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Yep... this is for the pedophile that just moved into our subdivision #breakstuff @limpbizkit #MyMusic #YourMusic #OurMusic #music #OpenYourEars #LetYourSoulHearTheMusic #music #MusicTherapy #musicislife #musicismydrug #MusicFix #musicismytherapy #musiclover #LoverOfMusic #ILoveMusic #musiclovers #MusicIsApartOfMySoul #HearTheWords #FeelTheMusic #WhatsInYourEar #WhatsInYourPlaylist #VocalSanity #ThroughOurLives https://www.instagram.com/p/CQekNFwrN3f/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Disfruté este plan cronológico audible de la Biblia en un año. Listo para comenzar otra vez. I enjoyed this chronological audio Bible-in-a-year plan. Ready to start again. Bible App #LeeTuBiblia #InstitutoBíblico #SerCristiano #HáblameSeñor #Shemá #OyeIsrael #ReadYourBible #BibleInstitute #BeingChristian #SpeakLord #HearTheWord https://www.instagram.com/p/CHilbI6gY4z/?igshid=1tpafee1pi4xh
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Blessed✨#nightmeditation #night #nightbiblereading #nightroutine #blessed #heartheword #obeytheword #godlovesus #luke #word #jesuslover #jesusjesus (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBVjTYKDBtj/?igshid=9kyexqpe9xv5
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THE WORD COMES, YOU HEAR IT, YOUR FAITH GROWS... (REPEAT)... DON'T STOP HEARING THE WORD, IT GROWS YOUR FAITH!!! #HearTheWord #THEWORD #FAITHComesByHearingTheWord #StayWoke #WereAllHeart❤ https://www.instagram.com/p/B7SbBSegQW2/?igshid=nm6ll5jj7mtv
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I Peter 3:14 But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you are blessed. “And do not be afraid of their threats, nor be troubled.” . . #bibleverses #verseoftheday #jesus #beblessed #abide #heartheword (at Fayetteville, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5WkYATF9V-Fzj_D8bpAfR6evFN4E97EpllwVU0/?igshid=1nhijoa57nlsp
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Happy Friday! #Scripture • Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: Matthew 7:24 KJV #LoveGod #JesusChrist #HearGod #heartheword #wiseman #solidrock #bible #bibleverses #bibleverseoftheday📖 (at Brandon, Mississippi) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsx5bj5hspJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=152o3j9kxzmtx
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#KevinJamesStuart made the #Frame in .89 when I got my #Degree #LeftEye left #Blind and my #DirtyBlond haired #Son turned Black #Exaclty like #BettyBerella splitting image #Smile and #BlackHair #Indian all :*) :*) :*) #XoxoD just Like #JessiJames #Jess and #Lisa gave me her #Eye #18yrs ago :*)#IHATECANCER #RIPDonna #THUNDER and #lightning #strikes me as I just got #STARTED #XoxoD #DEE #XoxoDaddyEE #Goodmorning #beautiful #TN Here #XoxoD #DEE #DaddyEE DON'T #Fret #Minnie is A #Cowgirl on the #lonely road I ride and I'm #Wanted Wanted Dead or #Alive Kidding #Baker in the #Hood #Dora starts at 4am.sharp most days #XoxoD #DEE #XoxoDaddyEE Good morning beautiful #TN bound AGAIN #RIPBettyEspinoza #sorry for #yourloss #People #suffer for #nothing at the #hands of the #lonely #planet #travellerhttps://www.facebook.com/snoow.hunter/videos/10160154478405282/#IHATECANCER #RIPDonna #THUNDER and #lightning #strikes me as I just got #STARTED #XoxoD #DEE #XoxoDaddyEE #Goodmorning #beautiful #TN Here #XoxoD #DEE #DaddyEE DON'T #Fret #Minnie is A #Cowgirl on the #lonely road I ride and I'm #Wanted Wanted Dead or #Alive Kidding #Baker in the #Hood #Dora starts at 4am.sharp most days #XoxoD #DEE #XoxoDaddyEE Good morning beautiful #TN bound AGAIN #RIPBettyEspinoza #sorry for #yourloss #People #suffer for #nothing at the #hands of the #lonely #planet #traveller#KevinJamesStuart made the #Frame in .89 when I got my #Degree #LeftEye left #Blind and my #DirtyBlond haired #Son turned Black #Exaclty like #BettyBerella splitting image #Smile and #BlackHair #Indian all :*) :*) :*) #XoxoD just Like #JessiJames #Jess and #Lisa gave me her #Eye #18yrs ago :*)Them good old days #Haya #YataHay #BloodBrothers @ #Learned in #WhiteManJail #Navaho and #Apachi #Blood from #Colorado #Danger #Stanger from #DenverColorado knot #TN however my #Brother from another mother #Star in #LB but IT'S knot A #Secret service and no play for 30yrs#Fn #Fun #GiveMeARun for my #MONcutEY #Honey #Porkey #What do #HeartheWords #THAT are #Coming #outta my #Mouth DON'T #Fret we #WILLCRYEVERYDAY Long #IHateCancer #RIPDonna I miss you every day #XoxoD #DEE #XoxoDaddyEE Good morning beautiful #TN #😙😚☺🙂🤔😑😶😗😘😍😎😋 (at Downtown Fullerton Bars)
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Regrann from @officialbonnetchronicles - #bonnetchronicles #DevilIsBusy #ImTrynaPrepareYou #StayWoke #GlueYoEyelidsUp #DontBounceOnTheGuestPastor #HearTheWord #LetGodUseDeaconJones #HesGoingToBeFlat #ButYouKnowThisAlready #ThatIsSisterRoberts #FavoriteHat #PeekOnRoundIt #PayYoTithes #DontLeaveDuring #NewMemberInvitation #WearYoFlats #DontLetTheDevil #MakeYouCurse #InYoMind #LetSisterJohnsonRunAround20times #Shout15minutes #SpeakInTonguesFor10 #praiseHim #Amen #Shabach #YouGonnaMiss #Bingo #Today #HappySunday
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Your thoughts are a result of the moments you captured using your senses. And your thoughts paves way for your actions. What are you exposed to? Are you exposed to fear, guilt, shame, and condemnation, or are you exposed to courage, righteousness, thankfulness, and love. You can only give what you have, and what you have evolves from what you take in from external sources. Choose what you hear, watch, smell, taste, and touch. #setgoals #knowwhereyouaregoing #listenpositive #watchposition #heartheword #letfaitharise #followjesus #thoughts #paths #aftereffects #reaction #drivenbygod #iwillseebetterdays #ihavehope
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🤣🤣🤣🤣 #thickchicks @comediangingerbilly #MyMusic #YourMusic #OurMusic #music #OpenYourEars #LetYourSoulHearTheMusic #music #MusicTherapy #musicislife #musicismydrug #MusicFix #musicismytherapy #musiclover #LoverOfMusic #ILoveMusic #musiclovers #MusicIsApartOfMySoul #HearTheWords #FeelTheMusic #WhatsInYourEar #WhatsInYourPlaylist #VocalSanity #ThroughOurLives https://www.instagram.com/p/CKCYjSZr71J/?igshid=uoj4yqdvvq78
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(10/22/2017)KCC family and extended family ❤️!#KCCCharlotte #KingdomCityChurch #kingdomkids #relationshipsareintentional #welovextendedfamily #familyiseverything #heartheWord #Godsword #FAITH #manifestationtime #yesLord #mypraise #itisdone #recoveringall #billionairestatus #bestchoice #MoreGrace #saved #Godfirst #inHispresence #soldoutforJesus #usies #agape #allsmiles #trustGod #latepost (at Charlotte, North Carolina Area)
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Personne n’as aussi bien surpassé la mort que toi, félicitations!
Une déconnexion total vas arriver dans peu de temps je le sens, Elle est proche de plus en plus.
Ça fait déjà quelques semaines que mes souvenirs des jours passé n’apparaissent plus dans ma mémoire de stockage interne.
Elle s’agrippe à moi comme une succube qui vient de naître connaissant aucune émotions humaines. Depuis 3 jours, je me pose la même question : « Qu’est-ce qu’être humain? » Pourquoi avons nous des émotions alors que tout ça est éphémère ?
Avoir des émotions positives ou négatives au final ne change rien, ça va ça vient et tu te demerdes avec, on en revient toujours au même point: « On née seul, on vit seul et on meurt seul » c’est ma seule vérité et pour le moment, du haut de mes 26 années, tout me prouve que cette vérité est réel. L’infime espoir que j’avais de modifier cette réalité est loin, plus loin que la distance d’un pays à un autre.
Loin comme une galaxie lointaine à une autre, nous sommes tous plus petit que des fourmis dans l’univers. Peut être qu’il y a des planètes où les émotions on un sens et un intérêt, pour ma part sur la planète Terre je n’en vois guère.
Beaucoup diront que ce que je dis est un mal être mais en soit je vais bien et de plus pour moi la mort est une perte de temps. Maintenant que je suis consciente et sur de tout ça, je vais vivre une vie d’automate, sourire et acquiescer. Tout le monde sera content et personne m’emerdera.
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People may hear your words, but they feel your attitude
John C. Maxwell
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#OutOfMyHead @ninjapunchmusic @themarinerapper This song .... I can play on repeat. #MyMusic #YourMusic #OurMusic #music #OpenYourEars #LetYourSoulHearTheMusic #music #MusicTherapy #musicislife #musicismydrug #MusicFix #musicismytherapy #musiclover #LoverOfMusic #ILoveMusic #musiclovers #MusicIsApartOfMySoul #HearTheWords #FeelTheMusic #WhatsInYourEar #WhatsInYourPlaylist #VocalSanity #ThroughOurLives https://www.instagram.com/p/B8edmV3px9S/?igshid=e98wt7v6k5vf
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#ComeTogether #Aerosmith #MyMusic #YourMusic #OurMusic #music #OpenYourEars #LetYourSoulHearTheMusic #music #MusicTherapy #musicislife #musicismydrug #MusicFix #musicismytherapy #musiclover #LoverOfMusic #ILoveMusic #musiclovers #MusicIsApartOfMySoul #HearTheWords #FeelTheMusic #WhatsInYourEar #WhatsInYourPlaylist #VocalSanity #ThroughOurLives https://www.instagram.com/p/B4WJW2ngjon/?igshid=37fstz2i0df7
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