#hello from July 30th everybody
loving-delusions · 20 days
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blankdblank · 7 months
1989 Quidditch World Cup Masterlist
Anaticula Year One Summer Break - Quidditch World Cup
Summary :
Rock meet immovable force. The price of a stolen name is set to be far more than most would dare demand. But a young girl is poised to take on Cornelius Fudge, Ministère des Affaires Magiques de la France Luc Gerard, and anyone else behind the interwoven plots to keep hidden the identity of a nameless Witch stolen away by Morfin Gaunt back in 1935. Two Ministers, a former Supreme Mugwump and countless Aurors chose to place themselves as obstacles around circumstances none of them understand.
But said Witch guides the Granddaughter she possessed on a path to find the family left lost searching decades for hint of where their lost child had been. The Quidditch World Cup is fair cover when a plot is afoot. But after the confetti settles Fudge's try to cover his own culpabilities in several prominent murders are in plain view once all distraction of the all enamoring tournament has faded. Now the Wizengamot is summoned and the Minister is on the wrong end of an investigation that will severely cripple all he has worked for thus far.
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Chapter 1 - A fox in the coup
Chapter 2 - Off to Australia
Chapter 3 - Round One Day One - To First Lunch
Chapter 4 - Round One Day One - Everybody Wants to Be A Cat
Chapter 5 - Round One Day One - Letters
Chapter 6 -
June 23rd Day 2 & June 24th Day 3 - Hello Neighbor, Won't You Be My Friend?
Chapter 7 - June 25th Day 4 & June 26th Day 5 - They Think You're Trying to Eat Them
Chapter 8 - June 27th-29th Days 6-8 - Ghost Snakes & The Death Pool
Chapter 9 - June 30th - Traveling to Tanzania
Inspirational art/images for Tanzania Host City Round 2+
Round Two July 1st-9th Masterlist :
Chapter 10 - Don't Forget Your Hat
Chapter 11 - Apologies From Bond
Chapter 12 - Yusuf Kama
Chapter 13 - The Adopted Miss Weasley
Chapter 14 - He Loved Her
Chapter 15 - Friend of Newt, Friend of Mine, and the Collector of Pine
Chapter 16 - Petals and Plots
Chapter 17 - Puffins
Chapter 18 - Daughter of Death, Seahorse's Niece
Chapter 19 - Pegasus Race
Chapter 20 - France Welcomes the Young Miss Gaunt
Chapter 21 - Owl Firing Canon
Chapter 22 - Snake Scales and Heroic Tales
Round Three - July 10th-17th Masterlist :
Chapter 23 - Sunflowers and Scalding Turnips
Chapter 24 - Pair Dadeni
Chapter 25 - We’re Holding A Fancy Garden Party And You’re Invited
Chapter 26 - If I Had A Sickle For Every Vulture I’d Own Sherwood Forest
Chapter 27 - - Wrath of the Whimsy
Chapter 28 - Blue Moon Celebration
Chapter 29 - Sisters From Other Misters
Chapter 30 - Maroon Darling
Chapter 31 - To The Beginning Again
Round Four - July 18th-25th Masterlist
Chapter 32 - She's So Lucky She's A Star
Chapter 33 - Presents For Petunia From The Grumpy Pumpkin
Chapter 34 - Burn Baby Burn Rule Skirting Inferno
Chapter 35 - Grandpapa Mr Truffles The Chocolate Frog
Chapter 36 -Such A Pity the Pretty Damaged Thing Exploring the Watery Deep
Chapter 37 - Tumbling Tophats
Chapter 38 - It's Raining Acromantula's
Chapter 39 - Sour Apples Upon the Parade
Round Five - July 26th-31st Masterlist
Chapter 40 - Bludger, Beater, Try Not To Die
Chapter 41 - Warm Milk
Chapter 42 - We Slither at Dusk
Chapter 43 - Shock and Awe and Fwooper Claws
Chapter 44 - I Fell
Finals - Round Six - July 31st - August 5th Masterlist
Chapter 45 - Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow
Chapter 46 - Changeling Prince
Chapter 47 - Barty Jr and the Potoo Bird
Chapter 48 - The Tiny Lantern and Litany of Woes
Chapter 49 - Minerva's Foxtrot
Chapter 50 - Reeds Greener in Other Ponds
Chapter 51 - All Aboard
Post Cup - Masterlist
August 6 - Two Cakes
August 7 - Sign Here
August 8/9 - In Lands Where Merlin's Laws Fail
August 10 - Slither On By Friend
August 11 -
Chugging Along To Merry Old London & Dursleys Go To The Ballet
August 12 - Purchasing Sherwood Forest & Maleficent and the Court of Morgan La Fey
August 13/14th - Hello Diggory & The Two Old Saps
August 15 - Cornelius Fudge v Matriarch Gaunt
August 16 - Wales Magical Beasts Aquatic Reserves & New Zealand Snake Talkers
August 19 - The Stolen Button & Secret Flock
August 20 - Sprouting Beaks and Breaking Doors
August 21 - Unkind Truth
August 22 - Pounds Sterling
August 23 - Gemstone In A Pile of Pence
August 24 - Climbing Cow
August 25 - Babies Have Claws
August 26 - WWW First International Order
August 27 - Oh the Woe To Be Eaten By An English Garden
August 28 - In Search Of A Look At Me Aren't I Important Kind Of Frame
August 29 - If You Give A Dancing Cacti A Lemon
August 30 - Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow
August 31 - I'm Just Crackers About Cheese
- Continue onto Year 3 at Hogwarts Book in series -
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cherrybloomn · 4 years
Delicate - Chapter 4
Alright guys, so here it comes.  I am not really sure if anyone is reading this story, but for me it’s a great joy of writing it. I’m not much of a writer, but it’s a nice thing to give it a go. If there is anyone that would like to be tagged, let me know and I will. As for now there’s no tag list as I’m not really sure anyone reads this, lol
Once again, HUGE thank you for my most wonderful beta and supporters @musings-sans-muse​ and @shellbilee​ <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 
Warnings: strong language, (it’s a slow burn so.. no more warnings as for now), a bit of a breakdown. 
Music inspiration: ( as I really love to discover all the music inspirations here on Tumblr, I’ve decided to put all the songs/music that have inspired me to write) -
1) Jacob Banks & Louis the Child - Diddy Bop -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxcsoynCkPk
2) Olafur Arnolds - Poland - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIq55s61KAE
3) Ruelle, Fleurie - Carry you -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i39fan8ow-o
Storyline: Naomi Poesy is a TV host of the show about acting and contemporary cinema. She is living life to the fullest, but for some reason she promised herself, she will never do any relationships. Much to her surprise she befriends one of her guests. Will she keep her promise?
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30th of July, 2020
Naomi was driving her car home from her pure barre classes, when her phone rang. She quickly switched the Bluetooth on and pressed the dial button.
“Hello, boy. How are you doing? It’s your last Friday of freedom! Are you still in London or have you already got to the countryside?”
Henry chuckled. “Thank you I’m actually doing very fine. I can’t wait to get back to work. Finally. I’m in the countryside already. I’m throwing a small party tonight. Just closest friends. Shisha included. Hope you’re on board. Colin said he could pick you up.”
It took Naomi a minute to answer that question, as she was distracted by other drivers’ weird actions on the road.
“What the fuck is he doing!” She looked to her right and gave the driver sitting in the other car the scary look. “Oh, sorry. The party. Yes. Well, no. I’m sorry, I can’t make it. I’d love to though, really. I know we won’t be able to meet for a couple of weeks now, but BBN has a new CEO. Tonight there’s this introductory dinner. I have to be there. To be honest I don’t really know how I feel about it. This guy is so… disturbing. He visited us two days ago and said that he would announce who is going to end their journey with BBN, and I quote,“Some of you have nothing to add to the company”.
“Naomi, come on! You don’t really think you are one of these people! You are nominated to the TV Rising Star Award! Come on!  But when itcomes to your presence at the party, well, I won’t deny I’m a little bit disappointed. I hoped we’d see each other tonight. But I do understand of course. Please let me know tomorrow how the dinner went. Oh, and I am keeping my fingers crossed on Monday. I sincerely think you do deserve to win the award.”
“Thanks. Alright, so, have a great time in the evening and don’t get stoned!”
“Thanks…” There was a short silence between them, Naomi felt like he wanted to add something more, but he didn’t, so she finally broke the silence:
“Ok. Oh, and Hen… I will sincerely miss you. I know how tight your schedule is” she stopped for a brief moment to rethink if she should ask for that, but decided to do so, and continued with soft voice “but just call me from time to time.”
“If I didn’t know you, I would have thought you fell in love with me, or something.” He joked.
Naomi smiled “Hm. I’m just curious. What makes you feel like you know me?” She asked playfully and grinned like a Cheshire cat at her question.
“Should I read between lines??” Naomi could only imagine him raising his eyebrow with the cheeky smile on his face.
“I don’t know. It’s you who said you knew me.” She giggled. “Ok, that’s enough. I’m almost at home, so I need to end this wonderful conversation. Keep in touch.”
“Absolutely. Now that you’ve admitted to falling for me, touching is inevitable.”
Naomi rolled her eyes and exclaimed quickly “Oh dear god, you did not just say that!” And also added with laughter: “Bye!”. She ended the conversation.
To fall in love with. Whatever being in love means. Naomi thought about it for a while. She didn’t really remember what that meant, how it felt. Was she in love with anyone right now? She knew she wasn’t in love with her fuck friend – James. Henry – on the other hand – was important to her. She thought about him every evening beforeshe went to sleep, she thought about him every morning. His messages made her smile, and the thought of their meeting made her feel warm inside. She knew that with every meeting, she wanted more – longer conversations, just one more movie to watch, another joke to share, another (un)accidental touch. She shivered at each thought of his touch. It has always been so casual and innocent, yet so powerful and soothing. Oh, fuck. Enough of this. He’s so not my type. Her own thoughts terrified her, so she tried to push them away.
The evening came very fast. Enveloped in a black, knee-length, silky dress by Dior and Coco Mademoiselle by Chanel, Naomi found herself in a cab on the way to the dinner. Her hair was styled in soft waves and her lips painted red. She was very stressed about losing her job, but tried to do as much as possible to make herself presentable and appealing. What a pathetic circus– she thought.
Just before leaving the cab Naomi fixed her makeup. She entered the Ritz, and quickly headed to the hostess, who waited to lead the guests to the tables. The young girl welcomed her with a glass of champagne, which Naomi politely accepted. She took a small sip. Let the shit show begin. Both women headed to the small room just behind the main chamber of the restaurant. Much to Naomi’s surprise the CEO was already sitting at the small table prepared for two. His posture was relaxed, his jacket hung over the backrest of the chair. He must have been waiting here for some time. He was a handsome man in his fifties, but his mischievous smirk was very disturbing. He didn’t bother to stand up to welcome Naomi.
“There you are! Our shining little star. Our nominee. Come closer, darling. Let me finally take a proper look at you.” He beckoned her. Naomi approached him and extended her hand for a professional handshake.
“Mr McKenzie, very nice to meet you.” She faked her sweetest smile and looked around. “Where’s everybody? I was sure I'd heard it was a meeting with all of the presenters.”
“Surprise, surprise!” He exclaimed and took a sip of his whiskey. “Darling I want to talk with you and only you. YOU are our future. I want to transfer you to the news section and make you the main news presenter. Excited?” He looked her up and down. “Turn around”.
“Excuse me..?” She looked at him with her eyes wide open. That request caught her off guard. She quickly looked around. All of the tables were occupied, and Naomi felt like everyone’s eyes were settled on them.
“Darling I said just turn around for me. I want to see you.”
The shit-show indeed. Naomi slowly sat down in front of her boss, never ceasing to look him in the eyes. “No, Mr McKenzie. I’m afraid I can’t do that.” She gave him a sly smile.
“Disobedient. I don’t like disobedience.” He slowly poured whiskey to the empty glass standing on Naomi’s side, and after filling it with the liquid he handed it to her. “Here’s to our new news star.” He took his glass of whiskey and clicked her glass. With his other hand he grabbed her chin and turned her head to her right side and then back to the centre, forcing her to look at him. “You’re so perfect. I will make a star of you. Just be good and obedient.” He let go of her chin and sat comfortably in his chair.
Naomi, usually so outspoken and forward, didn’t know what to say. At the very moment she felt exposed. Vulnerable. Fragile. Lonely.
“Mr McKenzie, I’m sorry but I don’t really see our cooperation like this. I am very grateful for the given opportunity, but I really love my show, and I have put so much effort to make it work. People like it, the guests like it. It’s not just another talk show, it touches important issues in theatre and film industry, it gives information about acting methods. I think it’s very refreshing and I have only got positive feedback from our viewers. We also have the social media account and the show has the biggest number of active followers. People like it and they associate the show with me. I wouldn’t like to give it to anyone else. I feel like it’s my child.”
“Naomi. I don’t really give a fuck about the number of viewers or comments made by spoiled, cocaine addict celebrities. This show is running to its end and you either become the face of the evening news on my terms, or you can consider yourself jobless.”
“Well, if so… I guess you will have the one and only chance to look at my ass, just as you wanted to. I’m sorry, but I can’t take this offer.” She half whispered all these words. She worked very hard on her composure, but inside she felt like bursting out. She quickly stood up, held her bag and left the restaurant. Just when she caught the taxi and sat inside, the tears started running down her cheeks. She couldn’t believe she was deprived of her beloved child, just because someone decided to destroy it.
She gave the taxi driver her home address but after just a minute she changed her destination. Henry.
An hour later, she was standing at the door of Henry’s rented countryside house. She could hear laughter and screams from the inside. She slowly wiped her tears away, trying not to destroy the remains of her makeup. It must have been destroyed, as she felt her cheeks burning from crying. She took a deep sigh and knocked a couple of times. After what it felt like eternity, Henry opened the door.
“Naomi! You made it!” He looked her up and down “You look absolutely amazing! What a sexy dress. It’s more of a sweatpants party, but no worries. You will fit just perfectly.” Henry was in a very good mood, which made her smile a little. When he asked her in, he noticed her puffy eyes. Suddenly he got all serious and frowned at her. “Hey, come here.” He wrapped his big arms around her. He started to gently stroke her back with his left hand, and with the right one, he moved her hair to the side and placed the palm of his hand on the nape of her neck, pushing her even closer towards himself. When he felt that she started sobbing into his chest, he rested his chin on her head. “Do you want to talk?’ He asked gently.
“Not now.” was all she was able to say.
“Henners it’s your turn! What the fuck are you doing with the pizza deliv…” One of Henry’s friends ran into the hall, to check what was going on. “Ouch.. it doesn’t look like pizza delivery.. Sorry, sorry. Take your time guys. I’ve seen nothing.” He quickly got back to the living room. “Hey guys it’s not pizza delivery, it’s a lady!”
The comment kind of lifted Naomi’s spirit. She cry-laughed, and stepped backwards, breaking the embrace. “I’m sorry. Thank you.” She extended her hand and touched his arm. “Thank you. I feel much better now. We’ll talk later, ok? I need to relax. And I should change. I feel so overdressed.”
“Of course. I have my ex’s leggings and t- shirts here, if you want you can wear them. How about me preparing a good drink for you and you in the meantime taking a hot shower and changing?”
“Sounds perfect.” She said with a weak voice and gave him a faint smile. She looked defeated. She felt defeated. After a minute Henry brought her a pair of leggings and white tank top. Naomi took her time in the shower, she then fixed her makeup, dressed up and headed to the living room.
“Hello everyone. To those of you I don’t know yet, I’m Naomi” She smiled and waved her hand. She knew some of Henry’s friends, as they have all met a couple of times at the parties.
When the time passed, this small gathering made Naomi feel much better. Some got burnt down with shisha and weed. One of Henry’s mates was taking the piss at Henry being referred to as “daddy” on the Internet. Another one of his friends, excited with this news, went on the literotica website, picked up some spicy story and both guys started to read it aloud pretending it was about Henry. Naomi found it extremally stupid, but couldn’t stop laughing. Henry was just rolling his eyes and smiling, he was obviously embarrassed.
“Alright, enough!” He shouted after a minute and everyone got silent.
“Oh my god, Henry. That was so dominant” Naomi purred in a seductive voice and everyone started to laugh dramatically. Naomi just couldn’t breathe. “I’m so sorry, oh god. This is too good.” She covered her face with her hands. “I’m sorry…but I have just found out about that kink I had no idea about!”
At around 2 am, when everyone left, Naomi sat with Henry in the kitchen. She told him about her evening. He didn’t talk much, but was very supportive. He was listening to her carefully. He furrowed his brows and grabbed her hand. “I’m really sorry.” He whispered. They talked about it for another hour, and Naomi finally said: “Alright. I’ve got to go. Not that I need to prepare to work or anything, but still.” She laughed bitterly. In the meantime she ordered the Uber.
“You can stay, you know that.” He was still holding her hand gently brushing the inside of her palm with his thumb. Once she realized that, Naomi quickly withdrew her hand and stood up.
“No, you need to get rest before the big day.” Naomi grabbed her dress and high heels and headed to the main hall. Henry followed her.
Once Naomi went out, Henry stopped her by holding her wrist and said “Girl, don’t worry. You are strong. You’ll survive”. He kissed her on the cheek. “Let me know when you arrive home.”
These two sentences crushed Naomi’s heart. She’s heard it before and she’d never forget it. You are strong. You will survive.
As a child, Naomi’s biggest dream was to become the Principal of the Royal Ballet. At the age of three, she started her first ballet classes. She was a natural, and not long after she was accepted to the national ballet school. She was very talented. This is why she started to work in the Royal Opera House at the age of 12.
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One summer Naomi had an accident. She fell down from a tree and crushed her ribs and knee. She also suffered a spinal injury. She had to have an operation. She had to spend two months in the hospital.
In the last week of Naomi’s hospital stay, her beloved teacher – Mrs Selena Kurylenko visited her. When Naomi’s mentor entered the room, she quickly exclaimed: “I just cannot wait to get back to school and on stage!”.
Selena Kurylenko sat on the small chair next to the bed. “Naomi. What are you talking about, my silly girl? You are not going back to school, child. After this accident, you will never dance again as a ballet dancer. I only came to bring your stuff and say goodbye.” She said with her thick, Russian accent. Mrs Kurylenko put a small bag on the counter next to the bed. “Your pointe shoes. Keep it as a souvenir.”
Even as a grownup Naomi still perfectly remembered the chills running down her spine on that very moment.  The chills that felt like needles. She still remembered Mrs Kurylenko’s last words: “It’s a shame your mother didn’t tell you that you won’t go back to school. She is a weak woman. Unlike you, Naomi. You are strong. You always have been, and you always will be. You will survive”.
You will survive. Naomi just nodded, said goodbye to Henry and quickly sat inside the car, which had arrived.  The driver asked for the place of destination, but she did not hear him. She hid her face in her palms, and couldn’t help crying. She was so fed up with everyone expecting her to be the strong one.
Suddenly she heard someone knocking on the window, which was followed by opening the car door. She quickly wiped her tears and looked at Henry leaning his shoulder on the opened door.
“I’m sorry, I just needed a moment for myself.” She said to both Henry and the driver.
“Naomi, get your ass out of the car.” Henry turned to the driver “I am very sorry for that situation. Here’s for the drive.” He gave the driver some money. “My friend is a little burned down and it’s better she stayed here. Thank you very much for your service.” Henry extended his hand to help Naomi out of the car. “Come on, get out.”
Reluctantly she went out of the car. The driver was a bit puzzled, but quickly disappeared, probably thinking that the party must have been pretty rough.
Henry raised his eyebrow at her and wrapped his arm around her “Come”.
“Noo.. I’m going home.” Naomi said with a small smile and tried to get out of his embrace. It was more of a tease than a real need to break the embrace of course.
He didn’t let her go and tightened his embrace. He also leaned forward and whispered into her hair: “Don’t push your limit baby girl, daddy will be pissed.” He gave her the strict gaze, but after a split second both of them burst out with laughter.
“This is sooo wrong Henry! So wrong!” She said, shaking her head. She finally got out of his embrace and went inside the house.
They’d been watching the most ridiculous horror movie, and at some point Naomi dozed off on the armchair she was sitting at. She woke up at around 4 am, and with sleepy eyes she looked at Henry, who was lying on his side on the sofa. He must have fallen asleep too. She slowly and silently knelt on the floor in front him and studied his face for a moment. He wasn’t her type, but sure thing he was an extremely attractive man. Naomi smiled at the sight of his curls getting into his eyes. She gently moved a strand of his hair to the side. “Are you sleeping..?” She half whispered. He didn’t react. “Hm.. maybe that’s true what you’ve said in the morning. Maybe I am falling for you after all. Too bad it would never work out though.” She stood up, and covered him with the blanket hanging on the sideboard of the sofa. Afterwards, she called the Uber, and once it arrived, she went home.
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youarejesting · 4 years
BTS365 Prompts.Week 31
[Full Masterlist] [Prompt Masterlist] [Tag yourself here]
Beta: @juniethebug
Please tag me in your work if you use my prompts. I want to see your work. Ever your Jester. Tell me your birthday and I will tag you on your special day!
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      July 30th - August 5th
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Kim Seokjin - pants
You were walking through the shops collecting groceries for the week, the two of you buying a few extra snacks and other indulgent food. Joking and having fun down the aisles, before calling it a day and heading home. You packed the car and sang to the radio the whole way home looking at Seokjin with hearts in your eyes. 
The day couldn’t be any more perfect when you arrived at your apartment complex parking garage where you had called the elevator. After ten minutes you wondered why the elevator wasn’t coming. You saw someone exit the stairwell.
“The elevator broke again, you will have to walk.” The stranger called and Seokjin looked at you with pure horror on his face. The two of you took to the stairwell like two fresh gazelle stumbling to find their feet. The sheer amount of panting coming from each of you was laughable and you passed others heading up and down the stairwell equally exhausted.
You collapsed on your living room floor and stared at the ceiling. “Is the ice cream melted.” Seokjin didn’t move anything but his right arm grabbing out the two ice creams and handed you one soft ice cream. It was nice laying there with him. You both managed to get the frozen food in the freezer before collapsing back on the tiles and falling asleep in each other’s arms.
Min Yoongi - Milk
Sitting at the piano in the studio, you were playing a stupid song waiting for Yoongi to return from collecting the food you both ordered. You played the random melody and thought it sounded pretty good so you added to it and hummed.
“Sometimes I look in the mirror and I see myself,
I notice the way I think about you with a smile,
Curved lips I just can't disguise.
But I think it's strawberry milk making my life worthwhile.
Why is it so hard for me to decide which I love more?
Strawberry Milk or… You?”
You laughed and Yoongi stood in the doorway holding the bag of food in his hand and frowned reaching into the bag, “Answer carefully, which or would I say who you like more?”
You saw the bottle in his hand and grinned at him “Of course it is you, Yoongi.”
He was about to argue when you wrapped your hands around his waist burying your head into his chest “It’s always you.”
Jung Hoseok - drive
Hoseok was just another kid in the class, you never really crossed any paths but you could see he was hiding something behind his bright smiles. You observed him everyday trying to find out what it was, he often came to your work after school to grab a sprite and he would give you a polite simple but today he didn’t. You thought back to things he said and did and something clicked. He didn’t leave with his usual ‘see you tomorrow’. No he said ‘Goodbye’ and it wasn’t normal.
It didn’t sit well with you. You texted around and found his address and ripped off your uniform shirt and threw it at your rude boss and pulled on your jacket and ran down through the streets. You got to his apartment block and you buzzed. 
“Hoseok, I need your help, Like I really need you right now please?” You panted and the door buzzed open and you ran up the stairs tripping and grazing your knee on the sharp stair. But you didn’t slow down. You knocked on the door and he opened his eyes red you pushed passed him. Throwing open his bedroom door you broke down on his floor crying and he cried falling to his knees and you threw a punch to his chest.
“You didn’t think people wouldn’t care.” He apologized repeatedly and you pulled him to your chest and he cried against you. The two of you had fallen asleep exhausted. When you woke it was late and he looked you over. 
“Where are your parents?”
“They work late, only coming home on the weekend to tell me to study and give up on my dreams,” he sighed, rubbing his hand over his forehead, “stupid reason I know, where is your shirt?”
“Oh, I ripped off my uniform at work and ran here because I knew something was wrong.” He nodded guilty at the fact you told him you just quit your job, for him and his stupid decision.
“You did nothing wrong,” you stood up and went to his room grabbing a bag and packing it full of his clothes. You pulled off your jacket and pants and borrowed a shirt and pair of shorts from him and he was looking at the wall.
“Come on?” You took his hand and he blinked at you in confusion.
“Where are we going?” his voice was raw from his crying and you squeezed his hand.
“For a drive, I have been saving my money, let’s go,” you smiled and pulled him away from his home.
Kim Namjoon - call @knjkitten
You knew you shouldn’t have gone to the club, no matter the fight but you needed to destress and forget about everything. You were dancing, having a blast, and drinking way too much. You stepped out of the club and went to call a cab, your phone had over 124 missed calls and twenty seven voice mails. 
“Hello y/n, Namjoon is upset and worried please call him back?” Taehyung asked and you remembered why you went out.
“Y/n, Call Namjoon back?” Suga huffed into the phone and you felt the fire return to your body, you felt it clouding your judgement.
“Hey noona, It’s JK, Namjoon is asking if we have seen you, please tell him where you are, he is worried” There was a moment in the way Jungkook described your boyfriend that made the anger die down. There were more voicemails and you listened to them all slowly and you heard his voice.
“Baby, I am so sorry, okay. It was a stupid arguement and I don’t even care about it anymore, please I just want you to come home.” You listened to three voicemails of him asking you to come home and telling he loved you and was worried about you. “Please be safe, I am scared you are out alone, please come home soon.”
You opened the door to his apartment and you saw him asleep on the couch, dried tear tracks on his cheeks and a damp pillow case. “Baby,” he whispered, sitting up and pulling you onto his lap where he hugged you. “Did you go dancing?”
“Yeah I went dancing.”
“Did you have a fun time?” He asked “I am sorry we fought, I hope that you had more fun while you were out tonight and you forgot about the fight while I worked on me?”
Park Jimin - uncontrollable
It wasn’t really a question you had to ask, you would happily give your life for anyone. You were selfless and you wanted your life to have meaning and if it was to give someone a chance then that’s what you would do. It wasn’t that you didn’t value your own life and wanted to throw it away you just didn’t want someone else to suffer. 
So, here you were sitting next to them, in the broken space station aimlessly floating through space. You had one escape pod and it could fit you all and even get you back to earth safely. But the control panel was broken and the only way to send it off was to hit the command from the outside.
The longer you waited the further you floated off course. You could all easily survive for your entire life time on the station but you didn’t want them to be stuck out here so you did the only thing you could. “Pack your bags and all the supplies you can fill into the pod, I think I figured it out, I can do a delayed release, I can time the command and we can all be on board. Give me time to make the command.” 
You went to your room and grabbed your duffel bag and pretended to pack when really you made a video saying goodbye and you filled the bag with more supplies for them and a few of your mementos for them.
You get back to the pod handing your bag over and you wave the storage device in your hand. 
“I did it, is everybody ready to go home?” You asked
“Yes, we are just getting some more food.” Seokjin said and then continued filling the storage and you watched them all go in and buckle up, “How long do we have until take off?” 
“About three minutes, I planned if not I think the timer will give me thirty seconds either way enough for me to duck inside and sit.” You lied and they all got comfortable and you looked up meeting Jimin’s eyes, he was watching you. 
You avoided his eyes and looked at the screen and began typing the command hoping you could time it and survive but when you hit the button to execute the new command the doors sealed shut they all started shouting. You turned your back on them and lowered your head. “I knew you would do this?” Jimin’s voice spoke clearly from behind you, you turned tears in your eyes. He hadn’t left.
Kim Taehyung - girlfriend
It was better to be logical and not let things like emotions cloud your judgement. Emotions are dangerous and the world would be better off without them, people wouldn’t kill, hurt, cheat or steal, if there were no emotions. You didn’t smile, nor did you frown. It was a plateau that you were happy to be stuck in.
You were different and it was noticeable, they said you were socially inept and had given you a carer, many carers actually none survived a week. You battled with words and facts and were well versed in both.
Today you were getting another carer and you were no different in disposition. You watched them as they entered with the manager who took them around the house and introduced you both. “You are y/n, it is so nice to meet you,” you nodded and he grinned brighter, “my name is Taehyung.”
When the manager left you hadn’t expected him to pester you so badly, he never budged you had even tried insulting him and he was either not smart enough to understand or didn’t care. He dragged you to a cafe with comic books and he explained different series’ and saying completely dumb things making you crack a smile for the first time in many years before pulling you along again.
You were out all day and you were tired, you wanted to go home feeling a frustration towards this young man but you still followed him trying to suppress it. He took you to the movies and you scoffed at the stupid romantic comedy, that is until the male lead confessed his undying love and kissed the female lead making your heart constrict with an unfamiliar and rather disgusting emotion. He was making you feel things and you didn’t like it.
Jeon Jungkook - spot
You were a masseuse for the BigHit idols Bangtan Sonyeondan. Currently you were massaging Jungkook’s shoulders and he sighed happily falling asleep in his chair. “How do you do it?” Seokjin asked, they were discussing your super power to put them to sleep, you turned grinning.
“She probably just presses his neck so the blood stops flowing to his brain and he passes out.” 
“Everyone has a certain spot?” You smiled. “That feels nice and makes them relax.”
This was true and for Jungkook it was behind his ears.
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michanel-blog2 · 5 years
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Hello,everyone I’m Alice! And this is my little baby Lamai also known as Lala, she is the Lead Vocal of Lipstick! Thank you everyone for a warm greeting here and I’ll be sure to get to everybody messages asap! Just hit that heart button and I’ll start up a little starter or we can just plot instead :33
//Suicide TW// //Suicide-Attempt TW//
-Was born in Chiang Mai, Thailand to a wealthy-family, her father was a CEO of a beauty company while her mother was housewife
-The youngest of 3 boys, meaning she’s the only girl in the family so of course she was daddy little girl
-All of her brothers are envolved with the family business so with that being said her mother wouldn’t allow her to get involved with the business
-But of course Lala had another desire besides her father business which was singing
-During Middle School she was a victim of bullying, the bullying gotten so bad that they ended up beating her up badly in which she was sent to the hospital quickly. Till this day Lala still has a scar physical and mental.
-After that event, she transfers schools for a fresh start and soon start becoming her normal self once again. Decided to take vocal lessons to help gain her vocal skills back up.
-A few months had passed when she noticed that BC Entertainment was doing auditions, she made up her made quickly as soon as she saw the sign. Nervous about the whole thing but she decided why not and just give it a try and let’s just say she made each round. 
-Had only one boyfriend during her trainee days but the breakup ended up badly (up for ploting)
-Her mother wasn’t excited after hearing the news and refused to let her youngest child and only daughter travel to a whole different place just to become a trainee
-Lala trained for 3 years before the debut date of Lipstick, July 30th 2012. Debut as the Lead Vocal
-Is known for handleing her alcohol the best among the rest of Lipstick
-After hitting lipstick two year mark is when the news started to spread about what happened to her in Thailand due to bullying. And let’s just say it wasn’t pretty information and even pictures and videos from that night was released online and anti-fans had a field-day with this information. It was so bad that she tried to commit suicide but a member got to her on time.
-Till this day she’s decided to remain positive after this event and tries her best for it to not get to her like that.
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pastel-lemon-yellow · 5 years
hello everybody!! it’s your guy’s favorite lemon!
I don’t belive I’ve mentioned it before, but from July 1st to the 30th, I will be mostly unavailable. Why, do you ask? Well, I’m currently travelling abroad Europe visiting family and just generally doing things. Because of this, I won’t be able to go on tumblr all that often, if at all. I’m really sorry about not letting you guys know about this earlier, but I never got the chance to bring it up until I already left. I’ll try to update you guys on things that are happening throughout the trip, but I really dont know if it’ll work out.
Anyway, that’s all for now! Love you guys!! - anna
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doomsday-rp-blog1 · 5 years
Hello Friends, 
So this is something that needs to be brought up and said because it’s becoming apparent that it’s a bit of an issue as of late. We understand that it’s summertime, and that everybody makes plans, and we know that sometimes life can take some unexpected turns, but being part of a group is a commitment, and it relies on activity to stay fun for everybody. So, as of tomorrow we’re going to be a little stricter on activity and making sure that everyone is following the guidelines and everything accordingly. 
What this means is that we will be enforcing the seven day activity check more diligently. Remember, disappearing for nearly an entire week, and getting on to post one reply doesn’t count as being active. Reblogging a picture or muse post and not actually participating on the dash doesn’t count as being active. We want to see para replies on the dashboard, with sustenance. 
We’ve also noticed that not everyone is being entirely inclusive. We ask that everyone make the effort to start replying to some starters or something other than their own starters when they are online. We have a blog dedicated to keeping track of starters, for easy access. Everyone wants a response when they post a starter - don’t just leave them hanging! Once you have read this entire post, like it and send a message to the main with your favorite color, we are keeping track of who is seeing this. Especially those who have multiple characters, posting starters for your own characters and not replying to anyone else’s is not only unfair to those who already have starters up, but it’s an easy way to make people not want to get online. We know everyone has their favorite character within the ones they play, but you need to make an effort to be active on all of them or we’ll have to start giving out warnings, or asking members to drop their numbers. We have such a high character count allowance because we believe our members are capable of deciding what they can handle. Please don’t change our minds. An important motto to remember is my activity depends on your activity. That applies for everybody. If you’re rarely on, or choose to only write with one person or as one character (given you play more than one), it affects others. 
If you have messaged Admin Summerlea previously about what’s going on in your personal life, that’s fine and we are aware. You may disregard this message, as long as she has spoken to you about it in the past few days. But starting tomorrow if a true hiatus for any reason is needed, you have to come talk to us first and give us an exact time-frame (example: June 30th-July 9th). If you are not back and active, or haven’t messaged us to explain what’s going on, you will be put on activity check and from there need to be active in 48 hours or an unfollow will be posted. It’s as simple as messaging the main, or one of the admins personally. If you start abusing this by taking too many hiatuses, we will need to discuss an unfollow--it’s not fair to hold faceclaims that other people may want to use if you’re just constantly not around, and it’s disheartening to make people wait on interactions, and we won’t have that. 
Just know we love all of you and want to keep this dash as active and inclusive as possible and us cracking down on rules are just to make happen more so! 
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dealersofatlanta · 6 years
Part 1: Chapter 4
2013: May 3rd
Ace: age 21
“Nah, make that shit happen. I don’t care how yall do it, just get it done. Yall playing I’ll take them niggas out myself if yall punk asses can’t do it!” I yelled on the phone with my homies Dom and Tyrel. Jade looked over at me. We was sitting at the dinning room, she was writting down shit in her journal. After I saved her from Davis, I took her in, made sure she had a car. Taught her how to drive, how to shoot, defend herself just in case anything happens to me. She went from being my fraile scared Jade to a bad bitch. I taught her what do if anybody came after us, and shit. She know how to kill and take anybody down. That’s my baby. “Sorry baby, business” She nodded. “What you writting?” I asked coming over to her. I kissed on her face. She giggled. “Another song about you” She said. I smiled. “Ah shit not another one” I said rolling my eyes playfully. My text tone went off on my iphone. It was this hoe named La-La. “Business again?” She asked. I quickly nodded. “Yeah, Ima be home late” I told her. She sighed. “This the 3rd time this week, I told you I needed you to come to my open mic night tonight” She stressed to me. “I got work to do, you don’t shit. I got to make sure we straight and protect our home J, shit stop trippin bruh” I said. She got up from the table, and flicked me off. “Fuck you Ace, I don’t do shit, cause you don’t want me to work nigga!” She stomped upstairs. I went into the basement to pick out what gun I wanted to carry today. I ain’t mean to snap at her. She knew I had a bad temper. I had a way with my words, she been knowing this. I went back upstairs. Jade was rushing downstairs with her purse, and keys. “Aye yo where you going?” I asked. She had on a beanie with some booty shorts an tank top, and timbs. “Out nigga” She snapped. “Nah not in them little bitty ass shorts” I snapped. She laughed at me. “J! Im serious” I said sternly. She stuck her middle finger up at me again. “Man, fuck her” I said to myself. I grabbed my keys, and headed out to, setting the alarm before I left.
I head over to the WestSide of Atlanta to see La-La. I had been knowing La-La for a minute. We was fucking around when I first got out of jail. She cool, and we fuck from time to time. She keep an eye out for me on the streets. She like my side bitch, but Jade always will come before her. I knocked on her door. “I ain’t think you would come, with wifey at home and shit” She said to me. I rolled my eyes. “I come over to fuck and to hear whats been going on that’s it keep My shawty out of this” I said. She nodded and started unbuckling my pants.
Afterwards, I laid in the bed smoking a blunt with La-La. “So whats been going on?” I asked her. “Rico, been running his mouth about killing off everybody in the Ace of Spades gang. He trying to take Omari spot anf Jackalls on the eastside” She said. I laughed. “They aint bout to do shit” I said. I passed her the blunt. “Thats all I know for now” She said. I nodded. “Thanks, you a real one” I kissed her. She smiled. “You want something to eat?” She asked. I nodded. “Yeah what you bout to cook? Noodles?” I asked. She smiled. “Shut up, you love me food” She said. I nodded. “True” I said. I went to get in the shower.
Jade: age 20
I sat watching my friend Mia reciting a poem by Mya Angelou. I was nervous, my leg was shaking. “Give it up for Mia Abrams” I stood up and clapped for her. She excitedly got off the stage. “Now give it up for an aspiring singer Jade Marie, singing a cover JoJo- Keep On Keepin On”. I drank some water from my water bottle, and walked up to the stage. I was nervous as hell. I closed my eyes as the song started.
https://youtu.be/EaYCAZuSpPM (Its also on playlist)
You got to keep on keepin on
You got to keep your head up high
You gotta work with what you've got
And someday you will flyyyyy
Poor kids pouring cold water in their cereal
Second hand clothes
Surviving is pivotal
Praying to God at night
That things'll get better soon
I remember when I was in your position
Tried to tell people my story
But no one would really listen
I know times are hard right now
Happiness is hard to find right now
You got to keep on keepin on
You got to keep your head up high
You gotta work with what you've got
And someday you will flyyyyy
You got to keep on keepin on
You got to keep your head up high
You gotta work with what you've got
And someday you will flyyyyy
Lookin out the window to a rose grows in concrete
Dreamin' of the day when you'll be standing on your own feet
Hard to find the good in such a scene so bad (so so sad)
Seein other kids with their Tims on
Fresh with Air Ones, wish I had one
Longin' for a day when you get your chance to shine
Don't worry, there'll come a tiiiiiiime
Young girl sittin' on the steps of her duplex (mmmm)
Why did God choose to make my life so complex
Breathing to the beat of a slow, sad drum
Trouble is her only source of fun
I can almost guarantee you
It'll get better soooooon
After the song ended everyone started clapping. I opened my eyes smiling. “That was amazing Jade Marie everybody” I waved and quickly walked off stage. “See and you were nervous for nothing” Mia said. I laughed. “ I know”. She looked around. “Where’s your man?” She asked. I put on a smile. “He had to work” I told her. She nodded. “Hey my name is Marcus Gardener, I’m a producer in Atlanta, your performance was really good, you have a innocent star quality to you I would like to work with you... is that okay?” He asked. I nodded. “Yes! Yes I mean sure no problem, I will give you my number” I told him. He smiled and nodded. “Girl he was fine” Mia said. I rolled my eyes. “Yes but Im taken” She sucked her teeth in. “Shit then hook me up!” She said. We headed out and went to waffle house, then I headed home. Ace wasn’t home when I got home. It was 1:15 am. I sighed when I walked in. He was notorious for sometimes being gone being in the streets all night. I went upstairs and got settled in, before I could get in I called him to see where he was at. He answered the phone. “Ace where you at?” I asked. He didn’t answer I just heard moaning on the other end. “Ace!?” I yelled. I quickly hung up the phone. I was trying to keep my shit together. I took a shower and got out and I started crying. I couldn’t believe that someone I fully trusted had did this to me. I hesistated calling on if I should call Mia but I called someone else. “Hello?” I heard Omari say. “Hey O, um can I stay over there for awhile?” I asked. “Ace okay? It’s 2am suh you good?” He said. I started crying. “Can I please, I caught Ace cheating and I have no where to go” I cried. He sighed. “Aight I got you” He said. I packed some of my shit and quickly left the house. Omari had 3 houses. He luckly was at the one 15minutes from Ace crib. I pulled into his gates and drove up the drive way. I got out my G- Wagon. Omari was waiting for me at the door. “Hey J” He said hugging me. His girlfriend Naomi was sitting on the staircase. “Hey JJ” She said I softly smiled. They let me stay in the guest house. “Ima get the nigga Ace straight believe that aight. Here’s some xanax man hopefully you can sleep” He said before walking out.
When I woke up the next morning. I got up , and seen I had alot of messages from Ace.
I got up and washed my face before walking into the other house. I seen Ace car outside. I opened the back door into the house. “Man! I fucked up I know!” I heard Ace yelling. Naomi was sitting on the bar stool looking at me. “Well I was hoping you wasn’t going to walk into this” She said. “She been through alot! Why would you get with her to put her through more shit, you always fucking up Ace!” I heard Omari yell. “Oh yeah thats me Ace the fuck up! Man fuck that shit im out!” Ace yelled. “You always walk away Ace, come fix this shit” Omari yelled. Ace walked into the kitchen and looked at me. “J, come out with me real quick” He said. I looked away from him. “Im good Ace” I said to him. “J baby please” He stressed. I got up and went to the guest house door he followed me. “J, I was just fucking her thats it. I don’t love her, like I love you” He stressed. I looked at him and I walked back into the house and closed the door. He banged on the door for a minute. “Ima stay out here all day, all week all month J. I can’t live without you” He said outside the door. Jade don’t open that door I thought to myself. I put my hand on the handle, then took it off. He kept knocking on the door. I took another pill to knock me out. I took pride in listening to him bang and plead outside, I fell asleep listening to Trey Songs “Smartphones”. I woke up to hearing glass break. I got up quickly and seen Ace at the door with his hand bleeding. “Are you crazy!?” I yelled. He had blood leaking from his hand. “Don’t leave me! I need you!” He stressed. His face was red, I can tell he been crying. “Im soo sorry. I’ma come to your music shit, ima take you all over the world. Give me one more chance J baby” He said. I grabbed the first aid kit under the kitchen sink. I washed his hand off and wrapped it up, after putting peroxide on it. He grabbed my face and kissed me, I couldn’t resist him so I kissed him back. I pulled him back. “Ace, if you do this again. I will never forgive you” I said to him. He nodded. “I ain’t fucking up again”.
2months later: July 30th 2013
Omari: age 27
Naomi and I were doing a wedding registry in Neiman Marcus. We had been together for 2 years and I was certain she was it. After the 1st year, I introduced her to my lifestyle. I was scared she would run but she slowly accepted it. She begged me to quit, but then asked me to show her my world. Ace, X and I agreed the women in our lives needed to be protected. I had Naomi trained with Mackel, and X taught her the business, I showed her around. She learned pretty face, after that I wanted to make her my Queen fast. I know it was wrong for me to steal my homies girl but Teej was in jail, and they wasn’t even that serious. “Ooh baby, this is nice. Im adding this” She said. I nodded. “Whatever you want” I spoiled her like no other. I had her leave her job, finish school paying off her tuition. I got her 2 cars. She wanted a Range Rover, and A Merceedes. We was getting married soon, only 3 weeks away.
3 weeks later: August 13th 2013
Naomi: age 24
“You sure?” I asked Doctor O’hara. “Yeah, two heart beats” She said. I looked at the monitor again. “Thats not my heart beat and the baby’s?” I asked. She laughed, and shook her head. “No that’s definitely two babies in there” She said to me. I sighed. Omari is going to fucking flip his shit. “Can I get those to go?” I asked. She nodded. “Sure”. I had been knowing I was pregnant for a while, but wanted to keep it lowkey because of the wedding. I grabbed my evenlope from the doctors and left the building and got into my car. I took out the evenlope and looked at my ultrasound pictures. “Twins?, man what the fuck?” I said out loud. I put the pictures away, I started my car and drove to the venue. I was getting married in 24hours. “Naomi where have you been? We been looking all over for you!” My bestfriends Teddy and Keisha said. The grabbed me and brought me inside. I seen they had through me a mini party. “We bought to get fucked up!” Teddy screamed. My mom was throwing back shots with my aunt Kiki. “Come on drink Mimi!” Teddy yelled. I shook my head. “I dont want to be hungover at my wedding” I lied. Teddy sighed. “Take one shot” He said. I shook my head. He grabbed me into the bathroom in the hotel room of Chataue Elan. “Bitch are you knocked up?” He said. I sighed, and started crying. “Yesss, and Im having twins” I cried. Teddy was in shock. “Bitch what?” He said. I nodded. “I went to the doctors today, Im 13 weeks pregnant, and its 2 babies Teddy, 2 fucking kids at the same time, like what the fuck!” I cried. He snatched my shot out my hand and chugged it. “Honey, Congradulations I guess babies are a blessing. God ain’t giving you nothing you can’t handle” He said to me. I nodded slowly. Teddy didn’t understand. Im marrying Atlantas top organized drug dealer, who has hits on him at the moment then on top of that! Im pregnant with two babies! Twin babies. Like God I see what your doing, Im very blessed but now I’m overwhelmed. I groaned. “I need to see O” I stressed. Teddy shook his head. “He is having his bachelor party wait till tomorrow” He said. I nodded, he brought me back out to the party. “Ima fix you some food” He said. Keish came up to me. “You good?” I nodded. I didn’t want everyone knowing when my baby daddy/husband didn’t even know yet. Teddy passed me a plate of Rotel, and Fried Fish. I inhaled the fish and my stomach turned. I quickly put the plate down and ran to the bathroom to throw up. I heard a knock at the door and seen Jade. I opened the door for her. “You okay Naomi?” She asked. I started crying again. She got a towel and wet it, passing it to me while rubbing my back. “Is it like them wedding jitters or whatever?” She asked. I shook my head. “Im um Im having a baby” I said. She smiled widely. “Oh my gosh congrats girl” She said. I shook my head. “Im not happy about it” I told her. She shrugged. “Why not?” She asked. “Getting married is one thing but im marrying into the game, now you want me to put my babies at risk too?” I said. Her eyes widened. “Twins?” She asked. I nodded. “Well I been knowing Ace since I was 13, and I been around the game so much I got used to the ins and the outs, and you knew O was down when you fell for him, you knew the risk, the one thing you should know is them niggas aint going to ever let shit happen to us or the people they love, yall got this you good” She told me. I wiped my face. “You right” I said. Teddy busted into the bathroom with my mom. Teddy looked at me and sighed. “This is killing my high, I mean my buzz” He said. He walked out the bathroom. “Mimi you good?” She asked. I nodded.
After I threw up, I went to sleep in Jade’s room, since Ace was going to be with O all night. I didn’t want to ruin the mini bachelorette they through me so I just left them to party while I got some sleep. I woke up to my alarm, letting me know it was time to get dressed. My nerves were shot. I been throwing all morning, and crying. “Mimi fucking chill!” Keisha yelled annoyed. “Man fuck this” I got up with my hair pincurled and my make up done. I had on a robe and slippers. I left my make up stylist room and went down to Omaris floor. I heard Rich As Fuck by Lil Wayne blasting. I banged on the door. “Yooo wazzam sis” Ace said. His breath smelled like henny. “Um its bad luck Naomi” X said. I waved him off. “I need to talk to you” I said to O. He looked at me crazy and nodded. He grabbed my hand, and lead me to the balcony. “You look beautiful, but I aint supposed to see you right now, whats up baby, you bout to dip on a nigga?” He asked. I shook my head. “Uhhh I been scared to tell you this but I wanted to say something before the wedding” I said fiddling with my fingers. “What? Baby just say that shit” He said. “Im pregnant” I said. He stepped back a little. “Since when?” He asked. I rolled my eyes. “Since 13 weeks ago nigga! Im pregnant okay, 13 weeks to be exact” I said. He wiped his hand across his face. “Aight okay thats cool, its all good baby” He simply said. I shook my head, and handed him a picture. “Whats this the baby?” He asked analyzing the picture. “Babies and yes” I simply said. He looked at me then the picture, “Babies?” He asked. I nodded and put up the number 2. “Twins” I said. He quickly walked back in and snatched the henny bottle from Ace and started downing the liquor. “Twins!” He yelled. I sighed and nodded. “O please dont make a scene” I calmly stated. He walked back over to me. “So look, we going to figure this out just please get ready so I can marry your beautiful ass, my fucking baby mama” He said to me kissing me. I smiled at him. I nodded and left to go back up to my suite to get dressed. “OMG nigga! We thought you ran, you got 30minutes come on!” Keisha panicked.
X age 18:
“So you want this type of wedding one day or nah?” I asked Heiress. She smiled at me as we danced. “Something quiet, intimate” She simply said. “I can deal with that” I said smiling. She looked at me. “Are you insinuating that you want to marry me Xander Domonic Knight?” She asked. “Ehhhh maybe” I said. She laughed at me. “I love a man that knows what he wants” She simply said. We were dancing to “Must be nice” by Lyfe Jennings. “Okay man, let me go ahead and give this toast” Ace said clickling on Wine Glass. “First off I want to thank my baby J, for being there for me regardless, and to my big bruh, you my nigga man Im happy you found a bitch to hold you down” Ace said. Naomi awkwardly smiled, O shook his head and laughed. The older people shook they head at his speech. “Uh thanks bruh” O said. I tapped on my glass I grabbed off a table. “Uh thanks for that speech Ace., uh Naomi thank you for being down with O, and being a real one by his side, he’s a great dude. An amazing big brother and we love yall and wish yall nothing but love”. O and Naomi lifted their glasses. “Thank yall” Naomi said. O stood up. “I want to thank all yall coming to celebrate our union, I also want to let everyone know that Naomi and I will be welcoming our first kids, twins come 2014” He said. Everyone looked shocked but started clapping including me and Heiress. “Wow” I said. “Congrats nigga!” Ace yelled. He was drunk as fuck. “Congrats yall” We all said. The DJ went back to playing music.
6 months later: January 14th 2014
Over the pass 2 years, Heiress and I had graduated highschool, she went to Georgia State for nursing, and I went to Georgia Tech to major in business, then after that I was going to Cordon Bleu to be a chef, O had moved out to a house in Kennesaw with Naomi since they was starting a family, so I had the whole Mansion to myself. Heiress had wanted a college life before she decided to move in with me, plus her mom wasn’t feeling it. I had got a call from Omari while I was in school. He had left me like 4 missed calls. I pulled up at the spot, where we supplied our shit and did our deals. “What’s going on? I was in the middle of a test when you called” I told O. He had his gun out, along with K.C and was shushing me. He passed me a gun and a bullet proof vest. “Niggas in here robbing us”. He whispered. I heard a silent engine roaring. I looked and seen it was Ace in his Ashton Martin. His door lifted up and he got out the car clocking his gun with his vest already on. “Man the fuck yall out here standing for, niggas messing with our money” Ace walked pass us. K.C shook his head “Shit bout to be messy forreal now”. Ace walked in and I was behind him. We seen niggas in all black stuffing shit in they bags. Ace aint hesitate and started shooting. O was fighting a nigga, K.C and I went upstairs. The men started shooting at us. I shoot back. We had a big shoot out. Finally all the niggas was dead in the spot except one who O had held for questioning. “We need to get this shit out before police show up and set up another spot” I simply said. O nodded. Ace was sitting on the counter eating chips with blood splatter on his face. I shook my head. Homie was crazy. K.C laughed. “You always eating after a shoot out, weird ass” He said. Ace shrugged. “Shit had me hungry” He said. “Who sent you, Ima ask you one more time before I paint these walls with whats left of you?!” O yelled with a machete in his hand. “Jackall” He simply said. “Who is that?” I asked. “The king of East Atlanta” He simply said. “How you find our shit?” O asked. “Jackall said he has connections” O nodded. “We got a snitch in our crew?” He asked him. The nigga shrugged. “I know nothing else just what was told, I swear” He said. “Aight” O said. Before O could untie him, shots rang off killing the nigga. O looked over at Ace. “Nigga, Damn” O said. Ace simply looked at us. “My shawty cooking tonight, I got to be home before she start bitchin, and he was just going to run his mouth anyways. Cops 15 minutes away lets pack shit and head out” Ace said. K.C started laughing. “He’s such a Gemini” He said. I started laughing too, cause he wasn’t lying. We grabbed most of our shit, cleared the place out of any identity, and got the hell on to reload our shit into another safe house to reload. I headed out home, to get cleaned up.
When I got to my crib. I seen Heiress car in the drive way. I had gave her a key to my crib eventhough we don’t live together. I walked inside the house. “Heiri” I called out. “Im in here” She said from my dinning room. I walked in and seen her sitting there with my guns on the table. I sighed. “Why do you have 4 guns?” She asked. I actually had a gun in each room, bathroom and 5 in the kitchen. I shrugged. “Protection, my dad gave them to me” I lied. She slowly nodded. “But there not even normal guns X, what is this like an Ak-47? what about this a pistol? I dont know what you call these other two, are these even registered X. What if the police find these, and theres bodies on these you will go to jail!” She panicked. “Heiress, baby chill man please I been having these it’s okay” I said to her. She folded her arms. “You sure?” She asked. I nodded. “Baby its all good, Just protection” I stated. She slowly nodded her head. “I came over to surprise you by cleaning your big ass house and cooking dinner, Im sorry I got nosey” She told me. I grabbed her and kissed her forehead. “Mi casa su casa” I said to her. She smiled. “You already being a wife to yo man, I love it! I love you!” I said to her. She smirked. I took the guns off the table and took them down to the basement. The basement had a key pad entry. If it didn’t Heiress would have found the drugs that I had in the basement. My trap phone buzzed. “Wazzam?” I answered. “We got more problems X, that Jackall nigga hijacked our stash while we was shooting the niggas in the spot earlier today” K.C said. I sighed. “Shit! We got to put out a hit now, but we wait on O, what he say?” I asked. “Naomi went into early labor, O is busy. I just got to call Ace” He stated. I nodded. “Ace would handle that shit quick” I said. K.C laughed. “Aight, Ima get Ace” He hung up the phone. I heard knocking on the basement door. I ran up the steps. “What’s up?” I asked closing the door behind me. “When are you going to show me what’s down there?” Heiress said. I shrugged. “One day” I simply said. She pouted. “When is that?” She asked. I sighed. “What you cooking?” I asked her. She rolled her eyes. “Whats down there X just tell me!” She said. “My dads business stuff, that’s it” I said. She shrugged, “Well let me look?” She said. Someone knocked on the door. I quickly went to the door to see who it was. It was Ace. “What up bruh bruh?” Ace said dapping me up. He looked at Heiress. “What up Heiress?” He said. She put on a smile coming over to hug Ace. “Hey Ace” She said greeting him. “Lets talk” Ace said. Heiress went back to kitchen. We walked down stairs to the basement. “Whats up?” I asked. “My gang ready to roll, problem is my nigga said he seen TiTi hanging over at the eastside spot where Jackall hide out is” He told me. I looked up at him. “Tiana?” I asked he nodded. “Aint want to shoot up the whole spot killing your blood” He said. I nodded. “Ima handle Tiana” Ace nodded. “I got to get back to the east side and secure my shit on my turf” He simply said. We went back upstairs. “You leaving?” Heiress asked. I nodded. “Tiana shit again” I told her. She rolled her eyes. “Tiana is such a problem but okay go be a big brother, I will see you later” She said kissing me. Ace made a funny face. “Yuck” He said. “You don’t kiss you shawty?” I asked. He smirked. “We do alot but I don’t like seeing yall kiss, but I got to dip and go with Jade to check on MiMi yall coming?” He asked. I nodded remembering O was at the hospital with his wife. “Yeah Ima see yall there” He nodded and got in his car. I drove to Decatur to visit Tiana. She wasn’t answring her phone.
Character Pics:
La-La (Alexis Sky) age 19:
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Heiress: age 18
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marhabhaonlineshop · 4 years
Top 5 Exciting Sales to look forward to in 2021
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Hello all passionate shoppers! As a fellow shopping enthusiast, I have to confess that nothing cheers me up better than a good discount. Here's a list of the 5 most thrilling sales in Dubai that you should keep a lookout for!
Dubai Shopping Festival
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As all of us who have been living in the UAE are well aware, each New Year starts with one of the most exciting events of the year, the Dubai Shopping Festival (DSF). First launched in 1996, as a means to increase trade in Dubai, it has now been endorsed as a tourist attraction. Ever-increasing in its popularity and ability to attract people from all over the world, the event spans over a couple of weeks. As the name suggests, the main appeal of the event is undoubtedly the gripping discounts offered by many shops, including well-known brands. However, apart from these invigorating promotions, the festival also hosts various electrifying entertainment and activities. DSF organises concerts, fashion shows, art exhibitions, etc., with some of the most celebrated artists from around the globe. Extravagant displays such as 'the world's longest and heaviest gold chain', 'the world's longest sofa', 'longest continuous watercolour painting' amongst a multitude of others have only increased the curiosity of the millions of visitors each year. Visiting the Global Village and the firework display are some of the most favourite things to do amongst the residents with their family. The latest edition of the event runs from December 17th, 2020 to January 30th, 2021.
Dubai Summer Surprises
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After DSF, the Dubai Summer Surprises (DSS) is undoubtedly the most celebrated time for avid shoppers. While many residents of Dubai escape the region's unbearable heat by going on vacations to more pleasant places, the DSS is a relief for ones that stay behind. Similar to the DSF, the DSS is also mainly focused on presenting the residents and tourists with the best shopping experience by providing them the most jaw-dropping offers, thrilling contests, and shop-and-win campaigns. Although shopping takes the centre-stage, this summer gala is also packed with additional thrilling components such as compelling deals for leisure and entertainment enthusiasts, exhibitions, concerts, and other fun activities. Hence making it the perfect period for enjoying quality time with your family and friends who have various interests (taking into consideration the weather, of course). You can take them shopping to different malls, get your adrenaline pumped by having a blast in one of the theme parks, enjoy the cinema, have a relaxing spa or staycation at one of the hotels, and many more, all on a budget! Don't miss out on it this year; it lasts from 24th June to 4th September 2021.
Eid Sales
Being a Muslim country, Eid celebrations in the UAE are as grand as it can get. The massive shopping sales are an addition to the various religious practices and commemorations for the festival. The occasion witnessed many people buying gifts for their loved ones and themselves as part of the celebrations. So what better time enjoy the benefits of discounts on all sorts of retail products? Additionally, the country also hosts events that highlight the various Emirati customs and traditions. Make sure to check them out along with the fun sales lasting from 19th to 24th July 2021.
Dubai Home Festival
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This is one of the most recent sales to ensue and is reserved exclusively for home furnishings and décor products. It was initiated to promote the interior designing and homeware sectors in Dubai. Providing designers and innovators an excellent platform to exhibit their talents and hard work. It is definitely one of the best time to renovate your living space and start home improvement projects with all the fantastic offers and discounts. I am sure that after such long periods of staying indoors, almost everybody would like to update some aspect of their houses. This year the event lasts from September 19th to September 30th, 2021.
Diwali Sales
Diwali is one of the most celebrated Indian festivals. Also known as the festival of light, it symbolises the triumph of good over evil or knowledge over ignorance, or of light over dark. It is also positively associated with prosperity, which is why many believers think it an auspicious time to buy new items, mainly gold and other jewellery. Therefore, the festival is widely associated with twinkling lights, firecrackers, offerings, and gift-giving. Many shops across the nation, especially Indian stores and jewellery stores,  have fabulous sales to attract customers. It is the perfect time to visit ethnic shops and explore the traditions of the Indian subcontinent. This year the sale period is from October 29th to November 13th, 2021.
Visit us at Marhabha during these sale periods for compelling offers. Our main aim is to provide the customers with accessibility to authentic imported brands at a more affordable price. Additionally, we also produce products consisting predominantly of high-quality leather goods sourced from India, under the brand name of Uxurious. Although we have the option of cash on delivery in the UAE, we provide a 25% discount when you purchase by card. Also, there is free shipping across the UAE without any limit on the minimum amount spent. Visit our website to know more about the current sales going on in Dubai online.
Information Sources:
Picture Sources - All pictures taken from Google Images:
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hqmanagerzine · 7 years
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HQ!! Manager Zine 2017 Contributors
Hello! We’re so happy to announce the participants of the Haikyuu!! Manager Zine. Thank you so much to everyone who has shown interest and applied to the project ^^
We’ve accepted a total of 9 writers and 27 artists for the final zine, along with 2 invited artists to help with bonuses and merchandise. A transcript of the list can be found under the cut, along with important dates for everyone to keep in mind.
All applicants should have received an email from us, regardless if they can contribute or not. If you have not received an email from us, please send us an ask or email us at [email protected] as soon as possible!
Again, thank you for everyone’s interest and applications. We look forward to everyone’s work in the final book!
Love, HQ!! Manager Zine Team Tumblr | Twitter
@spaceboysatori | @semieitamatic | @shoujomomo | @lalikaa | @momokkoi | tanuma_ebooks | @literallyaviking | @its-love-u-asshole | @pugglemuggle
@carriecmoney | @monkparty | @literarymerritt | paraplyene | @inky-thoughts | @mikanchii | @lulovera | @swwyz | @daisquatch | ikari_yuuji | @very-burnt-cinnamon-roll | @huaino | @loonysl | @pandajelo | @tsukino-rui | @kihori | @jeananasartblog | @baka-oyaji | @glalitites | @erinyanko | sugarlantern | @hannycho | @holililil | @princess-porkbun | @dorothywonderland | @dhuratamehmetaj
Invited Merch Artists:
@starlity | @yankasmiles
@striveattemptfail | @fiveyen | @mei-the-monster​
Here are some important dates for contributors to remember:
July 30th: first check-in on drafts
August 20th: last chance for drop outs
August 27th: second check-in on drafts
September 10th: final drafts due
And here are some dates for everybody:
October 11th: Previews begin on the International Day of the Girl
October 15th: Pre-orders for physical zines and bonuses open
November 5th: Pre-orders are closed
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We’re looking forward to everyone’s participation  :D
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katsu-sauce · 7 years
Tanaka Minami WUG Blog: 08/02/17
Title: Eternal Blue...
Foreward: Hey guys, so I translated Minami Tanaka's latest blog post and a majority of it is about her time spent at the FGO 2nd Anniversary event. As some of you may know, she also hosts the Chaldea Radio program with Rie Takahashi and they are both known to be pretty avid/hardcore fans of the Fate franchise. I'm a beginner translator and there may be quite a few discrepancies from the source text, but I hope I'm able to convey the emotions that she felt when she attended the event. 
Hello, it’s me Minami!
So the first week of the month has already arrived!
On the 28th of July, Wake Up Girls had some R&R! Airi, Nanami, and I went over and played at New Minna no GOLF! I never played mini-golf before but I had tons of fun anyways! In the beginning I was doing splendidly well in 1st place, but during the second half I had no idea what was going on!
Then on the 29th and 30th I got to attend the Fate/Grand Order 2nd Anniversary celebration event!
On the 29th: The Chaldea Radio Stage Show started at an early 10am, however so many people came to watch the event, especially on Nico Nico! Thanks to all the people who made it!
The guest that joined us on the show was the voice of Arturia and Anne Bonnie from Fate/Grand Order, Ayako Kawasumi-san! Our first guest of the show really was the best possible one! ✨
During the Gesture Game I felt pretty confident since I’ve been playing with Passion Lip a lot lately. I thought I expressed her pretty well. It was a such a short time on stage, about 30 minutes, but I was so happy to hear that ArchTuria came home (to Kawasumi-san w).
I stayed till the end of the anniversary event while watching it from under the stage but… THE FGO STAGE PLAY PORTION WENT BY SO FAST! It really felt like time was accelerated! Rie-chan screamed “I NEED TO GET THE BLURAY FOR THIS!!!”
Finally with the last stage event, Fate Memorial, I could hear the gates of Heaven calling my name… Once Zero and Unlimited Blade Works became connected, his story began… If I ever have the time, I need to look back at it all. Yup, I really do love  UBW Shirou’s hotblooded battles.
All in all, what seemed like a dream before became a reality with this stage event. But wait there’s still one more day left! What to do?!
Then came the 30th:
Our guest for the Chaldea Radio Stage that day was the seiyuu for Arjuna, Edmond Dantes, and Fujimaru Ritsuka, Shimazaki Nobunaga-san! Finally! FINALLY! I was able to talk a TON about Fate. However, it was really unfortunate that there wasn’t enough time to talk more! There were so many more things I wanted to hear too. I’ll definitely make sure to talk about the things I wanted to talk about on the next radio show!
The FGO Chaldea radio show! I feel really blessed to be a part of it. I was so nervous when I first appeared as a guest, but regardless I’m glad I was able to share latest information with you all! Even though I was a nervous wreck, I’m glad Rule Breaker blessed me with its magical effects.
After the broadcast I was able to pull Sherlock Holmes! As soon as I saw Holmes’ Noble Phantasm animation, I screamed like a little girl. In addition I drew another 5 star servant with a 10 pull, Davinci-chan! I was so glad to pull 2 Servants with amazing Noble Phantasms! But honestly, the hype from the FGO Stage Play still persisted especially since Davinci returned to me in some shape or form.
Now that the news has been revealed I can finally talk about Swimsuit Nitocris! Yaaaaaaaaaaaay! I’m happy! I’m so so happy!!!! I honestly didn’t expect such amazing news! I’m also really looking forward to Nobu and Maid Saber Alter! I wasn’t the only one that thought that Maid Saber Alter was reminiscent of that one episode of Carnival Phantasm, haha.
The last day of the FGO Memorial Stage... It really was wonderful…
Even after the event with the FGO Radio Stage show, I couldn’t stop the tears when looking back. While on the train back home, I was listening to Eternity Blue (FGO ED song) and the lyrics really made me cry. I’m so glad to have come across this amazing franchise called Fate, and pour so much love into it. Being able to talk about Fate for 2 days with everybody just filled me with so much emotion that I couldn’t stop the tears.
Here’s just a portion of these wonderful memories!
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I also had the pleasure of getting inside the Fate/Apocrypha itasha car! Ahhh what a moving experience! The time to have made use of my driver’s license finally arrived! Check out Nitocris’ formal clothing! It’s so cute!
I told myself I wouldn’t talk about the FGO Radio show again, I do apologize. However, I do want to say that it was an incredible event! It was so much fun! I’m so thankful!!
And then… At that same day and location, Run Girls, Run made their debut! I really wanted to see them ;_; It really didn’t seem like Coco-chan’s, Yuuka-chan’s, and Nanami-chan’s first time on stage. It really was an impressive stage performance! We haven’t met in person yet but I sent them a comment video. I sure hope they were fine with it.
But I really hope I get to meet and talk with them soon~! I really wonder what I can do for them. I never thought there’d come a time where I would become a senpai. I really want to know more about them! You guys do as well right? I really hope to meet with them during after-recording sessions! I’m really looking forward to the next project! I’m really curious to see what kind of relationship Runga and WUG will have.
That’s that for that day! It really was packed full interesting things!
In another mobile game, “Tenka Hyakken”, I took the role of Onimaru Kunitsuna. She seems cute and innocent, but she’s insanely strong! She’s one of the Five Heavenly Swords. Even as a UR, she’s still really mind-bendingly strong! Ahh, I really hope to save my gems and be able to get her on my next pull. Her story is such a tearjerker too. So brave and gallant, while adorable at the same time! And when she removes her eyepatch?... Well, I hope you’ll listen closely to her shouts when performing her deadly special technique!
Also in ANOTHER app game, “Seisen, Excalibur!” I took on the role of Fiola. She’s different from the other character I played, Perseus. Fiola is sort of an airhead but also a sweet and lovely girl! She must be protected! So yeah, she’s that type of girl heheh~ I encourage you all to try and get her! ♪♪
So I completed my last day with the WUG All Nighter broadcast special! My last time with the show was just with me talking by myself so it was sort of lonely! However, I did enjoy myself to the very last minute. When I first started doing the broadcast special by myself, I thought I’d have some trouble trying to come up with things to talk about. Now that so much time has passed, I hope to think that I’ve maybe grown a little with that experience.
On November 23rd, WUG will be performing at Animax Musix 2017 Yokohama! Yo yo yo YOKOHAMA~~~!!!! I’m so overjoyed (TT_TT) Yokohama Arena… Amazing… As a person from Kanagawa, this just feels like a dream. I’m so glad I’ll be able to set foot on the stage of Yokohama Arena! Even though we’ve performed so many times in Tokyo, I’ve always felt some longing to do so in Kanagawa. Since this’ll be during the next chapter of WUG’s journey, I hope lots of people will come to see us!
The first chapter of Wake Up Girls Eternal Senses manga has also been released through Comic Clear! I hope you’ll read and enjoy it!
On August 5th, TV MX will be broadcasting the first episode of Kakegurui with special commentary by the cast! The special will include, Hayami Saori, Tokutake Tatsuya, and myself! Even though it’s supposed to be an organized TV special, I still got to talk very eagerly. I hope you tune in to hear what I had to say!
This Friday, Jurassic World will be broadcasted! And I got to do a voice over role of a girl in the movie! It’ll be a super tense and exciting 2 hours! I hope you have an exciting time watching it!
Finally, next week I’ll be joining the internet broadcast program, FIVE STARS, in order to promote the release of the new Wake Up, May’n single! The host of the program will be Date Arisa-san, who I’m looking forward to working with!
Alrighty, this weekend WUG will be having their tour through Sendai, so it’ll be super busy! I’m looking forward to having a fun time with you all!
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Source: https://ameblo.jp/wakeupgirls/entry-12298173537.html
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parisgellerstudy · 7 years
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hello everybody! so ik its been a while since ive made an og post so i figured it was abt time. sooo i decided to have a blog promotion for my new sideblog @autumnalvegan !!! its a blog i made to keep things like fall/autumn pictures, fandoms, vegan food/recipes, aesthetic pictures, photography, etc. separate from my studyblr! anyway, pls read + complete the requirements below, and if u do all the steps, i will promo you on my blog to 2.4k+ dashes!!!
rules (i will check to see that you did all of the following)
reblog this post, likes only count as bookmarks
must be following my studyblr @thegrangersapprentice
must be following my sideblog @autumnalvegan
send me an ask labeled bp for blog promotions and tell me abt anything (book/movie recs, masterpost requests, abt ur day, ur goals/aspirations, ur favorite things, etc.)
this ends on july 30th, 2017. so hurry!!!
hugs, mel
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thotyssey · 7 years
On Point With: Krymson Scholar
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From Southern Belle to sickening drag queen, this nightlife scholar ain’t just here for book learnin’... she’s here to slay! Krymson Scholar gives us the 411 on life, love and all the pageants that come along the way.
Thotyssey: Hello Krymson, thanks for chatting! You had a busy weekend, performing for the Hot Rabbit party at Boots & Saddle on Friday, and then Ari Kiki’s show RIOT on Saturday at Stonewall! How did it all go? Krymson Scholar: It was absolutely amazing! DJ JCLEF is absolutely the best, and [Hot Rabbit founder] Emily was an amazing hostess. Also, RIOT is always a blast! Ari is such an amazing person to work with.
You're popping up everywhere these days. Do you have a signature number yet? I would have to say “Ain't Your Mama,” by Jennifer Lopez. Werk! An anthem! And how was Ladyqueen Draguation last month? That was the show and ceremony honoring your troupe’s newest members. It was great! So much fun, and all the Draguates did so amazing! I'm proud of all of them.
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The Ladyqueen drag crew, which was founded by Crimson Kitty, grows more interesting and diverse by the day. Are you considered to be the group’s first trans-identifying member? Yes I am, but we are all equal. We are also open to all races as well. Is there, like, a theme regarding what types of numbers you all perform, or how you perform them, in Ladyqueen? We have themes now and then. Like with our new one, “Queens of Filth: A Dragtastic Tribute to John Waters,” we are performing to all of John Waters’ films. And there aren’t really any rules of how I perform; I just go out there and have fun with it.
Okay, so, let's hop back to the beginning of Krymson for a bit! Where's your hometown? I'm originally from Columbus, Mississippi. So I'm a Southern Belle! Very classy! What was life like growing up there for you? Life was rough. I got verbally assaulted every single day of school. It was tough; I have contemplated suicide many times--until I started transition at the age of 15 years-old. So, transitioning in a small town, and going to a school where people were all raised to hate LGBTQIA individuals, was rough... but I got through it.
That was quite a struggle. What were you interested in during that time?
Watching all these drag movies. And, watching Maury when they had the episodes with the trans women: I thought to myself, I want to be there one day. 
And also, Halloween was and still is my fave holiday, ‘cause I get to be as creative and as true to myself as possible. Actually, I have two biological sisters who dressed me up as a girl when I was five for my first Halloween. And from then on, I knew I was a girl.
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It's so inspiring that you got through all that, and discovered your identity and calling in the process. When did you come to NYC?
I moved up here July of last year, with my husband. Oh wow, how long have you been married? August 10, we will be celebrating three years of marriage. We got married on my birthday, so he will always know when our anniversary is! That's so sweet! And very noble of you to sacrifice an Extra Gift Day! 
It's okay, his love is enough gift for me.
Aw! So, what was your introduction to NYC drag?
It was going to TNT (#RIP) for Elizabeth James’ show, and she let me do a number. That was Brooklyn. Then Manhattan was Brita Filter, who let me compete for Miss Lady Liberty at Boots & Saddle. I thank God for them giving me a chance.
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Was there ever a conflict for you, as far as living as a trans woman while performing as a drag queen? Some queens who are trans, like Peppermint, have discussed experiencing pushback from people in their communities about being both. In the south, yes, absolutely. Male-bodied drag queens couldn't stand me, or other trans entertainers, because they think we don't have to do what they do. But what they didn't know is that we actually do more than they do. But moving here, I've gotten so much love and acceptance, which I'm very thankful for. Well-deserved! How would you clarify that you have to do more with your drag then a male-bodied queen? Does this have to do with strongly exaggerating your paint because you already have feminine features?
Yes. I don't do the normal “fishy” paint--I paint exaggerated. I try to resemble the drag queens of the past who did extreme makeup. Other trans girls or Ladyqueens also pad, even though some of them don't have to. But we do it because we try fool peoples’ perceptions, so people won't know if we are male-bodied drag queens, or Ladyqueens.
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What's the story behind your drag name? “Krymson” has to come from being an Alabama football fan. It's called Crimson Tide, but I misspelled the “Krymson” so it would be unique to me. Then, “Scholar” comes from being a scholar of drag. You sound like a Game of Thrones character, in the best way! Does it ever get confusing having a Crimson and a Krymson in LadyQueen? Not at all! Sometimes it's funny, ‘cause we will answer at the same time. I absolutely love Crimson, I'm so glad we have gotten as close as we are. She is there for me, and I'm there for her. So now we are a double threat: Crimson/ Krymson! Usually the girls in Ladyqueen just call me the MOIST queen, so it helps!
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You mentioned Ladyqueen’s Coney Island USA tribute to John Waters coming up on July 21st... will your number be a tribute to your personal favorite Waters film, or did you get stuck with something else? Yes I have [my favorite movie], but you’ll have to buy a ticket to find out what that number will be!
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And before that... You’ll be competing in the premiere preliminary round of Mx. Nobody this Thursday at Brooklyn Bazaar, hosted by The Nobodies! What appealed to you about this pageant?
The Nobodies (DJ Accident Report, Ariel Italic and Lady Bearica Andrews) have asked me to do it ever since I met them last year at Terra Firma for their Rupaul’s Drag Race All-Stars Season 2 viewing party. So I decided I would do it. They have become some of my best friends; I love them dearly! Whether I win or lose, I'm thankful that they have become friends of mine whom I cherish.
It should be an exciting night. And I’ll be there as a judge... can’t wait!
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In general, you do a lot of the weekly and monthly drag competition shows in the city. Do you enjoy them, or is it just something you have to do to keep your name out there? I enjoy doing them, ‘cause sometimes I get to meet new queens and get to learn about their lives. And that's the most rewarding thing: getting to meet new people. You never know who will become your new bestie! And on the other hand, it's always a good way to get your name out there, whether you’re a new queen on the scene or you’re an older queen. And it's good to do just for the fun of it.
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What else is coming up for you?
I'm going to be doing Bella Noche’s birthday show next Thursday at Rockbar...
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...and I'm doing Wendy Waxwood’s After Brunch show on the 30th of this month at the Albatross.
Got it! Okay, last question... what's you least favorite thing about drag... and your most favorite? My least fave thing would be putting on lashes! And my most fave thing is going to the club and seeing the smiles on the crowds’ faces, and having everybody sing along with you during your performances. It's the best feeling!
Thanks, Krymson!
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Check here for a list of Krymson Scholar’s upcoming appearances. Follow Krymson on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.
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jeffrmayhugh · 4 years
Bitcoin Future Prediction, ETH 2.0 Hype, Harry Potter Coin, DigiByte Greed & SBI Ripple ATMs
Hello, everybody. We’ll go back for another video. Hope you’re all doing well and that you’re all having an incredible day. We’ll go back for another news I missed. Where I go over. News I missed. Hedge fund manager Matt D’Souza thinks patience is the key for Bitcoin holders looking to capitalize on the having. And De Souza was also the co-founder and CEO of the crypto mining operator Block, where Solutions says it’s not the time to day trade. He said, and I do quote, In 2016, Bitcoin rallied sixty seven percent into having corrected 33 percent and bottomed within three weeks, only to begin a 17 month bull market in 2020. We didn’t have a rally going into the having as we recovered losses from the global market meltdown. The fundamentals for Bitcoin have never been better. Things are typically buy the news, sell the rumor events and 20 20, I expect a shallower sell off than 2016. We already corrected by 20 percent and only one two five. Oh, there we go. One point five to three week duration, Max. Now is the time to be patient and hold, not day trade. Sorry for screaming. The big money is in the sitting. What in capturing this. People use weird phrases. Big money is in the sitting. I don’t think I’ve ever heard that in my entire English career ever. And capturing the cycle. Never heard that either, end quote. Does Susan note that the Fed is recklessly printing money which will create negative interest rates? He also says 16 percent of miners have now shut off, giving BTC a better environment to rally. And it’s not just post having developments that could create a bullish environment for crypto trader and analyst Luke Martin says Bitcoin is also currently decoupling from the stock market. And there’s his tweet right there, which probably just says what I just said. In mid-March, when Bitcoin collapsed hand-in-hand with equities, many analysts expressed doubt about the assets ability to serve as a hedge on traditional finance. But that’s no longer the case, according to Martin Shaw. There were about 15000 other price predictions that I was going to throw into the video. But I was like, no, not today. I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll not do that. Everyone seems to be thinking the same thing. I mean, as far as hedge fund managers, crypto enthusiasts, you kind of name it, everyone’s expecting that this having will be different and therefore things will be different in the next couple of weeks. I mean, you’ve you’ve seen the news that we’ve been going over the last couple of days. Everyone has their own ideas as to what could potentially be happening in the near future with the cryptocurrency market and exactly what’s going to be happening with Bitcoin. A lot of people are expecting that Bitcoin had to go down before the having an order for it to go up later on. We have seen historically it’s only been two other ones before this one that Bitcoin tends to dip and then move on up a bit higher. But Bitcoin, as they say, has never been tested in such a manner. The other two having there wasn’t a worldwide economic crisis and governments were not printing trillions of dollars in order to kind of mitigate losses and or prop up things that should not be propped up. So, yeah, that’s absolutely wonderful that another really rich person thinks that things are going to get better with the cryptocurrency space. I said that, ironically enough, if you could hear the tone of my voice, I say things like that sometimes in the video. People like How dare you side with the banks? And it’s like, come let listen to listen to the tone of my voice and how I am. I am currently talking to see that I am being. Facetious, but. Then I’m flying anyway. That’s the Bitcoin. I mean, like like I’ve mentioned before and many other times in the past, rich people have a very strong grasp on the cryptocurrency market. They have been in the market for a while. I think they were all like literally waiting for this having to take place. They’d be like, oh, my stars. Bitcoin’s amazing. It’s because they know mathematically that stuff is going to get real very soon. And that it is kind of spreading the good word, as it were. Let’s move on. Next up, where are the words? Jeez Louise. There we go. The lackluster response following Bitcoin’s third having has left many in the cryptocurrency community scratching their heads over why the event did and trigger the next crypto market monsters rally. Not really. It’s just people who don’t understand Bitcoin is having a once every four year event is said to be bullish for the pioneer cryptocurrency as it reduces the number of new Bitcoin minted on a daily basis by slashing the rewards. Mind per block. WellPoint five six point five. You already know all hope is not lost. And you’ll see exactly where I’m going with this as well, because I’m noticing a very new trend. It says all hope is not lost with they’re having now in the rearview mirror. Investors are searching for the next catalyst that will drive the crypto markets higher, according to a top analyst. The imminent launch of a Theory M 2.0, an update that will introduce a higher transaction throughput and a new consensus model under proof of stake will make a much more profound. A fact there we go on the crypto markets than the recently completed BTC, having Ryan Watkins, an analyst for Mazari, recently explained why he thinks Ethe 2.0 will provide a much stronger effect on crypto prices. In a tweet a few days ago, Watkins noted that while the having was a pre-programmed and thus predictable Ethe 2.0 was an uncertain and fundamental change. And that’s what I just said right there. And that’s also in the tweet. The Ethe 2.0 release date has been delayed for the longest time. It’s been about 16 years now. That was also a joke, mostly due to the extreme techno tatlock teeny tiny technicality. Wow of the project Ethe Dewpoint. Those launch was initially slated for the 30th of July because we all we all saw that date mentioned before. However, Metallic Budarin recently posted, hoisted posted that the date could be pushed further to an undisclosed date in quarter three of twenty. Now keep that date in mind as well, you know, and explain in a tweet on Friday why the delay is necessary rather than rushing to launch Ethe 2.0 for those of you who did not see. He said pretty much he thinks it should be slow and steady and he doesn’t want to make any mistakes. He said, What do we do now? Will echo through crypto history for the next couple of decades. And therefore he wants to make sure the E Theorem 2.0 is perfect, perfect instead of slightly perfect before it gets released. That was his explanation. So we don’t even have to go over all of that. If you look at the title of the article, it says, Why upcoming Ethe 2.0 could propel a bigger extended market rally? This one says, In theory, I’m decouples from Bitcoin as having pressure sets in. This one says Alt coins like a theory may soon benefit from institutions rushing to buy Bitcoin. And this one says Imperium 2.0, is what could bring a major turnaround for Ethe to the U.S. dollar. I woke up today finding thousands, not thousands, like 15 articles I’m all talking about. Theorem. For some reason with B having behind this and this is why I mentioned before. Don’t assume that simply people who are not within the cryptocurrency space don’t understand what Bitcoin having actually represent and how significant they are to the cryptocurrency space and also to the price of Bitcoin, to the actual issuance rate of crypto currencies in general. As we move into a more deflationary cryptocurrency world, a lot of different websites started poking their head out just exclusively talking about a theory about how amazing it theorem is. Not saying that a theorem is not amazing, awesome, cool, funky, fly fresh, however, just seems a little bit weird that all the attention has seemingly moves to Aegerion Cerium 2.0 now. And I assume of the next couple of weeks we are going to be bombarded with a theorem is amazing articles until and I say this probably around the time we end up hitting Ethereum 2.0. I’m aiming for August, September of 2022. That was also a joke. Lot of jokes today around this year, probably August. September is when this will probably phase zero us in the face. Then at that point, I assume some other type of news will have come about for some other coin, who is also going to have a having a doubling a for thing or something else will come out and they’ll kind of take all of the attention. And then when he Theorem 2.0 does get released and the price doesn’t skyrocket by thirteen thousand percent. Like many people, I assume, are assuming it’s going to happen. We’ll start to get articles the same exact way. Why isn’t Bitcoin going up? Why is any theory I’m going of? Why is it like coin going up? We see them over and over and over. I find it weird, isn’t it? I don’t wanna say that there’s no loyalty within the cryptocurrency space, but you kind of get what I’m saying. It’s kind of odd. I don’t know if these were always I love you theory and Web sites or simply now they are poking their heads out up, showing their true colors once again. There does not have to be one coin that rules them all. A lot of people think so. I think a market rally could come from any direction. I don’t think it’ll exclusively be Bitcoin that causes everything to skyrocket into the bazillions. It could be someone who wins the lotto and they’re like, I got an extra 14 million. Let’s buy up this coin. It could be a million. And one things. However. It appears that analysts are even more bullish than before on a theorem. I think it’s perfectly natural to be OK with your theory M 2.0 or be excited about it, especially when we talk about the issuance rate in this taking and then all the other stuff that we don’t have to go over again. It was kind of weird that there were so many different websites out there who were all talking and discussing about how amazing each theorem was around the same exact time. Are also more of these. I just I just chose these four because they had the nicest colors. Anyway. Probably my my most. Favorite. News story in a while. For those of you not looking at the screen, even the title, even the title gets me. It says that J.K. Rowling asks about Bitcoin accursed crypto Twitter scares her off. Jake, J.K. Rowling probably wasn’t expecting to unleash the Bitcoin community’s pent up passion and imagination when she tweeted two sentences asking about Bitcoin. But the author of Harry Potter series did. Responding to a tweet from Quoin Desk, senior reporter Ly Kyun Rowland tweeted, and I quote, I don’t understand Bitcoin. Please explain it to me in just two hours. Her tweet had spawned thirteen hundred replies. It took less than three hours for her to follow up with. I don’t think I trust this is weird. The reason I’m laughing is because if you’ve been into crypto for over two years, I. I give you even a year and a half. You know how intense this space can be. If you scream out, Bitcoin is garbage, Bikash is the true Bitcoin. You’re going to get some really strong responses if you send out a message. SRP is better than Bitcoin and like coin proved me wrong. You’re gonna get responses back. So all I could imagine when I read the title. Was at people to simply bombarded her with so many things, tearing her down and then to even read to her say, I don’t think I trust this because you you know how people are within the cryptocurrency space. So I think if I was if it was my first day in crypto and I and I wrote on Anthony possibly on his page, I don’t understand Bitcoin. Please explain it to me. And I got thirteen hundred responses and I’m going to read out some of their responses as well. I think I would also probably not even think of trusting Bitcoin lurking below the Twitter surface. Is a massive community of people who tweet about almost nothing except bitcoin and crypto day in and day out. That is the honest truth. Dying to use their netsch knowhow for the good of the world. Rowling accidentally tapped into it and attempts to speak Rowlings language. It gets better, I promise. Many started comparing Bitcoin to the wizarding world from her books. Someone said, remember how he he who must not be named, play seven Hawe cruxes and different objects around the world in an attempt to immortalize himself so that no one, not even the Ministry of Magic, could stop him. Someone said that he who must not be named or Lord Voldemort thought it would be unlikely that anyone could find all seven Halk cruxes making him impervious to destruction. Similarly under the hood. Bitcoin is composed or comprised of thousands of nosed around the globe running the Bitcoin software, although the number might be decreasing. Who cares? It is hard to share what we’re talking about. J.K. Rowling. It is hard to shut down because all of these nodes need to be shut down at once to derail the online currency. Stephen Saying a researcher at crypto publication of The Block focused his Harry Potter metaphore on the goal of Bitcoin, giving users freedom to do as they please. He said Remember when Dobbie was freed by a sock? Bitcoin is that sock. I mean, it just keeps going on like people kept on, like the Philosopher’s Stone and all this other stuff. Why not just explain to her what Bitcoin is in simple terms? I’m sure this woman who wrote this book 30 years ago was reading these responses and was like, what the heck is everyone even talking about? On top of that, the also other news was that Elon Musk apparently decided to also chime in and told J.K. Rowling about how amazing Bitcoin was. But is it this is a two parter. Hang in there. He said pretty much. Although massive currency issuance by government, central banks is making Bitcoin Internet ghost money looked solid by comparison. Once again, no one actually explained to J.K. Rowling what Bitcoin was. She said people are now explaining Bitcoin to me and honestly, it’s blah, blah, blah, collectibles, My Little Pony, blah, blah, blah. Computers got one of those blah, blah, blah. Crypto sounds creepy. Blah, blah, blah. Understand the risk. I don’t, though, because no one we we we make the mistake often being in the cryptocurrency space of just simply not simply easily explaining something to someone. Now, many friends I’ve had who’ve tried looking at my channel and they don’t understand the thing. I mean, first of all, the channels made for intermediate to low level advanced, like, you have to have been here for a while to really get the channels on a an introductory kind of channel. But it is that same exact thing like you. I talk to all of you as if you know what. 256 is or what the e what what proof of stake. And this is like you you get these terms. You also know what securities are. Anyone come into the channel with simply does go away though. I don’t know what of this stuff is. No one explained it to her. Everyone gave her Harry Potter references. Elon Musk is talking about Bitcoin, Internet ghost money, looking solid by comparison. Also, the two parter for that one. For those of you not looking at the screen, the title of this article is Elon Musk Drops Bitcoin Bomb on J.K. Rowling. Bitcoin is solid compared to fiat money. He never said any of those words. He said the words solid. He he referenced Bitcoin as magical ghost Internet money for those of you who’ve never heard that, that was a very big thing in 2014, 15 and 16, where people used to say that Bitcoin was magical ghost Internet money, that no one could see it, no one understood it, and therefore was his relatively unknown entity that was kind of floating around this that just simply worked. He said Bitcoin as magical ghost Internet money looks solid by comparison. He didn’t call Bitcoin solid. He did say that Bitcoin was a new world currency. He simply said by comparison, goes to money, looks solid to all the issuance by central government banks. Very weird because through multiple different articles on the Internet, they constantly made reference to the fact that Elon Musk had spoken about Bitcoin. Well, I think the third time, third or fourth time this year, and this time he used the word solid to talk about Bitcoin. He didn’t learn learn how to read English and stop trying to misconstrue things to make them sound better. The point is, this is my favorite thing. I was I was I was making some tea. I read this and I laughed for a good 20 minutes. I don’t if you heard the the optimism in my voice before I started this video is because I had had so much joy in my heart, just thinking chemo came. People in the cryptocurrency space leave now because of how insane the cryptocurrency space is and how like. The word is intense. How intense people can get because of, you know, how intense crypto Twitter is. So I just imagine J.K. Rowling sitting at home wrapped up in a blanket, like drinking some tea, just not understanding, like, what the heck are these people talking about? That’s my favorite news story. And then Elon Musk saying the word solid, which also got people riled up. I mean, why, why, why? Why is there a picture of money? Why is there a woman who has her finger nails done holding up a hundred dollar? Well, let’s start with Krypto. What’s going on? What’s going on, guys? Like what? What am I missing? Why the woods? What’s happening in this space? What what is this picture? If there was a photo of Elon Musk, I would get it. Or Elon Musk and J.K. Rowling at an event standing side by side, it would have made a bit more sense. There’s a woman wearing jeans, holding hundred dollar bills. Anyway. There’s a reason why it’s called news, I missed it. There’s a huge reason. Let us move on. And also other news, Jarrett Tate, the founder of Deji Bite, announced that he will be stepping aside from day to day operations due to the greed and rampant pillaging of the cryptocurrency industry. Tate announced his departure from the front end of the crypto space on his Twitter page on the 15th of May. After eight years in the industry, wow, he had this to say about his experiences. He said, all along the way, I have learned some very humble lessons. Number one of which is greed is the fundamental driving force in crypto and people’s actions in life, end quote. It took him eight years to learn that eight years that we all did that I knew took him eight years. Tate said he doesn’t speak for everyone involved with did you? Right. Which he proclaims that the original values of the crypto industry have disappeared. We’ve gone over that as well. The old old crypto is completely gone. Tait’s noted that all 90 percent of the people care about is cashing out. When one of their coins moons. And that’s because boys and girls for everyone listening, I wanna tell you a secret about the cryptocurrency space. Hope you’re listening. Remember these words. Ninety nine percent of the cryptocurrency market is garbage. Did you hear me? Rubbish. Terrible. No use. There’s no need for these coins and people know that in the back of their head, no matter how much you tell yourself. Listen, I’ll be out. I’ll be frank with you and I’ll even level with you. I’ll even I’ll even say that I understand you. I get why people try to pump their coins in the comment section I get while other people are fighting. I get why. So am I and I get it. I don’t agree with it. However, when people try to pump their coins, it’s because they know that they’re holding garbage and they’re doing anything that they can in their power to make sure that the prices of these coins go up so that they can moon and that they can cash out, because in the very beginning he’d heed my words. People got into some of the worst coins in the cryptocurrency space trying to make a rapid quick buck. This is why they did. These other channels are flourishing once again. I’ve I’ve I’ve never been so shocked in my entire life, honestly, on a on an average day. My videos get anywhere from 13 to 18 thousand views, give or take. They fluctuate back and forth. And I and I simply give you the news. I tell you the reality of the cryptocurrency space. I don’t sugarcoat anything. If something looks like garbage, I’m going to tell you it’s garbage. The other channels that have come out of the woodworks or have started reposting videos. These channels are getting one hundred and sixteen thousand views a day. Eighty five thousand views a day. Their channels. One of them. What was it like a couple of days ago? It was like chart shows bitcoin hitting one hundred thousand very soon. Are you in the market? All these things. Everything right now almost knocked over a picture frame. Everything just go away. Everything right now in the cryptocurrency space. Has to exclusively do with people trying to make sure that their coins are no one are hyped up, are pumped up so that the prices can go up and they can cash out. People know that they’re holding garbage. And I’m sad that it took the the founder of Deji by eight years to figure this out. And in the end in the beginning, in the long, long ago, in the beginning of the cryptocurrency space, things were not as they were right now. Things were a lot calmer than we we we had the idea of of of the whole Lambeau culture. But that also came from the greedy aspect of what is now a huge force within the cryptocurrency space. Before that, the idea was to decouple the entire world from fiat currencies. We know that Bitcoin is slow, but we know that eventually Bitcoin will get upgraded. We can do this and make sure that Bitcoin stands as the the the the the totem pole. And therefore, if everyone touches the totem pole, gains it’s knowledge, we can all move on from fiat currencies. This is when the other coins I’m in, I and I. My my brain won’t let me go through eight years of Krypto life to name all the coins, we had so many copies of Bitcoin starting to pop up and. I don’t even consider light coin to be a necessary copy like coin was created more so as as a like a literal silver literal silver to Bitcoin’s gold. It was meant to be. And then eventually it became this kind of test net, which is totally fine when you’re trying to protect the main core, as it were, for Bitcoin. What happened over the last couple of years, and I’ve mentioned this on several other occasions, the Andes, the old idea of decentralization is is is completely gone. The cryptocurrency space has allowed itself to become corrupted by not only greed, but also institutions. Remember before when institutions and Griese and Bank and all this other stuff were very bad things, and now people loud to them and praise them on a crypto Twitter. I’m so glad the JP Morgan’s getting into this. I’m so blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I understand. I’m also an investor for those of you who were unaware. I’m I’m also into the into the money aspect because I want security in my life. However, the fact that this person just got to the point that I mean, it’s the same exact reason, like we we logically don’t need multiple Bitcoin. If you feel in your heart that Bitcoin, the core is too slow. You create a side chain that runs inside it and you allow these new upgrades to run on said PSI chain, you’d leave the core alone and you build on the outside to make Bitcoin stronger. The BSA vs the B cashes the B gold’s the B diamonds, the B, everything else. These are all unneeded coins and I’ll even go so far as to say did you buy it also isn’t a coin that’s needed. I keep seeing people over and over talking about how it’s just in the comment section. I know these people are trying to hype up the coin and I’m I’m not even half remotely sad that I’m being honest with all of you. It’s just really how things are. I mean, that so many coins in the space, we have no need for them. They’re never going to do anything. A lot of people bought these coins in expectations years ago that these coins were going to rocket and moon. I have a friend. I don’t think he’s watching. But if you are. When he got into the cryptocurrency space, I said, focus on a couple of coins. He went OK and bought a whole bunch of other coins, which I will not name. These coins are doing terrible. And I mean, terrible, terrible, like, bad, terrible. And all I see every single day is him trying to make sure that other people know about how great his garbage is that he bought. Eventually, when the prices go up, can you guess what he plans on doing? He plans on selling because people realizing you all of you realize and for those of you who say you don’t realize, I’m going to tell you, you’re going to realize sometime in the future, you have probably purchased garbage. You are holding onto garbage. You need to at some point get rid of that garbage. And I hope that the next cryptocurrency Bullrun, that not even if we even don’t reach previous highs, that we go five cents over the previous highs of where we were and that you have a chance to cash out and then re-evaluate your portfolio. And I mean that with the most honest words I can possibly comprise together of all the words in the English language. Total honesty. Of course, people in the cryptocurrency space are greedy. So many. Why do you think we have all these coins? Why do you think we have all these other people trying to mimic and make all these other things? You’ve seen all the other cryptocurrency changes that have shut down all the crypto startups, the AI CEOs, the SVO is and have come and gone. There was no need for these things. I told all of you years ago, I remember I had other videos I would show you Web sites, these people talking about. They had made in Bitcoin, our coin is five times faster in the Bitcoin, where the new so and so sign up for this. Do this. Make your money by this. And I’m I beat these coins won’t be around. Dude, you have no idea what you’re talking about. Modern investor, your garbage investor. No. OK. Sure. I got it. Like I said and like I say. Oh, you’ll all get it at some point. There’s a reason why the market mainly focuses on three coins. That’s not to say that there may not be eight other coins circling around those three that could potentially do well in the future. But at least five of those eight are not. The other three are going to be sitting on the sidelines. They’ll they’ll be successful companies, but people won’t be using them. I’m I’m sad that it took this man. Eighty years to figure this out, he added. It’s a primal force. I get that. But every day I see this tech being used to enrich the few at the expense of the long term. Good of the many. He said making a quick buck is not why block chain matters. It’s not at all. But the entire idea of block, chain and cryptocurrency has gone out the window. Cryptocurrency has allowed itself to become easily hyper corrupted by banks and institutions who now own the entire space. Remember, remember what I said about two years ago? I said when the people from the Nasdaq. And the New York Stock Exchange. And Fidelity and the Winklevoss and all these other people are holding thousands, tens of thousands of Bitcoin. Hundreds of thousands of Bitcoin. I think I’m pretty sure the Winklevoss hold in two thousand thirteen. They had at least two hundred thousand Bitcoin. One can only assume they probably have a lot. A lot. A lot. A lot. A lot. A lot. A lot. A lot. A lot. A lot. A lot more. When these people stay the richest people on the planet and become even richer in the future, we can’t get upset at them because we we’ve allowed them to corrupt the space. This is why I mentioned before. For those people who don’t even have a fraction of a Bitcoin in their portfolio and are never going to buy Bitcoin, I, i in in in in 20 years. We’ll have a digital virtual conference in some sort of way. And I’ll let you know, I’ll let you explain to me why you just simply did not buy Bitcoin and how great that’s going for you. Like I said, not being mean, but you have to understand, this place is just. It’s Guards’. It’s gonna be full of greed. It’s a monetary market. Wait, wait, wait. What did this person think was gonna happen by the time Bitcoin had value? This is why for those of you who didn’t do a history lesson, why Satoshi Nakamoto left the space. There were people who he trusted to kind of continue building this in the background. One of the people I think went to the US government and was going to, like, show them how great Bitcoin was. And Satoshi was like, what are you doing? The guy was going there for profit because he probably thought, I know I blew this guy, probably thought he could sell off some Bitcoin or sell off the actual infrastructure to the US government. We have the tools and the means to get away from the old system. But people don’t care. People care about the integration with the old system. And that’s why the news has become the integration with the old system. How to make the old system great. No one’s using swift while there’s a new form of swift. No one’s using so and so where there’s a new form of this. You’re a computer’s not working well. It is integrated into ours as opposed to creating our own space. But we we’ve we’ve we’ve we’ve come far too far. We now have billionaires who own Bitcoin. I’m sure they’re telling their billionaires and or mega millionaire friends to also buy a Bitcoin. These people will own all the Bitcoin in the future. Fifteen years from now, you know, like when we get those really weird, crazy, wacky price predictions of a bitcoin price in twenty, twenty eight and twenty thirty two of being multi million dollars per bitcoin. Think of in the future how many people around the world are just not simply going to hold. Because they’ve bought all these other coins. It’s insane to think about the opportunities that people had. I remember shouting from the rooftop, Buy Bitcoin, it’s two hundred dollars. No. No one listened by Bitcoin is twelve hundred dollars. Bitcoin has dropped from twenty thousand dollars. Have you accumulated Bitcoin? No Bitcoin bitcoins at three thousand five hundred. Why would I want to buy Bitcoin? OK, cool. The point is, of course, the space is full of greed. Of course, it’s a fundamental driving growth or factor or force. We live in a world. Where money rules everything around us. Have we ever heard of cream c r e m Googled the word cream money or C dot r dot e dot a dot m. And you’ll you’ll get it. I’m sure a lot of people know exactly what cream is. Anyway. Yeah. Sorry. Sorry, mister. Did you bite founder that you realized it. It took this man eight years. All these people do is create new coins in an effort to make money from them. This is why it’s also very confusing. Sometimes when you see a lot of these coins that no one’s using have market valuations in the hundreds of millions of billions of dollars. What’s that? Did they they’ve created money out of thin air and people bought it. Remember last year and the year before that, all the conferences we were talking about that were taking place in Russia and other places like that? Like I told you, my friends showed me how he sent me the Instagram stories. These people having multi hundred people conferences in Russia creating like Bitcoin do to do like it was a weird name after it. And these people, they were asking these people that they were going up to them with microphones. How much did you put into the market today? I put fifteen thousand. I think it’s gonna do really well. These coins probably didn’t even exist, these were all scams and the people who ran these scams. Are now somewhere in paradise. They now have tens of millions, hundreds of millions of dollars waiting for the time when they can make their next scam. I know people won’t listen. I know some of you will listen. But I know the vast majority, 99 percent have either clicked the way already, have left a dislike, have left a bad comment or think I’m absolutely insane. And I tell you these things because I’ve been here before. I said this in another video. I know you won’t listen at this point. It kind of is what it is. If you keep buying crappy coins in the future, you’re gonna have a crappy portfolio. Just letting you know and also being sick of the greed that’s the market now. That’s that’s just is what it is. You’ve you’ve seen the comments section. You’ve seen Krypto Twitter, you’ve seen all of it. People are very what’s the word tribalistic in the cryptocurrency space because everyone drank the Kool-Aid in a different corner. Everyone ran to a corner, drank that Kool-Aid, and now they scream at other people, you should be drinking my Kool-Aid when they know it tasted terrible. It was bitter. It was horrible. They didn’t like it. But you have to convince other people, hey, mine is mine is better. I come over to my side and the other people come over. They also taste it and go, Oh. Buy this one, buy this one, because they also bought into the madness. Well, all these coins of garbage there are there are maybe five coins that have any real purpose. And I’m not talking about any staking any delegated proof of stake, any other crappy coins like that. Very few coins are actually going to be used in the future anyway. Yeah, sorry. Did you buy it, founder? I hope you understand now that the place is just about greed and money does. Yeah. Cream anyway. Let’s move on. Next up, Metallic Budarin is in the news in a series of tweets, Imperium co-founder Vitaly Budarin gave a nod of approval to competing block chain EOS with regard to the neach they are trying to carve out. He said, if I were designing a new chain to go live along a Bitcoin, any theory theorem, I would. Oh, that’s a that’s a very bad sign. Whenever someone says those words, that means that they’re slightly planning it in the background. I would take all the political tradeoffs that Bitcoin and ether aren’t willing to take, Budarin said in a May 15th tweet, referring to, of course, Bitcoin and ether because he said BTC and Ethe listed by Coin Telegraph as a fifth most influential person in crypto really and block chain Budarin and hold significant weight in the industry, Budarin noted. Quadratic voting, based on unchanged governance and all built into cryptographic procedures, are tradeoffs of interest. He also included on chain oracles for all events. Instead of ones that simply relay price moves. Budiman also mentioned potentially adding some form of identification on the network, perhaps even an on chain model of identity, at least for participants who want to participate, participate, participate in governance. Non governing actors will still be fully anonymous, he said, although he specified constructing the feature smarter than other current platforms. He said, This is why I actually have some respect for iOS and Co.. I disagree with delegated proof of stake, but at least they are trying to develop a cohesive and principled alternative niche, he added, referring to the delegated proof of stake block chain framework. That’s also news. Yeah. Vitaly Budarin said he has some respect for iOS. The Internet ran away with it. This is not listen. So a couple of other times before, it wasn’t Budarin. But there have been other people, other big wigs, big names in the cryptocurrency space who have mentioned that if they were to create a new chain, that they would do it like this. I redis very them. The bureau has already said before in the past that at some point he plans on stepping away from Ethiopia. Theory. He said, is no time soon. But he wants it to be as decentralized as possible. He doesn’t want to have the sway and the weight that he currently holds within the cryptocurrency space. Charlie Lee has said the same thing. I guess Nakamoto said it in 2009, 2010, because he’s gone. And so have many other people who have leadership role. So it does kind of make sense. I really hope he doesn’t make a new chain because it’s just kind of like, oh, no, no, no, no. But yeah. Vitaly Budarin tipped his digital hat towards iOS four delegates, proof of stake. And that also made news because this is news that I missed. There’s usually a reason why I missed it at. John McAfee. Is in the news today. John McAfee’s goes to cryptocurrency, teasers out who and the privacy focused coin is ready for its worldwide debut. I was hoping this would happen. The millionaire entrepreneur has just informed the world, thank goodness, about his latest crypto offering called Ghost that focuses on individual privacy. The tweet featured the white paper launch for the upcoming coin. It says, Yes, money signed Ghost White Paper coming out today, 8:00 p.m. Central. No, I will say nothing in advance. Dot, dot, dot, maybe. Dot, dot, dot. I’ll put it out half an hour earlier. Dot. Or maybe not. Said John McAfee on the 15th of May. Twitter Roddie has responded with enthusiasm, really about the John McAfee ghost cryptocurrency white paper. Soon the tweet was flooded with queries and congratulations. Why? This is the third coin he’s made. John McAfee has made other coins before. Am I the only one who, like, pays attention to the day to day of the cryptocurrency space? John McAfee has made other coins before. He’s also promoted tons of crappy coins before. A lot of you have probably lost money because that because of John McAfee. John McAfee was the scam promoter in 2017. Type in John McAfee, IFCO 2017. He promoted a new coin a day, a day, not every other day, not once a week, every single day on his Twitter. John McAfee was promoting a different coin. And John McAfee had the stop because the S.E.C. was like, what? What are you doing? He was he was also getting paid. I think I think I think the rumors were the rumors were between 50 to one hundred thousand dollars per coin. And he never disclosed it. And people just thought that he actually logit had a new coin of the day. Same exact thing. There’s another crypto tuber who is the same exact way. I’m not going to say names. You know exactly who I’m talking about. He also remember 2017. This guy said it’s really weird that all these scammers are popping back up and people are following them. It’s the weirdest thing in the entire world. How many times do you have to be burned to understand that that that the oven is hot? Stop touching it. You know that these people are scammers. You know that these people. John McAfee has made multiple coins. He has promoted multiple scams before in the past. Why would any why why would why would you continue following nine? You know how many views? Ninety five thousand of uses for a scam. Remember the other day when we were talking about all those people? Who are watching those scams? If you give me one hundred X Arpey, I’ll give you back a thousand. And why why they’re so popular. What is going on in the world that people just don’t. Is it? It’s called common sense. Like what is? And I didn’t even make a joke. I was gonna make a joke, like, send me a Bitcoin, I’ll send you 10, because I know that at some point somebody would send me a Bitcoin like, hey, TMI, never send me back my ten bitcoin. Like, what do you what do you think is happening in the world? Is it is. It is. The white paper will launch at 8:00 p.m. Central Time. The public will have full access to all technical details regarding the coin. This is not his first coin. His other coins have flopped. No one won. I think it was actually like a I think it was called McAfee coin. No one’s going to use these coins. I swear to actual goodness, if anyone in this channel puts their money into this coin that no one is going to use. And you use you lose your money. Please only blame yourself. No one else. Tell your friend, tell a family member, tell your dog, stop it. Stop buying these crappy coins. There’s no there’s no there’s no point in the near future. Were any institution, any bank, any anything? Is not only going to be adding ghost to their cryptocurrency exchange, they’re not going to be custody ing ghost. And they’re not going to be buying ghost. John McAfee is releasing a new coin. If it even ends up launching the white paper as launching, if the actual coin gets off the floor. Who knows? None of you should hold this in the first place. And to finish things off, Ripple Partners, Bibi or SBI Holdings says it plans to use a Ripple’s payments technology to make it easier for people in Japan to access a.T.M. Well, that’s so nice of them. In its latest yearly fiscal reports. The financial services company says it’s working to integrate its ripple powered payments. Settlement money app, tap tap money app app money tap with eight teams runs by various banks across the country. The move could make it easier for users to access their phones at any time, regardless of bank affiliation. Wow. I mean, that’s that sounds futuristic. SBI says the project could also improve the bottom line for banks. Always important because banks are banks themselves by reducing operating costs. They said currently each bank has an atom with its own bank app, but with a common web app, these same atom may be used or jointly operated by a multi bank. Adam, that sounds interesting. It’s almost as if we didn’t need a Tam’s anymore. We simply could just use cryptocurrency. Hmm hmm. I guess not. Maybe a couple more years. SBI aims to roll out money tap to a bank consortium that’s led by SBI Ripple Asia. The consortium currently has 61 banks operating or representing about 80 percent of all bank assets in Japan. In September of last year, SBI Holdings President Yoshitaka Cartel was quoted as saying that the app, which is fully licensed by Japanese regulators, would utilize Ripple’s native cryptocurrency Zerk in the future. Wonderful. I love the idea of more a.T.M, especially when I don’t even use an A.T.M.. No one my age uses cash anymore. I don’t know if you still use cash. Everyone I know taps their cards, lives their card or just simply orders online. I guess there are tons of people who do use atoms so cool that they’re gonna be using Ripple’s payment network. For that, no explicit words on them using. I assume SERP will be used somewhere in the background because for those of you who don’t know, REPL is actually partnered with nearly every single bank in Japan. So at some point I’m ex Arpey is going to be heavily used. But for this news that was also everywhere, it kind of all over the place. S.P.I is going to be using REPL. I mean, I’m shocked. Are you? I mean, I’ve never seen the affiliation before side. I just simply did not expect this to happen. Anyway. As always, a very special thank you to my patriot and supporters, reviser Walli, from going to my university utopia. Five hundred and sixty nine, Yashar Hanadi Moonman High X Arpey, the pothead Joshua Vinyard, Martin Steuer, Tongo no low sound go low. Low no Bromo. John saucing the animal. Rita a a phobia thottam mullas Adam gracing Mohammed Ronie massive benches in Thailand. Jarrin Schneider Wyse Night Owl two hundred and forty two to the world Krypto Joe Bankroller Network Adobo Krypto artist Goldi 3D Nicholas Where on earth one peace one love Damian set soon Nick Kanigher Richie which a third Vlad the Impaler Praksis Nick Mondiale Livonia. Danny Charles Jim Garner Jeremy Fox minting coins m.a hitch test everyday and Casket’s Leg Day. Yes to Krypto but make both face any time faintness Moncks Corner staff are Medek Seventeen Bake me a cake to grow much Olisa on crypto with Lenno Prioleau Michelle you are l and hold on. I have to sneeze. Thank you all very, very much for your support. Thank you to everyone who is a subscriber of the new channel. Thank you to everyone who was a member of this channel. And thank you to everyone who has a clicker of affiliate links. SAT the momento. The cryptocurrency market looks in saying, I saw a couple of articles. First of all, Bitcoin is down currently by two point one three percent. I saw a couple of articles talking about that Bitcoin was on its way back down to seven. The Bears had taken control and therefore it was time for the market to kind of hold on. I don’t think we’re going back down to 7000. I could see a slipping slightly below nine thousand for a couple of seconds in a coordinated move to acquire more. Lower than nine thousand dollar Bitcoin. But at the moment, fundamentals look great. The fluctuations are absolutely insane. And once again, if you’ve been day trading kudo’s to you, because these movements are moneymakers, that’s not me telling you to go day. Trade is more like a if you’re already in it and you know what to do, therefore keep on doing it. Me? Yeah. The market looks crazy. Nothing. And what if the price of did you buy it went up because the founder was like, nope, I’m gone. I’m Hyperion is up by 15 percent. Wow. That’s twenty four million dollars worth of trading volume. That is. I mean, that’s more than any other coin I’ve never seen. Twenty four million per coin. I simply my mind can’t take it. I don’t know what to do with that 24 million faders up one 19 million synthetics is up on one million. Really, really strong, strong trading, trading, trading volumes right now going around. For those of you who could not hear in my voice that was sarcasm. I do hope you all enjoyed. I mean, I enjoyed the the the J.K. Rowling one. Hope you all enjoyed. Hope you all are having a great day of mourning. A great afternoon. A great evening. Wherever you are. Where ever you might be. I do hope that it was ab. So lewdly. Fantastic. Thank you all once again for watching and or listening. And I will most definitely. Certainly, hopefully probably. We’ll be talking to you all soon. See you.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-future-prediction-eth/ source https://cryptosharks1.tumblr.com/post/618490481275502592
0 notes
heatherrdavis1 · 4 years
Bitcoin Future Prediction ETH 2.0 Hype Harry Potter Coin DigiByte Greed & SBI Ripple ATMs
Hello, everybody. We’ll go back for another video. Hope you’re all doing well and that you’re all having an incredible day. We’ll go back for another news I missed. Where I go over. News I missed. Hedge fund manager Matt D’Souza thinks patience is the key for Bitcoin holders looking to capitalize on the having. And De Souza was also the co-founder and CEO of the crypto mining operator Block, where Solutions says it’s not the time to day trade. He said, and I do quote, In 2016, Bitcoin rallied sixty seven percent into having corrected 33 percent and bottomed within three weeks, only to begin a 17 month bull market in 2020. We didn’t have a rally going into the having as we recovered losses from the global market meltdown. The fundamentals for Bitcoin have never been better. Things are typically buy the news, sell the rumor events and 20 20, I expect a shallower sell off than 2016. We already corrected by 20 percent and only one two five. Oh, there we go. One point five to three week duration, Max. Now is the time to be patient and hold, not day trade. Sorry for screaming. The big money is in the sitting. What in capturing this. People use weird phrases. Big money is in the sitting. I don’t think I’ve ever heard that in my entire English career ever. And capturing the cycle. Never heard that either, end quote. Does Susan note that the Fed is recklessly printing money which will create negative interest rates? He also says 16 percent of miners have now shut off, giving BTC a better environment to rally. And it’s not just post having developments that could create a bullish environment for crypto trader and analyst Luke Martin says Bitcoin is also currently decoupling from the stock market. And there’s his tweet right there, which probably just says what I just said. In mid-March, when Bitcoin collapsed hand-in-hand with equities, many analysts expressed doubt about the assets ability to serve as a hedge on traditional finance. But that’s no longer the case, according to Martin Shaw. There were about 15000 other price predictions that I was going to throw into the video. But I was like, no, not today. I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll not do that. Everyone seems to be thinking the same thing. I mean, as far as hedge fund managers, crypto enthusiasts, you kind of name it, everyone’s expecting that this having will be different and therefore things will be different in the next couple of weeks. I mean, you’ve you’ve seen the news that we’ve been going over the last couple of days. Everyone has their own ideas as to what could potentially be happening in the near future with the cryptocurrency market and exactly what’s going to be happening with Bitcoin. A lot of people are expecting that Bitcoin had to go down before the having an order for it to go up later on. We have seen historically it’s only been two other ones before this one that Bitcoin tends to dip and then move on up a bit higher. But Bitcoin, as they say, has never been tested in such a manner. The other two having there wasn’t a worldwide economic crisis and governments were not printing trillions of dollars in order to kind of mitigate losses and or prop up things that should not be propped up. So, yeah, that’s absolutely wonderful that another really rich person thinks that things are going to get better with the cryptocurrency space. I said that, ironically enough, if you could hear the tone of my voice, I say things like that sometimes in the video. People like How dare you side with the banks? And it’s like, come let listen to listen to the tone of my voice and how I am. I am currently talking to see that I am being. Facetious, but. Then I’m flying anyway. That’s the Bitcoin. I mean, like like I’ve mentioned before and many other times in the past, rich people have a very strong grasp on the cryptocurrency market. They have been in the market for a while. I think they were all like literally waiting for this having to take place. They’d be like, oh, my stars. Bitcoin’s amazing. It’s because they know mathematically that stuff is going to get real very soon. And that it is kind of spreading the good word, as it were. Let’s move on. Next up, where are the words? Jeez Louise. There we go. The lackluster response following Bitcoin’s third having has left many in the cryptocurrency community scratching their heads over why the event did and trigger the next crypto market monsters rally. Not really. It’s just people who don’t understand Bitcoin is having a once every four year event is said to be bullish for the pioneer cryptocurrency as it reduces the number of new Bitcoin minted on a daily basis by slashing the rewards. Mind per block. WellPoint five six point five. You already know all hope is not lost. And you’ll see exactly where I’m going with this as well, because I’m noticing a very new trend. It says all hope is not lost with they’re having now in the rearview mirror. Investors are searching for the next catalyst that will drive the crypto markets higher, according to a top analyst. The imminent launch of a Theory M 2.0, an update that will introduce a higher transaction throughput and a new consensus model under proof of stake will make a much more profound. A fact there we go on the crypto markets than the recently completed BTC, having Ryan Watkins, an analyst for Mazari, recently explained why he thinks Ethe 2.0 will provide a much stronger effect on crypto prices. In a tweet a few days ago, Watkins noted that while the having was a pre-programmed and thus predictable Ethe 2.0 was an uncertain and fundamental change. And that’s what I just said right there. And that’s also in the tweet. The Ethe 2.0 release date has been delayed for the longest time. It’s been about 16 years now. That was also a joke, mostly due to the extreme techno tatlock teeny tiny technicality. Wow of the project Ethe Dewpoint. Those launch was initially slated for the 30th of July because we all we all saw that date mentioned before. However, Metallic Budarin recently posted, hoisted posted that the date could be pushed further to an undisclosed date in quarter three of twenty. Now keep that date in mind as well, you know, and explain in a tweet on Friday why the delay is necessary rather than rushing to launch Ethe 2.0 for those of you who did not see. He said pretty much he thinks it should be slow and steady and he doesn’t want to make any mistakes. He said, What do we do now? Will echo through crypto history for the next couple of decades. And therefore he wants to make sure the E Theorem 2.0 is perfect, perfect instead of slightly perfect before it gets released. That was his explanation. So we don’t even have to go over all of that. If you look at the title of the article, it says, Why upcoming Ethe 2.0 could propel a bigger extended market rally? This one says, In theory, I’m decouples from Bitcoin as having pressure sets in. This one says Alt coins like a theory may soon benefit from institutions rushing to buy Bitcoin. And this one says Imperium 2.0, is what could bring a major turnaround for Ethe to the U.S. dollar. I woke up today finding thousands, not thousands, like 15 articles I’m all talking about. Theorem. For some reason with B having behind this and this is why I mentioned before. Don’t assume that simply people who are not within the cryptocurrency space don’t understand what Bitcoin having actually represent and how significant they are to the cryptocurrency space and also to the price of Bitcoin, to the actual issuance rate of crypto currencies in general. As we move into a more deflationary cryptocurrency world, a lot of different websites started poking their head out just exclusively talking about a theory about how amazing it theorem is. Not saying that a theorem is not amazing, awesome, cool, funky, fly fresh, however, just seems a little bit weird that all the attention has seemingly moves to Aegerion Cerium 2.0 now. And I assume of the next couple of weeks we are going to be bombarded with a theorem is amazing articles until and I say this probably around the time we end up hitting Ethereum 2.0. I’m aiming for August, September of 2022. That was also a joke. Lot of jokes today around this year, probably August. September is when this will probably phase zero us in the face. Then at that point, I assume some other type of news will have come about for some other coin, who is also going to have a having a doubling a for thing or something else will come out and they’ll kind of take all of the attention. And then when he Theorem 2.0 does get released and the price doesn’t skyrocket by thirteen thousand percent. Like many people, I assume, are assuming it’s going to happen. We’ll start to get articles the same exact way. Why isn’t Bitcoin going up? Why is any theory I’m going of? Why is it like coin going up? We see them over and over and over. I find it weird, isn’t it? I don’t wanna say that there’s no loyalty within the cryptocurrency space, but you kind of get what I’m saying. It’s kind of odd. I don’t know if these were always I love you theory and Web sites or simply now they are poking their heads out up, showing their true colors once again. There does not have to be one coin that rules them all. A lot of people think so. I think a market rally could come from any direction. I don’t think it’ll exclusively be Bitcoin that causes everything to skyrocket into the bazillions. It could be someone who wins the lotto and they’re like, I got an extra 14 million. Let’s buy up this coin. It could be a million. And one things. However. It appears that analysts are even more bullish than before on a theorem. I think it’s perfectly natural to be OK with your theory M 2.0 or be excited about it, especially when we talk about the issuance rate in this taking and then all the other stuff that we don’t have to go over again. It was kind of weird that there were so many different websites out there who were all talking and discussing about how amazing each theorem was around the same exact time. Are also more of these. I just I just chose these four because they had the nicest colors. Anyway. Probably my my most. Favorite. News story in a while. For those of you not looking at the screen, even the title, even the title gets me. It says that J.K. Rowling asks about Bitcoin accursed crypto Twitter scares her off. Jake, J.K. Rowling probably wasn’t expecting to unleash the Bitcoin community’s pent up passion and imagination when she tweeted two sentences asking about Bitcoin. But the author of Harry Potter series did. Responding to a tweet from Quoin Desk, senior reporter Ly Kyun Rowland tweeted, and I quote, I don’t understand Bitcoin. Please explain it to me in just two hours. Her tweet had spawned thirteen hundred replies. It took less than three hours for her to follow up with. I don’t think I trust this is weird. The reason I’m laughing is because if you’ve been into crypto for over two years, I. I give you even a year and a half. You know how intense this space can be. If you scream out, Bitcoin is garbage, Bikash is the true Bitcoin. You’re going to get some really strong responses if you send out a message. SRP is better than Bitcoin and like coin proved me wrong. You’re gonna get responses back. So all I could imagine when I read the title. Was at people to simply bombarded her with so many things, tearing her down and then to even read to her say, I don’t think I trust this because you you know how people are within the cryptocurrency space. So I think if I was if it was my first day in crypto and I and I wrote on Anthony possibly on his page, I don’t understand Bitcoin. Please explain it to me. And I got thirteen hundred responses and I’m going to read out some of their responses as well. I think I would also probably not even think of trusting Bitcoin lurking below the Twitter surface. Is a massive community of people who tweet about almost nothing except bitcoin and crypto day in and day out. That is the honest truth. Dying to use their netsch knowhow for the good of the world. Rowling accidentally tapped into it and attempts to speak Rowlings language. It gets better, I promise. Many started comparing Bitcoin to the wizarding world from her books. Someone said, remember how he he who must not be named, play seven Hawe cruxes and different objects around the world in an attempt to immortalize himself so that no one, not even the Ministry of Magic, could stop him. Someone said that he who must not be named or Lord Voldemort thought it would be unlikely that anyone could find all seven Halk cruxes making him impervious to destruction. Similarly under the hood. Bitcoin is composed or comprised of thousands of nosed around the globe running the Bitcoin software, although the number might be decreasing. Who cares? It is hard to share what we’re talking about. J.K. Rowling. It is hard to shut down because all of these nodes need to be shut down at once to derail the online currency. Stephen Saying a researcher at crypto publication of The Block focused his Harry Potter metaphore on the goal of Bitcoin, giving users freedom to do as they please. He said Remember when Dobbie was freed by a sock? Bitcoin is that sock. I mean, it just keeps going on like people kept on, like the Philosopher’s Stone and all this other stuff. Why not just explain to her what Bitcoin is in simple terms? I’m sure this woman who wrote this book 30 years ago was reading these responses and was like, what the heck is everyone even talking about? On top of that, the also other news was that Elon Musk apparently decided to also chime in and told J.K. Rowling about how amazing Bitcoin was. But is it this is a two parter. Hang in there. He said pretty much. Although massive currency issuance by government, central banks is making Bitcoin Internet ghost money looked solid by comparison. Once again, no one actually explained to J.K. Rowling what Bitcoin was. She said people are now explaining Bitcoin to me and honestly, it’s blah, blah, blah, collectibles, My Little Pony, blah, blah, blah. Computers got one of those blah, blah, blah. Crypto sounds creepy. Blah, blah, blah. Understand the risk. I don’t, though, because no one we we we make the mistake often being in the cryptocurrency space of just simply not simply easily explaining something to someone. Now, many friends I’ve had who’ve tried looking at my channel and they don’t understand the thing. I mean, first of all, the channels made for intermediate to low level advanced, like, you have to have been here for a while to really get the channels on a an introductory kind of channel. But it is that same exact thing like you. I talk to all of you as if you know what. 256 is or what the e what what proof of stake. And this is like you you get these terms. You also know what securities are. Anyone come into the channel with simply does go away though. I don’t know what of this stuff is. No one explained it to her. Everyone gave her Harry Potter references. Elon Musk is talking about Bitcoin, Internet ghost money, looking solid by comparison. Also, the two parter for that one. For those of you not looking at the screen, the title of this article is Elon Musk Drops Bitcoin Bomb on J.K. Rowling. Bitcoin is solid compared to fiat money. He never said any of those words. He said the words solid. He he referenced Bitcoin as magical ghost Internet money for those of you who’ve never heard that, that was a very big thing in 2014, 15 and 16, where people used to say that Bitcoin was magical ghost Internet money, that no one could see it, no one understood it, and therefore was his relatively unknown entity that was kind of floating around this that just simply worked. He said Bitcoin as magical ghost Internet money looks solid by comparison. He didn’t call Bitcoin solid. He did say that Bitcoin was a new world currency. He simply said by comparison, goes to money, looks solid to all the issuance by central government banks. Very weird because through multiple different articles on the Internet, they constantly made reference to the fact that Elon Musk had spoken about Bitcoin. Well, I think the third time, third or fourth time this year, and this time he used the word solid to talk about Bitcoin. He didn’t learn learn how to read English and stop trying to misconstrue things to make them sound better. The point is, this is my favorite thing. I was I was I was making some tea. I read this and I laughed for a good 20 minutes. I don’t if you heard the the optimism in my voice before I started this video is because I had had so much joy in my heart, just thinking chemo came. People in the cryptocurrency space leave now because of how insane the cryptocurrency space is and how like. The word is intense. How intense people can get because of, you know, how intense crypto Twitter is. So I just imagine J.K. Rowling sitting at home wrapped up in a blanket, like drinking some tea, just not understanding, like, what the heck are these people talking about? That’s my favorite news story. And then Elon Musk saying the word solid, which also got people riled up. I mean, why, why, why? Why is there a picture of money? Why is there a woman who has her finger nails done holding up a hundred dollar? Well, let’s start with Krypto. What’s going on? What’s going on, guys? Like what? What am I missing? Why the woods? What’s happening in this space? What what is this picture? If there was a photo of Elon Musk, I would get it. Or Elon Musk and J.K. Rowling at an event standing side by side, it would have made a bit more sense. There’s a woman wearing jeans, holding hundred dollar bills. Anyway. There’s a reason why it’s called news, I missed it. There’s a huge reason. Let us move on. And also other news, Jarrett Tate, the founder of Deji Bite, announced that he will be stepping aside from day to day operations due to the greed and rampant pillaging of the cryptocurrency industry. Tate announced his departure from the front end of the crypto space on his Twitter page on the 15th of May. After eight years in the industry, wow, he had this to say about his experiences. He said, all along the way, I have learned some very humble lessons. Number one of which is greed is the fundamental driving force in crypto and people’s actions in life, end quote. It took him eight years to learn that eight years that we all did that I knew took him eight years. Tate said he doesn’t speak for everyone involved with did you? Right. Which he proclaims that the original values of the crypto industry have disappeared. We’ve gone over that as well. The old old crypto is completely gone. Tait’s noted that all 90 percent of the people care about is cashing out. When one of their coins moons. And that’s because boys and girls for everyone listening, I wanna tell you a secret about the cryptocurrency space. Hope you’re listening. Remember these words. Ninety nine percent of the cryptocurrency market is garbage. Did you hear me? Rubbish. Terrible. No use. There’s no need for these coins and people know that in the back of their head, no matter how much you tell yourself. Listen, I’ll be out. I’ll be frank with you and I’ll even level with you. I’ll even I’ll even say that I understand you. I get why people try to pump their coins in the comment section I get while other people are fighting. I get why. So am I and I get it. I don’t agree with it. However, when people try to pump their coins, it’s because they know that they’re holding garbage and they’re doing anything that they can in their power to make sure that the prices of these coins go up so that they can moon and that they can cash out, because in the very beginning he’d heed my words. People got into some of the worst coins in the cryptocurrency space trying to make a rapid quick buck. This is why they did. These other channels are flourishing once again. I’ve I’ve I’ve never been so shocked in my entire life, honestly, on a on an average day. My videos get anywhere from 13 to 18 thousand views, give or take. They fluctuate back and forth. And I and I simply give you the news. I tell you the reality of the cryptocurrency space. I don’t sugarcoat anything. If something looks like garbage, I’m going to tell you it’s garbage. The other channels that have come out of the woodworks or have started reposting videos. These channels are getting one hundred and sixteen thousand views a day. Eighty five thousand views a day. Their channels. One of them. What was it like a couple of days ago? It was like chart shows bitcoin hitting one hundred thousand very soon. Are you in the market? All these things. Everything right now almost knocked over a picture frame. Everything just go away. Everything right now in the cryptocurrency space. Has to exclusively do with people trying to make sure that their coins are no one are hyped up, are pumped up so that the prices can go up and they can cash out. People know that they’re holding garbage. And I’m sad that it took the the founder of Deji by eight years to figure this out. And in the end in the beginning, in the long, long ago, in the beginning of the cryptocurrency space, things were not as they were right now. Things were a lot calmer than we we we had the idea of of of the whole Lambeau culture. But that also came from the greedy aspect of what is now a huge force within the cryptocurrency space. Before that, the idea was to decouple the entire world from fiat currencies. We know that Bitcoin is slow, but we know that eventually Bitcoin will get upgraded. We can do this and make sure that Bitcoin stands as the the the the the totem pole. And therefore, if everyone touches the totem pole, gains it’s knowledge, we can all move on from fiat currencies. This is when the other coins I’m in, I and I. My my brain won’t let me go through eight years of Krypto life to name all the coins, we had so many copies of Bitcoin starting to pop up and. I don’t even consider light coin to be a necessary copy like coin was created more so as as a like a literal silver literal silver to Bitcoin’s gold. It was meant to be. And then eventually it became this kind of test net, which is totally fine when you’re trying to protect the main core, as it were, for Bitcoin. What happened over the last couple of years, and I’ve mentioned this on several other occasions, the Andes, the old idea of decentralization is is is completely gone. The cryptocurrency space has allowed itself to become corrupted by not only greed, but also institutions. Remember before when institutions and Griese and Bank and all this other stuff were very bad things, and now people loud to them and praise them on a crypto Twitter. I’m so glad the JP Morgan’s getting into this. I’m so blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I understand. I’m also an investor for those of you who were unaware. I’m I’m also into the into the money aspect because I want security in my life. However, the fact that this person just got to the point that I mean, it’s the same exact reason, like we we logically don’t need multiple Bitcoin. If you feel in your heart that Bitcoin, the core is too slow. You create a side chain that runs inside it and you allow these new upgrades to run on said PSI chain, you’d leave the core alone and you build on the outside to make Bitcoin stronger. The BSA vs the B cashes the B gold’s the B diamonds, the B, everything else. These are all unneeded coins and I’ll even go so far as to say did you buy it also isn’t a coin that’s needed. I keep seeing people over and over talking about how it’s just in the comment section. I know these people are trying to hype up the coin and I’m I’m not even half remotely sad that I’m being honest with all of you. It’s just really how things are. I mean, that so many coins in the space, we have no need for them. They’re never going to do anything. A lot of people bought these coins in expectations years ago that these coins were going to rocket and moon. I have a friend. I don’t think he’s watching. But if you are. When he got into the cryptocurrency space, I said, focus on a couple of coins. He went OK and bought a whole bunch of other coins, which I will not name. These coins are doing terrible. And I mean, terrible, terrible, like, bad, terrible. And all I see every single day is him trying to make sure that other people know about how great his garbage is that he bought. Eventually, when the prices go up, can you guess what he plans on doing? He plans on selling because people realizing you all of you realize and for those of you who say you don’t realize, I’m going to tell you, you’re going to realize sometime in the future, you have probably purchased garbage. You are holding onto garbage. You need to at some point get rid of that garbage. And I hope that the next cryptocurrency Bullrun, that not even if we even don’t reach previous highs, that we go five cents over the previous highs of where we were and that you have a chance to cash out and then re-evaluate your portfolio. And I mean that with the most honest words I can possibly comprise together of all the words in the English language. Total honesty. Of course, people in the cryptocurrency space are greedy. So many. Why do you think we have all these coins? Why do you think we have all these other people trying to mimic and make all these other things? You’ve seen all the other cryptocurrency changes that have shut down all the crypto startups, the AI CEOs, the SVO is and have come and gone. There was no need for these things. I told all of you years ago, I remember I had other videos I would show you Web sites, these people talking about. They had made in Bitcoin, our coin is five times faster in the Bitcoin, where the new so and so sign up for this. Do this. Make your money by this. And I’m I beat these coins won’t be around. Dude, you have no idea what you’re talking about. Modern investor, your garbage investor. No. OK. Sure. I got it. Like I said and like I say. Oh, you’ll all get it at some point. There’s a reason why the market mainly focuses on three coins. That’s not to say that there may not be eight other coins circling around those three that could potentially do well in the future. But at least five of those eight are not. The other three are going to be sitting on the sidelines. They’ll they’ll be successful companies, but people won’t be using them. I’m I’m sad that it took this man. Eighty years to figure this out, he added. It’s a primal force. I get that. But every day I see this tech being used to enrich the few at the expense of the long term. Good of the many. He said making a quick buck is not why block chain matters. It’s not at all. But the entire idea of block, chain and cryptocurrency has gone out the window. Cryptocurrency has allowed itself to become easily hyper corrupted by banks and institutions who now own the entire space. Remember, remember what I said about two years ago? I said when the people from the Nasdaq. And the New York Stock Exchange. And Fidelity and the Winklevoss and all these other people are holding thousands, tens of thousands of Bitcoin. Hundreds of thousands of Bitcoin. I think I’m pretty sure the Winklevoss hold in two thousand thirteen. They had at least two hundred thousand Bitcoin. One can only assume they probably have a lot. A lot. A lot. A lot. A lot. A lot. A lot. A lot. A lot. A lot. A lot more. When these people stay the richest people on the planet and become even richer in the future, we can’t get upset at them because we we’ve allowed them to corrupt the space. This is why I mentioned before. For those people who don’t even have a fraction of a Bitcoin in their portfolio and are never going to buy Bitcoin, I, i in in in in 20 years. We’ll have a digital virtual conference in some sort of way. And I’ll let you know, I’ll let you explain to me why you just simply did not buy Bitcoin and how great that’s going for you. Like I said, not being mean, but you have to understand, this place is just. It’s Guards’. It’s gonna be full of greed. It’s a monetary market. Wait, wait, wait. What did this person think was gonna happen by the time Bitcoin had value? This is why for those of you who didn’t do a history lesson, why Satoshi Nakamoto left the space. There were people who he trusted to kind of continue building this in the background. One of the people I think went to the US government and was going to, like, show them how great Bitcoin was. And Satoshi was like, what are you doing? The guy was going there for profit because he probably thought, I know I blew this guy, probably thought he could sell off some Bitcoin or sell off the actual infrastructure to the US government. We have the tools and the means to get away from the old system. But people don’t care. People care about the integration with the old system. And that’s why the news has become the integration with the old system. How to make the old system great. No one’s using swift while there’s a new form of swift. No one’s using so and so where there’s a new form of this. You’re a computer’s not working well. It is integrated into ours as opposed to creating our own space. But we we’ve we’ve we’ve we’ve come far too far. We now have billionaires who own Bitcoin. I’m sure they’re telling their billionaires and or mega millionaire friends to also buy a Bitcoin. These people will own all the Bitcoin in the future. Fifteen years from now, you know, like when we get those really weird, crazy, wacky price predictions of a bitcoin price in twenty, twenty eight and twenty thirty two of being multi million dollars per bitcoin. Think of in the future how many people around the world are just not simply going to hold. Because they’ve bought all these other coins. It’s insane to think about the opportunities that people had. I remember shouting from the rooftop, Buy Bitcoin, it’s two hundred dollars. No. No one listened by Bitcoin is twelve hundred dollars. Bitcoin has dropped from twenty thousand dollars. Have you accumulated Bitcoin? No Bitcoin bitcoins at three thousand five hundred. Why would I want to buy Bitcoin? OK, cool. The point is, of course, the space is full of greed. Of course, it’s a fundamental driving growth or factor or force. We live in a world. Where money rules everything around us. Have we ever heard of cream c r e m Googled the word cream money or C dot r dot e dot a dot m. And you’ll you’ll get it. I’m sure a lot of people know exactly what cream is. Anyway. Yeah. Sorry. Sorry, mister. Did you bite founder that you realized it. It took this man eight years. All these people do is create new coins in an effort to make money from them. This is why it’s also very confusing. Sometimes when you see a lot of these coins that no one’s using have market valuations in the hundreds of millions of billions of dollars. What’s that? Did they they’ve created money out of thin air and people bought it. Remember last year and the year before that, all the conferences we were talking about that were taking place in Russia and other places like that? Like I told you, my friends showed me how he sent me the Instagram stories. These people having multi hundred people conferences in Russia creating like Bitcoin do to do like it was a weird name after it. And these people, they were asking these people that they were going up to them with microphones. How much did you put into the market today? I put fifteen thousand. I think it’s gonna do really well. These coins probably didn’t even exist, these were all scams and the people who ran these scams. Are now somewhere in paradise. They now have tens of millions, hundreds of millions of dollars waiting for the time when they can make their next scam. I know people won’t listen. I know some of you will listen. But I know the vast majority, 99 percent have either clicked the way already, have left a dislike, have left a bad comment or think I’m absolutely insane. And I tell you these things because I’ve been here before. I said this in another video. I know you won’t listen at this point. It kind of is what it is. If you keep buying crappy coins in the future, you’re gonna have a crappy portfolio. Just letting you know and also being sick of the greed that’s the market now. That’s that’s just is what it is. You’ve you’ve seen the comments section. You’ve seen Krypto Twitter, you’ve seen all of it. People are very what’s the word tribalistic in the cryptocurrency space because everyone drank the Kool-Aid in a different corner. Everyone ran to a corner, drank that Kool-Aid, and now they scream at other people, you should be drinking my Kool-Aid when they know it tasted terrible. It was bitter. It was horrible. They didn’t like it. But you have to convince other people, hey, mine is mine is better. I come over to my side and the other people come over. They also taste it and go, Oh. Buy this one, buy this one, because they also bought into the madness. Well, all these coins of garbage there are there are maybe five coins that have any real purpose. And I’m not talking about any staking any delegated proof of stake, any other crappy coins like that. Very few coins are actually going to be used in the future anyway. Yeah, sorry. Did you buy it, founder? I hope you understand now that the place is just about greed and money does. Yeah. Cream anyway. Let’s move on. Next up, Metallic Budarin is in the news in a series of tweets, Imperium co-founder Vitaly Budarin gave a nod of approval to competing block chain EOS with regard to the neach they are trying to carve out. He said, if I were designing a new chain to go live along a Bitcoin, any theory theorem, I would. Oh, that’s a that’s a very bad sign. Whenever someone says those words, that means that they’re slightly planning it in the background. I would take all the political tradeoffs that Bitcoin and ether aren’t willing to take, Budarin said in a May 15th tweet, referring to, of course, Bitcoin and ether because he said BTC and Ethe listed by Coin Telegraph as a fifth most influential person in crypto really and block chain Budarin and hold significant weight in the industry, Budarin noted. Quadratic voting, based on unchanged governance and all built into cryptographic procedures, are tradeoffs of interest. He also included on chain oracles for all events. Instead of ones that simply relay price moves. Budiman also mentioned potentially adding some form of identification on the network, perhaps even an on chain model of identity, at least for participants who want to participate, participate, participate in governance. Non governing actors will still be fully anonymous, he said, although he specified constructing the feature smarter than other current platforms. He said, This is why I actually have some respect for iOS and Co.. I disagree with delegated proof of stake, but at least they are trying to develop a cohesive and principled alternative niche, he added, referring to the delegated proof of stake block chain framework. That’s also news. Yeah. Vitaly Budarin said he has some respect for iOS. The Internet ran away with it. This is not listen. So a couple of other times before, it wasn’t Budarin. But there have been other people, other big wigs, big names in the cryptocurrency space who have mentioned that if they were to create a new chain, that they would do it like this. I redis very them. The bureau has already said before in the past that at some point he plans on stepping away from Ethiopia. Theory. He said, is no time soon. But he wants it to be as decentralized as possible. He doesn’t want to have the sway and the weight that he currently holds within the cryptocurrency space. Charlie Lee has said the same thing. I guess Nakamoto said it in 2009, 2010, because he’s gone. And so have many other people who have leadership role. So it does kind of make sense. I really hope he doesn’t make a new chain because it’s just kind of like, oh, no, no, no, no. But yeah. Vitaly Budarin tipped his digital hat towards iOS four delegates, proof of stake. And that also made news because this is news that I missed. There’s usually a reason why I missed it at. John McAfee. Is in the news today. John McAfee’s goes to cryptocurrency, teasers out who and the privacy focused coin is ready for its worldwide debut. I was hoping this would happen. The millionaire entrepreneur has just informed the world, thank goodness, about his latest crypto offering called Ghost that focuses on individual privacy. The tweet featured the white paper launch for the upcoming coin. It says, Yes, money signed Ghost White Paper coming out today, 8:00 p.m. Central. No, I will say nothing in advance. Dot, dot, dot, maybe. Dot, dot, dot. I’ll put it out half an hour earlier. Dot. Or maybe not. Said John McAfee on the 15th of May. Twitter Roddie has responded with enthusiasm, really about the John McAfee ghost cryptocurrency white paper. Soon the tweet was flooded with queries and congratulations. Why? This is the third coin he’s made. John McAfee has made other coins before. Am I the only one who, like, pays attention to the day to day of the cryptocurrency space? John McAfee has made other coins before. He’s also promoted tons of crappy coins before. A lot of you have probably lost money because that because of John McAfee. John McAfee was the scam promoter in 2017. Type in John McAfee, IFCO 2017. He promoted a new coin a day, a day, not every other day, not once a week, every single day on his Twitter. John McAfee was promoting a different coin. And John McAfee had the stop because the S.E.C. was like, what? What are you doing? He was he was also getting paid. I think I think I think the rumors were the rumors were between 50 to one hundred thousand dollars per coin. And he never disclosed it. And people just thought that he actually logit had a new coin of the day. Same exact thing. There’s another crypto tuber who is the same exact way. I’m not going to say names. You know exactly who I’m talking about. He also remember 2017. This guy said it’s really weird that all these scammers are popping back up and people are following them. It’s the weirdest thing in the entire world. How many times do you have to be burned to understand that that that the oven is hot? Stop touching it. You know that these people are scammers. You know that these people. John McAfee has made multiple coins. He has promoted multiple scams before in the past. Why would any why why would why would you continue following nine? You know how many views? Ninety five thousand of uses for a scam. Remember the other day when we were talking about all those people? Who are watching those scams? If you give me one hundred X Arpey, I’ll give you back a thousand. And why why they’re so popular. What is going on in the world that people just don’t. Is it? It’s called common sense. Like what is? And I didn’t even make a joke. I was gonna make a joke, like, send me a Bitcoin, I’ll send you 10, because I know that at some point somebody would send me a Bitcoin like, hey, TMI, never send me back my ten bitcoin. Like, what do you what do you think is happening in the world? Is it is. It is. The white paper will launch at 8:00 p.m. Central Time. The public will have full access to all technical details regarding the coin. This is not his first coin. His other coins have flopped. No one won. I think it was actually like a I think it was called McAfee coin. No one’s going to use these coins. I swear to actual goodness, if anyone in this channel puts their money into this coin that no one is going to use. And you use you lose your money. Please only blame yourself. No one else. Tell your friend, tell a family member, tell your dog, stop it. Stop buying these crappy coins. There’s no there’s no there’s no point in the near future. Were any institution, any bank, any anything? Is not only going to be adding ghost to their cryptocurrency exchange, they’re not going to be custody ing ghost. And they’re not going to be buying ghost. John McAfee is releasing a new coin. If it even ends up launching the white paper as launching, if the actual coin gets off the floor. Who knows? None of you should hold this in the first place. And to finish things off, Ripple Partners, Bibi or SBI Holdings says it plans to use a Ripple’s payments technology to make it easier for people in Japan to access a.T.M. Well, that’s so nice of them. In its latest yearly fiscal reports. The financial services company says it’s working to integrate its ripple powered payments. Settlement money app, tap tap money app app money tap with eight teams runs by various banks across the country. The move could make it easier for users to access their phones at any time, regardless of bank affiliation. Wow. I mean, that’s that sounds futuristic. SBI says the project could also improve the bottom line for banks. Always important because banks are banks themselves by reducing operating costs. They said currently each bank has an atom with its own bank app, but with a common web app, these same atom may be used or jointly operated by a multi bank. Adam, that sounds interesting. It’s almost as if we didn’t need a Tam’s anymore. We simply could just use cryptocurrency. Hmm hmm. I guess not. Maybe a couple more years. SBI aims to roll out money tap to a bank consortium that’s led by SBI Ripple Asia. The consortium currently has 61 banks operating or representing about 80 percent of all bank assets in Japan. In September of last year, SBI Holdings President Yoshitaka Cartel was quoted as saying that the app, which is fully licensed by Japanese regulators, would utilize Ripple’s native cryptocurrency Zerk in the future. Wonderful. I love the idea of more a.T.M, especially when I don’t even use an A.T.M.. No one my age uses cash anymore. I don’t know if you still use cash. Everyone I know taps their cards, lives their card or just simply orders online. I guess there are tons of people who do use atoms so cool that they’re gonna be using Ripple’s payment network. For that, no explicit words on them using. I assume SERP will be used somewhere in the background because for those of you who don’t know, REPL is actually partnered with nearly every single bank in Japan. So at some point I’m ex Arpey is going to be heavily used. But for this news that was also everywhere, it kind of all over the place. S.P.I is going to be using REPL. I mean, I’m shocked. Are you? I mean, I’ve never seen the affiliation before side. I just simply did not expect this to happen. Anyway. As always, a very special thank you to my patriot and supporters, reviser Walli, from going to my university utopia. Five hundred and sixty nine, Yashar Hanadi Moonman High X Arpey, the pothead Joshua Vinyard, Martin Steuer, Tongo no low sound go low. Low no Bromo. John saucing the animal. Rita a a phobia thottam mullas Adam gracing Mohammed Ronie massive benches in Thailand. Jarrin Schneider Wyse Night Owl two hundred and forty two to the world Krypto Joe Bankroller Network Adobo Krypto artist Goldi 3D Nicholas Where on earth one peace one love Damian set soon Nick Kanigher Richie which a third Vlad the Impaler Praksis Nick Mondiale Livonia. Danny Charles Jim Garner Jeremy Fox minting coins m.a hitch test everyday and Casket’s Leg Day. Yes to Krypto but make both face any time faintness Moncks Corner staff are Medek Seventeen Bake me a cake to grow much Olisa on crypto with Lenno Prioleau Michelle you are l and hold on. I have to sneeze. Thank you all very, very much for your support. Thank you to everyone who is a subscriber of the new channel. Thank you to everyone who was a member of this channel. And thank you to everyone who has a clicker of affiliate links. SAT the momento. The cryptocurrency market looks in saying, I saw a couple of articles. First of all, Bitcoin is down currently by two point one three percent. I saw a couple of articles talking about that Bitcoin was on its way back down to seven. The Bears had taken control and therefore it was time for the market to kind of hold on. I don’t think we’re going back down to 7000. I could see a slipping slightly below nine thousand for a couple of seconds in a coordinated move to acquire more. Lower than nine thousand dollar Bitcoin. But at the moment, fundamentals look great. The fluctuations are absolutely insane. And once again, if you’ve been day trading kudo’s to you, because these movements are moneymakers, that’s not me telling you to go day. Trade is more like a if you’re already in it and you know what to do, therefore keep on doing it. Me? Yeah. The market looks crazy. Nothing. And what if the price of did you buy it went up because the founder was like, nope, I’m gone. I’m Hyperion is up by 15 percent. Wow. That’s twenty four million dollars worth of trading volume. That is. I mean, that’s more than any other coin I’ve never seen. Twenty four million per coin. I simply my mind can’t take it. I don’t know what to do with that 24 million faders up one 19 million synthetics is up on one million. Really, really strong, strong trading, trading, trading volumes right now going around. For those of you who could not hear in my voice that was sarcasm. I do hope you all enjoyed. I mean, I enjoyed the the the J.K. Rowling one. Hope you all enjoyed. Hope you all are having a great day of mourning. A great afternoon. A great evening. Wherever you are. Where ever you might be. I do hope that it was ab. So lewdly. Fantastic. Thank you all once again for watching and or listening. And I will most definitely. Certainly, hopefully probably. We’ll be talking to you all soon. See you.
Via https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-future-prediction-eth/
source https://cryptosharks.weebly.com/blog/bitcoin-future-prediction-eth-20-hype-harry-potter-coin-digibyte-greed-sbi-ripple-atms
0 notes
scottmapess · 4 years
Bitcoin Future Prediction, ETH 2.0 Hype, Harry Potter Coin, DigiByte Greed & SBI Ripple ATMs
Hello, everybody. We’ll go back for another video. Hope you’re all doing well and that you’re all having an incredible day. We’ll go back for another news I missed. Where I go over. News I missed. Hedge fund manager Matt D’Souza thinks patience is the key for Bitcoin holders looking to capitalize on the having. And De Souza was also the co-founder and CEO of the crypto mining operator Block, where Solutions says it’s not the time to day trade. He said, and I do quote, In 2016, Bitcoin rallied sixty seven percent into having corrected 33 percent and bottomed within three weeks, only to begin a 17 month bull market in 2020. We didn’t have a rally going into the having as we recovered losses from the global market meltdown. The fundamentals for Bitcoin have never been better. Things are typically buy the news, sell the rumor events and 20 20, I expect a shallower sell off than 2016. We already corrected by 20 percent and only one two five. Oh, there we go. One point five to three week duration, Max. Now is the time to be patient and hold, not day trade. Sorry for screaming. The big money is in the sitting. What in capturing this. People use weird phrases. Big money is in the sitting. I don’t think I’ve ever heard that in my entire English career ever. And capturing the cycle. Never heard that either, end quote. Does Susan note that the Fed is recklessly printing money which will create negative interest rates? He also says 16 percent of miners have now shut off, giving BTC a better environment to rally. And it’s not just post having developments that could create a bullish environment for crypto trader and analyst Luke Martin says Bitcoin is also currently decoupling from the stock market. And there’s his tweet right there, which probably just says what I just said. In mid-March, when Bitcoin collapsed hand-in-hand with equities, many analysts expressed doubt about the assets ability to serve as a hedge on traditional finance. But that’s no longer the case, according to Martin Shaw. There were about 15000 other price predictions that I was going to throw into the video. But I was like, no, not today. I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll not do that. Everyone seems to be thinking the same thing. I mean, as far as hedge fund managers, crypto enthusiasts, you kind of name it, everyone’s expecting that this having will be different and therefore things will be different in the next couple of weeks. I mean, you’ve you’ve seen the news that we’ve been going over the last couple of days. Everyone has their own ideas as to what could potentially be happening in the near future with the cryptocurrency market and exactly what’s going to be happening with Bitcoin. A lot of people are expecting that Bitcoin had to go down before the having an order for it to go up later on. We have seen historically it’s only been two other ones before this one that Bitcoin tends to dip and then move on up a bit higher. But Bitcoin, as they say, has never been tested in such a manner. The other two having there wasn’t a worldwide economic crisis and governments were not printing trillions of dollars in order to kind of mitigate losses and or prop up things that should not be propped up. So, yeah, that’s absolutely wonderful that another really rich person thinks that things are going to get better with the cryptocurrency space. I said that, ironically enough, if you could hear the tone of my voice, I say things like that sometimes in the video. People like How dare you side with the banks? And it’s like, come let listen to listen to the tone of my voice and how I am. I am currently talking to see that I am being. Facetious, but. Then I’m flying anyway. That’s the Bitcoin. I mean, like like I’ve mentioned before and many other times in the past, rich people have a very strong grasp on the cryptocurrency market. They have been in the market for a while. I think they were all like literally waiting for this having to take place. They’d be like, oh, my stars. Bitcoin’s amazing. It’s because they know mathematically that stuff is going to get real very soon. And that it is kind of spreading the good word, as it were. Let’s move on. Next up, where are the words? Jeez Louise. There we go. The lackluster response following Bitcoin’s third having has left many in the cryptocurrency community scratching their heads over why the event did and trigger the next crypto market monsters rally. Not really. It’s just people who don’t understand Bitcoin is having a once every four year event is said to be bullish for the pioneer cryptocurrency as it reduces the number of new Bitcoin minted on a daily basis by slashing the rewards. Mind per block. WellPoint five six point five. You already know all hope is not lost. And you’ll see exactly where I’m going with this as well, because I’m noticing a very new trend. It says all hope is not lost with they’re having now in the rearview mirror. Investors are searching for the next catalyst that will drive the crypto markets higher, according to a top analyst. The imminent launch of a Theory M 2.0, an update that will introduce a higher transaction throughput and a new consensus model under proof of stake will make a much more profound. A fact there we go on the crypto markets than the recently completed BTC, having Ryan Watkins, an analyst for Mazari, recently explained why he thinks Ethe 2.0 will provide a much stronger effect on crypto prices. In a tweet a few days ago, Watkins noted that while the having was a pre-programmed and thus predictable Ethe 2.0 was an uncertain and fundamental change. And that’s what I just said right there. And that’s also in the tweet. The Ethe 2.0 release date has been delayed for the longest time. It’s been about 16 years now. That was also a joke, mostly due to the extreme techno tatlock teeny tiny technicality. Wow of the project Ethe Dewpoint. Those launch was initially slated for the 30th of July because we all we all saw that date mentioned before. However, Metallic Budarin recently posted, hoisted posted that the date could be pushed further to an undisclosed date in quarter three of twenty. Now keep that date in mind as well, you know, and explain in a tweet on Friday why the delay is necessary rather than rushing to launch Ethe 2.0 for those of you who did not see. He said pretty much he thinks it should be slow and steady and he doesn’t want to make any mistakes. He said, What do we do now? Will echo through crypto history for the next couple of decades. And therefore he wants to make sure the E Theorem 2.0 is perfect, perfect instead of slightly perfect before it gets released. That was his explanation. So we don’t even have to go over all of that. If you look at the title of the article, it says, Why upcoming Ethe 2.0 could propel a bigger extended market rally? This one says, In theory, I’m decouples from Bitcoin as having pressure sets in. This one says Alt coins like a theory may soon benefit from institutions rushing to buy Bitcoin. And this one says Imperium 2.0, is what could bring a major turnaround for Ethe to the U.S. dollar. I woke up today finding thousands, not thousands, like 15 articles I’m all talking about. Theorem. For some reason with B having behind this and this is why I mentioned before. Don’t assume that simply people who are not within the cryptocurrency space don’t understand what Bitcoin having actually represent and how significant they are to the cryptocurrency space and also to the price of Bitcoin, to the actual issuance rate of crypto currencies in general. As we move into a more deflationary cryptocurrency world, a lot of different websites started poking their head out just exclusively talking about a theory about how amazing it theorem is. Not saying that a theorem is not amazing, awesome, cool, funky, fly fresh, however, just seems a little bit weird that all the attention has seemingly moves to Aegerion Cerium 2.0 now. And I assume of the next couple of weeks we are going to be bombarded with a theorem is amazing articles until and I say this probably around the time we end up hitting Ethereum 2.0. I’m aiming for August, September of 2022. That was also a joke. Lot of jokes today around this year, probably August. September is when this will probably phase zero us in the face. Then at that point, I assume some other type of news will have come about for some other coin, who is also going to have a having a doubling a for thing or something else will come out and they’ll kind of take all of the attention. And then when he Theorem 2.0 does get released and the price doesn’t skyrocket by thirteen thousand percent. Like many people, I assume, are assuming it’s going to happen. We’ll start to get articles the same exact way. Why isn’t Bitcoin going up? Why is any theory I’m going of? Why is it like coin going up? We see them over and over and over. I find it weird, isn’t it? I don’t wanna say that there’s no loyalty within the cryptocurrency space, but you kind of get what I’m saying. It’s kind of odd. I don’t know if these were always I love you theory and Web sites or simply now they are poking their heads out up, showing their true colors once again. There does not have to be one coin that rules them all. A lot of people think so. I think a market rally could come from any direction. I don’t think it’ll exclusively be Bitcoin that causes everything to skyrocket into the bazillions. It could be someone who wins the lotto and they’re like, I got an extra 14 million. Let’s buy up this coin. It could be a million. And one things. However. It appears that analysts are even more bullish than before on a theorem. I think it’s perfectly natural to be OK with your theory M 2.0 or be excited about it, especially when we talk about the issuance rate in this taking and then all the other stuff that we don’t have to go over again. It was kind of weird that there were so many different websites out there who were all talking and discussing about how amazing each theorem was around the same exact time. Are also more of these. I just I just chose these four because they had the nicest colors. Anyway. Probably my my most. Favorite. News story in a while. For those of you not looking at the screen, even the title, even the title gets me. It says that J.K. Rowling asks about Bitcoin accursed crypto Twitter scares her off. Jake, J.K. Rowling probably wasn’t expecting to unleash the Bitcoin community’s pent up passion and imagination when she tweeted two sentences asking about Bitcoin. But the author of Harry Potter series did. Responding to a tweet from Quoin Desk, senior reporter Ly Kyun Rowland tweeted, and I quote, I don’t understand Bitcoin. Please explain it to me in just two hours. Her tweet had spawned thirteen hundred replies. It took less than three hours for her to follow up with. I don’t think I trust this is weird. The reason I’m laughing is because if you’ve been into crypto for over two years, I. I give you even a year and a half. You know how intense this space can be. If you scream out, Bitcoin is garbage, Bikash is the true Bitcoin. You’re going to get some really strong responses if you send out a message. SRP is better than Bitcoin and like coin proved me wrong. You’re gonna get responses back. So all I could imagine when I read the title. Was at people to simply bombarded her with so many things, tearing her down and then to even read to her say, I don’t think I trust this because you you know how people are within the cryptocurrency space. So I think if I was if it was my first day in crypto and I and I wrote on Anthony possibly on his page, I don’t understand Bitcoin. Please explain it to me. And I got thirteen hundred responses and I’m going to read out some of their responses as well. I think I would also probably not even think of trusting Bitcoin lurking below the Twitter surface. Is a massive community of people who tweet about almost nothing except bitcoin and crypto day in and day out. That is the honest truth. Dying to use their netsch knowhow for the good of the world. Rowling accidentally tapped into it and attempts to speak Rowlings language. It gets better, I promise. Many started comparing Bitcoin to the wizarding world from her books. Someone said, remember how he he who must not be named, play seven Hawe cruxes and different objects around the world in an attempt to immortalize himself so that no one, not even the Ministry of Magic, could stop him. Someone said that he who must not be named or Lord Voldemort thought it would be unlikely that anyone could find all seven Halk cruxes making him impervious to destruction. Similarly under the hood. Bitcoin is composed or comprised of thousands of nosed around the globe running the Bitcoin software, although the number might be decreasing. Who cares? It is hard to share what we’re talking about. J.K. Rowling. It is hard to shut down because all of these nodes need to be shut down at once to derail the online currency. Stephen Saying a researcher at crypto publication of The Block focused his Harry Potter metaphore on the goal of Bitcoin, giving users freedom to do as they please. He said Remember when Dobbie was freed by a sock? Bitcoin is that sock. I mean, it just keeps going on like people kept on, like the Philosopher’s Stone and all this other stuff. Why not just explain to her what Bitcoin is in simple terms? I’m sure this woman who wrote this book 30 years ago was reading these responses and was like, what the heck is everyone even talking about? On top of that, the also other news was that Elon Musk apparently decided to also chime in and told J.K. Rowling about how amazing Bitcoin was. But is it this is a two parter. Hang in there. He said pretty much. Although massive currency issuance by government, central banks is making Bitcoin Internet ghost money looked solid by comparison. Once again, no one actually explained to J.K. Rowling what Bitcoin was. She said people are now explaining Bitcoin to me and honestly, it’s blah, blah, blah, collectibles, My Little Pony, blah, blah, blah. Computers got one of those blah, blah, blah. Crypto sounds creepy. Blah, blah, blah. Understand the risk. I don’t, though, because no one we we we make the mistake often being in the cryptocurrency space of just simply not simply easily explaining something to someone. Now, many friends I’ve had who’ve tried looking at my channel and they don’t understand the thing. I mean, first of all, the channels made for intermediate to low level advanced, like, you have to have been here for a while to really get the channels on a an introductory kind of channel. But it is that same exact thing like you. I talk to all of you as if you know what. 256 is or what the e what what proof of stake. And this is like you you get these terms. You also know what securities are. Anyone come into the channel with simply does go away though. I don’t know what of this stuff is. No one explained it to her. Everyone gave her Harry Potter references. Elon Musk is talking about Bitcoin, Internet ghost money, looking solid by comparison. Also, the two parter for that one. For those of you not looking at the screen, the title of this article is Elon Musk Drops Bitcoin Bomb on J.K. Rowling. Bitcoin is solid compared to fiat money. He never said any of those words. He said the words solid. He he referenced Bitcoin as magical ghost Internet money for those of you who’ve never heard that, that was a very big thing in 2014, 15 and 16, where people used to say that Bitcoin was magical ghost Internet money, that no one could see it, no one understood it, and therefore was his relatively unknown entity that was kind of floating around this that just simply worked. He said Bitcoin as magical ghost Internet money looks solid by comparison. He didn’t call Bitcoin solid. He did say that Bitcoin was a new world currency. He simply said by comparison, goes to money, looks solid to all the issuance by central government banks. Very weird because through multiple different articles on the Internet, they constantly made reference to the fact that Elon Musk had spoken about Bitcoin. Well, I think the third time, third or fourth time this year, and this time he used the word solid to talk about Bitcoin. He didn’t learn learn how to read English and stop trying to misconstrue things to make them sound better. The point is, this is my favorite thing. I was I was I was making some tea. I read this and I laughed for a good 20 minutes. I don’t if you heard the the optimism in my voice before I started this video is because I had had so much joy in my heart, just thinking chemo came. People in the cryptocurrency space leave now because of how insane the cryptocurrency space is and how like. The word is intense. How intense people can get because of, you know, how intense crypto Twitter is. So I just imagine J.K. Rowling sitting at home wrapped up in a blanket, like drinking some tea, just not understanding, like, what the heck are these people talking about? That’s my favorite news story. And then Elon Musk saying the word solid, which also got people riled up. I mean, why, why, why? Why is there a picture of money? Why is there a woman who has her finger nails done holding up a hundred dollar? Well, let’s start with Krypto. What’s going on? What’s going on, guys? Like what? What am I missing? Why the woods? What’s happening in this space? What what is this picture? If there was a photo of Elon Musk, I would get it. Or Elon Musk and J.K. Rowling at an event standing side by side, it would have made a bit more sense. There’s a woman wearing jeans, holding hundred dollar bills. Anyway. There’s a reason why it’s called news, I missed it. There’s a huge reason. Let us move on. And also other news, Jarrett Tate, the founder of Deji Bite, announced that he will be stepping aside from day to day operations due to the greed and rampant pillaging of the cryptocurrency industry. Tate announced his departure from the front end of the crypto space on his Twitter page on the 15th of May. After eight years in the industry, wow, he had this to say about his experiences. He said, all along the way, I have learned some very humble lessons. Number one of which is greed is the fundamental driving force in crypto and people’s actions in life, end quote. It took him eight years to learn that eight years that we all did that I knew took him eight years. Tate said he doesn’t speak for everyone involved with did you? Right. Which he proclaims that the original values of the crypto industry have disappeared. We’ve gone over that as well. The old old crypto is completely gone. Tait’s noted that all 90 percent of the people care about is cashing out. When one of their coins moons. And that’s because boys and girls for everyone listening, I wanna tell you a secret about the cryptocurrency space. Hope you’re listening. Remember these words. Ninety nine percent of the cryptocurrency market is garbage. Did you hear me? Rubbish. Terrible. No use. There’s no need for these coins and people know that in the back of their head, no matter how much you tell yourself. Listen, I’ll be out. I’ll be frank with you and I’ll even level with you. I’ll even I’ll even say that I understand you. I get why people try to pump their coins in the comment section I get while other people are fighting. I get why. So am I and I get it. I don’t agree with it. However, when people try to pump their coins, it’s because they know that they’re holding garbage and they’re doing anything that they can in their power to make sure that the prices of these coins go up so that they can moon and that they can cash out, because in the very beginning he’d heed my words. People got into some of the worst coins in the cryptocurrency space trying to make a rapid quick buck. This is why they did. These other channels are flourishing once again. I’ve I’ve I’ve never been so shocked in my entire life, honestly, on a on an average day. My videos get anywhere from 13 to 18 thousand views, give or take. They fluctuate back and forth. And I and I simply give you the news. I tell you the reality of the cryptocurrency space. I don’t sugarcoat anything. If something looks like garbage, I’m going to tell you it’s garbage. The other channels that have come out of the woodworks or have started reposting videos. These channels are getting one hundred and sixteen thousand views a day. Eighty five thousand views a day. Their channels. One of them. What was it like a couple of days ago? It was like chart shows bitcoin hitting one hundred thousand very soon. Are you in the market? All these things. Everything right now almost knocked over a picture frame. Everything just go away. Everything right now in the cryptocurrency space. Has to exclusively do with people trying to make sure that their coins are no one are hyped up, are pumped up so that the prices can go up and they can cash out. People know that they’re holding garbage. And I’m sad that it took the the founder of Deji by eight years to figure this out. And in the end in the beginning, in the long, long ago, in the beginning of the cryptocurrency space, things were not as they were right now. Things were a lot calmer than we we we had the idea of of of the whole Lambeau culture. But that also came from the greedy aspect of what is now a huge force within the cryptocurrency space. Before that, the idea was to decouple the entire world from fiat currencies. We know that Bitcoin is slow, but we know that eventually Bitcoin will get upgraded. We can do this and make sure that Bitcoin stands as the the the the the totem pole. And therefore, if everyone touches the totem pole, gains it’s knowledge, we can all move on from fiat currencies. This is when the other coins I’m in, I and I. My my brain won’t let me go through eight years of Krypto life to name all the coins, we had so many copies of Bitcoin starting to pop up and. I don’t even consider light coin to be a necessary copy like coin was created more so as as a like a literal silver literal silver to Bitcoin’s gold. It was meant to be. And then eventually it became this kind of test net, which is totally fine when you’re trying to protect the main core, as it were, for Bitcoin. What happened over the last couple of years, and I’ve mentioned this on several other occasions, the Andes, the old idea of decentralization is is is completely gone. The cryptocurrency space has allowed itself to become corrupted by not only greed, but also institutions. Remember before when institutions and Griese and Bank and all this other stuff were very bad things, and now people loud to them and praise them on a crypto Twitter. I’m so glad the JP Morgan’s getting into this. I’m so blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I understand. I’m also an investor for those of you who were unaware. I’m I’m also into the into the money aspect because I want security in my life. However, the fact that this person just got to the point that I mean, it’s the same exact reason, like we we logically don’t need multiple Bitcoin. If you feel in your heart that Bitcoin, the core is too slow. You create a side chain that runs inside it and you allow these new upgrades to run on said PSI chain, you’d leave the core alone and you build on the outside to make Bitcoin stronger. The BSA vs the B cashes the B gold’s the B diamonds, the B, everything else. These are all unneeded coins and I’ll even go so far as to say did you buy it also isn’t a coin that’s needed. I keep seeing people over and over talking about how it’s just in the comment section. I know these people are trying to hype up the coin and I’m I’m not even half remotely sad that I’m being honest with all of you. It’s just really how things are. I mean, that so many coins in the space, we have no need for them. They’re never going to do anything. A lot of people bought these coins in expectations years ago that these coins were going to rocket and moon. I have a friend. I don’t think he’s watching. But if you are. When he got into the cryptocurrency space, I said, focus on a couple of coins. He went OK and bought a whole bunch of other coins, which I will not name. These coins are doing terrible. And I mean, terrible, terrible, like, bad, terrible. And all I see every single day is him trying to make sure that other people know about how great his garbage is that he bought. Eventually, when the prices go up, can you guess what he plans on doing? He plans on selling because people realizing you all of you realize and for those of you who say you don’t realize, I’m going to tell you, you’re going to realize sometime in the future, you have probably purchased garbage. You are holding onto garbage. You need to at some point get rid of that garbage. And I hope that the next cryptocurrency Bullrun, that not even if we even don’t reach previous highs, that we go five cents over the previous highs of where we were and that you have a chance to cash out and then re-evaluate your portfolio. And I mean that with the most honest words I can possibly comprise together of all the words in the English language. Total honesty. Of course, people in the cryptocurrency space are greedy. So many. Why do you think we have all these coins? Why do you think we have all these other people trying to mimic and make all these other things? You’ve seen all the other cryptocurrency changes that have shut down all the crypto startups, the AI CEOs, the SVO is and have come and gone. There was no need for these things. I told all of you years ago, I remember I had other videos I would show you Web sites, these people talking about. They had made in Bitcoin, our coin is five times faster in the Bitcoin, where the new so and so sign up for this. Do this. Make your money by this. And I’m I beat these coins won’t be around. Dude, you have no idea what you’re talking about. Modern investor, your garbage investor. No. OK. Sure. I got it. Like I said and like I say. Oh, you’ll all get it at some point. There’s a reason why the market mainly focuses on three coins. That’s not to say that there may not be eight other coins circling around those three that could potentially do well in the future. But at least five of those eight are not. The other three are going to be sitting on the sidelines. They’ll they’ll be successful companies, but people won’t be using them. I’m I’m sad that it took this man. Eighty years to figure this out, he added. It’s a primal force. I get that. But every day I see this tech being used to enrich the few at the expense of the long term. Good of the many. He said making a quick buck is not why block chain matters. It’s not at all. But the entire idea of block, chain and cryptocurrency has gone out the window. Cryptocurrency has allowed itself to become easily hyper corrupted by banks and institutions who now own the entire space. Remember, remember what I said about two years ago? I said when the people from the Nasdaq. And the New York Stock Exchange. And Fidelity and the Winklevoss and all these other people are holding thousands, tens of thousands of Bitcoin. Hundreds of thousands of Bitcoin. I think I’m pretty sure the Winklevoss hold in two thousand thirteen. They had at least two hundred thousand Bitcoin. One can only assume they probably have a lot. A lot. A lot. A lot. A lot. A lot. A lot. A lot. A lot. A lot. A lot more. When these people stay the richest people on the planet and become even richer in the future, we can’t get upset at them because we we’ve allowed them to corrupt the space. This is why I mentioned before. For those people who don’t even have a fraction of a Bitcoin in their portfolio and are never going to buy Bitcoin, I, i in in in in 20 years. We’ll have a digital virtual conference in some sort of way. And I’ll let you know, I’ll let you explain to me why you just simply did not buy Bitcoin and how great that’s going for you. Like I said, not being mean, but you have to understand, this place is just. It’s Guards’. It’s gonna be full of greed. It’s a monetary market. Wait, wait, wait. What did this person think was gonna happen by the time Bitcoin had value? This is why for those of you who didn’t do a history lesson, why Satoshi Nakamoto left the space. There were people who he trusted to kind of continue building this in the background. One of the people I think went to the US government and was going to, like, show them how great Bitcoin was. And Satoshi was like, what are you doing? The guy was going there for profit because he probably thought, I know I blew this guy, probably thought he could sell off some Bitcoin or sell off the actual infrastructure to the US government. We have the tools and the means to get away from the old system. But people don’t care. People care about the integration with the old system. And that’s why the news has become the integration with the old system. How to make the old system great. No one’s using swift while there’s a new form of swift. No one’s using so and so where there’s a new form of this. You’re a computer’s not working well. It is integrated into ours as opposed to creating our own space. But we we’ve we’ve we’ve we’ve come far too far. We now have billionaires who own Bitcoin. I’m sure they’re telling their billionaires and or mega millionaire friends to also buy a Bitcoin. These people will own all the Bitcoin in the future. Fifteen years from now, you know, like when we get those really weird, crazy, wacky price predictions of a bitcoin price in twenty, twenty eight and twenty thirty two of being multi million dollars per bitcoin. Think of in the future how many people around the world are just not simply going to hold. Because they’ve bought all these other coins. It’s insane to think about the opportunities that people had. I remember shouting from the rooftop, Buy Bitcoin, it’s two hundred dollars. No. No one listened by Bitcoin is twelve hundred dollars. Bitcoin has dropped from twenty thousand dollars. Have you accumulated Bitcoin? No Bitcoin bitcoins at three thousand five hundred. Why would I want to buy Bitcoin? OK, cool. The point is, of course, the space is full of greed. Of course, it’s a fundamental driving growth or factor or force. We live in a world. Where money rules everything around us. Have we ever heard of cream c r e m Googled the word cream money or C dot r dot e dot a dot m. And you’ll you’ll get it. I’m sure a lot of people know exactly what cream is. Anyway. Yeah. Sorry. Sorry, mister. Did you bite founder that you realized it. It took this man eight years. All these people do is create new coins in an effort to make money from them. This is why it’s also very confusing. Sometimes when you see a lot of these coins that no one’s using have market valuations in the hundreds of millions of billions of dollars. What’s that? Did they they’ve created money out of thin air and people bought it. Remember last year and the year before that, all the conferences we were talking about that were taking place in Russia and other places like that? Like I told you, my friends showed me how he sent me the Instagram stories. These people having multi hundred people conferences in Russia creating like Bitcoin do to do like it was a weird name after it. And these people, they were asking these people that they were going up to them with microphones. How much did you put into the market today? I put fifteen thousand. I think it’s gonna do really well. These coins probably didn’t even exist, these were all scams and the people who ran these scams. Are now somewhere in paradise. They now have tens of millions, hundreds of millions of dollars waiting for the time when they can make their next scam. I know people won’t listen. I know some of you will listen. But I know the vast majority, 99 percent have either clicked the way already, have left a dislike, have left a bad comment or think I’m absolutely insane. And I tell you these things because I’ve been here before. I said this in another video. I know you won’t listen at this point. It kind of is what it is. If you keep buying crappy coins in the future, you’re gonna have a crappy portfolio. Just letting you know and also being sick of the greed that’s the market now. That’s that’s just is what it is. You’ve you’ve seen the comments section. You’ve seen Krypto Twitter, you’ve seen all of it. People are very what’s the word tribalistic in the cryptocurrency space because everyone drank the Kool-Aid in a different corner. Everyone ran to a corner, drank that Kool-Aid, and now they scream at other people, you should be drinking my Kool-Aid when they know it tasted terrible. It was bitter. It was horrible. They didn’t like it. But you have to convince other people, hey, mine is mine is better. I come over to my side and the other people come over. They also taste it and go, Oh. Buy this one, buy this one, because they also bought into the madness. Well, all these coins of garbage there are there are maybe five coins that have any real purpose. And I’m not talking about any staking any delegated proof of stake, any other crappy coins like that. Very few coins are actually going to be used in the future anyway. Yeah, sorry. Did you buy it, founder? I hope you understand now that the place is just about greed and money does. Yeah. Cream anyway. Let’s move on. Next up, Metallic Budarin is in the news in a series of tweets, Imperium co-founder Vitaly Budarin gave a nod of approval to competing block chain EOS with regard to the neach they are trying to carve out. He said, if I were designing a new chain to go live along a Bitcoin, any theory theorem, I would. Oh, that’s a that’s a very bad sign. Whenever someone says those words, that means that they’re slightly planning it in the background. I would take all the political tradeoffs that Bitcoin and ether aren’t willing to take, Budarin said in a May 15th tweet, referring to, of course, Bitcoin and ether because he said BTC and Ethe listed by Coin Telegraph as a fifth most influential person in crypto really and block chain Budarin and hold significant weight in the industry, Budarin noted. Quadratic voting, based on unchanged governance and all built into cryptographic procedures, are tradeoffs of interest. He also included on chain oracles for all events. Instead of ones that simply relay price moves. Budiman also mentioned potentially adding some form of identification on the network, perhaps even an on chain model of identity, at least for participants who want to participate, participate, participate in governance. Non governing actors will still be fully anonymous, he said, although he specified constructing the feature smarter than other current platforms. He said, This is why I actually have some respect for iOS and Co.. I disagree with delegated proof of stake, but at least they are trying to develop a cohesive and principled alternative niche, he added, referring to the delegated proof of stake block chain framework. That’s also news. Yeah. Vitaly Budarin said he has some respect for iOS. The Internet ran away with it. This is not listen. So a couple of other times before, it wasn’t Budarin. But there have been other people, other big wigs, big names in the cryptocurrency space who have mentioned that if they were to create a new chain, that they would do it like this. I redis very them. The bureau has already said before in the past that at some point he plans on stepping away from Ethiopia. Theory. He said, is no time soon. But he wants it to be as decentralized as possible. He doesn’t want to have the sway and the weight that he currently holds within the cryptocurrency space. Charlie Lee has said the same thing. I guess Nakamoto said it in 2009, 2010, because he’s gone. And so have many other people who have leadership role. So it does kind of make sense. I really hope he doesn’t make a new chain because it’s just kind of like, oh, no, no, no, no. But yeah. Vitaly Budarin tipped his digital hat towards iOS four delegates, proof of stake. And that also made news because this is news that I missed. There’s usually a reason why I missed it at. John McAfee. Is in the news today. John McAfee’s goes to cryptocurrency, teasers out who and the privacy focused coin is ready for its worldwide debut. I was hoping this would happen. The millionaire entrepreneur has just informed the world, thank goodness, about his latest crypto offering called Ghost that focuses on individual privacy. The tweet featured the white paper launch for the upcoming coin. It says, Yes, money signed Ghost White Paper coming out today, 8:00 p.m. Central. No, I will say nothing in advance. Dot, dot, dot, maybe. Dot, dot, dot. I’ll put it out half an hour earlier. Dot. Or maybe not. Said John McAfee on the 15th of May. Twitter Roddie has responded with enthusiasm, really about the John McAfee ghost cryptocurrency white paper. Soon the tweet was flooded with queries and congratulations. Why? This is the third coin he’s made. John McAfee has made other coins before. Am I the only one who, like, pays attention to the day to day of the cryptocurrency space? John McAfee has made other coins before. He’s also promoted tons of crappy coins before. A lot of you have probably lost money because that because of John McAfee. John McAfee was the scam promoter in 2017. Type in John McAfee, IFCO 2017. He promoted a new coin a day, a day, not every other day, not once a week, every single day on his Twitter. John McAfee was promoting a different coin. And John McAfee had the stop because the S.E.C. was like, what? What are you doing? He was he was also getting paid. I think I think I think the rumors were the rumors were between 50 to one hundred thousand dollars per coin. And he never disclosed it. And people just thought that he actually logit had a new coin of the day. Same exact thing. There’s another crypto tuber who is the same exact way. I’m not going to say names. You know exactly who I’m talking about. He also remember 2017. This guy said it’s really weird that all these scammers are popping back up and people are following them. It’s the weirdest thing in the entire world. How many times do you have to be burned to understand that that that the oven is hot? Stop touching it. You know that these people are scammers. You know that these people. John McAfee has made multiple coins. He has promoted multiple scams before in the past. Why would any why why would why would you continue following nine? You know how many views? Ninety five thousand of uses for a scam. Remember the other day when we were talking about all those people? Who are watching those scams? If you give me one hundred X Arpey, I’ll give you back a thousand. And why why they’re so popular. What is going on in the world that people just don’t. Is it? It’s called common sense. Like what is? And I didn’t even make a joke. I was gonna make a joke, like, send me a Bitcoin, I’ll send you 10, because I know that at some point somebody would send me a Bitcoin like, hey, TMI, never send me back my ten bitcoin. Like, what do you what do you think is happening in the world? Is it is. It is. The white paper will launch at 8:00 p.m. Central Time. The public will have full access to all technical details regarding the coin. This is not his first coin. His other coins have flopped. No one won. I think it was actually like a I think it was called McAfee coin. No one’s going to use these coins. I swear to actual goodness, if anyone in this channel puts their money into this coin that no one is going to use. And you use you lose your money. Please only blame yourself. No one else. Tell your friend, tell a family member, tell your dog, stop it. Stop buying these crappy coins. There’s no there’s no there’s no point in the near future. Were any institution, any bank, any anything? Is not only going to be adding ghost to their cryptocurrency exchange, they’re not going to be custody ing ghost. And they’re not going to be buying ghost. John McAfee is releasing a new coin. If it even ends up launching the white paper as launching, if the actual coin gets off the floor. Who knows? None of you should hold this in the first place. And to finish things off, Ripple Partners, Bibi or SBI Holdings says it plans to use a Ripple’s payments technology to make it easier for people in Japan to access a.T.M. Well, that’s so nice of them. In its latest yearly fiscal reports. The financial services company says it’s working to integrate its ripple powered payments. Settlement money app, tap tap money app app money tap with eight teams runs by various banks across the country. The move could make it easier for users to access their phones at any time, regardless of bank affiliation. Wow. I mean, that’s that sounds futuristic. SBI says the project could also improve the bottom line for banks. Always important because banks are banks themselves by reducing operating costs. They said currently each bank has an atom with its own bank app, but with a common web app, these same atom may be used or jointly operated by a multi bank. Adam, that sounds interesting. It’s almost as if we didn’t need a Tam’s anymore. We simply could just use cryptocurrency. Hmm hmm. I guess not. Maybe a couple more years. SBI aims to roll out money tap to a bank consortium that’s led by SBI Ripple Asia. The consortium currently has 61 banks operating or representing about 80 percent of all bank assets in Japan. In September of last year, SBI Holdings President Yoshitaka Cartel was quoted as saying that the app, which is fully licensed by Japanese regulators, would utilize Ripple’s native cryptocurrency Zerk in the future. Wonderful. I love the idea of more a.T.M, especially when I don’t even use an A.T.M.. No one my age uses cash anymore. I don’t know if you still use cash. Everyone I know taps their cards, lives their card or just simply orders online. I guess there are tons of people who do use atoms so cool that they’re gonna be using Ripple’s payment network. For that, no explicit words on them using. I assume SERP will be used somewhere in the background because for those of you who don’t know, REPL is actually partnered with nearly every single bank in Japan. So at some point I’m ex Arpey is going to be heavily used. But for this news that was also everywhere, it kind of all over the place. S.P.I is going to be using REPL. I mean, I’m shocked. Are you? I mean, I’ve never seen the affiliation before side. I just simply did not expect this to happen. Anyway. As always, a very special thank you to my patriot and supporters, reviser Walli, from going to my university utopia. Five hundred and sixty nine, Yashar Hanadi Moonman High X Arpey, the pothead Joshua Vinyard, Martin Steuer, Tongo no low sound go low. Low no Bromo. John saucing the animal. Rita a a phobia thottam mullas Adam gracing Mohammed Ronie massive benches in Thailand. Jarrin Schneider Wyse Night Owl two hundred and forty two to the world Krypto Joe Bankroller Network Adobo Krypto artist Goldi 3D Nicholas Where on earth one peace one love Damian set soon Nick Kanigher Richie which a third Vlad the Impaler Praksis Nick Mondiale Livonia. Danny Charles Jim Garner Jeremy Fox minting coins m.a hitch test everyday and Casket’s Leg Day. Yes to Krypto but make both face any time faintness Moncks Corner staff are Medek Seventeen Bake me a cake to grow much Olisa on crypto with Lenno Prioleau Michelle you are l and hold on. I have to sneeze. Thank you all very, very much for your support. Thank you to everyone who is a subscriber of the new channel. Thank you to everyone who was a member of this channel. And thank you to everyone who has a clicker of affiliate links. SAT the momento. The cryptocurrency market looks in saying, I saw a couple of articles. First of all, Bitcoin is down currently by two point one three percent. I saw a couple of articles talking about that Bitcoin was on its way back down to seven. The Bears had taken control and therefore it was time for the market to kind of hold on. I don’t think we’re going back down to 7000. I could see a slipping slightly below nine thousand for a couple of seconds in a coordinated move to acquire more. Lower than nine thousand dollar Bitcoin. But at the moment, fundamentals look great. The fluctuations are absolutely insane. And once again, if you’ve been day trading kudo’s to you, because these movements are moneymakers, that’s not me telling you to go day. Trade is more like a if you’re already in it and you know what to do, therefore keep on doing it. Me? Yeah. The market looks crazy. Nothing. And what if the price of did you buy it went up because the founder was like, nope, I’m gone. I’m Hyperion is up by 15 percent. Wow. That’s twenty four million dollars worth of trading volume. That is. I mean, that’s more than any other coin I’ve never seen. Twenty four million per coin. I simply my mind can’t take it. I don’t know what to do with that 24 million faders up one 19 million synthetics is up on one million. Really, really strong, strong trading, trading, trading volumes right now going around. For those of you who could not hear in my voice that was sarcasm. I do hope you all enjoyed. I mean, I enjoyed the the the J.K. Rowling one. Hope you all enjoyed. Hope you all are having a great day of mourning. A great afternoon. A great evening. Wherever you are. Where ever you might be. I do hope that it was ab. So lewdly. Fantastic. Thank you all once again for watching and or listening. And I will most definitely. Certainly, hopefully probably. We’ll be talking to you all soon. See you.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-future-prediction-eth/ source https://cryptosharks1.blogspot.com/2020/05/bitcoin-future-prediction-eth-20-hype.html
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