#helenic witchcraft
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the-political-witch · 3 months ago
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Lady Aphrodite Moodboard
₊˚⊹♡ Dedicated to the Goddess of Beauty and Love, of Sexuality and Femininity ♡ ₊˚⊹
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Lady Aphrodite ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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arttemisiia · 6 months ago
Lady Aphrodite 🐚🫧
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Digital Offering🏛️
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nocnitsa · 6 months ago
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Front cover of Campbell, W.D. Beyond the border. With 167 illustrations by Helen Stratton (Westminster: Archibald Constable & Co., 1898) (19th Century Collection, 19th C. Coll. 823.89 CAM)
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sunnygrrrl · 7 days ago
so ur telling me I bought this ten dollar book to learn more about my gods and not even one page in and I see THIS?
“The Hebrew alone were instructed by God, who gave them not only a full account of the creation of the world and all its living creatures, but also a code of laws…all the questions they gain would ask were fully answered…the Greeks and Roman’s lacked the definition knowledge we obtain from the scriptures and still anxious to know everything were forced to construct, in part, their own theory.”
God Christian’s disgust me with their constant forcing of religion down our throats. I’m here to learn about my deities, not how my religion is wrong and false
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candlelit-cemetary · 1 year ago
So, I do glamour magic in honor of working with Aphrodite. In the week that I started, I have not only been complimented on my lip shape, but also been told I smell like chocolate. And all I do is state affirmations while bathing and putting on lotion.
Don’t sleep on glamour magic.
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stormsvoice · 6 months ago
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Quick drawing of Athena at work
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starlight-sage · 8 months ago
Okay so im a minor and my mom knows i want to be “spiritual” but nothing specific, I’m really interested in hestia+athena+kitchen witchery and could i get some book recs+ i have some general questions
- is it okay if i only worship 2 goddess
- is it okay if i only read about athena and hestia? or do i have to research all of the main gods/goddesses
I hope this isn’t to much! 🙂
Welcome & thank you for the ask (^-^*)/
1. So here’s the thing - I’m more of a trail by fire person than a researcher so I unfortunately don’t have any book recs for you. I’m sure this is advice you’ve probably heard before but “read” or just experience her mythology. I personally prefer YouTube videos but you do whatever feels right for you. Otherwise I would look into things commonly associated with them (I.e hestia is heavily associated with fire and hearths, Athena is usually associated with owls, Aphrodite with doves etc etc)
I personally think that the best way to do deity work is to just “do it” for lack of a more inspiring way to phrase it. take a moment to pray/meditate and focus on reaching out to whomever you’re trying to work with and honestly express your feelings. Speaking from personal experience, Hestia is super sweet and accommodating. If you reach out, she will surely answer. I think most of the gods are the same way though. I saw someone once liken deity worship to being a crow bringing a human shiny things - you just appreciate the fact that this funky lil creature is giving you shiny trinkets and likes you, you feel??
2. You can work with as many or as little gods and goddesses you want and anyone who tries to tell you differently is a pretentious jerk.
It’s also ok for your practice to be fluid and change over time!! When I first started, I worked solely with Hestia. It wasn’t until much later in my journey that I began working with others.
Also also as a bonus tangentially related nugget of wisdom: people often think that being a worshiper of a pantheon of gods means you have to work super closely will all of them all the time and that’s not the case. You can have as serious or as “casual” a relationship with your gods as works for you. I don’t work super closely with Hermes, but I say a little prayer to him when I travel/drive, and he likes to respond by sending me funny vanity plates on cars I see. Nothing crazy, you know? But with Hestia I have a much more deeply devoted relationship with her as you can probably gather from my blog LOL.
I hope this was informative!! If anything didn’t make sense feel free to ask clarification questions.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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paganfantasy · 1 month ago
Rose Quartz Candlestick Holder
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The Candle Holders are each naturally Handcrafted from natural rose quartz rocks with aluminum cup.
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acrystalwitch · 1 year ago
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⚔️ Ares ♂
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sundoyoongi · 10 months ago
Guys, recommend books or places to study Apollo, besides the most famous websites... I want to go deeper but I don't know where to look:(
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i-am-learning · 6 days ago
Guys, I need your help - What are some proper/trustworthy sources for learning about witchcraft?
I'm mainly looking for basic protection and beneficial spells at the moment.
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nocaminhodosdeuses · 1 year ago
Palaistra deusa da Luta livre
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PALAISTRA (Palaestra) era a deusa ou espírito (daimona) do esporte luta livre. Ela era filha do deus-atleta Hermes.
Conhecemos essa divindade através dos escritos de Filóstrato, o velho.
É comum pessoas verem as artes marciais como algo superficial e vazio, mas elas tem grande importância nas sociedades humanas, se avaliarmos vamos notar que cada sociedade criou um ou vários tipos de lutas, então a luta tem um valor cultural, o que mostra que ela não é vazia como muitos pensam.
Pesquisas mostram que existem vários benefícios físicos e psicológicos para aqueles que praticam alguma arte marcial, mas como estamos falando da deusa da luta livre procurei especialmente por essa arte
Benefícios da luta greco-romana "A prática da luta greco-romana traz vários benefícios tais como: melhora a capacidade pulmonar e da circulação sanguínea, força, flexibilidade, velocidade, coordenação motora, gasto calórico. Sua prática promove o ganho de resistência,, deslocamento e movimentação dos membros, resistência muscular, agilidade e ritmo."
Benefícios da luta livre "No sentido físico, esse esporte beneficia todos os grupos musculares, tais como pernas, torso e até mesmo o pescoço. Inclui-se no pacote também a coordenação motora, a velocidade, a agilidade e a intensidade para executar os golpes."
A prática de lutas também tem vários benefícios emocionais como ajudar os praticantes a atingirem o equilíbrio emocional e aprenderem a controlar melhor a raiva e o temperamento explosivo.
Então, vemos como Palaistra é essencial em nossas vidas, e não devemos desvaloriza-lá.
Palaistra, deusa não-binário? Uma interpretação moderna :
Ao lermos os escritos de Filóstrato sobre Palaistra podemos ter algumas interpretações modernas sobre a deusa, como no trecho a seguir dá a entender que a deusa seria assexual
"pois a donzela mostra pelo seu aspecto viril que ela não se casaria voluntariamente com nenhum homem nem teria filhos."
Esse outro trecho me faz enxergar Palaistra como uma pessoa Não-Binário ou pelo menos uma mulher desfeminilizada
"A figura de Palaistra, se comparada a um menino, será a de uma menina; mas se for confundido com uma menina, parecerá ser um menino. Pois o cabelo dela é curto demais para ser enrolado em um nó; o olho pode ser de qualquer sexo; e a testa indica desdém tanto pelos amantes quanto pelos lutadores; pois ela afirma ser capaz de resistir tanto a um quanto a outro e que nem mesmo em uma luta livre alguém poderia tocar seus seios, tanto que ela se destaca na arte. E os próprios seios, como num menino de tenra idade, mostram apenas leves sinais de início de plenitude. Ela não se importa com nada feminino; portanto, ela nem deseja ter braços brancos e, aparentemente, até desaprova as Dríades porque elas ficam na sombra para manter a pele clara; não, como alguém que vive nos vales de Arcádia, ela implora a Hélios (o Sol) por cor, e ele a traz para ela como uma flor e avermelha a garota com calor moderado"
Aos meus olhos Palaistra seria patrona das pessoas que não se adequam aos padrões de gênero, especialmente pessoas não-binários e mulheres que não performam feminilidade.
Pagãos que se encontram nessas situações poderiam rezar a Palaistra e pedir ajuda e proteção, para enfrentar as dificuldades que ser você mesmo pode trazer, Palaistra daria coragem a aqueles que querem fugir das convenções de gênero, mas tem inseguranças.
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michaelmoonsbookshop · 1 year ago
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Perhaps the most cherished Witch and her familiar? Meg and Mog
First Edition 1973
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wyldezoo · 6 months ago
Wow. Gotta say that I never post personal shit but check this
Was just mentioning to my bf (of 45 yrs.?) that food has been an issue lately, even tho I work full time etc. She lives Far Away.
So Friday night, after Hurricane Helene passed by, she had 5 bags of fancy groceries delivered to my door. I cried a little. Hurricane Ian kinda broke my family, and yea.
Kindness. Love your friends. I know I do.
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candlelit-cemetary · 1 year ago
Due to being graciously gifted a bunch of dandelions, I picked some. Here are some uses of dandelions:
Sun magic
Growth and transformation
Repels negative energy
Brings joy and happiness
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stormsvoice · 7 months ago
Am I just not searching for the right thing or is it really hard to find people worshiping Athena as their main deity in their practices? If this react someone, could you guys please recommend me people that worship her so I can follow them? :)
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