#heart disease symptoms causes and treatment
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wheelie-sick · 23 hours ago
Happy rare disease day!
-> let's talk about lupus 💜🦋
lupus is sometimes referred to as "the most common rare disease" because it sits right on the line of the definition of rare. regardless, it's definitely true that people with lupus are hard to come by. we're lucky to have thriving online communities on some platforms (not Tumblr, RIP) but offline communities and support groups are few and far between.
lupus is an autoimmune connective tissue disorder named after... wolves, for some reason? there's a lot of debate over why someone several centuries ago decided wolves would represent us well.
there are several types of lupus but the most common is systemic lupus erythematous (SLE), when people are referring to lupus they are almost always referring to this type of lupus. this is the type of lupus I have and the type I know most about so this is the type I'll be discussing in this post.
The basics
lupus is an autoimmune disease that attacks all tissues in your body. yes, all. it can go after any form of soft tissue and even includes your brain and parts of your bones within its reach. this makes lupus a very hard to pin down disease because it can look like anything. I've heard it referred to as "the great imitator" which I think is an excellent title.
with that said, some targets are more common than others.
The symptoms
like the previous section implied there are thousands of presentations of lupus. just about everything has been recorded in association with lupus. my best friend once joked "I bet lupus doesn't cause gangrene" but a case study disagrees.
The lupus foundation of America has excellent resources on some of the most common effects on different body systems. they are by no means comprehensive but they give a good gist of symptoms
some of the key symptoms:
joint pain & swelling, arthritis
severe, persistent headaches that don't respond narcotic analgesics
sensitivity to UV light (UV triggers symptoms)
the butterfly rash (a red, painless rash across your cheeks and the bridge of your nose- sometimes your chin as well)
hair loss
mouth ulcers (typically with a white ring around them)
Raynaud's phenomenon
-> having these symptoms does not automatically mean you have lupus. please do more research before self diagnosing 🙏 if you think you have lupus I would strongly recommend seeing a doctor ASAP! lupus can go from fine to dead in a matter of minutes. <-
Death by lupus
lupus survival odds have increased substantially in the last 20 years but the disease remains incredibly dangerous- particularly to those of us with severe or refractory (non/under responsive to treatment) versions of it. the younger someone develops lupus, the more likely they are to have a severe presentation of the disease.
in particular, children with the disease (under 10) have very low survival odds.
lupus can kill in an almost infinite number of ways. lupus is capable of killing quickly with blood clots, strokes, pulmonary embolisms, heart attacks, and much more. lupus is also capable of killing slowly through lupus nephritis.
lupus nephritis is present in about 40% of people with lupus. lupus nephritis is a kidney disease causing kidney inflammation. it is highly destructive and often leads people to kidney dialysis, kidney transplant, and death by kidney failure. developing lupus nephritis drops your survival rates significantly.
lupus is treatable for most people! the most common treatments include immunosuppressants, steroids, and anti-malarials.
many, if not most, people with lupus are immunocompromised. (which is why it's always good to wear a mask)
while refractory lupus does exist, most people with it are able to get their disease under control.
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gokhaledr · 2 years ago
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Complimentary therapies are commonly used alongside conventional treatment procedures to improve medical outcomes further while supporting the healing and overall health of the patient.
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Is High Blood Pressure Really a Big Deal
This article is originally published on Freedom from Diabetes website, available here. High blood pressure (HBP), or hypertension (HT), is a common health issue that affects millions of people worldwide. We can say it is a silent killer. Here we will explore the significance of HBP, its potential consequences, and why it's essential to take it seriously. Even if you don't notice any symptoms, high blood pressure can still be harming your body.
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Understanding High Blood Pressure
First lets understand, high blood pressure occurs when the force of blood against the walls of your arteries is consistently higher than normal. HBP measured in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) and consists of two numbers: systolic pressure (the pressure when your heart beats) and diastolic pressure (the pressure when your heart rests between beats).
A normal blood pressure reading is usually around 120/80 mm Hg. Hypertension is generally defined as having a blood pressure of 130/80 mm Hg or higher.
Risks of Untreated High Blood Pressure
Heart Disease: HBP is a leading cause of heart disease. It can damage your arteries, leading to atherosclerosis (narrowing and hardening of the arteries), which increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Uncontrolled HBP can damage blood vessels in the brain, leading to strokes. Strokes can result in long-term disability or be fatal.
Kidney Damage
HBP can harm your blood vessels in your kidneys, affecting their ability to filter waste and excess fluid. This can lead to kidney disease or kidney failure.
Vision Problems
HBP can damage the blood vessels in your eyes, leading to vision impairment or blindness.
Cognitive Decline Some research suggests that HBP may contribute to cognitive decline and an increased risk of dementia.
Taking High Blood Pressure Seriously You have to be more careful about high blood pressure. So you have to follow some good habits.
You have to follow healthy routines such as maintaining a balanced diet, engaging in regular physical activity, reducing salt intake, and managing stress by doing mediatation. Your healthcare provider may prescribe medications to help control your BP if lifestyle changes alone aren't sufficient. Routine checkups with your healthcare provider are essential to monitor your BP and assess your overall cardiovascular health.
To read more about this, please visit our Article. In conclusion, high blood pressure is a significant health concern that can lead to severe complications if left unmanaged. Also please connect with me on my website, Facebook page, and YouTube if you want to stay in touch or give me any feedback!
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metalheadsagainstfascism · 2 years ago
Heat Intolerance
This disability pride month I'd like to talk about heat intolerance. Because honestly although it's not the first health issue that presented symptoms in my life. It was the first time I was like "I don't think my body works right".
And honestly given disability pride month is during one of the hottest months in the year. It seems fitting. Especially because there's a lot of disabilities and medications that cause it.
What is heat intolerance?
Simply speaking it's the inability for the body to regulate it's temperatures especially in hot settings to cool itself down.
Why is awareness important?
Because gaslighting people or worse not providing them a place to cool down just because you "feel fine" is extremely fucking dangerous.
What are the medicines that can cause heat intolerance?
Antihistamines (Allergy medications) . Decongestants (Sudafed or any medication that has the D at the end of it). Stimulants (ADHD medications. Steroids. Caffeine.) Beta-blockers (blood pressure medications). Overactive bladder treatment. Psychiatric medications (including but not limited to medications for depression and anxiety). Pain relievers. Antibiotics.
What medical conditions can cause heat intolerance?
EDS (Elhers-Danlos syndrome). Autism. ADHD. Migraines. Brain/spinal-cord injury. Sensory processing disorder. Chronic fatigue syndrome. Endocrin problems. POTS. Menopause. Hypothyroidism. Diabetes. Heart Disease. Multiple sclerosis. Mental health disorders.
What should I do if I suspect I have heat intolerance?
Reduce time outside during hot months. Keep your electrolytes up. Drink plenty of water. Stay out of the sun whenever possible if outside. Be aware of the symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke.
Clothes that are best worn for heat intolerance. Loose lightweight breathable fabrics. Natural fibers. Long sleeves that protect from sunburn as sunburns will increase your risk. Light clothes that reflect light. Wide brimmed hats that shade the face and neck.
Cool. So what are those symptoms I'm supposed you be looking for?
Headaches. Excessive fatigue. Mood changes. Muscle cramping or weakness. Nausea/ vomiting. Rapid heartbeat. Excessive sweating or not sweating at all.
When should I do to the doctor?
If you suspect you have heat intolerance you can go to your PCP to discuss what medications you may be on and what you can do about it. Otherwise, please go to the emergency room if you have symptoms of heat stroke.
This is good information and all but why are you making this post?
To raise awareness. Not just for the people that have it but weren't aware of what it was called. But for all of the idiots that tried to gaslight me when I was in school because I was like "I don't think this is normal. Every time we do our mile run outside I vomit all over the place but other kids aren't doing that."
Also because people always blame me for over heating if I wear long sleeves or pants. I always like to take notes from what people in the middle east wear because they literally live in the excessive heat and spend long hours in the excessive heat. Often in clothing that covers most of their body. They've gotta know what they're doing, right?
I have some type of xenophobic comment about why people from the middle east cover up
Shut the fuck up 😊
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drravindersinghrao · 2 years ago
Heart Valve Expert in jaipur - Dr. Ravinder Singh Rao
Make an appointment with your doctor if you have any persistent signs or symptoms of Heart Disease that concern you. If you don’t have any signs or symptoms, but you are worried about your risk of Heart Disease, discuss your concerns with the Heart Valve Expert In Jaipur, Dr. Ravinder Singh Rao. Hence, call us Tel: +91-7891791586 and get more information
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colleendoran · 1 month ago
This Explains a Lot
Hey folks, I don’t want to drama queen all over you. I know you all have big problems. But there’s been a recall of medication I take to manage Hashimoto’s Disease.
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Hasimoto’s Disease affects something like 1% of the population (depending on who you ask). It’s an autoimmune disorder that causes the immune system to attack your thyroid gland.
The thyroid is sort of like your body’s throttle. If it doesn’t work properly, a lot of other things won’t work properly.
Symptoms include (from the Mayo Clinic Website):
Fatigue and sluggishness
Increased sensitivity to cold
Increased sleepiness
Dry skin
Muscle weakness
Muscle aches, tenderness and stiffness
Joint pain and stiffness
Irregular or excessive menstrual bleeding
Problems with memory or concentration
Swelling of the thyroid (goiter)
A puffy face
Brittle nails
Hair loss
Enlargement of the tongue
For my part, the big issues are the fatigue, aches and pains (my hands are sometimes so stiff I cannot move my fingers, and right now my back is killing me,) depression, and memory problems. As in, I will be sitting there working on a drawing and between the time I look at my reference and the time I look at my drawing I can’t remember what I just saw in my reference.
That’s not good.
Also not on the above list: edema, anxiety, high cholesterol, poor heart function, an enlarged heart and irregular heartbeats. I had to have a CAT scan in December, and my anxiety has been swinging back and forth into the red zone for months.
When well managed, I don’t notice it much, but when not well-managed, my life grinds to a halt.
Since cancer treatment, I’ve felt the usual fallout from all that cancer entails. But I honestly thought I should have been feeling much better by now.
But I’m not. I’ve been up and down, but mostly down.
Finding out I’ve been improperly medicated for 7 months certainly explains a lot. A friend of mine who got the defective medication notice from her doctor thought she felt poorly due to long Covid. Another was sinking for months, unable to understand why.
Well, at least we know why.
This doesn’t affect everyone on the medication, just those with certain lot numbers from certain manufacturers. And if you are highly sensitive to hormone fluctuations, even a small variation will knock you right on your keister.
Several people I know heard from their health care providers. Others heard nothing until they asked.
It’s not like I don’t have a lot of stress right now, and figured my anxiety, poor mood, and weight gain originated from dealing with what I’m dealing with.
Well, at least some of it is because my medication hasn’t been hitting the sweet spot.
Bad luck, but it is what it is.
It’s going to take about 6 weeks before I start to feel better, but at least I am working it.
Best Wishes.
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covid-safer-hotties · 6 months ago
Global Emergency Compounded by the AIDS-like Features of SARS-CoV-2 Infection - Published Sept 1, 2024
Over a million people in the US are being infected with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus type 2 (SARS-CoV-2) every day.
Originally named after the acute respiratory syndrome it can cause as a consequence of blood vessel damage in the lungs, SARS-CoV-2 is actually primarily a blood vessel virus that spreads through the airways. It causes a complex multisystem disease (1). It is airborne (2). It can persist in the body, and is detectable in body and brain tissue even at autopsy of “recovered” patients (3).
Each infection ages the body, causes damage to the blood vessels and the immune system, and affects organs including the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, bones, etc. (4, 5, 6)
Each infection ages the brain. Specifically, it reduces gray matter and cognitive ability (7), and potentially IQ score (8). It increases the risk of psychiatric disorders (9). SARS-CoV-2 has also been identified as contributing to accelerated dementia (10).
The potential post-acute phase impacts of SARS-CoV-2 include long COVID, some manifestations of which are chronic conditions that can last a lifetime, including heart disease, diabetes, myalgic encephalomyelitis and dysautonomia (11).
The Economist has estimated excess deaths from the beginning of the Pandemic through May 2024 at up to 35 million people worldwide. (12)
In Addition, Many Scientists Are Now Issuing Warnings… SARS-CoV-2 triggers a new airborne form of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (13, 14, 15) (some are proposing specific terms such as “CoV-AIDS”).
This is not AIDS as we know it from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, it is a new type of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome with different deleterious effects on immune function (16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21), but both resulting in increased vulnerability to infections (22). Immune system deficiency and other COVID properties also suggest a potential link to greater risk of cancers (23, 24, 25, 26, 27).
The “original” AIDS caused by HIV takes up to around 10 to 15 years to make its presence felt, with the initial infection usually barely noticed and often resembling the common cold or a flu-like disease until its damage manifests itself leading to death in the absence of treatments (28, 29).
With SARS-CoV-2, immunodeficiency develops in the weeks and months following infection. It involves reduction and functional exhaustion of T Cells (30), enhanced inhibition of MHC-I expression (31), downregulating CD19 expression in B cells (32) and other evidence of immune dysregulation (33, 34). In one study, the dysregulation persisted for 8 months following initial mild-to-moderate SARS-CoV-2 infection, the length of the study (35). There is no “cure” for any of the damage caused by SARS-CoV-2 including immune dysregulation.
Did You Know? Repeated infections are leading to prolonged immune dysregulation, and increase the risk of progressive disability and death.
Long COVID is a multisystem disease with debilitating symptoms, which has had a profound impact on society and the global economy. In the USA, economists have estimated that long COVID will incur cumulative future costs of more than US$4 trillion (36, 37).
The worldwide devastating economic consequences of this mass disabling event have been measured in terms of total work hours and GDP lost around the world (38).
It theoretically only takes a single viral particle to initiate an infection, and most infections are initiated by very few viral particles (39).
Despite current popular belief, the immune system is NOT a muscle, and does NOT benefit from being repeatedly challenged with disease-causing microbes. In fact, its finite resources are depleted with each new infection.
Herd immunity is unattainable for a rapidly mutating, immune-disrupting virus, and there is no basis to believe that a vascular infection will evolve into the common cold. Continuing to ignore SARS-CoV-2 will not make it go away. Depriving the virus of publicity does not deprive it of its continuing lethal effects.
SARS-CoV-2 is continuing to evolve and mutate – it is not running out of evolutionary space. It is not a cold or the flu, but primarily a blood vessel disease. It is damaging society as we know it.
How many repeated infections can we expect young people to endure and survive? Even if they get only 1 infection each year, that’s 10 infections in 10 school years. This is not compatible with health and a long life. Repeated infections can lead to long COVID and shortened lifespans.
How Do We Protect Ourselves, How Do We Protect Our Children, When Government Public Health Advice Has Failed?
By reducing transmission so that R0 remains less than one (meaning that each person infects less than one other), we can suppress and gradually eliminate the virus, targeting a safer return to pre-2020 normal.
Handwashing is helpful, but it is not the main way to stop the spread of this airborne virus.
Respirators can block 95% or more of virus particles through electrostatic action, and are therefore highly effective at reducing infection even if only one person in a conversation is wearing them. They are far more effective if all people are wearing them (40).
Transmission can be reduced with HEPA filtration and ventilation of indoor air.
The virus spreads more quickly in indoor settings, but also spreads outdoors.
For medical facilities, it is essential to clean the air with ventilation and filtration and require universal high-quality masking (with N-95/ FFP3 respirators or better) to protect medical staff and patients.
For workplaces, clean air will reduce transmission; and encouraging employees to test and stay home when infectious is essential. High-quality masking should be encouraged in the case of symptoms, a sick person at home, or any other suspicion that one could be carrying the virus. Remote work should be normalized and encouraged wherever possible.
For entertainment venues, events should be held outdoors when possible; and if indoors, clean air is key to protecting audiences. Audiences should also be encouraged to wear respirators to avoid getting infected and infecting others. Digital streaming options should always be offered.
For restaurants, an emphasis on outdoor dining will substantially reduce transmission. Patio service should be encouraged, and indoor dining areas should be well-ventilated with a high level of air-exchanges. Home or curbside delivery offers a safer alternative.
For schools, clean air will reduce transmission; encouraging students to test and stay home when infectious is essential to preserving their health. Masking or remote learning should be initiated whenever a case is detected or the incidence in the general population sharply increases. A permanent hybrid model / digital option can accommodate children with disabilities or those who simply do better learning from home.
Teachers and medical professionals may prefer to use transparent masks, or to wear HEPA-filtered headgear equipment that may be more universally tolerated/accepted.
To track our progress, we need sustained wastewater and population-level testing.
With just 60-70 percent of people taking mitigation measures such as masking, testing and isolating when infected, we can dramatically reduce forward transmission of the virus.
Even with very imperfect measures, as long as one infected person does not infect more than one person on average, the virus will eventually die out. The fewer people each person infects on average, the faster it will happen.
We still have a window of opportunity. Protecting ourselves and our families is in fact protecting the economy and the continued orderly functioning of our society.
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literaryvein-reblogs · 3 months ago
Writing Notes: Food Allergies
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Food allergies - the body’s abnormal response to specific proteins found in food. These proteins normally are harmless but cause a reaction in some people. They can occur when food is either eaten or touched.
Many people use the term ‘‘food allergy’’ to describe what is actually a food intolerance.
A food intolerance is a reaction to food that does not involve the immune system.
Lactose intolerance is a common food intolerance, while celiac disease is a food allergy.
Eight foods cause 90% of all food allergies. These are:
tree nuts (walnuts, cashews, pecans, almonds, etc.)
When the body encounters an allergen, it releases large amounts of histamine.
The release of this chemical is responsible for allergic symptoms.
Symptoms of food allergy can range from mildly annoying to dangerous and life threatening.
These symptoms include:
tingling of the mouth
tingling or numbness in arms or legs
skin rash or hives
abdominal cramps
breathing difficulties
sudden drop in blood pressure (hypotension)
swelling of the tongue
swelling of the face and throat
loss of consciousness
The most serious symptom of food allergy is anaphylaxis.
Anaphylaxis, also called anaphylactic shock, is a sudden and potentially life threatening allergic reaction in which the whole body reacts to an allergen.
During anaphylaxis, the airway constricts, making breathing difficult.
Swelling of the throat may block airways as well.
Vomiting and diarrhea may occur.
The face may swell and the skin may become itchy with a rash or hives.
The heart may race and the heartbeat may become irregular.
Treatment for an allergic reaction is administration of an antihistamine drug.
The most common antihistamine is diphenhydramine hydrochloride; found in over-the-counter drugs, such as Benadryl, and in some prescription drugs.
If taken immediately, antihistamines can stop or moderate an allergic reaction.
In cases of a severe allergy or anaphylaxis:
an injection of a strong antihistamine called epinephrine (also known as adrenaline) may be used.
An auto-injectable form of epinephrine (Epi-Pen) that looks similar to a large ballpoint pen can be carried at all times if a person has a history of severe allergy.
If a severe allergic reaction occurs, the auto-injector is held against the skin and the medication is self-administered as a shot.
Epinephrine is a strong antihistamine; it often can stop anaphylaxis symptoms.
Source ⚜ More: Notes & References ⚜ Writing Realistic Injuries ⚜ On Allergy
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thatnonameuser · 3 months ago
I got an ask for a Lovesick MC, so I’m making a Lovesick disease to show you guys before I finish that ask.
In the yandereverse, Lovesickness is an actual disease.
Known as Amoromania Afflictio or, in layman’s terms, Lovesick Syndrome, the disease is a darling-exclusive disease. As yandere behavior is genetic, darling behavior is too. And while yanderes are naturally immune to lovesickness, darlings aren’t and can frequently catch lovesickness. 
The disease can either be contracted through a natural infection, or through a botched love potion. 
Natural Infection - Through a virus known as Amorfluxivirus. Can be contacted through fluids and extremely close contact with yanderes who can sometimes be carriers for the disease (vaccinations are a preventative measure to protect darlings). 
Botched Love Medication - If a love potion, serum or other medication was made incorrectly or administered incorrectly, a medication can mimic the natural virus. This is the safest and most common way a darling can catch lovesickness, because it has a predetermined timer, ending usually after two week.
Symptoms of Amoromania Afflictio
Early Stages, Infatuation Stage ( Day 1 through 3)
Flushed cheeks
Inability to focus
Increased attraction to and fixation on anyone offering attention or compliments.
Mid Stages, Adoration Stage ( Days 4 through 9)
Heightened emotional and physical sensitivity to touch and affection
Increased libido.
Rapid attachment to the most affectionate person present.
Extreme emotional swings, from euphoric adoration to despair when affection is withheld.
If ignored, the darling is prone to crying, restlessness and panic.
Late Stage, Obsession Stage (Days 10 through 14)
Unstable heart rate caused by mood swings due to intense emotional highs and lows.
Detachment from previous infatuations upon encountering stronger emotional stimuli.
Hallucinations of romantic scenarios involving multiple individuals simultaneously.
Episodes of panic and sorrow when separated from whoever provides them with stimuli.
If the darling is emotionally neglected or rejected repeatedly, their body begins producing excessive amounts of stress hormones, leading to physical symptoms like chest pain, shortness of breath, and irregular heartbeats.
Terminal Stage, Heartbreak / Decline Stage (Days 15+) 
Heartbreak-induced cardiomyopathy ("Broken Heart Syndrome").
Emotional overstimulation leading to seizures or collapse.
Fatal arrhythmias or heart failure if left untreated.
Isolation - To prevent the romantic attachments from forming, a darling’s familial and platonic relations will isolate them alone. Removing the darling from overly affectionate environments helps prevent extreme attachment and detachment stress.
Antiviral Medication - Medication meant to treat Amoromania Afflictio
Regulated Affection Therapy - Controlled doses of non-romantic affection from trusted individuals to prevent the syndrome from spiraling.
Cardiac Support - Medications to manage heart stress and prevent fatal arrhythmias.
Strict regulation of love potions and affection-enhancing drugs.
Early diagnosis through routine emotional regulation tests in darlings.
Personal protective measures such as avoiding overexposure to obsessive personalities.
Darlings who catch Lovesick Syndrome are often seen as tragic figures in society, evoking both pity and fear. Some yanderes take advantage of the disease. To them, it’s a competition to prove which yandere loves the darling the most. But this makes the condition worse, because it makes treating it very difficult.
Because the syndrome is most frequently caused by love medications, the manufacturers are very careful when it comes to manufacturing them. 
Lovesickness can’t be immunized to darlings because it has the possibility to ensure that the darling can’t feel affection for yanderes if they’re given prevention cures. But many yanderes are immunized once they are registered to make sure they can’t be carriers to darlings.
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kiwoa · 9 months ago
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The only heartworm allowed in this house is a plush one - after nine months of treatment, Jackie is heartworm-free!
Her journey's been a bit different from the traditional path. For one, she's been on heartworm preventatives for a long time. The problem is that heartworm takes six months to show up on a test. She was taken in by a shelter at two months; we adopted her at seven months. Somewhere in her early puppyhood, an infected mosquito must've gotten her and the worms grew until they could finally be detected after she'd settled into her forever home with us. So takeaway #1 - always test for heartworms, even if they've been on preventatives, especially if there's a gap in their history!
For another thing, we opted to try the Moxi-Doxy protocol, a method less tested than the traditional treatment, but super promising in cases like hers, where the dog is healthy and the disease is young. The problem with Moxi-Doxy is that it takes longer than arsenical injections, so it's not a great pick if the worms are already doing damage or causing symptoms. The advantage, however, is that the restrictions and side effects are WAY fewer!
You start off with a month of Doxycycline, same as with traditional treatments. It kills a symbiotic bacteria in the worms and weakens them. This was actually the hardest part of the treatment for Jackie, as the dosage is high and is given all month, but she only had issues in the last week of it, so we were able to push through. The big difference in treatments comes after that - with Moxi-Doxy, the next (and potentially final) step is application of drops containing Moxidectin as directed for as long as it takes. For us, we put Advantage Multi on Jackie once a month.
Since the worms are being killed so much more slowly than with arsenical injections, the risk of embolism from multiple worms detaching/breaking down at once is considerably lower. We couldn't take her on any super long walks or to dog parks or other places that would raise her heart rate and keep it up for a prolonged period, but she was still allowed normal walks. She still got to play fetch. She could still wander around the house freely and thrash her toys and even have brief stints of zoomies. And there was no pain from injections or deleterious side effects - just some painless drops on her skin once a month.
There's still much to be said for the traditional method. It has a higher success rate (we were always aware that Jackie's treatment could fail and we'd end up having to start the traditional protocol after a year and a half of failed efforts) and it works much faster. I think there's a lot to be said for Moxi-Doxy as well, though, since it's a much more comfortable process. And it's always nice to have options. It's a much newer protocol and I had never heard of it until a vet suggested it could be an option for Jackie, so I figured I'd put this information out there for dog owners who might be similarly unaware. For us, at the very least, Moxi-Doxy worked without side effects and cured our Jackie in less than a year. I think that's worth telling people.
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gokhaledr · 2 years ago
Heart disease is a disorder that affects the hearts ability. Here are symptoms, causes, prevention and best treatment for heart diseases in Hyderabad by Dr. Gokhale, first heart transplant surgeon in India.
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whencyclopedia · 3 months ago
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Egyptian Medical Treatments
The ancient Egyptians experienced the same wide array of disease that people do in the present day, but unlike most people in the modern era, they attributed the experience to supernatural causes. The common cold, for example, was prevalent, but one's symptoms would not have been treated with medicine and bed rest, or not these alone, but with magical spells and incantations. The Ebers Papyrus (dated to c. 1550 BCE), the longest and most complete medical text extant, clearly expresses the Egyptian view of medical treatment: "Magic is effective together with medicine. Medicine is effective together with magic." The magic referred to took the form of spells, incantations, and rituals, which called on higher supernatural powers to cure the patient or treat symptoms.
Heka was the god of magic and also of medicine, but there were a number of deities called upon for different diseases. Serket (Selket) was invoked for the bite of the scorpion. Sekhmet was called upon for a variety of medical problems. Nefertum would be appealed to in administering aroma therapy. Bes and Tawreret protected pregnant women and children. Sobek would intervene in surgeries. One could call upon any god for help, however, and Isis and Hathor were also invoked, as was the demon-god Pazuzu. Even Set, a god associated with chaos and discord, sometimes appears in magic spells because of his protective qualities and great strength. All of these deities, however, no matter how powerful, had to be called by an experienced practitioner and this was the doctor of ancient Egypt; part magician, part priest, and part physician.
Injury & Disease
Physical injury was common in a culture which not only engaged in monumental building projects but had to contend with wild animal attacks from lions, hippos, jackals, and others. Injuries were easily recognized and treated in much the same way they would be today: bandages, splints, and casts. Since the Egyptians had no concept of bacteria or the germ theory, however, the cause of the disease was less clear. The gods were thought to mean only the best for the people of the land, and so the cause of a disease like cancer was as mysterious to the ancient Egyptians as the origin of evil and suffering is for religiously-minded people in the present.
The most common reasons for disease were thought to be sin, evil spirits, an angry ghost, or the will of the gods to teach someone an important lesson. Although the embalmers who dissected the bodies at death were aware of the internal organs and their relationship with each other spatially in the body's cavity, they did not share this information with doctors, and doctors did not consult with embalmers; the two professions were considered distinctly different with nothing of note to contribute to each other.
Doctors were aware that the heart was a pump and that veins and arteries supplied blood to the body, but they did not know how. They were aware of liver disease but not the function of the liver. The brain was considered a useless organ; all thought, feeling, one's character, was believed to come from the heart. A woman's uterus was believed to be a free-floating organ which could affect every other part of the body. Still, although their understanding of physiology was limited, Egyptian physicians seem to have been quite successful in treating their patients and were highly regarded by other cultures.
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yuukei-yikes · 4 months ago
is it ever explained anywhere in the kagepro media what is Haruka's condition? tried to look into the kagepro fanwiki what it was but it just says "[...] implied to be cardiovascular". You got any clue?
SORRY FOR THE SUPER LATE ANSWER i have been Crazy busy and Crazy going through it. hope it's still helpful!
anyway!!! neither haruka or takane's conditions are outright stated, and are only mentioned as a heart disease and a sleeping disorder. even haruka and takane themselves don't know much about each other's diagnosis, and seem to know the basics of it. i always liked this detail because it's like they didn't want to ask each other too much about it, since they know what it's like to be constantly interrogated about it.
yaaay ill talk about takane even if u didnt ask but i promise its to make a point
with takane, the general consensus is that she's got specifically narcolepsy, because her symptoms are described with enough details that narrow it down to what it could be. she randomly falls asleep, and is extremely tired/sleepy all the time. when she dies... supposedly kenjirou had... poisoned her? but that's not stated anywhere im pretty sure it was just a popular headcanon (im so lazy to go check gang sorry. but i am pretty sure it's not mentioned also when tf would he have done that) however takane was extremely accelerated from running and her epiphany, and as soon as she falls she says "no way im having an episode rn" like she immediately knew what was happening, so it seems like cataplexy is also something she experiences. basically narcolepsy is... like spot on described and shown.
instead, for haruka its much less clear. like you said, he's only described to have a heart disease that's very serious and sends him into cardiac arrest erm kind of often, and it's also genetic because his mom had it and died from it. that's... it! there's never been popular headcanons on what it could be. unlike a sleeping disorder, a heart disease can be caused by a million different things and still have the same result (heart attacks). meanwhile sleeping disorders are a little bit more specific so takane's is easier to deduce.
haruka's illness could be many things, but my personal headcanon has always been arrhythmia. to be honest i decided on this hc as a teen bc it was the only heart disease i knew at the time so i kinda ran with it LOL but ive done some more reading later on (not extensive studies of it... just random google searches) and ive still landed on arrhythmia being my headcanon because it's also genetic, and there are different types of arrythmia, some being really really scary... not that arrhythmia in itself isnt scary tbh. its the irregular beating of the heart, so a heart attack can literally happen any moment!! scary as hell. but that's also why i think it's fitting, like even a sneeze could make haruka jumpcut scene to an ambulance.
these are some old hcs of mine but a more recent one is haruka getting treatments and surgeries post str. despite awakening eyes keeps haruka alive, it doesn't Cure him, but makes him strong enough to stand these treatments he wasnt suitable for before, increasing his lifespan. so even if awakening eyes doesnt cure him, it definitely helps him live.
so post str haruka is still very much a regular patient to the hospital and both him and takane continue to be medicated for life
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drravindersinghrao · 2 years ago
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justkidneying · 5 months ago
SHOCK! Everyone loves writing about it, so we're gonna talk about it.
What is shock? Shock is a condition in which the blood flow in your body is no longer able to sustain the function of critical organs. We call this hypoperfusion. Blood carries a lot of stuff, but most importantly, it carries oxygen. When your tissues don't have oxygen, they're hypoxic. If they're hypoxic for long enough, they die.
What does shock look like? The patient might have hypotension, syncope (fainting), chest pain, abdominal pain, cool fingers/toes, shortness of breath, and/or altered mental status (I know you guys love that last one, lol).
What are the stages of shock? Trigger Insult -> Compensated Shock -> Uncompensated Shock -> Irreversible Shock (organ failure) -> Death
Not all of those stages are obvious in every patient, but that is the general progression. So, what does that all mean? It means that first, something is going to happen (trigger insult). This could be trauma, sepsis, anaphylaxis, heart attack, etc. Something has gone wrong with the normal blood circulation (we'll talk about what in a moment).
Next, the body will compensate to maintain perfusion and keep blood pressure normal. This can cause an increase in heart rate, constriction of blood vessels, rapid breathing, stress, and cool extremities.
When the body can no longer compensate, shit goes wrong. Mechanisms are failing, blood pressure is falling, and the organs are in dysfunction. You may see confusion, syncope, weak pulses, and metabolic acidosis (that's actually deadly but not as fun to write about, lmao).
Finally, when shit has gone very, very wrong, you get organ failure. If there were no interventions in the previous stages, the organs will begin to shut down. Heart rate, blood pressure, and respiratory rate will freefall. The patient will no longer respond to interventions. The nervous system's electrical activity will fade, and the patient will go into a comatose state. Then they die.
The Five Types of Shock
Distributive: this is from the dilation of vessels, which drops the blood pressure to unacceptable levels. This can be do to anaphylaxis, sepsis (bacterial infection), or adrenal crisis. One thing to note with this type is that the skin at the extremities will be warm, not cold.
Cardiogenic: the heart is not working correctly. This can be do to heart disease, heart attack, arrhythmia, etc. This leads to low cardiac output but constricted peripheral vessels. This may present with pulmonary edema.
Hypovolemic: this is from low blood volume. This can be due to hemorrhaging, severe vomiting (or, on the other end, pissing out your butt), or severe dehydration. The patient will have cold extremities and may be pale. Usually, this type of shock is easy to spot because there's either blood everywhere or some other type of trauma causing internal bleeding.
Neurogenic: this is due to nervous system failure from injury to the brain or spinal cord. Note that this type of shock does not have a fast heart rate. Since the autonomic nervous system is non-functioning, there is no response mounted to the shock.
Obstructive: this is a blockage of circulation to the heart. There are two types, pulmonary and structural. Pulmonary is due to increased pulmonary circulation resistance. This can be due to a tension pneumothorax or a collapsed lung. Structural is due to resistance in the heart, such as with cardiac tamponade (fluid in the pericardial space). This case of shock requires you to realized that there is clinically a right and left heart, as the blockage of either side will result in vastly different symptoms and require different treatment.
How do you treat shock? For treatment, it really depends on the type of shock. For all types (except that caused by pulmonary edema), you should give the patient a saline IV to increase blood pressure and volume. Then, it really depends on the case as to what you do next. For distributive shock, you want to give the patient vasoconstrictors (like norepinephrine or vasopressin). For cardiogenic shock, give them inotropes (to increase cardiac output). For hypovolemic shock, fix whatever was torn up and give them IV fluids. For neurogenic shock, you can give fluids and vasoconstrictors. For obstructive, fix whatever is wrong, like breaking a clot or draining the pleural cavity.
Okay, I hope this is a good guide. I think hypovolemic and distributive shock would probably be the most fun to write about, but I mean you could probably make any of these pretty interesting (except obstructive, maybe). Let me know if you have any questions in the notes (is that what the reply thing is?? or are they called comments??)
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covid-safer-hotties · 4 months ago
Many long COVID patients adjust to slim recovery odds as world moves on - Published Nov 14, 2024
By Jennifer Rigby and Julie Steenhuysen
Summary Long COVID symptoms can persist for years, with slim chance of full recovery Funding and attention for long COVID research are dwindling in many wealthy countries Long COVID symptoms can include extreme fatigue, brain fog, breathlessness and pain
LONDON, Nov 14 (Reuters) - There are certain phrases that Wachuka Gichohi finds difficult to hear after enduring four years of living with long COVID, marked by debilitating fatigue, pain, panic attacks and other symptoms so severe she feared she would die overnight.
Among them are normally innocuous statements such as, "Feel better soon" or "Wishing you a quick recovery," the Kenyan businesswoman said, shaking her head.
Gichohi, 41, knows such phrases are well-intentioned. "I think you have to accept, for me, it’s not going to happen."
Recent scientific studies shed new light on the experience of millions of patients like Gichohi. They suggest the longer someone is sick, the lower their chances of making a full recovery.
The best window for recovery is in the first six months after getting COVID-19, with better odds for people whose initial illness was less severe, as well as those who are vaccinated, researchers in the United Kingdom and the United States found, opens new tab. People whose symptoms last between six months and two years are less likely to fully recover.
For patients who have been struggling for more than two years, the chance of a full recovery "is going to be very slim," said Manoj Sivan, a professor of rehabilitation medicine at the University of Leeds and one of the authors of the findings published in The Lancet.
Sivan said this should be termed "persistent long COVID" and understood like the chronic conditions myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome, or fibromyalgia, which can be features of long COVID or risk factors for it.
WANING ATTENTION Long COVID, defined as symptoms persisting for three months or more after the initial infection, involves a constellation of symptoms from extreme fatigue to brain fog, breathlessness and joint pain.
It can range from mild to utterly disabling, and there are no proven diagnostic tests or treatments, although scientists have made progress on theories about who is at risk and what might cause it. One British study, opens new tab suggested almost a third of those reporting symptoms at 12 weeks recovered after 12 months. Others, particularly among patients who had been hospitalized, show far lower rates of recovery.
In a study, opens new tab run by the UK's Office for National Statistics, two million people self-reported long COVID symptoms this past March. Roughly 700,000, or 30.6%, said they first experienced symptoms at least three years previously.
Globally, accepted estimates have suggested between 65 million, opens new tab and 200 million, opens new tab people have long COVID. That could mean between 19.5 million and 60 million people face years of impairment based on the initial estimates, Sivan said.
The United States and some countries like Germany continue to fund long COVID research.
But more than two dozen experts, patient advocates and pharmaceutical executives told Reuters that money and attention for the condition is dwindling in other wealthy countries that traditionally fund large-scale studies. In low- and middle-income countries, it was never there.
"The attention has shifted," said Amitava Banerjee, a professor at University College London who co-leads a large trial of repurposed drugs and rehabilitation programmes.
He says long COVID should be viewed as a chronic condition that can be treated to improve patients' lives rather than cured, like heart disease or arthritis.
'PROFOUNDLY DISABLING' Leticia Soares, 39, from northeast Brazil, was infected in 2020 and has battled intense fatigue and chronic pain ever since. On a good day, she spends five hours out of bed.
When she can work, Soares is a co-lead and researcher at Patient-Led Research Collaborative, an advocacy group involved in a review, opens new tab of long COVID evidence published recently in Nature.
Soares said she believes recovery seldom happens beyond 12 months. Some patients may find their symptoms abate, only to recur, a kind of remission that can be mistaken for recovery, she said.
"It's so profoundly disabling and isolating. You spend every time wondering, 'Am I going to get worse after this?'" she said of her own experience.
Soares takes antihistamines and other commonly available treatments to cope with daily life. Four long COVID specialist doctors in different countries said they prescribe such medicines, which are known to be safe. Some evidence suggests they help.
Others have less success with mainstream medicine.
Gichohi's illness was dismissed by her doctor, and she turned to a functional medicine practitioner, who focused on more holistic treatments.
She moved out of her hectic home city of Nairobi to a small town near Mount Kenya, policing her activity levels to prevent fatigue and receiving acupuncture and trauma therapy.
She has tried the addiction treatment naltrexone, which has some evidence of benefit for long COVID symptoms, and the controversial anti-parasitic infection drug ivermectin, which does not but she says helped her.
She said shifting from "chasing recovery" to living in her new reality was important.
A piecemeal treatment approach is to be expected while research progresses, and perhaps longer-term, said Anita Jain, a long COVID specialist at the World Health Organization.
Meanwhile, long-haulers face a new challenge with each spike in COVID cases. A handful of studies have suggested re-infection can exacerbate existing long COVID.
Shannon Turner, a 39-year-old cabaret singer from Philadelphia, got COVID in late March or early April of 2020.
She was already living with psoriatic arthritis and antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, autoimmune diseases for which she regularly took steroids and an immunotherapy. Such conditions may increase the risk of developing long COVID, researchers say.
This past summer, Turner got COVID again. Once again, she is extraordinarily tired and uses a walker for mobility.
Turner is determined to pursue her music career despite ongoing pain, dizziness and a racing heart rate, which regularly land her in hospital.
"I don't want to live my life in bed," she said.
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