#heheheheheh asks
Vore thoughts? I gotchu. Since you’re evactyating wildfires, What’re your thoughts on fire rescue preds? Or general vore scenarios involving fire.
I imagine a belly would be a great place to hide a prey from all that smoke, fire, and building collapse.
I’m writing something about that for a friend right now actually to keep myself occupied. I’ve always struggled with rescuing prey from heat by swallowing them, it would be awful at first. The internal body temperature would be suffocating.
Until the humidity finally soothed their smoke ravaged lungs.
Their whole family or friend group are with them safe in this pred’s gut. Their passengers can hear them panting as they get out of there. They’re safe. They’ve lost everything, but thank god, they have eachother. They’re with someone who trained hard for this.
And the pred drops them off, leaving them coated in stomach juice and saliva and running back to help another party that’s trapped. They prey find themselves wishing they could have stayed with their saviour instead of seeing the catastrophe in the distance.
If prey are hurt, the pred delicately but quickly swallow them which is a huge challenge.
And this effort takes several days. Weeks. Even months. To fight fires to this extent. There’s a lot of rotation. That’s why, finally when it’s in check, After all that time the pred keeps their last saved group with them, falling to the ground and throwing their fists in the air with sweet relief.
I also really like the idea of aquatic preds swallowing their prey who have jumped into bodies of water to escape the flames. They won’t be able to tread water until rescue comes. The pred has to save them *now*
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oifaaa · 3 months
AU where post Zero year Duke becomes robin instead of Tim
Considering Duke is somehow 7 in zero year he would officially become the babiest robin which he deserves honestly
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askchuuyanakahara · 4 months
Chuuya, if you hate Dazai so much, why did you share your curry with him? Why do you take care of him?
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Chuuya: "He becomes more unsufferable when hungry. And I knew for certain that he hadn't eaten yet."
Dazai: "Oh~! I know!"
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Chuuya: "More like you're like some freeloading cat who only comes around to be fed!"
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Chuuya: "Seriously, with you guys, I do anything with anyone and suddenly it labelled as a 'date'.."
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Chuuya: "Only if they don't mind-"
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Chuuya: "O-oi! Dude, no one's taking your food! Calm down! You're gonna choke!"
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Chuuya: "You're a new level of idiot. It honestly still surprises me sometimes."
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Chuuya: "Does that coat of yours have like a hole or something?"
Chuuya: "What even is this?"
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Dazai: "Don't read that. Please."
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xhanisai · 3 months
forehead kiss. now. i demand it
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"You...you knew? All along?" Her mask dissipated as soon as she uttered those words, leaving behind just her suit. Though she felt just so vulnerable and exhausted, indescribable emotions running through her body at blinding speeds. "Why aren't you angry?"
"Because you didn't do anything wrong." Was all he simply said and her partner delivered a soft, soft kiss on her forehead.
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mossy-paws · 6 months
Biograft on the Splatoon drawbox!
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WOOHOO I cooked this up in about 6 and a half hours! Really happy with the result honestly + I learned a bunch about stuff like midtones and such! Hyperlaser is gonna be next once I figure out how to bypass his phinisher dialogue/when I get some other projects done!
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Here’s the higher quality version as well SINCE NINTENDO NERFED IT AHEM.
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mysterycitrus · 4 months
Hi! I just read Persephone in hell and also stalked the tag a little bit and I just want to say that it was so good still rotating in my mind. Literally I think you get to the heart of what makes for the best “de-aging” fics in confronting the past (literally). Thank you for writing, and I look forward to the fallout of *gestures expansively* everything in the sequel!
ahh so glad u enjoyed!! at the very least i hope it was thematically consistent all the way through and landed the right emotional beats
for a lil sneak at the (eventual) sequel —
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quixotical-lymbo · 2 months
Hey there! I love your writing and especially with Mk, and so I'm just here to drop by and ask you if I could have some Mk angst, preferably with a female!reader, but if you want, go with a gn!reader. I don't really mind which format, do whatever's easiest for you!
What I have in mind is where reader realizes that Mk is literally- in figuratively way- destroying himself with work, hero duties, and romance. Not wanting that, reader is trying to break up with the chaos incarnate to lessen his load.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and I understand if you don't want to do this, just wanted to drop by!
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Pairing: MK x fem!Reader Rating: SFW Summary: Being in a relationship with the world's hero isn't all sunshine and rainbows. There are many responsibilities that come with it. So, making a decision like this would help you two in the long run…right?  Warnings/Tags: Post s5 spoilers YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED, angst, hurt/no comfort, and breakup. Word Count: 1300+ words 🍜 - I like the way you think anon...ur evil >:)/pos
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"Can…can you repeat that for me? I don't think I heard you right." 
"I'm breaking up with you." 
"Ha..haha, hehe, you're funny! That was a good one, cutie! Really got me there," MK wiped a tear from the corner of his eye as he glanced around the park you two were sitting in. "Now, what vendor are we gonna hit today? Y'know I think I wanna try that-" 
MK grimaced before turning his gaze onto you. You took in a deep breath before letting it out and with one hand stretched to rest on his arm.   
"Did I…did I do something wrong?" MK's voice trembled as he spoke, his own hand reaching up to land on top of yours. 
"Oh goodness, no-" You reassured as you took his hand in yours. "-nothing like that." 
"Then why?"
Exactly. Why were you ruining an almost picture perfect relationship for no apparent reason? And so out of the blue? I mean, your boyfriend just got back from his nth time saving-the-world expedition and that meant he had a lot more time to spend the peaceful days with you. So…why?
You stirred the remaining noodles in your bowl, the lukewarm soup brought an unexplainable comfort to your cold palms. With a few glances toward the door, your unease grew as the seconds ticked by. 
"He's supposed tah be 'ere twenty minutes ago," Pigsy's voice grumbled from within the kitchen. "I got way too many orders for him to be messin' around wit my time-" 
"-I'M HERE, I'M HERE-...Oh! Pookie!?" MK's gaze landed on you as he staggered from the door he slammed open. You called out his name with the same amount of adoration as he walked up to your side and planted a wet kiss on your forehead. 
"I'll be right back after I finish up here," MK promised as his smile trembled from the strain of keeping it up. You merely raised a brow at the state of his messy hair, gloomy vibes, and overall…stressed look? 
"Oh, we don't have to do anything tonight if you're not up for it-" 
"-NO, ahem, no worries, my love, I'm A-okay! Just be ready for your feet to be swept when your prince charming comes back!" MK blew a few kisses and winked in your direction before collecting the orders from Pigsy and hightailing it out of the shop. You and Pigsy watched as MK almost tripped out of the door. 
"Is…he always like this…?" You glanced at your boyfriend's father. Pigsy sighed as he ran a hand down his face, his brow creased from a multitude of things causing him headaches; his son being a major contributor. 
"You don't know the half of it, kid." 
There were a few more instances where you felt like MK was speed-running for the entire duration you two were supposed to be spending time together. Whether it was on dates, hanging with Mei, or even just bumping into each other. Your interactions were sweet, short, and to the point. Sometimes, MK's love bombing was downright suffocating. One time you could barely get out of bed with how hard he hugged you during movie night. 
The following weeks were a whirlwind of craziness that you were, unfortunately, caught up in. Watching your boyfriend hop in a truck and run away from a confrontation between a celestial and…was that the monkey king? 
Whoever that was, you were already sprinting back home to avoid getting yourself in harm's way.
That was the last time you saw MK for a while until two weeks or so later. By the time MK and co had returned, you had already decided what you were going to do moving forward. The answer was clear as day in your mind and made the most sense. After all, MK didn't need anything else added onto his plate of responsibilities and he certainly didn't need you. 
Sadly, your heart was still (and still is) conflicted. 
Your gaze wandered away from him and MK hated how he couldn't see your face. He disliked it as much as the anticipation eating away at him, making his hands sweat way more than he was comfortable with. You struggled to properly find the words and when that failed you, the only thing you could muster was a few choppy sentences that probably didn't make much sense. 
"I just think it's for the best," Your voice wavered as the irritating sting in your eyes meant the waterworks weren't far behind. MK didn't seem like he could hold his back for long as he cleared his throat and nodded along with what you said. 
"Right, right, uh-...then," MK stood up from the bench and offered his hand to you. "Can I at least walk you home? It's getting late and I…" don't want to say goodbye.
A smile broke out on your face as you sniffed, happily placing your hand in his and the two of you began trekking back to your home. The stillness that surrounded you both was…oddly cathartic, cozy, and made you feel lighter than air. That heavy weight that had been sitting on your chest was finally lifted. In its place there was a giant abyss left where your heart would be. You ignored this seeping feeling of dread, at least you managed to lighten your—MK's load. 
The sight of your neighborhood caused MK to squeeze your hand from time to time with each step taken, corner rounded, and familiar sights leading to the end of the both of you. 
MK wished in the back of his mind for you to say something, to let him know that this was all an elaborate prank, a joke that you would surely confess the punchline as soon as he led you to the door of your home. 
None of that happened.
Instead, MK was standing in front of your door with you standing before him. The dim light from the nearby lamp post illuminated your skin beautifully under the moonlight.
"Thank you for walking me back..I'll..um." 
"It's no worries, I.." 
The two young adults awkwardly glanced elsewhere as the uneasiness from earlier lingered. You shook your head and opened your arms, "Hug?" 
MK looked up from where he kicked at the floor and grinned, "Hug." 
One step and the two of you were wrapped in each other's confining, warm embrace.
"I'm gonna miss you," MK admitted through choked tears that escaped him. 
"I'll be here if you need me, but we need this…you need this," You rubbed a comforting hand on MK's back, frowning at the sight of his shoulders shuddering and the sound of his feeble sniffles. After a few more seconds, MK was the first to pull out of the hug. His face was damp with tears and what appeared to be snot, the corners of his eyes already looked puffy as he quickly wiped at his face. 
"..." You wanted nothing more than to comfort him further, but you had to draw a line somewhere if this was going to work. You turned to unlock your door and stepped inside, peeking out to wish the noodle boy one final goodnight. MK simply waved as the door closed, your face disappearing from sight but it was the only thing he could see in his mind. 
No one else was there to witness MK on autopilot. The dark-haired male shuffled out of your neighborhood and somehow ended up halfway up the stairs to his apartment. MK stepped inside his room, yet he couldn't even make it to his bed before he completely crashed on the carpet. Fat blobs of water spilt from his eyes, his frown opening to release the storm of emotions that have been festering the whole interaction. 
Only after his tears dried and the sun began peaking over the horizon did MK manage to fall asleep. 
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🍜 - I do not give permission for anyone to translate, copy, republish, or plagiarize any of my written works. I provide no permission for any of my literary works to be used in artificial intelligence. sparkle banner(s) by @adornedwithlight !!
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willowser · 4 months
I keep seeing this truck that says kiris general construction and just imagine kiri that started his own little business so its just him and his truck so he come over personally to fix things around your place
this is the cutest thing in the world 🥺🥺 and i can sooooooo see it for him too WOOF. imagine calling him to come over and fix something WOOF. you just moved into town and don't know anyone or any businesses yet, and the little old lady next door suggested "the nice young man" from kiri's construction, and when they get to your house, you open the door to see this HULKING HANDSOME MAN standing in front of you WOOOOOOF omg this is so cute
also. i can't remember if i dreamed this or not. but i swear i saw a picture of this truck that i think you sent to me. but i can't find it anywhere now. did i dream that or did you actually send me that LMAO
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bills-library · 10 days
Whoa, are you Bill but... a book? That's fascinating. What is it like being a book? A part of me wants to ask if you're edible but I'm sick of eating paper and grass.
-- @cervitaur-dipper
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hope that answered your question by the way!
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universefrogg · 9 months
Plays a new game that’s in beta: oh I like this it’s cute
Sees an NPC who is a fashion twink: oh cute
Sees another NPC but this time it’s a single father who sounds southern and works in the mines: OH NO
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tangledinink · 1 year
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smilezandmics · 6 months
hmm maybe some vaggie? ☺️
born 2 be a lovergirl forced 2 fight wars on the behest of loyalty and devotion
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withahappyrefrain · 6 months
Thanking mechanic Bob with roadhead 🥵
GOD he's still so polite, doesn't want to force you into anything you're not comfortable with.
So when your hand reaches for the button of his jeans, he asks you in complete earnest, "Whatcha doing baby?"
"Just wanna say thanks." His jeans are unbuttoned, making it much easier to slip your hand underneath his boxers.
"Oh-um-shit- you don't-dont have to-"
"I know. But I want to Robby," is all you say, smiling. It would have been a practically perfect picturesque moment of you, eyes beaming with admiration.
But then you lean over, lips making contact with the head of his cock and all of a sudden, Bob can only think about how fucking grateful he is for Cruise control.
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titaniumions · 25 days
what are your thoughts on the isolde skin?? (the jazz one)
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IT'S FABULOUS!!! i'm not sure if i can say that i like it more than her original design, which i already find to be such a banger, but seeing her perform in a different aesthetic from usual is such a treat. the silhouette and texture of the outfit is gorgeous, i like her hair and accessories too ... there's nothing bad i can say about it really. i've also seen its animations ... the way she twirls her cane???? i am so in love!!!
lastly, her having green tones on that new outfit of hers sure is an interesting choice. ehe
if you're wondering if i ever have any plans to get it. i don't Know honestly? i've never actually spent money on video games before. though i would love to have it ... hey, even if i don't it i can at least look at images of it haha
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eatyourmaker · 1 month
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They love hate each other!
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batesmotelofficial · 23 days
[ Sometimes They Come Back AU. Basically kinda based more on the movie (since I watched that). But basically when Norman and Hailey were younger (lets just say they were siblings), Hailey ends up trying to take him to the comic store, or somewhere and they walk on the train-tracks, some teens start bullying them. Next thing you know Hailey and the bullies die due to a crash and Norman’s safe. Years later Hailey appears in his english class though; and people start dying ]
*she calmly walked in, taking a seat in the empty one. She wore a pair of red converse, baggy torn jeans, and a white sweater that fit snuggly. She set her backpack down beside her chair; stretching against the back of the chair till the ache in her back was relieved. She looked over at the board; curious as to what they were learning today*
*Norman sat behind Hailey, staring at her..., horrified*
*he managed to get out as he lightly tapped her shoulder..., the black t-shirt and work shirt he had on over it fitting loosely, whilst his jeans were a little more form fitting*
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