#helene x marya
sneakystorms · 2 years
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Can someone please tell me when does Marya and Helene kiss in The Great Comet?
When does that happen?
Please send gifs or links so I can scream that my couple is Canon
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imsomentallystable · 2 days
Wait, wait..hear me out..total drama x the great comet of 1812 AU…
Sonya-Gwen or Bridgette
Dolokhov-Noah or Duncan
Prince bolkonsky-Chris
Anatole- Alejandro
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slavic-canvas · 3 months
Alchermes, John D. 1997. “The Bulgarians” in The Glory of Byzantium, eds. Helen C. Evans and William D. Wixom, 320-335. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Asrun. “Slawischer Trachtbestandteil – Panova,” Viking Handcraft (blog). Last modified 19 June 2012. http://vikinghandcraft.blogspot.com/2012/06/slawischer-trachtbestandteil-panova.html
Atanasova, Kalina. “Bulgarian Medieval Costumes: Materials.” Accessed 12 May 2021. http://badamba.info/BySource/materials.html
Barford, Paul M. 2001. The Early Slavs: Culture and Society in Early Medieval Eastern Europe. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
Beebe, John. “Medieval Russian Garb,” Ivan Rezansky’s SCA Adventures (blog). Last modified 21 April 2021. https://rezansky.com/medieval-russian-garb/
Filow, Bogdan D. 1919. “The First Kingdom of Bulgaria” in Early Bulgarian Art, pp 1-15. Berne: Buhler and Werder.
Jaromira and Dalebora. “Western Slavic garment from X c.” Medieval Crafts by Jaromira and Dalebora (blog). Last modified 14 Aug 2013. http://jaromira-dalebora.blogspot.com/2013/08/sowianka-zachodnia.html
Marya Kargashina (SCA name) “Ways to Wear Temple Rings,” Novgorod to Three Mountains (blog). Last modified 14 Dec 2014. https://kargashina.wordpress.com/2017/12/14/ways-to-wear-temple-rings/
Kazanski, Michel. 2020. “Archaeology of the Slavic Migrations” in Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics Online. https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02902087
Schmudlach, Dieter. “Slawische Schläfenringe (Slavic Temple Rings).” Last modified 12/9/2010. http://www.landschaftsmuseum.de/Seiten/Lexikon/SR-slaw.htm
Kies, Lisa. “Clothing in Early Rus,” Sofya la Rus Medieval Russian Life (website). Last modified 7 April 2007. http://sofyalarus.info/russia/Garb/KRC.html
Scylitza, John. 12th century. Historia Bizantina (History of Byzantium 811-1057). Held at the National LIbrary of Spain. Available online via https://www.wdl.org/en/item/10625/
Stamerov, K.K. 1978. Translated by Tatiana Nikolaevna Tumanova. An Illustrated History of Costume. Kiev: Avenger.
Váňa, Zdeněk. 1983. Translated by Till Gottheiner. The World of the Ancient Slavs. London: Orbis Publishing. Online at http://macedonia.kroraina.com/en/zvwas/index.htm
West Slavs in Archeology (blog). Accessed 23 May 2021. https://west-slavs.tumblr.com/
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How willing are you to do Marlene kiss prompt 13 👀👀
(👀 Very much willing, anon)
Frustrated kisses
Marya had never been the sort who snuck out of her own home, yet alone from her adolescent goddaughters who had no authority over her. However, it was only fitting for the occasion. It was a terribly childish act and some part of her cursed at how irrational her decision making was. The process did not take long for it resulted in a very frustrated Marya tossing a half-written letter into the bin and hastily making her way out of the doors of her home towards the Kuragins estate. A troika would have been a wiser decision than trudging in the snow but she did not wish to have her arrival announced. That was the whole point of sneaking.
Why was she sneaking out, you ask? Now, to begin with, Marya was a widow with no intent to remarry. No one had ever asked her why but many believed it was because she was well off being independent. It was by her own efforts that she earned herself the title of being one of the most powerful women in Moscow. Her former husband had not done anything to elevate their family name but with the little time they had together, they were happy. Some assumed that Marya would never find love after her late husband but they were so very wrong. Marya was deeply in love with someone who could send her to her ruin, someone whose reputation could be dragged in the dirt along with hers should anyone discover their rapport. It was shamed and frowned upon to be with someone of the same gender. But nothing was going to stop her from seeing Hélène Kuragina, her dearest lover and the wife-to-be of her old friend, Pierre.
Navigating her way to the home where Hélène currently resided did not take long. She could remember every twist and turn from the times she would sneak out as a naïve teenager to see her. Getting to do this again was almost nostalgic despite how it had been years since she last did this and months since she last saw Hélène. Something urged Marya to see her one last time before the wedding which was in a week. A letter would bring injustice to the message she wanted to relay and she needed Hélène to know how she felt. It had been stupid on her part to allow jealousy to seize her which resulted in months of drowning her sorrows by staying away from Hélène who wrote to her so often. For an adult, she was pettier (and more determined) than any other lovestruck teenager there was.
She could very well just show up at her front door and have a civil conversation but that would only stir suspicion. And what was life without a little flair?
Running up to Hélène’s window, she began to climb the ladder they had made out of rope from ages ago. It was no surprise that no one had found it after all those years as it was concealed by an overgrowth of vines and orchids but one downside to this was how bloody difficult ascending was. It was a shame to ruin such pretty greenery but Marya could barely spare a thought for the blue flower she had crushed underneath her grip.
Hélène, who had been lounging on her bed with a book, was startled when she heard a rustle at the open. She thought it had been the wind but with how frequent the rustling sounded, there was something there. Another giveaway was how the rustling seemed to be growing louder. Abandoning her book, Hélène rushed over to her window and stuck her head out. She had not expected to come face-to-face with Marya Dmitrievna Akhrosimova. Not at this hour, day or at all! She nearly got a heart attack and the most she could do at the moment was gape at Marya with eyes as wide as saucers. She could not shriek as it would alert her parents or the servants, and it was obvious that Marya had chosen to enter through the window because she did not wish to be noticed. Hélène could not blow her cover, not when the woman was thoughtful enough to meet her under informal circumstances.
Though, deep within the Kuragina, she felt a glowing anger from the empty months she had spent without Marya. After all, she had abandoned Hélène upon receiving news of her marriage with Pierre.
“Marya, what are you doing?!” Hélène whispered frantically.
“If it isn’t obvious enough, I’m climbing!” Marya responded in a hiss as she reached out to grab the windowsill.
“You’re not 18 anymore! Goodness’ sake, you’re going to hurt yourself.”
“Continue talking and you’ll have me plunge to my death.”
“Don’t be so dramatic.”
Marya hoisted herself up onto the windowsill and she scoffed. “And you’re not?”
“I have a 32-year-old woman climbing up to my window, how could I not be?”
It was not so much a warm welcome but neither had expected any kindness to begin with. Hélène shuffled awkwardly in her spot and folded her arms over her chest, still processing why Marya was here. As for Marya, she did not know what to say. She had the ambition to come here to see Hélène but she had not thought far enough about what she was going to say to her upon seeing her. It had been months and over the course, an individual could change. There was no doubt that they still loved each other; it was in their eyes. The sadness and grief in their darkened hues from months lost to selfishness when they could have spent them together.
Hélène’s anger refrained her from speaking first for she wanted to hear what Marya had to say but Marya’s dejection scattered her thoughts. She did not know which one to reach out to first and so they stood there in silence. Hélène was the first to move, turning away to look elsewhere so that she did not falter like Marya already was. It appeared that the months had worn the woman while they had hardened Hélène. Maintaining the façade was a challenge now that Marya stood in the same room as her.
“Why are you here, Marya?” It was a more reasonable question than the first she had thrown at the woman while she was climbing the ladder. No amount of sarcasm would be able to evade it.
“I came here to see you.”
“And here I thought that you’d already established that I was out of your life because I belong to another,” Hélène scoffed in disbelief.
“I never said that,” Marya debated.
“Oh, no- You didn’t say that. In fact, you didn’t say anything at all because you just vanished,” Hélène corrected herself.
“But I’m here now.”
“And shall I applaud you for that?” Hélène snapped. "You disappear for months then you come to me through my window like nothing ever happened. Is this some sort of drama to you?”
“It’s not that,” Marya interjected furiously. “I had to see you!”
“You ran!” Hélène reminded her.
“I didn’t know how to handle the pain of losing you to- To Pierre!” Marya sighed. She knew not to raise her voice. She did not have the right to since the fault befell on her. “I’m sorry that I did,”
“Sorry? You’re sorry!?” Hélène bit and she turned to look at Marya.
“I am.”
Hélène balled her hands into fists. “Sorry isn’t going to bring back the months we lost or take away the pain that you caused me, Marya.”
“I can’t change that.”
“Of course, you can’t.” Hélène gritted her teeth to swallow down whatever it was in her mind and she took a deep breath. “So, whatever it is that you want out of this visit, you can forget it.”
Marya heard a ragged breath and a tremoring exhale when Hélène spun around to face the bed, and her shoulders heaved heavily with the next breath. She did not move or make any indication that she wanted Marya removed from her room. If she wanted it, she did not show. Marya wanted to see her eyes, to read them. It was a language that she had polished to perfection but there were still flaws.
Hélène was trained with lies, in tongue and eyes. She knew that the only person who knew their way past these deceptions was Marya and, in all honesty, she was deadly frightened of it. No one in her family had ever prepared her to meet someone like Marya, someone who could read through a person’s every move and expression. For all she knew, that woman could be sniffing her out this very moment and it made her feel vulnerable. There was no point hiding it anymore so she let the tears pour freely down her cheeks. Whether they were tears of sadness or anger, she did not care.
Marya was taken aback by the crying and when she took a step towards her, Hélène held a hand out at her. “Stop- Just… Please, just go.”
“Leave! Or would you rather I spoke in Russian?” Hélène yelled angrily. Blindly, she grabbed Marya by the shoulders and shook her vigorously, blinking back tears. “I need you to leave.”
“But do you want me to?” Marya asked, grasping Hélène’s arms tightly to stop her from shaking her so wildly. Hélène tried again but Marya pressed her up against the wall to hold her still, pinning her arms by her sides.
Weakly, Hélène shook her head. She had never looked more miserable and it startled the redhead to see her so broken. “You ruined me, Marya… I loved you so much and- and I still do.” She let out a harsh laugh. “Stupid, isn’t it? Once you give your love away to someone, it’s hard to move on.”
“But you don’t have to move on. Hélène, I still love you.”
“But do you really?” Hélène hissed.
Neither knew who leaned in first. Not long ago, Hélène had been more than eager to give Marya a good bite in the shoulder to wake her up from this complete delusion off hers but that had changed into a swelling desperation to savor the feeling of Marya’s lips on hers. More tears spilled from where they had gathered upon her lashes, through eyes that were squeezed tightly shut, and she felt the warmth of Marya’s flushed cheeks now stained with her own tears. The grip on Hélène’s arms loosened and they fell down to her waist where they held her delicately, fingers curling into the fabric of her nightgown.
The burn of the wedding band against Marya’s hand, when she slid her hands into Hélène’s, made her pull away, and she could not refrain herself from the spillage of apologies that came from her lips. Ignoring those pitiful words, Hélène pulled her in another searing kiss with a rough yank of her shawl, breaking it just as roughly to speak. Swollen and reddened lips quivered, angry eyes flashing, a stale look past her brown hues. Marya could see her sorrow in all its glory, struggling emotions in spiteful collision.
“I hate you so fucking much”- Hélène choked out.
Scoffing, Marya shook her head and laughed dryly. “You don’t mean that.”
“Of course not, you idiot!” Hélène sniffled as she wiped the tears from her cheeks. “I’ve never stopped loving you. I couldn’t. You don’t deserve it.”
“I know I don’t and honestly, I wonder why is it that you still love me.” Marya bent down on her knees, alarming Hélène who dipped to grasp the woman by the forearms, and her hands returned to hold her by the waist. “Elena, I committed a foolish act and it cannot be excused. Whether you fall in love with another, perhaps Pierre, you must know that I will always love you.”
“Enough with your misery, Marya. Don’t do this to me,” Hélène pleaded. “You, of all people, should know that none of that will ever become true.”
Marya sniffled, but she was almost shaken when Hélène dropped to kneel down in front of her. “We once said that neither of us would let your father marry you off, didn’t we? Look what happened.”
“Sometimes our expectations can’t meet reality but I know what’s real and this is. Our love, this marriage. It’s all real.”
Our love.
Before Marya could speak, the sound of a door creaking echoed through the hallway and footsteps trailed from the vestibule to the stairway. A heavy set. Pierre had returned from his night’s excursion and Hélène turned to look at the clock in alarm, having completely forgotten that he was to return at the designed time. This was the reality, like she had such not a minute ago. Marya would eventually have to leave anyway, and they could never steal away moments without worry of a husband catching them. Hélène had never felt more heartbroken but her panic overruled the pain that swelled in her chest.
Yanking Marya to her feet, she pushed her towards the window she had climbed through, whimpering. Marya, whose eyes were trained on the door, was just as distressed as Hélène was but she put on a brave face. If not for her sake, then for her lover. She staggered towards the window, following Hélène’s distorted lead, but she stopped to catch Hélène when she stumbled over a fold of her nightgown. What had Pierre done to induce such panic inside of Hélène? The oh-so-bold and daring Hélène Kuragina. What had happened to her?
“Hélène, calm down, please,” Marya hissed under her breath.
“You need to leave right now. Go.” She held the window open and patted the sill.
“We won’t be able to see each other again after this.”
“Please, Masha. I don’t want to argue.” It was the first time that night that Helene used the old affectionate nickname and Marya knew she could not protest.
Obeying, she set a foot on the window sill then the other. When one foot found the ladder, she flipped herself over so that she was in a proper climbing position, Hélène’s hands fastened around her wrists to keep her steady. If she were to fall, she would catch her. Marya trusted she was in the safest of hands. She did not make her descent yet but she noticed that the grip on her hand simply tightened. She looked up from the ladder to see Hélène gazing mournfully at her, casting flitting glances at the door whenever the footsteps sounded. They drew closer and closer, thumping akin to a ticking time bomb. The hand on her wrist moved to hold her hand, something cold pressed into her palm.
“Masha, I”-
Marya captured her lips in a final kiss. “You haven’t lost me, Lena. It’s going to take a lot more to push me away.”
At that, Helene gives her a tearful smile. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Sliding down the ladder with precision, Marya disappeared into the night but not without a final glance at Hélène who waved goodbye. A silhouette emerged behind Hélène just as Marya turned away and she was grateful that she did. The heartbreak would only make her yearn to stay and like a fool, she might get caught if Pierre were to catch a glimpse of her out the window. She ran home, keeping Hélène in her thoughts, in the prayers she would say before she went to sleep. She clutched the ring in her hand, the one that Hélène had so cunningly slipped into her palm when she took her hand on the ladder.
She would see her again. Never was always an overstatement if they allowed it, and Marya was not one who endorsed the impossible.
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Friendly reminder that Hélène & Marya have a canon make out scene in the Great Comet
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pavelchekovswig · 7 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Natasha Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812 - Malloy Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Marya Akhrosimova/Elena Kuragina, Pyotr Bezukhov/Natalya Rostova, Fyodor Dolokhov/Anatole Kuragin Characters: Elena “Hélène” Vasilyevna Kuragina, Marya Dmitriyevna Akhrosimova, Anatole Vasilyevich Kuragin, Fyodor “Fedya” Ivanovich Dolokhov, Pyotr “Pierre” Kirillovich Bezukhov, Natalya “Natasha” Ilyinichna Rostova, Sofia “Sonya” Alexandrovna Rostova, Marya “Mary” Nikolaevna Bolkonskaya Summary:
After the kiss shared between Marya and Hélène, Marya was left hurt and betrayed and Hélène is determined to feel those lips against hers again but can she make it up to Marya? Can she grow and learn how to fix this mess? Can they find happiness together?
Please read, I’m really excited about this, yall are always complaining about lack of Helene/Marya fics, as am i, so here you go
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GC Characters As Weird Architectural Choices In My School That Was Built A Longass Time Ago But Has Been Like 60% Modernized
Sorry i havent posted in a while take your content
Andrey- the fact that half the building is freezing and the other half is a sauna and you never know what's going to be what on any given day except that the history classrooms are always hot enough to cook an egg
Natasha- The Music Void. An unfinished room between the wall of the stairwell and the wall of the girls' bathroom, right across from the band room, where the band director keeps all the sheet music.
Sonya- The weird little half-wall in the art room near the back and if you go back behind there that's where all the art supplies are and it's a LOT
Marya- The fact that there isn't a fire alarm in the chemistry lab.
Anatole- The very tiny, ineffective stage filled with chairs that nobody ever uses in the gym. We have a theater for a reason, guys-
Helene- The singular gender-neutral bathroom, which is in the least convenient spot ever. It's a.k.a. the vaping/crying/sex bathroom, due to its floor-to-ceiling stalls and hardly anyone ever going in there.
Dolokhov- The windows overlooking the commons from every 2nd and 3rd floor hallway. You can watch your friends. You can watch your enemies. You can watch Evie play minecraft. Nobody will know. Well, unless they look up.
Bolkonsky- The strange and inexplicable musty bathroom in one of the history classrooms. It's just a door and a toilet and a sink. It's also slightly higher up than the rest of the ground?? There's like a 90% chance it doesn't even work tbh
Mary- The long rectangular Room of Banishment where i got sent once last year because i didn't have headphones so couldnt be on the zoom with the at-home kids if i was still in the classroom. It seems to serve no purpose except being a gigantic junk-drawer. I think there's a hello kitty microwave in there.
Balaga- The fact that you have to run like the fucking wind to get anywhere on time, because the school has 3 different floors and all the subjects are clustered together in their respective hallways. Wanna go from history to math? Down a bunch of stairs and to the opposite side of the building. You have 3 minutes. Run.
Pierre- the fucking kitchen right next to the office. Not even where they make the lunches it's just a tiny-ass kitchen with some mugs and plastic forks and a fridge
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nitemirz · 3 years
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hello again marya/helene nation i hope yall r still alive
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simp4bwayladies · 4 years
Pierre: Are you the big spoon or the little spoon?
Marya: I’m a knife.
Helene, from across the room: She’s the little spoon.
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ninasfireescape · 7 years
Hélène has a gift and she intends to use that gift to keep Marya distracted enough that she won't notice her goddaughter missing. However, Marya has some gifts of her own.
Explaining what actually happened between Hélène and Marya during the Abduction.
Here’s the one shot I said I was working on based on my post here so hopefully enjoy!
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droughtofapathy · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Natasha Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812 - Malloy, Voyná i mir | War and Peace - Leo Tolstoy Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Marya Dmitryevna Akhrosimova/Elena "Hélène" Vasilyevna Kuragina Characters: Marya Dmitryevna Akhrosimova, Elena "Hélène" Vasilyevna Kuragina Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - World War I, Russian Diaspora, Angst, Pining, First Time, Internalized Homophobia, Alternate Universe - Roommates/Housemates, Insecurity, Religious Guilt Summary:
In the wake of the Bolshevik Revolution, Marya Dmitryevna flees Moscow with the rest of Russia's elite. With no money and no status, Marya must brave the dangers of wartime factories to survive. And worse, in a cruel twist of fate she's become flatmates with none other than the Queen of Society herself, Elena Kuragina. Happily divorced, and still every bit the beloved socialite, Elena drinks and dances her weekends away, much to Marya's disapproval. But when Hélène brings home a giggling young woman and pleasures her on the side of Marya's wall while she listens in...horror...it awakens something in Marya that can never be put back to sleep.
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“there’s nothing here for me anymore” 👀
👀 welllll... since we've been on the topic of friends to strangers to friends to lovers..
It did not take long for Marya to pack up the last of her things. She had saved her clothes for last as it was the lease of her troubles compared to everything else she possessed. Paintings, vintage pieces, her beloved plants and anything you would expect of the Terrible Dragon of Moscow. Help was not required for such a simple task but even it were any more difficult, she would forbid anyone from laying a finger on her belongings. There were no other hands that she trusted that were not hers.
The clasp of the suitcase snapped shut just as a knock on the door echoed through the house. She was certain she was not expecting anyone for she had already said her goodbyes to her closest friends. Though, surprises were not strangers to her. In Moscow, anything could happen and being in the circle of society she was in, she had met many strange people. With her suitcase in hand, she dashed out of her now-vacant bedroom to greet her visitor. It could not be her goddaughters nor could it be Pierre for the three had so kindly volunteered to help her move the rest of her things. That left... No one else on the list of those who were closest to her.
As she descended the stairs, she paused at the last step when her gaze met that of a familiar figure. How had she forgotten her...?
"Good afternoon, Elena. I wasn't expecting you."
"I didn't expect to visit but I was passing by and I thought it would be nice to stop by."
"How thoughtful."
It did not take long for Hélène to read the situation and if Marya saw the way her face fell slightly, she said nothing of it. Marya saw no fault in failing to inform her visitor that she was moving away. It did not seem like a matter of great importance as they had already grown distant. Or that was what she told herself. Deep down, she knew that if she saw Hélène one last time before moving, an old pain would resurface.
She could already feel it bubbling within her chest. It was suffocating.
Neither of them spoke. What was there to say to someone they had never seen in months? Let alone to someone they were avoiding. Marya's lip twitched, as if to speak, but she said nothing. But as the silence stretched, Hélène spoke up.
"You didn't tell me that you were leaving."
"I didn't see the need to."
"Did you ever think that this matters to me?"
Marya huffed. "Don't turn this on me, Elena. You're just as guilty as I am."
Rolling her eyes, Hélène turned away. "At least I tried to put in the effort. Did you?" Marya did not respond. "You always told me that Moscow was your home."
Marya shook her head and gave Hélène a tight-lipped smile. "There's nothing here for me anymore. I've lived here my whole life and I've only ever been stuck. I can't stay here forever, Elena... Everyone moves on."
"But I haven't." Were they still talking about moving?
"Then I suppose moving will do us both good."
The silence returned and Marya was sure she saw tears glistening in Hélène's eyes. She could not take it a moment longer. It was always the same ever since the break up. Whenever they found themselves crawling back to each other, one of them would get hurt and it only thickened the wall between them. Some part of Marya had hoped for this to go differently but it was foolish to believe that such an exception would exist. Fate was a cruel being and Marya so despised being subject to it.
Taking Hélène's hand, she ushered the poor dear away from the door and to the car, closing the door behind her. The sound of the door closing signified the end of a chapter. Did the sound of the car door opening mean a newer chapter? Who knew?
"I'll drive you home," Marya offered.
Their goodbyes were brief. When Marya pulled up in Hélène's driveway, they exchanged a tight embrace. It was Marya who had pulled Hélène info a hug before she could leave the car. Tears spilled onto her shoulder and Marya fought back her own. She did not wish to remind of the times she cried over the months. She had already moved on and this hug should not mean more than it should... But it already did. Of all the hugs, this hug would be the one she'd remember forever.
She could still feel the ghost of Hélène's hug upon her when she pulled away to leave. No one had ever taught her to mend a heartbreak or chase away a ghost of her past. If she was cursed to live with such a ghost, there was nothing she could do.
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azure-firecracker · 4 years
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All right Great Comet fans, who went on Hélène’s page and did this?
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lady-of-the-spirit · 4 years
Are there any fics with established Marya/Hélène where Hélène was still involved in Natasha and Anatole's attempted elopement and Marya finds out
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pavelchekovswig · 7 years
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Natasha Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812 - Malloy Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Marya Akhrosimova/Elena Kuragina, Pyotr Bezukhov/Natalya Rostova, Fyodor Dolokhov/Anatole Kuragin Characters: Elena "Hélène" Vasilyevna Kuragina, Marya Dmitriyevna Akhrosimova, Anatole Vasilyevich Kuragin, Fyodor "Fedya" Ivanovich Dolokhov, Pyotr "Pierre" Kirillovich Bezukhov, Natalya "Natasha" Ilyinichna Rostova, Sofia "Sonya" Alexandrovna Rostova, Marya "Mary" Nikolaevna Bolkonskaya Summary:
After the kiss shared between Marya and Hélène, Marya was left hurt and betrayed and Hélène is determined to feel those lips against hers again but can she make it up to Marya? Can she grow and learn how to fix this mess? Can they find happiness together?
Hey yall,  Chapter 2 is up, I hope you enjoy it!!!
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