strix-x · 8 months
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happy gay old man holiday *puts finger to earpiece* i have just been informed that's not what it's called. oh well.
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wolverwhore · 1 year
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Container Garden Landscape Inspiration for a large traditional full sun backyard stone formal garden in spring.
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mastermata · 2 years
Hedgewood Ram
These leafy green rams can be found high up in warmer climates, grazing on grass; The flower at the end of their tails smell nice, according to those that got to close. These rams are also aggressive, and will charge at everyone.
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bundlestall · 2 months
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This is Nox Greyburrow! A Badger Ranger who works the night shift at a restaurant. It's been a hot minute since I last played a ttrpg so I got pretty excited and drew him up.
He's definitely based around hobbits and samwise gamngee for sure, he doesn't have a lot of grand ambitions and is more focused on his craft and his community
Also his name has meaning! Nox is short for Noxford and the Nox part is due to the fact that he would knock stuff over and knock on walls a lot as a kid. Greyburrow is a clan name The Grey clan and burrow is just the name of their family home or Nox's family were skilled at creating burrows and other important structures amongst their clan.
I imagine the clan itself might have been scattered at some point during a conflict and the Greyburrows found a home in their current town Hedgewood
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quiredaragoff · 2 years
Bestia | República Cinéfila
Bestia | República Cinéfila
Bestia es un filme de aventuras con Idris Elba, un thriller con momentos de enorme tensión, a partir de un cautivante uso del plano secuencia y una narración que no da respiro, como se diría comúnmente, ir al hueso, en todo sentido. Porque en el mundo del séptimo arte hay una especie de segunda línea del cine de aventuras norteamericano donde el foco argumental y temático es el enfrentamiento…
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sbrndnld · 2 years
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copperbadge · 2 years
could there perhaps... be some sort of holiday where old brit royal souvenirs are smashed on the floor? and people send their old ones in the post? may i request that? like maybe there was some timely distraction of breaking dinnerware, and it became a thing?
Well, smashing crockery is a very Greek tradition and Askazer-Shivadlakia is in the region, so I don't see why not, it's a delightful idea.
Any self-respecting Shivadh passing through Britain for any reason definitely stops at the thrift shops and picks up some crockery to ship home for Reclamation Day, but there are shops that pop up in Fons-Askaz in the late summer that sell super cheap fake Wedgewood for the sole purpose of being broken safely and economically. For tourists, buying a Reclamation Day figurine or plate is probably like buying a Caganer in Catalonia.
"I'll give you a deal -- buy one to smash and you can have one to take home for half price!" (Says the Shivadh shopkeeper who just marked the original plate up by 50% for the tourist.)
They can't officially call it Wedgewood so there are a number of unique "house" names for it based on what potter is making it, including Witchwood, Hedgewood, Wedgiewood, Wedgewont, etc. Popular figurines for smashing include American movie stars, the royal families of both Britain and Askazer-Shivadlakia, and various fish (considered especially lucky). Jerry has a collection of smashable figurines of himself going back to childhood, including one of his father holding him as a baby.
Gregory's first Reclamation Day as king, he got to ceremonially smash an extremely delicate teapot that Eddie specially commissioned for him from the traditional potter to the palace, the house of Kvetchwood. Alanna claims it's how they finally knew Eddie was a keeper.
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oldfarmhouse · 2 years
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Hedgewood Homes
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penalistasantioquia · 5 years
Hedgewood Place, Winston Salem, North Carolina Credit Repair | (877) 481-3950
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Hedgewood Place, Winston Salem, North Carolina Free Credit Repair Counseling call (877) 481-3950 remove bankruptcy, free consumer report, fix bad credit, check your annual Equifax, TransUnion, Experian credit report.
Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, both the credit reporting company and the credit bureau are responsible for correcting inaccurate or incomplete information in your credit report. To take advantage of all your rights under this law, get free consumer credit repair counseling at (877) 481-3950. If you are like 70% of Hedgewood Place, Winston Salem, North Carolina residents that have less than perfect credit, you’re sure to be interested in the truth about credit repair. If there were a legitimate alternative to seven years of credit denial, that alternative could mean early parole from the bad credit prison. What does the law say about repairing your credit? As the credit bureaus computerized their processes and greatly expanded their reach and influence in the late 1960s and early 1970s, consumer complaints began to pile up at the FTC and state attorney generals’ offices. The credit reporting agencies quickly became huge bureaucracies second only in size to the federal government. Yet, the credit bureaus expressly served only the needs of their clients, the credit grantors.
    copyright © 2016 Privacy Policy
    from Hedgewood Place, Winston Salem, North Carolina Credit Repair | (877) 481-3950 via Hedgewood Place, Winston Salem, North Carolina Credit Repair | (877) 481-3950 August 11, 2019 at 06:47PM Copyright © August 11, 2019 at 06:47PM
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strix-x · 5 months
seeing people draw shuro dunmeshi and getting alban hedgewood jumpscared. why is my dad in anime.
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pevictori · 5 years
Hedgewood Place, Winston Salem, North Carolina Credit Repair | (877) 481-3950
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Hedgewood Place, Winston Salem, North Carolina Free Credit Repair Counseling call (877) 481-3950 remove bankruptcy, free consumer report, fix bad credit, check your annual Equifax, TransUnion, Experian credit report.
Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, both the credit reporting company and the credit bureau are responsible for correcting inaccurate or incomplete information in your credit report. To take advantage of all your rights under this law, get free consumer credit repair counseling at (877) 481-3950. If you are like 70% of Hedgewood Place, Winston Salem, North Carolina residents that have less than perfect credit, you’re sure to be interested in the truth about credit repair. If there were a legitimate alternative to seven years of credit denial, that alternative could mean early parole from the bad credit prison. What does the law say about repairing your credit? As the credit bureaus computerized their processes and greatly expanded their reach and influence in the late 1960s and early 1970s, consumer complaints began to pile up at the FTC and state attorney generals’ offices. The credit reporting agencies quickly became huge bureaucracies second only in size to the federal government. Yet, the credit bureaus expressly served only the needs of their clients, the credit grantors.
    copyright © 2016 Privacy Policy
    from Hedgewood Place, Winston Salem, North Carolina Credit Repair | (877) 481-3950 via Hedgewood Place, Winston Salem, North Carolina Credit Repair | (877) 481-3950 August 12, 2019 at 12:47AM Copyright © August 12, 2019 at 12:47AM
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Sir William of Hedgewood (1943)
"This Irish setter will be exhibited at the Northwest Sportsman's Show in the municipal auditorium. He wears a tiny Irish hat."
via @hclib
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urgrl · 3 years
but any way thoughts on s2 of snowpiercer as a whole.
•Theory about melanie: wilford mentioning the Oubliette. according to google it is a “secret dungeon with access only through a trapdoor in its ceiling”. SO because we didn’t see Mel’s body, i’m assuming (for the sake of my sanity) that she has found a safe place underground that is hopefully warm enough to sustain her for a while. I’ve also seen some theories that she might be with other survivors, which seems kind of far fetched, but if there is a natural vent like the one she found in the lab, it could be possible for there to be survivors. fingers crossed bc i will cry so much more than i already have if melanie really is d word.
•I personally really love Alex’s character. I love that they didn’t just go in a “mean, cold, emotionally stunted” direction with her, but rather show the emotional side of her. Growing up without her mother, feeling like she was discarded by her mom, having to deal with Wilford and his lies and manipulation for her entire adolescence. A line that really got me was when she was talking and she said “I became the island of alex, and no one ever came ashore.” She is an incredibly strong character, and i think any one who underestimates her will be at a huge disadvantage.
•UMMM MISS RUTH?? best character development. hands down. I hated ruth in the first season, and going into the second season. I even had mixed feelings about her up until Wilford ordered her to take off her teals, after which i got legitimate chills. Not only did she prove she wouldn’t be one of Wilford’s mindless dogs, she was able to put aside her own fears, insecurities, and everything she had ever thought or believed about snowpiercer in order to leave it behind and retrieve hope for humanity. she was a total bad ass, and i love ruth now.
•by far the biggest shock for me this season was Josie being alive. like hello??? I don’t think any one is saw that coming. All things considered, I’m glad that the hedgewood’s were able to help her. Even though their intentions were skewed and devious, they still ultimately saved her life. I wish we got more interactions of her and icy bob, but hey, i’ll take what i can get. Last season I feel as though she was a bit of a crutch to the plot, kind of in the background, but i was happy that this season her character was able to be an integral part of the pirate team’s success. I’m very much looking forward to her development and relationships in the upcoming season.
•aside from Melanie being Missing in action (i absolutely refuse to say she’s dead yet), the saddest part of the season for me was Javi’s death. not only was it brutal and disturbing, it was completely undignified. He was just a young man doing his job to the best of his abilities and trying to save the world in his own special way. I knew when he was taken to Big Alice he would die, but the way in which he was killed really cements just how disgusting, horrendous, and ruthless Wilford is. Javi was a kind, goofy, and warm hearted person with anxieties and worries like all of us. I will really miss his character. Scratch that i just saw that apparently Roberto Urbina is in the filming location for Season Three? I’m assuming this means he’s alive? JAVI LIVES.
some additional things that i thought were.. um... interesting.
•LJ, you wretched bitch.
•wilford’s bathtub, what the fuck is wrong with this guy
•jupiter. I loved you at the beginning, but at the end. Ive never hated a dog so much.
•alex wearing melanie’s hoodie in the last episode. that’s it.
•miss audrey needs some serious help.
•icy bob? just his entire character? what the fuck
All in all, it was a very exciting, scary, sad season. I really looking forward to season three.
Feel free the leave comments or reply about how you feel about season 2 or Snowpiercer opinions in general!
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On My Radar: 8.24.19
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MEET: Call a friend and make a lunch date at Gracious Bakery on Thursday. Why Thursday? Because its our favorite bakery’s birthday and they are giving away cupcakes to celebrate! The festivities continue all weekend long with birthday scones, birthday cake, and birthday doughnuts available for sale at one of their four locations. 
WANT: Have you heard of Torino belts? I hadn’t until I visited Tasc last week. Here’s the reason I share: the belts are locally made and stretch to fit your size. How naturally N’awlins is that? Pair the belt with one of Tasc’s new black and gold t-shirts and you'll be all set to indulge in a Sunday Funday at home or in the Dome. 
LOVE: Green space is hard to come by in this great city! Lynn Morgan has two properties for sale: one house is steps from Audubon Park and the other house has a lush front yard thanks to a beautifully tailored neutral ground. 
LEARN: What is a facelift? Dr. Christian Jacob of Hedgewood Plastic Surgery shares his expertise here. 
VISIT: End of summer sales and pop ups galore. Intrigued by the hair crack available for sampling this Saturday only at Basics. Dunn & Sonnier is already making room for the holidays so everything in store - except for flowers and local art - is on sale. Take portrait pictures at Pippen Lane on Wednesday...and I am sure there are lots of other things I am missing, so get out there and live, love, local. 
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copperbadge · 2 years
Happy Reclamation Day!
It’s the 29th of Av in the Jewish calendar and therefore Shivadh Reclamation Day, celebrating the day that the people of Askazer-Shivadlakia expelled British occupiers from their country a few centuries back. Realistically, the expulsion was symbolic because most of the actual physical occupiers were nice Welsh boys who liked the warm weather and friendly locals and preferred to stay, but shh. Shh. 
On this day of days we enjoy fish salami, a variety of cheeses, a nice parade, and smashing crockery purchased specially for the occasion. 
In early August, particularly in the capitol city of Fons-Askaz, small shops pop up from a variety of artisan families, who make smashable imitation Wedgewood crockery and porcelain figurines under “house” names like Hedgewood, Witchwood, Wedgiewood, Wedgewont, and the official Fake Potters To The Royal Palace, Kvetchwood. Popular figurines for smashing include American movie stars, the royal families of both Britain and Askazer-Shivadlakia, and various fish (considered especially lucky). 
The King Consort, Theophile Rambler, always commissions a particularly intricate and delicate piece of crockery for King Gregory III to ceremonially smash in public. His enthusiasm for Reclamation Day is how the royal family knew the American foreigner King Consort was a keeper. 
My mother, who has the spirit, recently sent me an “early Rosh Hashanah” food box containing two kinds of cheese and three kinds of pork salami. (Being fair, she sent it from a famous midwestern Jewish mail order food basket company, Zingerman’s). So while it’s very much not Kosher, I am prepared to enjoy the hell out of some charcuterie today, although any smashed crockery will be entirely coincidental. 
(For those confused: Fictional holiday, fictional romance series, very real enjoyment of cheese.)
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dankreject · 7 years
On Route 52/Fishkill Ave, we speak the truth.
Hedgewoodian Zombies
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