowly released their tight grip on her made-to-measure satin dress. Nothing set in stone. It's only a matter of time until he left again and she should just get damn well used to it. For god's sake, it's been three years and she is still that soppy high school girl, horrible at goodbyes.
"Ms Nakiri," said a voice from afar, his footsteps fast approaching, "I've been meaning to talk to you, may I?" The man before her was the director of one of the largest diary supplier, his polite grin gave her no choice but to say yes.
"I guess that's my call to leave," laughed Erina as she leant her body in for a hug but pulledback in the last minute. Her hands stuck awkwardly towards Soma, the pair engaging in a handshake that seemed more appropriate given their relationship, "it was good seeing you, and uh, thanks for the chocolate."
A girl with blue hair stood in the corner, the polite smile hung on her face.
She knew to get the much-needed attention she needed from these potential sponsors she had to play her cards well. That included using the effect, her 'helpless' image, seemed to have in middle aged man.
Yet when she caught the red-head who had returned from Ghana earlier this month, staring at the blonde-girl who always seemed to have his heart-strings wrapped around her finger, the smile she learnt to fix on face faded away.
The way his golden eyes fixated on her, infuriated her. She never understood why, he only had eyes for her, when she was the one who had been there by his side all along.
Why is it even after Totsuki, the blond-headed woman still trumps her in his eyes?
She never understoodwhy in high school, when she hinted interests in him - on multiple occasions - he would say something completely irrelevant, avoiding her hints, seemingly oblivious to any of her advances.
When she watched them get together at the Valentine's day event, the smile ontheir faces, crashed her. She believed if she had found his dish earlier than Erina, he would've been hers...
She used to enjoy their fights. She would never admit to this guilty pleasure of course. And when Erina came to her on occasions asking for advice - viewing her merely as his best friend – she would fake up a fake innocence so she could withdraw information from the blonde but stay on her good books. She hated their relationship but she was too scared of the Nakiri name.
So, when they finally did breakup, Megumi saw it as her chance. To her, their graduation, wasn't just an ending of an era, but the start of their story. At least that's what she thought. So, when she heard from Takumi, few days after the graduations, she was shocked and angry to find that he had already left. Not a word for her, not a single fucking word.
She forgave him though. She thought, perhaps he was just leaving in a hurry, she wouldn't put itabove Sōma to mess up his travel plans. So, she waited even as she took over her mother's restaurant. To her disappointment over the course of three years, she had only received a handful of meaningless postcards.
But it was different this time when he returned from Ghana. She was sitting at home when she received a phone call from a number that hasn't emerged for a good three years.
He had asked straightforwardly for a favour. She agreed before her brain even registered what he had said.
A month of land hunting, all done in secret. He said something about surprising the culinary world with a new restaurant, right here in Tokyo. She believed him, she didn't care as long as he would stay; right by her side.
During that time, she was thrilled to be with him every day, his presence alone made her content, even if she had to have tedious long talk with a dozen of landlords.
Her happiness was short-lived.
Perhaps, it was time for her to realise he didn't have room for her in that special place. His eyes only ever laid on Erina that way - maybe occasionally on food too. But never on her.
"Hey Megumi," said the red-head, his eyes darting towards the blonde currently chit-chatting with a director Megumi didn't recognise, "time to head back?" Soma glanced one last time at the blonde who didn't seem like she would be done anytime soon.
It was like he knew she would agree. But who could she blame but herself? Hasn't she always been treading behind him, trying to catch up as those two walked along side of each other?
"That was such a long night," groaned Alice as she helped Erina off the limo. She took off her heels and began walking barefoot as they stepped inside the mansion. "I hate heels, did I mention that?"
"Only about 100 times on the limo." Erina chuckled at cousin's childish pout before she made her way down the hall.
"Wait Erina," called the white-headed girl, "I scheduled an appointment with our family doctor to have a check up on you tonight."
"I told you I didn't need one." This time it was Erina who groaned, she hated the routine check-ups her cousin and Hisako always seemed to insist and her complaints were to no avail. "It takes up 30 minutes of my life every time."
"And that is 30-minutes well spent," replied the younger Nakiri as she placed her hands behind Erina and began pushing her towards the lounge, "hurry, hurry, we're already late."
When they entered their large lounge room, the one in the west wing, a young woman in her early thirties was already there, sitting on the couch waiting.
"Sorry to have kept you waiting," smiled Alice as she led her cousin inside, "we have a childish mother on the loose."
"I am not childish," retorted Erina poking Alice's face, "but thank you for coming so late Doctor Tsumi." Although Erina hated her appointments she still appreciated their family doctor, particularly because she was extremely loyal and has kept her pregnancy a secret since the beginning.
"Of course, Ms Nakiri," grinned the woman before she took out her stethoscope. "Please take a seat."
She walked towards Erina and lifted her loose t-shirt upwards. Erina's abdomen wasn't very noticeable, but since the discovery of her pregnancy, she had developed a very small pump. It wasn't noticeable when covered in clothes, but now that the veil of clothing had been lifted it, the swell was more than obvious – at least to Erina and her closer friends.
"Everything seems well." Doctor Tsumi placed her t-shirt back down before she continued, "Though I have to remind you again, you really need to keep your stress levels in check, high amounts of cortisol can have negative impact on the foetus."
"I know Doctor." Erina nodded in compliance.
"You know but you don't act on it," interjected Alice looking disapprovingly at her blonde cousin, "You have more work than ever and you never get much rest."
Doctor Tsumi nodded to Alice's comment, "The development seems well now, but we must take precautionary means."
"How about you move Autumn's election forward?" asked Alice with a pushing tone.
"The elite ten won't agree," Erina lied. She didn't want to move the date forward as she was scared if she did…it would only push Soma's departure even earlier.
"I can sort it out with me," replied Alice firmly, she gaze stopping at Erina's dark eye circles before continuing, "It's decided then, no more buts."
"You are so pushy," groaned Erina, unable to find another reason to revoke Alice's plan, "I guess it might be better to do it early so I won't be too bloated when I'm on the big screen."
Feel free to review at https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12032457/15/Looking-Through-Our-Hourglass and I promise I’m not teasing next part of Blessing in Disguise will have something spicy :P Hopefully it was an enjoyable read <3
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alice-in-idol-land · 7 years ago
pastel goodbyes
Read on AO3 here
Series: Fire Emblem Awakening
Pairing: Olivia/Cherche
Word Count: 1607
Summary: The world is soft, their final days are soft, everything is soft.
It's pastel, softer than usual.
A/N:  Based on the thought of an event called "Past Aspirations and Pastel Futures". Putting a twist on it by adding goodbye, I ended up here somehow...
Modern AU, but it's not really explored.
For @ferarepair-week Day 3: Goodbyes
Their final days together are soft, much like pastels.
The kisses they exchange are the lightest pink, the colour of Olivia’s nervous blush. Soft and fleeting but still as loving as any other kiss, they make contact and leave spots of warmth behind. For a goodbye such as this, these kisses are the only acceptable kind.
(When they were younger, kisses had been more powerful, more urgent things. That electric pink belonged to their sons now, their own shade dulled with age.
Neither Cherche nor Olivia minded as the colour faded, as passionate nights were traded for soft, comfortable ones that felt just as good. As the burning need dissipated, quiet companionship filled in the empty space. Sitting and enjoying their time with each other grew more and more appealing with age. It was cozy, so neither could bring themselves to mind very much.)
((A single kiss, soft as silk, was shared on the first of the final days.))
The smiles and laughter that never seem to leave the room are the softest yellow, like the flowers Cherche gave Olivia after every dance. Although a pale colour, it holds just as much excitement and joy as it always had.
(In younger days, the yellows had been bright and bold like sunflowers. When they found themselves in the mood, the pair was almost impossible to ignore. Olivia’s dances, Cherche’s parties, having children and raising those kids, there were some many joyful things to think about. After so many happy things and heart-pounding events, the gradual fade in colour was welcomed.
As the years passed, Olivia danced less and less she could no longer spin around without worry for her health. Cherche’s loud events gradually became tea parties, fewer and farther between than ever. Gerome and Inigo were grown-up now, they no longer lived at home. Despite the lack of all these things, their happiness had not and would not disappear. With all the small things, the regular happenings of everyday life, the pair grew content. It was more comfortable in this old age, more so than any thrilling occurrence would have been.
Despite being happy with what they had, Gerome and Inigo often came home. Although older now, they still gave their mothers new things to laugh about. Their sons were adorable at their simplest, the lights of their mother’s lives. Even looking at them, Olivia and Cherche couldn’t help but feel grateful. The fact that they had been able to have children together was something they still marvelled at after all these years. Their sons were out there, living their lives, just as they had been raised to do by their mothers who had done the same. The yellow of the happiness they felt because of these things may not have been extremely bold, but its brightness was unquestionable.)
Green, the shade of mints and ferns, colour their surroundings at the end. Alone in their little cottage with plants as their only witness, it is the only place imaginable for the end.
(After the war, the only thing Cherche had wanted to do was settle down. Her original home was gone and Olivia couldn’t go back to hers, so they decided to settle in Ylisse. This land was foreign to the both of them, but it was the land they had spilled blood for. It could be the place where they would stay.
At the time, Olivia’s dancing made money and so did Cherche’s skills, learned from her time at House Virion. It hadn’t been long before the two had gathered enough money to buy a nice little cottage on the outskirts of town. It was private enough that they could be themselves but close enough to town that they weren't completely cut off.
The cottage had been cute, but it didn’t feel like a home, not at first. As Olivia busied herself with the interior, Cherche rolled up her sleeves and got to work outside. Bushes, trees, flowers, every kind of plant she could get her hands on filled the area. Soon enough, there were greens everywhere with pops of colour sprinkled throughout. Simply put, it was one of the most beautiful sights either had seen after all the bloody battlefields. When Cherche had finally decided it was done, she stood next to her wife and Minerva, admiring what the little house had become. Olivia had kissed her and told her it was perfect because it really was.
As everything grew older, it became softer. The plants regrew again, but some disappeared as they were damaged or destroyed by the weather or playing too roughly. The spots stood empty until something new sprouted, small and fragile. Cherche tended to these new blooms with all her heart, Olivia assisting her every now and then. Unlike these plants, humans and animals didn’t revive themselves.
Minerva had passed away years ago. Buried in the backyard with a grave marker erected on the spot, Cherche had cried buckets that day. Olivia had kissed every tear away and assured her that it would get better with time.
Inigo and Gerome were called, alerted to the news. Both chose to come home, mourning the loss of such an important part of their mother’s and their own lives.
Gerome brought Minerva the Second, Minerva’s only child, with him. The second Cherche had laid eyes on her, her features hardened and she shook her head.
“No, Gerome,” she said, voice clear as day. With her tone, it was hard to believe she had been crying moments before. “Minerva is yours. You can’t give her back to me.”
“But-” he said, but never got farther than that.
“No,” Cherche repeated. “No.” The third time, tears accompanied the two letter word. Her family comforted her that day, said all the sweet things about how it would be alright in the end. No one mentioned getting a replacement, they knew it would only upset Cherche more than she already was.
For all the words they had and hadn’t said that day, Cherche would be eternally thankful.
As the years passed, Minerva became a part of the greenery. Stopping to look at a leaf or a flower, Cherche would always be struck with the thought of her dearest friend. Minerva was part of the pastel green now and she always would be.)
The atmosphere is a lilac purple and the days are painted in its soothing colour. It's the shade of Cherche’s eyes, of Olivia’s courage, of everything the pair stands for, especially in these final moments.
(It’s a colour they know well. Purple is for the good things, the nice things, the important things. Purple things are the ones that are sweeter than sugar and make life worth living.)
((Neither would give up this purple for anything.))
The final colour is blue, like the sky in the afternoon, covered with clouds and letting only the palest cerulean peek out. It’s the colour of the sadness Cherche feels as Olivia closes her eyes, never to open them again, the feeling of knowing exactly what had just happened. Although not as violent as it would have been in her youth, the emotion and her tears are genuine.
(Cherche wonders if Olivia saw blue in her first moments. She had always been the more fragile of the pair, graceful too. It was a grace that Cherche had first admired before she grew to love it.
She has to move away from Olivia’s body after a moment. Her tears stream down her face, wanting to see the love of her life again, but Cherche knows she couldn’t bear to feel Olivia’s body grow cold beneath her touch, to see the colour drain from her lips and hands, to have her heart stop completely while still in the room. Even the thought leaves Cherche unable to function, weaker than she has ever felt before. She has to leave. It's what Olivia would want, she thinks, so she does.
She picks up the phone and calls Gerome.
“Hello?” he says.
“It’s me,” Cherche replies. “Olivia’s… passed on.” They’re the only words she can say, but they make the sensation feel even heavier, having said it, it all reals more real. A choked sob escapes her throat as Gerome says something from the other side of the phone, but she can’t hear it. Eventually, the words reach her ears as her throat seizes up once more.
“I’m coming over. I’ll call Inigo.”
“Please.” He hangs up, but Cherche can’t bring herself to press the button. Instead, she finds the nearest chair and sits down, crying her eyes out. The tears are soft and slow, but they refuse to stop, not even after Gerome and Inigo have arrived, rushing to comfort her at a time like this.)
((Cherche can barely remember Olivia’s funeral. She cried the second it started, her strength giving out after everyone wished her well. It's just a blur of talking and suits and dresses, of Gerome and Inigo refusing to her side as she sobs. As Olivia’s coffin is lowered into the ground, Cherche manages to say one thing.
“Goodbye, my love.”))
(((She doesn't cry anymore after that. Olivia wouldn’t want her to.)))
Another colour appears afterwards, one that isn't quite a pastel but soft enough to be there. A pure white, one that covers everything in Cherche’s vision, finally shows up. Had Olivia seen it in her final moments? Before Cherche can even contemplate the question, everything becomes soft. The world is soft, she is soft, the voice calling out to her softens into nothingness.
How perfect would it be, she wonders, if Olivia were in the softness as well?
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just-1-random-rper · 7 years ago
Traitor Kaminari...random backstory idea
to @yaoyoyoyo, since I didn’t want to flood your inbox
Denki Kaminari as a traitor, warning for abuse, I may come back and edit this later.
(This ended up super long, and was honestly me getting my ideas down in a text)
His parents are villains. Long before the league, long before meeting each other. Maybe they went to villainy out of desperation, maybe they just decided it was fun to hurt people. The reason doesn’t matter that much, what matters is that they like to hurt people.... including their own son.
It started with them researching Quirk properties, and if it’s physically possible to have more than one quirk, either naturally, or through science. They research the human body, looking into quirks and their limits, and they determine that someone has the best chance of developing multiple quirks if treatment starts while in the womb. So they decide to have a son, not out of any sentiment, but as a test subject, a tool, something that they can easily monitor, and if they decide the child isn’t producing enough results, they can dispose of him (it in their eyes).
Its one of the busiest periods of their lives, his mother undergoing multiple test and treatment while monitoring the fetuses progress. They keep researching into possible ways for the subject to have more than one quirk/ability, even looking into physics theories to see if multiple worlds are a reality, and if so, how can the subject gain abilities from those worlds.They don’t get many people involved and keep plenty of details to themselves, this is their personal project and tool, no one is to steal it.
When Denki is first born, the results aren’t quite to their standards. They first consider disposing of him and starting over, but decide to wait a small while before doing anything final. About 3 or so months later, they decide the results barely meet their standards and isn’t a complete waste of resources.
As one can guess, they don’t  necessarily parent, they supervise (and mess him up mentally, but we’ll get to that in a bit). They make sure to feed him, and see to it that he’s clean, but that’s it. When it comes time for a test, they see no qualm with cutting into his skin or gathering samples for study, Denki’s a subject, he was born for this. His skin is covered in carefully hidden scars by the time he’s off to school.
(He’s not allowed to call them mom and dad, simply sir or ma’am, they tell him he hasn’t earned that right)
They think they see some success in the subject, his showing abilities other than his electricity quirk (which they expected, it was in his blood), but then they start to fear. What happens if the subject’s power grows too fast and he decides to rebel? They decide, to ensure his loyalty, that precautions must be taken in regards to their interactions with Denki. As he gets older they constantly berate him, telling him that he’s never good enough for them. They convince him that until he can meet those standards, the test are necessary. 
(They keep setting the bar higher and higher, just out of Denki’s reach)
Denki tries to be a good child. He studies everything he can, science, languages, math, literature, because he wants to please his parents. He thinks they don’t show love because he hasn’t earned it yet, and if he preforms well enough, his parents will love him. Maybe then he can show others his different quirks.
It’s never good enough for them. They always demand more, want to see more. His mother sneers down at him, and Denki feels guilty, because to him, this is the woman who carried him for nine months, and made sure he could be alive today. His father makes sure that he can be as amazing as he can, with his amazing abilities, but because of Denki’s terrible performance, all his father can do is sigh in disappointment.
“Honestly Kaminari” his mother tells him one day (Just a week before his 8th birthday, Denki remembers)“why can’t you be more like the other children? They do so well with their own quirks.” She sighs, “And after all we’ve done so you can be amazing.”
Denki sobs for so long, his parents are here, gifting him with amazing powers and abilities, and Denki doesn’t deserve them, his parents, and he starts to think he’ll never deserve their love. He simply mutters ‘I’m sorry’ over and over again.
The years go by, Denki gains new abilities. His parents continue to study him, and he’s still not good enough for them. Be it his grades, or continued performances in the test.
(He’s also learned not to show his abilities to others, not after his parents made the last one disappear)
 One day, Denki thinks to himself. He looks at the way other children act and decides he doesn’t act like them enough, so he makes more jokes and laughs more. 
(His parents seem a tad surprised at the sudden change, but quickly go back to their berating selves, Denki takes the initial reaction as a positive one, and decides to act like this from now on).
Denki thinks some more about his parents and the relationship he has with them. He starts to worry when his teachers start describing abusive situations. He considers showing the scars to teachers, but decides not to. Abuse implied that Denki didn’t deserve it, or that his parents were going to far. His parents weren’t abusing him, Denki decided, they were punishing him.
Denki thinks he’s made it far by the time he’s done with middle school, he has a wide array of abilities to call on, and has a plethora of knowledge to call on. When it comes time to pick a high school, his parents sit him down.
“You’ll be applying to U.A” his father states, “While you have shown substandard results throughout your life, you should be able to be accepted into the heroics department.”
“Yes sir” Denki responds 
“While at U.A, you will be gathering information about the staff, students, and the building, including security and floor plans.” His father pulls out a laptop before opening it, turning it so Denki can see the screen. The words “Audio Only” are the only things on the screen. “This is our...partner. He will use the information you report for his plans, make sure to be thorough.”
“Yes father”
“This is important Kaminari.” His mother begins “The heroes of today are parasitic, and infect the world we live in. Your role will help ensure that we destroy these parasites.” She smiles at him, “If you do this right, I’ll love you.”
Denki inhales sharply and smiles, ‘This is it, I can finally earn mother and father’s love’ he thinks. “Yes ma’am”
His father tells him not to preform too well “Though that won’t be hard for you”. His mother cuts him, telling him to “Show potential, but not so much that they’ll always keep an eye on you.”
He trains harder than ever, and even decides to fake his limit on how much electricity he can put out, making it seem like the limit is smaller than it is. He passes the entrance exam and is placed in Class 1-A.
Things start changing there.
Denki’s surprised by how much the teachers and students seem to care, last time Denki checked he didn’t do anything to deserve it. His fellow students are interested in him and his quirk, and show concern when he burns out. His parents keep berating and scolding him, and when he starts telling him about his friends, they’re quick to put a stop to it.
“You’re there for a reason”  His mother’s tone is flat “Don’t get distracted, don’t you want me to love you?”
He decides to keep to his task, but becomes conflicted, he doesn’t want to hurt the people he cares about, but he doesn’t want to disappoint his parents. He doesn’t realize it at first, but he becomes more closed off, and doesn’t take as much care of himself as he should. He thinks he notices Aizawa acting strangely around him, but he can’t imagine why. Denki just keeps his head down and does as he’s told.
One day All Might asks to speak with him. Denk’s nervous, he wonders what he’s done wrong, where he messed up. But the hero tells him that he’s there if Denki needs him, and asks him whats wrong. Denki wants to say its nothing, politely thank All Might for the offer and carry on, but he finds he can’t. He doesn’t want to hurt these people, not when they’ve shown so much...care for Denki and his well being.
He starts sobbing, pathetically in his opinion. All Might just rubs his back and tell’s him it will be okay (It won’t be Denki wants to yell). When he calms down, he tells All Might about his actual mission, the real reason he’s here. (Denki doesn’t want to betray his parents too much, he decides not to tell All Might about the tests.)
All Might lets him sleep after he’s done. Denki wonders about what will happen now, and what his parents will think, and those worries haunt him as he sleeps.
Did I make Kaminari suffer enough yet, someone save him...from me I guess
honestly the thing about different abilities was just crossover fuel.
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laulau95 · 7 years ago
White Roses
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» After 3 years you thought that you were over the events that changed your life. Up until your ex got out of prison and came looking for you.  » 11.6k words » Taehyung x OC » Warning: Smut. 
You weren’t ready to see him again. Not like that. Not in front of you, standing like if nothing ever happened. He didn’t have the right to. Matter of fact, he was sentenced to stay as far away from you as he could. The court ordained that and you had no clue to why he was standing there, in the rain, in front of your window. You were hurrying yourself to take your laundry in before it would get all wet but you couldn’t help but recognize the shadow of the man who blurred your past and sacrificed your own future for his own life.
It was all too clear.
Did he even have the moral right to do that? To come back near you after breaking your heart when you took all the courage to push him out of your life?
You stared at the wet figure as you finished grabbing your things. It wasn’t the first time he came to you. Ever since he was freed from prison, Kim Taehyung had been going after you. And it frightened the hell out of your poor body.
Urgently, you rushed back inside and closed the door of your balcony, locking it twice instead of once to be sure he wouldn't try to break in. Your life seemed to be resumed to shattered pieces every time he was around and that was especially why you wanted him out and to remain so.
Without realizing it, your hands were shaking, results of nights of faint hopes and vivid pain coming back to your memory. You turned rapidly to the side of the hallway where your phone was placed on the small entry table. Without thinking twice, you rushed to call the only person you were feeling at peace with.
For all the rest of your contact list was nothing more than memories. The past 3 years had seen all your said friends being taken to prison or disappearing, only for you to never to hear from them again. You guys used to be a family but they were playing with fire and, as everyone who does, they turned out getting burned and being afraid of that flame called friendship ever since.
They all had back stories to justify that dirty business they were doing. Surely one with a sane mind wouldn’t do that. One with a right mind shouldn’t get involved with drugs and gang activities but that’s exactly what you did.
Even though you were from a good family, you got tempted by the sin of a momentary love.
In the arms of Kim Taehyung. A poor and reckless drug dealer. He was uneducated and way too adventurous not to ever get caught. He was careful but apparently not enough.
You were 17 when you met with him. He was already 20. You were looking for love, he was looking for a fund provider. That’s what you did for him. You used the pocket money your sweet and dumb father would give you to help him in his business, unknowingly.  Without knowing what he was using the money you gave him for, you trusted him. Wasn’t it the meaning of love? Trusting people?
Sooner than you’d like to admit, you fell head over heels for him. He presented you to his gang and you were quick to make 2+2. All these boys, they weren’t net. And for the first time, Taehyung had been honest with you. He told you the real story. Where they were all coming from, their stories.
Kim Namjoon. He was the son of a cocaine producer and created his own gang in the hope to resell more and make his dad proud. However, he had an older brother always on his back to get him to pay ‘allowance’ created out of nowhere otherwise his gang, outnumbering his, would come and show him the respect due to his elders. That was the hard life of the business, even in the family.
Min Yoongi was the son of a prostitute. She had abandoned him to his abusive father before he could even learn to walk properly. He was an only child, and he always thought another child wouldn’t have survived the life he went through. He couldn’t have been able to stand on his feet and protect another being at the same time and that’s how he turned out to be so focused on himself. He would always protect his own interest first. That was the rule of the street.
Out of them all, the one you were the most surprise to see was Jeong Hoseok. He was a childhood school comrade but you knew nothing about him. At least nothing he didn’t want you to know. Hoseok was an expert of manipulation and lies. You would never know when he would tell the truth, hidden behind that goofy smile of his. He was another fund provider but he was of another kind. He was luckily educated enough to get a job. Only it was easier for him to steal some more than to wait for his actual paycheck.
Kim Seokjin was surely the less gangster looking of them all. He looked so innocent and would always act like that. But that wasn’t who he really was. He surely was one of the most fucked up of them all. The man, during the day, was a caring friend and father to an illegitimate son, but at night was working with Namjoon to make some extra cocaine in the improvised lab in the basement of their shield. Also one of the biggest users of the group.
One of those you still missed the most was Jimin. One of the few, you knew were only made of good intentions. He was sweet with you, even though he knew the limits all too well. Taehyung would not let him approach you too much. Simply because Jimin was the gang’s main money provider as he was literally a hoe. No matter how screwed up it sounded, that little lamb was selling himself to older ladies, widowed for the most parts, who were lonely and seeking the warmth of a young and adventurous man. Anything you would ask for, Jimin was your man.
You would turn out to be closer to the youngest member. The one ‘still in training’ . Jeon Jungkook was your age, barely 17, when he entered the place. He came in about 6 months before you started your thing with Taehyung and he was yet learning how to sell discreetly enough not to get caught. You grew up to lean on him so much whenever Taehyung wasn’t there. He would soon become your best friend for who you cared way too much. Even though he counted for you and you found it pitiful that he was in the situation he was in, being the son of a rich man but who was neglected so much that it was unbearable to him, your heart belonged to someone else.
Kim Taehyung had kidnapped it long ago now. Even to this day, he still had it.
His case was different. He was the only one with real blood on his hands. Even though he had previously faced his crimes and they were recalled as legitimate defense, Taehyung had still murdered someone. He had killed his stepdad after he got home drunk and started beating his mother. After that, he had no choice, he had to provide for his family. His mom and little brother needed to be fed and that was why Kim Taehyung was a drug dealer.
Even though you learned why he started dating you, you knew he started to grow real feelings when he would start to save money, on the side, for your future. On top of financing his mother’s apartment and dispenses, he wanted you two to start a life that would be yours. He was more caring than you could have imagined. You would come home to school to countless flowers , on the weeks when things were goods for the gang. Not any flowers. Your favorite.
White roses.
So pure, so innocent, in contrast to what things really were. That became your running gag. Whatever was happening there, your love was pure. It was honest.
You really were. And so did you thought he was.
Things turned out to be darker than they even seemed when they finally got caught. The night the police burst open the door, you were in Taehyung’s bedroom, sound asleep when he was in the living room with the boys. Out of reflex, he ran out to you. He dragged you with him to the basement, whispering what would be his last words to you. ‘ Hide, I’ll come back for you.’
Come back for you.
But he never did. You hide in the guest bedroom of the basement, shaking like crazy. You knew your alibi. If ever they were to get caught, Taehyung had already told you a long time ago to say you were kidnap. None of them would argue that declaration and you would not be held responsible for any crimes they did.
None the less, your heart was throbbing in your chest that night. How could they have been caught? What happened to be their ultimate lost?
You turned your head to the door which had been cracked open by another head you knew too well. Jungkook.
He came to tell you that the police had already taken away Yoongi and Hoseok and that the rest was still a matter of time. You were crying, hearing the sound of Seokjin’s son crying even there in the basement. You held your cries when gunshots were heard. Jungkook helped you calm down by holding you against him before you both heard steps coming down. Afraid more than had even been, you stared at Jungkook before he pushed you hard on the mattress of the guest room and took the covers to tie you up. He whispered to let him do and that it would be for your own good. You trusted him and let him do, hoping that, whatever his plan was, it would get you all out of it.
Once tied up to the bed, he took a piece of the clothe in the closet and wrapped it around his head to make it like he was bind. Then he took a knife to cut himself at a few places, making seem like if he had been fighting. Then he hide the knife under the bed in a small kick of his feet and threw himself on the ground hard, faking to be unconscious. You were surprised but he was clever. It looked like you both were prisoners and he just tried to escape.
Right in time, the police officers arrived and saw you both. Some medics arrive to ‘resurrect’ Jungkook and he played the game so well, you almost believed it. Luckily enough, the police officers believed you both. You looked way too young, both, to be into that and, since you were both from richer families, the alibi of the ‘ hostage for money’ was holding just right.
That is how you escaped. Both you and Jungkook. But nobody else did.
The nightmare was just starting. You were not to see your then boyfriend before the trial, where you had to play the victim, It was you or him and Jungkook had strongly convinced you that it should be you. The both of you.
That’s how you saw all the trials go. One by one. Starting with Hoseok, who got 5 years in prison, firm,  since he was selling heavy drugs. He was taken away and you held your breath when you saw the rest go.
Namjoon got the worst prison sentence of them all, getting close to 10 years for being involved in so many different ways. He was lucky enough he wasn’t condemned for life. Yoongi got 4 years for being Hoseok right hand into selling his heavy drugs.
Seokjin got a different sentence. Being into the drug selling business was one thing, being a huge consumer was another. He got 3 years in prison, for being a small seller of recreative drugs only. But saw his young son being taken away by the social workers. He might have been selling only small drugs but he was consuming such heavy doses of bad ones that the only thought of a child growing with such a father was disturbing for the jury. The scene was heartbreaking, to say the least. Jungkook and you had to witness Seokjin being taken away while his son was crying for him on a bench near a lady that couldn’t give two shits about him. Being the proud father that he was, Seokjin hide his tears and his face, only looking down  with a smile.
Your heart wrenched when you saw Jimin taking the seat near the judge. He was shaking, the poor thing. As he wasn’t really into the drug selling community, but rather into the prostitution system, he got 5 years firm. He was still young and the jury was sweeter on him for some reasons.
The final moment came when you saw the man you loved, the one you were aching for, being condemned as well. You knew it was it. He had been acquainted of murders before. There was no way it couldn’t have an impact on him at that moment. As you guessed right. You were called to testimony against him after an hour of pleading. As you sat on the same seat he previously was, you hide the tears and played the victim. You even thought you saw the hint of a smile on his face. Because he knew.
He knew you would be alright no matter what.
You did your best not to make it seem like they did anything to you. Only a kidnapping and nothing more. You didn’t want to see him being behind the bars for his whole life.
And surprisingly, it worked. As Taehyung was only a recreative drug seller also, he got 5 years open. You didn’t quite understood the law system and only thanked god he wouldn’t be held inside forever.
That’s how you saw the man you thought loved you go inside and call it an end on the two of you.
Once it was all over, you ended up crying on Jungkook’s shoulders. You were out of it all, but to which price?
You still thought fondly of Kim Taehyung for a long time. Even though Jungkook was there with you to make you smile, you missed the person you loved. The man who showed you everything. Who was your first for everything as well.
But Jungkook was really trying. He was hard working at helping you get over the man. It only became so easy when the truth was revealed.
Even to this day, as you dialed Jungkook’s number, you couldn’t help forget the truth from creeping into your mind. “ Hello, love? “ He answered with a sweet voice.
You held the device nervously. “ J-Jungkook? I-I -He-”
You couldn’t help crying and he took a deep breath of panic. “ Is he here again? “ He asked seriously and you could only hum. Jungkook sighed and you heard him raise from what was probably his bed. “ Ok love. Now I want you to stay inside and lock every entry. I’ll use my keys so don’t open to anyone and just stay in your bedroom safely. Hold on, I am coming for you.”
Your hand only started to shake more. “B-But what if he enters the apartment? He could force the lock and you know it.” You were panicking. For so many different reasons.
“ He won’t. He knows that if he tries anything on you, he will be sent back to jail for assault. He is not bright but not dumb to this point.” You heard his car running in the background and you closed your eyes.
The truth was so different from what you had wished it to be. “ I don’t know how I would react if I was to see him this close again.” You admitted. Jungkook knew it too well also.
“ Just remember what he did to you. “ You felt the tears almost running on your cheeks. “ Y/N…” Jungkook called.
“ He cheated on you from the start, love. He was only in for the money, we know it. Please remember what we went through and just hold on. I am coming for you. “
The coffee in your hands seemed to be colder than the rain outside. You held onto it like it would actually warm up your soul. Like it could make it revive after all the atrocious things you witnessed. Like it could put you back together.
It could not, and you knew it. You were just standing at that same place. The same you would come every Friday after work. To get the same coffee. Out of all the stress that happened, you consoled yourself into some small comfort acts that reminded you that life wasn’t all that bad. Your little coffee was your little treat to yourself and now, after so many years, even the employees knew you by heart. “ Y/n.” You heard Jaeyoon say, your favorite waitress. “ Do you want another warm cup instead? This one has been getting colder and colder and you’ve been staring at that window for hours.”  You had no ideas why today things seemed to be so strange.
“ N-No it’s alright, I’m okay for now. I am just waiting for my friend to arrive.” You said as you still took a sip of your now cold beverage.  She smiled and cleaned up the small crumbs of the muffin you ate a bit earlier.
“ Oh, is your boyfriend coming to pick you up because of the rain? “ She said with a cute smile. You blushed almost instantly.
“ N-No. Jungkook is not my boyfriend. We are just really close pals, that’s all.” She hummed, not believing you for one second. “I swear. “
She giggled and raised her hands up in the sky. “ Didn’t say anything. You are the one assuming I was talking about him.” She said with the smile of a kid.  “It’s still kind of him to always pick you up whenever it rains. Doesn’t he run a company or something now? If a man drops everything just to give you a ride, you better marry him, that’s all I am saying. Even more when the rides come in a Ferrari.”
You chuckled at her and stared at your hands. Yeah. Things had changed.
After that night where you were both caught in the house as ‘ hostages,’ you took it as an opportunity to get back to your more ‘normal ‘ life. This little thing turned out to be only Jungkook’s teenage’s years rebellion. He eventually came back to his parents and made peace with them, allowing him to be back into the family business. The fact he was ‘kidnapped’ played on his parent’s mind, as they really thought he would never run away on his own and they gave him everything he ever wanted.
As for you, it took the final blow to discourage you of that lifestyle. The final blow came under the name of a woman.
As you tried to find who might have blown out the boy’s landmark, you stepped on a big flaw in their system. When you went back to the apartment to get whatever you could back before the police close down the place, Jungkook made a discovery that would change your life forever.
You took everything you could. Even some things belonging to Taehyung himself to keep a memory of him during the time he would be away. You would be able to faint into the scent of the man you love before you go to sleep, simply by sleeping in his clothes.
However, among many items, Jungkook took the boys electronic devices. He wanted to know as well who sold them all out and that’s when everything became clearer.
When he checked through Taehyung’s tablet, he got directly sent into his email and easily found out the cause of your link to him.
Turns out the innocence of your love was coming far behind many other things for him.
Everything you believed in. You, him, it all crumbled at the sight of one email.
I can’t wait to see you. How many time before you finally sell that bitch and come back to me? I can’t wait to feel your hands caress me like you use to do. The bed of the apartment is so cold without you. Please, be quick. I know you got a good price for her but it shouldn’t take that long.
I’ll keep waiting.
You didn’t need to know more. First, it was clear as water now that he never really loved you, no matter how much you did. All along he had been playing with you. With your feelings. Why for?
Well, Jungkook only had to make a few more research to prove you that Taehyung had been kept in touch with a prostitution network and that he had indeed been receiving offers for his most valuable asset; you.
All that for what? So he could join that whore of his with the money he would have made on your behalf.
When the news broke, you felt like the stupidest of girls to even having believed in love and in him all along. But there was no time for pity.
As of that very moment, standing alone in that coffee for the only person you knew ever really cared for you, you were scared.
Because you knew what he was after.
It wasn’t your love, it wasn’t anything else than to sell you. That was why Jungkook wanted you to stay away. Even though they couldn’t really bring that evidence back to the court and add it to his sentence, you knew it was better to stay the hell away from that man.
And to suppress him from your memory completely.
“ Can you watch over my things, sweety? I will just head to the bathroom before Jungkook arrives. “You said to your friend and waitress while you raised. She smiled at you and nodded.
Even if she knew you said no, she still took over herself to make you a new coffee, hotter this time, as you walked through the almost empty coffee shop until you reached the back store and, finally, the bathroom.
Once in there, you did your business and looked at the reflection in the mirror. Those eyes of yours reflected the exact same pain. Nothing really changed. You were just as scared as the night it all happened. You were as afraid of him coming back into your life than the day you found out his heart was never really yours.
That girl, standing in front of you was an idiot and so she never really changed. Even after 3 years and numerous therapies.
You took over yourself to go back to the front of the shop. As you passed by the backstore to finally enter the front of the shop, you only saw another person, leaving the place with a black hoodie over his head. You only saw his back and he walked through the rain like if it was nothing. You frowned, not really acknowledging the man for he was nobody to you.
You smiled at Jaeyoon as she stood behind her counter with that same usual drink of yours in between her hands. “ Here you go. I made it extra hot so it won’t fail on you, slow drinker.” She teased you and you smiled. Thanking her, you searched for money in your pockets. “ Oh no, it’s on the house. I feel generous today.” She said with a small wink.
You giggled and took the hot drink with a grin. “ Must be my lucky day then.”
Jaeyoon couldn’t stop that smile on her face. “ Indeed. “ She headed her head towards the table where you left your things and your eyes widened at the sight of what was standing in front of you. “ Looks like that boyfriend of yours got some competition.”
You walked slowly to the table, mouth hanging open as you finally stood close enough to grab the white rose left on the table. You examined it closely, making it swirl in between your fingers endlessly. Jaeyoon was laughing at you from afar. You suddenly turned to her, panic written in your eyes. “ Jaeyoon, who dropped this? “
She stopped laughing when she saw the serious look on your face. “The man who just left. He entered the shop and asked for you. I said you were to the bathroom and then he dropped the flower and exited before you came back. Must be a shy one.”
You weren’t in the mood to play. You knew the meaning of the flower and it froze your blood right through your vein. Without thinking twice, you took your cell phone and dialed the same number you now knew by heart at the speed of light. You took all your things rapidly and walked for the door. “ Thank you, Jaeyoon, I’ll see you next week.”
You paced back and forth through Jungkook’s bedroom as he was only sitting on the edge of the bed. Ever since he picked you up, through the rain halfway through the way to his apartment, he seemed to be really nervous. “ That’s the same rose he used to give me back then, Kookie.” You said afraid.
The man was staring at your legs in an absent-minded way as you were walking around. “ He can’t be that stupid.” Jungkook raised, out of a sudden and walked to you to stop you. He did so by grabbing your face with both of his hands. “ Y/N, listen to me.” You stopped breathing so fast and finally looked at him. “ It’s going to be okay.” You searched through his eyes as he was saying this. He couldn’t really hide the fact he was himself dead nervous. “ I won’t let him get close to you again.” You cracked a smile and nodded slowly.
Jungkook stayed like that for a while, his thumbs just foundling on your cheek, soothing your skin carefully. “ I thought it was over. “ You said with a deep sigh. He bit the inner of his cheek. “ I thought that would be it. That whenever he would be out he wouldn’t come after me. You know, that he would just forget it all. “ You frowned and looked down. “ I really thought this part of our lives was behind us.”
Jungkook pulled you into a hug. “ It is love. “ He said, his face in your hair. You got accustomed to his closeness over the years but you never felt him acting this way before. He seemed to be taking long sniffs through your hair and you just lay your face flat on his chest as he did so. “ If ever he gets close to you again, I will call the police. He can’t come and destroy what we’ve taken so long to built.” There, at this precise sentence, you frowned.
You pushed on his chest a little, only to face him better. “ Jungkook? What are you talking about exactly? “  He stared back at you with such passion that you felt like you would melt. Slowly, this position became uncomfortable and you felt the need to pull away but he didn’t let you. “ J-Jungkook.” You warned him as you tried to push on him again.
“ Y/N.” His voice had lowered of a few octaves. “ Don’t tell me you don’t feel it.” You froze.
Your heart had stopped. Was he really referring to this? To what you were thinking about? “Feeling what? “ You asked and he bit his lower lip.
“ Us. “ He finally let go. Little did you know, the man had struggled with this urge to confess for over years. “ Y/N” Suddenly, his voice was softer. “ I know this is sudden. But you can’t be so oblivious to my feelings towards you. Surely you must have realized that I had them for longer than I could remember. “ You tried to liberate yourself again before it turned bad.
“ Jungkook, don’t.” You whispered, closing your eyes tightly. The man was tightening his jaw, his nose suddenly tickling yours.
“ No, I need to, Y/N” He warned you. You opened your eyes, only to see him so close to you. His hands grabbed your waist. “ I need you to know at last.” You felt like if you were about to faint.
It couldn’t be happening. Jungkook didn’t own your heart. At least not that way. Even though it was hard to admit, the one that owned it was still the same than 3 years ago and it wouldn’t change.
Jungkook was a good friend to you. A friend you could rely on. But nothing more. You never considered him as a potential lover. Neither did you consider any other for that matter.
“ I love you, Y/N” His voice was nothing more than a painfully dragged whisper and your eyes closed in the struggle of the declaration. “ I have for so long.” He nervously chuckled. “I don’t even know how you never realized this.” He said. One of his hands came to your jaw and raised it up so he could almost kiss you but you turned your head just in time.
His lips landed on your cheek and he remained like that, nose poking your soft skin. “ Please, don’t. “ You whispered again. You didn’t want him to go all the way. “ Don’t screw it all up.”
Jungkook let out a dry laugh. “ Screw it all up? Me? Come on, you know me better than this. I’ve been with you, helping you get over that cheating bastard for over 3 years now. Never have I tried anything by respect for you. I was getting so close. So close to finally have you and now he comes back, everything changes again. “ You frowned. You could see he was pissed off by the fact you were rejecting him but you couldn’t help it.
Your voice was nothing more than a cracked whistle, carried by the emotion of your pain. “ You are a nice man. You will be the perfect boyfriend, Jungkook.” You said. “I am just not ready for this.”
Out of a sudden outburst of emotion, Jungkook grabbed your face strongly and made you look at him. “ Not ready? “ You feared him most now that he was hurting you and you grabbed his forearms, trying to pull them away from you.
“Jungkook, you are hurting me.” You said and he didn’t care.
“ I’ve been waiting for over 3 fucking years for you. I’ve done everything I could to make you forget that dirty pass and make you fall for me instead. I am always there for you, whenever you clap your finger I will be there. Tell me. Tell me what does it take for you to love me back? Tell me and I’ll obey. I just can’t handle it anymore, Y/N.”  
Without letting you the choice this time, he planted his rough lips on yours and you whimper under the pain of the shock. You felt absolutely nothing but disgust for the person you thought to be your friend. You should have felt butterfly in the stomach if ever you had loved him. But you didn’t.
You pushed harder on him than you ever did and that was surprisingly enough for him to let you go. “ Jungkook! “ You yelled at him and, without warning, you slapped his cheek. “ What are you doing? “ You yelled at him as tears fell down your cheeks.
Jungkook stared at the ground, his hand caressing his reddened cheek. “ I am trying to make you realize the chance you are losing, love.” He whispered but you still understood it perfectly. He kept his head angled to the ground, even though he raised his eyes. “ If it’s time that you need, fine, I’ll give you plenty. Matter of fact, we’ll have eternity just the two of us.” He said as he tried to walk back to you. You didn’t let that happen and stepped back. “Just let me call you mine. I am sure you can learn to love me over time, Y/N.” He looked down again. “ I am sure you already do but you can’t realize it.”
You saw how pained your friend was but you couldn’t help it. “ You hurt me, Jungkook. “ You repeated the phrase you said while he was still holding you. “ How do you expect me to give you a chance when you just hurt me? I told you I wasn’t ready. You can’t expect me to just forget about my first lo-”
“So it’s really still about him? “ He said harshly. “ Even after all this time. Even after all he had done? Didn’t you get enough? What more do you need? Should he had fucked that bitch in front of your two eyes for you to understand that he wasn't, and still isn’t, the right one?” You clenched your jaw and he understood that he trespassed the line. “ Oh my god, I am so sorry, Y/N, that’s not what I meant-”
He tried- oh so desperately- to reach out to you. His hand only met the void of the space growing between you both. Your mouth was open only because of the lack of words you had. You couldn’t believe your ears. Those words would never have come from your friend.
You turned to the bedroom’s exit and through the kitchen and living room. Jungkook followed you and you couldn’t hold back the tears anymore. They were free falling on your cheeks and, even once you turned to him near the door, they wouldn’t stop. “ Y/N, I am really sorry, that’s not what I meant. I just dreamt of that moment for so long. I messed up. You deserved a beautiful-”
“Keep that crap for yourself Jungkook. “You replied harshly. “I thought you were my friend. “
He seemed so in pain and you were also. “ I am. “ He tried to take your hand but you withdraw them rapidly. “ But is it too much to want to be more as well? After all, that happened. After all, we went through together? “
You closed your eyes and shook your head. “ Goodnight, Jungkook.” You turned to the door and he was about to hold the door closed not to let you go before you turned to him. “You hurt me, Jungkook. I could have gotten over the fact that you tried to step that line or that you loved me for so long but not that. I am sorry. “
You stepped out of the door and Jungkook didn’t catch up to you, for the first time in 3 years. He felt bad about himself. He felt bad for being such a bad friend, for screwing up a friendship that had lasted so long and to hurt the only person he really loved. He really hated himself for everything.
Your clothes were almost as drenched as your cheeks from your tears. You wondered, for a few minutes while you were walking in the rain, what you had done to deserve what was happening to you. What have you done, in these 17 first years of your life to deserve enough hate and bad luck directed right at you?
Now you felt more alone than ever before. Because the only person you were looking up to was confessing to you feelings you knew you couldn’t return. You should never have found Kim Taehyung. You should never have fallen in love with him and meet with all the other boys, including Jungkook. It should never have happened.
With a saddened heart, you turned the door of your apartment open. The first thing that welcomed you, apart from the dark of the night invading your small piece area, was the dripping sound coming from the actual inside. You frowned and closed the door behind you.
In a used motion, you threw your purse on the ground, letting your phone ring as you supposed it would only be Jungkook, calling you, again, to apologize, You closed your eyes, listening to the sound of the rain hitting your windows and you concentrated, realising that the sound seemed oddly too clear to be heard from the inside. You made sure to lock the door behind you, just to be safe, before you ambled to the living room where you panicked at the view in front of you. “ Shit. “ You cursed to yourself before you rushed to the open window to close it before too much water enters your apartment.
You sighed in despair when you felt your feet drenched with water. There was a little lake near the window and you cursed at yourself for not thinking about closing the window before leaving that day. It was not raining in the morning and you thought it would actually be a good idea to let a bit of air enter the place. But the thing that was bothering you at that moment was that you let it open of a few inches. Now it was wide open.
“ Did you receive my flower? “
You choked on the saliva stuck in your throat. That voice, you shouldn’t hear it anymore. It shouldn’t feel so painfully soothing to hear the voice of your ex after such a long period of time. Even less when he was a drug dealer, a cheater and a criminal probably just there to kidnap you and sell you off.
You closed the window in one go and sighed. You held your tears, fighting against them like a real warrior. You maybe should have stayed with Jungkook. Maybe it was the right thing to do. Now you were paying the price karma was imposing on you for letting your friend’s hopes down.
You didn’t want to see Kim Taehyung again. You didn’t want to. You only closed your eyes, hoping to turn around and realize it was just a dream. But when you finally did, you saw the shadow of the man standing right in front of you.
He was wearing a leather jacket with another vest underneath. The hoodie of the vest was above his head but, even in the darkness, you could see that he was drenched. You recognized the form of his face, only he looked a lot more built than before. And taller. Shit, you were doomed to be dead by the end of the week or in some whorehouse in another country.
“W-What are you doing here?” You asked with a shaking voice. He seemed tensed at your reply and you stiffed as well. You looked at the entry, judging if ever you had the time to possibly run to the phone and call someone.
“ What do you mean I-”
“ I will call the police if you don’t leave.” You warned, almost yelling. You wished that one of your neighbors might hear and do it for you, actually.  Maybe not the old, and almost deaf old lady next door, but the family living downstairs might.
Taehyung froze and then took out his drenched hoodie. You saw that he was back to his natural hair color, dark brown, and you recognized his eyes, filled with a feeling of affection. It only added pain to the actual debate. “Y/N” Your name was rolling so much swifter on his tongue. “ What is wrong, Y/N? I am back as I promised. I came back for you. “
You wanted to tear apart each one of your hair one by one. Almost peel the skin from your face due to the insanity he was making you feel. Taehyung licked his lips and made a step towards the light of the moonlight, towards you.
“Don’t you dare come closer. I swear I will scream and they will put you back where you belong.” You could see it in his face now that it was easier to see him in general. He was utterly hurt.
He frowned and tilted his head, searching for answers. “ W-What did I do? “ You were shocked by his question. “ I am not proud of what I’ve done. But what did I do for you not to visit even once? Not to write to me? I’ve missed you with all my heart, Y/N , I-”
“Taehyung, shut up!” You yelled at him, Tears were now falling again. What were you? A real fountain?
He bit his lower lip, in resentment for the pain you were feeling. “ Y/N.” He whispered and you let it go.
“ I was such an idiot. Such a stupid and naive idiot.” You said looking around. Everywhere but in his eyes. He did another step but you looked at him in warning.  “ Don’t make a single step further. “
You wanted to be strong and intimidating. But you weren’t. He stared at you and you looked back at him. “ I’ve really missed you Y/N. You have no idea much I’ve dreamt of the day I would be able to hold you in my arms again. It felt like an eternity.”
You clenched your jaw and stared at him. “Cut the bullshit now, Kim Taehyung. I have not the strength to play your little games anymore. Not today.” You looked at him and swore he actually looked even more confused than you.
You wouldn’t deny it, you actually wanted to jump right at his neck and kiss the hell out of him. But that would the stupidest of things to do. “ Can you tell me what this is all about? I don’t under-”
You exploded. “ Ah, you don’t understand asshole? You think the police and Jungkook didn’t find your little game? You are lucky enough I didn’t press charges against you, don’t come back to me for more.” He was starting to be just as pumped up as you were.
“What little game? Found what? For god’s sake, I don’t understand a thing! “ You realized both your voices had raised of a few octaves as well.
“ Please stop this, Taehyung. This is hurting me okay? I know why you are here tonight. I know where you want to take me. “ You sighed and erased a few tears with the back of your hand as you sniffed. “ I know this was all a masquerade. You don’t have to fake it anymore.”
This time, he burst out in anger. “ What the hell is this all about? I swear to god I will be the one screaming soon if you don’t explain where this disgust for me came from in the next minute. “ He was now the one holding his tears and you knew it by his changing expressions.
You scoffed and crossed your arms over your chest. A vain and last try for you to protect yourself. “ So you will tell me you have no idea what this is all about? Cut the crap Taehyung. Jungkook found it all, he showed it to me. I know you were cheating all along and that you only wanted to sell me off to some prostitution mafia guy for money. You can go back to your whore now. “ He widened his eyes at once.
“W-What ? “ He asked confused. “W-Wait, what? “
You rolled your eyes and walked past by him to reach your phone when you realized it wouldn’t lead anywhere. “ I can’t believe you still want to hurt me after all this time. “
The next thing you know, you were pinned tightly against the wall, him so close to you, you could smell the scent that you missed so damn much for the past 3 years. “ So this is why you never came.” He gulped hard at the proximity you both now shared. “ This bastard made you believe I was cheating on you? “
You stared into those eyes that were only reminding you of so many memories. “ Don’t call Jungkook a bastard. He was the only one there to save me. I just regret I didn’t reply to his confession a bit earlier. I wouldn’t be here with you right now.“ You said in between your teeth.
Taehyung seemed to be mad as hell. “I swear I will kill this boy. “ You could read the threats in his eyes and they were real.
“If you only lay a finger on him, I swear I will accuse you of so many things you won’t be able to get out of this fucking jail before you’re 80.” He let out a tear escape and you stare at it rolling the length of his handsome face.
He was fighting it so much. Just like you. “ Please tell me you don’t believe all of that.” He whispered, only to the both of you, even though you were alone in the room. Only the thunder outside could be heard.
“ Of course I believe the truth. They were proofs. “ You said at once. He sadly smiled and stared at your lips.
“ I swear on my mother’s head that this isn’t the truth. Matter of fact, this loser has been the one lying to you all along.” You tilted your head to the side, questioning his last reply.
“ Stop all of this, Taehyung. This is over now, okay? I am giving you one last chance to leave without me calling the police now. Please don’t make it harder. “ You closed your eyes, wishing that he would take the opportunity to leave.
“I am not going anywhere. “ He said at once and placed his forehead on yours. “ I am not the man he made me ought to be. “ You gulped and finally stared at his eyes, oh so close.
Your voices were both barely above a whisper now. “ There is no need to lie, Tae.” You said and you wanted to slap yourself for calling him that again.
He cracked a smile through the tears. “ I missed you calling me that. “ He actually looked so vulnerable. Almost like a lost puppy only so happy to finally find back his master. “ Please. “ You frowned. “ Say it again.”
It was making your heartache. “ No, Taehyung. You need to leave. Jungkook will probably come by any second. “ That made him frown in disapprobation.
“ Then so be it. I will teach him a lesson. After he sold us all he now dares to lie to you just to finally have you for himself. There is no way I am letting that go that easily. “ You gasped and exhaled dramatically.
“W-What? Sold who? I don’t-”
“It was him, Y/N.” You felt like the air in your lungs had been taken away. “ Jungkook is the one who sold us to the police against the guarantee he wouldn’t be incarcerated. Since he was the youngest and he didn’t legally commit any crimes yet, he was acquainted with the circumstances of his collaboration with the police. “
You felt like your whole words had fallen apart. “ N-No, it’s impossible. H-He took care of me all these years… he is not mean. “
“ Every man does his things for a reason, Y/N. “ Taehyung continued his forehead still against yours. “ The night before it happened. He told me about his feelings for you. We got into a small fight. Since he was only a small boy, it was easy to contain him but he got his way, as I should have realized.”
You shook your head. “ No. “ You continued. “ It’s impossible. I can’t believe that. You are lying. What tells me that this is true? “
Taehyung cracked a small smile. “ I came back for you. Like I promised. I am not a liar.”
“ Then, if you knew it all along, why didn’t you say a thing at the court? “
“It wouldn’t have changed a thing. He had his deal with them, I told you.” You hummed and looked at him.
“How can I believe you? How can I know what you say is real? “ He frowned and sighed. His bang was hiding a part of his eyes from your sight but you could still see him.
The grab on your wrist suddenly loosened and he backed off. You frowned as you felt like a small deception when you felt him getting away. “ You can believe what you want, Y/N.” He looked utterly deceived and hurt. “ You can call him to verify. You can call the police and get me back in if you wish. “ You gasped at this. “ As for me, I’d rather go back inside if the only reason I held on all these years doesn't even believe in me anymore. “
You massaged your wrist and stared at the man in front of you. He seemed so pitifully stuck by the fact you didn’t know what to believe. “ Just do what you feel is right. “ He added and looked down.
What you felt was right? Hell, what was it? Calling the cops? No, a part of you definitely couldn’t. Calling Jungkook? After what just happened, you didn’t want to and a part of you kind of believed in the fact that he might be more to blame than he looked like. What was right to do?
Following your heart. That was the right thing to do. And following your heart you did. In the tantrum of a heart, you breathed heavily and separated the distance between the two of you. Finally, be reunited. That was what you felt was right.
Taehyung was surprised by your reaction but welcomed you with open arms when you hugged him tightly. You cried heavily into his chest and he held you tighter, kissing the top of your head repeatedly. He let out some sobs as well as it was finally about time for your reunion.
3 years had passed yet the passion was still running. You actually didn’t care if he was saying the truth. For the time of a night, your heart needed to believe it was the truth. Even if it would hurt either way. Even if the issue would be dramatic, the right moment you held your love back, felt like the world started turning again.
You were crying so hard when he cupped your face softly and pushed you away from his chest to look at you. Without the hesitation of a single second, he caressed your lips with the passion of his love and you melted in what seemed to you to be the climax of your life.
Hand in your locks, Taehyung pulled you closer to an extreme you never estimated him to. He was missing you. He was needing you. He had been for the past 3 years. Every day and with every breath, he was taking. That was the only thing going through his head that night as he was finally claiming your lips again as his. As they should be.
Your hand was placed on his chest when he finally caressed your neck with his finger. You shivered and clenched on his shirt, pulling him down a little by the same time. He used that time to kiss your neck softly. You moaned in the motion. It was oh so divine. You needed him.
Nobody touched you ever since he went away. Even though there were nights you felt alone and you wanted to be touched and touch someone, you kept yourself and a night like this one actually gave a whole meaning to the reasons why you did so.
You pushed on his wet leather coat before it landed on the ground, along with the hoodie attached to it. He was now only in a gray shirt and his jeans. You pressed yourself tighter to him.
“ You are so precious to me. “  He suddenly said and you sniffed the pain away, in pure happiness. It felt like heaven to finally be reunited. Even just for the time of a night.
His kisses were soft and passionate, making you recall the good old days where being in his embrace was part of your routine. Eager to kiss him again, you cupped his face and pulled him closer, taking his lips in with fervor.
You pulled harder on his shirt, leading the both of you into your bedroom by kicking the door open and kidnapping him for the time of a night. His hands were shaky but just as needy as yours. You both looked like you really needed this release, just as much physically as mentally.
Your hands traveled the length of his torso, making him groan in the kiss. He was such a good kisser, making you quiver under his skillful tongue. Your legs were giving in and you quickly raised his shirt up. He got the message and rapidly stopped kissing you, only to take it away.
As soon as his shirt was out of the way, he turned to your and started it off by kissing your jaw and neck. He was going lower and slowly unbuttoned your white shirt. As one button was down, his kisses went down as well. He followed the way of the buttons long gone, replacing the heat of the silky shirt by the heat of his kisses.
You couldn’t help but moan and let him do. You dreamed of that for so long. He was sending you to heaven with the slightest of touches.
Once all the buttons were gone and his kisses were tickling your belly button, he raised back up, looked into your eyes so deeply as he softly pushed on the hanging silky fabric hanging on your shoulders to make it fall the length of your arms to the ground.
Now you were both almost naked from the top. “ I’ve missed you so damn much, Y/N.” He whispered before he swiftly pushed away the straps of your bra. It remained in place only due to your breast and main clip at the back but Taehyung used that time to kiss the length of your shoulder to your neck. Repeating that line over and over again until you felt the urge burning down your panties.
“T-Tae.” You moaned and he stopped kissing your neck to look at you.
He had the biggest of smiles. “ Say it. “ He was so happy to hear you call him that.” Say it over and over again.” He kissed you rapidly and you giggled.
“Tae.” You whispered against his lips. “Tae.” You whispered again. The more you were saying it, the more his kisses were eager. You did so until he bent down and grabbed both of your legs to make them wrap around his waist.
“I’ll make you moan it so loud you won’t forget it. “ You blushed when he lay you down on the mattress, almost intently hovering you with his hot body. “ So you won’t forget me.” With that and one hard pull on the bra, he broke the front and threw it away.
“H-How can I not remember?" You moaned as he immediately cupped one of your breasts and went down to suck on it vigorously. His tongue was divine, turning around your mountain like if he was dying to taste it. You arched your back and let him do that for a good moment.
“Do you remember how good it felt? How much we loved each other? “ He whimpered as his hand started to doze around the edge of your jeans. You gulped and nodded.
“I do.” You said. He looked at you with a smile.
“I want to feel it again. I want to feel it forever.” You felt like the tears of happiness were close so you closed your eyes as you felt him twitch with the buttons of the jeans.
One motion after the other, you both were only with underwear and you were dying to taste more of him, to be filled by that love that you missed so dearly.
After feeling his kisses covering the entire totality of your body, you grabbed his face and pulled him closer to your face to feel his mouth at the main place where you needed him; on yours.  He straddled you with his arms and sank down to your mouth. He devoured it as if it was his. Because that was his dearest wish.
You could feel his erection making friction against your thigh, giving you shivers to the spine. “T-Tae.” You whispered against his mouth as his erection was coming closer to your womanhood by the second. Even though he was visibly excited, he didn’t seem to be rushing things the way you wanted him to. “I-I can’t handle it. I-I need you.” You whined into his ear and he bit his lips, trying to hold himself up.
It was stronger than him, he was strongly stroking his member on you. Each time it seemed to be bigger. You wished it wouldn’t be just dry humping. You wanted to feel the real thing. You wanted him in already. You tried to pull down your own panties but he held your hand. “ Hold up, Y/N.”
You gasped and looked into his eyes. “ I-I don’t have anything to protect us and-” You cut him with a smile and a kiss.
“I don’t fucking care. “ He widened his eyes. In all the times you did it together, you guys always protected yourself. “ D-Did you had anyone after me?” You wondered and he was quick on his answer.
“ No. I could never.” You cracked and smile and nodded.
“Neither could  I.” You admitted. He smiled so widely.
Taehyung kissed you so passionately that you almost drowned in all his affection. “ Do you still love me, Y/N? “ He asked excitedly.
You gulped and stared at him while he caressed your face. You couldn’t answer due to the words stock in your throat but you nodded. He attacked your lips right away and before you knew it, his fingers were playing with the elastic of your panties as his boxers were thrown away somewhere.
He slowly slid the small piece of tissue the length of your legs sensually, making you shudder with pleasure. He played with the piece of tissue before throwing it away. You were now both naked and eager to consume that untouched love you conserved for so long.
Taehyung sank in to kiss the inner side of your legs. Working all the way up from your ankle to the edge of your personhood, he kissed it better. You closed your eyes, enjoying the pleasure and awaiting the pain of finally feeling something entering you after so long.
But instead of directly going for the long run, Taehyung turned his head to your womanhood and gave a tentative lick. You gasped and quivered under the sudden sensation. He smiled and did it yet again. You liked it more than you’d like to admit and, when his tickling tongue was replaced by the avid suction of his lips, you closed your eyes, finally seeing a deliverance coming.
He was working on the exact spot you needed to. As he was sucking on it, almost french kissing it, his tongue traced 8 figures on your already sore clit. You shook by a sudden pulsation of desire after a few seconds and looked down at your long lost lover to see him working so hard that he was only looking at your core.
“T-Tae, you are making me go fucking crazy.” You admitted as he extended the reach of his tongue to the entrance of your cavern. He was teasing it like never before, going up and down and poking the very entrance like if he could actually penetrate the whole thing with his tongue only.
But hell, he did. He pushed his tongue in and you opened your mouth while arching your back. You felt a rush of desire kick in and some liquid coming down your thighs. He was lapping it like a real puppy and you couldn’t close your mouth. He was tasting the very inside your you core and yet, you wanted more. “P-Please, Tae, I need you so damn much.” You whispered but he understood.
Hell, he couldn’t hold it anymore himself. Giving himself a few pump, he placed his hard junior at your entrance, threatening to impale you the very next second he would move. “ If only you’d know how much I love you, Y/N.” He said right before he pushed himself inside you.
It was a whole new sensation for the both of you. The sensation of him directly into you was so good, you moaned instantly. “ I’ve been dreaming to feel this again for over 3 years.” He whispered into your ear as he pushed himself deeper into you. It felt like he was discovering new limits with each inch. You waited for him to fully be into you before relaxing. “ You are so much tighter than I remembered.” He admitted, kissing your earlobe.
You used this angle to also kiss his neck. “I’ve been waiting for you, that is why.” He groaned and you felt him twitch inside of you due to the remark. “ Ahh-”
“ Y/N.” He groaned your name hard as he pushed himself in and out of you for the first time. “ Why does it feels like fucking heaven.” He cursed and you knew he wouldn’t last long before he would lose control.
Indeed, he was too eager for your love, for your touches, to wait so long. He started to thrust into you and you milked his cock almost right away to the new sensation of him nude inside of you.
He was consuming a love both of you had to turn away for the sake of your mind. But never did it felt this good to taste the fruit of desire. Numerous times, Taehyung had to content himself with his hand and the very thought of your presence next to him. That was the wildest things could go and that was on his lucky days. How he wished to be able to do the little things he used to do with you.
If he knew he was in love with you before he was arrested, he became sure that you were his soulmate the minute he had to leave your side. The very thought was hard for him but to actually do it, it was a real torture. Each day, for over 3 years now, he satisfied his need of love to the thought of the only woman he ever loved; you.
Naturally, the feeling of being inside you was enough to make him come hard but he tried to restrain himself the best he could.
Only, when the thrusts became stronger and you whimpered his name, beseeching him to touch you and do you things he could only dream about, he lost it.
In the matter of a few seconds, the loving and passionate thrusts he was giving you became almost violent, searching to give you both a so desperately needed release. A release of passion, anger, and love you both held back for so long.
“Taehyung!” You yelled out loud when he was devouring your orgasm by giving you yet another one.
“Y/N, I am coming.” He groaned and you held his shoulders to feel him close to you.
“Fill me up. Fill my core completely.” That turned him on enough to give you one last and powerful thrust and you felt something hot filling your womb. You felt the release being complete as he lay on top of you, bringing you closer to him than ever.
Everything seemed perfect that way. Almost if all of what happened never did before. Like if you were never separate, to begin with. After what seemed to be long minutes, he rolled to the side and pulled you to him. You lay your head on his arm, staring at him as he did the same.
“ You honestly are the most marvellous thing that ever happened in my life.” He said with a sweet smile. You cracked one as well and blushed when he pushed a string of hair behind your ear.
“ I told you I’d come back for you.”
You woke up after the 4th time your phone rang. You had left the device at the entrance the night before but you feared the sound of it would eventually wake up Taehyung. As he was the perfect representation of a dream came true, you wanted him to rest. A quick glance at the clock next your bed made realize it was already 7:30 am.
You carefully got out of his embrace and sneak out of the room, right in time to push the right button of your phone before the last ring echoed in the hallway. “Hello? “ You asked quietly and you heard a sigh of release on the other side.
“Y/N, love, you are alright.” You recognized Jungkook’s voice. “ I’ve been trying to call you non-stop since last night. I know you don’t want to see me, but please I just don’t want you to be angry at me. I shouldn’t have acted that way yesterday, I was a real jackass and-”
“Damn right you were.” You scoffed, him not knowing half of what you knew.
“But please don’t be like this, love. Let me take you out for dinner tonight. To make it out to you. We can forget what I did last night. Forget I ever confessed to you. If you need time I’ll give you some, that’s alright.”
You sighed and bite the inside of your cheek. “No, thanks for the invitation but I feel like I’ll have many other things to do tonight. I can’t.”
You heard the silence on the other side of the line and you couldn’t help but smile to yourself. “ What’s going on, love? Please don’t ignore me, I’ll do anything I sw-”
“You have a nice day, Jungkook.” You cut him with a smile and hang out the device.
Whatever was the truth was out of your control but the only thing you could control was your life at the moment. At the moment, you wanted to live a bit more into your fantasy. As long as you could.
The moment you put down the phone on your shoulder, you felt a pair of arms wrap itself around your waist. “ He really called you? “ You hummed and let your phone fall back into your purse before you caressed his arms over your stomach. Taehyung leaned onto your shoulder and embraced you with all his being.
“ He invited me to dinner tonight.” You clarified and Taehyung kissed your shoulder.
“I hope you told him you had other plans. “ You smiled as you realized that desire was also present in his heart. You turned around, his arms still around your waist.
“And what is it already? “ You tilted your head to the side, teasing him.
Taehyung lost little to no time to place his forehead on yours like he always used to do. “ Make up for all the time we lost because of that loser. “ You giggled and smiled widely. “ Be happy, just the two of us. “ He said and kissed the top of your nose. “I’ll bring you back to your favorite places. Create new memories to add to the old ones.”
You felt like teasing him a bit. “ My favorite places? Do you still know them? I changed quite a bit.”
He pecked your lips. “ You only got prettier. You are the same inside. “ He pulled on your hand to go back to bed. “ But if there were things that might have changed, we have the rest of our lives to discover them. For now, I want to sleep a bit more in the arms of the woman I love. It is way too early to wake up. “
Indeed, it was way too early to wake up. Especially when the dream was this sweet.
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redditnosleep · 7 years ago
I'm A Search And Rescue Officer For The US Forest Service, I Have Some Stories To Tell
by searchandrescuewoods.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 (Final)
Hey guys! I'm back from my training op, and I have a lot of really interesting stories to share with you. I've got enough that I'm going to break them up into two parts, this being the first. I'd love to put them all in one entry, but I just haven't had a chance to write them all down yet. I didn't have anything too crazy happen while I was out there, but we did have one incident with a rookie that I found relevant. Since I'm sure you guys have been waiting for these, I'll just get right into the stories. I'll assign each batch of stories to the person who told them to me.
K.D: K. D is a vet who's been an SAR officer for about fifteen years. She specializes in high elevation mountain rescues, and is widely considered one of the best in her field. She was one of the more enthusiastic storytellers, and since we were together a fair amount during exercises, she ended up telling me about four that really stuck with me.
The first she told me in response to my asking about her most traumatic calls. She shook her head and told me that really bad calls happen more frequently on the mountain, since the potential for nasty accidents is higher. About five years ago, one of the parks she worked at had a string of disappearances. It was a bad year, she said, one of the worst on record as far as weather went. They were getting about a foot of new snow every couple of days, and there were a few avalanches that killed some climbers. They'd warned people about staying on the mapped areas, but of course there's always those who don't listen. In one particularly nasty case, an entire family got wiped out because the father decided he knew better than the officials, and he took them out into an area that wasn't safe. They were snowshoeing, and as best K.D could figure, they'd walked onto a shelf of snow that looked solid, but actually wasn't. It gave way, and this family went ass over teakettle almost three hundred feet down a slope. They landed on the rocks at the bottom, and the parents died instantly. One of the kids did as well, but the other two survived. One had a broken leg and fractured ribs, the other was almost unharmed save for some bruising and a sprained ankle. The uninjured child left his sibling behind and set out to find help. K.D said the kid didn't make it more than half a mile before a storm overtook him. Kid stopped to try and get warm, or maybe just to rest, and ended up freezing to death. They ended up finding the family with the help of some witnesses who saw them heading out into the wilderness, and she was the one to find the kid who'd frozen to death looking for help. She said it had started to snow, just enough to obscure long-distance vision, but not enough to make searching impossible. She saw a figure sitting in the snow up ahead, and she got to it as quickly as possible. She described, in detail, how as she got closer, she realized first that it was a child, second that they were deceased, and third that they had frozen in one of the most pitiful positions she's ever found a corpse in. The kid was sitting upright, with his knees tucked up against his chest. His arms were curled around them, and his head was tucked up in his coat. When she moved the coat to look at his face, she saw that he'd died crying. His face was twisted, and the tears were frozen on his cheeks. She said it was painfully obvious that the kid was terrified when he succumbed to hypothermia, and as a mother, it broke her heart. She told me, repeatedly, that she hopes the father is burning in hell as we speak.
The other traumatic story she told me that stood out, in my mind, was one that happened when she was a rookie. Her team got a report of an experienced climber who hadn't come home the previous day. His wife was convinced that something bad had happened, because he'd never failed to come home on time. They went out looking for him, and had to climb what sounded like some very technically challenging parts of the mountain. They got to a relatively flat area, and K.D started seeing blood in the snow. She followed the trail, and as she went, she started seeing little bits of tissue. She wasn't sure exactly what body part it had come from, but the farther she followed it, the more there was. She follows this blood-and-tissue trail to a sheltered area under a cliff face, and she finds the climber. She said there was so much blood, more than she'd ever seen before. He was lying face down, one arm stretched in front of him, as if he'd died crawling. She looks closer, and sees that he's been partially disemboweled, which is where the tissue she'd seen had come from. The guy has an ice pick tucked into a hip holster, and it's covered in blood. Of course, they'll never be sure exactly what happened, but she said as best she can figure, this is what went down: The guy had been attempting to climb up to the next area, and had been using his ice ax to ascend. He'd probably hit a loose patch, and had fallen. On the way down, or possibly when he landed, he'd gotten impaled by the ax, and it had disemboweled him. He'd drug himself along, tearing pieces of himself out as he went, and had died under the cliff face. She isn't terribly bothered by gore, but I guess a few of the guys who came to help her remove the body threw up when they turned him over and a good portion of his intestines spilled out.
I mentioned to her that I was interested in hearing about any experiences she had with people completely disappearing. Her eyes light up, and she leans in close to me. 'Wanna hear a real doozy?' She asks. She tells me about how, when she first started, there was a case that got a lot of attention in the media. A family had been out berry picking in an area of the forest very close to the entrance of the park. They had two little boys, both under the age of five, and at some point during the day, one of them vanishes. There's an absolutely massive search, and they find absolutely nothing. It's another of those cases where it's like the kid was never there in the first place. The dogs just sit down and don't pick up on anything, no trace of the kid is found. The search goes on for about two months, but is eventually called off. Fast forward to six months later. The family comes back to place flowers at a memorial that's been set up there for the kid. They bring their other son. While they're placing the flowers, they lose sight of the kid for about three seconds, and in that span of time he vanishes into thin air. Now obviously, the parents are beyond devastated. It's awful enough to lose one child, but to lose two is beyond imagining. The search is huge, one of the largest in state history. There are about three hundred volunteers combing every inch of this park, looking for the kid. But again, there's no trace of him. The search goes on for about a week, with people looking miles from the part of the park he vanished from. And then, almost two weeks later, a volunteer almost fifteen miles from the designated search area radios in that he's found the kid. They assumed that the kid was dead, but the volunteer says he's not only alive, he's in good shape. K.D and her team go out to recover the kid, and when they get there, she can't believe that this is the kid that's been missing. His clothes are clean, there's no dirt on him anywhere, and he doesn't appear traumatized. The volunteer says he found the kid sitting on a log, playing with a little twig bundle that's bound together with some old rope. K.D asks him where he's been, who he was with for those two weeks, and the kid tells her that he's been with 'the fuzzy man'. Now K.D firmly believes in Bigfoot, so she gets all excited and asks what he means by fuzzy. Was he hairy? But the kid says no, he wasn't hairy. He was a 'fuzzy man', and he describes a man that's blurry, 'like when you close your eyes but not all the way closed.' He says the man came out of the trees and took the kid with him deep into the woods. The kid says he slept in a hollow tree, and the fuzzy man gave him berries to eat. K.D asks if the man was mean, if he scared the kid, and the kid says 'no, he wasn't scary. but i didn't like how he didn't have eyes.' K.D says they get the kid back to headquarters, and a cop takes him into town to talk to him more about what happened. She's friends with the cop that talked to him, and she said the kid described being kept in this tree by the fuzzy man, and given berries whenever he was hungry. He was allowed to wander around a very specific clearing, but when he tried to go further, the fuzzy man would 'get mad and yell real loud even though he didn't have a mouth'. When the kid got scared at night, the fuzzy man 'made it go brighter' and gave him the twig bundle. He said the fuzzy man was going to keep him, but he had to let him go because the kid wasn't 'the right kind.' He either can't or won't elaborate more on that. The cops are just sort of left scratching their heads, and the search for his brother is renewed with no results. The kid has no idea where his brother might be, and they never find him.
The last story that K.D told me was of something that happened to her when she got separated from her training group when she was a rookie. They were learning the basics of high elevation belaying on a well-mapped side of the mountain, and she had to use the bathroom. She went off about fifty yards from the group during a meal break, and did her business. I'll tell the rest exactly as she told it to me' 'So I go to take a piss, and once I'm done, I start going back to the group. But I've only gotten about five feet when I realize that I have no idea where I am. And this wasn't a 'oh, I got turned around' lost. I mean I had literally no fucking clue where I was. If you'd asked me, I don't even think I'd have been able to tell you what state we were in. It was sort of how I imagine people with amnesia feel, you know? You're completely lost, and you have no idea what to do. So I stood there for a while, just trying to figure out where the fuck I was and what I was supposed to do. But the longer I stand there, the more confused and turned around I get, so I started walking. As I recall, I just picked a random direction and went for it. And as I'm walking, it's just getting worse and worse to the point where I have no concept of why I'm on the mountain in the first place. I'm just trudging through the snow, and then I start hearing this voice. It's kind of inside my head, almost. Like if a frog could talk, all low and croaky. And it's telling me over and over 'it's okay, it's okay, you just need to find something to eat. Find something to eat and you'll be okay, just keep walking and find something to eat. Eat. Eat.' So I start looking around for anything that I can eat, and I swear to god I've never felt that hungry in my whole life. It was bottomless, and I think I'd have eaten just about anything you put in front of me right then. I had no concept of time, so I had no idea how long I'd been out when I hear an actual voice coming toward me. I go toward it and see one of the other SARs, and he looks fucking terrified. He's running toward me, asking if I'm okay and what the hell I'm doing out here. And the scary thing was, as he's running toward me, I kind of see myself reaching into my belt for my hunting knife. I'm not even really thinking about what I'm doing, but what I am thinking is that I have to eat. If I don't eat, I'll never be okay again, so I just have to eat. He sees me doing that and he backs off right away. He yells at me to put my knife away, that he's not gonna hurt me, and that kind of snaps me back. All of a sudden, I know exactly where I am, and I put the knife away. I run to him and ask him how long I've been gone, thinking he'll tell me I've been gone for half an hour or so. But he tells me I've been gone for two fucking days. I've gone over two peaks and ended up almost on the other side of the mountain, and if I'd kept going, I would have ended up wandering into about three hundred miles of wilderness. They'd never have found me. He can't believe I'm not dead, and of course I don't know what the fuck to think. To me, no time has passed at all. I don't say anything, I just go back with him to a rendezvous point and I'm taken back to HQ to be airlifted to the hospital. When I get there, they do all kinds of tests, and try to figure out what happened. As best they can guess, I had some kind of weird fugue state, which is kind of like amnesia, or a weird seizure that knocked my brain out of whack. But the truth is that we really don't know. It's never happened again, but I'll tell you, ever since then I never go out there alone. People rag on me for making them come with me when I have to leave the group, but I just tell 'em that listening to me piss in the snow is better than losing me for two fucking days on a freezing mountain.'
EW: The next person I talked to was E.W, a former trainer who now works as an EMT. He still comes to ops like this to help out, but doesn't work full-time for us anymore. He specialized in finding lost kids, he just seemed to have a sixth sense when it came to knowing where they'd gone. He's a legend among the more senior vets, but he gets embarrassed if you compliment him on his work. He sat down with me at dinner one evening, and we ended up swapping stories. Most of them were just casual, but when we got on the subject of our weirder calls, I mentioned that I'd had a buddy who'd gone up a set of stairs. He got kind of quiet and asked me if I'd heard of a little boy who'd disappeared from his park a few years back. I hadn't, so he told me this story.
They were out looking for this eleven-year-old boy, Joey, who'd gone missing near a river. Of course, the first thought was that he'd fallen in and drowned, but when they brought dogs out, they led SAR officers away from the river and up into a very densely forested area. When we do searches for people, we search in a grid pattern, and we search every 'box' of the grid incredibly thoroughly. What E.W's team noticed right away was that a very strange pattern was emerging. Dogs in alternating boxes were picking up Joey's scent, but losing it when they overlapped with another box. If you think of a checkerboard, Joey's scent was being picked up in random black squares, but never in red. This, of course, didn't make any sense, because how could the kid bounce from area to area without leaving a scent in each place he passed? E.W and his partner pass into a new box of the grid, and E.W notices a set of stairs about fifty yards away. He tells his partner that they need to go check near it, but his partner flat-out refuses. He tells E.W that he's made it a point never to go near any stairs he sees, and that while it may be routine, he's not to pretend that it's normal. He tells E.W that he'll wait in sight while E.W checks. E.W says he was irritated, but he felt for the guy, and didn't push him on the subject. 'I walked over to the stairs. They were small, kind of like stairs into a basement. I don't really feel strongly one way or the other about them, the stairs I mean, so I wasn't scared or anything. I guess I'm like everyone else, and I just prefer not to think about them too much. 'Anyway, I went over and I could see that there was something lying on the bottom step, sort of curled up. My hear sinks, because of course you always hope for the best. And we were confident that we'd find this kid alive, because he'd only been missing for a few hours. But I knew right away that it was him, and that he was dead. He was curled up in a little ball on the step, holding his stomach. It looked like he'd been in horrible pain when he died, but I didn't see any blood, except some on his lips and chin. I radioed in that I'd found him, and we got his body back to command. That poor family, they were devastated. The parents couldn't understand how he'd be dead, 'cause he'd only been gone for such a short amount of time. And on top of that we didn't have any obvious cause of death, which just made it worse. I figured he'd probably eaten something poisonous, since he was holding his stomach when I found him, but I didn't want to guess. It's hard enough to hear that your kid is dead, let alone have some stupid SAR guy guessing about what happened. They took him away, and I went home and tried not to think about it. I hate finding dead kids, man. I loved this job but it's one of the reasons I left. I've got two daughters, and the thought of losing them that way just...' He choked up a little here. I'm not great with emotional stuff like that, and it's always sort of awkward to see a grown man cry, so I didn't really know what to do. He pulled himself together eventually, though, and he kept going. 'We don't always hear back from the coroners about cause of death. It's not really our job to know, I guess, and sometimes if they think it's foul play they won't tell us because of legal bullshit. But I've got a friend who works for the sheriff's department, and he'll usually pass along any interesting info if I ask. In this case, though, I actually got a call from him about a week later. He asks if I remember the kid, and of course I do, and he says some seriously weird shit is going on. He tells me, 'E.W, man, you're gonna think I'm crazy, but the coroner has no idea what happened to this kid. He's never seen anything like it.' My friend goes on to tell me that when the coroner opened the kid up, he couldn't even believe what he was seeing. The kid's organs were like swiss cheese. Quarter-sized holes were punched clean through just about every single organ this kid had, aside from his heart and lungs. But his colon, his stomach, his kidneys and even one of his testicles, were full of these clean holes. My friend said the coroner described it as if someone had taken a hole-punch and punched holes out of everything, they were so neat. But the kid didn't have a scratch on him, no entry or exit wounds. The closest anyone there had ever seen like it was a guy who'd filled himself full of buckshot a year or so back while cleaning his rifle. No one had a clue what could possibly have caused it. My friend asked me if I'd ever heard of anything like it, or if we'd had similar cases in the past. But I'd never even heard of something like that, and I told him I wasn't going to be of any help to him. As far as I know, the coroner determined the cause of death as something like 'massive internal bleeding', but no one knows what really happened. I've never been able to forget that kid. I have nightmares about it sometimes. I don't let my kids go into the woods alone, and when we go together I never let them out of my sight. I used to love it out here. But that case, and a couple others, just sort of ruined it for me.' Dinner was over, so we started to clean up and go back to our cabins. Before we went our separate ways, he put his hand on my shoulder and looked at me really close. He tells me that there's bad things out here. Things that don't care if we have families or lives, or that we can think and feel. He tells me to be careful, and he walks away. I didn't a chance to talk with him again, but that story stuck with me.
PB: By pure coincidence, I got to talk to another vet, P.B who's been in the SAR field for years. We were partnered on a grid sweep during a training exercise, and we were chatting casually about how we liked the job, what kinds of things we'd seen, and the like. At one point, we passed an old set of stairs, though these were probably from an old fire lookout, given the area that we were in. I sort of casually mentioned that I was curious about the stairs, and that I wished I knew more about them. He got kind of quiet and looked like he wanted to tell me something, but wasn't sure if he should. Finally, he told me to turn my radio off. Obviously this is something we are never, ever supposed to do, but I did it, and he did the same.
About seven years ago, he tells me, he was out on a call with a rookie. They were in an area of the park that's had a lot of strange reports and events. Disappearances, stories about lights in the forest, odd noises, things like that. The rookie was totally spooked, kept going on and on about 'things out in the woods'. According to P.B: 'The guy wouldn't stop talking about 'the Goatman'. Just on and on, 'Goatman' this and 'Goatman' that. Finally, I told him that there was plenty else to be afraid of out here that was very real, and that he'd better get over this thing with the Goatman. The rookie wanted to know what kinds of things I was talking about, and I just told him to shut up and walk. We crested a little ridge and there was a staircase about ten yards ahead. The rookie stops dead in his tracks and just stands there looking at them. I tell him, 'See? That's something you should be afraid of.' The rookie asks me what the hell these are doing out here, and for some reason, I just open up and tell him the truth. Or what I've been told is the truth. I could have gotten in a lot of trouble for doing what I did, and I could get in a lot of trouble for repeating it to you. But you're a nice kid, and I want you to stop looking into this. Quit while you're ahead. So I'll tell you what I know, under the condition that you never breathe a word of this to the supes.' I told him I wouldn't say a word, and he double-checks that our radios are off. 'When I first started out, we were a little less tight-lipped about them, and other things that happen out here. We warned people before they were even hired that there was weird shit going on. I guess the Forest Service was tired of having such a massive turnover rate, and they wanted people to know what they were getting into. So they started having people sign these agreements that they wouldn't go to the media about what they were going to see. The FS didn't want to scare people away, so the last thing they needed were spooked rookies running off to the media with stories of ghosts and haunted stairs. But eventually, they found that the agreements weren't necessary. People not only didn't want to talk about what they saw, they wouldn't. A few times, media tried to talk to people when kids or hikers would disappear, and no one would say a word. I can't really explain it. I guess we just... don't really want to admit anything is wrong. This is our job, to be out in the woods every single day. We don't need to be spooked, and the best way to avoid that is to pretend like everything's okay. So I'll tell you everything I can think of, and after that, I'm done talking about it for good. And I expect you not to bring it up around me, ever. 'The stairs have been out here as long as the parks have existed. We have records going back decades describing them. Sometimes people go up them, and nothing happens. Other times... Look, I really don't like talking about this, but sometimes, really bad shit happens. I saw one guy get his hand sliced clean off when he got to the top step. He reached out to touch a tree branch, and it happened so fast. One second his hand was there, and the next it was gone. Completely clean wound. We didn't find his hand, and the guy almost died. Another time, a woman touched one of the stairs, and a blood vessel in her brain exploded. Literally exploded, like a water balloon. She sort of stumbled down and came over to me, and all she got out was 'I think something is wrong with me.' She dropped like a sack of flour, dead before she hit the ground. I'll never forget the way the blood leaked into the inside of her eye. Before she died, I watched it turn red. I watched it happen and there wasn't a single thing I could do to help. 'We warn people not to go anywhere near them but there's always at least one idiot who does. And even if nothing happens to them, something bad always happens. Kids go missing as we're on their trail. Someone dies the next day, cut in half in a completely safe part of the park. I don't know why, but something bad always happens. I don't know exactly why they're out here, but it doesn't matter. They're here, and if we were smart, we'd tell our new officers exactly what they're capable of.' We were both quiet for a little while. I was afraid to talk because I wasn't sure if he was done. He looked like he wanted to say something else. Finally he spoke up again. 'Have you ever noticed how you can't find the same ones twice?' I nodded, expecting him to continue. But he just stayed quiet, walking alongside me, and eventually he started a story about the biggest deer he'd ever seen in the park. I didn't bring up the subject again, and I didn't press him for any more stories. He dropped out of the op the next day. Apparently he left before the sun came up; he said he was sick. None of us have heard from him since he left.
I'm going to stop here for the time being. I'll try and post the next part in the coming days, but what with it being the end of summer, things are pretty busy here. Thanks for the continued interest, guys, you've really awakened this curiosity in me that I didn't know I had!
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allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
Get Rid Varicose Veins Naturally ** Hot Niche - 70%/sale
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    Finally Revealed: Secrets to Fresh And Youthful Looking Skin On Your Legs – No More Pain & No More Worries!
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Dear friend,
There is nothing worst than having prominent ropelike dark blue blood vessels bulging out in size on your legs.
Or having to endure the burning leg vein pain especially in the back of thigh and you just can’t stand up long enough to perform properly in your day job.
Or worse yet, these scary looking veins never heal or cure on its own and eventually become more visible in other spots, sometimes even uglier and most hurting than before.
Unfortunately millions of people like you have to unwillingly endure these hardhip every single day. Why?
It was not until giving birth to my son 9 years ago that my visible varicose veins started to catch my attention and become a serious problem not long after.
Even though I only had these bulging varicose veins on one of my legs, it was still nevertheless unsightly, problematic and ugly.
The prominent bluish veins often scared the heck out of me. Often times I developed some skin ulcers as well as constant aching pain on my limb.
I was desperate enough to find ways to relief my varicose pain immediately. I then began my search to find the ultimate cure to get rid of these veins.
I’ve asked numerous people around, my friends, my families and my associates.
Apparently during this struggling period, not much help for varicose veins was available for me except to turn myself to professional help.
So I found myself one of the varicose vein surgeons which were highly recommended as being the best in my area.
After being hesitant about the risk factors as well as the high treatment cost, I finally decided to give in anyway.
My aching swollen leg and the hassle of not being able to stand long hours were too much to bear with
I had my surgery done on December 2008. However, 6 months onwards, I found that the recovery was somewhat painful and slow.
I wasn’t able to walk properly without pain, let alone to stand still and I constantly felt like fainting until 3 weeks later. The aching and heaviness in my leg, sometimes with swelling were simply too much to bear with and even worst than before I had the surgery.
I found that my appetite was decreased significantly while even taking pain killers did not manage my pain well enough.
I was literally bed ridden and nauseas and I finally suffered from postural hypertension because of lowering blood pressure.
Again, 5 months on, even though my veins were still visible on my leg, I constantly felt deep tissue nerve pain when I tried to exercise.
I was pretty upset that I was unable to use the gym membership and at times felt very depressed over the length of recovery, after all the time and money were spent on the surgery alone.
It was at this time I realized that not only the surgery failed to cure my varicose veins but it brought in lots of unnecessary pain and suffering to me.
My suffering from my varicose veins on my legs was already too much to bear with and I just couldn’t take it anymore.
It was an awful experience to go though.
Then I began my search over the Internet at every available moment looking for some sort of help or effective treatments for my varicose problems.
I found a large number of interesting health related sites and forums with people from around the world suffering from similar varicose problems as mine.
From there I met lots of people offering FREE information of everything on varicose veins such as how to prevent discomfort, burning pain, bulding, itchiness as well as many other tips on skin conditions like discoloration, peeling skin, ulcers and etc.
I Dig Though *Every Imaginable Forum Posts* And Sites There Is To Find Anything About Healing Varicose Veins And Spent Countless Hours Finding Out What’s Working And What’s Not.
I Ordered Access To Websites. I Got List of Possible Cures for My Predicament Which Basically Told Me to Sit All Day Long and Use Some Stupid Stockings to Cover Up My Legs!
As much as I appreciate all the advice given by these people who called themselves “experts”, sadly, I didn’t find anything that actually worked. I did try every single one of those “methods”, if not, most of them, but I just couldn’t get rid of those veins off my leg.
Here are the problems I encountered while searching for the free varicose cure online
Problem #1: Those free advice as advocated by some “experts” in the forums are just basically another free varicose vein information obtained from somewhere else. These people are just looking for fast ways to gain reputation.
They probably never suffered from varicose vein problems and don’t even bother to at least try out some of the methods to prove that they work in treating varicose veins.
Problem #2: Those ads as advertised by some companies claiming to treat varicose veins or spider veins are nothing more than clinics trying to sell their surgery packages costing thousands of dollars!.
Surprisingly, the surgeon who failed to treat my condition successfully happened to be one of those advertisers.
If you look at their websites properly, they often ask you to contact them for more details, at times offering you FREE brochures. When you do what they tell you, that’s when you present an opportunity for them to bombard you with their crazy marketing offers.
Worst still, some of your information could potentially BE SOLD as leads to some organizations. 
And after literally 11 months of trial and error into natural treatment and home remedies for my varicose veins, I finally found and used several methods which have successfully helped me to remove those ugly veins off my leg.
I have yet to see them popping up again ever since, even until now.
In fact, the benefits I received from using these natural ways of treatment FAR outweigh the benefits I received from those popular brand products sold online.
Even better still, I didn’t have to go through the complications again arising from my first surgery on varicose veins.
My name is Shirley Decker. I am a 49 year old and have been suffering from my varicose problems for almost 6 years. I would like to thank Diane for helping my problems with her excellent guide on curing varicose veins.
During my earlier forties, I used to have big bulging veins on my legs with dark stained and discolored swollen ankles. Due to my workday schedules, my legs were easily tired and ached all the time.
I couldn’t participate in any outdoor activities and most of the time I just couldn’t sleep well due to the discomfort of the veins. I used to think that hiding my legs with long pants as well as support stockings would get rid of the problems away. But they never did.
My aching has become a throbbing that was too intense for me to ignore. I finally looked up high and low for home remedies to help my problems. Any surgery was out of the equation because I was broke and had heard about the horror stories associated with bad complications arising from those surgeries.
Later when I found out about Diane’s guide on varicose veins, I immediately bought her book and followed all her steps to a tee. I was skeptical at first but was later surprised by the practically and effectiveness of the home remedies she recommended and taught.
Today both of my legs are almost ache free. I can now work and exercise whenever I want to. But the best of all, I get to wear my shorts. All these would not be possible without Diane’s effort in coming up with the excellent guide.
I highly recommend this guide to anyone who is seeking alternative cure to the varicose veins problems
God bless,
Shirley Minneapolis, MN
My report How To Get Rid Of Varicose Veins Naturally is the key to giving your leg and skin a fresh and youthful look you’ve ever imagined possible.
I don’t give you every single natural treatment available to help your varicose veins. I tried some of them and it didn’t work for me.
Some natural cures I used worked effectively but only to find those veins popping up again some time later.
So I can only give you the treatment methods which I’ve used personally that brought me the results I wanted.
There weren’t any risky methods (all of the natural methods are safe) or any dangerous side effects. The only side effects I saw was not seeing my varicose veins popping up again, period.
Yes, this report is short and but it’s concise and cuts to the chase without boring you with introductory fluffs and medical jargon
I don’t give you any fluff information like introduction to varicose, where to buy some fancy creams or compression support stockings from Amazon.
But more importantly, this report shows you can still have alternative varicose treatments and you can finally say goodbye to all those bulging veins crawling on your legs
And in case you are wondering, the methods I’ve used and listed in the report was tested and compiled throughout year 2009 and 2010.
So it’s fresh and completely valid and unlike others, it’s not one of those hastily produced and written by some ghostwriters
Here are some sneak previews on what you’ll find in this report
At first I had sclerotherapy to remove my spider veins from my legs but it didn’t help me much other than spending a bomb on that sort of treatment.
Furthermore, I used to have this large red spot on my ankle area where if I press on that area the red spot will disappear, then it will come back. It seemed like blood under the skin.
Then I was one of the fortunate ones who were given a chance to review a copy of Diane’s guide on varicose vein removal secrets.  Well you know what, after a few weeks trying out her guide and with her help in clarifying certain issues, I saw some improvement on my legs
Nowadays I don’t see any large red spots on my ankle area anymore. And I don’t even have to waste money on other treatments which may not work effectively for me.
To be frank, when you invest in this course and when used properly it will definitely change your life as much as it has changed mine. Getting rid of varicose veins now is no longer a myth.
My appreciation goes to Diane for writing this guide
Pamela Price NC
But this ISN’T just a bunch of happy hype with no downside.
Not every one of these natural methods might work on every varicose condition.
For example, some homeopathic remedies might not work on everyone. There are certain amount of herbs intake which you need that are depending on your situation.
The reality is you might not get 100% varicose-free results for every one of the methods which happened to worked for me. And I certainly don’t advocate that you can.
I tell you this to keep you level headed about what I’m offering.
All my alternative home remedy methods described in the report do work to some degree.
They’ve worked successfully to cure my varicose problems which have plagued me for almost 10 years!
But you have to put in some effort to make them work for your specific varicose veins situation.
It was my continuous desire to improve my situation that helped me cure my varicose veins successfully. As long as you understand where I’m coming from you’ll do well.
But if you are lazy, and you want fast results with no work, then please don’t order my information.
I say practical because all the methods described are easy to follow and will not involve significant time as well as money to you
Since I don’t believe in selling half-baked information, if there’s any natural method of curing varicose veins that was not proven to work effectively or deemed unsafe I don’t describe about it.
This report is the product of my own extensive research as well as trial and errors.
And since I was able to get rid of those veins off my legs and constantly on the look out for ways to prevent them from popping out again, I have just as much as a vested interest in this information as you do.
One of the biggest problems I frequently encounter in my quest for information regarding varicose veins treatment is the tremendous amount of misinformation that exists, especially among the general websites you can find online.
Sadly, I was one of the many people who are completely unaware of the natural and safe techniques one can learn to get rid of the varicose veins for good.
I constantly read about how some ‘experts’ found online are advocating the idea that they will just have to live with their vein problems, or that all they can do is to wear compression stockings, or that their only option is to have one of those painful, traumatic vein-stripping medical procedures that many of the doctors have been telling us.
Now I’m not against these procedures but c’mon these are already considered to be obsolete. Unfortunately, some of my other friends having the same varicose problems are still hearing these same old comments even from their family physicians. None of these things could be further from the truth.
Diane Thompson from this site has done an exceptional job of displacing these false notions about varicose veins and how normal people like you and me have the chance to get rid of varicose veins for good using everyday natural methods which are available to us for free.
Varicose Veins Removal Secrets is very clear, concise, understandable, and enjoyable to read.
It promises to be an outstanding learning resource for anyone seeking valuable and safe alternative means to permanently remove varicose veins from their life.
Stephanie E. Toronto, ON
In Varicose Vein Removal Secrets, Diane Thompson describes varicose veins natural treatment methods in a straightforward, easy-to-understand manner. This guide will serve as a valuable resource for anyone wishing to make their life free from the agony of varicose veins. It will also serve as an ideal reference guide for anyone seeking alternative solutions to varicose treatments other than the conventional medical approach.
Jena Addison Toronto, ON
Can varicose veins come back after treatment? In many cases varicose veins do come back, even after surgery has been done (just like in my case). Unlike surgery, natural home remedies and herbs are used to tackle the root cause of the varicose veins. Hence, in natural healing methods, you often see long term effects in preventing varicose veins from coming back again.     Why can’t I go for laser removal or stripping procedures? Varicose veins are problems which can be treated by laser veins removal but the disorder CANNOT be permanently cured.
Any surgery does not remove the original tendency of a patient to develop the varicose veins because the root cause of varicose problem was not addressed in the first place by modern treatment.
That’s why you’ll see many patients need to return for maintenance (me being one of them in the old days) after their initial treatment was completed, thus spending yet another bundle of cash on further sessions.
    Can your methods applicable to pregnant mothers? All the methods described in the report are safe and they are naturally. But just to be sure you should always consult your physician or obstetrician beforehand     What will happen to me if I don’t go for any treatment at all? Varicose veins are serious issues and need to be taken care of.
Unlike spider veins, untreated varicose veins can leave behind blood clots which are formed in the veins themselves which can become mobile and move up to the lungs or heart, therefore causing death at times.
And it could happen to you if left untreated!
“This guide is truly life changing …. “
I’ve been having varicose veins since I was in my early teens, so you can understand the severity of my problem.
Bumping on my legs as well as having my kids leaning on them is excruciating. I can’t even sleep property having both my legs on top each other due to the discomfort and pain. Forget about some stupid stockings that don’t work. Getting surgery done is simple out of the question
Now after weeks of trying out the methods in Diane’s guide, I finally found hope in curing my problems. The pain is almost non-existent! I have been sleeping normally eversince and have yet to experience any constant “bruising pain” which was common back in those days.
I simple love the yoga techniques as taught by Diane in the book. The techniques were so effective and relaxing to my veins. I’m now even considered a yoga expert by my family 🙂
The home remedies like the special juices she recommended were just so simple and easy to prepare. I never knew why I never thought anything about that in the first place.
This guide is truly a life changing. Thanks Diane!
Serena Schneider SPRINGKELL,UK
For a simple guide Diane has put together, this packs a wallop of information. I’m actually working in the medical field and have been actively searching for answers to my questions about varicose and spider veins for a long time.
I was pretty surprised to learn that most of the doctors and nurses I work with were as ignorant as I was!.  Even though there was a medical library which I have access to, but most of the time I ended up with medical texts the size of phone books that are often filled with medical jargon.
Being someone in the medical field for quite some time, I understand the jaron but I really didn’t want to wade through it to get the information I needed about varicose veins treatment.
Then luckily I found Diane’s site which offers her own guide about some of the many ways which we can do to get rid of varicose veins naturally. What I like about this guide is that the author did tons of research but boiled it down to a “cut-to-the-chase” primer.
Thank you Diane and her wonderful team for writing this guide. I can’t tell you enough what a difference it’s made for me.
Amanda Hamilton UK
As someone with long-standing spider veins, I’ve had many varicose questions for years that even my doctor couldn’t answer. This guide answers them all, and it’s so easy to understand. I like the guide’s positive ways of presenting the methods I can learn to help prevent spider veins naturally without resorting to any expensive or risky treatments.
Patricia Hauk Magnolia, OH
Other sites you find online never really state clearly the actual cost of treatment for signing up treatment packages with them.
They may give you free assessment and consultation instead. That’s because the cost varies from one another and may rake up to US3000 per treatment on ONE leg! (No wonder they rather want you to call in than simply placing the price tag on their website)
Some sites even sell you obscure never heard before products or creams which simply act as masking to your skin. They NEVER really cure the root cause of your varicose veins.
Simply hiding away your skin is never a solution for your varicose problems
My experience with Diane’s Varicose Veins Secrets has been very rewarding. The results from applying some of the techniques Diane taught me have given my legs a second chance to be pain free and look great.
Thanks for her brilliant research and easy to understand solutions which simply worked for me quite well.
You see, when I was in my mid forties, my legs were having those big bulging veins and dark stained discolored swollen ankles. Most of the time my legs were very tied and ached throughout the workday. Initially I just thought that wearing long pants would hide the bulging veins and the aches were to be ensured with support stockings and a little aspiring. And boy I was totally wrong.
The situation was quite unbearable until one of my friends introduced me to Diane’s website about natural vein removal techniques. I got myself a copy of the ebook and learnt up all she had to tell about treating my conditions naturally.
Today, both of my legs are virtually ache free. I’m able to work and exercise confidently.
Best of all I wear shorts and swim trunks whenever I like!
Thanks to Diane for coming up with this excellent guide.
Peggy Bensalem, PA
For US27 you’ll get the safe and proven natural healing methods which I’ve used personally to help me get rid of the veins.
There are no drugs, no needles, no injections or any illegal substance used in the methods.
And you have my personal guarantee that you will benefit from these healing methods or your money will be promptly returned
Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. Scrutinize the varicose program closely. Examine it. Test it for up to 8 weeks. Use the program to the max.
You will be thrilled with your results, or I want you to simply write and tell me, and I’ll send you a prompt and courteous, no hassles, no questions asked, 100% refund.
Bonus#1: The Stretch Marks Solution
In this report you’ll learn the secrets of how you can remove your stretch marks naturally and permanently.
You will find:
    Bonus#2: Skin Rules:Secrets to Total Flawless Skin
Let’s accept the fact: many of us wanted to have a fresh, good looking skin.  However, we tend to ignore what is actually right or wrong for our skin and buy some beauty products that just worsen whatever skin imperfections we have as it turns out in the end.  So, now is the time for change. 
Here are some of the techniques you’ll learn
    Bonus#3: Breaking Out: Guide To Acne Free Living
Chances are pretty good that you’ve been lied to about what acne is, what causes it, and how to make it go away.
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Wrinkle Reduction And Skin Rejuvenation.pdf
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Do yourself a favour now and don’t procrastinate. Varicose Veins Secrets ™ may be your first and only chance to gain your freedom from ever worrying about those ugly looking veins, again.
Remember, you will have a full 60 days to review and inspect this program put the methods to test and see how it works for you.
With my iron clad guarantee 100% refund guarantee, there will be no risk on your part. To be frank with you, you have nothing to lose by at least trying out the varicose remedies, so click on the order link today!
Warm regards,
PS – Just in case when you are nervous about ordering from somebody you don’t know, I want to reassure you that you are not dealing with some fly-by-nighter.
I’m simply a mother who used to suffer from agony of having severe varicose veins but has since found effective cure via natural treatments.
I once suffered from having the miserable pain caused by these veins but had no one to turn to and I completely understand how frustrating it can be to maintain your normal lifestyle. I know that what I’m selling here will help you tremendously
And if this report doesn’t (in which I really doubt) then you can ask for your money back within 60 days of purchase and get it with absolutely no hassles.
It is my hope that my honesty will make you feel better about placing your order from me.
If you have any additional questions which I have yet to addressed, please don’t hesitate to email me. I will reply to you within 24 hours.
God bless and good luck!. Click here to download now
I’m one of those who have read many books and bought many guides out there on the Internet to find any sort of natural treatment and cure for my varicose veins. I even tried many of the stuff which they recommend but found no apparent results, until I found out about Diane Thompson’s varicose veins removal secrets
With clear guidance and great useful tips along  the way, Diane’s guide has never failed me in helping me to get the kind of removal results which many people have considered a miracle to get.
I highly recommend this guide to anyone seeking most effective methods to help them improve their varicose veins problems without resorting to any expensive or risky surgeries.
Becky C. Donovan Saint Louis, MO
I’m one of the unfortunate ones who have been having this spider vaines which are tiny veins with reddish color, purple and blueish. Most of the time my leg hurt real bad and they are very sensible.
I always wanted to know if these tiny veins are curable and that they can be removed without resorting to one of those risky yet expensive medical treatments often advertised in the newspapers.
After searching in Google I finally found your site and after downloaded your guide I immediately put into practice all the steps required to treat my veins naturally.
The results have been really fantastic  and I’m beginning to see some improvement over the color of the veins after couple of weeks of trying. I’m still trying out some of the natural ways to help my varicose veins and hopefully things will be better in the coming weeks.
Thanks for your help Diane!
Nancy Rodgers Butler, PA
I’m impressed with one of your methods in helping to relieve the pain caused by varicose veins. I’ve never thought that such simple stuff can do wonder for my situation. You see, I have been having these very painful veins in the bend of my left knee. It normally doesn’t hurt much unless I do a lot of stairs and activity.
Even though I’m overweight but I’ve been working religiously on loosing it. I can hardly walk whenever I carry some weight and it is so painful in my left leg that I can hardly bear with it. When I go to my bed  my leg normally aches terribly and I can’t even sleep.
Now that my pain has been greatly reduced without taking any of those pain killers, I’ve begun to enjoy my night sleep more than ever.
I can’t thank you enough for what you’ve put together in your guide. I’ll definitely gonna spread the news about your guide on varicose veins.
Shirlene R. Robert Whitman, NE
©2009-2015 VaricoseVeinCures.com 
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Can you stay with me? (Chibs-Sons of Anarchy)
Request 1: finds you drunk and beaten up, he helps you and you tell him that some mayans roughed you up and said if u said anything that they would come find you, he helps you clean up and stays the night to keep you safe (smut?)
Request 2:  Chibs asking you to stay with him
Request 3:  Chibs compforting you imagine 
Request 4:   Some one spiked your drink at a samcro party and chibs or tig takes care of you
Okay so i decided to smash all 4  requests together and make it a one big request since they were pretty similar. 
Summary: Y/N is attacked and beaten by the Mayans, Chibs finds her and brings her home where he comforts her and takes care of her.
It was dark and cold when Y/N opened her eyes. She looked around, aching pain in her head. ''Fuck.'' She groaned reaching up to her forehead only to feel a hot wet substance on her now red fingers. ''Wha-?'' It took her a second to realise what was happening. She was walking home when some guy asked her for directions. 
''Hey, sorry. I'm lost, could you point me in the direction of the closest hotel?'' A tall black haired man asked her, making her stop in the middle of the street to look down at his map. She felt it was weird that there was a turist in Charming. Charming was a pass trough town, no one came here for longer than half of a day. 
''Sure.'' She pointed on the map, showing him where they are now. ''You just have to go here and the-'' She was cut off by a sharp hit to the back of her head making her stumble forward. As the pain blurred her vision she felt strong arms wrap around her waist, tugging her towards what seemed like a black van. The girl did her best to try to shake the man, and she did manage to hit him in the stomach, pretty hard, she assumed from the Goran he left out before throwing her in to the van. 
Even before her body could fully touch  the floor of the van 2 pairs of new arms were wrapped around her body, restraining her by her legs and by her waist,making it almost impossible for her to move.
''Do her arms!'' One of the men ordered someone and seconds later she felt her hands being tugged to the front of her and what felt like hand cuffs were snapped on her wrists.
''What do you want from me?!'' She asked, her voice shaky. 
''It's not what we want, it's what we need.'' A man with a dark facial hair told her, a wicked smile wrinkling up his face. From what she could tell in the dimly lit van, he had to be in his 50's. 
''What could you possibly need that i have?'' Panik determinable in her voice. She knew this was going to happen, sooner or later. She after all was the daughter of The one and only Clay Morrow and The biker queen, Gemma. She did her best to stay as far away of their business as possible. She didn't want to end up dead or in jail, so she went to study abroad and came back to work in a local school for disabled kids. She didn't know what the club was up or nor did she want to know. 
Yes she knew all of the sons and had a good relationship with her parents. But she had a rule, Club business is never mentioned in her presence. Clay was never happy with that but Gemma ended up convincing him it's for the best and his love for his daughter knew no end so he came to terms that when he was with her, he was just a mechanic not a gun dealing president of Sons of Anarchy. 
''Oh you'll see.'' The man said before another one pressed a white peace of cloth to her mouth, covering her nose in the process. She let out an ear shattering scream before being forced to inhale trough the cloth, feeling a bitter taste stab her in her throat casing her eyes to fall closed and her body stopped listening to her. She was limb. She was in darkness. She was helpless. 
She looked back down at her blood covered fingers, her hands were still in hand cuffs which were digging in to the skin on her wrists, blue bruises already forming around them. She tried to push herself off the ground but a sharp pain in her ribs forced her to stay still. Leaning back against a what seemed to be a steal pool she took a second to look around, her eyes almost able to see in the dark since she appeared to be here for a long time already. 
''Hel-'' She stopped herself, realising that calling out for help could do her more bad than good if the people who did this to her were still here. 
She started to breath faster, anxiety overflowing her. Where is she? Who  did this to her? How will she get out of here? What should she do?
Taking one deep breath after another she closed her eyes, trying to think of every anti anxiety breathing exercise she has ever heard of. None of them really worked. That's until she heard a rumble of doors opening and closing somewhere behind her. She held her breath, trying to make as little noise as possible. 
''Y/N?'' A male voice called out from somewhere behind her. She would know that voice anywhere, the Scottish accent coating every word he said. 
''Filip..'' She called out, almost like a prayer. She was so happy to hear a familiar voice.  ''Filip!'' She called out again, her voice hoarse and raspy. 
''Y/N!'' Chibs quickly ran up to her, kneeling down in front of her, taking her face in his hands. ''Are you okay?'' He asked, his eyes drifting over her body and face trying to figure out how bad the damage was. ''Who did this to you?' 
''I don't know.'' She shook her head, unable to stop the tears from running down her face. A mix of relief and pain making her dizzy. ''Get me out of her.'' She looked up at him. ''Please.'' 
''Here.'' He picked her up bridal style, making her wince. ''Sorry.'' 
As soon as the duo came out of the wear house she was blinded by the sun light and hid her face in to Chibs chest. 
''How long was i in there?'' She asked, knowing it was around 7 am when the stranger asked her for the direction.
''Two days.'' Chibs replied looking down at the girl, his face was tired, bags under his eyes, he looked like he hasn't slept in days. 
''Days?!'' She couldn't believe it. Yes, the time she was in there seemed to go on forever but she had no idea it was that long. She remembered that she kept waking up, being beaten and passing out again. 
''Ay, lass.'' Chibs tried to smile for her sake, but just theway she looked broke his hear. She was bleeding and bruising all over her body and face. Her eyes were red and puffy. The always perfect eyeliner and black mascara running down her cheeks, what was left of the red lipstick she wore, smudged on the left side of her lips. She was almost unrecognisable. 
''Baby!'' Clay came running, letting his bike fall to the floor. Nothing was more important that his baby girl. ''Are you okay?'' He asked finally reaching the two, taking her hands, that were still in hand cuffs, in his hands as Chibs kept walking towards the van Juice was waiting in. Clay was at lost for words when he saw her. He will find whoever did this, and he will make them pay. He will kill all of them. Chibs knew exactly what his president was thinking and with just one exchanged look  they nodded to one another in agreement. they will find the bastards that did that and they will kill them. Brutally. Each and every one of them.
''I wanna go home.'' The girl whinced as they sat her in the back seat of the van. 
''You're going home sweetheart. We'll take you home.'' Clay told her before kissing her hands and walking to his bike. 
''How did you know where I was?'' She asked once she was joined by Chibs in the back seat. 
''We didn't.'' He shook his head. ''We just went trough every possible warehouse and place where you could of been. Until.. until we found you.'' 
''Thank you.'' She said shortly before closing her eyes and leaning against him, falling asleep. Finally feeling somehow safe.
''She is going to be okay.'' A female voice woke Y/N out of her sleep. She couldn't open her eyes just yet but she could feel she was laying on something soft, she was somewhere warm. ''How long till she wakes up?'' She heard Chibs' voice and then she knew, she was safe. 
Even tho  she didn't like what her father did, she did become good friends with all of the sons, Chibs especially, He was that one person who she could always turn to, no matter what. Weather she needed a drinking buddy, a friend, a fatherly figure, a person to make her laugh, anything... Chibs was there for her. 
''Soon. Give her a couple of weeks and the bruises will disappear. The cuts and everything else should disappear in a couple of months as well. She'll be as good as new in no time.'' The female voice ensured them again, Y/N recognised her, it was Tara. 
The girl heard the door open and close, she amused the doctor wasn't here anymore. She tried to open her  eyes. Slowly with a lot of blinking she managed to open them only to see a very stressed Clay sitting on the bed besides her, with her mother sitting in front of him, holding one of her hands. Next to Clay there was Chibs. His eyes were red. Was he crying?
''Hi.'' She tried to smile, but even smiling hurt. 
''Baby!'' Gemma jumped up. ''You're awake!''
''Hey momma.''
''Hey baby.''Gemma gently cupped her daughters face, tears of happiness slipping from her eyes. ''Never scare me like this again!''
''Don't worry I got it out of my sistem. Figured out that Being kidnapped isn't my kind of kink.'' The girl told her with a small smile making Clay shake his head and Chibs laugh. 
''I'll go talk to the doctor about getting you home, okay?'' Gemma smiled down at her little girl before walking out. 
''Did you see who did this to you?'' Clay asked, his voice low and full of anger. 
''I don't know. Most of them had black hair and a bit tanner skin. They had a patch that said ''Mayons'' or something like that.'' She told him.
''Yes.'' She nodded nothing how much her fathers expression changed. She has never seen him so angry. 
''I'll talk to the others.'' Clay stood up. ''Chibs will stay with you, okay?''
''Okay.'' The girl finally looked at the man who was now sitting besides her bed. ''Thank you.'' 
''Thank you.'' She replied, reaching out for his hand. ''You found me. You saved me.''
''It's no big deal, lass.'' He smiled down at her. ''You know i will always find you.''
''Can I ask you for a favour?'' 
''Can you stay with me?'' She asked him. She was still shaken from the events that took place  over the past two days. 
''Of course, lass.'' He smiled an empathetic smile as she pulled on his hand, making him lie down on her bed next to her.
''Thanks.'' She lied her head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around her, making her finally feel safe. 
Request here!
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