#healing balm
burglar-bird · 2 years
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Next chapter of Healing Balm is on its way.
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Let us remember that the Christmas heart is a giving heart, a wideopen heart that thinks of others first. The birth of the baby Jesus stands as the most significant event in all history, because it has meant the pouring into a sick world of the healing medicine of love which has transformed all manner of hearts for almost two thousand years... Underneath all the bulging bundles is this beating Christmas heart.
George Matthew Adams
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1q39com · 1 year
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dumbandpoetical · 6 months
One day as I was rewatching season two of Young Royals my mom came down and discovered what I was doing. Which led to a disastrous coming out, and what felt like hell on earth for about a month. Until I cracked, said I repented of my "sins" and started lying and covering up who I was once again. All that to say, before I came out Young Royals was such a comfort to me, and throughout this whole process it has continued to be a huge bright spot in my life. This finale means so much more to me than I can express. Seeing these two characters have the happy ending they deserve, just makes me feel hopeful for my own future one day. Where maybe I can be myself, feel completely joyful and free, and find someone to experience that freedom with.
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dughole · 4 months
remember the way my chemical romance was there for u when u were 19..
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tempobsessdom · 5 months
How is it possible that every single episode of 23.5 Degrees fills me with warmth and fuzzy feels I feel insane
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lindalofbroome · 9 months
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lief: so where's barda jasmine: he's looking for the belt of deltora lief: he's wHAT
31 - Essence of Rodda
'Despair is the enemy. Do not let it defeat you.' [Zeean whispered.] DELTORA QUEST 3 The Sister of the South Ch 9 The Yellow Notice
'Norris!' shouted Rowan, shaking him. 'Even if you are right — even if we have been led by some evil force into a trap — we cannot just lie down and die!' ROWAN OF RIN Rowan of the Bukshah Ch 13 The Climb
'So it is not too late, Rye! We still have a chance to stop that future from happening! It is not too late!' [said Sonia] THE THREE DOORS The Third Door Ch 23 Three Doors
And she imagined what her companions on the shore were seeing — a dishevelled girl in a flaring red skirt, surrounded by a throng of fawning ghosts. No wonder Sky and Jewel had fled from her as soon as they were able. She quelled the wave of misery that threatened to engulf her. She had always been haunted by her past. The wraiths were just the visible sign of it. STAR OF DELTORA The Hungry Isle Ch 6 The Glittering Shore
[ben wyatt voice] it's about the perseverance through suffering 👌
there's a bunch of other stuff like double meanings and being epic and found family that i wanted to do but in the end i didn't have time for lol and so i had to chase the serotonin for this last post and make a bad joke out of it to motivate me adfKSDJFH but also so serious
the suffering is not the end; there are horrors AND delights; you lose when you give up; not everything is as it seems but also multiple interpretations can coexist; i know this is so sappy and kids cartoons but it's so real hope is everything and can counter the overwhelmingness of despair; choose to be optimistic, to love, to be happy
you're gonna really feel that in DQ3 because of the high stakes but this is also like the very essence of rowan of rin. he's always being surprised when the big heroic models of courage break down, but they've never had to keep moving forward and doing so scared the way he has. norris was overconfident but he's never had to face something like the cold time and the Mountain, but this is rowan's like hundredth rodeo. this is not to dunk on norris at all but just the way that rowan of rin directly and indirectly shows courage and perseverance
anyway this was supposed to be our beloved trio being a family and looking after each other but it turned into post-mask and then i forgot i cant halfass things to save my life this was supposed to be a crappy shitpost but then i was looking up so much cirque du soleil references trying to figure out what they might wear lol. they might not actually be wearing costumes but the other acrobats with jasmine were so why not put her in one too and then how could bess not resist dressing lief up in her son's clothes etc
so lief's outfit is like a preliminary costume before a more grander and brighter one if he became fully integrated into their circle. i keep searching up baby bird and forgetting that im going to see some gangly pink guys lmao
jasmine's acrobat troupe were described as just blue costumes from what i found. and i was like. UH OH. because i was gonna have to work soooooo hard to differentiate from bede's blue bird vibe. i thought i'd go for a lighter blue than the sorta. royal blue i give him usually. and then it got me thinking sky blue. the perform acrobatics up in the air. they reach for the sky. they up there in the sky. sky costume.
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defiledtomb · 1 year
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napping-sapphic · 11 months
God i’m thinking about how easily and unknowingly strangers can grant you salvation like i found it in how my old classmate told me once that i was a kind person and it was the first time i’d ever believed it
in how a coworker once said that i always seem so happy and have a nice smile and i cried about it when i got home since i’d always been told i seem too serious or mean
in how someone once told me i was good at comforting them when i’d always thought i was bad at it
Just god they’re out there somewhere and i barely remember what they looked like and we’ll never cross paths again but they changed me so deeply, they’re out there but they’ll never know how often i revisit those memories and think of myself even just a little more kindly they’re out there and i don’t know them but they’re the most important people in the world to me somehow
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terracyte · 2 years
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clark claiming his "soup-or (-noodle) man" throne which im dedicating to @clarkjk (certified best clark content provider) <33
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burglar-bird · 2 years
Zuko: Who are these rando soldiers?
Zhao's goons: uhhhhhh *rolls a 3 on deception check* we're totally normal, nonsuspicious soldiers. You should trust us.
Zuko *rolls Nat 1 on perception*: you're right I totally should.
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bizaar · 1 month
Hiya! Just wanted to stop by and share how IMMENSELY re-readable I find endless/cruel summer to be. I think what calls me to come back to it, and think about your story time and time again are the collective decisive narrative moments. Especially, Part 7 where the narrative begins to converge with season four's plot-line.
It's one of crossroads where I cant help but think What if? Where would the characters be if they hadn't been thrown into that supernatural setting and remained in a mundane setting? Do you think Eddie would have discovered Reader was still in town, or would they have co-existed in Hawkins completely removed from each other's orbit with him being none the wiser?
I'm curious if this is something you've given any thought to!
p.s. it's been a delight to read endless summer and slowly watch our beloved dyad become more recognizable to who they develop to be in cruel summer. agh! good stuff!!
Bestie oh my God…. oh mY GOD you’re really gonna make me write another fic CAN YOU IMAGINE THAT???? I gotta sit down… I gotta think about this
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angelmush · 3 months
seeing your cooking stuff is literally healing my relationship with food one post at time! i hope you find much joy and healing in your culinary journey!!! everything looks so delicious and nutritious! you seem like an excellent cook!
getting messages like this always mean the whole world to me, food is love and joy and community and magic and healing and medicine and all things wonderful!!!! my own relationship w food has really shifted in my adult life and i can only ever hope to influence people's dynamic w food in a positive way!! wishing u delicious and nourishing meals in ur futureeee
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sukugo · 4 months
pussy healer whose discharge has healing properties and uses that to heal injuries
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olasketches · 4 months
tiger cub au just healed something inside me... life is no longer awful and my heart is full of joy
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arctic-hands · 10 months
Found a pain relief cream that contains a lot of boswellia serrata which is something I adore in a pain relief ointment but is hard to find these days in one, but something about the marketing and the fact it's called "Wise Men", made me want to make sure I wasn't funding a cult so I checked their site and lo and behold
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[Image Description: two screencaps of an FAQ from the Wise Men site, the question asked is "Why did Stan create Wise Men?" The answer is "Stan developed his Wise Man Healing Balm as an alternative treatment to conventional cancer options. It also helped ease the pain of his cancer. He abandoned the chemo and radiation treatments and put all of his faith into his Wise Men formulation. It kept him alive and he was able to live a fairly normal life. His body was strong enough to take over. I thought my brother was cured and I wish i could report to you a happy storybook ending but he eventually succumbed to the cancer in Twenty Seventeen. There is no doubt that even to his very end the Wise Men was helpful relieving his pain." End I.D]
🤦‍♂️Maybe Stan wouldn't have died if he hadn't abandoned chemo and radiation treatments and put his faith in fancy lotion instead? Jesus Christ you could have just marketed this as "Oh it helped with the pain of cancer and cancer treatments as a topical painkiller balm" and I would have bought it eagerly but no you had to go the whole "It Cures Cancer™️!" route and not only is it vile enough to even claim that and market it to vulnerable people, you're claiming that the maker believed his own bullshit and died from it and yet somehow that lends credence? Fucking shit.
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