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oh, what i’d do to be your muse
#literature#writing#dark academia#poetry#spilled ink#spilled thoughts#writers on tumblr#love#yourmuse#light academia
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Tagged By: A little Wildbirdie! Tagging: @kiigan @bewitchingbaker @gyofukuki @skarletchains @stanislawkowalski @saiakv @kylo-wrecked @muddsludge @zealctry @distortedkilling @lightfaithed ...and YOU!
#Not my OC but I couldn´t find the template with 'describe yourMuse'#hunting-songs: headcanon#hunting-songs
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Hey there, I'm Celeste.
Nice to meet you, hopefully.

Ooc under the cut

About the OC
☆ 33
☆ Highschool counselor
☆ Advocate for trans youth (owns a Nonprofit)
☆ Transfem
☆ Will eventually b taken by @wannabe-yourmuse
☆ Rabbit Shifter

Tags ☆
🐇🤍 - general tag/sign off
🐇🤍 asks - asks
Dani 🤍 - Daniel (her future boyfriend)
🐇🤍 hop hop - reblog tag
Blog run by @literallydearmoore

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Ochre yourmusic is worming it's way into my playlists wtf
#ramblings#IM A REAL ONE I LSITEN TO THE MUSIC IN PEOPLES MUSIC POSTS !!!!!!!!! /lh anyways i just got jumpscared by that
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hi im a hugefan of you and your music uauaaaa did not Know you had a blog!!!!been showing all my friends and everyone I know yourmusic for years and just relistened to Madison and it’s a masterpiece thank you all for everythiiinggggg (*^^*)♡
💙 aw, thank you so much. means the world that my music means anything to anyone!
i love tumblr, going on it reminds me of being a kid haha, and it's a nice little reprieve from the rest of social media. just looking at and sharing cool pictures.
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hello its me i am stuck in prison (office) suffering torture (having to be here) and theyre trying to psychologically break me (im bored) would you like music recs i could make a playlist i loveeee showing people music . also if u wanna u can tell me what music u listen to so i can try to fit it or i can just add songs i like idk
yeS YES YES YES !!!!! i love listening to yourmusic. (thanks for showing me yann. that guy is awesome!!!!). i need more playlists!!!!!!!!! also - the problem with me is that. i literally. listen to everything. and by everything. i mean Everything
good luck in the torture chamber 🫡
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One daydream -
Me and friends hanging out at a cafe or something.
Table across me has a busy man sitting by himself.
He's wearing business attire. But his suit hangs on a chair next to him. His sleeves are rolled up. He's working on something on his laptop.
My eyes get caught on his fingers. He's wearing silver rings that shine when they catch the light as he pauses his typing to take a sip of his 'i bought this so I could sit here' drink.
And I'm just ... Staring. But I'm staring at his hands. I follow the movement of his hands as if I'm in a trance.
The long fingers bend on the keyboard. The right hand reaches for the cup. The hand lifts the cup to his lips. It puts the cup back down and turns the handle a little to the right. The fingers resume to move across the keyboard.
And this sequence of events repeats itself for a while.
Until it doesn't. Suddenly, the fingers pause. They hover above the keyboard for a while. Then, they move.
The left hand moves first. It slowly reaches for the suit hanging on the chair next to it. The fingers glide over the fabric until they reach the breast pocket. There's a signing pen there.
He takes it out, opens it's cap, and takes a napkin from the stack on the table.
He gracefully moves his pen across the napkin. As if he's drawing something. After he's done, he places the pen back where it was and places the napkin there with it.
Then, he places his dominant hand on the table, palm side down before dragging it off the table and bringing it to his face.
My eyes follow his hand and freeze.
He's looking at me. The moment our eyes meet, I turn away. I know I acted like a creep. Watching him for who knows how long.
I hold my head in my hands and hope he'll forget and forgive.
I try to pay attention to the conversation happening at my table to take my mind off of him.
Hours go by before I hear him move from his table. I hear his chair scrape against the floor. I have to hold myself back from turning around. His shoes click against the wood floor. The clicking comes closer to me until he stops right behind me.
He clears his throat and drops something in front of me.
It's the napkin he was writing on!
“If you want to see these hands do a little something else, call me at 678-999-8212. Signed Mr. YourMuse.”
My friends at the table tease me while asking me what he means and I save his number immediately.
#hand kink#idk what else to tag it as#i think about this so often that i searched my blog to see if i posted it yet
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did you guys know that my favorite strat in fortnite is called Fuck Yoyr Entire Life and i'm gonna fuckin teach you how to do it. this has gotten me at least a dozen #1 victory royales and maybe more. i have not played fortnite in almost a year now.
step one: no building. ever. you don't need to build. and if you do, it's only to get to unreasonable high places such as on top of a bathroom stall or perhaps in a half-destroyed attic
step two: AR strats beybyyyyy‼️ you get yourself ONLY assault rifle variations and maybe an smg or two. no other guns. pick up other ammo tho just because your side goal is to get a shit ton of ammo. this is for two reasons. first of all you do Not want to let those sweaty fortnite kids get it so they can 360 no scope you. that would be cringe abd fail. but second of all...
step theee: chop some fuckign wood. and metal. you chop a bunch of shit from trees and also houses. this is because if and when you are shot you want as many different types of building material and ammo on you as possible.you will be the funniest loot drop in the game and people who kill you will wonder how you lost with such apparent Epic Gamer Strats. they will also wonder and marvel at your ability to have sex with women and be smarter than everyone. this is because they are like beysically babies. they are probably 14 year old boys. and you were going to get first in fortnite but you got second way more often, which you would think is a bad thing but actually it is good and aewsome because if you're anything above a semi-proficient casual in fortnite i think i'm actually better than you in every aspect of personhood except for fortnite skills. so yeah it's kinda really whatever like when i win in fortnite i'm so coolest and when i lose it's also no big deal ....but i don't often lose too hard because
step four: find a car, gas it up, and run some people over. blas yourmusic and just crash into people. you will win for real. once your car either runs out of juice or crashes into too many trees or gets shot a bunch, about 2/3 of the guys should be gone. good bye! so now you can
step five: bush camp. this annoys the hell out of sweaty fortnite players. seriously and honestly you can just keep doing this and occasionally shooting people until you get to the eye of the storm.if the other guy starts building a big thing in the center just shoot him witb your AR. or, even better, don't even shoot at him just shoot at the tower. that will really get the message across. and then keep moving so he can't shoot you.
step 6: ????????????????
step 7: profit. you will either die very very soon or you will be in like the top 3 so play wisely. try to land somewhere remote with very few resources and loot. change the world. goodbye
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تنزيل اورج 2025 ORG اخر اصدار
تنزيل اورج 2025 ORG اخر اصدار
تنزيل اورج ORG هناك الكثير من محبي العزف والآلات الموسيقية الذين يستمتعون بها، والذين يرغبون في أبراز مهاراتهم في العزف، ويمكنهم تنزيل تطبيق اورج الذي يتيح لهم العزف للكثير من المقاطع بكل سهولة دون الحاجة للحصول على جهاز الاورج، ومن خلال مقالنا سوف نتعرف على طريقة تنزيله على الهاتف واستخدامه بكل سهولة والاستمتاع بكافة ��زاياه.
نبذه تنزيل اورج 2025 ORG
هناك مجموعة من المعلومات حول تطبيق ORG. وهي كالآتي: تنزيل اورج مجوز يضم التطبيق مجموعة من الآلات الموسيقية التي تسهل العزف للمقاطع المختلفة مثل البيانو، والكمان، والجيتار. كما أن التطبيق يتميز بسهولة استخدامه حيث يحمل واجهة بسيطة وغير معقدة. أصبح هذا التطبيق من أشهر التطبيقات المستخدمة في العزف للمقطوعات المختلفة. كما أنه يستخدم الآلات الموسيقية المتطورة. يمكن تحميل التطبيق على مختلف الأجهزة سواء الأندرويد أو الآيفون. بلغ عدد عمليات تنزيل التطبيق إلى أكثر من خمسين مليون مستخدم.
مزايا تنزيل اورج 2025 ORG
يهتم الكثير بـ تنزيل اورج ياماها لكثرة المميزات التي يتمتع بها، والتي تتمثل في النقاط التالية: من التطبيقات المرنة التي تستخدم في العزف وتعطي أداء ثابت. كما أنه يحمل أكثر من تصميم. يتم تنزيل التحديثات بشكل مستمر إلى التطبيق لضمان عمله وتقديم تجربة مميزة عند الاستخدام. كما أنه يمكن فتح التطبيق بأكثر من لغة والتي من بينها العربية والإنجليزية. يمكن عزف العديد من الآلات الموسيقية عبر التطبيق مثل الكمان، والبيانو، والجيتار والساكسفون. كما أن عملية تحميل التطبيق مجانية تماما على متجر التطبيقات ولا تحتاج لدفع رسوم لفتحه. يصدر التطبيق صوت واضح ونقي. كما أنه يمكن لعب الكثير من المقطوعات عبر التطبيق بشكل احترافي. لوحة التحكم الخاصة بالتطبيق سهلة للغاية أثناء الاستخدام. يوفر تنزيل اورج شعبي ميزة الضغط على أكثر من مفتاح في نفس الوقت ويعطي أصوات مختلفة.
تنزيل اورج 2025 ORG
يعد تنزيل تطبيق اورج من أكثر ما يرغب به محبي العزف والآلات الموسيقية، وإليكم خطوات تنزيله بشكل سهل وبسيط في النقاط التالية: يتم زيارة متجر جوجل بلاي او متصفح كروم والبحث عن متجر ابك بيور على الهاتف الأندرويد أو الدخول إلى آب ستور في جهاز الآيفون. كتابة اسم تطبيق ORG في محرك البحث. سوف تظهر نتيجة البحث بها عدد من الأيقونات. يتم اختيار أيقونة تطبيق ORG من ثم الضغط على زر التنزيل. الانتظار بضع ثوان حتى يتم تنزيل تطبيق اورج على الجهاز. بعد ذلك يمكنك الضغط على أيقونة التطبيق وفتحه وبدء استخدام الآلات الموسيقية التي يوفرها والعزف عليها وإنشاء المقطوعات. Read the full article
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Does yourmuse enjoy pain during sex? Would your muse ever have sex with multiple partners at once?
Does your muse enjoy pain during sex? - I would be lying if I said no. Wanda does enjoy a little pain, though only with a partner that she trusts and has spoken about her kinks fully with. She enjoys when her partner knows her limit and doesn't go over.
Would your muse ever have sex with multiple partners at once? - Again, this would be something she would only feel comfortable with a partner she had discussed it with. She had done so in the past and she does enjoy it, though her energy does drain a lot quicker having multiple people to focus on.
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Yep... this is for the pedophile that just moved into our subdivision #breakstuff @limpbizkit #MyMusic #YourMusic #OurMusic #music #OpenYourEars #LetYourSoulHearTheMusic #music #MusicTherapy #musicislife #musicismydrug #MusicFix #musicismytherapy #musiclover #LoverOfMusic #ILoveMusic #musiclovers #MusicIsApartOfMySoul #HearTheWords #FeelTheMusic #WhatsInYourEar #WhatsInYourPlaylist #VocalSanity #ThroughOurLives https://www.instagram.com/p/CQekNFwrN3f/?utm_medium=tumblr
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#videostellar#like4like#music#music video#dope shit#dope#follow#fllowme#rapper#rap#female artist#massachusetts#artists on tumblr#new music#global music#musica#hip hop music#rap music#musique#yourmusic#hiphop#likeforfollow#likeforlike#view4view#viewforview
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“Fuck y’all mad at me for? Y’all don’t even know what I’ve been through. I played chicken with a Mack truck, y’all motherfuckers would’ve been moved.” #HAM ~Jay Z~ Heeeyyyy whatttt’ssss uppppp? 💋 . . . . . #ComedyGrind #DreamChaser #BlackGirlMagic #GirlPower #BlackGirlsRock #StandUpComedy #Radio #Personality #OnAirTalent #VoiceOver #Comedy #Jokes #YBW #YoungBoyWhisperer #CougarCoalition #TrustTheProcess #DTLR #YourFashionYourLifestyle #YourMusic #KevinHart #HartOfTheCity #HOTC #Season3 #ComedyCentral #Baltimore #CharmCity #WUWRetreat #ComedianTyDavis 💅🏾💋🎤👑 (at Bowie, Maryland) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bm6MaBnnpWp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=lkwjnva2b9uk
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