#helios' writing
stellarstarcelios · 10 months
Helios' Imaginary Friend Adventures - "Cold Weather & Coffee"
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I want to start writing about me and my imaginary friends of my Minecraft OCs, who are basically my platonic fictional others!
The first one is about me and Brine. :) Enjoy.
Pink bow and hearts divider I used can be found here!
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Brine’s eyes moved up from his cup of coffee as he heard footsteps down the hallway. White eyes darted to where Helios came from the entrance to the hallway, and a smile crossed the little Demi-Deity’s face.
Though it was morning in the house where Helios lived, the weather was icey for this time. Brine had actually been awoken by the cold and decided to warm up with his morning cup of coffee. He had made his cup, moved to the table, and now he sat on the human sized table, waiting and taking small sips at a time.
Being a pocket-sized imaginary friend was something Brine dearly enjoyed, because Helios had given him life, in that sense. Helios had made him, he was Helios’ character, after all, and he existed as an imaginary friend from his creator’s love. Helios was his best friend, and Brine tried to be the best friend he could be to the human.
“What are you staring at, Brine?”
Helios’ voice snapped Brine out of his thoughts, making him shake his head after blinking. He could see a sleepy smile on the other’s face, and the tiny Demi-Deity chuckled. “Nothing, I just got lost in my thoughts.”
Helios grinned with tired eyes. “Did you get coffee?”
“I did.”
The loving human made his way into the kitchen, and Brine watched him with the most adoring gaze. Helios was just so cute. Everything about him made Brine happy. Helios was someone who Brine knew loved him enough to have him exist in the landscape of his other imaginary friends. Though the human loved all his little friends with all his heart, he and Brine had something very special.
Helios returned to Brine with a coffee mug in his hands, one that was painted to look like a stack of donuts. The human leaned down and placed a tiny kiss to the top of Brine’s head. The being giggled again. Helios asked, “What time did you wake up?”
“Brine,” Helios feigned a scoff, putting a little teasing into his tone. “You’re usually up with me.”
“I know, but I couldn’t fall back asleep,” came the Nether Prince’s response. “I didn’t want to wake you up that early though, so I came and got my coffee.”
Helios grinned in such a way that conveyed reverence for his little Demi-Deity friend that it made Brine’s heart ache in a wonderful way. He smiled and put his cup down, gesturing for Helios’ hand. When he reached it out, the white eyed one held onto his friend’s finger and kissed it. “You deserve all the rest you can get, Helios. Especially with how hard you work in everything you do.”
A red blush dusted the human’s face, and he gently scooped up Brine after the little Nether Prince retrieved his mug. “You. You’re the sweetest, most gentle, kindest little guy I know. How do you manage to say so much with so few words?”
“One of my many talents, my king.”
A loud chuckle came from Helios. “Yeah, true.” The human’s eyes darted to the window behind the hand he held Brine in. “Oh, shit, I didn’t even realize it was snowing. No wonder it’s freezing in here.”
Brine nodded. “What do you say…”
Helios’ brown eyes moved down to Brine. “What?”
“What do you say we… lay back down? I’m cold.”
Helios giggled as Brine held onto his finger and placed another little kiss to it, making him blush again. The little Demi-Deity held onto him as if he never wanted to let go of Helios. The human looked at the window above the bed to see the snow was still falling pretty hard outside, and it wasn’t showing any signs of stopping. When he moved his eyes back down to look at Brine, that loving smile was still there. “Do you think the snow is going to stop at all today,” he asked.
The little Demi-Deity put a hand to his chin in thought. “I can’t really tell. But, I kinda hope it doesn’t. So I can stay here with you today.”
“I mean, you are pretty warm, Brine. You’re like a tiny furnace.”
Another laugh. “So I’ve been told.” He closed his eyes and Helios watched Brine curl up into a little ball, still holding onto his finger. “This is wonderful. I love just spending time like this with you. I love… I love being able to be close to you like this.”
Helios nodded in response. “I do too. You’re so warm, and I just… I love being able to just relax with you. You mean so much to me, Brine. To everyone. You’re wonderful, Brine.”
The little Demi-Deity seemed to gape in surprise at Helios’ words, before a tear slipped from one of his eyes. His lip trembled as he smiled. “You’re too good for this world, Helios. You and Celina have given me so much more love than someone like myself deserves, and I wish I could just… I wish I could repay everything you’ve ever done for me.”
Helios took a corner of the blanket, pulled it closer, and wiped Brine’s tiny face with it. “Brine, you don’t have to. You deserve so much more love and kindness than you think you do, and I will never stop loving you. None of us will. You’re special, Brine, just like all of the others, and I will always have a place in my heart for you. I love you, Brine. Like… a lot.”
Brine smiled and let out a little noise of adoration. He snuggled closer to Helios’ hand and he felt himself be pulled close. The cold from the snow outside didn’t seem to bother him as much now. The cold couldn’t hurt him, and with Helios by his side, Brine knew nothing else would either.
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sf-bl · 4 days
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Art-a-Day Day 16:
Just after getting Rhys out of Old Haven with his head tangled in a space station.
Taking the very best/worst decision. Jack inside Rhys, Rhys inside Helios. 200% as good as they imagined it'd feel to have the physical/digital pressed right up against their senses. Got a little exploratory. It's better when there's someone in there to feel it with you; don't think about why.
(Immediately followed by Rhys passing out in a cold desert covered in sand and regret.)
[Putting these here to bring the AU all into one tag: https://sf-bl.tumblr.com/tagged/cyber%20ceos mostly Rhack, totally out-of-sequence]
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coeluvr · 9 months
and then they fucked (lying)
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rainbowtransform · 5 months
The thing nobody tells you about dying, Buddy thinks, is the pain of it. Someone slit his throat, but all he can see is Kristen Applebee’s horrified face, her eyes wide and mouth gaped open as she shouts something he can’t hear.
His heart thumps.
His fingers twitch.
His blood spreads.
Buddy closes his eyes.
He reopens them in front of huge gates, big and yawning. Sunlight drifts off the edges of them and shines through the bars, but when Buddy places a hand on them instead of feeling warm, like how he used to snuggle into his grandfather’s arms when he spoke about Helio and Faith and the love, it’s cold.
Like how cold it felt when he came into Helio’s church after they’d lost his Chosen. Cold and uninviting.
“Buddy Dawn,” comes a voice and Buddy turns his head to see Helio, hair long and flowing and his satchel at his side. “I’ve been expecting you.”
“Lord Helio,” Buddy says, dropping to one knee and bowing as Helio laughs. Light. Airy. Warm.
“Stand up,” Helio commands, one warm hand on Buddy’s shoulder. “Come on, Buddy, you don’t have to kneel like this.”
“Lord Helio,” Buddy says, awed and inspired. “I’m sorry this Chosen could not do what you wanted. I tried my hardest, my very best and I’m so so sorry that I was not what the Church needed.”
Helio helps him to his feet, both hands on his shoulder and smiles at him again. “You were what you needed to be,” he said. “Your father prayed everyday for you to find your way to me, and you did.”
Buddy swallows. “My father?” He questions, one hand going to his chest. “My father is here?”
“Yes,” Helio says. “Your father has been waiting for you, and your mother for many years now. But before that, come. My father and aunt would like to meet with you.”
“Your Lord Father?” Buddy whispers. “Sol?”
Helio wraps Buddy into a hug. It feels like his father’s, it feels like his mother’s, it feels like the Church’s picnics.
It feels like when he was crying over a split knee after his father’s funeral and a red-haired girl healed him with warm eyes, and a grin that showed off her two missing front teeth.
“He’s not too bad,” Helio says. “Don’t worry. Come on. He won’t hurt you.”
Buddy follows Helio to two chair, as large as the sun and one just as bright; the other one glimmering in the sun’s reflection. There is nobody sititng in their chairs, but Buddy knows that Sol and Galicaea are there. Waiting.
Buddy kneels again. He puts his head down and says, “My Lord Sol, and His Sister, Galicaea. A pleasure to meet you.”
“Stand,” Galicaea says. Her voice is cold, frosty despite the sun’s warmth and Buddy trembles. Helio goes to stand on His Father’s right side, where He must stay.
“You heard my Sister,” Sol says, just as cold. Buddy scrambles to his feet, eyes wide. He doesn’t know what he’s done wrong, but he must have because why are they angry at him?
“Buddy Dawn,” Sol says. His voice is rumbling and despite the sun’s heat, Buddy still feels the coldness in it. “You have quite some explaining to do. My Sister’s Wife has been roused from Her slumber by Kristen Applebees.”
“Lord Sol,” Buddy begins, before—
“Not to mention, when I tried to kill that infernal thing, I was thwarted.” Galicaea says. Her voice is colder than the dark side of the moon and Buddy swallows.
“My Lord,” he says. “With all due respect, I don’t know what I could’ve done. I focused on the Church of Helio, and keeping the Faith alive through the Chosen One’s Leaving.”
“The Chosen One does not leave.” Helio says, still all smiles. “Regardless of what she’s done, she’s always been mine. When she dies, Kristen Applebee’s soul will come here. To our Heaven.”
Buddy blinks at him. “But Kristen hasn’t been practicing.” He says.
“She’ll go to Hell for a couple of millennial,” Helio says. “Somewhere quiet and away from where her friends can’t find her. Just until she realizes the mistake of her actions and then I’ll come in and save her.”
“Lord Helio,” Buddy frowns and Helio quirks an eyebrow before Buddy falls silent. He chews on his bottom lip, sweaty hands wiped off on his pants.
“Enough,” Sol says. “What do you say in the case of your neglect of the My Son’s Chosen One’s actions?”
“I was fixing the Church,” Buddy says, feeling so small in front of these immortals. “I… I can’t be always with her. I’m not part of her adventuring party. Kristen Applebees doesn’t even like me.”
“It doesn’t matter,” Galicaea says, leaning forward to tower over Buddy. “It does not matter what she likes or does not. It was your job to keep Helio informed of what she does, so we could stop her. She doesn’t even have a God anymore, and yet she’s been messing with something that she has no right being in. Her and that Hellspawn Tiefling. It’s bad enough that that idiot werewolf is trying to change Me in my own Home, and then that Goddess’ name was uttered from a marriage that meant nothing.”
“Galicaea,” Sol says sharply. The goddess slumps back in her seat and Buddy realizes he’s fallen to his knees sometime she was talking. He’s trembling, he realizes.
He looks over to his Lord Helio, who is looking down at His nails, and when He realizes that Buddy is looking at Him, gives him a thumbs up.
Sol sighs. “There is nothing to be done now.” He says, still sounding angry.
“Then why did you call me here?” Buddy asks in a whisper.
Helio blinks at him, confused. “To tell you what you’ve done wrong, Buddy,” he says. “And to let you know that we’re going to keep you here, despite all your wrongdoing. Because we’re gracious. And kind.”
Buddy has done right all his life. He has followed the word of Helio, fixed the church that fell apart in the night and their chosen one’s departure, prayed daily and nightly for Helio to save the immoral souls of those who do not Follow him or his Father; took an empty cleric’s position in a team of people who were stars, burning themselves too bright and too hot to compete with a galaxy.
Buddy has healed the sick, and helped the homeless, and eased the minds of believers and nonbelievers alike. He has done right all his life.
And his afterlife is stained red because he wasn’t shadowing Kristen Applebees every step of her way. Because he wasn’t keeping up with her news and telling Helio.
(“She’ll be in Hell for a while,” Helio said. “Just until I come in to save her.”)
Buddy snaps out of it as Helio’s hand lands on his shoulder again, smiling and leading him away from His father and Aunt.
“Did you mean that Kristen is still yours?” Buddy asks.
Helio nods. “Cassandra layed a claim on her when She was revived and it would’ve been a battle if Kristen died, but now that she’s dead…” Helio shrugs.
“I can’t just let her walk in, though. She needs to be punished for leaving.” And then Helio smiles again, and points behind Buddy’s shoulder at the small house.
Buddy turns around, and sees a shock of brown hair, a mouth stretched in a permeant smile, and eyes that have always had love in them, despite being milky and never actually seeing his own son. Buddy’s mother always used to ruffle his own hair and ask how Buddy didn’t get anything of his father’s except his smile.
“There’s your dad.” Helio whispers. “He’s been waiting an awful long time.”
Helio hugs him again.
And, like at his father’s funeral, like his first year of waking up to an empty kitchen, and like when the red-haired girl’s mother called her away, despite the warmth of Helio’s hugs and his father’s cloudy, love-filled eyes staring at him, Buddy feels cold.
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bugwolfsstuff · 2 months
I forgot the name for the thunder saga and different beast was playing in my headphones so I litterally just told my mom that I was listening to the
Suffering saga
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silveryinkystar · 4 months
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silentgrim · 8 months
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𝒟𝑒𝒶𝓇 𝒹𝒾𝒶𝓇𝓎, 𝐼 𝓂𝑒𝓉 𝓈𝑜𝓂𝑒𝑜𝓃𝑒 𝓃𝑒𝓌 𝓉𝑜𝒹𝒶𝓎. 𝒯𝒽𝑒𝓎 𝓌𝑒𝓇𝑒… 𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓇𝓂𝒾𝓃𝑔.
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imtrashraccoon · 5 months
Consider this... The Nightmare of Apathy but Dreamswap
I'm kinda experiencing brainrot over Helios and Eos at the moment...
Dream is the one who rules over a world that is permanently day where everyone is happy and adores him. I imagine there would be sun worship but it's morphed into worshipping the deity that literally glows and makes everyone's life better.
Plant life flourishes and the climate is always comfortably warm. I don't think animal life would be much different with permanent sunlight but I'm not going to be putting thought into this right now lol.
Somehow, MC (probably named something vaguely related to the sun to have a nice parallel) meets Dream. Not sure how or why but it would either be transactional or a coincidence. Or maybe they have a "dark opposite" soul and Dream wants to "fix" them.
Dream and Nightmare still quarrel over the multiverse, although Dream has more influence thanks to time and positivity being easier to spread. Nightmare is gaining ground though which is rather concerning to Dream.
Nightmare forms his own team, not sure if it'd be the usual rabble or others. Without spoiling possible future plot points for TNA, there is a conflict between the brothers that leads Dream to forming his team. Again, possibly the usual rabble but it could be interesting if he "converts" bad guys to his cause.
I could go on but I will end up spoiling the finale to my fic... ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ
Or maybe it's like how Swapfell and Fellswap are similar but different? (Swapdream?)
Same premise as above, but Aylin is on Nightmare's side the whole time. ("Dark opposite" soul again?) I think this would be more like a desperate rebellion against a vast empire, except the rebels are technically the bad guys. So lots of angst and action scenes where they barely get out alive?
Aylin would meet Nightmare on more normal terms. He isn't a domineering lord but a pathetic outcast, hated by everyone because he only brings negativity when he's around. Or maybe his world is the one place his brother can't "taint" and while he's not loved by the populace, they understand all would be lost if he wasn't trying to maintain the balance. Maybe the economy is hyper focused on production for war efforts?
They'd get into a relationship much more quickly, especially after saving each other's lives a couple of times. Nightmare teaches her to fight, use magic, and possibly other skills he learned too. In turn, she teaches him what she knows as a herbalist and creates many valuable tonics and potions for conflict.
They pick up friends along the desperate, uphill, in the rain battle that is trying to re-establish emotional balance in the multiverse. Could be the usual rabble, although they'd probably have to rescue them from Dream's clutches first. Not sure if the boys would be more or less insane, especially if Dream was forcing them to be positive through magic.
The duo aren't loved by the majority of the multiverse and would likely run into many powerful players. Or maybe Dream hires bounty hunters to go after them. (Fresh might make sense here as he isn't a good guy and probably wouldn't appreciate Dream.)
The potential for a "happy" ending is very low and something drastic would have to occur for that to even happen. I would explain what but again, I'd literally spoil everything for TNA...
I think I like this idea much more than the previous one... (⁠-⁠_⁠-⁠;⁠)
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aecholapis · 4 days
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For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun?
Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing.
And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb.
And when the sun shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance.
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mjjune · 7 months
You asked for it! The famous "fuck me" scene! As commissioned by @tanimil! Full text version and commission under the cut
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avof | mj june | ch 4: save your fights for fight club affectionately known as: the fuck me scene
word count: 850 content: steamy fade to black, blood/injury, vulgar language, dementia & memory loss
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Tossing the wolf inside, Helio thuds against the desk, and Danny shuts the door. Now the music is gone, even to Danny’s ears, for he had his office soundproofed by vampires. It leaves near-silence between them, with only the sound of Helio’s haggard breaths and blood pumping through his mortal body.
Helio hasn’t bothered to wipe away the blood leaking from his lip, so it drips past his chin and slides down his neck. His brown eyes glow gold with wolf inside him. “Asshole!”
“You can’t fight in my club,” he says. “Save it for the Underground. Do you know how many humans are out there? What if one of you had shifted?”
Helio scoffs. “That wouldn’t happen.”
Danny agrees with him. If he’s about to be promoted, he certainly wouldn’t lose control over a snide insult. “Maybe not you, but what about that asshole?”
“He had it coming.”
“Because he talked bad about your pack? Grow up.” Danny feels the reluctance in his chest as he speaks. He’s only twenty-five, a toddler in purebred years.
“I don’t give a shit what he says about my pack. We’ve been going at it for years.”
Danny hesitates before laughing with antipathy. “Over a joke, then?” “It’s not a fucking joke,” Helio shoves Danny with all his might, which sends him lightly into the wall. “You wouldn’t understand. You live forever and you don’t have to worry about forgetting anything.”
Danny grows silent, realizing that when the asshole had said, “your Alpha had to step down because she couldn’t fucking remember how to shift anymore,” he’d meant it literally. That is not a joke, but it doesn’t excuse throwing someone across his club.
No, Danny doesn’t understand what it’s like to forget. He remembers every waking moment of his unending night.
Danny grabs Helio and spins them around, so now he pins the werewolf. He can’t help the sarcasm in his tone, “No, you’re right. I wouldn’t understand. I remember everything. Five thousand years of suffering that can never end. Aren’t I lucky?”
Helio’s eyes widen, any last glimpse of fury gone, leaving only shock in his brown eyes. His torn tank top strap hangs, leaving his right shoulder bare. The blood trickling down his neck begins to dry. Danny glares into his eyes, but the werewolf’s gaze drifts lower.
To Danny’s lips.
With a swift movement, Helio yanks him closer, leaning his head down to close the gap and plant his mouth onto his.
This is exactly what Danny was afraid would happen. If the Order doesn’t want him to do this, he should pull away. He should ban Helio from his club for starting a fight. Maybe he should even pick up and move somewhere else to avoid the inevitable supernatural dilemma. But he tastes the fresh blood from Helio’s lip, and it’s much sweeter than it smells. He’s kissing a werewolf—something he has never experienced, despite his years. He doesn’t want to stop.
Knowing it’ll piss off the Order just makes him want to do it more. He presses himself against Helio, hip points digging into each other. He runs his tongue along the inside of Helio’s lip, finding the bleeding cut, letting another few drops of blood flow across his tongue. The werewolf’s breaths shake, too erratic for him to tell if its nerves or excitement.
He moves away from Helio’s mouth and follows the trail of blood, kissing it off of his chin, his jaw. Arteries pump emphatically just under the skin, and Danny can sense Helio’s hair stand up and his breath catch in his throat as he moves down to his neck.
Something hard emerges against his hips as his tongue reaches the crevice where throat meets clavicle, licking away the last of the blood.
“Shit…” Helio hisses.
All the logic in Danny’s head tells him to stop; that he should listen to the Order; that he shouldn’t create enemies of an entire pack. But his hand doesn’t listen as it travels down Helio’s smooth chest and into his pants.
Helio’s body tenses and his harsh fingers coil around the collar of Danny’s blouse. For a moment, his eyes are a hot glare, as if to say how dare you? He means to push the vampire away, tell him to stop, curse him to hell, maybe even punch him. But just like Danny, he loses his inner debate. His weight gives in to the wall, allowing Danny’s hand to move deeper. Gentle lips back in the crook of his neck, Helio releases a low moan.
After a few long moments, hickey already forming, Helio speaks, breath tight and caught in his chest. “Fuck me."
Danny pulls away from his collarbone, curiosity twinkling in his eyes. He rises onto his toes so that their noses brush softly and he can taste Helio’s unsteady breaths against his mouth. The vampire’s hand, still deep in Helio’s pants, slows its movements and his voice resonates with smooth velvet once more.
“Are you sure that’s what you want?” Helio, biting his lip to stifle another moan, says again, “Fuck me."
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AVOF TAGLIST: (message or comment below to be +/-) @aritany @artbyeloquent @bebewrites @ceph-the-ghost-writer @cljordan-imperium @elijahrichardwrites @eventideintrigue @faithfire-writes @flowerprose @garthcelyn @ghafasinej @jezifster @knosium @isabellebissonrouthier @lexiklecksi @little-mouse-gardens @malimaywrite @marrowwife @mr-writes @sarahlizziewrites @sm-writes-chaos @thyroidhormones @tracle0 @vacantgodling @void-botanist @vollzz @wildswrites @wip-nook
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thesovereignsring-if · 11 months
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Helios' portrait has been added to the Patreon for Early Access. I swear they arent this unhinged in the story...which may or may not be a good thing hahaha!
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stellarstarcelios · 7 months
Helio's Imaginary Friend Adventures - "Bad Dreams"
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Hiiii, everyone! I have a new little drabble about me, Brine, Celina, and Cenlar!
Brine has a bad dream, and Celina, Cenlar, and I go to see what's wrong and help him.
I really like how this one came out, it's really fluffy and sweet and it's based on something that happened before I started making my paper dolls of my OCs. :)
Divider made by me in Canva!
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Brine jolted up in his place on Helios’ bed, letting out a loud gasp with his eyes darting around in a panic. His white orbs glowed brightly in the dark of the night, flaring up with his intense emotions. There were a few moments of him panting, before Brine finally managed to quiet his breathing and actually see where he was.
The LED lights on the upper corners of Helios’ bedroom bathed everything in a soft shade of white. All was quiet, all was still, and Helios laid under his pink fuzzy blanket with his head supported by a couple of white pillows. Brine sat up on another pillow, surrounded by the blanket and a few human sized plushies… at least, compared to his pocket sized form.
Brine blinked a few times as he came to the realization that he had been dreaming, and he moved his hands up to his face with a deep sigh. A bad dream. A nightmare. The Demi-Deity had always been prone to them, and they were always so vivid and distressing. He never knew what to do after waking up from one, other than to cry and wait for Celina or Cenlar to wake up so he could talk to them. Or talk with Helios if he was sleeping in his larger friend’s bed.
Brine could feel tears welling up in his eyes the more he thought about it. He noticed Helios’ phone laying on the mattress not too far from him, and the time read as 1:02 AM. The little being didn’t want to wake up his friend at a time like this, so he could only think to get out of the bed and head to the living room to let his feelings out.
A small teleporting sound followed Brine as he ported to the human sized living room, landing on his feet on the large couch. He moved to sit against the back of the couch, leaning back and closing his eyes.
Brine had never been someone who slept well. At least, before he met Celina and befriended her. He hadn’t really slept before meeting her, and it had shown when they first met. Brine had been vengeful, isolated, someone who hated humanity after being betrayed so long ago. But the kindness of the queen had made him a good person again and had reminded him of who he really was. And since then, Brine remembered how to be a kind person.
However, it never kept away the bad dreams. The guilt for what he had done in the time he was a vengeful legend was always there. Not to mention the guilt of nearly getting some of his friends killed ever since they had befriended him. And even when they tried to reassure him that they couldn’t ever regret their friendship with Brine, the little Demi-Deity couldn’t help but have a hard time sleeping with those thoughts in his mind.
Brine felt his eyes beginning to water as he opened them back up. The Nether prince knew he shouldn’t blame himself, but a part of his mind was always blaming him for all of the bad things he had done after being betrayed by his late wife’s kingdom, and for his friendship almost getting any of his friends hurt. 
Brine felt like he didn’t deserve such kindness from his friends. Did he even deserve kindness at all? Why was anyone nice to him after all of the things he had done?
The Demi-Deity didn’t even realize he had closed his eyes again until he opened them back up, only to notice someone in the corner of his eye. He looked up to see Helios standing next to the couch, with Celina and Cenlar sitting on his hand.
Helios tilted his head to one side as he looked down at his friend, pursing his lips. “Are you okay, Brine?”
There was a moment where Brine simply looked up with flooded eyes at his spouses and his friend, before he finally spoke in a trembling voice. “...How did you… when did you realize I was gone?”
“I was the one who saw you were gone, Brine,” Celina spoke, gesturing to Cenlar. “We came to check on you and ask if you needed anything, and I woke up Helios because you weren’t in the bed with him.”
Cenlar frowned softly, using his hands to sign, “Are you okay, love? We were worried about you when we realized you weren’t in bed anymore.”
Brine looked up at the king, the queen, and their creator with some sense of surprise, before his brows fell and his lip began to quiver. He let out a loud, mournful whine, then curled up into a ball. “I… I… I don’t–deserve you,” he whimpered out.
Helios, Celina, and Cenlar all shared a glance, before the young man moved to sit on the human sized couch, next to Brine. He extended his arm out, lowering it so Celina and Cenlar could step onto the couch and sit next to their spouse.
Brine’s soft whines began to grow in volume, and he was soon sobbing as the king and queen wrapped their arms around him. The little being couldn’t control his cries as he sat there, his spouses protectively embracing him. Helios watched from his place, a look of empathy on his face from watching his small Demi-Deity friend in his despair.
After what seemed like an eternity, Brine finally managed to calm his cries enough to speak, and his words made the hearts of his friend and his spouses break.
“What did I ever do to deserve you all?”
Celina’s gray eyes opened and looked at her spouse in surprise. “Brine, what do you mean?”
Brine managed to open his white orbs and they spilled over as he answered. “I… I hurt people for–for millennia after losing… losing Cebrina and my children. I was vengeful and cruel. But… you gave me a chance when–when anyone else would have killed me. I just… I don’t feel like I deserve such kindness… after–after everything I’ve done.”
Helios moved his gaze to meet Brine’s, and he placed a hand down near the trio. “Brine… you know that you’re such a good person now. You know how much Celina changed you, and you’ve made so much progress comparing you to where you were when Celina and Steve befriended you.”
Celina nodded, moving a hand up to wipe some of Brine’s tears. “Helios is right, Brine. I remember how broken you felt yourself to be when we first met, but I’ve seen how far you’ve come from that point. You’re so much better, and we love you so much. You’ve shown how kind you are, and what kind of a good person you are.” Celina embraced her spouse again, feeling Cenlar doing the same. “You’re so sweet, and you deserved so much better in the past. We’re just giving you the love you need in your life.”
Brine sniffled a bit, the glow of his white eyes flickering a bit. “I… but, I was so hateful to you when we first met. How did you… what did you even see in me that made you want to… to help me?”
“She saw you, Brine,” Helios responded. “We all see it. It took time for everyone to get to know you, but when they did, they all saw you for who you are, and the kindness in your heart. You deserve all the love you get, Brine, I can tell you that.”
The Demi-Deity thought over their words, and he took a moment to collect himself as he thought. He had found himself and who he was–who he really was– because of Celina, Steve, and even the kindness Helios had shown him. He knew these people loved him, and he should’ve known nothing would change that.
After a moment, Cenlar and Celina could feel Brine relax in their arms and return their embrace. Helios eventually scooped up the trio and held them close to his chest. The human and his little imaginary friends stayed in a comfortable silence for a few moments, before Helios broke the embrace and watched the king and queen do the same.
Brine felt himself smile and happy tears welled up this time. He chuckled as his spouses kissed his face. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, Brine,” Cenlar signed. “Feeling better?”
“Yes, definitely. I guess I just–needed to be reminded who I am and what progress I’ve made.” He moved his gaze to Helios, who was beaming down at him in the most adoring way. “Can we… head back to bed? I’m… I’m exhausted.”
“Of course.” Helios stood as his little friends settled in his hand, and when they reached his room, he gently placed his hand down so they could settle into bed. Helios soon did the same, and the four slept peacefully the rest of the night. The next morning, Brine awoke to the smiling faces of people who truly cared about him. He knew they did, and he knew nothing could change that.
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kelean · 1 year
it's always funny to me when people blame jack's insanity and genocidal tendencies solely on lilith and moxxi's so-called "betrayal" and at this point i'm convinced that they played some different game because:
lilith and moxxi literally saw him kill innocent scientists only because he thought they may betray him, but there was no solid evidence for that. and even if there actually was a traitor among them, jack could've simply put them in some sort of jail or just deal with them quietly. but no. instead he decided to make a whole show out of killing them in one of the most cruel ways possible, while gathering all of his allies around. because his goal wasn't to just get rid of someone you can't trust - he wanted lilith, moxxi and roland to see what will happen to them if they dare to disobey him
after he killed the meriff he thought that it was - quote-unquote - "invigorating". killing scientists also "felt good". normal person behavior btw
he never cared about felicity. he doesn't feel any remorse or guilt after killing her, even though she was helping him this entire time. and correct if i'm wrong, but while he did need an army to take helios back, he, in the end, never actually used it. the loaders in bl:tps couldn't do much - we had to manually turn them into the loaders who can shoot or blow up stuff. and it was after we already got on helios. so basically, there was no rush to make a constructor out of felicity and consequently kill her in the process
by the time of the events of bl:tps he has already destroyed moxxi's underdome like she said in one of the side quests in bl2 (nevertheless, she still agreed to help him). and before you say anything about how he couldn't actually do that and it's a retcon because he was a low-level programmer may i remind you that he had the money to make a goddamn body double for himself. he had a fancy office. he had a chamber for angel's containment. and i think it's pretty believable that a person with that much money is capable of doing that
and yes, angel. while lilith and roland didn't know about that at the time, he has already enslaved his own daughter many years ago and used her to manipulate them into finding the vault for him in bl1. and he had the resources to keep her in her place, too
so, of course, when they saw the eye of the destroyer they knew what was going on. imagine somehow killing a monster that took down armies just to see its' eye being used by some big fucking corporation for god knows what years later
now, to the fun part - the betrayal. let's just say that moxxi’s good at reading people - she wasn’t wrong when she called jack a «power-hungry psychopath» and said that «a lot of decent people will live to regret it if you come down from helios alive» as we will see in the future events. she and others saw jack's true colors shine through during their little quest to save the moon and it was the only logical conclusion. she was fucking right
moxxi specifically asked jack to be at the eye of helios because she planned to kill him (and, well, people who agreed to work for him) and him (and his team) only. moreover, the station was already under attack by the lost legion by quite some time. so there was literally no possibility that it would've impacted any innocents (so idk from where some people got the idea that they killed "millions of innocent hyperions" - that's just called making shit up)
jack, on the other hand, didn't know how much of an impact that caused. however, he isn’t sad about the possible death of people that singularity might have caused (again, it could, but it didn’t - still, Jack doesn’t give a fuck). he isn’t even worried about his own team. all he cares about is that he lost a very valuable and deadly weapon because of «the things he could have done with it» - and it’s pretty obvious what exactly can you do with this sort of weapon. it wasn't just standing there to look pretty you know
also, while we’re at it, you can even argue how this whole “saving the moon and its’ people” thing might have been just a cover up for a real reason – that is, get this very dangerous weapon back under his control. but that's just a speculation based on some of the in-game things i've noticed, so let's not dwell on it
finally, i never really got why people are so mad at lilith for punching jack - she literally admits that she should’ve just killed him instead, as, in the end, it costed her a lot of people’s lives and, more specifically, roland’s life. she feels extremely guilty. she knows that she fucked up. her main mistake, however, wasn't that she "betrayed" jack - her main mistake was leaving him to die instead of finishing a job and thinking that he can actually be trustworthy
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coeluvr · 3 months
as an arab i just wanted to say GOD helios' playlist is so good. i actually went insane when i saw kalam eineh by sherine was in it bc i already associated it to my heliosmancer mc's route (well in the future, shes still not sure about him rn bdkdbdk)
i was also curious, im guessing coe is from cœur? and would that mean youre french/speak french? no need to answer if it makes you uncomfortable its just smth i noticed when first scrolling through this blog kdjdk
all in all, thank you very much for the work and dedication you put in coaaf. i cant even imagine the amount of effort you put in the game and its story, and im so grateful. coaaf is my favorite IF of all time rn and id like to think ive played a fair amount of them. im currently financially unstable but i cant wait to be able to join your patreon ❤️❤️❤️
I'm so glad you like it omg 🥺 Helios would listen to arab music I know him, the songs in the playlist are so melodic it fits him so well like PLEASE see my vision 🙏
Kalam eineh is so so so good for him I understand why you associated it with him, the part that's like "the moon envies his eyes, his smile is the shining sun" fits him so well 🤭🤭
Coe does come from Cœur but I don't really speak french, I took french in middle school and I think that's when I started going by Cœur lol
Thank you so much for your kind words! 💗 Please do put yourself first, coaaf and Helios aren't going anywhere hehe 🥰
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suspiri · 1 month
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Alternate fit for Sirius for the Super AU
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towerartt · 3 months
There is something about post-Elpis pre-Jack's ascendency jackothy that is making me soo insane‼️
Timothy is forced to take care of a guy who he had hated from the very beginning, but he has to stick by his side because... why, exactly? Because he signed a contract? Because it seems like the whole universe is after both of them? Maybe he is feeling guilty, like, this should have happened to him. His job was to take the bullets (eridian artifacts?) meant for Jack or whatever. But Jack never really seemed like he needed his protection, that’s the thing. The whole time, he was so stupidly sure of himself. He was also, frustratingly enough, kinda glorious. And maybe Tim resented how cocky he was, and he wished for something to knock him down a peg, right. But, holy shit, not like that.
The mark scares him. He hates aliens, he hates that he doesn’t understand what’s going on, he really hates the way doctors treat Jack. Everybody and their mom want to hook Jack up to some equipment and run tests. Tim doesn’t want to leave him in their hands. They all remind him of Autohn. 
And Jack. Jack hates everything and himself. He keeps thinking about what was promised to him: Hyperion, the Warrior, Pandora, and he knows that, eventually... But for now, his face hurts, and he doesn't feel very heroic. He wants to be victorious NOW he doesn't wanna be in pain! 
And he is non-stop taunted by his unscared face worn by a total stranger. He doesn't even know his name. Recently, his life has been centered around surviving many attempts at his life, and he got betrayed by a bunch of people, so excuse him if he isn’t particularly trusting. He just doesn't get why 21-C sticks around. He must have some kind of underlying motif, but Jack cannot figure it out, which annoys him. Maybe he wants to kill him, but then, what's the hold-up? He should really get on with it.
At least Tim (it does not take much prying to get him to reveal his real name) is a perfect scapegoat to blame all of this on. Lilith is who Jack is truly angry with (understatement of the century), but she is far away, and his doppelganger is right there. If he wants to play nurse, Jack is not going to make it easy on him. 
I just think it is very funny to have Tim try to help Jack all the while that dick does everything in his power to make Lawrence want to strangle him. Timothy is looking over his face, and Jack is like, “So did your mom not love you? You totally act like a guy who wasn’t loved by his mom. Just a casual observation! Don't get your panties in a bunch, jeez.. So, how's the face? Don’t tell me, don't tell me, let me guess. Still screwed up because you couldn’t do your damn job??”
He has Tim pacing around their living room, muttering to himself “I am not the sort of guy to hit an injured man I am not the sort of guy to hit an injured man I am not—”
It is about Jack being humiliated and scared and angry and taking it all out on Lawrence and Tim telling him "it's rotten work. especially to me especially if it's you. I am fucking doing it but christ alive."
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