#health inspection
lbdkitty · 2 months
ogga booga watchdog yaoi be upon yee
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oh yeah wanders here too
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townpostin · 2 months
Health Secretary Ajay Kumar Singh Inspects MGM Hospital in Jamshedpur
Major deficiencies found during inspection, Health Secretary directs improvements within a week. Health Secretary Ajay Kumar Singh inspects MGM Hospital, identifies major issues, and demands improvements within a week. JAMSHEDPUR – On Tuesday, Health Secretary Ajay Kumar Singh visited MGM Hospital, the largest government hospital in Kolhan, to inspect its emergency ward, ICU, and various other…
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 10 months
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"HOUSES TO BE CLOSED," Hamilton Spectator. November 26, 1913. Page 10. --- Considering them unsanitary, the board of health yesterday decided to order closed the following houses on Caroline street north, owned by M. Levy: Nos. 225, 227, 229, 231, 235, 239, 241. It was reported that the houses were in an undesirable condition and that the board's previous order for them to be cleaned up had been only partly observed.
It was ordered that a sewer be built on Charlton avenue, between Ferguson avenue and Aurora street.
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anand07723 · 8 months
Roar FS Consulting: Elevating NYC Food Businesses to Excellence in Food Safety
In the bustling streets of New York City, where culinary delights are a daily indulgence, ensuring the highest standards of food safety is paramount. Picture this: A local eatery, thriving with the energy of the city, strives to maintain its stellar reputation. One day, a health inspector arrives unannounced, wielding the power to grant or deny the coveted "A" letter grade. The tension is palpable, but for those businesses under the wing of Roar FS Consulting, these moments become opportunities for validation and success.
Roar FS Consulting specializes in guiding food establishments through the intricate landscape of NYC Food Protection and ServSafe® certification, providing a safety net that extends beyond the kitchen to mobile food carts, ensuring that every culinary venture can confidently roar with success.
Unlocking the ServSafe® Advantage:
In a city where culinary excellence is the norm, obtaining the ServSafe Manager and ServSafe Food Handler certifications becomes a badge of honor. Roar FS Consulting understands the nuances of these certifications and seamlessly navigates businesses through the rigorous training, ensuring that every team member is well-versed in ServSafe® Food Safety protocols.
Food Inspection Mastery:
The term "food inspection" can send shivers down the spine of any restaurant owner, conjuring images of meticulous scrutiny and potential setbacks. Roar FS Consulting transforms this perception by turning food inspections into a proactive journey toward excellence. With an expert team that understands the intricacies of restaurant audits, the company provides businesses with the tools needed not only to pass health inspections but to exceed expectations consistently.
A is for Achievement:
The legendary "A" letter grade, proudly displayed in the window, is the holy grail for New York City eateries. Roar FS Consulting specializes in ensuring that businesses not only attain but consistently maintain this coveted status. Through a comprehensive approach to health inspections, the company empowers establishments to pass with flying colors, fostering trust among patrons and setting the stage for long-term success.
Digital Temperature Log Revolution:
In the age of technology, Roar FS Consulting embraces innovation by introducing a digital temperature log that revolutionizes how businesses manage food safety. This cutting-edge tool provides real-time monitoring, ensuring that temperature-sensitive items are stored and handled with precision. With statistics pointing to a significant reduction in foodborne incidents, the digital temperature log becomes a game-changer for those under the guidance of Roar FS Consulting.
Tailored Solutions for Mobile Food Carts:
For the entrepreneurs navigating the city streets with mobile food carts, Roar FS Consulting tailors its services to address the unique challenges of this dynamic environment. From ensuring compliance with food safety regulations to providing on-the-go training for staff, the company extends its expertise to help mobile food businesses thrive in the competitive culinary landscape.
Success Stories That Roar:
Roar FS Consulting doesn't just offer services; it crafts success stories. Picture a neighborhood eatery that transforms from nervous anticipation during health inspections to confidently displaying an "A" letter grade year after year. These success stories, rooted in the expertise of Roar FS Consulting, ripple through the city, creating a culture of excellence in food safety.
In the heart of New York City, where culinary dreams come to life, Roar FS Consulting stands as a beacon of support for food businesses. From ServSafe® certifications to restaurant audits and digital temperature logs, the company offers a comprehensive suite of services that not only ensure compliance but elevate establishments to new heights of success. With Roar FS Consulting by your side, the journey toward achieving and maintaining an "A" letter grade becomes a testament to your commitment to excellence in food safety. As we reflect on the dynamic culinary landscape of NYC, we are left with one question: Will your establishment roar with success?
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volixia669 · 9 months
I need Gordan Ramsey to visit franchise restaurants. I know it would tank so many brands so would never happen, plus all the illegal shit happening, but if you think family owned restaurants are bad, just wait til you find out how your local Panera is run.
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thatrandombystander · 3 months
Got complimented at the medieval fayre today that "I look like a video game character who uses shadow magic". Clearly the highest form of praise
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Mask made by and borrowed from @copperwitchenby, number one coolest person I know
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alwaysbewoke · 7 months
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joeyprotozoa · 1 year
More of the mrs pls
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i love her crooked tooth swag
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frappe-the-peppermint · 2 months
do u guys think they cooked the tacco meat. from dipper goes 2 tacco bell.
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allthebestcowgirls · 6 months
something so delicious and rewarding about making him laugh really hard. like thank you now let's make out
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rebelichor · 13 days
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@enokvirkow's food stall can run itself
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izpride · 7 months
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Transparent Icons - Frylord Sizz-Lorr
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rjzimmerman · 2 months
Excerpt from this story from Courthouse News:
A federal judge on Friday sided with two environmental advocacy organizations in their challenge to the U.S. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service's updated program to use pesticides to combat grasshopper infestations on rangeland in the western U.S.
U.S. District Judge Marco A. Hernandez, a Barack Obama appointee, granted summary judgment to the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation and the Center for Biological Diversity, agreeing that the federal service didn't adequately consider alternatives to the widespread use of the pesticides.
The organizations accused the service, a subdivision of the Department of Agriculture, of violating the National Environmental Policy Act by not considering, in its 2019 environmental impact statement, a holistic alternative to grasshopper control, failing to establish baseline conditions and failing to take a hard look at the program’s impact on sensitive species, such as pollinators and sage grouse.
Since grasshopper and cricket infestations reduce the forage available for livestock on rangeland, the service is legally required to carry out a program to control grasshopper and Mormon cricket populations on those lands. However, Hernandez found that the service analysis of alternatives to widespread aerial spraying was insufficient.
"By specifically focusing on suppression via direct intervention—or, in this case, the use of pesticides—the [environmental impact statement] is narrower than the relevant statutes and the purpose and need statement is invalid," Hernandez said, referring to the Plant Protection Act — which tasks the service with carrying out a program to control grasshoppers and Mormon crickets to protect rangeland — and the Food Quality and Protection Act.
"There is no evidence that focusing on pesticide treatments fulfills the overall purpose of the relevant statutes," the judge said. "Nor is there evidence that [integrated pest management] techniques were just given less attention than the use of pesticides ... Instead, the EIS appears to foreclose consideration of any non-suppression methods of managing the grasshopper population."
Integrated pest management is a sustainable approach to managing pests by combining biological, cultural, physical and chemical tools in a way that minimizes economic, health and environmental risks.
“For decades the Department of Agriculture has acted with impunity, drenching millions of acres of western ecosystems with deadly insecticides to kill the native grasshoppers and crickets that have always been keystone species here,” said Lori Ann Burd, environmental health director at the Center for Biological Diversity. “Bees, butterflies, sage grouse and countless other critters join us in celebrating this resounding victory against this ecosystem-poisoning program.”
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miscreantmermaid · 2 months
If we didn’t live in such a bullshit puritanical society, we could have adult amusement parks where you get fucked by the animatronics.
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moshieee-but-evil · 7 months
This is an oops moshie got emotional moment ~
don't mind me and just scroll on past but it's not like I can stop you just use your judgement
Make sure to read the tags first though
(my problems are mine and I just need to write and put them out there to process everything you don't need to do anything)
I want to be viewed as kind and to be kind to others don't get me wrong
Is it strange sometimes I worry people only see me as a kind person?
But... Does being kind count as a personality when it's the only thing to me, is that all I have to me?
And that makes me concerned, if i don't have a personality... does that mean I'm even fully a person?
This is how my anxiety works it digs into one thought and starts spiraling, maybe that's why I'm so good at picking up on small details... details that sometimes don't even mean anything
when talking to other people I try my best to choose my words carefully like they have the same problems
That's cute, it's fine, i'm fine...
Just a few of the words I try to avoid because they've hurt me in the past, even though I know not everyone has the same issues
I worry that if I choose a wrong word I could make others start to spiral as well, or that they'll dig into it and notice something is wrong
I try to treat everyone like they have the same kind of worries I do if not more, even though I know we're all different
Perhaps that's why I worry that they'll worry, about me if I make the slightest slip up, but I don't want to force my problems or emotions onto other people...
I grew up with two parents who did that constantly as I grew up and I know how awful that feeling of being trapped in trying to... In needing to help others is, I don't want that for anyone
I worry that if I let people care for me, to listen to my problems or try to help I'll be like my parents...
And even though I know people care about me, my brain sometimes tells me I won't get reassurance, and it will just hurt if I'm ignored, or just unnoticed
It makes me feel entitled when I make a small slip up and I feel hurt by it going unnoticed, which is selfish of me
People have no way of knowing, and I don't want them to worry and look into everything I say, I don't want to make this difficult for people who care, and yet I still do this...
Either way I don't know what I want, I don't even know what I want by saying this, perhaps to get it out of my head so I can look at my thoughts better, like if I was trying to reassure another person, to give them advice...
I don't know if I want reassurance or to be ignored because both feel awful, other people already have so many problems they need to deal with, they shouldn't have to deal with me being whiny about my feelings
I'm sorry if you decided to read this and it makes you feel like you need to reach out please please PLEASE know it's not necessary.
I won't stop anyone doing what they want. but do not, do it out of a feeling of obligation
And now that I got that out of my system, let's just move on!
I like keep things positive and I'll do my best to sort this out myself after all it's the reason I have a therapist!
Have a wonderful day everyone I love yall :D
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dykethang · 4 months
what are the sociological implications of uni making me want to Commit Die myself. really
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