#heaven au
mocamagical · 2 months
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Charlastor Week 2024: Day Two Heaven AU i think im happy with these designs, you know what i like em, im proud of myself. Heaven AU, Alastor decides Hell looks a lot cooler with the tap dancing, show stopping princess at the reigns.
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waffawa · 1 month
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Any last words?
A little late but here’s my Charlastor week 2024 Day 2: Heaven AU!
Omg this is so dramatic but I am living. What’s he saying? :P
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karriette · 2 months
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Charlastor Week Day 2: Heaven AU
Love the ��Al not wanting to be redeemed but Charlie letting him go’ trope
Just have time to sketch this one, but I want to come back to it at some point , make some proper lineart and colour maybe?
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alastor-simp-page · 1 month
Charlastor AUs: Poll
In the spirit of Charlastor week it only seems fair and I know damn well I haven't really posted anything Charlastor this week. I'll get to it...eventually.
Devil Charlie & Pathetic Alastor - (https://www.tumblr.com/murmurmurena/752938 & https://www.tumblr.com/murmurmurena/757825472979746816/memes-only?source=share)
Penace - (https://archiveofourown.org/works/53581501/chapters/135631375)
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bluefever · 2 months
Horror M if he went to church to confess for his sins
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Or something like that-
This is a silly drawing for that Heaven/Golden Timer AU @super-horror-mario haves (Hi lolz)
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darkseraphscorner · 2 months
Angel Seraph looks at the ladies of hell.
"Why are they so damn attractive? Just look at them!"
Lilith has lead this boy unto temptation.
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the-magical-terri · 6 months
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Uriel and their children
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hazbinsandweirdos · 1 year
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Pierres redemption is a nightmare
I love ruining redemption and Heaven and making it just as bad as long as you have the knowledge to see where it's bad
Angel Niss is just a glorified clone put in Pierres enclosure for enrichment and Pierre realizes it because Heaven isn't prepared for sinners and hasn't put thought into how to trick the sinners being redeemed into believing the Heaven brand loved one is real
Anyone that just died and made it wouldn't question it but it's blatantly obvious to a redeemed soul
So everytime I call this Niss the Penguin enclosure version, it's from Happy Feet where the Penguins just call everyone Dave and Mumble talks to the wall penguin lmfao
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jollyimposter · 1 year
Raphael Abott the Archangel
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I just got new pens and coloring and found out they bleed, still like them tho, just not as much
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tatortatshima · 2 years
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happy new years
i was rushing until countdown-
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rainworld-idiot · 2 years
/e wave
hrrmememem ERRM snort/j hello omor fandom,,,, iv come to loredump an AU I have !!!!!! helloh !!!!!!!!!! hii !!!!! (autism creature) Angel Mari AU !!! Before I even TRY to talk about the AU itself, I need to talk about my versions of Heaven and Hell !! Heaven is a large brighter area full of fluffy clouds , towns , cities etc etc . SINGERS PALACE is the MAIN building !! (SINGER is this heavens GOD) the building is big enough for 200 foot tall angels to fly through (Angels n Demons height limits are all the way up to 200 feet !) it seems like smaller creatures would get lost really easy but just around every corner there are barrels full of Maps with an enchantment to highlight the holders current area , and it moves along with them to guide them ! Hell is dark and has a similar Palace , though MUCH more dark and gloomy and VERY lonely . And in the cities and towns one thing you'll almost ALWAYS hear is - Heavy Metal ! these beasts love their metal . DANCER is this Hell's SATAN ! And one thing to mention of demons and angels as a whole , most are not , "humans with wings and a halo" or Imps of some sort ! They are beasts , dragon-like creatures with usually many legs , wings , many halos , eyes , etc etc ! There still are "Humans" and Imps , but there are mostly biblically accurate angels and MAINLY beasts . There can be "cross-breeds" between Angels and Demons , If they look more like Angels they live in Heaven if they look like Demons they live in Hell , Though the creatures look similar on their talons there are marks , Of either a Cross , or an upside-down cross ! Both if crossbred . I won't get into in this post but it will be mentioned in the AU itself , there are ranks for both kinds of creatures , And angels n demons can manifest into worlds and take "Attachments" a thing they do for fun ! It's basically guiding someone till the end of their days and taking them to where they need to be after-death . Onto the AU sorry for the long explanation :[ When Mari dies she manages to get up into Heaven , angels and such find lots of interest into her . And it so happens heirs for the "Head Angels Assistant" and the one WITH that rank himself was killed just two hours before Mari's arrival , by an unknown assassin . BOPW [Beast of Pounding Waves] takes Mari under his wings to guide her as the new Assistant to him , BOPW is the HEAD ANGEL . Mari gets a whole apartment within SINGERS PALACE , and a Beast Form , she is taught the basics and as she is weened into being BOPW's Assistant she is given a small army of over 300 Angels to command , "The Moon Group" as it is called . After lots of boring work and making friends with many of the Palace's residents and her own Army members , It seems that there is commotion with an Angel [SHADOW SERAPH RANKED] that Mari had sent to watch over Sunny , Basil and the rest of the group . A demon by the name "Mercha" is targetting her , trying to desperately Slaughter the Angel for giggles , though Mari is taking no shit from Mercha and goes down there herself with her top 10 members of The Moon Group ,
They all pummel Mercha into the ground , Ending in his death . Mari checks up on "Dandelion" the Angel she had sent down while she was busy and then the friend group ! As it seems they ... Saw the entire thing . Through the shock and sadness of them all she takes Sunny as an attachment as an excuse to stay down in her "old-world" for a while , one of The Moon Groups members taking over her job temporarily . Oh and I forgot to mention because this is a WHOLE other can of worms . Mari and BOPW have accidentally bombed a section of HELL before , DESTROYING half of DANCERS PALACE on accident !
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notherpuppet · 2 months
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Guardian Angel AU 👼🏼🪽⚔️🩸
It’s radioapple and Chaggie because I’m entirely self serving in my fanart/fanfics lollll
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solastalgiart · 3 months
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📸 | snapshot
xie lian soft-launches his bf hua cheng and the internet loses it
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dragonbonez · 2 months
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An actual angel?
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munchy-k · 3 months
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alin-linlinlin · 2 months
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The return of the dragon's au, but this time for the TGCF
I regret that I did not think about Hua dragon earlier >"<
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