#hell I could probably see if there any fandom bangs or other events coming up I want to participate in and start pre-planning fic for them
Okay so for NaNo fic work, I’m writing notes and drafting a couple things so far. I will only be posting snippets and drabbles during November, the longer drafts will be saved to be rewritten and edited and posted later.
I’m gonna do a haikyuu volleyball related character study and work on the haikyuu boy bands fic ( @draconiclore you’ll be pleased to hear the boy bands fic is go)
I’m working on two fics for sangcheng week which I am going to try to have ready to post in drabble form on Saturday for the last day of the event, and then I’ll be expanding those drabbles into a longer fic draft.
And I’m working on video essay scripts.
Should I do more fic though? I could probably try and work on some more mdzs or other danmei stuff (tgcf perhaps??? Maybe svsss???), I could also start planning and drafting a tlt alternate universe (but still science fantasy) fic, or hell, I could also work on some early canon based one piece stuff since I am like 120 episodes into it now. OH I could also try and work on some wot fic???? Maybe??????
Idk. Thoughts? Requests?
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goatsandgangsters · 3 years
Hi! I know you have probably answered this before, but I was wondering how you think meyer and lucky got together (in boardwalk empire)? I think about it a lot, and I just can never fully grasp what I feel about it, especially because this was in the 1920s
yeeeeeeeEEEEeeeeSSSS oh I’m so glad you asked, I’m gonna have so much fun! So YES I do have specific headcanons for how they got together, though I don’t know if I’ve ever actually laid them out explicitly? (also I’m saying “my” headcanons but I wanna acknowledge that they originate from Friend Conversations that happened a number of years ago, to the point where I don’t even know who originally said what but the idea of it is just lodged in my brain now. BUT ON THE FLIP SIDE, I don’t want to present this as This Is The Fanon We Agreed On, Everyone Has To Think This, because fandom should never operate that way. ANYWAY)
TL;DR: I think Meyer’s near-death experience in Emerald City was an instigating event for them to get together, because it shakes them enough to act on their feelings. Plus, it coincides nicely with Vince and Anatol becoming more comfortable around one another as actors in a way that lends itself to that reading. BUT I AM NOT THE EXPERT OR THE ARBITER ON THIS MATTER, and I think any interpretation is perfectly wonderful!
So the headcanon I operate with is that they got together after the near-death experience in Emerald City. That originates from a Watsonian vs. Doylist perspective on Vince and Anatol’s acting. They’re not quiiiiite in sync with each other in the first few eps they share, which I’m sure in actuality is them finding their groove and their dynamic as actors. But from a Watsonian perspective, it’s really easy to read their earlier scenes as pining. Like in their first scene together in Home, they’re both constantly looking at each other, but never quite meeting each other’s eye. It’s like that thing where you have a crush on someone, so you keep looking at them, but oh god they saw me and you look quickly away. And they both keep doing it!
Some of their other early scenes—like with the D’Alessios while Charlie’s playing pool, or that weirdly staged scene earlier in Emerald City where Meyer’s sitting way farther away at the table—they may exchange looks, but there’s a fleetingness to it. But then you watch the scene at the end of season 1 where they’re talking to AR with the umbrellas AND THE PSYCHIC BOND HAS ARRIVED. They are having those telltale Full On Conversations with their glances! They are synced up. They’re a team, they’re a unit, they’ve hit that dynamic that they have for the rest of the show.
And in actuality, probably it was Vince and Anatol finding their footing with each other as actors. But if you read into that textually, they go from “staring at the other but constantly dodging eye contact, like they’re afraid to be caught looking” to “we’re having an entire conversation in one look” and you’ve gotta think: what changed?
Meyer’s near-death experience in Emerald City, conveniently enough, happens in the middle. And I think that works well as an instigating moment for them, because it’s BIG. Meyer almost died, in another state—in goddamn New Jersey!—and that’s enough to make anyone act on things they wouldn’t otherwise act on or reevaluate life and relationships.
In terms of their feelings for one another and when those developed and how, my usual interpretation is that… I mean Charlie was heart-eyes from the jump, but not in a romantic way, whereas Meyer was the first to develop full-on pining feelings feelings. Because obviously Charlie was not like “I have feelings feelings for this tiny child” when they first met, but he DID very much imprint on Meyer like a little baby duckling and was like HEY I LIKE THIS KID, WE’RE GONNA BE FRIENDS, CAN I FOLLOW YOU HOME whereas Meyer was like “um, what the fuck.” Classic “enthusiastic puppy befriends sulky cat” dynamic. But then when the FEELINGS FEELINGS come into it, I think of Meyer as having been harboring feelings for Charlie for a while. (also basically all of this is from @meyerlansky, because we successfully tag-teamed on headcanons by one of us wanting to hyperanalyze Meyer and the other wanting to hyperanalyze Charlie and then we just shared!) I mean, you know, Charlie’s good-looking and they’re friends and Charlie’s so casual about flinging his arm around Meyer’s shoulders or roughhousing with him and Meyer’s insides do a little flip that they shouldn’t be doing, but they’re getting older and Charlie’s starting to sleep around with girls and that stings and bothers him in a way that It Shouldn’t, but also It Is What It Is, there’s nothing he can do about it, they’re friends and they’re business partners and that should be enough and it’s all it’ll ever be so focus on the task at hand and ignore the flip in his stomach.
For Charlie, I’m not actually sure WHEN he realizes there are feelings for Meyer. I don’t have a solid, definitive default interpretation for that. But in early season 1, pre Meyer-getting-introduced, he’s definitely enamored and smitten with Gillian, and he’s similarly moonstruck towards AR. I think that can read as, “trying really hard to distract yourself so you don’t acknowledge that maybe you’re in love with your best friend.” Whether he’s doing that consciously or unconsciously, I could also go either way on that.
A lot of this interpretation is based around the simple fact that Charlie was introduced and established in the show before Meyer, so I wonder how my headcanons would have been different if they’d been introduced together from the start. But with how the show unfolds, the change as Anatol and Vince find their groove as actors, plus a near-death experience to make someone act on something they wouldn’t otherwise act on—it all lends itself nice and neatly to Emerald City being the get-together point.
(I know a number of people have worked that headcanon into their own fics and written post-Emerald City get-together, which I can rec you. Though again, by no means do I want this to come across as “this is what the fandom has decided, you have to think it too” because that’s never how fandom should operate. No one is the arbiter of When Did Charlie and Meyer First Kiss. I love get-togethers in general, so I will always be happy reading any get-together fic that happens at any point in time, with any instigating factor, in any way, because that’s just delightful!)
Here are some get-together and/or pining fics that I can recommend:
born once of flesh, then again of fire, i am reborn a third time (a post-Emerald City get-together)
Contact (another post-Emerald City get-together by @rubecso)
Making Accommodations (by @transdracosmalfoy, the post-Emerald City genre lives on!)
to see God in the skyline (by @lurusciutelumare a sprawling masterpiece of chapters intertwining Charlie and Meyer’s childhood and growing up. It takes a while to reach the get-together point, but the whole thing is well worth the read. The entire fic is set pre-Boardwalk Empire)
beg dead trees for money next (by @meyerlansky, a pre-Boardwalk fic of Meyer realizing he has feelings for Charlie which is one of my faves for a lot of reasons)
(also I’m sorry if I missed anyone’s get-together fic. I tried to wrack my brain but I’ve been in this fandom for, uh, a while and it’s hard to remember back sometimes. Feel free to add yours in if I did!)
Also re: getting together in the time period and how it being the 1920s shapes things, there would definitely be added concerns and dangers, though I don’t think it’s necessarily a black-and-white thing. I don’t think the wider attitudes of society towards queerness would have impacted them as much in comparison to the specific culture of lower Manhattan and the criminal spheres they operated in.
Because on the one hand, in the criminal world in which they were operating, it likely would have been dangerous for anyone to know that they’re queer. It probably would have hurt their business and their reputation among their peers and rivals, and—because of how masculinity and queerness interconnect and operate—would look like weakness to others. But in terms of “well can Charlie make a move, because it’s dangerous if Meyer doesn’t reciprocate or reacts badly” (or vice versa), it would reflect equally bad on both of them? Like, if Charlie made a move and Meyer was like “nah,” he can’t very well go gossiping to the whole Lower East Side about it, because it hurts his reputation too, it hurts his business, and they were also close enough as friends that even if there wasn’t reciprocation, neither one of them would do anything to damage the other’s reputation like that.
As far as how they feel about it on an internalized level, I definitely don’t think they… care from a legal and/or moral standpoint. I don’t think Charlie’s like “oh god I’m going to hell for liking men,” because by the time he and Meyer kiss, he has DEFINITELY KILLED PEOPLE. They already break a lot of laws all the time. So that wider societal stigma from a moralizing perspective probably doesn’t matter to them much, because wider society already thinks they’re an “undesirable criminal element,” they’re already “dangerous immigrants,” so what’s it matter if they also bang on top of doing crimes and killing people? Charlie and Meyer are already outside the Predominant Ethical Framework of Society by virtue of their class background and criminal enterprises (and class and queerness have huge intersections historically in terms of what the experience was like). Being in an urban area in the 1920s (especially New York), queer sexuality is something they would have known about; it probably wouldn’t have been any more shocking than any other “vice” they grew up around in that area.
If they do have any concerns or guilt about what they’re feeling for one another, for Charlie I think it all has to do with masculinity and with the machismo he’s grown up around. It’s also something he’s already touchy about, given the emasculation that happened being called Sal (which, at the time, was common nickname for Sally) and historically he has a history of experiencing sexual violence. So I can see him struggling with conflating that together—as well as worrying that his feelings for Meyer are unwanted and similar to what he experienced. Meyer, I would say, cares less about the performance of masculinity, but I do think he sees himself as an eventual family man in a way that Charlie does not. @meyerlansky also has more thoughts on Meyer + sexuality + being a-spec.
I’M SORRY FOR MY LONG TANGENTS!! I literally do not have the ability to be succinct.
IN SUMMARY, I think Meyer’s near-death experience in Emerald City was an instigating event for them to get together, because it shakes them enough to act on their feelings. Plus, it coincides nicely with Vince and Anatol becoming more comfortable around one another as actors in a way that lends itself to that reading. BUT I AM NOT THE EXPERT OR THE ARBITER ON THIS MATTER, and I think any interpretation is perfectly wonderful!
As for the time period and being the 1920s, it definitely has ramifications on how they conceive of themselves—particularly in relation to their ethnic and class identities—but that also the history of sexuality is very non-linear and I think queerness is less shocking and scandalous to them than it would have been to someone more upper-class who didn’t grow up in the Lower East Side, or to someone more rural, or to someone who was more “inside” the social framework of the time, as opposed to being forced outside of it already by class, ethnicity, and criminality.
Finally, and most importantly, they should KISS!!!!
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acklesforlife · 4 years
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Happy Birthday Danneel Ackles!
It’s Danneel Ackles’ birthday, so we thought for our continuing celebration of Supernatural Spring Break week, this was a good time to both wish her a happy birthday and share the rather amusing story of one of our first times meeting her.
There have been a few memorable times since, including the party celebrating ‘Supernatural Day’ in Austin with Mayor Adler, which was just plain fun and an opportunity for some real conversation.
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And I’ll be forever touched that Danneel wanted a copy of Family Don’t End With Blood (and how incredulous she was that Jensen actually had a chapter in it!) and that she has read our other books too.
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The actual first time we met Danneel was a long time ago – at the after party following the premiere of indie movie Ten Inch Hero, which was at a club in LA back in, I think 2008. We all left the premiere and walked over to the club, invited by director David Mackay – the cast and the audience all together.
We had a lovely little chat with Danneel there about the film, met screenwriter Betsy Morris who’s still a friend today, and asked actor Matt Barr (now of Walker) to watch the rest room door while I in desperation used the men’s room because there was a huge line at the women’s. (He was lovely about it and it makes me laugh now every time I see him as Hoyt).
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It was a momentous party, what can I say?  After that, my co-author Kathy and I interviewed David over a three hour brunch in Vancouver for the first book we were working on, and mentioned that we’d love to chat with Danneel  too. To be honest, we didn’t really think that would happen. But a few months later, while we were in LA for the Supernatural convention, we got a call from David.
I’ll let some excerpts from our second book, Fangasm! Supernatural Fangirls, take it from here…
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… he let us know that Danneel Harris had actually agreed to an interview too. This prompted some hyperventilating and a rush of euphoria that left us grinning like fools. Jensen Ackles’s girlfriend was going to meet with us? Really? David had given Lynn’s cell phone number to Danneel so that she could call us tomorrow, the same day the boys came back to town. SWEET.
Given the pattern of the weekend so far—great things happening and then going horribly wrong—we should have known what was coming.
[On the Sunday of the convention, while everyone was in a fever pitch of excitement over Jared and Jensen being there] Lynn was obsessively checking her phone. “Noooo!!” she gasped. It was the plaintive moan of a beast in distress.
Kathy assumed that Lynn was passing a gallstone from the sound of it.
“No reception!” Lynn said, wide-eyed.
For Kathy, who hates phones (really, what doesn’t Kathy hate?) this didn’t seem like a big deal. The world really is too connected anyway. An hour out of cell phone reception seemed like a welcome respite, an opportunity just to enjoy the moment.
Lynn wasn’t as philosophical. “What if Danneel calls?”
Kathy honestly didn’t hold out much hope that this would actually happen—a yellow on the threat scale at most—so she wasn’t concerned.
Lynn was taking up her slack by flailing around, banging buttons on her phone as if somehow this would jolt it into action. “How can there be no cell phone reception in LA??”
Lynn had a point. We’re reasonably certain that there is cell phone reception in the Arctic Circle, but there was not a bar to be had in a hotel in LA. LA!! The town where everyone’s people are calling everyone else’s people, where iPhones are accessorized to coordinate with the day’s outfits, where a missed call can ruin a career. Jared and Jensen distracted Lynn for the duration of their time onstage, but as soon as it was over Lynn made a bee line for Jared’s girlfriend, Sandy (the woman sitting in front, wearing a hoodie so no one would recognize her—except Lynn apparently). Lynn wildly explained our dilemma to the stunned and probably scared actress. It was a good thing the Men With No Necks (MWNN) were only being paid to guard “the boys” or Lynn would have been face down on the carpet.
While Lynn was doing this, Kathy was pretending that she did not know Lynn.
Sandy was sympathetic, but didn’t know if she’d even see Danneel. Lynn thanked her for the sympathy and moved on to the next person who might be able to help. She attempted to enlist convention photographer Lizz, to no avail, and finally Creation owner Adam.
“I’ll try Lynn,” he said, sounding slightly exasperated. “But I’m kinda running an entire convention here.”
Thwarted again, Lynn pulled out all the stops. During her Jensen photo op, she stopped everything to explain the situation to Jensen himself.
“Hi, Jensen,” Lynn said, hoping that her voice wasn’t sounding too shaky. “We have an interview set up with Danneel today for the book we’re writing on fandom, and she’s supposed to call us, but I don’t have any reception on my phone, so I’m afraid she won’t be able to.”
The photo-op process screeched to a halt, and the room fell silent. Photo ops, you see, are not a place for conversation. They are highly valued by fans, who pay top dollar for the privilege of standing next to a celebrity, and they are relentlessly organized. The entire experience lasts about twenty seconds, and during that time you’re expected to say hello to the celebrity, smile, perhaps get an arm around your back or lean into said celebrity’s very firm bicep, and then move the hell out of the way and let the next person crowd in for the next picture. The photo ops allow no room for deviation. So when deviation happens, no one is very happy. The photographer wasn’t happy. The other fans weren’t happy. And the MWNN looked ready to move into swift and potentially lethal action.
Not that any of this stopped Lynn. “Can you put us in touch with her?” she continued, oblivious to the threatening stares all around her.
“Oh right, the interview,” Jensen said.
Lynn just nodded, though inside she was stuck on “OMG Jensen knows about our interview and our book, ohmygodohmygod.”
“Maybe she can email you,” Jensen continued. Then the conversation abruptly ended as Lynn was grabbed unceremoniously by the back of the neck and “escorted” from the photo-op room. Uh oh. She hadn’t experienced that feeling since being a two-year-old caught trying to get away with her baby brother’s coveted teddy bear. Lynn was most definitely in trouble—and even worse, she’d made no progress in getting in touch with Danneel, who didn’t even have our email address!
Lynn, ever the intrepid researcher, was not deterred. She thanked the Man with No Neck for his assistance and got right back in line for her next photo op, the “sandwich” photo (as in sandwiched between Jared and Jensen, which is vaguely dirty and thus very popular). As Lynn walked up, Jensen immediately tried to continue their conversation.
“So do you want to . . .” he began, while Jared looked confused. After all, the celebrities know the no talking rule as well as the fans.
Lynn held up a hand defensively. “Shh, I’m not talking to you. I totally got in trouble for it before,” she added, as the MWNN hovered threateningly.
Jensen laughed. “I got in trouble too,” he protested.
We doubt the MWNN were involved.
“Can Danneel get us her email?” Lynn managed as she was once again “encouraged” to leave the room as quickly as possible.
There was no time for an answer. Damn. Thwarted again. We were disappointed, but Lynn was relieved that she wasn’t escorted out of the entire con (the specter of the Flying Fangirl from Asylum still looms large at these events after all). We were still feeling like an interview with Danneel had been too good to be true anyway, so we tried to swallow our sadness and settled in to watch some of the other guests. Midway through the next panel, Lizz the photographer came out into the audience and passed us a note—from Danneel. It just said, “Send me an email, love danneel” and included her email address. Being a bit clueless about the popularity of smartphones in 2008, we figured this meant that she wanted us to get in touch with her later for an email interview. We were disappointed that we wouldn’t get to talk to her in person but incredibly excited that she’d given us her email address. We wandered back outside after the panel and tried not to be too miserable about the Danneel interview not happening that day. We were hanging out in the hallway chatting when photographer Lizz suddenly appeared and yanked us away in the middle of a sentence with an exasperated, “Come with me!” She led us down a small side hall.
We still weren’t entirely sure what was going on. Were we in trouble again? Had the MWNN decided to kick us out after all? Moments later, Danneel emerged from the side door, introducing herself with a smile. Somehow we managed to compose ourselves and smile back. Apparently Jensen had facilitated the interview after all! Danneel suggested that we all grab some coffee, so we headed upstairs to the hotel’s Starbucks, where Danneel insisted on treating.
Coffee in hand, we went back downstairs to start the interview. Danneel suggested that we go backstage to talk, and then came a weirdly symbolic moment. The very same Man with No Neck who had tossed Lynn unceremoniously out of the photo op for daring to speak to the talent now held back the curtain to the backstage area, solicitously helped Danneel and us step over the various wires and cables snaking across the floor, then closed the curtain behind us to seal our crossover. The irony wasn’t lost on us.
Kathy whipped out her trusty voice recorder just as she had done for every other interview we’ve conducted, turned it on, and . . . nothing. We were interviewing Jensen Ackles’s girlfriend and there was NOTHING. It wasn’t the batteries, which had been checked and rechecked. Kathy tried to maintain some semblance of professionalism. She would quietly figure out what was wrong and then she would just as quietly fix it. Deep breaths. Okay, the recorder was FULL. Not to worry. She excused herself, leaving a confused Lynn to entertain Danneel.
First the cell phone, now the voice recorder. Sunday turned out to be the day technology failed us. This, for Lynn, is an everyday occurrence. For Kathy not so much. She loves technology. She embraced the Internet years before it got pretty, she used a “portable” PC to write her doctoral dissertation (portability is of course a relative designation—relative to muscle mass and stamina), and she gets gleeful over the prospect of using every new toy her university has to offer. So yes, technology was her friend. Until it wasn’t.
While Kathy dashed upstairs to grab her laptop (wishing that she could grab a shot of tequila), Lynn attempted to keep up a conversation with Danneel without actually asking any of our carefully prepared interview questions. Without a recorder, there was no way she’d remember a damn thing that was said—so that left small talk as the only option. Luckily, Danneel and Lynn connected over their mutual love of writing, swapped college stories, and then Lynn (as always) managed to talk about her children. Danneel proved herself a great listener. Minutes went by—lots of them—and Lynn realized to her horror that Jensen and Jared were almost done with their autographs. After that, it was off to the airport—and we would lose our interviewee to her boyfriend as she left with Ackles. Where was Kathy???
Finally, shortly before Lynn had moved on to telling Danneel about her daughter’s first steps, Kathy returned and hurriedly tried to download everything onto the laptop while time quickly ran out. Come on!! All Kathy could focus on was how long it was taking for everything to download. That and the rising nausea that threatened to overtake her. Lynn, in desperation, started asking the interview questions (which, since they weren’t recorded, are lost to posterity—and to this book).
Suddenly Jared Padalecki walked by, meaning that autographs were over and people were getting ready to leave. We despaired of a recorded interview, heartbroken over the squandered opportunity. And then, quite unexpectedly, Jensen Ackles was standing there, smiling and saying hello. Even more improbably, he held a fluffy white dog in his arms. For a moment, Kathy was sure this was all part of the nightmare, because fandom at the time had no clue that Jensen even owned a dog. Icarus, however, was quite real—and quite fluffy. Icarus was almost as excited to see Jensen as we were—he’d apparently been whining backstage every time he heard his owner’s voice during the Q&A. We hugged Icarus while Jensen hugged Danneel and tried to talk her into riding with him to the airport. All Kathy heard in those words were that it was too late—she’d blown it.
Danneel, however, had other ideas. She blew Jensen off. No wait. This part can’t really be happening either. More of that dream? Kathy was contemplating poking herself with a sharp object, sticking her finger in a wall socket, anything to jar herself back into reality. This was surely just her own anxiety-ridden psyche toying with her. Must be. Who says goodbye to Jensen Ackles so that she can talk to US?? But Danneel really was excusing herself to say good-bye to Jensen, Icarus happily following, with assurances to us that she’d be right back to finish the interview. Kathy gathered together the few shreds of sanity she still had, sorted the problem, and figured out how to record directly onto the laptop.
Danneel returned, true to her word, and the interview finally began. We relocated to the “green room,” the cloistered room where the guests are confined between stage appearances. The green room, as we were well aware, is a private space—more or less a “No Fans Allowed” clubhouse for the celebrities. We immediately felt like imposters, occupying a space where we clearly shouldn’t be. The room offered a small banquet of food, a bit of which we gratefully sampled, and a table stacked full of fans’ gifts for “the boys.” The coolest of these was a hairdryer that looked exactly like Dean Winchester’s favorite gun—and yes, it actually worked!
Danneel, of course, was quite comfortable in the green room and turned out to be very good at making us comfortable as well. Lynn asked questions. Danneel answered. Kathy breathed. Everything was going to work out just fine. Somewhere the unicorns of fandom were neighing happily.
And then the laptop went dead.
Kathy again tried to be unobtrusive as she flailed around trying to find an outlet. No point in making a bigger fool of herself, right? Sooner or later, though, it became apparent that she was in need of assistance and everyone, including Danneel, was up and scouting for an outlet, crawling under tables and moving furniture to do so. Danneel, we decided, had the patience of a saint. She never lost her sense of humor either, shrugging off our apology for keeping her from accompanying Jensen to the airport by wryly noting that “Jared would have been in the limo anyway, it’s not like we could have made out on the way to the airport” and jumping up to knock on wood when we asked her about the possibility of marriage.
In the midst of all the sitcom mishaps we did manage to carry on an interview…
You can read the rest of our misadventures (and the interview itself) with Danneel in the book, but Kathy and I left that day with a respect and affection for Danneel that has never faded.
Jensen posted a photo of her plunging a clogged toilet today for her birthday, and I laughed because it makes it clear that she’s still as genuine as she was that day she got down on the floor and crawled around looking for an outlet right along with us.
I’ve had the opportunity to chat with Danneel several times since our hilarious interview, and I think most people who have run into her at the brewery would say this too – she’s not afraid to be real.
I’m so glad Danneel was able to be part of Supernatural as a cast member before it ended, but really she’s always been part of the SPN Family. Happy birthday, Danneel – thanks for keeping it real!
Source: [x]
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d0llhousess · 4 years
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⇢ fandom: run with the wind (kaze ga tsuyoku fuiteiru) ⇢ pairing: kiyose haiji x f!reader ⇢ genre: fluff  ⇢ warning/tags:  fluff, overworked!haiji, overworked! reader,  mild language (probably like..one cuss word), first date, established relationship, two busy idiots in love
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 ⇢ summary: kiyose haiji is a planner, yet he could never plan around the mishaps that always seemed to happen every time the pair of you would agree to a date night.
⇢ word count: approx 1.6k
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⇢ a/n: Welcome to Day 1 guys! I decided our favorite runner was the perfect way to kick off the week, and who doesn’t love Haiji fluff? Technically this is a continuation of this scenario, but it can be read without any knowledge of that post. I hope you guys do enjoy this!
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  ⤆ Back to Week of Fic’s Masterlist
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 Sometimes life tends to escape you.
 It wasn’t rare that you lost track of time, or became so busy with not only school but also your part time job that you were late to events or even forgot them all together. Yet, you made sure to not forget your first date with Kiyose. 
 It’d been weeks since he’d confessed to you, a moment you held close to your heart, and even though the two of you knew the status of your relationship, there was just no time for the pair of you to have a proper first date. 
He was the team parent, often overworking himself to near death by taking care of his friends and teammates, and you were in your busiest year of university. So when he texted you in the early morning of one of your few days off, informing you to come to his dorms in casual clothing during the evening, you made sure that you were on time. 
Adorned in your favorite pair of jeans that never failed to boost your confidence up another notch, you’d entered the track team dorms and were met with a site that you were certainly not expecting. 
Instead of seeing your boyfriend in the foyer of the building, putting on his outside shoes, your sight was filled with a nearly chaotic dorm as most of the boys nearly burst down the only bathroom in the building. Your brows lift in surprise, but before your lips part to ask what on earth was going on, your boyfriend appears at your side. 
Your eyes roam over his disheveled appearance, and when you met his forlorn gaze, you knew that your date had been canceled. You tried to not let the disappointment show on your face, yet you couldn’t help the way your shoulders sagged. 
“I’m sorry, but-” Kiyose began to say, but you shook your head, halting the words that were tumbling out of his mouth. A soft smile spread onto your lips and you give him a knowing look. 
“Stomach bug?” You guessed, hands smoothing a stray strand of your hair behind your ears. 
Kiyose shook his head, “Food poisoning. The twins attempted to cook.” 
Soft laughter falls from your lips and you nod, understanding the slight severity of the situation. You meet Kiyose’s warm gaze once again, noticing the slight irritation in his dark gaze, and it puts you at slight ease. 
He was just as upset as you were, but you knew that he felt an obligation to take care of his friends. While you didn’t completely understand the man that stood beside you, you knew what you were getting yourself into the moment you felt his lips press against yours that evening in the park.
Stepping closer to you, Kiyose’s lean fingers trailed up the side of your bicep before the rested on the back of your neck. Your senses are filled with the comforting scent of his cologne, and the smirk he’s giving you causes your mouth to dry. The effect he had on you was truly unfair. 
A slight shiver travels up your spine, and you watch as his lips spread into the soft smile that made your heart stutter in your chest. His lips brush against your cheek, causing a soft giggle to leave your lips.  
“Rain check?” He whispers to you, and you nod, your smile mirroring his. Lifting your head, you place a chaste peck against his lips. 
“This is the only rain check you get, okay?” You whisper back to him, resting your hands on his chest as you push him away slightly, yet he doesn’t budge. His previously playful gaze shifts into something more serious. 
The wicked glint that never seemed to leave his warm chocolate eyes is more pronounced as the light grip he had on the back of your neck tightens, prompting you to lift your head up even further. 
Lowering his head, his lips ghosts over yours, and you inhale sharply. His eyes briefly flicker away from your eyes to your lips, and your body nearly vibrates in anticipation. Yet before he can press his lips against yours, a loud bang is heard coming from the kitchen.  A heavy sigh leaves both you and Kiyose’s lips as he steps away from you. Your time with him has come to an end and he is unfortunately needed elsewhere. 
“I gotta…” He trailed off, and you nod in understanding. 
“Yeah, I understand,” You responded, a light grin tugging on your lips to assure him that you were not upset. You noticed the way he lingered, and you felt your chest warm. He didn’t want to leave your presence, but he was needed elsewhere. 
With much reluctance, he places another soft peck against your cheek, bidding you a soft goodbye that has the sense of disappointment settling over your heart once again. Yet you shake it off. It was just a mere rain check; you were absolutely sure that you and Kiyose would have time to go on your first date soon. 
Unfortunately, time appeared to not be on your side. 
The next couple of weeks you were swamped with work and Kiyose wasn’t fairing well either. It seemed like every time the two of you would align your free days together, a new problem arose. If it wasn’t your boss calling to ask you to come in on your day off, it was Kiyose becoming caught up with the track team and helping them progress. 
Even when he’d managed to escape the busy lifestyle of taking care of everyone in his life, you were too busy trying to complete a mountain of assignments to give him the attention that he and you craved. 
Sure the two of you messaged each other throughout the day, and you heard his melodic voice through the speakers of your phone late at night; hell there were even days where you had dinner with him and his teammates.  Yet, it just wasn’t the same as spending proper alone time with him. You craved to spend  a day with just Kiyose, and Kiyose only, but with the way everything was panning out you’d be lucky to get a date by the end of the semester. 
You couldn’t help the sense of dismay that clouded your mind, because, fuck, all you wanted to do was spend a nice evening with your boyfriend. Yet, the both of you couldn’t even manage to find the time to be together. 
“Was your relationship doomed before it even truly began?” You wondered to yourself as you entered your small apartment, sighing from a rather long shift at your part time job. You briefly glanced at your phone, noticing a message from the very man that never seemed to stray away from your mind. 
Opening the message, your brows shot up in slight surprise as you read over the message inviting you over to his dorms. Shooting a quick message stating that you would be over in around thirty minutes, you began to discard your work uniform. You shot through a swift routine of showering, changing your clothes into something that was appropriate for having a late dinner with your boyfriend and his friends.  
Even with your quick change of clothes, it didn’t take you long to arrive at the track team’s dorms. As you entered the building, you noticed how eerily quiet it was. The laughter that you were accustomed to didn’t greet you, and your brows furrowed in slight confusion. As you took your shoes off, you allowed yourself to peek down the hallway, keeping an ear out to see if the guys were just still in their rooms, freshening up for dinner. 
“Haiji?” You called out, as you placed your shoes near the door, walking down the hallway. 
“In the kitchen,” You heard him respond and as you rounded the corner, your eyes landed to the singular candle that was lit on top of the table, illuminating the dinner for two. 
Your eyes flickered from the twinkling candle light, before they settled on Kiyose who was exiting the kitchen. The previously confused expression on your face melts into one of pure warmth as your eyes lock with Kiyose’s gaze. 
“Did the twins cook again?” You tease as you sink to the ground, eyes shifting from his gentle, yet penetrating gaze, to the food that was neatly arranged on the table. Kiyose’s melodic laughter fills your ears, and you can feel your body practically melting. You hear him sit beside you, prompting your eyes to move from the food back to his smiling face. 
“No,” He answered, “I can’t have you breaking up with me just yet.” 
Your brows raise as a giggle leaves your lips, “Oh? Is that so?” 
Kiyose nods his head, his own chuckles leaving his lips. Once your laughter subsides, you lick your lips as you look over the room, once again noting the lack of extra noise in the dorms. 
“So I suppose no one else will be joining us, hm?” You questioned, turning to look back at your boyfriend. You note how the gleam in his rich brown eyes seem to twinkle in the warm candlelight. He leans into you, lips spreading from his usual smile into something much softer; a smile he only seems to give you. 
“I might’ve convinced them to go out for a couple of hours or so.” 
Another burst of giggles leave your lips as you mimic his actions, “Convinced or ordered?” 
Kiyose holds your gaze, fingers smoothing up the length of your arm before cupping the back of your neck. His thumb grazes your jawline as you relax into his touch. You watch as his eyelids lower as his gaze shifts to your lips. 
“Does it matter?” He whispers to you, and your lips part to respond. However, before a syllable is uttered, his lips pressed softly against yours. As your eyelids fluttered closed, you found yourself agreeing that it didn’t matter at all.
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echo-bleu · 4 years
To Fall, There Is Death
This work was created for the @rnmbb Roswell New Mexico Big Bang 2020 event.
The amazing @slynella/Slynella was my partner for this event and created three absolutely wonderful illustrations for this story! The artworks are incredible and I love them to pieces, thank you so much Sly 💙
Huge thanks also to @eveningspirit for helping me build the plot of this and handholding through the writing. This fic was hard to write, both because I got lost more than once in the narrative and because I basically left the fandom when I was less than halfway done. But, here it is.
This fic is loosely based on both Dumas' The Three Musketeers and BBC Musketeers, and borrows some plot elements (and a few lines) from the latter, but there is no historical accuracy whatsoever and it is set in the fictional kingdom of Antar. The title comes from “Quo ruit et lethum” which is the actual motto of the Musketeers: To Fall, There Is Death. The header of each part is a chess move or a chess opening, usually with some relation to what happens in the part (and a few where I just liked the name :D).
[apparent deaths by shooting and hanging, mentions of war and injuries, canonical levels of violence, past abuse]
Read on AO3 (13k).
The day Alex died was the beginning of the end.
Liz would be hard pressed to tell when it had all started, when the pieces had first been put in motion. So much had happened to lead them there, one step away from checkmate, one step away from the end of the game.
Maybe it had started six months ago, when the King died. She remembered the funeral ceremony that gathered all of the court and so much of the city, Max and Isobel’s regal and solemn faces. Max had worn white, and knelt to receive the crown on his head. “The King is dead,” they’d chanted. “Long live the King!”
But things had been moving even before that. Maybe it had started a year ago, when Lord Michael first came to the court and challenged Alex to a duel. Alex had been injured already, barely able to stand on his feet. Liz remembered the absolute shock on his face, when Michael had pushed back his hood and revealed himself, after the King introduced him as his natural son.
Alex had lost the duel. He’d stood there afterwards, dazed and devastated, unable to take his eyes off Michael for one second, like he’d expected him to disappear again. He’d spent most of the next three weeks drinking himself to the ground every evening, just to dull the pain that never left his eyes.
So maybe the pieces had already found their place ten years ago, in that time Alex only ever hinted at, when he and Michael were engaged to be married. He’d never told Liz and Maria the story. “There was a man, once,” he’d said. “He died.” Kyle had probably known more, after all he was Alex’s friend when they were children, but he never said. In all the years they’d known Alex, though, there were always these shadows in his eyes, that spoke of a dreadful weight, a longing and a guilt that never left him.
Bishop Takes Knight
The Musketeers on duty stood in line for muster, as Alex limped down the ranks and inspected their gear. Musketeers had to be dressed perfectly in every circumstance, boots shiny and blue cape draped over their shoulders, because they could be called to attend the King and the royal family at any moment. Liz was with Maria at the very end of the line, Alex’s seconds-in-command, his most trusted people. Kyle wasn’t there, because a patrol had come back injured from a skirmish with the Red Guard the night before and the surgeon hadn’t slept all night, getting a bullet out of a Musketeer’s shoulder.
Alex handed out orders for the day and dismissed his Musketeers. Liz and Maria joined him in the armory, since they were to be on duty at the Palace that day, and together they selected loaded muskets and their trusted swords.
There was nothing to indicate how horrendous things were about to get, except maybe for the slight trembling in Alex’s hands as he fit his scabbard on his belt, or the way Liz and Maria squeezed his shoulder a little tighter than usual before going to ready their horses.
They barely had time to step out of the garrison, leading their horses out of the large wooden gate, before everything went to hell.
“Musketeers!” a voice rung out, harsh and unforgiving.
Alex froze in his steps, recognizing the figure in red before any of them. There were half a dozen Red Guards scattered around the square, unmoving, watching them, and in the middle, Lord Michael, in full leather armor under his red cape. He had several pistols on his belt, and one held loosely in his hand.
“Manes,” he added with venom in his voice. “Still standing, I see. Still the Captain.”
“Michael,” Alex answered, his voice smaller and shakier than Liz had ever heard it in public. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m here to finally do what I’ve been waiting for for ten years,” Michael spit out. “I’m here to kill you.”
Liz fully expected Alex to take a fighting stance, bring out his pistol and defend himself, but he sagged instead, looking defeated. What had become of her friend, the war hero who went up the ranks so fast he became the youngest Captain ever? Where had Alex Manes, the fearless soldier, best swordsman in the Kingdom, gone?
She’d seen the change, of course. The last year hadn’t been easy on Alex. Ever since Michael first came to the court, he’d been different. There was a spring in his steps, at first, just knowing that Michael was alive, but with the months passing, with Michael showing his loyalty to Jesse Manes at every turn and his hatred of Alex, it had grown into a weight, a ball and chain he dragged everywhere with him.
Liz hadn’t realized that it had gotten that bad. Alex wasn’t defensive, he was resigned. It was almost like he wanted Michael to kill him. Like he felt that he deserved it.
He gave Maria the reins of his horse, and turned back to Michael, facing him.
“We can still work this out,” he said, his voice low and sad. “There are other ways, Michael. You don’t have to do this.”
“Oh, I believe I do,” Michael snarled, still speaking loudly so that everyone in the square could hear him. “You had me hanged, Alex. On the day we should have been wedded.”
Alex looked stricken. “I didn’t–”
“I was in your bed, for months. I know who you are, deep inside. Definitely not a morally uptight Musketeer. You disgust me.”
“We can settle this like gentlemen,” Alex said, hand going for his sword. “Last time I was injured, but we can duel again. The King isn’t there to stop us from dueling to the death this time. You can have your reparation.”
Michael waved his pistol around. “Damn the rules!”
“Michael!” Liz cried out. This was too much. If Alex wasn’t going to defend himself, then she would. “The King will never forgive you if you do this.”
“The King is my brother,” Michael spit. “He’ll choose me over one Musketeer. Especially one who’s been a thorn in everyone’s side for so long.”
Liz closed her eyes. She wanted to believe that it wasn’t true, that Max truly respected Alex and wouldn’t stand for this, but how well did she really know the King? Just because he liked her, because he always asked her to be his guard and they’d had a few moments together, didn’t mean she knew what he was thinking. This was a matter of politics, the King and the Prime Minister, the Musketeers and the Red Guard. It would never be a simple question of friendships and personal preference.
When she opened her eyes again, Michael had his pistol trained on Alex.
“Michael,” Alex murmured. “Please. I never wanted this. I loved you.” He had tears running down his cheeks.
Michael’s jaw was set, but he twitched at the words.
“You never loved me,” he snarled. “I was just a toy to you, that you discarded at the first occasion. How was it like, Alex, to see me hang at the end of a rope? How did it feel?”
Alex let out a sob. Michael locked eyes with him.
It all happened fast. Michael aimed his pistol just as Alex looked away, devastated. The shot rang out like a death sentence, echoing across the square.
“Alex!” Liz screamed, as her friend collapsed. She ran to Alex’s side, all thoughts of safety be damned. He was lying on his side, unmoving.
“Lord Michael!” someone cried. The Red Guards around the square started moving, rallying around Michael as the Musketeers took out their guns. But there wasn’t going to be an all-out battle, not today, not like this. Michael looked at them disdainfully and turned away, taking his men with him.
“Kyle! Kyle, come here right now!” Maria yelled toward the open gate of the garrison, joining Liz at Alex’s side.
But Jenna Cameron was already moving Alex, checking his pulse. “It's too late,” she said. “He's gone.”
Liz stayed frozen for a second, incapable of believing it. She looked between Alex’s still form and Michael, now retreating from the square without even a look behind him.
“Come back, you coward!” Liz screamed at the top of her lungs. She launched toward him, but Maria caught her across the waist and held her back, sobbing.
Michael’s steps halted for a brief moment, but he didn’t turn. He kept walking away until he disappeared down a side street.
Liz collapsed against Maria, and they both fell to their knees crying, cradling Alex’s lifeless body.
King’s Gambit
A year ago
Liz winced as Alex hit the floor hard, head first, grunting in pain. The whole court cheered, but watching it brought her no joy, no excitement. Alex was the best swordsman in the whole Kingdom, he should have easily won against a fresh-faced arrogant Lord, bastard of the King or not. But the asshole was good, and he’s provoked Alex when he was already injured, just a week out of being stabbed grievously enough that his left arm was of no use. Liz seethed in anger as he sneered at Alex from above.
“Come on, you’ve got to surrender,” she murmured under her breath. She hoped her friend would have the common sense to understand that his health was worth more than winning this ridiculous duel, even if he felt the heavy gaze of his father, the Prime Minister, on him.
Maria, beside her, was holding her breath just as much. She knew how much Alex’s abused body could handle, and this was already too much. They sighed in unison as Alex rose to his feet once again, stumbling on his boot-covered wooden leg before dropping into a fighting stance. Lord Michael goaded him openly, exchanging a few parried blow before he plunged under Alex’s guard and elbowed him hard in the temple. Alex crumpled to the floor.
Liz was almost relieved that Alex didn’t rise again, until she realized that he’d passed out. Maria rushed to his side, taking his pulse, and Liz only started breathing again when she looked up and nodded.
“Goddammit, Alex,” she whispered. Cameron squeezed her shoulder from behind.
They both sighed in relief when Alex made it back to his feet with Maria’s help, and knelt in front of the King.
“You fought well, Captain,” the King said. “But my son is an excellent swordsman, and you are obviously injured. Do you accept your defeat?”
“I do,” Alex answered through gritted teeth.
“Very well. Then I declare Michael, count of Dimaras, the winner of this duel. Michael, will that satisfy your call for justice?”
“It will for now, my King,” Michael answered, kneeling beside Alex. “The rest of my claims will be settled another day.”
Liz stared at him, wondering exactly what he had against Alex. She’d never seen him before, so it was obviously something from Alex’s past, from the time he never spoke about. Alex had that look on his face that she’d only seen on his worst days, the ones where he drowned himself in wine, or trained until he collapsed in exhaustion.
There was a story there, and it wasn’t a happy one.
It took several days for it to come out. Alex spent them in the worst mood, spending his days in the armory despite his injuries, hacking at straw mannequins until he couldn’t feel his arm anymore. His friends didn’t push him. Liz and Maria recounted the duel to Kyle in detail, of course, but they didn’t try to force the story out.
They knew their friend. Words didn’t come easily to Alex even on the best of days, but now between his concussion and his exhaustion, he could barely string together a sentence. He seemed to be in shock.
When he was finally ready, one night at the tavern, after almost a full bottle of wine, the words came out stumbling over themselves. It was disjointed, slurred, barely intelligible, but Liz understood enough. There was a boy, once. Lord Michael, before he was the King’s bastard, when he was just a street orphan. He and Alex had fallen in love and gotten engaged. Alex’s father had disapproved, and made it clear, but they were going to elope.
And one day, Jesse Manes had found them in the gardener’s shed, and he’d glimpsed the fleur de lys branded on Michael’s shoulder, marking him a thief and a convict. Alex hadn’t cared, he’d trusted Michael, but it gave Jesse the opportunity he’d been waiting for to destroy them.
He’d attacked Michael with a hammer, and then, by the authority granted to him as the lord of his lands, he had sentenced him to death. Alex had been powerless. The last thing Michael had seen before the rope suffocated him was Alex’s tears.
Except that somehow, Michael was alive. And he held Alex responsible for what had happened to him. His knight in shining armor, the one Alex had thought would steal him away from his monster of a father, had become the black bishop of Jesse Manes’ game, intent on taking his revenge against Alex.
“Ten years learning how to live in a world without him,” Alex sobbed into his bottle when he finished. “What do I do now?”
Liz didn’t have an answer. She hugged him tight until he fell asleep.
On the day of Alex’s funeral, the sun shone high and hot in the sky and it felt like it was the universe’s way of laughing at them. Liz got up early to clean her leathers and polish her boots until they shone brighter than they should have been able to, given how worn they were. She checked her uniform meticulously, taking particular care of the fleur de lys engraved pauldron that marked her commission and the expensive rapier Alex had gifted her years ago. Squaring her shoulders for the hard day ahead, she walked down the ranks of solemn Musketeers, adjusting blue capes and leather doublets as she gave out orders. Alex deserved them at their best, and she was going to make sure that they were.
The service was beautiful and heartbreaking. Commander Valenti gave the eulogy and all the Musketeers stood at attention under the heat as the casket was lowered into the ground. Alex had been a well-respected and beloved Captain, who’d always taken care of his men.
Liz felt a pang when she saw Gregory Manes, freshly returned from the war on their border, shed a tear as he threw a rose on the casket. He was the only one of Alex’s brothers that she liked, the only one who supported him. Jesse Manes stood, impassible, as people came to offer their condolences. He never even twitched a muscle, and Liz hated him for it.
She kept observing him throughout. This was the man who had had his own son killed. They all knew whose orders Michael had acted on, even if he’d pretended to do it out of revenge. Liz, whose own father was an immigrant tavern owner who’d done everything for his daughters, couldn’t understand how a man like Jesse Manes could even exist. He hadn’t hesitated to have Alex murdered because Alex threatened his position as the Prime Minister.
And now he stood there and didn’t even have the decency to show some grief. He was dressed in the black of mourning, but he looked at people with the same disdain, the same arrogance as he always did.
This was a man who thought himself untouchable.
Liz was going to prove that he wasn’t. They were moving toward the last stretch of the game, and even with Alex gone, she would make sure Jesse Manes didn’t win. She patted the stack of letters tucked into her leather doublet. One way or another, Alex would be avenged.
Three months ago
“Alex!” Maria exclaimed as Alex joined them at the long mess table in the garrison’s courtyard. Kyle moved to give Alex space to sit down on the bench, while Liz grabbed a bowl of soup for him. “Where were you? We looked for you everywhere!”
“Did Commander Valenti ask after me?” Alex asked, dropping onto the bench.
It wasn’t the first time, in the last few months, that he’d disappeared on them like this. He had done that before, but usually they found him passed out somewhere in a tavern, or occasionally curled up in bed in his room, in too much pain to move. But recently, it had changed. He rarely drank too much anymore, and wherever he went every few days, he came back looking rested and content. It wasn’t common when it came to Alex, so his friends hadn’t pushed him to reveal his whereabouts. That day, though, he seemed on edge.
“No, we just thought we might hit the tavern,” Liz answered. “Dad is making rice pudding tonight.”
“I have something to tell you first,” Alex said, lowering his voice. They all leaned in to listen. “I just came from the Palace. You’ve all heard that Princess Isobel is pregnant?”
They nodded. It was the talk of the month everywhere in the city. Princess Isobel was King Max’s twin sister, and since the death of the old King four months ago, the next in line for the throne. King Max had yet to marry, even though he was already twenty-eight, so Princess Isobel and Prince Noah’s child would be the first Prince or Princess of the new generation.
“You remember how I told you that my father will try to regain more power?”
Liz nodded. “He had the old King’s ear, but Max hates him. He’s been talking about appointing a new Prime Minister.”
“My father won’t stand for it,” Alex said. “He will move against Max soon. He knows Max won’t let him keep his position for long.”
“But what can he do?” Maria asked.
Alex’s eyes turned stormy. “He’s ruthless. He plays the long game, and he’ll stop at nothing to get even a scrap of power. My source says that Prince Noah is his henchman, he’s the one who convinced the old King to arrange this marriage. He wants to get Isobel on the throne.”
Liz widened her eyes in shock. “By killing Max?”
Alex just nodded.
“But Isobel hates him just as much as Max does,” Maria said. “It wouldn’t change anything, would it?”
Alex bit his lip. “It looks like he has some kind of leverage on her. With that and Noah’s influence, he could get her to do what he wants. And–” he hesitated.
“What?” Kyle pressed him.
“Now that Isobel’s pregnant, he could also eliminate her as soon as she gives birth,” Alex sighed. “If he played his cards right, he’d be named Regent.”
Liz swore under her breath. This was bad, worse than she could have imagined. “How do you know all that?” she asked.
“I’m getting...inside information,” Alex answered. “That’s all I can tell you, I can’t put my source’s life at risk. But we have to stop my father.”
“But how?”
Alex ran a hand over his face, suddenly looking exhausted. “I don’t know yet. But I will figure it out. In the meantime, we’ll double up all our guard duties for both Max and Isobel. We won’t let them get hurt.”
A month ago
The convent was easy to defend, its thick outer walls ready to weather a siege, but the inside was cold and sparsely furnished. The weather was just starting to warm up, spring giving way to summer, but Liz shivered as she stared at the lime-washed walls, her linen shirt too thin to keep out the chill.
“I can't believe you slept with the King!” Alex exclaimed, throwing his hands up. He was pacing back and forth in the corridor outside the Mother Superior’s private chambers, which had been ceded to the King for the night. They’d arrived at the remote convent the night before, under fire from a host of unidentified mercenaries, intent on killing the King.
“Alex, not so loud,” Liz whispered back. She wrung her hands together, nervous. “It was special circumstances, okay? He was scared and someone was trying to kill him. He just needed some reassurance.”
“And you had to sleep with him?” Alex lowered his voice. “After what happened to Rosa? Liz, did he force you?”
“No, of course not!” Liz clasped a hand over Alex's mouth, worriedly looking at the door behind which King Max was asleep. “He didn't force me. He didn't even ask me, I offered.”
“I don't understand,” Alex said. “We're here to protect him. We spent the whole day yesterday under heavy fire because someone is after him. And he's the King, Liz!”
“I know.” Liz looked away. She hadn’t meant for this to happen. Max had looked so down, so alone, she’d just wanted to offer comfort. The sex had been a spur of the moment thing, and although she was convinced neither of them had really forgotten why it was wrong, they hadn’t cared. Max might be the King, but he was a human being just like any of them, with his own fears and desires, and Liz had felt close to him ever since he started requesting her as his personal guard more often.
“Oh my God, you're in love with him,” Alex realized. “Fuck. That's a development I didn't expect.”
“I'm not in love with him!” Liz protested, but her voice wavered. She could see in Alex’s eyes that he was far from convinced.
She was about to argue more when she saw a nun approach from the corner of her eyes.
“News?” Alex asked.
The nun, a young, fresh-faced woman who seemed nervous and shy under her black veil, pointed toward the convent’s courtyard. “Your friends are back.”
“Good. We'll be with them in a minute,” Alex said. “We'll talk again later,” he added to Liz.
“Alex?” she asked, her voice quiet.
“Can we keep this quiet for now?”
Alex sighed. “Of course. The King sleeping with a commoner, be it a Musketeer, is not something we want to shout from the rooftops, anyway. Is this about Kyle?”
Liz shrugged. She and Kyle had found comfort in each other, back when they first became Musketeers. Liz had never been in love, and she liked Kyle more as her friend than whatever they had been back then, but she knew he still felt something for her that wasn’t just friendship. She didn’t want to hurt him, and knowing that she’d slept with the King, of all people, surely would.
“Fine,” Alex grumbled. “Let's go.”
He had sent Maria and Kyle with most of the Musketeer team that had traveled with them to pursue their assailants yesterday, after they had managed to make them flee. Liz was relieved that there hadn’t been a single casualty on their side, whether Musketeer or civilian. They had done their best to protect both the nuns and the King, but if it had come to it, the King would have had to be Alex’s priority, and Liz knew he would forgive himself for putting nuns in the line of fire, however willing they had been.
Their friends looked tired and dirty, but not injured. “Did you catch them?” Alex asked.
“No,” Kyle shook his head. “We almost got one, but they disappeared. Only thing we found is one of their horses.” He gestured behind him to one of the Musketeers, who lead a horse over.
“Any identifying marks?” Alex asked.
“Only this,” Maria said. She pointed to the embroidery on one of the saddlebags. Five dots, joined by a thread, making a lopsided W, in yellow thread on the dark leather.
Alex took in a shocked breath.
“What is it? Do you recognize it?”
“That's Cassiopeia,” Alex said. “That's Michael's symbol. His men are the ones who attacked us.”
He brought a hand to his throat, cupping the ever-present gold medallion and ring he wore on a chain. Liz had never asked what they were, but since Alex had told them his story, she’d assumed it was his engagement ring, and maybe a portrait of Michael. She’d seen him do this very gesture many times over the past few months, nearly any time Michael’s presence at court came up, but rarely with such anguish on his face.
“This was in the saddlebag,” Maria said, handing over a stack of what looked like letters, tied with a brown cord. Alex took them with a frown. “Nothing else?”
“No. I’m sorry.”
He nodded tightly, and ran a hand over the embroidered constellation. “I should have known my father would send you,” he muttered. “He knows where to place his pieces. What have you done, Michael? What are we going to do?”
Giuco Piano
Ten years ago
They were seventeen, and in love. The sky was full of stars above them, on a warm summer night. Alex and Michael were lying in the grass at the very edge of the Manes estate, behind the gardener’s shed. The gardener, for whom Michael worked during the day, had long retired in his  house further up on the hill, and Michael had brought out the blankets he used to sleep on a straw bed in the shed.
Alex spun the thin golden ring on his finger. Michael had given it to him earlier that day, going down on one knee, a plan already formed for them to get married and escape the Manes estate and its bigotry by the end of the summer. He had made the ring himself, during the shifts he picked up at the village smithy. He’d even plated it with gold he’d saved up from the jewelry people asked him to repair.
Michael was good with his hands. He was good with everything, really. He was smart and quick-witted, and he knew the name of every plant in the estate’s garden. He’d taught himself to read and write, and he spent his night poring over thick tomes Alex snuck out of his father’s library for him.
It wasn’t fair that he wasn’t allowed to make use of all of this knowledge, just because he’d been born a commoner. An orphan. He’d told Alex about all he’d had to do just to survive, unable to even get an apprenticeship because he had no parents to sign a contract. The years of labor, from an age too young to remember. The abusive employers, the orphanages, the streets.
The jail he’d ended up in, and escaped from. Alex knew what the mark branded on his shoulder meant. It meant that Michael had been convicted and thrown in prison, at fourteen, for stealing food from the market. It meant that even if Alex’s father had been willing to let him marry a man, and a commoner to boot, it would never, ever be a criminal like Michael.
That was okay, because Alex had no intention of asking him. In a few days, he’d turn eighteen, and they would run away together.
Right now, they could enjoy a summer evening together under the stars, far away from prying eyes.
“This is Ursa Major,” Michael pointed at the sky. “It looks a bit like a frying pan. Then Ursa Minor. The brightest star is called Polaris, it's the brightest of all stars. Then Draco, the dragon, goes around it, see? A curve here, and then back. My favorite, though, is Cassiopeia.”
“Where is it?” Alex asked.
“There,” Michael pointed a little to the left. “It has five major stars. Like a W, see?”
“I think so,” Alex murmured. “Yes, got it.”
He turned to press a kiss on Michael's cheek. “I like listening to you. Keep going.”
“Cassiopeia is the prettiest,” Michael said. “It was named after a queen who thought she was the most beautiful person in the world, more even than the nymphs. She angered a god, Poseidon, and he set a sea monster on her kingdom. She had to sacrifice her daughter to appease him.”
“Ugh,” Alex made a face. “That's not a nice story.”
Michael shrugged. “I like it, I think. The daughter was saved by a hero and married him. Sometimes I wonder what my mom sacrificed me for. Maybe she's safe and happy somewhere out there.”
Alex squeezed his hand. “Yeah. I wonder that too,” he murmured. “My father would happily sacrifice any of his sons for the kingdom. Me especially. He wouldn't even blink.”
Michael sighed. “I wish that weren't true. We'll get out of here as soon as we're married, right? Then he can't touch us anymore.”
“We'll never truly be out of his reach,” Alex said. “He's the highest ranking officer in the kingdom already. He'll be Prime Minister soon.”
“Then we'll just have to go really far away,” Michael whispered.
Alex closed his eyes and let Michael kiss him, wishing that were possible.
“It’s done,” Michael stated, throwing his pistol on Jesse Manes’ desk. It made a dull thud. Manes looked up and deigned giving Michael his attention. “He’s dead. I’m sure the word will reach your office soon.”
“Any clean-up needed?”
“No. Full daylight, as you specified. Dozens of witnesses can testify that I did it alone. You have nothing to worry about.”
Manes stares at him for a few seconds, then pushed the pistol away from his paperwork and put it aside. “Good,” he said, in clear dismissal.
Michael ignored the implicit order and dropped into a chair, pulling his feet up on the desk. Manes scowled.
“I thought I would feel something more than this...emptiness,” Michael muttered. “I loved him, once.”
“Are you sorry you killed him?” Manes asked him, annoyed.
“Regrets are pointless. Right now, I need help. His Musketeer friends won't let this go unpunished, and even my status will not be enough, not if they can reveal that I'm branded.”
“You're just as weak as Alex after all,” Manes sneered. “I thought you were different.”
“Weak? No. Just practical. I haven't forgotten that you're the one who gave the order to hang me, Minister. I have very few reasons to trust you.”
“You're right, you're not like Alex. Maybe I can still make something of you.”
“You can use me,” Michael offered. “Ortecho and DeLuca want revenge. They want me. Exchange me against the letters.”
“They have leverage. Why would they give it over?”
“It's become personal. Alex was the one who wanted you gone. The other Musketeers care about very little beside their wine and their petty quarrels with the Red Guards. You hand me over, they'll let the letters go.”
“What about you? Why would you even offer that?”
Michael shrugged. “I'll take my chances against them. I came to the city to kill Alex, and I have accomplished my mission. With the old King dead, I doubt Max will keep me in court much longer, and if he learns about my past, he won't take it well. My best bet is to disappear again.”
“So you think you can slip their watch and escape the city?”
“With Alex dead, I'm the best swordsman in the city. I can take two Musketeers.”
Manes shifted in his seat. “Very well. We'll offer the exchange.”
Bad Bishop
A year ago
“Careful,” Alex murmured, wincing in pain. He shifted his position until he was more comfortable on the bed, waiting until the ache in his shoulder subsided a little.
“Sorry,” Michael said sheepishly, untangling himself from Alex’s limbs. Propping himself up on his elbow, he trailed his fingers down Alex’s chest to his navel, tracing every scar.
It had been three days since the duel, since Michael had declared his feud with Alex in front of the court and then tended to his wounds and forgave him in the privacy of his chambers. Alex’s arm was still too sore to use, though he’d discarded the sling, and his concussion was just starting to clear up, so he was off duty for the time being, by Kyle’s order. Michael had found them a room in a small inn outside the city, known to be discreet, where they’d spent the night learning each other’s body all over again.
They’d changed, in ten years. Both of them had become different men, forged by hardships and age, but their love hadn’t altered. It was scarred by the wounds Jesse Manes had inflicted on it, just like their bodies, but it was just as strong.
Alex reached out with his good arm to touch Michael’s throat, which he was seeing bare for the first time. The deep rope burn there had become white with age, but it was impossible to miss without the high-collared uniform to hide it, a stark reminder of what their love had cost Michael.
Michael’s face fell, sadness replacing his prior playful smile. “It wasn’t you, Alex,” he said.
“I know,” Alex murmured. It didn’t make it hurt less. He’d blamed himself for ten years, for letting his father catch them and giving him an excuse to go after Michael, and he wasn’t going to stop now. He’d failed Michael in every way. He’d watched him hang, unable to save him from that fate.
He’d walked away, unable to stand the sight of his lover at the end of a rope, and that had somehow allowed Michael to escape.
“I love you,” Michael said. “What your father did isn’t your fault.”
Alex just sighed and let his hand fall back to the bed. Michael leaned in to kiss him, softly, and continued his exploration of Alex’s body with his left hand, the scarred, gnarled fingers brushing against his skin.
He reached past Alex’s waist and down his naked hip, to where his right leg ended just below the knee. Alex froze. His wooden leg was resting somewhere beside the bed, the stump naked and ugly, swollen from overuse. He hadn’t let Michael touch it yet, or even really look at it.
But Michael didn’t pause, didn’t recoil back in disgust. He kept touching Alex’s skin, his fingers light like a feather despite their obvious stiffness. Alex shivered as he slowly went over the scars, then back up the inside of his thigh.
“That alright?” Michael asked in a whisper, looking back up at him.
Alex nodded mutely.
“What’s this?” Michael asked, cupping the medallion that hung from Alex’s neck..
Alex blushed and hung his head. “Open it,” he murmured.
Michael’s breath hitched when he saw the tiny gold plaque inside the medallion, delicately engraved with the lopsided W of Cassiopeia.
“I had it made after you—” Alex cut himself off and swallowed, the words stuck in his throat. “I could never forget you, but I needed to remember what I was fighting for. It kept me going.”
Michael ran his thumb over the engraving, then around the clumsily made golden ring he’d once given Alex.
“When all this is over, I’ll make you a much better ring,” he said.
Alex smiled tightly. “I like this one. But we can get matching rings for our wedding, after all this is over.”
It felt weird to even dare think about such a future, after the one they’d dreamed of had been ripped away from them. It felt like tempting fate. But Alex wanted to daydream again, to stop living like he’d die tomorrow.
To stop wishing that he’d died ten years ago.
“How’s the plan going?” he asked, shaking those thoughts out of his head.
“I think he’s starting to believe me, after the duel. He knows I’m the one who stabbed you in the shoulder too. I’m still sorry about that, by the way.”
“You don’t need to say it every time we meet,” Alex snorted. “I know. I understand why it was necessary.”
Michael nodded. “We’ll need him to really trust me, though. He needs to think that I hate you enough to be willing to ally with him, and that’s not going to be easy.”
“My father isn’t an easy man to fool,” Alex contemplated. “Do you know how to play chess?”
“I’ve learned,” Michael said.
He hadn’t known, back when they were engaged. Alex remembered trying to teach him the basics, but they hadn’t had time for more. He hoped Michael’s game was solid, because they were going to need it. “My father is a master player. Beating him at his own game will be hard, but he taught me well.” Alex bit his lip. “He’d use his belt every time I lost. Which was every game, until I finally learned.”
Michael made a complicated face, full of anger and sadness but also impatience. “Then you’ll have to guide me,” he said with a playful smile. “I can be your pawn.”
“Nah,” Alex shook his head, smiling along. ��You’re no pawn. You’re...a bishop, maybe. White bishop pretending to be black.”
“I like that,” Michael smirked.
“I’ll like it more when we’ve won the game,” Alex replied.
Queen’s Pawn Game
Four months ago
“Where are we going?”
“I think I’ve figured out the next part of our plan,” Michael said, dragging Alex by the hand. Alex checked that no one was likely to see them, but the place was empty for now. Princess Isobel’s private quarters were off-limits to everyone but her personal servants and, apparently, Michael.
“Michael,” he called, before Michael could take him any further. Alex stumbled a little on his wooden leg when Michael stopped brutally. “Tell me.”
“Okay,” Michael relented. “I’ve been looking for something to use against your father for months. I’ve finally found it. Something that can bring him down.”
“What is it?”
“I asked Isobel—”
“What?” Alex interrupted him in shock. “Do you know how dangerous that is? What makes you sure she won’t just throw us in jail for plotting against the Prime Minister?”
“Calm down, Alex,” Michael sighed. “I know what I’m doing. Isobel wants him gone as much as we do.”
Alex just shook his head, still in shock.
“She says she knows how to get proof that he abused my father’s confidence,” Michael said. “Look, at least heart her out. She’s my sister, she’ll never rat me out.”
“What about me?” Alex asked.
“She admires you. And she hates your father. She will help, I promise.”
“Fine,” Alex relented, though his misgivings weren’t alleviated much. He’d avoided telling even Liz, Maria and Kyle about his plan, by fear that it would somehow get back to his father’s ears. And Michael went straight to the Princess? There was no way this was going to end well.
Isobel was waiting for them in her sitting room, regally sitting on a richly-decorated armchair. She was wearing a blue satin dress with a complex embroidery along her corset and a mounting collar, with matching sapphire necklace and earrings. Her hair was pulled up with pins and braided at the top of her head.
“Captain. Michael,” she welcomed them. “Please sit.”
Alex bowed and obeyed. “Your Highness.”
Isobel didn’t beat around the bush. “Michael told me you’re looking for proof of your father’s misdeeds.”
“I’m—” Alex fumbled, looking for a way to answer that wouldn’t risk implicating him or Michael.
“Don’t worry, I’m not going to ask you for details,” Isobel brushed it away with a sweep of her hand. “I believe I know where to find what you need. There are letters. He will not have destroyed them, because they serve as his insurance policy.”
“What do you mean?” Alex asked. “Your Highness,” he added as an afterthought.
“You can drop the address when we are in private,” Isobel said dismissively. “The letters are between him and respected members of the court. They detail a plot fomented to overthrow the old King, years ago. It failed, because some of the plotters opted out at the last moment, but your father keeps the letters as proof to blackmail them into doing his bidding. And if he ever goes down, they will go down with him.”
“If you know all this, why don’t you expose him?” Alex dared to ask. This was not how he was supposed to speak to a member of the Royal Family, and he knew he was overstepping, but he had to know. “What does he have over you?”
Isobel leveled him a glare, but didn’t call him out on his impropriety. She started huffing, but her gaze grew sad instead. “He has Rosa,” she said quietly. “And that means he has me.”
Rosa. Free-spirited, beautiful Rosa. The best of them all, cast out of the court like a criminal and sent back to her father’s country, forbidden from any contact with them.
“You had her exiled!” Alex lost his temper before he could check himself. Rosa had been his best friend, the fourth of the invincible group he formed with Liz and Maria. She should have become Captain, not Alex. But she’d gotten too close to the Princess, and she’d paid the price for it.
That was why he watched Liz’s infatuation with the new King Max, Isobel’s twin brother, with wariness. He wouldn’t let the same thing happen to another of his Musketeers, to Rosa’s little sister.
“I did not,” Isobel sighed. “Your father did. She found those letters, she was going to expose him. Manes had her cast out and convinced my father the King to marry me off to Noah, who is loyal to him. He’s been dangling our relationship over my head for years.”
Alex couldn’t stop his anger now that it was out. He could only think of the tears on Liz’s face when her sister went missing, the months of thinking she was dead in a ditch somewhere. “And you think you got the short end of that stick? Rosa’s all alone in a country she’s never lived in, stripped of everything she accomplished for herself! For all I know she’s still a prisoner, too!” They’d gotten one letter, after months of silence, hand-delivered by one of Isobel’s maids. It had been upbeat and hopeful, like only Rosa could be when things were desperate, and Alex knew she hadn’t told them the whole truth.
Isobel looked away. “I know that, Captain. That’s exactly why I can’t expose your father. I can’t risk Rosa’s life, and he’s capable of having her killed if I take a single step wrong. That’s why I need you.”
“Why now?” Alex asked. “He’s been Prime Minister for eight years. What’s changed?”
Isobel sighed. “You can’t repeat this to anyone. Not even your friends, not until the official announcement is made.”
Alex silently put his hand over his heart as a promise.
“I’m with child,” Isobel said. “My marriage is...what it is, and I was willing to sacrifice many things for the peace of the kingdom, as long as my father was the King. But Max hates your father, and they’re already battling each other by way of new taxes and border strategies. I fear that it will turn into war soon. I won’t let my child get caught in the middle.”
Alex inclined his head. An expectant mother would do a lot for her child, he knew that. And Michael trusted Isobel. He could work with that. “Where are the letters?” he asked.
“Manes keeps them in his office, in a locked drawer.”
Alex exchanged a look with Michael. His father’s office was deep inside the palace, constantly guarded. Getting there without getting caught would be almost impossible.
He stood up and bowed deeply. “I will do my best, your Highness,” he said. He still had misgivings, but if Isobel was telling the truth – and why would she lie? – this was their chance to win the game. The Queen could do a lot of damage on a chess board.
“Captain,” Isobel called him, prompting him to straighten up. “Michael told me some of what happened to the both of you. Manes will not go unpunished for that.”
“He was within his rights,” Alex said bitterly. He didn’t know what to think about the fact that Michael had told Isobel about them, but he had told his friends, too. He couldn’t blame Michael.
“Maybe, but he hurt my brother. He will get what he deserves.”
Alex nodded, still doubtful. “Thank you, your Highness.”
Hedgehog System
Two years ago
Alex propped himself up with one crutch carefully as he tended to his horse. He groaned in pain when the young mare shifted her head brusquely and he had to side step, his stump brushing on his other calf. It had been just over two months since he’d been amputated, and the wound was slow to heal, his body still reeling from the infection that had almost killed him.
He wasn’t really supposed to be up and about, but most of the Musketeers were out on palace duty and he was bored. He couldn’t focus on paperwork anymore and he was too wound up to sleep, so he’d come to the stables to have something to do.
His mare moved again, and Alex barely avoided tumbling to the floor, his balance shot. Maybe this hadn’t been a good idea after all.
“Alex!” a voice called. “Where are you?”
It was Rosa. Alex dropped his brush and grabbed his second crutch, leaning against the wall of the stall. “I’m here!” he called back, making his slow way back to the courtyard.
“Alex,” Rosa sighed, seeing him. She didn’t scold him for leaving his room, which was Alex’s first clue that something was very wrong. The second was the tear tracks on her cheeks.
“What happened?” he asked, worried. He dragged himself to a bench and sat down, gesturing her closer.
“I have to leave,” Rosa said.
Alex frowned. “Leave? The garrison?”
“The country,” Rosa sighed, drying her face. “I have to run.”
“What do you mean?”
“Isobel and I...we got caught,” she sobbed. “I have no choice.”
Alex closed his eyes briefly, then put a hand on her shoulder. “Rosa, who caught you?” He knew that Rosa has been seeing the Princess in secret for months, since before he and Liz had gone to war. They’d been discreet, but Alex had found a note Isobel had given Rosa by accident once, and she’d confessed everything.
Rosa bit her lip and met his eyes, hesitating. “It doesn’t matter,” she said. “Isobel is engaged, and I’m just a commoner. If I don’t leave, they’ll have me executed.”
Alex hugged her as she cried, until Liz and Maria returned from the palace. The goodbyes were painful. Rosa was forced to pack light, leaving with only her horse – most of what she had belonged to the garrison, anyway. She could barely stand to tell her father, but he accepted the truth sadly, preparing her as much food as she could carry for the journey.
Liz collapsed as soon as Rosa’s horse passed the garrison gates, weeping in Alex’s arms. Rosa could never come back, now. She’d have to make a whole new life somewhere, in a country at war with their own, and it was hard to tell if they’d ever see her again.
Center Game
Four months ago
Getting their hands on the letters turned out to be easier than they’d hoped. It was once they found them that things started to go awry.
Michael had orchestrated a commotion in the palace, enough to attract the Red Guards that stood outside of Jesse Manes’ office away. Alex knew that his father was attending the King, so he picked the lock and took Michael inside. They’d both been in the office many times, and they knew where Jesse kept his confidential papers and prized possessions. The drawer was locked, but it was the work of minutes to get it opened.
There were multiple stacks of paper inside. One was an entire bundle of blank lettres de cachet signed by the old King that made Alex wince internally. His father having that kind of power didn’t sit well with him. These letters could condemn someone to death without a trial or any kind of proof of a crime – only the whim of whoever held it. It was undoubtedly how Jesse had managed to have Rosa exiled.
The second bundle proved to be the one they were looking for. Alex untied it and started looking over the letters to check that it was all of it while Michael stood guard outside.
“Michael, look at those names,” Alex pointed at the headers of some of the letters.
Michael approached and read over his shoulder. “Valenti, DeLuca… They were involved?”
“It looks like it.” Alex sighed, his excitement dropping. “If these letters implicate them, we can’t use them. I can’t do this to Mimi, or to the Commander and Kyle.”
“It looks like it’s only the old Commander, Kyle’s father, not his mother,” Michael said, leafing through the sheets of paper. “But Mimi DeLuca was definitely involved.”
“So this is all useless?”
Michael didn’t have time to answer, because there was a commotion outside. “Guards! Why did you leave your post?” It was Jesse Manes’ voice.
“Shit,” Alex murmured.
His father was too close to the door, there was no way they would be able to get out in time.
“Hide,” Michael whispered hurriedly.
Alex didn’t have time to grab the letters from where he’d dropped them back into the drawer. He stumbled to the balcony and flattened himself against the window frame, hoping against hope that his father wouldn’t notice. It was a terrible hiding place, but there was nowhere else in the office that would fit him.
“Lord Michael, what is the meaning of this?” he heard his father ask.
“I happened to pass by your office on my way to see what was going on in the north wing,” Michael answered, his voice loud and formal. “I saw that it was unguarded and opened, and when I checked that everything was alright, I was almost ran into by someone fleeing the place. I think they searched your desk. I tried to stop them, but I was too late.”
Alex heard someone ruffling through papers.
“Minister, it was a Musketeer,” Michael added. “I saw the uniform.”
Alex held his breath.
“Alex,” Jesse muttered. “Of course. Him or one of his friends. No point in trying to close down the palace, those damned Musketeers have free reign here.”
“I don’t think he had time to take anything,” Michael said.
Jesse ruffled through papers some more, then sighed. “I have to go attend the King,” he said. “I’ll leave you in charge of tightening the palace security.”
“Yes, Minister,” Michael answered. “I will see to it immediately.”
Alex heard their steps retreat, and then the door closed. He didn��t dare move, in case Jesse had remained in the office for any reason, but he couldn’t hear any noise.
Several minutes later, the door opened again. “Alex?” Michael called quietly.
Alex stepped out back inside, grumbling as his leg protested his standing on it for too long. “He’s gone?”
“Yeah, he’s with the King. I sent the guards away for now and made sure no one would notice. We can’t take the letters now, though, or he’ll know.”
Alex cursed through his teeth. “Why did you have to tell him it was a Musketeer?”
“I needed his attention off of me,” Michael said. “If he thinks it’s you, he won’t search for the person responsible any further. The plan doesn’t work if he doesn’t trust me.”
“What plan? Even if we can steal the letters at a later date, we can’t use them. I can’t do this to Mimi and Maria.”
They discreetly walked out of the office and into another corridor, entering the Princess’s wing. This was the only place in the palace where they could be reasonably certain that they wouldn’t be overheard by someone with ill-intent.
“I think I have an idea,” Michael said. “It won’t be easy, and it might be dangerous. But that’s the way you play chess, right? Take risks?”
Alex shook his head. “My father wouldn’t agree with you. He makes hard decisions, but he doesn’t take risks.”
“And you?”
Alex shrugged. “I’ve learned that playing by his rules doesn’t give me the advantage.”
“Good,” Michael smiled. “So, maybe we can’t use the letters to incriminate him, but there are other ways they could be helpful. Getting my hands on them will take some time, but it should be easy enough. He’s starting to trust me.”
“How is that useful to us?”
“He’s going to make his move against Max soon. We need him to trust me enough to ask me to do his dirty work.”
Alex blinked. “You want him to ask you to kill Max?”
“I’ll start dropping hints,” Michael said. “That I’m frustrated that Max won’t give me more power, unlike the old King, that I’ve done this kind of thing before… With my past, he won’t have trouble believing me, and if he thinks he has leverage over me, he won’t think twice.”
“So you want to what, stage a murder?”
Michael laughed. “No, just convincingly fail at my task. And once he’s asked me that, we’ll have proof that he’s conspiring against the King.”
“He won’t give you the orders in writing,” Alex said. “He’s more cunning than that. It will be your word against his.”
“That’s where the letters come in,” Michael smirked.
Drunken Knight Opening
Two weeks ago
It happened in a matter of seconds. One moment, Alex was stumbling around the town square outside the garrison, drunk and depressed, ready to collapse into bed. The next moment, he had Michael in a choke-hold, and he was holding a dagger to his throat. Michael had shown up out of nowhere, running from a back alley, and Alex honestly couldn't have explained it if he tried, except to say that his body reacted long before his mind caught up.
“Alex,” Michael let out a strangled whisper. He tried to free himself, but Alex was restraining him too strongly.
“I knew you weren't telling the truth,” Alex hissed. “You had ulterior motives. You just can't let things go, can you?”
“Alex, I don't know what you're talking about,” Michael tried.
“Alex!” Maria called from the garrison door. Alex turned to her sharply, almost driving the knife straight into Michael's neck in the process. “What are you doing? He's the King's brother!”
“He's a liar and a thief,” Alex spit out. “And my father's spy.”
“Alex,” Maria tried, her hands up to show she was harmless. “You're drunk. Free him and we can talk.”
Alex’s rage spiked, hard and unforgiving in his chest. Maria was looking at him with something like pity in her eyes, like he was good for nothing more than her contempt, a shadow of her once great capacity for compassion. Maria, who had let herself be seduced by Michael, who still defended him after Alex had told her everything. She’d probably given him information about Alex, ways to reach his weaknesses.
“You!” Alex rounded in on her, not letting go of Michael. “You slept with him! Are you in love with him?”
“You don't understand,” Maria sighed. Liz came up behind her, her face resigned and sad.
“No, I don't,” Alex said.
“I didn't know, Alex. I swear I didn't.”
They circled each other a few times, in slow steps. Alex could see Liz out of the corner of his eye, ready to intervene, Kyle and his medical kit, waiting.
“Will that do?” he murmured in Michael’s ear.
“Lots of people watching us,” Michael whispered back. “I see Red Guards coming. It should convince your father.”
He chose that moment to free himself of the choke-hold. The main gauche nicked his neck, but the amount of blood wasn’t enough for it to be a serious injury.
Alex immediately drew his sword, but he stumbled, too drunk to fight properly. Michael threw him stumbling backward into Liz's arms, a slash of his blade sending fire down his arm. And just like that, the fight was over.
Michael disappeared into the crowd, swallowed into the sea of red uniforms arriving at the scene.
“How was my funeral?” Alex asked from his seat by the window, in the shadows, where he’d been watching the garrison’s courtyard slowly fill up.
“Very emotional,” Liz said, carelessly throwing her rapier onto the bed. “Commander Valenti had a lot to say about you. Your father looked very uncomfortable.”
“I'm sorry to have missed it, I wish I'd seen that. Any news from Michael?”
Maria shook her head. “Not since he killed you.”
“You’re never going to let us live this one down, are you?” Alex asked.
Faking his shooting in the middle of the street had been a rehearsed affair, with the help of a blank pistol and creative use of cow blood. Alex’s best friends and Commander Valenti were the only ones who knew. They’d had to bring the Commander in on the whole plan, but though she’d scolded them about taking unnecessary risks, she was overjoyed to get the opportunity to get back at her long-time rival. Jesse Manes had been a thorn in her shoe for too long.
“You and your lover just faked your murder to take down your father,” Maria said. “Things don’t get much more romantic than that.”
“You read too much,” Kyle grumbled.
Liz plopped down on Alex’s bed. “What now?”
“Michael should be talking to my father as we speak,” Alex explains. “He’ll propose to exchange himself for the letters. And since my father will think that getting revenge against Michael is more important to you than blackmailing him, we’ll have the leverage we need.”
“I still think this is a needlessly complicated plan,” Maria crossed her arms on her chest.
Alex shrugged. “But it will work,” he said. “We have a few days to prepare, and I have a mission.” He pointed at Maria. “You’re going to wait for Michael to contact you, and set up the exchange. I’ll give you the details.” He turned to Liz. “Since I need to make myself scarce until then, you and I are going on a trip. We’re going to get Rosa back.”
Liz and Maria looked at each other. “You think it’s safe?” Maria asked.
“I’ll make sure it is,” Alec nodded. “Our job is to get her here. Michael will handle the rest.”
Liz’s face lit up and she got up from the bed to hug Alex. “Thank you,” she murmured in his ear. “Thank you. Dad’s going to be so happy.”
Magnet Sacrifice
Two weeks ago
“So we finally meet properly,” Michael said with a smile, shaking Liz’s hand, then Maria’s. “I feel like it’s long overdue.”
“If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were avoiding us,” Liz joked.
Alex felt a little like his parallel worlds were colliding, his day life as a Musketeer and his night escapades with Michael. Having Michael here, at the garrison – even if they’d taken precautions and let him in through a back door, and he wouldn’t go past Alex’s office – was both exciting and terrifying. They were playing a dangerous game.
“How did it go?” he asked, cutting the pleasantries short.
“The altercation got back to his ears, as planned,” Michael said. “And he knows you have the letters. He sees you as his main threat, and me as his ally.”
“So you've convinced him that you hate me and that you're on his side?”
“Almost. Just one tiny detail left.” Michael shifted on his feet uncomfortably.
Alex frowned. “And what is that?”
“I need to kill you.”
Alex’s friends erupted in questions and protests, while Alex stared at Michael, considering.
“Eliminate a threat and collar you in the same move,” he said slowly. “That sounds like him.”
Michael nodded. “I think he wants to both be certain that I really hate you, and make sure that he has me under his thumb. If I kill you in broad daylight, in front of witnesses, then he’s the only thing standing between me and jail.”
“He probably likes the dramatic irony of it all, too,” Alex rolled his eyes. It sounded just like his father. He wasn’t a dramatic man for the most part, doing everything with military precision and very little imagination, but when it came to torturing his family, he’d always been inventive. He’d forced Alex to watch Michael be hanged, ten years ago. Alex hated remembering what he’d done to his mother until she left, but it had been ugly.
“So, can we do it? We’d have to make it convincing.”
“Wait, you’re actually going to do it?” Liz protested.
“It’s the only way to get at him,” Michael said. “If I don’t do it, he’ll stop trusting me.”
“Won’t it put a wrench in your plan? You still haven’t told us the whole plan,” Maria accused Alex.
“That’s true,” Alex admitted, raising his hands in the air. “I didn’t want to until we were sure it was going to work. I’ve told you about the letters.” He waved at his desk, where the stack of letters Michael had stolen from Jesse Manes’ office were kept under lock. “My father is very careful not to leave a paper trail. We have the letters, but we can’t use them. Michael can testify that my father had him try to kill Max, but it’s not enough unless we have some kind of confession. So Michael came up with a plan.”
“We both did,” Michael corrected. “You gave me the idea.”
“Let’s say it was a collective effort,” Alex conceded. “My father doesn’t know that we can’t use the letters. Maria’s parentage isn’t public knowledge, and Jim Valenti is dead. He’s desperate to get them back. So we came up with an exchange: the letters, against Michael’s head on a platter. We convinced him that Michael and I hate each other, first with the duel, and more recently when I attacked him.”
“Oh, so that was why,” Maria raised her eyebrows.
Alex nodded. “He’s the King’s brother, so I can’t touch him. My father thinks that I want his hide for how he ‘humiliated’ me. We’ll stage the exchange carefully, in a place where he thinks he has the superior position, and I’ll trick him into a confession. He won’t be able to resist showing me he’s won.”
“That sounds like a really complicated plan,” Maria frowned.
“He’s a master chess player. He’d see through something simpler right away.”
“But then how does it work if Michael ‘kills’ you?” Liz asked.
“It will be even better,” Michael said. “Because he won’t feel threatened anymore. I’ll kill Alex, secure my position. You’ll make the exchange, pretending that you don’t care about the letters and just want revenge. With Alex gone, he’ll think he’s untouchable.”
“You murderer!” Liz hissed as soon as Michael walked into the church, on Jesse Manes’ heels. Maria put a hand on her wrist to keep her from lunging at Michael.
They had chosen the church for the exchange because it would be empty at this time of the day, and it was neutral ground. Holy ground. Even Jesse Manes wouldn’t dare try something there. He’d come without guards, unwilling to trust any of them with this mission. A few coins had gone to the priest to make sure that they wouldn’t be interrupted.
“You shot him in cold blood!” Liz cried out again. She was a good actress, Michael has to give her that.
“He would have done the same to me,” Michael shrugged, lowering his collar to expose his neck, and the scar there. “He did, once.”
“Entertaining as this is, perhaps we should get down to business,” Manes said coldly. “Give me the letters, and you can do what you want with Michael.”
Liz took a step forward, and Maria let her go. She bowed her head.
“Minister, I’m sorry for you loss. I’m sure that discovering that your son was killed by one of your own men was devastating. I was surprised to hear that Lord Michael was still free.”
“He was...useful,” Manes said. “Are you aware of the contents of the letters?”
“Oh, she knows,” Michael said through his teeth.
Liz put her hand on the hilt of her sword. “Shut up, you traitor,” she spit out.
“She knows you tried to depose the old King,” Michael said anyway, putting as much contempt in his tone as he could. It wasn’t hard. He had plenty of contempt in store for Jesse Manes. “She knows you tried to kill the new one, too. But she doesn’t care, as long as her precious Alex is avenged.”
Manes hissed in shock and grabbed Michael by the collar. “You told them?”
Michael shrugged cockily, no trace of fear on his face. “I told them everything.”
“You’d murder the King, just to get your little favorite on the throne?” Liz asked, moving so that she was on Jesse Manes’ other side. “Why? Haven’t you got enough power already?”
“It wasn’t about power,” Jesse sneered.
“Of course it was,” Michael said, pushing him away. “You just wanted your own puppet. Max is too opinionated for you.”
Jesse let him go, his face reddening in anger. “You understand nothing.”
“Then tell us,” Liz said, taking the letters out of her pocket. “Tell us, and you’ll get your precious letters. Nothing will be able to hurt you anymore.”
Jesse glared at her. “The King is destroying our country. He’s emptying our coffers, ending taxes, bleeding us dry. We’re at war, you of all people should know that. We can’t win a war without money. I ordered his death because I alone will face the truths that no one else can stomach.”
Liz paused. “And the old King?”
“A youthful mistake,” Jesse shrugged. “Once we got past our differences, he was amenable to work with me. Just like Noah will be.”
“Well, wasn’t that an enlightening conversation,��� a voice boomed out behind their backs.
Jesse turned around in shock as Alex walked in from behind the organ. “Hello, Father.”
“You’re dead,” Jesse hissed, eyes widening almost comically.
“Am I really? It seems that I’m a better player than you give me credit for,” Alex said, putting an arm around Michael’s waist. “You should choose your pieces better.”
En passant
Ten years ago
Alex stopped humming and jumped to his feet as he heard a horse neigh in the distance. His own horse was placid beside the stream, munching on a clump of herbs, but he perked up as well. Nothing happened for a few seconds, then Alex heard a gallop and a frightened horse passed him at high speed, jumping over the little stream without slowing down.
“Come back!” a voice called.
Alex took a few steps away from the cover of the trees and spotted a young man running toward where the horse had gone, limping slightly. His breeches were covered in mud, like he’d fallen off the horse. His outfit was made of cheap linen and rough wool, the only leather a satchel across his shoulder.
“Are you okay?” Alex asked when the boy reached him. He seemed to be about Alex’s age, with light curly hair framing his face. He was beautiful, in the unrefined way that commoner could be, all muscles from hard work and sun-tanned skin. Below your station, Jesse Manes’ voice echoed in Alex’s ears.
The boy stared at Alex for a moment, giving up on chasing his horse. “He’ll come back eventually,” he sighed. “I’m trying to train him, but he’s stubborn.”
“He’s yours?” Alex asked.
“No, he belongs to the Valenti estate. I’m just helping train him.”
The Valentis were the owners of the land bordering the Manes’ estate. Alex mostly knew their son Kyle, who was his age, though they’d had a falling out and no longer spent time together. Kyle’s parents spent most of the year in the capital, since his father was the Commander of the King’s Musketeers. Alex and Kyle had dreamed of becoming Musketeers themselves as children, though now that Alex was preparing to enlist in the Army next year, that dream seemed far away.
“I’m Alex,” he said, because it seemed only polite to introduce himself. He’d never been allowed to interact much with the inhabitants of the town besides the ones that served his family.
“Lord Manes’ youngest son, I know,” the other boy said, irreverently, his face almost daring Alex to react. “I’m Michael.”
Alex hitched to put him back in his place, but he stopped himself. It was clearly what Michael wanted, so he wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. “I’ve never seen you around before.”
“Only got here two months ago,” Michael drawled, with a hint of a northern accent. “I’m an orphan. I’ve lived in lots of places. You satisfied?”
Alex shrugged, still not rising to the provocation. “Where do you live now?”
“Here and there,” Michael ducked his head, suddenly looking uncomfortable. “In barns, mostly. I try to pick up work wherever I can.”
Alex bit his lip. Michael’s bravado seemed to stem from not wanting to be put down by rough conditions, and he could admire that. “Can you tend a garden?” he asked.
Michael nodded.
“Our gardener’s old and almost blind, he could use some help. I can’t promise you money, but there’s a shed. It’s sturdy and it keeps warmth pretty well.” Alex knew that mostly because it was where he ran to, when his father was angry enough that staying in the house was dangerous.
“Why?” Michael asked. “What do you want from me?”
Alex shrugged. “Properly pruned rose bushes? People don’t always have an agenda.”
Michael stared at him doubtfully, but he nodded. “I have to go,” he muttered. “Need to find that damn horse before nightfall.”
Alex watched him jump over the stream and take off running and stared after him for a while. He wasn’t sure what to make of this encounter. Mr Sanders would be glad to have some help, especially if it was help he didn’t have to share his paycheck with, but Alex didn’t know what had possessed him to offer the job to a boy he’d just met.
There was something about Michael. Alex couldn’t quite figure out what, but he couldn’t get his face out of his mind, as he hopped onto his horse’s back and led him back to the stables.
He tended to his horse quickly and went to change, knowing that his father was waiting for him in his study for their daily game of chess. It was the only time in the day that they still interacted, as Alex avoided coming down for meals unless they had guests. Since Flint had left the previous year, life at home had been worse than ever, and Alex spent as much time as he could outside or locked in his quarters.
His father scowled at him in displeasure when Alex slid onto the chair waiting for him, and made his first move without a word. He always played the whites. He always won.
Alex dreamed of inverting the board, sometimes. The whites played first, and that gave them an advantage. Maybe with that, he could finally beat his father – finally make him proud.
“You’re hesitating again,” Jesse said, as Alex took a minute second to choose between taking a pawn and protecting his bishop. “You’re still not rigorous enough. There are no easy moves in chess. Whatever you do, there will be difficult consequences, sacrifices that you have to make. You can’t win without making hard decisions.”
Alex didn’t reply, and went with the risky move, that could give him checkmate in five if his father didn’t see it.
Jesse saw it. Of course he did. He played with little creativity, but a ruthlessness that was unmatched, and he had an eye for the combinations. He was always ten moves ahead. Alex couldn’t beat him.
He would beat him one day, he promised himself as Jesse waited for him to topple his king before he stood up and removed his belt. He would beat him, and he wouldn’t do it to make his father proud.
He would win, and his prize would be freedom.
“How very cunning,” Jesse sneered at Alex. “You tricked me into making a full confession. And what use is your confession, uh? The word of a lowly Musketeer against the Prime Minister of Antar?”
“The King may not believe their words, Minister, but he will most certainly believe mine.”
Jesse Manes turned sharply at the new voice. Princess Isobel was as beautiful as ever, illuminated in the mysterious light of the church's stained glass windows. Her light green dress, an intricate work of lace and satin, almost appeared white, and so did her long blond hair, gathered above her head with jeweled pins. She didn’t smile as Jesse bowed to her, deeper than his status warranted. “Your Highness,” he said, backing away.
“General,” Isobel replied coldly, as Liz, Maria and Michael retreated out of the church discreetly, giving her the floor. “The King will hear about this. I am certain he will not have any choice but to dismiss you, and even if your status may spare you from standing trial, you’ll be exiled.”
Jesse backed away a few more steps. “Isobel,” he said, his tone condescending, switching out of formal address. Isobel’s face scrunched up in disgust. “You can’t do that. You know what will happen if you do.”
“I highly doubt that,” Isobel answered. She stepped aside, and Rosa came out of the shadows behind her.
Isobel was incredibly good at this, Alex reflected. She waited until Rosa was at her shoulder and bowed her head to her, in a clear sign of her affection.
“Yes, Father,” Alex said. “I took the liberty to have Rosa escorted back to Antar. It turns out that the King was more than happy to pardon his favorite Musketeer’s sister, once the Princess made her case. And now, I have multiple witnesses who heard you confess to your plot to kill the King himself.”
He was still tense, watching his father's every move with his hand on his sword, but jubilation at this tableau is catching up to him. They had him. Their impossible plan had worked, and his father would never hurt anyone again.
Jesse looked scared now, looking around him for support that wouldn’t come as Alex advanced on him. Alex didn’t bother to hide his limp.
“Your blinders are what defeated you, father. You think I'm weak, because I love men. You thought Isobel was easier to manipulate than Max because she's a woman. You were wrong.”
Instead of stopping in front of his father to face him, he kept walking, until Jesse had to step aside to let him pass. “I believe this is checkmate, father,” he said in a low voice, meant to be heard by him only.
His friends were waiting for him behind the church. Alex led Rosa out, signaling his men to escort his father and the Princess back to the palace. Jesse Manes was done. He might not go to jail, but as soon as Isobel told the King, he would lose his job and his standing, and probably his title and estate.
Alex knees felt weak with relief, as he walked back to the garrison. Commander Valenti was standing with Kyle by the door to her office, and Alex simply nodded at them. It’s done. Kyle whooped in joy while his mother simply smiled.
Alex turned back to his best friends.
“So we’re four again?” Liz asked, watching Rosa with hesitation in her eyes, a fear impossible to put into words.
“I don’t know if I can get my commission back, but I’ll never stop being a Musketeer,” Rosa said with tears in her eyes. She held out a hand to her sister. “One for all,” she murmured.
Liz grabbed her hand, and Alex and Maria joined in, adding their hands on top. “All for one,” they said together. They fell into a group hug, relieved tears mixing with smiles.
Alex saw Michael standing at the gates out of the corner of his eye, leaning against one of the posts and watching them.
“Go to him,” Liz told him quietly. “You’ve waited for this for so long.”
Alex straightened his clothes. “I have something to do first,” he murmured. He unclasped the chain from his neck and took off the golden ring. Taking a deep breath, he slid it onto his finger.
He swallowed back a sob, looking at his hand.
“Does that mean we have a wedding to plan?” Rosa asked with a smirk.
“Soon,” Alex promised.
He didn’t look back as he joined Michael at the gates, and linked their hands together.
“It’s done.” He smiled softly at Michael, who didn’t speak. “We’re free.”
You can read the first two parts of the series for a more detailed account of Alex and Michael's duel and its aftermath (though keep in mind that they were written over a year ago, before season 2, and I've changed a few things to the plot of this AU since, most notably my plans for Maribel). I hope you liked this! And remember to go look at Slynella's amazing illustrations for this fic and give her all the love!
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medea10 · 4 years
Medea’s Worst Year of All-Time Anime/Game Superlative
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Nobody saw this year coming…except for maybe Barbara Walters! Who could have predicted that this year would bless us with Australia burning, the entire west coast of the U.S. set on fire, stupid people setting fires because they wanted to reveal a baby’s gender, murder hornets, Ruth Bader Ginsburg dying, an almost war with Iran, serial killer mascots arrested, policemen killing unarmed black folks for having a counterfit $20, policemen killing unarmed black folks for breaking up a fight, policemen killing black folks for holding sandwiches, policemen killing unarmed black folks for fucking sleeping, a wide variety of “Karens” coming out of the woodworks, the end of Bojack, the end of Steven Universe, the end of Empire, and a pandemic so huge it’s killed the economy, canceled fun, and given the U.S. president the dumb-fuck idea of injecting bleach to kill the virus!?
At least there was anime this year.
At least there was SOME anime this year.
Biden won the election and Vickeblanca came out with Black Catcher this year.
Hey internet, it’s Medea here to give you her trashy opinion on this years anime and games that she’s watched or played. Because for some reason, my loser-ass loves to do out-dated as fuck memes! I shouldn’t complain, this shit brings a lot of attention to my page every year when I do this. Yes, 2020 was a complete dumpster fire so large that Domestic Girlfriend is crying foul. Many of us had to go on lockdown and ended up binge-watching the entire 957+ episodes of One Piece. I did no such thing. I am one of those “essential workers” so I didn’t hunker down for 9 months straight. But when I was home, I was watching anime. Actually, I would have done that even without the pandemic. I’m an introvert and find the human race to be deplorable.
You all know how this goes. I go over the best this year had to offer me. I had to search really hard to find the good in this year, especially in the anime world. Many things had to be put on hiatus or were delayed to a later date. Just a reminder, I don’t discriminate in what year the anime or game came out. If something came out in the happier times of 2007, that anime or game counts! Let’s get at it!
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First Fandom of 2020: Interspecies Reviewers
Did anyone expect a fan-favorite of 2020 was going to be a hentai? Did anyone have on their batshit 2020 bingo card that a hentai was going to grab everybody’s attention? At the beginning of the year, my mind was set on the Railgun sequel and Eizoken. It wasn’t until licensors, streaming sites, and TV stations in Japan dropped this series that I started to pay attention. And got immediately hooked! It’s about three men going to different brothels and reviewing their time with the ladies. And these ladies are of different species! So with every bang comes possible enlightenment, new kinks, or a night of having your dick sucked off more than humanly possible. This anime blew away all of my skepticism and first impressions right out the window. Maybe it’s because I’m a degenerate and am often curious about sexual content, but this was a guilty pleasure of mine this year.
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Favorite Main Character of 2020: Moroha from Yashahime
I know the majority of this story is going to revolve around Towa and Setsuna, but can we please focus a little more energy on the spunky, quarter-demon girl?! I know they’re pitting Moroha as the comic relief, but I’m hopeful that she’s going to surprise us one day. We fans of InuYasha would spend the past decade and some change wondering what InuYasha and Kagome’s daughter would be like. This year, we got our answer with Moroha. She’s got this wild side to her, probably due to the fact that she’s spent her entire life on her own. And while she’s silly at times, she can get down to business in a pinch. She has her father’s sense of smell. She has a sword. She’s able to shoot sacred arrows much like her mother. And to top it all off, she has this special rouge that if she puts it on, she’s able to unleash that ¼ demon power inside her and become Beniyasha! Yeah, I know the power only lasts a minute, she’s only 14, give her a break! I will gladly go through another week scratching my head at the confusion this story gives me if I get to see one more second of Moroha and her crazy antics or her bad-ass slaying.
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Favorite Villain of 2020: The Devil Believers from Black Clover
This was one hell of a year for Black Clover. It would have been an easy choice to pick the devil and possible super devil that appeared during the elf fight. But I’d like to give a nod to the filler arc villains. And you can’t blame this group for wanting the power of the devil. They’re literally the bottom-rung of the Clover Kingdom and ones with little to no power or mana. So I can agree with why they would want the power of the devil. For one thing, they’d have more power. And for another thing, they’d be able to exact revenge on those who have wronged them. On some occasions I agree with exacting revenge and when it comes to the nobles and some characters in Black Clover, some folks do deserve death. I mean, have you met the king of the Clover Kingdom? Plus, this town and many other poorer towns get looked over by the kingdom. Peasant uprise! Anyways, I thought these people were really crafty in their crimes. I mean, they were able to knock Asta out on his ass with specially made poisons. I was actually hooked to this story of Black Clover (despite it being a filler arc). I know we’ll never see them again as they have been exiled, but it did have me semi-rooting for them.
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Favorite Video Game Character of 2020: Honey from Pokemon – Sword & Shield (Expansion Pass)
Sorry Raymond from Animal Crossing!
Honey is the saucy wife of Mustard…I did not expect that to come out the way it did, but here we are! She has one hell of a team you can fight once a day. She looks out for her husband, the dojo, and the students of the dojo like they were her own children by providing food, drinks, and others. However that does come at a price as you do have to give up a sizable chunk of your watts that you collect in raid dens. I’m sure a bunch of MILF chasers were more than happy enough to give her all their hard-earned watts just so they can have their one-on-one moment on the beach with Honey.
What won me over was when that one guy from a rival dojo bad-mouthed her husband’s dojo and she…I think she kicked this guy’s ass herself. I don’t think she used any of her pokemon. Game Freak won’t show it, but we all know she kicked this guy’s ass to a point where he’s begging for mercy.
Honey, for the win!
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Favorite Game of 2020: Animal Crossing New Horizons
This game was just Zen for me. I know the release of this game came with some controversy like Gamestop saying it’s an essential business and will remain open for people to get their copies of the game. Hell, I was one of those assholes in line waiting to get a copy on March 20th. Did I predict that a pandemic was going to rage out of control when I got a prepay copy of this for Christmas 2019? NO! I only predict political things, not deadly pandemics! The good news, we social distanced, didn’t catch the covid and got the game.
Anyways, this game has been a non-stop calming and fun ride. I can even forgive their botch-up of Bunny Day. They even have events for holidays I never thought they would ever touch. I mean, does anybody know when Museum Day is? Probably not until Animal Crossing had an event for it! I’ve been able to let my freak-flag fly with designing my island. And this goes way beyond New Leaf for the 3DS. I can make a sign post with the words “Fuck Trump” on it and post it in my yard. I can dig up trees and plant them elsewhere. I can poop in a toilet. I can craft furniture and put my own design on it. My furniture can have Tracey Sketchit’s beautiful mug on it. I can sit on Tracey Sketchit’s face. I am a sick fuck and I don’t care. I can give Raymond and Bob maid outfits. Magical time in my game! My hopes for next year…I don’t know, get the Festivale furniture, get Papi and Olivia to join my island, maybe visit Danny Trejo’s island, who knows, sky’s da limit!
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Favorite Het Couple of 2020: Nasa and Tsukasa Yuzaki from Tonikawa
This is one of the most unorthodox marriages I’ve ever seen. But in this 90 Day Fiance world we’re living in, I shouldn’t pass judgement on these two getting married in episode one and not knowing much about each other. Nasa meets Tsukasa as he was about to be plowed by a truck. Tsukasa saves his life. Nasa says she’s beautiful. Tsukasa says she’ll be his girlfriend if they get married. He agrees. She disappears. Four years later, Tsukasa appears in front of Nasa’s front door with a marriage registration form. Congratulations buddy, you’ve got yourself a waifu! In some way, this felt like watching Yamato and Takeo from My Love Story. I was fascinated with them progressing through their relationship. The only difference is that Yamato and Takeo took the old-fashioned route. This couple did everything ass-backwards in terms of having a relationship. But I couldn’t take my eyes off Nasa and Tsukasa’s relationship during each episode. I find them cute.
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Favorite Yuri Couple of 2020: Karin Asaka x Emma Verde from Love Live Nijigasaki High School Idol Club
AAAAAAAAAH! I’M IN IDOL HELL AGAIN! Yeah, no kidding! I came this close to putting Miu x Nicole from that abomination 22/7. But thank God for Love Live! There’s no telling if any of the girls from the Love Live franchise are confirmed to be lesbians. But fuck it, all of them attend all-girl schools, no males exist anywhere, and Sunshine gave us Kanan x Mari! Yeah, you know Kanan and Mari is canon as fuck, don’t at me. So naturally, I found more third-years to ship in the new Love Live series. Now I know I should have put up Ai x Rina or Ayumu x Yuu. Especially the latter due to recent events! But Emma x Karin is my OTP.
Now Emma is an exchange student from Switzerland and in coming to Nijigasaki, she first meets Karin and they became instant friends. When Emma said she wants to become an idol, Karin helped her quite a bit. Even though Karin had no interest in being an idol as her modeling career is starting up, Karin would occasionally help Emma out. And surprise, surprise, Karin ends up fascinated with the idol world and Emma helps her come to the light to be herself there. Okay, I’m totally reading this in some fragmented way, but I’m currently playing Love Live School Idol Festival All Stars and the app game has a lot more stuff involving stuff the anime has yet to talk about. Confirmed or not, Karin x Emma for the win!
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Favorite Yaoi Couple of 2020: Eiji Okumura x Ash Lynx from Banana Fish
It took me a while to get here, but I finally made it to 2018’s overlooked gem. Forgive me for not being fully caught up, but from what I’m watching at the moment, I’m sticking to my guns and supporting the hell out of this. I mean, I could have mentioned The Titan’s Bride here…but fuck no, I ain’t goin’ down that mess! Ash has gone through a lot, I mean a helluva lot in his past. His cute boy looks have made him a target on the streets of New York, with mafia dons, and with prison inmates. But dude can kill if you mess with him. Then you have Eiji, who is just a literal example of a “pure cinnamon roll (until episode 8)”. These two are as opposite as you can possibly get. Ash is from New York and Eiji is from Japan. Ash likes hot dogs with everything on it. Eiji likes grilled fish and natto. Ash spent the majority of his life killing on the streets. Eiji was a track superstar. You get my meaning. But when we got these two together it’s quite adorable. Ash is really able to change when he’s around Eiji. Ash isn’t some heartless killer on the street about to kill a thug with prosthetic fingers. When he’s with Eiji, he’s a joker that can easily get scared of pumpkins. And even in later episodes, you got these two acting like a husband and wife.
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Fandom That You Didn’t Expect to Get Into: Les Miserables – A Girl Named Cosette
Let me explain a little something. Les Mis! I have never seen the play, watched the movie, or read the novel prior to picking up this anime. Not a single one of those! And that’s a bit of a head-scratcher when you realize I was a bit of a musical theater nut in my teenage years. But one thing I do like is when Japan does an anime based on plays or historical events (like Romeo x Juliet or Rose of Versailles). The second I popped in Les Miserables the anime, I wanted to binge watch the whole 52 episode series. It is by no means a perfect adaptation of the Victor Hugo novel. Several key players end up surviving all the way up to the end of the story! But because this was my very first viewing of anything Les Mis, I took to the story of Cosette and was eager to see what was going to happen next in her tale. Unlike the movies and play, Cosette was the main focus of the story besides Jean Valjean and Javert. And thanks to watching the unfortunate stories of Cosette, Jean Valjean, the Thenadiers, Javert, Marius, and the rest, I thought it was time to watch the OTHER adaptations to Les Mis.
Russell Crowe sucks.
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Fandom That Made An Unexpected Comeback: Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni
Higurashi or When They Cry is one of my favorite fandoms of all time! So naturally when we heard that it was making a comeback, I was excited. It was also very odd that Higurashi was given this sequel or reboot. Ahem! There’s another franchise that needs a face-lift. Umineko still deserves a better treatment. Plus, now that this series was out of the faulty hands of Studio Deen, Higurashi will get the special care it deserves. Believe it or not, it wasn’t just the anime that made a comeback for me, but the manga as well. Since 2009, I’ve read several volumes (out of order) and would every now and then come back to read the story. Back to the anime, this reboot or sequel…you know what, I’m gonna call it a “rebooqual”! This rebooqual sucked me back to the town of Hinamizawa and all the murders. Every week, I find myself comparing the current episode to one from the 2006 version. But then the fourth episode of each arc seems to catch me off guard.
Where are they going with this story and these twist endings to our favorite arcs? I did not expect Rena to turn a simple attempted murder into the end of School Days! I didn’t expect Rika to die in the most disgusting fashion they could think of. Could someone kill Teppei fucking Hojo? I will pay ¥5000 for someone to do that job. So yeah, because I know how much of this plays out and who does what, I’m usually watching and reading while making wise-ass remarks. But I still have fun with it.
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Fandom That Inspired the Most Crack: Konosuba
In a year where I caught up with the popular Isekais like Shield Hero and Re:Zero, I found the wacky misadventures of Kazuma Satou to be amusing as all get-out. From the first 5 minutes, I found myself laughing at Kazuma’s misfortune. Seriously, how the fuck do you mistake a tractor for a car, have a heart attack, piss yourself, and fucking die in the first couple minutes to the series? You can only get away with this shit in gag animes! But it’s not just Kazuma’s dumbass, there’s a mage who only does explosions, but loses all her energy after one blow-up. Then there’s a busty, blonde who gets turned on by getting hurt and can’t strike anything with her sword. Anime’s biggest masochist or Cheryl Tunt incarnate, I haven’t decided which one to believe! Then you have this loud, crazy goddess chick named Aqua. She’s also useless about 86% of the time! Watching their unfortunate missions is all the crack that I need to get through this year. Seriously, Darkness is just all kinds of fucked up, but we love her.
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Last Fandom of 2020: Yashahime
That’s right, the InuYasha sequel gets top spot here! Even though week after week I find myself asking more questions than when the episode started, I’m still hooked. If you’re like me, you watched and fell in love with the series InuYasha. So if they’re doing a sequel, you’re expecting to see all of your favorite characters from the prequel like InuYasha, Kagome, Miroku, Sango, Sesshomaru, Koga, Rin, and the rest. Actually, no! Quite the opposite! We’ve got Sesshomaru’s daughters, but no Sesshomaru. Rin is sleeping in a tree we think! We’ve got InuYasha and Kagome’s daughter, but they’re M.I.A. None of the girls even know a thing about their birth parents.
Now are these new characters a catch like the ones from the previous series? Some are! The three main girls, yes! Especially Moroha! I’ve already praised her name earlier in the superlative. Towa and Setsuna do take on some personality traits from their parents. Setsuna is definitely serious like Sesshomaru and Towa sometimes has a carefree yet loyal aura to her like Rin. I know I’m always skeptical when a series gives us a sequel featuring the offspring of the main characters. Especially when you’ve got some lame examples like Boruto and Eureka Seven AO (I might retract my diss on Boruto later)! As each week gives us a new episode, we’re unraveling new clues into a lot of things involving our old favorite characters, as well as the new ones. So I have high hopes for Yashahime for the time being!
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Pulled out of Orbit
Pairing: Jo Yeong/Myeong Seung-ah
Fandom: The King: Eternal Monarch
Tags: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Fluff
Summary: Being in a possible courtship with Jo Yeong sucked. One minute, he could be so sweet (albeit also such a grandma), but next he could act like such a prick, she wanted to throw something at his head.
Notes: Unbeta-ed. Post drama. A direct continuation to "Over Booze and Buzz", and references "Duality of a Man", but the two fics are not absolutely required to read and enjoy this. This can also work as a stand-alone, though their relationship in this fic will feel more natural if you’ve read the mentioned fics as companions :)
Link: ArchiveofOurOwn / Fic Master list on Tumblr
~ How would you feel, if you had this crush on someone who you thought was really, really cool, the best on his field, the shield of the nation, the personification of an action hero, just, like, insanely cool and all, okay, and said crush had just swooped in and whisked you away from - well, at the expense of sounding a little bit dramatic - death? Would you even have any brain capacity to put together even a coherent thought?
Yeah, same here, Myeong Seung-ah concluded.
“It's just a graze,” the doctor, a kind-looking man in his early seventies who had tended to her, had said after inspecting her wound.
Seung-ah blinked several times, trying to scare the blurriness away. 
She was vaguely aware that she was still vertical, sitting somewhere inside the medical van. Her entire body was still kind of sore from the impact, and some part of the back of her head still throbbed, ever slightly. She tried to hold up the ice pack against her head properly, but her arm felt like jelly, nearly with no energy left.
“You might have a mild concussion," the doctor continued as he finished up bandaging her upper arm. "Make sure you have someone staying with you tonight."
Seung-ah nodded at that, but her mind was not really there. Instead, she flashed back to the series of events which just happened.
One minute she was standing to the side, busy composing and drafting posts of the King’s opening speech for the official Royal SNS account, and the next thing she knew, gunshots rang out loud inside the stadium and chaos ensued. She barely had time to register what the hell had just happened when she caught him on her line of sight: the shooter, a masked man with the black baseball cap. He was emptying his gun blindly among the fleeing crowds before turning his aim at her general direction.
If someone had asked her what thought crossed her mind at that fateful time, then Myeong Seung-ah could only answer with: nothing.
It all happened too fast.
She just knew that she was completely frozen, rooted on her spot, and then another gunshot rang out - too loud, why is it so loud - and then she just remembered the blur of a shadow came in between the bullet and her, tackling her to the ground, hard.
It took Seung-ah a while - felt too much like a lifetime - to realize that it was Jo Yeong.
The Captain had her pinned down, his body covering her view completely from the madman as he wasted no time barking orders to secure His Majesty away and take the assailant down. She remembered taking a peek over his shoulders in muted awareness, seeing his fellow royal guards swarming in on the shooter. A couple of guys from the special forces, identifiable from their all-black uniform, also joined in, all of their weapons drawn up.
So, yeah, basically, she was almost shot.
If the Captain hadn't tackled her to the ground, then she was sure that her body would be decorated by bullet holes by now. She knew how extremely lucky she was that the bullet just grazed her. If it was a couple of centimeters more to the side, then-
Seung-ah stopped that trail of thought.
Her head spun.
She could not stop herself to recall that it was not her first time being rescued by the Captain. Curiously, it just happened that both times involved a madman with a gun.
If she was a believer that there was no such thing as mere coincidences, only fate, then Seung-ah would definitely interpret it as a clear warning sign from the Universe: stay very far away from this man, he’s dangerous.
She turned in her seat, seeking him out.
Her head throbbed even more from the movement, but she was more overwhelmed by how it felt like her heart just made a weird flip inside her chest as she realized that the man in question, Captain Jo Yeong, was still there, on the exact same spot she last saw him after he had rushed her to the medic.
He was still standing on the edge of the opened van, his gaze directed slightly to the side, sporting a hard expression on his face. He looked like he could and had every intention to murder someone.
Yeah, he definitely is dangerous.
“She’s okay, Jo daejangnim,” the elderly doctor got up to approach the Captain. He ducked his head to avoid the ceiling. “Mild concussion, perhaps, but as long as she’s careful, there’s nothing to worry about.”
“Thank you, Doctor Byun,“ Seung-ah heard him say quietly.
The doctor patted the younger man on the shoulder before he exited the vehicle, presumably to talk to his team.
Directly after, the Captain climbed into the van and took the seat beside her. He kept a calculated distance, but it was still close enough for their shoulders and knees to touch.
His gaze first landed on her newly bandaged arm, before moving up to her face and lingered there. Their eyes locked. “You really feel okay?”
“Guess so,” Seung-ah replied, probably a beat too soon, but what else could she respond to that? It was not as if she could tell the man beside her that it took a great deal of her self-restraint not to just lean on his shoulder right there and then.
She wondered briefly if he would let her. He did allow, and even initiate, things to happen between them already, so it was a fair assumption that she had the privilege. But she thought better of it.
She just felt extremely tired and wanted to sleep, so, so bad.
Seung-ah crossed her arms purposefully. Her hands were still shaking, slightly, but she hoped he didn’t notice.
There was no such luck, though, she could see it from the way one his eyebrows twitched slightly upon her lie. But he did not make a comment.
Instead, he just let out a long, low exhale, before continuing on, his voice soft and steady, “Come on, let’s get you home.”
In the car, the next thing Seung-ah did after giving him her address was to call Choi Soo-ji, her childhood friend. She did hear and remember the kind doctor's advice not to be alone, and she intended to comply.
If she was being honest with herself, of course she wanted no one but Jo Yeong himself to stay with her that night. But even at her most self-serving state, Seung-ah knew how crazy it sounded and she would not even entertain that idea any further.
She chose to focus her attention to Choi Soo-ji instead. "Soo-ji-ya, can you come over and stay with me tonight?"
"Right now? What's the occasion?" Soo-ji was a cellist and Seung-ah knew that she was currently busy preparing for her solo recital, but she just felt awkward phoning her other friends. She mostly got estranged from most of them except for Soo-ji when she was living in Canada. Choi Soo-ji was kind of her only hope.
Seung-ah thought it over quickly, thinking of how much she should tell her. Her friend would find out the truth from the news pretty soon anyway, if she hadn’t already. Seung-ah assumed it was futile to try dodging the question, so she finally settled on the following, "I banged my head at work today. Need you to monitor me, just in case I grow two heads or something."
At the end of the line, her so-called best friend just responded with: "Don't you have those already?"
“Yah, Choi Soo-ji,” Seung-ah chided. But actually, she was glad that her friend chose to joke about it. There was a lifelong understanding between them, and she was really not in the mood to answer any more questions than what was necessary.
The cellist chuckled. “Alright then. Some heads up, though, I’m gonna raid your chocolate and ice cream stash. I’m this close to losing my mind!”
After they both said their goodbyes, Seung-ah stole a glance sideways at the Captain as she ended the call.
For some reason, she found herself at a loss for words, wondering what she should open their conversation with. It was weird, really, because she usually had no problem teasing him or anything. But at that moment, her mind just went blank.
True, they had kissed that night during the King's birthday, not just in the locker room, but also at the secluded halls of the palace. (It was one of the perks of getting it from a Royal Guard who knew precisely where all the CCTV cameras were by heart.) And Seung-ah had to stress that the kissing part was good. More than good, actually.
It was intense, and a little bit rough.
It was everything she imagined it would be and then more-
But they hadn’t even had the chance to have the talk.
Both were practically swept away with their respective responsibilities right after the party ended. Him, with the security debriefing, and her, with the event photos and publication which needed to move on tight deadlines.
After that, the following few days happened to be a busy period for the Captain, something that Seung-ah herself was also privy to as a staff of the PA Office. The King and Royal Court always had several public appearances scheduled right following his birthday, many which she also helped to organize, and she and her coworkers had been working around the clock to accommodate the sudden changes which always seemed to happen around such events.
Between the two of them, phone messages were exchanged and short calls were occasionally made, but they all happened sporadically. Often, he would reply to her messages on all sorts of odds hours. In return, she would feel bad engaging him in extended trivial conversations, so their message thread was a mess of half-baked inquiries and choppy attempts at discourse.
She was even worried that he was not getting enough sleep as he should, so Seung-ah had to practice a whole lot of self-restraints.
Being in a possible courtship with Jo Yeong sucked.
Of course, she would like to know where they stood too. Were they considered dating already? Were they still strictly coworkers, but he's still trying to court her? Was it still the other way around, her chasing him? Or all of it didn't mean anything to him?
Seung-ah was pretty sure it wouldn't come to the last option, though. She was not a genius, but the fact that the Captain of the Royal Guards chose to stay with her and take her home instead of guarding the King in the aftermath of such a huge incident felt like a declaration already, coming from him.
So, why was she being so nervous, all of the sudden?
It should be the uncomfortable silence which fell between them. He didn’t even turn on his radio, no surprise there, but even for his standards, it was a new level of quietness.
It unnerved her.
What really did not help was that his cell phone, which was connected to his car systems, kept ringing and ringing, and he kept declining the calls. He had even taken off his earpiece too, she realized belatedly when she noticed that his right ear was bare, no device in sight.
She really tried to make sense of the mood - his mood, to be more specific, but she was only able to come up with one easy assumption: he must be furious.
"Daejangnim?" she started, testing the water.
He did not even give her any indication that he heard her.
"Are you....angry?" She took a pause, unsure if she should continue. But she did. She wanted to know. "With me?"
Seung-ah watched him carefully as his furrowed brows deepened upon hearing the question.
"No,” he replied. Icy. Curt. Dismissive. What he said totally contradicted how he said it.
At times like these, she just hated his monosyllabic tendencies.
He confused her further though, by finally turning to look at her as they stopped in traffic. “Why don’t you try to get some sleep?" He had said, his tone was tender this time around. "I'll wake you when we've arrived."
Seung-ah decided she would just agree to his suggestion. Her head did feel heavy, and his ever changing moods were a bit too much for her to also deal with at the moment.
Closing her eyes, she rested her head against the window, and soon drifted off.
"Be sure to give the hospital a call on the first sign of discomfort, okay?" He reminded her, seemed to revert back to his gentle self when he escorted her to her front door. "Watch out for any ringing in your ears, nausea, or even if you experience any sleep disruption."
"I will. Thank you for taking me home, daejangnim," she said, basking in his attention.
"Has your friend arrived already?”
“Hang on.”
Soo-ji knew her passcode, so Seung-ah just needed to key in her code and check her apartment’s entryway for her friend’s shoes to know the answer. And right on cue, Soo-ji’s bright red pumps greeted her sight. They were already lined up neatly beside her boots and heels, in exchange for one of her room slippers.
“Ah, yes, she’s here already,” Seung-ah informed him, feeling a pang of disappointment. She would not get the chance to invite the Captain inside for a quick tea after all. She was not ready for him to meet any of her friends just yet, even if said friend was Soo-ji. Especially Soo-ji, with her Spanish Inquisition.
“Okay then,” Jo Yeong had said. He nodded his goodbye greeting and then turned on his heels. She caught the sight of him instantly re-attaching his earpiece as he started to go down the stairs.
Seung-ah stayed put, leaving her door open as she watched his receding back for a while. The Captain finally took his phone out and answered his call. “Cut it out, Heok-pil. You don't have to keep calling me. I've told you, I'll deal with it after I got back-"
She could still hear his frustrated sigh from her doorway, before his voice became fainter as he expanded the distance. "Fine, might as well. Just put him on.”
Seung-ah visibly deflated.
Being in a potential courtship with Jo Yeong totally sucks, big time.
At first, she thought that it should be a mistake.
But then she reread and reread the latest email that the Captain of the Royal Guards had just sent to the whole PA Office regarding their latest proposal, and then she just went angrier by the minute. No, enraged.
She never thought such a day would come. Not that soon, anyway.
"Where is Jo daejangnim?" demanded Seung-ah to her Royal Guards acquaintance, Park In-young, whom she encountered just outside of the Royal Guards Headquarter which also served as the Palace’s Control Tower.
The Royal Guard in question had just closed the door to said office behind her. “He’s inside,” In-young replied.
She should have noticed the fire in her eyes, because In-young continued a beat later, her tone urgent, “Hey, you don't want to disturb him right now, Miss Myeong Seung-ah."
Why the hell not, was what she’d like to say, but it was not In-young she was furious with. So, Seung-ah settled with, "Why not?"
"He had been pulling all-nighters for several days now. Heok-pil had gotten such an earful about some minor typos in his report, Jo daejangnim looked like he’s this close to explode. He is scariest whenever he’s trying to hold it in instead, you know.”
Ah, so he still retained his murderous mood from the incident, Seung-ah thought.
“We all have been walking in eggshells,” she concluded. "Tread with caution."
“Thank you for the warning,” Seung-ah replied, even though she felt like she did not give a damn.
At that time, she would bet that she was even angrier than him, though strictly only for professional reasons. On the personal front, her relationship with the Captain was having very little progress since he had dropped her off last week, but it was indeed peak season for both and they took their respective jobs very seriously, so she had no complaints on that subject as of yet. What also helped was his last text to her, which was stamped at 5:02 a.m. that morning, consisted of a sincere morning greeting and a gentle reminder to bring her umbrella to work that day because of the weather forecast. She had been woken up to it with a smile on her face.
Jo Yeong could be sweet when he wanted to (albeit also such a grandma).
But he could also turn into such a prick at work.
“Jo daejangnim, I would like some explanation, please," she wasted no time stating her disapproval right after she entered his office. She marched up towards his desk. "You can't just-"
Seung-ah stopped herself when she finally arrived in front of him.
He looked bad. Well, that was such a quick way to describe it, actually, but it did sum up the sight before her at that moment.
When she approached, he was in the middle of pinching his temples with one hand, rubbing them with his thumb and middle finger in circular motion. The Captain stopped what he was doing, though, once he clearly registered her voice. When he lowered his hand, Yeong looked weary, the dark circles under his eyes were unmistakable, and he was slightly paler than usual.
He let out an annoyed exhale as he rose up from his seat to meet her gaze.
His voice came out scarily level then, like it took him a great deal not to chew her up right then and there. "I've sent memos to the Royal Public Affairs Office about our code of conduct, have I not? You cannot just propose a new event, on such an open space, consisting of such outrageous proposals to involve so many civilians on divided fronts, with just a week's notice to the Royal Guards. I have explained it all in the documents, which now I doubt you read."
Out of the corner of her eyes, she could see the remaining Royal Guards in the room try to shuffle quietly towards the door.
"But you cannot just make the recommendation to dismiss the whole event. We've worked hard for months on it-”
"I can, and I just did," he stood his ground. At that point, he gave her an unflinching glare.
Seung-ah felt like crying in frustrations.
The Royal Public Affairs, especially she, had been working on the event for months. They planned on revamping the Royal Court image to reflect the modern times and promote science and knowledge all at the same time by inviting carefully selected digital influencers from various backgrounds to a single conference: from biotechnology scientists, startup practitioners, financial advisors, to entrepreneurs and digital marketers. There should be a packed schedule of interactive presentations, and each of the influencers would be prompted to stream the conference’s contents to their own platforms. Offline and online spreading of knowledge and networking opportunities, all at once.
The King, being a man of science and knowledge himself, had been reviewing the initiative with enthusiasm right from the start. He had even volunteered his expanded time to collaborate on-site with a few of the influencers.
To say that the event was a big deal for Seung-ah was a bit of an understatement.
"I'm just trying to understand," her voice quivered slightly then.
Yeong closed his eyes at that, his eyebrows knitted even more than usual as he let out a long exhale. "Please, not now, Miss Myeong Seung-ah."
When he reopened his eyes, she was stunned to see the resigned plea in his eyes. "My head hurts," he said, quietly.
She softened in an instant.
"I'm sorry if I make it worse," she said, her anger evaporated. “I just-”
She did not finish her sentence. Everything she had been prepared to counterattack him with felt awfully childish then. She had never seen the Captain like that. He made her both confused and slightly terrified at the same time.
They fell into a pregnant pause.
Yeong threw his gaze away from her after a while. And then, after drawing in a breath, he finally confessed, "I- I did not even think about Pyeha when I dived in to save you."
Seung-ah froze, taking his admission in. The patterns and connections started to form in her head.
He should have felt lost, she realized. Jo Yeong, the best swordsman of the nation, whose single focus for almost the entirety of his life was to protect His Majesty and His Majesty only, suddenly had his life priorities yanked from under him.
How was she supposed to know that her initiative to have both the King and herself circling the conference independently all day long was enough to push the Captain over the edge?
He looked absolutely terrified. "Look what you've done to me, Miss Myeong Seung-ah."
Seung-ah rushed over to him then, hugging him real tight. Her heart ached seeing him that way. "I'm sorry," she said. "I'm sorry I make it harder for you. I didn't know you feel that way."
He burrowed his head on the crook of her neck, returning her embrace.
They stayed like that for a while.
"I'll follow your stupid rules, then,” Seung-ah relented, her voice half muffled by his shirt.
Yeong let out an incredulous chuckle.
Finally, Seung-ah thought, the tightness in her chest instantly dissipated. She would have to overhaul her proposal, but she supposed it’s worth it. She realized that she was way too lenient with the man.
"Thank you," he replied quietly. He broke their embrace to look at her properly. “Just this once. Next time, give me much more time to prepare, will you? We can go over the best course of action together."
“I need to make sure I can protect both you and the Majesty at all times,” was unsaid, but he didn’t need to spell it out for her. She could see it in his eyes, loud and clear.
“It’ll be my pleasure,” she replied, already pulling him into another hug.
A few minutes passed, and when it should’ve dawned on him that she probably wouldn’t budge anytime soon, Yeong finally voiced his concern, "Uh, Seung-ah?"
"Let me be," she said. "Just for five minutes more. I just had a fight with my captain, I need some time to calm myself down."
Somewhere above her, she heard Yeong made a mortified noise.
She just stood there, comforted by the sound of his beating heart. Strong. Steady. The one who's worried for her. Her protector.
Seung-ah's smiles got wider as Yeong started to caress her hair.
Being in a courtship with Jo Yeong can be so wonderful, her heart is full.
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cocastyle · 5 years
Christmas Miracle
Pairing - Stanley Uris x reader
Word Count - 5,591
A/N - just a cute Christmas piece for my boy Stan :)) if anyone else has a Christmas request they would like written, just let me know! I write for so many fandoms so you can check out my master list for character ideas!
Request - could you do a Stan x reader with enemies to lovers but with slight Christmas au pls? @nikitty-to-the-rescue
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Mike Hanlon let out a sigh as he set the heavy crate he was carrying down on the ground, slowly standing back up and lifting his hand to wipe at the beads of sweat that had collected on his forehead from the afternoon work on the farm. He didn't pause for long, knowing that the sooner he got done the sooner he could go hang out with his friends.
But the moment he went to grab the crate he was instantly dropping it again, a voice behind him calling out, "Still always working I see."
The crate hit the ground with a loud bang, but Mike didn't even wince as he turned to the owner of the voice, his eyes widening at the sight of his best friend Y/N L/N who he hadn't seen since the previous summer.
"Y/N?" Mike whispered in disbelief. The girl shyly nodded and Mike couldn't stop himself from laughing out loud in excitement before he was running over to the girl, his arms wrapping around her as he spun her around.
Joyous laughter filled the air as the two best friends hugged and Mike was quick to put her down so that he could look at her face. He couldn't help but notice that she had changed in the past year, definitely having grown into her features more and looking as beautiful as ever.
"Look at you, all grown up," Mike teased as he pinched the girl's cheek. Y/N rolled her eyes at the boy and blushed slightly as she smacked his hands away. This only made Mike laugh before he quickly pulled her in for another hug.
Y/N and Mike had been best friends since they were in diapers, the two's families being very close. That meant both automatically had a best friend from day one and the two were so close that they were practically siblings. They were all the other had and for the past year Y/N had been at a private, all girls, boarding school, but she was finally back.
"I've missed you so much," Mike whispered as he hugged the girl tight, trying desperately to hold back the tears as he thought about everything that had happened in the past year— getting bullied by Bowers and his gang, having to deal with the stress of his family, and the events that had happened with It and his new group of friends that called themselves the Losers' Club.
"I've missed you too, Mikey," Y/N said with a smile. She then let out a small gasp before pulling away and gripping onto the boy's arm. "Guess what? You'll never have to be alone again because my parents have decided I don't have to go back to that shitty school again!"
"Woah, seriously?" Mike asked, his eyes widening with excitement. "Y/N, that's great!"
"I know! You don't know how awful it was, Mike. I can't wait to get to spend my time back here in Derry. It will be just like old times," Y/N said.
Mike's smile dropped slightly before he began to scratch the back of his neck. He gave the girl a nervous smile. "Actually, I-I met some people. . .um. . .made some new friends," Mike explained.
Y/N's face fell at that, "Oh."
"But don't worry! They will love you," Mike assured her.
Y/N gave him a confused look. "You want me to meet your friends?" she asked.
"Of course I do. You're my best friend, are you not? They deserve to get to meet the person whose kept my head on my body for this long," Mike joked as he nudged the girl.
Y/N smiled softly at that before nodding her head. "Yeah, okay. I would love to meet them," she said, Mike's smile widening at her answer before he was hugging her again.
Agreeing to meet Mike's friends had been Y/N's first mistake. It's not that she didn't love his friends because she did and the Losers had even been quick to accept her into their group.
Of course there was Mike who was her best friend and like her brother. Then there was Ben who was the sweetest human being she had ever met. There was Bill who was her second closest friend and who was the leader of the group.
Next was Beverly who was the first female friend that Y/N had ever had and who was practically her sister. Then there was Richie and Eddie who were like her brothers, the two being so protective of the girl and dragging her along to all sorts of things like the arcade and the carnival.
It was just one of the Losers that she seemed to have a problem with and who made it their personal job to make her life a living hell—Stanley Uris.
So it wasn't meeting Mike's friends that had been the mistake. It was meeting Stanley Uris that had been the mistake.
Y/N didn't know what it was, but the two never seemed to get along. In all honesty, Y/N had actually been star struck the moment she saw the boy, having never thought she had seen a boy as beautiful as the curly haired boy who she found out to be named Stanley Uris. But the moment he opened his mouth, a scowl appearing on his face as he complained to Mike about bringing Y/N along was the moment their feud had begun.
Not that Y/N didn't think Stan was attractive because she still thought he was probably the most gorgeous boy she had ever met, but his attitude towards her was enough to prevent her from having any sort of feelings towards him except for hatred.
Or at least that's what she thought it was. Because why would she have any sort of feelings towards the boy when he was so rude to her. It was impractical!
Y/N found herself arguing with Stan more than half of the time whenever the group hung out as a whole. One of them always seemed to find something to pick at the other for before their side comments became a full blown argument, both sides going red faced as they practically yelled at each other.
The Losers found it extremely annoying and would constantly tell the two to just kiss to ease the sexual tension that was obviously present, but that would only make the two even more red before they got into another argument about how they would never date someone like either of them.
One of the things that most annoyed Y/N was that Stan thought he was better than her and that everything he said was correct. Y/N couldn't even joke about something before Stan was saying something about how wrong she was and embarrassing her in front of the others.
For Stan, the thing that most annoyed him was the fact that Y/N refused to call him anything other than his full name. And the way she said it. Oh, the way she said it drove him crazy. "Stan-ley," she would say, making sure to pronounce each part of his name so that he was well aware she was calling him his full name. He never found something more annoying than when she did that.
Y/N knew this drove him crazy which is why she continued to call him that. Although a small part of her just loved the way his name sounded, but she would never ever admit that.
The feud between Y/N and Stan was one that went on for years, starting the year that Y/N came back from boarding school when they were thirteen and still continuing to present day when the two had finally reached the age of seventeen.
Y/N would be lying if she said she loved arguing with Stan. In fact, all she had ever wanted from the boy was to just be friends. After all, she had been in awe the first time she met him, so being his friend had always been a secret wish on her wish list that no one knew of. But she had promised herself that if Stan was to continue being rude and throwing hateful comments her way then she would return them.
She had tried the whole being nice to him thing, but that had only made him more flustered and the comments only more spiteful, so all Y/N could do was hope and wait until that one day when Stanley might change his attitude around.
She just had no idea when that day would come.
And on that cold winter's eve, Stan's attitude was the least of Y/N's worries. She was walking through the snow, tears streaming down her face as she hugged her Secret Santa for Beverly close to her body.
Her car was in the shop and her parents were at work so she had to walk through the snow. That had been a big mistake because she had been walking through town and towards Mike's farm house when she had the misfortune of running into Henry Bowers and his gang.
Bowers and Y/N had always had a weird relationship. Henry knew that Y/N was friends with Mike, so he automatically would give her the same treatment as he did the boy. But the thing about Y/N was that she didn't take any of the boy's shit and that only made him angrier. Usually Y/N was able to brush it off, but this evening had been different.
The words Henry had spat in her direction were enough to hit her and they hit her hard. Comments about how ugly she was, about how worthless and disgusting she was had hit her where it hurt. But the moment he had mentioned about one of her exes who had cheated on her after claiming she was 'just not pretty enough' and how he 'wasn't in love with her anymore' and 'could never love her' was when Y/N had broke. The tears that had filled her eyes were enough to make Henry laugh and him and his friends had had their fun by shoving the girl onto the ground and kicking her present away from her grasp.
Now there Y/N was, struggling to keep it together and holding on tightly to the gift that had been lucky enough not to break. It was only when she reached Mike's house that the tears had stopped and Y/N found herself standing outside for a moment just to catch her breath and make sure her face wasn't red from crying before she finally went up to the door and rang the doorbell.
The door opened almost instantly and Y/N was met with the face of a gorgeous red head, her smile almost so blinding that Y/N had to blink a few times. "Y/N!" Beverly cried out in joy as she leapt forward to hug the girl. "Thank goodness you are here! I can only handle the boys for so long you know and they were getting quite impatient."
"Sorry, Bev. I lost track of the time," Y/N told her, letting out a small laugh to cover up the pain she felt. She was going to be early actually, but the run in with Bowers had made her late.
"It's completely fine, Y/N," Beverly assured her as she pulled away to look at the girl's outfit. "I love your sweater! You'll have to tell me where you got it, but for now the boys are talking in the kitchen and I'm sure they'll want to see you."
Y/N nodded and quickly walked in before taking off her shoes and leaving them and her jacket by the door. She kept the present in her hands and dropped it off by the tree in Mike's living room before following Beverly into the kitchen where laughter could be heard.
The girl was instantly hit by the sweet sugary smell of cookies and Y/N couldn't help but smile once she saw the boys all standing around laughing with each other.
"Look who I found wandering outside in the cold," Beverly announced, her voice instantly making the boys all turn to look at the two girls.
"Y/N!" Mike exclaimed happily as he took big strides across the room to wrap his friend up in a hug. "Merry Christmas!"
"Merry Christmas, Mikey," Y/N greeted as she hugged him back. "Thanks for inviting us all over."
"Y/N," Bill greeted with a smile as he walked over with his arms out. Y/N smiled warmly at the boy and hugged him before saying, "Bill."
"Okay there, Bill. My turn!" Eddie exclaimed as he pulled the boy away and quickly wrapped the girl up in a hug. Y/N let out a small laugh and went to hug Eddie back, but she was already being pulled back into someone else's arms. The girl glanced up and chuckled once she saw the familiar Tozier smirk as the boy winked at Eddie and said, "Sorry, Eds, but Y/N loves me more."
"Asshole," Eddie huffed as he crossed his arms and walked off to go get a drink.
Richie glanced down at Y/N and smirked before saying, "Why hello there, pretty lady. And how are you on this wonderful evening?"
Y/N rolled her eyes and pulled away from the boy's hold before smiling at him. "I'm doing just fine, Richie. Thanks for asking," she replied. She then turned and smiled at Ben before engulfing the boy in a big hug. Ben was quick to hug her back and that was when Y/N's eyes locked with the last person in the room—Stanley.
The two stared blankly at each other and Y/N silently wondered what kind of attitude Stan was going to be in tonight. But once that all too familiar scowl had appeared on the boy's face as he rolled his eyes and looked away with a small scoff, that was when Y/N knew it wasn't going to be a very good night.
Which was great seeing as she was already having the worst night she'd had in a long time.
Beverly seemed to notice the small interaction between the two and inhaled sharply before putting her hands on Y/N's shoulders and smiling at the group. "Why didn't we go ahead and do our gift exchange, shall we?" she suggested.
"Oh yes! Watch out, motherfuckers. My gift is about to be fucking amazing," Richie proudly stated before walking out of the room and to the living room leaving the others to shake their heads and laugh softly as they hurried after the boy.
After about a half an hour everyone but Y/N had opened their presents. Y/N had made Beverly a scarf and had gotten her a sweater much like the one Y/N was wearing that night which Beverly was excited about. Beverly had Richie and had gotten him a recorder for him to practice his stand up act with and a picture of the whole group which Richie may have teared up a little at the sight of.
Richie had gotten Ben some history and architecture books. Ben had gotten Bill a new journal and some art supplies for his drawings. Bill had gotten Mike a new pair of shoes that he had saved his money up for, knowing that the boy had been eyeing them for a while but wasn't able to pay for them himself.
Mike had gotten Eddie a new fanny pack that read 'Losers' Club' across the front and some of his favorite candy that his mother would never let him have in the house. And Eddie had gotten Stan a couple of books on birds for the mornings he spent bird watching.
That left Y/N as the last one and it didn't take a genius to figure out that there was only one person left who hadn't given out a gift yet. Y/N was silent as Stan reached into his pocket before pulling out a small box which he then held out to her. She gently took it from him and ignored the excited looks on her friends' faces and Beverly who was gripping onto a pillow as she smiled widely.
Y/N gave Stan a small look before opening up the box, her mouth dropping open at the sight of a stunning gold necklace with a gold sunflower pendant. It was beautiful and Y/N felt tears spring into her eyes at the sight of it. She had never been given something like this before.
Her eyes flickered up to Stan and she gave him a confused look, wondering how he knew her favorite flower was a sunflower and surprised at the fact that he had gotten her such a thoughtful gift. Stan's eyes shot up to meet her gaze and he silently stared at her as if he was studying to see if she actually liked it or not.
"Stanley," Y/N whispered, smiling softly before shaking her head in disbelief. "I-I love it. Thank you."
"I'm going to go put it on right now," Y/N smiled warmly, the action making Stan blink in response. The Losers all smiled at that before they began to pick up their own conversations while Y/N got up and began to head towards the bathroom so that she could see as she out the necklace on.
However, she had only just made it to the doorway when a voice called out, "You hate it."
Y/N froze and turned around with a confused look on her face. "What?" she asked, her eyes looking to Stan in confusion.
"I knew it," he scoffed as he stood up, wiping his hands on his pants once before beginning to walk over to the girl. "You hate it. Of course you do. You know what, I'll just take it back and you can use the money however you like."
Before Y/N could process what was happening, Stan had snatched the small box from her. Y/N was quick to grab it back, something that made Stan look back at her with a small look of annoyance.
"Woah. Woah. Woah. I never said that I hated it," Y/N defended herself. "I really do like it, Stanley."
"Your body language suggests otherwise," Stan frowned as he went to reach for the gift again, but Y/N was quick to hold it away. "Y/N, stop being a child and just give me the gift."
"How about you stop being immature and listen to what I'm saying when I tell you that it's a very thoughtful gift and I love it," Y/N argued, her voice raising slightly as her and Stan both narrowed their eyes at each other.
"Please," Stan scoffed. "I know you don't like the gift and it honestly shouldn't be that much of a surprise. You aren't really the type of person to recognize a nice gift when you see one."
"What is that supposed to mean?" Y/N asked, her face growing a little red as she scowled at the boy.
"Guys," Beverly sighed from the couch while the other Losers all watched silently, but Stan and Y/N ignored her.
"You know what it means. Out of all the people I had to get for Secret Santa, I got you, the girl who I can barely even be in the same room with. And you don't even like me gift!" Stan exclaimed. "Do you know how much money that cost me?"
"First of all, I never said I don't like the gift! Second of all, no one made you spend that much money on me. No one!" Y/N exclaimed. "So why didn't you sit the fuck down and let me go out on this very thoughtful gift from you, huh?"
"Guys!" Richie yelled causing the two to turn to him in anger. The boy was quick to put his hands up in mock surrender before sighing and saying, "Do us all a favor and quit it with the arguing, okay? You know what, you two are both stuck in a sticky situation right now so why don't you just kiss and confess your undying love for each other before you kill the night's mood and we end up killing ourselves?"
Stan and Y/N gave the boy a confused look but then they noticed Beverly shyly pointing above them and the two glanced up to see that the doorway they were standing under had mistletoe hanging at the top. The two froze before looking at each other, their eyes wide.
Stan was the first to look away, a grimace crossing his face as he said, "What? Ew, no! Me kiss Y/N? You guys do understand I have better taste than someone like her, right?"
Y/N blinked in surprise, her eyes flickering over to the boy as she watched him pinch the bridge of his nose. "I mean she's stuck up, stubborn, and a pain in mine and everyone else's ass" Stan complained, the utter disgust in his voice being enough to make Y/N flinch.
She was instantly reminded of what had happened earlier that night and she couldn't stop the tears from beginning to prick her eyes as she looked down at her feet. All of the Losers except for Stan seemed to notice this and Bill gave the boy a harsh look before saying, "Stan, st-st-stop."
"No, Bill. I won't stop. Kissing her would be like some cruel punishment!" Stan exclaimed, throwing his arms up in the air for dramatics. Y/N stepped back slightly at that and that was when Stan looked over at her. His face instantly fell when she looked up at him with teary eyes, but he didn't have time to say anything before Y/N had turned and was running out of the house, the front door slamming behind her.
A deafening silence filled the air after that and Beverly scoffed before getting up from the couch, ready to go after the girl. Mike was quick to place a hand on her arm and sit her back down, the boy standing up instead.
"No, Bev. He's going to go," Mike said, his eyes locking on Stan who was staring at the front door with a pained look on his face. Stan's gaze shifted over to Mike and he shook his head. "I-I didn't mean to make her that upset," Stan said.
"Yes, you did," Mike replied, the words making Stan hang his head. "But you're going to fix it. Not us. You."
Outside in the steps sat Y/N who was desperately wiping at her face with the sleeves of her sweater as she tried to calm herself down. "Quit being a pussy, Y/N," she grumbled in annoyance. "It's just Stan. His words shouldn't affect you like this."
So why did it hurt so much?
It took a few minutes of her breathing in deeply through her nose and breathing out through her mouth before she managed to get the tears to stop, but she still couldn't bring herself to go back inside. So instead she merely sat there on the steps and stared at the sunflower necklace, wondering why Stan would get her something like that if all he was going to do was tell her that she didn't like it.
The door opening and closing wasn't enough to pull Y/N from her thoughts. It was only when she heard footsteps approaching from behind her before someone plopped down by her side that she finally managed to look away from the necklace and over at the person.
Her eyes instantly locked on Stan's figure and she was quick to look away, her eyes latching onto the snow on the ground instead while she felt Stan's eyes burning a hole into the side of her face.
"What?" Y/N finally asked, her voice harsh as she hugged herself.
"I brought hot chocolate," Stan said, his voice soft and warm, a sharp contrast from the usual tone he used around her.
Y/N glanced over at the boy and he held a cup out to her. She stared at him for a moment before she silently took it from his hands, the mug instantly warming her cold fingers once she had.
The two sat in silence for a couple of minutes, snow falling slowly around them while they both drank from their mugs. Stan was the one that eventually spoke up, his voice breaking the silence of the night as he asked, "What's wrong?"
Y/N turned her head quickly, her eyebrows raised as she asked, "What's wrong? What's wrong? Are you fucking kidding me, Stanley?"
"Woah, it was only a question, Y/N! No need to be a bitch," Stan grumbled.
Y/N's mouth dropped open in shock, a scowl on her face as she asked, "Why are you even out here, Stanley? Cause if you can't notice I really don't need this shit from you right now."
"I came to check on you because you stormed out of there upset!" Stan exclaimed.
"Of course I did! What you said was fucking rude!" Y/N yelled.
"Well my words never seemed to have bothered you before!" Stan yelled, the realization that his words had hit her harder than usual for a certain reason making Y/N's eyes fill with tears once again as she stared at her mug. "How was I supposed to know you were going to be a little too emotional tonight?"
"Just shut up!" Y/N exclaimed as she looked to Stan, hot tears spilling down her face and making Stan freeze in place. "Shut up!"
Before Stan knew what was happening Y/N was looking down and sobbing, her hand going over her mouth as she tried to quiet herself. Stan didn't even know what to do as he sat there. He felt the urge to comfort her, but he couldn't even bring himself to so much as place a hand on her shoulder, afraid that it would only make her more upset.
So all he could do was sit there quietly as he waited for the girl to calm down. It took a couple of minutes, but she finally managed to calm herself enough to start talking again, her voice cracking as she wiped at her tears.
"I got cornered by Bowers and his gang on my way over here," Y/N muttered, the words making Stan still as he looked to her in what looked to be concern. "They treated me like shit, but what else is new? Usually I don't let their words bother me, but then they were attacking how I looked and making fun of me for my past relationships and how I've been cheated on and I just-" Y/N fell silent as she shook her head, trying to collect her thoughts.
"And then I come over here and the one boy whose opinion I care about the most and who doesn't even notice me unless we're arguing makes fun of me and is disgusted at the thought of kissing me and embarrasses me in front of my friends," Y/N finishes with a whisper, a few more tears falling down her face.
Y/N shook her head and quickly tried to wipe at her tears only for them to fall harder and in bigger quantities. "Shit," she muttered with a cracked voice as she continued to wipe at her eyes.
Stan was quick to put his mug down before reaching out and grabbing the girl's hands, the action making her eyes flicker over to him in surprise only to find that his face was inches from hers. Y/N's eyes widened in surprise and before she had time to process anything, Stan was leaning forward.
Y/N's heart began to beat furiously, erupting into a volcano of butterflies as soon as Stan's lips brushed against hers. The kiss was soft and short and before she knew it Stan was pulling away again so that it almost felt like the kiss hadn't even happened.
But it did and boy was Y/N confused.
Y/N couldn't stop the small blush on her face as she opened her eyes and stared at Stan in a stunned silence as she awaited an explanation for his actions. Stan's eyes flickered over her face and he wiped at her tears and sighed before looking down and whispering, "I'm sorry."
"W-What?" she whispered, still confused about what was happening.
"I'm sorry for always yelling at you and for always starting up arguments. I'm sorry for all the mean things I've said. I shouldn't have said any of it and I definitely shouldn't have made fun of you like I have. Something about you has always infuriated me since the day we've met, but it wasn't until recently that I realized it was only because I cared about you. I've been too afraid to admit it and couldn't stop myself from treating you the way that I have. I guess I thought that arguing with you at least meant that you felt something towards me, even if that was nothing more than hate. And all those things I said tonight. . .I shouldn't have said them. I was only being an insecure jackass. I just. . .I'm sorry, Y/N. I'm so sorry," Stan whispered as he finally looked back up at the girl before looking back down.
A small silence fell among the two and Y/N stared at Stan with a blank expression before finally whispering, "Stanley?"
Stan glanced up at her, the way she said his name in such a caring and soft way being enough to make his heart flutter.
"I may be an idiot," Y/N whispered, pausing and biting her lip before saying something that made Stan's heart stop. "But I think I might love you."
Stan blinked in surprise, his whole body going still as he just stared at her without saying anything.
"Oh," he finally said, another silence following suit as the two stared at each other, still unsure how this was all happening but both silently thankful that it was.
"Well, I guess we're both idiots cause I think I might love you too," Stan admitted, a soft smile dawning his face as he looked at her. Y/N couldn't help but smile back, a small laugh of relief escaping her lips as the two stared at each other with love filled eyes.
How this was all happening was still a mystery to them both, but deep down, they always knew that this would happen eventually. Their feelings for each other were evident, even if they tried to hide them behind arguments and yelling.
Stan let go of Y/N's hands down that he could stand on his feet before holding a hand out to her, a soft smile on his face as he said, "What do you say we try that kiss under the mistletoe again?"
Y/N smiled at that and nodded before reaching out and taking the boy's hand, their hands nodding together like two puzzle pieces. Nothing had ever felt more right and Y/N still couldn't believe this was even happening.
Together, the two walked back into the house before heading towards the doorway that only moments before they had been standing at yelling at each other. Stan smiled lovingly at the girl and reached out to take the small box from her hands before pulling the sunflower necklace out of the box. Y/N turned around and the boy clipped the necklace around her neck before letting his fingers linger on her neck.
Y/N slowly turned around and Stan let his fingers dance across her cheek before coming to rest on her neck. The two stared at each other in silence, their breaths mingling together as they slowly began to lean in.
Then Stan's lips were on hers and the two had initiated their second kiss, this one being even better than the last. The mistletoe seemed to glisten in the firelight above them and both of them found themselves slowly beginning to smile into the kiss as they gently pulled the other closer to their body. But just when Stan was about to dip the girl to deepen the kiss, they were broken up but the sound of cheering.
"About damn time," a voice said making the couple pull away to see their friends all standing there with smiles on their faces as they cheered the group on.
"It's a Christmas miracle!" Richie cried out, his arms up in the air while Y/N and Stan rolled their eyes at the boy, the girl leaning into Stan who had wrapped an arm around her waist and was holding her close.
The Losers all laughed and Y/N shook her head slightly at the boy before sneaking a look at Stan. It was in that moment that Y/N realized Richie might've been right.
To think the two had hated each other when they first met years ago and now they had just shared a kiss under some mistletoe.
Christmas miracles happened every day. And Stanley Uris? Well, he was Y/N's.
* * *
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randomfandomimagine · 5 years
Don’t Hate You That Much (Steve x Reader)
Character: Steve Harrington (ft. Dustin Henderson and others)
Fandom: Stranger Things
Categories: GenderNeutral!Reader, Sibling!Reader, Henderson!Reader
Warnings: Injuries, bit of violence, swearing, spoilers for season 2
Word count: 4.673 words
Summary: Y/N realizes Dustin has been hanging out with Steve Harrington, and as the older sibling, wants to protect him from Steve's bad influence. Or so it seemed, because as Y/N gets involved in their endeavor, Steve doesn't seem such a bad guy.
Home sweet home. After a long day studying at the library, I was exhausted. I couldn’t wait to plop down on my bed and rest. Just thinking about it put a smile on my face.
I parked the car and got out, noticing that the lights were out. That was odd, mom and Dustin should be home by now.
“Mom?” I yelled out to the house as I came in, turning the lights on. “Dusty?”
There was no response, so I sat down on the couch and thought where they could be. I tapped my chin with one finger, just then remembering that mom was looking for Mews. But where the hell was my little brother?
Interrupting my train of thought, I heard a loud bang outside. I stood still, waiting to see if something else happened. After a few seconds of stillness, I could hear voices in the distance.
Standing up with determination, I headed to my room and grabbed my replica of Aragorn’s sword. Wielding the weapon to defend myself from potential intruders, I headed outside to where the noise originated from.
In the darkness of the night, I noticed a beam of light from a torch someone was holding. I recognized the hatted figure and the one next to him.
“Hey!” I shouted, startling them both. “What’s going on here?”
“Jesus, put that down!” The taller one said, taking a step back.
“Dusty, what’s he doing here?” I asked my brother, ignoring the other one.
“I’m-“ The latter replied, but I shoved him a little.
“I’m not talking to you, Harrington” I glared at him, trying to warn him. “Get away from my brother”
“No, Y/N, I asked him to come” Dustin defended him. “It’s okay”
“Yeah, what’s your problem?” Harrington mumbled in outrage, but he stood back when I pointed the sword his direction again. “Whoa, hey, watch it!”
“My problem is that you’re an asshole” He used to hang out with Tommy and Carol, and even if they had drifted apart, I didn’t believe him to be any better than them. “And I don’t like you being around my little brother”
Dustin tried to calm me down by pushing my sword arm down. I still eyed Harrington, secretly enjoying the cautious look he was giving me.
“Is that an actual sword?” He asked instead, probably trying to pretend he wasn’t intimidated.
“Yeah, from Lord of the Rings” Dustin proudly replied, grinning widely.
“You’re a nerd too?” The other exclaimed in surprise.
“Where do you think he got it from?” I replied, patting my brother’s head.
“Look, don’t tell mom” He told me gravelly, which wasn’t a great start. “But I think I’ve been harboring an evil creature”
“A what now?”
“Dart, I think he was evil”
“Dart? Who’s-” Was that the name he had given this new pet he was talking about? Nevermind, that wasn’t important. “How can you know that it was evil?”
“Because it ate Mews”
“Mews?! But mom is looking for him at the other side of town!”
“Exactly, that’s why I needed Steve’s help”
“Son of a bitch, Dustin!” I complained, eyeing Harrington as he wielded his bat. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because! I didn’t want to freak you out, and you were in the library so…”
“Okay, sorry to interrupt this cute little family moment but…” Harrington knocked his bat against the closed doors that led to the basement. “Are you opening this or not?”
Dustin nodded, giving him the key, so he could reveal the inside of the cellar. The three of us stood there in silence for a moment until Harrington took a step forward.
“Not so fast, dumbass” I said, planting a hand on his chest and pushing him back. “I’m going first”
“What, why?”
“Because I don’t trust you, that’s why”
Harrington rolled his eyes at me and rested a hand against his hip in annoyance. I ignored him and entered the cellar, sword in hand. I walked slowly down the steps, glad that they were illuminating my way with their flashlight.
I suddenly yelped when I stepped on something slippery that made me fall. I landed with a thud that accompanied the clinking noise of the blade against the floor.
“Shit!” Harrington uttered, rushing to my aid. “You okay?”
“Y/N?” Dustin asked from the entrance too as Steve pulled me up.
“I’m fine!” I told them both, swatting him away. “It’s fine…”
Ignoring his exasperated sigh, I went to turn the light bulb on by pulling at the chord. The room was now flooded in the dim yellowish light. Harrington crouched down and used his bat to pick up what I had slipped with. I grimaced in disgust at the gross viscous substance hanging from it.
“Shit” Dustin muttered, examining whatever that thing was as he joined us.
“What is that?” I asked, watching how it dripped to the ground.
“Dart” My brother half-questioned, looking up at me.
“What kind of pets are you keeping, Dusty?” I uttered in outrage, eyeing him.
However, I walked away from them when I noticed something. There was an opening at the other end of the cellar, one that shouldn’t be there. I knelt down on the ground to examine it, but it was too dark to see anything.
“Um…” I piped up, trying to gather their attention. “What the hell is this?”
“Oh, shit” Dustin repeated as they both walked closer to see it.
Steve directed the beam of light to the opening, where we could see a tunnel.
After our little discovery, we came into the house to discuss how to approach the situation. While Steve and Dustin paced up and down, debating their next movement, I ended up falling asleep in the couch. When I woke up it was day already and last night’s events almost felt unreal.
I jumped to my feet, dropping something on the process, which I realized was Harrington’s jacket. I rolled my eyes at his poor attempt at getting on my good side and grabbed it as I stomped over to Dustin’s room. No one was there, and I hated to think that my little brother was alone with Steve Harrington.
I looked under the bed for his walkie-talkie and pressed the button, growing more anxious by the second. Especially when I remembered there was some sort of strange creature roaming around and they were going after it.
“Dusty, do you copy?” I paused, but insisted when I had no answer. “It’s Y/N, please respond if you copy. Over”
There was only static for several seconds until his voice came next.
“I copy, Y/N” I intently listened to his voice, but he seemed to sound unharmed. “I’m with Steve”
“Where the hell are you? I don’t want you chasing after some weird thing with only him to protect you”
“Um, yeah, I’m right here” Steve interrupted us, and I rolled my eyes just at his voice.
“Good” I told him, then pretending he wasn’t even there. “Answer me, Dustin, where are you?”
“We’re going to the old junkyard. But we got it under control, you can-“
“No way” I spoke to the walkie-talkie, already heading outside. “I’m on my way, over”
I wish I could take a weapon with me like Harrington had his bat with nails, but the closest thing I had to that was the Lord of the Rings sword, and it was blunt. I just hoped for the best and hurried to the car to get to them as soon as possible.
When I arrived, Dustin and Steve weren’t alone. Lucas was there too, along with a girl that I had never seen before. I supposed that was Max, the girl Dustin had told me about.
As I approached, Steve smiled at me as a peace offering, but I still didn’t like him. I had heard too many shitty things about him to trust him in the slightest. So I just ignored him, heading straight for the two boys hiding behind a rundown car.
“Hey, Lucas” I said, earning a ‘hi, Y/N’ from him. “Dusty, what are you two doing?”
“We’re talking, do you mind?” My brother complained, so I scowled at him a little and backed away.
I looked at Steve and the girl, wondering why the hell they were moving metallic plaques over to the outside of the bus. Still, I knew it had to do with the thing we found on our cellar and I didn’t like it one bit.
“Hey, Y/N” Harrington showed me a smile that I assumed pretended to be charming.
“Nice try, asshole” I tossed him the jacket, making him drop the plaque he was holding in order to catch it.
“What? I was just…”
“You’re gonna have to try a little harder than that”
“There’s just no pleasing you”
“You can always stop trying”
I heard a small laugh and was reminded of the girl’s presence there, so I approached her and forgot about Steve. I did smirk, though, when he walked away muttering to himself.
“Hi, I’m Y/N” I held my hand out for her to shake. “Dustin’s my brother”
“I’m Max” She replied, giving my hand a firm shake before dropping it.
“So Max, can you tell me what’s going on exactly?”
“As far as I understood, we’re trying to bait something with that” She pointed to the ground, where I noticed pieces of raw meat. “This ‘demogorgon’ from another dimension or something”
I frowned, completely baffled. I had heard that word before, but from Dusty’s D&D sessions. I opened my mouth to reply, but she was already walking away. Determined to confront Dustin about this whole thing, I walked over to him, just to see that Harrington had beat me to it.
“Hey, dickheads” He called them, slamming a rusty old chair against the car they hid behind. “How come the only one to help me is this random girl?”
They reluctantly followed after him, but I grabbed Steve by the arm. I wasn’t going to let him treat them like that.
“Don’t insult Lucas and my little brother” Before he could retaliate, I continued speaking. “In fact, don’t insult people, you jerk”
“I was just… I didn’t actually…” He bitterly chuckled and shook his head. “You’re such a joy, Henderson. Can’t wait to spend hours trapped with you on a small bus”
“Yeah, try to survive without looking at yourself in a mirror for so long”
He scoffed at me before carrying on with what he was doing. I walked over to Dustin and nudged him.
“Did that asshole say something to you?” I gravely asked, imagining lots of scenarios in which he gave my brother some really bad ideas.
“Huh?” Understanding what I was getting at, he shook his head. “No, he just gave me advice”
“Advice on what?”
“Yeah, I’m sure it was great advice” I sarcastically replied, looking Harrington up and down in annoyance.
“What’s your problem with him?” Dustin complained. “Did he do something to you or something?”
“Not really, but I kept hearing all these things about him and… I just don’t think he’s a good influence, okay?” I rolled my eyes, hating to have to justify myself. “Besides, you didn’t like him either!”
“That was before” My brother began walking towards the bus. “I think he changed”
“Yeah, right…” I noticed Harrington was leaning on the bus, waiting for us. “Still don’t trust him”
“C’mon, slackers” He clapped his hands to hustle us. “It’ll be dark soon”
“Fine” I let Dustin go in first, but following close behind. “Just don’t stand too close to me. Wouldn’t want to catch any of the dumbass”
“Clever” Harrington muttered, walking in after me and closing the bus door behind him. “Come up with it on your own?”
I mockingly smiled at him, sitting down on the ground far away from where he settled in. Max occupied one of the worn out seats, lazily pointing up to the hole that led to the roof to tell us that Lucas was there keeping watch.
While it got dark, I found myself in a pensive mood. All of that was still crazy, the fact that just some hours ago I had been studying in the library like any other day and now we were waiting for some strange creatures that we had baited there to ambush.
I got back to reality when I noticed Dustin paced up and down. He was turning to the girl to reply to something she had told him, but he was being pretty rude to her.
Done with his outburst, Max went to stay up on the roof with Lucas. If that was his attempt to get her to like him, my brother was very wrong.
“Dusty!” I scolded him, but he just shrugged and continued pacing.
“Showing you don’t care, huh?” Harrington smirked at him.
“I don’t” Dustin replied simply, barely acknowledging him.
The other winked an eye at him, and I just knew that he had told him to treat her like that.
“Why are you winking, dumbass?” I kicked him in the knee, having to hold back a smirk when he let out a long ‘ouch!’ in response. “That was terrible advice”
“What do you know?” Closing the zippo he had been playing with, he defiantly stared.
“I know that if you want someone to like you, that’s not the way to go, okay?” I leaned forward, challenging him to talk back to me. “Being kind and thoughtful is”
“You’re an expert on that, aren’t you, Henderson?”
“That’s because I don’t like you” I said slowly, trying to let the words sink in. “Stop teaching my brother bad lessons”
With that, Harrington looked up to the inside of the bus. It was now empty.
“Wait, where is he?” We both ran to the window, watching Dustin outside.
“He probably got fed up with our arguing” Harrington observed, barely letting me see as he took all the space.
“And whose fault is that?” I rushed to the door, but felt a hand tugging at my arm. “Hey, they’re not even here yet”
“I don’t care” I broke free from his grasp and opened the bus door. “If he gets hurt today, I’m blaming you”
“What?! But he was the one-“ I heard him slapping his hands against his sides in exasperation seeing as I was ignoring him.
Dustin turned at the sound of the door opening. Our eyes met, and I silently asked him to come back with a gesture. My brother nodded, sinking his hands inside his pockets, and returned to us seeing that we were done fighting.
“Uh… Henderson?” Harrington spoke up, just as Dustin entered.
“What?” We both replied at the same time, soon realizing what he meant when a growling echoed around the junkyard.
“They’re here, but…” Steve nervously shook his head. “They’re not taking the bait”
“That doesn’t make sense” Dustin intervened, looking up at me to explain. “I thought…”
We both jumped when Harrington quickly moved around.
“What are you doing?” I questioned him when he turned to us.
“Just get ready” He tossed the zippo to Dustin and grabbed his bat.
“Steve…” Dustin uttered, watching him leave the bus.
“What…? Harrington, get back in here!” I whisper-yelled, even if he ignored me and closed the door again. “He’s gonna get himself killed”
Max had come down, so the three of us went for the windows to see what Harrington did. He stood outside, taunting the demogorgon as he slowly advanced in the fog. Time seemed to go by very slowly as we watched him being there on his own, attracting those things. It felt like it would jump at him at any moment, and I braced myself just in case.
I nearly jumped out of my skin when Lucas called out from above, warning Steve.
“Crap” I muttered when I realized that, indeed, there was more than one.
“Steve!” Dustin ran to the door and opened it all the way. “Abort, abort!”
He took a look around, taking notice of the many creatures that surrounded him, and stepped back. We anxiously watched as he dodged one of them and swung his bat at another one, making a run for it when he got the chance. We encouraged him, urging him to run, until he made it in safely and Dustin quickly slammed the door shut.
Steve caught his breath, lying down on the ground, as he recovered. I gulped as I him, tapping his arm to check he was unharmed. I was distracted, though, hearing those things getting closer.
“Watch out!” I said when the demogorgons started banging against the door.
Steve grabbed a metallic plaque and set it against the door, keeping it in place with his feet. He swore under his breath when they banged it again, and I threw all my weight over it to try and help keep them out.
The bus violently shook, making us all yelp in alarm. I squeaked when they managed to break through the door, but Harrington was already prepared.
“Watch the kids!” He told me, sticking by the door with his bat.
I ushered the three of them closer to me, holding on to them and taking them with me to the other end of the bus. Dustin was desperately trying to get ahold of someone with the walkie-talkie while Max and Lucas stood closely together.
“Y/N…” The latter claimed my attention, and when I looked at him I noticed he was glancing up. Max screamed, and I resisted the urge to do too.
“No!” I pushed them all behind me after I saw a demogorgon creeping on us from above.
“Outa the way, outa the way!” Steve was with us in a heartbeat, wielding his bat.
Protectively standing before us, he attentively watched the creature, ready to strike. It growled once more, and I couldn’t contain a cry this time, feeling myself shaking. We were locked in a bus, surrounded by those horrible things that would no doubt kill us.
The bus then wobbled before the silence established. The change from tension to stillness was jarring, but I welcomed the calm. I put a hand on top of Dustin’s head, over his hat, wanting him to look at me. Without any words, he nodded rapidly to assure he was okay. I noticed his eyes shifted to Max and Lucas, who were holding hands, and I frowned at the sight.
I really wanted to comfort Dustin about it, but it was not the time for that. We had bigger things to worry about.
Moving cautiously, nearly afraid to make any sound whatsoever, we neared the door. Steve, always at the front, opened it slowly. They weren’t around the bus anymore.
“Are they gone?” I dared to ask, shuddering when my voice abruptly interrupted the loud quietness.
“Think so” Max replied behind me, although shakily.
“What… happened?”
“Steve scared them off?”
“No, no way” The aforementioned was already outside, but he turned to us and rested the bat on his shoulder. “They’re going somewhere”
There was a pause in which we all looked at each other. I tried not to freak out thinking that we had lucked out to come out alive.
“Alright” I took a deep breath, realizing like the feeling of imminent death was gone now. “Everyone okay?”
“Yeah” The kids lowly replied, soberly nodding their heads.
“Wait” I tapped Harrington on the shoulder when he began walking. “Where are you going?”
“We’re following them” He replied, gesturing in that direction, like it was obvious.
“Are you out of your mind?”
“We can’t let them hurt anyone”
“Y-Yeah, but we barely made it!”
“No one’s asking you to come anyway”
“I’m not just… leaving you guys now!”
Steve motioned for me to get going with a head movement and took a step forward without looking back. I sighed in resignation, knowing there was no going back now.
I watched Harrington as he walked, bat against his shoulder. I was suddenly unable to avert my eyes in awe of what I had just witnessed. That jerk, who had picked up fights with Jonathan Byers when his brother went missing, who always thought he was better than anyone and looked down on people. That jerk had just risked his life, several times, in order to protect us. Willingly. He had valiantly fought those things while we stayed behind in the safety of the bus. He had surprised me, doing selfless things I never thought a self-absorbed asshole like him was capable of.
“Y/N?” Dustin tugged at my hand, interrupting my train of thought. “You alright?”
“Yeah…” I lied, since I was feeling a headache coming. “You, little guy?”
“I’m fine…” He assured, even if it wasn’t really convincing.
“Wanna talk?” I offered while we walked, knowing he was still upset about Max.
“Not really” He shrugged one shoulder. “There’s not much I can do, is it? I think she made up her mind”
While Harrington was at the front, Lucas and Max were walking side by side after all. They seemed really close, and I understood that it bothered Dustin if he was interested in her too.
“Well, that’s very mature of you” I fondly put an arm over his shoulders and shook him a little. “But hey, I’m sure you’ll find an amazing girl who loves you just the way you are”
“You’re just saying that” He feebly kicked a rock on the floor, sending it flying forward.
“I mean it, just be patient” I let go of him, ruffling his hat and his hair. “Life surprises us, you’ll find someone you vibe with”
“Can you tell me when?” Dustin tiredly asked, looking up at me.
As we continued walking, I felt someone watching me. I turned to find Steve’s brown eyes fixed on me. However, when I reciprocated the glance, he frowned and looked away.
“When you least expect it, I guess…”
The evening had been absolutely crazy. After we were nearly attacked by those demogorgon things, we followed them to Hawkins lab, where we met Jonathan and Nancy. It was crazy, Hopper and Joyce were there too, with Will and Mike. Apparently, Will was sick somehow and we all went to the Byers house to try and cure him.
Once there, I spoke to Nancy and Jonathan, who explained the whole thing. I was still having a hard time believing things like another dimension called ‘the upside down’ and a creature they called ‘the shadow monster’ were real. But I was willing to stay with Dustin, to protect him and look after the kids. I had said it before, I wasn’t going to abandon them now.
“You okay?” Steve’s voice startled me so much that I noticeably jumped.
“Y-Yeah” I muttered, lowering my hand when I realized I had been biting my nails.
“Here” He said, taking his jacket off and offering it to me. “You’re shaking”
“I’m not scared” I said, facing my back to him in annoyance.
“I didn’t say you were scared” Not giving up, Harrington moved to face me again. “Just that you’re shaking”
He offered me the jacket again, and I honestly welcomed the thought. This nervous shivering was partially because of the cold, but the comforting feeling of the extra layer was appealing. I stared at Steve as I took his jacket, not breaking eye contact when I put it on.
“What?” He asked, uncomfortable under my scrutiny.
“It looks like you’re not that much of a jerk after all, Harrington” I smiled, surprised by this sweet side of him. “At least you seem to have a heart”
Not only had he protected us all back in the bus, but also even offer himself as bait. And after all, I hadn’t seen him with those jerks friends of his again. Maybe Steve wasn’t as bad as I thought.
“Spare me the little speech” He smirked, causing me to chuckle a little.
“Gladly” I huddled under his jacket, welcoming the warmth.
He then nodded, leaving with a last soft smile in my direction. Everything started feeling a little better now.
“Hey” I called him, averting my gaze when he turned to me again. “Your advice is still terrible…”
“Y/N, c’mon” Steve complained, throwing his hands up in the air.
“What I mean is…” I rushed to say, implying that I meant no harm. “Even if it’s terrible, thanks for taking care of my brother”
“Sure, the little shit’s cool” Harrington coolly leaned on the wall.
“Where do you think he gets it from?” I replied, making him laugh a little.
I tiredly leaned on the wall as well, feeling a throbbing headache at all the new information I learned that day. It was so overwhelming and, honestly, kind of terrifying.
“You sure you’re okay?” Steve insisted, gently fondling my arm.
“Yeah, just got a headache” I rubbed my forehead, feeling a bit lightheaded as well. “Always get one when I’m anxious”
“You don’t have to do this, you know?”
“What do you mean? Do what?”
“Pretend like you’re fine. I guess you do it for Dustin, I don’t know, but he can take it”
I stared at him, wondering if he knew how hard I tried to be strong for him. For him, for mom, even for myself. I was the oldest sibling, it was my responsibility.
I patted Steve’s shoulder, nodding at his surprisingly wise words. Briefly looking over to Dustin sitting with his friends, I heaved a sigh. I hated to admit it, but Harrington was right. My brother was smart, and strong. If he could take the demogorgons, he could take me being a little overwhelmed.
“I think I’m gonna lie down” I told Steve, pointing at one of the couches. “Just for one sec”
“Good idea” He grinned, patting my back. “I’ll hold the fort for you”
“Tell Dusty not to worry” That said, I feebly walked to the couch and plopped down there.
I knew it was almost impossible for me to fall asleep, and I didn’t want to anyway. But I closed my eyes to rest my heavy eyelids and weary mind.
Barely realizing I had actually fallen asleep, I was abruptly awoken by loud noises. I had run to see if everyone was safe, just to be stopped by Steve, who held his arm before me.
“What’s going on?!” I exclaimed, holding on to his arm since he still wouldn’t let me pass.
Everyone stood around, apparently expecting something. Hopper and Nancy wielded shotguns, Steve held on to his bat and Lucas had his slingshot at the ready. They all watched the windows, barely even blinking.
“They’re coming” Mike replied ominously, making eye contact.
“What-?” I tried to walk closer to the window, but everyone scolded me for it.
Luckily, Steve’s arm blocked my path still, and he gently pushed me back.
“Stay behind me” He muttered, pressingly tugging at my sleeve. “Behind me, Y/N!”
“Okay, okay!” I obliged, positioning myself behind him and holding on to Dustin’s arm to keep him close.
While Hopper, Nancy, Lucas and Steve wielded their weapons, the rest of us stood behind them. I held on to Steve’s shoulders, still not letting go of my brother to assure he lingered by my side. Jonathan and Joyce were at my right, and he held on to my shoulder.
Noises erupted outside, causing us all to turn to the sound and scream. I clung on to Steve and Dustin when my heart started racing. And then something went through the window.
I squeaked, pushing my brother closer to me and protectively wrapping both arms around him. When we looked, we saw it was a demogorgon, but it wasn’t moving. What…?
“Shit…” I uttered when the door suddenly started unlocking, keeping us tense.
It then opened to reveal a young girl all dressed in black. I panicked thinking who she could be, yet everyone seemed to relax at the sight of her. 
Tag list: (Stranger Things) @xionroxas, @raararasputin, @welcome-here-in-my-world, @suenami3, @bitchingpretty​, @xxsirensong (Steve) @24-stilinski​  // If you want to be added or taken off the tag list, let me know!!
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kinetic-elaboration · 5 years
July 20: Thoughts on The 100 2x04, Many Happy Returns
It’s literally been five months since I did one of these…
The wasteland was a pretty cool concept and I’m sad that they kinda pulled back on it later. Like, when characters can get from point A below the wasteland to point B above it without apparently passing through it at all, it makes it seem like the area is actually not that big after all. Is it, like, just NYC? And maybe the metro area? Also, again, as usual, floored by the costuming on this show. Amazing.
So Zoran is the first human Jaha meets on Earth. A kid and a mutated human.
Clarke is so intensely pragmatic. She legit doesn’t care if people once tried to kill her, as long as they aren’t trying to kill her now. I don’t really see this as forgiveness, but rather an ability to forget the past that isn’t useful to her. Also lol @Anya for saying Clarke is weak, like who broke who out of the Mountain hmmm?
“Everything is Grounder territory.” Murphy telling the truth. And even if some parts of the world aren’t Grounder territory, how the hell would Bellamy know?
Murphy, canonically a terrible runner. Rewatching these early eps just reinforces his glow up since then. (Not in terms of running, but in terms of, like, haircut.)
The wreckage of the Factory crash is so devastating, following the trail of bodies to the crash site. I still wish we’d found out what happened to everyone else. I guess we’re supposed to assume the rest of the stations exploded before impact? But still. I feel some bitterness.
This saving Mel story is entirely, 100% about keeping Bellamy, Finn, and Murphy stuck for most of an episode, allowing Octavia to find them, and then forcing Bellamy to come back to Camp Jaha rather than continue searching for Clarke—so he can, you know, run into Clarke. It’s pure filler. And imo not even very interesting filler since I’m not really like a rescue/adventure story person. I can’t even figure out how Mel ended up stranded along the side of the cliff. Was she climbing up and then got tired? Also, on a related note, at what point do they, Bellamy in particular, realize which station this is? Is it immediately obvious from the wreckage, or only from the identity of the survivor? Because this is Bellamy’s home.
All that time they were talking, Sterling was there in the background, doing whatever. Honestly though shame on Bellamy a little for letting Finn convince him not to save Mel.
Totally forgot they built an electric fence at Camp Jaha. Then, began work on a radio beacon.
I can’t even pay attention to the Clarke and Anya scenes because I’m too attracted to both of them. Less so in the mud. Which is 100% gratuitous given that uh, I don’t think the Mountain Men who almost never go outdoors and are currently wearing big ass gas masks on their faces can smell shit.
Bellamy and his adventure squad are such dumbasses. Huh, let’s tie this thin rope with a single knot around a stump and then just watch our friend use it to scale the side of a mountain. Nothing can go wrong there. I mean there are fucking four of them just standing around watching when they could be, uh, securing the rope? Anyway RIP Sterling, cause of death: idiocy. (Slash the narrative’s need to put Bellamy in the hero role at this point, and to up the ante on his heroism, and to waste some time.)
To be more fair, I think this is semi-important for Bellamy’s characterization, an early version of ‘save who we can save today.’ He’s at a sort of crossroads at this point, not really a leader anymore like in S1, but sort of a leader, and he needs to figure out what sort of leader he’ll be.
Monroe’s “Sterling was one of us” warms my heart because it speaks to my “the 100 were a distinct social group” theory, which I wish (again lol) had been more important to the show and for longer.
Murphy does fall in, though, pretty fast. After Monroe says the ‘one of us’ thing. Which is actually pretty impressive given that a few days ago he was blasting a hole in the dropship and running away with all their ammunition.
This must be such a trip for Jaha, like, he is aware that forest exists still, because of transmissions from the 100, but he’s in the middle of the fucking desert, and this is all he knows of Earth, whatsoever. Also, again, these sets are perfect, I love them so much.
How did the City of Light become a legend among the Grounders? It’s made from the Alie 1 chips…. Didn’t Becca, like, not like those? I’m assuming of course that literally any of this was ever thought out or ever made sense.
“I have no room for hate.” You know what I’m just gonna say it: I think this is true. This is really how Jaha lives the rest of his life. I think people forget since he wasn’t really himself for most of S3, and even in S2 his mission to the City of Light seemed kind of nutty (and boring). But “I have no room for hate” both describes him pretty well, and is rather a lovely thing about him. If only he hadn’t been so obsessed with the COL, tbh. Searching for it was a bad idea from the very beginning and it was also, I think, a rather cowardly idea.
I forgot that this was where the concept of radiation disfigurement came in and was explained. Is that really how it works? Like random mutations, even generations after the event, from non-mutated parents? Lol I have no idea. That said, Sienna kind of looks like she has some scarring on her face, too.
Here is Jaha finding someone who left her people for her son, whereas he sacrificed his son for his people. Does this also change his mind on things going forward? Connect to his insistence on the COL, at the expense of a chunk of his people?
I miss this thing where characters knew other characters even though we’d never seen them interact before, because, like, a history exists and then the show acknowledges it. That was fun.
I shipped Raven/Wick and I don’t regret it, even though fandom’s toxicity basically killed it for me in a lot of ways. They had a good rapport. More importantly, he might literally be the only man to not take shit from Raven and to actually be brave enough to challenge her.
 Engineering is such a damn good set.
This is a weird episode because our two mains have pretty much the least important, or at least least-interesting, story lines. They’re basically just being moved into position to reunite at the end of the ep, and that’s it.
Clarke: “I just need something sharp and sterile [to remove the tracker from your arm].” Anya: bites it out with her teeth.
Why do they bother putting trackers on the Grounders? Do they escape often?
Murphy’s not only helping with the rescue mission, he’s at the head of the line.
Bellamy’s legs appreciation.
Murphy: “Don’t you worry, Bellamy, I won’t drop you.” I mean…you did once try to hang him. But by-gones I guess. I do believe at heart Murphy just wants to be part of the crew.
I think the Raven and Wick scenes are my favorites of this episode. I have two uninjured legs and I wouldn’t climb that thing; Raven is a brave bitch. And when she has to give up and come down, probably the saddest moment of the ep, along with finding Factory station. Some of this is relevant to my big bang.
 After literally all this, Finn’s still like ‘Bellamy, just drop that rando’ lol. No, bitch, don’t do this half-assed. Stop being a wimp and pull them both up.
Before it’s revealed that the horn is Octavia, this really does look like Bellamy and the No Good Very Bad Day lol: first Factory is found destroyed, then Sterling dies, then you almost die when your fake rope breaks, then someone starts shooting arrows at you, then acid fog rolls in, like, what now universe??
I guess another purpose of this story line, being fair again, is that Murphy and Bellamy are now officially friends again. Like Murphy has proven himself completely trustworthy as of that little nod between them.
“She blew the horn” is s obviously ADR to explain what exactly is happening here. Which is helpful, even though she’s clearly carrying the horn.
Blake sibling reunion!
“Three mechanics made it to the ground.” I mean… you’d think it would be more than that… what with the entirety of Mecha making it. Or was that station mostly casualties? I don’t know, this still doesn’t make sense to me, how they split up people between stations. Season 2 implied it was random, Season 3 implied it was by home station.
“Your leg’s messed up and that blows. Figure out a way to work around it.” Legit question: is there anyone else who would have said that to her?
I really, truly miss Wick tbh. One of the few characters with a sense of humor. (And yet again: he was good for Raven.)
They’re really playing fast and loose with the rules about language in this verse huh? Warriors speak English, no everyone speaks English, no English is for friends only I guess?
Jaha just wants to be a dad. Like, do I think he was a good parent… I dunno. Is he a better parent than anyone else on this show? At this point I would have to say yes. (No, Clarke does not count as a “parent” jfc.)
Ruthless Clarke ftw.
Jaha making a chess board just breaks my heart. Just let him be a dad!!
It’s been such a freaking long time since I watched this, I can’t remember if Octavia had braids in the last ep or not, like how long she’s had them. And it’s really bugging me, because someone else must have put them in, and I’m trying to figure out who that might be.
Also, where did she get the horn? I guess the implication is it was Lincoln’s… I can’t really remember. Wouldn’t it still have been on his person when he was captured?
Octavia went off the rails but at this point I’m still very fond of her.
The map Finn gives Bellamy lists ‘statue’ (Lincoln Memorial?), ‘twin trees’ (???), ‘Ark’ (Alpha Station??), and ‘amusement park’ AND amusement park is very close to Ark so my question is why didn’t they use that amusement park for something interesting??
Bellamy knows he shouldn’t let Finn go off alone but then, what can he do? Finn never really adhered to his authority. And I don’t think he feels like he can flex that right now, like it’s sufficiently established in this new order.
But he does arm Murphy. Which says a lot about how much he has decided to trust him, but also how little he trusts Finn. I forgot about this split in the character groups, though I should have remembered it, since of course this leads directly to the massacre.
“Parting, such sweet sorrow, right?” is an interesting quote from a kid who can’t spell ‘die.’
Aw, Clarke goes back to the dropship. I forgot about that. But then of course she doesn’t realize… anything. She doesn’t know the Ark is down, she doesn’t know what happened to the few of her friends who were on the outside. And her face when she sees the message to her, and only her name is still visible…
Blah blah blah fight sequence.
Creepy skeleton parts on the ground.
 I think this could have been the start of an Anya/Clarke friendship of some sort: Clarke earns her respect by fighting well, Clarke’s people protect Anya, the alliance forms… too bad they had to kill her.
And Clarke figures out where Alpha is based on Raven and Wick’s balloon.
“We fell from Earth in a football stadium. I think they already know we’re here.”
BUT the balloon is also what sets off Byrne, and gets her so worried about Grounders she authorizes the ‘shoot on sight’ command that kills Anya and almost Clarke. On the one hand, this is a nicely wrought story line. On the other hand, they shouldn’t have killed Anya, so. A wash.
Was Byrne’s worry about the balloon warranted though? I can’t decide.
Zoran, such a kind soul.
How can there possibly be a bounty on Sky People (side note: Jaha’s reaction to that name like ‘huh well I guess that is what we are’) that people all the way out in the dead zone would know about? Like… they’ve been on Earth for like a month. And the war has only been going on for part of that time, arguably. If it even is a war.
Trent Lane voice: Betrayal, yeah, stab in the back, betrayal…
Too bad “To survive, we do what we must” didn’t end up in like the fandom lexicon. It’s a pretty good variant on the theme. Plus Jaha’s just so… like he’s been fucked over but he can’t even be mad, because he gets that she’s doing it for her son and he wishes he had that chance. Watching his scenes again, I really feel like he was underrated and I miss him a lot.
I wonder what happened to Zoran and family. Were they absorbed into the hive? More generally, what happened to people seeking the CoL before ALIE could get it properly running with Jaha’s help? Did they all just… die in the desert?
Alpha Station at night is so beautiful.
And Clarke is so happy.
And this is SUCH A SETUP FOR CLARKE AND ANYA TO BE FRIENDS OMG, Anya should have brokered peace with Lexa, there was such an obvious role for her… Her death was 100% random attempt at shock, this show’s #1 worst quality, which is saying a lot.
I mean shot in the back while she’s walking away these Sky Guards are incompetent.
RIP Anya.
I really thought the Bellarke reunion was in this ep for some reason. But then I also knew Anya died right at the end—for more Shock Value ofc—so I don’t even know. I remember the scenes but nothing of their order I guess.
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sterek · 6 years
Hey! So I’m new to the fandom I watched Teen wolf seasons 1-6 within 4 days lmao, but I was just wondering could you recommend the best sterek au fics? Your blog is amazing btw!
Sorry it took me a while, but here you go! These are my favorite AU fics in no particular order :) (and thank you boo
A Crooked Way to Fly by andavs [14k G]
“We can’t just leave him here to die.”
“He’s an emissary, Scott.” Derek tried to make his tone empathetic, but Scott’s tendency to fight back on everything always grated on his nerves. “His pack is gone, he won’t survive more than a day or two either way.”
“Then we should stay with him.”
Derek sighed as he studied the man for a moment; he was too pale against the fur rim of his hood, almost grey from lying out in the snow, and his cloak was stained with dark dried blood around a protruding arrow shaft. It was unlikely he would even last the night. They would probably be able to carry on in the morning with little time lost, if any.
It wasn’t a horrible idea, Derek decided reluctantly. They hadn’t been able to set up a real camp for a few weeks in the open foothills, and they were all on edge from sleeping in exposed areas. A defensible place to sleep would be good for them, even if they were surrounded by death. They would be able to give the pack proper burials, at the very least.
“Fine. One night,” Derek relented, already moving away to check on Isaac. “He’s your responsibility.”
Put Down in Words by paintedrecs [203k, M]
“Oh,” Stiles said, his voice coming out low and breathy, “fuck me.”
“I don’t think that’s on the syllabus, but we can check to see if there’s a spot open in any of his classes,” Scott said, grinning.
“This isn’t an actual professor, though,” Stiles insisted, unable to resist brushing his thumb over the sharp line of the man’s bearded jaw. He was laughing at something off-camera, the shot taken in three-quarters view, his coat collar casually rumpled and opened to reveal a sliver of a simple grey t-shirt. The whole thing was deliberately calculated to lend him a more accessible feel, and god help him, Stiles was falling for it.
When Stiles signed up for Dr. Hale’s intro to history class, he had two goals: knock out the credits his advisor was bugging him to complete before he graduated, and spend a few hours a week daydreaming about his sexy professor’s salt and pepper beard.
Derek, a few months away from turning forty and not sure when his life had started feeling so damn lonely, had never encountered someone like Stiles before. Bright-eyed, sharp-tongued, determined to throw Derek’s carefully cultivated world into disarray…and absolutely the last person Derek should be falling in love with.
Cupboard Love by mklutz [32k, G]
He’s carefully balancing the sandwiches and the two biggest tupperware containers he could find that both had functioning lids when the front door opens and he almost drops everything right there in front of the stupid fountain.
If that’s Derek Hale, he’s definitely not a mountain man.
One life stand by Vendelin [84k, E]
Stiles is used to selling himself to make ends meet. But it's getting harder to keep those ends meeting, and there's only so much of Stiles to go around. Until a too-fancy car shows up in his neighborhood, and he meets Derek Hale.
All Derek wants is Stiles's time, someone to stay on his arm for events and smile for the cameras. It's the easiest job Stiles has ever had, the best-paying one he's ever had, and he's more than happy to sign up.
Derek is everything and nothing Stiles expects him to be, with his tailored suits, sharp mind and his quiet way of caring. But it's just a job and Stiles never meant to fall in love.
In Other Words, Baby, Kiss Me by primroseshows [61k, E]
Stiles has simple goals in life. To successfully complete his secret radar project without getting fired, to get a cottage on the Moon, and to untangle his mess of feelings for Moon Station 3 deputy, Derek Hale. Heck, he'll even settle for two of the three.
The Circus at the End of the World by mikkimouse [91k, E]
Three hundred years ago, the world ended not with a bang or a whimper, but with magic.
Since then, magic has been outlawed, and the world has clawed its way back to some kind of stability, with people and shifters alike divided between living within the walled safety of the Havens, or the small, less protected outposts dotting the frontier.
Derek Hale and his sisters, Laura and Cora, are the proprietors of Hale's Circus of Magic, Monsters, and Mystical Wonders, known colloquially as the Circus at the End of the World. They and their ragtag pack ride the rails between the outposts and the Havens, performing for those who can pay (and some who can't). Their circus is a small haven in and of itself, a place of safety for those who have nowhere else to go.
It's a quiet life...until Stiles Stilinski joins the crew.
The circus has something Stiles needs—a ticket into the Haven of Santa Francesca. His father has been abducted, and Stiles is determined to get him back no matter what he has to do.
But Stiles has another secret, one that puts him and every member of the circus in danger. And if he's not careful, it could get them all killed.
The Silent Fury by andavs, rosepetals42 [31k, M]
Derek is about to leave, content with the smell of blood as proof that the Fury is dead when he hears it.
A heartbeat.
It’s faint and uneven and even with its help, it takes Derek a full minute of scanning the clearing before he finally spots the small heap that must be the human. It’s down on the far side of the canyon, almost completely hidden by a tall oak tree and–Derek jumps down before he thinks about it.
He knows what he has to do. Furies are dangerous. Furies are fire and smoke and a funeral he barely remembers. He lands almost silently and makes sure his hands are fully shifted into claws and then slowly moves forward.
Or, a How to Train Your Dragon AU
Kindred Spirits by Stoney [104k, E]
Anne of Green Gables/Teen Wolf AU.Stiles is the adopted son of the Sheriff, brought to Beacon Hills to hopefully stay for good. A family, a best friend, school, Jackson as Josie Pye (because who else could he be?) and the mystery of a dark haired, green-eyed boy which leads Stiles to discovering a secret within himself.
Sell Your Body to the Night by Dira Sudis (dsudis) [121k, E]
"No," he repeated impatiently. "I'm not a cop. I'm someone who wants to exchange my money for your sexual services. I was told you were in that line of work."
"I, uh, yeah, sorry," Stiles said. He glanced around again and then up--the full moon was almost directly overhead. Just one of those nights, maybe. "Yeah, I am. I do that."
But Then What... by Stoney [24k, E]
Senior year is almost over, and all Stiles needs to do is keep his head down to survive. A teacher calls in a favor, leaving him stuck tutoring Derek Hale, one of the most popular jocks in school and a member of a group of douchecanoes who have bullied Stiles for years. He's someone Stiles totally hates. Totally. Like, doesn't like him even a little bit. DEFINITELY isn't attracted to him.
Except that is a total lie. Fuck his life, seriously.Senior year is almost over, and all Stiles needs to do is keep his head down to survive. A teacher calls in a favor, leaving him stuck tutoring Derek Hale, one of the most popular jocks in school and a member of a group of douchecanoes who have bullied Stiles for years. He's someone Stiles totally hates. Totally. Like, doesn't like him even a little bit. DEFINITELY isn't attracted to him.Except that is a total lie. Fuck his life, seriously.
Little Wild Animal by DiscontentedWinter [61k, E]
Derek Hale finds a feral human on his pack's property.Humans are supposed to be extinct.But then, Stiles is full of surprises.
(also read the other work in the series, it’s more original fic than sterek but i adore it!)
I Know Where Babies Come From, Derek by DiscontentedWinter [51k, M]
Stiles finds a baby on the porch.
It looks exactly like him.
Well, this is awkward.
Don't Speak by fatale [68k, T]
The Alpha pack has systematically attacked Stiles and his friends for months, testing their strengths and weaknesses. When one of the Alphas goes after Stiles, he awakens in the hospital and realizes that something's wrong. Very wrong. All sounds seem to hurt him, he can't understand what anyone is saying, and when he tries to speak, it's gibberish. How is he supposed to deal with the fact that he's lost the ability to communicate with his dad and his friends?
Without his ability to talk, his sarcasm, and his wit, what does Stiles even have left? Enter Derek, the only one who seems to make it better.
Occam's Razor by MissAnnThropic [49k, E] [and also read the sequel!!]
When Stiles goes to sleep, he’s a junior in high school. He wakes up in a world where he’s twenty-four and married to Derek Hale. Stiles just can’t seem to catch a break.
Specialized Technical Intelligence and Logistics for Earth and Space (S.T.I.L.E.S) by Yiichi [63k, NR]
“What the hell kind of a name is Stiles?” he asked.
“You know, a series of sounds spoken in a particular sequence that represent my identity, primarily, referring to me?“ the AI – Stiles – answered cheekily, crossing his own arms in front of his chest, mirroring Derek’s position.
“Ooh, this one’s feisty,” Peter smirked.
Tiny Houses by ohmyjetsabel ]77k, E]
"So this is what Stiles does. He lies in Scott’s bed and waits for Melissa to say she’s found someone to get it out of him, to cure him of the wrongness and the bad, and he dreams.
God, he dreams.
He dreams of fire and swollen bellies and that scene in Alien, of giving birth to jackals through his urethra, the whole horrific nine yards. His head is a terrible place to be, he can’t imagine his stomach is much better, why anyone would want to put a thing inside of it."
Stilinski's Home for Wayward Wolves by owlpostagain [35k, T]
“At least your puppies knock first,” Stiles snorts. “Here I thought their alpha raised them to be well-mannered.”
“There’s a sign,” Derek responds stiffly.
Stiles, whose curiosity outweighs even his hardest of grudges, abandons his chilly façade of nonchalance in a heartbeat. He jumps right up and all but pushes Derek out of the way in his effort to get to the window, and sure enough when he leans outside there’s a laminated strip of cardstock duct taped to the vinyl siding:
DON’T FORGET TO KNOCK Stiles gets cranky when we scare him
Or, in which Stiles Stilinski moves to Beacon Hills for his junior year of high school and accidentally adopts a pack of teenage werewolves.
The entire Bodice Ripper 'Verse byStoney!!!
Fly a Little Faster by mirrorkill [32k, T]
Everyone knows when you go back in time, you shouldn't step on an ant, just in case you accidentally kill your own grandparent or something. But what happens when you go back in time and, uh, accidentally interrupt the one event that apparently made the Grumpiest Alpha in Town into a ball of mindless manpain?
Well, if Marty McFly can do it, so can Stiles Stilinski. All he has to do is get Derek and Paige to fall in love before he gets pulled back to his own time. And before he makes anything worse. That's easy as pie, right? Right?
Enemy Lines by qhuinn (tekla) [149k, E]
This is the story of werewolf Derek Hale and human Stiles Stilinski: two people who grew up in the same town but completely different worlds, their realities split by the war between men and wolves.
Years later when Derek returns to Beacon Hills, he does it as Alpha of a military pack on a mission to capture those responsible for the region’s resistance. With his main objective, Sheriff Stilinski, out of sight, he settles for the next best thing: his son, Stiles.
Neither of them suspects they’ll need to trust each other if they want to make it out this alive.
an exaltation of larks by llassah [25k, E]
There are times when he feels as if they could fall into bed together, easy as breathing. If Stiles were not highborn, if he were an omega without connections, Derek would be sorely tempted. As it is, he resists. Derek wants, he yearns, but he resists. Still, the sight of Stiles in his cot is enough to test him, even now that it is familiar. At the end of each lambing season, he sleeps for a week, worn down by months of hard work, of relentless struggle. He doesn’t know how he’ll feel by the time Stiles leaves, how he’ll feel after long days and longer nights spent resisting the insistent tug of Stiles’s scent and the inclinations of his own foolish heart.
All Derek wants is to get through the lambing season with his body and spirit intact. He had thought that the blizzards would be the main danger, not a highborn omega with beautiful eyes and a stubborn streak.
Move A Mountain by ZainClaw [69k, E]
Stiles goes camping with his friends in New Mexico after graduation where they befriend a biker gang led by Derek: a guy whom Stiles can’t decide if he will be either relieved or devastated to never see again once their week is up.
The Importance of Turning Around Three Times Before Lying Down by otter [31k, M]
It’s like this dog has walked out of all of Stiles’ childhood dreams and into the real world just because Stiles wanted it hard enough. He is the most awesome dog ever, and he and Stiles have a bond. A deep, unbreakable bond because this animal is his soul mate, obviously. Now he just has to convince the dog of that. 
Stiles's Story Time by trilliath [125k, E]
Where Stiles is a librarian who is in charge of the kids' reading hour and such. And Derek is 6-year-old Scott's adoptive dad. And Stiles has his own take on Stories and Scott loves wolves and Derek tries not to admit that he likes the way Stiles's face looks in those glasses.Or something like that.
Not Your Disney Romance by Rawren (Zimothy) [42k, M]
After a long-forgotten agreement of an arranged marriage between Derek and the daughter of another pack's alpha resurfaces, Stiles takes it upon himself to become the most amazing fake fiancé that a clueless, desperate alpha werewolf could wish for.
There is a Brotherhood by minusoneday [21k, E]
So far, college has taught Stiles three things:
1) Eight am classes are cruel and unusual and should be avoided at all costs, even if it means having to enroll in something truly hideous instead, like Econ 101.
2) Dorm security is just as tight as Stiles’ orientation leader had promised it would be, and the dude guarding Scott’s dorm in particular does not respond well to bribes.
3) Mrs. McCall clearly had no clue what she was talking about when she’d insisted that Scott and Stiles needed to branch out and room with strangers, so it’s all her fault that Scott ended up with a total dick of a roommate and Stiles got stuck all the way across campus with some guy who has a girlfriend two towns over and is thus never around.
Or, the one where pledge brothers Stiles and Scott start a prank war with Derek Hale's fraternity.
Prince Among Wolves by Rawren (Zimothy) [101k, E]
Looking for full day/evening sitter. 2 twin boys age 4. Must have exp. w/werewolves. Must be human. No pedophiles. No teenage girls. Pay negotiable.
What I Did On My Summer Vacation by grimm [118k, E]
There's something weird about Beacon Hills that Stiles can't quite put his finger on. The way everyone in town knows his name the day he arrives. The way they insist the melancholic howling that echoes through the forest every night is just a dog. The way his dad denies getting a dog, even though Stiles comes home to find one sprawled across his bed, some big black thing whose eyes gleam red in the right light. The way that massive oak tree out in the woods vibrates under his touch, pulsing with sickly life.
There's something weird going on in this town, and Stiles is determined to get to the bottom of it.
Cornerstone by Vendelin [83k, E]
Suffering from PTSD, ex-Marine Derek Hale moves back to Beacon Hills to open a bookshop and find a calmer life. That’s where he meets Stiles, completely by accident. Stiles is talkative, charming and curious. Somehow, despite the fact that he’s blind, he’s able to read Derek like no one else. 
[Not!Fic] Random Craigslist Missed Connections Derek/Stiles Not!Fic of Doom by fire_juggler_writes (fire_juggler) [17k, T]
An AU in which Stiles is lonely and addicted to the Missed Connections page on Craigslist, Derek is a hermit with a persistant sister, Scott gives unexpectedly good relationship advice, and it all ends happily-ever-after.
Trust Fall by Stoney [144k, T]
Stiles is fairly certain that a case could be made for every bad thing in his life coming back to Peter Hale. This time it's pissing off a powerful witch, who retaliated by swapping Stiles and Derek a la Freaky Friday, because sure. That makes sense. Um, there are GPAs on the line, not to mention the whole thing where his dad wants to shoot Derek on sight. Except who he sees as Derek is actually Stiles, and Stiles did not sign up for filicide.
Great. Wait...does this mean he's the Alpha until they figure this out? Holy. Shit.****
Derek had stood in front of the bathroom mirror for a few minutes trying to control the panic as he saw himself as Stiles. As the loud mouthed human friend of the pack. He was going to kill Peter. He was going to kill the witch, then he was going to kill Peter. Maybe even resurrect him again just to kill him all over.
They were going to have to play this cool. They would have to stay calm and focused. Which is of course why the universe threw him into this situation with someone who physically couldn't be calm and focused.
Of course.
Stand Fast in Your Enchantments by DevilDoll, Rahciach [76k, E]
"Stiles knew damn well what a pissed-off wolf sounded like, and every hair on the back of his neck was telling him that somewhere in this room was a very pissed-off werewolf." An AU in which Derek is feral, Stiles is magical, and they eat a lot of fast food.
Safety in Silence by Survivah [66k, M]
It's perfectly understandable. Even Derek wouldn't want to be Derek's soulmate. 
Where The Inevitable Isn't by Survivah [41k, M]
Stiles has a magical thingamajig that's supposed to get him out of danger. Trouble is, it took him really, really far out of danger. Like, to the point where he isn't in the same universe anymore.
"A part of Stiles had been thinking that he’d come home, and just go, 'hey, Derek, are we mates and you just haven’t said anything about it?' and Derek would reply, 'now you mention it, we are indeed! Now come to my bedchamber, where we will have super hot sex and then cuddle after!'"
"Pretend this is our den, kay?" by Survivah [16k, M]
In which Stiles is raised by (were)wolves, and he and Derek are childhood sweethearts that never stopped. Also, Kate Argent is a homicidal maniac but a very helpful plot device.
The Boy and the Beast by Dira Sudis (dsudis) [116k, M]
In which events in Beacon Hills go rather differently from the start, and a Beauty and the Beast (ish) story ensues. (Scott is not a teacup and no one sings about their feelings.)
482 notes · View notes
demonslayvr · 5 years
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'fore blazing home came atumbling  ;  there was a family of four  (  childhood v. )
PRE GAMES  /  NOVEL’S  /  MANGA’s.   pretty clear  --  this is any interaction that has been plotted or otherwise during dante’s childhood til the fire.  by default he’s going to be about 6 - 8 years of age with the latter age at least a couple months before the fire.  
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quite indeterminate yet the bang of a gun and the slash of a sword still remain a constant ( undetermined v  )
PRETTY OBVIOUS.   i haven’t made a decision where shit goes yet thus its undetermined.  will change during thread once we plot more on it or i figure something out myself.
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not everything has a simple ending.  crashing demons is easy but other things ? that can be tough  (  multifandom v  )
GENERAL CROSSOVER / MULTIVERSE v.   pretty generic verse for when either dante himself or another character   outside   of the devil may cry canon gets tossed comes inside it.  i’ll probably branch off if and whenever i make verses for  in - fandom specific  threads when i build something for each one of them but this is it for now.  sometimes this verse tag will accompany another one  ;  which just means whichever verse he’s in and what you should follow development wise is connected. basically just a multi - fandom tag for crossover threads,  lads.   
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die trash man  ;  take your sword and SHOVE IT  ( crack  )
GENERAL CRACK.   as the package says it’s just a verse / tag for crack whenever it happens.  sometimes it may 
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a flash to a past that holds bitter air.  pain was a story here.  you wish not to go back   ( post dmc5 / alternate interaction v )
ALTERNATE INTERACTIONS.   pretty much like with the multifandom verse tag this one is simply going to go with   any   other version of himself dante interacts with.  might get latched onto with another verse tag just for my own sanity but  . .  yep.
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low feelings  ;  simply moving along to find dangers and distractions ( devil may cry one v. ) 
SET JUST BEFORE,  DURING OR AFTER DMC1 AND BEFORE FOUR.  pretty much as the previous sentence says lads.  he’s an angstee boy but not as angsty as his two self i guess lmao.  but yeah,  this verse is a huge back track in terms of development and how he is in the verse   below  this one.
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bang bang bang kiss of the gun & blade ; where are we?  (  post dmc5 - main )
POST DMCV.   follows the full OG dmcv canon til end  -  depending on interaction this could mean that any vergil written with and dante are in hell still doing whatever the fuck they please   or   after the fact and home and going on with their lives.  or trying  ;  considering vergil is back in his life and alive.  this is also the   DEFAULT   verse of the blog.
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there's a fire in your veins that speaks your losses yet you continue to bend in remembrance (  atla / lok v.  )
SHUNNED.   known for killing his twin brother,  his very name and even more so in taking jobs to pay the bills   --  jobs that more so upset the delicate balance between the human and spirit realms.  
dante sparda   comes from the fire nation  -- his father a previous high general in the army  ; one that tried to broker peace in a time where it was unheard of while the fire nation ruled. his father met eva when he was traveling the earth nation and secretly begun a relationship with her.  their love was beautiful,  eventually in as much secret as possible eva bore two young boys:  vergil and dante sparda.
happiness was not to last however as wind was caught of the affair and the children,  leaving eva and the young sons to go on the run with sparda defending their escape.  the name sparda was drug through the mud as the man was never heard from again after that night. unknown what became of him as deflected firebending set the house ablaze.
short years pass,  spending it on the run from those who want to end the chapter of embarrassment  --  but it finally catches up.  one evening eva comes running,  telling her boys to go  --  to run and hide.  forget their names but stay at each other’s side.  the twins do as told and don’t look back  ;   the last time they see her.  however in their escape they end up separated,  captured by soldiers of the fire nation.  dante’s anger and despair of losing his entire family causes him to lose control  ;  lashing out on the soldiers that caught him and running away
“ you must change your name  ;  forget your past and start a new life as someone else.  “
that he does.  he changes his name and disappears,  alone.  fast forwarding a couple years he’s a spirit hunter  ;  taking jobs that rid   “  evil spirits  “  that cause issue or problem for anyone that pays a good amount.  a mercenary that cuts down those who’ve wronged the wrong person  ;  non and bender’s alike.  his father’s sword,  rebellion,  at his back to assist and create a dancing display of fire just as much as his bending.  he’s a difficult one to get close to but once you cool him off   (   haha )  he’s a loyal friend and ally.  
with the war over at the end of the series he’s more vocal of who he is  --  even though he was  previously   but with some of the fire nation’s  “ norms  “  kind of relaxing from fire - lord zuko’s rule   . .  he’s his father’s son.  his mother’s son.
lok  verses are basically  . .  kinda the same.  except i guess he’s older   . .  ??
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pay off the debt to save your skin  ;  something within broke and former gentle soul crushed under weight ( dmc 2.0 v )
CANON DIVERGENT.  dante snapped,   perhaps it was inevitable  -  perhaps losing too many people tore what little the cambian could handle to pieces and the person that emerged from it was more a threat than he was before.  after the events of devil may cry 1 after realizing that he had  ( supposedly   )  killed his brother there was something in him that couldn’t handle it and everything begun to crumble.
in this timeline something in him changed, and while it wasn’t immediate  –  little things when he would have been understanding over a situation didn’t sit as they should.  but it happened quickly.  with trish’s betrayal he didn’t help her,  allowing her to get crushed by the tumbling rocks  ;  simply standing there and watch it happen.  its drawn out,  with him coming over to crouch beside her as she struggled to heal.  in his allowance bore cruelty,  snarling that she should have known better to betray him  –  mundus shouldn’t have done what he did and expect him to now not try and go after him.
he,  as he does in the normal timeline,  states that while she looks like his mother that she has no soul,  no fire and for that she’s just a puppet.  he shoots her more than once,  killing her   –   the last time he sheds a tear.  he reaches mundus,  who commends him for his actions yet the hybrid isn’t having it.  the fight with mundus goes about the same but with dante  killing him   for ultimately forcing him to murder his brother,  being the one who set the orders to   burn down   his home  –  twice   –  and turn his life upside down.
he goes through the portal mundus opened to  try   and escape and ultimately assumes himself as the  new king  of the underworld.  he still runs his business since even though he’s king there will always be factions that don’t   like it   due to his bastard blood and he’s more than happy to snuff it out.
his attitude is   mostly   intact   (  though this is said   loosely   since he’s less talkative and jovial   )   though now it’s unsettling at times since his jokes and humor can be a bit morbid  – let alone how his aura feels.  its dangerous and uncomfortable to be around  ;  his care for humans as a whole is almost non - existent except for a small inkling for lady.  
BIG NOTE:  THIS TIMELINE IS SET AFTER DEVIL MAY CRY ONE,  KIND OF   SKIPS FOUR    (    though it   IS   likely nero still exists but dante doesn’t care much about it  or know   )    SLIGHTLY INVOLVES TWO    ( aka:  dante gets annoyed that some idiot human is making helicopters messed up with demonic juju and wants to become king.  so he kills arius  )  AND INVOLVES   SOME CONTENT   OF FIVE.  
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to enact your revenge most had been taken  ;  body & mind broken so it could begin   (  witcher v  )
———–   destiny.  you hear it more than you’d like to admit.  destiny is what brought your parents together  ;   one monster and the other a witch.  two were born,  twins and raised in care by the witch til fate came to pass and ripped the three of you left apart.  in trying to halt destiny the father,  sparda,  had done his best to hold it off  ;  disappearing one afternoon when the boys had been young   ——–   so long ago.  his hope ??   that staying away would bring a kinder reality and future.
fire and blood,  a mother doing best to protect her children was found disemboweled on the floor within the crumbled castle foundations.  the youngest child was told to hide,  hide away and if the mother didn’t resurface   . .  to run.  she didn’t,  but the youngest fought his way out of the castle   —-  skills of his mother surfacing with an aptitude for beast slaying in the same scope.  his father’s sword,  created by hellish and beastly means was his and aptly used to start a revenge   —  to   KILL   demons in his mothers name.  and in his brothers   —   as both were believed to have perished in the attack.
in a short time and with training the young hybrid killed demons for a price   ;   eventually catching the eye of a witcher.  the nature of the hybrid himself and the skills he held were of interest   —   brought to kaer morhen to be trained as a witcher.  almost losing himself in the process yet he endured,  it further altering his physiology that was already different with the hybrid nature he had.
with the trials and effective torture to   be   a witcher an astounding success he buried into the extensive training to pursue the beast that slayed his family while also being a monsterslayer for hire.  
———–   destiny.  you hear it more than you’d like to admit.   destiny and fate has brought you here.  brought you a thought lost ache in your heart for the family lost all to avenge them and   kill   the beast that killed   them.   you feign your disinterest,  your lack of care but there is much of it in soul.   destiny   is a cruel mistress,  son of sparda.  yet perhaps she may gift you the   KINDNESS   to provide retribution if you are to   live   long enough.
Notes 1:    with his father’s blood and how he is part beast,  his body temperature is more abnormally hot than normal  –  able to reach just below lava temperatures without it seeming to create any problems for him.   Notes 2:   his magic is mostly fire based,  secondly offensive  (   akin to geralt’s in show how it can push things back,  etc  ).  with the fire being used to distract he’s referenced to a dragon at times which he ignores. Notes 3:   dante’s still trans because i say so   ;   while magic used to be used to help him pass he’s since has procedure through coin to get effectively top surgery  —  the scars easy to pass off due to his occupation.  bottom surgery hasn’t been attempted but with becoming a witcher,  like the rest,  he’s infertile. Notes 4.    he’s   school of the wolf   because i said so,  wolves are cool and it has geralt so sue me  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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you wished you could forget ; everything else seems to blur but not him. not the brother you lost. (  IT v.  )
AFTER THE FIRE  you found yourself in foster care with your brother in tow. foster turned into adoption with the family that adopted the two siblings ended up bringing the two of them too derry,  maine.  immediately the youngest sibling knew something was off about the town  ;  the atmosphere unsettling but kept it to himself,  not wanting to blow the change he had with his brother at having a new life.  (   he and vergil are still cambion’s,  but their power is,  like,  kinda not as Large as it is normally.  still half demons tho folks.   )
the youngest had trouble settling in a new town,  smaller than the last  –   economically  (  as he and his twin were upper class before this )   and town size in general with more seeming conservative values.  he was lucky to find himself in a slightly liberal and understanding household as he was a transgender kid who no one knew any less of. something he was more careful to keep to himself.
everything was fine,  the brothers settled in and all was well until it wasn’t.  exploring the woods and the barrens  –  finally opening up to his brother that things were strange in the town and he could feel something off.  they went looking but in doing so  . .  there had been an opening of weakness for the two  –  distractions and a trap.  their mother,  burned and in pain asking for their help  ;  of course the two came closer.  there was a small difference in this faux recreation and trauma that dante noticed  –  calling out for his brother to stay away but,  unfortunately the youngest saw the eldest fall victim to the trap  –  terrified and running away when he couldn’t do anything but possibly fall victim too.
time passed,  school continued on with whispers and comments on how the twin had probably did it himself,  causing the kid to isolate himself from everyone even though he knew what he say.  adults didn’t believe him but there was a group that seemed to have had a run in with this   . .  fuckin’ clown.  
(   going off:  smol™ dante getting involved with the losers after he straight up talks to one of them about what happened and what he saw  /  big™ dante having gone off like the rest of the losers doing his own thing aka kill other demon / eldritch things as normal kinda sorta and then re - meet up with them  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
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same person but different mistakes  ;  still wrought pain upon brothers ( altered outcome / divergent v. )
CANON DMC DIVERGENT.   pretty much a what if  /  reversal if dante led the life vergil did instead of vergil himself.  it’s pretty much the same events but with dante the cause of them or involved instead of vergil.  his attitude is close to what 2.0 dante is but not entirely there in terms of destruction.  however he is still trying to deal with the aftermath of nelo angelo fame and dmcv’s whole thing.
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ARISE ;  for you are reborn into something greater.   ARISE    baricontralto angelo - fight.  ( post dmc 5 div. nelo angelo dante v  )
HE HAD BEEN COCKY. the cambion had been cocky upon returning back with his twin from the underworld   ;   cocky that with his twin that nobody could beat them if they simply worked together.  and he was right.  he was right up until he was wrong and time,  well  . . time wasn’t kind.    it had been nine months   since their return from the underworld from cutting down the qliphoth and in that time a   familiar blue amulet   found itself back in dante’s possession.  it had been lost for several decades,  having been lost to the boy during the day he had come home to find gavreel and the family slaughtered on the lawn.
he kept it close,  he knew the meaning   –  he knew that there was   peace   again but  .  . he knew the danger of once again having this but would not dare get rid of it   –  he’d ride the coaster until it stopped.  he’d be happy to have this shred of happiness and he felt he was finally allowed to have something   –   happy to have his brother back and have some semblance of family.
that was,  well,  until he   lost   the amulet.  he didn’t notice that he did,  believing it was still in pocket during a small run in with demons  ;  a job that he had taken alone   –  it seemed that fate was playing her hand that day.   it had been dropped during an evasion and was lost upon his shift ahead   –  he didn’t even spot it.  the job became less easy,  it tiring him considerably as the  small group   of demons became larger   –   and while it was initially a challenge   . .
it soon became taxing.  as the larger the numbers the more exhausted the demon hunter became,  the more he started to slip up.
it was only then did he realize that this was no job.  it was a   trap   and he was caught in a net he couldn’t tear himself from.  a familiar feeling emerged,  one he   hadn’t felt   for decades.  a demonic force that he had thrown fury at that same time.  he hadn’t been this week before.  he knew who this was and   . .   he was in trouble.  this trap had been calculated and he had fallen into it hook,  line and sinker.
the distraction of the feeling,  of the demonic energy rising in the space leaves him vulnerable  –  attacks slicing at his back,  his arms and legs   –   a lucky slash to his throat leaves him struggling and gripping his throat.   he hits his knees before he realizes he does  ; he ultimately   —   unintentionally   —   bows    to the demon king before he passes out, demonic weapons and claws slashing into his back.
the next   redacted years   in the demon world are a nightmare that  post   angelo dante would have trouble remembering for all that happened are buried deep in repressed memories.  the years blur together,  but dante holds for a long time  –  dante suffers,  he burns,  he aches,  he struggles    –   he perseveres.  for a time anyway.   he recalls and holds onto the trade out  . .  that this could have been   vergil   here instead of he.  last minute changes,  bouts of laughter as he accepted the job and ran out the door.  
see you soon   he had said.  but the jovial air had long past.  memories begin to muddle,  to ebb and fade in and out as things became foggy.  a struggle to remember  –   a struggle to fight but   . .   not all fights can be won.  this one eventually was lost.
out of years of torturous pain and bloodshed arose a new pet,  a puppet that was loyal and true.  one that slaughtered doppelganger after doppelganger of brother and self,  of friends and allies that the king knew that the former knew.  he was satisfied that his little puppet would do just fine.  that perhaps he could lure in his old   ;   have the complete set  –  for use of the younger did fine in breaking the elder.
this soldier has two forms  ;  one that fed to his devil trigger (   generic nelo angelo  –  not much power is used for it  –  basically it’s dante on the regular tapping into demonic power with his first devil trigger.  he’s stronger than normal,  having given into his addiction to human and demon blood and grown more powerful because of it  )  
and another that feeds into his   sin   devil trigger  (  essentially the  ‘  dragon  ‘  -  esque look.  however its almost imperfect in how the black scales have become the darkish red  / brown  ;  something not quite right.  scales do fall off without warning from time to time, revealing a near lava like flow underneath.   )  
baricontralto  . .  a name to be used to not arouse suspicion  ;   a soldier that would destroy armies and bring cities to their knees in the name of his master.   time would be swift for the pawn to be used,  for the king himself was pleased.  he was cocky with his new toy  . .   and it wasn’t long before he was to be used   . .  
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despite all your losses & destruction ; despite trauma &  trials  . .  my darling boy you’re still you. (  undertale v.  )
[  fight  ]                     [  act ]                    [  item  ]                   [ mercy  ]    
                                     ↳   [  dante sparda ]                                      ↳   [   check  ]
IT WAS UNPRECEDENTED.  a human and a monster coming together and falling in love.  falling in love after the war to a human   witch   that found herself in the closed off underground after a tumble.  sparda protected eva from the monsters at first,  keeping her under his care  –  yet the umbra witch found herself using her powers and skills to assist in healing a monster in peril.  
keeping eva out of harms way was  . .  difficult due to her humanity being a source of contention.  monsters wanted to escape.  eva rather enjoyed being alive.  in the end eva’s healing magic to save and protect those around her and her love and the fact that she was  older   and not prime use to open a proper exit to the human world.  asgore swore eva off limits to monsters as she was kind and a healer to them all.
in time sparda and her married and she bore two children  ;   hybrids   –   part monster and part human.
but not even the king’s word could stop those who still feared humans and humanity.  those who held   rage   toward a species that had caused so much trouble and locked them away for thousands of years,  if not more.   a fire erupted into the underground,  started at the quaint yet spacious house and spread further throughout the underground.  by the time it had been put out  –  eva had been recovered,  dead,  in the home attempting to escape herself but the boys nowhere to be found.  with her last ounce of magic she had sent her boys away,  far away and out of the underground and topside.
now alone and separated from his remaining family and traumatized by the attack to his home the hybrid remained alone  –  growing up such until he found himself protecting humanity against   other   monsters   ;   demons.  demons and monsters that had managed to stay in the human world but grew dangerous and lost themselves.   dante sparda grew to love his humanity yet slowly accept the monster part of himself.
with a job giving him   whispers   of the brother he thought he lost through his own hand now somehow residing in the underground  . .  he flew in to investigate,  still holding some anger over what had been done to his family yet   . .  holding   determination   and patience to deal with the rumors and what he’s about to come across.
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elyssebeeart · 6 years
Requiem’s End
Fandom: Transformers (Universe: Movie/Bay!verse) Rating: G Word count: ~3.3k Warnings: Death mentions Summary: Not long after the events of The Last Knight the Autobots travel to Cuba, a designated sanctuary for their kind. There they hope to reunite with old comrades and surviving members before returning to Cybertron. However, the reunion isn’t entirely sparkwarming. Disclaimer: This is to bridge the last movie and the hinted events of the [cancelled?] next film and make sense of some plotholes/unexplained things throughout the past 3 films (Dark of the Moon, Age of Extinction, The Last Knight) while keeping comic happenings/backstory in mind. Also it includes a couple of OCs who have full backstories the cinematic verse: Fyreant (c) me and Ravebreaker (c) @pumpkinachai​ (On Deviantart, Pending Ao3)
“Shouldn’t we be gettin’ a welcome party or somethin’? We’re war heroes, y’know.” Crosshairs complained loudly in his Cockney accent, looking unimpressed at their apparent new home as he transformed from his alt-mode. The green Autobot paratrooper bit at his dentapick in annoyance, “Sanctuary nothin’, this is punishment. Why we here again? Thought we’d be headin’ for Cybertron lickety-split but it’s been four days!”    
“Qui vivra verra. Be patient, mon amie.” Hot Rod encouraged, transforming next to him. The sleek black robot with orange accents tried his best to interpret his unshakable French accent, “You might like what’s inside, no? Might like it here.”      
“Anyone home?” Drift inquired as he shifted to bipedal mode, the red samurai-esque robot tilting his head. “Perhaps we got the place wrong?” 
“Shh, quiet you lot. I’ve been dying to do this.” Their burly comrade, Hound, hushed as he rolled up and transformed as well. He grabbed a grenade off his belt and chucked it into the open building, calling out, “Fire in the hole!”
There was no sound for a few moments before banging and clattering was heard followed by a string of curses as a blue robot with a blue visor scrambled outside, shouting in a southern accent, “Slag it! Who in the Pit thought it was a funny idea!? Which one of you hooligans did it? I swear-”
“Topspin, there ya are. Almost didn’t recognize ya with that new look of yours, nearly took ya for Leadfoot.” Hound identified the fellow Autobot, leaning back in satisfaction as he crossed his arms. “Getting a bit rusty are we?”
“Hound, you ole dog! You tryin’ to frag me?” Topspin’s demeanor instantly changed to one of fondness as he saw the culprit. “And I got a mod in Lead’s memory, got a problem?”
“No problem. And there ain’t be no trying if I did. Didn’t ya notice the pin wasn’t pulled?”  
“‘Course! I’m not blind, you piece of slag. Doesn’t mean I wasn’t about to frag someone.”
The two mechs proceeded to clasp arms affectionately before giving each other a friendly punch. Topspin let out a laugh, slapping Hound on the back, “Looks like you made it to Cuba in one piece! I’m never sure who’s going to end up on my doorstep; I heard Prime’s broadcast, guess radio silence is over.”
“It’s not like ya to miss out on a fight let alone multiple battles. Didn’t take ya much for a ‘Bot looking for retirement.”
“Yeah neither did I but losin’ my Wrecker crew and gettin’ wounded got me thinkin’. Then my buddy Simmons hooked me up and here I am! Still tryin’ to get him to tan those pasty legs of his; they could blind somebody.”
“Greetings, Topspin.” Drift bowed politely to the uncouth robot. “It is good to see you again. Are you alone?”     
“Hah, hell naw. Wish I was sometimes, hold on. Yo!” Topspin shouted as he turned toward another building nearby, letting out a sharp whistle. “We’ve got company, get on out here. Vámonos!”
“You know, I don’t recall you ever being made the boss.” A young husky voice called in a mocking tone, “Maybe you should get your head examined.”
“He forgets that I’m nearly as old as him and still tries to bully; his CPU must be slipping.” Another voice replied, sounding a bit older and more relaxed. “Ah, well. We just gotta roll with the music.”
“If he has any part of his CPU left. I think he does most of his cognation through his-.”
“Whoa momma! Thank you Cybertron!” Crosshairs exclaimed, looking up where the planet could be seen in the atmosphere as two figures emerged, revealing themselves to be an orange and red femme. He turned to look at Hot Rod with pure relief and excitement, “You’re right. I like it here.”
“Other Autobots?” The red femme looked interested, a smile on her faceplates as she looked over the small group, eyeing them through her dark visor. “Mmm, some fine looking mechs too. Primus is smiling on me today.”
The smaller orange femme was silent as her red gaze swept over the others, looking hardly cheerful, “Oh goodie.”
“Ravebreaker, Fyreant, meet my old comrades. ‘cept for that guy, I have no idea who he is.” Topspin gestured at Hot Rod who shrugged and bobbed his head, confirming it was true.
“Some we already know, rustbrain.” Fyreant drily informed to which Drift politely bowed.
“‘ey, I’ve got you in my sights and… I must say it’s a nice view. Name’s Crosshairs, numero uno.” The green mech introduced himself, grinning at the femmes as he gave a wink. “How’s about I let you two ladies have the ‘onor in being by my side. Best bot in the biz after all.”
Ravebreaker instantly let out a laugh and put a servo over her mouth. Her companion however looked far less amused.
“Excuse me, I need to go perform self mutilation to spare myself from repeating this experience.” Fyreant quipped flatly, equally unimpressed and disgusted. “Meeting you all was a real pleasure, like purging my tanks.”
“Mademoiselle! Wait, s’il vous plaît! Crosshairs, he is imbécile! Gros lourdeau!” Hot Rod protested, attempting to appease while shooting the offender a look. “I’m Hot Rod; I apologize on his behalf.”
“Ooo, I like your accent.” Ravebreaker purred, drawing closer, “Keep talking.”
“Figured Prime would be with you, being you fought together; heard all about it from Simmons.” Topspin scratched his head as he got a better look at the newcomers, ignoring his companions.
“Optimus will be here soon, he had something to take care of first. Didn’t fancy he needed a convoy. Besides, me and the boys were curious about this here place you got set up.” Hound informed, looking not concerned in the slightest.
“Blimey, speak of the devil.” Crosshairs grumbled as he looked back, “Can’t let a star like me shine for long on my own, can he?”
A distinctive looking red and blue semi-truck was heading toward the group. Next to the large vehicle a sporty yellow with black racing stripes car followed, keeping an even pace with the apparent Autobot leader.
“Wait… is that, Bumblebee?” Ravebreaker’s voice was full of disbelief seeing the oncoming Camero. “That has to be him! He made it! Fyre, he made it!”
Fyreant halted her retreat, her optics wide. Her snide tone softened slightly as she turned to see her old comrade, “It’s Bee?”
“Yeah, that’s him. Doesn’t like to leave Optimus’ side much when he can help it. That’s loyalty for ya.” Hound acknowledged, grinning at the approaching duo. “Kid’s got guts, but ya probably know that.”
As the two Autobots drew closer the yellow car sped ahead only to suddenly transform to bipedal mode. The robot did a somersault before landing on his feet, breaking out into a jog toward the others, giving a casual two finger salute as he joined the group.
“Bumblebee reporting for duty. Nice to see familiar faces; not so much the ugly mugs.” He shifted his gaze from his mech comrades to the two femmes, brightening, “Rave, Fyre, you’re here! Been what, five Earth years?”
“Y-you can talk?” Ravebreaker stared at the yellow mech who appeared proud and bashful as he nodded. “Like, talk talk!? That’s all you!?”
“Really? How’d you manage that?” Fyreant exclaimed, gawking as she came closer. In hearing his true voice for the first time her memory cells echoed back various audio clips he’d played previously to converse, leaving her dazed.
“It’s… hard to explain.” Bumblebee let out a small laugh, shrugging. “But yeah, this is me. This is my voice.”
“Oh, sweet-thing I’m so happy! I’m so proud you got it back!” Ravebreaker rushed over and hugged him, giving him an affectionate pat. “What a fine voice it is too to go with a fine bot!”
“Congrats.” Fyreant seemed to relax, but still managed to look semi annoyed, “A bit sorry I couldn’t repay you by fixing it but I’m glad for you; though, it’s going to take some getting used to.”
“Don’t tell me you’re going soft.” He teased, edging closer and giving her a playful nudge. “We still need our little spitfire.”
“In your dreams.” Fyreant elbowed him back, grinning deviously. She lowered her voice, “After dealing with Topspin all this time, him treating me like his personal medic, I’m rearing to get back at him. Wanna help?”
“A chance to troll? Of course!”
“Autobots, it is good to see you here.” An all too familiar deep rolling voice called out, commanding attention. Everyone turned to see their mighty leader Optimus Prime transform, revealing his towering robot self in knight-esque armor with some retrofits. “I expect more will be arriving in time in response to my call.”
“Well, it looks like everyone else is takin’ their sweet time. Whoopdeedoo.” Crosshairs sniffed, folding his arms as he looked around for some source of entertainment. “Waste of time waitin’ around, I could be doin’ somethin’ useful.”
“Patience.” Drift urged his restless companion. “Those who have yet to arrive are late, but perhaps they have much farther to come than us.”
“Including Ratchet! Can’t wait to rub that in his face when he gets here.” Fyreant admitted to Bumblebee, sounding delighted at the prospect. “So much for nagging about being first on scene!”
Instantly the demeanor of Optimus’ group changed, Crosshairs suddenly becoming still, Drift looking away, Hound hanging his head while Hot Rod looked lost. Bumblebee appeared conflicted as Fyreant gazed up at him expectantly, the mischievous twinkle still in her optics.
“He-” Bumblebee began but Optimus placed a servo on his shoulder, causing him to go silent as he glanced up at his leader.
Optimus took a moment before speaking, “It is with a heavy spark that I must inform you that Ratchet is one with the Well of All Sparks.”
The statement hung in the air like a noxious cloud as it became uncomfortably silent. The quiet appeared to invite further unease by allowing the words to echo in audio receivers as the rest of the world seemed muted.
“… No.”
The response was barely audible but it cut through the thick silence like a knife.
“No! Pit! No!” She shouted, her voice clipping as outrage consumed her sorrow, rejecting Bumblebee’s attempt to comfort. She stepped back, her red optics flaring, looking as if she’d been betrayed; her gaze flicked in accusation to the newcomers, “He can’t! He said I was still in training! He needs to finish teaching me! How can I… NO!”
“I’m sorry.” Bumblebee hung his head, his optics closing, “I’m so sorry. We weren’t there. We couldn’t save him.”
“No, no, no! Why!?”
“War hasn’t been kind to any of us, kid.” Hound solemnly acknowledged, turning his gaze to the ground as the memory of Ratchet’s fate haunted him. “Thank Primus you didn’t see… he wouldn’t have wanted it.”
“Who did it? Who killed him?” Fyreant’s optics smoldered with hatred, her voice dripping with venom. She looked at each of the newcomers, probing for an answer as she shook, “Tell me, Primus so help me.”
“Tell me, slag it!” She screamed, fluid escaping her optics as she cut off Hound. Furiously she wiped them away, trying to will the function to cease but failed. Instantly Ravebreaker was beside her, gently holding her arm out of support not restraint. “What filth took down a medic!?”
“It was Lockdown. He was workin’ together with some humans.” Crosshairs admitted, spitting at the memory. “Chasin’ us down like animals. Gutless, the lot.”
At this information Ravebreaker’s demeanor shifted, her already sad posture tensing. Though she kept a servo on Fyreant, attempting to sooth her friend who shook with fury, a tremor ran through her as well.
“I’ll burn his optics out. I’ll cauterize his nerve circuits and then scorch them repeatedly with acid!” Fyreant swore, her optics pulsing a deeper red, her original Decepticon alignment surfacing. “Then I’ll put his head in a vise and rip it off!”
“Fyre… it was five years ago.” Bumblebee softly informed, the pity plain in his optics and voice.
“I know this is hard news and I’m familiar with your rage as I also felt it deeply. But know Ratchet, my old friend, has been avenged.” Optimus knelt down on one knee to get a better look at the grieving young femme. “I personally slew Lockdown and took care of the human responsible for ordering the attacks and defilement of our kind. While I cannot say how many of our comrades fell to his cruelty he has been stopped, permanently.”
“Slag it, slag it all…” Was all Fyreant could get out as she turned away, relieved yet angry that justice and revenge by her hand had escaped her.
“What about anyone else? Surely there are more survivors.” Topspin inquired, looking upset but knew the sting of casualties too well to be surprised. “Though, y’all are the biggest group to come; usually they’re alone and it’s been gettin’ far between arrivals.”
“I am uncertain of most of our comrades’ fates.” Optimus admitted, solemn, “My hope is that they’re still in disguise here on Earth, safe until they can come to this sanctuary or return to Cybertron.”
“Sideswipe’s gone.” Ravebreaker suddenly spoke up, her casual tone cold and distant, a slight quiver in her voice. “Just over five years ago… Must have been right before Ratchet.”
This time the shock hit Optimus’ group, Bumblebee instantly shaking his head with disbelief while Optimus closed his optics in pain and let out a tired sigh.
“That bot knew how to raise hell… him and Ironhide.” Hound lamented, taking off his helmet in respect. “Primus, they were fine mechs. My condolences, little lady.”
“Rave, I’m so sorry.” Bumblebee looked back and forth between her and Fyreant, helpless as the latter closed herself off and the former, despite the steeled look, screamed raw.
“Humans attacked, I heard it over our commlink. I couldn’t do anything to help, I was too far away.” A tremor ran through her body as she took a shaky breath, “I felt it when his spark was extinguished.”
“You felt-?” Crosshairs began, confused.
“They were sparkbonded.” Bumblebee explained in a quiet voice, “Before we all split up and scattered.”
“Mon Dieu!” Hot Rod could not control his surprise, his large optics wide.
Crosshairs let out a whistle, earning an elbowing from Drift who looked just as surprised. Meanwhile Topspin was quiet, looking awkward as it was old news to him while Fyreant was still trying to control herself, her back turned.
“It grieves me to learn of Sideswipe’s demise, he was a fine comrade and a valued warrior. He chose a fine sparkmate in you, Ravebreaker.” Optimus’ tone was bittersweet though sincerity could be heard. “He will forever remain in our sparks, as well as Ratchet and all our fallen comrades. They will live on in our memories.”
“Yes, he is forever in my spark.” Ravebreaker softly spoke, placing her servo gently on her chest. “And he lives on… through our sparkling.”
At this news the others perked up, glancing at one another to affirm they heard correctly. Bumblebee’s look of sadness turned to shock and then joy, “Really?” to which Ravebreaker nodded, her servo over her spark where the apparent new life was.
“Oi now! She’s taken and goin’ to be havin’ a baby? Just my luck.” Crosshairs complained in a not so low voice to Drift, earning himself a smack across the back of the head from Hound. “Ow! Me head!”
“Zip yer lip before I bust it.”
“Despite these sad times I find joy that life continues. There is hope with this sparkling, promise that life is returning to our race.” Optimus rose to his feet, looking proud as confidence tinged his voice. “This is the mark of a new beginning.”
“Ah, good ‘cause all this melancholy is crampin’ my mojo.” Topspin declared, “This is paradise, y’all. Lighten up, sad times are behind us! We’re moving forward, amigos!” “Yeah, what he said! Ding dong, the witch is dead!” Crosshairs agreed as he sulked, rubbing the back of his head, referring to the manipulative yet deceased Quintessa.
“Not everyone is good at brushing things off.” Drift sagely commented, “Some wish to return to their roots or continue their chosen path.”
“Yeah, well this is my chosen path: I’m keepin’ my aft planted right here. Dunno about the rest of y’all, but I got over Cybertron when I thought for a while it was destroyed by the spacebridge’s implosion eight years ago. I’ve made my peace; I’m retired!”
“Could have fooled me.” Bumblebee muttered, rolling his optics at the Wrecker’s mouthiness as he mocked talked with his servo.
“I respect the decision to remain on Earth but I’ll be going to Cybertron as the Knights of Iacon have already departed for it. There is much to be done and time is short.”
“What are you here for, Prime? Obviously not the beaches.” Topspin pressed, crossing his arms. “Speaking of which, I’m losin’ good beach sun standin’ here.”
“To assemble a new team and assess this sanctuary.” Optimus informed, “I will wait here for one Earth week, giving fellow Autobots time to respond to my broadcast and choose whether to convene here for sanctuary or join me in returning to our home world. Those who choose to return to Cybertron will aid in its restoration. However they are free to come and go as they please.”
“You know, communications is just one of my many talents.” Ravebreaker placed a servo on her hip, coy smile across her faceplates. “I can help boost the signal and encrypt it so it’s harder for enemies to pick up. That should speed things up a bit too in getting the word out.”
“I’ll go.” Fyreant spoke up her voice back to its hard edge. She looked up at the Autobot leader, her red optics no longer flaring dangerously. “There is nothing left for me here on Earth despite it being my creation place. Plus I need resources to complete the frame for Rave’s sparkling… even if Ratchet isn’t here, I need to continue in his stead.”
“I understand. I look forward to having you in my company once more, Fyreant. Your expertise is extremely valuable. Ratchet would be proud of his pupil; you make a fine medic with that fiery passion.” Optimus nodded, acknowledging her resolve.
“And of course I’ll be going with her. Us gals need to stick together.” Ravebreaker announced, leaning down to the shorter femme and giving her a hug, grinning. “Can’t be without my medic, can I? Besides, Cybertron will be dying to hear my tunes once more; they don’t know how much they’ve missed this femme.”
“What about my medic?” Topspin whined, clearly not thrilled at this development, “My volleyball elbow! And my leg that locks up!”
“Go soak it in oil and stop playing slagging volleyball and do something else!” Fyreant snapped, tossing her servos up as she glared at him. “And for the last time: it’s tennis elbow, you wingnut!”
“That’s such a wussy name, and I don’t play no tennis! Simmons is wrong, I tell you.”
“Ugh, a week can’t come soon enough if I don’t die first from any more of this torture! You’re the worst patient!”
Hound let out a laugh he tried to disguise as a cough, turning away to pretend it was coughing fit that he blamed on his cy-gar under his breath. Crosshairs looked amused, grinning as he chewed his dentapick.
“Oh yeah, I’m goin’ to enjoy this.”
“I see why the young one wants to leave.” Drift observed to which Hot Rod nodded in agreement.
“Autobots, today marks the start of our new mission. We shall gather our comrades and soon return to our home world in preparation for the new threat that lies beneath our feet. We will protect not only Cybertron but Earth as well, despite each’s faults. Together we will rebuild.”
“We’re with you, Optimus.” Bumblebee affirmed, nodding with conviction. “Always.”
“Thank you, my friend. Let us set forward to this dawn of a new age. An age of Cybertron’s rebirth and our people.” The imposing Transformer turned his attention toward the sky where the battered planet orbited, his blue optics serious. “It is time for this requiem’s end.”
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nerdylittleshit · 6 years
Thoughts about Spn 13x21
Welcome to this week’s episode of ALL THE FEELS. Featuring the hit singles “I Just Wanna Make Love To You”, “Another One Bites The Dust” and “Father & Son”.
This might as well be Beren’s last episode (if they hopefully pick up “Wayward Sisters”), so he made sure he delivered. And boy, he did! I wasn’t quite sure in which direction the episode would go, but I wasn’t expecting THAT. This episode moved the characters where they needed to be for the big finale, both locally as emotional. As I expect the last two episodes to be rather plot heavy, this episode focused more on the character themselves, their current state of minds, as well as the questions about their future.
But as always, let’s have a closer look!
Home Alone
We start the episode with Sam’s dream of his family reunited in the bunker, eating pizza. The scene reminded me of the end of 10x18 and 12x02; both times the family reunion foretold a tragic event (Charlie’s death and Mary choosing to leave her sons). And even though the scene is not real, in the end the one who dreamt it is taken away.
Of course the dream tells us also something about how Sam sees his family. Everyone scolds Dean for his eating habits, but I really think this is more Sam’s view than anyone else’s. Because as Dean said, 7 slices of pizza is not even an entire pie, and he is a grown man. I mean I eat an entire pizza if I want to, so. And then of course there is Cas nagging, but later giving Dean another slice anyway (which interesting enough happens after Sam left the room), which is their usual old married couple behaviour, but this is still how Sam sees them. It is also possible that this little moment actually happened, and Sam integrated the memory into his dream. We also get another mention of John, whose absence in their family dinner is made textual.
In the real world Rowena and Gabriel have both agreed to help Sam & Dean to get their family back, preparing the spell to open the rift. Once again after 13x13 Grace is associated with sex; Gabriel demands some time alone to extract his grace (to Dean’s horror in his room), but then his juice is not strong enough to get it up. The rift of course. To be honest I could have done without all the sexual innuendo, but at least it wasn’t as cringeworthy as when Bucklemming do it.
I was also not even a little bit surprised that Rowena and Gabriel hooked up, I called it. And really they are perfect for each other. They have both been characters who in the past only did what was good in their own interest, who faked their deaths, both also killed by Lucifer, and who are now at a turning point in their lives. Isn’t it interesting that they only met because they both agreed to help the Winchesters, because they have both changed?
Lucifer is then literary haunted by his past, as the two people he killed come back to get him. And by now there is really an incredible long list of characters who want to see him dead, so I hope it is a group effort that kills him in the end.
Rowena is the one left in charge to babysit Lucifer (after Sam made sure she is ok with that, bless his heart) and this is the part where the plot demands certain characters to act a certain way, despite all logic not do so. Because they have carefully avoided to mention that they know where Jack is and of course Rowena could have simply use a spell to silence Lucifer. But as I said the plot demanded that Lucifer would learn about the whereabouts of his son and break free to get him, so here we are.
And then of course we have Rowena who shows that she really changed after all. Because the old Rowena would have gone, wouldn’t have made it her problem that Sam & Dean are trapped in another world. But in a strange twist of destiny they have become the only allies she has left, and just as she couldn’t kill Sam she now can’t leave them behind.
Strangers In A Strange Land
The gang lands in the apocalypse world, and it is clear that only Dean has mastered the superhero landing. Gabriel though lands in Cas’s lap and then we get a reaction shot from Dean. Twice. I wonder why that is, but I guess we will never know.
We also learn that angels have a built-in-GPS (convenient) and then we see a short conversation between Cas and Gabriel, where Gabriel learns about heaven’s current situation and Cas suggests that he could help. This could already foretell what role Gabriel could be given next season, if he survives this season, that is. Part of me thinks however that would be too easy, and that the angels might instead turn to AU!Michael for help, as there is still a big chance neither Gabriel or Lucifer will survive this season (Gabriel as part of his redemption arc, Lucifer because he sucks).
I have written in another episode review before that I really like the exploration of the apocalypse world; back in season 5 the concept of the apocalypse was rather abstract, now we see how the world would have evolved from that. We learn that the monsters there, namely the vampires, turn back to an almost animalistic form, caused by starvation (that first vampire did remind me of Nosferatu to be honest). Back in 12x23 we saw a demon in the apocalypse world, full with horns, and now I wonder if it looked like that as a consequence of the apocalypse as well.
The two strangers our team met seemingly didn’t react to the fact that Cas and Gabriel are angels (which ultimately became clear when Cas couldn’t pass the angel warding). They were either too afraid to ask or it does imply that even in the apocalypse world are still some angels left who help humanity.
Then of course the big event that shaped the entire episode and probably the outcome of the season happens: Sam dies. This of course is a reminder of 11x17, the other episode where Sam randomly died (I love how this sentence makes only sense in our fandom). Both episodes are reminders that Sam and Dean can die on any hunt. Yes they are experienced and perhaps better hunters than most, but the risk is always there. 11x17 featured werewolves, now we have vampires, both monsters they faced before, and Sam even says that they faced worse than a nest of vampires. And by now we as the audience, and the Winchesters themselves expect to go out with a big bang.
The difference we see then compared to 11x17 is Dean’s reaction. Back then Dean killed himself in order to bargain with Death to bring Sam back (only to learn that Sam was still alive). This time however he doesn’t. It is Cas who follows Sam and who then tells Dean that Sam is gone and that there is nothing left for them to do. And Dean, heartbroken, trusts Cas on this. Which is huge. But he also knows that Cas would have done anything he could to save Sam.
And it is not just Dean and Cas who have to face Sam’s death, but Mary and Jack as well. Mary who just said last episode that she can’t lose another boy. And Jack who is facing his first real loss (he never had a chance to get to know his mother).
Of course as an audience we already know that Sam would come back somehow, so the question is why kill him in the first place? For one thing to tie him to Lucifer, because this season everyone has to face their abusers and their worst nightmares. Lucifer bringing back Sam from the dead is a dark mirror to Cas bringing back Dean from hell. Sam is just a means to an end for Lucifer to get to his son (though I admit I was worried for a minute that Lucifer wanted Sam to say “yes”). But it means more to Sam, because now he owns his life to his abuser. And just as Rowena he realizes that he can never truly escape Lucifer.
Dean had to experience the death of his brother again, after he admitted last episode that he doesn’t care about his own life as long as Sam is ok. Sam’s death and the return of Lucifer are two of his worst nightmares coming through. By now he is willing to do whatever it takes to kill Lucifer. Even giving his own life… in the hands of someone who had the power to kill Lucifer.
We end with the reunion of Lucifer and Jack, with the big question of how Jack will react to his biological father. We know that in the past he had seemed afraid of Lucifer, had feared his own potential to go dark side. He sees Sam, Dean, Cas and Mary as his family and it is possible his mother has told him about the abuse she had to suffer from Lucifer. And yet I don’t think Jack would kill his father, unless he threatens his chosen family. Jack is too kind, too innocent, someone who wants to believe in the good of everyone, perhaps even his father. I’m really curious how this relationship will develop.
The other two characters they will likely again are Lucifer and AU!Michael. Lucifer already told Sam that they need his help to beat this Michael. So will they make a deal with the devil to kill Michael? Or will they make a deal with Michael to kill Lucifer?  
Only two episodes left and I’m pretty sure Sam’s dream will remain only this, a dream.
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80srockher · 6 years
Yuri on Ice Rewatch and Live-Commentary, Episode 1: Easy as Pirozhki!! The Grand Prix Final of Tears
*There are spoilers throughout.  I also make assumptions that anyone reading has already seen the episode or has a grasp of the content.*
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Source: http://yurionicescreencaps.tumblr.com
The opening scene is so pretty.  Really sets a tone.  I went in knowing nothing about the anime first go-around, so I found Yuri and Victor’s grow/glow-ups montages interesting.  
This theme song is… not my favorite.  Maybe it’s the French horns?  That and too much synth.  I usually skip over it but want to give it a chance this go-around.
Heh, Victor and his gold blades to match his gold medal.  And his European af haircut.  Can’t remember the last time I saw an American past the age of 12 with bangs. No mistaking him for anything other than Eastern European.
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Also, the poster on the left is for Victor, I believe.  Can he pull his leg that high in the air?  Was that featured and I forgot?  I’ll be on the lookout for it.
Also, looks like Jean JACK made it to Sochi and placed third here too, lolz.
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Yes, please listen to your coach, Yuri.  Don’t poke the wound.  Stay off the internets.  ESPECIALLY the figure skating internets.  What little I remember from when I used to follow the sport is that it’s dramatic, to put it nicely.
I keep getting distracted by the utter Euro-ness of the Europeans in this show. The cut of Coach Celestino’s suit is so Italian I weep. He’s too smooth.
Yuri’s name tag has his name in Cyrillic as well?  Cute.
My first impression of Yuri was that he looks about 18 and that impression hasn’t changed.  Perhaps it’s the glasses, but he def looks youthful. I’m also someone who’s been accused of looking a decade+ younger than I actually am, so I can sympathize.
Speaking of sympathy – Yuri caved to pressure, binged ate before the competition while mourning his dog, then bombed his first trip to the Grand Prix final.  All in front of his idol.  Damnity damn damn.  Sorry, kid.
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Is Cao Bin ever introduced on the show?  Something else I forgot, maybe?
Now, when I first saw this poor child crying in the bathroom, that’s when I knew the series was going to be much different from the light-hearted anime about figure skating I expected.  It got real deep real quick.
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Yuri Plisetsky “The Russian Punk”.  Is this something the in-universe media refers to him as?  Because I only recall (JPN) Yuri saying it and only this once.
This screencap is during the scene where the journalist Marooka (sp?) is hassling Yuri about his future plans and instead of answering, Yuri can only stare at someone else’s puppy that reminds him of his dead Vicchan.
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This baby is crying. Cry.ing.  This has been a tough day for poor Yuri, overall.
And he talks down to himself so much.  It’s all his fault he caved to pressure. He was an idiot to think he could meet his idol on the same playing field.   He’s come so far and still thinks so little of his accomplishments.
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So, I understand this “one year later” is not really accurate, lol.  It’s just the new  year following the previous season.  I was confused initially about a number of soon-to-happen events before Yuri’s mental alter ego cleared it up.
So, per Minako’s voice actress, Yuri really is pronounced YOO-RI.  Cute.
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Four Continents is… not a Grand Prix competition?  My figure skating knowledge is all rust now.
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LOL, Minako does. Not. Play. And she wears a pinky ring.  My God, that death grip on poor Yuri.
It’s snowing outside the train station when Yuri and Minako leave.  So, it’s not unusual to snow in this region in March, but it’s highly unusual a month or so later. Man, hard to believe Yuri sat around for almost an entire month before the infamous video became viral.  More on that, later.
So, based on everyone’s interactions with Yuri so far, the only person who cares that he didn’t make it to the World Championships is him.  And he should care since he’s worked basically his entire life towards that goal.  But, he doesn’t appear to have let anyone down but himself, though he doesn’t act that way.
So, the fact that the family hot springs is named “Yu-topia”… did that influence Yuri’s name at all, I wonder?
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Ha!  I wish I could have recorded the Japanese actor’s voice when he says this line.  He makes Yuri sound so done with it all, lol.  It’s the best.
Ok, so a number of very interesting and entertaining things happen in succession that I don’t feel like screencapping.  No hug between the littlest Katsuki and the senior Katsukis, even though he hasn’t been home in 5 years.  Fascinating. No doubt cultural (I’m guessing) but fascinating.  
Yuri’s mom basically calls Minako a drunk.  To her face. LOL.  But I imagine no one can get mad at this sweet lady.
Minako calls Yuri out on his weight gain in front of God and everybody.  Though, I think it’s more of a matter of his clothes no longer fitting due to said weight gain.  
But, his parents don’t care. Eat more pork cutlet bowls, Yuri! Welcome home!
Vicchan’s shrine is where they also store the unused treadmill.  Want to bet the only person to use it was Yuri?
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Then older sis Mari-neechan appears with frosted tips.  I can appreciate a character that doesn’t beat around the bush (a trait she inherited from her mother, I imagine).  Welcome home, Yuri, but don’t sit on your ass.  Start thinking about your next move.    
Actually *loads headcanon* I suspect Mari doesn’t want Yuri to give up on skating.  The longer he stays at home, the more quitting becomes a possibility.
So, the Katsuki family hot springs resort (Inn?  Restaurant?) is the last one standing in town.  Very OT, but I wonder if the hot springs are still an attraction at all and are perhaps, government-owned?  Protected, used by tourists for a fee, perhaps?  I think about things like that.
Having never visited a hot spring, and based on the setting around Minako while she watches the World Championships on TV, it appears to be a place for people to come, soak, and lounge and grab a bite to eat if the mood strikes.  So, the Katsukis wait on people basically all day long.  Gotta be exhausting work.
Yuuuuuko!  The Madonna of Ice Castle Hasetsu!  Yuri’s crush on her is hella cute.
A slight segue to Yuri’s perceived attraction to Yuko and what it could imply about his sexual identity.  Per his labeling of Yuko as a “Madonna,” I figure Yuri considers Yuko untouchable, perhaps even “too good” for him.  Yuko, just like Victor, is “ideal”.  For someone as self-conscious as Yuri, comparing any romantic prospects against his two ideals was probably a convenient excuse not to get *too* close to anyone, male or female.  That being said, he didn’t pursue Yuko.  Alcohol loosened enough of Yuri’s inhibitions to eventually openly flirt with Victor, but this is still an important distinction, IMO.  He pursued one of his ideals (in more ways than one, even going so far as to leave home to in hopes of becoming Victor’s equal) and left the other one behind.
Yuri idealizes/d Yuko, and comes to love Victor.  He’s gay.  Bi, at the least.  
I don’t feel confident in applying any other labels, because I’m a straight.  Yuri could fall under any number of categories as long it they include, IMO, same-sex attraction.
In actuality, Yuko is “introduced” to the audience as Yuri’s straight love interest, but that doesn’t last long.  Cute and clever, show creators.  Cute. And . Clever.
Then we find out, via flashback, a) how adorable they all were when they were little kids and b) Yuko wanted to see Yuri compete against Victor.  Yuko has been a profound influence on Yuri.
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So, Victor.  This guy is in a class by himself.  The animators obviously invested a lot of time in his movements.  You can see why he leads the field even at 27.
Also, the creators had the nerve, the audacity, the unmitigated gall to compose an original opera aria for a cartoon.  That was my next indicator that this was more than a cutesy figure skating anime.  
The song really is beautiful, too.  Probably my favorite in the soundtrack.
Who’s the last IRL skater to win 5 consecutive World Championships?  Michelle Kwan, maybe?  Who is Kwan’s male equivalent?  Back then, probably Alexei Yagudin?  May research. May not. 
Anyway, Victor is the Michelle Kwan of YOI-verse lol.
Hmm.  Here come the three brats.  Good God.  Poor Yuko and Takeshi lol.
So sweet to see Yuri’s childhood bully is his biggest fan now.
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Sooo, Yuko’s triplets secretly record Yuri’s private performance, post it online (sometime before April 10, when Victor shows up), and things progress rather quickly from there...
Or do they?  It appeared to me that Yuri caught up with Yuko at the rink the same day he returned home.  Did he skate Victor’s routine for her that day, as well, or did it happen later?  Perhaps the triplets waited a few weeks to post the video, or else it took a few weeks to go viral.  Did Yuri turn off his phone for *weeks* to avoid the world?
Maybe he got home on March 30 and then the whole month of April just went to hell for him?  The possibilities...
LOL, I’m so SO mad the title of the video is “Katsuki Yuri TRIED to Skate Victor’s FS Program”. Those brats.
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This might be the most unattractive Victor’s ever looked.  Severe close-ups aren’t flattering on anyone.  Welp, down the rabbit hole now.  
So, in the next scene it snows in April which doesn’t stop anyone from stripping naked to bathe in a hot spring, apparently.  Or it just doesn’t stop Victor.
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I like this ending theme much better.  It’s a head-bopper.  The Instagram reel kills me.  
Thanks to anyone who took the time to read through this stream of consciousness!  No idea how long it may take me to get through the rest.  I tip my hat to those who regularly and passionately participate in fandom.  It’s a lot of work!
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the--sad--hatter · 6 years
Name Calling (13)
PAIRING - BUCKY X READER (female reader, no physical descriptions)
DESCRIPTION -  In which the ongoing and bloody war of words between you and Bucky turns in your favor when a disgruntled one night stand of his lets slip a secret when you run into her in the elevator… Now you have all the ammunition you need to destroy your enemy but you don’t plan on killing him quickly. Oh no, Bucky Barnes was going to suffer and you were going to enjoy every second. You just didn’t count on how much you would enjoy it.
Chapter Thirteen - The Best Laid Plans
Between Natasha and Clint, Maddox’s plan had been simple to figure out.
Step One: Lure you away from the Avengers protection to a controlled location.
Natasha had presented him with the perfect opportunity and like she suspected he hadn’t wasted it, inviting you to a Jazz Club that was a front for Hydra operatives. He was unaware you weren’t able to leave the compound without an escort and was expecting you to come alone, thinking it was a harmless date.
Step Two: Ensure your compliance and render you harmless.
They would try to put you down without arousing suspicion, denying you the chance to defend yourself. Since the club was definitely under Hydra control it was safe to assume the bartender was as well. There were a limited amount of drugs that could put down a super soldier and Natasha made an educated guess as to which one they would use. You were to pretend to drink it before proceeding to the bathroom.
Step Three: Transport your unconscious body to a secure location where his superiors would hand you over to Docherty.
In the bathroom you were to feign passing out before striking, taking out the operatives who were with you. Clint and Natasha were going to handle the agents in the club while Wanda provided cover for any civilians in the club. Fury and Hill were waiting to take the civilians in, keeping them from exposing the operation to the press and simultaneously weeding out any Hydra agents posing as innocents.
It was beautifully and flawlessly planned, as close to foolproof as a mission could be. Then The Winter Soldier, the most recognisable man on the planet besides Captain America to a Hydra Agent strode in the doors of the club like he owned the place and everything went to shit.
One of the fake waiters tailing you pressed his gun to the back of your head while the other aimed his gun at Bucky. There was screaming and crashing from behind you and you assumed Natasha and Clint had jumped into action, rolling with the change of events. You met Bucky’s gaze and narrowed your eyes at him.
“I am going to fucking kill you.” You hissed.
You and Bucky were held at a stalemate, unable to defend yourselves without endangering the other and the fake waiters knew it. You however knew something they did not. Right on schedule they were both sent careening backwards by a red mist.
“Never bring a gun to a witch fight boys.” You deadpanned.
Bucky didn’t waste a second and jumped into the fray, pulling a knife and hurtling it into the shoulder of an agent before slamming the agents head into a table with a sickening crack. You turned your sights to Maddox and were vindicated to see him swaying on his feet, he had done as you hoped and drunk the drugged Martini you had switched for his.
You were less happy to see the large man from the VIP section heading for the back door. That was the man you needed, the one who might know where Docherty was. You kicked your heels off and grabbed the bottom of your tight dress, ripping it up the seam to give you leg room and ran after him.
“Barnes with me.” You yelled.
You didn’t bother to check on Natasha and Clint, they were probably having the time of their lives and were more than capable of looking after themselves. Wanda was executing her part of the original plan perfectly, ushering the few civilians out of the club and protecting them from stray bullets. You didn’t check if Bucky was following you as you chased after your mark, picking up a discarded gun on your way.
You burst out of the back door of the club, crouching low which was wise as a bullet hit the door frame above your head. The bang was louder than you had expected and the noise sent a jolt of pain through your temple. You aimed your stolen gun in the direction the shot had come from and pulled the trigger. Your shot missed by a few inches and you swore and you quickly peered out from behind the door.
Your mark was being ushered into a car at the end of the alley, fourteen agents/bodyguards between you. You felt a heat at you back and someone fired a shot into the head of one of the agents.
“What are you doing here Barnes?” You snarled, firing at the agents between you and your target.
“I knew something was off about Maddox.” He snarled back.
“Well you were right, he’s Hydra. The only problem is WE ALREADY KNEW THAT!” You yelled in frustration.
“Don’t yell at me, I’m not the idiot who agreed to a date with a known Hydra agent.” He replied, swerving to avoid a shot that would have taken his head off.
“Well obviously I didn’t know he was when he first asked.” You reasoned.
“So you wanted to go on a date with that obnoxious son of a bitch?”
Your mark was in the car and you weren’t about to let them drive him away.
“Oh fuck this.” You said.
You ducked out of your hiding place and ran straight into the line of fire but you did it so quickly and unexpectedly that your enemies didn’t have a chance to take advantage of the clear shot. They were also perplexed by you running straight past them. They weren’t perplexed for long before The Winter soldier was on them. You pushed off from the ground and onto the wall of the alley to give yourself the necessary propellation to leap onto the roof of the car.
“How did you even know where we were?” You yelled back at Bucky as you shot through the roof and leaned to the side to dodge the returning shot.
“Don’t change the subject doll, did you want to go out with him?” He asked calmly, snapping an agents neck with ease.
You were sweating and panting and he was just breezing through the agents, leaving bodies in his wake without a hair out of place. You hated him more than ever in that moment. You let that hate fuel your rage as you punched down through the sunroof, shattering the glass and grabbed the collar of the high ranking hydra officer you had been hunting. You yanked the much larger man up through the shattered sunroof with ease and used your free hand to smash his jaw.
“Knife.” You called to Bucky and held up you hand.
You caught the blade he hurled to you by the handle and released your marks collar, grabbing his jaw and prising it open. The man struggled as you twirled the borrowed knife in your hand.
“Can’t promise I’ll be gentle.” You told him with a bloodthirsty smirk.
You manoeuvred the blade into his mouth and carefully carved out the false tooth you knew he had. Blood dripped from his mouth as he wriggled in your grasp and you pulled the tooth and cyanide capsule from his jaw.
“Your creator is coming for you vernichtung.” He gurgled at you hatefully.
“Yeah? You can tell me all about it later.” You replied, grabbing him by the back of the head and slamming his head into the roof of the car.
You left him hanging half out of the sunroof, his unconscious upper half spread across the roof of the car and his legs dangling inside it. You casually stepped off the roof and spun the knife in your hand, holding it out to Bucky by the handle.
He was looking at you strangely as he took it back.
“What?” You asked.
“You didn’t answer my question.” He said.
“I don’t know. Yes? If Natasha hadn’t told me he was Hydra I would have still come on the date. Why does it matter, he’s dead by now. Drank the roofie meant for me and well… he’s no super soldier.” You said without a hint of remorse.
Bucky scoffed in derision and you rolled your eyes.
“What the fuck is your problem Barnes?”
“You’re my problem sweetheart. You’ve been nothing but trouble since you walked into the compound and I’m tired of it.” He spat at you, looming over you.
“Well excuse me if I withhold my sympathy for someone who actually deserves it.” You taunted.
“You know what, you insolent little...”
Natasha cleared her throat and you both whirled round to look at her.
“If you two are done with your foreplay you might want to take your informant and get the hell out of here.” She told you, grinning like the cat that ate the canary.
“Huh?” You asked.
“Police are about to arrive on the scene, where witnesses just saw you very efficiently kill people. There’s a very bloody high up Hydra official behind you who knows you’re Vernichtung. So unless you want to stick around and ask Senator Stern if he’ll let you sign the accords instead of occupying a cell on the raft then you need to leave.” She elaborated.
“It’s a good thing you showed up when you did Barnes, she needs someone to go with her.” She added.
“Absolfuckinglutley not!” You yelped.
Bucky glared at you and strode over to your victim, pulling him from the car and tying his arms up before shoving him the boot of the car.
“No. I can’t do it.” You told Nat.
“He knows where the safe houses are and you need someone with you. We don’t have time to wait for Sam or Steve to come and take you.”
There was a crunching sound as Bucky ripped what you assumed was a tracker from underneath the car and crunched it underneath his boot. You sighed heavily.
“We don’t have time to argue. You’ll be fine.” She assured you as the sound of sirens rapidly approached.
“You had better take care of her Barnes.” She called before she sauntered away.
“Get in the car.” Bucky growled at you.
Your shoulders drooped as you resigned yourself to the situation. You weren’t moving quickly enough for him apparently because he strutted over to you and got up in your personal space.
“Get in the car or I’ll put you in the car.” He threatened.
“Christ Barnes, you’re such a caveman.” You said, but you did as he told you and climbed into the passenger seat.
Thankfully, minus the broken sunroof and bullet holes on the roof the car wasn’t in bad condition externally. It would get you away from the scene so you could switch vehicles at least. He pulled the dead driver out of the seat and dumped him into the alleyway before the two of you drove away for the most uncomfortable, awkward road trip ever.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A frantic Tony ran into the common room where a worried looking cluster of Avengers was standing around.
“Have you seen Kit Kat?” Tony asked.
“Have you seen Bucky?” Steve asked simultaneously.
They frowned at each other.
“Wanda is also missing.” Vision helpfully interjected.
“Clint and Nat aren’t here either.” Sam noted.
“Friday said Kit Kat wasn’t on the premises.” Tony frowned.
“I have located Miss Stark’s cellphone Boss, it’s in the city. Multiple news reports are coming in from the same location.” Friday supplied.
The TV switched on and the remaining Avengers shared similar looks of dread and worry.
“Suit up.” Steve said, taking charge of the situation.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Two car changes, four hours later and not a single word said between you and Bucky and you were at the safe house. It was the middle of the night, it was pouring rain and you were in the worst mood. Bucky slipped from the car and went to check the safe house to ensure it was in fact safe and you leaned your head against the passenger window with a sigh and watched the raindrops roll down it.
You’d had to flee the city, flee from Tony and your friends, you were about to interrogate someone and you were stuck with Bucky Barnes. The same Bucky who over the last week alone had insulted you, belittled you, physically fought with you, rescued you, seen you become Vernichtung and followed you on a date to protect you.
You were wound up tightly like a coil waiting to snap. As angry as you were at Tony for not telling you Docherty was working with Hydra you felt bad for just disappearing. It had been an emotionally exhausting week and it was beginning to take it’s toll on you.
Bucky returned, pulling your kidnappee from the boot and carrying him into the house. You unbuckled your seatbelt slowly and noted that your body was aching now that the adrenaline had worn off. You opened the car door and flinched when Bucky’s form suddenly appeared in front of you. He reached in to grab you and you leaned back with an alarmed expression.
“What are you doing?” You asked.
“You kicked your shoes off in the club. You’re barefoot and it’s a gravel driveway.” He said.
“So your going to what, carry me inside? I can handle a bit of gravel Bucky, just move.” You muttered tiredly, pushing him out of the way.
“Why do you have to be so fucking stubborn.” He snapped.
“Why do you have to be so bipolar?” You snapped back.
“What the hell does that mean?” He asked, slamming the car door shut.
“It means that last night you were getting cosy with me in the kitchen and today you’re back to snapping at me like I’m your worst enemy.” You said, throwing your hands in the air in exasperation.
“Maybe I’m angry with you right now because you put yourself in danger to settle a vendetta.”
“Really? That’s what you’re going with? Let me ask you something Soldat. If Zola was still alive, what would you do?” You demanded.  
“I’d do my best to remember the difference between Justice and Revenge.” He warned.
You bit your lip as you mulled that over.
“There isn’t any justice for the things Docherty has done. If I wanted revenge I would kill him slowly. But I can kill him and put an end to his reign of misery.” You said.
“What you are, what he made you, It isn’t your fault. Killing him would just make you into what he wanted you to be and it would be your own fault, not his. It won’t change what he did to you, it won’t take away the monster inside of you.”
You recoiled from him, anger and shock clouding your features.
“I’m well aware of what I am, that I’m a monster. I don’t need you to remind me.”
“Don’t twist my words.” He snapped bitterly.
“You’ve told me what you think I am so many times so I’m hardly twisting anything.”
He looked torn and angry as he stood there, rain soaking through his hair and running down his face.
“I was wrong. You’re not a monster, not even close to one doll.”
“What?” You whispered.
“You want to know what I would do if Zola was alive? I would hunt him down and kill him. But I AM a monster. I can’t let you become one, not after you fought so fucking hard your whole life against it. I won’t let you be like me.”
“Be like you?”
He ran his fingers through his hair and looked up at the sky like he was looking to the heavens for strength. His eyes were wild and desperate as he yelled at you.
“You didn’t give in. You didn’t let them turn you into a killer. You’re better than me!”
“You utter fucking idiot. How dare you! I didn’t give in because I knew what they were! I knew what they wanted me to be! They never fed me lies like they did to you, they never told me ‘My work was a gift to mankind’. You screamed at him.
He froze up, shock overtaking him.
“You wanna know the fucked up truth? You were the reason I wanted to join The Avengers, because I wanted to be like you. I wanted to take all the bad things they put in me and use it for good, like you were doing.”
“Doll, I...” He didn’t know what to say.
“Then I met you, and you were such an asshole. I guess that’s why they say you should never meet your idols.”
You stormed past him and into the house, leaving him shocked to his core as the rain beat down on him.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnnn
@nerdandproud-86 @harrison-shot-first @chook007 @thejourneyneverendsx @thelostallycat @inquisitor-selvala @the-corruptor @iovher @kendrawr-kitkat @phoenix-whiskey-tears @the--real-wombat @buckitybarnes @fairislesheets @angieptt @meganjonezzzz
@dugan365 @fluffeh-kitty @memanda17 @krystallynx @theonelittleone
@piscesbarnes @free-as-fishes @tarastudiesalot @captainamericasbeard
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