#heee is in my eyes heee is in my tears
noah-be-silly · 11 months
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Noah as these stupid Justin Bieber stock photos I keep seeing cuz the fits extremely Noah coded *gets explosivoed 💥💥💥💥🧨💥🧨🧨💥*
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arthur-lesters-liver · 6 months
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My life since december 2021
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noweyay · 9 months
i'm so tall can't get over me
i'm so low can't get under me
i must be all these things
for i just threw out the love of my dreams
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fluffyydumplings · 2 years
Poof… Where are We?
Witch One Will Win? - Part 9
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Summary: Melted into dust, they descend to a wonderous wonderland of yellow!
Word Count: 738
Pairings: writer!reader x witch!yoongi x writer!jimin / alien!jungkook x vampire!hoseok x werewolf!taehyung
Genre: fluff / crack!au / angst / fantasy!au / sci-fi!au
Warning: none (please do tell me if you find any)
A/N: @hobateas heehee! Heehee! Heee! Longest chapter I have written in a long while.. Very close to the end! That’s where the sci-fi parts kick in.. I love how nonsensical yet fun this fic is. I have so much fun writing it… truly :)
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*And poof they went?*
‘And I didn't even get to glare at the other two,’ with his fingers on the bridge of his nose, Jimin sighs.
‘Amber village?’ hoseok looks around, the yellow glistening stones that surround him almost too bright for his eyes to handle.
‘I think so, Hyung..’
‘Me too, Hyung,’ they both nod their heads absentmindedly in agreement.
‘Bibi di bobi di boo boo.. That’s not my line,’ she shakes her head around, a sardonic smile on her pretty little face.
‘Yoongi.. Fairy Godmother of Amber Ville,’ the map disappears from the grasp of their hands.
‘Your map is- wrong,’ she points her wand at the brown scroll.
‘You should throw it away...’
*a moment of utter silence*
‘Okay.. You can have it back..’ she tosses it at them.
‘Thank yo-’
‘Don’t thank me just yet.. You’ll have to go pick up rice grains soon.’
‘Rice grains?’ oh Jungkook was about to have a migraine.
‘Amber old oh village.. Don’t be fooled! That little pile of amber there,’ she teleports there, her fingers grazing that of the amber.
‘That’s all they’ve got,’ in a whisper like secrets shared between friends, she breaks out into laughter.
‘The people want to make scorched rice soup.. That’s what picking up the rice grains are for..’
‘But? How? What?’ hobi is in shambles.
‘Rice on this side of the world is guarded in a chest by a dragon.’
Oh, this would be the perfect moment for Tae to faint..
‘Excuse me..’
‘Excuse me?’ Yoongi flutters along the daisy path and displays a confused look on her face.
‘But... Where is this dragon?’
Yoongi seems to end up pointing at everything today..
‘The hole over there? In the ground?’ Tae has hands over his mouth as his eyes budge with horror.
‘Do you have fireproof shields, fairy Godmother?’ Tae pleads with his eyes.
*awkwardness permeates through the air*
‘Just call me Yoongi,’ she was on the brink of tears... Was it of anger, was it of irritation or was it because she accidentally inhaled powdered sugar from the sweet you gifted her two hours ago.
‘Yes ma’am..’
‘Yes yes..’
They all say after one another..
‘Mr dragon! Excuse me, Mr Dragon!’
He is replied with nothing but a breath of warm air that permeates through his soul -the poor tae-shaped soul...
*cue tutorial music*
‘How to Defeat a Dragon!’
‘A guide by Kim Taehyung,’ Hoseok says, not without the presence of a big big frown on his face.
‘Try One!’ Jungkook announces, dragged into yet another one of the elder’s silly role-playing..
‘Try to scare the dragon!’
They both stare at the boy who wears two pairs of teeth as a smile.. He’s grinning widely.. almost as though he was showing you how to make brownies - the kind with extra sprinkles mixed in.. for extra colour rather than flavour..
And he is blown away, as the other two are taken by surprise.. Do they clap, do they scream or do they pay for his hospital bill…
‘I’m okay,’ a thumbs up that signifies his well-being - or simply the fact that he is still breathing.. however much there is left of it at least..
‘Try Two.. Be One With The DRAGON!’
‘Hobi Hyung, Jungkook! Be scared, for I am a dragon!’
And they sit there despondent, terri- they don’t know him!
‘I doubt a dragon would know who we are!’ Jungkook screams dramatically over to Tae.
‘Humans! Scoundrels! Bastards! I am a dragon, therefore you should be scared of me!’
And they sit there with nothing but disgust on their faces..
‘Try three.. Fight the dragon!‘
With their teeth clenched, ‘I don’t think it’s a good plan, Tae.’ ‘I don’t either..’
‘Ahhh… Ahhhh… I don’t want to hurt it!’
‘Try four,’ with fake tears grazing his eyes, he continues to speak his heart out.
‘Befriend the dragon!’
‘Dear dragon, sir- Would you consider befriending the likes of me? I am kind, very kind.. and most of all - very kind.. I am a werewolf in my prime.. We wolves don’t age much though… But, yes.. I am a werewolf..’
The dragon eyes Tae with suspicion..
‘I doubt it understands you, Tae,‘ Hoseok blinks along with that of Jungkook.
‘Try Four,’ with a tired screech on his face, he says once again.
‘What in the-’
Tae’s Moodboard
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arkhamsrevenge · 2 years
Arkham Knight and the Queen of Hearts pt 1
TW - Torture
My skin was crawling with anticipation. Finally, after several weeks of carefully waiting and preparing. I’ve found him. Joker was going to finally be put down.   
The stinging of my cheek woke me up.   “Wakey up Queenie.” I opened my eyes and they focused on a clown. Joker. Great.  “I wanted to meet the kids that’s giving Batman a run for his money. He doesn’t seem to have time for me anymore.” He said holding my chin in his hand, forcing it up to look at him. I spat in his face. The Joker let go of me reeling back in surprise.  
I smiled politely.    
“That was very rude. I’m going to have to teach you some manners later.” I swallowed dryly. Taking in my surroundings I was able to see that I was in a basement. “You need to be reformed. Good thing I have room for one more.” The Joker than walked into the shadows only to return with a man, tired to a wheelchair with barbed wire. His face was bloody and bruised all over, dry blood mix with new blood stained his clothing (if you could even call it that anymore) and the wires digging into his flesh. I noticed the emblem on his chest. He’s another Robin. I fought the one who's running around with the bat. “Introduce yourself to her royal highness.” Joker beckoned the man. When silence followed Joker’s smile grew wider as he zapped the man with an electric pron. The man’s body tensed and jerked before releasing. His breath was heavy, 
“I’m....Jason.... Todd.” He was able to grit out through his teeth. Joker laughed and clapped his hands before gesturing to me.   “Now you my dear.”  
“You may call me Red.” I spoke. Joker tilted his head.  
“Red? Is that your real name? Or one you made up.” I remained silent. He waited then walked over to me pron in hand, then in one swift movement he hit me with the pron. My body jerked upward, and the wire tore into my clothes, tearing at my skin. Joker finally pulled away and held my cheeks in his hand squashing them hard. “I asked you a question cupcake.” We remained staring at each other until,  
“Time to go back up, Joker! Second shifts coming on.” A guard with the last name Boles grabbed the Joker’s suit and dragged him back up the stairs.  
“Seems I gotta run! But don’t worry Little Bird, I’ll be back soon to play! Then you and I, Red Velvet will have another go at that name of yours. HA, HEEE, HA HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!!!” Once I was sure they had left, I stood up and ripped right through the wire. It is ripping up my skin the entire time, didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would. I didn’t even react as blood dripped onto the floor. Jason, however, had a surprised look on his face. I bent down and snaked my arms under the wire, having them on either side of him. I’m not so heartless that I’d leave someone to the Joker’s wrath. Jason didn’t even struggle, nor say anything. I don’t think he had the strength.  I then jerked my arms outward snapping the wire instantly. None of the wires grazed or even came near Jason.   
“Come with me, we are getting out of here.” I whispered, grabbing one of his arms and wrapping it around me.  My cuts had already stopped bleeding. By tomorrow they would be gone. I couldn’t say the same for Jason. I don’t think he’s got a healing factor like I do.  Then, I hoisted Jason upward, grabbing his torso, supporting his entire body with my own. “Can you walk?” I asked. Jason only nodded slightly, keeping his head down, eyes glazed over. Then, we both slowly walked down the long hallway toward the exit. It was all going smoothly until,  
“Hate to ruin your escape kids, but the clown pays well.” Damnit, Deathstroke. I threw Jason to the side as bullets rang out. One catching me in the shoulder and off balance. Shit. Deathstroke then pointed one gun at my head and one at Jason’s. “Don’t worry, I’ll make it quick. I wanna get back to all the shows I dvr’ed.” Mother fucker. This guy... 
“Whatever Joker’s paying you, I’ll triple it if you get us out of here.” A deep ragged voice spoke. Deathstroke turned towards the voice as did I. Jason slowly got up, his hands forward and made his way over ton Deathstroke, standing in front of me. “Deal?” He asked.  
“...If I do this, I need to be confident you don’t run. So, this tracking device is going to make sure of that. Say Ah” Deathstroke sneered grabbing the back of Jason’s heard and shoving a small device down his thought. Jason coughed and fell to his knees. “Keep up.” Deathstroke snapped as he took off running. My arm couldn’t move with a bullet in its joint, I’d have to dig that out when we were out of here. With my good arm I grabbed onto Jason, helping him up and leading him in Deathstroke’s direction. I could see the end of the tunnel approaching when an alarm started blaring. A red light bathed the room.  
“ATTENTION CODE BLACK, ARKHAM FACILITIES ARE ON LOCK DOWN.” Deathstroke stopped for a second to look back at us.  
“Keep going!” I shouted over the alarm running past Deathstroke. Three of us crashed through the doors exiting the building.  A helicopter was waiting for us.  
“The GCPD will be coming from the west. We’ll be good if we law low and head east.” Jason explained as we all piled into the copter. Once I whistled to Deathstroke. He huffed and threw his pocketknife at me. “What are you...?” Jason started but stopped when he realized I was digging out the bullet Deathstroke had put in me.  
“Damnit,” I hissed, “You really got me good this time you bastard.”  Deathstroke chuckled.  
“Sorry kid. Life of a mercenary.” I finally dug the bullet out and held it to Deathstroke still piloting the helicopter. “Toss. Got too much blood all around it.” I rolled my eyes and tossed it in the ocean below. “Alright. Where is the money I’m owed.” 
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Whenever i hear that one weezer song that goes like
heees in my eyes heee is in my ears hes in my blooddd heeee is in my tears
I think of u
I am uncertain hw to feel abut this, Anonymous. I have a suspicion that you intend to insult me, however.
At least I am forever on your mind. It matters far less to me in what way.
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batz-zzz · 2 years
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Death is happiness
Pt3 (spoilers up ahead)
A few days had passed, this ceremony wasn’t complete and it calmed your soul. But he’s been antsy, “I feel like she expects us all to fail…but I won’t. My metal army will her downfall.” You lean on his arm while he hugs you back, “Say why not forget about this dying Idolizing and stay with me.” Your eyes grow tired, “Okay…” he rubs your hair while you sigh in a calm manner. “I want to live somewhere calm and nice…and maybe just maybe. You and I can entertain Ethan…fun.”
“Can’t kill the guy who wants to save his daughter.”
“Not kill but make him happy, ever since he and I have been friends I’ve noticed his mold getting worse…the more fighting he does it hurts him and it makes me sad.” You nuzzle into him, “It saddens me knowing he’ll die working hard and he won’t get to see his baby.” Heisenberg listened to the tale of woe but then his eyes land on you. “What about you?”
“What will you do?”
“Once this is over? I guess I won’t die, I sorta craved it on account to those army men jerks. They wouldn’t let me die, I ran and ran…even to the point to where they trapped me.”
You hum then press his hand against your cheek, “But now I have you. You and I can get to know each other, stay friends…or more. And if you need to you can kill me and use me, or just…” Karl placed a hand on your neck then the his lips and beard made contact with your cheek.
“You’re cute but you’re not stupid: (Y/N) it’s obvious from being an experiment and being trapped like some beast you suffer from abandonment and you’ll let anyone kill you, if I killed ya right now you’d probably fall in love with me. If I were to harm ya you’d find ecstasy towards it. You’re delusional dreams of being killed is all fake because in reality you can’t die because you won’t let it happen.”
Silence, suddenly you sweat as tears rise up and pour down. You start giggling quietly before blushing madly, “You’re right: I do take pleasure from pain. Yet I won’t hurt a fly, only when my family is endanger. But you Karl, now that we aren’t strangers. You’ll have to kill me more!” Your hands held his then he searched the eyes and agave, he could tell you were cracking and close to breaking down. Rather than prying he hugged you, to which true response he got was not what Heisenberg expected.
Soon enough Ethan entered the factory, “Alright Heisenberg. You said you wanted to talk!” The metal man responds, “Just a few more steps and twists and turns. Then you and I can finally talk Ethan.”
Your eye scrunched a bit with curiosity, “How so?” He winks. “You’ll see.” Later on you were stuck trying not to laugh while Karl set a seat up. “Damn it I’m talking- SHUT YOUR DAMN HOLE!”
“Sorry about that.” You wheeze, “(Y/N) shut up.” It was hard not to when Ethan is watching you sit down then he looked at his chair. “Um…”
“You see Ethan Miranda wants you to be part of this family.”
“F-What!? I don’t give two damns about her and I’m not going to be part of this sick family-“
“Neither did I buy here we are.” He stops then they both argued for a bit until he threw the knife. “I SAID sit down!” You snicker, “Now kiss.”
“Damn it this is serious (Y/N)!” You shrug, “Fine fine…Ethan. Will you join the metal army and help us save Rose? I bet this Mother is losing her powers that’s why this ceremony will be the final one. Eee~!”
“What?” They both say in sync, “We save Rose, The metal army will be a distraction. Mother Miranda dies and we win. Hee heee! Yay.” You hop excitedly. Heisenberg was silent, “Genius. I was planning to use Rose but Mother Miranda has tried this ceremony many times….She sees power in you two.” He grins. “Let’s bring her hell.”
Ethan sat outside the factory watching Heisenbergs army walk ahead, then he glanced at you. “You really think this’ll work?” With a blink then a genuine smile you gave him a thumbs up. “Course we will, because you’ve pushed forward up to this point.” Suddenly Heisenberg gave you a thumbs up to which you ran out to a field. “WEEEEEEE!!!!”
Suddenly she appeared, immediately he pulled the trigger. She dodged then grabbed the male by the chest and ripped his heart out. “You’ll die before I let you touch what’s mine- AGH!”
You wink and play with your knife. “Shut the hell up! To hell with this ceremony and you! HAHAHAHA!” The metal army ran past while Ethan gasped and wheezed while you helped him up and he sighed in agony. Soon he ran, making sure to dodge the fight while Miranda did put up a good fight she growled and flees to the church. Both of you ran back and met up with Karl, “You two better make it back.”
Ethan immediately took Rose and gave her to you, “Ethan she’s after the baby so I need you to body block and shoot.” With a nod he does as told you immediately charge and hide behind a metal beast, Ethan dodged as the creature charged and attacked Miranda he glanced at Heisenberg then looks at you and Rose before showing a bomb. “Ethan- Don’t play- ETHAN!” Heisenberg left with you and Rose.
Days went by since then and you sat beside his grave. “Hey grave keeper.” Karl sat next to you, “Hm?”
“You think he died with any regrets?” That made your eyes wander to Ethan’s grave. “Nah…He died a great father. Loving his daughter and wife to the end.”
“Death is quite the ugly one Eh?”
“Nope.” You look at Rose, Mia, and yours and Karl’s adopted son. The toddlers were running around chasing after some chickens. “Death just opened a door for the most beautiful things in the world: Happiness.”
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thatoneaspie · 3 years
WandaVision AU - “Post Mom-tem”
By thatoneaspie
| Synopsis: After Wanda takes down the Hex around Westview, NJ, Vision dies. She thought she would find herself alone, but on the contrary: she’s now pregnant. (She never had the twins in the Westview storyline). “Post Mortem” means “after death” in Latin. |
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It’s mid-day, and Jimmy Woo and Monica Rambeau are having lunch. It’s been almost a year - nine months to be exact - since they’ve seen Wanda, and nine months since the Westview anomaly was solved.
“That was insane,” says Jimmy, still in disbelief. “I mean, Agnes was the villain all along - total crazy twist, gotta give props to the writers ——”
“Hush.” Says Monica, out of nowhere.
“Tough crowd. Sheesh.” Jimmy sighs.
“No. Really. Something’s wrong with Wanda.”
Jimmy is shocked by this statement, as Wanda has been completely off the grid since what happened at Westview. He’s silent for awhile, but can’t contain it.
“How do you know—- I mean, even if she is, how the hell would you even find her?” Jimmy asks, sipping on some iced tea.
“I think I know where she is.”
Jimmy spits out his drink. “And why are you just telling me now?”
Monica looks visibly annoyed for a moment, then softens. How would he know what she could do?
“Since the Hex altered my DNA, I have a connection with Wanda somehow - sometimes I can feel what she’s feeling. But I can’t pinpoint where she is, until just now - it must be really urgent.”
“You better go, then!” Jimmy starts, but Monica is gone before the end of the sentence.
Sighing, Jimmy takes the check. “She better get the next one. I don’t make the big bucks.”
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Monica finds herself in the middle of snowy mountains at a run-down cabin. The high-pitched hum of the tea kettle can be heard inside. Then, she hears someone groaning softly.
Inside, she finds Wanda, dressed in white sweats, on all fours, and her hair tied up in a messy bun. Sweaty ringlets of hair frame her hardly visible face. She is breathing mechanically, almost as if run by a machine.
“Wanda?” Monica says hesitantly, making her way towards her. She kneels on the ground and puts a comforting hand on Wanda’s back.
Wanda is nothing like Monica saw her last. The Scarlet Witch was now vulnerable, on the ground and unbelievably exhausted.
“Monica.” She breathes.
Wanda turns over, a visible effort, and begins to breathe heavily again. One hand takes Monica’s, gripping it tightly, and the other makes it way toward her hyperextended stomach.
She’s pregnant.
And not only pregnant - but in labor.
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“Wanda — when? How?”
It seems that it’s difficult for Wanda to talk, but she manages an explanation.
“When I took down the Hex, Viz was gone, and I thought that was it... but as soon as he... died, I noticed a bump... and here we are. I have no idea how it happened, because I can’t control reality outside the hex... and I’ve spent the last 9 months trying to figure it out and have gotten nowhere. He must have left them for me... so I wouldn’t be... alone...”
She begins to cry, doing her best to fight off the emotion. She’s too tired, and the labor so far has worn her out, so she lets the tears come.
“Wanda... hey.” Monica gently puts her arms around Wanda and lets her sob into her shoulder. “It’s alright. I’m here... you’re not alone, Wanda.”
“I can’t do this... I can’t have these babies without Vision.” Then her face contorts into one of pain, and she begins her controlled breathing again.
“You’re going great, Wanda. Just keep breathing like that. You can do this.”
“I can’t. I can’t. I can’t.”
“You can. And you will, because your babies need you. If not for you, and if not for them... for Vision.”
Wanda looks up at Monica. The bags under her eyes are more evident than ever, and her green eyes show understanding. She nods and then goes back to breathing.
“Hooo. Heee. Hooo.”
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After another contraction subsides, Monica slowly leads Wanda to the small bed in the back of the cabin. She helps her change into a clean gown, and coaches her through her contractions.
“No more... please. I’m sorry for what I did at Westview...” Wanda screams, but to no one at all.
Monica is unsure what to do with this response. Wanda seems in a trance, that only subsides after her most intensive contractions. Maybe Vision did leave her the children, but is someone else... maybe someone uninvited, involved as well.
Could Agatha be torturing her again somehow?
There was no time to dwell on this theory; it was time for Wanda to start pushing.
Monica props her up on the bed with pillows behind her back, and holds her hand from the end of the bed.
“Wanda, it’s time to push.”
“God... it feels like I’m being ripped apart. And Agatha literally tried to rip me apart...” She laughs weakly.
Wanda pushes for several hours, unbelievably spent, but determined to meet her children. Monica’s hand is almost broken by the end of it.
Monica delivers them both safely: two beautiful and perfect baby boys.
“Tommy.” Wanda says sweetly to one of the sleeping babies. Monica has never seen this side of her before; so gentle, so protective.
“And Billy.” Wanda says, looking to the other sleeping boy in Monica’s arms. Her eyes suddenly glaze over with a vacant look.
“Vision loved that name. Billy.” She looks over at her baby boy again and strokes his cheek. He always wanted to be a dad.” She wipes a tear away and sniffles.
“Maybe... maybe Vision is a dad.”
Wanda looks at Monica, her eyes accusatory but purposely vague. “What do you mean?” She whispers.
“These boys are obviously Vision’s, that we’ve worked out... but it’s impossible for him to leave you pregnant after death. So maybe... he’s still alive.”
Wanda puts her hand to her mouth in disbelief. “How did I miss that? Oh my god...”
“Either that...” Monica thinks to herself, “or, Agnes is using these children to torture you again, and Vision is really dead. But if that’s the case, why do the babies look so much like him...?”
“There’s only one way to find out.” Wanda says determinedly, “I need to call in a favor.”
“And what might that be?” Monica asks.
“Dr. Strange.”
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shslrose · 4 years
Believe - Kaito Momota x Reader
You woke up surrounded by pure darkness. You reach out in front of you, and feel nothing but cold metal against the palm of your hand. A gentle push against the metal causes it to swing open, and before you realize what’s happening, you find yourself falling onto the ground.
“Ah!” You gasp, feeling the impact of your body hitting the ground. You realize now that you had awoken inside of a locker, and then fallen to the floor, causing a mild pain to ache throughout your body. As you took a second to get your bearings, you became aware of the fact that you were not alone in the room.
“Are you okay?” A boisterous voice called out to you. You looked up, and saw a boy standing before you. He was tall, with spiked purple hair and warm lilac eyes that you felt yourself getting lost in. 
He noticed your lack of response, and reached out to help you up. Mildly aware of the possibility that he had been the one who kidnapped you and stuffed you into a locker, you flinched away from his hand.
“D-did you bring me here…?” You asked, fearfully. “W-what’re you going to do to me...?!”
“Huh? N-no! I’m not going to do anything to you!” He protested quickly, his voice cracking slightly. “I don’t know how I got here either, honest!”
His voice was earnest, and you decided to trust him. You accepted his hand, and he helped you up. You could tell he was quite strong from the way he easily pulled you up from the floor.
He couldn’t help but look you over once you were standing in front of him. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t find you attractive, in fact, you were completely his type. 
“I’m sorry,” you admitted, breaking the silence while looking down at your hands, feeling slightly embarrassed at your earlier outburst. 
“Nah, don’t worry about it!” His tone was energetic and reassuring. Having calmed down, you looked around the room and became aware of the fact that you were in a classroom you hadn’t seen before. 
“Were we...kidnapped?” You wondered aloud. 
“Sure seems like it, huh…” He trailed off, trying to make sense of the situation. “I can’t remember anything at all, can you?”
“No, nothing,” you replied, trying to ignore the panicked feeling coursing through you. “I just remember...waking up in that locker…”
“Same here, I woke up in the one next to yours,” he replied, without even the slightest hint of uncertainty in his voice, leaving you to wonder how he felt so confident in a situation like this. 
Before you even knew what was happening, a group of five colorful teddy bears entered the room.
“Finally, youse bastards are awake,” one of the bears spoke.
“T-talking teddy bears?!” You exclaimed in shock. Seemingly out of instinct, the purple-haired boy moved in front of you, protectively.
“What the hell…?” He muttered. 
“We ain’t teddy bears,” the tan bear continued. “We’re the Monokubs!”
“The...the mono-what?!” You asked, still trying to process what you were seeing.
“Forgetaboutit!” The bear shouted, seemingly annoyed. “Let me ask youse bastards a question… do you have Ultimate talents or anything like that?”
“Of course I do!” The boy spoke up again. “I’m the Ultimate Astronaut!”
The..Ultimate Astronaut?! You made a mental note to ask him about that later.
“Y-yeah, I have an Ultimate talent,” you admitted as you came to a realization. “Is that why we’re here? Have we been kidnapped because of our talents?”
The so-called Monokubs ignored your question, and simply told you that there were other Ultimates located within the school- which he called the ‘Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles’. With that, they left you alone in the classroom with the Ultimate Astronaut.
“Ah!” You gasped. “They left! But, I still had so many questions…”
“Don’t worry. If we work together, we’ll find a way to leave this place for sure!” He gave you a confident smile, and you felt slightly at ease. 
“I hope so,” you replied, trying to feel more hopeful. “Ah, I’m Y/N, by the way. I’m the Ultimate Ballerina.”
“I’m Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars!” He declared proudly. “Everyone adores the Ultimate Astronaut!”
“The...Ultimate... Astronaut?”
“Yup, I’m an astronaut! How about it?! Isn’t that cool?!” His voice was even more energetic than before.
“Yeah, I guess that is pretty cool,” you replied. “I’ve never actually met another Ultimate before...I wish it were under better circumstances though...”
“Yeah, no kidding,” he said with a sigh.
After that, the two of you decided to explore the school together, meeting all of the other Ultimate students.  For the most part, it was relatively uneventful, save for your introduction to a certain gorgeous girl genius.
“Um, hi,” you called out to the blonde girl whose back was turned to you. “I’m Y/N and-”
“Don’t sneak up on me, bitch!” She exploded, surprising both of you. “Hey!” Kaito exclaimed, inserting himself into the conversation. “Don’t talk to her like that.”
“Heee~” The girl squealed, seemingly taken aback by Kaito’s assertive tone. “D-don’t be mad at me…what, are you her boyfriend or something?”
“Huh?!” You and Kaito both exclaimed in unison. Both of you blushed hard at her comment.It was you that responded first, “H-he’s not my boyfriend! I mean, we just met!”
“Whatever! Don’t you know, I’m Miu Iruma, the girl genius. So I can’t waste my precious time on a virgin like you!” Miu spat, suddenly aggressive again. She quickly noticed the way Kaito could hardly keep his eyes off of you. “Besides, your lover boy keeps staring at your pathetic tits, it’s gross.”
Wait, what?
“I wasn't staring!” He protested indignantly. “M-my eyes just happened to look there!”
Wait, what?!
“Whatever you say, pervert,” Miu cackled. “My eyes just happened to look there...my hands just happened to grope her… You are definetely a fuckin’ perv!”
“J-just, shut up, Miu!” You raised your voice slightly, flustered at all of her comments. Miu seemed a bit deflated when you snapped at her, and she quickly walked away, muttering something about you being a virgin. When she left, Kaito turned to face you, although he was far too embarrassed to actually make eye contact.
“Y/N, really, I-I wasn’t staring, I just-”
“L-let’s just go…”
You continued to explore the Academy with him, occasionally blushing as you remembered what he had said. “My eyes just happened to look there”… so he had been looking…Still, you found yourself glad to be by his side as the two of you investigated the campus and attempted to make sense of the odd situation you had found yourselves in. When you stepped outside of the Academy for the first time, you found yourself in complete shock. The sky was blue, the sun was bright, the wind was cool. All was normal, save for the gigantic wall that stood before you.
“Wh…?” You could hardly make a sound as you gazed at the wall that surrounded the Academy.
“Geez,” Kaito mumbled, looking over the wall.
You could feel tears welling up in your eyes, “How..how are we supposed to escape now…?”
“Tch, that wall is nothing compared to the vastness of the universe!” Kaito exclaimed, his voice booming with determination. “Besides, there are no walls you can’t get over!”
“B-but…how? It’s impossible...”
“The how doesn’t matter!” He exclaimed, tightening his hand into a fist with excitement. “As long as you believe in yourself, you can overcome anything! The impossible is possible, all you gotta do is make it so!”
He turned to face you, and it was then that he saw the tears in your eyes that were moments away from spilling out.
“Hey, don’t go cryin’ on me now,” he said calmly, his voice full of confidence and certainty. “I promise, we’ll get out of here, okay? I’ll make sure that we get outta this place, together.”
“You promise?”
“Heh, of course! I am Kaito Momota, the Luminary of the Stars, after all! I always keep my promises,” he grinned. “I believe in you, so you gotta believe in me too, got it?”
In that moment, you realised you did believe. You believed in him, and you believed that the two of you would escape this strange place together, no matter what happened.
a/n - its the way i wrote this even though no one requested it LMAO but i’m such a simp for kaito that i just had to write something for him real quick
requests are open so feel free to send them in! also, if you enjoyed this and want a part two, feel free to request that as well :D thanks for reading!
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kaalamarii · 4 years
MC’s 80′s Party-Hold Me Now
Summary: You and Lucifer aren’t on speaking terms and it turns Luci into a soft emo boi.
Parirings: Lucifer/Reader MC
Word Count: 1758
Warnings: Luci’s in his feelings. My dumbass forgetting that Cerberus doesn’t live at the House of Lamentation.
You look to Lucifer, wanting to go to him. Things had been weird between the two of you lately, between a lot of fucking and a lot of fighting, you’re not sure where you stand with the eldest brother. He didn’t say so, but you knew it stung him a bit when he found out you’ve been feeling homesick. He’s understanding, of course. You were suddenly ripped from your life to come to Devildom, and it’s not like you had a say in it. Still, he can’t help but feel a bit hurt.
He would never say this to you, of course. But since the planning of the party started, he had been different toward you. He barely speaks, and when he does, it’s about your tasks or some other sort of lecture. You had had enough of it and called him out the other day, and being the Avatar of Pride, he denied feeling anything for you.
“You’re just a human,” he told you. “After you go back home, where you want to be, you won’t even matter to me.”
You felt tears in your eyes and ran out of the room. Lucifer didn’t bother going after you. He wasn’t the type to come running, begging for your forgiveness.
You hadn’t said a word to him for the past few days and you weren’t going to now.
Lucifer was standing near the entrance of the dining room, looking super handsome and not at all like himself in jeans and red plaid. You recognize him as John Bender from the Breakfast Club. You feel a jolt run through your body as you begrudgingly check out the demon. You sigh. He looks hot.
Next to him is Diavolo in full blown Freddie Mercury, the cutest fake mustache and his white tank top showing off muscles you didn’t realize Diavolo had. The perverted side of you drums up naughty visuals of being sandwiched between Diavolo Mercury and 80s bad boy Lucifer, but you shake them off, swearing that asshole Lucifer is never getting in your pants ever again.
Instead, you make your way to the dance floor, where Asmo and Simeon are talking and dancing with each other. Asmo is looking absolutely gorgeous as Boy George, make up and outfit on point. Simeon stood next to him, as Michael Jackson from the Thriller video. On the sidelines stood Luke as a very adorable and grumpy looking Bob Ross.
You look at Luke and his face softens. He waves to you and you wave back before getting distracted by Asmo bringing you into a hug. “You look beautiful, Material Girl!” Asmo says with a squeal.
“Please, look at you!”
He waves his hand at you and scoffs. “Just adding to the beauty that I already have. And would you look at Simeon here... Simeon, show MC what I taught you.”
Simeon does a small snippet of the Thriller dance and the moonwalks. “Heee heee!” he says and you giggle.
“Very cute.”
Simeon smiles. “Luke hates it. He says the 80’s was a disgusting time. He said Bob Ross is the only nice thing to come out of that decade.”
“Doesn’t match his personality,” you reply, “but he sure does look adorable.”
Asmo puts his hands on his hips. “Enough talking about the chihuahua. Let’s dance, MC.”
You smile and Asmo grabs your hand, twirling you and swaying his hips with you. You laugh as he dips you and twirls you again, passing you to Simeon.
“I’m surprised you didn’t go to Lucifer,” Simeon says. “You two have been pretty close lately, huh?”
“I guess so. He’s been a dick recently.”
Luke covered his ears, complaining to himself about your language and the fact that you actually spend time with demons. Simeon isn’t bothered in the slightest by your swear. “That’s just Lucifer...you know he gets like that.”
“True,” you say, agreeing with the angel, “He isn’t always the most affectionate. I know deep down he cares and that it isn’t personal.”
Simeon nods, listening to you. “But he still needs to learn to be gentler, right?”
“Exactly. He’s all upset because I miss home. But it’s not that I hate being here. It’s not bad for being...well, Hell.”
Simeon chuckles.
“And I love the brothers. But I mean, I didn’t have a choice to come here...I was totally thrown in here, unprepared.”
“I get it,” Simeon states as he twirls you, before bringing you into him, pressing his hips against yours and moving to the music. “It’s hard for you, even if you are enjoying yourself. I imagine it’s difficult for Lucifer as well. He probably never thought you’d be forming a bond with his brothers, and certainly not with him.”
You look over at Lucifer, who is watching you dancing with Simeon, a serious look on his face that you can’t read. As if hearing your thoughts, Simeon speaks up. “I think he wants to talk to you.”
“Yeah, right. You and I both know that Lucifer doesn’t talk about feelings.”
“Give him some credit, MC.”
You sigh, looking back at Lucifer, watching as he gets up and goes to the kitchen, coming back out with a bowl of food for Cerberus. He looks over at you and gives you a small apologetic smile before heading out of the dining room.
Lucifer walks to his room where Cerberus is staying and sets the bowls down for each of the heads. He sits on his bed, lounging back, as he waits for the three headed dog to finish eating. He pulls out his phone, opening up Devilgram. He doesn’t see the appeal of it, honestly, but is always curious to see what his brothers and you post. He stops at a selfie of you, Asmo, and Simeon from tonight. He looks at you, and taps on your name, going to your page. He scrolls through, stopping to admire all your photos. There’s selfies of you, funny pictures of you and his brothers. There’s a group of pictures of the two of you. One where your heads are touching and you’re both smiling, another one with him serious and you kissing his cheek. The caption is a simple red heart emoji.
He sighs, closing to Devilgram to look at his personal photos of the two of you. There’s photos there he wouldn’t dare to show anyone else; you looking sexy in lingerie, post sex selfies, you and him kissing and cuddling, even a few with him doing goofy faces with you. He adores you. And he adores these pictures, cherished memories of your short time together.
He misses you. He hates when you two fight. Unfortunately with you being stubborn and never following rules and him being the Avatar of Pride, fighting happens often with the two of you.
He has to apologize, he knows that. It’s always so hard for him, but he’s already had a lot of loss in life and he isn’t about to lose you.
He’d never tell you this, but his heart flutters in his chest when he hears you knock on his door. He knows it’s you because you knock so softly compared to his brothers and Diavolo, and Cerberus reacts with a wagging tail instead of a growl. He gets up, a little more quickly than he’d ever admit, and opens the door.
“Hey…” you say, awkwardly. “Can I come in? I think we need to talk.”
He hesitates, then nods, moving to the side so you can walk into his room. He sits on his bed again as he watches you go over to the dog, petting each of his heads. He’s patient, waiting for you to start.
You know he’s not going to break the ice. You sit on his bed next to him. “So…”
“You left the party.”
He nods. “I had to feed Cerberus.”
“That’s right, I forgot he was here for the week. Is that the only reason you left?”
He thinks for a moment, and tells you (somewhat) honestly. “No. I’ve been around my brothers all day setting up the party. Alone time is nice.”
“Oh,” you say, a little hurt.
“I mean, a break from them. You’re more than welcome here. Anytime. You know that.”
You nod, accepting his answer.
“Are you enjoying your party?”
“I am.”
“Hopefully you feel a bit more at home,” he says, a bit sour.
You sigh. “Luc…”
He cringes, still getting used to your nicknames for him.
“I do miss home, but I still like it here, you know? I love spending time with all of you. You, especially.”
“Fine,” he replies.
You roll your eyes. “What do you mean by fine, Lucifer? I don’t understand you. I think we’re getting along and then you pull shit like that.”
“What are you going on about?” Lucifer asks, furrowing his brows at you. “I don’t know what you want from me, MC.”
You groan in frustration, throwing yourself down on the bed and staring at the ceiling. “I want you to stop being such an asshole and just tell me how you feel...I mean, I don’t understand what’s going on with us.”
“How I feel?”
“Yes, like...do you love me?”
“How am I supposed to answer that?”
He sighs. “MC, I barely know you.”
“Barely know me? Luc, you’ve been inside me, for fuck’s sake. You’re saying that there’s nothing between us?”
“I’m saying there can’t be anything between us. My feelings for you cannot get in the way of the exchange program.”
You feel tears well up behind your eyes.
He hates this part… when your lip quivers and your eyes start to water. The look of pain on your face and the way your voice trembles as you try to keep yourself composed. He hates it so much.
“Then what has the past month been? Just fucking?”
“I don’t know…” Another hard sentence for him to say.
You scoff. “You are utterly ridiculous.”
“I just know that I like you around,” he says. He laces his fingers with yours. “I like our alone time, even if we’re just cuddled up or doing our own thing. I know that I wish you never had to leave.”
You look up at him, surprised he’s opening up.
“I hate fighting with you, MC.”
“I hate fighting, too.”
He leans over, kissing you. “Then, let’s not.”
You smile. “What would you think of a quickie before we go back?”
He smirks, his devilish side coming back out. “Sounds delightful.”
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theninjamouse · 5 years
I wanna see Shore react to Grillby telling her about how he scorfed down a bunch of pinecones for the first time because her reaction to figuring out he has a drawer of different pinecones was -chefs kiss- enough on it's own
“It was an absolute downpour of them, all fresh and crunchy and...what?”
You’re absolutely grinning from ear to ear. “I’m just picturing you going hogwild on pine cones for the first time. Like a kid’s first birthday cake.” You mime shoving cake in your mouth, groaning loudly. 
Grillby grabs your wrists and pulls them down, blue flashing through his flames. “Stop it, I wasn’t...that out of control.” 
“Uh huh. And yet you ate every single pine cone in that area. Did you even share with Rumble?” 
He looks away. “We might have...disagreed about sharing.” 
“Oh no. Did you wrestle with a troll over pine cones?” 
“I might have...gotten squished a time or two. After I...singed his eyebrows.” He sucks in a breath. “Off.” 
Your jaw drops with a “Gu-huh?!”
 Defensively, Grillby adds, “He wasn’t playing fair, he could reach the ones at the very top which are of course the best-!” 
The noise that explodes out of you is perhaps the sound a hyena crossed with a donkey would make. The force of it makes tears spring to your eyes and it takes you several attempts to suck in enough air to wheeze, “Heee hooooo Grillby, you...you gotta share dude! Sharing is caring!”
“Hmph. Well I didn’t care. Still don’t. You don’t stand between a fire elemental and his pine cones.” 
“Guess that means I better stay out of your collection huh? Though you wouldn’t dare singe my eyebrows off, right?” 
He very gently boops your nose. “I wouldn’t hesitate.” 
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cutegirlmayra · 5 years
Could you make something of a sequel to the prompt where Amy is the heroine and Sonic is the one crushing on her? But something more lighthearted with Sonic effortlessly chasing Amy and hilarity ensues.
Lol, which sequel? (x) (x) (x)
I guess I’ll just do my best and try something? haha XD
Since you said ‘lighthearted’ I think you mean to stay off the Maria Robotnik thing, right? Just some cute shenanigans with Amyic? (Sonamy gender-bend ship name? lololol) Got it. Got it.
The wind howled past the rolling hills that littered the Green Valley Zone. It was a zone Amy came to often, a place she felt some peace.
She relaxed by some flowerbeds and stretched, seeing the day was young and the morning finally peeking its glowing eye over the horizon.
She yawned, “Whelp, where to next?” she lifted a knee up and let her arm sit on it, just looking over the beautiful world she had protected since she was a little girl.
And then she noticed something out of the ordinary in the distance.
She squinted her eyes, seeing a faint shade of blue racing through the valley’s ups and downs. The reverse loop-de-loops and jump-pads.
“…Is that..?” She began to grow concerned, “Oh no…” It was like her mouth was being tugged back by two fish hooks, realizing who was coming her way. “Eeee… I’ve got to get out of here!”
She pushed herself off the ground and started running, though she knew she was nowhere near as fast as Sonic The Hedgehog.
Still, he would either tackle her with a snuggly greeting or propose to her again, and she just didn’t want her morning spoiled by such doting admiration.
She looked for anything to hide in, but only found a palm tree and quickly climbed up it.
When Sonic did pass by, it was just a streak of blue.
She sighed, thinking maybe her red dress could blend in with the jump-pad at the top of the tree.
She waited… and heard nothing.
“Phew.” she started to come down the tree but noticed a crabbot looking up at her.
She froze, blinking at it.
It snipped a metallic claw.
She feined a smile, “Nice bot. Good bot… stay back…” she tried to climb down again, but it leaped up and snapped at her dress.
“Ah!” she heard a tear but scaled up the tree. “You naughty little-!” she noticed that a small slit was in her dresses back, a little of her white underpants showing through. “You’ll pay for that!” she jumped to slam down on the little robot, hammering it out but it sprung her back up with the hardness of its shell.
It was one of those robots she had to destroy by flipping it over to its underbelly. The top made a BOOING sound as she was flown back up and into the jump-pad on the tree.
“Nooooo…!!!” she cried out, face-first into a series of pre-determined angles where the jump-pads would launch her into many more jump-pads for an almost infinite chain.
Once the chain was completed she was flying through the air onto a completely separate part of Green Valley Zone, a usual shortcut for getting around but this one was not quite how she wanted to ‘fly in style’ so to speak…
Before hitting the ground, Amy was taken by a swiftly moving bullet, an arrow through the sky of primary blue that held her close and landed safely to the ground.
“Pah! What are you-?” she was slightly dazed by the hits but shook her head and was quickly alright again.
She looked up to see the smiling face of Sonic The Hedgehog, holding her in his arms bridal style. With the sun blocking his face, he actually looked pretty cool. However, when the cloud moved away, his face was revealed to be shining eyes that sparkled dramatically towards her.
Her expression of awe turned suddenly to awkward shyness. A sweat drop appeared on the side of her face as her open-mouth shook at the corner, trying to be polite and smile but didn’t seem to register it quite right.
“I can’t believe it! I found you! Amy Rose!” he was like a fanboy she couldn’t shake off…
She lowered her eyelids, mumbling out her defeated words, “Hello, Sonic… Long time no-OFFPH!”
Sonic crushed her face into his chest, snuggling her with his head reaching deep into her noggin’.
With a smushed face, she grimaced, knowing he wouldn’t see it as she grew more and more agitated by his obsessive loving.
She suddenly felt a skim of his nose pierce through her quilled hair and reach the soft fur below it, sensitive since it never usually was touched.
She flinched and tried to wiggle free, lifting a leg to step down from his hold as he moved his head away from the back of her head and nuzzle up to her cheek to cheek.
“I was so worried about you! Especially when Rouge told me the Master Emerald was stolen by that thieving echidna again!” She leaned away from him, arms crooked as though trying to escape without being so obvious about it.
He blinked and moved away from her then, “Are you hurt?”
“I’m fine, Sonic…” she lightly let out, but it was clear she was desperately attempting to not be rude. He was just concerned for her anyway… she shouldn’t scold people for caring about her so much…
“B-but what are you doing all the way out here?” She rubbed behind her head, squirming a finger down through her quills to itch the place his nose once skimmed.
“Oh! I was looking for you, duh.” He put his hands to his hips, “I thought you might be hungry! I’ll pay!”
“You always pay.” She closed her eyes and gave off a nervous frown, knowing full well that when he pays, he automatically tells the world they went on a date together…
“Aw, come on! Let me treat you again!” He pleaded, but Amy just stuck a hand up and held her ground.
“No thanks. People usually feed me for free anyway.”
“That’s because you’re so popular. Heee~” he chimed back. “But really, I was awfully concerned about ya… Let’s go do something together! Today!” he placed his hands together, leaning towards her with his sparkling eyes of puppy love again…
She had to look away from them, sweating a bit as she’s never had to deal with anyone so enthralled by her before.
“U… Uhmm…” It was hard to resist him. He was so pushy sometimes…
“Hmmm?” he moved closer.
She sighed, blinking a few times to him before giving in, slouching over. “Alright, Sonic. You win.”
“Oh good! We didn’t have to wait for your grumbling stomach this time around!” he gave her a thumbs up and offered his hands again, flexing his fingers as a ‘come to me’ sign.
His smile never faded, at least that was nice.
But beckoning her into his arms like that..?
Amy rubbed the side of her face, “I think I’d like to walk, thanks.” she politely turned him down and started off.
He looked a little confused, but then pouted, “I have speedy feet for a reason… you don’t have to wear yourself out all the time, you know, Amy? You should let a man like me take care of you for a change!” he tried to puff out his bare chest, but then became self-conscious that he didn’t have large fluff like Shadow and Silver and withdrew a little as he looked away.
“I-I mean… I could be a decent boyfriend, you know…” he muttered, but Amy just waved him off and was still walking on.
“You coming or what?” she called, and his ears perked right back up, forgetting his insecurities as he took off to her side.
It took barely a second for him to catch up, holding his hands behind his back and leaning towards her while they walked. “So,… what’cha thinking about?”
“Nothing.” Amy shrugged.
“Were you maybe thinking about me? Cause I think about you all the time.” He looked down with his eyes closed, blushing a bit.
“Not really.”
Sonic twitched and stood straight now, looking at her sorrowfully. “Do you not think about me at all?”
“Only when I need to be.”
His face brightened up, “When’s that?” he said, cheerily picking up the happy mood again.
Amy liked that about Sonic, he was never disappointed or sad for too long. It was hard trying to comfort or make people happy, Amy wasn’t the best social person, but it was easy to talk to Sonic. At least, he made it easy for her.
“Usually when you’re in danger. I think about how I’m gonna get you outta there a lot.” Amy spoke very casually, but Sonic just took it like an arrow to his back.
“Is that so…” He breathed out, white as a ghost.
Embarrassed, but taking courage to prove himself to her, he tightened his fists and bundled them up near his face.
“Grrr..! That does it! I’ll make you respect me, Amy Rose!”
‘Good luck with that.’ Amy smiled, turning to him. “Was it something I said?”
“OoooOOOoohhh!” Sonic did his famous whine, taking her hand and looking dead into her eye. “Come on! We’re going on the most amazing date of your life!”
“H-huh?” Amy was whisked away then, Sonic taking places she usually had to fly in the X-Whirlwind to get too or walk long distances to make.
It was beautiful. A small joy ride she didn’t realize she had wanted.
When Sonic finally put her down, he smiled tried to hold her hand as she was distracted by the scenic nature around her.
She tensed up and her body quaked at the sudden touch, but Sonic just stood there happily. He lowered his eyes and cooed a little to her, “Thinking about me differently now, Amy Rose?”
Amy nervously kept her hand from closing around his own, just staring at him with awkward shyness. “You really don’t mess around about this, do you?”
“Amy! You should know I take our relationship very seriously!” Sonic defended, placing a fist by his hip and nodding in sincerity. “Whenever you’re happy, I’m happy. And whenever you’re in danger, I’ll gladly run into said danger too! I won’t leave you alone to face all the horrors of the world head on. Hehe.” he chuckled at the end with a sly wink to her.
“Anything to make me happy, huh?” Amy then changed her expression, and Sonic immediately blushed at it.
“A-anything!” he nervously nodded.
Amy leaned towards his face, a neutral and carefree smile now. “Annnnything~?”
“A-Any-anything you want! It’s yours! Even my very soul!” his bottom lip was trembling at her willing closeness now.
Amy smirked, “Then could you let go of my hand?” And winked.
“Ah!” he let go instinctively, startled by her abrupt flirt but realized he had been tricked. “D’oh!” he stomped the ground.
“That’s it! I’m not letting you escape this time!”
Amy was laughing as she walked off, thinking that was the end before Sonic tackled to her to the ground.
They kept rolling till they naturally came to a stop, Sonic holding Amy tightly as she could hear his racing heartbeat.
‘Had… had it always beat this fast?’ she wondered, her hand directly over it as she curiously looked there.
Sonic was twitching in nerves, but took a deep breath to summon some courage, and looked at Amy with a serious expression. “Marry me, Amy Rose.”
“H-huh?” She looked up at him. ‘Again with the proposals?’
“I know you don’t need a man. You’re so strong on your own. But I really meant it. I would do anything to keep you happy, to stay by your side no matter what may come! I… I won’t abandon you, Amy Rose! You can count me in until the very end of time! Always!”
His declaration made her blink in a bit of sympathy. ‘Poor kid. I really have a hold on his heart, don’t I? No matter how much I try and loosen up for him, he still just grabs me back and gives me an even tighter hold on it. He really won’t just let my hand go… Will he?’
Amy looked up at Sonic and smiled, “I believe you, Sonic.”
Sonic suddenly loosened his hold on her, hearing those words. “Y-you do?”
“Em-hmm. And I think you’re a swell guy for saying them.” She nodded and moved a bit out of his grasp. “Tell ya what. If you hang around, I bet we’ll have fun adventures together.”
“And eat chilidogs again?” His eyes sparkled.
“Eh…” She looked a bit taken aback by that one. ‘Where’d that come from?’
“S-sure. Chilidogs it is.” she kept her smile but lightly felt a prick at her heart. He really was trying, and he wasn’t a bad guy either…
Maybe just a little bit hopeless.
Sonic sat up, nodding encouragingly as he watched her get up too. “Okay then, I will,” he smirked, a corner of his mouth showing a somewhat mischievous underlining to his thinking. “And then you’ll want to marry me! No questions asked.”
Amy just sighed and stretched her back, looking to see the sun had risen fully now. “Whatever you say, Sonic.”
The two looked back at one another, a long-held stare but both closed their eyes and smiled to one another.
A lovely couple indeed~
(Might go with (x) for a prequel/part 1?)
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Flood my Mornings: Found
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I know, right??? Thank you for bearing with me while I’ve taken a wee ten month sabbatical! And thank you, too, for dropping in every now and again to remind me of how much you love this story. It means the world! - With love, Mod Bonnie 
This story takes place in an AU where Jamie travels through the stones two years after Culloden and finds Claire and his child in 1950 Boston.
FMM Master List 
Previously: Hectic
Early December, 1952
“Hey, Mummy?”
“Yes, pumpkin?”
“Um! Why come—”
“—How come my hairs is all gray in all tha’ pictures?”
One grammar victory at a time.
“Cameras only can show things in black and white. Ours, anyway.”
Taking pictures was always great fun; poring over them once they’d come back from the developer, a joy, particularly coupled with Jamie’s still-sharp wonder in their implicit magic. Actually following through with organizing them into albums, though? A bloody-hateful chore I’d managed to put off for nearly a year, this time. The red album already held Ian’s first six months or so, but most of his subsequent life had accumulated in lazy shoeboxes and (better late than never) now lay scattered around Bree and me in a shiny arc on the living room floor. 
“Wouldn’t them—those pictures be better if it was all the right ones?” She popped up from hands and knees to shove a fistful of ginger curls toward me. “The good colors?” 
“Absolutely! Maybe someday.”
She nodded once, satisfied. “You should go tell them to.”
“Tell who?”
Shrug. “Camera people.”
“I’ll write Mr. Kodak right away.”
“Good. Which picture’re we doin’ next?”
“Hmmm....” It came out more like a ‘heeeeeee’, since I was grinning with complete, albeit exhausted joy at my unstoppable eldest. 
“How ‘bout THIS one?” She came up with a snapshot from the Fernacre Halloween party this year: Jamie beaming as he held Ian securely atop Kugel, one of the newer horses. 
“Oh,” I moaned, heart squeezing as I held the photo next to the page showing Ian at four months, fuzzy-headed and drooling happily with his hands clapped together. “Bree, when did my tiny baby become a grown-up boy?” 
“He izzzz a baby, Mummy.”
“Well, yes, but....”  
But oh lord, to see his infant photos again, compared with the walking, sometimes-talking little man across the house! Where had all the baby fat gone? When had the generic softness of his features been replaced with cheekbones and Jamie’s dimpled chin?! Jesus H. Christ, it made me want to curl up and sob for days and then get down to business making another one. (Except, no, absolutely not). 
“He IS a real baby,” Brianna was saying, with a sass that spilled over into guilty-glee: “He still poopies in his pants!”
“Touché, lovey,” I giggled along with her, rifling through our pile to make sure I hadn’t missed any from Ian’s birthday. “OH! This is pure Ian, right here, don’t you think??”
This was from just last week, from the packet Jamie had picked up on his way home yesterday. No special occasion: just our sweet, sweet boy standing in the doorway to the back garden, beaming with a magnetic smile even as he shyly resisted any coaxing to come out, blanket over his shoulder and pressed comfortingly against his cheek.
Somehow, he alone had managed to miss the gene for curly hair. His was still thick, though, brown and unruly as mine, with a tendency to poke up in little cowlicks every time you turned your back (and good bloody luck to anyone that tried to come at him with a comb and triggered a caterwauling to wake the dead). His eyes—dark honey—were slanted, seeming even more so as he grinned at the camera. So like Bree and yet so much his own. 
Resemblance wasn’t the only difference between my little ones, for Ian was less tempestuous than Brianna, to say the very least. Whereas she had seemed to exit the very womb inclined to speak (or howl) her mind with a fierce, vocal confidence in herself, Ian Fraser was a more subtle charmer. He got what he wanted by lavishing snuggles and carefully-placed puppy-dog eyes on his target, speaking his few words when necessary, but usually content to wheedle in his own way, or else let Bree do the talking for him.  
His own unique spirit, I marveled, running my thumbs against the glossed edges. Bree was, in a word, intense; her brother..... what? More shy by contrast, absolutely, but I’d always hated the milquetoast connotations of that word. He wasn’t at all skittish or morose; when in his element, he could be as boisterous as she, and if he sometimes preferred to play by himself in a group of friends, it always seemed to be by choice, not exclusion. In fact, I’d observed that he even spoke more when on his own, when he was absorbed in organizing a Gathering of the cuddly toys, or making tiny stick-villages in the garden, narrating his playtime in a mixture of English, Gaelic, and (the vast majority) Toddler. It was only when someone was watching that he would flash them a sheepish grin and start keeping his thoughts to himself. 
No, see, Ian’s quieter nature bespoke something beneath it, something that always struck me as remarkably developed and complex for a child of his age. Cunning, I’d call it, or some deep, satisfied knowing—slyness, in the best way! His twinkling eyes often seemed to so, so sweetly say, ‘You can’t make me do what you want, Mummy, but I sure do enjoy watching you try!’ A strain of the MacKenzies, I thought, not for the first time. 
“Hey-Mummy?” My little Fraser had her brows scrunched up as though contemplating murder, poring over the blue album from the shelf under the coffee table. “I dinna remember this pictures.”
“Those are of you as a baby,” I grinned, “so you were too small to remember.”
“Well....then...Da! He must—!” She nodded, full of budding conviction. “He remembers a whole, whole-lot, then, cause he’s really big!”
"Ah—” My lips hurt as little fizzles escaped from between them. “You’re not wrong, smudge.” 
“Uh-huh, I know.” 
She had flipped open to the middle of the album, to a series of snowy shots taken when she was...what...sixteen months old? We had gone sledding for the first time, and Ms. Byrd had captured the fleeting joy of it so perfectly. Little Bree’s jack-o-lantern teeth bared in glee above her muffler, the point of her elf-bonnet tickling my chin. My own hat had flown off into the wind, curls a blurry cloud above us.
She turned the pages to the left, going back in time. Cackles erupted at the images from her first birthday, elbows and eyebrows deep in chocolate cake, then she straightened gravely at the evidence of some of her exuberant early steps. “Was I walkin’ as good as Ian?” she dared me. 
“Very well! Though he did start sooner.”
I inhaled through a secret, tired smile. Eighteen hundred times a day.  At least. “Yes, Bree?”
“Hey-Mummy, where’s Da?”
“Putting Ian to bed.” I glanced at my watch. “Which means you, sweet pea, need to get your pajamas on, and—”
“NO, where is he in heee-rrrrre?” She lifted the album, glaring. “Where I was the baby?”
My jaw was open as though I’d started to say something. If only I knew what it might have been. Maybe then I’d know what came next. 
“See-look,” she insisted, turning the thick pages of the other album and pointing emphatically.
Jamie, showing Ian around the house on the first day he’d come home with us . 
Ian, in my arms in the hospital bed with Jamie at my shoulder, smiling down at us with Bree on his lap.
She thunked the album down, half on top of the other, contrasting the very first family photos I possessed: just the two of us, meeting one another in the morning light of that lonely, heavenly hospital room. “Where’s the Da-ones for me, Mummy?”  
Damn it. 
“....He wasn’t there when you were a baby.”
Brianna blinked twice, and her eyes went fierce as she cocked her head. “Wasn’t?”
“No. He wasn’t.”
“Why wasn’t he?”
“He was away at—at the war when you were born.” 
Seeing the questions stacking up behind her eyes, I tried to explain, though my blood was thudding in my ears. “You know how Miss Della’s beau Peter is a soldier? And how he has to be away in Korea? That's like where Daddy was, too. He…” My voice cracked a little. “He was away, and didn’t get to meet you until you were Ian’s age.”
“Da was-not away!” Bree insisted, though her eyes were wide, unaccustomed doubt creeping in.
“He was, though, darling,” I whispered. “You don’t remember because you were still very little when he came back.” 
I turned the pages slowly, past those scattered glimpses of our early days, when we were the Randalls, then the Beauchamps. “Da was—” Goddamn it, what was the bloody story? “—captured, and we were told he died.”
I thought she hadn’t heard me. I cleared my throat and started to repeat myself, more audibly this time, but I glanced down and my heart clenched so hard the tears broke through. For, my little warrior’s face had completely fallen to despair. “....Daddy died?”
“No! No, no, no, sweetheart, he didn’t, but he was….lost....for a long time.”
She sucked in a breath, almost a gasp, all trace of fierceness gone as she searched my face. “Was he scared?”
I could only nod, the tears stinging, squeezing the walls of my throat. “But, one day, he did come back. He found us and he got to meet you. His wee lassie. See?”
Jamie, on our second wedding day, so very thin in his suit, but glowing as he held little Bree in his arms, looking down at her with unrestrained, awestruck  tenderness.
“You made him — make him  — so happy, lovey,” I whispered, pulling her close onto my lap and against my heart as I turned the page. 
The two of them, stretched out on this very couch, both their mouths open as they slept, her cheek smushed cozily against his chest.
I pressed my own cheek against her head. “He’d loved you the whole time he was lost. Getting to finally meet you was....” I flipped over to Ian’s first photos, pointing to Jamie. “Just like how happy he was here, when he met baby Ian for the first time.”  
“Mummy....I dinna—” Her voice was choked, tears streaming as she whispered: “I dinna w-want Da to be lost when I w-was Ian.”
“Ohh, love, sweetheart, I—”
The door from the kitchen opened. “Alright, Bree, your turn for—”
By long instinct, he dropped to a crouch to let her run, sobbing, into his arms. “Christ, what's this, then, cub?” He rubbed her back, coaxing brightly to ease her worries, his expert skill. “Heyyy, lass, there, now.....Dinna be troubled so, wee love—tell me what’s amiss.”
She couldn’t say anything coherent at first, but at last, she choked it out. “I dinna want—y-you to b-be—lost again!”
“I’m no’ lost, Brianna,” he nearly laughed. “I’m here, see? Safe and—”
“Mu—Mummy said you were dead and l-lost when I was littlest and–I don't—dinna—w-want—you—to—ever— ”
“Och, no, lass,” he moaned at once as he pulled her tight against his chest and rose to his feet, his eyes meeting mine with an understanding that ached in us both as he saw the tracks of my own tears. “Never. Not ever.”
He swayed with her for a very long time as she sobbed into his shoulder. His eyes were closed and I could barely hear what he murmured into her hair: 
“That was the saddest time of my whole life, mo chridhe....” In Gaelic: ‘I'll never be parted from ye again...nor your mother... nor Ian…...I swear it.’
“She’s truly growing up, then,” Jamie whispered, softly rubbing Brianna’s back where she lay curled up asleep on the sofa behind us. “That she can feel things so in her heart…..” He turned from her to lean fully against the bottom cushions, resting his arms on his knees. “It makes me want to weep, Sassenach. All the sadness that awaits them in the world....That I could keep all of it at bay.”
“Will we ever tell them differently?”
His head swiveled around, surprised. “Tell them what, mo ghraidh?”
“The truth.” The word was a ball of ice in my stomach. “About....everything. The stones... How we met. Who you really are.”
“I confess....I had assumed we never would tell them.” 
“When it was only me and Bree, I had thought...well, it was a vague thought, only....but I assumed someday she would know. Now, though....it doesn’t seem as simple, somehow.” 
“Aye.” His chest rose and fell heavily as he ran a hand backward through his hair. “In truth, ‘tis indeed a weight on my heart to think that they might never know all the dear memories—only the wee fragments, disguised as they must be.”
About Lallybroch. Jenny and Ian. All their little cousins. Murtagh. Brian and Ellen. Names the children knew, but only a surface-version; a bedtime story about people in a faraway land who were now lost; no more real than any other; far less so, with no photographs or brightly-colored illustrations to prove those people had existed. 
Still more....might they never know what their father did for them at Culloden? Of the sacrifice and pain we both chose on that day? 
“But we must bear it, no?” he was saying sadly, even as a half-hope grew in his eyes. 
“How can they ever truly know us, Jamie,” I said, “understand us without knowing where we’ve been? What we’ve been through?” I thought of my own parents, shrouded in so much mystery, so much not known; unknowable, now. 
“Perhaps...when they’re older? When they might be trusted to keep such a big secret, we might tell them. Though....” he considered. “They might both be fully grown before t’would be the right time for such a—"
“And yet, that’s the other side of the coin.” I hated this; scolded myself for being the devil’s advocate of cloying gloom. “It’s like adopted children that aren’t told until adulthood. If we wait so long, won’t they resent us for keeping such a monumental thing from them? The truth of who they are and how they came to exist?” My eyes must have looked as hopeless as Bree’s. “What do you think we should we do?”
A pause, then his mouth twitched in a weak attempt at a smile. “I wish I kent the certain path, Claire. I do.” Any light in his eyes ebbed. “In truth, we rob them — and ourselves, forbye — of something dear no matter the choice, aye?”
It might have lingered, the worry. It might have been a cloud over us throughout the fallen night. Instead, our eyes met and we softened in unison. He leaned his forehead against mine, pulling me closer to kiss my cheek. Many years stood between us and that day, should it ever even come. 
I was about to rest my head on his shoulder, but a photo caught my eye, right there by my ankle. 
It was barely in focus, fully half the image a diagonal, black nothingness, a childish finger covering the lens. Still, it had been captured at precisely the right moment, before Jamie or I had had time to react. 
Both of us were in pajamas in front of the stove, my hair an absolute wreck (though, when was it not?), the cup of tea in my hand in serious danger of slopping over the side, since Jamie had me by the waist and was working to pull me close. His head was bent to my neck, his grin sweet and roguish, though his eyes were hidden. Mine were closed and my head was thrown back, as though no other damn thing in the world mattered but the moment’s silly joy. 
I cradled it between us and spoke the simplest version of the ache within me.
 “I’m so happy you’re not lost anymore.”
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After the Rain
After the Rain
Hikaru yawned, making his way downstairs, still pretty out of it from the night before. As comfy as it was, sleeping in a pile with his family… he did not find waking up with the family dog laying across all of them to be very appealing. He was the last one out of bed, once Ken woke up and shot off like a rocket.
He was relieved, though. The dream therapy was working well, it seemed. Ken was back to his usual energetic self.
What time is it even?
It was Saturday, that much his half asleep mind was aware. He just didn't care what time it actually was.
"Morning, Hika!" Hideki called, looking over from the stove, a bright smile on his face.
Hikaru smiled tiredly, walking by his brother, ruffling up his hair.
"Mornin, Deki."
"Hey, you." Eiji greeted, stirring a pot on the stove. "Hope you're not sick of our little weekend tradition."
"Nope." He sniffed the air, sighing happily. "Is that broth with the leftover fish bones from yesterday's supper?"
"Well, yeah, can't let a good aji head go to waste."
"You're the best, Dad." He smiled before going to sit down.
"Anything for my boys."
Hideki gave his brother a confused look before a smile came to his face.
Awww Hika. I'm proud of ya.
Ken tugged on Hideki's night shirt, giving him a puppy eyed look.
"What do ya need, Kenny?" Hideki asked, looking up from his whisking.
He was just glad the power had come back on by the time they had all woken up.
"Can we play in the pool again?"
Hideki grinned.
"But of course!"
Eiji chuckled, looking behind him at his family. Carmen and Hikaru were talking quietly while Ken was trying not to get in Hideki's way too much.
It was looking to be a good day… until Eiji looked behind him to where his duffle bag of soaked equipment was.
His shoulders sunk, sighing heavily.
He still, had to fix that. It wasn't that he couldn't afford to replace it but he didn't WANT to. A good few of those pieces weren't under warranty anymore… He would worry about that later, though.
Just focus on your family.
That, was how Hikaru found him a few hours later. Eiji had his tool kit spread out on the family room floor, several pieces of equipment strewn about on a tarp. He was sitting cross legged in front of the coffee table, tinkering at one of the cameras.
He watched him silently, mostly out of sheer curiosity.
Eiji wasn't an expert at tech repair. He knew enough to keep his equipment from failing, enough to repair a great deal of it…
But after awhile, Hikaru was uncomfortable because it was clear Eiji had no idea what to do with this amount of damaged equipment.
"Oh Titan-Move!" He hurried over, nudging him aside. "Let me!"
"I got this, you can go have fun-" Eiji tried to insist.
"Nope." Hikaru looked up, smiling. "This is my fun."
Eiji decided to work at a different piece of equipment, keeping an eye on Hikaru out of the corner of his eye.
The boy's hands were quick and precise, repairing the SLS camera in his hand with ease. His posture was relaxed and calm as he tinkered, a smile ever present on his face.
Eiji smiled before going back to his own work. If this was what he wanted to do, he was happy for the company.
"Did you get any sleep last night?"
Hikaru smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck for a moment.
"Actually… that was the best sleep I've had in over a month." He admitted before going back to work. "Okaa-san and Otou-san, we used to sleep in piles like that sometimes before. Especially when we were living underwater for awhile… Namely, when we first came to the states."
"Oh yeah?"
"Mm-hm." Hikaru was nostalgic as he turned the camera over in his hands. "It was fun but I missed having stuff like my games or my toys that ran on electricity. Can't exactly plug that stuff in under the waves."
Eiji chuckled before a thought came to him.
"You have all that equipment in your room and those little things you're always tinkering with… you ever consider joining the school robotics club? When you're ready to go back, of course."
Hikaru froze up a little before frowning.
"I used to… I think I've been away enough that they'd kick me out." He murmured, looking back down. "No one wants the guy who was basically dead."
"I doubt that. You got skills, kiddo. Serious skills that any robotics team would want for themselves." Eiji squeezed his shoulder. "I'm not pressuring you… but think about it."
HIkaru smirked a little.
"Are you going to go to every competition and be a total embarrassment?"
Eiji smirked.
"I'll be doing my darndest to be the most embarrassing dad ever."
"Then I'll think about it." He frowned a little. "Will I have to go to a school counselor too?"
"Only if you're comfortable. No one's gonna make you do anything you're not okay with."
"Okay, Dad."
Eiji's heart warmed, hearing that once more.
"Love you, Son."
Hikaru smiled.
"Love you too. Think we could have tinker time together more often?"
"I don't see why not. You having fun?"
"I like this. It helps my mind quiet down more." He replied. "I like fixing things… and making new things."
Eiji reached over, ruffling his hair, earning a small laugh from the boy.
"And I like, hanging out with my son and working on things too." He smiled softly. "This can just be our thing."
Hikaru perked up, joy coming to his eyes.
"I'd really like that."
"Than it shall be."
"Heee! Up again, again!"
"Alright, up you go!"
Carmen looked up from her laptop as Ken emerged from the water, giggling up a storm before trying to climb on top of Hideki to make him go under the water, trying to dunk him in since he couldn't throw him into the air.
Even in his powerful, tiger shark form, Hideki was still as gentle as ever with his little brother. He was just content, to be able to change and swim any time he wanted to without issue.
"Mommy, Mommy!"
Carmen was snapped out of her train of thought, seeing Hideki swim by with Ken on his back, the youngest waving to her.
"Hey, Mijo!" She waved, giggling a bit. "You two having fun?"
Hideki lunged up as Ken was knocked back into the water with a large splash.
"EEP!" He popped up, grinning playfully. "Hey!"
"Gotcha." Hideki grinned. "Alright, how about you work on that butterfly stroke huh?"
Ken swam off as Hideki floated to the other side of the pool, content to relax for a bit.
Carmen set her laptop aside, going over to the side, sitting over the edge.
"So, be honest, is he driving you crazy?" She whispered.
Hideki chuckled, leaning his head back.
"Nah, never. It's nice to be the older brother. Been the "youngest" my whole life - even if it's just by five minutes." He replied. "I honestly love every second of it."
Carmen smiled softly, stroking his head fin, eliciting a loud churr from him.
"You are too cute." She chuckled.
"Even for a shark?"
"You are the cutest, shark ever."
Hm… I wonder…
She poked his snout, eliciting a squeak from him.
He blinked before laughing, shaking his head.
He smiled up at her.
"You're so silly, Mom."
Carmen's eyes widened a little, smiling.
"That's just how it is. You got a silly mom and a massive dweeb for a dad."
"And I love you both." Hideki reached up, hesitating a bit. He knew this form wasn't exactly the cuddliest.
She probably doesn't want a hug while I'm like this. Later.
Before he could lower his arm, Carmen pulled him halfway out of the water in an embrace, kissing his head.
"Never think I don't want a hug, okay?" She moved him a bit to arm's length, giving him a gentle look. "I'll always want one. Claro?"
"Claro…" Hideki's eyes were misty before hugging her again, churring up a storm.
Carmen kept him close, nuzzling the top of his head. His tail swished in the water below them as he curled up a little.
"This really okay?"
"Always." She gave his snout another poke as he squeaked.
She hugged him tightly, tucking his head under her chin… trying to hide the tears of joy welling up in her eyes.
He called me mom… He's calling me mom…
"I love you, Deki."
Hideki relaxed against her, hugging her tighter.
"I love you too, Mom."
Carmen was content to be right there. Work could wait. She wanted to savor every moment of this.
Ken quietly snuck up by them, tapping Hideki's tail to get his attention. He blinked. giving him a confused look.
He motioned as if he was pushing someone before pointing to their mother, a smirk on the six year old's face.
Hideki smirked.
"Hey… How much do you love us?"
Carmen didn't like how that voice sounded. That tone reminded her too much of her husband when he was being sneaky.
"... A lot. How much is it gonna cost?"
The boys snickered before Hideki threw himself backwards… pulling Carmen into the water with him as she let out a shriek of shock.
The boys swam backwards as Carmen rose out of the water, her hair sticking to her face, her clothes totally soaked.
She grinned wickedly.
"I'm gonna get you! C'MERE!"
"EEP! MERMAID MOMMY!" Ken squealed, climbing onto Hideki's shoulders. "Dekii-nii haaaalp!"
"Mermaid Mom's gonna get her two little pups!" She swam after them.
Their laughter was echoing off the walls. She could care less about her clothes.
Her children were happy… and so was she.
"What the heck are you three doing?"
They froze up, looking up as Eiji and Hikaru looked down in the pool.
"Do you have any tech on you?" Hideki asked quickly.
"No? We left all that upstairs, even our phones-Oh no." Hikaru trailed off as his twin grabbed his ankle. "Dad-DAD HELP-"
Eiji grabbed his arm two seconds too late as Hikaru was yanked into the water, his form shifting immediately… the extra weight of his tail causing Eiji to stumble forward into the water as well.
"Well, now you both HAVE to take a break." Carmen swam up to Eiji, pecking him quickly on the cheek. "C'mon you."
"Yeah! Come play with us, Dad! Mom is!" Hideki grinned.
Eiji was very, very glad he was already covered in water, the happy tears already welling up.
"Sure… Why not?"
Work could wait.
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wurwurz · 6 years
I was tagged by @melmey-fanfics. Thank you, let’s play the game.
Rules : 15 questions 15 mutuals
Okay... 1st question, what are mutuals ??
1 Are you named after anyone? Yup, Marilyn because Monroe. Thank you, mom, who avoided John because John Wayne for my brother.
2 When was the last time you cried? A few days ago when I’ve tried listening to a song that I know I cannot listen to anymore without crying. My father has died 3 years ago and To Make My Father Proud (by Michael Jackson) is the only song that drives me to tears now.
3 Do you have any kids? Nope, and I’ve never felt like I wanted to become a mother. The planet counts way too many humans already...
4 Do you use sarcasm a lot? I have invented sarcasm, honey.
5 What’s the first thing you notice about people? The Cumberbum ? The Hiddlebum ? Oh, you meant people. This is less interesting... Okay, so the eyes, the smile, the hands, general behaviour, good manners, the sense of humour, the culture and a nice bum. I also tend to notice little details people cannot see which is not obvious to believe because of what I’ve typed previously. I see and I observe, Sherlock !
6 What’s your eye color? Grey but with a tiny bit of green when I wake up.
7 Scary movies or happy endings? Horror movies. Happy endings ? Bah, I roll my eyes each time the pretty main male role ends up falling in love with the pretty young female role. Have mercy, where’s the rope ?
8 Any special talents? Still trying to figure this out. I am a great physiognomist, whish is completely useless unless I work for the FBI someday ? And I am a great movie critic (never watch a movie with me or you would only hear my comments). Real talents ? I can’t even get my dog to come to me when I ask him to !
9 Where were you born? France, en Lorraine ! Oui, là où ça caille et où c’est super moche.
10 Do you have any hobbies? Photoshopping, giffing, blogging. God it’s all virtual. Okay, I’ve started to play tennis ages ago (teacher called me boom boom Marilyn because I played like Boris Becker, heee).
11 Do you have any pets? I’ve always had pets. I have grown up with poodles, and also had hamsters, a chinchilla, a guinea pig, mice, turtles. I have a chihuahua (I had two but my angel died earlier this year) and he is very very very stupid. I figured out that all chihuahuas have a huge brain that actually doesn’t work. They have no expression. They are the anti Cumberbatch creatures.
12 What’s sports do you play/have played? Is farniente a sport ? Or playing video games ? I guess nope. Well, I played tennis and this is it.
13 How tall are you? 1,62 meters, which shall be 5′3′’ Google says.
14 What’s your favorite subject in school? Philosophy, english, german.
15 What’s your dream job? Not working at all ? I guess it’s no answer. Doing Benedict Cumberbatch’s makeup ? Won’t happen. Styling Tom Hiddleston’s hair ? Wil not happen either. Working for the cinema ? Cesar Millan’s job ?
Won’t tag anyone because I’ve already tagged bloggers I love in other things of that kind and I don’t want to bother anymore. Play the game if you want to @everyoneoutthere.
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