#he's truly truly such a gem
rickybaby · 11 months
Please please listen to Nate Lawrence and Chris talking about Daniel on their podcast.
They talk about a little moment they had with Daniel and F1 journalist Dan Knutson who unfortunately had to have his leg amputated, and how Daniel came up to him to ask how he was and genuinely being concerned about his health and would have stayed there talking to him if someone hadn't had to come and take him away.
They talk about how a touching moment it was, how Daniel has that kind of empathy that no one else in the paddock has and how Daniel said i shouldn't really complain about my injury now.
Nate then goes on to talk about how affected Daniel was by Romain's crash and how he later came up to Nate to ask what he thought about what Daniel had said about f1's handling of the broadcast afterwards and Nate being surprised at how Daniel genuinely wanted to know his opinion because drivers usually never asked journalists questions . Nate talks about "the happy go-lucky guy you see on Netflix, there's actually a pretty big heart there."
Lawrence describes how genuine a person he is, how he "wants to know about you, wants to genuinely be around you, if he hears you're unwell or something's happened, he'll seek you out."
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corsairspade · 12 days
I was going to say we need to be weirder about Maglor but then I remembered crablor. That’s on me. We need to also be DIFFERENT weird about Maglor.
Maglor who walks along the coast for thousands of years and does not stop singing. Maglor who after ages of the world have passed, has a voice that is made only for music. When he speaks, there is something too lyrical to the tone. He sighs and the world accompanies him. His raised voice sets the ground shaking, his laments call water like tears from the sky. He has to be careful when he speaks to people, however rare that is, because of it. He weeps and those who can hear him cannot help but weep as well. Maglor with a voice so powerful that he can no longer use it the way he could when the world was young. One more thing lost to the Oath.
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Alpha & Ifrit angst wooooo. Also PLEASE tell me if my use of the past and especially the "had been ...-ed" form is correct or not, it's late, I'm having a huge brain lag and i'm losing my english.
Alpha only had Ifrit for three weeks and if anything happened to the younger fire ghoul, he would kill everyone in the room and then himself.
Alpha's barely exagerating. It's crazy how quickly his new student adorable little fuck mentee hope ? burden managed to burrow himself under Alpha's skin.
Thing is, Ifrit is impossible to dislike. His smile is too bright to hate, digging dimples into his cheeks whenever it graces the fire ghoul's face. Ifrit is a ray of a sunshine, a crackling bonefire illuminating happy faces. His enthusiasm and interest in everything is so terribly endearing, the way he wears his heart on his sleeve a testament to just how good the younger fire ghoul is.
The exact opposite of Alpha.
Ifrit has none of Alpha's acidic, rancid anger festering under his skin, none of the spark of agression dancing in Alpha's tone at the slightest inconvenience, none of the bitterness tainting Alpha's vision of the world.
Sometimes, it hurts to look at Ifrit. To see what Alpha could have been, might have been at some point, before life fucked him over time and time again. A comforting warmth instead of an unbearable heat. A sparkling-eyed, mischievious creature, instead of a closed-off, destructive monster.
The thought of seeing Ifrit lose that spark keeps Alpha up at night.
He cannot let this happen. He cannot let history repeat itself, let another fire ghoul get taken appart until all is left is a rotten core.
Alpha will always remember his first lesson with Ifrit. The younger ghoul was eager, tail wagging in excitement, bouncing on the ball of his feet. Alpha felt like a knife had been plunged into his heart ; and as always, his response to such an intense, unexpected emotion was anger. He snapped at Ifrit, telling him to settle the fuck down.
And Ifrit, sweet, darling Ifrit, smiled, tail wrapping around his leg. Stilled, like he had been asked to. Alpha immediately felt bad. But what could he do ? His venom had been spilled already, there was no taking it back. Still, his face twisted as guilt burnt in his throat.
"It's okay," Ifrit suddenly humed, looking so terribly earnest, "Your anger, your furstration. I understand. And I can take it."
Alpha nearly choked on remorse upon hearing that. Ifrit was much more observant than he had thought. And he apparently was a huge self-sacrificing idiot. Alpha wanted to shake him, to grab him by the shoulder and tell him to run, far, far away from him, from this wicked world that mercilessly breaks all that's good.
Instead, Alpha tightened his hand into a fist, and growled, low and threatening.
"You can't. Neither should you, or will you."
You don't deserve this had been left unsaid.
Ever since that day, Ifrit seems to have taken it upon himself to bring out all the sides of himself Alpha thought were gone.
The first time he called Ifrit "kit", in an appreciative manner after the younger fire ghoul had managed a tricky riff in very little time, Alpha knew there would be no going back.
Ifrit wormed his way into Alpha's not-so-stony heart and he is here to stay.
And if Alpha has to shoulder all the shit life brings to keep Ifrit unmarred by it, then so be it.
As Alpha watches his promising student wrestle with Aether, he isn't surprised to feel Omega press up against him, one arm wrapping around the fire ghoul's waist. Omega's thoughts nudge Alpha's, echo in the fire ghoul's brain.
I know. Me too.
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unicornpopcorn14 · 4 months
Wild thought, but I don't think skk's relationship was ever truly substantial until corruption got into the mix.
I don't think they even spent that much time working together prior to the events SB.
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Yes, they were still a powerful duo. They still maintained their relationship with bickering and teasing. But it was all a little shallow, never something deeper going on.
Which made way for so much misunderstanding and miscommunication to occur between them. They couldn't read each other well- Dazai didn't always predict Chuuya's wild actions, and Chuuya never saw Dazai past the manipulative demeanor/playful facade, so he never truly trusted his words on things.
That can also be proven by Chuuya's dynamic with the Flags, his doubt and anger and mistrust. While you can chalk his behavior to what happened between him and the sheep, a part of me is confident that his surface-relationship with Dazai played a part in that as well.
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Dazai and Mori were Chuuya's first impression of what the mafia world is, so anyone in the mafia should be like them, correct? That is what he was sure it was like: constant demeaning and manipulation, nothing genuine or real. So the flags' actions were always fake in his eyes, till the day they showed him a photo and he realized... Maybe they weren't.
But that deters us from the main point.
Skk's dynamic continued to be that of shallowness, which I imagine made way for many serious arguments between them when they were 15 for how differently they viewed things. They never really sat down, never had a moment of peace to just... talk or dwell or communicate. Never even bothered knowing the other past what they already know. Chuuya was simply Dazai's dumb and loud dog. Dazai was simply a suicidal freak and a bastard to Chuuya.
Until SB's events happened...
Specifically, this scene:
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Clearly, this was the first time Dazai has shown that he cares about Chuuya without any filters or connotation. This was the first time Chuuya has seen Dazai being directly genuine with him.
And as mentioned, this was the first time Dazai was ever completely serious with Chuuya.
All because of Corruption.
And it would remain a trend from then on. Dazai's tone would always shift at the mention of using Arahabaki, of Chuuya's free will, of turning to Corruption as a last resort (see: corruption analysis).
These moments were raw. These moments were real.
And Chuuya would witness those moments that disprove his initial thoughts of Dazai simply being a heartless, soulless and twisted person. With confusion the first few times, then comprehension so deep it shifts his worldviews entirely.
Corruption forced soukoku to work along for more missions, forced them to see each other at their worst, lowest instances. Forced Dazai to witness Chuuya's quiet moments, forced Chuuya to experience qualities of care Dazai only reserves for special, special people...
Forced them to intensely understand one another, whether they liked it or not.
And ever so slowly, the trust that was built was something no one can ever shatter, no matter how many years of separation urged them to...
"What's with you, asking something like that?"
It's that moment. The moment sokouku's relationship became something so, so much more...
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pm-00 · 11 months
one could argue that spiderbit works so well because of the trust, the devotion, the communication etc etc, but i truly think it's due to their ability to commit to the bit together. that post that's like "my ideal partener is someone who will 'yes and' me no matter what"? yes that is about q!roier and q!cellbit and that's really what love is all about
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pinkd3mon · 1 year
i know the hc that meta knight is super overprotective and doesn't really trust the kumazaki trio + marx, but like. what if it was bandana dee instead. bandee is the one that hisses like a cat whenever magolor is in vicinity and shoots death glares at susie when kirby's not looking. and they are terrified of him.
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Someone who gets it
#kirby#kots#kirby of the stars#hoshi no kirby#magolor#susie kirby#bandana dee#marx kirby#the kirby novels truly is the gift that keeps on giving#can't believe it gave us canonically protective Bandana#he straight up was like 'dedede and Kirby are too good to mistrust people so I must be the one to do so'#the magolor-bandana bad blood dynamic is not only canon is also mutual#it's so funny Magolor having beef with this one child#like everyone in the kirby series has beef with a child right but at least that child is god#Bandana is just some kid#and on top of that a WADDLE DEE /derogatory#you know Magolor is fuming#first bandana is able to connect to the lor starcutter when Magolor couldn't#then another Bandana protects the gem apple tree so everyone has a fair share instead of Magolor monopolizing it#that bandana also straight up threatens Magolor so that his prizes are fair#then Magolor comes back to the right dimension and Bandana is the one who's keeping an eye on him so Kirby doesn't overtrust him#i just know Magolor is going insane thinking this one child is haunting him#'I'm getting sick of this dude' -Magolor#like susie sees Bandana threatening her and she's probably all condescending 'aww what a cute lifeform'#but Bandana just gives Magolor a side look and Magolor has to repeat in his mind 'i went to hell for my redemption' over and over#he isn't planning anything evil in the second page he's just going insane#i just know every other redeemed villain makes fun of Magolor for his beef with a child waddle dee#i have mix thoughts on Bandana's thoughts on Taranza#on one hand Taranza nails the pattern of redeemed villain who hurt his friend and his king specifically but i don't see him hating him#btw my ultimate hc is that Bandana lowkey hates Meta Knight for the whole invation thing but he's really good at hiding it
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figscigfigs · 7 months
i know this is from episode two-ish but i am still so so genuinely furiously upset that gilear left on this cruise and DIDNT TELL FIG?!?!?! she had to find out that her dad was gone for the year because of an offhand remark from her friend???? and HE’S MARRIED and she wasn’t involved at all?!?!?! that’s literally not true. like wrong. absolutely no way in hell.
in sophomore year (which was like hypothetically less than 5 months ago) he was promising to be a better father and DONNING CURSED ARMOUR to protect her and now he’s leaving on a cruse without so much as a goodbye text??? idk that’s so fishy to me.
bleem you better have some really insane plot reasons for this bc i will sob.
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tonguetyd · 2 months
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A distinguished gentlemen
The distinguished one has arrived to encourage your continued participation. He is eternally grateful for this bow tie, and humbled to be the most dapper vessel the ancient one could ever hope to ask for.
He hopes no unscrupulous individuals attempt to take his hat from him, lest they be met with the fury of the gods. If they seek to avoid this fate, they must act with haste and tell him he’s the goodest most handsomest lad to be witnessed with human eyes.
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sevenines · 5 months
i wish steven universe went more into the watermelon stevens (said no one ever, but hear me out!) i wish they went more into how steven made a whole society and abandoned them, just like the diamonds do, just like rose did. and how it demonstrates that having such immense powers very easily leads to a disregard for life.
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Ted and Lucy In The Rain
The part in The Hatchetfield Ape-Man where Konk freaks out over water falling from the sky is such a good moment because, if you stop to think about it, it would make no sense if Konk was actually real. The Hatchetfield Ape Man is an outdoor creature from Michigan of all places, he wouldn't be scared or confused by a bit of rain. At first it feels like a mistake on the Langs' part, a character oversight that just slipped through the cracks. But then the full story snaps into focus and you realize that it wasn't the Langs who messed up, but Ted. Lucy was just too blinded by her own hopes and fantasies to notice.
Great fucking writing.
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gemwolfz · 10 months
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speaking of fucked up beta frogs who wants fucked up beta frogs ive been meaning to draw fucked up beta frogs forever
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akkivee · 1 month
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captainschaos · 7 months
Also who am I kidding, I wanna hear about your fae Etho!!
now ETHO. this is one I like to ponder
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etho is one of those fae that really.... isn't even sure what he is. it's pretty evident that she's fae, I mean she's the most faeish arguably out of maybe All of the hermits. but it's hard to tell exactly what's going on with him
the one thing that's pretty clear is her court, very obviously winter. he does very much connect to the autumnal love of games, but this easily passes into the winter area, especially where winter court generally surrounds the mind's ability to manipulate the heart. etho is highly calculating, but it's all with emotion and laughter and well-used fear in mind. he is the perfect player of games, but she also taps into the spring love of art in how he thinks so deeply about color and contrast and all these things in his builds, she really loves getting deep into thought about the less concrete, the emotional
the thing that's less clear is his exact typing of fae. there's been an idea floated around that he could be a spriggan, (along with false, wels, and perhaps gem and hypno,) a kind of protector fae associated with great strength. however, this role is one that's... elusive to her. he certainly possesses a strange and complicated relationship with the desire to protect, and has the enhanced senses and physical prowess/awareness notable of spriggans, but it is rare for spriggans to be so mystical in their power. they're often grounded, forceful, and straight-forward, and etho is simply too shifty and mischevious, especially in his magics, to not have at least a bit of dissonance with the idea. he uses illusory magic typical of winter fae with extreme proficiency, and it's known that her masking is often magical instead of physical. many fae have supernatural connections to word and lies, and etho seems to have one of the most convoluted relationships, spinning strange tales in one moment and seeming unable to lie about the tiniest of things in the next. she's just confusing, honestly. and so it's far more likely to hear etho simply referred to as "trickster," opposed to any more specific type of fae. it's really pretty futile to try to pin her down, and definitely not all that helpful if you want to understand him
but weirdly enough, if you're another of those fae that isn't sure what you might be, you're likely to get pointed in etho's direction. he was the one who was able to spot gem as a spriggan, after she'd spent a long time wondering what her combination of features were for. she seems to know just about every species and designation under the sun and moon, and has yet to really be surprised yet. makes you wonder how long she's been around, really
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twpsyn-who · 4 months
Time-loop AU, but instead of being forced to redo a moment in life until the problem is fixed Jean gets thrown from universe to universe with the mission to save Marco.
Just that he always fails. No matter what he does, who he trusts, when he acts- he keeps failing. Marco always dies and Jean always finds the body first.
And Jean is tired. So many things happen at once, roles reverses and scenarios changed- he can't think straight. Dying means redoing the same scenario. Marco dying means doing another scenario. He doesn't know how to stop it. Doesn't know how to save Marco without dying in the process.
It is hell
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nach0 · 2 years
Some magic is too dangerous to be trifled with. It warps your body and twists your soul beyond repair. Only the dark and the wicked dare to try.
That was a lesson Gem had taught her students over and over again. She would not restrict them from learning, but she would warn them best she could.
Any other day she wouldn't have so recklessly disregarded her own warnings.
Any other day she wouldn't have cast spell after spell until her hands turned to claws and her arms stained black with the weight of her actions.
Any other day she wouldn't be sobbing over the dead body of her brother.
But finally, he breathes again.
And as they fly away on the backs of dragons that no longer trust her but will carry their burden all the same, that is enough.
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kyuutekyu · 1 year
The presenter picking up the Trophy to confirm that it's light (not that heavy) and getting confused that Why Messi’s asking for help! 😅 😂 😂
(Video Cr @thenchipz)
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