#Flood my mornings
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emmavakarian-theirin · 23 days ago
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by thirsty demand, lucanis' catsuit teia's armour for lucanis is now an available mod!
also available in the original tint
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shakingparadigm · 9 months ago
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ubtendo · 4 days ago
I wanted to doodle something about dragon quest today but I got distracted with cleaning up my old art (because I'm messy and I put like 5 drawings into ine canvas) so I found a bunch of old doodles and sketches I never posted
Rejoice for mediocre art dump from a year to a few months ago
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dimitriblunt · 27 days ago
we all know the worm theory right.
WELL. say elation is the third path of amphoreus, aha created that second worm and turned it into a human (ratio). but not just any human, no; specifically someone who seems like they're from amphoreus - which no one outside of amphoreus (or inside i suppose) would be aware of this fact, due to the planet being hidden away
fuli gazed upon us while we were on amphoreus, which means amphoreus is obviously not completely disconnected from the rest of the cosmos and the aeons as it seems - otherwise, we likely wouldn't have gotten fuli's gaze at all
aha has been playing 5d chess with us this entire time and we are only now just starting to finally understand. like when they were watching us and laughed their ass off during the fight against phantylia. they're gonna laugh their ass off again because ratio is worm and he's not actually from amphoreus . they just made him that way
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barksbog · 6 months ago
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anyways my village is flooding right now so shipping and stuff might be delayed (:
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forgotten-daydreamer · 1 year ago
my ao3 has been so dry in the past couple of days, go read my shit you heathens.
edit: I didn't expect anyone to find this post but you did, so I'm dropping my ao3 link
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smolfrosted · 5 months ago
I’m gonna be honest and confess something for a sec…
I left the Creepypasta fandom for like two years and was dragged back into it at three am by an Eyeless Jack dating sim
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ycoaracy · 15 days ago
now that mom can't do stuff i'm learning to be Grateful and Thankful bc i'm doing everything she does.... literally how does she do it 😭😭😭
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gay-for-the-snz · 2 months ago
Not many works on ao3 w "sneeze kink" or "sneeze fetish" tags. time to change that
update: girl help. how does ao3 work, I'm a grandpa and I'm scared
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arttsuka · 5 months ago
Why was the first ice age movie so emotional?
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purple8cat · 1 year ago
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i mean they're not. the exact same but they are very similar to each other!!
Also this could just be me but I feel like that these two have a lot of parallels. Break's family are the Rainsworths, who are not his biological family. Johann's family is Dante and Riche, who also not his biological family.
When someone they care about dies/gets threaten their first instinct is murder. When the Sinclairs died Break killed 116 people to bring them back, and when he thought Reim had been permanently dead he killed Fang. When Vanitas had threaten to kill Dante, Johann told him that he'll kill him if he meddles with his family.
Another thing they have in common is that there both, how do I put this, angry in some way/some point in their life? Break had been bitter and depress after returning from the Abyss but then learned to smile again because of Shelly. Johann... Okay, I can't say much about Johann because not much has been revealed about him yet BUT he definitely is sketchy!! With how the Dhampirs are treated it wouldn't be far off to say he would be angry at the world/society. He also has been shown to not like Noé much. Johann has also been shown to be very protective of Dante and Riche, so it's possible that he could've been similar to how Break had acted in the past, and now has something to live for and would do ANYTHING to protect it.
Another thing I'm just now realizing and probably should've brought up first but they have similar vibes/atmospheres. Though Johann is more flirtatious and Break is more... Weird. I guess. Eccentric, if you want a fancy word. They're also have this whole... How do I explain it? They're good at observing/analyzing things is I guess the best way to explain it?
I think I'm gonna stop there, there was something else I kind of wanted to talk about but I think it was a little bit of a stench fkdjgfjdf. I could be wrong about some of these, I didn't mean to write this much so basically all of it I wrote on a whim. Whatever my brain thought of I wrote down which resulted in this (which reading over it might be noticeable considering this post is kinda a mess kgjkfjgjfj). There's also the fact that some of the Johann stuff was just speculation, which could 100% be wrong. But I do think some of it I'm right about!!
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thatone-churro · 6 months ago
chat i am NOT appreciating the stares i got from walking across campus to cvs in my hoodie and sweatpants as if we didn’t just sit through ANOTHER hurricane like chill man i didn’t sleep well let me get my monster to finish my logic homework in peace 😭
#spent all night having not quite nightmares not quite stress dreams#periodically woken up by storm noises (sleeping with your back to a window during a hurricane when you get shellshock from loud storm noises#- is NOT a fun experience i would not recommend)#and THEN getting woken up at 5 am by an emergency alert warning about flash floods until like 11:45 when i have a 10 am class that morning 🙃#luckily my professor cancelled class for that (and my other class was cancelled for it to)#but tbh i was NOT gonna walk 7 minutes to the second farthest building on campus through that either way#i was just gonna send him a pdf of my homework and say ‘i’m not walking through a flash flood for this class sorry 😭’#also my school didn’t do shit for this?? they’ve been sending us emails all week about dangerous weather#but made SURE to add in all caps in every one that classes and stuff will go on as normal#cofc doesn’t stop until we’re dead i guess what the fuck 😭#scratch that i mean everything’s as normal except half of our dining halls are closed. so i have to walk 7 minutes out for food anyway 🙃#BECAUSE MY SNACK STASH IS DEPLETED BECAUSE ITS BEEN JANKY ALL WEEK 🙃🙃🙃#what was this post about again??#WAIT AND THEN THE NORMAL ‘AROUND CAMPUS’ ROUTE I TAKE TO MY HOUSE WAS CLOSED#SO I HAD TO GO THROUGH THE MAIN PART OF CAMPUS#IN MY HOODIE & SWEATS & CARRYING MY MONSTER & POP TARTS#WHILE THERE WERE LIKE THREE TOUR GROUPS STANDING THERE I WANNA DIEEEEEE#wait i can’t say that anymore. uhhh hold on let me find the list. ummm. ‘i’m gonna start a scam company’ there we go.#grace being stupid#text post#personal
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ecto-stone · 2 years ago
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I used to have this weird phase where i doodle like hundred of Cartoon charater into PPG back in fouth grade.
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alicornze7 · 11 months ago
Not an ask but ... Been seeing you liking tons of my posts ((and some of my reblogs , I think))
uh oh...ya caught me red handed😅
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Whatever you’ve just witnessed is me at my low point and doom scrolling away
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organised-disaster · 3 months ago
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Experience I had at the arcade today
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silverpolish · 4 months ago
realising that disruptions in my routine massively fuck up me taking my meds on schedule & that is probably why the last ~2 weeks have been especially bad for me
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