#hehe 42 questions
productofaritual · 5 months
Day 42 of trying to get you invested in my original book "Bound By Name" by posting random fun facts!
Iron being harmful to fae/cancelling out magic isn't a previously established thing, but actually a plot point
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sen-ya · 4 months
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part 5/7
is it silly that this is my favorite in this series? i really enjoyed writing kaya and I wanna do it again at some point :')
[op comic masterpost]
[pg1] panel 2: Kaya: Oh! Dr. Law! I didn't expect to find you in our library.
panel 3: Law: K-Kaya-ya!
panel 4: Law: Uh. Ahem. Excuse me. I hope you don't mind me borrowing your books.
panel 5: Kaya: Oh of course not! I'm just shocked to hear we have books you don't! What are you studying?
panel 6: Law: UHHHHH
[pg2] panel 10: Kaya: Oh! Is someone on your crew pregnant? Ikkaku??
panel 11: Law (thinking): She doesn't know Ikkaku is trans. Does she not know that I am?? I just assumed Nose-ya would have mentioned it. But that makes sense. If Straw Hat didn't already know Nose-ya was trans it's not like I would have told him.
panel 12: Kaya: ...?
panel 13: Law (thinking): Fuck, I've been quiet too long. I can't throw Ikkaku under to bus. Just say something.
panel 14: Law: No. Kaya: Oh. Then why...? Law (thinking): Wait, shit
[pg3] panel 15: Law: My, uh...brother...'s...wife. Yeah, we're taking him back to Zou soon...because his wife is pregnant...and I...want...to help...?
panel 16: Kaya: Oh, how sweet! Congrats "Uncle Law" hehe. If you have any questions I could help with let me know!! I specialized in traumatic injury, but I did deliver a few babies in Syrup Village! On smaller islands like that you wear a lot of hats.
panel 17: Law: And you've...been pregnant. Kaya: Well, yeah, but I wasn't my own doctor! Could you imagine if I had tried to deliver the twins myself? Even a doctor needs a doctor, you know that.
panel 18: Law: ...right.
panel 19: Law: ...what...what was it like?
panel 20: Kaya: Oh, my pregnant patients were actually pretty fun! I suppose it makes sense that as a pirate ship doctor you wouldn't have had to know obstetrics. But it was always so lovely to hand a parent their--
[pg4] panel 21: Kaya: ...newborn...baby...?
panel 23: Kaya: ...I'm sorry, Dr. Law. If there's context I need you'll have to give it to me. I'm not good at guessing.
panel 24: Law: What do you mean, I just gave you context. Kaya: With all due respect, you're full crying. It's a new sight for me!
panel 25: Kaya: You can tell me what's going on! I'm told I'm a very good listener
panel 26: Law: ...You Straw Hats sure are a pain Kaya: Sorry, hehe
panel 28: Law: ...I...ahem...so number one, if you didn't know...I'm...I'm trans.
panel 29: Law: But not like your husband. He got the works from Ivankov-ya...I never felt the need to seek that out.
[pg5] panel 30: Kaya: ...I see
panel 31: Kaya: How far along are you? Law: ..12 weeks, give or take. Kaya: Well, I've provided obstetric care of all kinds. So whatever questions you're researching here...why don't you ask me instead of being your own doctor?
panel 32: Law: ...Same question. What was it like?
panel 33: Kaya: Being pregnant was a horror show!
panel 34: Law: A glowing review. Kaya: Oh, sorry! I can lie if you'd prefer!
panel 35: Kaya: I was just so sick my first trimester! Law (speaking over her): KAYA-YA I THOUGHT I WAS DYING FOR TWO WEEKS WHEN WILL IT STOP I CAN ONLY EAT RICE.
panel 36: Kaya: It's different for everyone. By the end it wasn't quite so bad for me, though. And I love my kids so much. They were such cute newborns!! So I was alright being uncomfortable for awhile. Because that's what we wanted, you know?
panel 37: Kaya (off screen): What do you and Luffy want, Dr. Law?
[pg6] panel 38: Law: ...We haven't decided yet. We're giving it to the end of the week. I'm trying to think about it rationally. But I just keep getting emotional any time I talk about it. It's strange.
panel 39: Kaya: An emotional decision and a bad decision aren't inherently synonymous, you know.
panel 40: Law: ...your bedside manner is impeccable, Dr. Kaya-ya. Kaya: Well, thank you! Next time let's meet in the infirmary, mine or yours.
panel 41: Kaya: I'll be your doctor through this, okay?
panel 42: Law: ...Okay...Thank you. Kaya: Of course!
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mehilaiselokuva · 8 days
an over-simplified guide for people who have never studied them
from real questions I have received
as I am finally qualified enough to talk about them
A language family spanning (mostly northern) Eurasia. The three biggest languages by amount of speakers are Hungarian, Finnish, and Estonian.
The Sámi languages might be the most famous of the "smaller" Uralic languages, but have you heard about Karelian? Udmurt? Hill Mari? Nganasan? There are 38~42 Uralic languages that we know as of today.
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(image description: the locations of the Uralic languages on a map. The Uralic languages span from modern-day Hungary, the northern Nordics, and northern Russia.)
Modern science links Hungarian to the Uralic languages. The links to "Altaic" (many on the field don't believe in the Altaic theory) and the Turkic languages are speculative.
No, they are a separate language family. English is more related to Russian than Finnish or Hungarian.
We still haven't figured this out, but the Uralic peoples' proposed homeland is often located north of Central Asia.
Linguistics uses many different ways to find out relations between languages. With the Uralic languages, there are many cognates (=words that come from the same root word) that exist in most languages. These words can be used to reconstruct Proto-Uralic, a hypothesis of what the original Uralic people might have spoken.
"tongue, (language)" (Finnish) kieli, (Estonian) keel, (Veps) kel', (N.Sami) giella, (Erzya) keľ, (Beserman) kål, (E.Khanty) köł, (Mator) kašte
"two" (Finnish) kaksi, (Courland Livonian) kakš, (Ter Sami) kïkktʼ, (Moksha) kafta, (Mari) kok, (Komi-Zyrian) kyk
Here are selected samples of text from a few different branches of Uralic languages:
NGANASAN: Mənə ńinti̮ˀam ńiluməni̮nə inśüδüˀ, mi̮əďindi̮ˀam hüətə. (I never sledge in my life, I always go by foot.) SELKUP: Nılʲčik qumɨp mee qontɨrämɨt čääŋka. (We have not seen such a person.) BESERMAN: Picʼi pilə̑ sʼed jə̑ rcʼijenezlə̑. (To the little boy with black hair.) MANSI: Mənə kńigaðəmtu miśiəm. (I gave him/her the book.) NORTH SÁMI: Sáhpán njuikii girjji duohken. (The mouse jumped from behind the book.) TVER KARELIAN: Mie hüviin zdaičin igzamenati miun, na felÍdšerku pandih. (I passed the exams well and I was put [to work] as a nurse.)
If you have more questions about these languages, feel free to ask me! I am no professor but am majoring in this at the university so I know more than the average person hehe
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otomehonyaku · 2 months
DIABOLIK LOVERS Haunted Dark Bridal ☽ Genteiban DVD Mini Drama Translation ☽ Side Story IV (Ayato, Reiji, Subaru)
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Original title: DIABOLIK LOVERS 限定版 SPECIAL DISK VI Side Story IV Voiced by Midorikawa Hikaru (Ayato), Konishi Katsuyuki (Reiji), Kondō Takashi (Subaru) English translation by @otomehonyaku Click here for the audio (thank you to @uzi-boozii for providing the audio!)
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Please do not reuse or post my translations elsewhere or translate my work into other languages without my permission.
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With this translation, all the Haunted Dark Bridal mini drama have been translated! The three mini drama that came with the second season of the anime, More,Blood, are up next ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡ Please look forward to them!
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[The scene begins after Subaru fed on Yui in the rose garden.]
00:00 [A loud crash sounds in the distance.]
Ayato: Subaru, what’d I always tell you? It’s way too noisy when you use so much force. Tch. Oh? This scent…? Subaru. Did you suck her blood? What’re you up to, gettin’ your hands on things that aren’t yours?
[Ayato shoves Subaru.]
Subaru: Shut up. She’s not just yours, Ayato. When the fuck was that decided?
A: If Yours Truly says it’s mine, then it is.
S: Heh. Keep on babbling.
A: The fuck did you say? Subaru. Who do you think you’re talking to?
S: Her blood isn’t your property, nor is it anyone else’s. It doesn’t matter who feeds on her.
A: Like hell it doesn’t!
[Ayato grabs Subaru by the collar.]
A: Listen up. Don’t bite her again without my permission. If you do, I’ll fuck you up.
S: Go ahead and try.
[Ayato lets Subaru go.]
S: Besides, I’m not the only one who’s after her blood. Anyone in the vicinity would want to taste her and make her theirs when her blood smells like that.
A: Anyone in the vicinity? Who the fuck else’s after Pancake?
S: Tch. You’re dense, as always.
A: Shut up and answer my question!
S: Fuck off.
A: You asshole!
Reiji: What is going on here? The two of you are too loud. Fighting and bickering like children. It would do you good to think rationally for once, but that begs the question whether your simple minds even know what the word ‘rational’ means…
A: Reiji. I don’t even know what you’re yapping about, but Subaru went ahead and got his filthy hands on my Pancake.
S: Heh. Is that all you can say now, Ayato? Stop repeating the same idiotic thing.
A: The fuck?
R: Ah, Subaru, mind your words. Ayato is right to be upset.
A: See? I told ya!
R: Besides, Ayato. You are the elder brother here, so please keep yourself in check.
A: Fuck off! Don’t order me around!
R: You too, Subaru. You broke the door again, I see… Please refrain from recklessly destroying our things.
02:27 S: What? What’re you meddling in my business for now?
R: I must.
A: And why’s that? Don’t you always tell us to solve our brotherly issues by ourselves?
R: Indeed. That is the case under normal circumstances. However, these are no circumstances for petty brotherly quarrels.
A: What do you mean?
R: Ah. I expected the two of you to already know, but… Ayato. Subaru. Would you look at yourselves in the mirror?
S: Huh?
A: Why?
[Ayato and Subaru look in the mirror. They are surprised by their reflections.]
R: Do you understand now? Your irises are bright-red. You are acting on the unconscious and you are no longer able to control your vampiric impulses.
A: How’d this happen?
S: This makes no sense…
R: It cannot be helped. Her blood is at fault.
S: So that means it’s true. Her awakening is near. 
R: It seems that way.
03:42 A: That makes sense, then. It’s completely different from when she first came here. Even when I only drank a little of her blood, I could feel the power coursing through my body. Almost as if my body wasn’t my own.
S: Yeah. I’ve never tasted blood like hers before. She’s damn near irresistible.
A: Hehe. I won’t hand her over to anyone else. I’ve never felt so strongly that Pancake’s blood is mine. 
S: Never, really? It doesn’t sound any different from what you usually say. You’re just raising hell as you always do.
A: Subaru. You’re pretty cocky for the baby brother of the family. Stop complaining about everything I say.
S: 'Cocky'? That’s lame.
R: Hold on, you two. Subaru. You said she is irresistible. Irresistible how, exactly?
S: Huh? Tch… I want to make her mine, but… there’s something about her blood that’s making me think that way.
R: I see. 
A: That’s the reason? Laito and Kanato tried to pick a fight with me for the same reason. So that means her blood’s driving all of us mad?
R: That seems to be the case. Her blood, so close to awakening, is strong enough to drive us mad. And the ones who know that full well are Richter… and Cordelia.
05:30 A: What?
S: Richter’s been here often lately. So that’s why?
A: They’re scheming something?
R: The fact that Richter showed up right around the time of her awakening is suspicious. It simply cannot be a coincidence. Whatever he is scheming, we cannot let the two of them do as they please. Besides… I wonder whether Richter and Cordelia even share the same goal. They might not. We must find out.
A: So Richter is doing that bitch’s bidding. They probably have the same goal.
R: I wonder about that, because if they share the same goal, they are certainly beating around the bush.
S: They wouldn’t be working together if they didn’t share the same goal, right?
R: If they shared a larger goal, even superficially, they could simply be siding with each other as allies. Well, whatever the case, they came to the Sakamaki house even though they have no reason to be here, so if their scheme involves us, I will not stand idly by.
A: I don’t give a shit about what they’re scheming, but the thought of letting them do as they please really pisses me off.
S: Yeah.
07:03 R: It seems as though you still have not realised the gravity of the situation, Ayato. This is not a matter of this house. It is a Sakamaki family matter.
S: What’s that, Reiji? Are you telling us to improve our brotherly relationship?
A: That’s clearly impossible. D’you eat something strange, Reiji?
R: Not at all. I should not have to tell you this, but of all people, I should know. I am all for solving issues by myself, but in this case, there is no time.
S: Huh?
R: She is just about to awaken.
S: Well, we know that.
R: Take a look.
[Reiji opens the curtains.]
R: A moon this red… I have never seen it before.
S: A blood moon…
R: Whatever the case, we must make a move quickly. Her awakened blood has us at her mercy. It takes all reason away from us. It even poses the danger of making us lose control of ourselves.
S: That’s because no sacrificial bride has ever lived to see her awakening until now. Are you saying we have no idea what we’re up against?
08:26 R: That, too, must be part of Richter and Cordelia’s plan. To make us brothers fight over her awakened blood and lure us into killing one another. It takes away the need for them to get their hands dirty.
A: Hm. Seems like something they’d cook up.
S: Richter only needs to drive Cordelia out of this mansion, though.
A: That’s difficult with that bitch on his side.
R: Heh, indeed. So long as they are limited to this mansion, we must exploit that limitation.
A: Exploit it how?
R: Considering that they are too incompetent to accomplish anything, it seems quite extreme for the Sakamaki family to be their target. I know a way–my own, personal way–to make them regret it.
S: Heh. That sounds just the same as your complaining. I also feel a big change coming on, though. However, that doesn’t mean I’ll get along with you. I’ll do this my own way.
A: Hey, Subaru. Where’re you going?
[Subaru leaves the room.]
09:45 A: Huh. He straight-up ignored me. He pisses me off. Fuck. Ah, I’m fucking parched…
R: Did you not feed on her just now? Is her blood really driving us mad after all?
[Ayato starts to walk away.]
R: Ayato. Where are you going?
A: Fuck off. Where I’m goin’ is none of your business.
[Ayato leaves the room.]
R: Good grief. It seems impossible for us brothers to work together. Oh, well. I have never put much faith in their strength to begin with. I will do this my own way.
[Reiji heads into his laboratory. He is brewing something.]
R: If I can succeed in making this tincture, then… Heh. I will not let them do with her as they please any longer.
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xi1dius · 1 month
April fools!
summary: it’s april fools and the base is pranking simon.. 😨
tw: none rlly, just some crazy ass men and an angry simon >:)
i got this idea last night… i don’t wanna spoil it (i’ll add pictures at the end.. hehe)
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March 20th, 17:06.
It had been a pretty relaxed day for most, Price, Soap and Gaz where the only ones on the base, due to Ghost being off on a deployment of sorts — he was helping with the selection course for new SAS recruits, then coming back. He was coming back on April 1st.
“Hey, It’s April fools on the day Ghost gets back, right?” Gaz spoke up as he lay on the sofa upside down, staring out the window and the bleak and cloudy day. “Yes, Kyle. it is. what are you thinking?” Price quickly replied, moving to sit down next to him, leaning over to rest his elbows on his knees to look out the window himself with a raised eyebrow.
“We should prank Ghost, he’ll be livid.” Soap chuckled as he walked in, having overheard their conversation. The men, now all sat together, contemplated Soaps words before all locking eyes and nodding. “But what do we do?” Price questioned, causing Gaz and Soap to pull out their phones.
March 25, 19:36, a week before Ghost is scheduled to be back at base.
“I got it!” Soap suddenly called out, holding out his phone to the other two to look at. Everyone quickly began wheezing at the idea and nodding a long, this was going to be priceless..
April 1st, 21:42
Ghost finally got back to the base, aching like mad. It was cool to be on the other side of the Selection Course BUT it definitely left him tired and pained. he hopped out the helicopter and stretched out, deeply in need of a massage.. not that he’d let anyone do that. Maybe Soap. Maybe.
The Lieutenant yawned and pushed his way into the compound. After discarding most his gear in the armoury, he tiredly walked through the corridors and made his way to the barracks. he could only assume the others where in the common room or mess hall, Ghost really needed a break from people though.
He let out a low sigh, walking into his barracks. he slumped his duffel bag to the floor and slipped off his boots and mask, resting them on the table in his little living space. Ghost then unclipped any gear he hadn't discarded in the Armoury, hanging it up before pushing his bedroom door open.
His jaw dropped to the fucking floor.
His bedsheets weren’t their normal plain white, thin. no. no they had his face. absolutely giant. over the duvet and pillows. was he going insane?!
Ghost had completely forgotten about April fools.. good lord. This had to be a joke, right?!
He quickly pulled his mask back on and stormed downstairs — even more livid as he saw any and all pictures they had anywhere where HIS. FUCKING. FACE. — into the common rooms, pushing the door open, he found Price and Gaz looking at Soap, one leg on the table as he wore a kilt-like-skirt with the same fucking imprint.. Ghost then turned to the sofa, all the pillows, again, had his face on.
“what the fuck?!” The behemoth of a man bellowed to his teammates. they just raised an eyebrow like this was so normal and they haven't plastered his face everywhere. Ghost scowled, turned round and stormed off, only to hear the faint laughter of his teammates behind him.
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this is what gave me the idea.. 😂
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a-d-nox · 1 year
Random question. Which persona charts (or any other Astro placements) highlights a persons strengths, weaknesses, personal development, and path to self improvement?? Thank you.
how to discover your strengths, weaknesses, and how to improve using asteroid persona charts
i smiled when i read "random question" i was like oh boy... they are gonna ask me what my favorite color or type of potato is... NOPE this question is not random at all for this blog. i'm going to work off of what i already have posted (no asteroids discussed after this post will be added after the posted date).
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strengths (check the jupiter placement/aspects and sagittarius/pisces ruled houses for the following asteroid persona charts)
abundantia (151): where you are most abundant in life and receive a bunch of gifts while also rewarding others
achaemenides (5126): he had a strong power of will and was capable of perseverance
atalanta (36): strengths/capabilities as a woman - breaking the norms of gender expectations
constantia (315): consistency often breeds success and strengths
hehe (200002): where you have a lot of harmony/positivity in life
heracles (5143): what tasks you completed / will complete because you are strong and determined
hilaritas (996): resilience despite everything around you going poorly
lysistrata (897): leadership qualities and power over a group
themis (24): power and ability to see right from wrong
weakness (check the saturn placement/aspects and capricorn/aquarius ruled houses for the following asteroid persona charts)
achilles (588): a flaw you have that can break you down if not improved upon
cucula (2731): repetition and routine is often a person's greatest weakness (i say this as someone who studied forensic psychology with a lead investigator who works with serial killers)
icarus (1566): a mindset that could lead to your demise
lacrimosa (208): thoughts/experiences that hold you back because you are still upset over them
midas (1981): where your life is set to change from riches to rags because of greed
narcissus (37117): where your selfishness is your weakness/flaw
niobe (71): where you are too cocky and you experience a downfall because of it
tantalus (2102): where your superior mentality holds you back
how to improve (check the jupiter placement/aspects and sagittarius/pisces ruled houses for the following asteroid persona charts)
ambrosia (193): the food of the gods - the more you eat the more immortal you become - the more you act in this area (these areas) the better life gets for you
chiron (2060): he was the wounded healer - if anyone knows about improving it is him
dante (2999): dante journeyed from hell to heaven to be good enough for beatrice - it can show you the improvement(s) you make for others / those you love
eureka (5261): a discovery that can change your life
isis (42): how you can heal
karma (3811): the balancing factor in your life
medusa (149): how you can turn your bad actions around to receive remorse from others
odin (3989) / wodan (2155): what you'd do to learn how to improve
pandora (55): the balance of positives and negatives in your life
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like what you read? leave a tip and state what post it is for! please use my "suggest a post topic" button if you want to see a specific post or mythical asteroid next!
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© a-d-nox 2023 all rights reserved
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yuzurujenn · 11 months
[2023.11.11] AERA Special Edition - 100 Q&A with Yuzuru Hanyu
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1. What time do you wake up in the morning?
This morning? 12:30pm.
2. Is it always like that?
It’s usually around 6pm.
3. The first words uttered when you wake up in the morning. Is it “sleepy”?
“Sleepy” maybe.
4. The first thing you do when you wake up in the morning.
Put away the futon.
5. The last thing you ate.
Tofu! It was a cold one.
6. The ideal way to spend your holidays.
Wake up, play games, and sleep (laughs). Then, um, wake up again, eat when I’m hungry, lie down and go back to sleep again.
7. The ideal breakfast.
I wonder.. break and milk.
8. What kind of dinner makes you excited?
9. What do you keep in mind to manage your physical condition?
I keep additives at a minimum. It’s hard to avoid them, but I’m trying to reduce it.
10. How do you spend your time on the shinkansen? Check SNS? Sleep?
11. A dream you had recently.
It’s a scary one, I had a dream of jumping into the lake.
12. Why the lake?
I was being chased by some scary people, their faces were covered in mosaics. Felt like these people were trying to kill me, so I jumped into a lake.
13. What would you end up buying at the convenience store?
14. What kind of pudding you prefer? Firm or soft?
15. Favourite app.
App. I wonder what it is, Pass! I can’t say (laughs).
16. Do you drink alcohol?
I can’t drink alcohol. Allergy.
17. What do you want to be if you are reborn?
Human! Preferably myself.
18. Sweet things, spicy things, bitter things, and sour things. Which do you like?
I guess something sweet.
19. When you’re feeling down, what do you do?
Just dance according to the music.
20. Mountain or sea, which do you prefer?
21. If you could shout something from the top of the mountain?
“Yay!” Or something? Hahaha.
22. Who do you talk to when you are feeling troubled?
Myself. Or listen to music.
23. Favourite time of the day.
5 or 6 o’clock in the morning.
24. Why that time of the day?
It depends on the seasons, but the sun will rise around this time. On cloudy days, although the sun will rise, it will be a bit dim. But it’s not a sinking feeling since it’s sunrise, I like that kind of gloomy morning.
25. Frequently used emoji.
What is it? Cry 😭! (Use both hands to express). I use this a lot.
26. Favourite animal.
27. If you were to get a cat, what name would you give it?
Milk. Because what comes to mind right now is a white cat.
28. Yuzuru Hanyu expressed in one kanji character.
Well, this is a difficult question. I’ll leave this for later!
29. What do you do to boost your spirit?
Take caffeine.
30. How do you take it?
I will drink something, like energy drink.
31. A habit you want to fix.
Staying up late.
32. What’s a word you always end up saying?
Sou desu ne (Indeed/I See).
33. Do you believe in fortune telling?
I do. Hehe.
34. A place you would like to go.
Ise Jingu and Izumo Taisha.
35. Have you been there before?
I went to Ise Jingu once on my way home from an ice show. It was amazing, I felt a lot of energy and power there. I'd like to go there again.
36. Favourite place?
37. What’s good about Sendai?
It’s a place where the city and forest can co-exist.
38. Speaking of Sendai?
39. What would you do if you had a different job for just one day?
Occupation? One day only. Um, programmer!
40. Do you have any programming experience?
I took programming classes when I was in college, and I’ve been doing it a little bit since. I think it would be fun to do something like that.
41. If you have 10 minutes free time?
Play game!
42. What game?
Now I’m playing “Fire Emblem”.
43. The best movie you’ve seen.
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time.
44. Something that makes you think “This is just impossible”.
Bell pepper.
45. An episode with bell pepper.
During the ice show the other day the hotel caterer served us curry. Before the actual performance, I can’t eat curry at all because it’s a bit heavy for me. However, I thought I might be able to eat it before rehearsal the night before, so I went to eat it and found that it had bell pepper in it. I was in shock, I couldn’t recover from it. Even though it’s curry, it had bell pepper in it! There were only red and yellow bell peppers (laughs).
46. Do you prefer to eat your favourite food first, or last?
Divide it, and eat it the first and the last.
47. Your favourite dagashi (penny candy).
Um, gummies. Are gummies dagashi? Not sure?
48. Would you put them as dagashi?
And then, there’s that soda candy. Big one. Tastes like cola. Sometimes with gum in them. I like that.
49. Something that surprised you recently.
Nothing much. However, that dream surprised me though, I was thinking “I’m going to be killed” (laughs)
50. Is there anything surprised you in real life?
Ah yes, bugs! Just at the entrance of my house, there was a relatively rare scarab called the Polyphylla albolineata (Motschulsky). I poked it with my hand to see what it was, and it made a loud sound, which shocked me (laughs). First time seeing that kind of bug.
51. Favourite scent?
I like chamomile and jasmine.
52. Favourite bento side dish?
Karaage (fried chicken).
53. Favourite tea?
Early grey.
54. Favourite ingredient in miso soup?
55. Favourite onigiri filling?
Now I like kombu!
56. Favourite sandwich filling?
57. Favourite meat?
Pork belly!
58. Favourite drink?
Dr. Pepper.
59. Favourite colour?
It depends on the time and occasion, but right now it’s yellow-green.
60. Favourite manga?
What manga would I recommend. There are quite a few, but hmm, I wonder what is it now. Tokyo Ghoul, I guess.
61. Favourite flower?
I wonder... Hydrangea!
62. Artists you’re interested in recently?
I'm feeling troubled. I don’t want to say who is popular (laughs), but ah, what should I do. Mrs. GREEN APPLE!
63. Your favourite toy as a child?
Jungle gym.
64. Do you like being at the top?
I like the top. I think I fell down once when I was a kid though.
65. Were you okay?
It’s a small jungle gym for home use. I seemed to have hit somewhere. Hit the forehead.
66. Recommended Youtube channel?
“HANYU YUZURU” hahaha.
67. Important words?
Daijoubu (It’s okay).
68. The moment you felt glad that you were skating?
Probably when I could move as my heart dictates.
69. If you could only bring one thing with you to an uninhabited island?
Knife? As long as you have a knife, you can always find a way.
70. If you can take a week off starting tomorrow?
Play games!
71. If tomorrow is the end of the world, what would you want to eat?
Gyoza. It’s all about gyoza (laughs).
72. What would you buy as a gift for yourself?
73. Describe your personality in one word.
Well, weird. Hahaha.
74. Why do you feel you are like a weird person?
I didn’t feel like I was weird at all originally, but recently I took on a lot of various jobs, and when I was being interviewed, I thought, “I’m such a weirdo”.
75. What was the moment that you felt that being weird is good too?
Because I am weird, I think about many different things and observe and make progress from a different perspective than others. Based on this, I don’t think it is a derogatory term, but after all I was a bit shocked to realise I am different from others (laughs).
76. Favourite number.
77. Favourite novel.
キマイラ (Kimaira). I don’t reach much novels, but I’ve read quite a lot of the Kimaira series.
78. How big is the largest Pooh that you own?
(Opening his arms) About this big? It should be this big. Is it about 1 meter, or 80 centimetres?
79. What about the smallest Pooh?
That would be the Tsum-Tsum, the plastic kind, there’s a very small one, almost 2cm, the stacking kind.
80. If you’re not a figure skater, what would you be?
A baseball player. I liked baseball more (laughs).
81. A costume you want to try on for Halloween.
82. When did you have your first cell phone?
No, I don’t have one.
83. How do you check SNS?
Although I have been using an iPod touch, it has been discontinued. Now I’m using an iPhone without a SIM card. Since I’ve never used a cell phone, I don’t have a number.
84. If you could get one thing, what would it be?
I wonder. Hmm… I guess I rather get it on my own than receiving it.
85. What kind of nerd (otaku) are you?
86. What is your specialty dish?
Frozen gyoza (laughs).
87. What kind of illustrations are you good at?
I can’t draw Pooh. Ah, but I may have drawn all kinds of wings, and skates.
88. Things you tend to collect.
Just earphones, and gyoza (laughs).
89. Something you always keep in mind.
Never forget your original intention.
90. Words that you dislike.
Right. There is, but I wonder what it is. “Uncool” is definitely something I don’t want to be told.
91. A relaxing moment.
When I’m in the futon, lying on my stomach and squeezing the pillow.
92. How do you spend your birthday?
I was hardly in Japan for my birthday. There was always the Grand Prix Final, and when I couldn’t go, it’s usually because I was injured or sick.
93. On your 28th birthday after turning professional, how did you spend it?
I felt like it was the first time I could spend some time at home. Yeah. It’s like “I’m not fidgeting!” Moreover, I was not injured and not in a bad shape. That’s what I was thinking.
94. Were you also off work?
There’s a program called “Classic TV” with Shinya Kiyozuka, and there was a recording of it. However, even though there was a recording session, I was able to spend time at home.
95. You will be 29 years old this year. What kind of year would you like to have?
Well, for now, I would like to continue my research and study.
96. What kind of research and study?
Acting and expression techniques. I want to learn more about those things, and also learn more skating techniques.
97. What do you want to do when you turn 30?
For now, continue jumping quads. Like, “I can jump!” hahaha.
98. What will you be doing in 10 years?
I wonder if I will still be skating. My goal is to maintain my health and reduce the risk of injury as much as possible so that I can still skate 10 years from now.
99. Once again, “Yuzuru Hanyu” expressed in one kanji character.
Hmm. Core, I guess. I absolutely do not want to waver.
100. Lastly, what would you like to ask your fans?
Am I living up to your expectations?
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Source: Own image
Info: https://x.com/AERAnetjp/status/1708679949245100224
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philosophiums · 3 months
hi sam!! 1, 2, 6, 8, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 30, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 50, 51, 55, 57, 66 (lmhs), 71, 72, 76, 78, 79 😊 i just love picking another writer's brain hehe
KSJDBVJKDFBV MARIAM IM CRYING HELP 😂 *cracks knuckles* okay let's gooooo 💜 (there's gonna be a read more somewhere)
questions from here!
1. Do you daydream a lot before you write, or go for it as soon as the ideas strike?
Truly depends on the length of the wip! For short stuff that I'm confident will be under 10k, I just go in swinging. For longer stuff, I'm daydreaming constantly, even during the writing process. When I had a desk job, I would spend Work Time thinking and then write stuff out in my notes app, but now that I operate a moving vehicle for 7+ hours a day, I just spend the majority of that time Daydreaming, Thinking, and Planning for LMHS.
2. Where do you get your fic ideas?
It's about a 60/40 split between original thoughts (as much as anyone can claim to truly have original creative thoughts that are 100% not inspired by anything else) and ideas that are based on or inspired by the premises of other fics or by fanart (sometimes not even from the same fandom).
6. What’s the last line you wrote?
From LMHS, last line of chapter 3: "Sun shining on their backs, sweet snacks in their stomachs, and laughter in the air, the three of them take off together, venturing once again deeper into Changyin’s busy streets."
8. Post an out-of-context spoiler from a wip.
Not written out yet so I can't post a snippet, but in LMHS, water is so important to Megumi's character, way beyond just bending.
12. Do you outline your fics?  If yes, how detailed are your outlines?  How far do you stray from them?
Sometimes! I did outline LMHS, though that was mostly an attempt on my part at keeping track of all the thoughts @hinamie and I were throwing at each other. It's not very detailed at all, just a bullet point list of things like "they travel to [location] - remember that [this character] is with them" or stuff like that. It's a guide for the like... movement™ of the fic, but less so the nitty gritty details, which I kind of enjoy discovering as I go (be it while I'm writing or while Hina and I are talking). But the last long fic I wrote (250k) did not have an outline. I just followed my heart and the vision I had of the end of the fic <3 The back half of that fic did have a canon timeline to follow, though, which made it easier.
14. What is your favorite location and position to write in?
SJKDBJKSDB I do about 95% of my writing in a big leather wingback armchair in my living room, usually with one leg hooked over an arm of the chair. The other 5% is bleary-eyed, 2am in bed, notes app, half-finished sentences with just the worst spelling you've ever seen.
15. What’s your favorite time to write?
It used to be between 1am and 3am, back when I was unemployed/working a job I didn't have to properly sleep for. Now, the only time I seem to be able to write is from about 8:30pm to 11pm. It takes me forever to unwind after coming home, so I can really only get myself to focus way at the end of the day. 100% if I went back to a desk job or stumbled into a pile of money that could let me stop working, I'd be right back to typing away well after midnight.
17. Do you have a writing routine?
Sit down > open word doc > reread last paragraph > dissociate > walk away > come back three hours later and write SKJDVBDKJBVJKDFBV
18. Do you enjoy research?  Which fic of yours required the most research?
I don't necessarily enjoy it, mostly because when I'm researching, I tend to get pulled down a rabbit hole of stuff I don't need to know and will never use. However, I do find that I end up doing impromptu "shotgun" research a lot while writing. Literally while writing the first chapter of LMHS, I had to pull up some research on trees just to make absolutely sure I was describing something correctly. It's 100% an inconsequential detail, but at least I know I wasn't pulling it completely out of thin air KSJVDBDKJVB I don't think I could honestly say which fic required the most research. If we include the amount of time I spent on the respective fandom wikis for character/canon details, then Swallow the Stars for sure. But if it's only for Other Stuff™, then I think they're all about equal.
19. Do you enjoy creating OCs or do you prefer to stick solely to canon characters?
I love making OCs in general, but not really for fanfic. I'll make an OC for an inconsequential side character no problem (did this a couple times in Swallow the Stars), but, for the most part, I prefer to stick to canon characters. I've never written a fic from the POV of an OC, and I doubt I ever will. I would much rather explore the dynamics between canon characters than insert a new main character into a story that already has one.
22. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process?  How do you come up with titles?
Depends! I've done all three before SKJDVBDKJVBF Sometimes, a title comes to me right away, and I can sort of circle around it while I'm writing (this is more common for me with short fics). Sometimes, I get a few thousands words in, and have played with the themes long enough to have it just sort of come to me. Other times, I'm fully edited and just staring at the words begging a title to appear so I can post KSJDVBDKJFVBDFV LMHS had a title before I even started writing, because I wanted to have a title when I posted the fic announcement. As far as how I come up with them, I've pulled directly from words in the fic, I've gone on random quote generators and pulled from those, I've sat down and literally just strung words together based on a theme or a single specific word I wanted (LMHS, for instance, came from a desire to use the word "haunt"). It just kinda depends and is different for every fic!
23. Is writing the beginning, middle, or end of the story easiest? Hardest?
The beginning is easiest because it's fun character introductions and scene setting, not a lot of plot yet. The middle is by far the hardest because that's where the plot is beefiest and where a lot of the transition spaces are, and at the same time you're starting to gather up the threads you want to tie off at the end.
24. How do you choose whose POV to write in?
I choose based on whose thoughts I'm imagining most when I'm first thinking of the story! When I'm new to writing for a fandom, I will sometimes have to start a fic 2 or 3 times to find the voice that comes easiest to me, though. I have a tendency to lean towards the quieter characters, but that's not always true! For example, Andrew Minyard's POV is easier for me to write in, but I have more fun writing Neil, so I tend to gravitate towards Neil for AFTG fics.
25. What’s your favorite part of the writing process (worldbuilding, brainstorming/outlining, writing, editing, etc)?
World building my beloved..... I love coming up with Reasons for things that I want to happen, tying things into the setting and the history and making sure it works for the characters as well. The moment when everything connects is so magical.
26. What’s your least favorite part of the writing process?
Writing KJDBKJDFBVJKDBFV Words are just.... so hard 😭
28. What area of writing do you want to improve in?
Detailing! Descriptions! I am constantly fighting with myself over how much detail I actually need to include in my descriptions, because on some level, I want to describe it as much as I possibly can so that it can be envisioned easier, but on the flip side I know for a fact that no matter how much I describe something, no one will ever see it exactly the same way I do. And so then I pull back too far, I think, and keep my descriptions bare minimum, which I think is just as unhelpful. I need to work on finding a balance. Maybe metaphor can be my friend here.....
30. How much do you edit your fics?  Do you edit as you write or wait until you finish the first draft?
I usually go through for edits a minimum of two times and a maximum of 4 times. I always do an initial read-through for details that I missed or clarifications I need to make or continuity problems, stuff like that. Then I'll go through for grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, etc. If I end up rewriting a lot during that second edit, I'll go back through yet again just to double-check everything. And, more often than not, I do a last read-through right before I post. Though, inevitably, there's always something that I don't catch until it's already posted KJSBDVKDJBV
42. What’s your favorite title that you’ve come up with?
I'm really quite keen on Like the Moon Haunts the Sun !! It's longer than what I usually go for with titles, but it's sooooo thematically fitting and just really really pretty imo. But, This Is What Hollows holds a special place in my heart because it's a bit different and yet perfectly fitting for that fic. Plus, it was titled loooong before I came up with a way to include it in the actual writing of the fic, and I felt like an absolute genius when I managed to do that organically.
43. Is there a trope or idea that you’d really like to write but haven’t yet?
I have a world mostly built for a fantasy setting with dragon gods and stuff that I've planned out all the lore for and yet cannot for the life of me actually think up a plot that would be interesting to write SKJVBDJKVB I have characters, I have setting, I have themes, but a plot? Evading me. And it's been haunting me for like 7 years.
44. What is your favorite genre to write?
Urban fantasy 100%!! I love writing magic systems without having to do historical research SKJBDVKJDVB Also just the idea of magic in a place that we live in is so special to me like... there is magic everywhere in the world, but sometimes that magic really does come from a spell book like Yes Please.
45. What genre/trope do you tend to write the most?
Found family trope my beloved,,,,,,,, don't look too closely at it; it doesn't say anything about me as a person I Promise.
47. Is there a trope that you’ve written before but are now sick of?
Not a trope, but when I was younger and Working Through Some Shit, I included a, I guess, circumstance™ that I will not actually say (bc it's like. triggering) in just about every fic I wrote, but I'm past the point now (thank god) of needing to vent through it, so I truly don't think I'll ever include it in anything ever again.
50. How would you describe your writing style?
HHHHHHH I have no idea. I think I am incapable of looking at my writing objectively enough to describe it.
51. Does what you like to write differ from what you like to read?
Very much so! I love reading prose that is rich in metaphor and simile, but for the life of me I can't write like that. I don't have the gift of constantly being able to turn a phrase so beautifully, but god is it gorgeous to read.
55. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics?  Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
I don't even want to think about the words and phrases I overuse because I'm sure there's plenty JSKDBVKJDFVB I do have a recurring theme of like... healing, though. This deep inner struggle of the characters to get to a better place is just... so important to me. I want them to heal, but more than that I want them to want to heal.
57. How conscious are you about including symbolism or foreshadowing in your fics?
I'm certainly conscious of it, but less so on the first draft. I think foreshadowing has a way of sneaking into my writing naturally (especially because I write chronologically), and then I can really hammer it in during the edit. Symbolism is purely being brought in during the first edit unless it's something so important that it was underlined a lot during the drafting/planning stage.
66. What’s a fun fact about LMHS?
It started as me just randomly thinking about ATLA and sending a question to Hina about what she thought the main trio's bending elements would be, and it just tumbled out of control from there SKJDVBDJKVFB
71. Do you spend more time reading or writing?
Writing, which is... saying something because I really don't spend a lot of time writing on a day-to-day basis. But I haven't read a published book in.... 4 years? And I don't read fanfic very often either, despite my bookmarks tab being overflowing with fics that I would like to read at some point. I just feel like I never have the time or energy to sit down and read.
72. What’s your favorite writing compliment you’ve gotten?
I have gotten a similar comment from multiple people that is about my characterization of canon characters within AUs and how it still feels like the canon characters but with realistic changes based on a different setting, and in fic writing I can't think of higher praise. Like... that's exactly what I want. I don't want the characters to be exactly the same as canon because their circumstances have changed, but I still want them to be recognizable. That's always what I'm striving for, and it makes me happy that people notice and think it's executed well enough to comment on.
76. How do you deal with writing pressure, whether internal or external?
Poorly KDEJVBKJDEFVBJKDFVBJF Really though, I struggle managing pressure when I'm writing. And it's always internal, because external pressure on fics just makes me petty since it's Free Labor, and people who complain about a slow upload schedule or whatever just make me Mad. But internal pressure is HHHHHHHHHH I am Going Through It with LMHS. I want it to live up to expectations, but I also want to finish it quickly, but I also want it to be lush and complete, and there's always this voice in my head telling me I'm not writing fast enough or good enough. Mostly I work past it by reminding myself that the time will pass anyway and that it's a miracle that I can even write ~1k words a day with how tired my job makes me. And on the days when that doesn't work, I have loud music KSJDVBDKJVBJDKFV
78. What motivates you during the writing process?
Up to the point where I start posting (for my last long fic, I was >100k in before I uploaded the first chapter), the motivation comes from a simple desire to write that particular story. For me, it can't come from anywhere else. If I don't want to write on a fic anymore and I haven't uploaded yet, I'll just stop. However, once I start posting, comments and general interaction with the fic gives me a huge bump in motivation. Engagement and talking about the story and the characters and the plot just makes me so excited to keep going so that I can drop the next plot twist or cliffhanger and read everyone's reactions. This time, for LMHS, I am very very lucky to have my own personal cheer squad of one (Hina) motivating me daily through memes and character discussion and new pieces of art and other various things <3
79. Do you have any writing advice you want to share?
The best actual constructive writing advice that I can give is: Do Not Edit Something Until You're Done. And yes, I mean the entire story - do not go back and reread/rewrite until you're done with it. Nothing will make your forward momentum disappear faster than going back to edit. If you're too hung up on details and perfection right away, you're never going to get done. You have to just write and accept that things will need to be reworked. Make notes for yourself on things to fix later or whatever, just do not scroll back up and start editing before you're done with something. It will only make you disappointed that where you pick up again isn't going to look as nice as what you just edited.
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sheirukitriesfandom · 3 months
WIP Whenever
42 days ago (hehe, yeaaah 😅) @elavoria tagged me for WIP Wednesday. It's not Wednesday but at this point it doesn't really matter, does it?
Ambarys Rendar and Savos Aren from the upcoming chapter of Windhelm Woes:
“Business as usual in a miserable stinking city full of miserable stinking people, Sera Aren. Which begs the question: what brings you here? Word is you don’t even leave the college these days.” He noticed Savos’ satchels and bags and smiled. “Ah, Nevermind. The old grump must’ve been happy to sell you half his inventory. How long until you gain partial ownership?”
“Nurelion would sooner croak than give up even a single board of his shop—not that I’d want him to; I’m busy enough as is.” Savos gave a tired laugh. “Anyhow, do you have a space for my companion and me? We, er, got kicked out of Candlehearth Hall.”
Tagging: @elavoria @nostalgic-breton-girl @dirty-bosmer @rakaiawriter @skyrim-forever and @thequeenofthewinter
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yakuzacanons · 1 year
Please, more Majima content 😭 I want some age gap headcanons where the reader is 22 and he's 42, making people around them question why the young lady is with a man twice her age. Maybe they're walking together in public and Majima overhears some judgemental and nasty comments made about him and the reader comforts him through it because he gets uncomfortable and self-conscious 🥺
Ahhhh I love this, as someone in a similar age range in comparison to Majima and him being my absolute favorite, this idea makes my brain go brrrrr in the best way. Thank you sweet anon, headcanon is under the cut, hope you like it! It's a long one so I apologize in advance but I had so much fun making it hehe.
Majima will honestly never understand why you picked him. He'll always be asking himself how he got so lucky. At the same time he'll also wonder if he really deserves it. He will try not to let it bother him but it's always something in the back of his mind.
The most common comments are things like "Isn't he a little too old for her?" or "What's she doing with a man like that?". You get some weird glances from strangers. This makes Majima tighten his grip around your hand or around your waist, an obvious tell that he's trying not to let it get to him.
He will try to not engage in physical violence as a response because he knows that's not the solution and he doesn't want you to see him as just some violent beast. Instead, he'll spit out some retort before grabbing your hand and briskly walking away, clearly still upset.
He will try to not bring it up to you whenever he feels this way. Majima already feels that he's a bit of a burden in more ways than one: his age, his job, even the fact that he's missing an eye feels burdensome in his mind. How could someone ever love a man like this? Secretly, he worries that all these factors will drive you away one day so he doesn't want to add fuel to that fire by bringing you down with how he feels about the age gap.
Eventually, his feelings will boil over. You'll find him looking dejected, probably smoking out the window, unable to sleep. If you ask what's going on, he'll immediately know that you know and that's when he'll break.
Majima won't necessarily cry, but he'll sigh deeply and say something like "I just want ya to be happy. Sometimes I wonder if I can give ya the happiness ya deserve. Maybe I'm just bein' selfish... keeping ya all to myself." He'll turn to hide his face in embarrassment, ashamed of how he feels.
Once he feels your arms wrap around him, holding him tight with your face pressed against his back, his heart will just melt. It's true, he does think he's being selfish. Sometimes he wonders if everyone else is right and if you'd be better off with someone younger, someone your age. But damn if it didn't feel good to have you right there next to him. In that exact moment, his worries just wash away. He feels like he can do anything, be anyone. That's just the effect you have on him. Your presence alone makes him feel like a man reborn.
He'll close his eyes and exhale before putting out his cigarette and turning around to face you. Regardless of how you choose to console him, he'll still ask if you're sure this is what you want. Secretly, Majima yearns the most to be wanted and loved. Once reassured he'll just pull you in and hold you tightly, so close to him that it's almost suffocating.
The truth is Majima can't stand the thought of letting you go. The Mad Dog has been so independent by necessity for so long that he's terrified of letting that guard down, letting anyone in, needing anyone at all. You changed that and it feels so good that he's scared to lose it, scared to lose you. Your tender reassurance calms him, it puts the Mad Dog to sleep, and for once, Majima feels like he can breathe deeply and fully.
All those years ago, Majima swore he'd live his life for him, do things his way. When you came into his life, it was the first time since Makoto that he felt he really had something to lose. That's when the thoughts of other people started to get to him. Truthfully, you love his fearlessness the most. You admire his boldness, his loyalty, how he never stands down, the way he tries everything once and does anything for those he loves. You'll remind him of this, reminding him that it doesn't matter what anyone thinks. Age gap or no age gap, you're his and he's yours.
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passive-nightmaresans · 2 months
Btw here's the numbers I want you to answer the questions to:
3. do you miss anyone?
5. is there anyone who can always make you smile?
7. what was your life like last year?
13. how do you feel right now?
20. what is your favourite song at the moment?
28. i’ll love you if…
30. favourite tv show(s)
42. favourite book(s)
49. where i want to be right now
55. tumblr friends
56. favourite food(s)
And 57. favourite animal(s)
3. That one friend I had in elementary that I'm still wondering if I had a crush on.
5. Every time my moots talk to me or post!!!! SIMPLY YOU EXISTING MAKES ME SMILE!!!
7. Hmmm this is hard .. I guess kinda sad? I had a big loss and had to move but near the end I was really happy with a bunch of my new friends!
13. Pretty good! Listening to a song I really like! Hansel by Sodikken !
20. Like I said Pure As A Lamb by Baby bugz !!! :D
28. Hm.. if you listen to my yapping about Nightmare sans <33333
30. I don't really know... Maybe A Series of Unfortunate Events ? (It's based on a book series!!)
42. Hard.. I'm currently reading Wings of Fire so I guess that!!!
49. Hm... Not so close to when school starts 🥲
55. Alr! @caretaleandotherstuff @borisboring @iittleperson @pasterypaws @fuzart
@corruptinmyself @orang3sod4 @lazystylist @undertalenerd @vantalemons
@programming-chaotic-cat !!!!! And more hehe..
56. Hmm... hard... quesadilas (please tell me I spelled that right.....) and spaghetti!!!!!!
57. CATS. CATSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS I'm so normal about them
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anyaprincessa · 10 months
since there are a lot of people creating theories about Anya's name,her backstory and discussing about chapter 90.1,I wanted to share my own opinion。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。
tbh,I was surprised that Ania's name had all this time a meaning and it wasn't just a mix of Misha and Ashe from Endo's previous works kinda expected it though,I'm not sure why Endo was hiding it all the time,maybe because it was supposed to be a surprise..
I honestly think that Ania is a Russian name took from Anna,is she a reference of princess Anastasia?my own question leaded me to an imagination of her backstory,hehe(⁠^⁠^⁠);
Ania was the princess of a royal family,they all were under serveillance,all the members conversations were encrypted in classic language so that the content couldn't be understood it wasn't the native language of the country by the way
Desmond was the one behind everything happening to the country and the royal family,he nuked/destroyed the country it's kind of confirmed that he's doing suspicious activities,right?,all the family were killed but Anya wasn't,instead those monsters kidnapped her and she became their new test subject for the Ostanian project apple subject 007
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everyone in the lab treated her as a tool and forced her to study..
There was a scientist,he was cruel like all of them and for some sort of reason,he changed later on and became a kind person,he was the one who helped Anya escaping the lab,she will surely start a new happy life with a new family,well,after a short period,the little girl was adopted and returned to the orphanage 4 times,till one day a spy codenamed Twilight waku waku came searching for a 6 years old child,ends up adopting her to become a part of a fake family,the forgers for the sake of operation strix (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
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there is also a high possibility that there is a reason behind Anya's freedom...probably nobody helped her escape the cursed lab,the scientists just started a new experiment is her freedom itself, this experiment is designed to train her to become a skilled telepath naturally, so that they can kidnap their tool whenever they are ready to start the war
Melinda knows about her past herself, that's why she wants Anya and Damian to become closer because of some other hidden reasons idk myself..
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and before I forget,here's some canon proofs supporting the princess theory;
Ania loves castles,she talked about servants in the first chapter,we even had a whole episode about her as a princess and her her papa saving her,most of the anime episode was an original though was it for a foreshadowing purpose from Endo himself?!
there's also several mentions about royality in the manga,for example in chapter 42,etc,etc..the lastest and the most important mention was in chapter 88,Melinda choosing specifically the royal top elite cakes as a gift for Anya wich Damian told her to buy,he didn't said for who exactly
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"they were cakes said to originally have been created by king Willy II,as a conciliatory gift for the queen of an enemy country"!!! this line alone raised a lot of suspicion inside me...so I had to do some search(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)I found out later on that King Willy and the queen from the enemy country are actually a reference of king Frederick the great and Empress Elizaveta!! probably I'm gonna make a thread talking about them
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In addition to my proofs,we also had Anya comparing the Griffin wich is the symbol of the Desmonds and Chimera the possible symbol of her royal family and her dear friend who knows everything about her
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I'mma include the Authens since they are 100% getting involved in this arc and were introduced just before the chapter we got a new hints about Ania's past and the confirmation of her backstory arc
First of all,Sigmund Authen might be a reference of Sigmund Freud the founder of Psychoanalysis,is related to minds?!!mind reading powers in sxf universe??!?the theory of super powers and all this stuff might be proposed by him since he was a professor teaching in the berlint university is owned by the Desmond family,you can notice the letter "D" in the logo
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he is likely to be from Anya's same country,he's talking in Classical language most of the time,both Yor and Anya didn't understand most of what he said either Anya because the majority of what he was saying is complicated,unhearable and she didn't care
I think he is retired or perhaps not ,he seems that he loves Barbara sm and he definitely loves kids(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
the important person this arc is either him or Barbara
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chiyuumiii · 1 year
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Earth-42 Miles Morales/F!Reader
[TAGS: Prowler Miles Morales, Miles Morales, Miles G. Morales, Female Reader, Fluff, Just Pure Fluff, Cuddles and Love, Morning Kisses, Sleepy Kisses, Forehead Kisses, Prowler Miles sneaks in through your bedroom window and cuddles with you hehe, Vigilante, Miles saves you from a bunch of ew creepy men, Secret Relationship, Secret Love]
Note: TW: Google Translated Spanish, Bad/Decent Writing, Typos, Grammatical Errors!
Point it out if I missed something <3 Thank you!
SO SORRY THE PART 6 CAME OUT LONGER, i had a lot of things to do </3
IMPORTANT: Read the tags above and read parts 1-5 first before reading this part! Thank you so much for your never-ending support, more fluff parts will be added to this fic on future parts!
“That’s a relief…” He sighed, placing the dishes to dry and sat next to you.
“You mind if I hung out here for a while?” He spoke with his usual coldness, but there was an understanding undertone lying beneath that cold.
“No, not at all.” You gave him a little smile, stepping upstairs to your room.
“Well, if you say so.” He shrugs, following you up.
You were cleaning up your room, placing dirty clothes in a hamper, carrying it over to the laundry room, Miles decided to help too.
You were silently dusting off your study desk and organizing it to your liking. “Your study desk looks cute.” Miles compliments, “Wanna go out for coffee again?” He continues with a sly smirk on his face. “I'm kinda lazy today, let's just stay here together.” You sighed. Your shoulders relaxing and relieved from all your body aches, you made your bed and placed Miles’ Prowler gear on a storage closet. “I placed your gear here, get it in there when you wanna leave.” You spoke, he responded with a quick nod and went over to you. “Where do you want me to place these, muñequita?” He questioned as he held your plushies in his arms. “Just on the bed.” You pointed to your bed, he placed them in an organized manner.
“Your room is adorable.” He smiled, “como tú, mi amor.” You heard him mumble in español, yet you didn't understand. “What did you say?” You asked confusedly. “Nothing, muñequita.” He chuckled silently, deciding to lay down on your bed, making sure he doesn't add any wrinkles on your smooth, fluffy bed.
“Wanna cuddle up?” He extended his arms out, a gesture for a cuddly hug.
You couldn't deny, of course, you didn't have a reason to deny such a request.
You snuggled up with him, sighing in relief. “Soooooo warmmm….” You giggled a bit, staying warm in his arms.
The sun slowly set on the horizon, Miles was scrolling on his phone, whilst you watched him. Laughing together underneath the sunset as a few hilarious videos appeared, moments like these were to cherish.
To you, it didn't matter if Miles was a criminal, he still had a sense of sympathy and a heart.
And after all, he did save you. Who knows what could've happened to you that night?
The bubble of your thoughts popped after Miles gave you a small forehead kiss, showing his affection and appreciation for your existence itself. “Hey, I know this sounds cheesy, but I like being near you, muñequita.” He flashed you a smile, the smile you've grown to love.
“Aww, that's not cheesy at all. I appreciate it.” You reciprocated his smile, he held you closely to him. “What if I asked you out?” He muttered, only you could hear. “I would accept with all my heart.” You replied, a soft smile plastered on to your face. “Then will you go out with me?” He chuckled, your gaze focused on him. “Of course, Miles. I'm more than willing to.”
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megumi-fm · 10 months
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20th - 22nd November || day 115 to 117 of 150dop
📚 Biostats ↳ assignment completed and submitted! ↳ prep [4/4] 💻 Final Project ↳ Completed 80% the final presentation
📝GRE Verbal Questions [50/50] 📑 I finally got an internship! (i mean, it's not entirely on paper yet but I went and spoke to her and she said it's confirmed and she just needs to finalize the project by next week) but you won't believe who else applied and will be working with me for the next six months
👟 walking! lot's of walking! (i walked like 5km+ today hehe) 💌 people. just people in gen. today I met an old friend at the lab i visited today for internship (more like she saw me and called out to me) and she really helped me with the directions and things. another friend also helped me out by guiding me on what to expect from the professor under whom I'll be interning (because she also interned in the same place a year ago)
8-10/final 42 // sometimes I go through the motions of life and think to myself- damn, this would make for a killer plot line. this is one of those times.
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strangerstilinski · 4 months
15 (pet parent) 🤭, 20, 42 <3
15. are you a parent?
yes! this is marcel and she is my beautiful goofball
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20. do you say soda or pop?
i say soda but funny enough my partner is from the midwest so she said pop when we met! she usually says soda now though, ig i've converted her hehe
42. an app you frequently use besides this godforsaken site?
spotify, but if this is intended to be asking about social media it would be instagram!
anon or not, pretty please send me more 'weird questions'
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scarlethexelove · 28 days
9, 15, 17, 26, 42, 54, 77, 82, 83, 91, 94
9. Do you like someone?
That is a complicated question that I don't know how to answer. I do not understand my own brain.
15. If you could choose only one food to eat to the rest of your life, what would it be?
Probably cheese burgers 🤤
17. Something you don’t mind spending all your money on?
🤔Anything Marvel related. I did just order a screen accurate Cap shield.
26. Describe your crush.
I would like to revert back to number 9 in my confusion of how I feel
42. Favorite place to shop at?
Hmmm I mean Amazon aways has a lot. Etsy has fun things too. Ooo or Disney hehe
54. What would you tell your 12 year old self?
Bitch you're gay hahaha
77. Favorite TV series?
Ok so there are a few. I can't pick just one. So WandaVision is obvious, Charmed for sure, Xena Warrior Princess, I also seem to go back to Teen Wolf a lot too.
82. Do you like Chineese food?
83. McDonalds or Subway?
Subway 100% I worked there for over a year.
91. Perfect date idea?
I like to do something different. I took a girl on a date once to paint pottery which was fun. I do love the cheesy putt putt ones. I also would love to do an escape room. Though I would always be down for a movie since I love to go.
94. Do you watch Youtube? Who is your favorite youtuber?
I do watch a bit of Youtube it comes and goes. I like to watch WatchMojo and I also like to watch MegaDrivingSchool 🫣
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