#heart plays datv
bardistraee · 1 month
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felassan · 25 days
Snippets. 🐺💜
Corinne: "PC has been a priority for us! It’s heartening to see so many PC champions on the team working hard to make this a great experience" [source]
Corinne: "Enjoy shield-bashing and drop-kicking hurlocks off the ramparts! Don’t forget to toss that shield around too" [source]
User: "I love that they chose a no mage party to showcase. 😂 The two companions thing had me a little worried that I’d have to take a warrior and a mage into battle with my Rook rogue all the time." / Corinne: "We know players get attached to certain characters, so while there are benefits to having one of each class, it’s completely viable and intended that you can find synergies with a variety of party comps" [source]
Each Background has a specific last name, very much inspired by the approach in Origins [source]
Corinne: "We’ve put a lot of effort into ensuring our gameplay and customized difficulty options allow players to find something comfortable and engaging for themselves. I’m sure you’ll do great! It was one of the biggest challenges in designing the combat system, as we know the Dragon Age player-base has a wide range of motivations and expectations." [source]
Corinne mentioned to a user who said that they prefer a warrior/mage experience but without all the slash and spin of rogue attacks that they might enjoy the Warrior Reaper spec [source]
Hrungr noticed that it looks like you can hide your armor as well as your helmet [source]
Mary: "True fact: For the longest time, in the DA writers' pit, we had "It has been __ (usually 0) days since someone mentioned cannibalism" on the whiteboard." [source]
Gabe, posting the release date reveal trailer: "My friends, I have made an effort to avoid shilling too much here so that when I do, it'll be worth it. I love this game and the team that brought it to life so much." [source]
Bryce: "if I may workpost for a sec, I'm forever grateful for days like today when I get to gush about dragon age with the fans this community is so welcoming and my heart is so full today 💜" [source]
The ray-tracing NVIDIA video from earlier this week that showed mage combat was showing early-on mage combat [source]
Blair: "the achievement names include some personal career highlights for me." [source]
Trick on the podcast: "The [DA:TV game] writers were pretty tapped with other stuff at the time, sadly, but I think it came together great." [source]
Though neither option is wrong or evil, making Cole more human in DA:I leaves him sadder [source]
John: "honestly it’s a very strange feeling to go from a half decade of ‘dragon age? maaaaybe we’re making a new one? tee hee’ to actually being able to talk about it" [source]
John: "been busy all day so I just got to read some of the reactions to the DATV combat showcase. I am incredibly proud of this team and I’m thrilled to see people excited about it. even after spending every day with it for the last 5 years I still love playing it." [source]
John: "being creative director means i work with pretty much every single department and team on the project. everyone brings creativity and innovation to their roles and the project would be nothing without them (and it)" [source]
John: "am I playing our game for fun on a Friday night, I certainly am. romancing my own companion to do one last check to make sure all the conditionals work. folks it is a very strange thing" [source, two]
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mumms-the-word · 3 months
I know it’s been ten years but honestly? Super spoilery dragon age thoughts under the cut, mostly about Solas (you are warned)
I’m a bit sad people jumping on the Dragon Age train won’t necessarily get to experience the absolute roller coaster of realizing who Solas is. Like playing DAI for the first time and talking to him and befriending him or romancing him (if you so choose) only for that banger of an ending and then Trespasser later?
It’s a whole experience. I honestly wish I could do it all over again for the first time and seeing everything new
I romanced Solas as my very first DAI romance and I was UNPREPARED for the ending. I thought I had messed up the romance at first (I thought the same thing with Anders too after his endgame actions). I had to take a minute and feel my feelings and just sit with my mouth open. Not just at the whole disappearance thing, but the cheeky little post-credits scene
I wasn’t even that mad tbh I was just like amazed at the storytelling. I know that’s me-specific though
When my SIL started playing the games she went in spoiler-free and she asked me my recommendation for romances. I asked what she was playing and she said a Dalish elf, so I said “you have the most romance options possible, but I think you’d enjoy Cullen, because he’s sweet and you liked Alistair, or Solas, because he’s interesting and I know you like good character arcs”
She chose to go with Solas and my brother texted me later like “Lol you’re mean” and I texted back “honestly you only get to experience that final Solas reveal for the first time once and I truly believe it’s best done in a romance with him”
My SIL finished the game with a broken heart lol BUT she agrees with me that it was a good way to play the game for the first time. Going in blind and experiencing all those scenes for the first time through the lens of someone who trusts and perhaps even loves Solas.
For the record, she loves Solas as much as I do now lol
I get that DATV, formerly called Dreadwolf, was always going to be focused on Solas. We knew that at the end of Trespasser. But I do kinda hate that new fans might be coming in with the knowledge that Solas is just The Bad Guy or he’s the villain of the next game, and it might make them trust him less in DAI. Mostly because I think people these days are quick to judge and dismiss characters, and if they think they already know them, they won’t want to change their minds.
I’m probably overthinking it. But it is a little sad to me that all the marketing for DATV spoils the endings for the DAI. That’s all I guess
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ellie-shy · 2 months
I'm so so so so angry that I can't block YT accounts. I just want to check out new updates on DAtV without seeing unnecessary negativity in the comments or in the thumbnail. It's stupid. How can you have an opinion already when the game is not even out yet?
How can some people be so negative? How can you say something without even playing the previous 3 games???
I love Dragon Age with all my heart, even with the imperfections. It saddens me to see such stupidity and negativity from humans who perhaps have mommy or daddy issues.
This is also the same treatment BG3 received before they won GOTY.
Let me just fangirl in YT in peace 😭
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unlikelysaintdelele · 2 months
what have i done?
DAO: romanced alistair as an amell, didn't make him king because I wanted to be greedy for once for my character.
DA2: didn't know who to romance but for some reason I got really excited every time Fenris turned me down so naturally I took that as a challenge and forced Hawke into his heart.
DAI: haven't played yet but i am SICK TO MY STOMACH after finding out about a choice that has to be made and the repercussions that it could cause. TRAGIC. HORRIFIC. HEART-WRENCHING. STOMACH-TWISTING. wtf is this decision? wdym these are my options? surely not. surely this isn't right. surely it will all be addressed in DATV. what-
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ladylike-foxes · 22 days
Do you have any rook/datv ideas yet? :)
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I do, actually, have a few!!
Butttttt I'm still trying to maintain a little emotional distance from them for now, until I've actually played the game and gotten a feel for them. Don't wanna get too attached to an idea, only to get my heart smashed when it clashes with all my in-game options and choices. Or worse: Canon 😅😅 like I wouldn't just rewrite the world again to make it how I want it, that would silly
That being said, I have already decided my Rook will be nonbinary, they/them, and to absolutely no ones surprise a Dalish elf. Aaaandd I may have allowed myself the indulgence of sketching a starter-concept for them....
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Thank you so much for asking!!
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dekarios · 1 month
i really do believe it’s immoral to buy datv at all from official retailers and through official means (i think key resellers are the most ethical way to pay for it as long as you buy from one with a decent rep as many key resellers are dodgy, or getting a secondhand copy) and that piracy is the best or only way to morally obtain the game.
but i know not everyone views the triple a industry as i do and will wanna just buy it outright. i know not everyone is as passionate about this as i am. ok i can accept that with a heavy heart.
the least you can do is not preorder it. you wanna shill for the billion dollar publisher that hates game developers by buying it, okay whatever, if you think you’re supporting the developers best by buying that game full priced on launch, sure whatever. i won’t argue. but don’t preorder it.
preorder doesn’t support developers. it doesn’t encourage developers. it doesn’t improve anything for developers. it tells ceos and boardrooms of publishers and investors that you will shove money in their faces no matter what. that you don’t care about the quality of the game, the reviews, how it plays on your machine, how much they lock behind preorder bonuses and special editions, that they can give you a broken incomplete fuck of a game that can’t run at 60 fps on a 4080 let alone something worse, and you’ll pay. you’ll pay happily. because of the studio behind it, because of the franchise. you are a brand loyal dog to them that they’re gonna enjoy kicking.
do not preorder. you look like a schmuck.
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vitaeplaysda · 2 months
Where else you can find me?
◆ @diesvitae main art tumblr ◆ @karmicblackhole personal tumblr
You can find me on Twitter/X with the same names!
#veilguard spoilers ; #datv spoilers
Active ask challenges I'm taking:
[Veilguard Hype Ask] - [OCs Emoji Ask] - [OCs Relationship ask]
All my Dragon Age Characters and Ships can be found below the cut!
(Images will be added on a later date...)
◆ ELINAN of clan LAVELLAN Female (she/her) Dalish Elf Mage (Rift Mage)
We all know how the storyall know how the story goes. She starts at the First of her Clan and due fate she unwillingly becomes the Herald of Andraste at the head of the Inquisition all while falling for the Dread Wolf himself. What is less known is her heritage, of her grandmother falling for a mysterious tall elf with purple eyes when her clan was close to the Tirashan forest, a color she inherited among the superior height compared to the other elves. Fascinated by Solas's stories about the spirits and feeling useless in front of his pain when he lost his friend to corruption, Elinan found herself wondering if there was a way to heal demons guiding them to a road of redemption without killing them. It would later become her primary mission in life, all starting with Enfenim and Cole, bringing her to create a safe place of healing and knowledge in some elvhen ruins hidden in a secret location. As the Inquisitor, she never believed in the Chosen of Andraste idea, but was glad to play along as it gave her the power to help others. This is because she's a people pleaser by nature, working hard to the point of getting several burn outs in order to perform perfectly in every occasion. Understanding that role was no longer needed and with other goals in mind, she disbanded the Inquisition, disappearing completely in a matter of months. She spent her following years between journeying Thedas to learn the different approach to spirits among the various cultures of the world and helping those in need in her haven, and with time she ended up being known as the Shepherd, for spirits, demons and mortals alike or anyone in need of healing or guidance. Knowing that begging Solas would never move him away from his plans of destruction, Elinan decided to show him there was another way, a kinder way of coexistence between The Fade and the mortal races. Still her heart ached for him, unable to forget the love which united them. The Anchor, while removed, still poisoned her. Beside the scarring on her left arm's stump there were no visible physical issues left behind, but it changed her magic, giving her the same powers of a Somniari.
◆ ENFENIM N/A (he/they/it) Ancient Elf/Fear Demon Mage (Arcane Warrior)
Appearing first as a Fear Demon haunting the Emerald Graves, it was clear for the first moment he wasn't a corrupted spirit from a Rift but much more, he was able to wield a sword and staff just like a mage. Haunted by his lack of memories cursing unlucky travelers to the same fate and an even worse death, after meeting Elinan he starts a journey of healing and redemption by learning he could regain his memories by acting driven by his old purposes: protection of others and the pursuit of knowledge. As the years went by, his look mutated from the arachnid humanoid of his demonic form to one of a beautiful ancient elf. Apparently he was born when Arlathan fell after the creation of the Fade. A spirit of Knowledge from Vir Dirthara was driven mad by the loss of its purpose, instinct making it search for the last source of comfort it remembered: a guardian who's seen all what he had to protected gone and failed his purpose as well, possessing and corrupting him in the creature of Fear he has been for centuries and more. In more recent times he acts as bodyguard and partner to Elinan and is a father figure for Rook. He's also an Archivist in the safe haven he has been building with the ex Inquisitor.
◆ "LITTLE ROOK" Non-Binary (he/him) Elf Mage
There isn't much known of Rook's past but he appeared in Skyhold working as a servant when he was just ten years old. A curious and chaotic child, he always had issues following orders despite having a visceral need to get people’s love and approval. One day, hiding from his duties, he ended up in the small abandoned library near the kitchens, where Enfenim resided while still having the appearance of a fear demon. Somehow the two befriended each other, and in those moments spent together, the child learned how to write and read both elvhen and common. "Little Rook" is the nickname Enfenim gave him, as the kid had deep black eyes and hair, was fair skinned and his clothes were always covered in dirt, making him resemble the bird which was a common sight in Thedas. The kid was also quite small and shorter compared to other elves of his age. Months after the victory against Corypheus, Rook manifested his magical powers in the worst case possible as fire erupted from his hands while he worked in the kitchen, close to a pot full of oil. While the event caused no victims but several injuries and was classified as an incident, Rook got scarred both in body and mind, burns covering a good part of him and the sense of guilt lingering, making him believe he was doomed to always create chaos. After the event Elinan officially took him as her apprentice, but seeing him more like a son, a sentiment she shared with her spirit companion. He left Skyhold with his family after the end of the Inquisition, with the goal to find Solas one day and reunite him with his mother.
◆ ABIGAIL "GALE" HAWKE Non-Binary (they/she) Human Rogue (Duelist)
Born to the Hawke family between both sets of twins, Abigail was the trickster of the family, always playing pranks, unable to be stopped with a tongue as sharp as their blades. Somehow they always knew a friend, always found the information needed and the way they got all these connections, well it was rarely legal or at times even sane. As they were quick to move, they were also quick to fall in love, counting people like Varric, Isabela or even the Arishok on their list of crushes. But alas between a battle and a bottle of wine, Fenris was the one to finally win their heart, his history sparkling a need to do good and help in them. After the events of Kirkwall, keeping track of their movements was hard as ever, at times they were by the side of their lover freeing slaves, some others they were in the places you would least expect them. Like Skyhold. Or the Fade. From which they thankfully escaped, traveling again to no one knows where.
◆ MARIAN HAWKE Female (she/her) Human Warrior (Reaver)
The canon female Hawke offered by the game, twin of Garrett and older sister of Abigail. She has a kind and patient soul, the only one truly able to deal with her brother's rage. She falls for Merrill, with whom she lives, helping her take care of the Kirkwall's alienage. She also takes care of the family Mabari: Holdfast.
◆ GARRETT HAWKE Male (he/him) Human Mage (Force Mage)
The canon male Hawke, twin of Marian and older brother of Abigail. While he was a sweet, shy and sensible kid in his youth, Garrett grew more harsh and angrier as he was unable to deal with the tragedies of his life. What mages had to suffer in Kirkwall fully turned him into a cynical bastard but also did let him fall in love with Anders, considering him his soulmate and his loyalty for the man unbreakable. As Anders got forced to live in exile after the events in Kirkwall, Garrett embraced the same fate, ready to follow him until the end of days. Little is known about his whereabouts but at times he still writes to his twin sister.
◆ AILIS COUSLAND Female (she/her) Noble Human Warrior (Champion)
Ailis was the last surviving scion of the Cousland family, a girl who preferred swords and training instead of learning more feminine arts, something reflected by her quite muscular and imposing look. Becoming a Warden wasn't just a way to survive the purge of her family but an honor she accepted gladly, possessing a strong sense of duty toward her people and Ferelden itself. In her journey she became a close friend of Loreen and Leliana, falling for Alistair's sweetness. He especially guided him to become a stronger man, to the point he took his rightful role as King of Ferelden with Ailis acting as Queen. With Kali vouching for Loghain recruitment as a warden and Alistair refusing to fight by his side, Ailis remained by his side, leaving the party, fully dedicating to her role of monarch for the years to come. She owns a Mabari called Grace.
◆ AERON MAHARIEL of clan SABRAE Male (he/him) Dalish Elf Rogue (Ranger)
You will hardly find among the Dalish someone so taken by their role as hunter as much as Aeron. Marked with Andruil's vallaslin, this man dedicated his full life to the hunt, almost to be considered weirdly obsessed by it. Still he's aware his lack of fear and recklessness aren't something to be proud of and he blames himself only for what happened to Tamlen. Becoming a warden wasn't a choice but his only means to survive, still it didn't come without benefits, having the chance to know Morrigan being one of them. He often jokes about how he won her over due to his good look but in truth they simply bonded by their common childhood experiences. He also got to hunt and kill monsters of every kind, fulfilling his bloody needs quite easily. In the end, he performed the ritual, and Kieran is his son, one he loves dearly despite him containing the soul of an archdemon and being forced to live away from him. Still when the time came, Aeron followed Morrigan through the Eluvians, hoping their fate was going to be better than Tamlen's. During his return to the Brecilian Forest, he tamed a wild wolf which became his main companion, and he gave him the name Harellan, as a taunt to the Dread Wolf.
◆ VALDA SURANA Female (she/they) City Elf Mage (Blood Mage)
Shy and sweet, Valda always found comfort in books and learning, interacting little with her peers first and wardens later. Despite her apparent lack of interest for others, deep inside she cared deeply about other living beings, believing she could find a way to help everyone if she focused enough on her studies. Her control of the magic arts was sublime but the fight against the Archdemon, despite ending in victory, made her fear she wasn't enough, to the point she started studying Blood Magic as well. Surprisingly she found an affine soul in the Architect, enough to make her join him in his research for a better solution both for mortals and darkspawn alike.
◆ LOREEN TABRIS Female (she/her) City Elf Rogue (Shadow)
Life in the alienage was harsh, but for a time Loreen was happy, ready to marry a lovely man, ready to contribute to her community. All until that fateful day which took away all of that from her, including her softer side, exchanging it all with a blazing rage and the need to change things for good. Nelaros's ring was always on her index finger after, and she would never took it off. As a Grey Warden she was merciless against her enemies, but able of kindness for those who truly deserved it and a strong leader for the party amongst Ailis and Kali with whom she grew close. Kali understood her pain being a dwarf commoner and Ailis seemed eager to help the elven cause despite being a human noble, ready to use her role to truly change things the best she could. Leliana became a new source of comfort first, and her lover later, one to whom she proclaimed eternal loyalty, even when she became Divine. After the battle with the Archdemon and the chaos with the darkspawn civil war, Loreen became Warden-Commander and Arlessa of Amaranthine.
◆ KALI BROSCA Female (she/her) Commoner Dwarf Warrior (Guardian)
Despite having been born a casteless commoner, Kali always had the aura of a noble with duty, honor and hard work being the pillars of her life, but most of all, she cared for her sister Rica, making sure she could life a happy life. For her, she was willing to push back her morals and work for the Carta, even if it ended up in a disaster, which would eventually change her life for good. Amongst the Warden she was able to fulfill her call, taking a role of leadership in her group. Being practical and hating to have blood spilled for no reason, she was the one to vouch for Loghain's life and even let the Architect go unharmed with Valda even if it wasn't a decision she was proud of. He found a common soul in Sten, but despite the attraction which was strong for both of them, she had to let him go to follow what his Qun demanded of him, even if the two still shared letters with each other, all formal but with much more hidden between the lines. Just like Loreen, she was promoted as Warden-Commander and is the only one in their group to fully dedicate herself to the Grey Wardens after all their adventures.
◆ HIVER Male (he/him) Qunari (Ex Saarebas) Mage (Spirit Healer)
Being born into the Qun as a mage is something no one should experience, especially when you feel deep down all is wrong. And you dare to voice it. Since his magic manifested, Hiver's life has been a nightmare. Collared, tortured, treated like an abomination, lips sewn and when that didn't work, his tongue was cut as well. Then came the war between the Qun and Tevinter. Venatori captured him like a wild beast to be used freely at their whim. Lost and suffering, his control over his magic was lost, creating a blizzard in the middle of the desert in the Hissing Wastes. That's when the Inquisition and Lavellan found him. That's when he found people who saw him as a person, not as a dangerous tool. She called him "Hiver", the word for winter in the Orlesian language due to that storm of ice he called upon. She taught him how to control his magic, how spirits weren't dangerous monsters but could be allies, many ready to help. His true nature flourished, his kind heart no longer having to hide. Elinan called a teacher to have both of them learn sign language and a spirit of Learning became his main companion, filling in as an interpreter when there was the need. After the Inquisition got disbanded, he followed Elinan, becoming one of the healers in the safe haven she built.
DRAGON AGE: INQUISITION Elinan/Solas - Elinan/Enfenim - Enfenim/Elinan/Solas (polycule v.)
DRAGON AGE II Abigail/Fenris - Abigail/Varric (forbidden) - Abigail/Isabela (ended) - Abigail/Arishok (in their fantasies LMAO) Marian/Merrill Garrett/Anders
DRAGON AGE: ORIGINS Ailis/Alistair (king and queen) Aeron/Morrigan Valda/theArchitect Loreen/Leliana Kali/Sten
DRAGON AGE: THE VEILGUARD LilRook/Elgar'nan (just in my dreams lmao)
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druckkugelschreiber · 15 hours
Would it be mean to make my WardenInquisitor Nydhena do a rook play through? Because my girl was already so fucking tired after saving Ferelden, she sort of dragged herself through inqusition and then a other ten years later she has to do it again.
Like yes it would be mean. She‘d be tired but she is in her heart someone who believes in saving those who can’t defend themselves so she will do it if it grinds her to dust
[caveat this depends partially on the role the inquisitor plays in DATV and if it‘s a small or big cameo]
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biowho · 15 days
Hope your trip goes well! 🫂
Lately i have been playing dragon age 2 (wanted to finish my dao playthrough first but Im stuck at the landsmeet, I don't know what to do 😅) with the poly mod and Im just so over the moon about every companion (well, except aveline). What i love the most is that they have their own lives going on and even with and invitation to live with hawke wont interfere much with that
Eventually i'll start a dai playthrough, with a qunari mage romancing Blackwall :)
Are you playing any DA games until Datv releases?
DA2 will always have such a special place in my heart, I love the relationships the companions have with one another and how love is the obligation that holds them together
I don’t have a space that’s mine right now so I’m unfortunately not playing any video games :/
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mtreebeardiles · 3 months
4, 6, 8, 19, and 24 for the gamer asks?
Let’s see, let’s see…
4. Best game soundtrack
Ahhhhhhh I can only pick ONE? 😭 man, imma have to give it to the Outer Wilds OST 1) for just being perfect for that game, Prahlow understood the fucking assignment and 2) it still has the power to make me get all teary even years later
Notable runners-up: Stardew Valley, Gris, Hades, Journey
Bonus favorite track:
6. First game I ever played
🤔 well I probably played some of my brother’s games on his old sega but the first game I got to play that was like MINE and I didn’t have to fight anyone for it was probably Pokémon Red (on the old brick game boy) (that I stole INHERITED from my brother)
8. Most Anticipated Upcoming Game
Ya know, I am cautiously hopeful for DATV! Already have my first Rook planned as far as I reasonably can and everything hahah
Also looking forward to the full release of Hades II — been having tons of fun with it in early access so far
19. A game I wish I could play for the first time again
…Kingdom Hearts. There was just something so fucking magical about that first one, something I haven’t really felt resonate as hard with other games as I got older. Like my cousin brought it over with his PS2 and I loved it so much I saved up to get my own used PS2 just so I could play the rest of it
24. If I could live in one of the games I’ve played, which would it be?
Oh, tough one! Imma have to go with Stardew Valley, I think 😌 my life aspirations are mainly to be Very Cozy and I think Pelican Town could deliver 😂
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bardistraee · 1 month
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veilkeeper · 3 months
3, 4, 9 for the datv hype ask!
questions from here
3. Do you usually play as a warrior, mage, or rogue? Which class are you planning to try first this time around? Which subclass?
i am a mage enjoyer at heart, though ive played every class. my first rook is going to be a mage. i'll need to see what the specializations/subclasses are and how they work, but from what we know so far the elementalist or combat mage stuff looks interesting. will depend on what's calling to me for corentin.
4. What does your worldstate look like going into DAV?
my warden is ren amell, a morriganmancing blood mage, theo hawke was a DW rogue assassin/duelist who ended up with anders, and my inquisitor was ghila lavellan, a dorianmancer. as for worldstate stuff, major choices include: king alistair and king bhelen, dead architect, siding with mages all the way down, stroud in the fade and the orlesian wardens intact, and the inquisition disbanded. ghila was sympathetic to solas, they were best friends.
9. Which romance, if any, do you plan to pursue first?
answered here
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bg-brainrot · 3 months
Listen, this is an Astarion/BG3 blog, but I might start using my main blog if I like DATV...
A very big TBD though, as I am a huge DAO/DA2 fan. Inquisition didn't really do it for me (sorry DAI fans!) and, as much as I love the Mass Effect series with all of my heart, the 3-person-party is a step back, I think. We'll see! I'll play no matter what, but I don't know if anything will live up to BG3 for a while.
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nightingaletrash · 3 months
1, 4, and 6 for the DATV hype asks 😀
Thank you!!
1.What was the first Dragon Age game you played?
Origins!! It was back in 2014 - I'd seen some Inquisition clips and looked into the series, and decided to start right at the beginning ^^
4. What does your worldstate look like going into DAV?
This... got lengthy, but here is my canon world state for Dragon Age:
Origins: Warden was a female Human Mage who romanced Leliana; Redcliffe was saved, sided with Mages, Connor was freed from possession, Anvil was destroyed, Bhelen was crowned King, Zathrian sacrificed himself to end the curse, the Urn Sacred Ashes was preserved, all companions recruited, Alistair became a drunk, Anora was crowned as Queen alone, Warden performed the Dark Ritual (modded lol), Avernus was spared and allowed to continue experiments, Shale rediscovered their past, and Morrigan was allowed to leave through the Eluvian
2: Hawke was a female Mage who romanced Isabela; Bethany died escaping Lothering, accepted Merchant Cavril's bribe and worked for the mercenaries, protected the mages without killing Karras, sent Feynriel to the Dalish then to Tevinter, Carver became a Grey Warden, killed Bartrand, Aveline married Donnic, didn't side with Petrice, killed the Arishok, made Tallis angry, sided with Janeka and killed Larius, Varric didn't keep the idol, killed Castillon, helped Merrill leave her people peacefully and preserved the Eluvian, let Zevran go, let Keran go, turned conspirators over to Orsino, reunited Gamlen and Charade, helped Anders, killed Anders, sided with Orsino
(I also have a rogue Hawke who is the twin brother to Marian; he romanced Fenris, helped Tallis, and sided with Larius)
Inquisition: Inquisitor was a Female Elven Mage and Merciful Judge who romanced Solas; denied being Andraste's Herald, helped refugees in the Hinterlands, recruited and dissolved the Templar Order, declared for the Inquisitor, left Hawke in the Fade, recruited the Grey Wardens, Celene rules and was reunited with Briala, Dorian reconciled with father and planned to return to Tevinter, Blackwall redeemed as Rainier, Bull saved the Chargers and became Tal-Vashoth, Cassandra discovered the book and rebuilt the Seekers, Sera killed Harmond, Cole became more human, Solas freed his friend, helped Varric track the red lyrium source, Vivienne was given the heart of the snowy wyvern, Cullen did not take lyrium, Josephine and the Inquisitor did favours for the du Paraquettes, Leliana was inspired, Calpernia's past was investigated, respected the Temple Guardians, spoke to Calpernia, Inquisitor drank from the Well, Leliana became Divine Victoria; shared the truth about Ameridan, earned a legend mark from the Avvar, discovered the source of the tremors, Bull stayed loyal, redeem Solas, disbanded the Inquisition. Additionally, Inquisition forces were deployed regularly, all keeps were captured, lake rift was closed, and Sutherland's company was successful.
6. Do you have your Rook(s) planned out to any degree? If so, would you share some details or ideas you have?
Oh, I have a plan. Whether it survives the CC and prologue, we shall see...
Anyways, my current candidate for Rook is Solroka, a dwarven Grey Warden Warrior who is the child of Oghren and Felsi all grown up. As the goddaughter of the Hero of Ferelden, and the child of a Warden Hero, Solroka - her name being a tribute to Solana Amell, both in its similarity and its meaning - was determined to become a Warden and make a mark of her own. Her mother fretted and tried to dissuade her, but she's her father's child in the sense that once an idea enters her head, she won't let it go. She's a relatively new recruit to the Wardens as of Veilguard, and decides to pursue Solas because 'someone has to fix the world and that someone is me' because she's the right level of naive, reckless and arrogant to think that she has this hero thing in the bag. Needless to say, she's in for a rude awakening.
Another idea I had is Issala, a Qunari Rogue or Warrior who is a member of the Mourn Watch. I mostly want to play her because the idea of a Qunari who is in no way a mage being part of an elite faction within the Mortalitasi is so out of pocket that I've got to see how that would work in game. Issala approached the Mortalitasi due to her academic fascination with the dead and necromancy, and she was recruited into a guardianship role. Her duties usually involve cataloguing the strange undead phenomena in the Grand Necropolis while making sure that tomb raiders don't get in, and the dead don't get out. If she goes after Solas, it'll be down to 'he's making the kind of mess that makes matters of the dead complicated, and mages will always make the simplest of matters complicated - no offense boss. (I feel like that's the kind of thing she ends up saying a lot when she complains about mages lol).
So yeah, these are my current girlies who fulfill my desire to play a class other than mage, and as anyone who isn't a human or an elf, and I love them already <3
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bardistraee · 1 month
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yooooooo is this teia and viago????? at first i thought it was this trailer's rook and inquisitor, but after seeing someone else mention them, they seem more likely. also hello hair physics 👀
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