#heisenberg: we gotta go
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benevientx · 3 months ago
i like to think donna mentally curses out everyone in italian when they do anything that forces her to leave her house.
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theizzy102 · 1 month ago
Resident Lover Incorrect Quotes 7: Where the hell have you been loca
Daniela: Man it sure smells like wrongdog in here.
Cassandra: …Oh, Dani…
Daniela, holding back tears: Ask.
MC: You know, you gotta stop sending me all these mixed messages.
Bela: ‘Go away’ and ‘leave’ are not mixed messages.
MC: We all have our demons.
MC, pointing proudly at Miranda: This one’s mine.
Alcina: Apparently we're getting someone new in the school.
Daniela: Are we stealing them?
Cassandra: New or used?
Alcina: Wonderful responses, both of you.
Daniela: Why does Bela fold the laundry so loud?
Cassandra: To let us know that we aren't helping.
Bela: [slams dresser drawer]
MC: You often use humor to deflect trauma.
Angie: Thank you.
MC: I didn't say that was a good thing.
Angie: What I'm hearing is, you think I'm funny.
Heisenberg: You know, I’ve been thinking.
Alcina: That’s a first.
Bela: MC, we tried things your way.
MC: No we didn’t.
Bela: I did it in my head and it didn’t work.
Bela: Remember when you didn’t try to solve all your problems with attempted murder?
Miranda: Stop romanticizing the past.
(We know who we are.)
RL Players: So are we flirting right now?
RL Players: That doesn’t answer my question.
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thegamingcatmom · 5 months ago
Vampire!AU where Mother Miranda takes you as her bride.
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That is all.
Right so:
Miranda is obv. the Vampire Queen or whatever.
Alcina and her daughters are vampires too, obv.
So are the maids that were canonically experimented on. (Miranda gotta have some numbers.)
Since we got vampires in there, we also gotta have werewolves, right?
-> Enter Heisenberg and his lycans.
Sal is the butler (aka: The heart and soul of the house, bless him).
Donna is...a mystery.
"The Mold" is basically Miranda´s nest
Eva is alive and kicking.
And a vampire too.
She can be...scary.
Just like Momma.
The "vessel" operation is still going strong. However-
It´s her long deceased wife Miri´s trying to bring back.
Reincarnation style, if you will.
Uhhh, what else...OH-
The villagers are under some sort of vampiric mind control (aka the mold?) that allows Miranda and her coven to feed on them undisturbed.
-> Enter MC (aka The Disturbance).
aka: The bane and salvation of Miranda´s existence.
Miranda is hooked right away for obv. reasons (points to the aforementioned wife thing).
(Eva will be overjoyed to learn her Mama has returned.)
She must have MC.
Their wedding shall be a grand celebration for the whole village to see.
A celebration fit for royalty, as it should-
MC: "Uhhh...excuse me?"
Miranda: *gradually snaps out of her frenzied inner monologue to blink at MC with a mix of confusion and reverence*
MC: "I´m looking for a dude called Heisen...*checks her palm* ...bur-BERG. HeisenBERG. Do you know where I can find him, by chance?"
Miranda: *slow blinking*
MC: *slow blinking too*
Miranda: *remembers this is her soon-to-be bride*
Miranda: "Ah...forgive my...manners. *awkward smile cause being nice is indeed quite awkward, bride or not*...Heisenberg, you say? Why, yes...I am quite familiar with that...man."
Miranda: *fights back an instinctive hiss! cause werewolf*
MC: "...O-kay...? Can you tell me where I can find him, then?"
Miranda: *slow blinking*
MC: *slow blinking too*
Miranda, getting sus: "...And to what possible end, if I might ask?"
MC: *tf is that question*
MC, getting annoyed: "...Because I asked...?"
Miranda: *eye starts twitching as she fights back the urge to lash out at the sheer audacity-*
Miranda: *...soon.to.be.bride*
Miranda: "...Of course... *dark fake chuckle*...You shall find him in that factory of his. *points down the road* Follow this trail until it splits, then proceed to the right, where you will come across a large windmill. From there, it is rather impossible to miss."
Miranda, under her breath: "Unfortunately..."
MC, who is totally not weirded out by now: "...Okay...thanks. Uh...cya around?"
Miranda: *wedding bells*
Miranda: *satisfied smile starts spreading*
Miranda: "Hm...cya, indeed..."
MC: "..."
Miranda: "..."
MC: *slowly turns around and continues down the road*
Miranda: "...Little bat?"
MC: *stops in her tracks*
MC: *hesitantly turns around cause, despite being the only other person present besides Strange Lady, she still doubts whether that nickname was actually meant for her cause...whut?*
MC: "...Yes?"
Miranda: *satisfied smile becomes even more satisfied because her term of endearment has been accepted*
Miranda: *turns serious all of a sudden*
Miranda, doing her vampire compelling thing: "...Tell me."
MC, without hesitation: "He´s my uncle."
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This was supposed to be a sexy vampire thing and then it turned into reincarnation & vampires vs werewolves with MC in the middle of it all cause our girl might just be the only one capable of uniting their worlds and ending a war that has been raging for centuries.
(Could this war have anything to do with a certain someone dying at the hands of a certain someone else? Good question. 🤔)
And it all starts with a (rather questionable) marriage.
This post was brought to you by The Invitation - a (rather poorly made) movie about vampires.
Miranda going "I'll take what is due", just like she did in Resi Village? Except what is "due" is her wife, who died at the hands of one of the lycans? Or even Heisenberg himself??
Miranda going "I've waited so long for you..." when she meets MC, just like she did in Shadows of Rose when she met Rose??
(Dammit, I might actually have to write it now cause I am OBSESSED. 😩🤌)
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ask-the-four-lords · 4 months ago
To Lord Heisenberg
You have no idea how many trans dudes/ masculine presenting enby's (including me) envy you for your gender. (This is a threat, we might be tempted to steal it)
Karl Heisenberg: It's an honor to serve as a role model, it's god damn right that I should be. I am a seriously masculine individual, *settles on giving what he decides is good advice* but besides the classic stuff I'd say the biggest part of my interpretation of masculinity is that you go out and you take and do whatever it is you want and don't let a single sonofabitch stop you. And ya can't steal mine, but I'm that's good ya gotta find a masculine identity for your self. But again, go out and do and take what you want and part of doing what you want could be finding your own masculine identity. Maybe I should start my own order, like Bela has, of I dunno, mechanists? Engineer? Warriors? Who knows. But anyway if ya want take everything I said to heart because I'm physically incapable of being wrong.
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runawayonryo · 11 months ago
In the Beast's Den
Karl heisenberg x reader
Chapter 13: build me up buttercup
Yay I'm back!
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You sit on your shared bed, Karl stomping across the old wooden floor angrily.
"That bitch! Damn it if she finds you it's over! Don't you get it?"
He shouts and slams his fist against the wall, causing a loud thud to echo through your chambers. You had reassured him that everything will be fine, but this only fueled his anger more; now here you are. His hat, gloves and glasses have been discarded long ago; laying on the floor somewhere.
His body shakes with rage as he tears down papers from a shelf in front of him.
"I swear she gets me sick sometimes!"
He growls angrily at no one in particular. Your breath catches in your throat when his eyes fall upon you, their hazel colour as beautiful as ever, but now filled with rage.
Karl rolls his eyes, his heavy huffing slowly calming down as he finds humour in your question. His grunting turns into a subtle yet throaty laugh, his check rumbling as he laughs. He grins proudly before walking towards you, a glint of something that could possibly be affection dancing in his eyes. Karl pulls you up by the shoulder, his face full of glee as he chuckles happily yet sinisterly.
"Yes, that bitch makes me sick. I'd put a bullet in her head if she wasn't near immortal."
You feel him nuzzle into your hair gently, breathing heavily as you shiver in response to his cold touch. The older man pauses for a moment before leaning back and taking a seat next to you, making you blush furiously. It's almost as if he finds comfort in your touch, your warmth, in you. He pulls back and his hands move down to grip your wrists tightly, his daze suddenly serious again. 
“We need you prepared for what we could face, she is not to be underestimated.”
Karl grumbles as his eyes bore into yours, a sudden pain growing in the pit of your stomach at the mention of his words. He smirks knowingly and brings his nose up to nuzzle at your hair, the hairs on the back of your neck standing on end when he moves to kiss your forehead. 
“Mmm I’d tell you not to worry, but you should. That bitch is more powerful that you can even comprehend. Alone I stand no chance, but with you… The odds could be in our favour. We’ll make a real killing machine outta you.”
You swallow the lump in your throat and hold onto Karl tighter, his strong arms enveloping you in a cocoon of safety. You can't bring yourself to look at him as your hands slip down to his chest, fingering the soft fabric of his clothes and sighing at the warmth radiating from him.
“But I’m not you, I’m just… a random person you scooped up”
He laughs.
"Bullshit, you're mine now. No one else's. And I’ll teach you what you need to know"
You flinch when Karl's eyes light up in a strange kind of excitement and he moves away from you, his hand slipping away from your back to cup your chin. Karl as a teacher, now that is a mental image that makes you chuckle silently. Karl of course notices and raises an eyebrow.
“What? I’d make a great teacher wouldn’t i?”
You nod, biting your lip to stop yourself from laughing at the image of Karl in a formal black suit with an accent in an old British university, in front of an antique blackboard with chalk and his usual cocky smile. Karl watches you, his eyes narrowed suspiciously as he looks between your face and the floor, his mouth opening slowly as he tries to find a way to understand the inner workings of your mind.
He mutters and moves his large hand to ruffle your hair playfully.
“Oh but you love me”
You retort, pouting slightly as heat rises in your cheeks. 
“Whatever, from here on out we gotta be careful. That bitch has eyes everywhere. I can’t afford for you to be seen again, or else that big vampire whore might spoil the fun again.”
You snicker at the use of the term 'whore', you can imagine how upset and angry Karl would have been if the blood-bitch got her hands on you, of course he wasn’t going to let that happen. Though one thing that does worry you is his future plans. He had already trained you somewhat before, but this was supposedly different? What did this evil genius have in mind? Likely something over the top or absurd, but that was just his thing. 
Strong, chaotic, absurd and yet oh so fun.
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scammydoesstuff · 1 year ago
Galaxy Con Columbus Photos
We begin with the biggest reason for us going to this con: Marty Grabstein, voice of Courage the Cowardly Dog! We *had* to dress as Eustace and Muriel and were so thrilled by the reception! Thank you to everyone who got a photo of us!
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Next are some cosplayers I got some photos of/with. Like I said, tag yourself if you're in any of these! I'mma start with pretty much the only Urahara *anything* I saw at the convention. Barely any merch of him either save for an absolutely precious keychain I managed to find, but hes my favorite character from Bleach, so seeing this lovely cosplayer was super rad!
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Gotta love seeing some Donnie Darko representation, too.
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And here are some photos from a Resident Evil photoshoot (I was entirely biased towards the Village group, sue me). Not a big group, but so much fun to chat with the Heisenberg after. Though I wasn't cosplaying anything for this, I did have my Heisenberg plushie and body pillow, which made for a couple of silly photos.
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Unfortunately, I wasn't able to take a ton of pictures on my phone past these. Muriel's apron doesn't have the deepest pockets and I was trying to have as little on me as possible for authenticity.
Anyway, I'mma close this out with what was - without question - the most surreal part of the weekend for me at least:
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Was not at all expecting to see my favorite artist, Shawn Coss, just kinda hanging out at the con. The circumstances were kinda perfect, too. We chose not to cosplay for Sunday and just wore our chill out clothes for the drive home instead, and I just so happened to have worn one of my favorite SEETHER shirts. It was so cool and definitely made this con all the more memorable.
This was such a good time. Still reeling from a lot of it and definitely looking forward to my next day off so I can actually rest. lol I could probably post some pictures of our haul, but this took long enough to put together so...maybe later.
Either way, see ya next year, Galaxy Con!
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tyanis · 2 years ago
Poll: Which FIVE male Resident Evil characters would make the best roller derby team?
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What is roller derby? I'm sure some of you are asking.
To put it simply, roller derby is a contact sport where two teams of five (consisting of one jammer and four blockers each) rollerskate around an oval circuit in timed matches. The jammer scores points by lapping the opposing blockers. The blockers play defense by hindering the opposing jammer while protecting their own. The blockers are allowed to use body contact to achieve this.
There's more to it than that but that's basically what's going on.
Now... we gotta make a team for this. Top five men will join the team with the highest voted person being the jammer and the other four being the blockers. You'll probably want someone quick and agile as the jammer and some bruisers for the blockers... but we'll see what happens.
Here are our contestants:
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Winners go on to face the winners of the female poll so make sure to vote in both!
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trashartgalleries · 2 years ago
Dream/Nightmare That I Had Last Night
I'm typing this on my computer because my phone wouldn't efficient enough for me to tell this story... anyway!!
Slight body horror/blood and gore and cringe warning
The dream/nightmare starts off kind of normally; me and my family chilling at home with the random occurrences of a familiar woman (who's a witch, for some reason and our neighbor) coming over to spend some time with us. She seemed nice until a few days pass and weird things happen at her place and she sends these women dressed in black to our door. My mom tells us to keep the door locked, not to leave the house, and not to let anyone in or out.
A few more days pass and the knocking stops, but these weird... flesh monster things start swarming out of our house. One has my dad dangling out its mouth, the other crushed my little younger sister to death, another ate my older younger sister and my older younger brother. I was able to save my younger two brothers (who're toddlers) and my mom was outside asking the witch questions. I ran outside to my mom, with my bros, as the flesh monster things moved towards the witch. It's then my dream reveals that the witch was... Mother Miranda from fucking Resident Evil. I tell mom, "We gotta go.", I congratulate Miranda on the success of her experiment (so she doesn't kill me or ma or my bros) and we get in the car and drive off as fast as we can as the four lords from RE:8 walk next to Miranda (I shit you not, real life me was like "wtf...? Aren't all yall dead?").
For some odd reason I knew the number and location of a BSAA base near the town, and I drive my remaining family there. We pull up, get checked and screens, and then I tell them what happened. The BSAA tell me that me and my ma and my bros are welcome to stay here for as long as we need until this is all over.
The BSAA start looking in to what Miranda did, and a BSAA dude comes to the rehab/protection room me, ma, and my bros have been staying in and is like, "If you all want to continue your stay, then one of you must join the fight against Miranda." or some shit like that. I volunteer because I don't want my lil bros to be motherless, and so I go through a bit of training and sent into the heat of battle with.... young Chris, young Leon, and RE:7 Ethan fucking Winters. As this point in the dream, rea life me is like "huh???", but i was too curious about how this would end so I didn't open my eyes.
Me, Chris, Leon, and Ethan make our way through my destroyed neighborhood and find my house. We search it for the flesh monsters, but find the pods that they hatched from. Turns out, Miranda was planting these in my house every time she came over to visit. We slash the pods, run into the four lords, and enlist their help in stopping Miranda. Moreau, Beneviento, and Dimistrescu felt back about what happened to my family, and Heisenberg just wanted to throw hands.
Shit happens, I find out that my family was alive and sealed inside the flesh monster, we take down Miranda, and I wake up to get ready for work.
Talk about fucking C R I N G E
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possessionisamyth · 2 years ago
Reasons to Love Ada Wong:
-Outstanding Intelligence: As seen in damnation, re4, and re6, Ada knows how to remain one step ahead. She knew the BSAA lie would fall through so she could get into the facility to access what she really needed. She immediately adjusted her plan in re4 to make her helping Leon out of tight fits appear as inconsequential tasks while she went towards her goal. She immediately figured out the "Simmons" calling her wasn't Simmons at all. She's not someone you can outsmart easily.
-Excellent Self-Preservation: Gotta look out for #1 baby, and Ada is the best embodiment of that. RE is packed with enough martyrs who will give up their entire lives "fighting for the cause". This girl is there to get her paycheck and get the fuck out so she can live her life, and I respect it. I hope she charges triple for overtime and extra hassle. We should all be doing that.
-Plays The System Like A Fiddle: Ada says fuck cops. Ada says fuck the government. Ada says fuck corporations. As long as what they're doing won't pull her into a long standing cross fire, she will work for the money they offer, but she'll go where she pleases once she's done. Is that really any different than people in real life looking for a better job when leaving an old, shitty one? I don't think it is.
-Has only one weakness: Ada knows her limits. She knows when she can save someone and when she can't. She knows when to let something lie and when to go for it. Leon is her only weakness, but everyone else she can take or leave unless they prove they'll have value for her work. If Leon died, she'd retire or go back to being ultra capable, so kill him Capcom.
-Impeccable fashion: Ignoring the dragon lady take with og re4 dress, Ada's other outfits are fire. Red is a wonderful color on her because it hides the blood, and also she's so hot.
-Emotionally Unavailable: She is the only RE woman who is not seen sincerely comforting a man or comforting a child(re2/re2r doesn't count because she's acting). This is extremely refreshing. Yes, she is the sexy femme fatale, but does she comfort Leon? No. Does she baby Sherry when she saves her? No. This isn't a moral failing. She's just not that into you, and it's not a flaw. It's an underutilized character trait with women especially.
-Hookshot User: I don't know about the people younger than me, but this was the coolest tool for people to use in cartoons when I was a kid. It's the closest a normal human can get to being Spiderman, and that automatically puts a character on the Best Design list in my opinion.
-High-risk High-reward Thinker: Working with B.O.Ws in any capacity means you're somewhat of a gambler. What does Chris get from going into enemy territory to arrest some guy? Paperwork. What does Jill get from saving Chris' life? Brainwashed into a killing machine and made blonde(the worst fate bestowed upon women). Leon fights for his country. Ew. Gross. You know what Ada gets going into death ridden zones? Her bag. Her check. Her money, and it's actually worth it.
-Espionage S-Rank: The international arrest warrant is going to make things a little more difficult, but Ada's made her career around going under the radar to get in and out of high security areas. She gets the gear, the guns, and plays her role with finesse. Her intel gathering skills must be impeccable to achieve this.
Quick Bullet Points:
Not a eugenicist. (Wesker is.)
Doesn't experiment on corpses. (Heisenberg does this.)
No god-complex. (Wesker has this.)
Against child labor? (Heisenberg wants a baby gun.)
Doesn't make viruses that kill people. Only gets paid to move them around. (Unlike some people.)
Thinks Leon is pathetic, but likes him anyway even if he's a lil ugly. Which is so nice of her. (❤️)
So there's my comprehensive list I said I'd make weeks ago but am just now getting to. If anyone has anything else to add feel free to do so in the replies. If you're here to be an Ada hater, you'll get blocked.
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thegamingcatmom · 5 months ago
Anon making way through resi8 for miri
Heisenbergs factory looked cool as heck in a creepy dystopian kind of way, like the background design is just so cool
Watched the whole heisenberg showdown and still can't believe Ethan got that...tank not tank? vehicle
Miri showed up and just ripped his heart out wtf? And then she just crushed his heart and sprinkled it over herself like...what???(birb mama just looked extra insane) also her just summoning birbs in front of her???
Also like that can't just be it for Ethan right? He can't be dead??? He...he gotta go save rose!
Now I'm in chris? Pov? Watching what happening next
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Yeah, Heisenberg's place is just so grotesque and eerie. Especially when Sturm (his propeller creation) chases you. It gives you chills and I love that. 🥰
He´s creating an army in hopes it would defeat Miranda btw. Seeing this gif - all the bodies and the machinery (that he´s no doubt invented himself) - really makes you wonder how long he´s been planning this for. Like, either he somehow obtained ppl from outside the village, or all of these are villagers from different time periods. Yknow, like-
"Keep the birth rate high, ensure endless supply."
- Heisenberg, at some point (probably)
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Miranda "sampled his blood for later," so I think that means she kinda absorbed his DNA/info or smt? Because she was like "bound for eternity in blood" in reference to the bond with her reincarnated daughter. So, maybe, consuming Ethan's blood would ensure that? Maybe that's her way of taking in someone's essence? I mean, she had to get Mia's DNA in order to impersonate her, so I reckon she's done that by consuming her blood too??
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The fact that this is Miranda casually slapping Ethan´s hand away like some pesky fly and going like "NUH-UH, hands off, mister" DOES THINGS TO ME LIKE-
...Pretty pls? 👉👈
Imma have to read up some stuff again because, as I've also read today, Miranda was actually an actual scientist/biologist before she got infected?? (I´m sure I knew that at some point, lol.) I´m still in the middle of my 2nd playthrough, so that´s probs some info you get at the very end of the game and I would´ve stumbled upon it regardless. But like, all this knowledge and expertise she has didn´t come from the Megamycete. She was already very intelligent and a more than capable scientist/biologist, and the Megamycete took it to the extreme, kinda.
I also remember there being some sick concept art/artwork in the credits that shows her infecting the villagers by injecting the Cadou directly. There was a father with his sick/dying daughter seeking a "cure" and Miranda was only all too happy to "help" ofc. I mean, we all know she gained the villagers´ trust by pretending to be some saint/godsent, but seeing that concept art really puts into perspective just how cunning Miranda is.
Here´s the artwork, btw:
SHE´S SO...UGH. 😭🫠
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The birds she summons are actually her own. Like, she frequently turns into a murder of crows for quick travelling or, as we see here, to descent on her enemies. Though, it was less an attack and more a form taunting with Ethan, let´s be honest.
...I mean, yall can´t tell me she isn´t cackling like a hyena on the inside here. 😭😭😭
I saw you´ve sent me another ask, so I´ll leave it at that. 😉
OH, btw:
After you defeat Sal, you get a crank with which you can lower the bridge near the ceremony site. This leads you to a boat which you can use to get some extra stuff (like Lady D´s treasure), and also more info on the mold and Miranda´s agenda. You get to see the cave in which Miranda intended to commit suicide after her daughter´s death. The cave where she accidently discovered the mold. The cave that started it all, basically. And literally.
Like, I´m not just talking about Village, seeing as Umbrella (the pharmaceutical company that specializes in the creation of bioweapons) only exists because Miranda saved Oswell E. Spencer after a skiing accident. This was in the early 1950s and only possible because Miranda had been infected by the mold, making her immortal basically, and-
Should you ever play the game yourself, I highly recommend revisiting some places after you´ve defeated each lord because there might be some new stuff to collect and discover. The map kinda changes a bit each time, you could say. Especially Luiza´s place. 😉
Thanks for your ask! 💋
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rejectedbad · 1 year ago
Rejected Bad: Castle
The following is a rejected script from an early season of Breaking Bad.
Walter and Jesse sit on the couch, surrounded by stacks of cash. Jesse excitedly flips through a home design magazine.
JESSE: (whispering) Yo, check this out, Mr. White. Look at these insane castles, man!
Walter glances at the magazine, eyebrow raised.
WALTER: (uncertain) Jesse, are you serious? Castles?
JESSE: (grinning) Yeah, man! I mean, we've made some serious bank with our little business venture. We gotta do something with it, right? Let's build our own castle!
Walter ponders Jesse's suggestion, giving it some thought.
WALTER: (sceptical) Jesse, you know I appreciate your enthusiasm, but a castle? Seems a bit extravagant, don't you think?
Jesse's eyes light up, trying to convince Walter.
JESSE: (casually) Nah, man. Think about it. Castles are badass! We'll be like the kings of our own empire. Plus, no one's going to mess with us when they see our castle shining on the hill.
Walter leans back, his mind beginning to wander.
WALTER: (sly) Let's say we did build a castle, Jesse. What would be the purpose of it? Why would we need one?
JESSE: (raising an eyebrow) Well, I mean, we could, like, throw epic parties and stuff. But also, uh… it could be, you know… like a fortress, man. A safe place for all our… assets.
Walter narrows his eyes, suspecting Jesse's true intentions.
WALTER: (mocking) A fortress for our assets, huh? Jesse, if we're being honest with ourselves, wouldn't that just be a fancy name for a… torture dungeon?
Jesse squirms, trying to defend himself.
JESSE: (defensive) No way, man! I wasn't thinking like that at all! I just thought it would be cool to have, you know, secret passageways and stuff. But, uh, yeah, maybe…
Walter smirks, realising he has struck a nerve.
WALTER: (teasingly) Ah, Jesse, my dear partner. Always full of surprises. You want our own castle to become Heisenberg's secret lair, don't you?
Jesse grins, admitting his true desire.
JESSE: (slyly) Well, when you put it that way, it does sound pretty badass, yo.
Walter chuckles, appreciating Jesse's honesty.
WALTER: (laughing) Alright, Jesse. If we're going to build a castle, it won't be solely for nefarious purposes. But we can sneak a few secret rooms and hidden passageways in there to eat my victims. How's that sound?
Jesse's eyes light up, ecstatic with Walter's compromise.
JESSE: (enthusiastically) Oh, man, that sounds dope! We'll be like the kings of the meth world, hiding in our own castle!
Both Walter and Jesse share a moment of excitement, envisioning the possibilities of their grand castle.
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tsuki-sennin · 1 year ago
Prominence horn! Sununicorn!
Alchemy... modern chemistry even, is the study of matter and the changes it undergoes. It could be as simple as halogens forming salt from metals. It could be as macabre and absurd as creating kitchen knives out of things like tape or crab. It could be as vital as the food you eat being broken down inside your body and spreading nutrients all throughout it, or as brutal as building an empire out of Blue Sky and the blood of far too many people.
Young miss Rinne Kudo, for her part, is undergoing a change of her own. A... transformation, if you will... Daybreak has past, and the Sun hangs high above us in the sky. Allow her to take the stage on a stark white horse...
And, after that... the curious case of Kurogane Spanner's stalling engine. What sort of mechanical failure is he suffering from? Is the ego that once propelled him becoming an unreliable fuel source?
Spoilers, I guess...
-The Kitchen Alliance!
-What are we cookin'?
-"Naaaaah, it's fiiiiine~!"
-Yeah, fuck secrecy~!
-"My dad gave me this ring, it's not the same thing :<"
-"Good morning, meat boy >:3"
-It doesn't feel right seeing Clotho get bowled over like that.
-Three heads, just like the mythological Geryon. Hmm...
-"Atropos, dear, how about you take him for a walk? :)"
-Hello, Spanner's Mom.
-Can't believe it, can ya?
-Minato-sensei's deadliest ability. Rerouting pathfinding.
-Noooooooo, Hotarooooo!
-"Sensei, c'mon man!"
-Geryon all along!
-Take some small comfort in that, Rinne.
-Saba miso~!
-Renge-san's taken quite the
-Meat puffs.
-"I'm gonna be real, this isn't as terrible as I thought it'd be."
-Spooked by a nine year old.
-Extra spicy fried grasshoppers~!
-He's three guys now!
-I seeeeee! An overheat limit~!
-Help us, Rinne...
-Ohhhhhh, that's not good.
-Geryon Gilded.
-Oh Rinne...
-All lives touch other lives to create something new and alive.
-"Yeeeeeah... about that..."
-Not a law... but a principle.
-"Filthy traitor :c"
-Alchemis Link!
-Unicon! The Sun!
-As above, so below...
-Prominence Horse! Sununicorn!
-Her resolve has come!
-What's Your Fire, comin' in hot~!
-Tearing up the ground~!
-Get it back on, Majade!
-I deeply appreciate just how unironically...
-Magical the whole thing is.
-Be free, child.
-"Even Kudoh Rinne..."
-Sorry Kyoka, I don't think Spanner's in the mood.
-How do you know what happened to her, you creepy old fuck-
-Y'know, I think he does understand.
-"Girl, what????
-Okay, next time
-"Good work, daughter I don't hate."
-Y'know, it's pretty telling that Geryon constantly giving his homunculi piss-colored chromejobs seems to win out over other alchemical goals like creating panacea or learning more about prima materia.
-Already confident, eh?
-"Ohhhhh, I see~!"
-Awwww, no Mom?
-Damn, last week I learned she was Sukeban Deka as a kid.
-"You're just as Spanner said you are~!"
-Sour grapes...
-So that's the Angel's game, is it?
-Angelead and Madwheel...
-"So like, I hate to be a jerk, but I've gotta ask..."
-For Spanner...
-Up to twelve.
-"Yeah, they got Madwheel, remember?"
-Holy shit, he seems almost
-At least Kyoka believes us.
-"Oh... oh no... No, no no no no!"
-"Nooooooo, Supana!"
-The dead can't be alchemists, eh?
-Jesus Christ, wha
-They're getting dusty.
-Orphenoch style death.
-"Stupid dog..."
-Lachesis, you wanted to fuck this poor sopping bloody mess of man several episodes ago, shush-
-"Noooo... :c"
-There he is.
-"Remember me, buddy? How about I rip that darkness out~?"
-This is Heisenberg levels of petty.
-"Oh, nope, can't have that~!"
-Minato-sensei, what the fuck man
-Kyoka meant
-Black fire literally.
-"Be gilded, my son!"
-Watching your parents die again, getting beaten to a bloody pulp in front of your ex girlfriend, being forced to make your favorite Chemy do bad things, and being flashbanged by a Rubik's cube.
-Kurogane Spanner's having a terrible day.
-Fuck you, Angel.
-"He's... he's gone, you little punks."
-Oh no....
-"H-hey, listen buddy, how about-"
-Piling on the traumas one after another, I see.
-All too often incredible power falls into the hands of malice.
-"No virtue in vengeance..."
-"You're a good boy, Spanner... that's what made you so powerful."
-I'm almost upset I like Spanner now.
-"Goodbye. Get lost. Farewell."
-"You won't fail again. Not while I still think so, at least!"
-Angry Car Man...
-Come home... Valvarad...
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furiarossa · 2 years ago
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Fast gotta go fast! We wanted to do more, but we it's the last day of ArtFight and we have to finish things! One of the last attacks: Ethan (by VlamVlyer) and Karl Heisenberg (Lycanberg) by  LovelyWings. Pair of big fluffy guys!
Mixed 'n complex attack, drawn with black ballpoint pen and colored in digital!
💪  The fight is almost over! We are again in ArtFight this year, of course in Team Werewolf: attack us if you dare!
★ |Facebook|FurAffinity|Deviantart|Commission prices|Tapastic★
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averysexyleon · 2 years ago
five comfort characters, five tags
well well
Thank you @rosethorns-onyourskin for tagging meeeee
I'll try to go in order of "meeting" them?
Spock, TOS
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Changed my life, that's all. I love him and everything that he inspired in me. Star Trek awakened in me something that only autists raised in poverty will understand. Even to this day I find myself drawn to the spock-like humans of the world. They complete me. I myself am nothing like them, (I'm a Jim/Bones mix) but we complement each other well.
Silus, Fallout:New Vegas as well as New Vegas itself
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(I couldn't find a gif of Silus but Luke is the face claim I have for him when I write as him)
I was halfway done with 200 chapters of fucking fanfiction before I realized how drawn to this character I was. The same goes for Joshua Graham. Really New Vegas itself is my comfort. I still go to Goodsprings every chance I get. It's home to me. The world, the music, the lore, the people. But Silus holds a big piece of my heart because he's such an asshole, and so interesting a character. I love writing as him, I love painting him...he's great.
Leon S. Kennedy
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Beat you motherfuckers to it. I was going hard on RE4 for the last two decades and named my child after Leon, six years ago. I've made it one of my life's goals to get inside this character's head and understand him better than anyone, and at this point I can tell you when someone on Capcom's team made a mistake. Leon and I are not a lot alike other than the hair fixation, but that may be one reason I like him so much. Like Spock, he's fascinating, an enigma that I made it my fucking business to understand.
Gomez Addams as portrayed by Raul Julia
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Again this entire movie is the comfort, but I was always so comforted by the idea of Gomez. He's kind to his wife and children, he's active, he's creative, he's outspoken but has manners....really just a role model. He can be dangerous if he needs to, but he'd never start a fight unless someone he loved was threatened. He's a large presence, and theatrical, and romantic. He's everything I want to be and my nature is a lot closer to his than it is most comfort characters on this list. More than anybody I think Gomez is goals, for a family man.
Karl Heisenberg
At last we reach the only one on the list who I am actually a lot like LOL. Karl and I have a LOT in common, it feels so easy and natural to write from his point of view. Down to the mama issues and feeling like my childhood dignity was taken away from me, all the way to being a loud obnoxious character who attaches themselves very excitedly to people who may or may not reciprocate my excitement. (EETHUN!)
I understand all of his motives and interests and intrigues. My next tattoo is hopefully going to be the Heisenberg Horse on my hand.
Then I just gotta get the factory I guess.
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anyone please do this I'm shit at tagging lol I don't know who I know who I've seen do this and not do this. CONSIDER YOURSELF TAGGED, EVERYONE.
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RE8 | Wintersberg | Romance, Slow Burn | Action, Sci-Fi
Sequel of Winters and the Beast, a Resident Evil: Village Story
Table Of Contents
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“Eva,” Ethan said in a heavy tone, thrusting the paper at her.  
When she looked up, eyes alight, Ethan confessed against the wind, “There’s something I’ve gotta tell you.” 
Eva, Donna, and Alcina stared at him expectantly.  Even the horse was looking at him.  “When I saw your mom earlier.  She was…different.  She said that she was…” he gestured, trying to find words.  “She was your mom’s humanity .  That’s what this is talking about.  Godric must have known…”
Eva hid her mouth with the paper, thinking quickly.  She seemed full of emotion, buzzing with this revelation, holding back her every thought about the possibility of a human…a kind, motherly Miranda.  
But she only said, in a throaty whisper,  “Ethan…Eveline is your…creator.” 
His face was not appreciative of the reminder. 
“Can you reason with her?” 
“Eveline!” Alcina’s eyes widened, as she made, perhaps, many connections at once.  
“I can try,” he said in a faint voice.  Eva pushed Donna in front of her, pulling the crystal out of the bag and placing it in the black-haired woman’s hands.  “Quickly.” 
“What are we doing?” Donna asked meekly as Eva and Ethan moved around her, pulling Alcina into a circle, holding hands.  She looked stunned, but allowed them to continue.  
“Fighting fire with fire,” Ethan said sardonically.  Alcina really did have admiration when she looked at him that time, he was sure of it.  
“We’re going to do the same thing we did when we brought Alcina back,” Eva explained, closing her eyes.  “Focus, think on the crystal.  Make a connection, as if it were an object you loved, wanted to get to know.”  
Ethan or Eva were both powerful enough to create a regenerated ‘person’ from a crystallized essence in minutes now.  But more of them simply equaled more charge, more banks to draw power from.  Ethan saw Miranda reappear in the field, heard the crackling, splintering sound of a morphing crystal from Donna’s hands.  Then a rumble sounded deep in the earth and Donna rather meekly tried to cradle the burning, glowing thing in her hands.  Tendrils of black mycelia shot out from the alive-feeling-thing, and without thinking, Ethan put his palm over it. 
Instantly a blast erupted from either his palm, or the thing that it touched; everyone was thrown back this time, even the large bumbling Remnant that by now had grown quite tired of the brothers that pestered it.  
Ethan landed hard on his back, but scrambled urgently to his knees.  He was the first one up, and he ran back to where, instead of a crystal, a large patch of singed ground smoked, around a thin, wiry figure.  
Long dark hair fell into her face.  It looked just like Mia’s.  
Ethan moved forward, still on his knees, and grasped her shoulders.   She seemed stunned, or perhaps she was just being regular creepy Eveline, staring down, eyes glazed over.  “Eveline.  Listen to me.  It’s me.  Ethan.  I need you know something.  I was wrong about a lot, Eveline, wrong about almost everything that matters, and I’m sorry.  You have good in you, do you know that?   I know that people treated you horribly.  Used you.”  
Eva moved to shield the duo from Miranda.  Her lip trembled, but she stared down the older woman anyway.  
“What mirage are you?  A weaker, discarded version of me?”  Miranda laughed, eyeing the young woman.  “What game is Heisenberg playing with this?”
“I’m not you,” Eva snapped as Ethan continued to plead with Eveline.  “I was your creation.  Not that thing back there.  I was yours.” 
“Blasphemy,” she spat, but there was a wavering, a doubt, in her voice.  
Ethan couldn’t focus on this conversation; he was hoping that his bond, Eveline’s last moments with him, were remembered in some way that wouldn’t make her murderous toward him.  If she became that way, she’d likely kill them all; or whatever it was one did to harm mostly immortal mold beings. Ethan knew from experience that torture was in her toolbox.  
“You should have never had to go through any of that.  But you’ll be safe now, I promise.  You won’t ever have to be in a lab again, or see anyone you don’t want to see.  You can have whatever family you like.  We have a beautiful yard, you have plenty of time before it gets too cold to play.  I’ll take you out for ice cream.  Eveline, I need you to do something you never had a reason to do before…I need you to dig deep, and find the goodness I know you’ve always had.  It’s in there somewhere, and we need it.”  
He’d moved from holding her shoulders to holding her hands.  Ethan’s eyes were dark again; he realized as he spoke that he meant what he said–they weren’t just platitudes.  He felt sorrow for Eveline, felt compassion for her.  The full picture of her life was never more evident to him than it had been lately, and his own turn toward the dark, his own mold-related struggles with family obsession, only increased his compassion.  The part of Ethan that would have been disgusted, drawn his hands away from this–the master orchestrator of his nightmare, was nowhere to be found.  
She was reading him.  Pulling these emotions from him.  Ethan’s compassion was being inhaled by the energy field surrounding her.  Eveline always knew when people lied.  It was no different now.  Her tense shoulders relaxed as she seemed to drink from the well of compassion that he offered.  
And then, something changed within her.  He could feel energy pulling, shifting.  Eveline was transforming.  Not physically; physically she was still frozen, but something was happening inside.  He didn’t know what else to do but hug her, so he did, his chin on her shoulder.  He stared into the darkness, his blackened eyes tracing over the silhouettes of the Heisenberg brothers as they got more and more bloody.  Eveline grew warm in his arms.  She’d never been that way, he realized.  
Eva and her mother were still exchanging words, while Alcina and Donna watched Ethan, seemingly impressed.  
After a moment Eveline shifted, scuffing her boots against the dirt, and he pulled back.  She’d either have gained whatever humanity existed within her, or she was about to make this night go from bad to bloodbath. 
Light blue eyes flickered their gaze away from the ground, and to him.  They weren’t the icy blue they’d been before.  They were soft.  Mia’s eyes.  He brushed hair away from Eveline’s face and gazed at her expectantly.  
“You really will take me out for ice cream?” she asked in an almost skeptical tone, and he laughed; why were his eyes welling with tears? 
“Ever had an ice cream cone?”
“We’ll get you two, one for each hand.”
When their eyes met after his laugh, she smirked at his next words.  
“One for each hand, Eveline.” 
“Call me Evie,” she said nonchalantly as she strode past him, and toward Miranda.  
Eveline-Evie-made short work of Miranda, Jochen, and the Remnant.  She crystallized the creature, allowing Karl to finish it off with a hammer (to his delight, and to Alcina’s disgust) and she partially crystallized Miranda with a mere wave of her hand.  The cult leader looked appalled at this development, and quickly disappeared with her Heisenberg lackie in tow.  
Karl looked particularly heartbroken when his brother faded from sight, avoiding his brother’s gaze as he stepped next to Miranda and disappeared.  
Alcina looked shocked to be alive; in fact, she was, and it was a feeling she had not felt in a very long time.  She stared at the broken, charred remains of the beast.  What had Ethan called it? Her evil part?  She didn’t know about that, but she was shaken at still being here after preparing to sacrifice herself.  
The shirtless engineer patted his truck remains lovingly, and then slung the hammer over his shoulder, waltzing toward the newcomer.  
“Hey kid,” he said easily, as if this were all the most natural thing in the world.  
“I know you,” she said, a bit surprised.  “I remember something…from the lab.  You came there after I was born.  You bought me books.” 
Karl looked embarrassed; Ethan’s eyes widened at this.  Evie’s face dropped as she remembered, “The lab people threw them away.  I never got to see them.” 
“Fuckers,” he muttered, and then pointed a thumb toward the home, faraway on the hill, where only a few lights broke through the trees. “I gotta whole library up there, you interested?”
“I need a drink,” Alcina said as they turned to make the very long trek.  Donna led the horse by its bridle, but she was staring, still mesmerized, at Evie.  As though she found her to be the most beautiful thing in the world.  
“I think we all do,” Ethan echoed.  The autumn windstorm followed them up the hill; when they crested at the road, and the sound of the wind soon turned into the sound of an engine.  
Eva sighed, and Ethan paused to wrap an arm around her shoulder and plant a kiss on her head.  “You were amazing back there.  Always are.” 
She looked crestfallen, but smiled at his gesture of kindness.  “I will go ahead of you, and perhaps start some tea?”
“Coffee,” said Ethan.
“Wine,” said Alcina. 
“Whiskey,” said Karl.  
Her smirk crept back across her face.  In a subdued tone she said, “Perhaps donuts.”  And vanished. 
For several minutes they walked in silence.  Ethan held Evie’s hand.  Even she seemed quiet, pondering.  
“The hell,” Karl said through a cigar–WHERE DID HE GET A SECOND CIGAR?  “Sal?”
It was indeed; the man drove one of the repaired civilian work trucks, and this one even had second row seating.  He waved out the window, and just as Ethan’s head almost popped off, the blond saw the happily sleeping, smiling toddler in her car seat.  The fisherman had even properly strapped her in–Ethan was officially impressed.  
The group was happy to load up into the vehicle, and Salvadore jumped out of the driver’s seat, allowing the engineer to hop up into it.  His action got him a doglike pat on the head from his sibling, and Moreau beamed at Karl’s, “Good thinkin’.” 
Just as Ethan contemplated how to fit everyone inside the cab, Donna called in a more-steady-than-usual voice, “Evie?”
The girl turned; she was still holding Ethan’s hand.  She surveyed the woman with interest.  She somehow knew Donna’s home; did she know Donna?  Ethan waited, and Donna asked her question in a rush of adrenaline.  “What if we…rode the horse?”  After a moment of silence she added, “I know it’s cold, and raining, and-”
“Oh! Wow!” The child immediately forgot about Ethan, letting go of his hand as she rushed to the woman.  “Please can I ride him, can I do that?”  Her gaze moved from Ethan to Donna, as if she wasn’t sure who to ask.  Donna looked at Ethan, and he nodded.  Donna mounted the horse first and Ethan lifted the girl up; she excitedly grabbed onto Donna and then sat in front of her, a wild sparkle in her eye.  One that Ethan remembered from long ago.  As the pair rode up the hill away from them, he turned back to the truck. 
Alcina, as expected, sat in the rear and grumbled about its cramped seats, but she began cooing as soon as she saw the sleeping baby.  She didn’t even notice Moreau moving to the other side of Rose, so that Ethan could sit next to Karl.  Ethan turned in his seat as Karl adjusted his mirrors, moving the passenger mirror with magnetism.  
“She’s so perfect, Ethan, so beautiful.  I…I must apologize.  What we did…I-I was told…”
His chin rested on the leather seat; he pivoted around, looking at them.  His smile was soft.  “It’s okay. I know.  I know what she put you all through.”  
“May I…touch her?”
“Of course.” 
Alcina’s gentle strokes along the side of the toddler’s face were the epitome of motherly.  A sacred gentleness that seemed reserved for only mothers.  She made several more cooing, enchanted noises that Ethan didn’t think she was capable of making.  When the engine started, Karl shifted gears, and then paused as if reconsidering.  He grabbed the blond in the passenger seat by the throat and pulled him close into a passionate, angry, deep kiss.  Ethan melted, muffling his own surprised whimper.  When the brunette pushed him away, Alcina made the most disgusted noise in the history of mankind, and Karl pointed a finger at Ethan. 
“You are never, EVER, FUCKIN’, EVER, allowed out anymore.  I’m makin’ your ass a fuckin’ CAGE.  I’ll have Evie stand outside your fuckin’ DOOR, Ethan.  You’re a fuckin’ DUMBASS.” 
“I am so confused,” Alcina said bitterly, rolling her eyes.  Salvadore was giggling behind his fist.  
Now the truck pulled away, and Heisenberg shifted into a lower gear for the hill ahead.  
“I think tonight was a HUGE success,” Ethan countered, planting a kiss on Karl’s cheek.  “Thank you for trusting me.” 
“A fuckin’ CAGE, Winters.  Mold-proof it.  Spray bottle full of bleach.  You fuckin’ idiot.”  
“I love you.” 
“Love you too, you fuckin’ idiot.”  
Alcina’s gaze moved between each man; she decided that if the vomit came, she would aim forward, instead of out the window.  
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space-whalesharks · 1 year ago
Hi! So this is such a niche experience but i thought you might get a kick out of it because i am absolutely wheezing at 5am over it That commission you got of Reina showed up on my dash for suggestions and i was like OH WOW that is gorgeous aRT!! I recognized the face claim immediately and had to go 'u h o h i am a clown". I played FFXV and got so into Ardyn Izunia that he got an OC and a 74k fic that still isnt done. And so naturally, if you know of or have seen this man or the comparisons some have made, you might not be shocked that i came to BG3 and took one look at Gortash and went "Oh no I have a type, its Ardyn 2.0" especially with the whole Durge/Gortash thing that is consuming my brain as we speak. However, Reina's faceclaim is Katherine McNamara and that is who I used for my FFXV OC, Aurelia who I paired with Ardyn - an OC with her own racoon looking manipulative man who owns my whole heart. I am respectively losing my shit because Katherine McNamara is really out here getting her hands on two rat bastards in different fonts and I adore it SGKDSGKDSKG
Haaaaa, love that for her. Gotta love someone who looks like they’re just geared towards villain romances.
Also, not me, a FF noob looking up Ardyn Izunia and immediately being 👀👀👀. Karl Heisenberg AU-lookin’ ass.
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