#heart necklace
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dumblr · 1 year ago
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wordx · 1 year ago
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rezeplushies · 13 days ago
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miss you diva
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misseviehyde · 10 months ago
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"Are you sure you are talking about MY Mom?" gasped Kathryn as she stared at the two older women in front of her in horror. "You're claiming that Rebecca Gray was the biggest bully at this school? Really?"
Kathryn was standing in Lauderdale High's cavernous main hall. Tables and chairs had been set out and banners proclaiming 'Class of 2000' had been strewn everywhere. Kathryn was dressed in a smart white blouse and black skirt. Her plain brown hair was pulled up in a bun over her head.
As a current student at the school and the student president, she was both fulfilling her duty, but also earning a bit of extra money helping to serve drinks and snacks to the guests at this reunion. When Principal Saunders had asked her, she'd been keen to help. She'd also been curious to meet her Mom's classmates and find out the gossip.
Her Mom NEVER spoke about her school days and to Kathryn's disapointment she had even refused to come to this reunion, claiming that she had been bullied at school and didn't want to attend. But now, Kathryn was learning that is was HER Mom that had been the bully.
Mary and Angelina shook their heads slightly in disapproval. "No, we're saying that bitch Beckie Gray was the actual devil AND the biggest bully this school ever saw. She was a stuck up bitch who used her pretty looks and position as Head Cheerleader to torment everyone. Your Mom made our lives absolute Hell."
"B...but that can't be right," boggled Kathryn. "My Mom is a really nice person. She's the sweetest, most caring person I've ever met."
The two women scoffed. "Well your Mom must be a very different person to who she was when we were at school. You seem nice enough dear, but I'm afraid your Mom ruined our lives. No offense, but we'd rather talk to some of our old friends, not the daughter of our worst bully. Goodbye."
The two women drifted off to talk to someone else, leaving Kathryn alone. Putting down the tray of glasses she was carrying she walked over to the door and exited into the corridor. She just needed a minute to get her head together.
Walking over to the water fountain, head reeling, she splashed her face. The cool water brought her back to her senses. She was being crazy, just because two silly old women accused her Mom of something didn't mean anything. They were probably just confused.
Kathryn pictured her Mom. Rebecca was a fairly average looking woman, handsome perhaps, but not pretty. She was shy and bookish, she worked at a pharmacy and was interested in classical music. Her Mom had zero interest in sports and the thought of her as a cheerleader was actually laughable. Kathryn couldn't reconcile the thought of the gentle kind woman she knew with the image being painted by her Mom's classmates. It didn't make sense.
"Hey are you okay?"
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Kathryn looked up to see her best friend Pippa looking concerned. She was here helping tonight too. Behind her thick glasses and sensible haircut, Pippa had kind brown eyes and a keen intellect. She was always looking out for her friends and had noticed Kathryn leaving the room.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little weirded out. Let's get this gig over with, I wanna go home and talk to my Mom about something."
Pippa gave her a reassuring hug and the two girls returned to the Hall.
"Excuse me, did I hear right that you're Beckie Gray's daughter?"
Kathryn was tidying up some empty glasses, the reunion nearly over, when the man approached her. She'd seen him a few times that night looking oddly at her. He looked to be her Mom's age and had a slightly shy, embarrased look about him.
"Errrr, yeah," she muttered feeling slightly concerned. She glanced around and saw Pippa was nearby which was a little reassuring but still... where was this going? What did this weirdo want?
"Listen, I knew your Mom at school. In fact I guess you could say, I was her stalker. It's embarrasing to admit it now but I was totally obssesed with her. She drove me nuts and she seemed to enjoy tormenting and teasing me. She was a real bitch you know."
Kathryn coloured, "My Mom is NOT a bitch. I wish everyone would stop saying that!"
"Ohhh errr, of course, I'm sorry. Look - I just wanted to talk to you quickly and to give you something of hers. You see, just before we all graduated I stole something from your Mom. She always used to wear this really sexy looking heart necklace. There was just something so hot about it. The way it nestled in her big ti... errr anyway.
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One night at a party she was really drunk and your Mom passed out on the sofa. I hate to admit it, but before her friends took her home to sleep it off, I stole the necklace. I heard she was really fucking mad about it at first. Strange thing was after a couple of days, she almost seemed like a new person. I heard she really calmed down and got on with her life after that.
Look, I've kept it all these years, but now I just want rid of the damn thing. Please will you give it back to her?"
The man quickly shoved a small black jewel case into her hands and before Kathryn could ask any further questions he hurried away.
"What was THAT all about?" asked Pippa curiously as the two girls finished storing the boxes away and began switching off the lights. "Who was that guy?"
"I don't know, it's weird," mused Kathryn examining the little jewel case in her hand. "All night people have been telling me at school my Mom was some sort of horrible bitch. They keep telling me she was a cheerleader, had big boobs, used to get off on being cruel to people... but it doesn't sound anything like the woman I know. I just thought it was some mistake, but then this guy gave me some necklace she always used to wear, and now I'm wondering if it's somehow connected?"
"How could it be?" asked Pippa.
"I don't know, it really doesn't make any sense." Hesitantly Kathryn flipped open the jewel case and lifted out the necklace inside. It was very fine and beautiful. A stylish silver heart glittering with jewels on a fine gold chain... it looked really pretty.
"Wow, that's soooo pretty," gasped Pippa. The other girls lips parted, her hands almost reaching unconsciously towards the necklace, her breathing heavy and her eyes shining. "Can I try it on?"
Kathryn felt a sudden stab of annoyance and irritation... no almost HATRED for her friend. She saw a greedy little troll reaching out to take what wasn't hers, a pathetic little bitch who dared to presume she could touch Kathryn's property. She snatched the necklace back and grasped it to her bosom.
"NO!" snarled Kathyrn, her eyes full of sudden malice. Pippa recoiled in horror at her friends tone and physical posture. It looked like Kathryn was going to attack her.
Then the moment passed and Kathryn blinked in surpise. "Woah, I'm sorry Pippa. I don't know what came over me there. That was weird."
"It's okay, it's been a long night," sulked Pippa, still staring at Kathryn's hand.
Pippa's eyes were still drawn to the necklace. Desire still burned in them, but it was muted now.
Put the necklace on.
Kathryn felt rather than heard the voice. She looked down and she felt a sudden thrill as the same desire Pippa had just had ignite in her own heart.
Yesssss. Wear the necklace. Become the new bearer.
Kathryn groaned as a delicious thrill pulsed through her body. She suddenly wanted to gloat. The necklace was HERS and she WAS going to try it on.
That's right. Mommy was bad, but you'll be even badder. It's been so long since I had a wearer. I can't wait to make you evil. You're going to make such an evil fucking bitch.
Kathryn's breathing was heavy, her nipples were hard, her skin was tingling. A slutty smirk twitched on her lips as she began to lift the necklace up over her head. Her pussy was wet with anticipation.
Pippa's eyes were locked onto the necklace. Kathryn wanted to laugh, it felt so good to be the one and lord it over the other girl.The one? What did that mean? Where were these thoughts coming from?
Mmmmh, all that mattered was the necklace.
Yesssss, you... are... mine....
Kathryn's nails began to tingle and extend, her hair began to turn silkier... her breasts ached deliciously. Just one more inch and...
"Girls, are you still tidying up? What's taking so long?"
The spell was suddenly broken by the voice of Principal Saunders. Kathryn gasped, suddenly feeling weirdly self conscious holding the heart necklace over her head. Blushing she quickly pushed the necklace back into the black jewel case and she slid it into her school satchel.
"Sorry Principal Saunders, we're all done here."
Pippa blushed too. "Woah, that was weird Kathryn. I felt really weird when you had that necklace out. I don't like this, something is wrong."
"I agree. Don't worry I'll get to the bottom of it Pippa. Trust me."
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"Mom, when you were at school, did you used to own a heart necklace or something?"
In all the years she had known her Mom, Kathryn had never seen her Mom act like the way she did when she mentioned the necklace. It was like her Mom was a different person.
Rebecca's breathing suddenly became heavier, her eyes more intense. She turned quickly to her daughter an eager but terrified expression on her face.
"Why? Did someone find it? Where is it? If you know where it is you'd tell me right?"
"Mom, of course I would. No I don't know where it is," she lied. "What's going on, why are you acting weird?"
Rebecca began to cry.
"I was worried this would happen if you went to that stupid reunion. Listen baby, you have to be very careful. When I was younger I made a terrible mistake. I fell under the control of a very evil object. A beautiful silver heart. When I wore it, it gave me everything I thought I wanted. Beauty, power, popularity... but it made me heartless and cruel."
Rebecca took Kathryn's hands. Her grip was intense, almost crushing. She looked deep into her daughters eyes and Kathryn could see a mixture of longing and fear in her Mom's eyes.
"You have to understand, if I saw that necklace again, I don't know if I could control myself. To wear it again, to be hot and bitchy. To be a tight little evil whore who got everything she wanted. Even now I fantasize about it sometimes. Somehow I lost the necklace at school. It was stolen just before I graduated. At first I was consumed by rage, I tore the town up looking for it... but as the evil power faded, I became me again. I realised what it had done to me, who it had made me. I moved on with my life and hoped never to see it again."
Kathryn's heart was thudding. She couldn't believe what she was hearing.
"Once someone wears the necklace, they become transformed. Then it's too late. They have the power to dominate others, make them do whatever they want. If someone wears that accursed thing, you'll never be able to get it off them unless they are asleep or unconscious. They will become totally evil, heartless and all powerful. I got lucky, somehow the necklace was taken from me and whoever removed it must have been immune to its transformative effects... a male perhaps? Not that men can resist the wearer when she has it on, they become total slaves. There was this one boy who was totally addicted to me, I made him do terrible things to please me... oh God I was such an evil bitch..."
Rebecca began to cry, great wracking sobs. Kathryn hugged her Mom.
"It's okay, no one has found the necklace, it must be gone. Someone mentioned it to me is all and now I understand why everyone said you were a bully. I'm glad you're free of it Mom, I'm glad."
"Promise me if you ever do find it, you'll throw it into a river or bury it deep underground. It's too dangerous to keep around."
"I promise Mom. I swear it."
Kathryn patted the side of her satchel, feeling the shape of the jewel case where she had left it yesterday. She couldn't stop thinking about the necklace.
She and her Mom had talked long into the night about the evil necklace and her terrible past. Kathryn had been horrified to hear about the things her Mom had done... but to her shame also excited.
As her Mom described her life as an evil slutty bullying cheerleader, Kathryn had found it hard not to imagine herself in her Mom's place.
"I used to have tits. Huge big bouncing tits. My hair was blonde and my body tanned and super attractive. I had long sexy nails and hips for miles. I must have fucked every hot boy in school, ruined every loving relationship. I bullied my friends and forced everyone to worship me. The worst bit was it made me cum so hard to be bad. I was totally addicted to being evil, my body responded to being a bully by rewarding me with pleasure. I was becoming more and more evil, the necklace wasn't far off corrupting me entirely."
As her Mom had spoken, Kathryn had imagined those huge bolt on tits on her own chest. She imagined laughing like a horny bitch as she pumped a huge black cock in each manicured hand, cum blasting out to coat her tits as she moaned and giggled.
She imagined bouncing her tight pussy on a throbbing cock whilst the girl whose man she was fucking cried in the corner. She imagined squeezing her perfect body into tight outfits, making all the men stare. She imagined being the Alpha girl, surrounded by her flunkies in the cheer squad. She imagined dragging Sarah O'Connel, one of her friends, into the girls toilet and ordering her girls to flush her head in the loo.
She imagined how hard she would squirt and how good her pussy would feel as she put on the necklace. She needed it so badly.
Put me on... now you know what I can do... don't you want it even more?
Kathryn's breathing was heavy, her hand almost inside her satchel. "Nooooo, I have to resist," she hissed. It would be so easy to take out the jewel case and put on the heart necklace. So easy to feel her small tits swell up and her body transform. So easy to laugh and gloat as she became an evil whore and embraced the corruption that was her birthright. She imagined long nails emerging from her fingers, her lips swelling up and becoming bitchy, her face that of a Goddess. She imagined how good it would feel to be evil and spoiled. She imagined two massive breasts bouncing on her chest, creamy and white, a massive cock between them as she jerked off a boy and made him her slave.
Yesssss, you can't resist much longer. Soon you won't be Kathryn anymore. You will be Kat Gray, the eviliest bitch this school has ever known.
Kathryn forced the intrusive thoughts out of her head with difficulty. "No. Tonight after school you're getting buried in the woods. You aren't going to corrupt anyone else. I'm doing this for my Mom... I have to be strong."
Forcing her hand away from her satchel she walked into school.
"Kathryn, are you okay? You seem weird," asked Pippa concernedly as the two girls got ready for gym. They were about to practice basketball and Kathryn had hardly spoken for the last twenty minutes.
"I'm okay Pippa, I'm just tired."
They walked down the corridor towards the gym. "Oh no, not now," suddenly gasped Pippa.
"What's the matter?" asked Kathryn in concern.
"My period, I can't believe it. I must have got my dates mixed up. I haven't got any pads with me either."
Kathryn hugged Pippa. "Don't worry, there are some in my satchel. Go and grab one, I'll cover for you."
"Oh thanks babe," said Pippa gratefully. "I won't be long." Kathryn waited in the corridor whilst her friend went back into the changing rooms.
Kathryn shook her head ruefully. It wasn't like Pippa to make a mistake like that. Perhaps she had been distracted by the evil neckace last night as well and it was affecting her too.
The necklace... her satchel!
She turned and dashed, her heart hammering in fear as she burst into the changing rooms to see Pippa lowering the necklace around her head.
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Pippa moaned in pleasure, her body arching as the necklace slid comfortably around her neck. Her bones cracked and popped as her tiny body expanded and her pale skin tanned and smoothed. Evil power flooded into her, turning the sweet little dork into the ultimate bitch.
"Yessss, fucking give it to MEEEE," she gloated, her dorky hair lengthening and turning blonde as she tore off her glasses and crushed them beneath her feet. "Yessss FUCKING DO IT!"
"No! Pippa, take off the necklace," screamed Kathryn, but Pippa just laughed as her roots turned blonde and her she shot up to tower over her former friend.
"Never. This is MINE now. Mmmmmmh, I feel so fucking EVIL. Hahaha you dumb bitch, this feels SO fucking GOOOD! I can't believe you left the necklace in your bag, I just wanted to look at it, but then I held it and I knew what it could do. I WANT IT!"
Pippa pushed out her chest and laughed as her small non-existent tits began to swell. Her clothing creaked and tore as two huge boobs, nearly as big as the basketballs behind her swelled enticingly out of her body. "Mmmmmh, check out THESE babies you fucking loser," she laughed, grabbing her tits and feeling the satisfying weight of them. "Perfect for fucking big strong cocks."
Pippa's hair now extended down to her ass, which was now rounded and firm. Her hips had cracked out and her legs were long and sexy. She looked like a supermodel and as her clothing transformed to suit her new body - it was clear she was into wearing designer clothes now.
Pippa flexed long white nails, enjoying the feeling of the claws on her fingers. She ran her hands over her perfect body, lingering on her crotch where her tight new pussy was throbbing with lust.
"Mmmmh, this could have been you loser. All you had to do was wear the necklace and you could have been a Goddess. Instead I get to be the bitch and I LOVE it."
Pippa's once kind eyes were now mean and cruel, her perfect lips in a permanent bitchy smile. The heart necklace bounced above her big tits mockingly.
She strode forward. She towered over Kathryn now and it was clear she was twice as strong. "Kneel loser."
Kathryn felt her knees give way. She couldn't resist this Goddess. She knew instinctively that if Pippa ordered her to throw herself from the top of the gym apparatus, she would now. She shivered in fear hoping that wasn't what Pippa had planned.
"Tell me everything you know about this necklace. Tell me everything about your Mom."
Kathryn obeyed. She couldn't resist.
Pippa's lips twitched into a wicked smile. "Your Mom sounded hot when she was a bitch, I wonder if we can't bring back the good old days after all... but first we need to make a few... adjustments."
Kathryn whimpered as her former friend advanced on her.
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Rebecca gasped as the door to her house opened and the most beautiful girl she had ever seen walked in like she owned the place. Behind her, crawled her daughter Kathryn on all fours.
The blonde girl had attached a dog collar to Kathryn's neck and was now walking her with a dog lead. Her daughters hair had been closely cropped short and she had been crying. A pair of fake dog ears had besn rammed onto her head. Rebecca felt a surge of rage at the sight.
Then she saw the heart necklace round the girls neck and her breath stopped short.
"Yes. You know what this is don't you? Hello Rebecca. It's me Pippa. I see you recognise my beautiful necklace, but I have changed since we last met."
"Noooooo," groaned Rebecca backing away as the blonde girl advanced menacingly. "Pippa you have to take it off."
"Hahah. Never. Mmmmh, that's right loser. The power is mine now and your stupid daughter is my little pet. She's been telling me all about what a bitch you used to be and it really turned me on. I've decided to bring Beckie back. You can't have the necklace, but with a bit of programming I'm sure I can bring your evil side back and then you can help me make Kathryn's life a misery."
Rebecca gasped, she couldn't believe how evil Pippa had become. She trembled in fear.
"Don't try to hide it 'Beckie'. I can see your nipples getting hard at the thought. You loved being an evil bitch and with my help you can be again. A little plastic surgery, you could even have big tits again. Now repeat after me, I am an evil bitch and I love being mean."
"Nnnnnooooo," gasped Rebecca, her nipples suddenly alarmingly hard and her body throbbing with pleasure.
"Yessssss, you want it," hissed Pippa moving closer, her intoxicating perfume and irrestible corrupting presence now focused on Rebecca. "You are a bitch. You're a fucking bitch and you want to be evil again. Say it."
Rebecca moaned, memories of the evil slut she had once been rising to the surface. She had loved being a cruel, teenage slut and having it all. Losing the necklace had been the worst thing to ever happen to her. She DID want it. She had been fighting it all these years, but now she knew she coudn't resist.
"Yessss, I am a bitch. An evil bitch."
"No Mom! Don't," cried Kathryn causing Pippa to laugh.
"Keep barking little doggy, it's too late. Beckie will soon be back."
Kathryn watched in horror as her Mom's eyes rolled up into her head. Her lips moved, repeating the mantra Pippa bad given her.
"I am an evil bitch, I am Beckie."
Her Mom seemed to be cumming.
"Ugghhh fuckkkk yessss. I am an evil bitch, I am Beckie. I am an evil bitch..."
Pippa smiled. "Yesssss that's it. Let Beckie come back, let her take control. You are a bitch just like me."
"Fuckkkkk yessssss I'm a mmmmmmh bitch."
Kathryn cried as she watched her Mom shudder and orgasm in pleasure. It was too late now.
Pippa's face was gloating and cruel, she was aroused by the corruption. She loved to see it. Leaning over, she whispered something in Beckie's ear.
Beckie's eyes rolled back down and she looked at Kathryn with cold disdain. "Mmmh, you're so right Pippa. My daughter does need training. I will deal with it."
Pippa handed the lead over to Beckie and patted Kathryn on the head.
"I'll see you at school loser. I'm going to have sooooo much fun in my new body and with my new life. I am so getting fucked tonight. I'll leave you with your Mom. I'm sure she'll have you well in hand soon enough."
Laughing she walked away with a clop of heels as Beckie looked down with a sneer at her daughter. "Time for your training Kathryn. You've been a bad girl but now you will serve Pippa and I."
Kathryn wanted to cry, but she knew it would do no good. Both her bullies were now completely... heartless.
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healinglights · 1 month ago
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pinkwishlist · 2 years ago
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Boghossian jewels Diamond and Morganite Necklace
18 Karat white and rose gold
843 notes · View notes
mystic-sn0w · 1 month ago
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21 notes · View notes
gun-ovaries · 3 months ago
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pernillemagda · 3 months ago
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dumblr · 1 year ago
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gemville · 11 months ago
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18k Yellow Gold, Opal, Tanzanite and Diamond Heart Necklace by Guita M.
Photo Courtesy: Guita M.
Source: forbes.com
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misseviehyde · 10 months ago
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Time flies when you're having fun.
It certainly had for Pippa. She could barely believe it had been a year since she had claimed the power of the heart necklace and taken control of the school. Since then her life had been amazing.
Pippa found it hard to remember the pathetic weakling she used to be. Hard and also disgusting. When she looked in a mirror to see her perfect body and massive tits, it felt like she had always been this way, not some pathetic dweeb.
She tried to visualise the dorky features of her past life. She tried to imagine glasses on her face, a flat chest, a nerdy haircut... but she couldn't. It made her want to retch.
So pathetic... such a loser. Pippa was MUCH better now.
Since she had claimed the necklace Pippa had become a name synonymous with bitchiness. She was a baddie who took what she wanted and no one got in her way. She loved being the most evil bitch around.
Her parents and her friends had struggled at first to accept the new her. Luckily the necklace gave her the power to force her will onto others. It had been fun, bending and breaking the wills of others. Making them forget the original her.
She'd brainwashed and corrupted her parents, turning her kind hearted Mom into a ruthless gold digger and her Dad from a quiet accountant nto a ruthless business man.
Now they lived in the biggest house in town. Pippa had a room three times the size of her old room. She had hundreds of clothes, everything she could ever want. It was heavenly. It was what she deserved.
Power and wealth was SO addictive.
She played with her necklace as she often did, a long manicured nail idly stroking the chain as she purred with the sheer joy of just being completely evil.
The sex was the best thing. Pippa had been a virgin before wearing the necklace. She certainly wasn't anymore...
Big hard throbbing cock, tight wet pussy, lingerie, dildos, anal... cum... she loved it all. She was a nasty little slut, just like every hot busty rich girl should be.
Now after a year of fucking, bullying and dominating - it was almost graduation. Almost time to take her evil out further into the world. Unlike that loser Beckie, she wouldn't get drunk and lose the necklace. She would leave this town and live as an all powerful bitch forever. The thought made her wet.
She was so gonna be a bitch... forever.
Pippa's finger tightened on the chain of her necklace, her sharp nail brushed her skin. She moaned pleasurably.
She still remembered how good it had felt to transform that first time. To feel her body change from weak to strong, her mind from pure to evil.
She remembered how glorious her tits had felt, swelling up bigger and bigger in her hands. She remembered the intoxicating feel of power, of growing taller, stronger, more dominant. Best of all had been Kathryn's jealous haunted face.
It had felt amazing to outgrow her friend. To transform into everything Kathryn secretly wanted to be. To become a bitch.
Her pussy dripped as her nipples became harder. She felt so fucking hot right now.
"Fucckkkkkkkkk," moaned Pippa, her eyes rolling up into her head. Her fingers twitched and she clutched the chain, her lips open and her mouth a lustful leer of ecsatsy. She just felt sooooo fucking good.
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"Mistress?" suddenly whimpered a pathetic broken voice.
Pippa's cruel mouth automatically twitched into a smirk of amusement. She opened her eyes and gazed down in satisfaction.
She'd always wanted a cat and now she had one.
Kathryn had entered the room. She sat obediently in the corner, dressed only in a pair of stupid cat ears and a pair of thigh boots. Other than that she was naked... well except for the butt plug in her ass with the cat tail attached.
Pippa was pleased with her work on Kathryn. Her former friend was nicely broken, an obedient puppet ready to serve. She'd been resistant to the programming... but a year was a long time and Kathryn was a good girl now. Pippa had enjoyed shaping her.
Cat-maid Kathryn was shared between Pippa and Kathryn's own mother Beckie. Since reminding the older woman of the joys of bitchdom, Pippa had enjoyed watching her become increasingly evil again. Beckie certainly was creative.
Kathryn was now just the way Pippa and Beckie liked her now and there was no going back. She spent her time cleaning and serving the other women. She even seemed to be enjoying it a little.
Pippa groaned wetly and clutched her silver heart. Kathryn was never getting her life back. Never ever...
Kathryn gazed up with a mix of fear, obedience and hatred at her Mistress. She hated the feel of the air on her naked body, she felt constantly humiliated and weak this way. Forced to dress as a cat girl, to lick milk from a bowl, to serve Pippa's perverted desires... she was a broken girl these days.
She whimpered and kissed Pippa's high heeled feet knowing the effect it should have. She watched slyly as Pippa tugged at the chain at her neck... a habit that was becoming more pronounced every day.
Pippa seemed to not realise how often she touched the chain around her neck. At first it had been an occasional thing, a little tug here and there. Then it had begun to increase.
Kathryn had noticed Pippa would do it more often when she was aroused or emotional. It was like an unconscious tick
She had set out to try and deliberately put her friend in either state. She knew her only hope was to somehow get Pippa to take off the necklace.
"Mistress, shall I eat you out?" whimpered Kathryn.
"Mmmmmh, why not? I feel horny," groaned Pippa hiking up her short skirt and pulling down her expensive panties. She grabbed Kathryn's head, her sharp sexy nails sliding into the other girls hair and scratching her scalp. Roughly, Pippa pushed Kathryn's face into her crotch.
"That's it you little bitch. You know what to do." One hand still unconsciously clutching the necklace, the other in her former friends hair - Pippa began to moan and groan.
Kathryn meanwhile knew that she had to try and make Pippa cum. She had to eat this pussy better than she ever had before.
She went enthusiastically to work, moaning and licking. Gasping as wet pussy juices flooded her mouth and chin. It didn't hurt that Pippa's pussy did smell and taste amazing. Kathryn hated to admit it, but she was turned on and attracted to Pippa just like everyone else. She felt a thrill of being able to eat such a Goddesses tight pussy out.
"Fuckkkk yessssss, mmmmmh I LOVE IT. Ohhhh fuckkkk I'm going to cum all over your loser face. YESSSSSSSSS!"
Pippa's hand tightened on the chain. She tugged and pulled harder than she ever had before, a toe curling orgasm blasting through her body as she began to squirt in Kathryn's face.
The sound of the necklace snapping was shockingly loud, even over the sound of Pippa's orgasm.
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Kathryn leapt up with snarl her hands extended. The necklace tumbled down between them, the chain flailing. Pippa's eyes were a mask of shocked horror.
Both girls grabbed at the heart. Each now held a length of the chain, the silver heart dangling between them.
"Get off you fucking loser, it's mine!" screamed Pippa lashing out with a high heeled foot. Kathryn dodged to the side and pulled with all her might, but Pippa's grip was iron strong.
But something was already happening. Pippa was shrinking. Her sexy halter top hung baggy on her frame and her massive tits seemed smaller. Brown streaks had appeared in her hair and her beautiful face looked a bit less mean and cruel. Her power was bleeding away.
Desperation gave Pippa strength and focus. She barrelled into Kathryn and they crashed around the room, knocking over chairs. Pippa swung wildly with her free arm, forcing Kathryn to protect her face.
"You fucking loser," laughed Pippa her eyes wild with glee. "You're too weak to take it from me."
With a snarl of pleasure she kicked Kathryn hard in the stomach causing the other girl to lose her grip on the necklace and stagger back.
Grinning triumphantly Pippa held the loose ends of the heart necklace together. They fused instantly and turning to the mirror she lifted the necklace over her head and back to its rightful place.
Kathryn crashed into her back sending Pippa tumbling forward against the wall. Strong hands grabbed the necklace, but rather than trying to remove it, they pulled back. Pippa gagged and choked, gasping for breath.
Her tit's were swelling up again and her strength returning. In moments she would be powerful enough to hurl this insect from her back.
But before her transformation back into a Goddess could be fully completed, her vision began to blur.
Yanking desperately at the chain of the necklace Kathryn heard Pippa make a choking noise, then she collapsed limp to the floor.
Kathryn let go immediately, horrified by what she'd done. Leaning down she listened by Pippa's mouth and to her relief heard slow and steady breathing. Pippa was just unconscious.
Reaching down Kathryn easily lifted the necklace from Pippa. It came off shockingly fast, almost as if it were eager to be removed.
Pippa's unconscious body began to change. She reverted back to her old self... with a dorky hair cut and brown hair. A kind gentle face instead of a bitchy one.
Kathryn sobbed to see her old friend again. She had been freed of the necklaces evil.
And now it's your turn.
Kathryn looked down at the necklace in her hand. She remembered the voice, that evil voice in her mind. How many times had she lay weeping wishing she'd listened to it?
That's it. You've suffered, but that just made you stronger. Now it's your turn to wear me. Pippa has shown you how good being an evil bitch really is. It's your turn to experience the power.
Kathryn shivered. She reached behind her and wincing pulled out the silver butt plug that Pippa had made her wear.
Taking off the cat ears, she paced the room arguing with herself. She had originally intended to bury this evil necklace before Pippa stole it - now it was tempting her again.
On the floor Pippa groaned, stirring...
Pippa will find a way to take it back. Or if she doesn't Beckie will. Put me on and feel the power for yourself.
Kathryn lifted the necklace. It would look so fucking pretty round her neck. It would feel so good to be a bitch.
That's it Kathryn... you're almost there... and this time no one is going to stop me corrupting you.
Kathryn lowered the necklace. She fully expected her hands to stop, or someone to walk into the room and stop her like before... but almost to her surprise the necklace was suddenly around her neck and nestled on her chest.
"Ohhhh fuckkkkkk," she groaned as her skin shifted and her body thrummed. So THIS was how it felt to become a Goddess.
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Long sexy nails shot out of Kathryn's fingers and her skin tanned and smoothed. Her hair took on volume and length, becoming blonde as her flat chest swelled out and two bitchy boobs pushed out.
Yessss that's it. Let yourself become the vessel of evil. Filled with toxic femininity. All you care about is yourself. Give into your worst impulses.
Kathryn groaned and giggled in ecstasy... "Yessss I want it. Fucking give it to me. Fill me with your evil! Make me a BITCH!"
She screamed as her ass inflated and she grew taller and slimmer. Her once plain features became hot spoiled and bitchy. She laughed as she stretched her beautiful new body.
That's it. Beautiful outside, evil inside. You are a cold, heartless bitch. You live to be mean.
On the floor Pippa weakly opened her eyes and slowly sat up. Her eyes widened in horror as she saw the transforming bitch in the centre of the room and realised what was happening.
"Oh nooooo."
"Ohhh YESSSSS!" hissed Kathryn as she ran her hands over her delicious new body. Her clothing transformed becoming a stunning pink dress as thick makeup coated her features and she became a mean spoiled Diva.
In moments the power transfer was completed. Pippa was now totally normal again whereas Kathryn was gone and only Kat remained.
"You dumb fucking bitch," laughed Kat as she reached down and picked up the silver butt plug from where she had dropped it. "You thought you had broken me, but you just made me easier for the necklace to corrupt. There isn't one molecule of pity or mercy inside me now. I AM the ultimate bitch."
"Wh... what are you going to do?" whimpered Pippa in fear.
"All the things you did and worse," purred Kat.
She advanced on Pippa and grinned as she spat on the butt plug.
"But first we need to get you into your new uniform... cat maid. Bend over for Mistress."
Pippa moaned as she spread her butt cheeks wide and felt the plug slide deep inside. She knew better than to try and resist.
She would serve. It was pointless to fight.
For now...
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me4n · 1 year ago
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miroyuuu · 1 year ago
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This decora lovecore choker is up for sale on my Etsy shop!
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