#hell I also so want to re-do the date and stuff like that which also goes wrong but due to her trauma connected to stuff up here
drivestraight · 2 months
anatomy of a joke, AKA "oscar's six-year long con ruined by a dutch sim racer," my commentary
first things first: section titles.
originally the section titles were going to be like, "the set-up" "misdirection" "assumptions" "the inciting incident" "misdirection revisited" "assumptions revisited" etc. but then i think that that definitive structure was limiting me so i instead pulled some of my favorite phrases from infinite jest... which i'm only like 1/5 way through haha. but ANYWAY YEAH! i tried to match the vibes of the section with each header.
the vignette-ish style of the fic, which is something i don't really do/am not used to, is framed by these little section titles, and i think it kind of helps set the tone for each section.
the place where things break down
aka, where it all starts
imagine being drunk off your face at a club and you accidentally stumble into the darkrooms without realizing they're the darkrooms and u see your teammate pressed up against his friend's side as the friend is very obviously giving him a handjob under the table. imagine that.
but, yeah. the first threesome offer that max extends. and a sort of introduction to whatever the hell the sexual dynamic between norstappen is. re: max initiating things, and lando going along with it no matter what it is. and also their exhibitionism kinks...
that most angelic of distortions
assumptions, introduced
i think it was really important to put the first scene into context. norstappen aren't dating, lando's on raya, and max is happily with kelly. kind of important in that it makes oscar question if he really saw what he thought he saw
like chess on the run, beautiful and infinitely dense
misdirection, landoscar flirting, but max being present. "infinitely dense" aka oscar being dense throughout this whole thing man
from the "not my fault you're so small" to "flirting with me, piastri?" and "you like how i'm smaller than you" to "think you like it, mate," i wanted to set up the flirty landoscar vibe but in a way that's like - toeing the line, almost too casual to be something real. and then, of course, max comes in, interrupts, and oscar's stomach drops. i think this is the first allusion to oscar's feelings. i wanted to keep it, at this point, as vague as possible. he doesn't address any of his feelings until much later in the fic, but the descriptions: oscar's gaze constantly straying, looking at lando's neck, his sweat, his frame, how he smells, the moles on his face, etc. and how he reacts and gets a bit prickly when max comes in... yeah that's the stuff.
and the whole. max being so physical and taking up the space. and his "i dont mind sharing"... and oscar pulling away. Crazy stuff man.
also lando is chewing gum here... important... i'll explain at the end...
something bigger than the self
an interlude
this section kind of stands out but i think it's thematically probably the most important section. it's the clearest, in my opinion, way to understand what's going on.
the whole mclaren / oscar / lando discussion, about mark telling oscar he needs to start fighting for equal treatment, to be smart about it is a parallel to the lando / oscar / max dynamic of the whole fic. don't be soft. they'll eat you alive. oscar wants it (to win with mclaren, to have lando) so badly, but he puts on this air of not caring, when he deeply, deeply cares. mostly out of self preservation, and because he thinks that if he lets people know how much he wants it, he'll end up losing it. it's better to not make an idiot of yourself trying, than to try and fail. he rationalizes the decision with the upgrades too much, and mark reads that as him letting mclaren/lando walk all over him. whether that's true or not, well.
the self you cannot live without
the inciting incident
classic carlos. bathroom handies. not much to say here.
reducing chaos into pattern
oscar's rationalization
this is where it starts to get a bit more complicated.
“Just good fun,” Lando says, shrugging casually. His voice betrays him. So does the flush on his cheeks. “Like, after races, and stuff.” “Yeah?” Oscar asks. “All it is?” Lando purses his mouth. “All it is,” he repeats. “We’re friends.” Oscar breathes out a sigh. “Friends, right,” he says stiffly.
and then, lando saying that he and oscar are friends too. it's a really tense section, of oscar not saying any of the things he really means, and lando being vague and weird and sort of in denial about what's happening
Oscar thinks about how good their car is this year, especially after the upgrades; how it’s better than the simulations projected; how it’s better than the RB20; how Lando could have won today, but didn’t. Thinks about Max’s rough hand squeezing the back of Lando’s neck in Melbourne; thinks about his palm covering Lando’s mouth in Miami; thinks about how Lando met his eyes and came all over his stomach; thinks about how he instantly called an Uber back to the Hilton and shoved a hand down his trousers before he’d even managed to get the door locked behind him; thinks about Max saying he doesn’t mind sharing. Thinks about Mark telling him to fight for equal treatment. He thinks about Mark telling him to be smart.
oscar thinks... he is a thinker... but yeah after miami he literally just went home and jerked off and felt horrible about it all.
that kind of animal grace
intimacy from the outside looking in
obligatory jimmy'z moment. norstappen shotgunning hookah in the most strangely intimate way, as oscar voyeuristically watches, and hates what he sees.
They’re both wearing matching black hats, but Max’s is on backwards. He breathes out a cloud of smoke, and then dips down until his mouth hovers next to Lando’s ear. Lando throws his head back, shoulders rising and trembling. Oscar catches the crinkled crow skin around his eyes and wonders what Max said to make Lando laugh like that. The lights are epileptic as the beat accelerates, punching, synths shrill, ear-grating tremors. The crowd is animated and frantic all around him. Oscar feels deep underwater, heart muffled but startlingly vivid in his ears. He feels frayed, pulled apart, in pieces, fragmented.
he has a cwush... but still at this point, i made sure not to ever, like, say it obviously. just aiming to show oscar's feelings through what he pays attention to, and his physical reactions. he sees them there, and it's probably even worse than what he saw in miami. it doesn't just seem to be something physical, doesn't just seem to be good fun or casual. but if it was just good fun and something casual - it's like, he knows that he couldn't do that. couldn't give lando what he wants, if that's what he wants.
that kind of brutish no-care
oscar is pulled in
oscar mr i hate clubbing goes to afterparty and afterparty for reasons that totally have nothing to do with norstappen, of course.
more landoscar flirting! max being flippant about what happened in miami. it's all just good fun to him. he finds it funny, what happened. and then there's the really casual sort of assertiveness when he pats the seat for oscar to sit, tells lando to sit in oscar's lap, and lando does. but lando hesitates. i think it's up to the reader to decide why lando hesitates, but the version i like the most is that oscar isn't just someone he can make a joke out of/he doesn't want to cross some sort of line/make oscar uncomfortable. but max told him to, so he does. i think, maybe, lando is a little bit aware of how oscar feels about him, but it's, again, something that he's not addressing. and he isn't even sure if oscar's into guys, at this moment.
purposeful attention and measured no-care. norstappen can get WEIRD. they're playing a weird little game with oscar, and oscar is the butt of the joke. talking to each other while he's there, but not a part of it. max is nowhere near as emotionally involved as the other two, but there are little moments of possessiveness, reasserting who he is to lando in front of oscar, especially with the hand on his hip at the end. a casual sort of power play, if you want to read it like that.
and the pouring liquor into lando's mouth, and lando just taking it. they are them... max is just very clearly vying for a threesome but oscar just is not biting.
to disappear inside the game
the offer
okay a big part about this setting is that. i wanted to be somewhere that wasn't a club 😭 but it also was a good opportunity for them to have a proper talk. another mention of kelly and p was important, again, to bring us back into context of max's situation. really, what's going on with him and lando isn't at the centre of his life. not at all.
meanwhile: tender ankle touches, DTS watch, oscar making fun of how small lando was, and then - lando offering a blowie... because they're frens... max says he's good with his mouth... and then oscar making it all weird. "max doesn't own me" "you sure?" for the millionth time, oscar is shooting himself in the foot. as much as he wishes it didn't, it comes back to max.
“Wasn’t what I was asking,” Lando says. “Was asking you if you think it’s weird.” And Oscar knows that. All this time, he has wanted to scream, Yes, it’s weird. He has a girlfriend and you’re trying to steal a championship from him and I see you, I see you after all the races you finish second to him, beating yourself up and talking yourself down, while he just smiles and grabs you by the shoulder and shakes you around and you let him, you let him do whatever he wants to you, and I understand you’re friends, I understand that you mean something to him and he means something to you, but I cannot understand it, I cannot understand what you’re doing, and whenever I see you two together, I think to myself, There’s no way this can end well. Someone will get hurt. “I think it’s fine,” Oscar says. “You guys are friends.”
this is the first time we get any real, internal address of how oscar is feeling about everything. until now, (at least the narration would hopefully have you think), it was mostly just - him going along with everything, being uncomfortable about a lot of things, but never really expressing why, or any of the internalization of it. it bothered him, but only ever displayed in physical descriptions. here, we see just how much the entire situation frustrates him, and this is where things really start to go off the rails. someone gets hurt.
a toast to our knowledge of bodies
austria my beloved.
this is the switching point, of course. the logic is that: max is out of the picture. for the first time, lando and max (seemingly) aren't friends, and for the first time, oscar finds space for himself to be close to lando, without max there (kind of funny though because in the end, it all happens Because of max).
Lando just continues, miserably, to rant about how Max was moving under braking, how he was being stupid and reckless, how he ruined everything for the both of them, and Oscar gets the feeling that this isn’t just about the racing. 
there's the whole lando and max of it all, which i think is, obviously because the fic is from oscar's POV, the most unclear dynamic of it all. oscar isn't sure what it actually is between them, if it really is just casual, but there are moments, like in monaco, where there's intimacy, and there are moments, like in austria, where it feels like it's more than the racing, that oscar questions things. i think it's better when it's unclear, and you have to come to your own conclusions.
I knew it, he wants to say. I knew that something like this would happen and you’d be a wreck about it and it’d matter more to you than it does to him and you’d break your own heart over something you should’ve let go of a long time ago.
bro doesn't know he's talking about himself
the body betrays you
i mean. i think what's going on here is pretty clear. oscar likes lando, a lot. lando wants someone to be mean to him, cruel and dismissive, and oscar can only do that to an extent.
a kind of love, with artful care
oscar's feelings, revisited
FINALLY. i really wanted a scene like this that showed and didn't tell, but showed really clearly what oscar hasn't been addressing this whole time: since he was seventeen, he's kind of sort of had this flame for lando. maybe it didn't take root for real until they became teammates, but it was still there, a little seedling for 6 years. there's something about lando that makes you care. oscar has cared, for 6 years, and even in their first meeting, which he remembers and lando doesn't, he took care of him. if the extent of oscar's feelings were unclear before this, hopefully this section was like loud alarm sirens lmao.
the judgement and punishing fall
the comedown...
“We don’t—” Lando says, mouth opening and closing rapidly, the physical not caught up to the mental. Oscar doesn’t know what’s going through his head right now. He’s kind of afraid to find out. “Like, we don’t have to talk about it.” “Lando,” Oscar repeats, feeling frozen. He feels like an idiot, sitting with his dick out in the wet spot where Lando came, the car spinning out from under him, a passenger. “It was just good fun, right?” Lando asks, with a shaking smile. He’s never looked so small. “That’s all it ever is.”
this is about norstappen. their dynamic is difficult for me to just, like, outright say what it is, but these little things help give it some shape. it's just good fun, that's all it ever is.
you could also read this as lando being frightened by the care that oscar showed him, and running away, because it felt like it meant so much. because it was too much, etc. the more i try to explain what's happening here, i feel like it starts to lose its magic but. it's all there, and you can read whatever you'd like between the lines.
the religion of the physical
the comedown, cont.
mostly just a transitionary section. it's like it never happened. <3
worshipper at the temple
the reckoning
Max is smiling at him, and Oscar thinks about how he and Lando made up the day after Austria. Oscar saw the headlines all over social media, how Lando had texted Max early in the morning to sort things out, how they’re friends again. Always friends. How they’ll keep racing, hard.
the scenes when oscar realized that lando fled from his hotel room after they had sex and stayed up for hours drafting a text to max. like he's going fucking THROUGH it. and it's made worse. when max tells him that lando told him what happened. "how was he? was he good?" max might be the worst person in the world 💀 but it's another, like, show of possession. "you can have him, if you want" aka. i'll let you have him. he's mine to give.
“For what it is worth,” Max eventually says, “I think he likes you too.”
maybe this is true. i'm not sure if it's worth anything, at this moment in time.
and. mwahaha. max is chewing gum. lando was chewing gum at the start of the scene. i wonder if it's the same piece of gum. wouldn't that be gross and crazy.
“Have a lovely night, Oscar,” Max says, finally making to leave. But before Oscar can let out a breath of relief, he pauses, turning back around on his heels to add, “Oh, by the way, my offer is of course still open, if you ever change your mind.”
bro who is still vying for a threesome even after all of that 💀
okay. yeah. WOW! what a fic. hope you guys enjoyed it & my commentary, if you got this far.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 2 months
What do they really want tho? At the grand scheme of things, William and Catherine are still going to be King and Queen and it's their bloodline that will continue the monarchy.
They want the deal Harry was promised in 2012, the deal that he bragged to Meghan about when they were dating, the deal she married him for, this deal right here:
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A monarchy that was just King Charles, his two sons, and their two wives. No Cambridge grandchildren. No aunts and uncles. No cousins.
And the deal was that William and Kate would be King and Queen, remaining in and focusing largely on the UK, while Harry and his future wife would be Heads of the Commonwealth, traveling and raising awareness for local communities and issues in the Commonwealth.
The "splitting" of duties like this was largely speculation based on how much Harry preferred being in Africa. It went into a little bit of a fever pitch when Meghan came along. There were a couple of...yellow flags there, let's say. (Meghan wearing Harry's bracelets from Africa, Meghan suddenly talking about how much she loved Africa, everyone realizing that Meghan's humanitarian work and Tig travels were to Commonwealth countries - India, Rwanda, Malta.)
Then they made comments in the engagement interview that made everyone realize there really might be something here about Harry taking over the Commonwealth:
(Interviewer asks about Meghan having a big internaitonal profile already, is she ready for a bigger platform?)
Meghan: I think what's been really exciting as we talk about the transition of this out of my career but into the role is that as you said the causes that have been very important to me, I can focus even more energy on. Because very early out of the gate I think you realize once you have access or a voice that people are willing to listen to with that comes a lot of responsibility, which I take seriously. And at the same time I think in these beginning few months and now being boots on the ground in the U.K. I'm excited to just really get to know more about the different communities here, smaller organizations we're working on the same causes that I've always been passionate about under this umbrella. And and also being able to go around the commonwealth I think is just just the beginning of that.
Prince Harry: There's a lot to do, there’s a lot to do.
(Interviewer asks a question about Meghan giving up her acting career. She talks about working on Suits and spins leaving as her own choice.)
(Interviewer asks Harry of the responsibility Meghan was taking up by marrying him. Harry gives a blabbering word salad about "I hope she's in love with me" and defines teamwork.)
Meghan Markle: So nicely said, isn't it? (🤢)
Prince Harry: She's capable of she's capable of anything. And together as I said there’s a hell of a lot of stuff, work that needs doing. At the moment for us, it's going to be making sure that our relationship is always put first, but both of us have passions for wanting to make change, change for good. And you know with lots of young people running around the commonwealth, that's where we’ll spend most of our time hopefully.
Compared to William and Kate, who didn't talk at all about future or prospective roles in the monarchy during their engagement interview...flags were waving, bells were ringing, trolleys were clang-clang-clanging.
And then, the first signal from the BRF that Charles's future monarchy had a plan for Harry involving more of the Commonwealth: Her Late Majesty appointed Harry President of the newly-created The Queen's Commonwealth Trust in April 2018.
And finally-finally, there was confirmation of the deal itself. By none other than the BRF's new leaky faucet, Meghan Markle on 19 May 2018 when she re-colonized the Commonwealth for her veil and again four months later when she co-opted the "Queen of the World" documentary to be about her, instead of The Queen's work in the Commonwealth.
So TL;DR, what do Harry and Meghan really want? They want the global prestige Harry was promised all the way back in 2012 and that Meghan was promised in 2018: equal status to William and Kate, permanently #3 on the call sheet, and the Commonwealth of Nations to rule over.
(Here's the original image from the RAF 100th anniversary that I edited to get a "Wales-only" balcony. You don't even miss him!)
(Also it's interesting that Meghan is visually centered in the RAF 100th photo but her dark outfit compared to the brighter, lighter colors of everyone else makes her disappear into the background and draws attention to The Queen instead. She pwned her own self. But also the RAF 100 balcony is exactly what Meghan wants from the BRF: to be front and center while Kate and William are shoved off on the sidelines.)
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just-queue · 1 month
Listen, I really hate the writers of tua for forcing a freshly legal Aidan to have a romance subplot with Ritu, his coworker who’s older than him and has known him since he was a minor. That feels so icky and gross.
I also believe that Five and Lila’s characters fully acted IN character given their situation.
Lila and Five have similar-enough backstory trauma of family issues, being trained assassins/spies, working with the company, etc. When you’re trapped with someone for literal YEARS, just the two of you, with an increasing sense of dread and despair and hopelessness, you’re going to connect with them in a deep way. And their shared traumas would help them understand each other even more. Another point is they both are comfortable with the whole “mentally I’m this age physically I’m this age” thing after working on a company that really fucks around with time stuff for years.
As for Five initially hiding information from Lila (which was very messed up) about how to get back, we must remember that Five is morally gray and fucking TIRED. TIRED. Like remember at the end of s3 when he didn’t want to “rally the troops” again cause they kept making it worse, he just wanted to get shit faced and wait for the end?
Yes he spent 40+ years in the apocalypse alone, became an assassin to get home to his family, spent a month straight trying to stop said apocalypse, then spent years realizing he’s forever fucked up because of his drastic body/mental age difference (do you really think mentally old man Five would date/relate with kids his physical age? That’s lonely as hell), only to find himself trapped AGAIN at the end of the world? He somehow found a way to scrape out some semblance of a happy life for himself, no wonder he wouldn’t instinctively want to go back.
I think if we had those 4 extra episodes, many aspects of s4 would be better, including the fivexlila subplot. We’d get a better understanding of their despair and hopelessness that led to their romance. I also think all romance should have gone away between Five x Lila when they got back. Like agree it was a thing out of convenience/situation and needs to stay in that subway. Outside of that, focus on saving the world should be number one priority.
But even with all of that, I still don’t like it cause in reality, having the actors do those scenes is so icky and uncomfortable. That didn’t need to be a plot point, five could have been trapped with someone else or added a third or SOMETHING. No one asked for it.
I don’t dislike the characters choices, I hate the WRITERS choices.
quick edit after re-watching: I also think Lila was in character during the subway time. Like she probably did feel seen and understood by Five, she is also known for running away from big feelings/problems, so when she had no clue they could get home, I could see her falling into the happy life. Plus the shit that bothered Lila the most at home was SUBURBAN life. Not necessarily mellow life. Plus Five and Lila were still surviving which is much more “adventurous” than organizing a child’s birthday party at an arcade.
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jillsandwhichs · 3 months
RE Character x Reader Smutshot Collection , Chap 1 , Talking Body
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Piring: F!reader x Chris Redfield
Summary: Chris finds out about the fact you're insecure about your body and takes matters into his own hands
Status of your guy's relationship in this smutshot: Dating!
WC: 5.5k
Type: NSFW
Warnings: Insecurities, Mentions of an ed, Clit rubbing, Dirty talk, P in V, Hair pulling, Praising kink, Breath play & No condom
A/n: Hi! Hope you all enjoy. Please check out my masterlist, there's a lot of stuff there. You can get to know me, you can see the rules of my blog and then you can see all of my fanfictions. You'll be able to find the previous chapters to this fic and upcoming ones. You'll also be able to find my Wattpad & AO3. Thank you
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The mirror paints a reflection of the body you hate most. Staring back at it, you scoff in disgust. 'How could I let myself get this bad?', you think to yourself. You were wearing a cropped tank top with shorts, considering it was over 80⁰ today. The summer heat is no force to be reckoned with. Even with the AC kicked on in your bedroom, it wasn't going to stop the heat from finding it's way into the apartment. The AC's were practically busted anyhow.
You wandered around your small bedroom, aimlessly thinking about different ways you could view yourself in a more positive fashion. The only source of confidence you ever manage to have is when you're all covered up or directly after a workout. It's not like you're a slob or anything, you don't even understand how you've managed to gain weight. Even so, the flat out disgust you feel about yourself is clear as day.
Pacing around some more, you paused as you watched you dog come running in the room, barking and being obnoxious as ever. "What do you want, boy?" You giggle as you questioned your dog. You and your boyfriend, Chris, recently adopted him from an animal shelter. He was a great way to distract you from your insecurities. You could hear his subtle panting as he made attempts to jump up onto the lifted queen sized bed.
"Oh come here..." You laugh as you pick him up, placing him carefully onto the bed. He must've been over heated from being out in the other room. Your bedroom, the one you share with your boyfriend, is the only room with AC throughout all of the apartment. It was also micro sized so it got cold quickly.
His tounge was out as he rolled around on the bed, his hair shedding & sticking onto it. "Oh whose a good boy?" You snicker, plopping down on the bed beside him but right as you did, you watched as your rolls folded, you felt even more insecure now. This is exactly why you feel better being all covered up. You can't even escape it, not at home, not anywhere. Huffing out softly, you rub your temple firmly, you could just feel the eventual headache coming in.
You remember how you used to not care so much about your body. Hell, once upon a time you've been bigger than this and even now, you aren't even able to be considered chubby. But your mind doesn't allow you to have that positive mindset. Overthinking is a bitch. The only person whose ever there to reassure you is your boyfriend but even then, it's hard believing it, he's just saying that because he's obligated too. Does he not find you gross as well? He has too.
You stared down at your stomach, watching as the two rolls poked out. If you stood up, it wasn't as bad, actually, it was more bearable, but even then it was still upsetting to witness. But sitting down? It was just 100x worse. What haunts you even further is the fact your boyfriend works for the BSAA, all sorts of fit & attractive women work there, like his friend Jill, does he find her more attractive? Does he check her out without knowing? Was this all just deep down a fear of Chris not finding you appealing anymore?
Snapping you out of your trance, your dog barked loudly as your iPhone, which was resting on the entertainment center in front of you began to ring. "Oh just relax, boy." You whisper to your pup, giving him numerous smooches on the head before pushing yourself off of the bed and back onto your small feet. Your phone showed an icon of you & Chris together with formal attire on, that's how you knew it was him. It was his ID photo in your contacts.
Picking your phone up, you accepted the call and put it on speaker. "Hi." You calmly spoke out, waiting from a response on his end. "Hey princess, I'm on my way home now, I was able to clock out early today." Chris said with a loving tone, his voice also sort of distant due to the loud traffic in the background. "Oh, that's good baby, how far are you from home?" "I'd say like ten minutes." He answered your question. "How's the pup doing?" "Great, he's on our bed right now, just loving the AC." You snort out, petting him as you climbed back onto the bed.
A cackle releases from Chris as he hears what you said. "That's good. I'm glad he's settling in well. How are you doing, baby?" He asks, his tone gentle. Chris always makes sure you're okay, it's like he has senses to know when you aren't. "I'm fine, kind of hungry though." "Oh, want me to stop somewhere? I'll get you whatever you'd like." You think about his offer for a second before knowing you had to turn it down. No need to eat for the rest of the day. "No, I'm okay." "Hmm, I'm sure babe." Chris snickers - he can tell you're lying through your teeth.
"But anyways, I'll be home soon babygirl." "Sounds good... I love you." "Love you too baby." Chris cooed before you then ended the call. It was short & sweet. It was 3 PM, you could definitely live without eating for the rest of the day. Maybe you'll even be able to get another work out in. In your head, not eating yet working out will do you just good. It'll help you. Although, whenever you Google whether or not that's a smart strategy, you're just given links to eating disorder websites.
You aren't sure if whether or not you have an ED, your wellness doctor has told you there's a chance, but you feel as though you eat fine enough. It's just some day's are harder than other's. But that's normal. Chris even tells you that he doesn't think you do suffer from one but if you did, he'd help you recover every step of the way. He's really a great boyfriend. He's always there for you. You honestly couldn't have asked for someone better - someone better than him doesn't even exist.
Your dog continuously licked and nipped at you, he was a hyper boy. You were happy with the fact Chris was on board with getting one. You also never knew until recently that your apartment complex allows cat's & dog's. "Oh, you're such a good boy!" You praised him, his tail wagged at an even faster rate now. "Aww, look at you." You muttered to him, your face close to his as he'd occasionally slurp at your face. "Crazy pup." You giggled before lastly getting off of the bed, leaving him by himself to play.
You ambled back over to the mirror in your bedroom, it was long & skinny, it was what you dreamt to be. Chris bought it for you this past Christmas. It wasn't meant to look at and see someone you're ashamed of but to look into it and check yourself out, do your make up and he's put it to use in other ways as well... But, you're appreciative that he bought it, you just wish that every time you passed by it, you wouldn't feel sick to your stomach.
Rolling your eyes, you snatched the white, fuzzy blanket off of your bed and tossed it onto the mirror, that way you wouldn't see yourself as you pass by anymore. It worked. After doing that though, you strolled out of your bedroom and into the kitchen, which was close by, it wasn't that big of an apartment. You used to never care about what you ate & drank but that's different now. You grabbed an ice cold water from the fridge, the feeling of it's coolness on your hand was refreshing. You cannot wait for this heat wave to go away.
Twisting the cap off, you could the crackle as the seal broke. That sound was always satisfying. You took a few teeny tiny sips before putting the bottle back into the door of the fridge. It felt good, the cold liquid seeping down your throat. You felt more hungry now, the last time you ate was earlier this morning and with that, all you even ate was toast with berries. That was enough to get you through the day though. You were gonna be just fine.
"Come out here!" You shouted out to your dog, wanting him to come snuggle with you whilst chilling on the couch. You loved to utilize your living room, you'd sit out there for hour's on end. Chris isn't like that as much. Once he's out of work, he either takes a shower, eats or goes into their bedroom for the rest of the day. You don't blame him though, he's a hard working man and if he wants to relax, then he may do so. You work too, just not at a job like his. It is a lot different. His is way more tough to manage.
Jumping onto the couch, you could hear the sound of your dog's little legs running out to the living room. "Hey buddy!" You chuckled, lifting him up and putting him next to you on the couch. You grabbed the quilt and placed it beside you, making it into a comfy little spot for him to nuzzle into. You wanted to just sit and wind down before Chris gets home. You'll probably cook dinner for him. You don't know what excuse you'll use when you tell him you can't eat.
As you were still sitting in the same spot, on your iPhone, you heard the sound of the doorknob being twiddled with, you knew Chris home for the night. You felt a surge of warmth within you as the door open and you seen him standing in the doorway, he was still in uniform and he looked so handsome. Chris's eyes trailed up to you as he stuck the house key into his jean pocket. "Hey baby." Chris smiled at you, closing the door and wandering over to you. "Hi." You articulated hushly, standing up and holding your arms out.
Chris wrapped his arms around your lower waist, sighing deeply into the crook of your neck. His breath was hot against it but you didn't mind, you were just happy he was finally home with you. "I missed you." Chris whispered, kissing the side of your head as he pulled away from the hug. "Missed you too." You said, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "Are you okay?" Chris raised the question to you, concern on his face. "Just tired babe, you know how it is." You reassured him, your arms crossed against your chest. "If you say so." Chris snickered out, his hand going to your cheek & holding it as he gave you a loving, brisk kiss.
"What's that?" You asked as Chris set his bag down and pulled out a paper bag, you couldn't read what it said on it. "It's food, for us, for dinner." Chris said with a tranquil voice as he unbagged it. "Oh... But I told you I wasn't hungry." "Yeah, but you lied." Chris laughed, presenting the bag to her. It was one of your's & his favorites, chicken wings from the local bar. "I wasn't lying. I ate this morning." "Honey, it's almost four now, you're going to it dinner soon." Chris demanded but not meanly, rather lovingly.
You weren't going to fight back. You weren't going to say no to him. You'd probably just have to say you are sick or say you'll eat later. Of course he had to pick up chicken wings from the best spot in town. He knows you've been craving them recently. He's only trying to do good for you but eating like this won't be good. You exhaled shakily before speaking up, "I don't feel very well, do you really think wings will help that?" "Eating will. What's going on with you babygirl?" "Nothing Chris, I think I'm just tired." "Ok babe." Chris mumbled out. He seemed off now. You felt bad for how you got.
Chris placed their food onto the coffee table, along with placing his bag on the couch. He was planning to take a shower but now he was unsure. He was worried about you. He has no recollection of what's going on with you. "You in the mood to take a shower?" "Not right now baby, I was thinking of just laying in bed for awhile." "I wouldn't mind laying in bed with you." Chris smirked and set his hands onto your hips, instantly you felt insecure. Could he tell how chubby you were? You didn't want him to feel your stomach.
You stepped away but very moderately so he wouldn't notice that you didn't wanna have him touch you there. It felt so weird. Being scared of having your own boyfriend touch you, it wasn't something you were used to. Chris didn't catch on, instead he gave you another fast kiss before turning around and convoying towards your guy's shared bedroom. You followed behind him, just wanted to at least be near him.
"So, I'll take you up on that offer of laying in bed." Chris chortled, gazing behind him at you as he entered the bedroom. "I don't mind." You giggled, teasing him right back. It was apart of your guy's love language. Studying the room, Chris took notice of the thick blanket wrapped around the mirror. It confused him. "Why is there a blanket on your mirror?" He questioned you, taking the blanket off of it and throwing it back onto your bed. "I put it there to fix the bed and I never put it back, my bad." You spoke with a blue tone.
Chris stood there, a plain stare as he did so. "You know, I'm not dumb baby." Chris said softly, his hands on his midriff. "What do you mean?" "There's something going on with you, tell me babygirl." Chris pleaded with you, stepping over to you and setting his hands on your hips, this time you didn't move away. There was a ball in your throat, a spiky & round ball. Not literally, but it sure as hell felt like it. It was like barbed wire was surrounding your neck.
"It's really nothing, I'm okay." You insisted but Chris wasn't having it. With both hands, he pulled you closer to him, sliding his left hand up to your face, caressing it carefully. "Talk to me." Chris whispered to you, pressing his forehead to yours. Chris felt like something serious had happened. You think the last thing he imagines is wrong is your own personal insecurities.
"Do you think my body is unattractive? Do you think I'm too big or something?" You asked him, looking down at your feet, you weren't wearing any socks, your toe nails recently got done, no shame in showing them off. "What? Are you being serious princess?" Chris wondered, now both of his hands were running your warm felt cheeks. "Yes, it's a serious question." "Babygirl, I think your body is the most attractive thing in the world. You're so beautiful. Where is this coming from?" He praised you, it made you feel so good on the inside.
You didn't say anything for a good bit. You honestly didn't know what to say. Deep down, there were many reasons. Your mind didn't allow you to live your body for what it was. Not only that, you fear Chris finds the women at work to be more fit & good looking than you. He always reassures you it's the opposite and that he doesn't find any other women even remotely attractive. It's the most heartbreaking feeling, that your partner doesn't find you beautiful anymore.
"I was looking at myself in the mirror today and realized my body isn't how it was when we first started dating. I've gained weight... Not a lot but some..." You explained, it felt so uplifting to get it off your chest. Chris gazed at you and released a quiet snort as he listened to what you were saying. "I think it's so damn sexy that you've gained weight, you're treating it like you're obese or something and even if you were, I'd be here to help you and to take care of you, like any good boyfriend should." Chris told her, playing with her hair somewhat.
"Is this what's been on your mind all day? Your weight? Baby, you're literally breathtaking." He expressed to you, his sweet brown eyes set on your's. "I don't know..." You said with hesitation. "Oh but I know." He reassured you. "What can I do to prove to you I'm right and the wrong?" Chris snickered, letting go of your blushed face. "Nothing... I'll just have to get over it." You complained, rubbing your eyes as if you blind yourself from your body.
"Don't cover the mirror up ever again. You're the most beautiful woman in the world." Chris spoke, stern in his tone. "Come here." Chris mumbled out as he pulled you into a deep & passionate kiss. His hands pulling you into him from your lower back. "Don't talk badly about my girl." Chris chuckled into the kiss, his lips rapid against yours. "Promise me you won't baby." "I promise." You said, you didn't know if you fully meant it or not.
His hands roamed all over your body. Did he truly admire you? Was he being truthful? You hope so. His hands found their way to your ass as he squeezed his hands on it firmly, grunting into the longful kiss. "Mmm." You whimpered, your hands placed on his chest as you randomly scrunched your hands onto his tight shirt. It was a full-on make out now. You didn't mind though. "Chris..." You whispered as his lips trailed from your yearning lips and onto your thin jawline.
"Hmm?" He hummed out, his soothing lips marking their territory on your face. "I want you..." You whispered out, your hands slowly slithering down his chest, to his abs then to his belt. He was wearing a brown leather belt, it was apart of his work gear. "You want me to fuck you?" He panted out, stopping his repeated kisses for now. "Mhm." "I'll fuck you so hard right now if you just tell me it's what you want." He paused, "I'll do anything for you." Chris noted.
"I want you, I want you to fuck me." You begged of him, kissing him again, inhaling harshly whilst doing so. Chris lifted you up by your thighs, his ripped arms grasping them. A surprised gasp emitted from you as a giggled did too. "I'm gonna show you just how much I love you and your entire body. Every single part of it." Him saying that made your core soak, he really knew what to say. He made you feel so much better. He was so fucking perfect. "You're perfect." You uttered out as you brought your arms around his neck.
You could feel the wetness from your center soaking through your panties. You didn't know how he always managed to get you like this. The arousal you feel currently is immense and all you want more than anything is for him to rail the ever living life out of you. As he held you close, Chris layed you down on the bed gently, making sure you didn't get hurt in the process. He was rough, but not rough enough to actually injure you. Your head hit the soft, silk pillow, it felt comfortable.
Chris pulled away from your body slowly, his hand going to his belt and unbuckling it. The entire time he did that, he looked at you dead in the eyes, it felt extremely intimate. "Can't believe you think badly of yourself... Just look at you..." Chris said with pure love. He spoke from the heart. His heart told the truth. He genuinely loves you more than anything, even if you'll never know that. He slipped his belt out through the loops of his jeans, tossing it onto the wooden floor swiftly before drawing his body back on top of yours.
You stroked his cheeks softly, his scruff running against your thin fingers. You felt his big hands trail down your body and down to your shorts, his thumbs latching onto the elastic waistband. "Already?" You questioned, wondering why he wasn't going to start with foreplay. You don't know why but the feeling of when he teases you makes it so when he fucks you so much better. "Sorry baby, I just can't wait." He snickered, he pulled off your shorts which ended with your legs being spread open to his liking.
The underwear you were wearing had lacey trim on it, it wasn't a thong, you'd never wear one. "Cute." Chris complimented them, giving you a playful smirk before bringing himself back down to you, pressing his lips against yours in a heated kiss. You opened your mouth slightly and moaned as you felt his tounge slip into it, exploring your mouth and taking control of it. You also felt his right hand glide down between yours legs but he hadn't done anything yet.
Both of your hands went to his back, reaching down and ripping off his shirt speedily. You loved his body. Hopefully just as much as he loved yours. Chris allowed you take off his shirt, his lower half then his upper half being revealed. The sunlight from outside of the window beamed on him, it made him look even sexier, especially when it'd shine into his brown eyes, he was so handsome, it was overwhelming.
Your nails lightly trailed down his front, feeling his pecks was like heaven. The tiny amount of chest hair was so attractive too, his facial hair overall was a turn on. The feeling of his scruff on your dripping cunt whenever he eats you out is enough to bring your orgasm closer. Just thinking about it makes you wanna ride his face. Your guy's tongues were in a dance battle as you made out. You wrapped your legs around his waist, making it so he couldn't move away at all.
"You dirty girl..." Chris chuckled, towing his mouth away from yours, it made you pout a bit. Chris lifted his boy up slightly and slid his hand to your crotch as two of his fingers found their way to your clit. "Shit." You mumbled dully, biting your lip as he rubbed circles on it. He could most definitely feel how fucking soaked you were. It was too much. You couldn't help it though. Chris was just something else. "Does that feel good?" "Mhm." You whimpered out, opening your legs a teeny bit more, your mouth gapped out as whiny noises came out from it.
As he fondled your clit, you couldn't help but begin to breath heavier. The way he'd rub it fast then more slow was painful, you just wanted release but then again, it felt so good. "You're so beautiful. I don't know how you can't see that." Chris's coos to you meant everything. The way he'd talk about you made you feel affirmed. "Fuck." You groaned, your nails digging into his back which only nudged him to pleasure you faster.
Whilst he was pleasing you, he gazed into your eyes with thirst. Oh you could just tell he wanted you. No. He needed you. Even Chris was getting pleasure out of this despite not being the one getting pleased. "Go faster." You whined out, your legs wobbling as you focused on the sensational feeling he was providing you. When you requested him to do it quicker, he obliged, now using three fingers to stroke your clit, causing your thick hips to buck up. "Oh!" You shrieked out, an adorable giggle coming out as well.
"Chris... Oh it feels so nice." You keened, biting your lip and throwing your head back as he stroked you perfectly. "You're so wet for me." Chris praised, "You're doing so good." He went on, kissing your pretty little neck as he slowed down on the rubbing, he could tell you were getting close due to your mannerisms. "I'm gonna cum." You muttered out to him, you were practically riding his fingers at this point. "Hold out a little bit longer princess, I know you can do it." Chris mumbled against your neck, licking up it before planting gentle kisses behind your pristine ear.
"My sweet girl." Chris said with a drowsy tone as he kissed your ear lobe then pecked you numerous times back down to your collarbone all while still smoothly rubbing you. You could feel your wetness dripping from your center and down your ass, onto the sheets, you two were definitely going to have to remake your bed for the second time today. Wasn't a problem though, cause & effect is a real thing.
Chris caressed your clit at light speed now, he just wanted to see you unfold, to see you lose your sense of reality. "C'mon babygirl... You can do it..." He tittered, staring at you as you squeezed your eyes shut. "No, no, no, look at me." He demanded, using his free hand to grab a hold of your chin sternly. You opened your eyes and gazed back at him, shaky breaths were all that was heard as your orgasm came up from deep within you. It felt so spectacular.
You moaned loudly as your climax hit an all time high. You rode out your high, riding Chris's three fingers as you orgasmed. As you came, Chris fondled your tits, squeezing them and rubbing them, you could feel his erection pressed against your bare thigh. "Fuck Chris." You gasped out, your breath lost as you panted over & over again. His fingers manage to work wonders on you each time he fingers your nub.
"You did so well babygirl, good job." Chris leered, leaning down and giving you a simple smooch. "But I'm not done with you yet." He laughed sincerely before flipping you onto your stomach. It wasn't totally unexpected but you figured he would just fuck you in missionary, this was an amazing surprise. "Oh." You giggled seductively, not even allowing him to pull you up as you set yourself in doggy style instantly, your ass pressed against his manhood. "That's my good girl." Chris chuckled, fondling your ass carefully.
From behind you, you could hear the sound of him unzipping his jeans and pulling them down alongside his underwear too. Your bare ass was already ready for him, the feeling of him inside you was going to be exlierating. Your arms held you up as they rested on the pillows, Chris will hold onto you too, he always does. You could feel his hard length frequently touch your rear, you knew he was ready for you.
"You ready sweetheart?" Chris asked you, wanting consent. His hands were already on your waist, it felt like he was also gripping onto your tank top. "Yes baby." You responded, moving your ass on his pelvic area. You could hear a grunt from Chris as he held onto his cock before he then swiped it up and down through your wetness. This caused you to sigh softly, his tip went over your sensitive clit. "Oh." You moaned into your arms, your head lifted above the pillows.
Chris held onto you tightly as he pushed himself into you, you could feel all of him, it felt never ending. "Oh babygirl." Chris groaned out, his fingers digging into your waist as his member was now buried deep inside of you. He began to thrust in & out of you carefully, taking in all the pleasure he was receiving from it. "You're so tight princess." He praised you. Chris was obsessed with how you felt around him. The way your core clenched, it was like your cunt was made for him.
He pumped himself out of you, basically pulling all the way out before slamming himself back in, ending up with you moaning into the pillow. He wasted no time with this. His right hand slid up your back and held onto the back of your neck, as if he was mounting you. He slammed himself into you over and over, and over again. You could hear muffled grunts & moans coming from Chris, he was enjoying this just as much, if not more, than you.
Going from slow and cautious to rough and passionate, you couldn't tell what his next move was going to be. You could feel yourself grip around him, were you already close again? That dick has some power to it. "My beautiful girl." Chris boasted out from behind you, his front hitting your ass roughly whenever he'd slide back into you with ease. Your wetness was like it's own lubrication. You two rarely ever had to use the real stuff, that's how wet you tend to get for him. He just does something to you that's indescribable.
His hand moved up to your head now, his fine fingers running through your hair. You knew what he was going to do, it was just a matter of when. Now, all that was able to be heard was your skin slapping together and your wetness squelching each time he fucked into your sopping cunt. "Keep taking it babygirl." Chris stated as he continued to fuck into you, his strokes turning into long & deep thrusts.
As he slowed down, his hand dug into your hair, lifting your head up as he officially sped up. "Oh fuck..." You moaned out hushly as he dug his free hand into your stomach. All he was doing was admiring you & your divine body. He was still appalled with how you were talking about yourself earlier. He genuinely finds you to be the sexiest woman to ever roam the planet Earth. You are his world.
"You're so fucking hot." He grunted out, his voice husky. You realized he was almost at his breaking point. You could feel his cock twitching and squeaming inside of you. You could just imagine how much he was pulsating. Your clit still felt like it was. Each one of his fingers held onto thick strands of your hair as he thrusted into you at a crazy pace. "Says you." You stifled out, your freshly manicured nails going hog wild on the bedsheets.
Switching from just grasping strands of your hair, Chris let go for a millisecond before using his entire hand to grab a full fist of your hair, resulting in your back arching even further. "Oh yeah." Chris panted, his left hand smacking your rear, not too hard though, he still feels bad for how rough he was last time...
"Chris, I'm so close." You winced out to him, attempting to look back at him but his hand wasn't allowing you as it just kept you in place. "I know princess, I know. Me too." Chris grumbled, heavy heaving emitted from his throat. Chris unburied his hand in your hair and swiftly convoyed it to the front of your neck, choking you lightly as he moved into you again, this thrust was your complete & utter undoing, your second orgasm of the day.
You gripped the sheets so hard, your knuckles turned white. You felt your core clench around him in an instant. Your stomach felt like it was burning with pure passion & lust. "Oh fuck me, oh my God." You moaned out, practically screaming. Chris's hand immediately covered your mouth, your eyes widening. "Jesus baby, you wanna get people to hear you?" Chris chortled, slowing down but still giving you pressed movements. He was about to nut.
"Fuck babygirl." Chris exclaimed as he released inside of you. His cum dropped from your cunt and onto the bed, you lathered his dick in it too. "Oh my Gosh." You soughed, plopping onto the bed like a ragdoll after Chris pulled out of you, laying right beside you. "You were fucking amazing." Chris snickered as he grabbed you, nestling his head into the crook of your neck and suckling on it. "So were you." You whispered, tossing your hand up to the top of his head, messing with his fluffy hair.
He kissed down your shoulder all while making eye contact with you. "Don't ever talk badly about your body. I just fucked the life out of you, I wouldn't do that if I didn't find you to be beautiful." He assured you, leaning up & kissing your nose with calmness. You grabbed ahold of the blanket that was once on the mirror and covered the two of you up with it as you placed your head onto his chest. "Thank you honey." You expressed, trailing your finger tips along the lines of his abs. "Always beautiful." He mumbled, kissing the top of your head, chuckling at your now frizzy hair.
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junkopottershima · 6 months
An Early 2000's Child's Observation on Zutara Shipping War.
I awoke from my slumber upon discovering the Avatar fanbase, and the absolute shipping war that I never really gave a shit about until now. Zutara is a relatively new ship to me, as is any other ship that isn’t canon, so I’m gonna run through the list of anti-zutara arguments that I’ve found, and list out my takes on them. I’m doing this, because although I see lots of love for Zutara, there’s some aspects about Katara and Zuko’s relationship in the show that makes me question how well their “chemistry” would actually work. For that, I’m genuinely curious and even politely asking “Zutarians” to please step up and respond with their takes on arguments against Zutara. Though, I should mention that there's going to be some anti-zutara takes that I don't agree with. I'll just be getting them off my chest. Welp, here we go now:
"Zutara can't work because it's Oppressor x Oppressed".
I've seen people saying this, and then saying that you can only "truly" agree/disagree with this point if you're an oppressed ethnicity, class, or whatever. Well, I guess as an African American woman, I honestly think the argument that "Zuko and Katara absolutely cannot work out because he's the colonizer and she's the victim" is rather dumb and blatantly ignores the fact that Zuko was trying to change his ways. Like, that argument is so stupid to me, it's almost offensive. We see Zuko change and try to keep changing his perspective on other nations and foreigners, and the step he takes to do that is by standing up to his father on the day of the eclipse and declaring his new mission to find and help Aang and his friends stop the war. Ozai wasted no time trying to do what he wanted since day 1 of Zuko's life, which was to end him. Zuko put his life on the line to change his ways. If we're going by the logic that Zuko can't be healthy for Katara because he's an oppressor...what the fuck was the point of him trying to gain their trust and trying to help Aang take down his father...if he's an oppressor? If we're going off the logic that Katara should not trust Zuko because he (more like his father and father's army) is an oppressor, shouldn't that apply to the rest of the Gaang as well by the fact that each of their nations and cultures were/are threatened by the Fire Nation? Going off of that logic, it becomes easy to say that Zuko should have never gotten a chance to even be friends with Aang, Sokka, Katara, Toph, and Suki just because his family consists of war-mongering assholes, but why would anyone say that when it's shown that Zuko is actively trying to change his ways at that point? Also, if we're go there (the colonizer stuff), it's almost like saying white people should never be dating any nonwhite solely because many whites in positions of power abuse it to subjugate nonwhites. It blatantly ignores the real-life contexts and instances where individual whites mean no harm and are able to get along with other races. It blatantly ignores the instances of whites being able to find genuine love with people from other races, even in hard times like the Civil Rights Era and various wars. We can see that it's fucked up to generalize...so why do we gotta do that with Zuko? Keep in mind, I'm talking about the point where Zuko is officially redeeming himself.
"It would make no sense for Katara and Zuko to end up together at the end--They only had limited time together".
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Now this, I definitely agree with. I understand that Zutarians loved the hell out of Zutara and rooted for them to be together at the series finale, but the in-lore time and development Katara had with Aang, and Zuko with Mai is objectively more grounded and overwhelming than all the "evidence" that Zuko would have had a great romance with Katara. Even with Zuko having redeemed a lot about himself in his arc at season 3 and AFTER Katara learns to trust him, there's literally no time for them to develop any romantic feelings or a relationship because Sozin's Comet was just like several days away at that point. Even in the catacombs of Ba Sing Se, Katara's moment with offering to heal Zuko's scar and to really establish a bond was interrupted by Aang and Iroh before she could waste her spirit water on him--THEY HAD NO TIME. Meanwhile, Mai and Zuko were childhood friends, and knew each other for basically their whole lives. Plus, they were dating throughout the series. In practicality, isn't it going to be Mai that would make the most sense as a love interest due to the fact that of all candidates, Mai understands Zuko the most? Isn't it Mai that Zuko has took the time to write a letter for in the prison, smile and laugh for? With Mai, we see Zuko at his most happy. Point is, Mai is objectively a very important love interest to Zuko, so even though they broke up several times before, I don't think Zuko is the type to just throw his tears away and immediately move on. I mean seriously, Jin was more like a rebound fling and Zuko didn't even blink when he dipped back to the Fire Nation. And I don't think I need to pull up the entire show just to list examples of Aang and Katara having each other's backs and developing an unbreakable bond. Zuko and Katara didn't have the time to develop romantic feeling for each other at their best and even if they had an infatuation for one another, wouldn't Zuko's bond and romantic feelings for Mai predictably just bubble to the surface again? I mean Zuko lost no sleep when he basically ditched Jin and went straight back to Mai. No offense to anyone who loves Jin/Zuko, I'm just telling it as it is.
"Zuko does not consistently consider Katara's feelings".
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Again, this is true. After returning to the Fire Nation, Zuko isn't shown to be shaken by his betrayal to Katara. He's just not thinking about her during his time back home. But what I definitely want to talk about is the part where he joins the Gaang, and Katara is vocally distrustful of him. This is the aspect of Zuko and Katara's relationship that has always stopped me from actually shipping them together. Katara is vocal, again and again, that she doesn't trust Zuko because of his history with basically being a serious asshole bounty hunter for the avatar, because of him betraying her trust back in Ba Sing Se, and the fact that she personally blamed Zuko for her mother's death due to associating him with Fire Nation scum. Now while Katara is clearly bothered by his presence in the Gaang, Zuko literally didn't care and was on-board to keep on trucking. It's only after it gets too annoying does Zuko now care about Katara's feelings, and what does he lead with? "This is so unfair!". Upon confronting Katara about her feelings, Zuko immediately declaring that Katara was being unfair just reveals that Zuko was thinking more about himself in this moment. That Zuko didn't do anything wrong, that Zuko must not have done anything wrong because Zuko does not even remember what he did to piss off Katara. Katara is the one that has to check him by explaining why she doesn't like him: his betrayal, her perception of his affiliation with the Fire Nation, and PROBABLY the fact that he sent 'sparky sparky boom boom' man after Aang. Right after that, Zuko goes to see Sokka about he and Katara's mother, and while that's very considerate of Zuko...it shows that he's kind of ignorant about properly apologizing for his wrongs. He skipped doing any apology for what happened in Ba Sing Se, and went straight to "Okay, what's the deal with her mom?". It's nice that Zuko gave Katara the option to do a Quentin Tarantino mission on the dude that murked her mom, but the fact that Zuko put Katara's vocal disapproval and Ba Sing Se event kind of on the back burner of his concerns isn't quite a good look. It shows that Zuko, although in redemption, still possessed from listening problems.
Also, when searching for different takes on Zutara, I found a post by a particular user that I don't remember. But basically, in critiquing Zutara the user mentioned Katara threatening Zuko that she would "end his destiny personally" was 'abuse'. I believe this user is called, 'erin-the-brave'. Well in my opinion, that just wasn't an intelligent perspective on Katara's dialogue. In Katara's perspective, Zuko has been chasing her, Sokka, and Aang across the world to capture him, which to her would mean the doom for the world. Zuko taunts Katara about her mother's necklace, using it to try bringing her into giving up Aang. Zuko is randomly living in Ba Sing Se, and right after she has a short bonding moment with him, he immediately choses to help Azula kill Aang. Zuko then sends an assassin after Aang, in which that assassin locks Katara and Toph up in a jail cell as bait. I get that Zuko helped free her dad and Suki from prison, but goddamn, how the fuck else do you expect Katara to react to Zuko's sudden redemption? Even if he IS trying? Katara isn't a fucking mind reader. Like how did you genuinely expect her to react? "Oh you poor thing! Let me welcome you with wide open arms so I can kiss your ass and wipe it with a sample of spirit water"???
"Oh Katara's being abusive to Zuko because she was telling him that she'll end his life if he hurts Aang again, even though Zuko HAS repeatedly tested everybody in the Gaang". Could it serve as an argument that Katara wasn't given much time to learn with, and trust Zuko in order for a romantic relationship to work? I think so. But would I say Katara's reaction to Zuko's second redemption is 'abuse'? No. I think it would be overreacting to even call that verbal abuse, because in Katara's shoes, who wouldn't be wary of Zuko?
"Zuko was pushing Katara to be a murderer in The Southern Raiders, he was bringing out the worst in her".
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I actually disagree with this. Zuko merely told Katara that he knows the guy who killed her mother, and that would help her find him. If I recall correctly, he didn't push or pressure her into actually killing him. He merely offered her a journey to find the fucker who took her mother's life. Katara contemplating murder, going on the trip, and even blood bending during the mission was 100% her own choice. The fact that Katara almost instantly chose this journey with Zuko seems to imply that this was something she always wanted to do, but just never got the chance for: confronting her mother's killer. Even after Katara chose not to kill the guy, Zuko didn't hold her choice against her. He doesn't belittle her, nor did he ever pressure her to twist Yon Rha to death like a pretzel. Zuko actually tells Katara that her ability to be better than Yon Rha was a person strength, and Zuko even seems proud of her in that moment. He gave Katara the chance for closure, she took it, she tackled the confrontation in her own way as Zuko let her have her spotlight, and they walked away with him being proud of her.
"Zutara would be better if you just replaced Zuko with Azula in the ship".
This is a joke, right? Because the only way this could get funnier is if you threw in Ozai.
"a fic which does 'ATLA’s plot goes almost exactly as canon, except my favorite ship happens' is not clever or innovative".
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....it's fanfiction with endless creativity, writing styles, and brains behind it. Rewriting the show's beginning, midsection, endgame, or all of the above is objectively creative and at least a little innovative. Fanfiction absolutely can be creative and innovative, you don't have to lie just because you don't like a ship, my brother.
"Katara offering to heal Zuko's scar is actually evidence that she does NOT fully understand Zuko"
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I've seen this take and I think it's one of the best arguments against Zutara, to be honest. A user named 'Maikingsenseofit' explained it so well, I'm just gonna copy and paste it:
"Upon seeing his scar, her immediate thought is to use spirit water to heal it. While this is an outstanding demonstration of kindness for someone she is not obliged to show it to, let’s remember that right before this Zuko says:
“It's okay. I used to think this scar marked me. The mark of the banished prince, cursed to chase the Avatar forever. But lately... I've realized that I'm free to determine my own destiny, even if I'll never be free of my mark.”
This. Right here. It is so important to understand. Zuko’s scar is so much more than a scar. It represents his trauma from his father, the trials and tribulations he faced to earn Ozai’s approval, and is a further reminder that he is the black sheep of the family both figuratively (a son who could never live up to his title, who could never bend like he was supposed to) and literally (the only member of a pristine royal family with an ugly brand on his face).
But his journey with Uncle Iroh in Ba Sing Se allows him to come to terms this trauma, or moreover this scar. It’s a reminder that we cannot escape our past or try to stifle it. We must embrace it and learn to accept it. It is only then that we are fully liberated from the shackles of our trauma and can fully determine our paths forward.
Katara’s offer to get rid of Zuko’s scar represents a regression of Zuko’s hard earned realization. He had just come to terms with his troubled past and accepts the ephemeral mark on his face. He even wears it with pride. He doesn’t try to hide his past or stifle his trauma, not anymore. It is an integral part of who he is. It is what makes Zuko, Zuko.He vocalizes this to Katara immediately before this. Katara however, fails to understand the significance and the journey behind this mark, largely in part because she wasn’t there to witness it. Her attempt to heal his scar falls flat in several ways, but one main reason is because just because something is healed physically, doesn’t mean it’s healed emotionally. But it’s important to consider something else here: Zuko never explicitly asks Katara or verbalizes a desire to get rid of his scar. Based on the earlier conversation, he’s finally gotten around to embracing it and welcoming the significance behind it. What Katara offers is in stark contrast to what he said. He allows her to touch his scar, but it is evident that she would never heal it. Why?
From Belen Edwards, despite the traumatic memories associated with his scar, Zuko never seems particularly ashamed of it. Throughout season 1, his hairstyle ensures that it's completely exposed, showing his identity to the world. In the second season, Zuko tells Katara that he's beginning to accept that he won't be rid of the scar.
And yet despite hearing the last part, Katara still offers a solution to Zuko to get rid of it.
This is where we see that the so called deep understanding and caring that Zuko and Katara held for each other is beginning to crack. Where is Katara’s deep and profound, soul-ular (get it, like cellular?) understanding of Zuko that no one else, other than Iroh, had of him? It begs us to ask if Iroh was in that room, given the journey he embarked on with his nephew both physically and emotionally, would he have encouraged Katara to get rid of this mark? The answer is obviously no. If there is a deep vulnerability and intimacy that they share with each other, and no one else, it does seem pointless given on both ends neither understands the full depth of the other’s situation. This is exemplified by Zuko immediately forgetting his entire interaction with Katara (but not His interaction with Aang interestingly) afterwards and still failing to understand why Katara was mad at him, even AFTER she explicitly tells him. And this is exemplified by Katara not fully acknowledging and understanding Zuko’s acceptance of his scar and offering a surface level solution that will never address the emotional significance and tribulations that come with it. Nothing against either of the characters by the way, and I need to emphasize that in bold font. I am simply observing their interactions and dispelling these “Word of God”-like claims.
Consider Zuko’s interactions with Mai. When he first sees her after years of banishment she gently his scar and touches in it not in an attempt to get rid of it, but because it is a part of Zuko. And when it comes to kissing Zuko, it means touching his scar, touching him in his entirety- including his physical and emotional marks. There’s a deliberate reason why the storyboard artists included Zuko’s scar in the scene. Because she’s known Zuko her whole life and was there when he first received it. Zuko and his scar are not two separate entities for her. They are one and the same"
End dialogue.
What should be mentioned is that Zutarians do like to say that "Katara is the first person to ever touch his scar"...which to be honest, I just don't believe. I just don't believe that Katara got to touch his scar before Iroh or Mai ever did, because it would insinuate that Iroh and Mai have never caressed the side of Zuko's face to comfort him, and after all those years of being close with them. Then there's the claim that Katara is the only person Zuko opens up to in the Gaang, even though he talked about some of his feelings to Toph, talked about some of his feelings to Sokka, and talked about some of his feelings to Aang. When Zuko snatched Aang and hustled themselves into a cave in the middle of blizzard nowhere, Zuko opens up about his rough childhood to Aang. Yes, Aang wasn't conscious to listen, but Zuko DID talk to him. Perhaps Katara is the first member of the Gaang that Zuko opened up to (the "mom talk" in Ba Sing Se) without the other person being too out-of-conscious to listen, but she's definitely not the only one that Zuko opened up to. She's technically not the first person to give Zuko a chance, but Aang was the one who did it right after he was freed by Zuko (who was disguised as the Blue Spirit).
"Toko = Zutara = Zukka = just about any fan pairing/OT100 involving Zuko".
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I don't entirely agree with this. For context, a user by the name of 'atla-recluse' posted this in regard to Zuko shipping:
"Toph, who actually wanted to go on one just to hang out with him. Toph, who tried to speak to him about her personal struggles (as they walked together in search of Aang). The sort of thing an actually compassionate and reflective boy would have at least tried to sympathize with, even if only briefly. Instead, he immediately shuts her down. Seems he didn’t have a second to waste on some dumb little girl, right? This same girl who would later on take moments out of her time to sit down with him and comfort him (The Ember Island Players). Someone’s always there when he wants support. An emotionally volatile 12 - 13 year-old comforting an even more emotionally volatile 16 - 17 year-old. Not a good look. And yet…Toko = Zutara = Zukka = just about any fan pairing/OT100 involving Zuko. And the reasons why they’re shipped always seem to be the same, save one little difference here and there. It’s always about pleasing Zuko and his you-know-what. Pardon the innuendo and my mood."
I agree that Zuko was kind of a jerk to Toph with how he dismissed her, even though he dumped his emotions out and let her give some reassurance. Zuko went on a journey to free Hadoka from prison with Sokka, and Zuko went on a journey to give Katara closure for the fucker that murdered her mother. Although Zuko has streaks of selfishness in his good deeds, it should still be noted that he does care enough about Sokka and Katara to help them in regard to their families. Meanwhile, Zuko factually never even said Toph's name during the entire show's runtime. I'm not saying that Zutara is a perfect ship, but I am saying that it IS different than Toko.
The Final Point to mention: They just ain't into each other".
And although I like checking out Zutara fics and seeing what creative combinations the Zutarans had to bring for over ten years, I still don't truly ship Katara and Zuko because they're just not into each other. Look at the Ember Island play scene that depicted Katara and Zuko being secret lovers in an affair. They literally cringed away from each other. They didn't blush or smile, they CRINGED.
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So far, those are my takes on this apparent "war" with the Zutara shipping. So here's where I casually call up hardcore Zutarans to ask a genuine and polite question: what is your response to these arguments against Zutara? Will you still ship them after these arguments? I would really like to know your perspectives, and to see if my mind can change. I don't hate Zutara, though I'm not sure if I ship Zuko and Katara either. Again, that's my actual take, and I would super like to read what Zutarans would like to say about all this.
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anachilles · 1 month
Just read all of your firehouse!au and I’m obsessed!
I saw your post about Chick observing them once they’re in a relationship and being pleased with the way he sees Gale take care of John.
Curious if you have any moments planned/HC of ways John takes care of Gale in this universe?
Loved the chapter where John helps out at the bar after seeing Gale is still a bit sick/behind on school btw! Does he ever get to be Gale’s person in those vulnerable moments?
Thanks for writing this and sharing it! (will be re-reading by next week LOL)
Hi anon!
First of all: thank you so much for the Firehouse love! I'm so so glad you're enjoying the story! 🥰
In terms of the ways in which John takes care of Gale, in my mind it mirrors the way we see it even just in the actual canon events of the show, just in a modern context where they're allowed to kiss lol.
As you've touched on, he's an acts of service fiend. Gale's very hyper-independent, by virtue of having to be growing up, and so John always gets a little thrill when he can anticipate something he might need before he even realises it himself - or something he has realised but won't just outright ask John for - and take care of it.
This often goes hand-in-hand with John's magpie-like tendencies and his inability to walk into any store without seeing something to bring back for Gale, something that either reminds him of him, or something that he knows he either needs or simply would enjoy. Like John will text him on his way home asking if he wants anything from the store because hey, he has to stop anyway, and Gale will say no but God knows John will come back with his favourite chocolate bar or a packet of Milano cookies.
(because it'll be a cold day in hell before Gale Cleven and his notorious sweet tooth will ever be able to pass up sweets, lol).
Assorted Other Ways In Which John Takes Care of Gale:
Contrary to popular belief, Gale does in fact have a car, and can actually drive. Not that you'd think that if you only met him after he and Bucky got together. Driving Buck around as much as possible is, like, part of Bucky's love language at this point (Gale's an incredibly competent driver but he's also a bit of a menace when it comes to speed and risky manoeuvres). Living that passenger princess life fr.
Growing to love Maverick like his own, even if he is to some extent "the spare human" in her eyes, lol. Takes care of her when Gale's not there without even thinking about it. When Gale gets home from campus, or the bar late at night, and finds the two of them lounging on the couch with Mav sprawled across Bucky's chest 🥺
In a literal, material, sense Bucky has tried to help Gale out financially in the past - whether that be a bit of help with the bills, groceries etc ("because hey, I come around here so much, I may as well contribute"), or by insisting on paying for stuff on their dates. He doesn't really think twice about it, it isn't a big deal to him - he's by no means rich but he has a decent job and is well off enough. Gale does okay but he's still studying and working essentially two jobs. It just makes sense to him, but it's one of the only things that causes real friction between them because it can make Gale feel uncomfortable.
Speaking of Gale working on a PhD and doing some teaching at the university and doing bar work - he inevitably gets burnt out. Where he'd push through before by hook or by crook, Bucky's getting better at prying him away from his laptop when he's been going at it for so long he's starting to look stuck, or frustrated, or tired. Makes sure he eats. On the days where Gale has to wear all three hats it's making sure the little things needing done around the house are done so he doesn't have to worry about them.
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louciferish · 8 months
I got an interesting comment this morning on one of my old Yuri!!! On Ice fics, By Chance One Turns, and realized as I thought about it that I wanted to share it with others.
So, here's the comment:
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First of all, let me say that I really appreciate this comment. I've re-read parts of By Chance since it was published as new comments came in, but I never re-read this particular chapter, and the name was used in such a passing reference (to the movie Ghost Cat, of all things) that I certainly didn't remember it was there.
I also really appreciate that the reader here took a moment to think, looked at the date of publication of the fic, checked to see when Elliot Page came out, and assumed the reference here was of its time and not made out of malice or bigotry. Hell yeah.
So, this left me with the question of what to do. My immediate thought was to edit the chapter, but then I reconsidered. By Chance is explicitly set in 2016, with events in the fic that took place in that real-world year. That's four years before Elliot Page came out, making the reference anachronistic if I changed it.
(But since when have I cared about that in media, right? Oluwande wears Crocs.)
Leaning towards leaving it as-is, with a note, I then started to think from a different angle. As folks reading this may or may not know, I go by Lou IRL. This was a change from my birth name, which was nothing like Lou, and while I'm private about this stuff I'll say that change was made in part for Gender Reasons.
Not everyone feels this vehemently about their old names, but I detest mine. I wish I could wipe it from references. I wish I could erase it from the memories of those who knew me before I changed it, so no one would ever call me that -- deliberately, or by accident -- again.
Of course, I can't do that. But, if I were in Elliot Page's shoes, I'd want references to my old name erased as much as possible. And while I can't erase my own old name from history, and while Elliot is never going to know about my fanfic in any form (please), it is in my power to change this one instance of someone's old name being used.
So, I have.
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nerdieforpedro · 2 months
Questions and Confessions
Chapter Two of A Safe Place for Us
Dieter Bravo x Aisha Smith (black plus size AFAB)
My entire masterlist and blog are for readers 18+ MDNI. I do not consent to my work being used in AI, recommended on TikTok, borrowed or plagiarized.
Summary: Aisha is firm on her plans on having a baby by way of a sperm donor. During a FaceTime call, Dieter is honest about what he really thinks.
Warnings: last time we're mentioning sperm donation I swear, pregnancy kink (I dunno where it came from and why it is still here, but yeah), mentions of cum, Dieter rumors
Word Count: about 1.7k
Notes: I dug in hard with the friends to lovers/idiots and love and there's one more trope we'll see next few chapters. 🤭 It starts next one.
Main Masterlist/ Dieter Bravo Masterlist/ AO3 Link
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As an Oscar winner, one would think Dieter would know how to fake his way through most situations. 
“I need five shots of tequila to even entertain this conversation Aisha, especially with you calling me while I’m filming.”
“When else am I supposed to tell you? I didn’t want to tell you over FaceTime, but you’ve been avoiding me during this whole process. You said you would come with me. I’ve rescheduled twice already.”
An exasperated Bravo leans back in his rolling chair in front of the desk in his hotel room. He can’t keep avoiding it. He told Aisha he’d go with her, but has had press and such he’s been doing. Really they could have waited but in a very un-Dieter fashion, he jumped at the chance to do them. Much to his agent and manager’s surprise. That way he would have a legitimate reason for not going with his friend to a sperm bank. The more he thought about it, he can’t watch her thumb through binders of other men and pick one to be her baby’s daddy. Can he tell her that? Be honest? His therapist suggested he should be but he’s gotten no indications for Aisha over the years that she’s thought of him as anything other than a friend.
“I was doing some press stuff Ai. It’s not that I didn’t want to.” That was the entire reason, he’s lied again.
“I’m making another appointment and I’m going. I’m in my mid-thirties. I want a kid. And you just said you were filming.”
“Shouldn’t you have the kid with someone though? Like not even just for the making of, just as support for you and the baby?” Maybe he can talk her out of it, but she caught him in his lie.
“I haven’t found anyone good enough for that. That I would even want to be with long term, let alone have a child with. I’m not subjecting myself to shitty relationships anymore Dee. You know that.” He does know that, it’s why he knows in the last two years since that failed engagement, she’s dated but it’s been nothing substantial. Bravo’s proud of Aisha for that. Knowing her worth, but does that mean he wasn’t even a thought? A possibility?
“So am I not good enough? I wasn’t even considered? God I’d thought I’d been doing a hell of a lot better. Being sober and all. I could be a good father Aisha. Better then some asshole in a binder.” There was silence. Why wasn’t she still talking? Fuck…he said that aloud didn’t he? Welp, he can say he’s been honest now. He can’t look at her, she’s likely disgusted. Who thinks about putting a baby in their best friend and tells them like this?
“Dieter what do you mean?”
He says nothing. His hands are covering his face. It’s mortifying. So much more therapy. She got to hate him now.
“Dieter. Explain.” Aisha’s voice is stern. “Look at me please.”
He hangs his head as he places his hands on the desk. It feels cool, he’s not even wearing his robe and he’s burning up. Dieter feels like he’s on fire, he might be re-considering what he’s about to say, but he’s already gone this far. “I…could be your sperm donor.” He finally looks at her. She looks shocked, which is reasonable. Her arms are crossed, also reasonable. “I just don’t think you need to go through all these hoops and money when I’m right here Aisha. Ready and willing. I can give you a baby.”
She doesn’t say anything. Dieter’s scared that he’s lost her. Maybe she’ll tell him never to speak to her again. This was one relationship outside of his career he hadn’t fucked up. Now he had. He can’t come back from this.
“H-How would that work? What does it look like?” Is what he hears her ask. Timid. He hadn’t gotten that far. Now he has to improvise, is it still improv if he’s just honest? “I hadn’t thought of asking you Dee, you’ve never mentioned kids. You’re not less than. I just didn’t think you wanted anything to do with it.” Her assessment isn’t wrong. Dieter did not want anything to do with Aisha being pregnant by a sperm donor. Being pregnant by him? He wants everything to do with that. Too many dreams about rubbing her round belly and then picturing a small burrito wrapped baby on a bed between them. Him smiling because it’s better than all the blow, molly and Kit Kats. Though when able, he would have the kid start eating Kit Kats and he might even share.
“Well I wouldn’t want it to be artificial insemination. We would do it the natural way, though we’d keep track of when you’re ovulating. I could keep my schedule a bit more open or fly you out to me in case I just can’t leave. Then when you do get pregnant,” He left no room for ambiguity, his mission would be to get her pregnant. Dieter finds it best not to dwell on the getting her pregnant part. His eyes haven’t left her face and she hasn’t looked away. Maybe there is a small universe where this is okay. “We’d go to your appointments together and come up with a birth plan. You are going to need to be out of that studio apartment. I know you love it, but you and our kid are going to need more room. Maybe a townhouse or a single family home. I don’t know if you just want to have one or more Aisha. But I’ll be there through all of it. You shouldn’t be doing this alone.” Dieter pauses knowing this is a confession, but it’s gonna all spill out. “We’ll co-parent some smart goofy ass kids Aisha. Maybe they’ll even be into the arts like us. I want to give you that. You deserve the world, but I know you know that. Kit Kat.”
Aisha is crying. It had been difficult to reconcile that she’d be choosing single parenthood. But from incompatible guys she’s been meeting on apps and her traitorous fiance, it seemed like the only option. It’s not like she was blind to Dieter’s charms. They’re only friends, it’s what is best for him. When Dieter starts blurring lines, he gets into trouble. He’s healthy and she doesn’t want to take that from him. She could tell he hated the idea, but much like when she sat him down to watch Grantchester he suffered through it for her. But now he’s talking about an entire life together with her and it seems like he’s thought about it a great deal. Would she be able to just co-parent with him? And not have him to herself? She’s happy he’s willing but she can only accept him with other women now because he’s just her friend. Anything else and she wants him to have only her while he’s suppling the seed and support. He didn’t mention anything about love or a relationship romantically.
“Dieter I…It sounds wonderful but I can’t.”
“Why won’t you let me give it to you Aisha? I just said-“
She holds her hand up to the screen. “I can’t co-parent. I’d want you there. As much as I could have you. I’m selfish and using you like this would be so mean to you and to myself. I can’t. Thank you for offering it to me. Good night Dee.” Aisha says his name softly as she concludes the call. 
Turns out in all his honesty, Bravo forgot to lead with the most important part, the entire reason he painted such a picture of their lives wasn’t just because she wanted this. It’s because he loved her and wanted to share it with her. “I’m such a dumbass.” Lamenting, he calls his driver and offers him a grand to get him to her address. He needs to make it clear. Let her know why and also ask her if that’s what she meant by ‘I’d want you here. As much as I could have you.’
Aisha goes to take a shower and can’t sleep. It’s horrible. The life he mentioned sounds perfect. It’s what she would want, when she got out, she applied lotion to her sepia brown skin, curious when she rubbed her flabby belly what it would look like pregnant. “With Dieter’s kid…oh.” She felt it when he was describing their possible life, he didn’t take his eyes off her. The entire time she felt guilty for her arousal while he was talking, even before when he said he wanted to be her sperm donor. That alone went right to her clit. He’s her friend who’s trying to help her out with something she wants. Dieter’s always been generous with her. She shakes her head and puts on her nightgown and robe, normally she doesn’t wear underwear in the evening when home alone. She grabs some ice cream and plops down on the couch, turning on Dateline. It ends up just noise as her mind wanders back to less than an hour ago. 
Into part two of why this seemingly happy wife murdered her husband and ran away with his mistress, heavy knocks are at her door. “Aisha! Open up! We need to talk! Aisha!” Panicked, she rushes to the door and pulls him inside. Her neighbors like their quiet.
“Dieter you can’t just yell and bang like that?!” Aisha is now yelling and talks a moment to calm herself. “There’s nothing to talk about.” She retakes her place on the couch. Bravo sits next to her.
“There is and it’s the reason why I told you what our lives could be.” He turns off the TV and holds her hands. Aisha looks up at him, he’s making her arousal worse. “The only reason I would think this hard about having a child is because it’s you Aisha. I love you. I wouldn’t want to have a kid with anyone else. And I don’t want you having a baby with a man who isn’t me. I want to be the one to put a baby in you.”
Aisha stands, not letting go of his hands as she makes her way backwards to her bedroom. “Then we’re starting now, Dieter. You’re going to pump me full of cum. I’m ready, get those sweatpants off. I can tell you’re not wearing boxers.” If he’s willing then she’ll see if he can really have sex with her. Given the rumors about Dieter, Aisha has always been curious if they’re well founded or not. 
Now she’ll be able to find out herself if any of them are true.
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Names in the binder:
@megamindsecretlair @soft-persephone @soft-girl-musings @rosecentaur1916 @westside-rot
@mysterious-moonstruck-musings @schnarfer @yorksgirl @guelyury @readingiskeepingmegoing
@survivingandenduring @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @gwendibleywrites @pascalsanctuary @yorksgirl
Chapter One. Chapter Three
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costumesexpalined · 9 months
First things first, basic materials for basically any cosplay.
No need for sewing machines or even embroidery hoops, they’re pretty new in the grand scheme of things and people made insane stuff without them for millenia after all.
(I actually recommend learning hand sewing FIRST, it lets you learn how to fix your stuff in a pinch and is way easier to get into. It’s slower, sure, but it also lets you make finer, more consistent seams and if you have sensory issues tied to sound it’s FAR less likely to set you off. Plus, it’s calming and frankly impresses the hell out of people at competitions and the like and some groups (like re-enactments) do not count machine made things at all in their competitions and standards.)
All you need to sew clothing is a needle, thread, scissors, a measuring tape, a pencil and sharpener or chalk to mark things in a washable way, fabric and time.
If you aren’t totally confident in being able to track seams or keep them even, straight pins or clips helps hold stuff together. You also want these if you don’t want to transfer a pattern from paper to the fabric with drawn lines, but that’s also not exactly needed since I go off the base shapes and measurements. If you aren’t confident with holding material extremely taught while you work on embroidery or bead work and the like, a good embroidery hoop can be found second hand for pretty cheap and you can usually find a really good one for under $10 usd at a craft store with an embroidery section (with $10 being a MASSIVE one, I recommend getting a 6 inch or less unless your doing something at a standing one, which is overkill most of the time).
I’ll explain how to use the materials later, but everyone has trouble with fabric and I’ve had people balk at the cost before, so here’s where to start (or if your on a tight budget)
- broadcloth: cheap cotton, comes in a whole array of solid colors and a staple of cosplay. Be sure to make certain you don’t make something too tight with this, it isn’t the best at holding up to extreme strain. Typically about $5 usd a yard… full price.
- quilting cotton: slightly more enxpensive and usually patterned in some way broadcloth. If you go to a fabric store they will have TONS of this. Averages about $6-8 usd a yard full price, depending on the brand and store.
- old linens: a cosplay classic. Go to goodwill or Facebook marketplace or a garage sale or something and buy up a bunch of old bed sheets and stuff or some curtains and be ready to get dirty with dye, bleach, and a lot of prayers. Best to aim for solid white, makes it easier, unless you want that specific color/pattern. Upside is that these make bigger pieces easier to make. Think cloaks, super big skirts, “Aladdin” pants, things that have a high depth AND width to the piece you need. Lowers the seam count, at least.
- Muslin: I will have an unhinged rant about historical vs modern muslin later on, but this is a fabric you can get for as little as ¢50 a yard in some cases used for a pattern making method called “draping” that will also be explained at a later date. It’s thick, completely undyed/unbleached, and sturdy enough to take some abuse and doesn’t gray too bad. It’s shit compared to historical muslin, but it does its job as a cheap canvas in a pinch. Be warned: these come on VERY short bolts and often aren’t “double wide” like other fabrics, which can be an issue and lead to TONS of seams.
Again, muslin is used to make patterns usually. Will explain “draping” later but it’s pretty self explanatory based on the name.
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mrs-theirin · 10 days
quilllllll! hi, hello, i simply had to let you know that i've been slowly but surely re-re-rereading the road, the hidden truth, and you, and first of all, gorgeous, beautiful, touching, magnificent, imagine a rainstorm of chefs kisses raining down uponst you <3 but i got curious and had to ask...are there any cut scenes/fun facts/behind the scenes special features you might want to share with the class? 🥺 hehehe i just know /i/ always end up having a bunch of stuff like that once a project's done, and i'd LOVE to hear any juicy tidbits you've got!!! :P (either way, had to remind you how gorgeous this - AND ALL YOUR OTHER WRITING - is!)
we are somehow on the same wavelength as i was rereading it myself when i got this ask.....i'm onto you queenie......
all jokes aside THANK YOU i am always blown away when you compliment my writing, truthfully, it means the absolute world to me and i'm glad you enjoy what i put out. from the bottom of my heart, your support is greatly, greatly appreciated
that being said. well. as far as fun facts go. one fun fact is that this was barely my idea. that's well known at this point i think but you can thank @merrybandofmurderers for originally giving me the idea of a fake dating, roadtrip au. second fun fact is that i winged the HELL out of this fic. 19 years old staying up (apparently, since i checked the outline???) till 5 in the morning trying to get it done. winged the hell out of it. i had a broad idea, but i built the chapters based off of da2 quest names. so like. i had almost nothing planned. i took a da2 quest title i liked and built a modern au plot around it. great idea i think. poor execution LMFAO
no cut scenes or anything due to the rushed and unorganized nature of the original draft. there are things that i cut from the original in my rewrite, but that's because i felt like they weren't serving a real purpose. i also was super excited to change it so it was modern au but with elves and kirkwall and all that stuff. does it make sense orzammar is in new york? no. do i care? also no
i have been intending to write a follow up ever since the ORIGINAL story, but it just hasn't felt right yet. i know i want to do it. and i really hope i will do it. but for now it will stay in my drafts, lovingly titled "trthtay superbowl follow up". between that and the eden/varric wedding at skyhold fic, we could place a bet on which one gets finished first! (psst, it's probably the wedding fic. i've written more for that. unrelated but maybe expect that? soon? ish? don't hold me to that)
anyway, i'd say the biggest thing is that trthtay was my "i can do better" fic, truthfully. i was STUNNED when it got on a screenrant article (before it was even finished too?), i mean, i still have my section printed out in my dresser. it was exciting. but to see so many eyes on something i didn't think was of the quality i'd like it to be was stressful. i wanted to be great. i wanted the thing that so many people saw from me to be groundbreaking. and i really didn't feel like it hit that mark. i don't even think the rewrite hits that mark! there are things that i've written that i feel are better than both. but, there's a bright side to everything, and that's that even what i would consider one of my worse fics was loved. it was loved. it was enjoyed. not only by the author of that article (david caballero, there's nowhere i can message you on that site, but if you ever see this, thank you so so much) but by everyone who decided to click the link and give it a try. by YOU, one of my biggest inspirations and someone whose writing i aspire to match someday. i cannot thank you enough (you, personally, queenie, and you, plural, anyone who's read my writing) for giving me a chance and pushing me to be better
so. anyway. i'm sure you didn't expect your question to get an emotional response, but i think any conversation about trthtay comes back to that. to hope. to gratitude. it truthfully blows my mind that you love it the way you do. thank you thank you thank you. i'm glad i have you in my corner :)
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Coalition Pinned Post: About Us, How to Join, Important Links.
What is the Coalition?
This is the home of the Homestuck Fanauthor Coalition, a discord-based writing club for fanauthors of all things Homestuck! Any current or aspiring author of Homestuck fanfic is encouraged to join, with the caveat that they understand this is a place for those who have a commitment to bolstering creativity in the Homestuck fandom. We provide a space for brainstorming, proofreading, beta-reading, co-writing, and all other forms of collaboration you can think of! We uplift each-other's works and encourage each-other to keep creating. We are mostly AO3-based authors, but several of us also write MSPFAs, and a few of us even write fangames! So whatever your homestuck writing project, you can find a place among us.
As part of this, we have two AO3 Collections.
Homestuck FanAuthor Coalition Fic and Recommendations is broken into two sub-collections: Our Stuff, which attempts to catalog ever member's works, and Our Recommendations, through which we suggest fic we've read to each-other, mostly written by those not in the Coalition.
Homestuck Fanauthor Coalition Writing Competitions is where we host our competition fics! We all vote together on a prompt, then write our works anonymously, submitting them to a hidden subcollection. Once the works are due, they are revealed, and everyone (not just the participants) gets to read the fics. We then vote on a series of "best in" genres, leave a compliment, and try to guess the identity of the author. At the end, everyone gets a digital medal! It's good fun.
Our Identities, with Ao3 & Tumblr links [below the cut for length]:
Since it's pretty darn hard for the layman to find at a glance, here is our member list. We'll try to keep this up-to-date. This section is under construction, members will likely want to edit their blurbs. Right now we are trying to re-order in the order of joining us!
@thegoodthebadthealternative @madam-melon-meow / Madam_Melon_Meow on Ao3: the founder of the Coalition, M^3 has been a Homestuck fan since 2014, but only started writing fic herself in 2023, alongside her fiance Celery! It is her firm belief that fanfic is the lifeblood of fandom, and she wanted to create a space where authors and editors could meet on equal footing, rather than gather in servers dedicated to one author's fanfic, or servers generally dedicated to Homestuck itself. She saw an empty niche and decided to fill it.
@thegoodthebadthealternative @arealpeople / sarcasticcelery on Ao3: an admin of the Coalition, Celery has been in fandom since late 2018, and was 75% through Homestuck proper when the epilogues came out, so he had an interesting introduction to the community. He is of the opinion that no work of media should be left deconstructed, and that all art should be shared- especially the ugly stuff. He hopes the coalition will facilitate this in the rich seedbed that is Homestuck.
@taglineguerrillawriter @orangestorapples / orangestorapples on Ao3: Orange is one of the bot wranglers for the Coalition discord, and they started writing fic WAAAAAAY back in 2015 on WATTPAD of all things! (I know, they're old 💀) They didn't join the homestuck fandom until 2019. Orange shares the same belief as M^3, about fanfic being an important facet of keeping fandom alive, and come hell or high water they're gonna contribute.
Mykros: [pending]
@unda-dsk / Unda on Ao3: They/them. Writing homestuck stuff since 2014 but properly committed to it with my first big work MC Escher That's My Favourite MC, and currently working on the multi-art work in the same universe: EMC2. Currently getting into art, music, animation and more, as well as writing far too many words. Has zero concept of doing things in moderation, is a rainbow menace.
rko on Ao3: Unda's beta, a writer and editor of many things, synthesizer enthusist, and professional copy wrangler.
@classpectpokerap / EtchJetty on Ao3: Cowriter of the fanventure Nepetaquest 2022 and author of A Bunch Of Shit On Ao3 And Also Mspfa, EtchJetty has been most recently occupied writing Pesterquest Rewritten (@pesterquestrewritten on Tumblr). catch her stuff whenever she makes More Things!!!
@thegodshavehorns @wmb-salticidae / Callmesalticidae on Ao3: [pending]
@thegodshavehorns @shadow-wasser / shadow_wasserson on Ao3 / Shadow Wasserson on FFN : Shadow has written fanfiction since 2004, first read Homestuck in 2013, and has been co-writing *The Gods Have Horns* since 2015. Gen. Darkfic. Plotting.
Atralux @astralix13 / Astralic on Ao3: they also like MLP. Fun fact, they have 15 animals!
Ponderskeletons: [pending]
@ocean-stars-mspfa @horsesbones / GlubbyGlub on MSPFA / timaeusTestifying & HorseFingers on Ao3: Ocean Man first read Homestuck in 2011. Terminally ill about Dirk Strider. Squiddle obsession. Favorite type of fanfictions to write are cognitohazards; peruse at your own risk.
reticulating Attorney aka @diddleydont / Diddleydont on Ao3: [pending]
@utopianparadoxist / optimisticDuelist (lasciviousWildheart) on Ao3: author of the Pumpkin Path [bio pending]
silvenainRose: [pending]
kolbietheninja: [pending]
@sylvris / ryuo_zen on Ao3 : [pending]
@mostlycyanide / mostlycyanide on Ao3: [pending]
gues / larceny: [pending]
@meowloudly15 @the-hs-etaverse / meowloudly15 on Ao3: meowloudly15 first started writing fanfiction in 2018. She first read Homestuck in 2019. Her favorite fic subgenres to write about include Women's Wrongs, throwaway lines and characters taken far too seriously, highly self-indulgent meta BS, absurdism (both flavors), and Apocalypse Yuri.
@askaniritual / tasteoflemons on Ao3: Jordan writes meta on her tumblr blog! [more bio pending].
@disgustedorite / disgustedorite on MSPFA / disgustedorite on Ao3 : also a big fan of Saigon 4, [more bio pending]
@manifestmerlin / ManifestMerlin on Ao3: author of a fairystuck fic! [more bio pending]
vapor: [pending]
@vriskabot / araneae_cobalti on Ao3: a big fan of DaVris, [bio pending]
CeramicOrange: a beta reader / editer, [bio pending]
Kimi / quixxotique aka crownlessliestheking on Ao3: she is a Dirk Strider and Midnight Crew enjoyer! [more bio pending]
@greg-is-cool / gregiscool on MSPFA / gregiscool on Ao3: one of our younger members, he got into hoemstuck through XKCD. [more bio pending]
Siben @teamsieben / StarlightSieben on Ao3: Sieben has been writing fanfic on-and-off since they were too young to be on the internet, and recently got into Homestuck in 2023. They write for themselves and they most enjoy exploring what makes characters tick. They also love classpecting, and their classpect is Page of Blood.
Autumn1185 / @aspen1185 / AspenDrake on ao3 : [pending]
The Lukemeister @herestoanotherweirdo / terminalLoquacity on ao3: Luke writes fanfic and mspfas, and is one of Tetra's collaborators on pesterquest re-written! [more bio pending]
wes / fae / peri: [pending]
@timelessambivalence / Eris_Luuvan on Ao3 : 'She/Her, known as Timeless, TA, or Dez. Big time Ancestor enjoyer, Godstuck advocate, scifi consumer, and an infinite abyss of headcanons. Constantly has a pile of things to finish on her desk, an amount of caffine in her blood somewhere between 'not enough' and 'discovering new colours', and is trying her best. Been in and out of homestuck for a couple years but has come back around to try and leave her mark with vague angst, ancestors, and gross overstatements of trolls' inhuman nature.'
Flora @pr0atcrastination / ProAtCrastination on Ao3: author of Appearification, a Dirk Strider fanfic! [more bio pending]
@dave2olkat / ToBurnAllTheEmpires on Ao3: a writer and an artist, he is a big fan of... well, I'm sure you can guess! Author of Gold Pilot, a timeloop fanfic!
@ambrosianlullaby / ambrosianLullaby on Ao3: they are the head of animation of Guidestuck^2 . They/Them and known as Ambrosia, Al, or infectious, is an author who's been writing since they were able to read. Boasting a nearly full Google drive of fanfiction, they joined the Homestuck fandom in early 2020 only to leave before the summer of the same year; but you can't fight the Homestuck, so they're back for round 2.
@june-egbert-official / GinAndJuniper on Ao3 : she loves writing homestuck, and is a big june fan! she also writes stuff involving her and her wife's OCs, which is super cute! [more bio / ao3 link pending].
T4Tavros / CatBoyGhost on Ao3 : he is an aspiring storyboard and comics artist who writes on the side. current projects include a spideman fancomic called "The Magical Spider Man" and a hs au fic called "Oh Hello".
@bralsradoesfanfiction / Bralsra on Ao3 : a new fanauthor and an aspiring fangame coder, she only read homestuck last year but is super excited to get involved in fandom! [more pending]
@rose-icosahedron / Rose_Icosahedron : a fanfic and mspfa author new to homestuck but old to fanfiction, she is writing a homestuck horror fic that she hopes to release soon!
Topher / smellydotcom on wattpad / smellydotcom on Ao3: [bio pending]
@eridan-amporaa / auspiciousAuthor on Ao3: currently writting a johndave fic and planning an mspfa. has many ideas!
Thingy / egregiousBass on Ao3: got into homestuck in 2010 and is now writing fanfic!
@davekatgnocchi / Davekatgnocchi on Ao3: a bit Davekat obsessed, she considers homestuck to be very near and dear to her heart. current cowriting a fic with ambrosian lullaby!
@glubtier / glubtier on Ao3 : "i like to write smooching and I also play a lot of Minecraft"
@jonayariley / JonayaRiley on Ao3 /Jonaya's personal website : Jonaya has been in the fandom since 2019 and writing fic in the fandom since January 2020. You might know her as the director and lead writer for Friendsim 2; as the director for Stuck at Home Con; or as a producer for What Pumpkin's Hiveswap: Act 3!
@sg-s3c / sg on MSPFA : this individual got into homestuck way back in 2011 and has been getting sucked back into it every few years ever since. Sg is currently working on the fandaventure John Ruins a Wedding, and would like to get involved in more stuff!
@tehstripe / Stripe on Ao3 : Stripe has been writing homestuck fanfiction since 2011. She is a nerd and a teacher, and is currently trying to get back into writing her davejade superhero AU, The Thrilling Adventures of Coolkid and Kiddo Eclipse
parrotintexas on Ao3 : [pending]
MysticDreamer aka PHDreamer on Ao3: [pending]
absent architect aka Insipid on Ao3: [pending]
@theartvoid / theartvoid on MSPFA: Ellie is a fancomic autor who is also into various games like undertale, stardew valley, and fallen london.
@starlit-bawka / StarlitBawka on Ao3: this author is just getting back into writing homestuck fanfic, but also writes for a scattering of other fandoms. Fun fact, he also makes puppets!
Asche aka 2uriiviing on Ao3 : He's into book binding! [more bio pending]
Legacy Members [list of former members. assume they left the server in good will, and we are still proud to promote their works]:
tHunkdt on Ao3: [pending]
Bre / BreezefulSkies on Ao3: author of Reallocated, a time travel fix-it fic featuring Hal!
@flaringk / FlaringK on Ao3 / FlaringK on MSPFA / FlaringK's personal website : the creator of the HS5+ formating and the website designer of SAHcon !
Virgil / Danny: a homestuck fan who is in the process of co-writing a not-yet-released project with orangestorapples
Appearing in our header image [left to right]:
@myusernameisstolen, @greg-is-cool, tHunkdt, @taglineguerrillawriter, @arealpeople, @madam-melon-meow, Bre, rko, @unda-dsk, @shadow-wasser
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yandere-daze · 2 years
Oya oya, it's me again! (At this point, I can be labeled as the oya oya anon)
I wrote this after reading the ask where the player breaks down because of all the affection the idols have for them.
Living in the world of Enstars where 40+ idols are obsessed with you is very exhausting, especially when you are aware of their yandere behavior.
Feeling like you're not alone or being followed (Mayoi, Izumi, Mika), not being able to have a single moment of rest because there's always someone who wants to get your attention by being clingy (Ritsu, Rinne), asking you for a date (Kaoru, Natsume) or just wanting to talk with you (Leo, Wataru)
My introvert battery will die because of them
Home is supposed to be a comfortable and safe place, but when you are aware of everything that is going on around you, being alone is even scarier. You're focused on something (or you have your headphones in your ears) and you hear a sudden noise (hope it's your roommate or your cat/dog if you have one and you don't live in the ES dorms but somewhere else) and start to get scared.
Trying to fall asleep is hard too. What if someone has broken into your house and is watching you? Open your eyes to see if someone is really there or stay in bed under the best armor in the world (your blanket) until morning? (Both choices scare me honestly)
Also pray that you don't get isekaied on your birthday or Valentine's Day....
If it's your birthday, they will all want you to spend it with them. After all, it's a special day, you deserve the best, which also means the best person to spend this wonderful day with, right?
In the case of Valentine's Day, it will be hell. More love and affection than usual. After all, that's what Valentine's Day is all about, and maybe by doing this you'll return the feelings of one of them.
And I feel sorry for the people who work at ES or the other students who have to see this almost every day. Why are all these idols obsessed with the same person who seems to be quite ordinary ?
And sorry if I wrote more than I should have.
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Ah I´m so late to answering this, I´m so sorry! But I really really enjoyed reading this, even when I first saw it!🥺
gn reader
tw yandere, obsession, stalking, possessiveness, jealousy
But yes, I agree so much with all of this! My social batteries are also pretty low so I would feel overwhelmed really quickly even in a perfectly normal and sane social setting but then adding on the fact that everyone is strangely fixated on you and honestly speaking quite creepy? That´s just too much, I think I would be fed up after a day or two djnfdlknf
But you also raise another very good point! You certainly wouldn´t feel very safe, even in your own room, simply because you´re aware of the lengths some of these people would go to just to get "close to you" or whatever else stuff they say. You always have to fear that there might be someone secretly watching you ( you´ve stumbled upon Mika when rounding a corner one too many times) and it´s most definitely freaking you out!
Man just thinking about someone potentially standing in my room and watching me sleep is super creepy! I don´t think I could bear to look either
But oh no, birthdays or Valentine´s day would be really scary, now that you mention it!
You probably wouldn´t be safe on any day where one of the idols celebrates their birthday either. I mean it´s their special day and they want to spend it with the person they love the most! Surely you can´t be so cruel as to reject them on their birthday, right? Just for this one day, they won´t let anyone else interrupt their time with you
On your own birthday the power balance might tip a bit more in your favor because it´s *your* day and so you get to order them around as much as you like ( not that they wouldn´t let you on any other day) but they still all secretly ( or not so secretly) hope that you will spend the day with them and no one else. Also if you thought the grand gestures and gifts you got were too much before then you haven´t seen anything yet. On your birthday everyone is going all out to both celebrate the day you were born and to show you just how much they love you!
Also speaking of love: Oh boy, Valentine´s day. Rip
You´ll be showered with gifts and their yandere behaviours will be worse than on any other day. It´s the day of love so now is the time to hopefully win over your heart! They´ll be so charming and attentive and trying to seek you out every single second of the day. You literally won´t be left alone at all, there´s always someone clinging to you or asking you to be their valentine. The rivalry and jealousy is also especially bad on that day because everyone of course wants you to “choose” them. They´re all hoping for a love confession from you but if you´re feeling to shy then they can take the first step and nudge you in the right direction!
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bronx-bomber87 · 1 year
Happy Tuesday :) Ep been wanting to get to. Anytime we get little more depth to them and Tim as a character I’m a happy girl. I forgot s2 only has 20 not 22 eps HA We’re almost done which is insane to me. Feel like we just started s2. So after this one we have 3 left in this season. What a trip. Let’s delve in shall we?
2x17 Control
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Thanks to Nolan our couple starts their day off with some foot patrol. Grey wants them more engaged with the community. Tim lets her know that while he finds foot patrol annoying he agrees this is important to do. That it creates trust and likability therefore they get more help. Lucy seems real impressed with his answer. I always love when Tim impresses Lucy with his insight. Also when she makes sure he knows how enlightened she finds him. She's hot for Tim in these moments haha
Lucy loves when he shows her his moral compass about this stuff. I said it last review Tim as a person is very attractive. It's definitely huge part of her draw to him. A random guy comes up to them asking for legal advice. They stop and address him. Lucy fully expects Tim to answer this man’s question. I’m rolling when he tells this guy they’re movie extras’. Lucy’s double take is too damn funny. How she kept a straight face idk. He’s such a grumpy old man sometimesI love it. Or as Aaron says in s5 he’s like the old dude from 'UP' LMFAO I love you Timothy Bradford haha
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Lucy's smile when he tells her they’re not google is too cute. We all know she loves her grump of a man. She’s enjoying him cracking a joke with a side of heart eyes to go with that smile. Look at him cracking jokes. So proud. Their comfortability level at this point is off the charts. His sense of humor is so fun to see. (He cracked me up too. I laugh every time.)This came out all on its own. I love him so easily making one around her. Lucy is quite amused and enjoying it herself.
Side notes I love about this scene. The ever wonderful height difference I legit can’t get enough. How damn in-sync they are as they’re walking together. Honestly the entire scene. Look at them. Lastly a fan favorite the the lack of personal space. Within inches of each other at all times. Like moths drawn to a flame. Always gravitating back to one another. Their physical chemistry without touching always floors me.
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We rejoin them still on foot patrol. Lucy asking Tim if Rachel was disappointed she canceled on her last night? Trying to justify to Tim why she ended up bailing on their bar plans. Clearly residual PTSD from Caleb manifesting into her doing this. She’s clearly wanting to be relieved of the guilt she feels for canceling on her.
Tim is usually that person for her with his insight and telling her like it is. Not this time...She doesn’t get the reply she wants unfortunately. Just Tim being a lying liar who lies, when he says they don’t ever talk about her. Ok honey we believe you…I’m sure he actually talks about her more than Rachel would like. Lucy is offended with his cavalier answer LOL
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Their convo gets interrupted by a dope stealing Girl Scout cookies. He runs and ends up in someone’s windshield. One of the little girls shows up from the troop to help them. Tells them they can use her scarf and pen as a tourniquet. Even tells Lucy where to apply it. Pretty impressive composure for a kid haha
Tim’s face is my favorite part when she asks if she can get a badge for this? He’s not sure what shocks him more. Her knowing how to do this or asking for a badge for it haha Lucy’s smile back at Tim is pretty cute. I feel like this will be them as parents when their kid does something that shocks them haha
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The fire dept. arrives and so does Emmett Lang. Not gonna lie everyone he is smokin. I remember first time I watched this episode, I was thinking holy hell this man is attractive. Lucy deserved someone on this level of hotness to re-enter the dating world with. He is instantly flirty with Lucy. Telling her his condolences for Tim being her T.O. (good thing Tim misses this part ha) Lucy has zero problems flirting right back with him.
Honestly good for her. This is so needed post-Caleb. She’s crashing Jackson’s date plans and canceling on Rachel. She needed something to get her back on her feet. Just like Rachel was the perfect person for Tim post-Isabel. Emmett was for Lucy in the aftermath of 2x11. Girl needed a win and to feel it was ok to re-integrate back into the world of dating. Quite the score to start back up with if I do say so myself ha
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They flirt some more at the hospital. Emmett basically asks her out and Lucy panics. Lies says she has something going on. Oh my girl. That PTSD is showing and I can’t blame her. Just hate seeing it affect her. Tim comes up and says it’s time to go. He says bye to Emmett and Lucy makes the connection they know each other. So she leans on her lifeline since she’s having doubts.
Tries to ask Tim about Emmett. Says he seems nice. Trying to get a beat on him through Tim’s eyes. Tim doesn't understand her line of questioning at first. Just giving short answers that give her no depth. He's thinking nothing of it until she gives him that look above. Then he quickly pieces together what this is.
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He instantly disengages about it. Telling her 'No.' Not S1 Tim 'I could care less about your life.' disengaged. More 'I don’t trust myself to give you the right advice.' kind of distance. He wants no part of this. Lucy seems so upset he won’t talk to her about this. This scene is funny in how he cuts it off. How upset she seems. The pointing of his finger. Sadly we know the deep kernel of truth he feels to that final line of the scene.
The weight he’s still carrying around about her abduction. He doesn’t trust himself to vet Emmett for her. Since in his mind he failed so spectacularly with Caleb. He’d rather pass that emotional responsibility off to someone else. The weight that’s already on his soul is crushing...he can’t add to the load. Oh my broken boy. I wanna give you the biggest hug.
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Lucy breaks my heart when Jackson tells her he needs alone time with Sterling. Lucy realizes she’s a third wheel. Has been for awhile now. She is horrified by this. Luckily Tim saves her with an OT opportunity. Joining the DEA operation Nolan and Harper are running. Lucy instantly jumps on it. She looks so upset walking away from Jackson. My poor girl. I want to give her a hug. I wanna hug them both in this one. This OP was blessing in disguise for her to do though. We get the best part of the episode during the stakeout.
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Lucy is "on the phone" with Rachel saying all the things she wishes Tim would engage her on. He’s shaking his head as she rambles on. It’s so funny. Telling “Rachel” she’s been using Jackson and Sterling as a crutch. That together they make the perfect BF. Saying how they’re safe and that's why she keeps choosing them. My heart. Tim interjects 'Who are you talking to? 'Cause he knows it’s not Rachel.
John interrupts asking if they want coffee? He is going on a run. Lucy is her adorable self and asks for a chai tea latte all excited. Tim cuts her off saying this is a stakeout he's not going to Starbucks LOL Lucy rolls her eyes at him. He’s such an ass sometimes but I love him dearly rough edges and all. John is so sweet tells her he’ll see if he can find her some vanilla creamer LMAO
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Lucy returns instantly to her fake convo and Tim can’t take it any longer. Has to call her out in the most Tim Bradford way he can. By calling her and proving she isn’t on the phone…Lucy is mortified but answers LOL Poor girl she just wants to talk it out with her person. I’m a lot like Lucy in the way that I need to talk things out. If I don’t they’ll eat me alive. I have a compulsive need to confront things and not let them fester.
It’s good to have that person you can talk it out with. If you don’t you start to self advise and that’s never good. Tim is that for her. Her sounding board. To her she has a problem she reaches for the lifeline that is Tim to sort it out. So him denying her that catharsis is messing with her. Why she created this fake convo. It got his attention so in the end it worked.
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What kills me the most with this scene is both their reactions honestly. Lucy for being utterly shocked Tim would think his opinion had lost any value post-Caleb. To her it never ever occurred to place any blame on him. To trust his gut or opinion any less because of her DOD trauma. Breaks my heart Tim doesn’t see this before they have this conversation. That he truly believes his opinion has lost its value in her eyes after Caleb.
Lucy is astonished he would think she doesn't want his POV. She lives for it. Its the most important one in her life. Tim is so very vulnerable with her with his follow up answer. So proud of him for this vulnerability BTW. Nothing scarier than being emotionally exposed with another person. You can see it written all his face. That guard is down. We see the toll this guilt has taken on him. He unburdens his soul to her. Tells what has been eating at him for months.
That his advice pushed her towards something that could’ve ended her life. Since then he has devalued his place in her life. Doesn’t find himself worthy to advise her in personal matters. He fought against it for so long. Then he gave in and Caleb happened. In his mind proving why he never should’ve gotten involved in the first place. Chiding himself for getting close to her and having that closeness which put her in danger.
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Lucy truly had no idea the guilt he'd been carrying since 2x11. It’s six episodes later. At the earliest that's 6 weeks at the most its a little over 2 months if we include her recovery time. The latter is the more likely timeline. That’s a long time to be carrying a burden she never placed on him. She can't stand that he's done this to himself. Lucy immediately wants to put him at ease. Trying to offload that burden and chuck it far away. It never once crossed her mind he would take the sole responsibility. Because not for one second did she ever blame him for it.
She vehemently reassures him it wasn’t his fault. He could be told by everyone under the sun it wasn’t his fault. He wasn’t going to stop mentally flogging himself till Lucy forgave him. She is all the things he needs in this moment. Letting him know she thinks it’s ridiculous he would blame himself, that no one had any reason to suspect Caleb for what he was, and overall what happened wasn’t on him. Lucy is taking that weight off his shoulders and throwing it away. Never allowing him to pick it back up again.
He looks so damn relieved and honestly very vulnerable after she absolves him. It helps him start to close a self inflicted wound. Eric the king of facial expressions killing me softly in this scene. His eyes and the way he looks at her when she said wasn’t his fault. *heart clutch* He couldn’t even look at her till she said that. Then when he does he's in awe of her. Like he can't believe she doesn't blame him but is so grateful for her saying as such.
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I love her also sharing it wasn’t hers either. It was not at all. (Growth for her too.) Looks like he's biting back his emotions when she lets Tim know how valued his opinion is. It's so sweet. He needed his sunshine human to apply some balm to his wounds. No one does it better than Lucy. She’s complimenting him while also reliving him of the guilt he’s been harboring for much longer than she would’ve liked.
Had she known this she would’ve absolved him the day after honestly. No way she would've wanted him carrying this guilt day in and day out. Her opinion matters so much to him. He NEEDED to hear her say these words. It had to come straight from Lucy or he’d never let it go. She reassured him that not only did she not blame him but his opinion was one that matters most to her. Two things that were in question for him. Quelled the storm in his soul.
It’s scenes like this that are the true building blocks to their foundation. Why they end up working so well in s5. I will die on this hill of loving every single moment of this slow burn. I’m so glad we had 4 seasons to truly make them rock solid. It was so necessary for them as a couple. I don’t regret the wait at all. Because piece by piece they were building toward ‘The Really Beautiful Place’ Lucy calls their relationship in 5x18. Everything happens for a reason for them before we get there. This is just another wonderful facet of it.
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The minute he’s granted access and allowance to give her advice he doesn’t hold back. His way of showing he cares too. I love them so much for their ability to just bounce back like they do. After a deeply emotional and vulnerable chat they're right back to the banter. Easily fall back into teasing one another. Tim basically says in not so many words Emmett isn’t good enough for her.(I mean no one is but Tim lets be honest.)
Lucy probes and asks why he thinks that? Tim doesn't hesitate in the slightest. Saying he’s a firefighter for god sakes LMFAO. Clearly has a prejudice against them. For whatever Tim reason that may be. Lucy being all cute saying 'Yeah that’s what makes him so hot.' ha She’s not wrong the man is fine af.
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Tim gets defensive and says he doesn’t want to talk about this if she gonna be contrarian about it. Which is Tim speak for being jealous let’s be real honest. Lucy doesn’t hesitate to call him out on it. God I love her. Jokes he’s just threatened by his ‘hunkiness’ I mean he is….his reaction alone proves that he is. It’s ok Tim she still thinks you’re smokin too. She just can’t have you just yet haha
I love them ending this scene on a funny bantery note. Shows how much Tim cares about her. The fact that he is allowing this conversation to even take place proves that. Indulging her in this. They’re so married with their banter. I Iove them sfm. Soulmate behavior the way she teases him about everything and he allows (and loves) it. We leave the scene smiling and laughing at these blissfully unaware idiots in love.
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Harper has Lucy and Tim chase what they think is the decoy vehicle once their stakeout is made. They soon realize the decoy vehicle has their target and Nolan’s CI. They end up getting T-Boned in the pursuit of it. Hurts to watch. They're both knocked out cold. I adore how the first thing Tim asks when he comes to is if she’s alright. Always puts her first. The soft way he says ‘Chen’ then asks if she’s ok. It’s the little things I love so very much. ❤️
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Emmett arrives on scene flirty as ever with Lucy. She decides to be honest with him. Tells him why she declined his date offer. That her social life is complicated right now. He is smooth af with his reply. Tells her once it’s not he’ll still be interested. Their scene ends pretty cute. This is so good for her. I’m really happy to see her get back out there. She really needed him to help her get over her DOD hump. Just like it’s nice to see Tim happy the same goes for Lucy. I love them both individually as as much as I do together. This cute flirt session is well deserved after all the trauma she’s been through.
Thus ends our episode for them. Such a damn good one for them. I love their building block episodes. They do depth and growth like no other. How I love them so.
Side Notes-Non Chenford
Nice to see Angela get her foot back in the door for Detective. Well earned after her fallout in S1.
Harper SL's and her backstory. Getting to watch her in UC action always fun to watch.
Thank you to those who take the time to like/comment and reblog. Means the world to me. Fuels me to do each review.
See you all in 2x18 :)
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
Roo is a bit of a party pooper here. (But Roo does not poop at parties.)
First and foremost, streams are dropping like hell this weekend. So please run playlists on all possible devices (I'll put links at the bottom of this post). PLEASE DO NOT NEGLECT STREAMING as we are in the red.
Of course we need to focus on Angel right now. However, Like Crazy, Face, and Jimin himself are predicted to be nominated for song, best album, and artist of the year for MAMA. Actual trophy awards at a broadcast year-end award show! But the digital points are low for song and album, so we need to work on CONSISTENT global streaming for Jimin in addition to all our boys every single day!
Second, a Naver article stated that Jungkook's album will drop on July 14th. Another Naver article reported on that article, and then a bunch did. We've been here before, where the media ran with a bit of gossip and then got clowned later.
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What the company SAID was:
“The schedule is yet to be finalized, and is to be announced subsequently.”
Now, JJK1 could very well drop in five weeks. But I've heard no chatter anywhere about final touches on post-production, album design, distribution plans, or promotional schedules... they don't just put the songs in a can and then press a button and it's out in the world.
Plus, a year ago, there was a strategic plan shared with investors that mentioned Q4 for him (though that was more of a road map than a firm commitment).
JK did say during last year's Festa that he'd go after Yoongi. So maybe it will happen as soon as July? That would be wonderful, because it seems like Jimin still has music to release, so maybe they can be supportive of each other's projects this summer and fall, before enlisting (hopefully at the same time!).
But I hope JJK1 doesn't go up against the Barbie soundtrack on July 21st because that has so many heavy hitters, my lord, we never catch a break!!
I will just say that JJK1 is one of the most anticipated global releases of the year. It will require a lot of logistics and likely heavy in-person promotion. So I just want to caution folks in getting too emotionally invested about a mid-July date.
It could be. It could not be. Best to wait for an official announcement, which will likely come at least 3 weeks before drop. So let's keep our ears perked after Yoongi's last concert on June 25th...
Third, some folks are reading into a lot of symbols these days. Which is fine! But I'd like to ask that we just be careful with it.
Personally, I only subscribe to a number theory if the timestamp or the numbers that the members write/say are in exact order and we can draw a straight line between that and a known special date. I do not use addition, subtraction, division, or re-ordering of numerals to get to a desired outcome. I don't know K-ARMY who do that either. But I'm not out to crap all over people who do!! It's fun to theorize!
For me, it's fun to look at number stuff the same way it's fun to read tarot cards. We tinker, we point out possible coincidences or patterns... Just please, I gently ask you to keep to theory and not fact. The last thing we want is for someone to cherrypick a screenshot and drag things out of context.
Speaking of symbols and theories becoming fanon facts...
Jimin posted old photos of him looking ADORBS with a tangerine today (which Tae helpfully commented to make sure we'd all understand it was a tangerine, lol). So Yoominners rejoice:
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While Jimin's social media DOES feature plenty of Yoongi (D-Day, Suchwita, possibly photos where Yoongi's shoes appear in a mirror) and TikTok dances, plus he did come on live (FROM HIS HOME!!) on Yoongi's birthday... Jimin's social media also has Hobi, Jin, Joon, and Tae on it! But predominantly it's Yoongi who shows up on Jimin's Insta. We haven't had any Jungkook on his Insta since White Day of last year--interactions with Jungkook seem reserved for WeVerse lives and posts.
Make of it what you will.
To my mind, it does seem like certain "soft" subunits were paired up since Festa of last year. (Hobi spread love to everyone, then there was Namjin's DeliciouSeoul commercials, Yoonmin's Busan [??] tourism commercial, Taekook as yet to be determined but it feels like it's coming...) So the lines between work posts and relationship posts also begin to blur a bit for fans, especially since the members all adore each other anyway...
Whether there was a strategic plan in place or not for how what I perceive as soft subunits promote, I don't know.
But meanwhile, certain other "promotions" seem to organically play out: JK sings all his members' new feature songs, but hypes Jimin's the most (on random lives he does without permission). JK came on live often, but a pattern is emerging where that typically happens when Jimin is away or busy. JK hangs out with Tae and went to the Harry concert with other members, but calls for Jimin to join him most often.
Again, it's fun to speculate what this might mean.
Meanwhile, today Joon posted a gym whiteboard workout in which the initials JK and JM appear, and so folks assume minimonikook are getting swole together. I like the mental image, not gonna lie.
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And hey y'all! Maybe Jimin is summoning Min Yoongi with a tangerine. Maybe Jikook did hit the gym with Joon and draw on his whiteboard. Maybe Tae did grab a bite with JK in the one day before he dyed his hair and allegedly went to Spain to film a music video. It's fun to speculate. It's what fans do.
I just want to caution folks from stating things the members do or feel as if they know for sure.
Those are cult tactics and, for me at least, the lines are starting to blur a little bit these days between Jikookers and Taekookers... in that folks are more than happy to assume that secret private couple getaway trips are pure fact, that words mumbled off screen say exactly what we want to hear, that the company has a clear-cut nefarious plot to hype specific members and bury others... and that there are hints of Signs and Wonders everywhere.
And maybe these things are shaking out and really happening. But we don't know. So I feel more comfy discussing this sort of thing when people include "I think" or "it seems" or "maybe" as we talk about it--I like to have a little wiggle room--because when I see my fellow Jikookers start to "witness truth," it comes off far more like a religion than a supportive fanbase.
I say this gently because at some point we've all done it, especially when we are in a hurry and speaking casually or joking around. I'm not judging, just cautioning.
Words matter. Believe me, I learned my lesson, and words matter.
And when it comes to Jikook, we don't really need to grasp at straws. While our boys are a lot more private these days, they still have exclusive, intimate tones and touches and interactions that we glimpse.
And the circle around them still heavily imply they come as a package deal. For example...
Fourth and finally, we got this awesome interview with Polyc, who had some wonderful things to say about Jimin and the members:
And it was sort of implied that Jimin spoke many times with Polyc about the membership tattoo over the five months that JK was getting his arm retouched--maybe while they were in the shop together? Maybe while his moon tattoos were getting done? Or maybe not.
But Polyc basically said Jimin was the one to usher each member through the process. (Which is a bit of a different impression than I got last Festa when Tae said "I will go with Jungkookie!" because back then it implied it was JK who acted as the conduit between the members and his tattoo artist, but here's some strong evidence that it was Jimin all along who bounced around ideas and made it happen and comforted each member's anxiety. Interesting.)
It's almost as though Jimin and Jungkook are the soft subunit that never gets official promo but keeps bubbling up everywhere.
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Okay so that was my long-winded way of pooping on the party just a little, but hopefully not enough to dampen anyone's spirits!! No one is doing fandom "wrong" -- I just want to keep our hearts and intention pure, and our actions honorable, that's all.
In conclusion: speculation is fun! But assuming is not.
And now? Please STREAM!!
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I love you all so very much! Be well, puppykitties!
Love, Roo
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boxboxlewis · 2 years
41, dealer's choice on pairing
for my beloved tee we are kicking it old-school with some DRARRY! tee i hope you enjoy 💓
The Smiths, I want the one I can't have.
Five years after the war.
I had another idea for our divorce party. BEER KEGS! They’re an American thing, they’re like beer barrels but you do handstands on them while you drink and your friends hold your legs up. Eh?!! We’ll have to stop my mum from trying it, though, her back’s been playing up.
Love Ginny xxxx
P.S. It is very very crass to ask for presents so don’t tell Aunt Ermintrude I’m doing this, but, as a divorce present, do you want to get me a new set of stationery? I have REAMS of this ‘From the office of Ms. Ginevra Weasley-Potter’ stuff,  I thought we could do a bonfire with it at the party, but!! then I won’t have anything to send letters with. Let me know. Flourish & Blotts have a sale on…… 
Sorry to bombard you but had another thought: should we have party favours? Should we have party favours that are COMMEMORATIVE TEA TOWELS WITH OUR FACES ON THEM AND THE DATES OF OUR MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE. I’m so glad you agree I have ordered them. DON’T make that face it will be very funny.
Love Ginny xxxx
GREAT NEWS Seamus has a friend who can get us the kegs!! Don’t worry he says it is 100% nearly legal but also can you just check if we’re inviting anyone from Customs & Excise. Thanks a million babe, love youuu.
Love Ginny xxxx
Dear Gin,
No problem re the stationery.
No problem re the kegs, although any chance we could go for ones that’ve been imported legally? Does the smuggling make the beer taste better? Perhaps Seamus can advise.
Please, please tell me you are joking about the tea towels.
What smuggling?? So glad you understand about the kegs. And the tea towels are definitely a joke….. 
A joke that we will be giving to our lucky friends and family, heyaaaaa!!
Love Ginny xxxx
It’s a good party. They have it at the Burrow, in the garden, fairy lights twinkling overhead, but it reminds Harry of parties in 8th year. There’s the same giddy tone to it, and Neville has brought his specialty (“primo kush,” Seamus insists on calling it, having gone worryingly Californian after a two-week holiday in New York), and there’s the taste of butterbeer and firewhiskey, and the smell of bonfire and the stars bright and cold overhead. Harry loops an arm around Ron’s shoulders. He wouldn’t have done that, in the war, but he touches his friends all the time now. “Does this remind you of,” he says, and Ron finishes “8th year, yeah,” lazy and happy. 
It’s a good party, and when Harry runs into Ginny by the snack table he grins at her and says “Fine.”
“‘Thank you Ginny, this was a brilliant idea, and I was wrong to doubt you,” she says, in a growly mock-Harry voice.
He smiles, pulls a face at her. “I should never have doubted you, Gin.” After a beat he adds, “Should never have married you either, mind,” and Ginny says “Oi!” and elbows him. 
The crisp bowl is running dangerously low and Harry feels a duty to the party to refill it. Also, possibly, he wants a moment to himself out of the heart of things. Sometimes he enjoys things more that way; it’s probably the war trauma.
The door from the garden into the kitchen is jammed, which is a bit odd. He’s never known it to stick before. He rattles it, then sets his shoulder against it, and shoves with his magic too. It yields suddenly and Harry stumbles across the threshold. And—Draco Malfoy is in the kitchen, leaning back against the countertop, face flushed, trousers round his knees, one hand clutching the hair of the man kneeling before him. Harry blinks, shakes his head, but the scene doesn’t change. “Er,” he says.
“The door was locked, Harry,” Draco says. He is staring with great focus at the ceiling.
Harry looks frantically away from Draco’s face. “No, I, just, I,” he says. Oh Christ, the man on his knees in front of Draco is Charlie Weasley. Harry has died and gone to absurdist hell. “Aaahh?” he says, and flees back into the garden.
“Are you all right, Harry?” Hermione asks, touching his arm, concerned but keeping her voice private. 
“Yes! Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. Really feeling the need to, er, to play some beer pong though! Partner me?”
“....sure,” she says, and he knows she knows something is wrong and he’s not off the hook, but all the same they trounce everyone: Ginny and Lee, and Ron and Neville, and Blaise and Luna.
“Re-rack!” demands Blaise, voice high with outrage, “I demand a re-rack!” and Hermione says, in her most serious Senior Magister voice, “With respect to my learned friend, I believe he will find that, pursuant to subsection 88b.1 of the Code of Sporting Practice, only one re-rack is permitted per round.”
Blaise points at her and yelps “You invented that! You have entirely made that up!” and Hermione smiles toothily at him and says “Yes, yes I did,” and it’s not entirely surprising when Harry spots them later making out against a tree.
“I just can’t believe Draco got off with Charlie at my divorce party,” Harry says, several nights later. It possibly isn’t the first time that evening he’s said it. Ron and Hermione exchange looks.
“No, yeah, I definitely hear you, mate,” Ron says. “But, um, forgive me for asking again, I’m sure it’s obvious and I’m just missing a trick, but, uh. Why exactly. Is it a problem that Draco got off with Charlie?” 
Hermione is staring studiously into her beer.
“It’s not—it’s not the hooking up that’s the problem,” Harry says. What was the problem? “It’s doing it at someone else’s divorce party! It’s like… like getting engaged in the middle of someone’s wedding reception.”
Ron coughs and takes another sip of his lager. “Mmm. Is it, though?” He raises his eyebrows at Harry. “Pretty sure there aren’t really many hard-and-fast rules of etiquette governing people’s conduct at divorce parties. Not really a huge fixture of the traditional pureblood social engagement calendar, are they.”
“You know,  Blaise and I hooked up at the party too,” Hermione interrupts, looking up at him. “But you haven’t mentioned that at all.”
Harry shifts uncomfortably under her gaze. “Well, I didn’t walk in on you and Blaise in the kitchen,” he says defensively. Charlie had been on his knees, Malfoy leaning back against the countertop, eyes closed, one hand in Charlie’s hair. His cheeks had been flushed, his breath stuttering as he thrust into Charlie’s mouth, Charlie’s eyes closed too, his hands clamped on Malfoy’s hips. “I know what Malfoy looks like when he’s about to come! Tell me that’s not rude.”
Ron sighs. “Mate.” 
Ron looks at Hermione. “Do you want to take this one, or shall I?”
Hermione raises her glass. “All yours, Ronald. Go with god.”
“Ok. Harry.” Ron draws in a deep breath. “Do you think. That maybe. You want to get off with Malfoy, and that’s why Charlie doing it made you so upset.”
Harry stares at Ron.
“Er. Some kind of response… would be great.”
“Oh, fuck.”
“And the penny has dropped.”
Hi Draco,
Are you dating Charlie Weasley now?
Lovely to hear from you as ever. Ah, I hear you saying, but I haven’t written to or indeed spoken to Draco for years, and I avoid him at social gatherings! You are correct, but I implore you to think nothing of it. I positively adore being brusquely interrogated about my romantic life, particularly by casual acquaintances.
I’m not dating Charlie Weasley, but we are fucking. Enthusiastically, at length, and often. I hope that answers your query but please do let me know if you need further details. I shall be delighted to oblige.
I beg to remain, Sir, yr most obt. servant
Draco Malfoy
P.S. You can call me Malfoy.
Draco, I didn’t
Dear Draco, I am very sorry
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speckle-meow-meow · 2 years
HII!! I just saw your recent John Doe post and it was rlly good^^ your writing is really nice :D so u wanted to send a request if you don’t mind! Also you may have to do some research if you don’t know this character but anyways could I request John Doe with a S/O who has a Mafuyu Asahina Personality?? Thank u ^^ also the link is there so it’ll be more easier then typing
Thank you! And thank you so much for the link❤
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I'm gonna be honest with you, he literally had zero idea of your real personality
One of my favorite YouTubers gamersault broke down the game and John is really only there so to date the MC bc he thinks they belong together here's the video if you wanna watch it
Back to what I was saying
He stalks you obviously but you don't really give a shit you still keep up your facade but it's taking a straine on your health
So when he does talk to you face to face you give him the best smile you can muster
He talks to you like you already know each other
When he asks you the questions you answer honestly which inevitably makes him a little upset
So when you get off of work he follows you
Day after day you start to realize that it's literally only you and him
Soon your facade slips and eventually you show your true colors
No emotions, the Aura around you is as cold as ice
So when you arrive at work the next day your face has a permanent frown
As your restocking the shelves you start talking to yourself
"How in the hell is everything coming off the shelves, there's literally no one in this world but me and that dude."
After you do your tasks you take your place at the counter waiting for nothing
Soon that guy comes back looking a little different
He seems more
He continues to talk to you about the same thing asking the same questions
Yet you still give him the same answers
The next day the same thing except he looks even more attractive
'He's really trying' you say in your head
He asks the questions again
And you change your answers
You let him come home with you
He starts to freak out and eventually shows his true self
Or at least some of his true self
You don't know how to feel
You can't feel anything
He starts to catch on and eventually you end up together
He's your little ball of.... Um... Sunshine?
He helps you a little bit
Ig he gives you a little bit of happiness
Your always honest with him you don't sugar coat anything and he knows that
It sometimes hurts him but you do apologize
In your own way
I honestly think he's try to find you / make you a room where you can "Rehabilitate" I supose
Idk if he'd really be really helpful though
But if you'd explain he'd probably try and help.
{Thank you @siouxxiie for this request I hope you like it! I tried to get as close as I can to the character you given me hope I did a good job! Yall already know the drill, re-blogs are always welcomed along with hearts and other stuff}
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