arielluva · 1 month
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let's play maiden dissection!
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ltorekdraws · 10 days
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tiny little thing that i got inspired for. probably gonna make a print of this
sometimes family is a traumatized man, traumatized man, traumatized little girl and her bunch of pigeons
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mispatchedgreens · 7 months
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communal spaces! are the heart of any throuple! (2 versions bc im just an indecisive baby)
it's @zukki-week and day 1 was domestic
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spacefatcat · 7 days
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my best and biggest hc /j
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milflewis · 10 months
this is what happens when you have two curses working at the same time. they bounce off each other and hit a hot babe whose only crime was cunt
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co1wyn · 27 days
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pureseasalt · 1 year
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she is actually the very bestest girl on the planet earth
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muffinpost · 3 months
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-Bob🥩: Did you know--
-Ignacio🔥: F#ck off !!!
-Bob🥩: Hey?!! I am not finished ! >:(
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shadowkira · 5 months
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eggofthefish · 5 months
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He's so eepy
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eatyourmaker · 14 days
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I couldn't help myself NDKEKEKDMD
They were mortal enemies and now they're husbands ehehe
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palilious · 5 months
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Work Wives
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frownyalfred · 1 year
“ao3 is a money laundering scheme, I’ve never met anyone who’s donated”
oh wait let me just hand over my username, the thousands of words of explicit fic I’ve written, and my donation receipt to some rando on Twitter, that’s a perfectly reasonable thing for me to do—
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canisalbus · 8 months
we love tumblr user canis albus discovering/remembering new things about themself
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floralcavern · 4 months
Normalize being a damn human
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hms-incorrect-quotes · 3 months
Heart: I'm going to get myself some soup.
Mind: Be careful not to burn yourself, it's hot.
Heart: Pfft, I won't burn myself.
{30 seconds later}
Heart [entering the room]: I burned myself.
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