15 posts
Baby witchPracticing for 5-6 yearsWorks with: Aphrodite, Apollo, Hekate, Loki, and Lucifer
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candlelit-cemetary · 6 months ago
Hello and good AM/PM!
I want to touch on a subject that I have questions about, and while I am also doing my own research on the side, I am curious about everyone��s UPGs with this certain topic.
I have noticed a certain deity sort of jumping into my space, as of a few months ago, who is quickly becoming more and more prevalent in my life.
At first, I denied their advances to work with me and be a deity to worship, as I wasn’t sure if i could handle the type of power they have, and was quite intimidated.
They have been very persistent (though very kind) and it has gotten to the point where, in the beginning, they hid items from me, and I had to ask them not to. Of course, since then, they have respected the boundaries I have set, but keep checking back in, as if to say “Ok, are you ready… now?”
This being is the Norse godex (*) of Chaos, Loki.
I have been quite intimidated, like I said, and though I know he is kind, I worry about not being ready to match his energy or expectations of me.
So! Onto the question: what is your personal relationship like with Loki? What does worship look like to you? Is there anything I should be prepared for? Please comment/repost your experience or thoughts!
- Ironically as I type this, my kitten comes over rubbing on me for pets, and then got bitey.
(*) I personally refer to Loki with gender-neutral terms as well as all pronouns, since they are VERY genderfluid
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candlelit-cemetary · 6 months ago
i relized what happened-
it backfired but it worked out in my favor in the end.
my candle went out with no wind and no fan??
so- i was doing a spell that i’ve done before- a binding spell while cord cutting- i’ve never seen this happen before- so for a while, the candle flames where still, and my deity’s candle was flickering like crazy- i have no fans going at all so idk what that was
everything was going well untill after the cord cutting (both sides burnt their sides individually, was going smooth) and the binding burnt. then one of the candles went out by itself-? and then after i relit it, i started crying? and remember, the candles where still before- now they won’t stop flickering??? i’m so confused this hasn’t happened before? should i redo it-
the candle for the cord cutting went out by itself as well, but the part that gets me is that the one in the binding had 0 reason- there wasn’t to much heat or wax it just- went out-
i relit it and a bit later the (once still flames, mind you-) started flicking like crazy and then almost touched a few times-
i pulled a card from the deck that i use for the deity im working with and got the x of cups and the x of pentacles- i guess its fine but idk- does anyone have any thought?
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candlelit-cemetary · 6 months ago
my candle went out with no wind and no fan??
so- i was doing a spell that i’ve done before- a binding spell while cord cutting- i’ve never seen this happen before- so for a while, the candle flames where still, and my deity’s candle was flickering like crazy- i have no fans going at all so idk what that was
everything was going well untill after the cord cutting (both sides burnt their sides individually, was going smooth) and the binding burnt. then one of the candles went out by itself-? and then after i relit it, i started crying? and remember, the candles where still before- now they won’t stop flickering??? i’m so confused this hasn’t happened before? should i redo it-
the candle for the cord cutting went out by itself as well, but the part that gets me is that the one in the binding had 0 reason- there wasn’t to much heat or wax it just- went out-
i relit it and a bit later the (once still flames, mind you-) started flicking like crazy and then almost touched a few times-
i pulled a card from the deck that i use for the deity im working with and got the x of cups and the x of pentacles- i guess its fine but idk- does anyone have any thought?
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candlelit-cemetary · 7 months ago
Hello everyone. I know it has been a while but I thought I should post today.
Today I would like to talk about gifts from deities.
One of the first interactions I had with Hecate, before I fully relized I wanted to work with her, was a gift I was given by her.
For some context, a few friends of mine at the time and I had found that we liked to trade decks, weather it be tarot cards or oracle, it was up for grabs, given we discussed it prior to. One of the things I had personally noticed when trading, was that if you traded a deck that didn't seem to meld well with you, your energy, or what you had planned on using it for, the one you received seem to have a stronger energy and bond.
This is my own personal experience with this, it may not work for everyone, but I would highly suggest it, especially if it is with a friend. Anyways, I had a deck that I had used previously with Persephone (who I was either no longer working with at that point, or could tell that she was moving on, I can't quite remember well), which was an oracle deck. I traded that deck for another oracle deck.
The special thing to note about this deck, is that it was the Goddess Oracle, which not only was themed around goddesses from around the globe, but also had the triple moon symbol on the back of the box, cards, and booklet. The triple moon symbol is heavily related to Hecate, as she is the goddess of witchcraft, crossroads, and magick. What makes this interaction so interesting, is that afterwards, I had felt drawn to her. So naturally, I did research as well as asking the deck itself. Shortly after receiving the deck, while asking it about her, I pulled her card in the deck. A confirmation.
I only recently realized the deck was a gift from her herself. I suppose this was to make herself known.
What was even funnier, is that I had complained to said friend previously about not having another deck, as I could sense that something was coming. She knew.
Now, I'm not saying all gods/goddesses will gift you something, but when they do, cherish it close.
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candlelit-cemetary · 11 months ago
Important facts about Hekate, the goddess of witchcraft, night, necromancy, and ghosts
During her earliest appearance in Hesiod's book 'Theogony', she was depicted as a goddess with dominion over the earth, sea, and sky; her later appearances, however, made her a goddess of the Underworld associated with magic and witchcraft.
In comparison to Selene, goddess of the moon, who represents the calmness of the night, Hekate represents its terrors and darkness.
Artemis (also considered a goddess of the moon), Selene, and Hekate were sometimes worshiped together due to their similarities, especially in Rome. They were worshiped as a triad mostly by women and children.
People made an offering for her when they were about to work with magic or the dead.
She aided Demeter in search of her daughter Persephone
She is a Liminal Goddess because she can easily move from the Underworld to the real world. She is the 'guide', that is why she is depicted with torches and is described as the one who can unlock the ''gates of death'' by Theocritus.
She is tightly associated with Eleusinian Mysteries, the secret celebrations of Demeter and Persephone.
She had a few temples and cults in Greece and small household shrines to ward off evil.
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candlelit-cemetary · 1 year ago
So, I do glamour magic in honor of working with Aphrodite. In the week that I started, I have not only been complimented on my lip shape, but also been told I smell like chocolate. And all I do is state affirmations while bathing and putting on lotion.
Don’t sleep on glamour magic.
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candlelit-cemetary · 1 year ago
I made prayer beads for Hekate using 2 brackets I had (garnet and black tourmaline) and honestly I am very proud of the results. I wish I had tied it tighter but that’s ok I’m still pleased.
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candlelit-cemetary · 1 year ago
Just wanted to let you know, if you don’t have certain pendants or jewelry for your deity, that’s ok! You could always wear a crystal in their honor and it doesn’t even have to be one accociated with them if you don’t have one. They always appreciate you.
Currently I am wearing rose quartz for Aphrodite and citrine for Apollo, gifts for them. It makes me feel whole to have a peice of them with me.
Even if you can’t get jewelry, do something else, make a poem, color a picture, do something and that still counts as an offering.
They will always be greatful. I hate when people say that gods and goddesses don’t care about us because they do. We are their prized creation. They love us in a way a mother and a father would, but that’s for another time. They appreciate all you do. Even just showering or doing your hair in their honor would please them.
Keep all of this in mind.
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candlelit-cemetary · 1 year ago
It’s after valentine’s day so you know what that means! Time to reuse those roses and make rose water or rose oil!
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I’m a lazy witch, I microwaved the roses in water to make rose water lol.
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candlelit-cemetary · 1 year ago
Due to being graciously gifted a bunch of dandelions, I picked some. Here are some uses of dandelions:
Sun magic
Growth and transformation
Repels negative energy
Brings joy and happiness
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candlelit-cemetary · 1 year ago
Some of you may want to know this:
Jojoba oil? Yeah that stuff you usually use for your guages? Is great in protection. Yanno what it’s also great for? Your hair.
Your hair holds so much energy in it, why not protect it? Put that shit in your hair. It not only physically protects it as well as strengthens it and makes it softer, but it also spiritually protects it as well.
Just thought I’d share ^^
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candlelit-cemetary · 1 year ago
I love when this happens.
Bees and yellow dandilions everywhere in the yard.
Apollo is so pleased today.
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candlelit-cemetary · 1 year ago
Anyone else get a sudden feeling, like you’re drawn to a deity? That’s how it was for Hekate for me. It started as seeing 3 of numbers, like 555, 111, 222, then I started to see 333 a lot and noticed it. Then, I got this feeling that I was just so drawn to her.
I did a reading and got Comunion, Radical Acceptance, Potential, Relationship, Earth, and finally Death and Witchcraft. I used The Goddess Oracle deck gifted to me by a friend. I took that as “Hello, I am Hekate, here to seek out a potential working relationship with you moving forward.” which is pretty cool, at least in my opinion. Couldn’t be more Hekate then “Death and Witchcraft”. I mean, hello. It’s right there.
Funny thing is, poor Persephone got so annoyed with me not noticing her signs, she sent a 3 bats to my house, which then caught my attention like “OOOOOHHH PERSEPHONE WANTS TO WORK WITH ME!!” Then again, that was much earlier in my practice. She must be so proud that I’m able to pick up on signs easier now. I hope at least.
I do wonder if she gave me my new puppy though, who ironically is born a month before my birthday, down to the day…
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candlelit-cemetary · 1 year ago
So I recently started working with Apollo, due to one of my friends working with him and i started feeling his energy follow me. They made mention like “hey, bud, i think Apollo wants your attention.”
Whats funny about it is the fact that i have always felt connected to him;
When I was little I used to go outside and sunbathe for hours upon hours, just sitting there in the yard. I would dance in the sunlight after a fresh rain, grateful for the bright light blessed upon my skin. I used to pick dandilions and bring them home. I would make sure to scatter the seeds with a wish every time they puffed up. I would write music and play instruments, specifically string instruments and I love poetry. I have always loved him, and I feel grateful that he would want to work with me and had for a while. I mean, a really long time i’ve slightly noticed things and now it makes so much sense.
I dunno, I just suppose I’m very grateful to have him in my life.
Thank you, Apollo ☀️🎵📝.
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candlelit-cemetary · 1 year ago
As above, so below.
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My name is Jasper! I have been practicing witchcraft for 5-6 years now, but there’s a lot that I still don’t know, so I still consider myself a baby witch. I use they/them pronouns and I am 18 years old.
I consider myself an eclectic witch, as I am a jack of many trades. I like kitchen witchcraft, baneful magic, herbs and their properties, and crystals (I have quite the collection of stones). I also am, albeit slowly, learning more and more about death witchcraft with the help of Hekate and Lucifer.
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I am a hellenic pagan as well and I work with / worship:
Aphrodite, goddess of love and war
Apollo, god of the sun and plagues
Hekate, goddess of witchcraft and spirits
Loki, good of chaos and mischief
Lucifer, god of light and the underworld
I previously worked with Hades and Persephone, but they have moved on, and will always have a special place in my heart.
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I can’t wait to meet all of you! Have a lovely day / night and gods bless you!
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