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the-spirit-of-a-fairy Ā· 5 years ago
Deet x Rian
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letstac0boutjesus Ā· 4 years ago
ā€œOne by one, we will call for a ceasefire.Ā One by one we will fight for a better end. One by one, we will rewrite the headlines. Standing side by side. One by one, love is building an empire. One by once, reaching out to our enemies. One by one, we will make it to the finish line. Standing side by side. Ceasefire!ā€
These are some of the most trying times most of us have ever been in. While it seems that things are getting better the future is still unsure and it is terrifying to think about what is to come. There is a pandemic, civil unrest, death every where we turn, natural disasters, and now an election that only further divides our country.
I have found some hope in this song.Ā 
The definition of ceasefire is an order to stop fighting. We will have to come to a point where we as Christians call for a ceasefire, because our country needs healing and help. We need to learn how to hope, live humbly, love with no conditions, and live in the peace that only God can give. We will come to a point where the fighting will exhaust us and we need to talk about the overwhelming peace that God grants us.
I have listened to this song on repeat for the last couple of days and the text has been the most encouraging part of the song for me. I hope that you guys will take a listen to this song and find the hope that I did. Trust that God will bring us out of this hard time and we will be better than ever because we have placed our hope in Him who saves.
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forgedwithdragonfire Ā· 6 years ago
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She sits in her corner singing herself to sleep.
Wrapped in all of the promises, that no one seems to keep.
She no longer cryā€™s to herself. No tears left to wash away.
Just diaries of empty pages. Feelings gone astray. But she will sing...
Till everything burns.
While everyone screams
Burning their lies
Burning my dreams
All of this hate
All of this pain
Iā€™ll burn it all down as my anger reigns
Till everything burns
I have faith in our Queen and King. I know they will make it. They have too! ā¤ļøšŸ™šŸ»
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hennapaste Ā· 5 years ago
Kalau belum berubah...
Kalau sudah shalat, tapi merasa hati belum tenang, atau masih saja mudah berbuat kesalahan. Kalau sudah puasa, tapi hawa nafsu masih tak bisa dikendalikan. Masih emosian, masih gak sabaran, gak bisa bersikap layaknya orang orang beriman. Tenang.
Jangan lelah, ya? At least, kamu sudah punya kesadaran kalau ternyata yang dilakukan belum merubah apapun. Tenang. Jangan anggap semua percuma karena gak ada yang sia sia bagi-Nya.
Allah mungkin ingin melihat kamu berusaha sedikit lebih keras lagi. Ibadahnya mungkin ada yang kurang dalam prosesnya. Mungkin ada yang salah dalam niatnya. Allah mungkin sedang asik melihat kamu mendekatiNya.
Jangan berhenti, ya. Jangan lupa juga untuk terus meminta kekuatan kepada Allah agar rasa lelah itu dihilangkan, dan rasa bosan itu dienyahkan.
Terima kasih karena masih berjuang hingga detik ini!
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alifeatthelanding Ā· 5 years ago
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Some photos I took today in Indianapolis at the #redfored event! . The fifth photo is a bunch of sweet students supporting their teachers! I also saw a couple of high school boys with an ā€œEpstein didnā€™t kill himselfā€ sign! šŸ˜‚ I loved it. . Teachers are so creative and had some incredible signs!! I also snagged pics of teachers getting photos with Abe Lincoln and Ron Alting! He was the only state official I saw outside the whole time I was there. . I shamelessly stole a group photo from @jared_mcelroy ! It was so nice to see some sweet Singing Hoosier pals from IU!! Theyā€™re changing lives everyday and Iā€™m so proud to know them! @drewguy34 @ekathleenp . This is only the beginning. I have high hopes for this state I love ā¤ļøā¤ļø #kidsareworthmore #teachersofinstagram #indianapolis #ihavehope #kidsarethefuture #education #red4ed #singinghoosiers #alifeatthelanding https://www.instagram.com/p/B5ETTzPDDyH/?igshid=1jw0rzsier4os
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urthalun Ā· 7 years ago
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I looked up. There on the wall. Our message. I had to start writing, channelling. From their recycle bin I found paper. Here: UrthaLun.com - we can help. #WeCanDoBetter #iHaveHope #iChooseToBeTheChange #resist #NeverGiveUp #MakeADifference #LendAHand (at West Eugene, Eugene, Oregon)
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calliegarp Ā· 8 years ago
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Mantra for the day.ā € .ā € Image R/P from @jess_soyouknow_ šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø ā € .ā € .ā € .ā € #daca #istandwithdreamers #ihavehope #obamasaiditbest #wednesdaywisdom #immigration #heretostay #deporthate #dreamers #defenddaca
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queenephillips Ā· 6 years ago
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Good morning! There's darkness before the dawning of the new day, and what you couldn't see in the darkness you can see in the Light! . . It's a new day and it comes with new mercy & compassion. Seize the day!Grab hold of the LIGHT! The LORD is faithful! (Lamentations 3:21-23) #ihaveHope #JESUSistheLight #JesusistheLightoftheWorld #MondayMotivation #MondayMorning #MondayInspiration #MondayManna https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv_1-ETB7Rq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17zucs7i1p5om
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dailybibledeclarations Ā· 6 years ago
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#havehopeingod - Surely you can give it one more push there. Give it another shot here, another try is all you need sometimes. Life is never over until the Lord says it is over. Has the Lord said it and will He not fulfil it? Has the God of the universe told you to give it all up, itā€™s not going to work? If He hasnā€™t instructed you otherwise, then donā€™t despair, donā€™t give up, and reach out for hope. Continue reading on the #christianblog and leave a comment, let's connect! Speak the Word of God Over Yourself and Change Your World for Good. I declare my hope is in the Lord who fills me with high expectations and He fulfils His promises in my life. . . #havehope #alwayshavehope #hope #hopeingod #hopeinthelord #hopes #hopeful #hopeingodsword #hopeingodalone #ihavehope #havehopealways #istillhavehope #havehopeandfaith #dailydeclararations #dailybibledeclarations #declaretheword #dailybibledeclaration #biblicalaffirmation #bibledeclaration #bibledeclarations #christianblogposts #christianfaith #christianlifestyle #christianwriter #hopeinchrist #christianwomen #christianwoman #godofhope https://www.instagram.com/p/BvFnLZBFckn/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1l5y8dc9z78d8
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evelynerose-blog Ā· 6 years ago
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I will have hope in Jesus continually. ā€¢ ā€¢ ā€¢ #ihavehope #ihavehopeinjesus #havehopeingod #havehopeinjesus #hopes #psalm #psalm71 #psalm7114 #psalm71v14 https://www.instagram.com/p/BtOsRZTBOdi/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qg9lfm4qv7k2
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off-2-a-rocky-start Ā· 7 years ago
@lily-the-leopard @caissymax look at this.
You were shunned for your ugly face. Your fellow knights gave you the worst jobs and the girls are disgusted by you. In the middle of a war against the Orc Horde, you are abandoned. Ditched! And capturedā€¦ As it turns out however, from an Orcā€™s point of view, you are ridiculously handsome.
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generoushottubnacho-blog Ā· 8 years ago
Today is a new day and I believe that it will be better than yesterday.Ā 
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malfunctioningdaily Ā· 8 years ago
OKAY. SO. Imma make myself happy and try to say why Mark wrote John as a mini cheat. So. I feel like this was put out as maybe a contrast.
Lemme explain.
We have John with Mary and adorable Lil Rosie.
But. John actually cheat here yea?
Then later on Mary dies.
And as a tjlcer, I think this is leading up to that. Thus when John comes to his senses and agrees to raise Rosie with Sherlock (PARENTLOCK) we will have this scene again.
Where John being flirted with. But.
He does not.
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thedustyscholar Ā· 7 years ago
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ā€œBut, as it is written, "What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him"ā€”ā€ ā€­ā€­1 Corinthiansā€¬ ā€­2:9ā€¬ ā€­#noeyehasseen #noearhasheard #iknowtheplansihaveforyou #godhasaplanforyou #godhasaplanforme #ihavehope #shema #lovethelordwithallyourheart
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justaseasonname Ā· 8 years ago
HELP me taylor
Hi, I still have no idea on how tumblr works but I heard that @taylorswift was online so hey taylor I love you please explain me how this app works :)
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shellitrim-blog Ā· 8 years ago
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KCC family and extended family ā¤ļø!#KCCCharlotte #KingdomCityChurch #kingdomkids #relationshipsareintentional #welovextendedfamily #familyiseverything #thereishope #Ihavehope #yesLord #mypraise #itisdone #bestchoice #MoreGrace #saved #Godfirst #inHispresence #soldoutforJesus #wegoingalltheway #usies #blessedbeyondbelief #agape #allsmiles #trustGod (at Charlotte, North Carolina)
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