#Stranger Things Season One
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The emphasis on Eleven looking like a boy in season 1 is really telling
I could get past it if it was just mentioned once. But soo many characters point it out that it cannot be a coincidence, there is absolutely no reason for her to be mistaken for a boy so many times in the story were everything is on purpose. Even when she’s wearing the dress, she is still mistaken for a boy by one of the bullies:

“She doesn’t even look like a girl” - Troy in season 1, in reference to El. The scene clearly stated that she was a girl and that she was a “freak”, they had already gotten the point across that she wasn’t any normal old girl. So what was the point of enforcing this line? (Here’s the scene for reference)
So the only girl Mike ever shows attraction to throughout the whole series is the one who is constantly mistaken as a boy? Yeah sure. If Mike isn’t gay, why else would the show make such a big deal out of El looking like a boy?
#stranger things#anti milkvan#will byers#byler#byler nation#byler endgame#mike wheeler#byler theory#el hopper#miwi#eleven hopper#stranger things 1#stranger things season one#milkvan bones
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do you think a part of mike was terrified as he biked to will’s after the rain fight? was he scared, thinking about the last time will rode away from him, alone, in the dark? was he scared that he was going to lose him again? did he hate that despite trying so hard to apologise, he never truly got to?
did he hate himself, because he lost him anyways?
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episode two: the weirdo on maple street
˚✧˚. summary: you meet a girl with a buzz cut, finally learn why Conner’s been ignoring you, and get into a blowout fight with your twin brother
wc: 6.1k
notes: “but kat! we haven’t even had any real interactions with steve yet! isn’t this a steve harrington story?” patience everyone, it’s coming i swear. but i meant it when i said slow burn.
You don’t know what you were expecting when you arrived at The Wheeler residence. Maybe some tears? Some yelling? You can say with full certainty though, that a girl wearing nothing but an oversized benny’s diner shirt and Ted Wheelers jacket all while adorning the cleanest buzz cut you’d ever seen was nowhere near the top of your list. In fact, it wasn’t even on the list!
She stuck out like a sore thumb in the basement, her breathing shallow and her face pale. Mike swallows, turning to look up at you. “We found her in the woods out by Mirkwood.” He explains, but you can’t get yourself to look away from her.
She’s soaked to the bone, her eyes glancing warily between the four of you. “Is there a number we can call? For your parents?” Mike asks.
Dustin looks at her wide eyed, “Where’s your hair? Do you have cancer?”
“Dustin!” You reprimanded.
“Did you run away?”
“Are you in some kind of trouble?”
“Is that blood?”
The girl's breathing quickens even more, and if you didn’t know any better you’d say she looked like she was going to have a panic attack. All of the boys' questions are probably overwhelming her, and honestly they were making you anxious as well. “Boys! Enough, okay? She's just scared, and cold.” You say sharply, effectively shutting them up.
You lean down so you’re eye level with the girl, cautiously placing your hand on her knee. She jumps at the contact, but doesn’t make any move to pull away. “Mike, get her something to change into.” You murmur.
He does as he’s told, jogging over to what you’re assuming is his clean clothes hamper. He comes back holding a blue sweater and grey sweatpants. “Here, these are clean.”
You take the clothes from him and hand them to her cautiously, “You must be freezing.” You murmur. She doesn’t reply as she takes them from you, her big, brown eyes never leaving your face, like she’s scared something will happen if she looks away.
Suddenly, she stands and lets the jacket she’s wearing fall back onto the couch. You stand back up to your full height as well, your knees cracking as you do. “The bathroom is over-” You attempt to tell her, but she reaches down to pull her shirt over her head before you can stop her.
The boys all instantly turn around, their eyes wide and cheeks red. “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!” Dustin repeats.
Without thinking, you grab her wrist and stop her, and she flinches at the sudden touch. You swallow, letting her go cautiously and pointing towards the basement bathroom. “Let's change in the bathroom, okay?” You murmur.
She doesn’t say anything, just nods, and you sigh in relief as she follows you. She looks around the bathroom uncomfortably, and you reach to pull the door shut, but she stops you.
“You don’t want it shut?” You ask, and she slowly shakes her head, and then mutters her first word. “No.”
You smile, “Okay. We’ll leave it cracked, alright?”
Once more, she just nods, and you turn away from the now cracked door so she can change. You can see the boys all discussing something, but you can’t really hear them, something about Alcatraz?
Still, you don’t really care about whatever it is they’re saying right now, you just want to know how the hell they found this little girl. “Hey!” You call out to them, and they all freeze, turning to you with questioning looks. “What the hell is going on?”
The boys all exchange looks with each other, and Mike is the first to speak up after a moment of silence, his voice soft. “We found her while we were looking for Will.”
You wet your lips, trying to wrap your head around what they’ve said. “Looking for Will? Boys, it’s pouring outside-”
“So? If Will is out there in the rain why should we stop looking because of it?” Lucas defends, and your heart aches a bit for the boys. You hadn’t really thought about them at all today, you’d been so busy focusing on your family and yourself. It makes you feel like shit. You sigh, wrapping your arms around yourself. “You can’t look for Will if you get sick, or even worse, hurt.” You explain to them, “I know we’re all worried for him, but you can’t put yourselves into danger because you want to find him.”
They don’t say anything, and you don’t really blame them. You weren’t mad at them, you just wanted them to be more cautious. “Do your parents even know that you went?”
Dustin shakes his head slowly, and you just nod. Mike sighs, his wet hair sticking to his forehead and dripping into the floor. “Look, she can sleep here tonight.” He says, changing the topic back to the girl.
Dustin’s eyes go wide, “You’re letting a girl-”
“Just for tonight!”
You tug on your bottom lip uncomfortably, really there isn’t anything else you can do right now. You’d bring her home with you, but you aren’t too sure how you’d explain her to your mom, and you don’t really want to put the extra stress on her right now.
Mike continues, “In the morning, she’ll sneak around the house and ring the doorbell. My mom will know exactly what to do and she’ll send her back to wherever she comes from, and we’ll be totally in the clear! And tomorrow night, we go back out, and this time we find Will.”
Lucas and Dustin smile, their eleven year old brains thinking this is the best idea on the planet. Really, it’s not too bad, but you aren’t sure how much you trust that it really goes as smoothly as he makes it sound. Plus, no way they actually thought you would let them go back out there by themselves. “Yeah, that plan is great and all, but did you forget I’m here?” You questioned, “You’re not going out and looking for him unless you call me first.”
Dustin opens his mouth to argue, but you cut him off. “Nope! Look, I'm not stupid enough to think I can stop you guys from looking for him entirely. So, I’m going to come with you and make sure you guys don’t get hurt.”
Lucas crosses his arms over his chest, biting on his lower lip in thought. “It would be nice to not have to bike home.” He mutters, and Dustin hums in agreement.
Before anyone can say anything more, the girl walks out of the bathroom, now adorned in Mike's pajamas and hugging her old clothes to her chest. You quickly walk over to her with a soft smile on your face and lead her back to the couch. Mike wanders off to find something for her to sleep on.
“I don’t think we ever got properly acquainted, did we?” You mumble, letting her sit back down onto the couch. “I’m Y/N, and these three knuckleheads are Mike, Dustin, and Lucas.” You point to each other of the boys as you tell her their names. “You're gonna stay with Mike tonight, and then tomorrow his mom will find your parents.”
She frowns a bit at the mention of parents, like the word is foreign, but you don’t have time to dwell on it right now. You need to get the boys, and yourself, home.
She doesn’t say anything as you lead Lucas and Dustin out of the basement, but you can hear Mike talking to her while he gives her the sleeping bag he found.
After you fit the boys bikes into your trunk and let them clamber into the backseat, Dustin sits up so his head is right next to your headrest. “Do you think he’ll actually go through with it?” He asks.
You raise a brow, “With what? The plan?”
Dustin nods, and you just shrug. “Mike is smart, he’ll do what he thinks is best.”
Lucas scoffs, wrapping his arms around himself and leaning his head against the backseat window, “Wouldn’t want her in my house.”
The next morning, Jonathon is making breakfast for three instead of four. There’s a lingering tension in the air, and you can’t help the way you glance at the fourth, empty chair at the table.
“Here, I made breakfast.” Jonathon mumbles, going to set your Moms plate in front of her, but she gasps and takes it from him. “Be careful of the posters!”
“Yeah, okay, alright.” Jonathan murmurs, placing your own plate in front of you. The food looks appetizing, but you can’t really bring yourself to do more than pick at it.
“I can’t eat.” Your Mom mumbles, shoving the plate away and going back to staring at the poster you’d made last night.
“Can you atleast try?” You murmured to her softly, shoveling some eggs down your own throat in encouragement. She sniffles, shaking her head. “The Xerox place opens in, like, thirty minutes, and I don’t want you to go alone, Jonathon, so Karen’s going to take you.”
Jonathon just nods, but you cautiously speak up. “I can go with him.”
Your Mom just shakes her head, “No, no, I need you here with me. I, uh, we need what? 200? 300 copies?” Her words are moving a mile a minute and you and Jonathon can barely understand what she’s saying.
“Mom,” Jonathon attempts but she’s not listening.
“How much is a copy? Ten- ten cents?” She digs around in her purse for all the change she can find.
“This is all I have-”
“Mom!” Jonathon reaches for her wrist, gently stopping her and ultimately forcing her to look up at him. Her eyes instantly fill with tears as she begins to use her free hand to hold her head.
Jonathon lets his head hang, releasing her wrist and in turn gripping the chair in front of him. “You can’t get like this, okay?” He says, and you all know it’s true.
She sniffles, a quiet sob leaving her, “I know- I know, I’m sorry.”
You grab her cold hand in your own, squeezing it. “It's okay, Mom.” You murmur, because it is. This is… unimaginable, and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t feel like you were going the slightest bit crazy either.
The heartbroken look on your Moms face kills you just the tiniest bit, you’ve never seen her look so broken in your life. You wish there was something you could do, like you could magically pull Will from thin air.
Then the thoughts come, the ones you’d been fighting off with a sword. How this was your fault. How if you’d just come home, if you hadn’t worked late, then Will would be here. He’d be home, and everything would be normal.
The only thing you and Jonathon can think to do is to continue reassuring your Mom that it’s okay, but even you don’t know if you believe that yourself.
A knock at the door causes your Mom to shoot up, the poster in her hand falling onto the floor. You pick it up, placing it back onto the coffee table as Hopper walks into your home. You resist the urge to snap at him, considering you’d called him as soon as the Police Station opened six hours ago and he was only coming to check in now.
“We’ve been waiting here for six hours.” Your Mom says, her whole body practically trembling in what you assume is anger.
Hopper doesn’t look the slightest bit remorseful, “Yeah, I came as soon as I could. A little bit of trust here, alright?”
You scoff quietly at his mention of trust. How could you trust a cop that couldn’t even bother to call back? Hopper glances at you, and you swear you can see the tiniest bit of pity in his eyes. He doesn’t say anything though, instead turning back to your Mom. “We’ve been searching all night. Went all the way to Cartersville.”
Your mom sucks in a shaky breath, “And?”
For the first time, Hopper looks remorseful. “Nothing.”
Your breath hitches, a hand coming to rest on your stomach while you grip the chair in front of you. You’re in disbelief that they didn’t find anything, not even a piece of clothing. It makes the hope you’d been holding onto dwindle just the tiniest bit.
Hopper smacks his lips, gesturing to your landline, “Flo says you got a phone call?”
You watch as your Mom explains the call you’d gotten last night, how she’d heard Will breathing on the other line. You can tell Hopper is skeptical, the way he chalks the whole thing up to a prank call, but you’d seen your Mom when it happened. She was scared, genuinely terrified. You don’t see how a prank call could cause that visceral of a reaction in her.
“You think I don’t know my own son's breathing? Wouldn’t you know your own daughters?”
Hopper goes silent at that, wetting his lips as he turns away from your Mom and looks to you. “We need to talk.”
Your eyebrows raise slightly, had he found out about the girl in The Wheeler's basement? Did she do something to Mike? You swallow, “What about?”
“Your friend. Conner.”
You lead Hopper to your bedroom, the only place you can think of to give yourselves the slightest bit of privacy. You couldn’t lie and say that the mention of Conner's name hadn’t immediately brought a weight down into your chest, making it nearly impossible to breathe.
Hopper closes the door gently behind him, and you plop down onto your bed. Your fingers grip the sheets, tugging them between your fingers nervously. You hadn’t been able to get ahold of Conner since you saw him at work the night Will went missing. Of course, it worried you, but you assumed… Well, you’re not sure what you assumed.
Hopper runs a hand over his face as he stands in front of you, he almost looks like he’s dreading what he’s about to say to you. He sniffs, “When was the last time you saw your friend, Conner?”
“Why are you asking me this?” You murmur, standing up from where you sit on your bed so you’re chest to chest with him.
Hopper sighs, “You know why, Kid.”
Your stomach drops. This had to be a joke, there was no way- no way that your brother and your best friend go missing on the same night. You don’t believe you could’ve angered anyone that much.
You let out a disbelieving laugh, eyes immediately filling with tears. “You’re lying.” You gasp out. It’s the only explanation you can come up with. One person you love going missing? God, that was hard to even comprehend, but two? There was no way.
Hopper shakes his head, “I’m not.”
“You are!” You scream, shoving your finger into his chest over and over again, “It’s not true! It can’t be!” Hopper doesn’t make any move to stop you, and you’re subconsciously thankful for it.
“They can’t both be- be gone!” You cry, guttural sobs spilling from your lips. You hadn’t cried this hard since you found out the news about Will, but you suppose with the news about Conner it’s all just become overwhelming.
Hopper wraps his arms around you, pulling you into his chest as you continue to fight against him. “Listen to me.” He mutters, placing a comforting hand on the back of your head and the other on your upper back. “I’m going to find your friend and your brother, alright? I promise.”
Slowly, your breathing begins to even out and your sobs begin to get softer. Hopper just sighs, giving you one final squeeze before letting you pull away from him. Your tears continue to fall, but not as violently as moments before.
“We’ve just gotta get through these questions.” He mutters, and you just nod, not even embarrassed at your break down.
After Hopper leaves, it takes you a little bit of time to build up the courage to tell your mom about Conner. You're not sure how many heartbreaks she can take before she completely breaks.
When you finally do, she instantly bursts into tears. Conner wasn’t- isn’t, her son, but he’s been close to your family since you were both eight years old. Jonathon hadn’t said anything, instead grabbing his keys and leaving. He doesn’t say where he’s going, and frankly you can’t find it in yourself to care all that much.
Your Mom does her best to comfort you, but considering she herself needs comfort, it doesn’t work out all that well. Still, you accept her hug with open arms, crying onto her shoulder.
“They’re both okay, Y/N, alright? I- I know it.”
You just nod, sniffling slightly. Yesterday, those words had been comforting and had given you hope. Today, they just make you feel empty.
“I should go talk to his Mom and Dad.” You murmur. Your Mom just nods, giving you a kiss on the crown of your head before you leave.
The last time you had seen Mr and Mrs Donnelly was last week, for Conner's birthday. Their family always had huge birthday celebrations, because Conner was the only baby Mrs. Donnelly had been able to carry to full term, so a birthday was like an accomplishment in their family.
Another sob wracks through your body, but you’re quick to control your breathing and stop the oncoming flow of years threatening to escape. You don’t want to be crying when you see Conner's parents, you want to be strong for them.
When you approach the driveway, you notice that somehow the bright blue house seems dull. Honestly, the entire world felt dull, like all the color had been ripped out of it.
It takes you a while to exit your car and knock on their door, but you eventually do, biting on your nails the whole time.
When Mrs. Donnelly opens the door, the first thing you notice is how similar she looks to your own Mom right now. Her blonde hair is sticking up in places it usually doesn’t, and she’s nursing a lit cigarette in between her shaky fingers.
“Y/N.” She sighs out, immediately wrapping her arms around you and pulling you into a hug. You can’t stop the way the tears now spill from your eyes in big droplets, most definitely soaking into her shirt. She doesn’t seem to care either though.
“They’ll come home.” She murmurs into your hairline, “Both of them.”
You just continue to sob, your fingers tugging at the fabric of her shirt. “I’m sorry,” You murmur, “I’m so sorry.”
By the time you return home, Jonathon still isn’t back. Your mom is practically burning holes into the new phone she must’ve bought though, and she’s moved the couch so she’s sitting right in front of it.
She barely glances at you as you enter, and neither of you say anything as you make your way to your room. Your talk with the Donnellys had been very hard, and even a bit uncomfortable, honestly. They told you that Conner never came home from that shift, and you’d felt a crushing ton of guilt sit on your lungs.
You’d left Conner there alone, even though you’d had a bad feeling. Those awful voices begin to creep back into your mind, reminding you that what’s happened to Conner and Will was entirely your fault.
Still, you couldn’t help but feel sick to your stomach at the reminder that now two people had vanished off of the face of the earth on the same night. Did someone take them? Were they together? Subconsciously, you hoped that Conner was there to take care of Will wherever they were. Maybe then Will would be less scared.
You glance at your electric clock, realizing school has been out for thirty minutes. Mike should be home by now, and if the plan went as smoothly as he claimed it would, everything should be back to normal now. Or, at least as normal as they can be. Still, you had a suspicious feeling that she was still right where you’d left her last night.
Will and Conner going missing, this strange girl showing up in the woods… Everything was too weird right now. Did the girl have something to do with what happened to Will and Conner? Yesterday you would’ve said that chances are the two had nothing to do with each other, but now you weren’t sure.
Your thoughts are interrupted by the shrill ringing of your landline, and you practically dart towards it. You aren’t entirely sure who you’re expecting, but this time you aren’t exactly surprised to hear Mike on the other side.
“She knows.” He blurts out, not even giving you a proper greeting.
Your eyebrows furrow, so you’d been right about her not leaving, but what did he mean she knew? “She knows? Knows what?”
“She knows about Will.”
By the time you get to the Wheeler residence you know that Lucas and Dustin are already there, because their bikes are thrown across the yard hazardously.
You roll your eyes as you step out of your car, collecting both of the bikes and setting them against the only tree in the yard. You know firsthand just how expensive those things are.
Karen Wheeler opens the door for you with a warm smile, baby Holly sitting on her hip while she plays mindlessly with a Barbie doll.
“Y/N! I wasn’t expecting you!” She says, and you laugh nervously, tugging at the sleeves of your sweater as you think of some excuse. “Yeah, sorry. I just wanted to check on the boys and make sure they were doing alright.” It’s not exactly a lie, but it’s not exactly the truth either.
Karen nods, a small frown forming on her lips, tugging the slight wrinkles on her forehead down. “That’s really sweet of you, Honey. But… How are you doing? I mean, first Will and now Conner- I can’t imagine it’s been easy for you.”
Your breath hitches a bit. So, Conner's disappearance is public knowledge now too. You shouldn’t be surprised considering Tommy knew about Will just hours after he’d been officially reported missing, but it still makes your heart skip a beat in your chest. “Oh.” Is all you can manage to say for a moment. You clear your throat, “Yeah, um, I’m okay. Holding up the best I can, you know?”
Karen nods, placing a comforting hand on your bicep. “Well if you or your family need anything don’t be afraid to call us, okay?” You just nod, your eyes glancing at Mike at the top of the stairs. He waves at you, urging you to hurry up and come up stairs.
You give Karen a polite side hug and smoothly walk up the stairs, where you see Mike, Dustin, and Lucas all standing outside his room. Lucas looks shocked, Dustin’s smiling, and Mike looks worried. You narrow your eyes at them, placing your hands on your hips, “What happened?” The boys all glance at each other before Lucas and Dustin both begin to speak at once.
“She closed the door—”
“No, she slammed it—”
“Really, Dustin, that’s what you’re worried about?”
“I’m just saying!”
“She slammed the door shut with her mind.” Mike finished for them, and your eyes widened slightly. She closed the door with her mind? That wasn’t possible.
You sigh, shaking your head. “It was probably just the wind, guys.”
Dustin scoffs, “It wasn’t the wind, Y/N. Look, we’ll show you.” He barges into Mike's room, where you can see the little girl sitting on his bed. Her eyes immediately dart to you, and there’s remnants of blood under her nostril. It looks like she’d tried to wipe it away, but she hadn’t gotten all of it.
Dustin darts over to one of the many Lego sets Mike has on display from when he and Will built it last year, and you can see Mike itching to protest, but he holds back.
Dustin holds the house they had built together out in front of him and swivels his neck back to you, “Okay, watch.” He says, going to release it, but you stop him. You don’t think Mike would be very happy to watch it shatter on the floor.
“Dustin, let’s not, okay?” You say, taking the house from his hands. “I don’t want to be mean, but we’ve got a lot bigger issues at hand then her apparent powers.”
Dustin frowns, “But-”
You put the Lego House back where it was sitting on Mike's shelf, fixing Dustin with a hard look. The curly-haired boy rolls his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest.
You ignore his pouting, walking past him so you can crouch in front of the little girl. “Hi.” You say to her warmly. You’d be lying if you said she didn’t creep you out just the tiniest bit. A random girl with a shaved head and limited vocabulary? It was hard not to be nervous around her.
“Her name’s Eleven. El for short.” Mike tells you, and the girl- El- nods in agreement. Add named after a number to your list.
You nod, “Do you remember me, El?” You ask her softly. She swallows, slowly nodding, “Yes.” She says shortly.
You bite the inside of your cheek, “Okay. Good, that’s good.” You glance at Mike, then return your gaze back onto El. “Mike told me you might know something about my brother? Will?”
El is silent for a moment, her eyes darting from you to Mike, before she nod’s solemnly. “Lost.”
You resist the urge to gasp, instead letting out a shaky breath. “L-Lost? Where is he? Is he safe?”
El looks at you with eyes so wide you would compare her to a china doll. She shakes her head, wetting her lips before she says terrifyingly low, “No.”
Mike shudders, crossing his arms over his chest. “There’s something else,” He says. “She said that there’s bad men looking for her. We think they’re the same ones who took Will.” He explains.
Your eyebrows furrow. Bad men? So he was kidnapped. You look back to El, “What kind of bad men?” You ask her.
She sucks in a shaky breath, her tiny fingers forming a gun. She points it at her own head, and just as quickly drops it. But, you’re able to get the message.
That’s all the information you’re able to get from her, but it’s enough to fill you with a mix of dread and hope. Hope, because there was a chance he was alive. Dread, because you knew if that were true, it wouldn’t be the case for much longer. And if Will was alive, wouldn’t that mean Conner was as well? You prayed that they were at least together, able to keep each other safe.
As you make your way out of the Mikes room, you awkwardly find yourself face to face with Nancy Wheeler. You hadn’t actually talked to the girl since eighth grade, the last year before she decided playing with her brother was officially lame.
“Oh, hi.” You say, giving her an awkward wave. Nancy gives you a nervous smile, returning the wave. “Hey, Y/N. I’m sorry about Will and Conner. I’m sure they’ll find them soon.”
You tug at the bottom of your shirt uncomfortably, your gaze falling to the floor. “Thanks. I, uh, I hope so, too.”
You both just stare at each other in silence, until the sound of a horn honking outside turns your attention away. Nancy shoves her thumb towards the front door, beginning to slowly walk away from you. “My rides here, so… I’ll see you around?”
You nod, “Yeah, see you.”
As Nancy walks through the front door, you wait for her to leave fully before also making your exit. You don’t have any issues with Nancy, you just weren’t the same people anymore. She was dating Steve Harrington and hanging out with his possé of future highschool dropouts, while you were still dressing up for your little brothers board game.
Once you’re finally able to get back on the road, your thoughts easily drift from Nancy to Will and Conner. El said that Will was lost somewhere, but she wasn’t sure where. That could be good, right? If he was lost and not kidnapped or something like that. Lost things could be found when looked for hard enough.
Jonathon always said Will was exceptionally good at hiding, but you’d always thought that was because he just wasn’t looking hard enough.
By the time you get home the sun has already set, and your Mom hasn’t moved from her spot on the couch. You can tell she’s fighting sleep by the way she’s slouched over and her lips are slightly parted. You just look at her in pity, debating if you should tell her what you learned.
But, you didn’t want to get her hopes up when you didn’t even really know if El was telling the truth. After all, Will’s face was plastered all over Hawkins, it wasn’t that unlikely that she’d simply seen his face there and recognized him in Mike's photo. Still, you couldn’t help but think she was telling the truth. It was all just too strange to not be connected.
You softly shake your mom awake, and she practically jumps out of her skin at the contact. Her eyes dart across the room before they land on you, and her gaze softens just barely. “Oh, Y/N, you scared me.”
You mumble an apology, your hand falling naturally to her shoulder. “What do you say we get you to your bed?”
She shakes her head, her body already beginning to tremble again. “No, no— I need to be here if Will calls again.”
You tug on your lower lip, weighing your options in your head. You could leave her out here and watch her drive herself crazy, or you could convince her to go lay down in her own bed. “Look, I’ll stay out here and keep watch, and I promise as soon as I hear it ring I’ll come get you, alright?” She’s silent for a moment, as if she’s arguing with herself in her mind, before she slowly gives in and begins to let you lead her back to her room.
Just before you reach her bedroom door, the shrill ringing of the phone cracks through the silent house. Your Moms ears practically perk up as she darts for it. You just follow her, your arms crossing over your chest as she cradles the yellow landline to her ear.
“Hello? Who is this?”
She glances at you, her breathing heavy as her eyes immediately begin to fill with tears. “Will?”
Your own heart begins to beat faster as you step closer to her, “It’s Will? Is he- Is he saying anything?”
She lets out a quiet sob, “Will, it’s me. It’s mom.” She places her hand over her heart, “Talk to me. I’m here. Just tell me where you are honey, please?”
Suddenly, the lights begin to flicker, and you can hear a faint Mom? sound over the phone. Your hand immediately flies to your mouth, your jaw going slack. He’s alive.
“Will! Yes, it’s me! It’s mom! Where are you? Just—” Suddenly, the electricity spikes for the last time and you watch as your mom flings the phone onto the couch. “No, no!”
You reach for her, your own voice shaky. “Was it- Was it actually Will?”
She doesn’t answer, instead crouching onto the floor and sobbing into her hands. You can’t bear to watch it anymore. Your stomach begins to churn and you feel your lunch beginning to rise back up. You quickly run outside, hoping the fresh air might help you, and thankfully it does.
You're able to force your lunch back down, but you can’t quite build up the courage to walk back inside and face your Mom. You heard… Did you hear Will? You thought you did. Or were you just so desperate for him to be alive you imagined it?
Your stomach begins to churn again, but the sudden sound of music coming from Will’s room distracts you. You assume it’s your Mom going in there again. When she wasn’t staring at the phone she was usually in there, just sitting on his bed and going over the countless drawings he’d made over the years.
What you aren’t expecting to hear though, is the guttural scream that rips from the house. You immediately run back inside, “Mom?” You cry out, but she doesn’t respond to you. Instead, she practically flies out of Will’s room and takes you by the hand, dragging you back outside and into her car.
Once you’re sat in the passenger seat you once again bombard her with questions. “What’s going on? Why’d you scream?”
She doesn’t respond, her eyes practically bulging from her skull as she shakily forces the car on. Her gaze falls back to the flickering light in Will’s room, the song starting up once again.
“Mom?” You attempt again, but she doesn’t answer. It’s not until after she’s gotten out of the car do you hear any words from her, those simply being, “Stay here.”
Your mouth goes dry as you watch her walk back into the house with her head held high. Really, you’re at a loss. You don’t know why she freaked out so much, and you don’t know if it’s something dangerous or if she really has just reached her breaking point. Your fingers tap your thighs as you wrestle with what to do. If it is something dangerous, the last thing you want is for her to be in there with whatever it is by herself.
Just as you’re about to get out of the car to follow her, the blinding white lights of your twin brother's car enters the driveway. You can’t help the way your skin bristles at the sight of it.
You step out of your moms car, your feet crunching against the rocky driveway. Jonathon’s car squeals as it comes to a stop, his headlights slowly going out as he exits the vehicle.
“Where the hell were you?” You say exasperatedly.
Jonathon looks shocked at your tone, but he’s quick to come up with an explanation. “I was looking for Will.” He says, slamming his car door shut.
You scoff, “For ten hours?”
Jonathon runs a hand over his face, and it’s now that you notice just how exhausted he looks. His eyes are red and puffy from crying, and the dark bags under his eyes don't compliment it very well. His skin is a sickly pale, and he looks like he’s struggling to even hold himself up. It breaks your heart to see him like this, but you’re holding strong in your stance that he can’t just disappear for half a day without telling you where he was going. Especially not now that he was one of the only people you had left.
“I went to Lonnie’s.” He confesses solemnly.
Your lips tug into a straight line, your arms hugging yourself tighter. Your Dad hadn’t even bothered to call you and see how any of you were doing. You can’t say you don’t expect that kind of thing from him though. “And? What did he say?”
Jonathon just scoffs, kicking up some of the gravel on the driveway. “Nothing. Absolutely nothing.” The hard expression on your face doesn’t change. “Well, while you were out, Mom got another call. And she’s really freaking out in there.”
Jonathon’s head snaps up so his eyes are meeting yours now. “She did? Was it Will?”
“I’m…” You suck in a breath, your lips twisting uncomfortably. “I’m not sure. It- It could’ve been.”
Jonathon shakes his head, “Could’ve isn’t enough, Y/N.”
You bristle at that, your eyebrows furrowing as you point an accusing finger at him. “You think I don’t know that?” Your anger feels like it’s flowing out of you in waves, all of it wrongfully directed at Jonathon. He's not the one you were truly mad at, but he’s the only person around.
Jonathon frowns, shoving his hands into his pockets— an anxious habit he’s had since you were kids. “I didn’t mean it like that.” He attempts to defend, but you’re hearing none of it.
“I mean, to be honest, Jonathon, it feels like you don’t even have any hope that Will is alive. Or Conner. So why even bother looking?”
“You know that’s not true—”
“Do I?” The tears are flowing freely now, and you don’t have the energy to try and stop them. You turn away from him, the wind making a shiver run up your spine.
“You’re not being fair, Y/N.” Jonathon whispers, so softly that your ears strain to hear it.
You sniffle, adjusting your arms against your chest. “Yeah, well, neither are you.” You spit out, walking through the open front door and leaving him outside in the cold.
[taglist: @inlovewithchriss @idkman5335 ]
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joe keery doing costume testing for season 1 omfg im gonna die
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Why Little Shop of Horrors may parallel some things in Wills life, and some events in ST.
Spoilers for Little Shop Of Horrors, duh. (And I'm Making this literally only because of Will's poster, lol)
First of all, the ending. In the original Little Shop of Horrors, Audrey II takes over the world, killing off all of humanity.
However, In the other ending featured in the theatrical release, instead features a good ending where Audrey ll is defeated and Seymour and Audrey get to live together happily.
Now, after thinking about this for a while I came to the conclusion this is something that could happen in Stranger Things. For example, swap Audrey II with Vecna.
Imagine the "bad ending" is what Vecna is going to make people see, instead of what actually happens. This also would go along with Nancy's season 4 vision.
And the the good ending could be what really happens at the end of ST. (And instead of it being Audrey and Seymour living happily together, it's Will and Mike.)
Second of all, the theme of ST. Now, one of Stranger Things's themes is about outcasts/ being different.
Although the themes for both media are different; Seymour is shown to be a outcast at the very beginning of LSoH.
Seymour is a outcast until he becomes popular after getting Audrey ll.
If something were to be taken from it and put into ST; it would likely show a character going from a outcast to a hero.
Third of all, let's go back to the first release.
Audrey sacrifices herself by asking Seymour to feed her to Audrey II, because she believes it is the only way to ensure Seymour's success and well, happiness.
And since this whole rant is about parallels, this could parallel Eddie in Season 4.
Or.. imagine if this means a certain someone will sacrifice themselves to Vecna to protect one of the members of the party. I could definitely see Will sacrificing himself, but somebody stopping him. This would be in character considering that Will has been shown to be self sacrificial before, and I wouldn't doubt the show would showcase this aspect of his character again.
And lastly, the songs.
Skid Row:
• Seymour talks about Mushnik's mistreatment of himself, which may parallel Lonnie.
"Poor! All my life I've always been poor."
The Byers are constantly stated to have money problems
"He took me in, gave me shelter, a bed, Crust of bread and a job. Treats me like dirt, calls me a slob."
Seymour dreams about leaving Skid Row, claiming if he doesn't he'll rot there.
"Someone gimme my shot or I'll rot here."
The general outlook of Skid Row by its residents is negative; which is the same outlook some of the characters have of Hawkins.
This could foreshadow members of the party moving out of Hawkins in the show. (Which would also be similar to IT; which Stranger things is inspired by.)
(No lyrics for this, quite literally because the whole song is about people disliking living in Skid Row.)
•Not much I could see that would parallel in this song, other than Audrey ll being described as something from another world the first time Seymour sees it.
"And there was this strange humming sound, Like something from another world"
This could parallel Will's first time seeing the Demogorgan, I guess.
•I originally thought Suppertime wouldn't have anything that could be shown in stranger things, but alas I was pretty wrong.
"He knows just what you've done."
Perhaps Mike knowing about what Will was going through in Season 2. Mike knew Will was a Spy, Mike knew what Will had did.
"You've got no place to hide. You've got nowhere to run. " Parallels Season one, quite obviously.
Audrey II taunting Seymour about his feelings for Audrey may mean Vecna will taunt Will for his feelings for Mike in a similar way in S5.
Also, Suppertime is a song which happens when Mr. Mushnik tries to find Seymour guilty of killing Orin. It ends when Seymour causes the death of Mr Musinik by leading him to Audrey II.
This has faint parallels to Season 2; when Will was being possessed by the mind flayer, which caused Bobs death.
Mean Green Mother:
•Nothing at the moment sticks out to me, but I feel it definitely could parallel how Vecna treats Will in the future?
Also another green reference.
•Do I even have to say it? Id say a lot of the words in the prologue song match up with Wills life.
"Tellin' you, you better, Tell your mama, Something's gonna get her. "
Directly parallels Will telling Joyce to run with the Christmas lights.
And as Noah stated, Will will be protecting Joyce more in S5.
"Call a Cop"
Cough cough, Hopper.
"Ooh, hit the dirt, baby."
When Will first sees the Demogorgan, he bikes into the dirt.
"Something's comin' down, down the street for you!" When Will first sees the Demogorgan, it's on the street.
Somewhere That's Green:
•I don't think most of the lyrics here mean anything, but..
"And I dream of a place, Where we could be together at last"
Will probably dreams of a world where he can be supported for being queer, a world where him and Mike could be together.
"As the sun sets in the west"
Yellow and Blue meet in the west.
"Far from Skid Row, I dream we'll go, Somewhere that's green."
Once again, I don't think anyone in the party wants to stay in Hawkins forever. That's just my perspective though.
Also, Blue + Yellow = Green
Suddenly, Seymour:
•Self explanatory.
"Suddenly, Seymour is here to provide you."
"Sweet understanding, Seymour's your friend"
The song is about how Seymour treats Audrey, which could parallel how Mike treats Will, or vise versa.
"Nobody else treated me kindly. Daddy left early, Mama was poor"
Well, this is obviously a parallel. The Byers are definitely far from wealthy, and Lonnie did leave. And Will has stated before that Mike is the only one that doesn't coddle him.
"Please understand that it's still strange and frightening"
Having queer feelings in the 80s/90s along with the whole UD thing is pretty frightening.
Feed Me Seymour:
•Could possibly foreshadow Vecna trying to manipulate Will into joining him, but that's a big stretch.
But the most likely parallel is it could be representative of the Mind Flayer in Will's mind in Season Two.
In LSoH, Audrey II quite literally manipulates Seymour in a way. The only reason Seymour killed Mushnik and Orin was because of Audrey II.
Which lines up with Will saying "He made me do it" in Season Two; and the death of Bob which was directly the fault of The Mindflayers influence.
(Also, the whole Feed Me narrative can be viewed as how Will fed the Mind Flayer information.)
The Meek Shall Inherit:
•As I stated before, this song could parallel a member of the party becoming famous. Other than that, not much else can be said.
"And you're a meek little guy"
Meek; an attitude or quality of heart whereby a person is willing to accept and submit without resistance to the will and desire of someone else.
Sound familiar?
Grow For Me:
•Doesn't seem to have any parallels to Will, but it's similar to the whole Dustin & Dart arc.
Some Fun Now:
•Alot of explosive talk, and there's been a lot of fire/explosives in ST.
"Then he lit a fuse and give him room."
"He started an explosion, holy cow!"
"That thing went bang, kaboom"
However, I would say the most likely thing this could parallel in Will's life would be the fireworks used in Season Three to defeat the Mind Flayer.
I feel like LSoH has many similarities to Will's life, and there could be even more in S5.
But, who knows! These could all just be coincidences and I'm just looking too far into it.
Most of these are probably not on purpose, and a lot of these are probably stretches.. but I had fun making this and that's all that matters.
#stranger things#will byers#fan theory#mike wheeler#LSoH spoilers#stranger things 5#stranger things theory#ST#stranger things season 5#stranger things season one#byler endgame#byler is canon#byler tumblr#byler#byler nation#byler s5#anti mileven#joyce byers#eleven hopper#jim hopper#jonathan byers#will byers is gay#miwi#stranger things analysis#st5 speculation#st5 theory#noah schnapp#finn wolfhard#will x mike#dy's theories
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Jump then fall | Steve Harrington x reader

Chapter one - everything has changed
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Summary - after 7 years of being split apart from your childhood friend Steve you return to hawkins after your younger sisters tragic death, and parents messy divorce. But the Steve you came back to isn’t the same Steve you left behind.
"Steve!" Steve was surrounded by two of his new friends, Tommy and his girlfriend Carol, as I skipped up to him. They were both in 8th grade like Steve. carol looked me up and down as I stood in front of the trio. Steve had an annoyed look on his face from the moment I opened my mouth. Ever since he became friends with Tommy and Carol, it seemed as if I was just another inconvenience for Steve. "What?" the words are harsh as they come out of his mouth, almost like he was stabbing me right in the heart. But despite the achy feeling in my chest, I continued to talk. "wanna come over after school? My dad is working, so he won-"
"God, you are so annoying," Steve scoffs, which makes my brow furrow together in confusion. Steve has been a sweet boy ever since the moment I met him in kindergarten, but the moment he entered the 8th grade it was like a switch flipped inside of him. He no longer cared about his mother or his real friends he only care about popularity, girls, and being an absolute asshole to everyone around him. "Wh-what?" the words come out quiet and meek, the confusion still setting in as my eyes flicked from him to Tommy and then to Carol. Both his friends chuckled, probably because of the tears pooling in my eyes. "I said, you are fucking annoying! can't you go find someone else to cling onto?"
It seemed like time had stopped. Everyone around us stared, some laughed, and some whispered. Was I sent into a parallel universe because this wasn't the Steve I had grown to know? My chest heaved as I blinked back tears. "I-I'm sorry I thought-I thought-" I couldn't get the words out fast enough because Steve was shouting again before I could finish my sentence. "What that I was, your friend? I only hung out with you 'cause I felt bad that your sister died" This wasn't about Sara. He didn't need to bring her up. He knew it was a sore subject. The wound was still fresh. He knew it was still fresh. This felt like he was sticking a knife into that barely healed wound.
I want to punch him; I want to tackle him down to the ground and kill him just because he brought up my sister. "Your mom didn't even like you, so why should I? She dodged a bullet, leaving you." Maybe it was my mind making it up, but it felt like everyone around me was cackling at his words, at my tears, at my fists clenching and unclenching themselves. it hurt, it hurt so bad because I trusted him. I thought he was my best friend, but he wasn't. he was an evil lying bitch.
Before he can say anything else, I'm running away. I ran out of the school and to the group of telephones that stood outside against the school. I immediately punched in my father's work number as heavy sobs racked through my body. The phone rang a good three times before the secretary, Flo, answered the call.
"Hello, this is Hawkins police station. My name is Flo. How may I help you?" Flo was an older lady with dark hair and big, round glasses that sat on the brim of her nose. I sniffled before wiping my eyes. "He-hey Flo, can I talk to my dad?" I asked. Flo must've not noticed I was crying because she instantly transferred me to my father. The phone rang once before my dad answered, "Yeah what ya need?" Dad asks, "Da-daddy can you-you come get me?" I asked through sobs. I could almost hear the confusion in his voice as he asked, "What's wrong? What happened?" I don't answer due to the sobs that continue to erupt from my body. My brain was asking the same question repeatedly. Why would he do that to me? I thought we were friends. "I-I-please Dad," he grumbles quietly, "alright I'll be there in a few minutes."
I stood on the sidewalk with my arms wrapped around my body, waiting. Tears were still streaming down my cheeks when my dad's blazer pulled up beside me. I quickly get into the car, throwing my backpack in the back seat, and slamming the door shut before curling up in a ball, leaning my head against the glass. My father didn't immediately begin driving, instead deciding to interrogate me. "What happened? Did someone say something to you?"
"Steve," I whispered as more tears fell down my cheek. "Wh-what'd he do?" he asked, brows curling into a furrow. Dad knew Steve as a sweet boy, not someone who could ever hurt me. "He-he said...said I was annoying a-a-and that I was clingy." I said through sobs "And he-he said he was only my friend because he fe-felt bad because Sara die-died, that, m-mom didn't like me so why should he, a-and that she do-dodged a bullet leaving." His blood was boiling, I could tell. His face turned red, and he clenched his fists. Before I could even ask him what he was doing, he was already out of the car and halfway towards the front door.
I wasn't a total nerd or loser. I was just normal, but I wasn't a Heather or a Carol. I was just me. I wasn't even the attractive type of normal person like Nancy Wheeler. I was just average. I was standing at my locker waiting for my friend Stephanie. We always met up at my locker before walking to English. Steph was popular. Sometimes I ask myself how I scored a friend like her. She was beautiful and kind. Everybody liked her and everybody had a reason why. The boys liked her because she was pretty, and the girls liked her because she was kinder than the other popular girls. Her curly hair bounced as she sauntered up to me. Her lips formed in a sweet smile as her hands pressed against her hips.
Her hair was pulled into a ponytail and a green bow was placed in her hair to match her green cheerleading uniform. "You coming to the game tonight?" she asked as she leaned her body against the locker next to me. "Maybe I Dunno. I have a lot of homework tonight," I whisper. I'm momentarily distracted by Steve walking by with his arm around his new plaything, Lisa Franklin, a cheerleader like Steph, but unlike Steph, Lisa was an absolute bitch. Despite the hurtful things Steve Harrington said to me, my crush on him never completely disappeared. Sometimes it felt like it was hidden away, but it was always there, simmering beneath the surface.
Whenever I saw him walk by or heard him speak in any of our shared classes, my heart would skip a beat and my feelings for him would come flooding back. It was frustrating and confusing, but I couldn't help the way I felt. I feel two arms wrapping around my body, drawing my attention away from Steve. I glance over and see that it's Shawn Peterson. My relationship with Shawn is a bit complicated. We do things that most people in a romantic relationship do, but we don't use labels because he 'doesn't like labels'.
Shawn's a football player who's popular enough to be kind of friends with Steve. His hair is a dark, chocolate brown that falls in natural waves, framing a face that is both masculine and handsome. But it's his stunning brown eyes that steal the show, sparkling with an intensity that could make any girl weak in the knees. "So, you coming tonight?" he asks as he presses a kiss to my neck. I shrug my shoulders. "Maybe still Dunno though," I whisper. He groans as he presses a kiss just below my ear. "c'mon my parents aren't home tonight; we can go to mine afterward," I hum as I turn so I'm facing him. If I go, I have to tell my dad I'm at Steph's house and if I do that, I have the risk of him calling her parents to verify.
despite the risks, I smile up at him and whisper, "yeah okay sure."
I sat on the bleachers watching as Steph cheered. my hands were buried deep into my pockets as I zoned out. No matter how much I loved Steph and Shawn, I'll always find high school football games a little boring. I didn't understand football and no matter how many times Shawn tried explaining it to me, I always left the conversation a little more confused than I was before. I feel someone sit down beside me, but I don't care enough to look to see who it is.
"hey," an all too familiar voice whispers. That makes me look up because I haven't heard that voice talking to me in years. Steve Harrington sat next to me, dressed in the same outfit he had been wearing at school earlier that day. I couldn't stop my heart from beating a mile a minute, and my hands beginning to shake. I can't tell if I'm nervous because I'm scared or because I have feelings for him. "What?" I mutter back, my voice a little harsher than I expected. Despite the fact he had been so mean to me back in 7th grade, I never wanted to be mean back. I couldn't get myself to do it.
"You here for Shawn?" Steve asks, his left hand tapping away at the metal bench. I nod replying "Yup" he hums as he nods awkwardly "Sooo...is he your y'know boyfriend?" I shrug "It's complicated..." he nods, a quiet hum coming from his lips. Why did he want to talk now? He hasn't talked to me in 3 years, but now randomly he wants to talk like nothing ever happened, like he never whispered to his friends when I walked by or spread rumors about me. "Why are you talking to me?" I ask brows curling in confusion as I stare up at him.
"wh-oh I-I just wanted to talk," he mutters back. he didn't want to talk for years before this, so why'd he want to talk now? After everything he's done to me, why now? I'm silent as I search his face for any signs that he's messing with me. But there's nothing, not a smirk, or some type of glint in his eyes, just brows furrowed together in confusion. I decided to look around to see if any of his friends were nearby snickering to themselves, but still, I didn't see any of them.
"wh-what are you looking for?" he asks. I quickly pivot my body towards him again. "Are you fucking with me again Steve?" he lets out a shocked little gasp before hurling into saying "No, no I'm not I just thought we could talk y'know since we haven't in a while" That infuriates me because he knows damn well why we aren't talking. "You know why we haven't talked in a while," I mutter as I scoot away from him. "c'mon y/n that was so long ago," he says, elongating the 'o' at the end of ago. I scoff rolling my eyes. "Yeah fuck you," I say as I scoot away from him a little more. He sighs defeated before asking, "How's your dad?" I shrug, muttering a quiet "fine," he nods awkwardly "You still live in the same house?" I shake my head. "No, moved a few years back."
We sit awkwardly, both of us not speaking as the football team comes running out on the field. Most of the people around us roar in applause and shouts of excitement, including Steve. he stands to his feet clapping before cupping his hands together in front of his mouth and shouting "Yeahhh Shawn!!" I cringe a little inside. Steve, like every other popular guy and athlete at the school, were filled with so much school spirit it made me physically cringe. he sat back down looking at me, as I stared at my feet trying to hold back laughter. "What?" a smile cracks to his lips as I let out a few quiet giggles. "Nothing...nothing" he laughs, and for a few quick minutes our old dynamic came back.
"Seriously? C'mon, what?" cover my mouth with my hand as I continue to laugh. I shake my head, refusing to say anything as our laughter dies down. And just like that, we were back to two estranged friends who hadn't held a conversation for more than 2 minutes for the past 3 years, almost. "y'know your dad punched me that day?" I look up at him, brows furrowing as I whisper a quiet "What?"
"He punched me when I was in eighth grade. " It all comes back, my father storming into the school after admitting to him what Steve had said to me. "good" I wouldn't normally expect my father, a grown man, to punch a 13-year-old, but in that instance, I don't blame him. If I was him and a guy like Steve had told my daughter the things Steve had told to me, I would've done more than just punched him. Steve laughs almost as if he was agreeing with me "Yeah...I was an asshole" I roll my eyes, was? Steve Harrington was still an asshole. "still" I say correcting him. Now it's his turn to ask "What?" I roll my eyes yet again as I say, "You're still an asshole", he frowns as he nods slowly "Yeah...I guess" At least he could admit it.
Once the game ended, I bid Steve a quiet goodbye and went to the parking lot. I wait by Shawn's car for about 10 minutes until I see Shawn walking towards it, duffle bag swung over his shoulder, and hair damp. Steve walked next to him, both chatting about who knows what. Shawn drops his bag onto the hood of his car before scooping me up into a kiss.
Returning his kiss, I wrap my arms around his neck. I try to enjoy the kiss, but unfortunately, I can't because I can practically feel Steve's glare. I pull away, eyes meeting with Steve's. His brows are knitted together in an angry, or jealous type of furrow, and his arms are crossed over his chest. "You did so good out there," I say, pretending like I wasn't zoning out every 10 seconds. "mhm" Shawn hums before pressing his lips back against mine.
Steve clears his throat, making Shawn and I pull apart yet again. "well I'm gonna go. "See ya later, dude... um, nice talking to you again, y/n," Steve says before he starts walking towards his BMW, that was parked a few cars down.
The drive to Shawn's house is short and quiet. The only noise present is the low hum of the radio, and our breathing. When we get into his room, his hands are almost immediately all over my body. His lips touch mine, and his hands slide up and down the sides of my body before deciding to rest comfortably against my hips. The room is already somehow hot, and we're both out of breath when the sound of the phone (which sat on his nightstand) begins to ring.
The sound of the phones rings is shrill and cuts through the quiet house like a knife. Shawn groans before pulling away from me. He crawls up his bed before answering the phone. Leaning against the headboard, he says, "Hello?"" in a very annoyed tone. "Oh, hey dude...no you weren't interrupting anything." the last bit drips in sarcasm as he says it.
"Yeah...yeah she's here, what'dya need?" I know he's talking about me because no one else is here, but I don't have a clue about who he's talking to. His brows furrow in confusion as the muffled sound of the other person talking comes out of the receiver. Then he scoffs as he shakes his head. "No, I'm not gonna do that sorry Steve." Steve? Why would Steve be asking about me? "Dude, you can't just ask me to do that" Shawn's eyes flick over to me before he whispers "I've gotta go alright? yeah, yeah, see you later." Shawn says before hanging up the phone.
"What was that about?" I ask. He hums quietly before hesitantly saying "Um...he just wanted to ask me if he could copy my homework" My brows furrow. There's no way Shawn would have made a big deal out of copying homework. They always copied each other work, so there was no way that's what Steve had asked. There was no world in which Shawn would have answered like that to needing to copy his homework.
As I press my hands into the soft cushion of Shawn's mattress, I sigh and whisper, "I should go... my dad's gonna be pissed if he finds out I stayed out late." Shawn nods before asking "Need a ride?" I nod, pushing myself up off the mattress and to my feet. "Yeah, but drop me off a few miles out. Don't need my dad knowing you're there."
A few years back, after my father's divorce was settled, and I was adjusted in school, my father sold our old family house. Claiming there were too many bad memories there, then he promptly moved us out to a cabin in the woods, much to 12-year-old Me's dismay. The cabin had supposedly been my grandfather's. his father, aka my grandfather, skipped out on the 'wondrous' opportunity to live in the shithole, so it had been abandoned for years since my great-grandfather died. It's a shitty log cabin, two beds and one bath that sat in the middle of the woods.
I hate being at that place alone. The doors creek, and the trees around it whistle with every gust of wind. I swear I'm going to be murdered one day in it and it'll be all Dad's fault for moving us out there. I didn't know why he couldn't have just moved us into some moderately shitty apartment or even keep us at the old house.
Shawn's car slowly drives down a dirt road in the middle of the woods. His high beams shining ahead of us to make sure there wasn't some animal (or person) in our way. About halfway towards my house, Shawn stops the car. From there, it would be about a 10-minute walk up to the house. "I can walk you up there if you want me to," he says, his voice quiet as if he thought my father would somehow hear him all the way out here. "No, I'm fine...but thanks anyway. See you on Monday," I say as I push open the car door. I sling my bag over my shoulder as I begin the walk towards my house. Shawn waits until I'm out of sight from his car to turn around and it's the 5-minute drive back to the main road.
I arrive at my bedroom window. I don't even notice my dad stood leaned up against the door frame until I'm fully inside my room. I'm left staring at my father, who has his arms crossed over his chest, angrily glaring at me. "WHERE THE HELL WHERE YOU?" my mouth gaped open as I began to say something but decided it was better not to. "GO ON TELL ME WHERE THE FUCK YOU WHERE" I let out a groan as I matched my father cross my arms over my chest "I was at the football game," I say with an eye-roll as I toss my backpack on my bed.
He scoffs "THE FOOTBALL GAME ENDED AT 8:30 SO TELL ME WHERE THE FUCK YOU'VE BEEN FOR THE LAST 2 HOURS!" his voice echoes through my room as I begin to talk, "God you're being so dramatic. A few friends and I went to Shawn's to celebrate after the game." his face is red, and his fists clench and unclench before he begins to shout again. "YEAH, WE'LL SINCE YOU DONT KNOW HOW TO FUCKING PICK UP A PHONE AND TELL ME WHERE YOU ARE I DON'T WANT YOU OUT OF THIS HOUSE FOR THE NEXT TWO DAYS!" my eyes widen as I shout "What! that's not fair! I'm babysitting this weekend!"
"well, you're going to call whoever you're babysitting for this weekend and tell them that you can't make it anymore, and I don't want you using this phone this weekend either," he says as he goes to unplug the phone from the wall. I let out a loud dramatic "ugh!" which is then followed by me shouting "I hate you!"
As he walks out of the room he says, "Yeah well I fucking hate you too" I dramatically sit down on my bed before shouting again "You're such a fucking asshole!" he turns brows furrowing as he says, "What did you just call me", I'm not scared of him, I never have. He thinks I am, but I never will. "I said you're a fucking asshole," I repeat as my arms cross over my chest. He scoffs as he says, "I'll show you how much of an asshole I can be" before slamming my bedroom door behind him.
I sit on my bed, arms crossed like a bratty toddler as tears pricked in my eyes. it wasn't fair. I've gotten home late a handful of times and he never gotten angry any of those times, why did he always pick and choose when he wanted to blow up? I wonder what it would be like right now if I was still in New York with my mother. would she be blowing up on me right now too? would she be cool about things like this? or was she strict? but I guess I'll never know because she gave up on me and our family.
I feel bad after fighting with him, I always feel bad. I know deep down he loves me; he just doesn't really know how to show it anymore. I crave that fatherly love that gets rationed out from time to time. I think that's why we fight so much; I crave the affection; he doesn't know how to show it. when he's not working, he sits on his chair, or in his bedroom practically in a catatonic state staring at the tv or a wall, we eat dinner in our separate rooms we don't talk unless we're screaming at each other, or I've got my head laid in his lap as I profusely apologize for what had happened. we're both traumatized i know that we both lost so much, but he should at least try. he knows I don't have any other parental figures in my life, and he still chooses to be distant and cold.
I sigh arms falling to my sides, pressing against my soft mattress. sometimes in the spur of the moment I wish he had died, and I know he thinks the same about me. I always feel bad afterwards though. even though I live with him, I don't know my father at all, he's a stranger to me. the only time we feel like father and daughter is when he's bossing me around. it's absolutely bazar that I feel the same way about my father that I do my absent mother. it's actually like they're both absent in their own ways, dad emotionally, and mom physically. he totally gave up after sara died, I mourn my father in the same way i mourn my dead sister. I just want the old him back, the dad who chased us around the park, and took us out for ice cream, the dad who never even thought to yell at me even if i had stollen a car.
I just want him back.
@sheisjoeschateau @nothankyou138 @gleefulleve @luluw-20 @skrzydlak @halflifejess @natalie-flo @castleallherown
#fanfics#x reader#stranger things#steve harrington x reader#fem!reader#joe keery#steve harrington#steve harrington x female!reader#steve harrington x fem!reader#steve harrington fanfiction#stranger things x reader#stranger things season one
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I could not help myself.

#stranger things#nancy wheeler#steve harrington#jonathan byers#nancy wheeler x steve harrington#stancy#nancy wheeler x jonathan byers#jancy#steve harrington x jonathan byers#stonathan#nancy wheeler x steve harrington x jonathan byers#stoncy#bisexual steve harrington#bisexual jonathan byers#pansexual nancy wheeler#stranger things season one#stranger things fanart#rueleigh edits#rueleigh's thoughts
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i feel like you really can’t judge the party too harshly season one because they are literally baby twelve year olds
#stranger things#st#stranger things season one#stranger things season 1#stranger things s1#the party#mike wheeler#lucas sinclair#dustin henderson#will byers#i do not understand the people who viscerally hate any of them this early on#they are literal children and they act like it so what?#like yeah those are middle school boys#they’re annoying in very reasonable ways
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ahoy! please comment below your favorite steve harrington quote(s), whether it’s from season 1, 2, 3 or 4!! It’s for science.

#joe keery#joseph david keery#joe keery fandom#steve harrington fandom#joe keery steve harrington#steve harrington stranger things#stranger things steve#steve stranger things#steve harrington#stranger things fandom#stranger things 3#stranger things#stranger things 4#stranger things 2#stranger things season 4#stranger things season 3#stranger things season four#stranger things season two#stranger things season three#stranger things season one#stranger things series
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I fight the world (I fight you, I fight myself)
↳ Without Borders (Season One)
After losing everything and moving from your home in Philadelphia to Indiana, you find that the rather mundane town of Hawkins isn’t quite what it’s cut out to be, and after the sudden disappearance of Will Byers, and then your cousin Barb, you make it your number one mission to find out what the hell is going on.
All you really want is to just be left alone and let the earth swallow you whole.
Also, Steve is kind of insufferable, who knew?
Prolouge: Welcome Home
Moving is tough, especially after going through some things, but hey, you'll just have to keep your head up.
Chapter One: The Vanishing of Will Byers
Chapter Two: The Weirdo on Maple Street
Chapter Three: Holly, Jolly
Chapter Four: The Body
Chapter Five: The Flea and the Acrobat
Chapter Six: The Monster
Chapter Seven: The Bathtub
Chapter Eight: The Upside Down
#stranger things#steve harrington#steve harrington stranger things#steve harrington x reader#steve harrington x you#steve harrington x fem reader#steve harrington fic#stranger things fic#stranger things season one#stranger things rewrite
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Ahh I’m so proud of this one!! My first stranger things edit!!
Is it possible it sucks yes, but do I think it’s pretty nifty, hell yes I do!!
#stranger things#stranger things edit#my edit#edits#stranger things season one#will byers#mike wheeler#joyce byers#jim hopper#lucas sinclair#dustin henderson
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It Wasn't Nancy
Stranger Things Masterlist | Full Masterlist
Anonymous Request: Can I please ask a Steve x- ex-best friend reader where he gets really sick, like barely conscious, and Y/N takes care of him by staying awake during the nights? But as he wasn't conscious enough, he thinks it was Nancy, and Y/N doesn't tell anyone. Months later, he somehow accidentally finds the truth and I wanna leave the aftermath up to you❤️I don't know if this makes sense, though. You don't have to make it if you don't like it, doesn't matter😊
A/N: I'm a sucker for the friends-to-lovers trope. I feel like that's a majority of the x-readers I write 😂. I also think this is the longest x-reader I have ever made! Thank you for requesting, love!!
Summary: You and Steve were always best friends, but after befriending Carol and Tommy, the two of you fell apart. You miss him every day. Now, your high school career is coming to a close. After attending a party at his house, Steve falls sick the next morning. You decided to stay with Steve, not really wanting to leave him alone because you knew he would never take care of himself.
Y/N/N: Your Nick Name
Y/L/N: Your Last Name
Hazel -> Your Older Sister
You were involved in the Upside Down stuff.
Long Imagine
Slight Language
Steve Harrington x-reader
(Third Person View)
Relationship break-ups are hard, but so are friendship break-ups. Y/N and Steve had been friends since they were toddlers, so close that they'd take baths with one another. People always say that you significantly change during your high school years, but nobody told Y/N that she'd lose her best friend.
Steve and Y/N met Carol and Tommy during their freshmen year of high school. It seemed harmless to meet the couple, but Y/N slowly noticed changes in Steve. He began ditching their movie and game nights, their study sessions, and overall hanging out. Carol and Tommy were always there, like, always there.
Y/N couldn't take a break from them. And sometimes, that's how Y/N truly felt. Y/N stayed by Steve's side, afraid that if she left, she'd lose him forever. But Y/N would lose him no matter what. Steve knew that he wasn't hanging out with Y/N as much.
During their Junior year, Steve wanted to say something, but of course, he was tied up with his new popularity level. So much that it clouded his vision. He thought about telling Y/N so many times but didn't know the right way to say it. And Y/N thought about confronting him but also didn't know how to say it.
And, now, it was their senior year. The two hadn't spoken since freshmen year, other than being project or lab partners. Thankfully, they were on better terms. A lot of people noticed Steve changed, not just them but Y/N.
She saw how much he grew to care about his grades, the way he spoke to people, and who he associated himself with. Even though Y/N wanted to talk to him, there was still some inkling in her that believed he didn't want to talk to her. She knew it was stupid to think that because Y/N understood that Steve liked her.
They knew too much about each other to know they couldn't last long without one another. But, they haven't spoken since the fall, so I guess that belief was proven wrong. Since it was their senior year, it seemed like everyone was having an end-of-the-year party.
And Steve was just one of those students. He hadn't thrown a party since freshmen year but decided that it might be nice to host one. Here Y/N was, standing in the middle of her room, trying to decide what to wear. Hazel, Y/N's older sister, and Nancy sat on Y/N's bed.
"What do you think about this one?" Y/N asked. She held up a purple skirt matched with a white blouse with a few ruffles on the hem. Nancy tilted her head at the outfit her friend held up. "Try it with a different top," she said. Y/N nodded and fished around her closet for a grey button-down.
She turned back around to her sister and friend. Hazel grinned, giving Y/N a wide smile and two thumbs up. "Much better," she said. Y/N thanked her, setting the outfit onto her dresser. Nancy went back to look through some magazines Hazel brought in. "Haze, you wanna come with us?" Nancy offered.
Nancy looked up from the magazine to see Hazel's answer. "I would, but I think it would be weird if a twenty-two-year-old came to a party full of eighteen-year-olds," Hazel said. "True," Nancy nodded. Even though Nancy was an underclassman, she knew a couple seniors, including Y/N and Steve, which granted her access to his party.
Y/N chuckled and went into her bathroom to get changed. Hazel left a few minutes after Y/N changed. "Hey, can I ask you something?" Nancy asked as Y/N stepped back into her room. "Sure," Y/N replied.
She dropped her clothes into the laundry basket. Nancy sighed and sat on the edge of the bed with her hands sitting beside her. "Why haven't you talked with Steve since, like, forever?" Nancy asked.
Y/N looked at her, not expecting the question. She sighed and played with the thread on her skirt. "I don't know. The right moment hasn't come up," she shrugged. Nancy's brows furrowed in response. She smiled softly. "The right moment? Y/N, you practically live in the right moment," Nancy said, "Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't tell him when we were dealing with Dart and his friends."
"Because I was mainly focusing on saving my ass and everyone else," Y/N remarked. She didn't like to admit it to herself. But Y/N felt something when she began talking to Steve again. The two were with Dustin and his friends at the junkyard leading up to the encounter with Billy at the Byers.
You'd think that they would talk after, but it wasn't like that. They were talking more than they had before. Both Steve and Y/N knew there was still some growing to do, but maybe they could grow together? "I thought about it, believe me," Y/N sighed, "I mean, what if he doesn't want to talk to me?"
Nancy was taken aback by Y/N's statement. Nancy was aware that Steve wanted to talk to her. She had spoken with him about it that night at the Byers. Nancy withheld from saying anything because she felt that Steve and Y/N needed to be the ones to say it. "You'd be surprised, Y/N/N," Nancy said.
(Y/N's Point of View - Steve's Party)
"Stop pulling at your skirt. It looks fine," Nancy said, shutting the car door. I shot her a look and dropped my hands. She playfully rolled her eyes, locking the car. I guess I should've known that Steve's house would be crowded with people. "Why'd you make me wear it?" I asked, fixing the bow on the side.
Nancy looked back at me with raised brows. She rolled her eyes and continued walking. "Because the color looks great on you, and you needed to wear something else besides jeans," Nancy said. She fixes the strap of her purse, motioning for me to walk beside her. "But jeans are great," I said.
She chuckled. Nancy opened the door, letting out a billion different sounds. The two of us walked into Steve's house and looked for our friends. "I'll be right back," Nancy said. "No, wait. Nance," I called after her but wasn't successful. She was already halfway through the crowd by the time I wanted to follow her.
I decided to make my way over to the kitchen. Given I knew this house like the back of my hand, I knew where Steve kept the drinks other than alcohol. There were a few people crowding around the island. I pushed past them, reaching for the bottom shelf of the fridge.
People walked past me, trying to get to the other side of the kitchen. I shivered when I held the non-spiked lemonade. Nancy was still nowhere to be found. I loved her, but she had a habit of leaving me at parties.
Being the best person she is, she profusely apologizes. After a few seconds of standing there, I walked over to the porch outside. I sat down at a table with the drink. "Nice skirt," someone said. My shoulders dropped when I saw Carol standing there.
She stood there with a smirk on her face. I hadn't spoken to her since Freshmen year. On top of that, I practically ignored her in the halls. I was kind of impressed that I managed to 'forget' about her. But nobody could forget Carol. Her personality controlled that.
"May I sit? My legs are killing me from all that dancing," she chuckled. Without waiting for my response, she sat down. Carol leaned back in her seat and crossed her legs, straightening the hem of her dress. She looked at me, trailing her eyes at my outfit. "You know, you look different," Carol commented.
I looked at her with raised brows, regretting sitting down outside. I scanned the crowd of partygoers once more but, yet again, couldn't find Nancy. "Thanks," I replied. She took a sip of her drink.
I wished Steve would come over and somehow save me, but he was probably preoccupied with other guests. "So, how have you been?" Carol asked. My expression changed to a questionable tone. Never in my life did I think Carol Perkins would be nice to me, let alone tolerable. "I've been good," I replied.
"You must be so happy that school is over. I know I am," Carol said. She paused her sentence to take another long sip of her drink. I glanced behind Carol every once in a while just in case she had been told to talk with me. "Yeah, I am," I nodded. I tried making my responses short to see if she'd get the hint.
Carol went on about herself and where she was going to college. She stated that she wanted to pursue a career in acting and planned to attend a prestigious school in New York. Never did she once ask what I was doing.
It's not like I cared about what she thought, but it's nice when someone asks about your plans. I actually didn't have a solid plan. The plan included me staying in Hawkins to attend a local college. Which didn't seem entirely bad. It meant that I could stay close to my family and friends.
"I just can't believe how much you've changed. I mean, you're not as...." she said.
Her sentence trailed as she tried to think of something to finish it with. She shrugged and shook her drink to see if there was anything left. "Listen, sweetheart," Carol leaned in, "I'm not a 'hint taker,' so you can use that little voice of yours and just speak up."
The smile that inched onto her face was an unfriendly one. I should've known that this conversation would go an entirely different way than it started. I took a long, yet needed, sip of my drink. "Carol, I don't like you. Actually, I never liked you," I spoke, "You're a stuck-up bitch who only cares about herself and nobody else."
She tilted her head, not expecting my remark. "Usually, I'm someone who believes that people can change, but I'm starting to think that you never will," I stood up from the chair, "If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go find my friends because, frankly, I can't stand that stench coming from that thing you call perfume."
It was true. Carol typically wore freakishly strong perfume, to the point where I was convinced plants would shrivel from her 'signature scent.' Carol stood there with her brows raised and an empty beer can in hand. It was a great relief to see Nancy standing there with a few people in my History class Nancy befriended.
Nancy smiled when she saw me walking over to her. Her brows narrowed as she noticed a newfound confidence in me. "What's gotten into you?" she paused, "Oh my god, how many drinks have you had?" I shook my head and threw my can into the trash.
I told Nancy about the conversation with Carol. Nancy's eyes were wide during the explanation. "And she just stood there silently?" Nancy said. I nodded, chuckling. Nancy had her fair share of incidents with Carol. Mostly during her relationship with Steve, but that has since ended.
It did feel weird that I was friends with my former best friend's girlfriend, but Nancy assured me that it didn't matter to her. "How in the hell was Carol invited?" Nancy said. "No clue. I wouldn't be surprised if she just came in without any invitation," I commented, earning a laugh from Nancy.
(The Next Day)
The party had been going on for a few hours. Now, it was ten in the morning, and I had somehow gotten a killer headache. I wouldn't drink during parties, but hey, it was senior year after all. Charlie, a girl from my Physics class, laid beside me with her head resting against the top of the couch.
I had no idea where Nancy was. I hoped she hadn't left without me because she was my ride home. I woke up to see the living room and kitchen a mess. I reluctantly sat up from the couch, with Charlie slightly groaning from beside me. I quietly apologized and looked for Steve.
No idea why I was looking for him, but there was a little voice inside my head that urged me to. I saw Nancy curled up on the recliner in the corner of the living area. She scrunched up her face when I tapped her on the knee. "What?" Nancy responded.
Her voice was scratchy. I knew she wasn't one to drink as well. "Hey?" I nudged her again. Nancy's eyes shot open when she recognized it was me that was trying to wake her. She groaned as she sat up in the chair. "We totally slept over, didn't we?" Nancy said. I nodded in reply. She set my hand into hers as I helped her up.
"You can head home. I'm gonna go find Steve," I said. Nancy stared at me, surprised that I claimed I would go find Steve. "I'll be fine. Charlie's here," I said. Nancy looked over my shoulder and shook her head. I followed her line of sight and noticed that Charlie was walking out of the front door.
Now, it was just me and Nancy at Steve's. She patted me on the shoulder. "Help me find my left sneaker. I lost in the middle of that conga line last night," Nancy said, grabbing onto my shoulder for stability.
(Later at Steve's House)
Nancy and I never did find her other shoe. So, unfortunately, she had to head home with only one shoe and someone else's jacket. As for me, I was in the middle of cleaning Steve's house. I didn't even want to think about how the backyard looked.
If it was anything like Steve's other parties, it probably looked like shit. It shocked me that I wanted to stay, but I already knew that Steve wouldn't get this done by himself. I had been preparing myself for what to say when he made an appearance this morning.
I set the fifth bag of trash beside the front door. The house looked somewhat better, but still a wreck. I decided it was time to venture upstairs. I cautiously knocked on each door just in case there were still some guests over. When I got to Steve's room, the door was open just a crack.
And there he was. Steve was lying on his bed, the pillows and sheets messed up. His room was the same as it was in Freshmen year. There were a few new posters, but what surprised me more was that Steve had left pictures of us on his dresser. I couldn't stop myself from walking over to the dresser.
A smile appeared on my face when I saw a picture my mom took of us. Since me and Steve both had birthdays in the same month, we had conjoining parties at sometimes. My mom had taken a picture of us on our thirteenth birthday.
We were sitting beside his pool, sharing a piece of cake. It had been my favorite picture of us. My moment was interrupted by Steve moving on the bed. I turned to see him sitting up in his bed. "Hi," I said, slightly staring at him. Steve's eyes found their way to mine.
"Hi?" he replied. His focus was drawn to me, holding up a picture frame. Just then, Steve immediately rushed to the bathroom connected to his room. I don't remember him drinking that much, but I did kinda blank out the rest of the night. So, who knows!
I put the frame back where it was to see if he needed any help. He held up a thumbs up, telling me he was okay. "Steve, you don't look okay," I said. He shook his head and rested his back against the side of the bathtub.
Steve's face was almost pale looking. His eyes weren't red or anything, but he just looked sick. I thought to myself as to what he had served at the party last night. None of it looked different, other than that suspicious-looking chip dip that Carol and Tommy brought.
If I didn't say it, my face sure did. I told Steve I'd be right back. I sifted through the fridge and the trash, soon finding the container of the dip that the couple had brought. I noticed that the dip had expired. "Oh, shit," I muttered.
He hadn't moved since I went downstairs. I carefully grabbed his arm to bring him over to his bed after I remade it. He sunk into the bed, yanking the comforter over his shoulders. "Steve? Did you eat that cheese dip last night?" I crouched beside him. His eyes narrowed. "The one with the green chunks?" he replied.
The only thought that popped into my head was that he had somehow gotten food poisoning from the dip. Good thing I didn't have it. I just hoped Nancy didn't, either. I'll admit, it did kind of look weird last night. "I'll be right back. I just gotta make a call real quick," I said.
Steve nodded his head with his eyes slowly shutting. I bolted down the stairs to the phone in the kitchen. Last Spring, Hazel had gotten food poisoning from some seafood. She had been at home for almost four days because she couldn't do anything. "Hello?" she answered. "Hazel, it's Y/N," I responded.
Hazel stated that our mother left for work this morning. Thankfully, she said that I was staying at a friend's house, which wasn't a lie. "So, I'm in a bit of a situation here," I said. "Okay?" Hazel answered. "I woke up at Steve's house this morning and discovered that he might have food poisoning," I said.
My sister hissed when I told her the news. I remember my mother ranting to Hazel that she has to ask about certain things about food. "What do I do? I don't want to leave Steve by himself because I know he won't do anything," I explained.
She listed a bunch of different medicines I could search for, and just overall to be there for him. Additionally, Hazel made sure to add what foods he could eat. Because, if it wasn't obvious enough, Steve probably had mainly beer and small foods in his stomach.
While getting Steve's food and medicine together, I also cleaned. It took me a little bit to get everything situated. No matter how much I tried to be quiet, Steve still woke up.
I stayed at Steve's house for the whole weekend, staying awake almost every night. He was getting better but still seemed pretty out of it. Hazel stopped by to help me, even offering to stay with him so I could go home. I told her it was okay. Honestly, this gave me a good opportunity to try and talk to Steve.
It is kind of unfortunate that the time I choose to talk to him is when he's high on some medications. Hazel just left Steve's to drop off some new clothes for me and a few different foods. My mind kept going to why I was doing this all for him.
I mean, is it really worth it? He'll probably just forget about it, but the old Steve might've done that, but certainly not him now. I also couldn't help but think if there were other feelings left in my brain.
Steve was absolutely zonked. I was doing what felt like the millionth round of laundry this weekend. I fixed Steve's pillow, noticing that he was about to fall off the bed if he moved over an inch. I went to get up from the bed. His eyes slightly opened when he saw me.
"Hey," Steve said softly, his hand softly grasping my hand. Steve smiled, but it was a tired smile. "Thank you," he kissed my hand, "Thank you, Nancy."
He fell back asleep when he spoke those words. I didn't know what to do. It's not a big deal, though. Is it? I'm not sure why I was even somewhat offended. It's not like had control over that. It took everything within me to not wake him up. I ignored his statement and left his room.
(A Few Months Later)
After Steve's graduation party, things were awkward. Well, at least they were on my end. For all I knew, Steve had no idea what he said. All he knew was that I stayed after to help clean, and he was wasted.
I debated on telling Nancy, but I didn't want to complicate things. The thought that often rotated in my head was: the kiss on the hand, was that meant for Nancy or me? It's stupid to even care. I don't have any feelings for him other than friends. Hazel always said that she could see us together.
But I'd deny it every single time she mentioned it. If it wasn't enough torture thinking about that party, I thought it would've been a brilliant idea to work at Scoops Ahoy with Steve. I know, wonderful isn't it?
In all fairness, it was nice being friends with Steve again. It almost seemed like we put everything that happened behind us. Neither one of us mentioned anything. And! I met Robin. Who makes working at an ice cream parlor more fun.
Robin often convinced our manager to put the three of us together because she loved watching me and Steve bicker. "Dude, you can't just do that," I said, scooping some banana ice cream.
"Why? She laughed at my joke," Steve played with the ice cream scoop. "I believe it was a pitty laugh," I said. Steve gasped at my comment. "It was nowhere in the vicinity of a 'pitty laugh,'" Steve said.
He glanced at Robin for help. She put her hands up, saying she wasn't getting in the middle of the argument, but we all knew she loved to be a witness to it. "Then enlighten me, sunshine. What was wrong with my joke?" Steve invited me to explain.
Big mistake, Harrington. I gave the kid the ice cream, and she handed me the change. The parlor wasn't super crowded today, which was nice because it gave my friends and me time to talk.
"First, you said, 'Can I follow you?' Then paused and followed with 'Because my mom told me to follow my dreams,'" I explained, "You can't say that to someone and expect them to go with it. No wonder she left without getting her change."
Yet again, Steve looked back at Robin. Robin was desperately trying to hold back her laughter, and so was I. "It wasn't that bad," Steve said. "Steve, it was borderline bad," Robin spoke. Steve through his arms up in the air. She put a line on the 'you suck' part of the whiteboard. I laughed.
Steve turned to me with his brows raised, mad at my reaction. "Dude, c'mon, you're asking for it at this point," I said. Steve rolled his eyes and flipped the scoop back into the pocket of his apron. "Fine, then what's a good example of a pickup line?" he questioned.
I sighed and closed the lid where all the ice cream was. Steve watched me as I thought of a pickup line. "Steve, I don't think any pickup line in the world could top the one that you just said," Robin said, "In fact, I don't even think that there is a good pick-up line."
Steve groaned and leaned against the counter with his arms crossed. "Why can't you just talk to girls like a normal person?" I asked. "Cause he's not a normal person," Robin set the board beside her and joined us at the counter.
(Third Person View)
Unlike what Y/N thought, Steve knew exactly what happened. He himself couldn't even fathom what he did. Y/N had written what happened in her journal and later crumpled up the paper, throwing it in the trash. She needed to tell someone but decided to write it down instead.
Naturally, like older sisters do, Hazel noticed the paper in the trash. After reading the words carefully, she realized what happened. Hazel kept it to herself up until it slipped out during prep for a DND meeting with Dustin, which soon led to Steve finding out.
You'd think everything would've stayed hidden, but in Hazel's defense, she wasn't even planning on telling anyone. And as for Steve, he felt terrible. He was good at hiding it because Y/N had no idea. He knew that he needed to tell Y/N and apologize for being such a jerk.
He didn't even know why it was so hard to tell her. Maybe it was because he truly cared about her, or maybe because he saw her in a different light. Steve clearly remembers the conversation with Dustin:
[Two Months After The Party]
"Are you stupid, or are you dumb?" Dustin said, standing in front of Steve. Steve stood behind the kitchen counter as the Henderson boy sat at the table. "I can't believe you said that," Dustin continued his rant. "Hey, you try being high on drugs," Steve pointed at Dustin with a butter knife.
Dustin disregarded the older boy's reaction. He stood up from the table and walked over to the counter. "That doesn't matter. Did you not think that it was Y/N at all?" Dustin said. Steve sighed and set the knife on the plate. He ran a hand under the sink, wiping his hands on a towel. "Dustin, I don't even know why I did it, okay? I was barely unconscious, and my vision was blurry and all that shit that comes with food poisoning," Steve said.
He waved his arms around as he spoke. Dustin thought to himself, mainly thinking that Steve had a point. "Next time you get some information like that, don't go blabbing it to everyone," Steve went back to making his sandwich. Dustin looked up at him. "I didn't 'blab' it everyone. Hazel told me accidentally, then I told you," Dustin answered. Steve rolled his eyes again.
(Later - Y/N's Point of View)
Since restarting our friendship, Steve and I started hanging out again. Which included our weekly movie or game nights and hanging out at Starcourt. Right now, we were in the middle of watching one of my favorite movies since it was my turn to choose.
The two of us were on good terms and eventually figured that our long break of friendship was needed. We gathered our favorite snacks and settled in the living room. The movie was only halfway through when Steve decided to speak up. "Hey, Y/N, can I talk to you about something?" he asked.
"Steve, we're in the middle of a movie," I said, gesturing to the television. His brows rose. Steve looked at me, then back to the movie. "How many times have you seen this movie?" he said. I shrugged in reply. "Like five million times," Steve answered, "I think you'll be fine not watching Sixteen Candles for a split second."
He gestured to the television once more before sitting up straight. "C'mon, Samantha was just about to have the moment with Jack," I said, my shoulders dropping. Steve didn't look like he was amused one bit. I sighed and grabbed the remote to pause the movie. "What is it?" I inquired.
He took the blanket off, draping it over the back of the couch. Steve turned so he was facing me. "You remember the grad party in May?" Steve asked. I nodded, motioning for him to get on with it. It was typical for Steve to try and stall as if he was thinking about what to say.
"And you were being your sweet self and cleaned up my house for me," he said. "I had to clean with a killer headache," I said. He chuckled at my response, sighing. "Well," Steve said, "I've been told that that's not entirely true." Now, I really wish I had put up a bigger fight to not pause the movie.
Steve watched me think to myself before finishing his speech. "I was told that..." he said. "That you said Nancy's name when I was helping you," I finished, not bothering to ask how my sister found out. During our conversation, his brown eyes were focused on the carpet.
His eyes wandered away from the ground and up to me. "Why didn't you tell me? Or, ask me if I remembered?" he questioned. I sighed, shrugging yet again. "Because I was afraid. I'm not really sure why because you are the least intimidating person that I know," I said, earning a soft chuckle from Steve.
"Part of me thought that you didn't want to talk to me because I practically ditched you," I said, "And, again, I don't even know why I even bothered to stay to help you, but some little part of me knew that I should. I knew that if I left, you'd never take care of yourself. And it hurt me to think that you'd be home alone feeling like shit."
Steve's face softened at my long statement. He smiled slightly. "Y/N," Steve said. He took my hand into his, resting my hand on his knee. He stared at our hands and then up to me. "I'm sorry that I said Nancy's name. I was completely out of it, and when I heard what I did. I felt terrible because I had grown to like you more than we were little," Steve said.
Now, he had caught my attention. I was a little taken aback, questioning what I heard. "I've grown to like you more than just friends. That's probably a little weird because we've started hanging out again, but you're still the same Y/N that I've known since forever," he paused, "And I'm the same Steve. Well, a new and improved Steve."
His smile grew at the sight of mine. Steve kissed me on the top of my head, leaning his forehead against mine. I smiled as his lips lingered before leaning back, our faces still close.
"I do have one question," I said, "How exactly did you find out? Because I didn't tell anyone." He put the blanket back onto the two of us. Steve grabbed the remote, chuckled (GIF Above), and stated, "I think we should go back to the movie."
Taglist: @b-ritney @ramaalkayyali @midnightstar-90 @nix-rose
#stranger things#stranger things netflix#stranger things season one#stranger things season two#stranger things season three#stranger things season four#stranger things season five#joe keery#joe keery imagines#joe keery x reader#steve harrington#steve harrington x-reader#steve harrington imagines#steve harrington fluff
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something about steve buying jonathan a new camera is so dear to me. he recognises what he did was wrong and tries to fix it in perhaps the sweetest way possible. it also makes me kind of sad that he felt like he couldn’t give it to jonathan himself + how hopeful he looked after nancy gave it to him. the little smile on his face when he knows jonathan had it is something so precious in a way that i don’t really know how to explain
#this is literally incoherent#idk i just really love them#and stonathan is so painfully extremely underrrated#stranger things#stranger things season one#stonathan#steve harrington#jonathan byers#nancy wheeler
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And the beat goes on
ao3. wc: 1,521 Tommy & Steve, season one, hurt/comfort, panic attack, hugging, bed sharing
It's loud when he pushed the window sill up, but he doesn't know how to make it not be. He's too occupied with the shaking in his hands and the desperate need to breathe deeply for the first time in hours. Heaving himself through the window isn't much quieter, not when he always forgets the little action figures Tommy lines his window with.
They clutter to the floor, but their sound is masked by Steve’s body hitting the floor harder, startling the bed in front of him and causing a groaning ripple as his best friend (ex-best friend? What's the use by date on the term after a fight?) rolls and pushes himself up to investigate the sound.
Tommy is barely visible amongst his covers and Steve can't tell if it's because the nightlight he's had since they were five wasn't plugged in, or because he can't see through the tunnel vision he's had since leaving the hospital and it was about to swallow him whole. Either way, Steve would really appreciate being able to see him, the familiarity of seeing his sleepy, cowlicked hair would be a real comfort right then.
Tommy moves quickly, leans over the pillow he uses to hug at night ever since Mr Tumbles got too delicate to cuddle with, and turns on the lamp by his bed.
"What the fu—Harrington? What are you doing here, man? I thought you were sick of me."
Steve would absolutely love to answer Tommy, but the fear and panic that had been trying to drown him for the last God knows how many hours have decided to settle into his bones and muscle. All he can feel is static pumping through his fingers and chest. Somewhere deep in the back of his head, he knows that this is only happening because he's retreated to one of the only places he has ever felt safe. Knows it as surely as his body did when he'd made the unthinking left turn that would lead onto Kerly instead of turning towards home.
Distantly, Steve is aware of the rustle of shifting blankets and sheets, of socked feet hitting the floor. It's all secondary to trying to get the buzzing static out of his body instead of dragging everything away from his arms to start pooling in his chest. There's a warmth in front of him, a furnace that snares his hands and drags them away, pushes them against a heaving drum. He tries to pull focus, uses the pressure of his knees against his chest and the steady beat of the drum under his hands as a guide and slowly becomes aware of his body.
Steve blinks slowly, matches his breathing to the rhythm under his hands and lets himself focus on the external stimuli instead of the spiral he fell into harder than he had Tommy's floor. The idea of immediately looking up into Tommy's eyes scares him, the idea of not knowing what he'd find his friend's eyes is almost as paralysing as whatever the fuck is happening to him right now. Instead he squeezes his blinks to focus on the ancient light blue T-Ball team shirt innocently gripped in his hands.
When had he closed his hand?
"You with me yet, Stevie-boy?"
Tommy's chest buzzed against his clenched fingers.
"Come on, Stevie, I need you to breathe, man. You're starting to freak me out. You haven't been like this since you broke your retainer in the ninth grade, and if it weren't for the fact that I know your dad is still on that business trip I'd think this was because of him." Tommy pressed harder against Steve's trapped hands. "Give me an explanation, man, because I haven't seen you since yesterday, and that's weeks for us man."
"I fought a monster." It came out as barely a whisper, it certainly lacked the energy to cross the scant space between them.
"You fought—listen if you don't want to—"
Steve sighed. "Tommy. Tommy, when have I ever not told you something?"
Finally, Steve looks up. Tommy is frowning but he hasn't moved away. Doesn't look as mad as he'd expected, he looks mostly worried actually. The right side of his face is washed yellow from the lamp. His freckles remind Steve of distant stars, the way they're barely visible in this light.
"I don't know, Steve. Until a day ago, I didn't know you thought I was an asshole."
"I don't—we were—the situation in context—" Steve groans, all drive that was powering him to stay upright was quickly vanishing. Frustrated, he leans across the space between them, brings his aching head in to press against Tommy's. "You're an asshole. I'm an asshole. Carol's an asshole. We're fucking seventeen, we're all assholes. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, but I'm not—fuck, Tommy. I had a gun pulled on me, they shot it and I had to jump over a bear trap before they set it on fire. It didn't have a face but that didn't stop it from having a fucking mouth."
He wishes he could press closer to Tommy, the same way he's always wanted to be able to press closer. Wishes they could combine, that maybe Tommy would let him press close enough to hide in his chest and make a home amongst his ribs.
"I fought a monster, Tommy. It killed Barb, and all I can think about is that you were the last one in after her before she went back out there. You could have—"
Steve's hands were no longer trapped against Tommy's chest because Tommy was hugging him, the arm around his back as strong as the vice they used to build the bookshelf across the room. And yet, it wasn't as strong as the hand that was holding his head, pressing it into the safety of Tommy's neck. Steve doesn't know if he believes him, doesn't think he will without seeing that monster that dropped from Byers' ceiling; but with all the blood and will in his body, Steve will make sure Tommy never has to see that shit. Ever.
He would rather die in agony than let harm come him.
The word brushes against his ear and tickles his neck.
"It's okay, Steve. It didn't—I'm still here. Nothing happened to me. It sucks that it happened to Barb, we'll deal with that shit later. But right now, I'm here. You're here."
The hand cradling his head tightened its hold, gripped Steve's hair and helped ground him in the here and now.
"We're safe. We're both safe."
Steve pressed deeper into Tommy's shoulder, tucked his nose into his neck and let the familiar remnants of his aftershave and shampoo wash over. He was safe with Tommy. Nothing bad would happen to them here. He would keep Tommy safe, and Tommy would keep him safe. The same way they have since they met.
They were okay.
Tommy squeezed him tightly once before pulling back - not enough to let go, enough to pull his hand out from Steve's hair and bring it around to his jaw, enough to tilt him towards the yellow lamp light.
Steve felt like a bug pinned to styrofoam under the considering weight of Tommy's brown eyes. Knew he was looking at the dried blood and blossoming bruises but wondered if he was also seeing something Steve couldn't.
"Here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna get up, and I'm gonna clean your face up. You're going to have a shower because you have blood on your sweater and then we're gonna go to sleep," Tommy's eyes flickered between his own, like he was looking for something. "We're gonna go to sleep and I'm gonna wake you up in two hours to see if your brain is soup, and tomorrow, tomorrow we'll talk about all the bullshit you told me. Okay?"
Later, after first aid and a shower, tucked into Tommy's clothes, Steve will move the pillow that replaced Mr Tumbles to the head of the bed and slip beneath the blankets. He'll wait until Tommy is in bed and laying down before twisting to turn off the light. He'll slide down and lay still for a moment before hearing a sigh and feeling Tommy's hand tug on his shoulder.
Steve nods. "Okay."
Later, Steve will curl into Tommy's side and Tommy will pull the blankets up and over his head, the same way he always has because he knows how Steve likes to sleep when he's stressed. He'll shift until he's filled all the gaps Tommy has left for him and will feel Tommy's arm drop heavy and grounding across his back while his hand rests in his hair, petting it slowly.
Steve will breathe in familiarity and relish in the fact that even after a fight and facing a monster, he hadn't lost this. That he has the chance to keep this. And tomorrow, after they talk about all the bullshit he somehow found himself in, Steve is going to put the work in to make sure he keeps being able to have this.
#steve harrington#tommy hagan#cw panic attack#barb holland#stranger things#stranger things fanfiction#stommy#fic#taylah writes#stranger things season one#on GOD i'm making these boys sort out their shit and i will eventually make them kiss
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baby pixel mike
#byler#mike wheeler#stranger things#stranger things art#byler art#mike wheeler art#pixel art#pixel illustration#pixel aesthetic#stranger things season one#I start my job tomorrow so im using my free time now to make what I want before I have no time at all :')
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I'm kinda illegally rewatching season one and gods how I wish Eddie was a side character all along.
Like how would he not know / be friends with Jonathan? Jonathan who is an artistic loner who listens to The Clash and breaks open a glove compartment with a pocket knife to steal his dad's gun.
How would he not know / ace Mr. Clarke's classes when he was younger? Mr. Clarke that has no issue whatsoever explaining to kids about alternate dimensions because he knows perfectly what the Vale of Shadows is.
I feel ROBBED every time I spot a detail that would go hand in hand with Eddie.
#Eddie Munson#stranger things#stranger things season one#eddie#eddie munson stranger things#we deserved way more eddie Munson#my canon#eddie Munson is a menace#eddie munson is a nerdy little shit#young eddie munson#stranger things brainworm#Mr. Clarke from Stranger Things#Jonathan Byers
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