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babyawacs · 1 year ago
itwasnot support itwas soulbreak camp to brainwash and breakdown and swedishmobbing and such campaigns which held weeks only because h a l f of class was nonhostile at all but all inthisland was toxic hideousharm a llthatis good onsurface was despite severe trick degrade and such ididnot f igureout how they measured performance but they knew what ican allalong therole of somestudy istowrite a handbook how to exploit use them and how to maximise the performance withmany informal tests too from ripeness to colleguiality and such itis f a r more than highperformance to sort only theyknew as how i knew howto masterit years like six sevenyears despite highperformance but theclowns today are like be scared of the ancient eg yptian algebra in cartoon undergarments and if you are too foolish to d ate germans or such //// the chronsaeule-I technikgenie techgenius was b e f o r e study the highpotential d u r i n g study and m a y b e only a s e c o n d chronsaeule in finance maybe ie centralbank related was a f t e r economics maybe but terrorised doomish desperation burnout doomish a fte a decade resillient victimfury shuffled harms and sexualassault and meng ele crimes then humanrights court highhopes was no humanrights violati ons are obvious case dismissed to do w h a t the next 13years since ech28 00/10 till echr4781/20 and thenext three years todate bad snapshots in b ad situations were their longterm efforts harms before during and after /// / trytounderstad how brainswork: iwouldhavebeen engineering without bs but they didnotletme on techtalent and tech genius stamps but luckily economics rhymes with .. .. p h y s i c s and management has a l w a y s been complementary to .. .. .. engineering //// makesure my formal edu isnot dumpstered onewas a di ploma they modularised andrigorouslytested eachbracket each ofthe 90modul es hadtobe passed across 5 layers of the business matters around economic s hiddenchampiongade theother was theoppositeofelite but iwanted ivy care and ivy stamps onit four stages of master whateveritwas wereunlocked too a f t e r this itwasnotonly a meager ebcL a test itwas q u c i k l y pas sed as 80percent didthe ivystamps happen the inventions and performance a fterwards wasnotonly govt and law managed withbravery emptyhandedly but inv entions one two three mankindchanging
itwasnot support itwas soulbreak camp to brainwash and breakdown and swedishmobbing and such campaigns which held weeks only because h a l f of class was nonhostile at all but all inthisland was toxic hideousharm allthatis good onsurface was despite severe trick degrade and such ididnot figureout how they measured performance but they knew what ican allalong therole of somestudy istowrite a…
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bujoie · 6 years ago
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8 march 2019 [星期五]
Sometimes it feels like the grind never stops but stay strong! You got this ✨
♡ Just Hold On - Steve Aoki
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julyjournal · 6 years ago
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SEPT 21, 2018 / currently reading fresh complaint by jeffrey eugenides. school’s starting to pick up and i’ve done over 60 designs for one of my classes so far?? i’m happy to consistently practice my skills and it’s really starting to sink in that what i do for fun is now what i do for school & work… which is actually so so fulfilling and i’m extremely grateful. hope everyone has a lovely week!! :~)
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mildlincrs · 7 years ago
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hello everyone! i was planning on publishing this a few months ago, but i’ve had a busy summer. better late than never:’) i published a similar post last year regarding my freshman experience and i wanted to continue that series with a post about my sophomore year, which i found to be much more stressing and difficult. keep in mind that everyone’s high school experiences will vary, whether it’s because of the nature of the school or circumstances that have nothing to do with school. the rest of the post is under the cut:)
my sophomore experience
as i mentioned, i found that my sophomore year was much more taxing than freshman year. my mental health deteriorated considerably and i found myself with a lot on my plate. my grades dipped - i struggled in most of my stem classes, which can be attributed to both bad mental health and bad teachers, but also the lack of work ethic. my work habits suffered along with my mental health, and i would constantly avoid and put off assignments - not because i was trying to, but because i felt so mentally exhausted and stressed that i couldn’t bring myself to work on anything at all.  i'd spend hours at a time doing absolutely nothing because i'd be stressing myself out of working, i'd shut down and numb myself to the point where i couldn't do anything.
towards the end of 2nd semester, i felt a little better - i started seeing a therapist, and though we stopped seeing them (money), it helped a lot and my mental health improved - i managed to pass all of my classes! even the stem ones! even though i. still didn’t really try at the end because i didn’t care enough about getting rlly high grades. tbh i stopped caring more than i should have, which i intend to change this year.
the only thing that really kept me going was my continued involvement in extracurriculars and support from my friends. my marching band season was extremely difficult - the show we performed and competed with was harder than my freshman year show, but the payoff was incredibly worth it at competitions. i continued to be involved in urban dance at my high school, and i’m so glad i did - being more inclined towards the arts gives me an outlet for me to express my feelings and pent-up thoughts, and i know that no matter what, music and dance will be there for me.
as i mentioned, my friends really helped me through the school year. a few of my closest friends (from marching band/band) saw me at some of my lowest points, and had they not been there to help me get back up again, things would be very different than they are now. their willingness to listen to me and support me is something i’m truly thankful for. 
overall - sophomore year was not the best. if anything, the bad times outweighed the good, and i’m really hoping for junior year to be a little better. a lot of people talk about how junior year is the most difficult year, but i personally found the freshman-sophomore transition to be a lot harder. my classes were not necessarily hard, and my teachers were actually all pretty good! except for chemistry though:// chemistry was the class that i found interesting but. lost all interest in later on as my teacher didn’t really teach anything which was great.
1. don’t let yourself slack off
it’s so easy to think that you can just relax after you’ve finished freshman year. the push to be successful never stops. be careful that you don’t let yourself become complacent, especially if you’re taking more difficult classes (i.e. ap classes). if you have an established study routine, stick to it. if you have a consistent sleep schedule, stick to it. it’s harder than it seems to remain disciplined, but it’s necessary.
2. stay healthy!
hydrate! eat food! get sleep! there was a point during 1st/2nd semester where i literally wouldn’t eat for days in a row. it’s a wonder i didn’t become terribly sick, but my grades and mental health suffered from that and i’m still trying to recover from that. it’s incredibly important that you maintain your physical health, and it actually makes it easier to take care of your mental health, too. getting sleep is also. super important. i was literally falling asleep in classes on a daily basis, and while it was very comforting that i could do that, it didn’t help when i was trying to study/do work for those classes.
3. don’t get worked up over grades, but don’t get complacent about them, either
it’s literally human nature to be imperfect. you’re meant to make mistakes. it’s okay if you make mistakes - what’s more important is how you recover from them. your ability to rebound from failure is what will help you in the long run. my marching band director constantly reminds us that success is built from failure, and to be okay with the process of getting better and achieving success - but it’s also important to remember that you are responsible for actively ensuring that you’re doing what’s necessary for you to do well. additionally - your GPA does not define you. it’s sad that it really does mean a lot for colleges, but let yourself relax sometimes - studying all the time is going to be less attractive than someone presenting a high school career that’s much more involved in things outside of school.
4. surround yourself with good people
don’t take friendships for granted. my friends helped me through so many things last school year, and we’ve become so much closer. i know that we’ll always have each others’ backs regardless of what happens, which is one of the best feelings to have. i genuinely love and appreciate my friends so much? wow
best of luck to those entering sophomore year! remember that you are stronger than you believe, and even if you encounter bad times, there’s always going to be a light at the end of the tunnel no matter how difficult it is to get through. feel free to send me an ask or message me with any questions! i’m rooting for you:)
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thelogicofthetrance · 7 years ago
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This spring you’ll find me writing my thesis & studying French literature 🌸
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kaisdesk-blog · 8 years ago
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english notes ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ sorry i havent been posting original content on here lately!! ive been more active on my studygram tho so follow me woo @kaisdesk
ask me question
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psychologya · 7 years ago
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《18th nov '17》 sorry for the lack of posts lately... i‘ve been struggling a lot with my mental health lately which makes studying incredibly hard for me... but yeah i‘m trying to do myself and forgive myself, that i‘m not acing all test and doing every homework.. it’s the best i can do right now...
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biopsychs · 8 years ago
How To Ace Intro Psych
I firmly believe that everyone should take at least one psych class in their life, or at least be exposed to the introductory concepts of psychology. I didn’t take psych in high school and was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed my intro psych classes in first year uni. I enjoyed the classes (hence why I’m now adding on psych as a double major) and succeeded in them as well! Here’s my tips on how to ace intro psych!!
Type your notes. ⇾  You don’t have to do this but I found myself often scrambling to write down everything my prof said and not really listening. Typing is much faster and you can insert images and diagrams from lecture slides as you go.
Get information from a variety of resources. ⇾  My notes were a combination of information from lectures, textbook readings, and online articles my prof recommended to us. Interpreting the same concepts from different perspectives/explanations will really increase your understanding.
Use examples in your notes. ⇾ You need to be able to apply your knowledge to a variety of situations. Psychology involves some memorizing, yes, but you won’t succeed unless you can apply your knowledge.
Colour code your notes ⇾  I settled on a colour coding system for my second semester of psych and it worked very well. Orange = vocab words. Green = names of important people. Blue = main headings or important subheadings.Teal = the important stuff underneath all the headings. Don’t worry about organizing your notes perfectly, just be consistent.
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Find a study buddy! ⇾ Talk to someone you don’t know in class and then help each other out! On midterms my prof would include questions based on concepts/examples they only mentioned during lectures. A study buddy can catch you up if you miss a lecture. Have them talk you through their notes because the notes alone won’t always fully convey what was discussed in class.
Explain concepts to others.  ⇾  A big part of my studying routine was explaining my notes to anyone who would listen (shoutout to my mom). I would go through my notes and use the headings as a guideline to explain concepts. I was aware that I would need to study more if I couldn’t explain something well. If my mom didn’t understand something, I could further both of our understandings by providing examples.
Review throughout the semester!  ⇾  By second semester I was hardly studying any extra for midterms. I reviewed a bit of psych every day and tried to understand concepts as soon as I could (instead of waiting till right before a midterm). Look over your notes while you’re waiting in line for coffee, combine lecture and textbook notes as soon as possible, and don’t forget to review content you learned at the beginning of the semester (you’ll be thankful for this when you start studying for finals)!
Do your readings! ⇾  Before lectures I would skim read the necessary textbook sections, to get an idea of what was going on, and then read the chapters in detail after the lecture. Find what works best for you! Also, look ahead at the next chapters you’ll be learning. If there’s a lot of unfamiliar vocab, try to learn what those terms mean before the lecture.
Psychology Resources
Not necessary but books (not textbooks) about psychology are super interesting and are great at getting across psychological concepts, without feeling like you’re studying! ⇾ I recommend anything by Oliver Sacks, The Brain That Changes Itself and The Brain’s Way of Healing by Norman Doidges, The Tale of Dueling Neurosurgeons by Sam Kean, and The Brain Book by Rita Carter.
Introduction to Psychology: The Full Noba Collection ⇾ This is basically a free textbook, covering all sorts of topics in psych, and each article is written by a professional. This is one of the resources I used the most to supplement my in-class learning.
Your professor or students who have taken the class before ⇾  Find copies of past exams or practice questions if you can. Being familiar with the style and language of questions will help you write midterms/finals better!
Quizlet ⇾  It’s an app for electronic flashcards. You can make your own flashcards or find others already made! I found vocab flashcards from each chapter of my textbook and then studied vocab on the bus.
Research studies on campus ⇾ My psych classes required that students participate in psych studies being done on campus by grad students or other researchers. There’s no better way to learn about how psych research is conducted than by being a part of it!
Online Research Ethics Course  ⇾  I talked to someone who does research at my uni and she recommended this course to me (it’s meant for primarily for researchers to take but the content is crucial to understand if you want to be involved in psych research).
Psychology Guide and Resources masterpost by @study-well
AP Psychology Exam Practice materials from the College Board  ⇾  The more practice the better and these materials can be used to study for most intro psych classes at university as well.
My Other Posts:
AP lit tips
high school biology
organization tips
physics doesn’t have to suck: how to enjoy and do well in your required physics classes
recommended reads
reminders for myself
using your time wisely on public transport
what i learned from university (first year)
what i learned from high school
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simply-study · 7 years ago
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14 oct 2017 - nlmg is wild and also ??? but nonetheless a great read 10/10 would recommend
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celestudy · 8 years ago
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18 jul 2017 | 13/100 days of productivity
tf when being productive consists of planning on being productive or, i did this week’s bujo spread today and my pictures got printed with cold undertones so my summery aesthetic is lowkey ruined ಠ~ಠ
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cycloalkne · 7 years ago
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16 SEPTEMBER 2017--
Studygram collection! Have a nice weekend, everyone.
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studykouffee · 8 years ago
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i’m actually exhausted 🍑🍒
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studylustre · 8 years ago
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recent bujo spread ft. new fav jeans and blossoms 🌟 ig: studylustre
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mngyuhao-archive · 8 years ago
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june 9, 2017
i said i won’t be journaling for a while but i missed it so i made a spread for june lol
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logarlthms · 8 years ago
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english literature mind maps ft. flowers™
ig: logarlthm
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thelogicofthetrance · 7 years ago
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This morning I wrote a bit of my thesis and in the afternoon I went for a walk. I try to take things calmly, going at my own pace.
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