#helena's thoughts and opinions
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lunarwhisperer · 10 months ago
Look at Kenny soft launching his career as a scientist.
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celestialspiritbabe · 4 months ago
my babies 💕
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lunarwhisperer · 10 days ago
when you come and think about it, Stan's original timeline from SP:PC is actually so fucked up and dark☠️
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justonemorewallflower · 5 months ago
Finally a cousin BSG update!! Took me a while as I've been working on other things/haven't had the time to collect all her thoughts into one thing haha.
This will be Season 2 Episode 18 Downloaded through Season 3 Episode 17 Maelstrom! As well as Razor! So I have to cover almost an entire season haha but it's okay! Since I have so much to cover in this one I will only really share her reactions to big events/twists or anything she said that I just found funny. Also obviously of course, major spoilers!!
Razor she thought was interesting, I think she was on the fence on how to feel about Shaw but ultimately didn't really like her. She still hates Cain too, Razor didn't change her opinion on Cain at all which is fair.
She was upset about the whole faking Hera is dead thing.
She was surprised/interested to find out there's a Six who sees Baltar in her head like Baltar sees her.
She was very concerned/confused about Chief and his breakdown thing where he had beat the shit out of Cally. She became even more confused when at the very end of season two it showed him and Cally together and Cally pregnant. She thought they could be cute during the scene where Cally like forgave him, etc. but she didn't know how to feel because of what he had done to her.
I'm not sure how she felt about the Caprica resistance getting rescued but she was annoyed because that meant Kara and Sam and she was super uncomfortable/annoyed during the scene where Lee walked in on them kissing and Kara introduced him to Sam lol.
She was a bit annoyed about Laura and them trying to rig the election but she understood it too because she also did not want Baltar as president.
For the end of season 2 my cousin expected Gaius to win the election for president and even mumbled something about how he's not gonna be good at it. In the one year flash forward she was slightly confused, wanting to know what happened between the election and then especially between certain characters (like Kara and Lee). She was also taken back and mad when she found out Kara was married to Sam lmao, she was like "Married?! Excuse me?!" 😭🤣 And then when the Cylons showed up she wasn't really surprised, mostly just annoyed as she sighed.
Beginning of Season 3 with all the Leoben/Kara stuff she absolutely hated it and she hates Leoben. She got even more annoyed and confused/worried for Kara when he introduced Kacey. She thought Kacey was actually their child until she got back on Galactica and her mom took her back and then she felt bad for Kara.
She also felt bad for Tigh and was annoyed at Ellen for frakking Cavil.
She had pretty much guessed/knew that Gaeta had been the resistance's inside source and was really annoyed when the mass shooting/execution had been about to occur, as well as the suicide missions/bombings. And she was super annoyed when once back on Galactica the circle was trying to convict him of treason and send him out an airlock. She was relieved when Kara got him to admit the truth which ended up saving him. She was mad that they killed Jammer and was actually relieved when Sam had left the group she was like "thank you you're the only smart one" and she was PISSED when they asked Kara to replace him.
She found Lee being fat humorous and was mad again when she found out he and Dee were married also.
She was glad that Tigh poisoned Ellen as she felt she deserved it and never liked her anyway. Her hatred for Ellen is lowkey funny because literally almost anytime she was on screen she would get immediately annoyed and/or disgusted.
When Balter was questioning if he was a Cylon or not my cousin was like I could see it that would make sense but she also just wants him to be the special human haha. Rn though Baltar is one of her guesses for the final five but she doesn't really know for sure lol.
She was kind of annoyed with the episode Hero.
She was glad for Unfinished Business and how it explained things that had happened during the time jump and she was loving/hating the tension between Kara and Lee. She had loved the scene between them on New Caprica, smiling like a dork during it, and was confused and upset when Kara married Sam the next day. She was very upset about it because she was like "we could have had Kara and Lee!"
She also thinks Laura and Bill are really cute and wants them to get together already.
She wasn't really surprised about Kat's death, she had kind of expected it, knowing how someone was gonna let their radiation levels get too high and try to be a hero and she guessed it would be Kat. She was pretty neutral about it as she didn't necessarily hate Kat but she didn't necessarily like her either.
She was originally confused when Athena had Helo shoot her before realizing why and she was happy she got her baby back.
She was really annoyed when Kara got shot down on the Algae planet and Lee refused to let Sam rescue her and the arguing about Kara between those two because of it and then how Lee sent Dee to rescue her and the interaction she had with Kara. She was also just annoyed with the scene with Kara and Lee in the raptor and discussion divorce, etc.
She reallyyyyy wants to find out the final five and it's bugging her so much haha like when D'Anna saw them in the Temple she was nearly begging "show one of their faces, do it! Show a face come on!" 😭🤣
She was SUPER upset about Kara's death haha she said "she better be a Cylon or come back somehow" and I'm just over here like well... she does but only to disappear again later haha 🤣😭
She's very much in distraught right now and purposely had that episode be the last one we watched that night because she didn't want to move on to the next episode yet as that would either confirm her death and have everyone grieving over her or not and she said she's not ready for that yet and needs some time haha.
She and I will be watching more today and will likely probably get to either beginning or quarter of way into season 4.
I can't wait to see her reaction to finding out 4 of the final 5 as right now it doesn't seem like she expects any of them. Maybe Chief just because of his whole questioning himself thinking he's a Cylon thing but she didn't really believe it so I think she'll be surprised, especially since that isn't the first time he's hinted at being a Cylon. She definitely doesn't expect any of the other 3 and Ellen she probably will be mad about since she hates her haha but she won't be surprised.
I also can't wait to see what she thinks when Kara returns and what theories she ends up coming up with regarding her and he return, etc. I wonder if she'll think she's a Cylon like I had or not. I'm also just curious to how much she'll like her character after she returns since she's pretty different just because she's so focused on trying to fulfill her destiny to lead humans to Earth and seems crazy because of it.
I also can't wait to see her reaction to cult Baltar haha she'll probably be so weirded out. Same with the weird Six/Tigh plot line.
I feel like I'm missing some things but I'm not sure haha I covered a lot so I'll just leave it at this!
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allovesthings · 10 months ago
In my opinion, the butt jokes are incredibly incredibly tired.
So here are several fun facts about Dick that you can use for comedic effects/running jokes instead:
His hatred of Capes. Listen we are talking about Dick wore a yellow cape for 9 to 10 years in universe Grayson. The moment he changed his costume, he straight refused to ever wear a cape again, the only time he had to wear one, it was as Batman and it was very very frustrating for him.
You know that when he watched the Incredibles with Lian and Roy or Damian and Edna Mode came on screen with her hatred of capes, this was his reaction:
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Someone else finally understand him. She instantly became his favorite character.
His tendency to put unknown substances/evidence in his mouth and being able to identify it by taste and his knowledge of what Heroin taste like (yep still not over it).
It's both impressive (the fact that he can actually identify something by taste alone is impressive) and gross and even his closest friends don't understand why he is the way that he is, Do we think it's the Bat training or do we think it's just Dick (tm)... I feel like it has to be just Dick, right ? considering everything in Gotham is a toxin of some kind ? How many heart attack do we think he gave both Bruce and the Titans with that ?
Dick Grayson namer of superhero things: Listen, I just learned that Dick named the Arrowcave and now I just kinda love the idea of a running joke that every time a classic superhero in contact with Robin has a goofy name for something superhero related, it probably comes from the 9 year old superhero who thought it sounded cool.
The Titans are never letting that go and Dick doesn't want to talk about it (but he secretly still really like the names, they were cool when he was 9 and pretty practical when you think about it, thank you very much).
Everyone has a crush on him (tm): Honestly it is pretty funny that everyone and theirs entire family have a crush on Nightwing (and also pretty consistent canon since Raven in ntt). The reaction of the batfam is annoyed because that's gross, it's Dick, theirs brother/son, and the Titans are amused (Donna, Vic, Garth and maybe Wally) or maybe sorta part of the people who have had a crush on him (Kory obviously , Roy, Raven).
You do need to be careful with that, but I think if you do the opposite of what DC is usually doing, you'll be fine.
Also you can also includes the disastrous first date with supergirl in that. She also had a crush on him and they date was so horrible that he considered changing superhero identity because it was so embarrassing (truly one of the greatest plot-point on Superman/batman world finest honestly and this series is genuinely my favorite modern/current series)..
His petty side when he doesn't like someone: Listen, Dick has a petty side, ask Helena circa Outsiders (2003), Talia (always), Jason circa the late 2000s (Morrison era) and Azrael (also always). When he doesn't like people but has to work with them, he is going to be a little shit because they have to know he doesn't like them. it's important. and the comedic potential of Nightwing, one of the most competent, known and admired hero of the community being so petty is excellent. 10 out of 10, I need him to work with someone he hates again just for the fun of it.
The last one is just an headcanon and do not have basis in canon as far as I know:
Sometimes, as an adult, Nightwing says Holy shit in front of a classic superhero and that superhero does a double take because they are so used to him saying Holy goly batman (and that include Batman).
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blakeswritingimagines · 8 months ago
How They Worship You
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Aegon: He prioritizes quality time together, whether it's through shared meals, adventures, or quiet moments together. He prioritizes physical intimacy and expresses affection in ways that make you feel cared for and desired. He prioritizes your well-being, from emotional support to practical assistance. He plans special surprises and gestures to show you how much he cares. He prioritizes your opinions and feelings and works to build a healthy and equal partnership based on mutual respect.
Aemond: He expresses his support and loyalty to his partner through small and big gestures, such as making you your favorite meal, planning outings and adventures together, or simply holding your hand and reassuring you of his love and devotion. He works hard to build a stable and secure relationship by being a reliable presence in your life, and by consistently showing up for you in all aspects of life, whether it's career, personal life, or the bedroom. He always strives to make you feel safe, heard, and loved, and to be the best version of himself for you.
Jacaerys: He worships his partner by prioritizing your happiness, needs, and desires. He makes sure you feel loved and appreciated by demonstrating kindness, respect, and affection. He is present and engaged when you speak, and he makes an effort to listen with his whole being. He supports your goals and dreams, and he is open to exploring new experiences with you. He prioritizes communication, honesty, and understanding, and works to build trust and deepen connection. He takes time to express his love and admiration and cherish every moment spent together.
Lucerys: He worships his partner by doing small acts of kindness, such as offering a warm cup of tea, giving a massage, or writing you a heartfelt letter. He makes an effort to be thoughtful and proactive, remembering important dates and occasions, and surprises you with unexpected gestures. He takes time to learn your love languages and adapt his behavior to make you feel loved in the ways that resonate most deeply with you.
Rhaenyra: She strives to be a safe and reliable partner, someone you can trust and depend on. She shows up for you through action, not just words, and follows through on her commitments. She is open and honest, and communicates clearly, respectfully, and openly with you. She is willing to compromise and find mutual solutions to problems, and she approaches conflicts with an open mind and a willingness to listen and learn. She works to strengthen your connection and build a partnership based on mutual respect and equality.
Daemon: He worships his partner by making time to spend together, whether it's going on dates, having intimate moments, or simply enjoying each other's company. He prioritizes your comfort, security, and stability, and works to create a safe and supportive environment. He is willing to compromise and make sacrifices for the sake of the relationship, and he tries to be forgiving and understanding when mistakes or conflicts arise. He prioritizes physical touch and makes sure to express his desire through physical connection.
Alicent: She honors your boundaries and respects your space, understanding that you need time to yourself and independence like anyone else. She expresses her love and appreciation through both words and actions, such as planning dates and leaving notes to let you know you are on her mind. She prioritizes your well-being, offering support and assistance whenever she can. She is committed to personal growth, both for herself and for the betterment of your relationship. She is always open and communicating, not only to listen but also to be vulnerable and express her feelings.
Helena: Her devotion to her partner goes beyond anything simple. She ensures that you feel safe with her, both physically and emotionally, and she works to create a secure and stable foundation for your relationship. She is dependable and consistent, following through on her words and actions. She shows respect for your autonomy and individuality, allowing you the space and freedom to be yourself. She takes an interest in your hobbies, passions, and pursuits, and she celebrates your successes. She makes an effort to maintain intimacy and connection, both physically and emotionally, and she prioritizes spending quality time together.
Harwin: He surprises you with small gestures of affection like buying your favorite snacks or leaving love notes. He plans fun date nights and makes sure you feel pampered and prioritized. He also makes an effort to spend quality time with you, engaging in activities you enjoy and actively listening to your thoughts and feelings.
Cregan: He expresses his love through small acts of kindness and thoughtfulness, such as getting your favorite dish, giving you a comforting hug, or surprising you with a small gift. Additionally, he makes an effort to prioritize your emotional and physical well-being. He helps with housework and other tasks and makes sure you have adequate rest and time to relax. He is supportive and understanding during challenges and setbacks and offers comfort and assurance when you need it. Overall, he makes it his priority to make you feel loved, valued, and respected at all times.
Criston: He expresses his love through acts of service, like making you your favorite meal or doing small gestures to make your life easier. He surprises you with unexpected gifts or experiences that reflect your interests and bring joy. He makes an effort to learn about your love language and communicate in a way that resonates with you. He prioritizes quality time together, whether it's a romantic date night or simply cuddling on the couch. He shows vulnerability and a willingness to grow and learn with you, and he makes it a priority to be a safe and supportive space for you.
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trexiejan · 4 days ago
My thoughts: Barbara/Dickbabs fans love to accuse Starfire/Dickkory fans of misogyny and ableism yet here's Barbara mistreating other women.
Reading comments from dickbabs shippers is so scary. you're not allowed to simply dislike Barbara anymore without Barbara fans and Dickbabs shippers jumping on you and accusing you of ableism/misogyny..
So preferring another woman over a woman is misogyny?
So you hate disabled people now if you don't prefer Dick with Barbara?
or maybe some people just simply don't like Barbara and i think that's totally fine. Not everyone has to like what you like.
You can't ever say your opinion about their favorite character and ship without getting personally insulted and attacked by them and If you dare simply criticize some of barbara's bad actions and their ship's awful writings they'll talk about you in their private groupchats nonstop and convince the others to harass you too. It's not normal being scared and being threatened just for saying you don't like a certain character and prefer a character with someone else.
They treat Barbara like she's some sort of untouchable goddess who everyone has to like and worship even though she herself has done awful things to other people, she slutshames and degrades women when she gets jealous like she was so harsh and mean to Kory just because she has a romantic history with Dick.. She mocked Kory's looks and refused to help her on a mission where thousands of her people were dying and all she could ever think about was "is she going with Dick?" like girl wtf. be professional. 🤦‍♀️
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She also slutshamed Helena and called her night with Dick "a cheap meaningless one night stand" despite the fact Dick told Helena he doesn't do casual sex, also it was not her place to reveal to anyone that Helena slept with Arsenal like how would you feel if one day you woke up and you found out that your coworker told everyone in your workplace that you were sleeping with a guy behind your back . She has no respect for a woman's privacy and mind you she did it out of spite cuz she was jealous again that she's not the only woman Dick loved.
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and here's another thing, her fans love to accuse starfire fans of being ableist towards her but it's funny how Babs herself was ableist to Cass aka a female character who has dyslexia. She called her stupid just because she doesn't know how to read.
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Also none of them spoke about women's rights when official comicbook writers slutshamed and mistreated the other women in Dick's life just to uplift Barbara and definitely none of them cared when their favorite dickbabs writer aka Tom Taylor liked a pro-barbara comment bashing Starfire but when someone says a single thing about Barbara it's World War 3 for them 🙄
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They even created a picture where they said A real dickkory fan doesn't hate on Barbara I'm sorry but not everything depends on Barbara. A person can be a real dickkory fan while not liking Barbara at the same time. Let people dislike Barbara in peace! It's not anyone's fault that you Barbara fans are a bunch of triggered insecure buttthurt entitled brats who can't accept the fact not everyone likes Barbara Gordon! Also there's no need to be hypocritical. I've seen hundreds of you defacing and slutshaming Starfire too for years!!!
You guys act like a hypocritical totalitarian regime controlling people and censoring them left and right. It's really scary and also pathetic at the same time. You can't force people to like her and your ship. Sorry your feelings got hurt but there's nothing that you can do to change other people's minds about Barbara. They can dislike her and say why whenever they want. It's called freedom of speech and personal preference. They don't owe you anything for you to act like they should submit to your demands. If you can't accept that then that's more of a You problem. You guys need to work on your insecurity issues cuz it's higher than the Mount Everest at this point!!
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lunarwhisperer · 27 days ago
things I would like to see covered in season 27 of South Park:
P Diddler
Hawk Tuah girl
Ye's Twitter meltdown / getting kicked out of Grammys with his wife
Elon Musk's shenanigans
Luigi Mangione / murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO
Willy Wonka's Chocolate Experience shitshow in Glasgow, Scotland
more AI stuff (ESPECIALLY Deep Seek)
Drake vs Kendrick Lamar (this actually wouldn't surprise me at all since Matt and Trey have been working with him on a movie that is scheduled to come out this year)
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celestialspiritbabe · 4 months ago
we potentially have one or two more episodes left until these glorious Nalu panels get animated! unfortunately, I know they'll probably censor the shit out of them, but I'M STILL LOOKING FORWARD TO SOME ACTUAL NALU SCENES!
I'm even more excited to hear the dubbed version, and I'm sure it will be great because Todd and Cherami never disappoint when it comes to Nalu scenes!💕
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kendrysaneela · 1 month ago
This episode opened up a whole can of worms in terms of consent. Like I think Mark S was assaulted. Helena assaulted him through deception he thought that was Helly. (Now I dont think Helena views it as assault she views it as getting the love she desperately craves from a man she thinks loves her not realizing he loves Helly not her Helena but that’s a whole other thing) But was Helly assaulted? Like would Helly have wanted that? No. But it is Helena’s body and she did consent. But Helly never would’ve consented to Helena sleeping with Mark. So does that mean Helena assaulted Helly? Helly wasn’t conscious at the time Helena was in control of the body. I don’t think there’s a clear cut answer there. Then that opens the door of Is Outie Mark a victim as well? Because outie Mark never would’ve slept with Helly or Helena. He’s still grieving Gemma and he doesn’t know Helly or Helena. That’s when you reach questions of who owns the body. Does the outie own the body? Does the innie? Do they share ownership? Is it whoever is in charge of the body makes the decisions? Because that opens up a can of worms. “Who gets to make the decisions for the body” questions. Especially considering the Waffle Parties that seem to end in sex what with them saying a different Outie got pregnant from an Innie having a waffle party and us seeing the party is sexual when Dylan had one. Is that assault on the Outies because they don’t know that’s happening? If innie Dylan had had sex at the Waffle Party would that have been assault on outie Dylan who didn’t consent to that? That’s a whole can of worms about consent and body ownership that each outie and innie would probably have a different opinion on.
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percyvalli · 24 days ago
Another interesting thought I had about severance is the idea of innies being literal child-adults. Like they ARE children just with basic understandings that children don't have like how an elevator works, how to write, etc. There are a lot of things a child learns about how to live life as they grow up that are hard to explain or pinpoint exactly. You might be able to convince a child to clean their room with candy, but only for a while. Then after that, you'll need to convince them of the personal importance of cleaning their room, so they'll do it without a bribe, and then continue to do it for years after by themselves. This can apply to a lot of things like basic hygiene and even respecting elders or people above you in the social hierarchy. I think the Lumon execs who designed the severed floor know this and that's why they framed the handbook as a religious text.
Dylan specifically started out as a more selfish character, prioritizing perks and success within the company but he slowly moves away from that and completely disregards his previous opinions on perks as he gets older and develops a more adult attachment to his friends. You can only bribe a child for so long, eventually, they are going to realize that what you are offering them isn't worth the task without a proper explanation. Irving is a good example of an older innie who has graduated from the age where a bribe would work. So the legacy of the Eagans is what is most important to him. Lumon doesn't need to convince him to work anymore because they've set him up to convince himself every day. He has a higher reason for working that satisfies his adolescent need to understand the world he lives in.
What's really interesting is that Helly doesn't seem to follow normal child development at all. She immediately has no interest in perks, no interest in the Eagan legacy, and no respect for her "betters". Right after Helly's birth, Dylan tries to convince Helly of the worth of perks. This doesn't even remotely work. Then, when things keep getting worse in terms of Helly's compliance, Milkshake throws a party for her reaching 75% (73%). Once again trying to bribe her with a perk, which is something that should have (and has) worked for an Innie of her age (meaning newborn). Not only does she reject the developmentally appropriate motivators, but she also rejects the motivators of innies much much older than she is. This honestly makes me think she's on the autism spectrum because it reminds me of how I acted as a kid too. The path kids normally take made no sense to me so I refused to follow it and the adults around me really hated that.
Her outie has lived long enough to know that while she may not like or function well in the path made for her, she must walk it anyway. Her outie has never had a choice and while we don't know anything about Helena's upbringing, I can assume the will to go her own way was snuffed out a long time ago. (I think Helena knowing that she'd be difficult as an Innie is pointing towards all of this as well)
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cranberrymood · 1 month ago
Check out Britt Lower's performance, she is amazing.
Also, Helena is a bitch, but she is an interesting and complex bitch and I love her for that.
The way her face changes only lasts a second, but you can clearly tell the difference.
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And the amazing thing is that Britt Lower is acting bad on purpose because Helena doesn't know how to play her quite right Helly.
She tries to maintain a more meek and gentle look. The real Helly had an amused, but attentive expression. She plays her innie as someone goofy, childish.
Here it lasts even less time, but (in my opinion) it is even more obvious.
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Helena is getting tired of failing to convince Irving. She thought everything would be easy, after all "they're not even human". But she has my son Irving in front of her and he doesn't want to back down.
Britt Lower's performance has me in awe. She plays a person who plays (badly) a different version of herself, whose performance she played in the first place.
I can only think about this
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celestialspiritbabe · 1 month ago
day #67 of bkdk shippers having some of the most braindead takes on the internet and not differentiating a headcanon from canon
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Ain’t no wayy 😭😭😭😭😭
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starrylayle · 29 days ago
women (of colour) in severance
an incoherent rambling about the female characters in severance, specifically focusing on Gemma and Helly. Mostly Gemma. A bit of Alexa too. Spoilers under the cut.
Ok so to start off, I absolutely adore all the women characters in severance they're all soo spectacularly written.
I remember when I first started the show, I thought that Helly was going to be the stereotypical, fiery and the only female protagonist whose story started off interesting but in the end her only character purpose was to be Mark's love interest. Boy, was I wrong. First the elevator suicide scene and then the Helena reveal, I knew this show knew how to write women.
Similarly, when Ms. Casey was first revealed, I remember rolling my eyes, thinking, oh look another stereotypical robot-like Asian lady who has no greater character purpose. Then, it was revealed that Ms Casey was (partially?) severed and not a part of the staff like I'd initially assumed. Of course, then the Ms Casey = Gemma reveal happened and I was SHOOK. Like,, you mean to tell me that she is actually an important character with narrative purpose? And Mark's wife -- I had assumed she was a -- white woman -- who would never actually have a character arc and would only be shown in dead-wife-john-wick-style flashbacks to further the plot.
I became so hyped. Two characters, the 'dead' wife and wellness lady, were actually one which meant they (she) would actually have character arcs!! And she's a woman of color!! Woohoo!!
But now that season 2 is progressing, as much as i absolutely adore it, I'm just worried that Gemma/Ms Casey will not have the caharcter arcs I wanted. Especially the theory that Casey is secretly a clone and not actually Gemma,,, or that she's brain dead,, or that she'll die again,, or whatever else. I know that it narratively works, but I just wish there was some way that Gemma/Ms Casey could have a proper character/character arc, even if it resulted in death at the end. I hear a lot of Mark/Gemma and Orpheus/Eurydice parallels which gives me hope because Eurydice is still a fully formed character (at least in the musical Hadestown llolol). I've seen some people theorise that Mark may have romantacised his marriage with Gemma and maybe they weren't as happy as they seemed?? Which I highly doubt, considering the info we were given in 'The You You Are'. Or maybe she secretly worked for Lumon beforehand?? I dunno how I feel about these theories but they would definitely make for an interesting plotline and character arc.
I guess what I've realised is that the show writes white women very well (Helly/helena, Ms Cobelvig and Devon) and their woc counterparts,,, not so much. Still holding out hope for Miss Huang, Reghabi (what is her deal btw?? I must know!!), Natalie and Gemma/Ms Casey, and that they will have fleshed out characters by the end, but who knows.
This may be an unpopular opinion, but Alexa, the woman mark went on a date with, was actually a favourite of mine. I was convinced she was gonna be relevant to the plot lmao. but eh she feels more of the 'disposable Black gf trope' :( tbh I'm still delusional enough to believe she will come back. Maybe if Ricken beomes a sell-out Devon will leave him date Alexa?? Yes I sound like a delusional lesbian but cmon Devon clearly liked her enough to recommend her to Mark?? maybee?/ Anyways this was a tangent. Maybe if they decide to go the Helly got pregnant route (which I hope they don't unless it ends in miscarriage) Alexa will be there coz she's a midwife (or doula?? I hear different ppl say different things??)
Anyways, I know this is all very far from the main narrative so I don't mind too much, I'm just hoping that they fully flesh out Gemma because she, along with Mark and Helly, are at the core of the story.
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justonemorewallflower · 7 months ago
Hello, another update!! Last time my cousin and I watched BSG we got through Home Part 1 through Epiphanies.
So here's a quick update about her thoughts to all those episodes:
She was ECSTATIC about the Starpollo kiss haha she literally threw her hands up in excitement when it happened then was annoyed when the scene immediately became tense because of Sharon walking in. She thought the kiss was super random but she definitely wasn't mad about it.
Later when Lee talks to Kara in the brig after he had talked to Sharon and tells Kara she isn't the one who should be telling him what to do my cousin said, "brother you literally kissed her." 🤣
She thought the scene where Lee told her he loved her was cute. And she thought it was funny when Kara teased him about it. My cousin was literally the definition of kicking her feet and giggling during this scene.
She was pretty stressed for all the Kobol stuff especially when Elosha stepped on a trap and Tom and his buddy were planning to take out Lee and his dad.
When they found the tomb of Athena and had the vision with all the constellations it just dawned on her that all the colonies were named after the constellations lmao. It took her that long 🤣😭
She still hates Ellen lol she gets so annoyed every time she's on screen haha. She also kind of figured D'Anna was a Cylon so she wasn't surprised to find that out.
She thought the Blackbird was pretty cool. She was annoyed with Helo and Chief fighting over Sharon. She thought it was super cute how everyone signed the ship and they named it after Laura.
She HATED Cain and understandably so.
She hated what happened with Sharon and Helo and Chief and was glad that Thorne died and that Helo and Chief didn't get executed for intervening.
She was SUPER stressed when Kara was given the task to kill Cain and Fisk had the task to kill Bill. As well as Lee just casually dying during all that too. She was so stressed haha and was relieved when Lee got saved and Fisk nor Kara had to murder anyone.
She was glad Gina killed Cain though. She was just glad Cain died haha.
In Epiphanies she really thought Laura was gonna die. She was confused and shocked when Bill kissed her towards the end of the episode.
Also in the one scene Lee and Dee have where their faces ended up close during like fighting practice she did the same thing she had done to Kara and Sam where she went, "get away!" 🤣
She's gonna absolutely hate how those relationships develop and how it'll be both of the pairs she doesn't like.
Also I asked her some thoughts on current ships/couples like which ones she thinks will make it to the end and all and regarding Kara and Lee she thinks they're endgame for sure and I'm just over here sobbing like just wait your opinion on that is about to change real quick and you're gonna be so disappointed/upset 😭
Also at one point where Kara was in danger I made a joke to her about her dying too (this was like after episode where Lee almost died) and she said "she can't die she's a pop figure." And I'm just over here like oh how wrong you are... she's going to be so upset haha
Anyway those were her biggest/main thoughts from our last watch session. Today we are going to watch more and I'm so curious because we'll be starting off on Black Market which is bleh but I'll be curious to see her thought on that episode especially since Lee is one of her favorite characters. And I'm also curious to see her reaction to Scar because that is an interesting episode too and pretty Kara centered which is another one of her favorite characters. I also can't wait for her to watch Sacrifice because she is going to be devastated about Billy (in the past episodes at one point she literally said how he can't die and she likes him). She's also gonna be sad about Lee. Like poor Lee can't get a break he gets seriously injured/has near death experiences like 3 times within 5 episodes 😭😭
I am also excited to see her thoughts on Razor!
I'm not sure how much further she and I will make it into season two, I'm kind of hoping we'll finish the season but that's me being optimistic about our time, etc.
I shall keep y'all posted :)
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eightw · 2 months ago
what if ms cobel is an innie that got out? like she was originally a severed employee, but proved to be fervently passionate about the company (like irving but 100x more intense) and so they promoted her to manager. that would make sense from lumon's POV - you have someone who has no prior memories and is loyal only to you. if you're worried about keeping secrets, or having someone do the dirty work, she's perfect, because she's already doing it.
some of this is inspired by another post i saw theorizing that the harmony s. in the control room is our ms. cobel; we already know that cobel is her maiden name. which, in my opinion, it would make total sense for her to no longer go by selvig, because in essence she's killed harmony selvig. everything she does on the outside, as wacky old mrs. selvig, is a pantomime of a woman she's only heard about, maybe seen recordings of. a wardrobe that was there the first day on the outside, maybe some old pictures of people she doesn't know. lumon would've given her all the info they had on her outie, but does it matter, when cobel's life is lumon? the shrine in the basement is an effort to bring the order she was used to on the severed floor outside, to make her world continue to make sense. even if she loves the job, that is an inherently miserable existence - not to mention that she knows nothing outside of it. cobel could literally be only ten years old or younger, for all we know.
and maybe harmony s. initially took the job because her husband, like how mark took the job because of gemma's death. but cobel can't remember this husband (or her mother, or family) at all - her obsession with both innie and outie mark comes from that empty space inside of her. a desire to understand what that love and that loss feels like, to understand the thought process of someone who would get severed because of it, and to understand how she feels about it. it would make her experiments on mark s. and miss kacey make total sense. she wants to see if you can make the innie remember.
if you wanted you could even connect her to reintegration - she knows it's possible because either she's looked into it herself or she started experiencing signs of it, after going without a switch for so long.
the theory that helly r. in s1e2 is actually helena is what started me thinking about this. if that's true, then they clearly have a way to alter the procedure somehow and make it so the brain doesn't switch. if they can do it one way, they can most definitely do it the other.
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