#hell parte 57
bellflower-goat · 2 years
Ah fuck
0 notes
solardrop · 3 months
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aaron hotchner x reader.
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summary: hotch really doesn't think getting old is sexy. tags: fluff. a suggestive line here or there but nothing crazy. age gap (reader in their 30s, hotch is 57). jack mentioned. i think this could be read as gn!reader but i could be wrong. just short and cute. word count: 1.0k a/n: last fics rules still apply. be nice to me! when i look up photos of hair dying on pinterest i get rainbow haired e-boys so accept this haircut photo <3 divider creds to @/cafekitsune
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Your name echoes across the house when Aaron yells for you from the bathroom. Once you enter the space you're greeted by his hair spiked in every which way, covered in a brownish-black goop. His thick hands are gloved and hold a small black toothbrush-like applicator.
"Sweetheart, can you check if I missed a spot?" Aaron hands you the brush and tray of inky black dye. You make a show of rolling your eyes and pouting back at him in the mirror and you take the items from him.
"I forgot it was that time of month that you decided to cover up all your sexy.." you sigh.
"Really," he scoffs, a teasing smile creeping on his lips, "I thought all the sexy was gone when I shaved.'
You almost teared up remembering the loss of his beard. A case off the grid forced him to grow one out for a few weeks. You understandably jumped his bones upon seeing the new look when he returned. The extra hair provided some out-of-this-world sensations for your softest parts that you would never forget. Only for the wicked man to shave all of it after two days, citing the "professional dress code" of the FBI as the culprit.
You snap a latex glove onto your hand, "Shush and bend over, big guy."
He smiles and kneels to face you, his rough hands gripping the fat of your thighs. You slowly worked around his head, dabbing bits of dye in bare spots. Your fingers rake through the inky black mass on his head, gently massaging his scalp. Aaron hums and thanks you under his breath.
"Do you know why I started dying my hair so consistently?"
"To torture me?"
"No," he huffs," when Jack was about... eight? I had taken him on this trip with a couple of his friends and their fathers, it was fun, but at the end of the whole thing Jack pointed at the grays starting to grow out on my hairline and turned to his friends and said-"
"Baby no...."
"'Guys look! My daddy is sooo old!'"
You clamp your lips shut to hold in your laughter. You didn't want to embarrass him further, especially with the deep red flush rising up the nape of his neck.
"Oh honey Jack was still a baby then... kids are insane you know that"
" I do, and I know. I laughed it off. I know he didn't really mean anything by it, but I didn't know if he felt like the odd one out for having an old dad.." Aaron runs his hands up and down your legs mindlessly. "And now I don't want you to feel out of place either."
You pause at that. In the few years you and Hotch have been together, never has he shown any insecurity about the difference in age between you. And he sure as hell wasn't about to start now if you had anything to do with it. You slicked his hair back with your hands and placed the clear complimentary shower cap in the box on his head, snickering at how silly he looked. Once you slide the slimy gloves off you set the timer on your phone and grasp the face of the man you loved so dearly, forcing him to rest his chin on your stomach and look into your eyes.
"You have less than thirty minutes to explain to me why you think I'd care about you looking old"
"you're young-"
"I'm in my thirties-"
"you're younger," he corrects "than me by quite a bit. All your friends have other young people to share their life and first experiences with. Meanwhile, you're stuck with a sixty-year-old-"
"You're fifty-seven-" Your eyes roll.
"a fifty-seven-year-old with a sassy kid turned angsty teenager for a child." he sighs, "Sweetheart I just don't want you to ever look at me and feel a loss."
You take a moment to scan his face. Despite the stupid shower cap mushrooming around his head, his face showed no amusement when he spoke. The sweet, shy smile he always sported around you was gone, replaced with a grimace and furrowed brow.
"Aaron I have never felt more loved, accepted, and safe than I have with you. I know you know that," you say.
He nods, pressing a quick peck to your belly button before looking at you. His eyes search yours for a moment of hesitation or change in resolve. but you stand your ground.
"The only thing I worry about with you on my arm is fighting off all the homewreckers."
He wheezes a laugh at this. Eventually having to stand up before he smears the dark dye all over you. He always does this. Laughs and acts like he wouldn't have crowds of people stop to fawn over his beauty if he let them.
"Remember that neighbor at the old apartment who would only stop by with cookies when she knew you were home?"
"Or the time Jack's classmate profiled their teacher's crush on you?"
"Don't even get me started on that detective JJ keeps telling me about from years ago in New Mexico. The male detective."
He smiles at you sheepishly, "You've made your point."
"If you want to dye your hair or shave to make yourself happy I think you should," you whisper, "but Aar I love every version of you possible"
You press your lips to his cheek before you continue, "You are the most beautiful, devastatingly sexy old man out. And I will still throw myself at you in public if you decide to finally ditch the box dye."
He smiles at you fully now, eyes shining as he looks down at you. He slides his lips against yours, grinning into the kiss before he pulls away to thank you.
"Maybe after this starts to grow out I'll see how I feel about the silver again." He looks back at his reflection in the mirror. He turns his head every which way to peek at the processing strands under the shower cap.
"Think about the beard too damn it.." you mumble. You begin to wander out of the bathroom when he yells for you again.
"Oh and sweetheart one more thing," you turn to look at him, confused when he stifles a laugh, "will you still think I'm sexy if I start balding like my father?"
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aliteralsemicolon · 5 months
3 days, 4 hours and 55 minutes
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When Spencer doesn’t call at midnight on your birthday like he usually does, you believe he truly wants nothing to do with you because of your fight a few days prior. Until there are two FBI agents knocking on your door, neither of which are your apparently missing boyfriend. 
Spencer Reid X Fem! Reader
DISCLAIMER This story is SFW but mentions strong themes. It is intended for mature audiences only.  You are responsible for the content you consume. Make sure to read all necessary warnings. Please remember this is a work of fiction; if you don’t like it, don’t read. 
WARNING: Mentions of kidnapping, injuries & vague description of panic attack. Proceed at your own risk. 
Word count: 8.6K See notes at end for authors note & spoilers. 
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11:57 PM
Eyes trained on the long red hand, you watch as the minutes spin around the clock hanging on the otherwise-empty wall. A century could’ve passed between the last minute and now. It sure as hell feels like it. 
11:58 PM
The movie meant to keep your mind from replaying the events from a few days ago failed its purpose before you even turned on the T.V. If the time between every minute was a century, then the last time you heard from him must have been an eternity ago. When was the last time you heard from him anyway?
“I don’t want to see you anymore. I can’t even bear to look at your face right now.”
In all your time together, Spencer had never once raised his voice at you. The fact remained even during your worst fight yet. God, how you wished he had yelled at you. Maybe then he would’ve needed less time away from you. 
“Yeah? I don’t want to be near you anyway. Not when you’re being like this!”
He was unfair. So were you. Surely neither of you truly meant what was said. You wanted to be near him so, so badly. Did he really not want to see you anymore? He must not, or Spencer would have returned at least one of the twenty four calls he ignored. 
11:59 PM
It was well-intentioned on your part. The migraines were most likely psychosomatic. Otherwise the MRI scans would’ve picked up on the issue. 
“You think I’m crazy? I am not crazy!”
“Spencer, I’m not implying that you are! I’m saying that it’s probably stress induced-”
“No! No. That’s not what you really think, is it? Go on, say what you really mean.”
“GOD SPENCER! You think that just because your mother is a paranoid schizophrenic, I think you must be one too? You’re completely reaching! You just don’t want to deal with the reality that maybe it is all just in your head!”
12:00 AM
Perhaps he did mean what he said. He’d still call though, right? If not to return one of your voicemails then to wish you a happy birthday? After everything the two of you shared together he should at least call today. 
“Leave. Please.”
“Stop. Please. Leave.”
“Wait Spence-”
Unsure of how much longer you could hold out, you uncurl from your fetal position on the sofa and reach over for your phone. Vision peeling from the wall-clock and redirecting to the photo on your lockscreen. How beautiful he looked adorned on your screen. Then again, he always looked beautiful. 
12:31 AM
‘Twelve thirty one’ read the time on your screen. The first thirty one minutes of your birthday were spent replaying exactly what you wanted to avoid. He must’ve fallen asleep. He would never intentionally miss his tradition of wishing you a happy birthday, 12AM, on the dot. “That was before you ruined everything”, your mind began. “You ruined everything”, it repeats over and over in a mantra. 
“He hates me. He would’ve called if he didn’t.” a whisper only for yourself to hear. Minutes passing you by once more as you begin your spiral into doubt and self-hatred. Tears completely stain your skin, clothes, the blanket hugging your legs. Your vision is too blurred to notice it. What you do notice is that you can not breathe. Shit. You can not breathe. 
“Five things” You can almost hear his voice whisper into your mind. “Five things”, you repeat aloud.
“Five things you can see.” As his voice begins to guide, your eyes frantically wander. “The blanket on my lap. My hands curled on top of it. The coffee table in front of me. The T.V playing across from me. The wall-clock hanging just above on the wall behind.”
“Four things you can touch” Not waiting a second before answering to the thought of his voice: “The cushion next to me. The couch beneath me. The sweatshirt I’m wearing. The rings on my fingers.”
“Three things you can hear” Tuning your focus on the sounds around you continue, “The T.V playing. The cars passing by outside. That stupid wall-clock ticking.”
“Two things you can smell” This one was always your least favourite because you had to think the hardest. You could hardly breathe a minute ago and your nose is clogged. How can you smell anything? “I can’t smell anything. I can never smell anything.”
“That’s okay. It’s okay. Just tell me one thing you can taste” . His voice was engraved in your brain. You probably couldn’t forget it if you tried. “Salt.”
Shoulders slumping into your body, you wipe the tears clouding your line of sight and dare to look up at the clock once again. If it could speak it would probably taunt you for your pathetic state. 
12:56 AM
You barely make out the time as your eyes begin to cloud again. At least you can breathe normally now. Except your head is throbbing, your eyes are sore and you’re so tired. Sinking back into your previous fetal position, you feel your body give out. As you drift off, you make one final plea for your sanity: “He probably just fell asleep. He’ll call when he wakes up.”
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The pounding headache was bad enough, but the rapid pounding against your door made you want to shout violently. As if your body was now on auto-pilot, you attempt to jump up from your position on the sofa - only to not so gracefully trip over your blanket and almost face plant into the coffee table. “Fuck-AH-bitch”, you grumble just as you manage to catch yourself. “I’m coming in just a minute!” Yelling for the very impatient recipient at the other side of your door. You quickly give the clock a glance before making your way to the hallway mirror. 
2:07 PM
You aren’t vain, you’re just a decent enough human to save the person outside your apartment a jumpscare from your post-ugly-crying state. When you stood in front of the mirror and actually saw yourself for the first time today, you didn’t believe there was anything you could do to save that person. That person could be Spencer. So you gave it an attempt, regardless, quickly brushing your hair out with your fingers and wiping the dried tears from your face. Finally shuffling to the door, you take a deep breath as you unlock it. He probably just showed up instead of calling. At least that’s what you wanted to believe.
“Oh. Derek? JJ?”, instead you find two of his friends and FBI profilers, who definitely caught the disappointment in your voice. “What are you doing here?”
“Hey Pretty Girl. Any chance Pretty Boy is somewhere behind you?” Morgan asks, slightly concerned by your poorly concealed state.
“Hi, sorry, no, he’s not here.” You blurt out as you make eye contact with your nosy neighbour passing by. You consider inviting the agents inside for privacy, but remember that your living room shares the same messy look as you and abort that thought. 
“Can we come inside?” JJ asks for you, also noticing the unwanted eavesdropper.
“Um, sure”,  you hesitate, clearly embarrassed. “Excuse the mess, I wasn’t expecting company.” The agents share a look that you miss and follow behind as you quickly begin to tidy up a little. 
“Hey, are you okay?” JJ follows up. 
“Huh? Yeah, I’m fine. Why are you looking for Spencer here?” You were deflecting. She definitely knew that you were deflecting, but didn’t push further and for that you were grateful.
“He’s not at work and he’s not picking up his cell. So we thought he might be with you.” Morgan answers you, taking a quick glance around. 
“When did you last talk to him?” JJ cuts in.
“Uh, two days ago I think?” Your breath hitches at your first reminder of the fight you had. 
“Two days?” JJ’s brows furrow in a questioning manner towards Morgan, who looks just as confused. “Are you sure?” He chimes in, not waiting for your reply before he dials a number on his phone and rushes off towards your kitchen. 
“Yes, I’m sure…” your eyes follow him as he disappears and quickly snap your attention back towards the blonde woman in front of you. “JJ what’s going on?” 
“Exactly what time did you last see him?” She ignores your question. The slight panic in her voice is contagious and begins to shift into you. “Well I don’t know the exact time, but I’d guess some time just before midnight? When did you last see him?” 
Before she can answer, Morgan calls your name as he walks back in. “Get dressed. You’re gonna need to come back to The Bureau with us.” 
“The Bureau? Okay, seriously guys, what’s going on?” 
“I’ll explain later. JJ and I are gonna wait here while you get dressed okay?” His tone was assertive. 
“No, you’re going to explain right now actually, what the fuck is going on?” But you were too worried to care about his tone. 
He took a deep breath, clearly frustrated. “Spencer’s been missing for two days. ” Realisation spreads across JJ’s face as she puts the pieces together, “ And I think you might’ve been the last person to see him.”
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3:42 PM. 
You were currently sitting alone in one of the interview rooms at the FBI Headquarters, phone in hand, repeatedly checking the time. Morgan and JJ gave you time to clean up and get dressed before leaving your apartment. None of you uttered a single word on your way here and JJ led you into this room, telling you to get comfortable and to let her know if you needed anything. 
Somebody was supposed to come in and interview you, but you had been waiting for at least twenty minutes now. The room itself was mostly empty, except for two muted couches in the middle facing each other, separated by a small table. An old rug laid under the setting and a couple of stock pictures were hung on the walls. You had taken JJ’s invitation and claimed a spot in the corner seat of one of the couches, facing the door, but sitting as far away from it as you could. 
The air conditioner was set at room temperature but everything felt cold. Spencer was missing and you were definitely the last person to see him. You felt like the worst person in the world right now. The man that you loved more than anything in the world was missing and the last thing you ever said to him was that you didn’t want to be around him. 
What did missing even mean in this situation? Did he just decide to up and disappear? That would be believable if he was anybody else, but this was Spencer. He would still say goodbye to his friends before leaving. Friends who were also his coworkers. Coworkers at his extremely dangerous job. If Spencer was missing then it wasn’t because he chose to be. Which means that there’s a strong possibility that he’s really hurt, or dead.
Your mind was filled with so many concerns and had you not heard the door handle click, you probably would’ve driven yourself into another panic attack. A raven-haired woman walks into the room and takes a seat opposite to you on the couch across yours. 
“Hey, how are you holding up?” 
“Have you found Spencer? Is he okay-” The questions begin piling out of you.
“Woah, take a deep breath okay.” She cuts off your worrisome ramble before it begins. 
“Don’t tell me to calm down!” You cry out in frustration before catching your tone. You take a short, deep breath and continue, “I’m sorry. I’m just really worried okay. I’ve been here for god knows how long and nobody will tell me anything and I just really need to know if Spencer’s okay.”
Emily slightly tilts her head as she looks at you, slightly narrowing her eyes in sympathy. “It’s okay, I understand. You feel really isolated right now because you don’t know what’s going on,” she leans in a little “but the truth is, we don’t entirely know what’s going on either. All we know is that Spencer hasn’t been to work in two days and you were the last person to see him.”
You stare back at her with an apologetic look and the two of you share a brief silence of understanding. As worried as you were right now, you had to remember that Emily and everybody else in the BAU were also extremely worried. You nodded, not saying anything.
“I need you to tell me about the last time you saw him." She’s the first to break the silence.
Instead of simply responding, you stare at her blankly. You opened your mouth to speak, but no sound would come out. It was like you physically couldn’t respond. You couldn’t even let yourself think about the last time you saw him. The guilt was overbearing, it was pushing tears to well in your eyes. Sighing, you take a gulp and try to get yourself together. Eyes wandering everywhere except towards Emily.
“You okay?” She questions for the second time, giving you the same narrow-eyed look as before, but this time there’s concern behind her eyes.
You try to respond but all you can do is bite the inside of your cheek. Emily’s presence was a welcome distraction from the current situation, until it wasn’t a distraction anymore. She’d unknowingly pushed you back into the headspace you desperately needed to stay out of to keep composed. It wasn’t her fault, you knew she was just doing her job. However, right now you desperately needed her to go away or you were going to completely break down.
Then for the first time in days the universe took pity on you. It leaned into the room in the form of one colourful Penelope Garica, giving you a rushed greeting and ushering Emily out of the room.
“Hey Em, sorry to interrupt, but we need you in the conference room. By that I mean like yesterday.” Garcia turned towards you and squeaked a sad “Good to see you again, I wish it was under different circumstances.” before disappearing. Emily drops a quick “Excuse me” as she gets up and disappears after her.
You knew she would be back. For now, you had time to calm down and you were extremely grateful for that. Taking deep breaths, you check your phone again. There on your screen was Spencer, smiling back at you brightly. You glance at the time again.
4:03 PM
Your eyes instantly land back on his face. They must have stayed staring for a while; before you knew it Emily had re-entered the room. “What’re you doing there?” The sudden interruption from her voice pulled you out of your trance. “Huh? Oh-Sorry, I was just checking the time.” A half-lie. “It’s 4:17.”
No verbal response. Her only response was a look you couldn’t entirely make out as she took a seat in her previous place. “Emily, is everything okay? Did something happen?” 
“I need to tell you something and you need to listen to the full thing, okay? Spencer’s been kidnapped.” She nervously bit her lip as she broke the news to you. “Garcia pulled a recording from a surveillance camera on the street outside your apartment building.”
“What..” You interrupted, unintentionally. “What do you mean kidnapped? Outside my apartment?”
“Look. I won’t lie to you, this is bad. You were the last person to see Spencer and then he’s taken from outside your apartment-”
“Wait a minute, are you telling me that I’m a suspect?” The second time you cut her off, she leans forward and takes your hand in hers. “Listen to me. The whole thing okay? No interruptions.” Her patient tone gives you some comfort. You nod, giving her the go ahead to continue. 
“Now, in normal cases, those closest to the victim would be looked at as initial suspects. But this is not a normal case. You aren’t a suspect but you might be the key in finding him. I’m going to play the recording for you in just a minute and I need you to tell me if you recognise anything. Before I play anything though, we’re going to have to run a cognitive interview and recall your last day with Spencer. I understand that it may be hard, but if you want to help find Spencer, you’re going to have to.”
As your mind processes her words, your hand attempts to close into a fist and squeezes hers. “Emily, I can’t” are the only words you can bring yourself to say.
“Why?” She’s quick to ask in surprise. 
“Because it’s horrible, Emily. The last thing we did was fight. The last thing I told him was that I didn’t want to be around him.” You spit out before you can stop yourself. 
The woman sighs as she mumbles your name, “You can’t possibly blame yourself for this. All couples fight. You couldn’t have known this would happen. I promise you, no matter how bad you think it is, it really cannot be worse than not finding Spencer.”
Her words are blunt, but her voice is empathetic. It’s just what you needed to hear to break out of your ego. “Okay, what do you need?”
“I need you to close your eyes okay. Just listen to the sound of my voice as I guide you.” The brunette instructs. Closing your eyes, you take a deep breath. “Think back to that day. What were you doing when you first saw Spencer?”
“We met at our favourite café after he got home from work. He had missed our date the night before and wanted to make it up to me. I was checking the time when I heard him call out my name from behind me.” You begin to recall.
“Okay, you turn around to see him. What’s happening around you? Is it busy?” 
“No, it’s actually really quiet compared to usual. There’s maybe four or five other people here besides us.”
“What was Spencer like? His behaviour, was he acting like he normally does when you’re together?”
“He was pretty normal at first. He just looked tired, more than he usually does. But it wasn’t until we started talking that I noticed that something was off.”
“What was off?”
“He just wasn’t present like he usually was. I could tell that he wasn’t feeling great, so I insisted we go back to his place. It was closer than mine.”
You continued recalling the events of the night. When you turned on the light as you entered his apartment, he hissed slightly. That’s when you realised what was going on. He admitted that his migraines were back after some pushing. You asked him if he’d gone to the doctors and he told you how they’d found nothing again. You sat him down on the couch, got him some painkillers and brewed some tea for him. He began ranting about how there had to be something wrong. That’s when you suggested that the migraines could be stress induced. The two of you began arguing not long after that. 
“Spence, have you, maybe, considered that the migraines are psychosomatic? Probably from all the stress you face at work?”
“What does my job have to do with this? What are you saying?”
“I’m just saying that you have a stressful job. It can take a pretty heavy toll. Stress is a common factor for migraines.”
“No, not like this. I just need to find another doctor. One that can actually help.”
“How many doctors will you see before you finally understand that it’s in your head?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing. I’m sorry, I should have worded that better.”
“You think I’m crazy? I am not crazy!”
“Spencer, I’m not implying that you are! I’m saying that it’s probably stress induced-”
“No! No. That’s not what you really think, is it? Go on, say what you really mean.”
“What? No. That’s not at all what I’m saying.”
“But it’s what you’re thinking”
“No, it’s what you’re thinking, Spencer.”
“Don’t hold back now, just come out and say it.”
“GOD SPENCER! You think that just because your mother is a paranoid schizophrenic, I think you must be one too? You’re completely reaching! You just don’t want to deal with the reality that maybe it is all just in your head! … I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that.” 
“Leave. Please.”
“Stop. Please. Leave.”
“Wait Spence-”
“I don’t want to see you anymore. I can’t even bear to look at your face right now.”
“Yeah? I don’t want to be near you anyway. Not when you’re being like this!”
Emily’s hand on your shoulder pulled you out of your head, “Hey, it’s okay. Take a deep breath for me.” And so you do, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Once she’s sure you're calm, she leans back in her seat and continues, “You’re doing great. I need you to go back to the café. Was there anything or any one out of place?” 
You think back. You and Spencer were sitting just by the entrance. There was another couple ordering at the counter. You could smell flowers. Not the nice, light, floral kind of scent. It was the loud, head-ache inducing, overpowering roses kind. It was coming from your left, where there were two old ladies sitting not too far from your table, lost in their own conversation. Behind them, in the far left corner, there was a man sat glaring at Spencer. You couldn’t really see the man that well but, nothing felt out of place. 
“No.” You mumble in disappointment, unable to remember anything out of the ordinary. Wait. The man in the corner. “Yes, yes there’s some guy. He’s barely in my vision, but he was glaring at Spencer. I made eye contact with him once as I entered but I didn’t think anything of it.”
“I need you to really think hard,” Emily urges, “What can you remember about this man? Any distinct details?”
“Um, he was dressed in dark clothing and wearing a beanie. There isn’t really anything that stands out. I’m sorry Emily.”
“No, it’s okay you did great. You can open your eyes now.” You do so, greeted by the sight of Emily across from you fidgeting with the tablet in her lap. “I’m going to show you the recording and I need you to tell me if you recognise anything from it.” 
She passes the tablet over and you click play. It’s a little blurry but you can see Spencer walking on the street outside your apartment building. It looks like he’s making his way over to your place. A man shows up out of, seemingly, nowhere and bumps into him. Spencer appears to become drowsy, unable to coordinate his movement at all. Thirty seconds later, a black van pulls up and that same man from before yanks your boyfriend into the van before it drives off. 
Your stomach drops. “Fuck, Emily! He was right there. He was right outside my apartment. They took him…I should’ve…oh my god..” If you thought you were gonna have a panic attack before, you were in for a heart attack now. 
Emily tries to call your attention using your name as she grabs hold of your hands, “You need to take some more deep breaths okay, panicking now is not going to help.” She’s right. Spencer has already been kidnapped, panicking isn’t going to bring him back. The video replays in your head, you recognise something.
“Wait Emily..the man - that man from the café. That’s the same man. The one who bumped into Spencer. He’s wearing the same clothes and everything. Oh my god, was he following us the whole time?” The realisation seeps through your body and shivers run down your spine. Spencer was being watched the entire time you were together. “Why did they wait? Why didn’t they just take me out and then kidnap Spencer?” 
“I don’t know the answer to that, but you’ve helped a lot. Now I’m going to go and tell the rest of the team what you’ve told me, okay? But you need to stay here.” 
“Why? I can’t just wait here forever, how is that gonna help?” you question. You couldn’t just sit here alone with your thoughts, you needed to get out. 
“Those men that took Spencer, they clearly know about you. This puts you in danger and we don’t know what their plan is. Here is the safest place for you to be. I’m going to send an agent to sit outside that door,” She points at the brown door that serves as the only entry and exit to the room you’re currently in, “His name is Agent Anderson. You tell him if you need anything at all, but you need to stay here. Please.”
You watch her stand up hurriedly and head for the door. You know she’s right. They can’t search for Spencer if they also have to worry about your safety. Getting Spencer back was the most important thing. “Okay.” You agree. “But Emily,” she turns back to look at you from the doorway, “Please bring him back, okay?” 
“We will.” She Promises. It may be an empty promise. There’s no guarantee that he’s even alive, but it's enough to keep you hoping for now. Spencer has to be okay. 
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Spencer’s POV
It’s not very often a person finds themselves escaping death’s grasp. The chances of the same person escaping death twice is even less likely. Yet here I am, in the back of an ambulance, on my way to the hospital, having escaped death for the second time in my life. Hopefully, it won't cost me an addiction this time. “Rossi this is ridiculous, I’m fine!” I insisted to the older man next to me, looking over me like a watchdog. I was already aware that my injuries were serious enough to warrant a hospital visit, but I hoped that the EMT’s would ignore that regardless. I need to get back to her, I just want to hold her as soon as possible. “Sir, you need to lie back down” I hear a voice instruct from my right. Then I hear Dave from my left.
“Kid, you are not fine. The sooner we get you to the hospital the sooner you can leave. Now lie back down and let the medics do their job.” How am I supposed to stress the seriousness of the situation in my drugged up state? My girlfriend is in danger! “No Rossi, I need to see that she’s alright, you don’t understand. They got me from right outside her apartment, they know about her!” Why doesn’t he understand? “Reid, relax. She’s been at headquarters since yesterday afternoon. She’s fine. She’ll meet you there, Anderson’s driving her there as we speak.” I have to count on this reassurance for the time being, because I was clearly not getting my way anytime soon. 
Wait yesterday? “No Rossi, that's not right. What day is it? What time?” Guilt surged my veins, did I really miss the most important day of the year? “It’s Friday. Wait no, Saturday now, about uhhh,” he paused “1:43 AM.” No, no, no. “Saturday? She spent her birthday at headquarters? That wasn’t the plan!” I desperately needed to explain something to Rossi, but I couldn’t find the right words. I couldn’t even fully remember what I needed to explain. “Okay, Sir, I’m going to have to inject you with a light dose of tranquillisers if you don’t calm you down.” I hear the voice on my right say. 
“No, don’t touch me! Get away from me! Rossi-” My objections are interrupted by Rossi on the left again “Kid, you’re heavily drugged right now and you’re not making sense. You need to calm down. Just do as the nice lady says.” I’m entirely perplexed. What lady? And where am I right now? I try to make sense of my situation but my senses are suddenly taken over by a strong sense of drowsiness. I feel at peace, but something has to be wrong because I can hear rapid beeping behind me. “Sir, you need to keep your eyes open, do not fall asleep!”
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Your POV
Somebody’s hand hesitantly shaking your shoulder wakes you up. You slowly open your eyes to see Agent Anderson crouching in front of you. Before he can get a word in edgewise, you start throwing out questions at the poor man and rush to sit up-right. “Agent? What happened? Did they find him? Is he okay?” The rapid fire of questions knocks your own breath out of your lungs and forces you to pause for a deep breath, allowing Anderson to cut in. “They found him! I’m not entirely sure of his condition, but he’s on his way to the hospital and so is the team. I can drive you so you can meet them there.” He stands up and walks towards the door, holding it open for you.
“Yes! Please! Let’s go!” You don’t even hesitate as you respond, jumping up from your seat and practically running towards the door. The journey from the building, to the car, then to the hospital is another blur. Spencer fills your mind, as usual, while your eyes are fixated on the time displayed on the dashboard. You watch the minutes pass the whole ride. ‘2:13 AM, 2:14 AM, 2:15 AM, 2:16 AM’ and finally as you arrive at the hospital:
2:17 AM
“You head on in, I’m going to park and follow behind you.” Anderson breaks the streak of silence. The car barely comes to a stop before you jump out and make a bee-line for the doors. You probably look like a maniac running up to the reception desk. “Hi Ma’am, how can I help you?” The receptionist asks unfazed, probably used to seeing maniacs like you. “Spencer Reid. That’s the patient's name. Where is Spencer Reid?” You pester urgently. “Just a moment please.” The receptionist smiles as she begins to type on her keyboard. She turns back to you after a few seconds, instructing you on where to go. “Thank you!” You don’t even blink after she’s done speaking and immediately head towards where you're guided. 
As you enter the waiting room, you’re greeted with the faces of his team from the BAU. “Hi! There you are!” Garcia is the first to notice you, coming in for a hug. “Hey, how is he?” you ask hugging back, no time for proper pleasantries. The rest of the team start making their way up to you one by one for a quick greeting too. “We don’t know yet, the doctor should be out soon to let us know.” Derek, the last one to hug you hello, answers. That’s never good to hear, nervousness covering your face. “Don’t lose hope, he’s going to be just fine!” Rossi interjects your train of thought before it can even begin. Damn profilers. Anderson, true to his word, shows up too. 
Feeling slightly ashamed for your rushed behaviour you apologise and thank him for his patience. He assures you that there’s no need and he understands, before Hotch sends Anderson home for the weekend. It seems like everybody in that room takes turns sitting and pacing around. Everyone except you. Your eyes are glued to the clock at the entrance, occasionally making small talk with the others. It’s officially been three excruciating days since you’ve last seen Spencer and even now, as he’s just a few metres away, you’re unable to see him. “Happy belated birthday.” Rossi whispers, taking a seat next to you. You turn to face him, slightly stunned. “Sorry?” 
“I said happy belated birthday.” He repeats. You can only return a puzzled look, unable to muster the common ‘thank you’. “Spencer. He told me, in the ambulance.” He answers your unasked question. A single tear manages to escape your eye before you sniffle and re-adjust to compose yourself. 
“How bad is it?” Your boyfriend's condition is your immediate concern. 
“You know it’s funny,” the old man ignores your question, knowing it’s better to not worry you further, “the whole ride here the kid would not stop going on about needing to be there for you. It’s like he was unable to comprehend anything in regards to himself. And now here I am, talking to you, and it’s like you’re unable to comprehend anything that doesn’t concern him.” He takes an almost dramatic pause so he can look you in the eyes, like he’s trying to pass on an unspoken message. Whatever that message was, you didn’t understand it. 
He knew you didn’t, because he continued, “even in extreme situations like this one, you think about each other before you think of yourselves. You truly love each other. So, whatever happened before this, let it go. Feeling guilty about it won’t help.” With that he got up from his seat and headed towards the vending machine. Damn profilers. You don’t have a chance to linger on his advice for too long before the doctor shows up. “Spencer Reid?”
Everybody gathers almost immediately around the doctor, waiting to be updated. “He’s got a broken rib, minor concussion, a few deep bruises, specifically around the abdomen, and other minor cuts and bruises. Other than that he’s been heavily sedated, but he’s going to be fine. He’ll be knocked out for a couple of hours, but he’ll be just fine. You’re welcome to see him now, but only two at a time please.” Almost immediately as the doctor leaves, the group turns to look at you and JJ pipes up first. “Would you like to go in first?” 
You couldn’t wait to see him before, but now the nerves were getting to you. “No. You guys go in first.” 
“Are you sure?” Emily asks. 
“We’re allowed two at a time, you know.” Derek reminds you.
“Yeah! The rest of us can take turns while you sit with him!” Garcia pipes up, softly.
“No, come on guys. He’s just as important to you as he is me. Besides I’ll be here for a while, the rest of you need to get home. I can see him after.” You reason. 
“Okay. If you insist. But if you change your mind, let us know.” Emily nods, as she begins to head towards Spencer’s room.
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You were sitting in the waiting room once more, while the team had taken turns going in and out of Spencer’s room. Eyes trained on the clock, again. 
4:31 AM
Most of the team had headed home by now. You were honestly surprised they stayed as long as they did, knowing how late it was and how exhausted most of them were. The only people left besides you were Derek and Hotch. Jack was away at a sleepover so Hotch decided to stay longer, feeling responsible for Spencer. “What’s going on in that mind, Pretty Girl?” Derek now sat across from you.
“Derek!” you jumped slightly, not expecting him. “Nothings going on. Why? Is Spencer okay?” 
“You know you keep doing that. Deflecting.” He doesn’t let you get away with it this time. 
“I’m not.” You persist. 
“You are. Look, Spencer’s one of my closest friends and by extension you’re also my friend. I’m not going to force you to talk about it if you don’t want to, but just know that I am here to listen.” He persists harder.
“Derek, I just…I don’t know what to say. Not just to you, but to him. The last time I saw him, we fought. He said he didn’t want to see me anymore. I know it’s all in my head, but I can’t stop thinking about if he meant it. What if he truly doesn’t want to see me?”
“Woah, woah! Pretty Girl, c’mon. He’s crazy about you, you know that. You’re practically all he ever talks about. I can promise you that no matter how bad you think that fight was, he won’t let it ruin what you have.” The reaffirmations from Emily, Rossi and now Derek were honestly unnecessary. You were a rational person, you already knew everything they’d said to you. The emotions just overpower your rationality at times but hearing those closest to Spencer confirm was how you knew for sure that it’s true. “Thank you, Derek” You responded with a small, but confident smile.
“He’s awake.” Hotch alerts the two of you. FBI training must be heavy on sneak attacks because these fucking profilers had unbelievably light steps. You turn to face the usually monotone man and instead, catch him sporting a relieved smile. He meets your eyes directly as he speaks, “He’s asking for you.” A hopeful huff leaves you as you stand up. “Go get 'em beautiful!” Derek encourages. You thank both him and Hotch, making your way to Spencer's room. You take a deep breath as you approach the door, but before you enter, you make a final note of the time.
4:55 AM
“Hi Angel.” Spencer’s voice weakly acknowledges your arrival in an instant. Your heart feels a mix of hurt and relief at the sight in front of you. His figure’s confined to the gurney and linked with tubes to an IV drip. With every step bringing you closer to him you’re able to make out more of his injuries. Bruises on almost every part of his visible skin, an especially large one covering the surface around his cheekbone, eye and temple. Cuts on his nose, lips, arms - you bite your lip trying to hold back the tears welling you eyes again. “Please say something.” He begs, matching the same pained look as you. 
Rossi’s words were starting to make sense. While you looked at your lover in guilt over his marred state, he looked back at you with guilt for worrying you. “You look like hell.” Maybe not the most sensible thing to say right now, but you didn’t want to cry and worry Spencer further. The poor attempt to lighten the mood showed some success because you earned a light chuckle from your boyfriend. The atmosphere didn’t stay light for long though, the two of you almost instantly falling silent as you stared into his beautiful brown eyes. “I’m sorry.” 
The words fall out from both of you simultaneously. “You have nothing to be sorry for, Angel. You were right and I was being unfair.” Spencer intertwines his fingers with yours, immediately rejecting your apology. “You were,” you agree “but I was also unfair. I shouldn’t have said what I did.” He tries to sit up, wincing from the unanticipated sharp sting. This earns him a soft reprimand from you, reminding him of his broken rib and you instead use the remote to shift the gurney into a position comfortable for him to lean against. “You need to be more careful!” You whine.
“I know, I know. I just, I want to hold you.” He whines back, staring at you with his dangerously powerful puppy eyes. Those eyes were actually dangerous, you had to internally fight yourself to not give in. You opted to meet him half-way and lightly wrapped your arms around his head for a quick hug. “Don’t look at me like that. There will be no holding unless the doctor clears it.” You whispered against his hair before pulling away, not wanting to accidentally hurt him more. “Technically I’m a doctor-” He tries to protest, but you beat him to it. “A medical doctor, Spencer.” 
You pull the chair from behind so you can sit as close to him as possible and take his free hand into yours, holding it tightly. “I’m sorry I missed your birthday.” You look at him in disbelief as the words leave his mouth. “Spencer, forget the stupid birthday please! Actually, can we just stop with the apologies? I’m just glad that you’re okay- sort of.” Your eyes scan over his injuries again as you say the last sentence. “Stop. Don’t do that. I’m okay, I promise.” It’s more of a request than anything else. He doesn’t like being ‘babied’ or pitied. “Angel look here.” his fingers guide your face to meet his eyes.
“I’m okay. These will heal, but please don’t give me that look. I know you want to talk about it and we will, later. Right now I just want to talk to you about anything else.”
“I know you do, it’s just hard Spencer. There’s so much to say and I was so worried. I spent three days thinking you hated me. Well, technically, I actually spent two days thinking you hated me and the third losing my mind about-” 
“Hey, hey, hey,” he cups your face gently to cut off your ramble and keeps his same soft, whispery tone, “I know. I too spent the last 3 days, 4 hours and 55 minutes regretting the last thing I might have ever said to you was something I never should have said because I was being an ass.” 
“Don’t say that!” You immediately interject, unable to even think about the meaning behind his words. He brushes a strand of hair out of your face, “Shhhh, just listen.” 
“There’s just so much more I have to say. So much more we need to talk about. And right now I just want to talk to you about anything else, even the little things that don’t matter. Especially the things that don’t matter. So please, just tell me about all the pointless things.” His voice cracks slightly at his plea, his gaze connecting so deeply with yours, tears glazing his lashes.
Stupid puppy eyes. There was no fighting against them this time, you gave in. The two of you talked until the medication knocked him out. It was easy like that with Spencer, you never ran out of topics. Nurses went in and out of the room, hours passed by, but you stayed right there next to him. The next few days were spent in the hospital, you only left to get refreshed if somebody from the team was there with Spencer while you were gone. Spencer was asleep most of the time due to the medication. Everybody from the BAU took turns visiting, Garcia always bringing fresh food with her. 
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Before Spencer was discharged, the two of you agreed that it would be best for you to stay with him while he recovered. You wanted to be there for him in case he needed anything and he’d take any excuse to have you near him. It was a smart decision overall, because the broken rib rendered Spencer unable to do almost anything on his own. Which is why you were currently watching him bathe, perched on the edge of his bathroom counter, making sure your boyfriend didn’t accidentally hurt himself further. 
“You don’t have to do this, you know. I’ll be fine.” Spencer insists. “He says, after almost breaking another bone trying to undress by himself earlier.” You snark. 
“I think you’re enjoying this a bit too much.” Amusement surfaces in his voice and it causes you to blush. 
“Careful, handsome, you’re going to work yourself up and end up disappointed.” You successfully fluster him back. The doctor deemed Spencer unfit for any physical activity, much to his dismay. 
“Ughhh,” he groans, dramatically, rolling his head back. “This is so unfai-Ah!” His complaint is cut off by his own shriek while trying to reach the loofah around his back. 
“Shit Spencer!” You panic, hopping off the counter and rushing to his side, grabbing the loofah out of his grasp. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine, sorry. I just can’t reach my back, I guess.” 
“That’s literally what I’m here for, dummy. Let me get it.” You shuffle behind him from outside the tub and gently push him forward so you can access his back. 
“I’m sorry, you shouldn’t have to do this.” There’s a slight hint of embarrassment in his voice. 
“Spencer, love, stop. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Plus, I like taking care of you.” It was true. Doing small things to make his life convenient made you happy. 
“It’s not just because it’s embarrassing. You shouldn’t have to go out of your way for me like this, you have better things to spend your time on.” The insecurity in his words makes your heart ache. Reaching your hand around his jaw, you turn his head back towards you as you lean in to meet his eyes. 
“How can I get it through your thick, beautiful, skull that I want to be here? I want to do this. I want to spend my time with you.” You state matter of factly. He searches your face for any hint of insincerity. Unable to find any, he whispers, “Thank you” and leans in to give you a gentle kiss.
“And plus, you did promise we’d make up for the lost 3 days, 4 hours and 55 minutes when you got discharged.” You jokingly remind him of his words to you in a conversation you shared at the hospital. He chuckled and kissed you once more.
“I will.” A re-affirmation of his promise. “But this doesn’t count.”
“How so?” You question. “We’re here together aren’t we?”
“Yes, but you deserve more than this.” He declared. “I’m going to make it up to you.”
“Spencer, you don’t have to make anything up to me. We have to make up for lost time.” 
“Let me make it up to you anyway?” He flashes those damn eyes at you again.
“Just get better first okay, then we’ll talk. Plus you owe me a conversation before anything else.” Normally Spencer was the one who’d have to remind you of things, but today it was the other way around. 
“I guess I do.” He sighs in defeat, “Before we do that I have to tell you something.” 
“Rossi offered to throw you a party for your birthday and I kind of, maybe, said yes? It was less of an offer and more of a statement if I’m honest, but I thought you’d like it because you’re a huge fan of his books and always wanted to see his mansion. There’s tons of space for your family and friends too and-”
You cut off his speech with a kiss. “That’s wonderful Spencer, thank you. Tell Rossi I said thank you as well.”
“You’re not disappointed? I know you prefer smaller celebrations and originally I had something else planned but given my current state it’s a bit hard to go through with those plans.”
“Of course I’m not disappointed. I’d be happy with anything as long as you’re there.” You flash him a grateful, genuine smile. He kisses you briefly. Then again. And again.
“As much as I love kissing you, we need to get you to bed. Come on.” The two of you share kisses, giggles and loving looks, as you help him out of the tub, dry him off and get him dressed. Making your way over to the bed, you first help him settle in before getting into your side. It’s clear that Spencer doesn’t know where to start. 
“Let’s start with that night.” You take the lead. He takes a deep breath as he begins to recount the events. 
“I felt terrible after you left. I never meant any of it and I just, I am so sorry.”
“I know. I am too.” You reassured your lover, not wanting him to bear guilt over it any longer. 
“I was on your way to your apartment to apologise when I bumped into the unsub. The next thing I knew I couldn’t feel my legs and was being thrown into the back of the van.” He couldn’t offer you more than the basic details, due to the classified nature of his job. The unsub wanted revenge because Spencer was the reason they were caught in the first place. “I’m sorry” is how Spencer finished his re-telling. 
“Sorry? Why are you sorry, that’s not your fault.” A light, confused chuckle escapes your throat as you speak.
“Because, I put you in danger. Because this job puts me in danger, which always puts you in danger by extension. You deserv-”
“Stop. Spencer, stop.” You cut him off, afraid of what he was insinuating. “Stop telling me what I deserve. I knew what your job was when I entered this relationship. Don’t.” Tears threatening to spill from you, your fingers digging into your own flesh to try and stop them. Spencer noticed, gently coaxing your fingers away from your palm as he massaged your hand lightly. 
“Angel look at me.” He almost commands. You begrudgingly meet his eyes, holding your breath as you mentally prepare for the ‘it’s not you, it’s me speech’ you’d heard before from others. “What’s wrong?” He questions, not entirely sure as to why you were crying. For a genius he could be really unaware of his wording sometimes.
“Why do you keep saying that?” You’re unable to hold your tears. 
“Because I want you to know that I’m going to do better from now. To give you the ‘better’ you deserve.” He wipes your tears, still holding on to your hand. 
“Then why does it sound like you’re trying to break up with me right now?” You sniffle, squeezing his hand slightly.
“I must really suck at communicating, because that’s the exact opposite of what I’m trying to do.” He uses his hand to gently coax your head towards him so he can kiss you. “I want to move in together. With you.”
“You do?”
“Yes. If there’s anything I’ve realised over the past few days, it’s that I really hate being away from you. I hate not being able to see you, hear your voice, feel your touch.” He gives you another kiss. “I am not going anywhere. And I really hope you don’t either. Move in with me?”
You give him a peck. “Yes.” Another peck. “Yes, Spencer, I’ll move in with you.” A deep, longing kiss. You share a few more kisses and then nestle against him. Both of you laughing. 
The next few hours pass with both of you just enjoying being in each other's arms. Gently stroking the others hair, small kisses here and there, ‘I love you’s’ bouncing off from one another. The 3 days, 4 hours and 55 minutes spent worrying you won’t see each other again seem so silly now that you’ve got everyday to look forward to. 
“Angel?” Spencer’s voice lulls you out from your semi-conscious state. “Hm?”
“Thank you.” On the surface it was just a simple sentence, but his intention was deeper than that. It was a show of gratitude for you choosing him. For staying with him through the hard times. 
“Always.” Your promise that you’d do it again.
“Spencer?” You say after a second. 
“Yes my love?” Spencer replies.
“Thank you too.” 
Both of you fall asleep cuddling not long after. There were still a few things that needed to be worked out, but one thing was for sure, you were going to wake up next to the love of your life the next morning and then every morning after that. You’d truly found your forever person in each other. 
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Spoilers: Hurt, Angst, Fluff, Comfort, Established Relationship.
AN - First fic I’ve ever written. It’s been in my drafts for so long, I’ve edited it so many times. I hope you didn’t feel too edged because 80% of this is without Spencer scenes (I did and I wrote it).
Feel free to drop helpful criticism, I’m always looking to improve. Remember to stay real and respectful :)
Thank you for reading!
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verinarin · 9 months
Winner takes all ! and he wins you
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the awaited part 3 is here, thank you all for the support means a lot seeing you guys like and reblog this series ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
i’m pretty attached to this series so tell me if you guys want little blurbs or an epilogue about Veritas and his prize (you ♡)
Part 1 - Part 2
support me on ko-fi╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
There’s something so exciting about the fact that anything and everything could go wrong but somehow the endless possibilities leave you wanting, that burst of adrenaline you love so much is here right before your eyes
The red velvet table accessorised by casino chips of different colours, the pleasing sound of cards being shuffled, oh nothing could get you out of this sense of joy, except there is this certain Doctor who stood behind you, leaning close beside your ear
“Can’t you just sit on the couch behind me ?, you’re distracting me here,” you mutter as you feel his warm breath fanning your already hot neck
You swear you could feel his lips turned into a smirk as he answers you, “The game has not started yet, so I still have some time to guide you,” his stern voice now turns calm and soothing, perhaps to ease your mind a little
But how could you be more at ease when you’re both so close to each other !, one of his hands rests on the table while the other holds your chair. How will you focus on the game when the sight in front of you is his toned forearm decorated beautifully with veins, not to mention his hand beautifully sculpted adorned with his signature doctoral ring
Oh no !, you actually might lose if he spends any more time behind you. You suddenly snap back into reality when the casino owner, Mr. Cliff seat on the chair before you, accompanied by that eerie smile
“Well then have you drafted the contract ?,” he asks as he folds his arm and rests his weight back towards a chair that’s befitting for a king
Ratio summons the hologram contract and slides it across the table, “Feel free to read through the 57 pages of the contract to revise our agreement before signing it,” he states in a cold manner
Okay, now you feel sceptical over this contract, because usually you only need at least one page or perhaps five pages maximum. First what the hell did he put on those pages, second how the hell he could write that contract in approximately 30 minutes ?!?
“You put some bullshit terms in that contract didn’t you ?,” you whisper to Ratio while watching Mr. Cliff thoroughly skim through the pages he provided him with
“If you know the truth it’ll make you an accomplice so I can’t disclose anything for now,” he teases, ruffling your hair before walking towards Mr. Cliff to assist him in ‘understanding’ the contents of the contract
You groan as you try to brush through your now messy hair, you finish grooming yourself at the same time Mr. Cliff signs the contract, “Sign your name sweetheart,” he loudly chuckles as he slides back the hologram
“Don’t mind if I do,” you cheekily reply as you swiftly sign your name, once your name is on the contract the hologram automatically dissipates into thin air, which means that it’s already been approved and signed by the higher-ups
Ratio walks back towards your side of the table with a huge grin, oh he clearly puts insurance for you in that contract, well you appreciate his thoughtfulness but you won’t need it !
“Well then shall we begin sir ?,” you roll your sleeves as you await Mr Cliff’s response, with Ratio standing by your side you feel more motivated than before, It’s time to impress that stern partner of yours
“Do you always need your dog on a leash beside you ?” Mr Cliff scoffs as he eyes Ratio up and down, the fact that he calls your supervisor your dog on a leash turns you red and you slowly turn your head up to see ‘your dog’s’ face
Oh Aeons above please don’t let Ratio kills this man-
Ratio’s eyes squint as his lips twitch in disgust, before he can open his mouth and blow this whole deal out the window you quickly stand up from your seat to calm him down “Ratio, just sit back at the couch okay ?,” you practically beg, your voice laced with honey and desperation
Ratio merely scoffs before turning around and seat on the couch behind you, even though he’s quite annoyed at Mr Cliff, he knows that that foul man is insecure about himself, it’s evident that he’s actually jealous of Ratio and that comes naturally to a person with both unparalleled beauty and intelligence
You’re quick to focus back on the game at hand, you’re playing poker naturally and of course, you’re confident in your ability to win, you’re not only lucky but also cunning that’s the fruit of losing countless bets with Aventurine, you have a 95% chance of winning while playing with others but with Aventurine….
You still don’t know how the hell he gets that good, but the apprentice would never try to dethrone their master of course, in which case you just study the little things Aventurine does and explicitly teach you
As you get lost in nostalgia the dealer starts to shuffle the deck, it seems that he used a new card which makes it all the more interesting, it’s easier for you to predict your card and your opponents' card, well it is true you have a stroke of benevolent luck but luck doesn’t always cut it, so you turn into your memory and your card counting skills, you could get ban from casinos if they knew you can count cards
Well Mr Cliff seems to look down upon you, it’s in his right to do so since he’s one of the top players on Penacony, well you on the other hand are an informal apprentice of one of the best gamblers in the entire galaxy, you’re confident that Mr Cliff would quiver in fear if you spoke Aventurine’s name
“You seem awfully confident little lady,” Mr Cliff snickers as the dealer hands your cards, well you were confident before but now you’re well past that, Ace of Hearts and King of Hearts, your luck never ceases to surprise, Ratio took notice in your behaviour
You lean back towards your chair, your legs crossed. At that point he knew that you were confident with your hand, “Well let’s just say I’m having a good day today,” you smile
Mr Cliff also smiles, he starts off the game by betting his chips quite high, if you’re not mistaken this could indicate that he also has a good hand but you’re confident that is not as good as yours, so you raise the bet, not wanting to lose in the game of wits
“Well you’re raising quite fast sweetheart, you sure you wanna do that ?,” he chuckles, this man has great confidence in his cards huh ?, you know very well he’s trying to get under your skin, but to be frank only Aventurine manage to do so by his sarcastic comments
“What ?, you scared of me ~” you laugh, which seems to rile him up judging by how he loosens his tie. You swear you could hear Ratio curse behind you, he should loosen up a little since you’re practically going to win this
He scoffs as he asks the dealer to quickly reveal the three cards in the middle of the table, as the cards reveal itself, your face turns sour, well your lips do pout while the inside of your mind you rejoice, but you can’t show what to Mr Cliff. “What’s wrong little girl?” Mr Cliff asks his voice laced with faux empathy
“Nothing’s wrong,” you reply shortly, this you stage your set and you’re confident that Mr Cliff would have a straight flush on his hands, but what you don’t know is Ratio is clenching his fist tight behind you, he seems to believe your act
The game continues until it is time to place your final bet, Mr Cliff goes all in to end it all and of course now is the time for you to change your pitiful act, with a huge grin you push all of your chips to the middle of the table, “All in !” Mr Cliff is shocked by your sudden confidence, it’s like your whole being changed from hunching your back towards now looking down on him, your eyes glint mischievously
“Hah! prideful brat,” he scoffs angrily as he throws his card to the table to reveal a straight flush, he stands up from the table and cups your cheeks, “You’re mine now,”
Before you can reveal your hand Ratio stands and reaches for Mr Cliff’s hand pulling it swiftly to his back and pushing him down to the table, you’re shocked with the sudden move but take this to your advantage
You lean down to whisper to Mr Cliff’s ears, “I’m afraid your casino is mine,” you throw your card at his face, revealing a royal flush
Mr Cliff lost you and his casino and of course, you win his casino and unbeknownst to you, you also win Ratio’s heart. “W-what !, you’re fucking cheating that’s why this bastard is ughh!,” Before continuing his words ratio pushes Mr Cliff’s head to the table, “Please refrain from uttering foolish accusations or else-” Okay Ratio might have a knack for belittling others verbally but he never actually smack someone’s head ?!?
Somehow the sight of his hair draping down, covering the menacing glow in his eyes with his teeth gritted and his arms fully in display showcasing the strength he rarely used, that sight yes you need to take a picture-
You quickly grab your phone to snap a picture, “What the fuck?!?,” Mr Cliffs yells which is replied to by Ratio twisting his hand, is it bad that you find the sight hot ?, “I know I look completely out of character but really ? Taking a picture of me, it seems that you want to immortalised the look on my face when I’m jealous,” he sighs as he summons the contract with his free hand
“Ahahaha, now I believe we have a business to sort out,” you try to deflect the conversation by quickly taking the holo-contract and signing your name again, but Mr Cliff still doesn’t want to sign forcing Ratio to drag his fingers and press it on the screen to print out his thumbprints, “It was nice having business with you,” you smile as you pat Mr Cliff’s head that’s currently forced down towards the table because of Ratio
Without much thought you quickly step outside of the private room to call cooperate about the success leaving Ratio alone with Mr Cliff, Ratio leans down pressing his hand on Mr Cliff’s back before whispering, “If I see your pathetic self dare to even gaze upon her I will do just more than restraining you if you plan to harm her just know that I could easily break this feeble neck of yours or perhaps I should do so to prevent you from having the mere thought-“
“NO NO NO! I SWEAR ON MY LIFE THAT I WILL NOT HARM OR EVEN LOOK AT HER,” Mr Cliff yells as he struggles to set himself free, Ratio simply nods before smashing his head on the table, effectively knocking him out
“Hmm how’s Mr Cliff ?” you ask Ratio as he closes the door and walks towards you, “He’s still dealing with his loss but don’t worry he’s fine,” he curtly replies, he looks at your face reading your overjoyed expression
“No scolding today ?,” you lightly chuckle noticing that he’s uncannily silent, he just scoffs as he ruffles your hair it seems that he’s thoroughly impressed, “No scolding just admiration, perhaps I should reward you hmm ?,” he smiles as he yet again caged you with his arms as you rest your back on the wall
“W-what kind of reward ?,” you whisper, your breath tickles his neck as he leans closer towards your ear grazing the skin with his lips as he travels further down towards the neck, “Would a kiss be sufficient ?, for now at least,” he whispers against your neck, the sensation sends tingles through your body
“T-that would be appreciated,” you reply, resting your hand on his broad chest, he merely smiles before looking back towards your face, cupping your cheek before leaning in for a gentle kiss
“How delectable,”
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softlee · 4 months
;Submission to Coquette - lee minho.
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Copyright © 2024 softlee
Pairings: Lee Minho x Reader
Word Count: 7.3K
Genre: pwp (well maybe just a little plot), smut, fluff, established relationship, domestic relationship!AU
Synopsis: You take on the challenge of making your boyfriend "Coquette". Will you succeed? Minho only has so much patience when you request him to be submissive. So, ultimately trying to tie him up and use him might be his breaking point.
Warnings: Minho constrained in pink ribbon. Do I really need to add more? Grinding, Bondage via ribbon I suppose, squirting, light dirty talk, reader attempts to be dominant but really how far can that go with Minho? Oral (female and male receiving), and Minho shenanigans (minho just being minho).
Notes:  I was supposed to finish this at the beginning of the year when the coquette trend came out on Tiktok. This trend on TikTok IMMEDIATELY made me think of Minho, I just think this theme fits him perfectly. I mean? When I saw this picture on TikTok of this guy in ribbon my mind immediately went to Minho. I hope you guys enjoy it cause I know I did making it :) 
Here's a TikTok off the overall idea/theme of this fanfic: here
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With the telling ding of Minho’s cellphone in his left pocket on his way home from work, he already had an inkling on who the sender was.
It was, as he suspected, a message from you—his girlfriend, his girl, his lover, his other half.
But to you? No, you were only his errand runner when it came to things you needed before he made his familiar trail back to your shared apartment. 
You: I know you don’t wanna go but can you pleaseeeeeeee get me some pink ribbon before you come home? :) [4:56 PM]
Minho lets out an agitated sigh before washing his hand over his disgruntled worn out face; A repercussion of his stressful day at the office. 
He waited for you to finish typing your thoughts because he knew you weren’t done.
You are his other half after all.
You: Please? It’s for you xox [4:57 PM]
“It’s for me?” He exaggeratedly stated in his mind while he skillfully dogged a piece of gum on the sidewalk before trudging forward more. 
He scoured every crevice of his mind to come up with the most plausible reasoning as to how himself and pink ribbon correlate in some way. 
After a few determined seconds of thinking, he came to the conclusion that there were none and therefore, there was no way in hell he was stopping at the store for pink ribbon of all things. It just wasn’t going to happen. Minho was stubborn and if he set his mind to something, it was going to stay that way. Forever. 
Minho isn’t one to be easily swayed. 
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“I can’t believe you actually stopped to get the ribbon for me!” Minho is greeted at the door of your shared apartment with a love bomb attack. Arms and legs hurling towards him until they somehow get caught into his arms, you attached with them funny enough. 
You’re hugging him, and kissing him like this is the last moment you are together. Peppering his nose, forehead, and cheek with kisses before Minho becomes overstimulated by all the touching and he’s grunting in protest and faking a look of annoyance, face scrunching like he’s trying to get away from your assault of love. 
He’ll truly never admit it to you but this part of the day, almost like the day was mirroring itself every weekday was his favorite part; you meeting him at the door once you got the satisfying notification that your boyfriend was back home. 
Pecking him all over his face like you were some kind of bird.
He’ll never admit it. 
The bag with the ribbon of course fell onto the ground when you flung yourself onto him. 
Minho with his cat like hearing of course hears this, not even looking. 
“Look you probably messed the ribbon up by the way you violently threw yourself at me. It’s almost like you don’t even want it.“ He teases, feeling you slither your way out from the corner of his neck to fully make eye contact with him. The little smirk he has plastered all over his face is slyly gone once you're peering at him. 
“Of course I want it! I was just excited to see you! I haven’t seen you all day.“ You whine a little before Minho gives you a glaring stare, of course none other than to surprise you with a peck to the lips, softly letting you down onto the hardwood floor. 
You quickly swoop to floor level to retrieve the bag with your latest conquest, discarding the bag and holding the spool of pretty pink silk ribbon in your hands before you wiggle your eyebrows in what he would expect to be a playful way. 
“This.” You point at the ribbon, “is going on you.” You smile enthusiastically, pulling your boyfriend by the arm to walk him over to the couch.
He feigns annoyance, throwing his head back in an exaggerated way while making an ungodly noise. He looks like a little boy who is being dragged by his mother because he’s gotten in trouble. 
“Can I at least eat first? I'm tired and just got back from work.” Indirectly trying to crawl his way out of whatever the hell you were trying to do; Minho wasn’t going to let you win without a fight. That’s just how he’s always been. He’ll nag and nag some more, but since he loves you, he'll eventually give up.
“I promise if you do this for me right now, I’ll make you something yummy.” You traverse your eyes on his own, watching as you get no physical reaction out of him. 
He plops down onto the couch. 
You stand in front of him, both hands on your hips quicking scanning your brain to figure out what exactly you can make to get him to comply. 
Suddenly a light bulb switches on in your mind and you gleam, crawling into your boyfriend's lap, disregarding the ribbon on the side of the couch for right now. 
Throwing your hands around his neck, “How about ramen and kimchi? I think we still have some kimchi left over.” You swivel your head over to the direction of the refrigerator. In comparison, Minho refuses to acknowledge you on his lap, the dinner choices, and how you on his lap is suddenly clouding his judgment.
You turn back to face him. 
“I’ll make you some pork belly too?” Suddenly Minho is intrigued, giving you his full-facing attention before a little smirk takes over his face, unable to contain how good that sounds in reality. 
Suddenly intrigued by the music in the background he didn’t seem to hear at first, he looks at the TV behind you. 
“Were you just about to play Fortnite before I came in?” He randomly asks in the midst of you discussing dinner options. 
Brows twisted in confusion for a second, they return to their natural state when you remember that you were indeed about to play Fortnite. 
“Oh, yeah I was. The season is almost over and they had Poison Ivy in the Item Shop! I had to get her and play a couple of matches with my new skin!” You protest, feeling the warmth of your boyfriend’s arms slide around your waist, fastening you to his body. 
He displays a toothy grin at your comment. “You’re such a nerd.” Yet when he states this comment, you see nothing but love in his eyes. You smile as well, not about to let him get away with his words. 
“Well, you can’t be the one to talk! You also-”
“Fine, I’ll do it. Now hurry up before you change my mind.” He suddenly states, grasping the ribbon in his palm before he looks up to literally see you light up at the words. 
That’s all he had to say, you immediately withdrew yourself from the warmth of Minho’s lap, telling him to stay put while you go to collect a few necessary items to make your dreams come true. 
You come back in record time, three minutes; Minho watches the array of items engulfed in your arms as you make it back to the sofa of your living room, dropping the items onto the coffee table as if they were somehow heavy. 
“Alright,” You grab the black shirt from the assortment on the table, “Let’s put you into this shirt first.”
You turn the shirt inside out, showing him that it indeed wasn’t a plain black shirt like he thought. It was decorated with the words, ‘I love my girlfriend’ right where the top of his chest would be centered if he were to put it on. The word ‘love’ instead being a familiar red heart. 
He chuckles out of bewilderment, eyes turning into your favorite half moons. 
“When did you get this shirt for me?” He’s intrigued.
“I got it about a week ago in preparation for this exact moment!” You wink at him softly, getting closer to him sitting on the sofa.
“So you’ve been planning this huh?” His eyes are wide, trying to figure out exactly what your evil plans had in store for him. 
He tries to grab for the shirt so that he can put it on, but you bring it closer to yourself, shaking your head.
“You said you were tired right? I’ll put it on for you.” He throws his arms down, somehow not making a fuss about you doing this for him.
“Wowwwww,” you’re amazed, he’s glaring whilst he holds his arms up above his head, waiting for you to pull the shirt he’s been wearing all day, off. 
You reach for the ends of his shirt, pulling upwards, “You’re so obedient right now.” You tease, getting him out of his shirt before you reach for the one you’re exchanging it for. 
You’re now sitting down on his lap again, looking up at him while you get the shirt into formation so you can pull it over his head. He obviously didn’t like what you stated, his dark brown eyes beaming intensely into your own.
You look down quickly to run away from them, meeting direct eye contact with his bare chest. He was definitely getting more toned, the lines of his abs becoming more visible. 
Before you could let his naked upper body distract you, you decide to pull the shirt over his head, and watch as you pull each arm one by one into the short sleeves. 
His hair gets ruffled in the process, looking like he just woke up from a nice long nap.
“Cute.” You giggle at this, before you smooth his hair out, back to its familiar state before you’re taking him all in with the shirt now on, smiling again. 
Minho of course doesn’t like such comments, narrowing his eyes and trying to make himself more intimidating by giving you his signature gaze; eyebrows furrowed and lips in a tight line. 
It doesn’t work on you though, he just looks even cuter earning a hearty chuckle at your motion as you throw your head back. 
You turn around in his lap, eyeing the other items plastered on the table as well. You lose balance a little while doing this, so as Minho does with his quick reflexes, he wraps his arms around your waist.
“Next,” You grab an assortment of your most valuable plushies. “I’m gonna put these around you before we start.”
Minho’s eyes washes over your brightly colored plushies; Kuromi, Hello Kitty, and some other bunny looking creatures he’s forgotten the name’s of. Regardless, he watches you in fascination as you start to place each plushie, one by one onto the sides of him, in the corner where his left shoulder rests, and one remaining one (one of the bunnies) in between where you and Minho meet on his lap. 
He raises one eyebrow. 
“So, where does the ribbon come in with all of this?” He questions, your hands reaching behind you on the table once more to secure the scissors in your hands. 
You also obtain the ribbon that fell between the cracks of the couch cushions, before you gleam at him. “Right now actually. I’m going to make you coquette.”
You gleam.
“Coquette?” He’s so puzzled he manages another smirk, letting out a breathless chuckle. 
You hum in agreement, delicately brushing a hair that has decided to fall where Minho’s left eye lays, his eye twitching in the process.
“I saw this Tiktok trend where girls would tie their boyfriends up with ribbons, and put bows made of ribbon on them. I’ve been wanting to do the same to you in private…. and hopefully get some pictures out of it.” You gulp after saying the last sentence. You look down to see that Minho has now closed his eyes. He breathes exaggeratingly outwards, almost like he’s trying to compose himself. 
“So, you’re doing this because really you want to see me tied up and you want pictures of that?” You instantly turn red, quicking seeking cover into his neck to hide how shy you feel when you say, “Yeah, I think it’s hot. It’s one of the things I’ve always wanted to do to you.”
No matter how hard you sometimes tried to hide your motives Minho always saw right through them. He can read you like a book, and that’s truly why you always just plainly tell him what you’re doing before you do things. 
You slowly uncover yourself from the shelter of his neck, finally peering at him to discover he already is, “One of the things?”
Too embarrassed to even mention what else you’ve always wanted to do to him, you reposition the scissors and ribbon in your hands and start measuring how big you want the bows to be. “Hmmm, how many should I put on you?” You successfully dodge the remark as he crosses his arms, glaring at you and your lack of response.
You squint your eyes while looking over his figure, deciding mentally to place two bows on him while tying his arms up. 
You hold your left hand out like you're waiting for him to give you something. 
“Give me your arms so I can tie them up.” You demand. 
Intrigued, Minho does as you say. “How would you like me to place them?” 
Demonstrating, “Lay them flat out where the sides of my hips are.” The warmth of his touch suddenly surrounds your body once more, Minho covering all of your senses. His perfume still lingering from the reminisces he covered himself in this morning before heading to work, his magnetic gaze that was locked on you and your movements, his voice which suddenly woke you out of your Minho heightened trance, and as for taste….well you were already craving him in more ways than one since he was being like putty in your hands right now. 
His lenient mannerisms and compliancy this evening were working you up in all the right ways. 
“I’m waiting for you to tie me up?” His voice continues. It startles you in some way, never imagining you’d hear those words come out of your mouth. His brow ticks. 
“Oh…right.” You begin lacing the ribbon in a tying motion, starting just short of where his biceps start. 
Minho wasn’t one to be submissive. Everytime you guys engaged in sex, he always naturally was the one to take control. It was just in his nature and it was just in yours to be more submissive, complying to almost anything he proposed. And of course, you thoroughly enjoyed it. 
Although, after being together for about a year and two months, you were ready to try something new. Unbeknownst to Minho, you are actually a switch. Yet after the beginning of your relationship you retired that part of yourself naturally when it came to him, since he was very dominant. 
So when you found this trend, you got the sudden urge to try something new and spice up your sex life with your boyfriend. 
And it wasn’t like you guys were vanilla, but you usually stuck to the things that were not foreign to you as a couple. But, you were ready to step out of that comfort zone. 
And right now, it seems like Minho isn’t too opposed to such an idea. That gives you the confidence to continue.
You finish your makeshift confinements on your boyfriend’s arms by cutting and wrapping the ribbon in a bow before you admire your handiwork. 
You softly smile in satisfaction. 
“Alright, now I’ll make a few more bows and stick them to you in different areas.” You look back down at Minho’s arms, “Is it tight or can you easily get out of the ribbon?”
“I mean, I can’t really get out of it, but if I wanted to then yeah I could.” He answers vaguely before humming, agreeing with himself. 
You narrow your eyes, deciding to trust him. 
You make the two bows you plan to plant on him and then begin to place them. 
Taking one of them and putting them on his head, he just stares at you as you manage to securely place it on his black hair so it isn’t easy for it to fall off. Then lastly, you settle with putting the last ribbon in a peculiar spot. Right on his crotch. 
You press it in for good measure, causing Minho to simultaneously move his hands to grip your ass as he lifts his hips, somehow to chase the feeling of your hands ghosting over his dick. He clears his throat after showing a sign of weakness, looking away from you but not shying his hands away from your ass. 
He actually chooses to grip onto it harder.
You tilt your head in feigned curiosity and innocence. 
“You alright?” 
He seems dazed because he doesn’t answer you for a beat.
“Hmm? Yeah, I’m good. What made you choose to place it there?” He questions, now looking up and directly into your irises. 
You shrug, actually not having a particular reason. You just wanted to see how he would react.
You hum to yourself like you’re somewhat proud of your work.
“So coquette.” You drop this outlandish word again, Minho having enough of not understanding exactly what the hell it means.
“What? What does that even mean?”
“It just means you look pretty I guess. I don’t really know what it means either. It’s just a Tiktok trend.” You slowly start rubbing your hands over his shoulders, letting them fall downwards into his lap. You decide to unleash yourself of his hold by standing up quickly.
You search for your phone, grabbing it off the coffee table and positioning it in front of him to signal you want your photos like promised.
He doesn’t look pleased. 
“Give me a pretty smile!” You give an example of your own before you’re waiting for him to repeat the action. It goes by ignored, instead being met with a nonchalant gaze that screams “I’m being held hostage. Please help me.”
You frown. 
“Please smile. You’re not aligning with what your shirt says. Don’t you love me?” You whine. 
‘Oh, so you’re pulling that card huh.’ He thinks. 
He smirks. 
“Yeah, I heart you. Just like the shirt says.” He goes for the literal meaning of the shirt, wanting to visibly displease you.
You pout. 
“You’re so annoying.”
Finished with the photo torture time, you throw your phone on the other couch in fake irritability, turning to face him yet again while standing. 
You give him a glance over and then softly smile, picking up your arms to do away with your shirt first and then your pants. You were wearing just some comfortable clothing; An old ‘May the force be with you’ Stars Wars T-shirt paired with the Yoda printed sweatpants you frequented about once a week. It was nothing too fancy of course. What came as a surprise was what was under it.
In preparation for the evening, you wanted to dress up for your boyfriend. Specifically in lingerie. White lingerie.
Whenever you wanted to spice up your sex life, or suprise him, you always took extra care of yourself. This meant taking an “everything” shower, putting on perfume, doing your hair, as well as doing some light makeup. And your choices for lingerie sets always happened to be in the colors you thought that looked best on you; red, black, and sometimes your favorite nude set. 
About two weeks ago, Minho suggested that you try a lingerie set in white, as he thought you would also look sexy in that color as well. He liked the other sets, but he thought that color would really look good on you. You were a little hesitant at first, but his suggestion paired with a kiss on your forehead, his credit card, as well as the words “surprise me” were all you needed to go out of your comfort zone. 
And hell, it surely did surprise him. 
You slowly saunter up to him, getting right back into your claimed spot, his lap (throwing the bunny plushie somewhere else on the couch), and wrap your arms around his neck. 
“Do you think this color fits me babe?” You rapidly bat your eyelashes, obviously fishing for compliments. Minho's annoyance from earlier, sleepiness, and hunger completely fades away. His mouth slowly parting in awe. 
“Of course it fits you, you look in anything. God.” He groans, trying to take you all in. 
It was a simple dainty set. A white ribbed corset top with shoulder straps as bows which you tie at the shoulder. There was a collage of cotton flowers joined at the middle of the top, a decorative touch to the already light and airy feel of the lingerie. The bottoms were plain panty underwear, the same cotton flowers in the middle of them as well. 
You looked so good. That’s what he thought to himself before he realized that he had to, no needed to touch you. Right now. 
Right as he does so, his body moving at will is obstructed by the familiar feel of the pink ribbon you had just adorned to his arms, securing him in place. 
“Fuck,” He whines, almost like he’s in pain, “And I can’t even fucking touch you right now?” With all the strength he can muster, he tries to pull outwards to break the ribbon, but he’s too slow. You already knew he’d try something like that, so you, in defense, hold his arms in place.
Suddenly feeling red, you look down.
“You can’t touch me or get out of this ribbon until I say so. You have to do as I say tonight.” Shy, you slowly look up at him again, noticing that his whole demeanor has changed since you’ve uttered those words. 
A light airy chuckle escapes him before he can even hide it.
“What, are you controlling me tonight? Gonna use me?” 
His teasing tone almost sounds like a challenge. He doesn’t think you can do it. Your confidence grows in opposition.
“Yeah, I’m gonna be the dominant one tonight.” You lean in, ghosting over his lips, “And you won’t cum until I say you can.”
You fully press your lips onto his, pulling him as close as you can by wrapping your arms around his neck again, getting a high off of you being the one to order him around tonight. 
It gave you a sense of confidence you’ve never felt when having sex with him, his light moan giving you the confirmation you need to kiss him with a little more fervor. 
You slowly begin to start your pace, your hips beginning to gyrate over the crotch of his black jeans. You feel him reach for you, for something, his hands attempting to latch over the bottom of your ass. 
You smack his hands away, pulling away from the kiss. He desperately chases. You stop your pace.
“You can’t touch me,” You echo again, “I can only touch you? Got it?” Your palms are covering his own, proving your point that he had to do as instructed or he wouldn’t be able to have you. Not in the way he wanted. He throws his head back, as that's the only disobedient way he can act out right now, his long strands of hair sheltering his eyes. 
“Fine, have your way with me. I’ll see how long it’ll truly last. You know you love it when I tell you what to do. When I tell you to fuck yourself on my cock. When I have you cum multiple times on my tongue before I even begin to fuck you. I may not be able to touch you, but I can say whatever I want to you and you’ll be begging me to touch you. ” He mutters, shifting his body deeper into the couch. 
His words send a shiver through your body, the remaining of it fading right into your core. Truly, he was right. You loved it when he touched you, it’s how you completely got off. Yet, somehow denying yourself the satisfaction of feeling his touch and edging yourself was making you wetter than you could even believe.
To you, this was foreplay, and getting the privilege of having Minho in this way was what you could only dream for. You couldn't imagine though, even in your dreams, how he would react to you taking control. That’s what led you to this moment, once again leaning back down to the crook of his neck, whispering. 
“It’s just something I’ve always dreamed of doing to you. It’s one of the things I’ve been wanting to do with you, to you. Now, let me fuck you my way.” You truthfully speak, setting your motion against the fabric of his pants again.
Your boyfriend stays silent, once before being able to stare daggers into your soul, now avoiding eye contact all together. He was clearly flustered. You could tell because he was starting to fill up the space in his pants, his length slowly hardening below you. 
“Awe babe, you’re already getting hard. Tell me how good it feels? Hmm?” You push your pelvis harder into his lap, wanting to get a reaction out of him. 
It’s quiet for a moment. Minho desperately tries not to moan to show the effect you have on him before he gains his composure enough to speak. 
“Tell you how good it feels? How about you stop this charade and explain why you’re already this fucking wet? I can literally feel it through my pants already.” He spits out through his breathing which is slowly getting shallower and shallower. His ears are red, this is how you could tell he was turned on, even if he wouldn't admit it. 
“Of course I’m wet, I have my-” You moan, “My boyfriend in a way I’ve always wanted”
You continue your rebellious movement of your hips against his hardened cock, gasping when it hits your clit in a harmonious way. You look down at your panties, expecting to see your arousal escaping from the thin layer of fabric that is holding you all together. 
To your dismay, there was no visible evidence that you were incredibly wet. But, because of Minho’s comment earlier, you decide to take two of your fingers and check, feeling the remnants of your arousal, making you groan. 
He watches you in suspicion, noticing the way your fingers were easily sliding over the laced cotton of your underwear. His mouth involuntarily opens in awe.
“Ugh, I’m so wet. I’m gonna use you to cum. You can’t take your eyes off of me, okay?” For good measure, you lightly tease your fingers that you just used to touch yourself over his soft lips, Minho taking no time to lick your wetness off your fingers before you lightly rest your hand under the left side of his chin, forcing him to watch you reach your high.
In reality, you didn’t even need to do this, he was going to observe regardless. 
You pick up your pace, grinding up and down and then swirling your hips on his as your moaning gets louder. Your other hand stabilizes yourself on his chest while you begin to melt into your high, the line blurring between where your pleasure starts, and where you end. 
Minho throbs below you, eagerly waiting for you to ride out your orgasm. 
You cum, staring directly into his eyes, rocking back and forth slower to balance out your pleasure. You sigh as you come back to your senses, your hand balling up into a fist to pull your boyfriend closer to you for an everlasting kiss. 
Minho moans into the kiss like he’s cum himself, but truthfully, it was because of the way you just used him to get yourself off. Since he couldn’t touch you, he was feeling very understimulated. He was burning for desire for you, its imminence in the way he still continuously pulses below in your lap as you finish kissing him.  
You get up from off of his lap and sit on your knees below him on the floor. 
“You’re awfully quiet now, what happened to your cockiness?” You smirk, grabbing an elastic band on the coffee table to collect your hair out of your face. 
Your boyfriend decides to stay mute, watching you do away with your hair as you begin to graze your hands up his thighs, your hands meeting at the buckle of his belt. 
You unclasp it, looking up at him to see what he’s doing to see that he’s admiring you contently. You look back at your task at hand, pulling at the belt as Minho simultaneously lifts his hips so you can remove it. 
Currently, you’re wondering why he is so quiet. Did he finally submit? Was he so stunned at your ability to dominate that he was okay with you having your way with him? Or was it because he was so turned on that he couldn’t speak, his flushed body a solid indicator. But his body always gets slightly red when you guys have sex, so that couldn’t be it. 
You don’t let these thoughts bother you anymore, you decide maybe it’s a combination of everything, becoming overconfident in the job that you were doing. You let this spur you on, pulling both his pants and underwear down at once to free his hard cock. He lifts the bottom part of his body, viewing the way you let both articles of clothing to collect at his ankles, not fully taking them off. 
You were too focused on what was in front of you, him rock hard. You grab at his length, eyeing him to notice that his breath hitches, your hands beginning an up and down motion. 
His hips follow the rise and fall of your delicate hands, his breath quickening. The scene placed in front of you was heating up your body. You’ve never seen him this pliant under your hand, so eager, so willing to follow or let you command or do whatever you wanted to him. You’re not even being touched, yet your breath follows in sync with him, steadily increasing. 
Noticing he’s still quiet, it starts to concern you. Trying to busy yourself to distract from his silence, you lock eyes with him once again, noting that he was peering at you before you even were. You softly simper, pushing your head down until you take him all in one go, now breaking eye contact to focus on sucking him. 
As you embark on bobbing your head over his throbbing length, multiple things happen at once. At the same time, you hear something snapping and a piece of clothing falling onto the floor. A split second after, you’re moaning over his length, not because it was bringing you pleasure, but because you were being pulled quickly off of his dick. Your eyes go wide once you realize what happened, it comes together when your back hits the arm of the couch with Minho on top of you. 
He broke free.
Your mouth is open in shock as his mischievous smile stares down at you. 
“Minh-” Calling his name, he managed while freeing himself, to collect the ribbon you had used on him. He was pulling your arms above your head as you were trying to get your sentence out.
Minho successfully traps you in your own game. Similar to him before, your hands were now tied with pink ribbon at the wrist, you bewildered at the whole situation. He changed the game. 
He softly pulls you down the couch a little so your arms are comfortable above your head. Then, he leans down to give you a quick soft kiss. 
“Got you.” He arrogantly declares, reaching his hand over the table in front of the couch to grab the scissors, so he could cut the endless length of the ribbon he had tied to your wrists. 
He places the scissors back onto the table.
“But I was supposed to be the dominant one tonight.” You pout. 
“And you did good babe, but you know you love it when I touch you,” He leans in to trail kisses down the corner of your neck, listening as he hears you groan, “and kiss you, “his hands start to graze your body before it gets to your pussy, cupping you between your legs, “and fucking you open with my tongue.” You let out an embarrassing loud moan, not being phased by it since Minho loved to hear you. 
His kisses, which stopped just before your covered breasts, continue their pace until he’s leaving a trail down your stomach, purposely skipping over your throbbing core to kiss the inside of your thighs. Your whole back arches off the couch, whining when you can’t push Minho’s head in the place you need him most. 
He chuckles. 
“Now you see how I felt when I couldn’t touch you hmm? It was killing me watching you grind on me when I couldn’t push your hips or when you took me all the way into your mouth and I couldn’t push your head down.” His kisses start getting closer to your pussy once more. 
He teases as if he’s about to kiss your core over the thin fabric of your underwear. Instead, he stops his mouth just before he reaches it, talking right into your heat. 
“It’s not fun is it? You better be glad I lasted as long as I did in that ribbon.” He explains, looking directly into your eyes. 
You throw a fit, your legs shaking on the sides of him in annoyance because he won’t touch you where you needed him. 
He lets you out of your misery finally as you are whining, the whining turning into a satisfied hum when he latches his touch onto the soaked cotton of your underwear. He groans when he tastes you on the material, taking his time to lap up the juices spilling out. 
“Touch me.” You cry, rolling your body towards his lips, wanting more. 
Minho ticks his brow and lets out an airy chuckle. “I am touching you babe.”
He finds you cute and decides to give in to your requests since he knew what you meant. 
He tugs at your underwear which is clinging to the sides of your hips, pulling them down your legs until they're out of the way, throwing them carelessly onto the floor somewhere. 
You ache in anticipation for him to mouth at you, watching him get back into position to give you what you desired most at this moment; his mouth fully on you. 
The moment his lips kiss softly at your clit, you begin to see stars. He proceeds to lick you straight after, your head throwing back in immense pleasure. 
“Fuck,” You groan, your eyes following your head and rolling back. 
“Tell me how you feel ___.” He chimes, watching as your body tenses below him. It turned him on to great heights to see you this fucked out, his hips rocking into the couch to relieve himself. 
“Good.” You manage to get out between shaky breaths, Minho sucking at your clit before he licks a long stripe across the span of your pussy, him humming into you in satisfaction. You feel the vibration of his groaning below you, adding to the pleasure and washing an intense feeling throughout your body. You were close, and you needed something to grip onto.
Normally, when you were about to cum from Minho eating you out, you had your hands clutching to the back of his hair, pulling him impossibly closer to your pussy. It helped you balance the unstable feeling that overcame your body whenever you were about to release. Now, since your hands were tied, you couldn’t brace yourself. You didn’t know what was about to happen with this knot in your stomach when you were about to release at any second. 
All you could do was announce it. 
“I-I’m about to cum. Minho, I can’t, I don’t know ho-” You lewdly rushed, your body beginning to shake in cosmic tension. 
Too busy with the objective of making you cum, he lifts his left arm out to successfully hold your hand, nonverbally letting you know that he has you and that you’re okay. 
The wave of your pleasure strikes down like a tide that is beginning to crash down onto the shore of a beach, strong yet beautiful. It collects into one singular emotion before it releases in one single motion, Minho lapping at your pussy as you let go. Your body spasms as your orgasm comes to its final end, a gush of remaining pleasure that wasn’t released at that one moment, now finally letting go. 
With your eyes closed, you try to collect your breathing before you hear your boyfriend louding moaning below you, grabbing your attention. You look down, eyes widening in shock. 
Minho’s face was completely wet, a few front pieces of his hair that frames his face damp as well. As you put two and two together, you drop your jaw in collective embarrassment surprise. 
You just squirted on your boyfriend’s face. 
Because of this stupid ribbon, you can’t even cover your face, having to watch him as his ears quickly become red again, the flushing slowly diffusing to his face. 
You physically can't talk right now, not when you just squirted all over his face. It could have been anywhere else, yet it had to be there the first time you squirt. You close your eyes, waiting for him to say something, anything to get rid of this terrible silence. 
Quickly, you feel him shuffle and he’s on top of you now, passionately kissing your lips. You slowly start to kiss him back and slowly open your eyes, feeling him grind his bare cock on your wet pussy. You groan before he detaches. 
He looks you dead in the eyes. 
“I literally had to stop myself from cumming after you just squirted all over my face. Fuck, that was the hottest shit I’ve ever seen in my life. You’re perfect.” He goes in to peck your lips once more before he squabbles off of you a bit to grab the scissors again, cutting away your restraints. 
Suddenly, you’re no longer embarrassed. Sharing the same soft loving smile he gives you as he cuts your ribbon off. 
He once more places the scissors safely back on the table before he brings his attention back to you, laying on top of you again. 
He searches your eyes. 
“Got one more orgasm in you? Let me make love to you.” He softly speaks, waiting for your approval. You nod, excited since you can actually grip his hair now and touch him. You’re sure he’s in pain now since he’s been hard for a while. He always makes sure you orgasm first before he does.
He starts by tugging at the left and right bows of your corset top which are keeping it on you. You arch your back, waiting for your boyfriend to unzip the corset so you’re free. He discards it onto the ground. Then he lowers himself and latches onto your left nipple, observing as you wilt in pleasure, you pressing his head down closer as he grips at your right breast with his other hand. 
He again grinds his pulsing cock into your center, humming into your tit. 
Realizing something, you softly push him off of you. He looks at you concerned. 
“My plushies!” You suddenly realized your near and dear plushies were probably getting squeezed on the couch under Minho’s legs. He quickly searches for them, pulling all three from under his weight and putting two of them on the side where your head was, while he remains holding one of them. 
“What?” You look at him bewildered like he doesn’t realize how important they are to you. Minho doesn’t understand, so trying to fix the problem, he covers the eyes of the one he’s holding, as if they aren’t supposed to see us naked. 
You laugh wholeheartedly, “You’re so weird,” You tease, “I just didn’t want them to get squished before we continued.” 
“Oh.” He states, like saving them was the most important thing in the world right now. 
Knowing he’s done with you right now because you stopped having sex with him to save your expensive plushies, you push him to sit on the couch below you while you sit on his lap. 
“Now, I’ll fuck you since my stuffed animals are unharmed.” You tease before you softly smirk.
You bring your hand to the middle of your bodies, aligning his cock to your entrance before you slowly sit directly on him, taking him all the way in.
He groans, swiftly holding onto your hips to help stabilize you as you bounce on top of you. 
You wrap your arms around his neck, now staring at him. 
“Now, admit that me being dominant does turn you on.” You playfully suggest, circling your hips on his lap as you continue your pace. You moan, leaning down to kiss his lips before you await his response. 
“Of course it turns me on, but-” He holds you harder at your hips. “I just like fucking you more.”
He lifts his hips off of the couch, and begins a ruthless upward pace into you, completely taking you off guard. You hold onto anything you can find, dumbfounded that Minho’s stamina can reach even higher heights.
You moan repeatedly, letting him pound into your pussy below you as you feel another orgasm approaching. You don’t even have to let him know you’re about to cum, he can feel it with the way you go silent, and the sudden tight grip you have around his cock that is also stringing him closer to his own release.
Minho starts to sweat, his stamina even putting a toll on himself. Thank god he and you were about to cum soon.
Your eyes begin to roll back, his pounding finally demolishing you from above him even though you were the one that had the power in this position. 
You cum without warning, legs squeezing as close as they can below you as you fall, laying your head into the corner of your boyfriend's neck, utterly spent. Minho keeps up his pace, signaling to himself that now that you’ve cum that he doesn’t have to hold back anymore. 
He slows his motion, instead replacing it with a hard lingering pounding into your pussy. He cums just like that, quick and with a loud grunt. He wraps his arms around your back, hugging you softly as he comes back down from his high. He finishes off by pecking your forehead with a soft “I love you” that he didn’t say earlier when you put the shirt on him. You wrap your arms around him in return and squeeze, letting him know you heard him.
After a few minutes of recovering, you leave the comfort of his neck, sitting up in his lap to look into his brown eyes. 
He smiles at you. You lift your hand to move the strands of hair in front of his eyes. 
Then suddenly, he’s chuckling, then full out laughing. 
Your eyebrows twist in confusion.
He speaks.
“You know…we just fucked to the Fortnite loading screen music this whole time?” Refusing to believe him, you listen closely to your surroundings, noticing some music.
Omg, it was the Fortnite loading music.
You throw your head back in a fit of giggles.
“Either way, I’ll be glad to make you squirt again if this is the kind of music that you're into, we can make a playlist.” He teasingly comments.
You playfully hit him softly before you’re covering your face in embarrassment, revisioning the whole encounter with the background music. 
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This was my first ever fanfic on this account! Let me know what you think! :)
Copyright © 2024 softlee
All Rights Reserved.
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wynnyfryd · 6 months
Trailer park Steve AU part 58
part 1 | part 57 | ao3
@steddie-island said i wasn't allowed to cut this lol. cw: angst, canon typical horror, mentions of minor character death
“Lucas called me a ghost today.”
Steve almost laughs, bitter and sharp. Sure. Why not? What’s one more ghost in his passenger seat?
He doesn't really want to talk to her right now, if he's honest. It's been fifteen minutes and she still hasn't apologized for trying to rob him, or explained where they're going, or what spooked her, or why this car ride was so urgent that he had to risk his job for it — a job he actually needs, considering his, well, everything. She's hardly said anything beyond the occasional "turn here" or "next left" while sulking with her forehead pressed against the window.
But he can tell she has something she needs to get off her chest, so he swallows his annoyance and offers, "Yeah?"
"Yeah," she says back. Doesn't elaborate.
He gives her another minute to gather her words, watches her open and close her mouth a few times in his periphery, but nothing comes out. She scoffs at herself and abruptly changes the subject. “Eddie was being extra… well, extra today.”
“Was he?” Steve asks, his bones itching under his skin. He doesn't want to talk about Eddie. Doesn't want to think his name.
“Yeah, he, uh- he was kinda manic? He was, like, running all over the cafeteria and starting shit with Jason Carver...” And he's only half-listening, anger simmering as she goes on and on, because she promised that Dustin didn't put her up to this. Said that this wasn't some bullshit excuse to get him to talk about Eddie or hang out with Eddie or think about Eddie or kiss and make up with fucking Eddie, and now she's just talking about him, and it-
And it hurts; god, it still just hurts—
"....Then he started rambling about how he can’t wait to get the hell out of here when he graduates.”
Searing-stabbing-burning-sharp. Steve clutches at the flare of pain in his chest, the crushed soda-can feeling where his heart's supposed to be. His head pounds. He follows her next direction onto a winding, tree-lined road, the canopy suffocating overhead, and his skin feels too dry — too tight, too small, shrink-wrapping him inside of it, because he knows where they are now. Knows the tilt of the rusted lamp shade, the shape of the weather brick paths. He's tasted the metal tang of this stop sign in his nightmares.
Fuck. Fuck.
"Cool," he grits out as he drives through the cemetery gates. Past stone and wrought iron, past the empty central fountain. He hasn't been here since July. “Good for him.”
“Why are you telling me this?" he snaps. He throws the car in park under an old oak and turns to glare at her, barking a frustrated, "Huh?"
Immediately, he feels bad for raising his voice. Feels even worse for the way she flinches away. The naked fear on her face, her hand reaching for the door. He takes a long, deep breath and lets it out slowly through his nose. “Sorry. Sorry. Just-" There's a leak inside him somewhere; some infected, gaping hole, and his stupid heart keeps pumping all his blood into the wound. "Why are you-?”
“Look,” she says sharply, "I know it sucks. To talk about him." She's staring at the rows of headstones up ahead, her face gone steely with determination, her shoulders squared, her big eyes wide and a little wet when she turns to meet his gaze. “But whatever you were— whatever happened, it just… it really messed him up.”
Good. "You sound like Dustin."
"Maybe Dustin had a point."
"Since when?"
She throws her hands up, nostrils flaring. "I'm trying to tell you that I think he still cares!"
“Yeah? He’s got a seriously fucked up way of showing it if so!”
“Yeah, well some of us don’t know how to show it!”
And oh.
Silence blankets them like dust. Eyes locked; harsh breaths. This has nothing to do with him and Eddie, does it?
Lucas called me a ghost.
Steve sighs and slumps forward, his forearms on the wheel, his chin resting on his wrist. The late afternoon sun is warm through the glass, and his head gives another nasty throb as he looks out over the hill, at the polished stones glinting in the golden hour rays.
His dad is buried here.
A lot of people are.
“Hey,” he murmurs, rolling his neck to look at her. The skin under her eyes is red. "Sorry for yelling."
She sniffs quietly. "Me, too."
He reaches over and gives her hand a quick squeeze, keeping his voice low and gentle. "You know you can just talk to me, right? Max, talk to me. Please.”
Her bottom lip quivers. “It’s nothing, okay?” She sinks down in her seat, crossing her arms to shield herself. “Shit’s just been… it’s just been weird all week. Like- like bad weird, and I don't know if I'm just going crazy, or— I mean, maybe Ms. Kelley's right, maybe's it's just— but it feels like…”
"Like what?"
She holds a hand out flat in front of her; flips her wrist over slowly so her palm faces the sky.
Steve's blood runs cold. He thinks of his own nightmares: the weird visions, the headaches, the persistent haunted feeling.
"I don't know anything for sure," she insists, rushing to reassure him before he can fully start to panic. "Seriously, don't freak out; I haven't, like, seen any gates or anything, it's just— bad dreams. Nose bleeds. I don't know." She hoists her backpack onto her shoulder. "I thought coming here might help."
He catches her by the arm, raking his eyes over her face, looking for any signs of danger. "Is there anything I can do?"
She shakes her head no and tugs free of his grip, and then she's slipping out of the car, letting the door fall shut behind her, and Steve watches her crest the hill while sirens wail inside his head.
part 59
tag list in separate reblogs under '#trailer park steve au taglist' if you'd like to filter that content. if you want to be added please comment and let me know (must be over 21; please either verify in the comment or have your age visible on your blog)
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hannieoftheyear · 8 months
sexting with Mingyu
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the one where you accidentally send Mingyu – someone who you do not like – a nude.
content warnings: smut, sexting, mingyu is an avid emoji user, switch mingyu but more subby at the end (sawrrrry I can’t help it), use of pet names (good boy and baby).
w.c: 2,9k
note: I wanted to post a quick work to get this blog going while I finish some longer things I’m working on ♡ hope you like it and I’m sorry if there are any mistakes
part 2 is posted! find it here
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Your eyes roll when your phone lights up and the text notification pops up.
Kim Mingyu🤢: don’t forget to transfer me the money for Seokmin’s bday 🙏 [11:47 pm.]
The idea of Kim Mingyu of all people handling something as important as a birthday surprise for your best friend irks you.
Of course he was his best friend too. But why on earth did he end up making the plans. And who made you follow his lead. It’s like torture. You don’t want to engage with him in any way.
He was so smug when everyone decided he should be in charge of the surprise party. The decision was between you and him, and you guess people don’t really like your style of planning because it was an unanimous vote. Still, you liked not having to stress so much about it, but having to rely on your sworn enemy makes you shrug.
Okay, maybe sworn enemy it’s an exaggeration. You two just don’t like each other, and that’s fine. Not everyone is always going to like you, and you’re okay with that. The problem is when you can’t avoid said person because you’re in the same fucking friend group.
You two avoid each other if possible. When the whole group hangs out, you try to stay as far away as you can. It’s not like you fight with him, but your exchanges are short and dry, often a little harsh, so you try your best to avoid it to not spoil the mood.
After you transfer him the money, you take a screenshot to send him. It’s not really needed, but you do it just to make sure there’s proof that you transferred the money.
You open his chat and send the last picture on your camera roll without even looking, trying to be done with him the fastest possible.
You: [Picture.] [11:50 pm.]
Locking your phone, you keep working on the assignment your boss asked you to finish by tomorrow. But it gets cut short because not even five minutes later, Mingyu texts you again. You don’t open his chat, but instead, read it through the notification.
Kim Mingyu🤢: didn’t take you as the type to take pics like that 🫣 [11:54 pm.]
You wonder what the hell he’s talking about and why he chose such an annoying emoji.
As you open the chat, your eyes grow wide, and you realize you forgot to check what exactly you were sending Mingyu.
It seems that your screenshot hadn’t fully loaded on the gallery, and you accidentally sent him the previous last photo on your camera roll, which was a mirror selfie of you wearing a new pair of underwear you bought today.
Panic starts to creep in on you, but before doing anything stupid, you breathe in and breathe out, calming yourself to think. Mingyu’s still online, which means he’s probably waiting for your answer.
Instead of admitting it was on accident or showing him any weakness, you decide to play with him a little. He likes to annoy you too, so why not do the same.
You: you never know… I’m full of surprises.
You: why wouldn’t I take a pic if I look pretty? [11:55 pm]
You don’t expect much but his reply comes as soon as you click send.
Kim Mingyu🤢: surprised I definitely am🤔 can’t decide if I like this side of you or not🫢 [11:55 pm.]
You: like I care about your validation [11:56 pm.]
Kim Mingyu🤢: you should.
You: ?
Kim Mingyu🤢: take pics like this I mean😳
Now this is getting interesting.
You: so you think I look pretty? [11:57 pm.]
You wouldn’t lie and say him saying things like this doesn’t make you a little giddy. He’s always so dry with you, you definitely prefer this side of him.
Kim Mingyu🤢: you should send me another one🫣 it’ll help me make up my mind.
You ponder on what’s happening for a solid minute before replying. Is he flirting? Is he teasing you? Will this just be another thing to annoy you in the future?
You: can you stop with those fuckass emojis. [11:58 pm.]
You: I’m not speaking to you if you keep talking like that.
Kim Mingyu🤢: what if I say please?
Now that. Is unexpected. At first it seemed like he wanted to annoy you too, but now he’s almost… begging? How far is he willing to take it? How willing are you?
You: you’re so annoying.
You: I’m trying to work.
Kim Mingyu🤢: all this time we've known each other and I’ve never even seen you in a bikini. [11:59 pm]
Kim Mingyu🤢: what a waste of time.
You: was it worth the wait?
Kim Mingyu🤢: you have no idea.
You: enlighten me then.
Kim Mingyu🤢: oh I don’t think you’re prepared for that.
The conversation is taking a turn you’re not sure if you should take. Exciting you in ways that it shouldn’t.
A chat between the two of you never exceeded a few texts. You are both always so eager to end it as soon as possible, so why does he keep replying? Why do you?
You: what do you want Mingyu? [12:00 am]
Your blatant question seems to take him by surprise because he doesn’t reply right away.
Kim Mingyu🤢: me? You’re the one that sent me a fucking nude at this hour [12:01 am]
He’s right. Are you embarrassing yourself? He’s never gonna let you live after this. But you’re not backing down now.
You: I wasn’t even naked you pervert [12:02 am]
You: and it didn’t seem to matter to you before
You: you liked it didn’t you
Kim Mingyu🤢: never said I didn’t
You: so…
Kim Mingyu🤢: what?
You: are you gonna do something about it?
You’re too curious for your own good. The lines between annoying him and flirting with him are getting more and more blurred every second that passes.
Now it’s your turn to be surprised.
Kim Mingyu🤢: you can’t ask me that [12:03 am]
You: why?
Minutes pass and you see him typing then nothing, then typing again. Your room starts to feel hotter, the expectation getting the best of you and you start to feel a familiar feeling at the base of your stomach.
Kim Mingyu🤢: you should never send a desperate guy something like that at this hour [12:06 am]
You: are you that desperate?
Kim Mingyu🤢: [Picture.]
Kim Mingyu🤢: does that answer your question?
You stare in awe at your phone for what feels like an hour. His hard dick covered by his white boxers threatening to come out fills your screen. Nothing is left to the imagination.
Kim Mingyu🤢: cat got your tongue? [12:08 am]
Kim Mingyu🤢: [Picture.]
Kim Mingyu🤢: it’s getting difficult to not touch myself
A second photo fills your screen now. It’s almost in the same position except now his hand is covering his bulge and his red tip is out.
Wetness starts to pool on your underwear, but he doesn’t need to know, yet at least.
You: I never pictured you as such a needy guy. [12:10 am]
Kim Mingyu🤢: I’m not ashamed to be who I am🙈
You: even with you hands on your pants you manage to send a fucking emoji wow. [12:11 am]
Kim Mingyu🤢: I can send something else
Kim Mingyu🤢: only if you want of course
You straighten yourself, waiting for another photo, but nothing happens. When you move on your seat, you feel just how wet you are. Oh you’re gonna kill him after this.
You: I really hate you you know [12:14 am]
Kim Mingyu🤢: aren’t you supposed to be working?😨
You: you’re distracting
Kim Mingyu🤢: oh so you do want this
You: this? [12:15 am]
Kim Mingyu🤢: all you have to do is ask
Kim Mingyu🤢: nicely
You: you really gonna make me beg?
Kim Mingyu🤢: want me to show you how horny I am?
Kim Mingyu🤢: you want me to make you feel good.
You: you could never make me feel good. [12:16 am]
Kim Mingyu🤢: oh we’ll see about that.
The act you’re putting up won’t last much longer if he keeps up like this. Your right hand creeps down you abdomen. You barely graze your covered cunt, the little relief makes you sigh.
You’re too lost in the little pleasure and don’t realize he sent more texts.
Kim Mingyu🤢: [voice note] [12:18 am]
Kim Mingyu🤢: your turn.
Kim Mingyu🤢: I’m dying over here
Kim Mingyu🤢: are you touching yourself? [12:19 am]
You: you’re leaving me no choice. [12:20 am]
You decide to play with him a little and send him a ‘one view only’ photo of your hand inside your panties. The same panties as the first photo you sent.
After you reply, you dare to play his voice note. The faint sound of his hand tugging on his erection and his little grunts are nothing compared to the sigh he lets out at the end. You play with your fingers, circling them around your wet entrance.
Kim Mingyu🤢: you’re so not fair. [12:22 am]
Kim Mingyu🤢: I bet you’re so wet right now
Kim Mingyu🤢: I wish you were here so I could touch you properly [12:23 am]
Kim Mingyu🤢: my fingers playing with your little cunt like the brat you are
This can’t hurt, right? It’s not like it will happen again, and besides he’s already jerking off to your image. You start circling around your clit, playing with yourself making you squirm.
You: I’m so wet [12:24 am]
Kim Mingyu🤢: did i get you all riled up already?
You: don’t flatter yourself
Kim Mingyu🤢: tell me.
Kim Mingyu🤢: show me how wet you are [12:25 am]
You: I could just slide my fingers in
Kim Mingyu🤢: I said show me
You debate if you should actually send him something. You know he’s trustworthy. He’s friends with your best friends after all, but this is something far beyond that.
You: should I? [12:26 am]
You: I could just leave you like this
You: get it done by myself
It could be read a threat, but you want to see how he reacts.
Kim Mingyu🤢: don’t be mean☹️
Kim Mingyu🤢: I won’t show this to anyone [12:27 am]
Kim Mingyu🤢: if that worries you
Kim Mingyu🤢: I promise
His sudden kindness surprises you a little.
You’re not sure if you always found Mingyu attractive. Sure he’s really handsome that’s undeniable. Maybe when you first met, you thought he was really hot, but those feelings died down because your relationship wasn’t the best. You had a few fights before you decided it was best for the group to just ignore each other if possible.
This was the first time in years you had a long conversation that didn’t end in a fight, and you like it.
You: I'm not the type to do this you know [12:28 am]
Kim Mingyu🤢: I’m not either
You: but I don't want to stop
Kim Mingyu🤢: me neither
Knowing he wants this too just turns you on more. He’s not pushing you to do anything, and you guess that if you tell him to stop, he will. But you have to make sure before you do something.
You: just promise me this is between us [12:30 am]
Kim Mingyu🤢: you have my word🤐
You: be serious for one second
Kim Mingyu🤢: you can trust me
Kim Mingyu🤢: I’m serious I won’t show or tell anyone
That is enough to calm you for now. You don’t think about how this will affect your relationship. Seokmin’s birthday is just a few days away, and you’ll have to face Mingyu in front of everyone.
But that doesn’t bother you now as you’re filming what Mingyu so desperately was asking you to.
You angle your phone to show only your lower body on camera. You start the video circling your entrance, gathering as much arousal as possible. After that, you move your fingers closer to the camera to show how wet they are and then slowly insert two fingers in your hole. You end the video after a little moan escapes your lips
You: for being such a good boy [12:35 am]
You: [video]
You don’t stop fingering yourself and close your eyes, imagining it’s Mingyu’s hand and not yours. His thick fingers would stretch you more than yours ever could. A few slow strokes are enough to make you squirm. And you remember to open your eyes and see you got more texts from Mingyu.
Kim Mingyu🤢: holy fuck [12:37 am]
Kim Mingyu🤢: you’re dripping
Kim Mingyu🤢: I should be there right now
Kim Mingyu🤢: show you what my mouth could do
Kim Mingyu🤢: could eat you out for hours
Kim Mingyu🤢: fuck you’re making me so hard [12:38 am]
Kim Mingyu🤢: [picture]
He had taken his boxers off and was now fully naked. His hand could barely wrap around his fully hard dick. The tip is pinkish red and leaking precum already.
You: fuck you’re so big [12:39 am]
You: I don’t think it could fit inside me
Kim Mingyu🤢: I’ll make it fit
You: how?
Kim Mingyu🤢: I'd make you cum so much that I'd slide right in
You: are you touching yourself?
Kim Mingyu🤢: god how I wish this was you instead of my hand
You close your eyes again. Imagining Mingyu on top of you as you finger yourself harder, as deep as you possibly can. Wet sounds and moans fill your room as you get closer and closer.
Kim Mingyu🤢: I’m so close it’s embarrassing [12:41 am]
You: I am too
Kim Mingyu🤢: show me?🥺
The giggle you let out is almost instantaneous. His emojis are annoyingly cute.
You take a similar video as before, but don’t hold back the moans. Your strokes are slow to show on camera how deep you’re getting. The orgasm is so close that you can taste it, but you stop, edging yourself.
You: because you asked so nicely [12:43 am]
You: [video.]
You: now you
You wait a few minutes, stroking you clit lightly to not lose the orgasm but not quickly enough to stimulate much.
The torture doesn’t last long because a video appears in your chat along with more texts.
Kim Mingyu🤢: holy shit [12:44 am]
Kim Mingyu🤢: you’re so hot
Kim Mingyu🤢: god that should be my hand
Kim Mingyu🤢: [video] [12:45 pm]
As soon as you press play you’re welcomed by Mingyu’s delicious moans. His cock is shiny with pre cum all over it, now angry red. He moans at every pump and you feel yourself getting wetter.
Unexpectedly, he also speaks: “I’m so close" his voice is hoarse and deep like you’ve never heard before, “I wish this was your hand, shit only imagining makes me almost cum" and finally, “please… tell me I can cum… can I cum?”
You never expected the big buff Kim Mingyu to be so needy, it just makes you hornier if that’s even possible.
You: you’re so needy baby [12:47 am]
You: I’m close too
You: been edging myself waiting for you
Kim Mingyu🤢: shit baby don’t say stuff like that [12:48 am]
Kim Mingyu🤢: im about to burst
You: want to cum big boy?
Kim Mingyu🤢: pleeasee
You: look who’s begging now
Kim Mingyu🤢: don’t play with me right now
Kim Mingyu🤢: you’re just as desperate as me
Kim Mingyu🤢: use three fingers for me and cum baby [12:49 am]
You don’t need to be told twice. You press record and insert three fingers into your cunt. You’re so wet they just slide in and you let out a long moan, increasing your speed at every thrust. It’s not long until you’re shaking and cumming all over your hand and bed.
But you don’t end the video there. You grab your phone and film your face as you suck your fingers clean while staring at the camera lense.
You: [video.] [12:51 am]
You: your turn to cum baby
As you wait for him, you go clean yourself up and grab new sheets for the bed.
Kim Mingyu🤢: [video] [12:53]
You press play and the sight of his hand is rapidly stoking his hard dick welcomes you, no more than five strokes after the video starts he lets out a long ground and is cumming all over his abs.
Kim Mingyu🤢: that was [12:54]
Kim Mingyu🤢: holy shit
Kim Mingyu🤢: I never came so fast in my life
You: embarrassingly me neither
The conversations stills for a few minutes, even though it feels like hours. What do you say after sexting with someone you supposedly hate?
You: I guess I’ll see you on saturday [01:03 am]
You're left on read a few more minutes, and you wonder if he already regrets this.
Kim Mingyu🤢: yeah right [01:06 am]
Kim Mingyu🤢: I’ll send everyone what hour to come by to prepare everything
Kim Mingyu🤢: see you then
It’s so awkward that you don’t send anything after.
You don’t regret it, but you do fear what’s going to happen.
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Note: sorry if the ending it’s a little sudden, I don’t know how to finish this but I do want to write a part two 😉
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keigokoutarou · 2 years
“Do you like my hips?” Pt. 2
Simon “Ghost” Riley x AFAB!reader
Pt. 1 | Pt. 1.5
We’ve done it. It’s here. I’ll ask for forgiveness now. Please read all the tags!
Warnings: 18+ content, knife play, roughhousing, biting, ghost is kind of a meanie but in a cute way, hot and cold ghost, praise.
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8:57 P.M
The clock read. You had checked and re-checked your phone consistently for the the last five minutes.
Ghost’s quarters were only 30 feet away, around the corner and to the left but even hidden from its view, you still felt too close for comfort.
“If I’m early, it’ll back fire.” You groaned. Only a minute had passed but you felt your heart quicken even more.
Honestly, you couldn’t tell if you were excited, nervous or just outright panicking.
8:59 P.M
“Now or never.” You prepped your self, rounding the corner. You took a deep breath, eyeing your destination. However, something made you stop in your tracks.
“What the hell?” You muttered to yourself. When you first arrived, the door was closed and a light was on. Now, it was cracked opened and dark. Only the moonlight gave it life as you approached.
“Ghost?” You called out, peaking your head in. You honestly had forgotten about the events leading up to you even being here, now just feeling overcome with worry and frustration.
You pushed the door open further, letting yourself in to see if he had left for the night to stay off base instead. You noted the lack of bags and how neat the bed looked. It all looked so untouched and that earned a hearty laugh from you.
“I got fucking stood up.” You couldn’t tell if you were laughing in relief or anger now. “That motherfu-“
You found your words being cut short as the door slammed behind you and your chest met the nearest wall. You felt your arms being pulled behind you and pinned to the arch of your back.
It all happened in seconds and now you found yourself stuck, hot puffs of air coming out muffled through fabric.
“What were you about to call me?” His thick accent spoke beside you, pushing his body into yours and forcing the air out of your lungs at the weight.
You let out a breathy giggle. “A motherfucker, Lieutenant.”
You felt him squeeze your arms a little tighter, coaxing a gasp out of you at the delicious pain.
“That’s not going to cut it tonight, Sergeant.” He whispered. “You’re going to have to be kinder than that.”
“And what should I call you?” You teased. “Simon?”
You looked at him out of the corner of your eye, noting the way he watched your devious smirk form as you spoke.
“Maybe you get off on just being called Ghost.” You wanted to push his buttons the same way he had you pushed against the wall. “That’s why you insist we call you that, isn’t it?”
“Watch it.” He hissed.
“Or what?” Your words were labored at this point from the pressure. “Did I hit a nerve?”
“You like this, huh?” He spoke as you felt him release you suddenly. Taking a few steps back when you turned yourself around and leaned against the wall.
“Like what?” You looked at him straight through your lashes.
“Pissing me off.” He crossed his arms, stepping forward.
“I didn’t know I had such power over you.” You smiled. “How cute.”
You let your head rest against the wall as your chest was falling up and down heavily. You watched the way he studied how your lips parted as you panted.
“Do you dream about me too?” His eyes made their way back to yours.
“Yes.” He answered nonchalantly.
Your eyebrows slightly furrowed in confusion before composing yourself again. Your eyes searched his and found nothing but seriousness. There was no hint of play in them like there had been earlier.
You hated the way he could easily steal your power from you.
“What do you dream about?” You words felt breathless now.
Simon looked at you, letting his arms drop back at his sides again. You could tell he was thinking, weighing between options before deciding on one and stepping closer to you.
You watched as he closed you in, his hands on either side of your head and his body pressing closer to yours. You were face to face with his collar bones as his head practically hung over yours.
You looked down toward the floor, hiding your smile and the way your face flushed.
“Want me to tell you?” His words were so close to your ear.
“Or show you?”
Oh, you were in awe. Your chest rose and fell at a rapid pace with excitement.
“Look at me, Sergeant.”
God, he didn’t even need to ask.
You rose your head, coming face to face with him. His vacant eyes searching yours as they met.
“Won’t you take the mask off?” You quipped, trying to deter the situation no matter how closely your thighs were squeezed together now.
“Show my face?” You could her the small smirk on his lips.
“Yes sir.” You looked at him with dreamy eyes.
“Can’t do that.” He shook his head slightly.
“Why not?” You tilted your head to the side, earning a small sigh from him. “Are you ugly?”
“Quite the opposite.”
You cursed yourself mentally after he had rendered you speechless again. Lips parted and panting, you could do nothing at this point. He really had a hold on you.
“You want to see?.” He questioned, somehow getting impossibly closer. “You want to see what’s under my mask, show you my real face?”
Your heart was clawing at it’s cage now. You could feel the outline of his ear pressed almost against your cheek and hear the sound of fabric shuffling slightly filled your senses.
“You want me to show you all of me huh?” His words were clear now and you could almost feel the skin of his lips brushing against you. “To bear it all just like you do in this fucking shirt.”
You tried to look out of the corner of your eye, to catch of a glimpse of the ever elusive Ghost.
“I have half the mind to tear it off ya.” He hissed, leaning closer to block any chance of you seeing even a sliver of his face.
“Then do it.” You let out. “You said you’d punish me right?”
You heard his airy taken aback gasp followed by a heavy sigh against your neck.
“Don’t tell me you’re fucking scared now, Ghost.” You pushed just a little further.
And push harder you did. You felt his lips dance along your neck before biting down harshly.
“Shit.” You hissed at the sudden feeling.
“Watch your fucking mouth.” His mask had fallen back down as he leaned back and met your feral eyes.
“Make me then.” It was so fucking cliche but you wanted him to. You wanted him to make you eat those words.
“You get on my fucking nerves.” He spoke but there was no venom behind his words, no sting, no truth.
The tips of his fingers danced along the strap of your shirt. “Do I now?” You quizzed with a sly smile. “Do you think about how annoying I am? I bet I’m always on your mind.”
“You have no idea.” He mumbled to himself but you still caught it.
He reached in his back pocket, fiddling around before pulling out a shiny blade. The knife flipped open with a satisfying click and he held it to the top of your flimsy tank top.
Your eyes never left his face, not when his eyes dropped to the knife meeting the fabric and slicing through the middle like it was nothing. Your eyes didn’t falter when your shirt piled to either side of you from nothing keeping it together.
“Fuck.” He drew out, shamefully staring at your now bare chest.
“Like what you see?” You smirked.
He looked at you and you watched the thoughts swirl behind his eyes before he spoke again.
“Turn around.” Was all that left his lips.
You cocked an eyebrow at him, surprised by his sudden statement.
“You listening to me, doll?” There was that damned smirk again. “I need you to turn around for me.”
“Why is that?” God, you loved messing with him.
He pulled on the front of your pants, hooking a finger to the inside of them and tugging you off the wall. “Gonna make you mine.”
He spun you around quickly, pinning your bare chest to the wall and holding your hips firmly.
“You ok with that?” He spoke against your ear. “You wanna be mine?
“Want me to claim you?” His fingers started undoing the button on your cargos. “Show you how no one else can satisfy you?”
Your head was whirling. Your eyes closed at his words, drinking them in like a shot of expensive liquor. “All you’ll be able to think about is me. You want that? Huh?” He hissed against your ear as his hands slipped down the front of your pants.
“Gotta talk to me baby.” He cooed as a finger danced along your clothed slit, soaking in just how wet you were. “Need to hear how good you feel.”
He watched the way your lips fell open in the sweetest O shape at him pushing your black thong to the side and sliding his calloused finger across your clit.
“Don’t tell me you’re fucked dumb already.” He chuckled, continuing to rub you.
“Fuck you.” You whined under your breath.
“Mmm.” He mused. “Say it again.”
You sighed at the break from pleasure as his fingers left your clit. You were breathing heavy, head spinning as he slid his index finger inside of you.
“Simon.” You whined, hand wrapping around his wrist as he pumped his finger agonizingly slow.
“Hmm?” He hummed. “Want another? I bet you can take it.”
Your chest was rising and falling faster than before as you dug your nails into the skin of his forearm when he slid his finger out and added another.
“That’s it.” He pushed them into you with a delicious curl. “That’s a good girl.”
“Shit.” You hissed as he pumped harder, making sure his palm bumped against your puffy clit. “Fuck, Simon.”
“You’re close already?” His words filled your thoughts. You nodded dumbly, mouth open and panting.
Heat washed over you, pushing you closer the edge of coming undone for him. Honestly it felt embarrassing how fast he had you melting his just his hands.
You were shameless though. Throwing away any dignity just to chase the high he was about to give you. Just as the cord tightened and your body tensed, he withdrew his hand with an adoring smile hidden under his mask.
“Oh you’re so-“ you struggled to get out. “So fucking cruel.”
The look you gave him over your shoulder was deadly. He was sure he hadn’t seen this look since your first mission together and now being under its scrutiny was damn near bone chilling. Still, he smirked and you knew it from the way his eyes stared down at you.
He didn’t reward you with a snarky comment, instead he was forcing your heavy cargos down past your ass and the black lacy thong you wore went with them.
“Need you to bend over for me.” He voiced as he began undoing his own jeans.
You groaned, shuffling your feet backwards and keeping your chest to the wall.
“That’s it.” He hissed as he began to pump himself slowly. “Atta girl.”
You bit at your lip, holding in the moan when he placed the tip of his heavy cock against your slit and began rubbing up and down before pushing in slowly.
“Atta fucking girl.” He hissed, gripping your ass to spread you open even more.
“Simon.” You whined, “too much.”
“You can do it baby.” He pushed further, splitting you open with a delicious ache. “Relax for me.”
“Ah-“ You hand jolted back, trying to reach his hips and a half hearted attempt to halt his movement.
“That’s it.” He groaned, moving his hips slowly. “So proud of you.” His praise made your cheeks burn.
Simon drew his hips back, brushing against that delicious spot on the way before almost pulling completely out and slamming hard back into you.
“Good.” He growled. “So fucking good.”
His thrusts were relentless. Ensuring you felt every inch of his thick cock when he fucked you. You yelped as the tip brushed against your cervix, earning a hiss from him when you tightened around him. Wet slaps filled the air as he pounded you faster, determined to fill every inch of you that he could.
“You’re mine.” He hissed, leaning forward with his hand around your throat.
He watched the way your mouth hung open but no noise could even leave this sweet lips of yours, not when he fucked you this good.
“Got that?” His other hand reached to the front of you, tugging on your puffy clit. You moaned in response but that wasn’t what he wanted.
“Go on.” He growled in your ear. “Go on. Say it. Say you’re mine.”
“Simon-“ You felt like you could cry. “Please-“ Every word was cut short by his thrusts deeper into you. You were so close that it hurt and your mind was racing.
Of course you were his.
“I’m - fuck - I’m yours.” You almost sobbed. “Belong to you.”
He reached for your hands, pulling them behind your back and pinning them against you to use to fuck you harder. He yanked you back on his cock at the same time he thrusted forward too many times to count before the inside of your thighs ran slick and he had you coming undone around him. A few more dizzying pumps and you felt him pull out if you with a moan.
“Fuck.” He mumbled to himself, slipping his free arm around your waist to keep you from falling.
“Did so good for me.” He praised between pants against your shoulder. “Don’t think I’m gonna let you go now.” You smiled, turning your face away from him.
“You belong to me, right?”
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burntheedges · 25 days
Summer Stuff-My-Inbox Fic Rec List (Part 2)
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I can't believe it's already September? What the hell, honestly. Thank you all for sending me your fics again!
Remember to check out Part 1, too.
The list has 57 more Pedro-character fics posted since June 1, organized by character and then alphabetically by author. Mind all tags and warnings! I've noted word count (we've got a range!), whether it's part of a series, and pairings. Let's get reading and reblogging!
Characters in this rec list: Dave York, Dieter Bravo, Din Djarin, Ezra (Prospect), Frankie Morales, Javier Gutierrez, Javier Peña, Joel Miller, Marcus Acacius, Marcus Moreno, Marcus Pike, Pero Tovar, Tim Rockford
Dave York
melt by @sizzlingcloudmentality | 960 words | Dave x f!reader summary: wine drunk and with fresh croissants from the bakery you're having French breakfast and sex with Dave. | Daphne mentioned being proud of this one particulary because of the smut!! 😏
Dieter Bravo
Eros & Psyche by @schnarfer | ~16k, complete | Dieter x f!reader summary: Dieter is a modern day Greek God Eros. We’re going full existential dread rom-com, actually. | I can't wait to read this!
Golden Girl by @whocaresstillthelouvre | 2.9k | Dieter x f!reader summary: What happens when you discover your husband has been cheating on you? You call his best friend to help comfort you.
Starlet by whocaresstillthelouvre | 3.7k | Dieter x f!reader summary: Your husband has a big movie premiere, sure he looks great, but his co-star looks even better.
Din Djarin
Fifteen Weeks by whocaresstillthelouvre | 5k | Din x f!reader summary: It's been fifteen weeks since Din Djarin first entered your life, now you can't imagine it without him. You take a leap of faith in your relationship and visit him at his farm. | this is part 2! Don't miss part 1!
Oath Broken and Soul Bound by @whxtedreams | 1.8k, wip | Din x OFC Witch hunter!Din x OFC!Witch, from Flora: It's a Witch AU, fantasy and forbidden love. It's very new, only one chapter out but I have very big plans. I have pretty much the entire fic mapped out. It also has Ezra, Frankie and Joel as characters. You can learn more about their characters here in the character study i did for them. This is my passion project, I have so much love for them and I can’t wait to share my story in more detail!
Tales from the Dark Garden by @hapan-in-exile | 9k | Din x f!reader summary: The reader is a courtesan at the Dark Garden, Coruscant’s most prestigious pleasure house, where you encounter the Mandalorian.
Touchstone by @sawymredfox | 2.6k | Din x f!reader summary: Things are not always what they seem. They have a meaning. They have a reason behind them, private and cherished.
Ezra (Prospect)
There are Other Fish in the Sea by @beefrobeefcal | 4 parts | Frankie x f!reader, Ezra x f!reader summary: an alternate ending (and continuation) of another of Beefro's fics, where Frankie messes up and Ezra comes along.
Joel x Ezra
who knows where the time goes by @sixhours | 11k | Joel x Ezra (Prospect) summary: It's New Year's 2027 and the dads are going through it. An i know you by heart one-shot.
Frankie Morales
Like the Rain by @jennaispunk | 2.9k | Frankie x f!reader summary: Frankie has something to say….will you listen? | Jenna said this one is her first Frankie fic!! and a challenge because it has more spice, which is fun!
There are Other Fish in the Sea by @beefrobeefcal | 4 parts | Frankie x f!reader, Ezra x f!reader summary: an alternate ending (and continuation) of another of Beefro's fics, where Frankie messes up and Ezra comes along.
Tide by whocaresstillthelouvre | 1.2k | Frankie x f!reader summary: Frankie Morales is capable of almost anything… except not cumming in his jeans when he thinks about you, the pretty clerk at the grocery store he always buys his giant jugs of laundry detergent at.
Javier Gutierrez
KEPT by @beefrobeefcal | 5.3k | Javi x f!reader summary: You might just have bitten off more than you can chew by possibly becoming Javi G's sugar baby.
Rhapsody in Blue by @maggiemayhemnj | 5.5k | Javi x f!reader summary: Javi G takes you to the Oscars. Takes you to the Vanity Fair party. Takes you back to the Chateau Marmont. Then just takes you. | Maggie said this one took her out of her comfort zone, and she ahd fun delving into more spice!
Javier Peña
An End to Drought by @almostfoxglove | 5.4k | Javi x f!reader summary: The future of your family's homestead hangs in the balance as Javier Peña comes home in the middle of a drought.
Dispose of Me by whocaresstillthelouvre | 1.8k | Javi x f!reader summary: Javier Peña needs you… and you're moving away in two weeks.
Dusk by @the-orange-tabby-cat | 8.7k | Javi x f!reader summary: Javier sees you again years after the end of your love affair. Torn between the memories of what happened then and what is now, you both face the weight of your actions from Bogotá to Madrid.
Hold my hand by @milla-frenchy | 4.1k | Javi x f!reader summary: a stranger saves your life. Or your and Javi’s love story.
I'll Carry You by almostfoxglove | 2 of 3 parts, 13.6k | Javi x f!reader summary: You reunite with your childhood best friend when he arrives home from Colombia. Javier's sudden return to your life exhumes buried heartbreak, but he longs to set things right.
Scathed by @dancingtotuyo | 41k, wip | Javi x OFC summary: Javier and Emily experienced the drug war on different fronts in very different ways. Maybe, they’re what the other needs to heal.
Joel Miller
Joel & Ellie, no pairing
happy birthday, baby girl by sixhours | wip | Joel and Ellie summary: Ellie has never had a birthday. Joel can fix that.
Joel x Ezra
who knows where the time goes by sixhours | 11k | Joel x Ezra (Prospect) summary: It's New Year's 2027 and the dads are going through it. An i know you by heart one-shot.
x reader or x OFC
A summer with the Millers by @milla-frenchy | 4.2k, wip | Joel x f!reader x Tommy summary: you come back to your father's house for summer vacation and want to get closer to your crush and dad's best friend, Tommy Miller. His brother Joel is gonna help you to reach your goal.
Always in my Heart by @mermaidgirl30 | 1.2k | Joel x f!reader
summary: Losing a pet is never easy, but you’re not alone because Joel is right there with you, keeping you afloat.
BDSMaid by @mountainsandmayhem | wip | Joel x f!reader summary: After recently graduating from university, your best friend offers you a job cleaning luxury homes for clients you’ll never know. It’s only temporary and a good way to save money for when you go back to get your law degree. That’s what you’re promised at least. Easy. Simple. Mundane. That is, until one of your clients is home and everything that you felt was missing in your life starts to fall into place. This goes against the NDA you signed and you could get fired. Or worse, you could fall in love.
Cover Me Up by almostfoxglove | 97.7k, finished | Joel x f!reader summary: After you spare the lives of two kids who break into your isolated cabin in the woods, they lead you back to their settlement. You intend to get in, trade for valuable supplies, and get out, but end up staying. Four years later, you're a solitary but respected pillar of Jackson's close-knit community when Joel Miller shows up, kid in tow. You think nothing of him or the kid. You like your quiet life. Too bad it won't stay quiet for long. Or: Joel and Ellie make you human again. | Freya's first series!
Dark Shades of Innocence Lost by mermaidgirl30 | finished | Joel x f!reader summary: After your friends drag you out to Club Inferno on a Friday night, you meet an unexpected man with dark brown eyes. That man is Joel Miller, who turns out to be the owner of the club. The menace that will turn your life upside down. After not dating for a couple of years, Joel finds out and strikes up a proposition for you. Keep coming back and he’ll make sure you experience pleasure like you’ve never felt before.
Fragile State by @galway-girlatwork | 2.5k | Joel x OFC Tara summary: The aftermath of a traumatic car accident leaves a family struggling with fear and uncertainty. The emotional toll weighing them all down as they try to find some normalcy which they all know is impossible until he wakes up. Vulnerability and desperate needs for the man who is the center of their lives to remember who they are and the life he had with them. | the author mentioned this way of writing a story was new, which is very fun!
Halcyon by @justagalwhowrites | ch 16, 110k so far | Joel x f!reader summary: When your life falls apart, you find yourself back in your hometown of Austin, Texas for the first time in more than a decade. Eager to make your own way after a rough divorce, you reconnect with your high school best friend Joel Miller - a man you never thought would be in your life again. Things have changed since your falling out just before you left for college but friendship with Joel comes easy. His life isn't in any better shape than your own and the two of you make a vow to get your acts together - personal, professional and romantic - in the span of a year. But will your burgeoning connection make it so you can figure everything out or will your history together get in the way?
Her by milla-frenchy | 3.2k | Joel x f!reader summary: after Joel confides one of his fantasies to you one day, you make it come true. | her first kinda sub!Joel with Joel realizing a fantasy. 😏
In Need of a Top Up by @tateypots | 1.5k | Joel x f!reader summary: Joel likes calling you his wife and you like hearing it.
In pain and heartache. In comfort and love. by whxtedreams | 2.5k | Joel x f!reader summary: They were so desperate to hold each other after tasting life without one another.
It Tastes of Magic by sawymredfox | 12k | Joel x f!reader summary: Your grandmother always told you the same thing. Have always salt in handy to spill over your left shoulder. Knock on wood to keep away the bad luck. Don't forget that mint likes to have her space to grow. Actions always speak louder than words. And love as much as you can, because even when it hurts, it makes you stronger. Will she still be right?
Lock the Gate by almostfoxglove | 23k+, wip | Joel x f!reader summary: You're less than enthusiastic when your uncle's partner Frank invites two strangers from the Boston QZ to your compound to trade. Joel Miller proves just as callous as you and brutishly stubborn—but after a cutting first impression, a bloody inconvenience, and a long walk through infested woods, you're not sure if the fire you carry for him is actually hate.
Push it by milla-frenchy | 3.4k | Joel x f!reader summary: you have a secret “relationship” with Joel, your dad's best friend. You know you can't have more, but you can’t resist the idea to provoke him a little.
See How She Rides by @arcanefox207 | 4.4k | Joel x f!reader summary: BoatMechanic!Joel Miller is just doing his job when you show up unannounced to soak up some summer sun. | Ally said she had a lot of fun writing this one and I think we're going to have a lot of fun reading it!!
spin me around by @ace-turned-confused | 2.4k | Joel x f!reader summary: you find a vintage record store full of rare finds, the man behind the counter the rarest of them all. | for the Secret Springs challenge!
Stranger in a Bar by justagalwhowrites | 17.3k | part 2, finished | Joel x f!reader summary: You meet a stranger in a bar, one who is fun and sexy and makes you wonder if the single life is all it's cracked up to be. But there's one big problem: you probably shouldn't be fucking your dad's best friend.
Teach Me How to Play Coach Miller by whocaresstillthelouvre | 3.2k | Joel x f!reader summary: You're home alone, relishing a lazy day when your hot neighbor knocks on your door. Seems his TV is out and he really wants to watch the Rangers game. You know nothing about baseball… maybe he can teach you a thing or two?
Tear You Apart by mermaidgirl30 | wip | Joel x f!reader summary: Joel comes for you late at night. He always does. Always stalks, chases, and prowls after you like a starving wolf. And when he catches you, he devours you, feeds on you like the animal he is. Will you run and hide or will you give into the temptation that calls you into the forest?
Tenacity by whocaresstillthelouvre | 2.3k | Joel x f!reader summary: Joel Miller will never allow himself to take what he wants and you know that. How can a broken shower make him realize it's too late and he's already fallen for you? (Or Joel fucks you on his beat up couch in the QZ.)
The Fallen Warrior by @bluestar22x | 6.7k, wip | Joel x f!reader summary: Joel Miller, once the great archangel named Jaoel, fell from grace many centuries ago. After his brethren take everything from him, he immerses himself in human culture. Careful not to get too close to anyone new, everything changes when Joel finds a nephal (nephilim plural) living on the streets in Austin - the first since his fall. A trusted co-worker (reader) ends up adopting her. But just as the street kid, Ellie Williams, is settling into her new home Heaven’s angels come to town searching for her. They have a plan to use her blood in their battle against Hell, then dispose of her after. Joel can’t allow that. He won’t.
The green flannel shirt by milla-frenchy | 817 words | Joel x f!reader summary: Joel comes back home from work and finds you asleep wearing his shirt.
The Savage and the Sanctuary by justagalwhowrites | 8.3k, wip | Joel x f!reader summary: After the death of his daughter, Joel Miller fell apart. But when searching for answers at the bottom of a bottle and within his own rage doesn't fix it, he resigns himself to working for his brother in private security. It's a job that starts him down the path to stability and a semblance of a life, even if it's not one he particularly wants. At least it does until you show up. The biggest movie star in the world with your newly adopted niece in tow, you throw everything about Joel's life into flux. Is he capable of letting himself feel something again while protecting the only things left in the world that matter?
untitled by @idioticcatss | ~1.5k | Joel x reader sophie mentioned being proud of getting out of a writing slump with this fluffy, smutty fic! some tags: love marks, age gap, pet names, smut
Wings of the Dawn by the-orange-tabby-cat | 49k, wip | Joel x f!reader summary: You are Jackson’s librarian, a doll with good heart, that has your life changed when a handsome man and his kid decides to start again in your small town. Having a hard time ignoring Joel’s dark brown eyes, you found yourself wishing to have him closer as you both navigate through love triangles, teenage drama, city gossip and ghosts from both your pasts.
Woman by dancingtotuyo | 74.6k, finished! | Joel x f!reader summary: Joel Miller returns to Jackson bringing back memories and feelings from 20 years ago, but you refuse fall into the universe’s trap again. Your table is at capacity. Adding another chair will only kill you when they get taken away. | also Em just starting posting a no-outbreak AU of this fic!!
Yearling by justagalwhowrites | 306k, finished! | Joel x f!reader summary: After years of surviving in the wilds of Wyoming after the cordyceps outbreak, you find yourself in Jackson. It's a town filled with friendly faces and the kind of world you hardly remember, let alone can connect with or understand. But one man - Joel Miller, another loner, like you - makes you think that trying to find your place in society again might be worth it.
Yearling No-Outbreak AU by justagalwhowrites | 4.1k, wip | Joel x f!reader summary: When Ellie sees you riding at a rodeo, she knows you have to teach her. A no-outbreak AU of Yearling, where you and Joel find each other in every timeline. Can be read independently as a no-outbreak AU fic.
Marcus Acacius
Legionary by whocaresstillthelouvre | 3.4k | Marcus x Lucius x f!reader summary: Marcus returns to his hometown while traveling with his young soldier who's eager to learn from him. Good thing he knows your domus is always open to him.
mould me for ruin by ace-turned-confused | 4.6k | Marcus x f!reader summary: after years of watching general acacius, you long to wield a sword of your own — an opportunity arises for your dreams to come true, in more ways than one.
proud to be yours by ace-turned-confused | 2.7k | Marcus x f!reader summary: it's the first time you've seen acacius since he took your virginity, and he has plans for a different kind of training.
Marcus Moreno
(Some) Bodies by galway-girlatwork | 3.1k | Marcus x OFC Priestly summary: In the shadows of the ancient city, a dark romance blossoms between a healer and a sinner. It is a connection of light and dark, life and death. Can he accept her past? Can she believe there is redemption for what she’s done? Can carefully guarded secrets stay that way?
Marcus Pike
Code name: Hephaestus by @604to647 | 3.2k | Marcus x f!reader summary: Marcus requests a change to his FBI Agent code name. | Emily wrote this for Kel's Pedro Pantheon challenge and really challenged herself!! I'm excited to read. 🧡
next year by me! | 18.3k | Marcus x gn!reader summary: You expected your vacation to go like it always did -- a week of reading, relaxing, and so much alone time you'd be almost happy to see your coworkers when you got back. You'd spend time on the beach and walk around town and generally do whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted, just like you did every year. But when you locked eyes from across the sand with the handsome man renting the house next door, something told you this year would be different.
Pero Tovar
Maple by @sawymredfox | 2k | Pero x f!reader summary: A fox, a rifle, and two strangers in a forest. What could go wrong?
Tim Rockford
The detective by @milla-frenchy | 2.6k | Tim x f!reader summary: being a suspect in a theft case, you get interrogated by a handsome and dominant personal investigator.
happy reading and reblogging! 🧡
125 notes · View notes
strbymacaroon · 9 months
Silent Love: Ch.3- Fake Dinner Date W/Feels
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⊹ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐ Chapter Two
Previous Chapter: Sexual Tension
Chapter One: New Roommate(s)
Master-List: Here!
.・゜゜・ 。・゚゚・ ╰┈➤ Sukuna x Reader
⁎̩͙ ⁑̩͙̩͙ ⁂̩̩͙͙ Sypnosis:
When moving out of your dorm and leaving your eccentric roommate goes to shit, you're offered by one of her friends to move in with him... for free! That is, if you don't mind living with two completely opposite college boys.
However, life isn't that easy, and there's a hot asshole around the corner to piss you off. Especially when he's always up late at night when you're studying, purposely trying to get on your nerves in the most perverse way possible.
You hate him.
⁎̩͙ ⁑̩͙̩͙ ⁂̩̩͙͙ Genre:
College/Modern World AU. Multiple parts.
Shameless Smut, Thin Walls, Mildly Dubious Consent, Roommates Fluff and Crack, Slice of Life, Kinda Slow Burn, Oral Sex Vaginal Sex, Slight Age Difference, Degradation Fake/Pretend Relationship, Dirty Talk, Dirty Thoughts, Enemies to Lovers, Spit Kink, Angst, Hurt/Comfort.
⁎̩͙ ⁑̩͙̩͙ ⁂̩̩͙͙ Word Count: 11,729
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・ 。゚☆:  *・ November 18th, 2023 ☽ .* :☆゚.
You sit up in your bed at the sound of frantic knocking, your eyes awkwardly adjusting to the room, and immediately getting hit with a splitting migraine enveloping your head. You wince in pain, groaning loudly as the knocking grows louder. 
“Shit. Yuuji, what the hell do you want?” You yell at the door, grabbing your pillow and pulling it over your head. It’s way to fucking early to be dealing with this shit, why couldn’t he bother you in the afternoon? 
You glance at the clock on your counter, the numbers ‘2:57 PM’ glaring back at you, oh shit. An exasperated noise leaves your mouth. Okay, fine, maybe it is time to get up. You push yourself off your bed, growing annoyed that the knocking hasn’t ceased to stop. 
You’re too hungover for this. You and Nobara ended up drinking far too many drinks than you care to admit, so much so to the point where you believe Nobara’s car is still at the house where the party was. Or, maybe the Nobara is still there, the party was hosted by the frat of her asshole. 
You should probably text her to see how she pulled through. Nobara seemed absolutely gone when you tried talking to her. Actually, is she even alive right now?
Your hair is a mess, your makeup still on from the previous night, it’s absolutely ruined, but it’s still on. You reach for your brush on the counter, flinching with the tension it has running through your thick strands. 
What are you wearing? Are you decent enough to open the door? You look down at your outfit, seeing you were just wearing a large shirt, only long enough to cover the important parts. You’re willing to change, but with the insistent knocking getting longer, you’re only growing more annoyed. You decide to quickly grab some shorts. 
You pull the door open mid hair stroke, clearly pissed as you say, “Yuuji what the hell do you want—“ You cut yourself off, your eyebrows furrowing in confusion. “Sukuna?” Definiently, not how you wanted to start your morning–or, afternoon. You’re still reeling from your orgasm the other night. 
You’re honestly incredibly embarrassed, the idea of the man you got yourself off to from pleasing himself, now standing right in front of you, it’s a bit too much for you to handle. You hate it, but your body appreciates it. 
Sukuna looks… incredibly annoyed, maybe even a bit done. It’s hot. 
You can see Yuuji behind him, leaning on his door, and snickering in contentment. Somehow, that reels you back in and out of your head, containing your thoughts to something more manageable. Yuuji, on the other hand, seems incredibly amused, his mouth pressed in a thin line trying to conceal a smile. It’s cute.
You give Yuuji an accusing look, “What’s happening?” 
This seems to make Yuuji absolutely break, his hand slapping over his mouth as he bursts out in laughter. Sukuna looks more annoyed now, his eyes twitching closed as he rubs his temples. Yuuji obnoxiously points at his Sukuna with a very shaky hand. “Sukuna needs you—Sukuna needs your help.” He turns his face away from his Sukuna. “Oh my god, this is amazing.” 
Sukuna seems to snap at this, turning his head to his brother and yelling, “I do not need her help, brat.” He sounds pissed, more so than normal. That has to mean Yuuji is right, which doesn’t seem right. Sukuna needing help sounds foreign. “If you’re here to be an annoying shit, you can fuckin’ leave.”
“You need my help?” You interrupt, continuing to brush your hair while leaning on your door. “And, I thought you didn’t want to see me?” You’re a bit cocky when telling him that, a smile splitting your face. “Don’t tell me you’re going back on your word.” 
Yuuji narrows his eyes at you, then his brother. Confused but amused by the back and forth between the two of you, but… also equally as uncomfortable. “Okay, I feel like I missed out on some conversations between the two of you.”
Sukuna groans, rolling his eyes at his brother and turning his attention back at you. “Do me one favor, and I’ll owe you one.” He crosses his arms over his chest, his forearms catching your attention, along with the tattoos decorating them. 
“What am I doing for you?” You ask, tilting your head to the side and tossing your hair brush  behind you. However, Sukuna doesn’t answer, he just diverts his eyes from you. That makes you a bit uneasy, so you reword your question. “How big is this favor?” 
“Big.” Sukuna seems uncomfortable.
You furrow your eyebrows, “Just tell me what you need me to do, or I’m going back to sleep.” You place your hand on the door, getting ready to close it. You’re not going to close it, you're bluffing, this situation is too intriguing to just leave, and your curiosity is killing you. You close your eyes and dramatically groan, placing your hand on your forehead, “I’m dealing with a killer hangout right now, and you’re totally in the splash zone.” You open one of your eyes to see his reaction, not bothering to hide your brazen smile. 
Sukuna’s just scowling at you, “Disgusting.” He waves you off, trying to stay on topic. Actually, that’s a lie, he isn’t trying to stay on topic, he’s trying to get this conversation over and done with. “Yes or no?” 
Well, that didn’t give you much of an answer. You look at Yuuji, crossing your arms over your chest. You wave your hands over Sukuna, gesturing to him as you say, “What is this about, babe?” 
“Our Pops stopped by for a surprise visit.” Yuuji starts, pushing himself off his door and making his way next to his brother. “Sukuna was stupid enough to keep a girl with him in bed.” He laughs, placing his hands on his hips and leaning forward. “Now, he wants to meet his “girlfriend.” Isn’t that right, Su-ku-na.” He sings teasingly, shaking his butt a few times. You just raise an eyebrow at his actions. 
Sukuna kicks Yuuji back, making him fall forward into your room. You giggle, but quickly stop when Yuuji passes you a glare. Which makes you kneel and check on him, your hand rubbing his back while you ask Sukuna, “What does that have to do with me?”
Sukuna isn’t looking at you, he’s looking at your hands rubbing circles on Yuuji’s back. “I don’t want to..” Sukuna groans, tilting his head back to look at the roof. “I’m not introducing a random girl to…” He sighs, looking back at you, “He wants to meet my girlfriend, and I don’t feel like having a conversation with anyone about my sex life.” 
You tilt your head at him, “What does that mean?” 
Yuuji pushes himself to sit back up, relishing the way your hands caress his face. Checking to see if he had any marks or bruises, smiling at him with care once you see he doesn’t. “He’s asking you to be his fake girlfriend.” 
You jump at that, your attention snapping back to Sukuna and Yuuji. “Huh?!” Their silence speaks thousands. “Oh my god, you’re joking. Tell me you’re joking.” You awkwardly laugh, pushing yourself off the floor and taking a few steps back from the both of them. 
Yuuji takes this time to get up, dusting his shirt off. “Better start begging, Sukuna, I don’t think she’s on board with this.” He laughs. 
“Fuck off, Yuuji.” Sukuna barks, grabbing the back of Yuuji’s shirt and tugging him out of the room. “Give me some fucking space.” You hear the rustle of the two of them moving, before the door across yours slams shut. There’s a loud sigh, then a few footsteps back to your door. 
“You’re being serious.” You say, your back pressing against the vanity. There’s a small smile tugging at your lips, “You actually–you’re really fucked, huh?” You tap your foot on the ground impatiently, “I thought we agreed no more girls?” You huff, “That wouldn’t even put you in this situation if you listened to me.”
Sukuna rolls his eyes at you, “Yeah, fuck off. Yuuji said you were out. I can do whatever I want knowing you won’t be around to bitch at me.” He sneers at you. 
You laugh, “Yeah, and look where that got you.” You look to the side, running his sentence through your head again, “Wait…? You were asking Yuuji about me?” You pass him a flattered smile, placing a “touched” hand over your chest. 
Sukuna completely ignores your point, “Don’t look happy. This whole situation affects you, too.” Sukuna walks into your room like he owns it, which he technically does, but it’s still a bit jarring. He closes your door behind him, “Don’t need that brat listening.” He whispers to himself, then comfortably sits down on your bed. 
The idea of being alone with Sukuna makes you a bit flustered. Yet, you try your best not to think about that, “How does this affect me?” You’re glaring at him. He’s far too comfortable in your room for your liking. “Last time I checked, I don’t fuck everything that breathes.”
“I don’t fuck everything.” He snaps back at you, “Anything with a cute face, though.” 
“Can you not?” You scold, “Just tell me what happens if I don’t help you.
“My–” Sukuna groans, grabbing one of your stuffies and playing with its fur. “My Pops is… a traditional man, hates the idea of–you know.” He sighs, tossing your stuffie behind him. “Hates the idea so much, he threatened to fire me if I’m not dating her.” 
You raise an eyebrow, a silent question of, ‘and?’ 
Sukuna sighs, “Then, you won’t be able to leech off my shit, that’s what it means.” He tells you, “You’re going to be homeless without me.” 
You laugh at that, no, you laugh at him. “Wait, you think I need you?” You scoff at him, pushing yourself off the desk and standing up straight. “I’m only here because it was the best option, I’m moving out the moment finals are over.” You smile at him, “I don’t need you, babe, you clearly need me right now, though.” 
Sukuna covers his face with his hands, sighing deeply as he looks at you through his fingers. “Like I said, I’ll–” He rolls his eyes, his voice becoming a bit more quiet, “Do whatever you want.” 
Hearing those words does something to you, but you don’t dwindle on it, but your eyes do dwindle on the open computer on your coffee table. “Hm.” You take a few steps forward, kneeling down and closing your computer. “Anything?” 
Sukuna instinctively leans back, his legs spreading, “Anything.” He’s smiling a bit, but you’re glaring at him with annoyance. 
Admittedly, despite how attractive he looks, and his actions are, you just roll your eyes at him. “Seriously? Can you not be a horny dog for a second?” You stand back up, “So, if I agree, what exactly am I doing for you?” 
Sukuna seems a bit annoyed, “I need you to meet my–I’m going to be introducing you to my pops. And, he just wants to get to know you.” He sighs, rubbing the bottom of his face. “We’re just going out to eat.” 
“Under what title?” You take this time to smile to yourself, cutting into him with a quick, “The girl who you think about when getting off?” 
“You were listening.” Sukuna inquires with a smirk. 
“Until you called my name, threw up the moment I heard it.” You stick out your tongue, faking a gag. “Thank god for headphones.” You point at the pair of headphones on your counter, “They’re cute, right? I like the color.” You mockingly tell him. 
Sukuna’s eye twitches, “You want a fuckin’ title, you title is going to be my annoying ass girlfriend.” He barks at you, putting an emphasis on his profanity. 
You find it a bit endearing, placing your hand over your heart and singing, “I’m going to be your fake girlfriend? I’m so honored.” You sit on your coffee table across from him, crossing your legs over one another. “You need me, Sukuna?” 
“I don’t fucking need you, I can do shit on my own.” He turns away from you, child-like in a way. 
You laugh at him, “Okay, go tell your pops that you fuck everything that breathes.” You widen your eyes, faking a realization with a gasp, “Oh wait no, you only fuck things with a cute face, right?” You point at him scoldingly, “Make sure to clarify that with your pops, it’s not just anything. It has to have a cute face.” 
“Fuck you.” Sukuna seethes. 
I know you want to. “Do you need my help, yes or no?” You lean back on the palms of your hands. 
Sukuna takes in a breath, and lets out a slow one. “...Yes..” 
“Okay.” And, the only reason you're entertaining this conversation, is because of the nick in the back of your head, something that keeps you up at night. 
Your project. 
“I’ll do it. Under one condition.” Sukuna seems to ever so slightly lighten his gaze from this, but it’s immediately followed by an eyebrow furrow when you add, “If you let me do my week-long project on you.” 
Sukuna blinks, “Huh?”
You nod swiftly, tapping your foot on the ground, your leg bouncing with a bit of anxiety. “Yup. I’ll be evaluating your life and mental status for a week.” You lean forward, placing your elbow on your knee and look into his eyes, “You’ll be stuck with me for a whole week.” 
Sukuna doesn’t seem too onboard with the situation, closing his eyes and thinking. His lip slightly pulls back into a scowl, “Just for a week?” He asks, leaning back and putting his weight on the palm of his hands.
You nod, “Mhm, just for a week.” 
That’s fair, Sukuna’s going to have a bit of control over you for the day, especially if you’re going to be meeting his pops. 
Sukuna nods, “Okay, under one condition.”
You narrow your eyes at this suspiciously, “Sukuna, I hope you remember you came to me. You don’t have much wiggle room for demands.” You tell him matter of factly. “You can’t give me conditions, babe.”
“You have to move out within the month of December, before finals, and don’t even talk to me until then.” Completely ignoring your remark. 
You gape at this, shocked he is still trying to make claims with you pulling on his leash. “I can’t move out before the new year.” You entertain his demands, even though you’re at all going to give into them. “I’m already cramped over finals, I can’t find a house before then.” You point at him, “And I already told you I’m moving out after them.”
Sukuna sighs, looking to the side dejected. “Yeah… I was trying to get your ass out of here sooner.” He shrugs, “Worth a try.” 
A bit of rage fills your head at his words, “You know what, maybe I won’t agree to this.” You say looking to the side thoughtfully. “Hopefully, you'll learn a lesson not to be such an ass to women.” You huff. 
Sukuna lets out a small cocky laugh, and an equally cocky smile pulls at his lips. ”C’mon, don’t be like that. I know you don’t like me either.” He tilts his head to the side, his hair moving with him. You wonder if it feels as soft at Yuuji’s. 
“Yeah, but at least I’m secretive about it.” You stand up, pulling your shirt over your thighs, or trying to is the better word. “So, you’re agreeing to my terms, or are there more demands you’re going to make, to make you feel in control?” 
Sukuna smiles to himself proudly, “Yeah, actually.” He looks at you with no emotion, “We’re going to completely forget this shit happened.” He gestures between the two of you, “And any interaction before that.”   
That shocks you a bit, but you don’t show it. “Really?” 
Sukuna nods cruelly, “Yeah. Anything that happens over the next week, any conversation or action that happens between us, you’re going to forget all about it. It won’t give you a leg up, or anything.” His voice sounds like venom, “I don’t want to deal with you if you happen to want something more with me.” 
Your eyebrows raise at that in shock, “Someone’s cocky. Sounds like you’re hoping something will happen.” You cross your arms over your chest, scowling at him. “I’m afraid to disappoint when I inform you that nothing will happen.” 
“Good. Keep to your word.” Sukuna cooed at you.
You roll your eyes at his cocky nature, “So, what’s the plan? How long have we been dating, and how did we meet?” You make your way to your closet. 
Sukuna groans, pulling his eyes away from your legs. “I already hate this so much.” In the back of Sukuna’s head, he thought he would have just a bit of fun, watching you squirm under pressure, and force you to be a loving girlfriend despite how much you don’t like him, but now that it’s happening, he doesn’t find any enjoyment out of the situation. 
Sukuna huffs, what a pain.
You open your closet, “Yeah, imagine how I feel.” Meeting your parent’s parents is already such a nerve racking feeling, but meeting the parents of someone who you don’t even know under that title, for some reason that makes it even worse. “What’s your dad lik–” You slap your hand over your face, instantly remembering what Yuuji said the other day.
Shit, I completely forgot about that.
“Your Pops,” You add, trying to correct your slip of the tongue, “Tell me about your pops.” You feel bad now, you should really try to remember the small details Yuuji tells you about. That the one thing you wish you could improve yourself on, remembering the small things. 
It would make avoiding already tense conversations worse. 
Sukuna looks away from you, propping his hand to hold his head, “Stop asking questions about me. It’s weird.” His tone is different, you don’t want to say softer, but weaker would be the better word. You don’t take it to heart, it’s not your place to ask. “Just follow along with what I say, it doesn’t have to be hard.” 
You also don’t take that to heart, “Alright, when is he coming?” You skim through your clothing, pushing the hangers to the side with each article. 
Sukuna scoffs at this, “He’s not coming, he’s treating us out to dinner;” 
You don’t like how he addresses both of you with one sole word, it’s far too intimate for you liking, especially under this context. “Oh. I should go shower then. You should grab me some painkillers, too.” 
Sukuna doesn’t respond, he just stands up and makes his way close to you. You furrow your eyebrows when he stands behind you, “What are you–” The sentence dies when a shiver shoots down your spine. 
Sukuna reaches over your body, his chest pressing against the back of your head. His hand pushes each article of clothes to the side, skimming through your clothing. He hums thoughtfully to himself, “None of this will do.” He whispers, “Tell the brat to go grab you something. I’m not your dog, bitch.”
You can feel his breathing, the subtle rising and lowering of his chest, and it has you a bit frazzled. Your mind racing to the other night, how he sounds, what he said. Now, you can feel him pressing behind into you, you can really imagine how he would feel behind–
You shake your head, pulling yourself out of your thoughts, “What does that mean?” Wait, what did he call you? “Did you call me a bitch, you dick?” You narrow your eyes at him, watching as he walks to your door, “Some fake boyfriend you are.” 
Sukuna doesn’t even pass you a glance, but he’s smiling to himself when saying, “Yeah, you’re going to have to love it.” 
You’re done with your shower when there’s a knock at the door, you’re quick to answer, “Yeah?” Grabbing your pink towel and wrapping it around your body, but when nobody answers, you roll your eyes and open the door to peek your head out. 
Sukuna’s outside, “Be ready at eight.” He tells you. 
You lean on the door frame, kicking the door open for you to really look at Sukuna. “Where am I going with you?” You cross your arms over your chest. 
Sukuna’s eyes look down at you, again shamelessly looking at your body. “We’re going to a restaurant my Pops picked out, you’ll like it, don’t worry.” He finally pulls his eyes away from your chest, and that makes you shiver, his words echoing in your head. 
‘Took everything in me not to pull down your towel and lick ‘em all over.’
Suddenly, the heat between your legs is fluttering and begging for attention, and you so desperately want to give into it. You thickly swallow and avert your eyes, “How would you know that?” 
Sukuna laughs at you, “You’re going to fuckin’ pretend you love whatever shit the restaurant serves, I don’t care.” He leans on the door frame with you, looking down at you, “What are you wearing.” 
Never mind, Sukuna doesn’t seem too hot anymore. “Something nice.” 
“Let me see.” Sukuna looks over your shoulder at the messy pile of your clothes, he makes an unsure face, “Are you wearing that?” 
You glance over your shoulder, looking at your clothes strung on the counter, “Yeah, It’s a cute outfit, I put some thought into it.” You look back at Sukuna, raising an eyebrow at him. “What? Do you not like it?” 
Sukuna pauses for a moment, before nodding his head. “Yeah, I’ll see you in your room.” Then, he quickly enters your room, however, you can’t help but notice the bag he’s holding in his hand. You groan in annoyance at this, closing the door and changing into your clothes, despite how you want to dry your hair a bit more. The idea of Sukuna in your room alone doesn’t sit well with you.
When you enter your room, Sukuna is laying down on your bed, holding one of your pink stuffed animals between his arms while scrolling through his phone. You think it’s a bit funny to see. “I told you it was cute.”
Sukuna pulls his eyes away from his phone to sit up and look at you. You can’t read his expression, which makes you feel a bit insecure in your body. You close the door behind you, standing in the middle of your room, “What? Don’t tell me it isn’t good enough for your standard?” You snap at him. 
Sukuna shakes his head, “You know what my standards are.” Anything with a cute face. “I don’t like it, not to meet my Pops, atleast, it’s not good enough.” 
Your harsh expression falters for a moment with pain, but you quickly cover it. Still Sukuna picks up on it. He rolls his eyes and grabs your waist, pulling you close to him, right in between his spread legs. “Turn around.” He gruffs. 
You shake your head, furrowing your eyebrows. “No, why the hell would I do that?” 
“So, I can see your whole outfit.” Sukuna tells you, his eyes moving down to his hands around your waist. “What? You don’t want me to look at you?” His head cranes up to look at your face, his pupils blown wide, a charming smirk on his lips. 
You press your lips together, looking to the side with an unsure expression. Your eyebrows are a bit furrowed, as if you’re debating with yourself. “Is this some weird sex thing?”
Sukuna turns his head away from you, “It can be.”  
“You’re so gross.” Still, you reluctantly turn around so your back is facing him. You’re glad for that though, the fact that he can’t see your face, he would see that it’s absolutely burning up right now. So fucking embarrassing. “Happy?” 
Sukuna leans forward, his nose dumping into the spine of your back. His hands working around your hips and moving to the underside of your tits, a soft hum leaving his lips. “You smell nice.” 
You softly moan, your eyes fluttering at the stimulation. You groan in disgust to cover yourself, “Get your hands off me, asshole.” 
Sukuna shakes his head against your back. “You like it when I touch you, don’t you, doll?” 
You look down at his hands and watch how they caress you, gentle but firm. You unintentionally lean into him, your words are desperate to be firm, “You think too much of yourself, believe it or not, not everything with a cute face want to fuck you.” You’re referencing yourself, but you don’t even believe that lie. 
Sure, you’re not entirely a fan of Sukuna, but he’s hot, and you don’t nessarily have to like the person you’re fucking. You’re sure Sukuna doesn’t like all the people he’s fucking, and there is a thing called hate-sex for a reason. Which people are justifyingly into, so, you’re good. Still, you need to call Nobara to confirm this, you have to make sure you have the right opinion. Having a second opinion—that supports your own—always helps. Always.
You can feel his hands slowly dragging farther up your torso, and when they finally touch you where you’ve been dying for attention, you fall into his lap. 
Sukuna places his chin on your shoulder, and nods against you, “I have something for you to wear.” His fingers work into your soft mounds, listening to the way you softly breath and moan when he squeezes just a bit harder. 
You turn to look at him, your eyebrows and eyes furrowed with anger, “Didn’t take you as the type to buy gifts. That’s too nice for you.” You have a bit of a snap in your voice despite how good you feel, how good Sukuna is making you feel, but you could never admit that. You arch your back, your ass digging into his lap, secretly trying to feel him between his legs. “Don’t tell me you’ve grown a soft spot for me? How sweet of you.” 
Sukuna scoffs, “Like hell, I’m doing this shit for me.” God, you’re so hot. Sukuna leans in to kiss you, but you turn away from him. He just takes this opportunity to press kisses against your neck, sucking on the skin lightly to make you shiver. He loves this, watching you melt in front of him, it’s the best form of entertainment in the world. “But, you know I can make you feel good. Why won’t you let me make you feel good?”
You try to concentrate, placing both of your hands behind your back and pushing Sukuna away from you. “Go to hell.” You bark, “Go jerk off again if you can’t control yourself.” Sukuna pushes your hair to one side, leaning back slightly to see the curve of your back while your hands push against his body. 
Sukuna stifles a groan, his eyes fluttering at the sight. I practically like watching you ride his cock, your hands pressing against his abdomen. Fuck, he just want to reach over and pull up your skirt, look at the cute panties you picked out and how they hug your ass. Sukuna hates to admit it, but you look incredible in skirts. 
Fuck, you got him hard.
You’re a bit hesitant to speak, “Don’t tell me that’s your dick...” You sound pissed, that’s hot.
“It’s not my dick.” 
You groan with annoyance, pushing yourself off Sukuna and grabbing the bag near his feet. You’re still desperately wanting to be touched by him, but the idea of feeding into him and giving him the satisfaction has you pushing through. Even if you did have a moment of weakness. “Asshole.”
Sukuna pushes himself off the bed, getting up and adjusting his boner behind your back. “Be ready by six forty, the place is over an hour away.” He watches as you open the designer bag, trying to see what he purchased you. 
“The bus won’t make it in time, why don’t you just call an uber?” You blink at the pink fabric, trying to pick out what it was. “It may be a bit expensive, but it looks like you have money to spare.” 
Sukuna’s already at your door, practically walking out as he says, “Save the tags, I’m returning it after tonight, ungrateful brat.” He shuts the door after him, making sure to slam it so loud everyone in the whole neighborhood hears. 
“Wow, I know, I also love it when people answer my questions.” You wave your hand with a pleasant smile. “I also love it when people aren't bipolar as hell!” You shout at the door. Whatever. 
You roll your eyes, pulling out the dress, but something else in the bag catches your attention. You furrow your eyebrows, grabbing the water bottle, “Weird.” You look back in the bag, noticing a small unopened package. 
Once you grab it, that’s when you know what it is. 
Two pills of painkillers. 
You can not wrap your head around why meeting Sukuna’s Pops saunters this level of preparedness. Let alone class. No disrespect at all, but for goodness sake, you’re just going out to eat. Why do you need such a classy dress, along with jewelry? 
Your dress is surprisingly long, silk and soft to the touch. Still, it’s something you’ve never worn before, it feels expensive, actually, you know it’s expensive. You looked at the tag, and now feel like you’re not worthy to be wearing such an expensive dress. You can’t even force yourself to look at the price of the jewelry. 
Although, you have to admit, Sukuna has good taste. 
You flip your head back and forth, giving volume to your curls and glancing at your mirror for a final time. The heels that you’re wearing feel a bit impossible to walk in. You’ve never been a heels type of girl, you prefer your dirty converse and comfort, now. However, you do thank your middle school self who had a weird “only heels for shoes” phase. Otherwise, you would be tripping over everything right now. 
Your dress has a slit, letting your leg peek out, but you have to be careful not to walk too fast, take too big of a step, or bend down too much, otherwise the whole world would know your color of underwear. News flash, it wasn’t something cute when you first discovered this problem. 
You're wearing a diamond ring—which you’re pretty sure you’ve seen at Walmart—and a matching diamond necklace—which you haven’t seen at Walmart—to decorate your bare hands and neck. A part of you wonders if Sukuna would let you keep the jewelry since he won’t let you keep the dress, but you know those chances are slim. 
You grab your expensive perfume from your vanity, applying a few spirits to your pulse points and your body before placing it back down. You reach for your phone and naturally do the motion to place it in your pocket to remember, “No pockets…” You don’t have a bag to match the occasion either. 
Whatever, you’ll just hold onto your phone the entire time. 
You finally leave your room, only to be met face to face with—“Ah, you’re ready?” Yuuji asks, smiling at you while closing his door behind him. He cups his chin, leaning in close to you, “I see Sukuna got on your ass about clothing.” 
You give him a humorous laugh, pushing your hair behind your shoulders. “Yeah.” You place your hand on his head, pushing his bangs from his face. “He literally was on me about it. The weird asshole.”
Yuuji passes you a suspicious look, before tilting his head. “Did he tackle you and force you into that outfit? Because he's done that to me far too many times now.” He asks while narrowing his eyes. 
You choke out a laugh, covering your mouth, “Really? That’s actually so funny.” You can literally picture that happening in your head. 
Yuuji laughs with you, “You look really nice, by the way.” The two of you start walking to the living room, “Watch, Pops isn’t going to believe you’re Sukuna’s girlfriend. He’s too much of an—“ 
“Brat.” Sukuna kicks Yuuji’s back, forcing him forward. “I’d like to see your girlfriend.” 
You turn over your shoulder, “About time.” You’re glad you finished your sentence before completely looking at him, because you know for a fact you would’ve been rendered speechless. 
Sukuna is wearing all black. Black dress shoes, black dress pants, and a nice black button up, with two buttons popped at the top. His hair is slicked back with gel, a few strands framing his face, and you can really see his undercut now. 
Of course he’s wearing his gold chain, too. Godammit, he looks hot. 
“You look terrible.” Yuuji says while eyeing his brother up and down, “You know Grandpa is going to be on your butt about that.” He says with sass, his hand on his hip. 
That makes you laugh, but you turn away once Sukuna glares at you. He groans, pushing himself forward, “Let's go. I already fucking hate this.” Sukuna extends his hand for you to the garage, but you just walk towards the door. 
Sukuna rolls his eyes at you, “Where the fuck are you going?” He doesn’t even bother to follow after you, but much rather goes to the kitchen to open a drawer. Getting something the jingles in your ears. 
“Didn’t you call uber?” You throw at him, your back resting on the front door. 
Sukuna opens the door to the garage, rubbing the bridge of his nose. “Take a damn uber, I’m driving myself, bitch.” 
You push yourself off the door, your footsteps heavy with rage. “Call me a bitch one more time and you’re going alone. I can’t stand you calling me that.” Your heels click as you follow him into the garage, your arms crossed over your chest. “Say sorry.”
“Fuck that.” Sukuna barks. 
Yuuji touches his heart, leaning on the doorframe of the garage door. “Couple goals, can’t wait to be like the two of you when I’m older.” 
You give Yuuji a questionable look, “Yuuji, babe, we’re the same age.” 
“You’re missing the big problem in that sentence.” Sukuna tells you, flipping the light switch of the garage, his thumb unlocking his car. 
You nod, “You’re right, babe.” You point a finger at Yuuji, smiling as you say, “Don’t date a toxic, bipolar, asshole.” 
Sukuna groans, popping open the driver’s door and telling you to, “Get in the car.” 
You look at him, “No, I’m not getting in the car.” You’re by Yuuji’s side, “I don’t know why you think I’m just going to go along with whatever you want now that you’ve insulted me.” 
“Who cares, get in the car.” Sukuna tells you, rolling his eyes at your antics. 
Yuuji makes a face, “Sukuna, I don’t think…” 
“No. I care, obviously.” You tell him, your hands gesturing around, “I’m doing you a big favor, yet you repay me by calling me a bitch, and being an dick. But you still expect me to do stuff for you?” You scoff, “How are you okay with treating anyone like that?” 
Sukuna’s expression falls, his furrowed eyebrows relaxing while his eyes soften. He sighs, placing his hand on the top of his car while placing his forehead between them, it’s silent now. 
Yuuji passes you an unsure look, whispering, “This is weird.” 
You don’t respond, your eyes are trained on Sukuna. “Can you please get in the car?” Sukuna’s voice is soft, it’s a tone you’ve never heard before. It shocks you a bit, even the expression he’s pacing you right now is a bit shocking. Maybe, jarring is the better word. 
You take a deep breath, pushing yourself away from the door. Sukuna takes this time to walk to the passenger door, opening it for you. You pass him a look, but it’s not returned, he’s not even looking at you. But, when you slip yourself into the seat, you hear him whisper, “Thank you.” Your name ending the sentence.
You can’t help it, despite how much you tried to avoid it, but a small smile pulls at your lips. “Yeah, whatever asshole.” He closes the door behind you, but it’s far more gentle from when he slammed your door earlier today. Even when he enters on his side. 
“You haven’t apologized.” You softly tell him, watching as the garage door lifts and the car drives out. Sukuna drives with care, not speeding–despite owning a sports car–and abiding by all traffic laws. Which you can say you didn’t think he was the type to. 
“You got in the car.” Sukuna rebuts. 
You place your hand on the arm rest, turning your body to face away from him, “Yeah, I knew that all you were going to give me was a “please” unless you were touching me. It’s all you’re capable of doing.” It’s a deliberate sentence with a kind and soft voice, it makes Sukuna's chest tighten. 
It’s silent for the rest of the ride.
You didn’t get the chance to look at Sukuna’s car back at the house, but now that you can, you hate to admit how nice it is. Although, you do find it a bit funny, how his car’s design matches his tattoos. Along with, you know, how the car is literally pink. 
Now that, that is a plot twist you truly didn’t see coming. 
You want to ask how that came about, or if… it was a personal choice, but the tension from the house is still very much there. Worst of all, to think not even three hours ago you wanted Sukuna and he wanted to fuck you, now the two of you can’t even look at each other. 
And you’re supposed to pretend to be this man’s girlfriend. 
Sukuna opens the door again, still not looking at you, but offers his hand with grace. You use it to pull yourself out of the car, and let go the moment you’re stable on your feet. You look at the restaurant, “This place looks nice.” 
Sukuna doesn’t respond, in fact, he looks anxious. The most anxious you’ve seen him today. His eyes darted from left to right, only to check his phone, then back to looking around again. You wonder if he’s nervous about the “date,” but something’s telling you it isn’t that. He’s been so relaxed about the situation, so why would he start panicking now? It seems out of character for him. 
However, when a voice startles you, Sukuna seems to relax at it. 
“Be nice to the lady, Sukuna, help her inside.” He scolds, hitting the back of Sukuna’s head. You blink a few times at his appearance. He’s wearing a statement-shirt of a button up, along with black dress pants. It looks a bit silly. “Here, let me help you, darling.” The old man extends his arm to you, it’s a bit shaky and even, but that doesn't deter you. 
You give him a kind smile, “Pleasure to meet you, sir.” You hold his arm. 
“Oh please, Wasuke is fine.” He reassures you, looking over his shoulder and narrowing his eyes at his son. “Sukuna, I thought I raised you better. Come hold my arm.” He says brashly.
A small laugh escapes your lips, instantly covered your hand as your smile grows wider. That was a bit shocking, you expected Sukuna’s grandpa to be more… like Sukuna. Rude, a bit stoic, and maybe hot. But, he’s none of that. No offense Wasuke, I’m sure you’re an amazing person, you think. 
It’s a bit confusing how Sukuna turned out the way he did, but Yuuji is completely different. In fact, he does seem like Wasuke, more happy and silly. Although, unlike Wasuke, Yuuji is pretty hot in his own way. Again, no offense Wasuke, I’m sure you’re an amazing person. 
Sukuna shakes his head, moving to Wasuke's side and grabbing his hand. “It’s good to see you again.” He whispers to him, but it’s a bit tense. 
“Can’t say the same.” Wasuke says, “Last time I saw you–” 
“Shut up.” Sukuna barks, tightening his hand around his arm. 
“Don’t worry, I will. I will. Always with the yelling with you.” Wasuke says with a cheeky smile, pulling away from the both of you and entering the restaurant. 
Sukuna watches him, before extending his arm to you. You look at it, but turn away, whispering, “I don’t want you touching me right now.” You follow after the old man, seeing he’s already following a server to a table. 
Sukuna’s behind you, eyeing the place, “I’ve heard about this place, but it’s a bit too expensive for me to enjoy.” However, the interior design is absolutely stunning, he will give the place that. 
You, on the other hand, are absolutely awed, taking in everything the restaurant has to give you. The flooring, roof, lightning, the silver ware, the food, and the dining. It's absolutely stunning, something you’ve never seen in your life. 
You feel your eye twitch looking at Sukuna’s back, just how rich is this asshole? 
When you get to your booth, you’re already not liking the seating arrangements. Wasuke on the opposite side, while you sit in the corner, Sukuna in the aisle. It’s a bit weird to think, the two of you haven’t really had a real conversation with one another–just an argument–and now the two of you have to pretend to be dating. 
Wasuke pulls up the menu, eyeing the food options, Sukuna does the same. You’re still admiring the place, taking in everything as if it was the last time you are ever going to be in this environment, because it kind of is.
Wasuke notices this, eyeing you up and down. “First time at a place like this?” He asks innocently. 
You pull your attention away from the restaurant, and to Wasuke, you’re nodding a bit too excitedly. Sukuna softly groans at that in embarrassment, “Yeah, I’ve never… this place is just really nice.”
Wasuke glares at Sukuna, “You’ve never taken your girlfriend out? I thought I raised you better.” He scolds, lifting the back of his hand and making the threatening motion of hitting him. “She should dump you for someone who will care to take her out.” 
You look at him slowly, whispering, “And is nice to her…”
Sukuna just looks back at the menu mumbling explicits to himself. 
You’re quick to roll your eyes and look at your menu, trying your best to find something that sounds remotely similar to an item you know. When you don’t, you lean close to Sukuna, cup your mouth and whisper, “Can you order steak, or chicken for me.” 
Sukuna furrows his eyebrows slightly, “Why can’t you order it yourself.”
“You’re my boyfriend, for one.” You tell him with furrowed brows, “And…” You divert your eyes for a moment, somewhat embarrassed. “...I-I don’t know what a single thing is on this menu. Is it french?” 
Sukuna turns away from you, his hand pressing against his mouth. He’s a bit too loud for your liking when saying, “It’s all in English.” You want to pinch him, “Yeah, don’t worry, I’ll take care of it.” He turns back to you, “I’ll order you a salad.” 
Your eye twitches at this, and you immediately spit back, “And what are you going to get? The hearts of women and children?” Despite how pissed you may sound, Sukuna picks up the small amusement in your tone. 
Sukuna places his hand over his heart, “You know me so well.” 
At that, you laugh, but you quickly cover it by biting the inside of his cheek. You hate that he’s a bit funny, just a little bit, though. 
“Speaking of which,” Wasuke starts, placing his menu down. “How did the two of you meet?” Both of you pull your faces away from each other–you didn’t notice how close you are to Sukuna–and give him your full attention.
Oh shit, you’re not ready. You’re really not ready, that question makes you deathly aware of how not ready you are to meet anyone’s parents. You give him a short laugh, leaning forward as you feel dread stir in your stomach. “Well, uh, we met–” 
“Thanks to the brat Yuuji.” Sukuna cuts you off, but in this scenario, you don’t think it’s rude, you think it’s life saving. “He moved her in without telling me. Although, to be fair, the idiot didn’t tell the girl about me.” Sukuna laughs to himself, “Should’ve seen her face when she first met me, completely hypnotized.” 
You gasp at that, “I thought you were Yuuji when we first met, that’s why I was staring.” 
“That’s insulting.” 
You turn away with a smile on your face, your hand covering your lips. “To Yuuji that is.”
Sukuna snaps his head at you, absolutely livid. “What did your dumbas–” 
Wasuke laughs at the both of you, making your childish quarrel come to an end. “Sukuna, you didn’t tell me the girl had spunk.” He looks at his glass, not liking that it is empty. “It’s good you found someone who can keep you in check. That’s good for you.” 
You find a sick pleasure in that, “Yeah, Sukuna.” 
Sukuna doesn’t have the chance to respond when the waiter comes, they’re dressed in all back, and have a nice smile to them. It’s far more inviting than the restaurant itself. He reaches into his apron, pulling out a small pad and pen, “Should I start rolling out the drinks?”
Wasuke laughs, rubbing his hands together. “Of course, get me something…” His eyes land on your for a moment, “Uh, something sweet. Like champagne.” He leans close to the waiter, “And maybe a couple beers.”
The waiter laughs, nodding his head, “Can I get some ID, from everyone at the table?” 
Wasuke and Sukuna instantly reach for their wallets, while you lean over Sukuna and ask the waiter, “Can I get a strawberry lemonade? Do you serve these here?” You’re a bit quiet. 
Wasuke gives you a look, “Don’t be like that, have a few drinks with us!” He’s smiling, handing his ID to the waiter, “I see you’re tense, drinks can help you loosen up.” You think that Wasuke is way too laid back for your own comfort. 
You tap your finger on the desk, a unsure smile building on your lips, “Uh, I’m not…” You pass him a small laugh once Wasuke’s eyebrow comes up, “..I’m not old enough to drink, sir.” 
This makes Wasuke’s smile fall, his eyes snapping to Sukuna. “The hell does she mean by that?” He’s glaring at Sukuna. 
“I’m Yuuji’s age.” 
Wasuke nods, taking his ID back, “Oh.” He watches Sukuna take his ID back from the waiter, “Weird.” He narrows his eyes at Sukuna, his face twisting into something of a scowl or judgmental look. “Isn’t Yuuji fifteen?... Should I be calling the cops?..”
Sukuna blinks in disbelief at his pops, “Yuuji’s a sophomore… in college?” He points to himself, “I’m a senior in college–how old do you think we are?” 
Wasuke leans back, looking at the roof, “Really?” He scratches his cheek in thought, “Huh, I could’ve sworn his fifteenth birthday was just recently.”
Sukuna cups his face, rolling his eyes, “His nineteenth birthday was back in March, it’s November.” The waiter places the drinks on the table, and immediately Sukuna is taking a big drink. “You old forgetful geezer.” 
You laugh at that, grabbing a straw and taking an equally big drink of your lemonade. “Yuuji is very much fifteen in my eyes,” You tell Wasuke, “But, aren’t we all teenage adults at heart?” You push your drink away from you, turning to the waiter again. 
He’s quick with asking for your orders, and you quickly feel foreign to the situation. Wasuke asks for something you don’t even want to attempt to repeat, then Sukuna comes up with another word you didn’t know existed. This has to be a different language. 
You whisper to Sukuna when he’s done ordering, “Is this rich people shit?” You narrow your eyes at him, “Are you trying to show me up right now?” 
Sukuna gives you a questioning look, “I didn’t pick the place, remember?” 
“So,” Wasuke calls your name, trying to gain your attention, “Tell me about yourself, what are you majoring in?” 
You drum your fingers against your lap, feeling your anxiety rise a bit. “Well, I’m majoring in Kinesiology, and I plan to go further into my education to become a physical therapist.” You play with your ring, “It’s nothing too interesting.” Sukuna’s looking at you, but you don’t pass him a glance. 
Wasuke nods to himself, “I don’t think I can even say that word. Looks like you caught yourself a smart one.” He cooed at Sukuna, smiling widely at him. “But tell me, dear, why did you want to become a physical therapist? Seems oddly specific.” 
You hesitate, Sukuna notices this. “Uh, it’s because… I just want to help people.” Sukuna notices how your hand twitches towards his side, but you instantly pull away. Wasuke notices it too, in fact, he passes Sukuna a look addressing it. 
This is what Sukuna is trying to avoid, touching you, but it looks like now that he’s not comforting you, it is making Wasuke suspicious. His mentality groans to himself, “C’mere…” He whispers to you, pulling you close while his hands rest atop of yours. You slid your hand away from his back into your lap. 
Wasuke takes a sip of his drink, noticing how quick you are to pull away. “Is anyone in your family working in that profession, or something similar.” 
You are completely tense at that. You pass an uncomfortable laugh, “Uh.. well…”
“She doesn’t like talkin’ about her family.” Sukuna tells Wasuke, “Ask her another question.” 
Wait, I never told Sukuna that? You’ve only told Yuuji, how would Sukuna know that? Wait, was he watching you that one time you and Yuuji were having breakfast? Most importantly…
Sukuna remembers?
You bite the inside of your cheek, leaning into Sukuna ever so slightly, “It’s okay.” You turn to look at him, passing him a kind smile, “It’s your grandpa, I can trust him.” Sukuna, a bit shocked by your kind tone, nods and pulls back slightly. “My mom experiences paralysis in her face, which is really painful for her. I wanted to learn how to help her in any way I can, and help people who experience something similar.” 
Which is everything simplified. You don’t have the strength to go into the real heart of the situation. It’s a bit too fresh and painful to think about, it’s something you don’t even like to think about. Sometimes, you like to imagine that becoming a physical therapist was something you developed a weird obsession with back in your youth. 
Wasuke nods, “That’s awfully sweet of you, it’s always nice to be close to your family.” He smiles kindly at you, “It’s going to be nice to know when you’re in time of need, you’ll be surrounded by people who love you.” 
That makes you smile, that’s a nice way to look at it. “Yeah, I agree.” You turn to the window, seeing that your seating was right in front of his pink parked car. Your eyebrows furrow as you concentrate on the design, then quickly look at Sukuna’s face, seeing that his tattoos perfectly match his car. 
You take a sip of your drink, eyes skimming up and down his face, before you ask, “Sukuna, how did your tattoos come about?” You’re tempted to pinch his face softly, “Don’t face tattoos hurt?...” 
“You haven’t told her?!” Wasuke says a bit too enthusiastically, “And how long have the two of you been together?” 
“A week.” You mumble to yourself. 
“A month.” Sukuna covers with his much more confident voice, you’re thankful for that. 
Wait, you’re on a fake date with someone you met only a week ago? And there’s already this much drama between you two? Damn, you feel sorry for the girl who decides to wear the ring Sukuna picks out for her. 
“Oh, I can’t wait to witness this.” Wasuke says, leaning back in his chair, grabbing his beer and getting comfortable. 
Sukuna groans, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Can we skip this part of dinner?” 
You shake your head frantically, “No, don’t even start. C’mon, babe, tell me.” There’s a shit eating grin on your face, “Don’t hurt my feelings in front of your grandpa, ‘Kuna.” What you’re really saying is, if you don’t tell me you’ll look suspicious. 
Sukuna wants to absolutely whip that devilish smirk off your face, but keeps his composure. “It happened when I was sixteen–” 
“You got them when you were sixteen?!” You’re absolutely flabbergasted. You just take another sip of your–shit, when did you finish it? 
“Exactly what I thought.” Wasuke backs you up. “I didn’t know it was possible for a sixteen year old to get tattoos, but apparently if there’s a will there’s a way.” He takes a sip of his drink, before excitedly sitting up and saying, “Tell her the reason, too.” 
Sukuna gestures to the waiter, before biting the inside of his cheek, staring daggers at Wasuke, “I…” He sighs, leaning his head back as one of his hands comes to the top of his temple. “I got a tattoo because I thought I looked too much like Yuuji… and I thought they were really cool.” 
Sukuna doesn’t hear a reaction from you, which makes his stomach turn uncomfortably. However, he isn’t expecting to see the absolutely horrid face you’re making at him desperately trying not to laugh. 
“I didn’t know it was that deep.” For some reason, you are your own tipping point, making you turn away and laugh into your hand. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” You whisper to him, quickly straightening up, “This is serious.”
“He acts like it is one of his biggest trophies.” Wasuke says with an eyeroll, “The boy was on the honor roll, state champion for football, played five instruments–did mock trial! And his biggest trophy is his tattoos.”
“It is!” He barks back. 
You smile, admiring Sukuna’s face for a moment. “Sounds like you had an emo phase, babe.” You try your best not to laugh at the ugly glare he’s giving you right now. 
Wasuke laughs with you, a subtle blush on his cheeks. “Yeah, that’s what I thought…” He slightly slurs at Sukuna, “That’s not it… for his birthday, I got him that really nice car there.” He points at the car with his beer, “Since those tattoos were done behind my back, I got it done behind his back.” He smiles to himself proudly, “Now, Sukuna’s got to drive a pink car with tattoos around town.” 
You give Sukuna a look, one that reads into so many things. Sukuna’s just glaring at you, clearly pissed at the memory. You shrug your shoulders, tilting your head to the side while weighing your hands back and forth, “C’mon, that’s… that's kinda’ funny.”
“Is it?” He asks you. 
The waiter is putting down your food, and you mentally sigh in relief noticing your dish was something significantly more identifiable compared to everyone else's. It’s chicken. Smells good, too. You also notice how Sukuna grabs your empty cup, and hands it to the waiter for a full one. Did he ask for one for you? Or, did the waiter just notice you finished your drink?
Probably the latter. Unless Sukuna’s just really good at noticing the small things. 
Yet, you’re hesitant to eat, can you eat this with your hands? Or, do you have to use a fork and knife like Sukuna? Sukuna notices your hesitation, and snorts to himself. Whispering, “Don’t be a caveman.” 
Okay, rude way to answer, but an answer nonetheless. There’s a bit of silence while the three of you take your initial bites, which seems to follow as you continue with your meal. 
“You guys sure act like strangers.” Wasuke comments thoughtfully.
“We’ve only been together for a month, give me a fuckin’ break.” Sukuna groans, cutting into his—what you think is—steak. “God knows I don’t get one at home.” He whispers underneath his breath. 
As much as you want to call him out for his small remark and ask him loudly, ‘What the hell do you mean by that?’ You realize that question is literally the answer to your question. But, to be fair, when he pulls shit like that, why should you? 
“You give him crap?” Wasuke asks between bites.
You press your lips together, “Depends on what he’s done.” Like earlier. Sukuna immediately passes you a nasty glare, practically sawing into his meat. 
“See, she’s good for you Sukuna, you need someone to put you in check.” Wasuke leans back, tapping his belly in contentment. “Lord knows I didn’t do enough when you were growing up.” 
Sukuna’s eye twitches, “Old bastard—“
“Can you be a good grandson, and go to my car and get my wallet.” Wasuke says, “I plan on paying for this meal, but if you insist. I can let you pay.” He reaches into his pockets and holds the keys for Sukuna. 
“You don’t pay me enough for that shit.” Sukuna snatches the keys from his hand. But, before he can leave in a huff, he realizes exactly what his old man is trying to do. He bites the inside of his cheek, shit. “Actually, it’s fine, I’ll pay.” He looks at you for a brief moment. He’s silently telling you something. 
“Go get my wallet, son.” 
In that instant, you realize what Wasuke is doing, too. You stand up, waving your hand reassuringly as you say, “Oh, I can go, I’m sure—“ 
“Don’t be an ass, don’t make your lady walk, Sukuna.” Wasuke says with a frown, “I mean, you care about her right? Wouldn’t want to put her through that.” 
Sukuna slowly nods, hiding his emotions as best as he can. “Right. Wouldn’t want to do that to her.” Yet, when he walks out the restraint, you can’t help but notice how big his steps are.
Sukuna’s rushing.
You feel your stomach burst with the wrong type of butterflies. Crap, this isn’t good. You grab your pink lemonade, trying to distract yourself with a hearty sip. 
“Okay, stop bullshiting me.” Wasuke starts, “Tell me what’s really going on?” 
You choke on your pink lemonade, instantly covering your mouth and turning away from him. “W-What?.. What makes you say that?” You cover a cough with your hand, drinking more water to see if that would help. 
“Sukuna doesn’t date people. He has the emotional intelligence of a five year old.” Wasuke tells you with a bored expression, “And I promise you, the little turd was worse when he was given to me with Yuuji.” 
You pass him a sheepish smile, “O-Oh, what gave it away?” Should you have given in that easily? Should you have fought a bit harder to convince Wasuke? I mean, there’s no point right, he already knows. 
“He looks at you differently.” Wasuke looks to the side, “Well, he looks at you differently then he would a woman he was with for a month. And I know, I met an actual girlfriend of that length back his freshman year.” He chuckles remembering, “Much more admiration and less forced emotions.” 
Fuck you too, Sukuna. 
You blink at him a bit estranged, “Really? I didn’t take him as the dating type.” You lean back in your chair, “I mean, before we even got here I told him off for being mean to me.” You roll your eyes, “And he still expected me to come help him with a problem he created, the jerk.” 
“Yet, you’re still here.” Wasuke inquires. 
You huff, “Yeah, I guess.” 
You hesitate for a moment, “I… I don’t know.” You blink a few times, looking at your hands, the jewelry catching in the light. Should you be telling him this? Is this okay? 
Wasuke nods, silently telling you to continue. 
Maybe he’s the best person to tell this too, you take a deep breath. “He yelled at me to get in the car, but when I told him to apologize, he took a moment to breathe, and politely asked me to get in the car.” Wasuke nods intently, silently telling you to continue. “I knew I wasn’t going to get an apology for how he treated me, and I still know I’m not, but that was the first time he’d ever soften like that, you know?” 
You shakily sigh, “It was better than nothing, and despite how mad I was at him, I still appreciated the small force he pushed himself to calm down and reword himself. It shows improvement, and that was good. I appreciate it.” You really appreciated it, actually. 
Wasuke smiles slightly, “Sukuna is a…” He sighs, “He’s a weird kid, to say the least. But he’s a good kid.” He smiles, readjusting himself in his seat, “I once saw him crying over a dead fly.” He narrows his eyes at that memory, “Although that could be a bad example, he was crying over not being the one to kill it.” Wasuke thoughtfully thinks to himself. 
You loudly laugh, cupping your mouth, “Wasuke, that sounds like a serial killer in the making, not a good kid.” You gasp at your words, “Oh—I.. I swear I didn’t mean that! Just slipped..” Although, your worries quickly fade away to Wasuke’s shaky belly laugh. 
“Oh yeah, definitely, That kid needs to be on a watch list.” Wasuke tells you, taking a sip of his drink. “One time, I got a call from the police department, assumed the worst, number one thing being arson.” Your jaw drops at this, “Turns out it was Yuuji and Sukuna, Yuuji got his feelings caught up with a classmate, Sukuna came and finished the fight.” 
That’s cute. You smile at this, lightly tapping your finger on your glass, “Seems like the two of them used to be very close.” 
Wasuke nods, “The only thing that gave them away was their height. So, it shocked the hell out of me when one of them came home with tattoos.” He chuckles to himself, “I used to joke that they were the same person. Sukuna, some weird spiteful spirit cursing his cheerful younger brother.” 
You press your lips together, “What happened?” You slightly cringe at your sentence, “Well, I don’t mean to pry, I just—they seem very… tense with each other. More so than normal siblings.” You would know, you have your own. 
Wasuke looks to the side, sighing softly, “Their parents… They gave them to me, and never came back. Yuuji was young when it happened, and to protect him, I just said they passed. Sukuna… knew the truth, and it absolutely crushed him.” 
“Oh. I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have—“ 
“Don’t worry. I’m sure one of them will tell you more about it later.” He waves off, “Besides, Sukuna seems to like you. Although, not as much as his other girlfriend from freshman year.” He jokes. 
You roll your eyes with a playful smile, looking at the entrance of the restaurant as if Sukuna were standing there. “No. I mean, I think he likes me, but in a college boy way. He doesn’t like-like me.” Wait, is that weird to say toward an old man? Especially since that old man is Sukuna’s grandpa. “You know what I mean?” 
“No. He looks at you… in a way I’ve never seen before.” Wasuke gives you a crooked smile, “Like the fly.” 
You laugh, but it’s not for long. 
“Probably ‘cause I hate her.” Sukuna butts in while looking at you, “What did the old geezer tell you?” Sukuna sips on his wine, about to wipe his mouth with the back of his sleeve. 
You grab his wrist, stropping him from dirtying his clothing. “How you commit arson as a hobby, babe.” You say, grabbing a napkin and pressing it on his lips. “Without me, more specifically.” You notice the expression he’s giving you, it’s a bit… dumbfounded. It’s cute.
But, one thing is running through Sukuna’s mind. She’s touching me.
Sukuna rolls his eyes and turns away from you, his shoulders bouncing up once. You’re a bit thankful to have that one-on-one with Wasuke, it made you feel far more comfortable then when you first arrived. Especially now that Sukuna is less tense as well.
“Well.” Wasuke extends his arm, grabbing the wallet from Sukuna. “I guess this means the meal has finally come to an end.” 
Sukuna sighs in relief, finally. 
Wasuke insists on walking you and Sukuna to his car, and despite Sukuna’s denial, he follows anyway. Making small conversation with you, which you can’t help but laugh at. 
When everyone reaches Sukuna’s car, you can’t help but feel a bit bummed. You didn’t mind Wasuke, not at all. Such a shame this is going to be the last time you see him. Maybe, Yuuji will invite him to the house sometime, or invite you to family gatherings with him. Sukuna’s far off the table from those options, but definitely not exiled from them. 
Wasuke sighs, shoving his hands into his pockets. “Well, I hope I see you for Christmas. I’ll even get a gift for your troubles.” He shrugs, turning over his shoulder, “I know how much of a handful Sukuna is.” 
Wasuke words stick to you, touching you in a way. He knows the truth, but still wants to see more of you and Sukuna. That makes you feel a bit giddy, you hate that, but you love it, too. You giggle, nodding your head, “I hope to see you soon, too.” You bow your head slightly, “It was really nice meeting you, Wasuke.” 
Wasuke waves you off, “Yeah, I guess you were okay.” He looks at Sukuna, and points an accusing finger at him. “Hey, don’t mess this up. I like her, and you do too. Don’t be an idiot and do something you’ll regret.” 
Sukuna waves him off, entering his car with a huff as he says, “I won’t.” You’re quick to enter with him, gasping at how low the seats are. You apparently didn’t notice last time, but to be fair, you were pissed. Emotions can distract you at face value, clearly.  
As soon as the door closes behind you, Sukuna tells you, “You’re not going to see him. I hope you know that.” He places his keys in the cup hold, placing his hands on the steering wheel. 
The engine roars to life, “I know.” You reply boredly, again turning to face the window. “Let a girl dream.” You whisper. 
“Not about being my girlfriend.” Sukuna’s quick with his response, “That isn’t a good dream.” That doesn’t sound like rejection, but it doesn’t sound inviting either. 
You nod anyway, “I agree.” 
There’s silence, it’s not uncomfortable, but you’re still the one to break it. “Did I do good?” You’re still looking outside, your body turned along with your gaze.
Sukuna looks at you for a brief moment, before the road. He takes a moment to say, “Do you want me to praise you?” He’s whispering, and you’ve grown to like anytime he whispers. It’s comforting. You just nod. 
Sukuna rolls his eyes, shaking his head slightly. “Sure.” 
They’re quick, and a bit forced, but his words still make your chest flutter a bit. 
It’s back to silence again, and you can’t help but notice the slight drizzle hitting his windshield. “And, about the whole family thing, I didn’t know that.” His voice is quiet, but not a whisper. 
You're a bit shocked Sukuna is the one who broke the silence this time, but you don’t mind it. “Yeah, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it, just to make it more believable, right?” Which didn’t seem to work in the end since Wasuke figured you out anyways. 
“I feel..” Sukuna groans slightly, “Ugh, that’s shitty, it sucks.”  
You shake your head, placing your forehead on the window. Loving how the cool surface feels against your skin. He feels bad for you, that’s what he's trying to say. It doesn't make you feel too good. “Don’t be, it’s not your fault.” 
“No, I mean...” Sukuna bites the inside of his cheek, stopping at a red light. “I’m sorry.” 
You instantly turn to him, your eyes blinking in shock. “I—I said it wasn’t your fault, don’t think about it.” You wave him off, about to look back outside. You’re tone growing a bit more incentive, you want to drop the topic.
Sukuna shakes his head, “No, about the…” Sukuna is tapping his steering wheel a bit anxiously. It makes you uneasy to see. “The stupid fuckin’ garage.” His eyebrows are furrowed. 
You blink a few times, your chest flutters with those words, your lips parting ever so slightly. “Wh-What?” You’re looking at him with a dumbfounded look. 
“Don’t fuckin’ make me say it twice.” Sukuna says brashly. 
You stare at him for a moment, before a comforting sigh leaves your mouth, you can’t help but pass Sukuna a small smile. Sukuna doesn’t smile back, but he does see you smile, you know he can see you smiling at him. Which is more than enough for you. 
Sukuna’s words comfort you for the next week, too. Just knowing that the two of you are going to be so close for such an extended period of time. A part of you is dreading it, now, you feel a bit more relaxed. It’s nice. 
At least you won’t be going into the week absolutely hating each other. 
You turn back to the window, elbow propped on the arm rests while your hand supports your head. This time, your body facing the dashboard. 
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Next Chapter: Ch. 4 - Project Week.
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Tags!: @openup-yourmind, @sherlock-holmes-jr, @maskedpacific,
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ittybittyremy · 2 months
All the details Bells Hells know about Cyrus' death & everything surrounding it
I've been seeing people wondering/forgetting how much Dorian has told Bells Hells about the circumstances of Cyrus' death. So I've decided to go through the episodes!
A couple disclaimers before I start:
Orym shouldn't have made that comment to Dorian. Even if he didn't know all the specifics, knowing Dorian's brother died recently (and at all for that matter) should have stopped him from making that theoretical. Even if Cyrus' death had nothing to do with the gods, it would still be an inappropriate thing to say. He could've made that theoretical to anyone else in that group but he said it to the person with a recently dead family member.
Even though it would be beneficial for Dorian to tell BH (and for BH to learn/understand) everything about that day, he doesn't have to (and` shouldn't be forced to). Plus, it's very in character for Dorian not to tell them.
I don't want to see any comments saying "well it's implied," "BH should be able to connect the dots," or "BH should get the hint because of how Dorian has been acting." I'm bad at picking up hints irl so I won't fault BH for not connecting those points.
This post is about what Dorian has explicitly said (even though I did add a couple parts where he implies what happens).
This is all under the assumption that Dorian has not told BH everything off camera.
All timestamps will be based on the YouTube VOD.
I may miss a couple tidbits so sorry in advance.
Now to the actual information
Episode 93
Cyrus died (3:43:24)
Two of Dorian's best friends became the champions of the Matron of Ravens and the Spider Queen (3:43:28)
It all happened yesterday (3:43:38)
Opal is "not really" okay (3:43:45)
Cyrus died in battle "if you can call it that" (3:53:36)
Until that day he never thought real evil existed (3:53:46)
What he saw in the previous couple days does was "irredeemable" (3:53:55)
They tried to help Opal (3:54:59)
Dorian knows that there are forces enacting on the world that go "deeper than [he] imagined" (3:55:05)
Fy'ra Rai stayed with Opal (3:55:16)
Dariax is "all right" (3:55:20)
Opal is alive but corrupted (3:57:04)
Fy'ra Rai may be walking down the path as Opal (3:57:12)
Episode 94
Dorian doesn't explicitly mention it this episode but there is a moment where he hints that the prime deities may have somehow been involved.
"If you are relying on the help of the gods, champions, I can't say that I trust them anymore" (2:30:17)
Episode 95
No explicit mentions here
Episode 96
No explicit mentions here
Episode 97
No explicit mentions here
Episode 98
No explicit mentions here
Episode 102
No explicit mentions here BUT we begin to get Dorian's opinions of the gods. That's not what this post is about so I will move on
Episode 103
More of Dorian's views on the gods and we finally get another (sort of) explicit mention
"The last I conferred with a god, they cared very little about the feelings of anyone around us." That god being the Spider Queen (1:37:01)
The reason I say "sort of" is because Dorian doesn't say this is in regards to Cyrus' death (even though we the audience knows this). Orym and Fearne could've easily assumed that this was in regards to their EXU times.
What does Bells Hells know?
As far as they know, the day before Dorian reunited with Bells Hells:
Cyrus died in a (sort of) battle.
They tried to help Opal but she is corrupted, she is still alive though
Fy'ra Rai stayed with Opal
Dariax is safe
Opal and someone else are now the champions of the Spider Queen and Matron of Ravens.
Dorian discovered real evil existed
What does Bells Hells not know?
Wildmother refused to help
Matron refused to help
The Spider Queen killed Cyrus
Dorian came here because Opal casted mass suggestion
Dorian abandoned Dariax
Opal's memories are either gone or altered
And much more
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txtaetertots · 1 year
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hopelessly devoted. — choi beomgyu x fem!reader
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status COMPLETE (230619 - 240807)
cw/genre swearing, twt humor bc twt humor, banter, bullying, SLOW BURN, slice of life, romcom, probably gonna be corny hfdjjz, social media au w/ written parts, also pls ignore time stamps they're not important nor accurate lol
synopsis choi beomgyu has spent his entire senior year slacking off and causing mischief. but, due to his inattentiveness, his slacking off went too far and if he doesn't improve the grade in his literature class he'll guarantee himself a seat in summer school. yn has big dreams to be on stage and star on broadway. however, she needs to impress recruiters with one last production as the lead in order to earn herself a spot in a new york based school. when beomgyu's literature teacher makes him join their drama club for extra credit, their futures quickly become intertwined and dependent on each other.
featuring le sserafim members, hanni (newjeans), bahiyyih (kep1er), ocs, and mentions of others
taglist CLOSED
profiles four and a half girls, the nba (benchwarmers), others
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note my first social media au on tumblr !! hopefully it's an enjoyable read :')) i have so many ideas for txt aus i can't wait to share them! i'm most excited to share this beomgyu one so i hope you all enjoy ♡︎ - yuri
01. report and block soobin
02. nyu decision day
03. second review
04. spring production (written+)
05. i'm sandy
06. auditions (written)
07. cast list from hell
08. wtf mr. kim (written)
09. welcome to hell
10. first read through
11. perfect harmony (written+)
12. it’s just a little infatuation
13. it’s just coffee
14. annoying friends (written+)
15. cruel and unusual punishment
16. the deal
17. shameless
18. very interesting
19. it comes so naturally
20. awfully close
21. please believe me
22. predicament
23. nopenopenope
24. i’ll kick you
25. it’s just a kiss (written+)
26. it’s called method acting
27. long time no talk
28. apology(?)
29. focus on me (written)
30. beomie
31. i never said that
32. yeonjun and soojung
33. soulmates
34. you’re the one that i want (written)
35. mixed feelings
36. everybody talks
37. yunjin’s plan
38. baby jungie
39. i don’t feel so good
40. you’re not who i thought you were
41. i’m not a bad guy
42. yeonjun and beomgyu
43. one last date
44. best friends and brothers
45. my love
46. we’re done
47. last day
48. the promposal (written)
49. the aftermath
50. beomgyu’s aftermath
51. friends night
52. hiyyih tells all
53. regroup new plan
54. please forgive me
55. the truth comes out
56. operation: save yeonjun
57. getting ready
58. opening night (written)
59. yeonjun’s aftermath
60. the decision
61. because of you
62. the last curtain call (written)
63. nyu tisch
64. make it count
65. best choice
66. will you help me?
67. dress shopping
68. prom (written)
69. scariest mission yet
70. we go together (written) [end]
summer travels | new york bound | happily ever after
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© txtaetertots
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haespoir · 1 year
cave me in: mkl.
⨯ pairing: plug!mark x reader
⨯ word count: 1.3k 
⨯ summary: haechan introduces you to his dealer friend, and mark lee makes it so hard to keep the relationship strictly business. not that you minded anyways. 
⨯ warnings: mentions of drugs (weed), some suggestive content, i think thats it enjoy :3
⨯ playlist: cave me in, gallant / half moon, dean / wfm, realestk 
⨯ extra content: part two
⨯ a/n: im completely normal about mark lee i swear ty @markonthemoon​ for furthering my completely normal feelings about mark lee... there might be a part two. 
. . . 
It had been at least 3 hours since you had picked up edibles from Mark. Three whole ass hours, and yet he was still laying on his bed feeling less than whole. Who did you buy them for? Were you getting high with someone else? Was it a guy? 
The first time Haechan had introduced you to him he didn’t pay it any mind. You were a close friend of the younger male’s situation-ship… Whatever the fuck that was. But it was no more than that in his eyes. You were someone who occasionally bought from him, and you were always so polite about it too. And for some unknown reason, or at least unknown to him, that bothered him. A few weeks later, a not-so-sober conversation with Haechan revealed that Mark had a crush on you. One he denied vehemently. Though he guessed out of everyone he sold to, you were the most ideal to date. 
Who the fuck said anything about dating? 
Mark shakes his head as if to rid himself of such wild thoughts. “I’m just hungry,” he says to himself, thinking of ways he could fill that empty void in his stomach. If only he knew, there was no amount of food that would help him feel whole. He grabs his phone, shooting a quick text to someone who knew would also be high at this time. 
mark [11:48 pm]: ramen?  jungwoo [11:50 pm]: and netflix?  jungwoo [11:50 pm]: mark… are you asking me to hook up?  jungwoo [11:51 pm]: say less baby i’m otw!  mark [11:53 pm]: dude what mark [11:53 pm]: no, just ramen  jungwoo [11:55 pm]: mark lee you want me so bad  mark [11:57 pm]: hurry before i change my mind
Jungwoo’s texts cause Mark to roll his eyes, but he grabs his keys. “Yo, Haechan,” he calls out, peeking into the male’s LED-lit room. On his monitor, he sees a discord call and what he believes is your profile picture. Why were you on call with him? “I’m going get ramen with Zeus, want anything?” 
“Nah, I’m going over to my girl’s in a bit,” Haechan replies, smoothly muting the call as he gives his roommate his attention. “I’ll just see you in the morning?” Mark hums, and he’s out the door quickly. He doesn’t want to even think about the relationship between you and Haechan, not when there’s a green little monster creeping through his veins. 
Once Haechan is sure Mark is gone, he’s unmuting the call. “Personally, I think he’s into you.” 
Though he can’t see it, you’re rolling your eyes. “Haechan, you’re just saying that. You’re tired of me third wheeling?” 
“Listen... Your words, not mine, sweetheart,” he says simply. 
“Whatever dude,” you sigh, rolling onto your side on your bed. “Have fun with your shawty. I’m going to sleep.” 
“Just ask him to smoke you out or something,” Haechan says, like it’s the easiest thing in the world to do. “I’m leaving.” 
You hear the noise of him leaving the call before you can even reply, and you’re once again rolling your eyes. You didn’t understand how your friend was into Haechan. What a fucking brat. 
I mean, you can’t just ask someone to smoke you out, right? Isn’t that something that’s offered? You groan loudly at the thought, locking your phone and tossing it on the floor. “Fuck you, Haechan,” you think bitterly. Why the hell did he have to put that godforsaken idea in your mind? 
Because the idea doesn’t leave your mind for weeks after that night. Every time you buy from Mark, you find it harder and harder to deny your attraction to the male. His actions don’t help much either. In fact, you’re convinced you’re delusional. There was no other reason. 
You had mentioned you liked rice krispie treats, and suddenly Mark has rice krispie treat edibles. With extra marshmallows no less.  
One time you heard your friends complaining that Mark had increased his prices. Which was odd because you were spending less on weed than you ever had before. Maybe they were just buying more? 
Or sometimes there’s a small baggie of only the clear gummy bears with the things you buy from him. It’s not like you had told him that the only valid flavor of gummy bears was the clear ones. 
These things weren’t just coincidences, right? Or were they? Haechan also liked marshmallow treats, so maybe they were for him. You had taken a liking to edibles, so you weren’t smoking as much as you used to. Meaning you were spending less money anyways. And Mark said that he liked the red gummy bears the most, so surely, you were just getting the ones he didn’t like. 
You let out a loud groan, ignoring the call from Haechan on Discord. Instead, you opt to shove your face into your pillow before letting out a small scream. Mark Lee was driving you absolutely crazy. 
Perhaps if you picked that call up, the text messages that flashed on your screen 30 minutes later would not have sent you into the panic that they did. 
mark [12:20 am]: yo mark [12:20 am]: i got a new strain  mark [12:20 am]: let me smoke you out? 
Maybe Haechan wasn’t a brat, and maybe you would thank him for this at your wedding years later. But none of that matters when Mark Lee is asking to smoke you out. 
you [12:29 am]: uh yea you [12:29 am]: my place?  mark [12:32 am]: say less mark [12:32 am]: i’ll bring your favorite gummies
He does bring them, and he does smoke you out. Which is why you find yourself in the position that you do. You’re sitting on the floor in your living room, your cheek pressed against Mark’s knee as he sits on your couch. You swear he looks perfect from this angle; his hair is pushed back by a headband he had stolen from you a few days ago, claiming he thought it was like a personal head massage device. You can see the way his eyes are slightly red, and you’re sure yours look exactly like his. Most importantly, his neck is on display, and you want to do nothing more than mark it up. It takes everything in you to not climb into his lap and do exactly that. 
“You look like a puppy,” Mark says, running his fingers through your hair, stopping when he reaches your ear. He’s rubbing small circles on your earlobe with this thumb, his eyes drinking in the sight of you. “My puppy.” 
God, Mark Lee was dangerous. Absolutely lethal. You groan at his words, pressing your face into his thigh to hide away from him. Unfortunately for you, this has the opposite effect, and there is no such thing as hiding from him. The sight of you nearly burying your face into his lap like this does wonders for Mark’s confidence. 
“Come here.” It’s a demand from him, and it’s one that you quickly listen to as he guides you to straddle his lap. In this new position, Mark’s hands quickly go to your thighs; the grip he has is almost bruising. But you don’t mind it, not when Mark’s got his head resting on the back of your couch and he’s staring at you in a way that makes you nervous. 
“Sorry for making you wait,” he says, and you’re feeling a bit confused. “Haechan might have given me a hint or two.” 
The confusion is gone quickly; you were going to strangle that kid. 
Mark laughs at the look on your face, easily reading the emotions as if you were an open book to him. “Don’t think about it, we’ve got a lot of time to make up for.” 
And when Mark Lee presses a kiss against your jaw, his hands traveling under your shirt, you know you’re done for. 
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olderthannetfic · 6 months
I love Ao3 donation season because it truly brings out the most unhinged people.
Suddenly, these people whose blogs revolved only around fandom and memes turn into the most vocal activists, the most involved protesters. There's not a single cause they don't root for, there's not a GoFundMe they don't advertise.
Oh, you think you can donate 10 dollars to a site that provides you with hours of free entertainment and doesn't ask you to sell your soul through data mining? Well, then you should kill yourself and go to hell, because look at these *insert request of money from someone you've never heard of before, isn't part of your online social group, and you share nothing with* causes need it more!!!
I'm far more likely to donate to my mutuals/people I follow/causes I care about than random people (especially when the request comes from Tumblr users, the same breed that gave us people pretending to have AIDS and of being attacked in a mall bathroom for shipping the wrong ship).
But how dare we enjoy life when JonBenet Ramsey's killer is still on the loose, am I right?
And half the time, the gofundmes they link to are dodgy as fuck. I don't reblog e-begging almost ever. I barely post about organizations fundraising, aside from OTW and maybe the Internet Archive once in a blue moon. Very occasionally, I'll find someone's "I'm a disabled, trans POC" post compelling enough that I'll donate myself, but I'm still not posting it here.
Mostly, I don't post such things because if I did, I'd never stop getting pestered to post more. But a lot of it is that many, many, many of them smell of bad money management of the "Oopsie, I spent all my money going to a con and buying merch! Now rent is due!" or "I adopted 57 disabled pets I don't have the means to care for!" (Yes, I have known many fans of both types. And all of them needed to beg again a month later.) I don't doubt that something is wrong in their life, but I just don't think it's money well spent. I'd rather donate to an organization or, on rare occasions, somebody I'm pretty sure is telling the truth about being from a poor-ass country where my few bucks might actually make an impact. That's not the majority of posts that I see.
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viisator · 6 months
Two words of love - P.Sunghoon
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Pairings: Park Sunghoon X F!Reader
Genre: Thriller. Horror(little bit). Drama.
Warning: death.
Description: Have you ever felt like you're living to survive? What if someone you dearly love brought you to hell? What if you're no longer able to survive? Will you kill yourself, or him instead?
Not Proofread
(the description is shitty but I went through my drafts again and saw that this is finished...one of my favs but the first half part is boring...but the ending is kinda cute so...yeah. I'll be in senior high btw.)
• • • • •
Flesh and bone met each other as the sweet taste of iron filled Y/n’s mouth. She hugged her shudders as she lay her whole body on the cold floor, waiting for another pain to touch her in a few seconds. But there came none.
9:41. She closed her eyes as she listened closely to Sunghoon’s movements. She heard him walk away from her as the door creaked open and closed.
It’s been that way since they married three years ago. It’s been her job to ease his stress whenever Park Sunghoon’s been beaten up with his career, and still…all this time she said none. She’d gladly do his meal, do his laundry, clean all the things he had that should be clean, massage him whenever he needed it, sing him a lullaby if he could not sleep, tell him all sorts of lies to ease his worries, but all of those—best. it should suit his taste. It should be perfect. It should be something like him. It should be the best. Park Sunghoon does not need Y/n’s advice, doesn’t need her to complain, and doesn’t want her poor work; she must do all things to perfection. He just could not accept it if anything’s not to his taste if she complained—no. she should never. He does not need her voice to speak with any kind of authority and complaints; after all, he had never brought money to her table less than any job she’d had, paid her. But even requesting food or asking her what she wants for dinner is forbidden.
Y/n pulled herself up from the floor before her whole body turned cold from lying for too long. Lifting her heavy bruised head, the wall clock ticked for midnight. She had been lying for three hours without any kind of movements but her breathing. She looked around her, the whole house was neat, the floor could even pass as a bed, but the broken pitcher on the kitchen floor—she needed to clean it up before Sunghoon felt his thirst. So as fast as her beaten bruised body could do, she grabbed all the shards on the floor, hastily picking every piece of glass—she needed to hurry because probably in no time, he might wake up from the loud noise her chest was making…Y/n can see red. She needs to clean it up. But the glass. Clean the glasses first then clean the red on the floor, clean the red on her hands, clean her shaking hands, clean her wobbly feet, clean her shivering body. She could not breathe, she could barely see the shards she was picking. If only she could turn it all back and never loved him—never married him.
The sound of pouring water, and the burning of the wounds and bruises all around Y/n’s body made her wince in pain. If only the water were quiet whenever it hit the bathroom floor, and if only the pain in her back never made her make such a sound. She’s afraid he’ll wake up and hurt her again. _______
Y/n tapped her screen to turn off the alarm. 6:04. Pulling herself from the couch, she heaved a sigh. An hour from now, Sunghoon will be awake for work. Y/n wasted no more seconds and went to the kitchen, rinsed white rice then proceeded to turn on the rice cooker, broke an egg, cut a sausage in half, and threw it on the hot oiled pan. Y/n can barely feel the cuts on her palms, and can hardly complain about the throbbing of her body.
She heard the shower open and the door slammed closed. 6:57. That fast? Pouring water into the kettle, she hastily put two scoops of tea into the teapot. 7:06. He should be putting on clothes now and should be done in a moment. Y/n put a plate on the table as neatly as possible, took a pair of chopsticks, and took Sunghoon’s favorite seasoning from the cabinet.
Sunghoon didn’t say a word as he pulled the chair and sat down soundlessly. Y/n put a half teaspoon of nutmeg into his rice, poured the boiling water into the teapot, and served her peaceful husband a cup of tea.
They stayed quiet as Y/n cut three carrots, while Sunghoon eat his meal. Y/n can still remember the night they first met, the jobs that made them so close, and the whole moment of their wedding. Now Y/n could only wait for him to leave so she could sleep at least just for an hour.
“Karin will be eating dinner with me.” Sunghoon will not be home until tomorrow afternoon. Y/n could sleep a day, or at least walk Gauel to the park later or tomorrow morning. But Sunghoon must not see her slacking off. He doesn't like it when she rest.
After Sunghoon put down his utensils and stood up, Y/n ran to fetch a coat for him and grabbed his things while she waited for him by the door. She held the coat wide for him to wear and gave him his things, held the door open until he stepped outside their apartment.
“Come back safely.” Sunghoon went on his way without answering—like usual—and Y/n locked the door once he was out of sight.
Park Sunghoon is a former idol and is currently big in the modeling industry. Eleven years ago when he started his modeling, after a year of being a minor model, he became a Vogue cover, went to different countries, endorsed, modeled, and walked through the runway with different luxury brands. In the years of his success, there he met Lee Y/n. Y/n was Sunghoon’s makeup artist for seven years, and she’s the sister of one of his friends Lee Heeseung. There were times and events when Y/n and Sunghoon interacted outside of work because of their connection with Lee Heeseung. Time passed. They fell in love and dated for four years.
Sunghoon was the sweetest when they dated. Always checking on her, asking for what she thinks, and what she likes. He’d take care of her when she was unable to take care of herself. He’d act like a child just to get her attention. She always felt like the most significant person in the world. The most important person to him. She didn’t know what happened.
The feeling of knocking loudly on the hard tiled floor, and the feeling of feeling nothing at all—Park Sunghoon lifted himself from laying, then eventually felt warm hands on his shoulders and back, guiding him on the pillow to lean on his back, then he slap the hands away.
The last thing Sunghoon remembered was that he was feeling sick, then suddenly lost consciousness, unable to register what was happening around him, then eventually knocked himself down while on shoot.
“I was worried—”
“You did this, didn’t you?” Voice lashed with cold, he looked up at Y/n who met his eyes.
“Did what...?”
He couldn’t believe her. How could she act all innocent? Was she jealous of Karin that’s why she did this. Was she mad at him because of what happened last time with their date? Just what is wrong with her?
“Put nutmeg on my food every single meal.” His face was solid rock. His brows met each other while his jaw clench hard.
Y/n creased a confused face. She thought he liked it when she added a little nutmeg on his rice. What is it this time? Y/n truly is getting tired.
“You—you said you liked it when I add nutmeg into your rice?” She whispered as she held her hands tightly below her, preventing them from shaking.
“We’ll talk later at home.” Sunghoon managed to say on gritted teeth, while Y/n swallowed whatever she could swallow.
Was it her fault again? She didn’t know why he fainted, the doctor didn’t say anything to her, all she knew was that he fainted while on the shoot...but she wished he’d not hurt her, she wished he’d just forget whatever her sin was, she would gladly apologies to him—kneel and beg for forgiveness, ask for him not to give her another cut and bruise to fix and cover.
Sunghoon slowly pushed himself off the bed, and as he stood up, he couldn’t help but wince in pain, slowly, he put his hand on his temples. Y/n called out to him, helping him to sit down again.
“I’m sorry, Sunghoon—wha—whatever happened, I’m very sorry, I didn’t mean it. Please, if you could ever give me time to make it up—please forgive me—”
“SHUT UP!” Y/n didn’t cry because he slapped her hands away, it was his unforgiving voice that startled at her. She could feel her throat clench.
Slowly and gently, she tried to catch Sunghoon’s hands. He didn’t resist nor slap her hands away this time, but Y/n could feel his hard fist.
“Let’s go home.” Y/n followed quietly.
Park Sunghoon once complimented Lee Y/n’s cooking when they were still mare acquaintances. It was a normal Monday at work and Y/n always packed her lunch, and unexpectedly, Park Sunghoon came up to her to eat lunch together. Sunghoon liked the rice…the rice had nutmeg at that time.
Earlier at 8:21 at work, Sunghoon felt weird sensations in the pit of his stomach, while his surroundings danced around him. It wasn’t the first time it happened at work, and it wasn’t the first time that it happened anywhere. There are times when he constantly feels nauseous while having severe headaches, while everything around him seems to change shapes. He thought it was his overworking.
The last thing Sunghoon heard was ringing and Karin’s soft voice called over him and then he passed out. He woke up lying in the hospital bed with a doctor hovering over him. The doctor said that his constant nausea and hallucinations were the effect of digesting too much nutmeg, and the only one making his meal was his wife. It was always ordered food whenever he and Karin had meals.
Back at home, Y/n and Sunghoon sat still on the couch. Y/n’s looking at her trembling hands as Sunghoon stare at her with gritted teeth. Y/n whispered out trying to break the silence.
“You—You once told me you liked rice with nutmeg—” A loud bang cut through her words. Sunghoon smashed the wooden table separating them, as Y/n tried to cover her mouth, swallowing her cries.
“Y/n.” Sunghoon called out. But Y/n couldn’t look him in the eyes, her line of view could only register his clenching fist on the table through tear eyed sight.
“I’ve been feeling sick—I thought I was dying!” He raised his voice, she made a whimper.
“I’ve been blaming my work! And it’s all because you! You were trying to kill me—you tried to kill me, Y/n!” finally she looked him in the eye shaking her head.
“No—no, Sunghoon that’s not—” Y/n extended her arms to hold him by the table as she lifted herself up from sitting, but he raised his hand high above her, then she lay still on the floor, staring at the tiled ground with tears swelling her eyes. She couldn’t help it anymore, the whole apartment echoed her loud cries. Then, in a second the bedroom door slammed closed, and she was left alone with her silent whimpers.
She didn’t mean it, she only wants his approval, his acknowledgement; she only wanted Sunghoon to eat with her at dinner instead of spending all his night with Karin. She only wanted him to return and be the man she loved once.
Y/n wasn’t ignorant about the effect of too much nutmeg, that’s why she only added a little every meal. But when Sunghoon started to eat dinner with Karin and come back home late, and sometimes not returning home at all—Y/n took the opportunity to add a half tea spoon of nutmeg into his every breakfast. A part of Y/n knew that she added nutmeg with ill intent. While most part wants him to acknowledge and notice her. Then, it really was her fault…
After lunch earlier, when her phone rang with an unknown caller ID and told her the news of her husband passing out, she immediately put down Gauel and rushed to the hospital. When she arrived, the doctor only told her that he already woke up last hour, and eventually returned back to sleep. Then the doctor said nothing more.
When Sunghoon woke up and told her about the nutmeg, she was shaken, she thought she could kill herself for being the one who caused danger to her husband—now, she could only swallow her cries when he lifted his fist and broke from her touch. He hit her face strong enough to send her frozen on the floor.
Whenever Sunghoon is angry, often at her, Y/n slept at the spare room while Sunghoon locked himself alone in their bedroom. The first time they had a fight, Sunghoon told her that he wanted to be alone and slept at the spare room. But to Y/n’s conscience, she begged Sunghoon to sleep at their room instead since it’s much comfortable there than sleeping on the dusted bed at the spare room. Now, whenever Sunghoon’s mad at her, Sunghoon would locked himself alone in their room, with her no way of getting inside. She often felt like he already abandoned her, but he also needed a slave to take care of him, that’s why until now Sunghoon haven’t chased her out.
Like the usual, Y/n would get up at 5-6 am to prepare his meal, then see him off at the door. But today, after arranging his breakfast at the table, Sunghoon spared her no glance and went out without telling her a word. He doesn’t want to eat. He doesn’t trust her.
So Y/n sat down and ate his meal instead. Seconds passed and her head’s already flooded with thoughts. Minutes passed and her thoughts made her burst out crying.
Why did everything turned out to be like this? Why did he turned out to be like this? Is he still Sunghoon? The one she loved? Or was this someone else? It must have been his façade. He must’ve tricked her, and she fell in love with the idea of him without actually knowing him. It was all her fault was it? Should she die and end everything with her last breath? Or should he die and free herself?
Y/n spent her all morning thinking of ways to get rid of her pains, until Gauel barked at her to snap out of it. She saw Park Sunghoon in red just then. She slapped herself for the ridicule she’s been thinking and proceeded to do her chores.
Late that evening, she baked tiramisu—Sunghoon’s favorite—and cooked galbi jjim with other various dishes, also opened a bottle of soju, and message him at 6:03, apologizing and wishing him home, telling him she cooked his favorite and she didn’t add nutmeg in any of the dishes nor the rice.
8:37. Y/n had already set up the table and the dishes, and somewhere between 8-9, Sunghoon will be home. So she patiently readied herself sitting on the chair, checked her phone if he had already replied, but unfortunately, he left her on read. Well, at least he read. He knows she’s making all the efforts to apologize. Y/n let out a sigh and wished that he’d show up.
11:21. All the dishes had already run cold. Y/n was broken from her trance when Gauel approached her and barked. Her phone rang. it was Sunghoon’s caller ID.
“Oh!” It was a girl’s giggle with mumblings over the background.
“Uhm, who is this?”
“Y/n!” Y/n recognized the voice, it was her old coworker’s voice, before she resigned and married Sunghoon. It was Karin’s. Y/n couldn’t help but swallowed the lumps forming on her throat.
“Su—Sunghoon won’t be home for a while…” Karin’s voice was sloppy and uneven. She must be drunk.
“Why? Did something happen?”
“What? Of course not! Silly Y/n—” She hiccupped. “Just wanted to tell you Sunghoon’s unavailable to see you for dinner tonight.” Low grunts from the background made Y/n’s shoulder shiver.
“Why are you telling me this, where is he?” Y/n’s voice must’ve been shacking, she could feel her throat and chest throbbing.
“Hmm? What is it?” seconds of pause and Karin laughed on the other line.
“Sunghoon’s asleep honey! Bye~”
“wait! Kari—” Karin’s voice was replaced with ringing. Y/n slowly put the phone down, stood up and entered their bedroom, leaving the dishes cold on the table. Sunghoon’s probably drunk with Karin, doing who knows what…Y/n couldn’t take it anymore.
Sunghoon didn’t mean to not return home after three whole days…he just wanted a time alone and free himself from stress; it’s just that, Y/n has been giving her head ache for these past few days, and he wanted to clear his head, though Karin has been with him throughout those past three days.
Sunghoon slowly turned the knob. The whole apartment is pitch black, while there was an unpleasant smell lingers the air. Sunghoon ran and turned the lights open. There, at the table lays bowls, plates, and cups of rotten dishes. Sunghoon registered the decaying smell of gochujang and the smell close to a dead rat. In instinct he put his arms on his mouth and nose. What the hell is this? Where is Y/n?
Sunghoon wasted no more time and burst the bedroom door open and turned on the lights. No sign of his wife. He then strode to the bathroom door, pushed the curtains away, and no one’s there. He checked the spare room, checked the roof deck, checked the longue again, shuffled through Y/n’s dresser and closet. Her stuff is still there.
Y/n must’ve left since the night she last messaged him about the meal she made…she was apologizing to him, and he was with Karin. He remembered there were a time that night when Karin borrowed his phone and called someone. Was it Y/n? Sunghoon roughly shuffled his hair, scratched his palms, massaged his temples. Karin must’ve said something to Y/n. As far as he could remember, Karin drove him to the hotel he stayed at, then stopped in the middle of the road to borrow his phone, then when he’s inside the hotel room, he locked the door and said goodbyes to Karin. That’s all that happened that night…
Sunghoon grabbed his coat, turned off the lights and went outside. He needs to find Y/n. He must’ve been hard on her. Just what the hell did Park Sunghoon do?
Sunghoon felt the cold wind brush through his hair once he went down the apartment stairs, and now he stands alone in the roads. With his messy and scattered thoughts, the muffled screams of vehicle horns, yells of the drivers ahead of him, and the sound of his far distance apologies—he ran his eyes around him, he didn’t care if he’s in the middle of the road, but he’ll find his wife. He needed to find his wife.
To no avail, Park Sunghoon never had any trace of her. Slowly, with no energy left from his body, he opened the door and slam it close behind him. Something lunged at him...then burning and chocking—he could not breath. Sunghoon held the belt around his throat. With all his strength, he tried to lift up the person behind him as his sight blur while his breathing shortens, and a loud weight hitting the floor made his lungs finally grasps for air. Park Sunghoon stared at his wife slowly lifting herself up from the floor. Is he seeing this right? Y/n—Y/n…she—Y/n. His Y/n was trying to kill him…
Sunghoon couldn’t move on his feet. His eyes are wide open, his breathings are accelerating and accelerating until a quiet shriek left his mouth. His whole body was frozen when his wife lifted her head up to look at him. Tears flooded her eyes as she slowly stands up. Her whole body was shaking, and her loud cries filled Sunghoon’s hearing. Y/n lunge at him, running, tackling him down on the floor, Sunghoon held her wrist as she pushed her whole strength into the knife she’s holding. Sunghoon called out her name, but her cries only got louder and louder until his grip on her loosen. One, two, three...six—she stabbed and stab and stab. Sunghoon stared at his lovely wife. Her hair loose on their tight bun, he badly wants to hug her on her pink blooded apron she always wore whenever she cooks him meal. Slowly and gently, Park Sunghoon touched her wet cheeks. Little by little, her skin turned red as he kept on caressing her softly. Y/n screamed her pain and Sunghoon could only smile at her, because now he understands, he wasn’t able to be a good husband for her.
“I’m sorry,”
With the last of his strength, and the last burning of his breath, he held her hands tightly, and closed his eyes. Y/n lifted an axe.
The first time Park Sunghoon saw her was at Lee Heeseung’s 20th birthday, back in the times they were newly debut. She wore a ridiculous ankle pink boots and a twin messy braid. He remembered Heeseung and her argued about Heeseung not informing her that his friends will come, she should’ve wore something decent. But Park Sunghoon loved that outfit. That’s the outfit he always loved.
It was snowing hard outside when they first met at work. Y/n was newly hired as Sunghoon’s makeup artist. She remembered his soft smile that burned her cheeks, she remembered when Sunghoon first asked her out, she remembered when he first kissed her, she remembered his heat all over her—not like this, cold and still.
The taste of sweet, salty and savory erected at Y/n’s tongue. The sensation of chewy and juicy flooded her mouth, and when she swallowed, a great feeling of longing, sorrow and grief left her body weak. The body-less of Park Sunghoon’s head stare at Park Y/n as she opened her mouth, bringing a spoon full of his love for her to digest.
Note: HI! all the infos about nutmeg is from google...so...pls don't attack me. Btw i'm sorry Sunghoon died. and i'm sorry i was dead for too long....so yeah...
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whumpshaped · 1 year
At My Beck and Call
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first part to the AMBAC masterlist ! chronologically it ends when beck is turned :) here's the second part
beck and boba :D (beck fanart)
one (1) decorated helle (helle fanart)
lore — vampires
lore — humans, and how to stay human
i have a lore tag!
asks for helle
asks for beckett
ambac to write
latest updates:
marked (#72)
pigs (#71)
crucifix (#70)
cold (#69)
saved (#68)
the list is in chronological order. the numbers signal writing order.
six feet under (#22)
helle (#26)
marked (#72)
moonlight (#23)
weak pulse (#24)
late (#14)
way too hungry (#36)
cornered animal (#15)
crucifix (#70)
free (#41)
alone (#67)
not too loud (#1)
begging (#2)
run along (#3)
chase pt. 1 (#7)
chase pt. 2 (#8)
overtime (#19)
dirty secret (#28)
drunk (#42)
nothing of importance (#43)
breathe (#13)
drop it (#16)
invitation (#9)
boba (#30)
drained (#33)
misconceptions (#27)
silver lining (#34)
infected (#35)
ethically sourced (#17)
hit a nerve (#50)
i want to see (#5)
choice (#31)
jealous (#38)
kindness (#39)
coffee (#64)
tired (#40)
promise (#6)
lies (#56)
patience (#12)
master (#32)
beautiful night (#51)
stay (#54)
love to hate (#10)
silly thing (#11)
birthday gift (#52)
sick as a dog (#18)
shadows (#20)
nightmares (#21)
all saints' day (#57)
our beloved child (#61)
missed you (#4)
mirror mirror (#37)
good thrall (#25)
bite (#65)
die for me (#29)
turned (#44)
taglist: @whumpsday @the-scrapegoat @hidden-dreamland @delicateprincepaper @whumppmuhw @florissimps @nicolepascaline @oliversrarebooks @thecyrulik @pirefyrelight @there-will-always-be-blood @pigeonwhumps @echo-goes-mmm @whumpycries @morning-star-whump @d-cs @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @tauntedoctopuses @blueyellow8green @typewrittenfangs @whumpsoda @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @auroragehenna @whumpedydump @littlespacecastle @silly-scroimblo-skrunkl
220 notes · View notes