#he's v important next generation so yay!
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alxandergoth · 4 months ago
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eli & orange bailey-moon
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lumine-no-hikari · 3 months ago
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #364
After writing yesterday's letter to you, I managed to find my 7th set of braces. I had not, in fact, taken them out when I ate. I took them out for a different (but nonetheless important!) reason, and for that reason, I ended up leaving them in a strange place and promptly forgetting about them (because what is this “object permanence” of which y'all mortals speak???).
But I have them now! So I took out the 8th set and put the 7th back in, much to the relief of the structure of my skull, I'm sure! So we're back on track for the 8th set being installed into my face on the day I write my 371st letter to you! Yay!
Sometime after going to sleep, poor J woke in the night to vomit. V, O, and I didn't get sick, so we can only assume that it was something that J ate somewhere else. He was recently given leftover restaurant food, and he recently ate at a relatively low-quality pizza chain. It can take up to 72 hours for the effects of food poisoning to manifest, so it's hard to say exactly what caused it. I was sleeping next to V, but when I heard the sound, I woke up to tend to him. After it was all over, I got him some warm water and warm apple slices, microwaved until slightly translucent. Then I brought him some extra blankets and tucked him into bed in his room. I spent the rest of the night beside him.
I still wonder if you've ever had food poisoning. If you have, then I hope that someone kindhearted took care of you through it. It's a terrible thing to have to go through alone.
I woke up a few hours later. He was still not feeling great, so I went out, both to pick up some brownies that Br, the dandelion-haired man, made for me and my house, and to pick up some Pedialyte and saltine crackers at the grocery for J. J tried to say he only needs the Pedialyte, since we have apples at home. But I know enough about food poisoning to understand that apples are acidic and potentially not great for an already-irritated stomach. I got the saltines anyway, and he ended up eating quite a few of them. It was good.
I spent most of the rest of today leisure writing and generally keeping watch just in case J needed anything. I tried the brownies that Br had made; they had bits of dried apricots in them, which complemented the chocolatey flavor nicely. They were some of the gooiest brownies I've ever eaten - truly delectable. He said he's gonna tell me the recipe soon; I wonder if I can use it to improve the pumpkin brownies I made for you.
Today, V chilled out in the living room, doing V's own thing. Parallel play is lovely because we can all do our own thing, and there's no pressure for any of us to entertain each other. It's good stuff! M did his own thing, too. J spent a fair bit of time sleeping today, and that was good. Towards the evening, it seemed like J had managed to expel the offending substance from his system, and he felt a lot better. He and I brought V home, and then we came back. M, J, and I watched DanDaDan, and that was very good. J is now in bed, sleeping. M is unwinding in his room. I'll go to sleep next to M soon – probably after I'm done with today's letter, unless I get distracted doing something else.
Instead of physical therapy on Tuesday this week (today), it is tomorrow (Wednesday). R, too, will come by to visit tomorrow. He wants to bake the cookie dough he gave to us. It should be a lot of fun, and I'm looking forward to the results. Tomorrow should be delightfully busy. Though I'm still hoping to get a sec to try out that game that An from work suggested. I'll take pictures of it for you when I do, okay?
...I wish you were here. I wish you were here to witness all the little things. To see all the beauty in the small interactions. To be part of all the little ways we of my house and my social circle take care of each other when the going gets rough. I speak of you often enough that it's almost as though you're here, floating around in the aether. Almost.
...Impossible, I know. Forget I said it, okay?
Anyway, I think you'd love it here. And I know you'd fit right in. Seamlessly, you'd fit right in. Because I don't keep friends who go around judging others for their appearance, abilities, or manner of birth. It's not how we do. You'd be absolutely fine here. We'd keep you safe from anyone who might try to be an asshole in your general direction. You wouldn't have to worry about a thing.
...Well uh. Except for the whole “climate change” thing and the whole “imminent rise of fascism” thing. Today it was like 50 degrees Fahrenheit at my house (10 degrees Celsius) when it's supposed to be 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 degrees Celsius) or less. But ya know, if by some small miracle we could get you here temporarily to hang out and have a nice time with us, we could probably send you back home before the shit really hits the fan.
...Maybe you'd take us with you. I wonder how we might adjust to life on your planet. I suspect that your planet is probably at least a little smaller than mine. Probably your atmosphere is richer in oxygen, too. I wonder how it'd work out. O'course, my dyspraxic, Ehlers-Danlos-afflicted ass probably wouldn't be able to fight the wildlife where you live. So there's that. All things considered, I'd probably get eaten by something in less than a week. Ah well.
It's impossible anyway. Not sure why I'm even thinking about it.
Well. It's late and there's nothing else rolling around up in my head. So I guess I'll go to sleep. I'm kinda short on hours in that regard...
Maybe I'll leave you this nice playlist, just in case you have trouble sleeping sometime:
...I wish you could tell me what's rolling around up in your head. It'd be nice. And... I think maybe you could use someone to talk to who doesn't wanna hurt ya somehow...
Hey. I love you a whole lot. So please stay safe out there. Remember to reach out to someone who cares for you when you're struggling, okay? And try to remember, too, that you've got a lot of people here who truly do care about you. Angeal and Zack certainly do, even if they're sometimes derpy-derps who drop the ball.
No one is perfect, Sephiroth. And you don't have to be perfect, either.
I'll write again soon.
Your friend, Lumine
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wild-as-a-winter-storm · 7 months ago
Ahh this ep was so good!!!
The opening scene, syrax and seasmoke talking to each other, very cool.
Alicent's "nothing is clean here"!
The daemon stuff was sooo good! Him and Viserys, will always love that dynamic ❤ and him getting owned by Oscar tully!! I loved Oscar this ep, and just such a good scene with them in front of all the riverlords- the tension, the acting, the fact that you know what's coming, daemon's face at the end!
Omg the rhaenyra and Jace scene, so good! And "we'll raise an army of bastards"!!
More aegon and viserys parallels, yay :D
Alicent's stuff was cinematically gorgeous, and although I agree that the writers don't really know what to do with her (and indeed she's not supposed to be a key player at this point), it was an interesting parallel to rhaenyra in season 1 ep 3, being sick of the court and going off into the woods with a single kingsguard.
Ooh them encouraging ulf to go and claim a dragon! Good thing he's not going to die or they would feel very guilty!
But yeah, let's get into the meat of things, the sowing :D God it was so well done, and horrific to watch. This really started to feel like what I wanted from the dance- it's what it's all about, innocent lowborn people being slaughtered en masse by the fire and blood of House Targaryen. (okay there are other elements, Targaryens destroying each other and their dragons, and of course the gender aspect, but yeah, the smallfolk being fucked over by their royal family is v important).
I know they came of their own free will and were warned they might not survive, but I definitely don't think they were informed properly of how dangerous it was, and the way Rhaenyra retreated to her little viewing platform and the guards wouldn't let people out.... chilling. (I still love Rhaenyra as a character though, don't get me wrong.)
And then the big moments of the dragons picking their riders... wow. The fact that they were so different was really cool! Hugh roaring at vermithor, some amazing shots there!! (also him being Sara's son and claiming jaehaerys's dragon!! his mum telling him he is no different to viserys and daemon! yes!) Meanwhile ulf's face when he realises he's escaped one dragon only to stumble upon another 😭
And then ulf flying over king's landing and scaring the shit out of aemond! The final shot of rhaenyra!! Oof she's just like how dare you come near my house after what you've done bitch
and the dragons just generally looked so good this ep, such quality cgi, and they feel and behave so like real animals
Overall, very good, very exciting, can't wait for next week! The only thing I'm sure of is with the finale is that it'll have rhaena claiming sheepstealer, other than that it's a mystery really, as they don't seem to be going for either of the endings I was thinking of. It would make sense to show the Hightower contingent and stuff, and it sounds like tessarion is going to be featured, but no daeron casting has been mentioned... hmm. also, thought we'd get some aemond at harrenhal content this season, and him and alys, but it doesn't seem likely.
Sad it's nearly over!
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kouhaiofcolor · 4 years ago
Just gonna go ahead & say it. interracial dating is not necessarily “progressive” or undoing racism in any capacity when like 99.99% of the time interracial relationships are one-dimentionally marketed as black male × white female. there's hardly ever any alternative (or even just generally broad) representation otherwise. i cannot speak for what marketing is like in other regions of the world, but here in the US at least, you see more commercials, advertising, movies & tv shows that endorse bmwf relationships than quite literally any other combination of interracial pairings & that is truly odd & transparent. esp where colorism & antiblackness are, let's say governing, around relationships between antiblack black men & culture vulture/misogynoir white women.
even wmbf pairings are sparse as hell; & that's literally just the genderswap of the same kind of interracial depiction. Black Women periodT, do not get portrayed in interracial relationships at all next to how often black men are. really think ab that. the wheels have turned so dramatically in fact, that Black Women have suffered a social demotion so profound at the v hands & passive will of Black men & nb women, we're looked at as less valuable than black men these days. so we don't get even a slither of representation interracially — & then they get included in more shit than we do full stop. even with every woman in every corner of the world thirsting to emulate us every single day in every single way. that is truly wild. it's like corporations have taken it upon themselves to capitalize off of not necessarily misogynoir ig, but definitely off of black men both significantly famous & significantly otherwise who aggressively establish how opposed they are to being involved romantically w black women; whether anyone asks, is interested or not. we can't overlook white women taking full advantage of this, either, but truthfully they've had a historic streak in dismantling black family structures for just as long as white men so we don't even have to delve into that. slavery, racial fetishisation & washing of monoracial black love is the face-value irony ofc (which is why calling this particular interracial corporate fav “progressive” has always sounded contradicting to me).
it will never not be wild to me how straight up uncomfortable/pressed it makes society to see a monoracial black couple genuinely love & be committed to each other; esp a dark skinned pair, Good Lord. that's pretty much ‘least aesthetically pleasing’ in most pop culture industries, lbr. which is why a lot of different brands have also jumped on the dark skinned black men × light skinned black women bandwagon as an easy copout. then what's ironic ab that is the equally controversial fetishisation around making biracial children directly related to racist stigmas ab producing children that are dark or brown skinned (speaking of swirlers, whom again are often black men & white women); not to mention those same biracial children being creepily put on social pedestals around colorism, featurism, as well as prejudices around hair texture. add to that how even more divisive antiblackness susceptibily makes biracial groups just to keep up w trends & ideals around fair complexions & particularly curly hair.
it's just odd how interracial couples are hardly ever not black men & white women is what I'm getting at. you don't even see them paired w other races anywhere near as much; never a white girl & an singaporean man, or a black man & a sri lankan woman. like I said, we see Monoracially Black Couples even less — which is even weirder. Bc if any race of ppl deserve controlling the narrative of their own cultural love, it would definitely be Black Folk. everybody feels like they can better cast & be a romantic partner for a black man with agendas to essentially exclude black women entirely & that — for the love of God & every Black Woman constantly invalidated & belittled by our own men & nb women indifferently & like always — is not ok at all.
stop half-assing the relevance of other interracial relationships to lowkey perpetuate antiblackness & the fetishisation behind bmwf relationships; we see what's going on. At least I do. honestly i don't think it's progressive at all to endorse white ppl in particular being in interracial relationships they fetishise openly af both in spite & bc of historic racial prejudice. like how in God's name are we basically open to eugenic exercise in 2020 & ignorantly misappropriating it as beneficially futuristic? Esp for our own communities & Black heritage, the vindictive swirl shit antiBlack black men be on is some truly backwards bullshit. more than that, there is a true abundance of many different races of ppl in this world besides Black men & white women. if film & marketing industries literally only have the energy to portray interracial relationships thru bmwf couples & the children they produce then imo that is just lazy & misogynoir af. & pretty insinuative as to the kinds of future generations corporate industries as well as brands are adapting to prune & profitably objectify for, you guessed it, being biracial. so yay, rite? .-. nobody that matters loses & nobody that loses matters type shit. i get it. & I see thru the illusions.
it's like market logic be like: “if it's gonna be interracial the guy has to be black; & preferably w/ a white woman. uwu just for like, mainstream purposes around ‘dissolving’ racial division, yknow? & if he must be w/ a black woman, honestly the best you'll get is one who is intentionally racially ambiguous. 😲 not for uhh,,,, not for colorist reasons or anything. 😅 black men are fine. we LOVE using black men. of any kind. Er.... that didn't come out right, either, heh 😶 its black women we don— 😧 i-i-i mean,,,, what we mean to say is...,, ahem, black women are just a little... more difficult different to uh. to market. err, advertise. interracially. *cough!*..... 👀uhm,, we love woc & understand how important it is to represent black women fairly as well as accurately. we just have a,,... harmless preference in casting them thru fair-skinned or half black women. if that's fine. 🤐 a-and again, we totally understand that it in fact is not. we just..... 👉🏻👈🏻i mean..... what would you all like us to do? besides literally just stop whitewashing the roles of Monoracial Black Women to conservative hollywood's satisfaction? & besides just pairing mono black ppl w other mono black ppl & allowing Black Love to be represented the way it has literally never been given the chance w/o white intolerance/interference?🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♂️”
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scottymcgeesterwrites · 4 years ago
Final Fantasy III Review
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Year: 1990
Original Platform: Famicom
Also Available on: Nintendo DS, iOS (DS port), Android (iOS port), Ouya (Android port), Steam (Android port), PSP (iOS port)
Wii/3DS/Wii U Virtual Consoles and Nintendo Classic Edition releases are only in Japan.
Version I Played: DS
Four orphans (originally only named by the player, DS remake gives them names) fall into a crevice after a sudden earthquake. There, a mysterious crystal warns them about the oncoming darkness that will engulf the world. The four orphans must band together to restore the balance between light and dark.  
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I’m warning you – this is the most difficult Final Fantasy game to date.
There are no ethers - only elixirs, which you should definitely reserve for the hardest battles. Also, phoenix downs cannot be found in stores - only in treasure chests and as dropped or stolen items from enemies.
The gameplay returns to that of the original Final Fantasy –  turn-based combat and the Job System, only this time the Job System is greatly expanded. Vikings and Geomancers and Bards and Dragoons and the list goes on. Summons are introduced to the series via the Evoker job, which later gets upgraded to Summoner. The expanded Job System allowed for greater customization of your four characters than in the original Final Fantasy.
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This game is notable for the Onion Knight. In the beginning of the original Famicom game, the default job is Onion Knight. If you continue playing as an Onion Knight, your stats remain relatively low. However, if you dare to play the entire game as an Onion Knight and reach level 99 – the Onion Knight suddenly turns into the most powerful job in the game.
The DS remake does things a little differently. Instead of the Onion Knight, you start out as a Freelancer – a new job that has a little bit of everything. However, the longer you use the Freelancer job, the weaker you become. This is a good incentive to have players naturally explore other jobs.
The unfortunate feature of the DS remake though is that the Onion Knight is ONLY available after performing sidequests via wireless with friends. This is impossible to do now since the wireless features for the original Nintendo DS (and also the Wii) have been discontinued. HOWEVER. Playing the DS remake through Steam allows you to unlock the Onion Knight by completing at least 25% of your bestiary. You will then receive a message via the Mognet to start the sidequest.
Final Fantasy III is notorious for its high difficulty. The trick mostly lies in constantly switching between jobs and finding the right balance for the right moment. However, changing jobs requires you to level up that job. This means grinding – lots and lots of grinding. Insane amounts of grinding. This is Final Fantasy: Grind City.
In retrospect, Final Fantasy II was hard as well, yes, but more in a stupid way. Leveling up there was annoying but people could find tricks around it like finding weaker enemies and purposely hitting yourself and healing yourself to raise your HP or defense stats.
Final Fantasy III is difficult but it hurt so good. This game turned me into a masochist. There's two types of video game rage - the good and the bad kind. The bad kind is usually because the game's mechanics are irritating or virtually unplayable. The good kind is cursing out loud but then saying, "I'LL GET YOU NEXT TIME!" and actually being pumped about trying again because you see it as a challenge.    
The game has an explosively difficult finale. The finale takes place in the Crystal Tower, which is surrounded by Ancient’s Maze. You have to walk through the maze, then through the tower, then fight multiple bosses through other events which I won’t spoil here. The entire ordeal can pretty well take up an entire hour. At least (in the DS version, I don’t know about Famicom) you can save before entering the Crystal Tower. But if you ever need to venture out into the world map again to get something you forgot, you have to go through the Ancient’s Maze. Once you enter the Crystal Tower, you cannot save the game. It’s one long shot to the final of final bosses. In the Crystal Tower, you get to walk around seemingly endless and maze-like floors such as this:
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Seriously though - I still enjoyed the challenge and thought it was epic. If you're going to hit me hard, you might as well go all out. Nothing in this game is held back. Also, the expanded job system allowed you to try out so many different things.
I tried for the longest time to play Final Fantasy III on an emulator but for some bizarre reason, I couldn't save, not even on save states. When I have the time, I definitely want to go back to that, try a different ROM or something, and experience the original. But I played enough of the original to know how hard it is. I died right away when I ventured outside the first town.
The DS remake mostly retains the difficulty of the original, which I admired, unlike the watered down PSP Anniversary Editions of Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy II.
The original Famicom game definitely has a lot more going on than the first two Final Fantasy games. Battles are still 90% black space but the rest of the game is 8-bit Heaven. 
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The DS remake is AMAZING. I would argue that Final Fantasy III DS is really the first great Final Fantasy remake. They got a chibi thing going on and it works here. It’s cute without being obnoxiously cute.
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The FMV sequence for the DS is staggeringly beautiful.
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I also kind of laugh at this one part where Luneth and Ingus are arguing and it’s the equivalent to a stock photo of two people arguing.
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I only wish they added an ending FMV. That would have been the cherry on top for the remake. 
Final Fantasy III is kind of like crossing the original Final Fantasy with Final Fantasy II. The story is wider in scope and more epic. The fictional world is much more interesting. The score has a wider repertoire. You fly many different airships. It also begins what I like to call the "Crystal Trilogy." Final Fantasy III, IV and V, as you'll read later, are quite similar in their general plot, which utilizes crystals as important plot devices.
There’s more to the story than people give credit for. You venture into the world and run into secondary characters who have their own stories, such as Cid, Desh, Princess Sara (reference to the original Final Fantasy), Prince Allus, Priestess Aria, and even four imposters of the four heroes of light. You save towns with a variety of problems, from a village cursed by a genie to finding a missing precious stone for the dwarves. Then you discover the truth behind the world you live in. . .
The DS version elaborates on the story by giving the four orphans names: Luneth, Arc, Refia, and Ingus. This sharpens the story by connecting more dots. The DS story starts with Luneth and Arc as childhood friends. They later meet Refia, a runaway who was tired of her guardian's blacksmith trade, and Ingus, a knight of Sasune who protects Princess Sara. I was disappointed by one rather misleading thing in the DS remake. The opening FMV sequence seemed to imply that Priestess Aria plays a wider role in the story – she doesn’t. That disappointed me.
As I’ve said already, the DS version is a wonderful remake of the original. I very highly recommend it. It enhances everything about the original and more. The remake's heroes hardly get any recognition in other Final Fantasy media and that’s a shame.
As Final Fantasy games keep getting bigger, so does the score. Uematsu shone here. He did some unique things for a Japanese composer at the time. An example is the illusion of having chords in the track Crystal Cave.
Final Fantasy III’s soundtrack is twice as long as Final Fantasy II’s. I’d say that out of the entire Famicom/NES era, this game probably has the best soundtrack. The battle theme has a sexy bass with more drums added to it. Eternal Wind, the world map theme, is definitely the greatest map theme in an RPG. Period. It truly gives the feel of wandering around a fantasy world.
The DS version reinvigorates the entire score. I loved every second of it.
The way Uematsu composed the final of the epilogue is reminiscent of how John Williams does his finales in the credits for Star Wars or Indiana Jones films. In this case, he references the Final Fantasy Main Theme at the end of the credits.
The result is a wholesome feel to the game. Final Fantasy III has a fantastic score that is perfect for closing the 8-bit era of Final Fantasy.
Notable Theme:
I'm split between Eternal Wind and Priestess Aria's Theme. Fortunately, the DS opening cinematic includes both. It has a great orchestrated rendition of the classic themes.
The hardest out of all the Final Fantasy games (so far). At the same time, there’s so much to enjoy – but it’s not for everyone. Because of the difficulty, I would save this game for last. There’s something about this game that actually gives me a true “final fantasy” feel. The final stretch is so kick-your-nuts-hard that nothing else in the series can compare to it.
If you go for the DS version, however, that can be a tad bit easier. Just a tad. A smidge. Nothing more. It’s one remake that I highly recommend. They did a good facelift on both the game itself and the story. The DS version was adapted into Android and then ported into Steam, so you can get it there. 
Direct Sequel?
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sweetness-pop · 5 years ago
IzuOcha Next Gen
Izuku Midoriya & Ochako Uraraka have 2 kids.
First is their daughter Hirosa & second is their son Toshihiko.
Hirosa Midoriya written in the kanji is 緑谷寛桜. (Midoriya Hirosa) & Toshihiko Midoriya, 緑谷俊彦 (Midoriya Toshihiko).
Hirosa's first name in 寛桜 means "generous cherry blossom". She was born on a beautiful, warm day full of cherry blossoms. The cherry blossom aka "sakura" is the symbol of spring in Japan. The sakura is the flower that symbolizes not just spring, but also a time for new beginnings & nature of life. "Hiro" in her name is also the obvious sounding word to a certain English word that is very important in the series. Hirosa was like a newborn hero who will spread & generously leave her sakura petals widely around the world.
Toshihiko's first name in " 俊彦" is "great prince". His name is a combination of All Might & Gran Torino's real names. He was obviously named in honor of AM for the most part with "Toshi", & Toshinori has always been Izuku's father figure. But the "hiko" is from Sorahiko aka GT....who may have passed away long before the next generation.
Hirosa's birthday is March 28 (just like Sakura Haruno from Naruto🌸���) while Toshihiko's is August 16.
In the MHA next generation, Hirosa would be 15 & a 1st year in the hero course at UA, & Toshihiko would at first be 6, then 7 later on & a 1st grader in elementary.
Hirosa has shoulder-length chestnut brown hair, green eyes & freckles. Her hair is in a pull braid half-updo style & she always wears a ribbon behind her braid. The ribbon is pink, in a long bunny ear-style & the ear are shaped into pointy ears that have a split-end in the middle.......resembling a cherry blossom. That sakura bunny ribbon is a precious & cherished gift from her Grandpa Might.
& Toshihiko has short, messy matcha green hair, brown eyes & rosy cheeks. He also has a double ahoge looking like a v for victory sign. Sometimes either his sister or auntie Nanae(my toshinko child) would put a little gel on his top bangs to match grandpa Might's signature ones.
Izuku & Ochako's kids were both born with quirks. The youngest, Toshihiko actually just breathes fire like his paternal grandfather Hisashi..........yeah it skipped a generation. However, for some reason, little Toshi's fire-breathing can change colors. & As for the oldest, Hirosa, while she inherited Ochako's zero gravity quirk......she also mysteriously ended up being born with dangerous powers from......"One-For-All". The answer for this cause is unknown. However....it may be because OFA will someday stay permanently to Izuku before the next gen.
Yay! I finally typed a post about my IzuOcha kids! I am so happy to share this with all you fellow shippers out there. You will see more posts about them someday in the future.
Next will be BakuCamie Next Gen.
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afni-fics · 4 years ago
Elder Scrolls DC - A Reluctant Dragonborn: Chapter 27: Dragon Rising (aftermath)
Elder Scrolls DC - A Reluctant Dragonborn: Chapter 27: Dragon Rising (aftermath) (35298 words) by C_R_Scott Chapters: 27/? Fandom: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Red Robin (Comics), DCU (Comics), Batman (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Characters: Tim Drake, Lucien Flavius Additional Tags: Crossover, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Skyrim/DCU crossover, Reluctant Dovahkiin | Dragonborn, Not Beta Read, Alternate Universe - Skyrim Fusion, Modded Skyrim, Skyrim Spoilers, Tim Drake is Dragonborn | Dovahkiin, Tim Drake-centric, Trope: It sucks to be the chosen one, Trope: Trapped in another world, Trope: Kidnapped by the Call
Previous Chapter | Masterlist | >Next Chapter
The immediate aftermath of the recent events at at Dragonsreach. Tim, Lucien, and Irileth go to have a private conversation at the local Whiterun tavern, The Bannered Mare.
It was almost funny. 
Even when he was constantly suffering from his burns shortly after Helgen, Tim had been reluctant to indulge in any of the local meads, ales, or wines offered at the taverns both in Riverwood and Whiterun. He knew he was just barely eighteen and not the legal age of consumption back home. When he drank any of the alcoholic beverages, it was due to the fact that the taverns had practically nothing else to drink and he honestly questioned the quality of some of the water he was offered. 
Now, about two weeks since Helgen and after that "meeting" with the Jarl, there was no hesitation as Tim took the first goblet of wine the waitress Saadia offered when he, Lucien, and Irileth entered The Bannered Mare. He snagged the goblet and accompanying bottle so smoothly that Saadia almost didn't notice it was gone until the clink of Septims replaced their spots on her metal serving tray. By the time she'd realized the exchange had been made, Tim was already halfway across the room, had poured out his first glass, and was tipping it to his mouth.. 
"Hey--" the dark skinned Redguard woman started to protest, but Lucien stepped in her way and offered a pained smile. 
"Sorry about my friend," he said as he took the other two empty goblets and dropped a few more coins on her tray. "But we really need that bottle right now." 
"Hulda," Irileth addressed the woman behind the bar. "I'm renting the room upstairs for them tonight. Any more food and drink they consume can go on my personal tab. We're not to be disturbed."
Hulda, the tavern's owner, nodded respectfully. "As you wish, Housecarl."
Irileth motioned for Timothy and Lucien to head up the stairs ahead of her before following behind. Once they were in the room, the Dunmer woman sighed with exasperation. "Well that all happened."
Tim had just finished filling Lucien's goblet and offered to pour one for Irileth. She looked like she wanted to decline initially, but then relented and accepted. 
Lucien swirled the dark red liquid in his goblet. "So... I suppose a toast to our new Thane is in order," he said sardonically as he raised the goblet in Tim's general direction. 
Tim rolled his eyes. "Don't you start," he complained irritably. "I still don't know what that means."
"It means the Jarl of Whiterun has given you, a perfect stranger and rumored mythical figure, a honorary noble title, along with all the power and influence behind it, with the same amount of impulse and foresight as those earlier assignments that nearly took your life," Irileth grumbled.
"The amounts of which were entirely too much of the former and not enough of the latter?" Lucien added with a sarcastic lilt to this voice
Irileth sighed at the scholar, but didn't dispute his claims.
"Why did Jarl Balgruuf give me this title in the first place?" Tim asked wearily. "I didn't do anything to deserve a reward this valuable. I feel like it's put me in the Jarl's debt!"
Irileth took a sip from her goblet and sighed. "He made you Thane not because of what you did, but who you are. Rest assured you are not in debt to him or Whiterun."
She leaned against the wall and continued her explanation. "The Jarl, Proventus, and I had spoken at length about appropriate compensation for your work and the pain and suffering you endured because of what you had been asked to do while you were healing at the Temple." She pointed at the cloak-wrapped bundle. "That along with a generous purse of Septims and a choice of a new weapon from the finest pieces Warmaiden's has to offer was to be the original compensation." 
Curiously, Tim set down his goblet so he could unwrap the parcel. His eyes lit up at the new full suit of leather armor folded neatly in front of him. He unfolded just the jacket and studied it appreciatively, leaving the pants, boots, and gloves on the table. The leather was dark brown, high quality from the feel of it, and was reinforced in strategic areas both for added protection and warmth without sacrificing range of movement. It sported a high double-folded collar that would better protect his neck and metal spaulders that would do the same for his upper arms and shoulder joints. 
"This, with the gold and the new weapon, would've been just fine with me," Tim agreed as he set the jacket down on the back of the nearby chair. "Why did the Jarl change everything at the last minute?"
"Is it because of the Greybeards and their 'summons' today?" Lucien asked.
The Dunmer nodded. "Place yourselves on the Jarl's throne. The first Dragonborn acknowledged and summoned by the Greybeards since Tiber Septim during the Second Era is witnessed in Whiterun Hold. This should have been an event of great distinction for the Jarl and his city. Unfortunately. because of his impulsive decisions earlier, that first new Dragonborn to be acknowledged in over one thousand years nearly died before he could fulfill whatever destiny the gods have in store for him." 
Tim didn't know who this Tiber Septim was, but based on the way Irileth spoke of him and the way Lucien seemed to sit up and take notice made it seem like he had another important historic figure to research as soon as he could. 
Irileth looked at Tim. "After the Watchtower battle and you were sequestered at the Temple for healing, the rumors of you being Dragonborn spread like wildfire throughout the city. Some believed immediately while others were quite skeptical. However, I was in the Plains District today when the Greybeards sent their summons." She shook her head. "As soon as that summons went out, those Nords who had been skeptical turned to believers.
"So" Lucien murmured. "Basically this whole overblown escalation of Timothy's compensation by the Jarl was essentially damage control because his actions nearly killed this Era's potential new Dragonborn. Balgruuf felt the need to immediately acknowledge and elevate Timothy's standing to show his appreciation, both to stay in good favor with his citizens and with the Divines."
"I think I can understand the need to appease is citizens, but why the Divines?" Tim asked curiously.
Lucien continued. "Well, the only way a new Dragonborn can exist in this Era at all at this point is if they were chosen and blessed by the Divines themselves. The Septim Dragonborn dynasty was extinguished in the Third Era. Some might interpret this to mean the Dragonborn themselves is a rare gift from the Divines to the world. To even inadvertently cause grave injury to the Dragonborn without adequate recompense could be seen as rejecting their gift and insulting the Gods."
Tim sighed. The more he heard about this title "Dragonborn" in connection to him, the more it felt like a heavy albatross slung around his neck. The idea that some "god" had kidnapped him from Earth just to be a "divine gift" for an alien world made his skin crawl. 
It made him feel less than human.
He shook his head to shove those thoughts back into a dark corner of his mind to be nightmare fuel for another night. "Well, what's done is done," Tim muttered.  "I don't know if I'm this Dragonborn thing everyone says I am. However, I do know I'm now a Thane, for whatever it's worth, and I've been 'summoned' by someone powerful enough to trigger small earthquakes by yelling for me, so I probably shouldn't keep them waiting." In an effort to turn the page on this day's events, he went to his backpack and pulled out his map of Skyrim before looking to Irileth. "Since I don't seem to have much of a choice in the matter, can you show us the best way to High Hrothgar?"
After getting all the information they can to prepare from Irileth, the Dunmer returns to Dragonsreach. Lucien leaves to start purchasing supplies, and Tim changes into his new gifted armor from the Jarl before heading down into the tavern for food and to write in his journal.
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Author Note: Going to add a journal entry soon, then going to start the journey to High Hrothgar. I need to test a new mod, though, to add to the immersion and potentially fun screenshots. If it works, then YAY! If it doesn't, then oh well. The story will continue. If it works, I will share the name and link to the mod itself.
#elder scrolls dc#fanfiction#tim drake#skyrim fanfiction#red robin#batfam#crossover#lucien flavius#wip#afewnovelideas
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aneomeris · 4 years ago
We’re All Someone’s Pekka Rollins
 Episode 2, here I am! I mean, it’s still these shitty times, I don’t need sleep. I don’t want it.
What I meant to say is Another Flashback, Yay. Wow. At least this one does some proper world building, it’s not for a cheap character establishing moment.
- the kids in the field is cute, I’m not a monster (even if I’m someone’s monster? Which, in my very humble opinion, is a lie. Edgy, catchy title line).
- Oh no, adult handholding! Interrupted! Noooo, what are you doing to me!
- Inej v. Kaz, go! Bets in the winner? I think it will be friendship!
- Despite his obsession, Kaz goes after her. Aw.
- Alina, my girl, you heard me. You are Baby again, after that disaster in episode 1 you admitted to being guilty. Girl, I forgive you. The dead maybe won’t, but that’s why they are dead characters anyway. Alina, I knew I were right to have high hopes for you.
- Also, love how the magic users mostly stayed alive, while the common soldiers died. Shows where the priorities are.
- Okay, so there won’t be ages, frustrating for the viewer, for the characters to discover that Alina is afflicted by the very common Main Character’s Super Powers Disease. Good.
- Oh no, right as Mal claims that he knows her better than anyone else, and surely there is no way for him to be wrong and her to have magic she goes and makes a whole damn lightshow.
- Oh no, right as Kaz went to grovel/explain himself to Inej, the baddies impeccably rolled in (I’ll show myself out).
- Soooo, me loving the scottish-ish accent? Check. Me having trouble understanding everything Male-Non-Serafina-Pekkala says? Double check.
- Both Kaz and Inej drinking and confiding in Jesper? Me thinks they are perfect for one another, drinkers when under stress, with excellent taste in confidants, all important traits to share with your significant other.
- I paused the episode to remember this nugget of an exchange. 
K. “Never make decisions out of fear, only out of spite.”
J. “Greed has served me well, so far”
Says so much, so fast about both of them. Now that’s proper writing, none of that “10 flashbacks”nonsence.
- Also, Kaz acting the detective. Nice.
- Ouuuuuu, the melodrama of Mal running after Alina’s carriage! Zoya approaching him? Where is that clip of “quit playing games with my heart”?
- Inej is gaining in terms of character appreciation: tons of daggers, awesome dark hair, weapons hidden in said awesome hair? Love it.
- Varys and the little birds. Enough said.
- Is this introducing Inej and a possible deal with the devil and her conscience?
- Lady, Blodie, darling, either drop the accent, or make it consistent. I’m sorry, Critical Role spoiled me for accents and your is... not good. And I could be wrong, but I doubt that’s on purpose.
- Jesper to the rescue. Not only will he listen to his friends’ trouble, but he’ll be ready to help, be it undisclosed business or killing someone in you stead. Also, I want to know why Inej wants to avoid killing. I mean, generally good rule to live by, by why?
- Look, I might take the line about transporting Alina to safety more seriously if the characters saying it weren’t wearing literal red coats. No.
- See? Ambush. So much for safety.
- Is the cute red coat dead? I’m sure the baddie red coat is just fine.
- Honestly was sure Alina would escape. Where would that have left the plot though?
- So. The general. I love my characters dark, angsty, with the occasional edgyness, but that’s too much. Also, bad hunch for Malina. General Kirigan saved her, has her next to him, has tons of lingering shots with the two of them in focus. Clearly is supposed to be hot (I don’t know why, I don’t find Ben Barns particularly attractive myself, no hate, I’m sure he’s awesome. there, random observation over).
- Him giving her a bloodied blaAaaack handkerchief was such a faux pas on his part. Is he going to be the dark, brooding antagonist like character, saved, at the end, by the literal lightness and love of Alina?
- Keygen, why are you so surprised she doesn’t want to save the world? Haven’t you heard of a reluctant hero? Honestly, brooding possible romantic interests, these days!
- Yay, we’re onto team Crows and handsome decoy!
- Ok, that’s clever writing, having the reward for not killing, not taking the deal with the devil be also very much plot relevant. Good idea for the assassination being bad for the soul just as much as for their endeavour.
- Is Inej religious? With a brother? Oh, no, I’m having Vax’ildan flashbacks myself. Am I going to adore her too?
- She would have taken the deal. She would have killed (thinking herself justified).
- Okay, the palace is awesome. Going to google it...
- Not surprised to find out it’s Budapest. One day I’ll be back, I promise!
- That scene of Mal’s friends talking him out of stealing the horsie and running to Alina Stark(ov-a) reminded me of Jon Snow being talked out of running in aid of Robb Stark.
- Kaz gave Occasional-Accent-Blondie his bar for Inej? He cares so much. I knew he had a soft heart for his two friends.
- Mal... it’s stupid and reckless and all, but unless you run to Alina, you just might doom the whole ship. Oh, and your heart, there’s that too.
- That bed transition though, the hands reaching, the eyes almost locking. The flashback felt earned, for the first time, a memory of simpler, better times, when instead of miles apart, cold, sad, tired they were together, laying in the sun.
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jumnthepurestbean · 5 years ago
Aahdfl your posts are super cute!!! Can I request the RFA+Saeran/V/Vanderwood (if you can) meeting MC's very big and equally overwhelmingly loving family because I need family fluff in my life and some of these people need in-laws to adopt them
asdfksdjflsd when I saw this ask I literally had to get out of bed and go get my lap top to answer it. I’ve been coming back to this ask all day, so it’s really long but I love it. Thank you so, so much for this idea!
RFA+Saeran+V+Vanderwood x MC with Large Loving Family
Okay so Jumin Han is already such a family man
He’s the dad of the RFA
So when he discovers that MC has such a large family is pleasantly surprised.
Now that MC is in is life, he considers MC’s family his family.
He’s excited at the prospect of having so many people that matter to MC
He first meets MC’s parents and is expects them to like him (who wouldn’t want their child to marry someone like Jumin Han?) but he didn’t expect them to love him so much.
Immediately they’re so loving. “Jumin we’ve heard so much about you! We’re so excited to finally meet you!” and they’re inviting him to family outings.
Which he wants nothing more. Even if it’s MC’s second cousin’s soccer game DANG IT HE WILL TAKE OFF WORK TO GO SEE THAT!
The first time he meets everyone is probably at one of MC’s family reunions
He’s never felt like he comes into a place and is immediately accepted.
People are genuinely interested on what he has to say
Let me just say that Jumin loves his father and no one could ever replace Chairman Han
They understand each other on a different level and Chairman Han has provided him nothing but unconditional love
But damn it’s nice to have some normal family love.He will get to know every person in MC’s family.
He has a calendar for their birthdays, special events and anything else he plans to attend
Okay so at first Yoosung is nervous
Meeting his girlfriend’s parents is another thing but she has a lot of siblings???
Deep concern
MC’s father invites Yoosung to dinner so they can meet.
But when he walks in the door he hears “IT’S YOOSUNG!”
A bunch of little kids of various ages come running in and look at him.He blinks as he’s getting all the attention and is pulled into the house by them.
MC is the oldest sibling so her bringing over a boyfriend who wants to be a vet and likes playing video games is so cool
This really boosts up his confidence
Plus he’s not the shortest person! Yay!
He meets MC’s father who has a toddler on his hip but smiles kindly to Yoosung
It becomes very obvious that a mother is not in the picture.While MC and Yoosung are alone doing the dishes (Yoosung insisted! Despite the fact that he rarely does his own dishes but shhhhh)
He wants to ask and MC can tell
“My mom passed away a few years ago.”
Yoosung nearly dropped his plate he was cleaning “MC I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay, Yoosung. It hurts but I still have everyone. And you.”Yoosung keeps it together and kisses MC’s forehead
But when he gets back to his apartment HE CALLS HIS MOM AND TELLS HER HOW MUCH HE LOVES HER DANG IT
“Zenny, how many tickets could you get me for your next show?”
Zen lazily puts his arm around MC “Probably 3 or 4. Why?”
“My parents really want to come to your next show and I think it would be a good way to meet you.”
Zen raises an eyebrow, “Oh really? I’ll see what I can do.”
Zen is pretending to be super calm and chill but oh god this makes him nervous as all hell.
He’s going to have to perform knowing that MC’s parents are in the audience.
No pressure...
The night comes out and he tries to peek around the curtain to see if he can see MC or her parents but with no luck.
He calms himself down but looking at picture of MC on his phone. He is going to be as amazing as he always is.
He of course performs wonderfully
When he goes for the curtain call he hears a lot more applause. Which isn’t too strange because he has many fans that love his performances but this seems more eager.
When he finishes and goes to the lobby to find MC he find her parents with flowers.
They then go on about how amazing he was in the performance. They’re so excited he can barely get a word in. There’s so much praise he starts blushing.What on earth was nervous about???
They go out to dinner and after MC’s parents calmed down (”Mom, dad! Please let Zen say something”) he realizes how great they are.
Also MC has a bunch of siblings? He’s going to have invite them all to his next performance.
After the night dies down and MC and Zen are cuddled up in the bed he thinks about the events of the night.
“Hyun, why are you crying?”
Zen blinks and wipes at his face. He gives a shrug and smiles. “I’m just happy.”
K so I actually have an OC that I’ve been wanting to match with Jaehee specifically because she has a giant family and let’s be real that’s what Jaehee needs.
So this response is based a bit off what I imagine Jaehee and my OC’s relationship.
The first time she is introduced to MC’s family she is pretty stiff and very formal
MC’s parents try to get her out of her shell and be the woman that MC has told them so much about but Jaehee just isn’t having any of it.MC knows what happened to Jaehee’s family and all the hurt she’s suffered.
“How about I invite my parents to the cafe?”
“The cafe??”
“Yeah, it’ll be fun. Especially if my brothers and sisters come. They’re kids, they love sweets.”
It takes some convincing but Jaehee finally decides that it would be a good idea.
They pick a day that’s slow so Jaehee and MC can have time socialize without ignoring any regular costumers.
Jaehee is still working on the sweets when MC’s family comes in. She knew that MC had a lot of siblings but it was starting to get a little overwhelming.
MC gently puts a hand on Jaehee’s shoulder and introduces her to her siblings.
They all excitedly watch her finish up the sweets which puts pressure on her.But once she gets into the groove of making her sweets, she starts to relax a little.
Her anxiety spikes when she actually has to give them
But once she sees that they love them, it makes her relax so much more.
She may tear up a little when MC’s parents say how proud they are of her for following her dreams and creating such a successful business
But the true turning point where Jaehee finally lets herself be herself with MC’s family is around Christmas time.
Each year MC’s family get dressed in horrible Christmas sweaters and take a family photo. Jaehee goes over to Christmas but is fully prepare to watch on the sidelines until she receives an ugly sweater and is in the picture.
Ahhh my heart
Tries to avoid meeting MC’s family
He knew because of his research that she had a large family
And he already didn’t want to bring MC into this life of danger
So now bringing so many people into his life was really hard for him
MC finally explains to him the part he didn’t know about her life.Her parents are actually her foster parents
She talks about how she bounced around from foster home to foster home. Always getting in trouble and being so angry at the world for the cards she was delt
But then she landed with her foster family. They worked with her and gave her the love that she needed
That gets him to agree to at least meet her parents.
Once meeting them he can understand how they could have done what they did for MC
They’re so kind and patient.
At first Seven is trying to be his old jokey self as a defense mechanism
They’re not annoyed or anything they’re just patient with him
In the end he’s so happy that MC had this life
And maybe he could have that life too
Nervous wreck
Does everything he can to avoid meeting MC’s family.
He really worries that he’s not good enough for MC
So MC starts out with baby steps...or in the case toddler steps!
She first introduces Saeran to one of her younger siblings
At first he’s still nervous but he handles being around children a little bit easier
They walk around Saeran’s garden to make him even more comfortable.
At some point MC’s sibling toddles up to him and offers him a flower they plucked out of the earth.
It still has roots and is dirty but it’s one of the best gifts he’s ever received.
Bends down and thanks them and then explains to the toddler what the flower means.
The toddler doesn’t understand but that’s okay.
Slowly Saeran works up the courage to finally meet MC’s parents.
MC asks if he wants to them in the garden but he says no he’s going to meet them for dinner.He works very hard to prepare dinner with MC (she helped him learned some cooking skills and he’s gotten pretty good!)
He’s still a nervous wreck and nearly has panic attacks on multiple occasions but knows that this will make MC happy so he’s going to do it.
MC had told her parents a little bit about Saeran and they know to be very patient with him
Not they aren’t already but they just know a little bit as to what to expect.
He’s quiet at first but eventually he starts to open them up.After a really long time of healing Saeran is so grateful to have MC’s parents and siblings in general.
V agrees to meet MC’s parents but like Jaehee he is very formal and almost stiff
He’s not rude or anything but it’s clear he’s keeping his distance
This is due to a variety of reasons
First, MC’s parents’s opinion of him is very important. He does not want to mess that up and he honestly wouldn’t know what to do if they had a negative opinion of him. So there’s that.
Plus, he still struggles with opening up to people.He is getting better at that and not keeping all his secrets to himself but MC’s family is not someone he wants to make a bad impression on.This goes on for a while of V being pleasant but keeping a distance
That is until the idea of MC’s parents going to one of his photo galleries
He agrees but is unsure internally
When MC’s parents see his photos they are absolutely blown away. Their positive reaction makes V open up just a bit more.It is clear to MC’s family that V has a lot of his own baggage.
At one point, when MC’s mother is able to have a moment alone with her she asks. “Do you worry about hurting people?”
V is taken aback by the question. He thinks about it for a moment and then nods. “Yes.”
“Jihyun, do you know what I think hurts people more than sharing burdens?”
V shook his head.
“Knowing that someone you love has a burden but they feel like they can’t share it with you.”
He may not ever tell his secrets to MC’s family (and that’s okay with them) but he does let his own personality shine through and eventually creates a great relationship with MC and her family.
At first is completely against meeting MC’s parents.
He is still use to the agency rules of not having a family
He barely wanted to bring MC into all of it, let alone her family
Too many risks
“Vanderwood, you aren’t in the agency anymore. You can have a new life.”
But after a long time he finally decides to go to their house for dinnerIs shook when he sees how many siblings MC has
How does MC keep track of them all???
But amazingly the house is so clean.
How the heck is Seven so dirty but there’s a dozen people in this house and it’s spotless???
Immediately the kiddos want to play with Vanderwood’s cape/jacket/thing
“Whoa that’s such a cool pattern!” “I want one!” “Can I try it on???”
“Um...okay?” He puts it on one and it’s so big.
When MC’s parents come out they burst out laughing see the young child wander around in the oversize article of clothing
After an evening at MC’s place he realizes how much he missed these types of connections.
He really enjoys himself.
On the way back, Vanderwood quietly takes MC’s hand. “Maybe...maybe I could get Seven to find my family.”
MC squeezes his hand back. “I think that’s a great idea.
If you’re feeling generous then go over to my ko-fi!
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ladyloveandjustice · 5 years ago
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I mean it’s not just me she won Bakugou’s heart too:
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Camie’s illusions are truly magical. THIS IS SINCERELY THE MOST JOYFUL I’VE SEEN BAKUGOU BE OVER ANYTHING, AND APPARENTLY HE’S HAD THE ABILITY TO NAIL THE OURAN HIGH SCHOOL LOOK HIMSELF AND WAS JUST WAITING FOR THE OPPORTUNITY TO USE IT THIS WHOLE TIME???? AMAZING.  (He canNOT do the voice though! His raspy little ikemen imitation is actually pretty adorable in how bad it is) 
(I also cannot believe he gave illusion!Todoroki a bad pun nickname and legit thought it was the height of comedy, BUT BASED ON HIS USUAL TASTE IN NICKNAMES I GUESS SHOULDN’T BE SURPRISED)
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anyway the solution to bratty kids is just to build them an amusement park, all parents take note.
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it’s basically:
Bakugo *about to vomit*” I g-gu-guess MAYBE violence actually is-isn’t the a-answer s-sometimes
Todorki: *pats on shoulder*” I know that was hard for you man its okay here’s some dramamine
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I love that horikoshi decided “the next step in bakugo’s character arc should be that he learns to babysit and holds hands with a five year old and lectures him about the importance of getting on the sweet ice slide with your friends this is naturally where this character is going” it is so perfect to me.
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i mean he really does call himself senpai AMAZING. 
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and that’s all i’ll say about that. i know the general direction this arc is going, and that’s it’s not quite as bad as it could be in some respects but nnnn. I am at least looking forward to seeing if we’ll eventually learn more about the other members of Todoroki’s fam though, I find his siblings pretty interesting and want to deal more with how his mom feels about things.
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1000% endorse this btw
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also endorse THIS
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i mean literally:
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v. important pic, i luv mina’s mug, when do we get a mina arc i want 12 mina arcs.
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chungledown-bimothy · 5 years ago
Keep Talking, Oh, Keep Talking
So, I know it’s been FOREVER since I posted any writing, and that’s mostly because I was working on this @sanderssantas​ fic for @mewithanie​! So sorry about how long it’s been, and hopefully I’ll be posting things again slightly more often lol
I had so much fun writing this! Happy holidays, mewithanie! <3
AO3     Masterlist
Summary: Patton and Virgil were deliriously in love and didn’t think they could get any happier. Enter Logan, Virgil’s tutor.
Warnings: alcohol use, slight intoxication. 
Pairing(s): established moxiety into analogicality
Word Count: 2,647 (plus 2 fake-texts images)
Tag List:  @ren-allen​​ @ccecode​​ @emo-sanders-sides-loving-unicorn​​ @ilovemygaydad​​ @bloodropsblog​​ @funsizedgremlin​​ @raygelkitty​​ @roxiefox23​​ @thomasthesandersengine​
Patton loved his boyfriends. He loved them so much that sometimes, when he thought about them, his heart would race, his knees would go weak, and his head would spin. Especially since Logan joined the relationship.
Patton and Virgil met the first day of college, in their shared psychology class. It wasn't long until they started dating, and a year later, they moved in together. Patton had known for years that he was polyamorous, but he kept that to himself, because he was blissfully happy with Virgil, and it was never relevant. Until the second semester after they moved in together, that is.
Eight Months Ago
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Fifteen minutes later, Virgil walked through the front door of the apartment and was immediately caught in a bear hug.
"Well hello to you too," Virgil laughed, despite his terrible mood.
"What, a guy can't be excited to see his favorite stormcloud?" Patton looked up at him, his expression just a little bit too innocent.
"Patton, what did you do?" Virgil questioned, remembering the cupcake tower Patton made the night before their first set of final exams together and the time he came home from his first therapy session to find the living room covered in fairy lights.
"Nothing major; I promise. Come look!" Patton took him by the hand and practically dragged him into the kitchen. "See? Just a lasagna. Let's eat while you tell me about your meeting and this mysterious Logan guy."
Virgil got a couple plates and served the lasagna as he started talking. "Turns out, he's in my class. I've mentioned front-and-center-nerd before, yeah?" Patton laughed.
"Dresses more professionally than the teacher, kinda cute but also seems stuck up?"
"Yep, that's the guy. He's a lot chiller than I thought he'd be. Anyway, we're gonna meet after class every Wednesday for the rest of the semester."
"I'm sure it's gonna go great!"
Five Months Ago
"Hi, I'm Patton! Nice to meet you; Virgil has said such wonderful things about you!" Patton half-yelled over the music playing at the bar.
"Oh, erm, hello. I am Logan, although clearly you already knew that. Virgil has spoken highly of you as well." Logan fought the impulse to adjust his tie. Patton opened his mouth to say something else, but Virgil arrived with their drinks, passing them out as he sat down.
"Alright, we've got a whiskey neat for Logan, some IPA that the bartender recommended for you, Pat, and a rum and Coke for me. Honestly, though, Patton, I don't get how you can drink those. I had a sip of yours on my way over, and it was awful."
Patton laughed. "Yeah, they're not for everyone, but I like 'em! And it's hard to drink too many of them, unlike your drinks, so I don't get super drunk- my tolerance is garbage. Anyway," he continued with a mock glare at his boyfriend, "we aren't here to make fun of the way I drink, we're here to celebrate Virgil!" He raised his glass.
"Indeed. It has been an honor working with you this past semester, Virgil, and I am proud to see your hard work pay off," Logan added, raising his glass as well.
Virgil blushed and refused to look at either of them. "I barely got a B+, that's hardly a reason to celebrate," he mumbled.
"Falsehood. Truthfully, when we began working together, I doubted that you would be able to achieve higher than a C. You worked incredibly hard, not only on the subject matter, but on how you approached studying. Your dedication is truly inspiring."
"Hear hear! Virge, I know how hard this class has been on you. You've worked that cute butt of yours off for it, and that alone deserves celebration, even before you take into account how much that hard work paid off! But if it helps, we can call this a general post-finals celebration, okay?" Patton was rewarded with a grateful smile.
"You guys deserve to be celebrated too. Logan, you have been so incredibly patient with me; I know that I'm not exactly the most pleasant to be around when I get frustrated, so, thanks for sticking with me, I guess. And Pat, you've had my back since day one. I love you more than I could ever say, baby." He pressed a sweet kiss to Patton's cheek, and Logan was suddenly very interested in his drink.
"Loooogan has anyone told you how pretty you are?" Patton hit his hands on the table, almost knocking over the glass that once contained a strawberry daiquiri; he'd decided he wanted something sweeter after two beers.
"No no no no, the prettiest one here is Virgil. Those cheekbones have got to be illegal somewhere," Logan wasn't any more sober, two whiskeys in. "And his face when he's focusing on studying is just the cutest thing everrr."
"Oh I know! Have you seen him do the thing where he sticks his tongue out a little bit when he's really concentrating?" Patton was practically bouncing in his seat, continuing to be a danger to the glasses.
"Dear Newton yes! I had to excuse myself and get a drink of water the first time I saw him do it."
"Wait, that's why you left? I thought it was because you were getting frustrated with how long it was taking me to get it!" Virgil chimed in, astonished.
"Sounds like he was some sort of frustrated alright," Patton muttered.
"Look. We all know that Virgil is an incredibly attractive man, and I am a simple homosexual. That said, Patton, I apologize for the… less than appropriate thoughts I may have had before I knew that he was in a relationship at all, let alone one as objectively adorable as yours."
Patton giggled. "No worries, Lolo! Like you said, my man is an entire three-course meal, and it would be silly of me to hold natural, human thoughts against you! And besides, you weren't the only one in those study sessions with some interesting thoughts, right Virgey?"
"Oh my god Patton I cannot believe you just said that!" Virgil hid his flaming blush behind his hands.
"Oops! Sorry, V!"
"You- you're okay with that? Your boyfriend and a stranger having lewd thoughts about each other?" Logan asked.
"Well yeah! I'm not the jealous type, and I trust Virgil. What's important to me is open and honest communication, and he told me about his attraction to you almost immediately. Plus, in all honesty, I found it kinda hot, especially once he showed me a picture of you."
Logan looked to Virgil and raised an eyebrow. Virgil game the same look to Patton, who, after a moment of confusion and then realization, nodded slightly and leaned back in his chair. Once Patton gave his blessing, Virgil leaned in and kissed Logan, soft and unsure. After they separated, Logan approached Patton and, after receiving another nod of consent, pressed a similar kiss to his lips.
The next morning
"So… can we talk about what happened last night?" Patton asked sweetly over breakfast.
"Oh my god are you actually not okay with it? Patton, I'm so sorry I shouldn't have-"
"Hey, Virgil, no, I really did mean that it was okay. More than okay, even. In fact, I think now is a good time to tell you that I'm polyamorous. I had a lot of fun hanging out with Logan last night, and I'd like to get to know him better. And clearly you are both into each other. I love you so much, and I just want you to be happy. If you want to, I think at least a conversation with Logan about it couldn't hurt."
Virgil sat in silence, sipping his coffee occasionally, for several minutes before speaking. "Pat, I love you more than I can possibly say. I'm honestly not surprised that you're polyam; you have so much love to give. I, uh, I actually am too. So, uh, I guess I'll call Logan? See if he wants to get lunch or something?"
"Aww yay! Okay, I'm gonna go take a shower real quick." Patton kissed Virgil quickly on the cheek on his way out of the room.
Virgil took a steadying breath and took out his phone.
Logan straightened his tie and cleared his throat. "If I am understanding this correctly, you are both polyamorous and… wish for me to join your relationship?"
"Not so formally, but yeah? Last night, it was clear we all find each other hot. Which, like, duh, you're both gorgeous and sometimes I look pretty okay. Not now, Pat." Virgil preempted Patton's interruption without looking away from Logan. "I like you a lot, and I think you and Patton would also get along really well. So, uh, yeah, this is us asking you out. Not asking for any sort of commitment or anything, just hanging out and going on dates and stuff. You know, normal dating stuff. Just… with two of us."
"Only if you want to! And if you wanted to just date Virgil, I'd be completely okay with that too, but I had a lot of fun last night, and I'd love to get to know you better."
A tense moment of silence later, Logan spoke. "Let me begin by saying how flattered I am by your interest, both of you. While I am… inclined to accept your invitation to date both of you, I have never put much thought into my own feelings about polyamory for myself. Obviously, it is a completely normal and rational thing; my hesitation is in how I might fit into your so well-established relationship. Additionally, feelings do not come easily to me, and I find them exceedingly frustrating trying to understand. I have been reliably informed that this makes me a poor romantic partner." He took a breath and adjusted his tie.
"I have noticed that you are both quite vocally and physically publicly affectionate with each other, and I wonder whether my reticence with such displays would leave you unhappy with me. I have historically struggled to show adequate affection to just one person; I cannot imagine I would be able to give you both the kind of affection you seem to crave. In short, while I would like to accept, I currently cannot see it ending in anything but significant emotional distress for all of us. I apologize, most sincerely."
"I think I can safely speak for both of us when I say that we appreciate your honesty," Patton began gently. "Can I address some of your points?" Logan gave him a confused look, but nodded. "Thank you! So, it seems like your big concern is that you're afraid your emotional reticence would in some way hurt us or leave us unsatisfied. Am I understanding that right?" He waited for another nod before continuing. "To be honest, Lo, that's just silly. Are you familiar with Gary Chapman's concept of love languages?" Logan shook his head.
"Chapman posited that there are five ways people experience and express love- gifts, quality time, acts of service, words of affirmation, and physical touch- and everyone prefers to give and receive one or two of them over the others. Mine is words of affirmation, and Virgil's is physical touch; that's why we are as outwardly affectionate as we are. Trying to force a partner to 'speak' your language and not their own is just going to make everyone unhappy; healthy relationships require everyone involved to understand what the others need and want. We would never try to force you into anything you aren't comfortable with. We want to date you, Logan, not some version of you that pretends to be something or someone you aren't. If you let us, we'd love to learn your love language and not ask or expect anything else of you."
"Also," Virgil chimed in, "as to your worry about how you'd fit? Not a worry at all. I love Patton so much, and his energy and positivity makes me feel so good most of the time, but sometimes it can be... a bit much. He's wonderful at giving me space when I want it, but I know that I'd enjoy having someone else around who's more grounded. On the other hand, I remember quite a few study sessions that got diverted by you going on a tangent about something you love. If you think that passion isn't something Patton is going to join you in, you're incredibly wrong. And I think that his energy will help draw you out of that thick shell of yours, while I'll always be a more down-to-earth realist with you. I think we'd all be great for each other, if you're willing to give us the chance to show you. Only if you want to, though. One word, and we'll shut up about it forever." He gave Logan an anxious smile.
"In the face of such reasonable responses to my concerns, I suppose I have no choice but to gladly accept." Virgil and Patton both silently melted at the pure joy in Logan's smile. Well, Virgil was silent. Patton let out a squeal of delight that only dogs could hear.
Patton loved his boyfriends so much, just remembering the beginning of their story made him dizzy. Wait. No. Bad dizzy. I need to- he collapsed on the bathroom floor with a resounding THUD.  
Virgil jumped out of his seat. "Logan? Patton??" he called as he ran from their bedroom to the living room.
"Patton? Virgil?" Logan shouted at the same time. They met in the living room.
"Shit, where's Patton? PATTON!" Virgil yelled.
"It sounded like it came from the bathroom." Logan had barely finished his sentence before they both started running. They skidded to a halt outside the closed door; Virgil knocked.
"Patton? Are you in there? Are you okay?"
Three seconds of silence later, Logan knocked. "Patton, we are coming in." They opened the door to find him collapsed on the floor.
"Patton, can you hear us? Patton??" Virgil fell to his knees, checking for breathing and a pulse. "He's got a weak pulse, but it's there, and he's breathing okay. I don't- what do we do, Lo?" Virgil's voice was barely more than a shaky squeak.
Logan, on the other hand, spoke with cool, detached clarity. "Assuming that Patton collapsed due to a loss of consciousness, he has been unconscious for approximately thirty seconds. If he is out for another minute, we will call 911. In the meantime, go get a glass of water and all the pillows from the living room. Quickly, Verge. We need to get him back." They locked eyes and saw mirrored concern and panic. Virgil turned and ran to the kitchen. He was back in 45 seconds, and found Logan holding up Patton's groggy, but conscious, head.
"Virgil, you're back. Excellent. Here, give me a couple of pillows." He tucked them under his head gently, while Virgil knelt down beside him and took his hand. Only then did he notice how much his own were shaking.
"Patton, are you okay? What happened?"
"Mmf, dunno. Got dizzy. Are you guys okay?" Patton mumbled.
"Patton, of- of course we are okay; you're the one who fell. We should get you into bed. Do you think you can stand?" Logan asked.
"I- I don't think so, not quite yet." Logan and Virgil once again met eyes in a silent conversation.
"Okay, Pat, knees up, I'm gonna carry you." With an ease that surprised and slightly aroused Logan, Virgil picked Patton up, placed a soft kiss to his forehead, and carried him to the bedroom. "Let's get you to bed, baby; we'll take good care of you. You're gonna be just fine," he said softly into Patton's hair.
Once they got him to bed, they tucked him in, Logan made chicken noodle soup for when Patton felt up to it, and they gave him all of the cuddles he could possibly want. Which is, of course, an unlimited amount.
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tsaomengde · 6 years ago
Tiny Viewing Guide to Star Trek: The Next Generation
Just found out one of my oldest friends, a huge sci fi guy, has never actually seen TNG, or indeed any Trek. He asked if I wouldn't mind writing a viewing guide. Not all that tiny, but the blurb for each episode is tiny. YMMV.
Encounter at Farpoint - Goofy but iconic, series premiere
The Naked Now - Bad but hilarious and a little important
Code of Honor - terrible racist horseshit
The Last Outpost - first time we meet the Ferengi, they're not impressive
Where No One Has Gone Before - interesting enough
Lonely Among Us - I have no memory of this place
Justice - terrible outfits, Wesley episode
The Battle - Picard episode, not terrible
Hide and Q - Riker-centric Q episode, not the best Q episode, not the worst
Haven - first time we meet Lwaxana, don't remember anything else
The Big Goodbye - first of many holodeck episodes, pretty good
Datalore - important!!!
Angel One - totally forgettable
11001001 - meh
Too Short a Season - weird, generally meh
When the Bough Breaks - Wesley episode, don't remember it much
Home Soil - no clue
Coming of Age - more Wesley (can you tell Gene Roddenberry liked the character?), but not bad
Heart of Glory - first time the Klingons get real character, important
The Arsenal of Freedom - automated weaponry is bad, mmkay
Symbiosis - nope, no idea
Skin of Evil - dark, nasty, generally unpleasant episode, important for character reasons
We'll Always Have Paris - genuinely do not remember this one but wiki says there's time travel and that's always fun
Conspiracy - real mixed feelings about this one, it's tense and interesting TV but not really good Trek and it has huge implications that are never revisited
The Neutral Zone - Romulans are reintroduced, pretty cool
The Child - pretty decent Troi episode
Where Silence Has Lease - interesting space puzzle episode sprinkled with Picard philosophizing
Elementary, Dear Data - first Sherlock!Data holodeck episode, excellent stuff
The Outrageous Okona - weeeaaaak, but kind of funny
Loud As A Whisper - cool deaf character, cringey late-80s implementation
The Schizoid Man - Data episode, good acting, cringey dialogue
Unnatural Selection - Pulaski-centric, and I dislike Pulaski so this is a pass for me
A Matter Of Honor - Riker serves on a Klingon warship, some good stuff
The Measure of A Man - Easily a top 10 Trek episode of all time
The Dauphin - Wesley has a crush, receives terrible romantic advice from entire crew
Contagion - interesting lethal archaeology
The Royale - love this episode, it's terrible and bad science but I love it
Time Squared - weird time-travel stuff, not one of the best
The Icarus Factor - lot of good character stuff, terrible future martial arts
Pen Pals - excellent Data episode, thoughts about the Prime Directive
Samaritan Snare - bad episode, funny moments
Up The Long Ladder - holy shit the Irish racism
Manhunt - Lwaxana Troi at her best, love it
The Emissary - Amazing Klingon stuff
Peak Performance - good episode, lots of fun character bits
Evolution - Wesley episode, not bad but not great
The Ensigns of Command - Mediocre Data episode
The Survivors - space puzzle episode, OK
Who Watches the Watchers - more prime directive stuff, mildly interesting
The Bonding - interesting stuff about grief
Booby Trap - another space puzzle, high stakes, cool payoff
The Enemy - Pretty good, Romulans
The Price - fun episode
The Vengeance Factor - ehhhhhhhh
The Defector - More Romulan stuff, is good
The Hunted - will 100% make you scream at how terrible security is in the future, not a bad ep though
The High Ground - ugh, just not great
Deja Q - good Q episode
A Matter of Perspective - let's use the holodeck to prove Riker couldn't have committed this crime!
Sins of the Father - first of many Klingon Politics episodes, I love these with a fiery passion and my wife is bored to tears by them so YMMV
Allegiance - space puzzle, not a great one but not bad
Captain's Holiday - WATCH THIS, IS AMAZING
Tin Man - literally put me to sleep once
Hollow Pursuits - First of many Barclay episodes, my beautiful autistic space boi
The Most Toys - alright, worth one watch
Menage a Troi - bad episode, worth it for the payoff
Transfigurations - Jason Ironheart called, he knows he came after this episode chronologically but he was better
The Best of Both Worlds, Part 1 - YAAAS
The Best of Both Worlds, Part 2- YAAAAAAAAAAAAAS
Family - So important
Brothers - Very Important
Suddenly Human - meh
Remember Me - very interesting space puzzle, one of the Crusher episodes where she gets to be awesome
Legacy - not the most jaw-dropping ep but important
Future Imperfect - interesting enough
Final Mission - Wesley episode, not bad
The Loss - v. good Troi episode
Data's Day - fun, wholesome Data times
Devil's Due - I love this episode even if it's not that important or good
Clues - Awesome space puzzle
First Contact - eh? okay? sure?
Galaxy's Child - fine, whatever
Night Terrors - uuuuugh, no
Identity Crisis - this one scared the fuck out of me as a kid and may be responsible for my deep-seated body-transformation-horror triggers, now it's just kind of weird
The Drumhead - This is Michael Dorn's favorite episode and it is worthy of the title
Half a Life - Lwaxana is great, the episode not as much
The Host - introduction of the Trill, kind of cringey almost 30 years later
The Mind's Eye - brainwashing stuff, meh
In Theory - Data tries to date, hilarities ensue
Redemption Part 2 - MOOOOOOOOOORE
Darmok - One of my top 5 episodes in the series
Ensign Ro - so important, introduces the Bajorans and Ensign Ro
Silicon Avatar - important for Data, not a terribly interesting episode otherwise
Disaster - Troi gets to shine! cool episode
The Game - by far the worst Wesley episode. everyone is seduced into acting like a brainwashed idiot by a terrible space future video game. fuck this episode and everyone who wrote it but especially Brannon Braga.
Unification 1 - WATCH
Unification 2- THESE
A Matter of Time - So good, waaatch
New Ground - I am not a fan of Alexander but he is so important to Worf's growth, so... yeah
Hero Worship - more stuff about grief, eh
Violations - I don't remember this one that much but I do not think I enjoyed it
The Masterpiece Society - read the above description
Conundrum - amazing space puzzle episode. easily one of my favorites in the series
Power Play - meh
Ethics - very important, good Trek
Cause and Effect - fun space puzzle, a little repetitive but totally solid
The First Duty - one of the best Picard Speeches ever, watch
Cost of Living - fun Lwaxana episode
The Perfect Mate - pretty meh but Famke Janssen is fun as Kamala
Imaginary Friend - so bored
The Next Phase - interesting episode about the afterlife
Time's Arrow 1 - Such good time travel
Time's Arrow 2 - Such great Mark Twain
Realm of Fear - Yay more Barclay!
Man of the People - bad Troi episode
Schisms - space puzzle, kind of lame payoff due to effects limitations but the journey is worth it
True Q - By far the worst fucking Q episode ever written
Rascals - uuuuuuuugh. half the crew is regressed into children. Ferengi are involved. you are missing nothing.
A Fistful of Datas - amazing dumb holodeck episode, watch
The Quality of Life - boring episode, good message
Chain of Command 1 - So dark, so difficult, so totally riveting and important
Chain of Command 2 - See above
Ship in a Bottle - Sequel to Sherlock!Data, amazing
Aquiel - could have been written much better
Face of the Enemy - by far the best Troi episode, Marina Sirtis was incredibly happy when I told her it was one of my favorites
Tapestry - fantastic Q/Picard episode
Birthright 1 - Basically exists to set up DS9 but is pretty good and has important bits
Birthright 2 - See above
Lessons - Very important Picard episode
The Chase - amazing space puzzle episode, has one of my favorite one-off Klingon characters
Frame of Mind - is Riker's entire life a delusion he has created to mentally escape his imprisonment in a mental asylum? spoilers: no
Suspicions - Good mystery episode, Crusher gets to do stuff
Rightful Heir - Very important Worf episode, good Klingon stuff
Second Chances - uh, kind of bad, but it gets referenced later in DS9
Timescape - super interesting space puzzle, amazing character bits
Descent 1 - WAAATCH
Descent 2 - as above
Liaisons - okay. not great. not bad.
Interface - OK Geordi episode
Gambit 1 - Amazing stuff
Gambit 2 - More amazing stuff
Phantasms - Psychological horror? in my Data? it's more likely than you think. watch
Dark Page - one of the few Lwaxana episodes I don't love
Attached - great Picard/Crusher episode
Force of Nature - environmentalism! is! good!
Inheritance - important Data episode
The Pegasus - very important Riker episode
Homeward - Interesting Worf and Prime Directive episode
Sub Rosa - so cringey and terrible, oh my God
Lower Decks - a fun change of pace from the main cast
Thine Own Self - I don't love it, but it is good character stuff
Masks - weird space puzzle episode, I love it but I wouldn't call it Great
Eye of the Beholder - space mystery, it's not fantastic
Genesis - look. this episode is not good. but it has amazing costumework by Michael Westmore. and has some great Picard/Data stuff. watch it.
Journey's End - super important stuff. sets up a lot of stuff for DS9 and VOY
Firstborn - Good Worf/Alexander episode
Bloodlines - More Ferengi stuff, kind of lame
Emergence - space puzzle, weird but interesting
Preemptive Strike - So so so so important
All Good Things... - it's the series finale. and some of the best Trek ever. obviously you're going to watch.
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amnachil · 6 years ago
The College Society Chapter 1 Part 1
Hello guys ! Here we are with my new long (very long) story ! To be honest, I have so much things I want to happen in this story... it will be a huge work :D I hope I will be more steady than with HSG.
Soooo, this story is about... Liam ! It take place 1 year after HSG, when our young hero starts College ! We’ll see some old character, some new... in a very different environment... I hope you’ll like it !
Liam Monday September 4
Monday. Monday and the return from the summer holidays. A mortal combination for the young lad. He was lying onto is bed, under his sheets. His alarm clock had already rung ten times this morning, but he wasn't brave enough to stand up. Unfortunately, today, his sister wasn't here to tire him out until he goes to the bathroom (yeah, when he was in highschool, she had always been there to wake him up). (He wasn't proud of this, but please, no judgment). Slowly, Liam turned his head on his pillow, and rose his duvet. He was so fine here, drowsy, warm and without any problem. (It definitely was one of his favourite feelings). But obviously, it wasn't endless... (the boy would have love to be infinitely drowsy, warm and without problem but yay, that's not life).
"Dude, you gonna be late." laughed his roommate. "When you told me you weren't a morning person, you weren't exaggerating."
Liam mumbled something imcomprehensible.
He had moved in town two days ago, for the university beginning, and had met in this way Nicolas Lawson, aka Nick. This one was a friend of his bestfriend Nate, who fortunately went to the same university and owned an appartment in the student accomodation. Not directly in the campus, but close enough. Because college was far away Liam's home and state, his mother asked Nick's parents to let her son live here, and there he was. All that because there were no place left in the dormitory. The two boys didn't know each other very well, but it appeared they shared severals interest in common, and Liam thought this apartment share would be fine. However, they got a different point of view about mornings, obviously.
Groggily, the brown lad sat up straight and looked at his roommate, who was in the living room eating breakfast. Am I smelling pancakes ? Shit. I told him I hate theses craps. Liam just stood up, and ran into the bathroom in order to escape the aromatic flavor. Pancakes were his worst nightmare. A forbidden thing. To be honest, he hated food in general. At least since bad things had happened in 12th grade. Anyway, it wasn't the most important today. Liam took off his pajamas, and looked at the mirror. In order to be good-looking for his first day at college, he had exercised during the whole summer, and he was rather satisfied with the result. Standing up at 183 cm (6'0"), he had a nice and slim body. No six pack, but a flat stomach, with a strong chest, which he shaped by swimming the last five months. Indeed, he had stopped soccer during his 12th grade, because his friend and captain left, and the team had changed, becoming less interesting for him. With some of his buddies, he tried some sports, before choosing swimming. However, Liam didn't like to think about this part of his life, because it ended bad (no detail).
The young boy dressed up with jeans and a sweater. He greeted the unicorns under his bed (yeah, don't ask) and then joined Nick, who waited at the door.
"Are you seriously going to the opening course without taking breakfast ?" asked this latter.
"Yeah, I'm not hungry yet, I'll take some dietetics things later."
His roommate nodded silently. He can't understand... I mean, I don't want to have anything to do with food anymore... I'm eating only because it's obviously necessary, that's all. They walked together towards the amphiteater B, where took place the introdutive lesson. Meanwhile, Liam looked a bit more to Nick, letting the dark-haired boy walk in front. Probably around 180 cm (5'11"), he was a twig, without neither muscle nor fat, but only skin and bones. Maybe not as much as... whatever, maybe not enough to be called anorexic, but he was quite thin anyway. During those two days, the brown lad had understood two things : Nick loved to speak about everything, without any awkwardness (which was making Liam blush often, because himself was a prudish boy), and he loved videogames. He brought with him a whole collection of games and consoles, and played like ten or more hours per day. That was probably why when they entered in the amphiteater, they both knew no one. Well, at least they didn't see anyone they knew, and they just sat together, next to a bunch of girls and boys. There were around a thousand of students, from everywhere in the country and maybe beyond that. Who expected economics studies to be so attractive ? And they told me it's a small college. It was so big compared to highschool (to be fairly honest, Liam felt like a little tiny 8yo boy lost in a crowd, and it was scary). Anyway, the head of the faculty was making his speech, barely listened by overexcited students, and the young boy couldn't hear a single word. And for almost two hours, it continued like this, with a boring hubbub. Eventually, after the head of economics department's speech and the head of professor team's speech, they allowed a break. (There were head of somethin' everywhere). Following Nick, Liam went outside, and sighed with weariness.
"I thought it would be boring, but not that boring dude." he mumbled.
"You think so ? I found the speech of the head of the students department about the canteen rather interesting. She said we can eat whatever we want for low price, and it's sound good, isn't it ?"
The mention of food made Liam's belly gurgled loudly, and he blushed when several other students stared at him.
"Told ya it would happen." stated Nick. "You should have eat this morning dude..."
"Quiet, I'm not that hungry." lied the young boy, knowing perfectly he was starving.
Back in 11th and early 12th grade, food had been his weakness, and he had loved it. He even had been named the black hole, because he had been (and he still was) able to eat a lot before feeling full. But this was an old story he didn't want to remember. Some experiences were better to forget...
At noon, the two roommates decided to try the canteen. (Ok, Nick wanted absolutely to, and Liam having no willpower, he came with him). Anyway, it was a buffet, except for the meat, and they could pick whatever they wanted after paying a few dollars. He's right, it's cheap as hell for this food... That could explain the rumor about the freshman 15, but Liam didn't feel concerned. He chose some fried chicken, french fries and water, and then sat on a table. His roommate joined him with a bit more food, but not that much, and they started to eat in silence. The brown lad finished quickly, and while he was waiting for Nick, observed nearby. Here and there, people he had already noticed from his promotion were eating in groups, manifestly knowing each other. According to Nick, there were several parties the last week, but Liam had family issues, and he moved in town only two day ago (sad story, nobody wants to know). He had tried his best to avoid the forces of evils since. (Don't ask).
Suddenly, he glimpsed a familiar face walking outside, with blond hair, but he didn't get time to think about it, because next to him, his roommate finished a sentence by saying his name. Curious, Liam turned his head, and stared at the boy Nick was speaking to. Certainly older than them, he was around their heigh, but with a well built body. He worn a bermuda short and a vest, showing his strongs arms and legs. However, he was rather V-shaped, with a large chest, and Liam judged he probably did swimming.
"Nice to meet you two boys." smiled the newcomer. "I'm Theo Meyers, by the way. Sorry to interrupt your lunch, but I saw you and I could not stay overthere without saying anything."
Creepy. He sounds like a stalker. Just, Liam knew some shit about creepy stuff. Parents of his ex were a witch and a serial killer. And they hated him, so he was like an expert about creepy stuff (he had a quite good imagination, but his ex's parents were seriously scaring). Anyway, Theo continued :
"I'm the head (again, the head of something) of the swimteam, and when I noticed you, I immediately knew you were made for the pool."
Nick opened his mouth, but Liam replied faster :
"Thanks man, and you're right, we want to be part of the team. But I thought enrolment would only start tomorow ?"
His roommate looked at him, surprised by this uncommon motivation, but Liam just smiled. Dude, I trained hard for this. Before, he was doing sports with his friends in order to make a physic activity (and because his highschool was like the main place to practice soccer), but now, he needed that to clear his mind.
"That's true, but every club is trying to recruit before." confessed Theo. "You'll see, to be part of the club, it's quite easy : just come to the campus pool tomorow, and ask Laura. Okay ?"
Nick tried again to say something, but didn't get the time to, because Theo stood up and left them with a last smile.
Rebecca Monday September 4 – Tuesday September 5
With meticulouness, the beautiful girl took a little medal out of her cardboard box, and put it on her desk. She smiled with pride when she glimpsed the cup in the box. She won this one last january, for her last tournament as an highschool student. Rebecca dropped it off next to the other, and then stood up to admire her whole collection. Being a national runner had led her to win a lot of reward, and it was one of the thing she decided to bring with her at university. Well, it also allowed me to earn a special scholarship for economy. That was why, in contrary of the others students, she got an appartment for her, and her shedule was modified to let her train. Slowly, she headed towards her bedroom and took off her clothes. It was already 11pm, and after the introductive conference this morning and her exercising this afternoon, she felt exhausted. She lay onto her bed, but heard suddenly a loud voice swearing.
At start, she tried to ignore it, closing her eyes in order to get some sleep. But the boy (she was pretty sure it was a boy) continued to scream, and she could also hear the music of the game he was playing. Jeezus, did I seriously need to do this the first night ? She moved this morning in town, because of organisation issue, and never met her neighbors. It was a college facility, but out of the campus, with bigger apartment. However, Rebecca wasn't a shy girl, even far from it. And she was restless. Definitely restless. When the boy shouted again, saying something like "fuckin' noob", she decided it was enough. The girl stood up, put her clothes back on and went out angrily. She knocked strongly to the next door, and heard someone coming. Eventually, a boy (as she said) opened, quite surprised by this impromptu visit.
"Hi ! I'm your unlucky neighbor." she stated openly. "Sorry to interrupt, but I wanted to know if you can shut the fuck up when you're playing video games ? Some people try to sleep when it's late."
A swear word resonated in the flat, revealing she was not talking to the right boy. By the way, this one looked at her absent-mindedly, and he didn't seem offended by her rough attitude. A bit taller than her (she was 181 cm or 5'11"), and broad-shouldered, he worn a striped pajamas, and was probably trying to sleep too. He had dishevelled chestnut hair, and tired eyes. Anyway, he seemed to realise she was speaking about the other guy, because he yelled :
"Nick ! There is a girl here who want you to stop shouting ! Get it dude ?!"
You probably are waking up the whole floor man... Sometimes, boys were just idiot. But the named Nick replied that he understood, and it was all Rebecca asked for. She was about to leave when the lad continued :
"Did I already saw you somewhere ? You look familiar to me..."
Curious, she looked at him. For her tournaments and running, she travelled the whole country, and met a lot of people, but she did not remember him. However, his face lit up, and he exclaimed :
"You're this champion of athletics who won Shirley every year at the tournament in our town. My sis' Chloe is a huge fan of you !"
"Chloe Strucker ?"
It was the only Chloe she knew, a young girl who was rather gifted for running, like her. The lad nodded, enthusiastic. Well, and I remember Shirley Vince too, she was a good opponent last year...
"Rebecca Bab." she introduced herself. "Despite the circumstances, glad to meet you."
"Liam, Liam Strucker." he replied. "Nice to meet you too. Anyway, I should let you sleep, shouldn't I ?"
The young girl smiled. This boy looked a bit odd, but he was certainly sympathic. She may have misjudged her neighbors, after all.
The next morning, Rebecca woke up excited. Today, students were all invited to visit the campus and discover the differents clubs and places. Obviously, because she already had athletic every afternoon during at least 3 hours, she was not supposed to join another club, except, according to her trainer, a sport club. That was why, once dressed and ready, she headed towards the hall 5, where were all the university's sport facilities. Here and there, she glimpsed some students who were in her promotion, but she was too fascinated by the sophomores and juniors which were pluging for their clubs. She glimpsed the cheerleaders and the football clubs, which attracted most of the students. No way. I don't want to be a fuckin' dancer. She hated cheerleading since her mother forced her to try. And obviously, football club looked more for boys than girls. Rebecca went to the fitness club, and then the tennis one's and then, headed towards the swimming club. The town wasn't famous for swimming performance, and the freshman were few. But... according to Bob (her personnal trainer) a bit of swimming would be good for me... She came closer, and looked to the brochure. They asked freshmans girls to join the sorority Alpha Delta, which was the smaller of the campus, and freshmans boys to join the fraternity Theta Omicron, which was also small. But anyway, she didn't care about sorority.
"Hey you. Wanna some information ?"
Rebecca turned towards the boy who talked to her. Smiling, he was wearing the jacket of the swimteam, and held in his hand a brochure like the one she had just read.
"Well, I wanted to know when and where are the training, who is the trainer, how much competitions are you doing and how many girl there are in your club."
(Yeah, she was direct, and she wanted a lot of things. When she started a new sport, she liked to be aware about every detail before). The boy frowned, and answered slowly :
"The pool is open every night, so it's up to you to come training as much as you want. The trainer is Theo, a junior in law pretty good at swimming. You can do as much tournament as you want, and there is at least five girls, without you."
She smiled. Five girls... that's a few. Rebecca got a pen out of her bag, and asked the boy where she was supposed to sign. He showed a little girl next to them, and added :
"I'm Pete, by the way. I have to go or I'll miss registration for the cooking club, but I'll see you tonight for the club party, I guess."
She nodded and then called the girl in order to join the club.
Pete Tuesday September 5 – Wednesday September 6
"Here are the lockers." announced Laura. "Right for boys, left for girls. Please, don't get the wrong one's."
Some people laughed. The young boy, as for him, looked in the large mirror next to him, lost in his mind. For the party, he decided to worn a flowery cool shirt, and0 black jeans he loved. His blond hair were cut short, and he got blue eyes. Eventually, I'm not that ugly... His mother had told him he was ugly just before he moved in town. She also had said he was a fucking little selfish asshole, and a cheese cake (yeah, when she was upset she often said nonsense). Of course, he wasn't an Apollo, unlike several other new swimmer recruit, but whatever, he was fine with himself. The lad followed the group behind Laura, who was presenting the pool's facilities, when he heard someone whisper to his ear :
"You lied to me dude, I thought you were a sophomore or junior, but it seems like you're a freshman..."
Turning back, he ran into Rebecca, the black girl taller than him and way more impressive. She was wearing a sweater and sweatpants, and looked at him with a bit of aggresiveness. Okay.. I shouldn't have talk to her at first place I guess...
"To be fairly honest, I didn't say I was a sophomore or whatever..."
"Yeah, you said nothing. Look, I'm not searching problems, but if you're a pervert or something, just don't try it with me, am I clear ?"
Wow... She's crazy... a pervert, me ? No way, absolutely not. Actually, he talked to her only to be polite. Fortunately for him, Laura called the group to show the pool, and they all joined her. According to rumours (yeah, Pete listened to rumours since the first day), the small girl was Theo's girlfriend, and a pretty bad swimmer, but everyone loved her.
"Just look to the water." she ordered. "You'll see how transparent it is."
The lad believed hear a bit of humor in her voice, but he watched the water anyway. Suddenly, he could feel someone pushing him, and he fell into the pool with a scream. Around him, freshman were all jostled while the olders members were laughing.
"Hello everyone !" shouted the team captain. "I'm Theo, the swimteam leader, and tonight, we're here to welcome the newcomers ! Let's have some fun !"
They were supposed to have a lesson in five hours, at 8 am. But a lot of them were still having fun, like asked Theo. Pete was strating to feel a bit exhausted by this long and hectic party. He wasn't drunk, unlike the great majority of the students, and the heat in the pool added to the brouhaha and his moist clothes made him feel bad. (Honestly, Pete wasn't used to parties... In highschool, he was quite solitary and unpopular). Anyway, the lad went discreetly outside in order to take a break, and once alone, sighed with release. From his position, he could hear the different parties taking place everywhere, according to the club and the fraternity joined. University, the start of something new... He dreamed about this moment during the whole summer. There was something different between the atmosphere here and in highschool. People are not looking for popularity anymore... We're so many... I'm sure to find somes dudes like me here... His mom had always been telling him he wasn't ready to university. That he would come back home in no time, and take a year to make things the right way. But he already survived one week without her. One entire week ! Pete glimpsed a lad sat on a bench not far. I didn't notice him before... He's discreet... Coming closer, the young boy released he was one of the swimmer freshman. Half naked, because of their unvoluntary bathing, he only worn gray sweatpants, and Pete could admire quite a good physic. Light brown-haired with almost grey eyes, the freshman was tall, and well-builded. No abs, but a nice V-torso body, with strongs arms, and a beautiful chest. When he saw Pete, he raised an eyebrow and smiled prudently.
"Hi. Name's Liam. Am I doing something bad ?"
"What ? No, absolutely not. I... I just saw you alone on this bench, in the dark, and I thought I would come to see if everything was fine."
The named Liam had a comforting voice. The more Pete stared at him, the more he found him cute. What am I doing ? I don't even know him... Far away his thoughts, the chestnut boy smiled.
"There is no problem." he assured. "I don't really like parties. Not anymore at least."
"I understand. Too noisy. But you don't have to stay alone for all that, you know ?"
Holy shit. (Just, one of the reasons why Pete was not popular in highschool was quite simple : he was gay. And he decided to join the swimteam in order to... okay, check the boys out). (In other words, this situation was kinda awkward for him).
"I like solitude." stated Liam. "I feel better without people surround me. I can think peacefully. Anyway, thank you for being that polite."
"Well, you're welcome. Being nice is one thing my momma taught me."
Am I serioulsy speaking about my momma ? My mother. Jeezus. Shame on me. Fortunately, the light-brown haired lad didn't seem to note, and he just smiled sadly. Damned... He's so cute when he's doing this... (Pete was the kind of people to get turned out fast. Really fast). However, he had to keep calm. Firstly, because he didn't know the sexual orientation of Liam. Secondly because a young boy smiling sadly had necessarily problems, and Pete didn't want problems. Luckily, Theo saved him from this embarrasing situation when he hurtled and shouted :
"Boys here you are ! You must come ! Come ! We have something for the news recruits ! Come !"
Needless to say, he was heavily drunk, and while speaking, he tried to grabs theirs hands but only caught a bush. Liam as Pete decided to follow him before he pull the poor vegetable off, and the trio went inside.
The whole swimteam was gathered around an enormous cake. Laura handed paper plate and spoon out to every freshman while the other were yelling something like "cake, cake, cake". (They were so drunk that Pete was understanding "coke, coke, coke"). Anyway, once every new recruit had a plate, Laura served piece of the cake, and they all started to eat. Strangely, when the young lad took a large mouthful he didn't recognise the taste of chocolate he expected. Even more, he felt something weird. Seing he was hesitating, Theo just took his spoon, and stuffed it in his mouth.
"You'll see, it's delicious ! With awesome effect ! Just swallow it !"
Having no choice, Pete obeyed easy. At first, he felt nothing more than this weird taste, but soon, he starting to sense at ease. And he enjoyed it. Slowly, like a robot, he turned his head towards the captain, and asked :
"What the hell did you put in this cake ?"
"Why are you talking about cake ?! We told you it was coke dude ! Have a good trip !"
Pete wanted to say something, but only smiled. Damnit, it feel so nice...
To be continued
Well, there are our three mains characters for Chapter One. This is an introduction to the College Society, where a lot of shit will happens. And don’t worry, weight gain will obsviously happen :)
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darkdevasofdestruction · 6 years ago
HCs for Aizawa Shouta, Yagi Toshinori and Todoroki Shouto with a shy and sweet S/O who loves hugs and flowers
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This one is always tired and not the most romantic or one to take initiative, so a sweet S/O to brighten up his otherwise dull day would be very welcome. 
He usually is not a touchy person, but since he knows they're shy and love hugs, he'd indulge once in a while to put his scarf around them and hug them tightly, not saying a word and just enjoying the moment. (That is, if nobody they both know is around.)
Their shy and soft nature comes off as a relief and positive light in his life and since he's not one of many words, he's an amazing listener. That means that if they ever feel like they want to tell something to someone, no matter how random, he'd urge them to tell him. Be it memes, an aesthetic pic, a pretty landscape, a kitten on the street and so on.
Speaking of kittens...If his S/O suddenly comes home with a stray kitten in their sweater, looking at him with those sad, puppy eyes, asking if they could keep it, he could NOT for the love of anything in the world refuse his S/O. I mean...A kitten in need and his S/O's happiness are sure worth it. Besides, he absolutely
            L O V E S
“Aizawa-kun, look what I found! It was raining and he was meowing under a car, scared, like Nya! Nya! Save me, please and-” “Bring him in so we can take care of him. Tomorrow we’re getting him to the vet.” “YAY! Did you hear that, Aizanya? You’re gonna be the happiest kitten alive!” “Ai-...Aiza...Nya?”
The poor boy has to lift his scarf to cover his face so his S/O won’t see him blushing, while he turns around and mutters how adorable they are.
He's not one to shower his S/O with endless amounts of gifts, but if he sees they love flowers and plants in general, he'd surprise them with a different flower once every weekend and on special occasions, he'd gift them a potted-flower so they could take care of it and cherish its beauty for a long time.
Bonus: If his S/O was to make him a flower crown, he'd wear it for a while, before he puts it on their head and takes a picture of them smiling, putting it as his phone wallpaper, saying how they're a true forest nymph.
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Toshinori’s S/O has known him for a long time, even before he became All Might and they were really close, until he had to leave to America and their S/O went to Europe with a Healing Quirks Internship.
The next time they saw each other was after he got injured and they met each other on their way home from the grocery shop.
Toshi recognised them immediately, which made him gasp in shock, trying to hide his skeleton self from them, but they only looked at him confused for a while, until their eyes widened in realisation, remembering how much they loved to play with his blond hair, and their bag fell as they jump-hugged him
Needless to say, being used to their usual shy and soft self, he used to be the one to jump-hug them do all the cutesy stuff, so his S/O taking initiative in such a sweet way touched his heart an infinite times.
“Yagi, goodness, what happened to you? Are you ill? Injured? Jeez, you should have said something, you know I could be of use with my Quirk or something!”
Toshi could only smile at them and try to fight back the tears, not even getting insecure about his powerless self anymore.
Then, he remembered a crucial question he always wanted to ask them.
“Say, S/O, why do you always call me by my surname?” “ Ah, well, you see...I always thought Yagi sounded like the Korean word Jagi, which means Sweetheart or Honey and I thought it was...You know...Really cute!” they said, an obvious blush on their face.
Cue Toshi crying
Toshi would be the most affectionate and sweet boyfriend anyone could wish for.
You like flowers? Expect to be gifted flowers every day, just so he could see you smile.
You like puppies? Let’s adopt one!
You like huge? Yagi will give you hugs any time, anywhere, no matter who is around or watching.
You make him a flower crown? He’ll wear it around everywhere, even when he teaches at U.A., but expect him to also make one for you so you can match and be Flower Fairies.
Bonus: He’d have a personalised ringtone/notification tone for your texts and calls with your voice. “ Heads up, Yagi! You’ve got a call! Hurry up and answer! ” or “ Toshi, would you look at this flying text?! It’s aiming right at ya! ”
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This cutie isn’t the best at relationships since he has no experience whatsoever, but the feeling his S/O brings him is one he craves so he’s learning how to be the best boyfriend.
He’d ask his older brother and sister a lot on this topic and what to do not to be in any way like their father and despite being awkward and reserved, so he’ll try to appear confident, even if he’s actually a stuttering mess, like his S/O.
The first time you decided to have an official date, he brought them a flower and their reaction was so sweet and adorable that he blushed. 
His S/O only mentioned once their favourite flower type and of course, Shoto would remember something so important about his S/O, and from then on, he’d always bring them the same, single flower and put it in their hair, cherishing every second of their bright smile.
Frankly speaking, he’s very attentive so he’d remember even trivial things like his S/O’s favourite number, favourite colour, ice cream preference, fave season, little obsessions and so on.
Of course, he’d also easily decipher them through their body language, which is how he learnt to always give the best hugs when he felt like his S/O needed them.
I mean it literally. This boy gives THE best huges EVER.
He’d even nuzzle his face in the crook of his S/O’s neck, letting his vulnerable side show only around them. It’s his own way of saying how much he loves and trusts his S/O, even if it’s not through words.
Albeit, neither of them is good with expressing their affections through words, so they keep those for light or deep conversations, while cute gestures like hand-holding, hugs, cheek kisses and so on are their way of saying “I love you”.
Todoroki is an animal fan, more of the silent ones, like rabbits, even if he doesn’t say it much, but if his S/O was ever to ask him if he wants to adopt an animal, he’d be happy to raise an innocent soul with the person he loves the most.
One day, they go walking through a nice meadow and spot lots of flowers, which makes his S/O giddy and cheery, dragging him there and getting started on a red and white flower crown, situated opposite to colours of his hair.
Poor Shoto had his face redder than his hair or the flowers, but hearing his S/O giggle made him forget about the blush and look at them just to see their shy smile that they only share with him.
Bonus: His S/O would take out a pair of cat ears and put them on their head, then jump-hugged Todoroki and took out their phone, taking numerous selfies as they kissed his face or smiled to the camera.
“S-S/O, what are you doing?” “I wanted to change my phone’s lockscreen so it could have both of us happy!” “Then...Can you let me take the next picture so we can both share it as a matching lockscreen?”
His S/O’s eyes started gleaming like stars when they heard his idea and nodded frantically, until he kissed them gently, with a hand behind their head, and the other taking numerous pictures.
His S/O was a blushing mess, but kissed back just as lovingly.
“Say, S/O, I think this one would be great, hm? I think the evening light and sky colours really highlight your beauty”.
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1358456 · 6 years ago
Review Response, May 12-18, 2019
I was hoping to get Legacy finished before I did this, but... damn.
Heart #004
1) I’m so sorry! I didn’t realise this updated until your tumblr post! I always love junior trio’s shenanigans and schemes their relationship is really nice and refreshing to me for some reason :)
Yeah, can’t go wrong with simply having multiple generations of Dex Holders hanging out together! ...
2) Eh, I liked this filler chapter. Unlike most filler episodes in anime, it was worth reading.
Anyway, I really like how the juniors reacted. At least Moon seems to be giving reasonable "support" imo. Platinum's reaction to Y mentioning the word "date" was probably my favorite part of the chapter though, as maybe it's finally starting to dawn on her. Maybe.
Awesome writing and I am very much looking forward to this little competition at the Battle Zone. Can't wait for the next chapter!
This filler does show a lot more of interactions between Dex Holders that weren’t shown before, I suppose. ... Mostly Moon, I guess, since she’s still “new”. This filler also makes a handful of Tumblr Short Stories “canon” to Heart! Such as Practice Battle 2, and The Feast. ... The Feast is just a copy of this Heart chapter, but with stuff removed and other stuff added. Not that anyone really cared about that short story. ... Which also shows in the chapter itself!
Indeed Moon shows the proper support. Not nosy like White or Y (from Legacy), but willing to help out if asked. And yes, this is the point in time where Platinum begins to realize what is happening, and then she panics because she did not anticipate it, nor does she know how to handle the new information, which then causes her to isolate herself as she tries to avoid Diamond and Pearl, just like in SA, so that she can try to sort out her thoughts in solitude. Not that she succeeds with that, causing her isolation to last much longer, so that other Dex Holders have to intervene to assist. ... Spoiling much? Ehn, who cares.
Ah, the competition for her heart... Well... that chapter is not happening ANY time soon. Probably not until next year, if that.
Legacy Prologue - Kanto
1) Alright, Nicole. On to the review for this story! Alright, first thing's first. I'm not much of a luckyshipping fan, but this is adorable. From Blue's guilt, to Red's kindness, I mean it's super cute. Though, sad at the beginning. It gets happier towards the middle, then bam! You get hit with Blue's insecurity, ma poor baby. She never deserved any of this, but isn't that life. Anyways, writing was on point as always. Though something that's different about this chapter, is that if I were to describe it, it'd be fluffy and light. Which doesn't make sense, 'cause it's actually pretty sad, but still. I can't shake that feeling. Anyways, don't know how you did it, but good job.
And thank you!
You know, you really should’ve read Destiny first before Legacy. This prologue part and Blue’s state is like a mirror to her state in Destiny. Destiny begins with Blue feeling lonely and abandoned, that gets progressively worse as someone isn’t really... ahem. But in Legacy, she begins feeling lonely and abandoned and immediately Red changes that around, leaving her feeling truly happy! ... And then her insecurity hits, which would increase “the feels” factor. But it still shows just how much brighter and happy everything is! ... In fact, if you follow the recommended order (SA, then Destiny, then Legacy), and focus on Blue, her happiness and “status” is progressing throughout all three. SA denies her the happy ending, and she’s kind of never really happy even in the very end, nor does she ever get the chance to be happy. Destiny begins with her miserable but she gets a happy ending in the end. Legacy begins with her happy! So... yay!
Legacy Prologue - Sinnoh
1) This was a simple chapter, and it was very nice. It wasn’t sweet, but it wasn’t sad either. It was almost like a slice of life chapter, but that’s sort of impossible with these characters. Anyways, I recognized the physics reference (yay!) and was rather proud of myself. Haha, but straying from that, I really like how you incorporated a lot of characters and these sort of “side stories” into this chapter, and yet it still didn’t feel too cluttered. It was very nice handling in your part. Thank you very much.
Cannot wait to read the next chapter!
Having “slice of life” chapters are important! Can’t be all chaos and mayhem, after all! Hehe. I have to give the characters some break time before the breaking time. Physics reference, huh? Free fall? Hehe... Behold the power of gravitational pull! Ahem. Hehe. Thank you very much!
... Can’t wait, eh? ... It’s been like 5 days, so... you seem to be waiting or bogged down! I look forward to seeing your review to the next and final prologue and then the actual chapters!
Legacy #006
1) So by boy Black still isn’t getting respect by the other Dex Holders, huh? Wonder if something in the upcoming chapters is going to change that? Hopefully pls?
Heh. Black will finally get true respect once he’s out of that damn rock. And so far, no one like... really commented on how he has a Bisharp now? :( ... It’s a cool Pokemon that does suit him, but... Sorry to break it to you, but... also considering how I don’t really think too highly of Black... it’s not looking too bright for him getting “respect”. ... I mean, there’s going to be a Practice Battle short story that’ll happen in the actual chapter as well where Y just destroys him in a battle (it has thematic importance for later in Legacy)... ... Sorry, Black. But... I rank the Generation V Dex Holders’ combat prowess to be one of the lowest, so...
DE #032
1) This is the first of your story’s I read and after finishing all of them I came back and reread it and I realized I really like the mixups (ruby white and sapphire black). Do you think you could ether write more in here or possibly make a whole new story for mixups.
Ah, more scrambled pairings? Certainly! Some are going to happen! ... Not too soon, but soon enough. Diamond & White, or one. Maybe Ruby & Platinum? We’ll see. ... Do note that these scrambled chapters are insanely hard for me because of the way I write the pairing chapters. So there won’t be too many of these.
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loquaciousquark · 7 years ago
Talks Machina Highlights - Critical Role C2E15 (Apr 24, 2018)
Hello hello hello! As @eponymous-rose​ is away doing Important Science, I’m covering TM recap duty tonight! Tonight’s guests: Marisha & Liam. Tonight’s announcements: 
This Saturday is International Tabletop Day! G&S is running special programming all day to celebrate.
VM Origins #6 is out at all available online comic retailers. The final touches are being placed on the comic collected edition; details to be released soon!
Wednesday Club airs tomorrow at 7pm PST.
826LA hit the $35,000 reward tier this week! This means Matt will be hosting another Fireside Chat soon. (Liam reveals that the vintage robe & a tiger ring Matt wore in the last chat were gifts from him after a certain jazz-hands-related event in the last campaign.) As a reminder, all donations are doubled up to $40,000 thanks to a generous critter matching donations. 
Pillars of Eternity is out in two weeks! Reminder that the characters of VM will be playable as voice sets in this campaign; the new portrait art for Vax was released this week. Check it out at versusevil.com/criticalrole! Liam extols Travis’s voice acting and the “finesse” in his performance and hopes that fans will be very happy with it.
Reminder: Dani Carr hosts Critical Role Recaps every week. 
CR Stats for Episode 15
48 natural ones this campaign so far ($4800 from D&D Beyond to 826LA!)
67 natural 20s so far, even without a Lucky rogue!
Over both campaigns & 51 initiative rolls, Ashley averages only 9.5 on her initiative rolls. :( However, she’ll be on Talks next week! Yay!
Beau is super into working for the Gentleman right now. As long as she makes friends in high places, she’s happy (in part because she knows they won’t last long). 
Liam doesn’t miss trap duty at all. (He’s enjoying being a screw-up wizard.) That said, he still enjoys watching Sam bring his magic touch to his old class. 
Beau fundamentally trusts that people will always act in their own self-interest, which is why she told Jester to take care of herself first. To Beau, selfishness & survival are synonymous--most people want to make sure they aren’t going to get caught or killed. That’s how she can trust untrustworthy people to work for the good of the group, and why she thought Caleb & Nott needed to be part of a bigger conversation.
Sam, of course, very briefly FaceTimes into the show with the knowledge that Liam called him a comedic genius. He wishes everyone to know that this is accurate, does a remarkable Howdy Doody impression, and leaves.
Caleb didn’t have any experience with the Zone of Truth spell before and paid close attention while it was being cast, but “nobody asked him any questions, so I guess it’s fine.” 
Caleb’s one-on-one with the DM hasn’t changed his playstyle or character interpretation yet, since it didn’t reveal anything significant. He does think it might have given Caleb a mildly different outlook on certain things/his mood a little bit, but no fundamental shifts yet. Beau’s one-on-one shifted her perspective a lot--she doesn’t respect authority at all, so being put in her place was a good check on her personality & took the edge off her wrecking-ball habits. Both Marisha & Brian talk about respecting someone willing to call them out on their crap.
Gif of the Week: this glorious thing by @scottc_miller on twitter. Poor everyone. Poor drunk Nott.
Beau is officially warming up to Molly. Awwww, my heart. “I don’t know if Molly’s warming up to Beau, but...” Brian: “Self-preservation, guilty until proven innocent...an optimist!”
Molly’s amnesia reveal hasn’t really changed Caleb’s opinion of him. He does trust that Molly told the truth within the Zone’s context, but he knows that may not be the whole truth. The only person who’s changed in Caleb’s estimation is actually Beau; Liam talks about a low score he rolled on an arcana check on the magical symbols, which Beau surpassed, and in the moment Caleb realized that meant Beau must have had some formal schooling. “A little checkmark went ‘boop!’ in a box.”
Beau is aware of her own terrible flirting with women, & Marisha references Beau’s strong preference to be in charge in her interactions. Marisha also talks about some of her Meisner acting classes/acting methods in how scenes are structured and it’s actually really, really cool. Liam segues into his first week in NYU at his very first voice acting class where they laid on the floor and did “pelvic thrusts” to loosen the diaphragm. Marisha recalls her college voice acting teacher telling her she was terrible and shouldn’t pursue voice acting because she spoke from the back of her throat. 
All of Caleb’s spells have been selected for RP reasons over functionality/utility. Liam knows it’s not the most optimal build &, as might be expected, doesn’t care in the slightest. You go, boo.
Liam and Marisha giggle over fighting such a classic old-school monster as a gelatinous cube. Liam honestly wishes Frumpkin could have been dissolved; Caleb emphatically does not. Marisha remembers finding the old cube mini with Matt which could be opened up so other minis could fit inside, and they sat in their living room for some time putting minis inside it. The pair that slays together stays together. Liam also remembers a Comic Con that had light-up gelatinous cube minis which he attended riiiiight after meeting Marisha. 
Fanart of the Week: this by @sephiramy! Look at how good everyone looks, awwww. 
Liam jokes that he personally excluded Quebec from the giveaways and it’s inexplicably hilarious, especially given Matt’s apologies for it on the regular show.
Beau’s hand going numb on the cube attack didn’t phase her at all; she’s still in the “adolescent” phase where she isn’t afraid of any bad things that might happen to her.
In re: screwing the DM with in-universe D&D choices: “Path of the Duck for the fuck.” 
When it comes to HP management, the rest of the party is trying to make sure they can get people up when they’re down, especially since Jester canonically dislikes healing. Marisha reflects on the last campaign where she & Sam often filled the blanks around Ashley’s healing, and feels everyone’s trying to fill a similar role now. Liam and Marisha would ideally like another healer, but neither Beau nor Caleb are paying much attention to maintaining a balanced party comp. 
The cat’s paw version of Caleb’s spell was always planned given his attachment to Frumpkin.
Liam talks about pre-stream puzzles from campaign one, including a complicated hydraulic puzzle that Taliesin’s dragonborn paladin sidestepped with one brute force elbow. He also remembers a child’s square puzzle that took “a group of adults an embarrassing time to solve.” 
Cast- and staff-wide digression into puzzle-shaming Gandalf for flunking the Moria door riddle. Gandalf the Grey--more like Gandalf the Bad at Riddles, amirite
Beau’s ability to solve the magic puzzle feels to Marisha like the lessons your dad makes you learn as a kid, even though you never think you’ll use them--(such as being made to learn to change your own oil despite thinking you’ll always use AutoZone), but then you end up using the skill later on and resent it the whole time. 
Caleb’s increased participation in discussions lately is an intentional choice on Liam’s part. 
Beau’s improvement in dealing with the rest of the M9 is due to her becoming more comfortable with them.
Caleb recognizes Fjord’s arcane power, but doesn’t question it at all due to the magical nature of their world. (Neither Liam nor Caleb trusts Fjord to be neutral good: “He spat saltwater out!”)
Marisha makes a great point about how everyone in a D&D party is by definition magical and special, but everyone in the M9 right now feels like they’re still discovering what that means. Liam points out that VM very much felt like strong, special people with greatness thrust upon them; M9 feels like a troupe of random carnies. 
Marisha on why she’s playing a human in D&D when so many possibilities exist: “Some people like playing ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances.” She likes going from an all-powerful half-elven archdruid prodigy to a schmo who can just punch things really hard. 
While discussing impostor syndrome, Brian quotes David Milch: “So much of the accomplishment in art comes not from the discovery of one’s gift but from its acceptance.” He likes that the leveling system supports the slow growth of a character in an RP sense and allows the character to learn and accept his or her strengths. He likes that it’s not straight escapism, it’s the combination of one foot in reality and one foot in fantasy.
Liam points out that since their group is very theater- and story-driven, they often use the leveling process to support story choices and character growth over class optimization. Marisha relates it back to the choices in Disney movies, where sometimes the protagonist discovers their innate power & embraces it in order to succeed, vs. where sometimes a protagonist must overcome an innate feature and rise above it in order to succeed. She loves that dichotomy. (Brian feels Scanlan represented similar principles in the last campaign.)
Liam’s favorite moment of the last episode was Sam’s small drunk goblin irritation. 
In re: the rising from the floor at the end of the last episode, Liam hopes there’s a way to talk their way out of any upcoming fight, since Caleb’s pretty tapped. Beau: “This is fine.”
After Dark: I Know What You Did Last Summer Edition
On transferring from the relationship between Vax & Keyleth to Caleb & Beau--both Liam & Marisha have had some disputes about everything that went down in the High Richter’s house. Marisha: “I wouldn’t use the word ‘disputes.’” Liam: “What would you use?” Marisha: “...Clarifications?” They both are struggling with how much their in- and out-of-game relationships have changed over the course of the two campaigns. 
The crew photoshops Liam’s hairy V-necked chest onto Marisha live. What even. How.
Marisha does miss some things about spellcasting, but enjoys watching everyone else struggle with concentration checks and saving throws. 
Liam and Marisha both enjoy building characters and then assigning the classes that fit their story, instead of deciding what class to play first & building a character to that.
Brief aside where both Marisha (not Beau) & Caleb (not Liam) talk about how much they love Jester. 
Liam discusses in- and out-of-player knowledge when it comes to Fjord. Liam knows there’s an eldritch horror behind him, but Caleb has no clue. Marisha sees him as the altrustic half-leader who’s hiding a lot. Liam hypothesizes that someone was about to die, and Fjord saved whoever it was by offering himself to Cthulu. Liam doesn’t think Fjord is good-aligned. Marisha doesn’t trust his smarts. 
Marisha tells a story about Taliesin’s hair at C2E2. They were doing group photos when a family with a little girl came up who asked Taliesin his favorite hair color. He answered “I’m really into the peacock fade with the blue and the fade into green and the purple and the emerald,” and the poor girl was a little overwhelmed. (Marisha once answered her second-grade teacher’s question about her favorite color as “iridescent” and feels the teacher was more impressed with her vocabulary than her color choice.)
If they were pulled into Exandria today, Marisha would like to be a wild magic sorcerer or a paladin; Liam would be a wizard. 
If the M9 were stuck in a cavern with no food, Marisha would eat Fjord first since he’s probably already a little salted. 
Beau’s martial artistry is inspired by Ip Man. 
Liam steps out for a moment after a coughing fit, then returns in order to stand very, very close to Brian. Close enough that Brian’s ear rests on Liam’s stomach. Close enough that Marisha feels left out and both of them cuddle on Brian’s lap to end the show. I’m glad I’m not kidding. 
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See you Thursday!
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