#he's not . well ok he IS naked but he's half submerged in water so his meat remains a mystery
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robynrileyart · 2 years ago
how do you tag nsfw on here btw what's allowed????
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hannahbarberra162 · 7 months ago
hOrnithology for Beginners, Chapter 4
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on Ao3 Previous chapter
Unfortunately the real Imperial Woodpecker is thought to be extinct.
ALSO were none of you going to tell me that the beetle would be poisonous not venomous?! I made this mistake in front of Marco, smh.
Marco POV
You had to be fucking with him, right? Either that or he was being severely punished for a heinous crime in another life. Because the sight of you stripping down in front of him while he couldn’t respond was almost too much. He’d seen some of your figure before, but nothing like this. You were absolutely perfect, legs toned from all the hiking you did but also thick in all the right places. He did feel guilty - he knew you wouldn’t want him seeing you naked if you knew he was also Marco the pirate - but he couldn’t stop himself from watching. You were like a little water nymph, jumping and splashing happily in the waterfall. This was one of the times he missed swimming but he contented himself by watching you. 
“I went on a date today,” you said, breaking the silence. “It was OK, but it was with a pirate.”  Interesting, he would get to hear your perspective. It was a little strange that you would tell this to a mythical bird you befriended, but you were a unique woman. Marco decided to help himself to some of your dried pineapple, flying down from his perch.
“I hate pirates,” you said, floating on your back. Marco watched mesmerized as your breasts and hair floated freely in the water, the pertness of your nipples distracting him from your words. “They’re always trying to kill or take living creatures to sell. Always selfish. Bad tippers too.” You pulled yourself to standing, still half submerged in the water. The water cascaded off you in rivulets down your chest, and he was suddenly thirsty. 
“Is that what happened to you? Did you escape from Whitebeard’s ship?” Marco shook his head as he finally registered your question. It was endearing you wanted to help but he didn’t want his captain vilified for something he didn’t do. At least now he knew the reasons behind your passionate hatred of pirates.
“I have so many questions for you. Would you want to answer any?” you looked at him imploringly. He shook his head again. He didn’t want to get himself into any more trouble than he was already in by answering questions. Besides, he would rather hear you talk about your impressions of him. 
“Of course, I’m sorry,” you said abashedly. You pushed yourself to sit on a rock jutting out over the edge of the pool, dangling your legs in the water and your torso exposed. You started kicking your legs gently, which jiggled your breasts with every kick. It was hypnotic.
“This pirate was alright. I think he actually listened when I talked, which is different from most pirates. Well, most guys really. Most of ‘em just listen when they think it’ll get me to sleep with ‘em. But I wasn’t going to either way so he didn’t need to impress me.” Marco trilled softly to show he was paying attention. He had listened to everything you’d said today - your knowledge was fascinating and he enjoyed hearing you speak about your interests.  
You smiled warmly. “Not like you, right? You’d never do that.” Marco cooed to confirm. If his brothers ever found out he spoke to you like a bird he’d never hear the end of it. You stared off at the waterfall.
“He is very good looking though. I don’t like pirates, I didn’t say I wasn’t attracted to ‘em…” You trailed off in thought. Marco ate more of the pineapple and you looked over at him happily. You were so beautiful when you smiled at him, it felt like a warm summer breeze under a cerulean sky. At least you found him attractive, he could work with that. It would be better if you liked his personality, but at least he had a foothold. Er, talonhold. 
“Ha! I’m justifying my feelings to a phoenix. How sad is that? I hope you didn’t mind.” In response Marco came closer to you. You stopped moving and watched his slow approach. Marco stopped a few feet away from you and raised his wing. His primary feathers stopped a few inches from you. You looked at him wildly when Marco trilled.
“Are you sure?” you brought your fingertips up. Marco trilled again, quieter this time. You reached out slowly and extended your index finger to his primary feathers. You ever so gently stroked down one feather and Marco swore you shivered. You trailed your fingers down his feathers with such a light touch he could barely feel it. It felt like a whisper of a kiss on his skin and it was hard to concentrate. You were teasing him with complete innocence and it was increasing his desire to an unbearable degree. 
“You have no idea how much this means to me,” you said with tears in your eyes. Marco suddenly felt guilty - he didn’t know you’d have such an emotional reaction to touching him. He could guess that you didn’t like to show your softer emotions to strangers, and definitely not while naked. He fluttered his wing and a feather trailed down in the air. He picked it up with his beak and handed it to you. You took the feather with shaking hands, clutching it tightly.
“I’ve been looking for a feather since I saw you on the island. I will never sell it. Thank you.” You bowed your head to him. Marco got the distinct feeling you’d be more upset about bowing to him than being naked in front of him. He was in trouble.
Your POV
Aside from the date stuff, which really wasn’t that bad, today was the best day of your life. You got to touch a phoenix, confirm your suspicions that it could communicate, it gave you a feather, and you’d gotten to touch a phoenix . You were walking on clouds, you couldn’t contain your happiness. After bowing to your phoenix (when had it become your phoenix?) it had flown back to the perch, peering down at you every so often. You finished up your swim and put your now dry clothes back on. It was now evening and your stomach growled loudly. 
“I’m going to make dinner. Would you like some?” you asked your phoenix. The phoenix shook its head regally, like the monarch it was. It took a little time to make dinner - you first had to gather wood and start a fire. Gathering the wood didn’t take long as you were in a forest and you assembled the kindling into a cone so it would catch fire quickly. You sorted through your pack, looking for your flintstone when you heard the sound of fire catching. Confused, you glanced back at the now blazing fire and the pleased face of your phoenix.
“Is there anything you can’t do? You really are the perfect creature,” you told the phoenix dreamily. The phoenix preened at your words, looking pleased with itself. It gently cooed at you one last time and sailed off into the night with a flap of its gorgeous blue wings. You sighed and ran the feather it had given you over your face, enjoying the sensation under the darkening evening sky.
Marco POV
Unfortunately, Marco had to leave. He had other duties to attend to and also wanted to check in on Ace. He assumed Ace would be busy until morning but the doctor in him just wanted to make sure he was at least on the mend. He flew away from you reluctantly as you watched him glide through the sky. Their days on the island were dwindling and he’d have to leave you soon. Selfishly, he’d been enjoying your worship of his phoenix form. The phoenix, though part of him, had a personality of its own. It absolutely thrived on praise and adoration. Marco didn’t think he needed it, but having you dote on him scratched an itch he hadn’t realized he had. Flying himself back to the inhabited part of the island, he soared over Etta’s house and heard Ace…doing well. He was glad Ace was no longer in pain but didn’t stick around to hear the details. 
Landing on the ship’s deck, Marco braced himself for the inevitable onslaught of questions from his brothers. Thatch was the first to spot him and wandered over with a shit eating grin.
“So, how was the double date?”
“Good yoi.” Ace was so far the only one who knew the full story and Marco wanted to keep it that way. 
“Where’s Ace? Had a better ending than you?” 
“Kind of, he touched that poisonous beetle. The aphrodisiac one. He’s…working it off right now.” Thatch laughed heartily and Marco smiled. Ace got into all kinds of trouble, he was young and reckless and it made for good stories. Well, for the others at least. 
“ Jozu, I owe you 50 Beri, he did touch it!” Thatch yelled across the deck, still laughing. This wasn’t their first time to the island, the rest of them knew not to touch the Peel Rhino Beetle. 
“But your date was a sour grape? It was that …friendly waitress, right?” Marco had hoped Thatch would drop it, but no such luck.
“She was nice, actually. I spent a long time with her. She’s quite knowledgeable about birds - wants to be an Ornithologist. Made for good conversation yoi.” Marco took the opportunity to leave - he had spent a few hours away and was sure there was work waiting for him back in his office. Besides, he’d be catching up with you again, and soon.
Early the next morning, Marco flew to Etta’s house, making sure to shift completely into his human form before getting close to the town. Marco wasn’t used to how long walking took - flying was so much faster. But he didn’t want to risk you seeing him in a partial transformation. His plan today was to charm you into liking him as a man, not as a bird. After all, he’d been on the Grand Line a long time, he was no stranger to attracting women. And he knew that you at least found him attractive. True, he didn’t usually have to try, but it was the thrill of the challenge. He had a few tricks he was willing to use if it endeared him to you.
After listening for a minute to see if anyone was busy , Marco knocked on the door to Etta’s house loudly. No one answered so he knocked again, louder. He finally heard someone scurrying around and the door cracked open. He saw a tired but happy looking Etta behind the door. Marco smiled at the young woman.
“Good morning yoi. How’re you and Ace doing?” Marco asked cordially.
“Ace’s sleeping now but doing better. The, uh, poison is mostly gone.” Etta finished her sentence with a blush on her cheeks. 
“Glad to hear it. I’ll leave you two be, I’m sure you need some rest.” Marco turned to go with a smile, but Etta stopped him.
“Wait, how was the rest of your date?” Marco pursed his lips. He wasn’t sure what Etta did and didn’t know.
“It ended after I brought Ace here yoi.” Etta put her hands on her hips, arms akimbo with an incredulous look on her face.
“Don’t lie. I know you’re the Phoenix she’s been seeing around the island. I’m not going to say anything, I think this might be good for her. She’s a really sweet person, just a little… guarded.” Etta explained. Marco heard Ace moaning for Etta from within the house. Etta and Marco locked eyes.
“I’ve gotta go,” Etta said, her blush returning. 
“Enjoy,” Marco said simply. Etta turned bright red and shut the door. Ah, to be young and poisoned. 
Already knowing where you were likely to be, Marco picked his way over to the waterfall. He wanted to “surprise” you and see if he could sway your opinion of him. He made his way over carefully, making sure to make enough noise to alert you to his presence. Though it wouldn’t affect him, being shot with a dart gun wouldn’t feel great either. He entered the clearing, pretending to take in the scene for the first time. He sat down on a rock near the waterfall and enjoyed the peace and quiet. 
“Marco?!” he heard you call from the other side of the pool. You didn’t look happy to see him.
“How did you find this place? Did you follow me?” you stalked up to him with a finger pointed in his direction. 
“So suspicious yoi,” Marco said without heat. He had anticipated such a reaction from you. “I checked Ace and Etta this morning to make sure they’re OK. After I thought I’d hike around the island, see what’s here.” Marco threw in the bit about your friend to hook you into conversation with him. You dropped your scowl.
“How are they doing?” you said, biting your lip. 
“Ace is better, Etta took care of him.” He saw your face heat slightly, which he found cute. 
“Anyway, I thought I would enjoy bird watching while I’m still on the island, which brought me here.”
Your POV
Your eyes narrowed, you weren’t sure if you believed him. But you couldn’t prove he had done anything wrong. Besides, it’s not like you owned the waterfall, he could go where he wanted. You considered it your special place, but it wasn’t actually yours. You had been drawing the phoenix feather in great detail when he’d come up to your camping area. You’d moved the feather for safety but your sketches were still out and you wanted to go hide them from his prying eyes. You turned to move back to your belongings when you spotted an Imperial woodpecker in a nearby tree.
“Marco,” you whispered, not moving “look over there.” If he liked birds, he might enjoy this rare treat. If he didn’t ask you to sell it, that is.
“Nice, yoi. Imperial woodpecker.” Marco whistled an incredibly accurate bird call to it, causing it to chirp back. You listened to the two of them singing back and forth until the woodpecker decided to fly off. Two points to the pirate - he correctly identified the bird at first glance and you’d never heard such a good birdcall before.
“That’s a good skill to have,” you remarked casually. He didn’t need to know how impressed you were. Marco shrugged.
“Birds like me yoi. I’m hoping we’ll see some uncommon species today.”
“What do you mean, we? ” He wasn’t planning on tagging along with you again, was he? Just as you were about to tell him off, the Imperial woodpecker returned with a mate and chick. Your mouth dropped - you just had to draw this. You’d never seen a family unit of Imperials together before - they were said to mate for life. It almost looked like the male and female were showing off their young, but why? You slowly grabbed your notebook and pencils, sketching on the clean opposite page. You drew the family unit from various angles until they flew away once more. As you were putting the finishing touches on your sketches, you felt Marco peering over your shoulder.
“Hey!” you exclaimed, crushing the notebook to your chest. “I told you, they’re private!”
“You really are very good,” Marco complimented you. “What was that bird on the opposite page? It looked interesting.”
“None of your business.” He was a nosy guy, for a pirate. You hoped he hadn’t seen too many of your phoenix drawings. You’d expanded on the real life sketches you’d had and were now drawing the phoenix in different positions, some of which were kind of funny. You had drawn the phoenix next to you under the waterfall, annoyed about being drenched with water, steam rising from its non-fiery head. It was childish but made you laugh.
You assessed the situation - Marco was tolerable enough, had a talent for bird calling, and wasn’t terrible looking. Maybe it would be OK if you spent another few hours with him. You didn’t need to become mates for life, after all. 
“We can go bird watching together, I’ll show you some hot spots. But don’t look at my drawings again.” You’d never extended an invitation like this to a man before, you hoped he felt special.
“It’s a date yoi,” Marco said, smiling. 
You’d had an unbelievably successful day bird watching with Marco. They almost seemed drawn to him, warbling and chirping to his astounding calls. Bird songs filled the air no matter where you went on the island. You wished there was some way for you to record the sounds, but the closest you could get was Marco’s ability to mimic them. You were elated - you were thankful for whatever weather was bringing all these birds to the island and to your sight. You were so happy that you were actually being friendly with Marco. He was surprisingly knowledgeable about birding, despite his protests that he wasn’t a professional. He had a dry sense of humor, matching your own, and had even made you laugh a few times. It might have been your favorite date you’d ever been on. You even showed him some of your sketches of birds, not the phoenix of course, but some of the birds you’d seen together. He asked to keep one, and you wavered.
“I don’t give these out, they’re-”
“Private, I know yoi. It's OK, I’m not offended.” 
You were feeling generous and Marco was looking gorgeous. “Hold still for a moment,” you ordered, taking out your pencils. You did a rough sketch of Marco as a bird, complete with fluff on his head and glasses. Just something silly as a thanks for such a good day together. You ripped off the page and handed it to him. Marco looked at it, then at you.
“Are you sure …never mind.” Marco started to say something but stopped midway.
“You don’t like it? I’m sorry, it was just for fun.” You were feeling self conscious, you didn’t show your drawings often.
“No, I like it a lot yoi. But isn’t it missing something?” Marco said, looking down at the paper.
“Hm, I don’t think so, let me see.” You crossed over to him, standing shoulder to shoulder. You glanced down at the drawing. 
“Nope, got your glasses, your hair, your half open eyes and even the tassel on your leg. Got everything,” you teased. You were close together, examining the paper. If you turned your head, you’d be face to face. You were breathing quickly from the close proximity.
“It’s missing your signature, so when you become a famous scientist I have your autograph.” You smiled, what a charmer. You turned to face Marco.
“I can give you something other than my signature.” You leaned forward and kissed him softly on the lips.
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pascalpanic · 4 years ago
Ok so i read a little snippet of the new interview w pedro and something stuck with me. He said something about loving to read aloud so IMAGINE FRANKIE. Like I have an idea maybe you’re like a college student who’s cramming for finals and assignments and all overwhelmed. One night before an exam Frankie reads your notes to you as you lie against him in bed. Like this mans voice lulls you to sleep. One page in you’re asleep but u can’t tell me the man doesn’t keep reading since he thinks maybe even in your sleep him reading your notes will help you remember the material for the next day I’m soft 🥺😭
Study Buddy (Frankie Morales x f!Reader)
W/C: 2.4K
Warnings: crying, stress, mentions of food, alcohol, non sexual nudity, reader is studying psychology
A/N: this is.... the dream. like the actual dream. And I included ravioli the cat bc I love that little man :)
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God, you can’t remember any of this shit on the page in front of you. It makes your brain hurt, and the fact that you’re studying psychology makes it all even worse. You’re studying what makes you tick, the reasons why you can’t remember it, and it’s endlessly annoying. Your eyes burn from how long you’ve stared at your laptop, hand cramping from the amount of definitions you’ve written several times in a desperate attempt to commit them to memory.
You’ve spent this Sunday at your desk, only getting up to use the bathroom. Your doting boyfriend, Frankie, brings you food, refills your water, rubs your shoulders for you. The final exam is Wednesday, but you’re still filled with anxiety over what you do and don’t know. It feels like everything you learned this semester went in one ear and out the other after the initial tests on the individual units.
This exam is important. The course is a heavily impactful one, naturally an essential knowledge base for the field of mental health work, and passing it with a good grade would be a real standout later when you’re applying for medical school. It’s safe to say the pressure’s on, and you’re feeling it squeeze down on you like a vise.
Frankie walks in again, about an hour after the last time, when he brought you graham crackers and hot tea. You lift your head to look at him, wincing as your neck crunches with the movement. Frankie winces for you. “Wow.” “I know,” you whine, rolling your neck side to side and working out the rest of the air bubbles that formed from staring down at the full notebook. Looking up at him, your eyes water from the constant light of your laptop, even with your blue-light glasses. “What time is it?” You ask.
Frankie sits on the edge of the bed, hands on his thighs. “Uh, it’s about 8 P.M. now.” Ravioli, his cat, lifts his head from where he’s curled on the bed. Frankie murmurs something and rubs the cat’s fluffy little head. Ravioli prances over to Frankie’s lap and curls up in it.
You groan and scoot your rolling chair over to him, his hand finding the tender spot where your neck and shoulder meet and rubbing the sore muscles. “Oh, honey,” he sighs, removing your glasses and wiping the small gathering of tears from your lower eyelids. “Can I run you a bath?”
“I don’t have time, baby,” you whimper, real heavy and hot tears forming as you look back at your desk. “A whole portion of the exam is gonna be on classical conditioning, and I can’t even tell the difference in the unconditioned and conditioned stimuli, and-”
As your words rise in pitch and the cry chokes your throat, Frankie pulls you out of the chair and into his lap. Ravioli nervously removes himself from Frankie’s lap, not wanting to be crushed as you two embrace. “You have all of tomorrow and Tuesday.”
“But I need to use tomorrow for parts of the brain and Tuesday for all-around final review!” You wail, burying your face in his chest and sobbing.
Your tears dampen his shirt but Frankie doesn’t care, he just wraps his arms around you tighter as you cry. He lets the tears fall for a bit, allowing you to get the tension you clearly need out… well, out. He rocks you gently in his arms, holding you in his strong arms and kissing your head. When the tears slow and your wheezes turn to small hiccups, Frankie gives a slow deep breath, knowing you’ll feel it and hoping you’ll mimic it. “You’ve been at your desk for nine hours, baby. It’s time to be done for the night. I’ll let you study a little longer, but I’m going to run us a bath. Okay?” He asks.
Nodding, you sniffle and wipe the tears from your eyes. “I got snot all over your favorite shirt,” you whimper.
Frankie shakes his head. “It’s nothing, querida. Go finish up and I’ll get the bath started.” He slides you back into your desk chair and rolls you back to your desk.
You wipe the snot onto the sleeve of your hoodie and look up at him with big eyes. “You’re too good to me, baby,” you coo, voice still watery.
“Just doing what you deserve.” Frankie stands behind you and removes the tight bun from your hair, letting it fall down and massaging your scalp gently. “Oh, honey,” he sighs as he sees you visibly relax. “That was tight.”
“Didn’t even notice,” you murmur as your eyes slip shut, falling back into Frankie’s strong fingers as they trace your sore scalp. He kisses your forehead and walks off to the bathroom, making you sigh and put your blue light glasses back on for the final few minutes of studying.
With these moments, you review things you already know, deciding to use part of tomorrow to focus on the classical conditioning components again. It’s incredibly basic, you know, and the fact that you don’t get it makes you even more frustrated. You break your own rules and stare at the blank diagram, trying to properly label them, only to feel angry tears welling up.
“Pavlov was an asshole, doing all that tempting to his dogs,” Frankie chuckles as he walks in to see you at the segment again. His small smile falls when he sees your eyes are watering. Helping you from the chair, he shuts your laptop and notebook and wraps his arms around you. “Hey. You’ll get it, baby. Taking a break and coming back helps, right? Didn’t you call that…”
“Spaced practice,” you nod. “Or dispersed. Either term works,” you sniffle.
“See? I’m learning from you. You’ll have your M.D. in no time.”
You give a weak chuckle and walk with Frankie to the bathroom, sighing as you smell your favorite candle and notice that he turned the bathroom light to a soft orange glow. He’d insisted on putting in the color-changing lights recently, and you have to admit you enjoy them. The tub steams with clear water and you turn to Frankie to frown only to see him holding two bath bombs. “Your choice. I know you like picking.”
This makes you finally break from your scowl into a small smile. You pick your favorite, one with pink and purple swirls and a rose on top. Frankie nods and lets you take it. “You do the honors. I’ll go get the bubbles.”
Before he can turn, you stop him and take his face in your hands, kissing him lovingly. “You’re the best,” you tell him with a weak smile.
“How about some wine too?” He offers, rubbing your side.
“God, let’s run away and get married,” you laugh and rest your head against his chest. “Yes, wine please, baby.”
“Be right back,” he smiles and kisses your forehead.
You squat and drop the bath bomb in the water, sighing as the steam becomes scented of jasmine and sage. The water swirls purple and Frankie returns in a few moments with a bottle of red wine and lavender bubble bath. Sighing, you stand to full height and stretch, your back aching from the strained position. Frankie helps you remove your hoodie, slipping it off and tossing it aside before removing his own clothes.
Frankie pours some of the opened red wine into two glasses, then drizzles some bubble bath into the tub. He turns on the jets for a moment, letting the bubbles foam to the top. He slides in once he’s fully naked, grabbing his wine from the side and sighing. “Come on in.”
Smiling over at him, you tie your hair back and slide in, sitting on his lap in the water and grabbing your glass of wine too. You rest your head against Frankie’s broad chest and he turns on the jets, swirling the warm water around the both of you.
It’s just as relaxing as he’d hoped it would be. You sip your wine as he snakes an arm around your middle, kissing the top of your head. You’re both fully naked, but the moment isn’t anything sexy or hot. It’s just loving, snuggling in the warm water.
Handing Frankie your glass, you slip beneath the surface of the bubbles, fully submerging yourself in the deep tub. God, you’re glad Frankie chose the deepest tub they had. Popping back up, you push back your hair and sigh, nuzzling back into his chest.
“Is this all okay?” Frankie asks you after a bit, having set his wine aside and wrapped both arms around you.
Turning off the jets to talk, you smile contentedly as his warm body envelopes you. “So good. God, you’re amazing.”
Frankie smiles at that and squeezes you a little tighter. “You deserve it. You work so hard all the damn time, and you’re so beyond smart. I’m so proud of you, and you need to be treated like this.”
The mention of your work alone makes your body less fluid and relaxed as you start going over your studying plan to make sure you have everything ready for the next few days. Frankie can feel it. “Hey. Relax. Do you want me to help you study?”
You open your mouth to say no, but the offer intrigues you, making you pause. “How?”
Frankie shrugs. “I could quiz you. Read your notes to you.”
His voice always makes things stick better. You remember things much better in Frankie’s voice, holding every little thing the man says in extra high regard. “That would be lovely, baby. Thank you.”
“Anything for you,” he mumbles and kisses behind your ear.
Frankie pours you another half of a glass and by the time you finish it, the water has become lukewarm. The two of you drain the tub and dry off. Frankie brings you warm and clean clothes, a pair of cotton shorts and one of his hoodies. “You know me so well,” you beam at him and kiss him slowly. “When this is over, I’m gonna give you the best fuck of your life for being so good to me.”
Frankie has to laugh. “I mean, I’ll never say no to that, but you don’t have to. This is what partners do. This is my job as your man.”
“‘Mmm, and what a good man you are,” you purr as you nuzzle into his body once your clothes are on. “Gonna go take my meds and meet you in bed, okay?” You ask.
“Sure thing.” He kisses your head and pulls on his pajamas, blue plaid boxers and an old t-shirt, a grungy old thing with a terrible graphic relating to the Delta Force.
“You wanna put some pants on?” You tease, admiring his bare legs beneath the soft fabric.
Frankie yawns, stretching his arms above his head, before shaking it and smiling at you. “Mind your own business.” He retreats to the bedroom, and you can hear him cooing to the cat.
Taking your pills in the kitchen, you return to the bedroom and smile to see Frankie snuggled under the covers, Ravioli’s whiskers sniffing at Frankie’s face. The cat stands on Frankie’s chest, investigating his face. When he sees you, Frankie lifts Ravioli off his chest and pulls back the blankets. “Get on in here.”
Grabbing your thick notebook, you snuggle into the bed, resting your damp head on Frankie’s chest. Frankie kisses your wet hair, wrapping his arm around beneath you and taking the notes from your hands. He cracks it open and sighs. “Alright, brace yourself. I don’t know how to say any of this shit.”
You laugh, resting a hand on his chest. “Do your best.”
“We’ll see,” he chuckles and reads over the page. “Do you want me to quiz you or just read to you?”
“Just read, please,” you say softly as you let your eyes fall shut, absorbing Frankie’s warmth and Ravioli’s weight as he lies down on your feet.
His voice is so soothing. It always is, everything about Frankie is. His voice is low and soft, only loud enough for you to hear it. He begins explaining the difference in the Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas, and even though he clearly doesn’t understand the meaning behind the words, his lovely voice makes them stick.
He reads to you as you get sleepier, the weight and exhaustion of your burning eyes bringing you closer to drifting off. Before you do, you catch yourself and open them, smiling at the cat snuggled at your feet and the rise and fall of Frankie’s chest.
“Will you read me the bit about the different components of classical conditioning?” You ask quietly, hoping his voice will make the concept clearer or at least more memorable.
He nods and his scruff brushes over your forehead as he readjusts his head. Your hand rests on his soft belly, the warm skin and tufts of hair leading lower. He’s like a human comfort blanket, and you can’t help but nuzzle closer into his body.
Trying to go slowly and understand the concept himself, Frankie reads aloud the differences in the conditioned and unconditioned responses and stimuli. As much as you try to focus, your mind slips away into a warm fog, only emphasized by the lilt of his deep voice.
It doesn’t take long after one last yawn. You succumb to the sleep, and your whole body melts into the mattress and into Frankie. One slow sigh tells Frankie that he has succeeded in relaxing you.
Careful not to shift you too much, Frankie leans upwards to toss the notebook on the desk. It lands with a slap, making you jump and startle awake. “Shh, it’s all good, baby, it’s just me,” Frankie murmurs to you, stroking your back through the hoodie.
That’s all you needed, a reassurance that Frankie’s got whatever it is covered. You give half of a nod and rest your head on his chest once more, returning to the slightly deeper sleep.
As your breath slows, so does Frankie’s. He just barely holds back a yawn, clenching his teeth so that he doesn’t make enough noise to wake you again. Once his eyes slip shut, he’s done for, and your little family is all asleep on the bed: you and Frankie intertwined, and the cat at your feet.
@remmysbounty @mishasminion360 @blo0dangel @binarydanvvers  @sleep-tight1 @apascalrascal @randomness501 @spideysimpossiblegirl @notabotiswear @pedro-pastel @sanchosammy @lv7867 @greeneyedblondie44 @hunnambabe @astoryisaloveaffair @emesispo @pedritobalmando @magikfanatic @a-court-of-feysand-and-elorcan @princess76179 @deltadebelleza @tacticalsparkles @queridopascal @wintermuteway @maievdenoir @dobbyjen @beskarboobs @sharkbait77 @day-off-inkyoto @darnitdraco @iamskyereads
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dairyfarmboy · 4 years ago
My first task:
What seems to be seconds after finally accepting my new life on the farm, I was already put to work by the farmer. He had put on his dirty black rubber chest waders, and had a pair of black rubber elbow gloves hanging down from the side. It looked like he was sweating profusely and his ball cap had a wet ring around it. I was instructed to put on my waders and grab my rubber gloves.
“We need to unclog one of the outlets that leads from the barn to the slurry pit”. “I need you to lift and hold up the flow gate while i push out the obstruction”. I followed him as we walked along to the side of the slurry pit. The hot sun was baking the rubber waders and the smell was overwhelming. The farmer was getting ripe in his coveralls as sweat marks were starting to form around his crotch, ass, and armpits. His back was also soaked where small pieces of hay and manure clung to the wet fabric. I started to sweat a lot myself, and could start to feel a trickle of sweat fall into the bottom of my waders.
As we walked towards the slurry pit, i could smell the growing stench of the manure. I was lead to a giant square, concrete vat that was full to the brim. It had a green and brown color with bits of hay sticking out. Half of the vat seemed to have developed a hard crust, while the other half was more liquid. My dick started bursting the crotch seems of my waders, and it throbbed uncontrollably.
“I need to tell you about the dangers of slurry gas”. “Hydrogen sulfide is that rotten eggs smelling gas which is caused by decomposing organic matter”. “You should be OK as this pit is outside, but you always need to be careful and pay attention to wind direction”. “Apparently this chemical is also used in erectile dysfunction treatment...”, as he looked down at my raging hard dick. I was super embarassed and tried to turn away from him.
“Follow me and watch your footing”. We needed to access the channel, so i followed him down a small ladder that lead to the edge of the pit. I watched his first step, and his foot slowly squished down into the wet, green, sloppy shit. His step ended right about knee height. He stepped again and was now almost up to his waist in slurry. I could hear the air getting pushed out of his waders and got a whiff of the dank sweaty rubber smell with his sweaty balls and feet.
My heart was pounding. I couldnt think right, and my head seemed to be spinning. I was facing my ultimate fantasy and couldnt handle it. I took my first step down the ladder and felt my booted foot enter the slurry. It was a spongy slimy consistancy and i felt my waders cling to my sweaty legs. I then stepped again and sunk to my waist. The feeling of the suction of the waders and rubber pushing against my rock hard dick almost made me cum instantly. The smell was overbearing. I could feel the warm humid air bubbling up from the slurry making my dick leak.
I followed the farmer closer to the inlet walking slowly, trying not to make myself cum. Every step was more pressure against the waders, my feet slid a bit on the slimy bottom, and I was now visibly panting like a dog. The farmer showed me where to stand and help me lift the flow gate. I couldnt take my eyes off the farmer. He was standing there, full of shit, and his beard dripping sweat. The smell of him and his rubber only grew in ripeness, making me delusionally submissive to this man.
I was instructed to stand and lift the gate while he walked to break the clog with a 2 X 4. “Well this is looser than I thought”, “watch out for the flood”. Within two big stabs of the board, the clog was free and there was a steady flow of yellow liquid of shit and stale cow piss. The liquid flowed past my booted feet. “Wait one more, looks like there is more up ahead”. With one big wack, all of sudden the dam of dried manure broke and sent a huge wave of slurry down the channel. “Watch out”! The farmer yelled.
I stood there watching this 3ft wall of liquid cow shit rush towards me. The smell hit me first, and then I was knocked back without a chance to brace myself. The farmer ran towards me as a became immersed in the thick gloppy slurry and fell onto the ground. I was almost in shock as i became submerged. I felt the slimey spongy shit cover me from head to toe, which was the strongest smell ive ever smelt in my life laying in what was now 2ft deep of slurry. I couldnt help myself but i started to moan as my rock hard dick started to tingle and it felt like i was pissing.
I looked up at the farmer and he stood over me and the sight of his shit covered rubber and beard made me possesed. I couldnt help it, i started to grab and hump his shitty waders. “What are you doing boy”?! I just laid there humping uhhhhhhmmm ooohhhh UHhHhh “i cant help it SIR” oooohhhh uhhhhh uhhh. The shit started to pour into my waders and the warm shit surounded my dick and slid against the rubber. My orgasm kept going and the farmer just stood there. “Ohhhh siiir” Ughhhh UuuHhhhhhhhh ahhhh AHHH uuhhh AhHh. I shot load after load into my now shitty slimey waders.
I caught my breath still on the ground. The farmer never said anything and i slowly accepted what had just happened. Now covered head to toe in shit, i struggled to get my footing. The farmer helped me up and made sure i was ok. “Well im glad youre okay, but Im going to have to do something for the rest of your training boy”. “I dont want you distracted while you are supposed to be learning and working”.
I followed him out of the channel, and back out of the pit. Walking was difficult as my waders were stilll completely full of slurry. I was ordered to dump out the waders and meet him in the barn. I walked in still wearing my shit covered coveralls. I was ordered to take everything off, and spray down the coveralls. “We have more work to do and there is no sense in you getting a clean pair dirty, “spray them down and let dry in the sun.
“We need to shower boy”. I followed him into the milking room where there was a large industrial shower. We both got naked and stood under the faucet. As the warm water flowed down my body, leaving a dirty shit colored water stream at my feet, the farmer started to massage my back. I felt his coarse hands scrubbing my shoulders and soap up my body. I could still smell his pungent musk every time he lifted his arm. My dick grew again. He then slowly reached around and started to stroke my throbbing erection. A cow in the distance mooed, and i started to moo myself.
“Moo for me boy”. I started to moan and moo at his complete control as he started to hand milk me. Moooo moooo ughhhhhh mooo, i was humiliated at my poor mooing, but he didnt let up. He lifted his arm and pushed my head right into his ripe armpit. I inhaled the funk and i still was mooing. Moooougmmph uhhhhhhh mooooummmm. Within a few moments, i was begging to cum. “Please sir, i want to cum so bad please sir please”. In less than 4 strokes, i collapsed into his arms as i shot another load upon load across the shower room. He had to hold me up as I caught my breath. “Finish up boy we have more work to do”.
To be continued:
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hogwartsfirebolt · 5 years ago
Ok so for the "the way you said I love you" prompts ask: 23
Thank you for the prompt! I have no idea what I wrote, NO IDEA. Let’s go.
The way you said “I love you” 23: Through a song. 
Depending on which member of the crew was asked the question, the answer was a bit different. 
“Dunno,” the sailing master, Nev, would say, when asked. “We woke up one morning and he was already there, in the Captain’s cabin.”
“But you’d never heard of him before?” The logical follow up question. 
“Nay, but what do I know, ask Hermione.” Hermione was the second mate. “The cap’n tells her shit.”
A question, presented again. 
“Draco? Not a clue,” Hermione would say, when followed into her cabin for a conversation. “I mean, the captain does tell me things, but he just showed up one morning and the captain said to consider him one of us.”
“And you’re okay with that?”
“Uh. I suppose. He’s alright, but… there’s something odd about him. He sings in the bath.”
“Most people sing in the bath, though,” The logical answer.
“No, no,” Hermione would reply, lips tight around the words, “he sings in the bath.”
The young boy in charge of preparing the baths was next, then. His name was Colin. 
“Hermione said he sings?” A question instead of an answer. 
“Yes, Colin, she did say that.”
 “Well, he does. It’s… look, I’ll tell you this, but you can’t tell a soul.”
“Not a soul. Promise.”
“The Captain came to me in the dark. It must have been after three, the moon was high up in the sky and the Captain found me in my hammock, said he needed a bath right away. He wasn’t shaken, but the Captain never is. When I got up I saw he was soaked, I mean soaked, you know? Dripping everywhere, but he’s the Captain, so I didn’t ask and just went to prepare the bath. When it was ready, the Captain brought him in. He was freezing, just shivering all over, dead gorgeous, even in the dark, with his skin looking half blue, kind of… it’s crazy, but I swear it looked iridescent, just... and he smelled like sea foam, like the mossy rocks that sit on the shoreline, and he was naked and shivering all over and gorgeous and the Captain put him in the bath and then I left. In the morning, the Captain told me not to say a word, and he was introduced to the crew.”
“But where did he come from?”
“I don’t know. Ask the quartermaster, he might be able to say more.”
The quartermaster wasn’t happy with the question.
“My Captain doesn’t owe me any explanations.”
“Ron, I’m simply trying to understand”
“He showed up and Harry wants him here. That’s all there is to understand.”
“But doesn’t it seem just a little weird? Have you never seen anything strange happening around him? The cook said he adds salt to everything.”
“So does Luna and I don’t see you asking around about her.” Anger, in the name of the Captain, in the name of his friend, but the kind laced with curiosity. Almost there, with questions of his own, almost at the tip of the scale. Needing a push. 
So, a push: “He disappears for days at a time, not a trace of him, then he reappears as if – as if he came and went with the tides, with the sway of the waves. His fingers never still, they dance over the table, hover in the air as if they weren’t used to being tethered to what’s underneath them, as if all of him were used to floating instead. His voice tilts around our words as if he were learning the language the exact same second that he’s speaking it. He smells like the morning before rain, like our pillows after being on board for months at a time. And he looks, he looks –”
“He looks like its child.” 
“The water’s child”
There it is. Ron’s there, and he’s going to answer the question. A new, more important question. “What happens when he goes back?”
“When he goes back, he becomes a shadow too dark for me to see, quick as a shark, graceful as a serpent once he swims deep. His teeth grow twice as long, like they could bite into the depths and open up the pearls of another sea. His hands shift, membranes sheer like silk and soft like moss in the spaces between his fingers. And he’s even more beautiful, green like the ocean, blue like the ocean, grey like the ocean, and Harry loves him, and Harry is our Captain, so it should be enough for all of us.”
“How do you know he loves him?”
“I heard him sing it. They sing, the chime of bells or perhaps the chant of seabirds at dawn. They sing, and they swim, they move through the ship as if moving through water, slow, the light bending around them as if they were submerged. They met underneath, and Harry brought him up, and now Draco is turning him. Harry’s skin glows gold under the sun, sometimes, if I look closely, and he stares out the ship’s edge with longing, yearning for what’s underneath the surface. His feet leave wet trails all over the deck, and his voice is all foam and bubbles, his anger turns the sky to thunder that sends light through the depths. He whispers in his sleep in languages I can’t comprehend, languages that sound furious like the breaking of waves over rocks, gentle like the lap of shallow waters on our feet, and he translates for me in the morning, he says the tide that brought us will claim us back, with complete conviction, as if that’s where he came from as well. Maybe it is. That knowledge was taken from him, he’s never known his own past. Maybe it’s this. ”
“We’re going to lose him.”
“Or we just won them both.”
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multifandom--imagine · 5 years ago
Underwater (borra x fem!reader)
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N / A: ok I saw Maleficent yesterday and it was a really good movie! And well what to say? I fell in love with Borra, I still fell in love with Diaval and so much more. Excuse me for my awful English, I am Italian bish
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The waves were tongues of obsidian, the foam rusted the wood of the boat, the colored fabric of the sails broke like the skin from the flesh, the thunder crashed into the vast sea of ​​the kingdom. The screams of your father who kept repeating "down the sails!" echoes in your mind, as you see the crew startled and confused by the unrestrained storm that hindered your return home. The life of sailors is not easy, your father has always reminded you, but that night, you thought that nothing could have saved you. From the bowels of the sea, a wall of water rose up that only when you remembered, your skin get upset with terror, it was only a matter of a few seconds before it hit your ship with a deafening blow making it overturn and swallowing it deep in the abyss. you feel your body slip away from the ship, while you screamed desperately at your father's name, then a violent dip in the water made you lose consciousness and from that moment there is darkness.
Your eyes snapped open and you screamed out of your lips a terrified gasp, your forehead was beaded with sweat, while your skin stiffened because of the sudden feeling of frost. You were lying on the ground, in place that was unknown to you, it looked like a cave, maybe you were shipwrecked somewhere? With the last thread of voice that you had left you called your father's name in fright, but I received no answer but your echo. You tried to stand up but a dizziness forced you to lose your balance and fall to the ground, then you dragged yourself close to the nearest wall and leaned against it, you started to walk slowly towards the hypothetical exit of that cave. Were you terrified, and if there were animals or banquets? How would you defend yourself? "Is anybody there?" you asked worried.
You observed the landscape in front of you but there was not much to see, it was pitch dark and this was not improving the situation. You had to stay in the cave or maybe venture to seek help. As absurd as it could be, you gathered all the courage possible and bracollando you entered the dense vegetation. "Is anyone there? I am unarmed, please do not attack me" you said to some possible passerby, hoping it was not a desert island. Yet something in you you felt a little voice that told you that you were not alone in that place, you felt that something was there, you felt the disturbing feeling of a pair of eyes that followed you with every step. Suddenly you felt the dry throat and the distant sound of rustling water, made your eyes light up. You dragged yourself out of the vegetation finding a small pond in front of you, without thinking twice you knelt and quenched your thirst, also washing your face steeped in salt and sweat. In fact, only now did you realize your unkempt and dirty appearance, probably better to give yourself a wash, so as to disinfect the few wounds you had gotten yourself in the sinking.
Taking a quick look around, you quickly get rid of your ruined clothes and touching the water of the lake with your feet you could feel the temperature being slightly cold. Little by little you submerged yourself until the water touched your shoulders, you inclined your head backwards to wet your hair, at that moment your eyes narrowed and it was then that you placed yourself in front of you new that frightening wave that swept you and your crew. Your eyes barred scared and breathing hard, you felt like the feeling of being underwater, as if the salt had clogged your nostrils and your lungs filled with water. You brought a freaky mouth to your mouth trying to fight those demons inside your head. But meanwhile another demon was staring at your figure between the thick and dark vegetation. A human, a small and frightened human. It was almost a tender mink if it weren't for its non-magical nature. Yet despite that, those eyes looked at every inch of the girl's body, while in her mind the hatred clashed with the sudden physical attraction, which slowly drank her tense nerves.
"Who is there?" suddenly the young woman's trembling voice made the magical creature awaken from her thoughts. A languid smile rippled in her thin lips, it would have been fun to play with this new prey. "Oh believe me, in the depths of your heart you know you don't want to know" a hoarse voice rose up in the bushes, making you stop your heart for a few moments. "Are you a bandit?" you asked trembling as a light laugh echoed low in the dark. "A bandit you say?" he asked ironically "Oh you humans are so dull as well as being ruthless" Human? Was he a freak? "Why don't you come out into the open?" you asked, trying to defend yourself, while your arms covered your breast, a threatening growl made you almost jump. "I ask the questions here" said the male voice as the trees slowly seemed to move, your eyes barred with terror when you saw a mighty dark figure behind you on the water. The thing that made you shiver was those long horns that protruded from his head. "Come on, why don't you turn around?" the monster asked in a teasing tone "Didn't you want the beast to come out in the open?" he whispered hoarsely in your ear, brushing your skin with his sharp teeth.
Your spine was shaken by a sinister shiver and you half-closed your eyes and whispered "Is it hell?" you asked, feeling like a fool "Am I dead?" at that point the rough fingers helped by the sharp nails traced a slight outline on your neck moving your wet hair on your right shoulder. A guttural laugh preceded his words. "Oh no little flower, you are alive and well, to your misfortune" the monster said, savoring the scent of your wet hair, and then grabbing your face with a firm hand making you turn towards him. "And until you tell me who brought you here, I will enjoy eating you inch by inch" he said a step from your lips. You opened your eyes with fear, finding yourself in front of a hollow face of a young man with long tousled hair, his eyes were something scary but at the same time magnetic, as if they were devouring your soul, but the even more shocking feature was its enormous wings, the plumage seemed similar to one of those wild but at the same time majestic birds of prey that you had seen with your father in the eastern deserts. "Mmmmh...I could start with this nice little arm" he said in a threatening winged monster tone, pulling your left arm from your breast too easily, bringing your wrist closer to his teeth. Obviously he knew he was playing his part well, he would never have devoured a human, but it was delightfully fun to see your body tremble, while your eyes were strained by tension. "Borra! Leave that girl immediately!" another male voice echoed towards the shores of the lake, you turned and your eyes met another winged man with a dark complexion and long black hair adorned with braids. The man who apparently was called Borra raised his eyes to the sky, giggling profoundly. "Oh come on Conall! How did I not understand that it was you who brought this little poultice to our land?" he replied ironically.
“Her ship was hit by the last storm, she is the only survivor of her crew” Conall explained, still waiting for Borra to leave your naked body alone. "So?" Borra asked with disinterested approaching his teeth towards your wrist in a threatening way, in panic you turned towards the other man, silently imploring help. "And then I couldn't let her die" the raven tried to justify himself. "This does not change things, you know that humans have exterminated our population and forced us into exile and she is a human" replied Borra agonized. "I will keep her under my wing, I will teach her our customs and culture, you will see that she is not like the others, she would have already attacked you" he tried to object Conall. A few moments passed that for you were centuries and when you turned towards Borra's eyes he gave a sinister smile, which caused the rubbing of his canines on your wet skin, you thought he would bite you and instead he placed a kiss on your wrist, letting go of your arm. "All right, my friend, today I feel quite magnanimous and I agree with you, but on one condition..." he said as suddenly a wing of his enveloped your body away from Conik's viksta "I will take care of her, on my way"continued the other man with a small grin “You can be sure that I will not twist a hair, you have my word" Borra finally explained resting his hand on his muscular chest.
Conall threw you a glance at this point, noticing your worried face peeping out from Borra's wing and with a light sigh hovered in the air with a flap of wings. "I'll come to see her every now and then to see if you don't lie" said the raven and then disappeared who knows where. You remained silent until a draft of icy wind made you remember your clothes on the shore of the lake, so you started to take them back and while you were about to dress again, you threw a sgaurdo to the winged monster in front of you who kept looking at you without the minimal shame. "Could you please look elsewhere?" you asked a little nervously, while Borra snorted loudly, obeying. "As if it will be the last I will see you naked in my arms, foolish human..." he said making you blush conspicuously.
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diyunho · 5 years ago
The Joker x Reader - “ Nobody” Part 1
After not feeling well for months, The Joker finally found out why: the life threatening condition is so serious there’s only a 50/50 chance of survival.  Dealing with a brain tumor is not going to be easy, that’s why The King of Gotham asked his half-brother Arthur to help Y/N while he’ll undergo treatment.
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The Joker yawns, repositioning his head in your lap.
“You want a small pillow?” you pause the movie you’re both watching and he refuses.
“No,” J stretches on the couch. “These are soft enough,” he pokes your thighs and you squirm, ticklish to his touch.
Suddenly, the cell phone chimes and J reaches his hand to grab it from the table.
“Arthur is here,” he announces. “He wasn’t in a hurry, hm?” The Joker mumbles while getting up.
You decline to comment and do the same because you can hear the elevator going up to the Penthouse. You could say the anticipation is making you a little bit nervous: you’ve been with J for about 10 months but you’ve never met Arthur. Probably it’s safe to assume they are not very close yet soon after finding out about the illness, The Joker contacted his sibling to let him know and sure enough he agreed to come over and help.
Although Mr. Fleck is three  hours late, it doesn’t mean he is trying to back out on his promise.
The elevator opens and Arthur emerges dressed in one of his red suits, anxiously passing his fingers through his curls. J wants to criticize and his brother is in no mood for a lecture:
“Before you lash out, I was delayed by an unexpected issue!” he keeps talking and walking in your direction. “My apologies.”
“What issue?” J growls and Arthur extends the palm of his hand, firmly shaking yours, definitely not waiting for an introduction: “Hello there,” he smiles. “I’m the older, smarter, funnier and more charming version; you must be the better half.”
“Riiiiiight…” The Joker rolls his eyes, annoyed.
“Y/N,” you smirk at the man’s remark and he lets go of your hand, explaining his delayed arrival:
“Don’t get worked up, kid. One of my projects required immediate attention and I had to sort it out.”
You expect The Joker to protest the nickname but he doesn’t mention anything: Arthur always called him that since they were teenagers and your boyfriend is used to it. Doesn’t bother him at all.
“Do you want a drink? Are you hungry?” you offer and he nods a no.
“I’m good; thanks,” he takes a sit on the nearest armchair and the couple reprises their position on the sofa.
A few moments of silence before Arthur decides to talk about the reason why he’s at the Penthouse.
“Sooo… What did the doctors find out? How bad is it?” he inquires and you unconsciously cling to J’s arm, not willing to hear about it again.
“The brain tumor is too big, I can’t have surgery yet. I already started with lower doses of medication 20 days ago, I have to gradually build up to the higher doses so my body can handle it. Soon I’ll have chemo every 3 weeks, then every 2 we…”
A low chuckle and Arthur covers his mouth in horror.
“Sorry…” he has a chance to whisper before bursting out laughing.
“Here we go…” The Joker crosses his legs, patiently waiting for his brother to finish his outburst. The King of Gotham may not be an accommodating individual, but his sibling’s condition is something he has always tolerated without any problem.
“I’m very…” Arthur tries to speak but the strenuous sounds he makes at the end of each cackle prove how much he’s struggling to control his inappropriate amusement. “…s-sorry,” he continues to snicker while digging in his pocket for a small piece of laminated paper. He finds the item and hands it over to you; you curiously inspect the writing: it basically explains his neurological disorder in a few words.
“It’s fine, J told me,” you return the information to its owner.
“I can’t believe you still have that,” The Clown Prince of Crime huffs as Arthur is slowly regaining his composure.
“I’m very sorry,” he emphasizes his regrettable outpour. “You were saying?”
J deeply inhales and reprises the briefing:
“I’ll have to do chemo every 3 weeks, then every 14 days until the tumor shrinks enough to be operable. I guess I have a 50/50 chance of surviving the whole thing, that’s why I asked for your cooperation in helping Y/N oversee my affairs. I will get worse before I might get better, thus here we are.”
Arthur pulls tissues out of the box next to him and gives them to the devastated Y/N: The Joker didn’t notice you are quietly sobbing by his side.
“Please stop crying,” he kisses your temple, avoiding your emotions like he regularly does. The best option is to divert the gathering towards another topic. “We got ready one of the bedrooms upstairs for you; I hope that’s up to your standards.”
“My standards are normal,” the truth is blurred out. “You’re the fancy one, kid. That’s why you’re The Joker and I’m Joker; I don’t need any glorification. Plus, I didn’t oppose when you picked this half of town and left me the other.”
“You’re an idiot!” the green haired man stands up from his spot, wanting nothing more than to retreat to the master bedroom after an exhausting day.
“Runs in the family,” Arthur nonchalantly hints and you snort, blowing your nose in a tissue.
“Keep your mouth shut!” J advices and you have no clue he’s referring to more than just the constant bickering going on between them. “I’m calling it quits, are you coming?”
“I’ll have a smoke on the terrace first, “Arthur searches for his pack of cigarettes and you believe this is the perfect chance to chat with him:
“I’ll stay with our guest, alright?”
“Suit yourselves,” The Joker grumbles and you follow his brother outside on the huge patio.
“I forgot how nice this is from the 30th floor,” Arthur stirs the conversation while lighting up a cigarette.
“Yes, it’s a lovely view,” you wipe your tears and he resentfully mutters:
“I fucking hate this town…”
You sigh, not wishing to interrupt in case he has more to add and the plain inquiry catches you off guard.
“How are you holding up?”
The question resonates in the awkward stillness and Y/N elects to bring him up to date.
“I’m doing the best I can under the circumstances. He’s not doing well…” you sniffle and Arthur pays attention to your confession. “The medications may be in low amount, but they are strong; they make him very confused at times, plus the side effects of the tumor… he forgets things, he has no idea where he is or… or… who I am. The doctors advised that when it happens we have to go with the flow and not push for him to recall details. His brain is under a lot of pressure and this is only the beginning.”
Arthur blows smoke up in the air, displeased with the news about his younger sibling.
“Shit, that’s rough…”
That’s surely the understatement of the year for the heartbroken Y/N.
“When he doesn’t recognize me, I tell him I’m nobody, just a person taking care of the place and he doesn’t even know the difference. I suggest you avoid any type of confrontation while he’s like that; please generalize everything you articulate and don’t complicate the situation.”
“Of course… Yeah, yeah, of course,” he is fast to agree with your guidance.
“Thank you,” you sincerely show your gratitude because you appreciate his presence. “I think I’ll join him upstairs; tonight he’s beginning higher dosage on his pills and he might have a reaction.”
“I’ll stay and finish my cigarette,” Arthur scratches the scar above his lip. “Which bedroom is mine?”
“Fourth one on the left.”
“Perfect, I’ll find it,” he waves as you return inside, eager to check up on The Clown Prince of Crime.
“What the … t-the hell?” The Joker stutters, groggy from the strong medications swallowed a few hours ago.
You barely distinguish his wobbly silhouette standing by the bed.
“What’s wrong?” you turn on the lamp on the nightstand, instantly aware of his wet boxers.
“I d-didn’t make it to… to the bathroom,” J seems out of it, yet at least he realizes that much.
“Oh, it’s totally fine,” you maintain your cool and jump off the sheets, rushing to help him. “The doctors warned accidents could happen since the drugs are making you dizzy and super drowsy. Let’s step in the bathtub, shall we?”
You take his hand and lead a compliant boyfriend to the master bathroom; sometimes it’s easy to deal with him in this state, sometimes it’s not.
Luckily tonight he’s obedient.
You turn on the water and he tightly holds his boxers while you attempt to yank them off him.
“Who…who are you?” The Joker sulks, unhappy with your movement.
“I’m nobody,” you reply and manage not to cry at his disorientation. “I’m here to help you, ok?” you calmly try to reason with his baffled mind.
“I… I… I don’t want you to see me naked,” he complains and Y/N has an easy solution for the apparent controversy.
“I’ll close my eyes, deal?”
You do as vowed and J lets you undress him, finally ending up in the bathtub for a quick, relaxing soak.
“You want bubbles?” you glance at him once the body is submerged under the warm water.
“No…” he yawns and you fold a towel, placing it under his head in case he’ll pass out.
“Where… where am I?...”
A faint knock at the door and Arthur talks in a low tone:
“Everything good?”
“Yes, we’re fine,” he distinguishes your reply; he just returned from the underground garage with his suitcase and discerned the commotion: made him wonder if his assistance was necessary.
“Who was that?” The Joker enjoys being pampered by the stranger he doesn’t recognize for the moment; apparently forgot about shyness also because he has no objection to the sponge bath now.
“The maintenance guy,” you lie without blinking while pouring more shampoo over J’s toxic green locks.
10 am
Arthur joined you and The Joker in the kitchen less than 5 minutes ago; he positioned himself against the counter, this way he has a broad perspective of the whole space. He sips on the fresh coffee, observing the scene unfolding at the table:
J is reading a magazine and you feed him breakfast, caressing his hair every few seconds. You didn’t mention anything about last night; he woke up feeling a bit better and it’s safe not to agitate him with useless facts.
“Are you hungry?” you address Arthur and he lifts his shoulders up, undecided.
“Maybe… I’ll munch on something shortly.”
“Hurry up before it gets cold,” you encourage him and The Joker is already as crabby as he can be.
“Stop bugging him! If he wants to eat, he’ll eat!”
“I’m not bugging him,” you defend your action, upset at J’s feisty attitude.
“She’s not bugging me,” Arthur tucks a rebel curl behind his ear, disapproving of his brother’s assumption.
“I’m not,” you sweetly smile and The Joker slaps your fingers away from his hair.
The cheerfulness dies on your face and you get up, kicking the chair in the process.
“I’ll bring your morning meds,” you enunciate and leave the kitchen in a hurry.
“Goddamn irritating,” J hisses at your behavior and Arthur can’t zip it.
“Are you stupid?” he sucks on his cheeks and that definitely gets your boyfriend’s attention.
“What did you say?!”
“I’ve been here for minutes and she didn’t take a single bite out of anything, too preoccupied with making sure you eat. Do you even notice how she looks at you?” he raises his voice. “So I’m asking you again: are you stupid?”
“Excuse me?!” J abandons his seat and the threatening demeanor queues Arthur about the imminent scuffle, not that he’s willing to avoid it.
“I wasn’t clear enough?” the latest provokes his sibling. “ARE. YOU. STUUUUPID?” he repeats, cracking his neck with anticipation.
You are coming downstairs with the meds and the ruckus happening in the kitchen makes you speed up.
You are certainly not disappointed at the show: J and Arthur are wrestling on the floor, relentlessly hitting one another.
“Stop it!!” you shout and your plea is ignored. “Stop it!” you insist when you detect Arthur’s bloody nose and J’s busted lip. “Are you deaf?! Stop it!!”
This is the last drop: after another shitty night and the stuff you endured recently, you are completely lacking any kind of patience for anybody’s nonsense.
You toss the vial with The Joker’s tablets on the counter, snatch the ice bucket from the freezer and fill it out with water. The ice cubes float in the clear liquid: the 8 gallons metal container is pretty large since it’s used for J’s grape juice cans.
You thud on the marble floor and dump the freezing concoction on top of the two heated fighters, the sudden shock from the unexpected impact being enough to halt the brawl.
“Ugg!!” J rolls on his back while Arthur crawls by the stove. “What are you doing, Y/N?!” he yells and you storm out, firmly squeezing the ice bucket to your chest without realizing.
The loud bang of a shut door bears witness of your justified rage concerning the altercation; how can you not get mad at such crap?!
Arthur seeks for his beloved cigarettes in the interior of his orange vest, triumphantly lightening one after failing the first trials.
“I like her,” he puffs the fumes out, leaning towards his brother because J is gesturing for the bud.
The Joker takes a deep drag, admitting for once:
“Me too.”
“I thought you quit,” Arthur points out.
“I did,” his brother answers, glaring at the ceiling. “Clean up this mess!” he orders and continues to smoke.
“Nope, we should let fate determine,” the older sibling suggests and J falls into the little trap.
“Rock, paper, scissors?”
“Ready?” Arthur smirks and counts. “1…2…3!”
“… … … Dammit!” The King of Gotham cusses.
“Have fun, kid!” the winner plucks the cig away from J. “Gimme, these are bad for your health!”
“Are you in here?” The Joker sneaks in his office and watches you patrol around the desk, still vigorously attached to the infamous ice bucket.
The lack of reply makes him approach the distressed woman; you avoid gazing his way at all costs.
“I need my pitcher,” he sniffles and Y/N disregards his sentence. “You’re aware I like to use grape juice on ice for those bitter capsules. There’s no bucket and no ice in the freezer so… what am I supposed to do? Skip my morning remedy?”
A hint of lowered resistance and he’s taking advantage of it.
“My lip hurts,” he rubs the swollen, red spot. “I need ice for this too.”
You place your precious bucket on top of some folders, cautiously examining the superficial cut.
“Stitches won’t be necessary,” the obvious result updates a pouting J.
“Are you sure?” he plays dumb and wraps his arms around your waist. “Take a closer look, I can’t afford to walk around with chipped dignity.”
You peck the unharmed corner of his mouth, mad you’re giving into such cheap amendments.
“I’m positive…”
The Joker grins and kisses you, entirely convinced it wasn’t hard to get under your skin.
“You’re not going to leave, are you?” he rests his forehead on yours and Y/N is speechless at the question. “This is the tumor talking, obviously,” J fixes the tiny mistake when he sees your reaction.
“Obviously…” you whisper, sadly reckoning he purposely avoids any type of sensitive debate about your future together.
The Joker though is carefully listening to Arthur mumbling on the hallway, suspicious at the meaning.
“Is he eavesdropping?!” you focus on the faint words also and it clicks for J.
“Cut it out!!!” he screams while Mister Fleck is not phased, joyfully concluding the ceremony the couple didn’t agree to.
“By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you Nobody and Joker!”
“What was that?!” you crinkle your nose, puzzled.
“He has a minister license and never used it; he tried to hitch me with my ex too,” J clarifies his brother’s odd conduct.
“You may now kiss the bride!” Arthur shouts and The Joker had enough:
“Shut the fuck up!!!”
“What am I supposed to do with my license then?!” the wavy hair pops in the door frame.
“I don’t care!” J snarls, fed up with his sibling’s persistence. “Go pester someone else!” the door is slammed in Arthur’s face; fortunately the 42 years old is not the type of man to be easily offended.
He adjusts the pieces of tissue sticking out of his bloody nose, proudly holding the minister accreditation at eye level.
“I got myself a sister-in-law,” Arthur chuckles at his achievement, impatiently searching for a pack of cigarettes in the pocket of his red jacket.
 Also read: MASTERLIST
You can also follow me on Ao3 and Wattpad under the same blog name: DiYunho. 
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forasecondtherewedwon · 6 years ago
Hello! I am in love with everything you write. You’re so creative and you’re inspiring me to finally sit down and write something again. I love reading fics with flustered Peter and DAMN you deliver. I’m wondering if you could do a drabble with 23? :)
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Hello, @sydzygy! Thank you for the prompt! Your message was so wonderful that I wish I could’ve gotten to it sooner! I have been writing this one for a while though… the end kinda kept getting further away until, whaddaya know, it’s over 5000 words. Plenty of flustered Peter AND flustered MJ though!
Thanks to you too, Anon! I saw the “please.” I appreciated the “please.” I made the fic NSFW.
Venus, ParkerPairing: Peter Parker x Michelle Jones (Spideychelle)Rating: E/NSFWWord count: 5602
23. “We bet and you lost, so you have to do it.”
“I can’t believe you didn’t intervene,” Peter hissed to Nedas they climbed the dune. “Some ‘guy in the chair’ you are.”
“I didn’t know he was going to make skinny-dipping thepunishment!” his best friend argued back. “How was I supposed to guess that,Peter?”
“You were supposed to stop it from happening in the firstplace!  You were supposed to make somekind of excuse on my behalf as soon as the words ‘I bet Penis can’t do abackflip’ were out of his mouth! I can’t let people know I’m good at thatstuff! It would totally blow my cover! I had to throw it.”
“If I can make a suggestion,” Ned huffed as they neared thetop, brushing through tall spikes of grass; the navy skyline widened. “Youshould work on not reacting to peer pressure. I didn’t make you take the bait.”
Peter sighed.
“I know, he just bugs me. I’m so sick of being called―”
“PENIS! PEEEEENIS! HURRY UP, YOU FUCKING TURTLE!” Flashyelled from the beach. The beam of his flashlight made looping patterns on theground.
Exchanging a weary look, Peter and Ned crested the dune andtook long, uneven strides down the other side, sand pouring into the sides oftheir shoes.
“Flash, come on, man,” Peter tried as they approached hisnemesis. “This is stupid. It wasn’t a fair challenge. Nobody can do abackflip.”
The other boy was unrelenting, grinning in the moonlight.Ugh. Peter just wanted to go back to the campground where the decathlon teamwas set up and have another s’more. Get into his pajamas. Maybe talk to MJ nowthat Mr. Harrington had hit the hay and quit supervising their every move.
“We bet and you lost,” Flash reminded him mercilessly, “soyou have to do it.”
Peter glanced at the dark lake, slow waves licking the shorein a way that made him want to sleep rather than submerge his naked body intowater that was going to feel a hell of a lot colder now that the sun had gonedown.
“Don’t wimp out, Penis.”
The nickname startled Peter and he gave Flash a sharp look.
“You better not look.”
“Oh please,” Flash said, rolling his eyes. (Peter was alittle bit insulted.) “I only have eyes for one man, and that’s Spider-Man.”
Ned failed to muffle his abrupt chuckle and his best friendglared at him.
“Sorry,” Ned mouthed. Flash’s well-known crush on Spider-Manwas a touchy subject for Peter. Shockingly.
The three of them watched the water for a minute. The soundof it, washing in and out, was really peaceful. What a beautiful night to beutterly played by some jackass. Suddenly, there was the vibrating of a phone.It turned out to be Ned’s.
“Betty’s air mattress keeps deflating,” he informed Peter,eyes on the screen. “She asked if I could come help her.”
“Go ahead,” Peter allowed with a half-hearted smile. “Youdon’t need to stick around for this.”
“You should be thankful I’m such a nice guy and didn’tinsist on an audience,” Flash piped up.
Ned gave Peter a sympathetic look and traipsed back towardsthe dunes and the campground beyond. Flash, completely devoid of sympathy,clicked his flashlight off and on impatiently.
“Let’s goooo,” hecomplained.
Peter groaned.
“Fine, but turn around. I’ll yell once I’m in the water.”
“Sounds fair,” Flash agreed.
Of course it was fair―it was the one part of this horriblemisadventure that Peter’d had a say in. Wearily, he shed his clothes, droppedthem in a heap on the sand, and sprinted for the water. He wasn’t going to callback to Flash until he was submerged up to his neck.
MJ didn’t know who was where―as far as she was concerned,being the team’s captain for practices and tournaments didn’t translate intobeing their babysitter for field trips and retreats―just that she was alone.And she liked it that way.
The campfire scene had been pretty mellow until Abe haddecided to experiment with physical equilibrium by balancing their quarteredlogs of firewood, stacking them higher and higher, flames dancing upwards toengulf them. Yeah, that was a little too Lordof the Flies for how MJ wanted her weekend to go, so she’d left thewarnings and chastisement to Betty. (Ned had just shown up to potentially MacGyverher air mattress so the air would quit whistling out every time she laid downon it, leaving his girlfriend free to stop Abe from burning his eyebrows off.)
She’d wound through a thin barrier of trees to escape theglow of the fire and reach the valley of the path leading up between the dunes;now, MJ was scrambling upward, trying to keep her footing while also openingthe new app she’d installed on her phone before they’d left the city. It wassupposed to display the segment of sky currently over her position and map outwhich constellations should be visible to her. As she moved her phone around,the view would apparently shift, offering her information from horizon tohorizon, in any direction. Camp was just too bright and too sheltered to giveher the celestial panorama she craved.
Right when she lifted her gaze from her screen to check outthe vantage from the top of the dune, a blinding light swung across her face.
“Oh my god, this is perfect, here.”
It was Flash’s voice, but MJ could only see pitch black.Asshole had completely wrecked her night vision. What was working was her senseof touch, tested when Flash shoved something against her stomach and shegrasped it instinctively. He was already half-running, half-tripping past her,heading for their team’s campsite while MJ attempted to figure out what she washolding. Soft… lumpy… something that felt like denim?
She stuffed her phone into her pocket (she wouldn’t be ableto see the screen until her eyes adjusted all over again) and staggered generallydownwards, aiming for the soothing sounds of a beach post-nightfall.
After a considerable amount of blinking as she made everyeffort to improve her sight, MJ figured she was halfway across the beach,somewhere between dune and lake. She was sufficiently close to distinguish adark shape in the water. Quickly, she brought the bundle she’d been carrying toarm’s length and realized it was an entire set of clothes. Minus shoes, but MJalmost fell over one of those on her next step. Had Flash murdered someone outhere and tricked her into finding the body? What a shithead.
She flushed like she’d been caught. She also jumped a littleand something dropped limply onto her foot.
“Uh…” MJ called back to Peter, recognizing his voice and thepale circle of his face a little ways out in the water. “…hey, Parker. Why do Ihave your underwear?”
Stooping, she snatched up the item that had fallen and wavedit over her head like a flag of surrender. She’d spoken before she was certain,but one of the pieces of clothing was definitely jeans and, out of the cottonythings that remained, well, whatever she was flailing in the air was the onlyone with an elastic band.
She assumed Peter was crouching because the whole team hadbeen swimming earlier in the day and found the drop-off was a good 100 yardsout, but he confirmed it. With a sudden splash, he started to rise out of thewater and head in her direction. He sunk back down just as abruptly and MJsmiled to herself at his embarrassed laugh, lowering her arm. Excellent, she realizedshe could see now―maybe not far enough to view Peter in detail but, obviouslyshe wouldn’t want that. Why would she want that? She wouldn’t.
“I’m not sure,” he called to her, “but I could guess. I thought I left my clothes on the beach.Between that and you having them, well, that’s gotta be Flash.”
“That clears everything up,” she replied wryly, tossing hisclothes down with a plop and walking to the water’s edge. Amusingly, Petershrunk back a bit. “Let me recite that timeline back to you. First, you’re downhere with Flash. Second, you strip naked. Third, Flash blinds me and gives meyour clothes. You’re pretty smart, Peter. I think you’ll agree that storyleaves a few highly suspicious gaps.”
He groans loudly and MJ grins.
“Flash tricked me into trying to do a backflip, I lost a betwhen I couldn’t, and he has zerosense of human decency.”
“But you can do a backflip.” She was puzzled.
“I’ve seen you do a backflip.”
“You have? When?”
Woops. The perils of being very observant. It wasn’t likeshe’d spied on Peter, she’d just forgotten something after decathlon practice afew weeks ago, gone back, and seen him flip off the stage in the auditorium. MJdidn’t know his gymnastic talents were a secret, exactly, she just hadn’tmentioned them to anyone because initiating conversations still wasn’t secondnature. If these abilities were asecret, she wasn’t protecting him on purpose. Definitely not.
“Uh, don’t remember,” she said, airily blowing him off. Shefrowned. “Aren’t you cold out there?”
She saw him shrug.
“It’s actually not that bad. I had my head under for aminute, which is probably when Flash booked it out of here with my clothes.” MJsnickered and didn’t reply. “Ok,” Peter said after a few seconds, “well, I’llsee you back at camp.”
She stiffened.
“I’m not your personal courier.”
“…What do you mean?”
“I mean I didn’t come down here to deliver your clothes,loser. I’m not leaving yet.”
“But I’m naked!” he yelped.
MJ’s body was just trying to keep her warm without theexternal help of the campfire. That was all this sudden surge of heat was.
“You know, I did actually comprehend that when I had yourboxers in my hand.” She glanced sideways where she’d set his clothes. “You maywant to shake them out before you put them back on, by the way, unless youenjoy sand in delicate places.”
She could practically hear Peter’s weary exhale, butsomething in MJ insisted that she not vacate the beach just because he told herto. This wasn’t his private property and he had no authority over her. Shewasn’t his to… to… Heat flooded her again, face to feet. Yes, this wasdefinitely just her irritation at being bossed around by Backflip Boy.
“When are youleaving?” he tried.
“When I’m done.”
His words sounded like resignation to her, so MJ began torelax again, the way she’d felt when she’d strolled out of camp on her own. That was weird. This calm was something she usually (always) experienced whentotally alone. But Peter was here. Peter was here and he was lazily swimmingcloser, toes probably creeping along the sandy floor of the shallows.
“So… why’d you come out here?”
MJ started to explain, then paused to fish the phone thatwas her alibi out of the pocket of her jean shorts.
“Trying to see the stars better. There’s too much light atcamp.”
“Oh yeah? Cool!” He propelled himself forward some more. Atonce, she was panicky, heart beating too fast. She concentrated on her phone,the screen mostly dark but for the points of light representing stars.
“I said ‘stars’ not ‘Star Wars,’ before you get tooexcited,” MJ warned sarcastically, not looking up.
“My interest in space goes beyond the fictional.”
She raised her head, readying a snarky reply that never came.Peter had his shoulders above the water now, arms out to the sides for balance.As she stared, he tipped his head back, rewetting his hair, then brought it upagain. Her fingers went slack around her phone and she had to catch it with herother hand.
“What were you trying to see specifically?” he asked, wipingwater away from his eyes as it ran down from his hair.
It was a struggle to compose herself, but she did it.
“Well, I sure wasn’t looking for Uranus.”
Peter huffed and stroked with his arms, sending himbackwards several feet. MJ was laughing.
“Peter, don’t. It was a joke. I can’t see anything.”
It took a long, careful stare before he drifted neareragain.
“I know,” he eventually conceded. “I know you can’t seeanything. The dark, the distance, the distortion of the water…” She wanted tocough the word ‘nerd,’ but she restrained herself. “But I’m vulnerable here,”Peter went on, gesturing at himself with both hands. “I can’t leave.”
“Do you want to?” MJ asked without thinking it over.
Peter met her eye.
“Do you?”
She swallowed and cocked her head stiffly, jerky with afluttering anxiousness. It wasn’t a dare, it wasn’t a bet (yeah, Peter’dprobably had enough of those for one night), and yet there was something aboutthe way he’d said it―those two words.
Maintaining eye contact, MJ sat in the sand. This was herstaying. She shuffled her feet out of her flip-flops and flicked them off tothe side, then stretched her legs straight out until her heels were in the lake.Peter was also in the lake. Everything was fine. She inhaled with precision.
Oh fuck, she could see his bare chest.
Abruptly, MJ lost ground on the confident who cares that you’re nude below thewaterline? thing, wimping out and turning her gaze decidedly downwards toher phone screen. She read the words ‘Ursa Minor’ a dozen times, but kept her back stiff like she was concentrating very hard, focusing on something desperately important.
It wasn’t sustainable, this tense effort to ignore Peter.She couldn’t do it at school when he was a dork in the marching band and shesure as hell couldn’t do it when he was bare-ass naked in a lake. Being underthe broad, dark sky was suddenly claustrophobic. MJ couldn’t breathe. Her facewas overly warm. She was going to be asphyxiated by her attraction to Peter.YES! FINE! She was attracted to him!
“Ursa Minor,” MJ mumbled to herself in the fanatical tone ofa madwoman. She was Mrs. Rochester on a beach. Now there was a woman who would’ve been entertained by aconstellation-identifying app, stuck up in the attic all that time. God, MJ wasspiralling. Brontё was her crazy place.
“I know some stuff,” Peter said from the water.
She braced herself for the sight and, yep, there was his wetskin, just glistening away in the moonlight. How dare he.
“I could show you,” he said.
MJ’s mind totally fuzzed on what Peter might be wanting toshow her. Lake Peter. After-dark Peter. Wet Peter. Her heart was bursting likea bagful of popcorn kernels, one eruption after the next.
“Constellations,” he explained, as though she hadn’tresponded because he hadn’t been clear, rather than because she’d gottensidetracked wondering about his sexual savoir-faire.
“How are you going to show me? I won’t be able to tell whatyou’re pointing at.”
“I could come out… but I’d wanna dry off before putting myclothes back on.”
“Yeah, no,” she said immediately. “There’s a time limit onhow long I can respectfully avert my eyes before I get bored standing there anddecide to walk back to camp.”
“You could come in,” Peter replied quietly.
“In… the water.” MJ shivered involuntarily.
“It’s not that cold, right?”
He pointed at where her feet were partially submerged. Shewanted to laugh if the water temperature was the reason he thought she’dshivered. Was Peter just going to pretend that the biggest issue with hissuggestion was the possibility of her getting chilly?
“So you’ll be a gentleman while I get undressed?”
Instantly, he flushed and gestured before his words couldcatch up. Only he didn’t say what MJ expected him to.
“That’s not very fair.”
She gave him a stern look.
“Why not? Sure, I’ve been sitting here with your clothes,but I didn’t watch you remove them. I didn’t stare at your naked body! Not mostof it,” she added under her breath, seeing as she’d been eyeing him in thewater all this time.
Peter glanced down quickly, grinning like he’d heard whatshe’d said.
“I’ll turn around,” he promised, glancing up withsuspiciously trustworthy eyes.
“No?” he choked out.
“Just… cover your eyes,” she requested, getting to her feet.“Then I’ll be able to watch you and know you aren’t somehow ogling myreflection.”
“What if I peeked through my fingers?”
MJ laughed because she knew Peter Parker would do no suchthing.
“Then your guilty expression would betray you the second youdropped your hands.”
He chuckled to himself.
“Yeah, good point.”
“So… cover ‘em, Peter.”
She saw his mouth fall open slightly.
“We’re actually…”
“We’re actually,” MJ confirmed, grabbing the hem of hert-shirt. His eyes grew wider. “Chill. We’re just two nerds talking about astronomy.It’s not a big deal.”
She began to draw her shirt up her stomach slowly, givinghim plenty of warning, and he slapped his hands over his eyes, splashinghimself with lake water. Pausing for nerves, MJ saw Peter shift to regain hisbalance after lifting his arms. The disturbance swished his wet cover to andfro and when it settled, she could see more of his chest. Plus all of hisarms―raised as they were. Face hot, she wondered how long it would take to heata beach by starlight, if they could put a hold on the sun. Because the nightwouldn’t last forever, MJ quickly yanked off her shirt and chucked it on top ofPeter’s clothes.
Her gaze slid intently from the heap to the boy in thewater. He was diligently blocking her out, palms flat over his eyes and fingersstretched up his forehead into the front of his hair. Although she couldn’ttell right now, MJ knew it would curl aggressively as it dried, like it hadthis afternoon after everyone went for a dip together. She thought about it,thought about him, and stared straight at him too as she unbuttoned her shortsand shimmied her legs to shake them down to the sand.
Peter’s chest rose and fell as she watched, reacting tosomething. Must’ve been a ripple in the water, she figured. Something shecouldn’t see from here.
“You haven’t asked,” MJ noted, unclipping her bra. Pile.
“W-what should I ask?”
“If you can look yet. And I didn’t say you should.”
There was a pause, thick like wet sand.
“You’re surprised I’m not more impatient? Do you want me tobe?”
She’d need sunscreen to protect the rest of her exposed skinfrom the way her face seemed to be glowing, ready to sear. How he’d flipped herremark around on her… MJ hadn’t expected it. Another question he’d put to herbluntly that sounded so innocent. But it wasn’t, not really. This wasn’t themsussing out who wanted the last hamburger and was too afraid to be rude. Thiswas a more complicated politick of desire and it couldn’t all be questions andevasions; eventually, there would need to be blunt answers for Peter’s bluntquestions.
“Just an observation,” MJ muttered.
She removed her underwear carefully, keeping them away fromthe sand by lifting her feet high and maneuvering the leg holes swiftly anddexterously around her heels to preclude transfer. All she left on was theelastic in her hair.
“I’m… I’m coming into the water now.”
“I can hear you.”
Maybe her racing heart was drowning out the noise of herfeet, because all MJ heard were tinkling slaps, then gentle swooshing as thelake greeted her ankles, her shins, the tender backs of her knees. Peterrotated towards her as she got closer, she noticed, still covering his eyes.Wading past him, MJ flicked water at his head―a couple feet away when her armwas stretched all the way out to the side. They both laughed. She didn’t stopmoving through the water until it came up just above her breasts when she wasstanding, wetting more of her skin as she sunk down.
Despite attempting to ease the tension (she felt it, he mustbe feeling it), MJ’s heart was still banging hard enough that she expected tosee ripples racing away from her on the surface of the water. She glanced backat the beach, then at Peter. The air was still and the rest of the world seemedpeacefully distant, if not empty. She hopped from foot to foot on the sandylakebed, swaying pleasantly in a way that belied how uncontrolled she felt onthe inside, not just because of the weak current her motions were creating.
Peter dropped his hands and looked at her. MJ drew her armsinstinctively inward, treading water in front of her chest.
“I thought you would wait until I said you could open youreyes,” she told him, not actually upset.
“I figured you’d be… uh… covered by now.” He gestured at hershoulders, peeking above the surface like the curved backs of baby geese.“You’re tall, but you’re not thattall.”
“You figured oryou knew? Am I supposed to believe that you hadn’t already calculated the depthof the water compared to my height, and considered the distance from the beach?The length of my stride, maybe?”
“I just didn’t want to show off.” Peter shrugged, grinning alittle. “Make you feel vulnerable.”
“Oh, you mean like I did to you,” MJ joked.
Incredible. All it took for them to have a non-abusiveconversation was less light and fewer clothes. (No clothes.) There weren’t awealth of ways to replicate these conditions once they got home. There was oneway―one very specific way―but she hadto remember her own excuse for their behaviour: they were just two nerds with ashared interest in astronomy. Every step they’d taken since she’d descended tothe beach was motivated purely by logic.
Yeah, better not consider that intentional state of denialtoo closely.
“Let’s start easy,” Peter suggested.
He flowed towards her―smoother than walking on land, thoughhe did that with a weird gracefulness too―and MJ’s heart flipped end over end.She looked at his face too long after he’d extended his arm, pointing above them.
“The Little Dipper.”
“Ursa Minor,” she corrected. “Yeah, I’ve pretty much gotthat one down.”
Peter appeared blue in this light. Blue and soft anddreamlike, like he was going to take her hand and fly her to Mermaid Lagoon.Wait, wrong Peter.
“Well… hmm.”
His concentration shifted upward, high above the both ofthem. MJ’s remained fixed on his face and the way the moon and the lake ruledits bright places and its shadows; noticing him across a classroom or from theother end of the lunch table wasn’t the same as performing a close study of hisprofile from less than three feet away. The definition of his jaw was asurprise, with his head tilted back. It trapped a shadow beneath it, like aledge. As MJ dragged her eyes slowly down, she tried to discern the exact spotat which that darkness dissolved into the light bouncing up off the water,making his throat pale and vampiric. Or maybe she was the vampire. She certainlywanted to bite down on his skin with her teeth.
MJ yanked the elastic from her hair and shook her head,trying to clear it. Unfortunately, it was as ineffective as shaking a snowglobe and expecting to see through it more easily. She was hazy with Peter, whowas pointing to Venus, checking to make sure MJ was staring at the correctdazzling speck.
“That one?” she asked, squinting although the light sourcewas minute and far, far away. (God,she thought, don’t say that out loud. Notafter you told Peter this wasn’t about Star Wars.)
Peter angled his head in her direction, eyes still on thesky.
“No, the bright one.” Absently, it looked like, he glancedfrom her to Venus, attempting to establish a guiding line he could point along.“Down a little… I think.”
“You think?”
Honestly, MJ wasn’t putting too much effort into findinganything. Her priorities had changed. There were so many fewer opportunities tobe alone with Peter than there were stars visible from the state of New York.
Peter sighed and suddenly his hands came around from behindher, holding underneath her jaw like he was lifting a heavy chalice with bothhands. Like the Holy Grail or something. His thumbs pressed to its hinge, hisindex fingers resting against her cheeks. He directed her manually, helping herfind Venus. MJ was going to burn him. Her face was too hot.
“Do you see? Oh.”
He must’ve snapped out of his science-daze and realized howhe was touching her. How they never touched. They might’ve shaken hands once.(It was three times―she remembered.) Peter’s fingers sprang away from her skin,jack-in-the-box quick, but MJ grabbed his hands.
“I see,” she said, turning weightlessly in the water. Thewet ends of her hair stroked her back.
She let go of one of Peter’s hands and, miraculously, itlanded on the back of her neck. The pads of his fingers were pruney. The otherhand MJ kept, her arm crossing her body to maintain contact.
“It is a bigdeal,” he told her. She vaguely recalled stating the opposite, lying. “It is.”
Cautious, MJ leaned her upper body closer, led by her lips.Her gaze went from Peter’s mouth to his eyes, mouth to eyes, up and down, likeflipping a light switch on and off repeatedly. When her lips actually met his,it was strange. She was too aware of them, the texture. Then, MJ was aware ofherself, trembling. They broke the kiss.
Peter held her face again with both hands and she saw thathis expression was calm, the way that his eyelashes flapped lightly with hiseyelids half-lowered, brown eyes warm and deep, staring at her mouth. Beforeshe could take a breath or think anything through, she kissed him again,quickly.
Heat burned through her, a match dropped in a trail ofgasoline. MJ inhaled hard through her nose and pressed her mouth firmly toPeter’s as he slid his hand to the back of her neck; his thumb dug in next toher spine and it felt really good, like a massage.
Tentatively, their tongues touched and retreated. Then,Peter surged forward like he knew what he was doing and, hell, she wasconvinced, finding his shoulders and grabbing on. Having someone’s tongue inher mouth was decidedly more thrilling in practice than in theory. MJ felt herhead tilting more to the side, rocking forward and back, as her lips moved withPeter’s.
While the sand dipped and swished under her curling toes,his desire was her solid ground.
The second time they paused to breathe, MJ noticed she’dwrapped her arm over Peter’s shoulder, and that his hand had caressed downwardfrom her neck to her upper back.
“You wanna get out?” he panted. In the moonlight, she wascaught up in counting the freckles on his nose; they’d darkened and multipliedsince the decathlon team had arrived at the campground.
She could tell he was trying to figure out what the rightthing was, so that he could do it. Typical Peter.
He raised hopeful eyebrows and MJ felt shy. Not because theywere slowly circling, hands on each other in perfectly appropriate places(though on each other’s naked bodies nonetheless), but because she was admitting,out loud, in one syllable, that she wanted him.
“I was right, wasn’t I?” Peter checked, head inclinedtowards hers. “Water’s not too cold.”
“You better not be peeing, Parker,” MJ threatened.
When he laughed in surprise, she threw her other arm behindhis neck and pulled herself close to him with a smirk on her mouth.
The kiss was softer than she’d intended. That was becauseher legs had rubbed against his underwater. It wasn’t just their knees bumping,which had been likely enough as they’d moved closer since they were bothcrouching slightly; the outer part of MJ’s thigh brushed along the inside ofPeter’s. The side of her slim calf encountered the solid curve of muscle inhis. It woke things in her, like the first spark catching on a crumpled pieceof newspaper when Mr. Harrington finally got the campfire going after insistinghe didn’t need a lighter (and being shocked and disappointed when Flash hadreadily produced one and offered it up to hurry the process).
MJ could tell Peter felt it too―not just her leg, the awakening. Which was really asuper clichéd and simplistic way to think about adolescent sexuality, particularly female sexuality, but yeah, it appeared that her relationship withher own passion was coming down to this. A moment with Peter Parker, floating between Venus and a shallow drop-off.
Peter’s hand swept down her back as he released a shakysigh; MJ felt as though she was waking up to find herself shuffling onto hislap, lifting her legs with sleepy slowness to hook them over his. They sanklower into the water together, chins briefly dipped.
“Hey, MJ,” he murmured.
She bit her lip.
“Peter,” she acknowledged.
This kiss was gentle on purpose, exploratory and calm enoughto slide through the surface of their pooled attraction without a ripple. Itdidn’t stir up anything more frantic, as her lips compressed steadily to his.Peter’s hand was secure on the small of her back, her arms loosely around hisshoulders. Their warm exhalations left the mildest currents in the air betweenthem.
He began to play absently with her hair, collecting it witha hand that skimmed behind her shoulders, then closed in a circle like a slackelastic. MJ smiled against his mouth and felt the little dimples of muscle inhis back when he moved his arm. Their tongues met again, but it was easy and incontrol. She thought about bobbing there all night with him and creeping totheir tents when the sky turned a thin, pale grey.
Then Peter had to go and shift his hand, allowing cool waterto touch the spot his palm had warmed on her lower back. Making her shiver.
MJ hadn’t known that about him, that such a tiny reactionwould cause him to respond like it’d been a seismic tremor, like she’d shakenthe ground beneath his feet, but when she moved, he moved. His mouth surgedagainst hers and he gathered her so close that her stomach was pressed upagainst his erection―her stomach and lower, legs splayed on his lap.
It was as sudden as an undertow and, fittingly, she didn’tknow which way was up. This, this had been lurking all that time she’d spentwatching Peter, this had been waiting for her while she was waiting for him. MJclung to it now (and to him) and couldn’t believe she’d spared him even onesecond to point at the sky. He wanted to show her Venus? Too late. She’d foundit for herself and, yeah, maybe it was more a Venus of the Greek goddessvariety, but Peter didn’t seem to be having any issue with that.
There was a wetness between them that wasn’t just the lake.Though the water worked against it, Peter and MJ―foreheads bumping lightly asthey closed their eyes and breathed hard―kept replenishing it, bodies grindingtogether out of sight below the dark, glassy surface. Her calves were tense asshe hung on to him.
All the external rubbing made MJ’s insides feel electric;maybe she was lighting up like a jellyfish, sonic blue. It certainly seemed toshock him when she drew in a demanding, shuddering breath and climaxed, handsclenching to fists behind his back, nails catching his skin.
“Oh my god,” he said, and she opened her eyes to thepleading scrunch of his forehead. A pair of eyes like lucky pennies in afountain. “Is it ok if I…?”
MJ smiled in satiated amusement and rocked her hips. Themotion urged an oversensitive wiggle out of her, until Peter’s hands held herfast, hugging her body to his. As his hips bucked, she instinctively nuzzledthe side of her face into his and scooped up a handful of water. He groaned hername and she felt immortal.
Lifting her hand, she slowly tipped the water out onto theback of Peter’s head. It rewet his hair and trickled along the back of hisneck. MJ parted her arms to give it a path between his shoulder blades and inthe meantime, Peter came. When his chin tucked over her shoulder, something hither hard in the heart. She hugged him back fiercely.
And they floated.
In the end, MJ got out first while Peter sat with his backto her in the shallow water, arms on his bent knees. She threw on her clotheswith her skin still wet (camp and the chance for a hot shower followed by dry pajamaswere close), then he did the same while she faced their lake.
Their hands had never touched each other anywhere beyondthose appropriate places, but their fingers linked as they climbed the dunesand they shared a shy, silent look over that little intimacy.
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allthingshetalia · 6 years ago
Would it be ok to request some cuddly Romano with a touch starved s/o, just being sweet and intimate. Headcanons or scenario or anything is fine, I just need some fluff rn :(
💕I feel that💕
“Mmmm.” You moaned as you stepped into the steaming bath. You thanked god that Lovi decided it would be best to get the hotel room with the XL bath, because it was practically a jacuzzi.
You were both currently in Finland for a world meeting. Lovi refuses to go to one without you now because one time the meeting got extended to 3 weeks instead of just 2 and that was hell for the both of you.
But sadly only Countries were allowed in the meeting room (besides maids and stuff) so you were on your own from 9am to 6pm, or sometimes even longer.
Your body was use to hot Italy air, not the chilled air of Finland, so it was almost torture to go outside. But you still managed and wandered around the touristy town. But now your feet were bruised and rubbed raw from you snow boots. You skin and lips were dry and you couldn’t wait to get back to the hotel room and take a nice hot bath to defrost.
So here you were.
Your slightly snow damped hair was tied up into a bun. (Or if you have short hair it just stays the same). Everything from your chin down was submerged in the pink bubbly water. The entire room smelled like roses and vanilla. You had a glass of wine and some leftover pizza Roma insisted on making so you weren’t stuck eating ‘crappy Finish food.’ His words not yours.
“Vita Mia (my life), I’m back!” You heard your boyfriend shout almost slamming the door behind him. “Where the f*ck are you?” You heard him mutter somewhere in the other room. You laughed loudly giving away your hiding space.
“Oh, well this is a slight I want to come home to everyday.” He smirked pushing the cracked door all the way open.
He had already taken off his blazer and was mid unbuttoning his dress shirt exposing more of his tan, slightly hairy chest.
You had to pull the pizza away from you lips in fear of choking. Why did he have to be so attractive?
His olive eyes scanned you up and down in the water making you instinctively cover yourself. Even though he had seen you naked many times it always made you blush. He rolled his eyes at you and mouthed “you’re beautiful” making you blush dark red and chug what was left of your wine.
Once he was done undressing you scooted forward so he can sit behind you.
The calm water turned into a light tsunami as extra weight was added in it. You felt his thighs rub against your hips and you were lifted up making you grip his leg out of fear. He sat you completely on his lap and pressed your back against his chest. He chuckled against your bare neck at your reaction causing you to shiver.
“So what have you been up to?” He asked as you for udjusted. His hand suddenly darted into the water grabbing your sore foot. His thumb skimmed against the ball of your foot, applying light pressure. “Why didn’t you wear some thick socks?” He asked massaging your ankle.
“I didn’t have any. I thought I packed some. I know you asked to make sure I had them and I thought I did.” You mumbled pushing your foot down silently begging him to massage your calves.
“You should’ve just taken some of mine.” He mumbled digging his fingers into the muscles of your calves. His head was bent kissing up and down your neck and shoulder, while his other hand was lightly running up and down the back of your thigh.
“They won’t fit me.”
“If you pull them up and roll them. They may not be completely comfy but it’s better than having a hurt foot, Bella.” He reasoned applying more pressure to his actions.
You were practically liquid in his hands, just completely melted against him.
“How was your day?” You moaned out causing an airy chuckle leave his lips. His hands left your body making you whimper in discontent. He leaned forward grabbing the opened bottle of wine and your empty wine glass refilling it almost to the top.
Taking a large gulp he placed the glass on the rim of the tub bringing one hand down to your hip massaging it. His other hand moved to your inner thigh gripping it whilst tapping his thumb against it, like it was dancing to some song Lovi had trapped in his head.
“It was boring. I almost killed 3 people and wanted to throw myself out the window.” He groaned against the back of your head. You giggled loudly and tilted your head back so you were staring into those beautiful olive eyes.
“I’m happy you didn’t throw yourself out the window.” You laughed bringing your hand up and brushing his slightly curly hair away from his eyes. The steam of the tub caused his normally straight hair to shrink and curl.
He kissed your forehead softly, leaning his head into your hand.
“Well I couldn’t just leave you here, after all who would protect you, make you delicious food, take care of you and give you their socks?” He asked causing both of you to laugh. He reached over grabbing the wine glass again taking a few sips before handing it down to you.
“How about I skip the meeting tomorrow?” He blurted out making you stop drinking.
“Can you do that?” You wondered putting the wine glass down and turning around so you were straddling him.
His eyes scanned down your body before he snapped out of his trance.
“I’m sure, I mean half of them skip one or two days anyway and as long as I get my paperwork it’ll be fine. And Veni will be there.” He explained. Nodding your head you leaned forward so your head was buried in his neck. His hands ran up and down your back, lightly squeezing your bottom.
Smirking lightly you kissed his neck making him tense. You kissed all the way up until you got to a certain spot and bit down making him groan loudly into your ear before attacking you with kisses and nips.
He’ll be to tired to go tomorrow anyway.
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footballffbarbiex · 5 years ago
I mean about Roman one 😊 I want one when he is going to Bali with his gf and he make her a surprise there . I want to be fluff and smut . Thank you ❤
I hope you like it and thank you for requesting :)
If you’re reading this on the app, chances are the layout spacing is awful. I’m sorry!
Roman had been as hooked on the idea as she was after seeing pictures of the hanging gardens. They’d both previously agreed that they’d wanted to go on holiday together and while they couldn’t make up their mind where to go, those pictures of Bali had brought them together and the destination was decided. The only question was when. Roman enjoyed his off season exploring new places in the States and finishing off with a week in Ibiza. This hadn’t changed since being with his girlfriend and she didn’t mind in the slightest.
Like Roman, she too would go on holiday with her girls and everything had been fine until they decided to holiday together. Tensions were heightened and neither wanted to drop part of their holiday, even if it meant that they’d be together. In the end, they decided to go to Bali and both then fly to Ibiza and have one big end of season blow out. It was the best of both worlds and the easiest to plan.
She’s been laid beside the pool for a good hour, her skin is hot and she keeps checking to see if she has any paler areas by moving her bikini. She feels silly. They’re above everyone else and as far as she’s aware, no one has recognised Roman to be trying to sneak pictures. There’s no drones about and no chance of paparazzi following them here. She peeks over at Roman who is on the decking completing a body work out and decides it’s worth the risk.
Her hands reach behind her and she tugs at the strings holding the flimsy material in place. The moment she tugs at the strings, her top falls away. She checks to see if Roman’s noticed but he’s still concentrating on his bumpees to see her slip into the water and drop her bikini top onto the side. The cold water makes goosebumps appear over her skin and she can’t stop the shiver that ripples through her. Submerging herself completely within the water, she pushes back up and runs her hands over her face once back above the surface.
She turns over, laying on her back and allows her body to flatten on the surface so she can float along. She relaxes like this, enjoying the water licking over her skin, though after a while she begins to feel as though she’s been watched. Turning her head slightly, she locks eyes with Roman who has paused.“Are you ok?” She calls out, slowly moving her hands so that she’s moving carefully.“Interesting place for your bikini top to be.” He replies, kicking off his shoes and removing his socks.“I was getting a little hot. Thought one less layer would help.”“You’ve still got one on.” Roman points out as he sits on the edge of the pool and kicks his legs through the water, careful not to splash.“That sounds like a complaint.” She turns up right and swims just close enough for her to still be out of reach but close enough for him to be able to see.
“It’s absolutely not a complaint.”“So you don’t want these off too?” She asks. Her feet touch the floor now she’s in a shallow part of the pool, the water has lowered here, it sits just above her nipples and for a moment, she simply stands before him. Roman’s eyes are fixed on her chest before he slowly drags his gaze upwards. She hooks her fingers under the side of her bikini bottoms and begins to slip them down her thighs.“I’m supposed to be working out.” Roman says half-heartedly.“And I’m supposed to be tanning. I’d hate to have any lines…” She manoeuvres her body as she pulls the bikini bottoms from her and lifts them up to show him. “Well, how about that?”
“Don’t make me pull you out of this pool.” Roman comments as she throws them onto the side with a splat.“You’d have to catch me first.” She grins as she pushes away from her spot, using her arms to push her further through the water as her body lifts to float once more, indeed showing Roman her perfectly naked figure.“You’re making this really hard.”“This or you?” She asks, pretending as though she doesn’t really care but she hopes it’ll get the reaction she wants from him. With one arm extended to keep her afloat, she runs the other over her body slowly. Tracing up and down her stomach, over her hard nipples which she can’t help but tweak playfully as she pretends she can’t see him watching her. She makes sure Roman has seen this before pulling her fingers down between her ribs, over her belly and towards her pussy.
“If you think seeing my stunning girlfriend naked isn’t doing anything to me, then you’re very much mistaken.” Roman says as he pulls his shirt over his head and throws it onto the sun lounger. He gets to his feet and pulls down his training sweats, leaving him standing before her in only his boxers. “Catch you huh?” There’s a glint in his eye that makes her turn over onto her front and try to swim away but she hears his body cutting through the water before she’s able to get far and his arms wrap around her.
He gives a sharp intake of breath as he breaks through the surface and begins to pull her body back through the water towards the shallow. Once on the steps, Roman lets go of her and yanks down his boxers before pulling her onto his lap. She happily fits herself there, her knees on either side of his thighs, one hand on his shoulder while the other is between their bodies. She grips him at the base and lowers herself down onto him, the water acting as a lubricant and enabling her to take him at once. Once inside of her, Roman pushes the two of them up onto the next step, lifting them out of the water so it laps at his thighs rather than risks going inside of her.
She can’t stop the moan that escapes her at the sensation of being filled and stretched to her fullest. Her nails sink into Roman’s shoulder and he buries his face to her chest, sucking one of her nipples between his lips and swipes his tongue over the hard bud as she begins to move against him, rocking her hips and picking up the pace to the one that drives him crazy.
There’s something about being outside, under the heat of the sun and where people could see them if they really wanted to. There was a thrill of being caught and it’s that which makes her continue. She gives it her best, rising above him halfway before sinking back down against until he’s fully inside her. Roman grips her waist, helps to control the pace which she rides him and holds her against him occasionally, needing to feel his cock deep within her, pausing just long enough for her to feel him pulse.
She’s mid-bounce when he takes over. His arms are around her, holding her against his chest as he thrusts up into her. He takes her harder than she’d rode him, driving himself into her over and over. He eats up her moans, laps up her cuss words and whimpers at the sound of his name rolling from her tongue with such ecstasy it shouldn’t be allowed. The final call of his name tips him over the edge, he buries himself as deeply as he can and as he spills his orgasm inside of her.“There’s no way you’re leaving me unfinished,” she groans, her eyes heavy as she tries to focus them. Her body is still reacting from the way he thrust into her.“I am.” He states, “I’ve got a workout to finish and you don’t get to cum so easily after teasing me like that. If you’re a good girl, I’ll give you what you want later.” He grins, pressing his lips to hers.
If you’ve got this far and liked it, let me know what you think or give it a like and ease my worried heart?  
Forever tags: @starkrogerspls | @neymarlionelmessi7 | @elle-aaron  | @kxndrixx | @imakemyselfcringe | @leduqdefoot | @fangirlinsince1998 | @fcbarcafics | @dejanlovren06 | @msgem | @grizifc | @xxsophie-raabxx | @degea-drama-llama | @evie-pr | @meteora-fc  | @softstonsey | @fcgrizi  | @antoine-james |  @footballfangurl |   @romanisbaex |
Roman:  @iuliaaa21 |   @pollaluci
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colonel-insomniac · 5 years ago
The Thief's Prince (part two
A/N- ok guys part two is here and part three will be up at most by next weekend though I'll try and get it up before then. Read all my other one shots on AO3 here
“I am so dead.” Are the only words that managed to exit the boy sitting naked in the tub.
“Uhm, I’m sorry but you just came out of a locket and I’m naked. So, uhm, who are you exactly?” Bobby asks, trying to stay calm, thankful for the bubbles covering his less appropriate areas.
“Ah, excuse me, Mr Porter. I am Sheldon Copepod, and I am the powerful being that haunts this locket. I am a genie and I am here to grant you three wishes of whatever you may desire, whenever you desire.” Bobby has to think about this one.
“Wait. I’m getting major vibes that you’re the type of genie that takes everything literally. And doesn’t copepod mean shrimp?” The genie looked a little bothered, at Bobby’s questions, but answered them regardless.
“Yes, and yes. If you absolutely have to know, the last genie of this lamp had a curse put upon him, and I was foolish enough to trade spots with him, and then the curse moved to me.” Bobby hates the feeling of being enclosed in a space, and so naturally he feels bad for Sheldon.
“How long have you been stuck in there?” Maybe he’s being too forward, but he really feels bad.
“Two decades.” Twenty years? That’s only one year older than Bobby, meaning that Sheldon has been stuck there for the entire duration of Bobby’s life.
“So I get three wishes?” He’s already thinking of what he might want, but he also knows that if he were the one trapped in there, he’d want his freedom. He’s gonna free Sheldon. But he isn’t going to tell him that just yet, just in case he tries to pull something.
“I believe that is what I said, yes. Now, do you wanna make your first wish or not? I’m a very busy genie.” Bobby contemplates asking exactly how someone trapped in a locket could have so many things to do, but he thinks better of it; pissing off something more powerful than you probably isn’t the best idea.
“I’m not exactly sure what I should wish for.” Sheldon sighs, and Bobby swears he hears him mutter “how did I get stuck with such a stupid kid?” which makes bothers Bobby a little. He is not a kid anymore, he’s a criminal. And criminals are too weathered to be considered kids, regardless of age.
    “Kid, I can do just about anything you want me to do.” Sheldon is quick to add on when he sees Bobby’s eyes widen with all the possibilities. “Within limits, of course. I can not and will not kill anyone, bring anyone back from the dead, or make anyone fall in love with you. That last one would just be cruel.” Bobby’s cheeks flush at the last part, instantly thinking of the prince, even though that’s just stupid.
    Everyone knows the prince would never love a criminal, it’s just plain strange. And yet, Bobby still can’t help but fantasize, even if it would never work out. He’s going to get hanged for his crimes if anyone figures out his true identity, and even though prince Patrick knows, Bobby figures he’s probably the safest one to have found out. Childhood friends, and all.
“Okay, well I don’t need anything now, and it seems wasteful to use a wish on something when I could be in danger later, so I don’t have a wish right now.” The glare sent his way by the being makes him add a ‘sorry.’ He’s really not trying to be cursed tonight.
The genie disappears back into the locket, accidentally knocking something over. It clatters on the floor, and Bobby cringes each time it makes contact with the floor. Bobby next hears footsteps rushing towards the door, and three and a half knocks. “Are you alright?” The prince asks, his voice slightly muffled by the door.
Bobby nods, head still whirling from everything going on, and it takes him a moment to realize Patrick can’t actually see him. “Uh, yeah! Just knocked something over accidentally.”
He decides he’s probably been in there long enough, so he drains the water out of the tub and dries himself off and redresses in his dirt-stained clothes. When Bobby exits the bathroom, he sort of just stands awkardly in the room, freezing but not wanting to say anything. He’s taken enough, he thinks. A locket, a bunch of semi-valuable to valuable items, he literally robbed Patrick the second he turned away and was able to. Bobby’s such a bad person.
His stomach feels as though it’s in knots, and he’s kinda concerned he’s gonna throw up, but then Patrick looks over, and leaps out of his bed excitedly, a gleeful look in his eye. “Yay, you’re back—wait, are you okay? You look like you’re gonna be sick. Come, lie down on my bed?” He asks, pushing the shorter boy towards the bed, a hand on Bobby’s back, and it burns Bobby through his shirt; it makes him feel even worse.
So he walks. Not because he thinks he should lie down, but because it’s the only way he can stop himself from either freezing up completely, or bolting out the door, away from here, from this kingdom. Maybe he ought to do that anyways. Rid the kingdom of the petty thief known as Acro.
Bobby’s mom used to tell him that he was born with an extra sensitive heart; she told him that the emotions people felt, he felt on a deeper level. But for a majority of his life, he’d only felt happiness. He felt that glittering emotion, sparkling like a diamond submerged in a lake in the afternoon. And this feeling of overwhelming guilt is choking him from inside his body. He’s repelled by it, and even though he just bathed, he feels dirtier than he did before.
The bed is indescribably soft, and the pillows even softer, and Bobby knows if it weren’t for his current predicament, he’d be out cold in a matter of minutes. He’d give anything to fall into that peaceful oblivion right now. “Why are you being so nice to me?” He asks. “I’m a thief, and I’ve deceived so many people.” Patrick sighs, but his back is towards Bobby, so he can’t see the prince’s expression.
“Doing whatever you must to keep you and your loved one’s alive is hardly a crime. In my mind, it cancels out the crime.” Bobby turns around, cheek pressed to the pillow, and closes his eyes. That statement won’t hold when Patrick finds out they were robbed. He’s going to instantly know it was Bobby, and then probably have the king sentence him to life in the dark dungeon.
He mutters something along these lines, and Patrick whirls around. “Did you say something?” He asked, and Bobby gets the feeling that the prince is ready to argue with Bobby on this.
“I said that wouldn’t be your outlook if you were one being robbed.”
“Maybe not, and you’re right because I’ve only ever lived with money, I’ve never been robbed—” Oh, the irony, “—so maybe you are right. Maybe I would hate you then. But I have the money, I have everything I need and more. I don’t see why we don’t give money to the people, to be honest. It really doesn’t make sense.”
Bobby’s left speechless for a moment. He’s never met someone who was so nonchalant and uncaring about his money. He really should have asked, but that would have been embarrassing. Bobby has to go get the stolen items and return them before anyone finds out. But how can he just excuse himself? He slides off the bed, “I need to go, I forgot I had to do something for my boss.” He imagines the words spilling over his shoulders as he rushes out the door. A knot is in his gut as he runs, his feet pounding on the pavement, pushing him forward. Each step fills him with more and more hope.
The doors to the Krustie Krabbe clang open, but Bobby barely flinches. “Mr Krabbes!” He calls out. Surely he’s left the restaurant, it’s late in the night. He checks his office anyways, hoping against all odds that Krabbes is there.
No luck. He grabs a couple of burgers and bags them before heading back out. He's gotta check out Krabbes' house next. The house is small, painted black and white, and Bobby knocks on the wood door. He knocks every couple seconds, desperate to fix his mistake before it gets noticed.
"What is it, boy? You be knockin like some Savage beast be nippin at your heels."
"Mr Krabbes, we made a mistake. We need to go return all the stuff from the palace. The prince—" Krabbes cuts Bobby off quickly, pulling him in the house harshly.
"You got found out by the prince? And yer here, compromising me situation?" Bobby inwardly groans.
"You don't get it, he's not like the king he said he'd give people money if they needed it. We can just ask him for money!" At the mention of money, Krabbes pauses, giving Bobby hope that his boss will give in.
But then he shakes his head. Because of course he would. "No me boy! It's a good idea in theory but he won't be that open with his money once you ask." Bobby's head drops and he looks at his shoes, silently angry.
"Besides, it wouldn't keep us going for long. We got mouths to feed, boy-o, and we can't keep asking the prince for money." He adds in a softer tone.
Bobby sighs and watches as locks of his strawberry blonde hair bounce. "Alright." He replies, turning on his heel. He leaves with a muttered goodnight, and doesn't look back.
The bag of burgers is still clutched in his hand, forgotten but not unwanted, and Bobby keeps his eyes carefully trained on the horizon, pushing out all his thoughts. The palace looms over him, looking more daunting than it previously had, but Bobby scales the wall anyways, miraculously unseen yet again.
He trudges toward the prince's room, heart in his stomach. He could always rob it back from Mr Krabbes, but he doesn't know whether he'd want to risk his job or not. "Patrick," he calls through the door, "I'm back. I brought food too!" He tries to keep his tone light and happy despite not feeling like it. He really is a deceiver.
When the door opens, Bobby walks in, chattering to avoid the gnawing guilt he feels. It isn't until he's seated on the floor, waiting for Patrick to join him that he realizes the prince hasn't said a word. He looks up at Patrick, who's looking at him with a frown, eyebrows scrunched together.  "Do you know what happened while you were away?" Is the first thing the taller of the two asks.
Bobby shakes his head, gulping. "The guards found that there were things missing from the palace. Some silverware, some jewelry, some gold. We were robbed. And y'know the name I heard from the guards?" Bobby stays completely still, stiller than he's ever been in his life. The prince continues: "Acro. That's what they said. They said they were sure it had to be Acro because like all of Acro's thefts, everything was put back the way it was, neatly. Almost as though trying to hide that a theft had occurred."
It's true. When he's stealing from the vendors he can't necessarily afford to be meticulous, but on the small handful of home robberies that he's done, he's always made sure to neaten everything up. He looks away from the prince. "Why'd you do it?" He asks, voice laced with sorrow.
This makes Bobby sadder but it also angers him. That's exactly what he was saying to the prince earlier. "I told you you wouldn't get it." Bobby stands up, decreasing the distance between them. "You didn't listen. You have no clue how it is out there or what it feels like to go to bed with an empty stomach, trying to make the best of it because your friends need it more. You don't know how impossible it is to make money out there, you don't know what it's like to essentially be forced to rob and run for your life because you grew up with money, you grew up comfortable."
Bobby's suddenly of his rising voice, his finger poking Patrick's chest, the prince's breath hitting his forehead. He has to contain himself. "I should call the guards." Patrick states icily.
"Do it." Bobby snarls. "I dare you."
The prince narrows his eyebrows, and shouts the word at the top of his lungs and moments later, four guards rush in, grabbing Bobby by the arms. "This boy bothering you, your highness?" One of them states. His voice is deep, smooth like velvet.
"That boy has confessed to me that he is none other than Acro." He States, maintaining eye contact with Bobby.
Bobby can feel the blood leech out of his face, suddenly numb. He can't hear the conversation amidst his shock, and he hardly feels them dragging him away. He's looking at Patrick, who's looking at him. Both of them broken.  
The dungeon is cold and damp. It feels grey, sucking out the color of the world, leaving it hollow. The way he feels on the inside. He's curled in a ball in the corner of his cell, trying to piece things together.
He's going to be executed. Day after tomorrow. It's off with his head. He's past crying now, he's just thinking and thinking and thinking. Bobby wishes he'd done everything different. He's hugging his knees to his chest when something clatters to the ground, startling him. The locker.
He face palms. Of course! Why didn't he think of it sooner? Hurriedly, Bobby picks the necklace up, secures it around his neck and rubs it. "What, what do you—where are we?"
"We're in the dungeon and I'm gonna have my head chopped off. They found out I'm the thief they've been searching for. Can you help me?" The genie blinks in surprise. Maybe it's the wild look in Bobby's eyes, or the desperation in his voice, but the glare that was fixed on him by the genie melted off Sheldon’s face, and he nods. “It’ll take a wish, though.”
“Yeah, but I figure that my life is at stake here, probably a good way to use my first wish.” Bobby would smile, but he’s feeling so numb. So empty. So broken.
Sheldon nods, snapping his fingers. When Bobby opens his eyes, the two are in a sandy setting, and in the back of his mind Bobby thinks of the word ‘desert.’ “Where are we?” He asks, fingers digging into the soft grains.
“See that building that’s just barely visible?” Sheldon points into the distance, and if Bobby squints his eyes, he can just barely see a structure. He nods, and Sheldon continues: “Well, that’s where we need to head to. When we get there, I think we’ll find someone who might be able to help.” The mismatched pair head off towards the unknown. Well, unknown to Bobby.
Hours later, they reach their destination, and strains of music hit his ears. There are people flitting to and from, chattering above the music in a tongue he can’t understand. He’s not sure where he is, but he’s relieved he isn’t home for the moment. He’d be a sitting duck, waiting for his demise to come at last. He could just never return, now that he thinks about it. He could stay here, lonely, unable to communicate with those around him. He would be safer.
“Quit your sulking and get a move on.” Bobby’s companion had quit his floating, now walking beside him, dressed in clothes similar to his own.
“I think I earned the right to sulk.” Bobby remarks sarcastically, rolling his eyes.
“Why, because some guy you knew once upon a time ratted you out and he just so happens to be the prince and love your life?” Sheldon bats his eyes at the last part, mocking Bobby lightly.
“Oh be quiet, you wouldn’t understand what it’s like to finally reunite with an old friend you have feelings for only to mess it up because of who you are.” Bobby sighs, blinking back tears.
Sheldon’s face closes off in the span of a second: “Maybe I understand better than you think.” Bobby studies his companions face for a moment, eyebrows scrunched in thought. “Anyways,” The genie changes the subject, attitude flipping on a dime as they approach the doors to a castle, “Here we are.”
Bobby isn’t exactly sure where here is, but the genie knocks on the wood doors, and when they swing open, the genie and Bobby walk in, greeted by a giant fountain. Sheldon guides Bobby around the fountain, almost as though he knows exactly where he’s going. A couple minutes later, the two reach a door, and Sheldon knocks the door before swinging it open. Bobby’s about to protest and insist they wait for a response, but all his thoughts disappear when he sees the one and only Aladdin lounging on a fainting chair. He sits up when he sees the pair. “Hey guys!” He swings himself off the chair and stands in front of them. He’s a head or so taller than Bobby, and when Aladdin looks at Bobby he appears pained for some reason. “You’re so young.” Are the only words he appears to be able to communicate.
Bobby’s the first to break eye contact. “I’m Bobby Porter. I got into some seriously hot water. I’m scheduled to be executed day after tomorrow. I don’t know what to do, but can you maybe help me?” Aladdin nods, sympathy written on his features.
“I’ll try everything I can, but I don’t know how much help I’ll end up being. My circumstances worked out in the best way possible for me, but that might have been pure luck.” Bobby nods, wishing this didn’t even have to happen at all.
"Alright, so have you tried winning the hand of the princess?" He begins, and Bobby flushes.
"Actually, it's a prince, but yeah, I tried. Kind of. It backfired though.” Intrigued eyes meet Bobby’s sad ones. "I kinda robbed him and his father and he found out it was me and ratted me out." Bobby's cheeks burn, but mostly because it seems so stupid. Why would anyone risk robbing the royal family?
"Oh, that makes things a little tougher." Is the response he gets and Bobby nods somberly.
"Well, you could get him away from the palace and talk things through with him?"
"I tried that already." Bobby replies, irritated and sad.
"Did you try that or did you get defensive? 'Cause it isn't uncommon for thieves like us to get defensive when confronted.” Bobby looks away, which gives the answer off.
“Okay, that answers that,” Aladdin claps his hands, startling Bobby a little. “The good news is I’ve got a plan. But for it to work I need to come too.”
Bobby nods, “I don’t wanna use my second wish to get us back in case we need it for something later.” He’s still so shaken from the thought of his head getting chopped off, the feeling of the cold metal they bound his wrists with on the way to the dungeon burned into his skin, and he can feel the phantom nick of a sharp object caressing his neck. He pushes those thoughts away and focuses on his breathing only. He can’t break down here, not now.
Aladdin seems to sense Bobby’s thoughts veering onto a much darker path, and he interjects into the noise in Bobby’s brain. “We can use my carpet.” Is the simple response given, and Bobby’s vaguely aware of a warm hand on his freckled forearm.
He nods, focusing on that warmth as he stands up and puts on a brave front. “Right, let's get this thing started.”
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captainrogers-ass · 6 years ago
Save Me - Chapter 2
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Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader, multiple MCU characters
Word Count: 2482
Summary: Y/N has finally landed her dream job as a lifeguard on Midgard Beach, but how well will she fit in with the team and how will she cope after grabbing the attention of the blue-eyed captain?
A/N: I’ve had a lot of free time recently so I’ll try to post as quick as possible. For some reason it’s not letting me add line breaks so I’ve just put asterisks where a line break should be. I’m really enjoying writing so far so I hope you all enjoy it as well xx :))
“Hi,” the new girl spoke up, raising her hand to wave at the group.
Bucky leaned closer to Steve’s ear, whispering quietly so the rest of the room couldn’t hear, “She’s kinda cute.”
Steve chuckled to himself as he shook his head; of course that was Bucky’s first thought about their new coworker.
“I thought you were dating that redheaded swimsuit model?” Steve whispered back, causing Bucky to laugh quietly.
“Hey, what’s wrong with acknowledging beauty?”
“You’re impossible,” Steve smiled.
“She’s kind of small to be a lifeguard, don’t you think?” Clint whispered to Natasha
“That’s what you said about me when I first started,” Natasha responded.
“That’s because you were small. Are small I should say,” Clint laughed as Natasha playfully punched him.
“I can still beat your ass old man.”
“I didn’t know we were getting a new member,” Peter exclaimed to Tony.
“That’s because you don’t read Fury’s emails,” Tony laughed, watching as Peter dropped his head in embarrassment.
“Well it’s not my fault he sends so many!”
The room was lulled back to silence from a single stare from Fury, grabbing everyones attention once more.
“I want everyone down at the beach in ten minutes in your gear. I’ll leave you to get to know Y/N,” Fury said, turning on his heals as he exited the way he had come.
You pleaded for Fury to come back as you watched him walk away, his strides long and quick as he carried himself out the door, leaving you alone with a group full of strangers. When his presence had left the room all eyes returned to you once more.
The silence was deafening.
“I guess I’ll introduce myself first then,” a redheaded woman spoke up, getting up from her chair to shake your hand. “I’m Natasha.”
“It’s lovely to meet you,” you replied, flashing Natasha a friendly smile as you took her hand in yours, grateful for the break in the awkward silence.
Natasha went around the room one by one, introducing everyone to you. None of them bothered to get up and shake your hand as Natasha had done, simply opting  to stay where they were and wave or nod at you in acknowledgement instead. All of the new names became overwhelming as you tried to remember everyone. You had always prided yourself on your exceptional memory, however it was really being put to the test as each new name was presented.
Before Natasha had the chance to introduce the last person, he spoke up instead, “I’m Steve.”
Without a moments hesitation the large blonde-haired man stood from his seated position on the couch, making his way towards you with an outstretched hand. As your eyes met his you were suddenly a bit star-struck, the sharpness of his jawline and the kindness of his smile causing you to swoon internally.
“Pleasure to meet you,” you responded as he returned to his seat, his eyes never leaving yours.
“How long have you been a lifeguard for?” A voice spoke up, making you severe your eye contact with Steve. You turned to face the man who had spoken; Tony, if you remembered correctly. He was watching you with one eyebrow raised, his face void of emotion.
“Oh pretty much all my life,” you responded. “I was in a junior lifeguard program when I was in high school and then when I graduated I just took any lifeguard job that would have me.”
You began reminiscing about your many years away from your hometown, packing nothing but your board and a few clothes as you chased the summer all around the world. Hawaii, South Africa, Indonesia - you went anywhere that would take you. The coasts of Australia had been your favourite; the suffocating heat mixed with the multiple death threats of the land ensuring that your time there had been full of crazy adventures. You had longed to go back the second you had boarded the plane home. However you knew that the nomad lifestyle had been taking its toll on you for years, finally deciding that a full-time job back home was the best way for you to begin a new chapter of your life.
You conversed with the team for a few more minutes, being asked various questions about your lifeguarding experience. The questions came in rapid succession, each one catching you off guard as you scrambled to think of answers, becoming more uncomfortable by the minute.
“I reckon it’s about time we head down to Fury,” Steve spoke up, standing from his chair without another word.
A few groans escaped the room in acknowledgment of the fitness test that they were all about to be subject to, whilst others began trash talking each other once more. As the team began heading down to the beach you clung close to Natasha’s side before Wanda joined the two of you. Being the only girls on the squad meant that a bond of camaraderie had already been formed between you and the other girls. You chatted idly with them as you walked across the sand, watching as your other coworkers talked quietly among themselves, glancing back at you periodically.
“Everyone here looks so intimidating,” you spoke up, motioning to the tall and muscular figures of all the men.
Natasha threw her head back and laughed, “I wouldn’t worry about them. They may all look big and strong, but it takes stamina and determination to win these fitness tests.”
You took that in mind as the team met up with Fury, beginning to take off their various forms of warm clothing to reveal their swimsuits underneath. You, Natasha and Wanda all wore matching red one-pieces that had LIFEGUARD in big bold letters on the back whilst the boys simply took their shirts off, already dressed in their red board shorts.
You couldn’t help yourself as you looked around at the various handsome and half-naked men surrounding you. Steve, however, was the one to especially capture your gaze as your watched his back muscles in action as he took his shirt off. Natasha smirked next to you as she followed your gaze.
Dumping your clothes and towels in a pile on the sand, everyone stood at attention, waiting for Fury’s instructions.
“Ok everyone!” His voice boomed, trying to combat the howl from the vicious breeze whipping around you.
“I know you’ve all done this a handful of times, but for Y/N’s sake I’m going to walk you through the test. You will start off with an ocean swim. You must swim up to, and go around, the first buoy, swim across to the second one, and then swim back to shore. From there you will grab a paddle board and paddle through the same course that you swam. Once back on shore you must run up and around the three flags I have placed along the beach. You will then repeat the course. Once the first person crosses the line, the rest of you will have five minutes to cross the line or else you’ll be disqualified. If you do not pass this test you will not be qualified as a lifeguard. Do I make myself clear?!”
“Yes, sir!” The team shouted back.
Fury’s words had seemed to strike a cord among the group. The trash talking had come to a halt as everyone now became serious. You looked around at the others as you lined up along the shore, their faces stoic as they took deep breaths to calm their nerves.
“Pace yourself,” Steve whispered from next to you. You hadn’t noticed him as he had stepped in line next to you, your nerves calming significantly as you met his piecing gaze. You nodded in acknowledgement and thanks as you flashed him a grin before turning your head back to the ocean.
“On your marks!” Fury roared. “Get set! Go!”
The entire teamed rushed forward as Fury began the time on his stop watch. As your feet touched the water a chill ran up your spine at the temperature drop. It was still early morning, and the sun hadn’t had sufficient time to warm the water yet.
Having gotten to a deep enough spot in the ocean you dove head first, submerging yourself under the waves as the cold water encompassed your entire body. Like always, as soon as you were submerged a calming feeling washed over you, allowing you to forget about the race and your competition around you. It was now just an early morning swim; one of countless you had completed before.
As you swam along, letting your mind wander, you couldn’t help but think back to Steve and his God-like muscles. Wanda had informed you of Steve’s position in the group as the Captain. It didn’t surprise you; he seemed to have an authoritative presence and by the way he interacted with the group it was clear no one protested his command. Well, except for maybe Tony.
The quick-mouthed genius was the longest running member of the squad, as Natasha had informed you. He had saved countless lives, his quick thinking and expert problem solving leading him to be one of the best members on the team. His onslaught of questions back at the tower had made you a bit uneasy. But by the way he interacted with his coworkers - constantly bantering with them whilst maintaining his easy-going attitude - you could tell he was a good man.
Before you knew it the drag of the waves had began aiding you as you swam back to shore, pulling you out of your thoughts. You couldn’t quite remember when you had passed either of the buoys, knowing that your body must have instinctively taken you in the right direction. You let the waves do most of the work as you glided back onto the sand. Climbing out of the ocean, you started off in the direction of the paddle boards before a wave of confusion washed over you.
Each paddle board stood still and untouched where Fury had left them by the shore.
“Wait…I’m first?” You mumbled to yourself, looking out back at the ocean to see your team mates all still on various stages of the course. You watched as Steve was the next one to emerge from the water, looking at you with confusion as he saw you standing motionless on the shore next to your paddle board. The look  brought you back down to earth as you quickly got back into action, grabbing a board and dragging it back down to the shore.
You had been in your element during the swimming portion of the trial, however it became more and more clear to you that you were now currently in Steve’s element as you felt him get closer and closer to your board. You were neck and neck as you rounded the first buoy, him gaining momentum and easing ahead as you rounded the second. He reached the shore before you, dragging himself and the board out of the water with ease.
Dumping your board next to his, you ran off down the beach after him.
The rest of the trial went by in a blur. For the most part you and Steve were constantly competing to inch in front of one another. There were points where he’d start to ease ahead of you only to be overtaken by you a couple of minutes later. Nat nearly overtook both of you as she ran across the sand with ease, whilst Thor, Tony and Clint trailed closely behind her. The rest of the team were constantly shifting positions. Bucky and Sam too busy trying to beat each other to care about the placements of the rest of their team mates.
You had made sure to be more focused during the second ocean swim, pulling ahead as far as you could before you reached the paddle boards again. Racing out of the water you began to feel the effects of the strenuous exercise. You were now breathing quite heavily and your legs and arms felt quite fatigued due to your increased pace in the water. Nevertheless your plan had worked as you noticed your lead in front of your competition had grown significantly.
You gave him a cheeky wink as you passed him with your paddle board under your arm.
He was quickly on you as you paddled though the water, his strokes long and powerful, propelling him further ahead with each stroke. You weren’t surprised when he eventually passed you, reaching the shore further ahead of you than you’d like.
It was now the last stretch.
You could see Fury standing next to the flag that signalled the end of the course, holding the stop watch in his hand as he eyed you and Steve clearly battling it out for first place.
Sand running had never been your favourite past time, a trait you now wished you had practiced more considering how much your calves were burning. Steve was watching you from the corner of his eye as you slowly caught up to him. You could see the effects that the course was having on him; his forehead was covered with a mixture of sweat and ocean water and his mouth hung open, panting heavily. Knowing you mirrored his tired expression you tried to push the pain in your calves and lungs to the back of your mind. You knew Natasha couldn’t be too far behind you, and with how fast you saw her travel along the beach, you knew you needed to keep up your pace.
The finish line was so close now and with a newfound burst of energy you began sprinting, Steve followed your lead and upped his pace to match yours. You were nearly there, Steve inching ahead before you pushed in front of him. It was neck and neck and Fury couldn’t help the smirk that spread across his face as he saw your determined expression mirroring the Captain’s.
With one more burst of energy Steve surged forward, crossing the finish line only moments before you. As soon as your legs crossed the line you toppled over, laying down on your back as you gasped for air.
“Five minutes!” You heard Fury yell, notifying the other team members of their impending timeframe.
One by one, each member crossed the finish line, each one panting for breath as they congratulated Steve on his win, not bothering to congratulate you on your victory in getting second place. It hurt you just a bit as each team member ignored you, instead making their way over to Steve. Everyone made it across the line well before the timeframe was up with Peter, the junior trainee, coming in last due to his inexperience.
The sound of the team’s heavy panting filled the air as you all began to make your way back to the tower.
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theredconversegirl · 6 years ago
Number 23 for sasusaku please!!!!
Hey @beautifulinsanesanity​! Thank you so much for the prompt!
I confess it took me longer to write this than I expected. This is not my first version of the prompt, as I had a hard time with the first storyline I chose, but I hope you like it anyway :)
Title: The one where Sasuke gets cockblocked by a dress Rating: somewhat M  Prompt: 23. “I can’t breathe in this dress, can we please hurry up.” Pairing: SasuSaku Word Count: 1786 Romance/Humour
~Happy Reading!
It was madness.
The thump of her back hitting the wall reverberated in the room. She gasped, surprised by the unexpected motion.
She reached forward, looking for purchased, anything that could hold her to this reality.
A second thump pinned her to the wall with more vigour, pushing her higher, and pressing her tighter.
Her breathing was uneven; erratic and desperate.
It was madness, she repeated to herself, the euphoria and exhilaration consuming her. But she never felt so in her element than now.
The dim light of the lamp pole invaded the room through the gaps of the window, and that was her only guide. The darkness enveloped her, the room, them.
Before she could reach again, her wrist was snatched viciously and pinned above her head – as much as her body, it was trapped, and she was at his mercy.
She shivered when she felt him closer, the soft pants caressing her collarbone. She left her head tilt back, meeting the wall with a soft thud. And she whimpered in anticipation.
A hot and searing trail was left in the wake of his tongue until he found her pulse point. He nipped her sweet spot, that place where her neck met her shoulder, pressing his teeth lightly and then lapping the scratch before he could break skin.
The alluring movement was spellbinding; her eyelids were heavier in an instant, her breathing hitched, and she wasn’t sure who she was anymore. She was thankful though, as her legs weakened considerably, that she was pinned to that wall.
He stopped his torture when her pants were the only thing they could hear in the quiet room and then proceeded to trace sloppy wet kisses from her throat to her jawline.
Her free hand snapped in his direction and was quickly captured by a much larger one. Without breaking skin contact, he continued his ministrations, until he reached her ear only to whisper a disapproving tsk sound. A shudder ran through her spine and she arched forward, pressing every inch of her against him. Instinctively he pushed back, sealing any space between them.
She was disappearing, lost in desire, and she could only feel; the desperation of each act, the longing, and the—
Something was wrong.
She opened her eyes, more alert than she had been the whole night, she searched for any signs of danger.
She found a head full of messy raven locks splayed under her chin, and she wished she could free one of her hands and just fist a handful of his hair.
The feeling that she was somehow vanishing came back when she noticed sparkling spots dancing around her, and the sound of her own pants fading as if she was submerged under water.
She finally understood then, that this stupor and giddiness that was overwhelming her had nothing to do with their actions – well at least not entirely.
“I can’t breathe in this dress; can we please hurry up.”
Her words were barely a whisper; she didn’t hear a reply and she didn’t feel anything else either. And if it was even possible, the room had become darker, immersing her in void.
A light buzz rang in her ears, muffling everything around her. As it started to decrease exponentially, she could hear a familiar voice approaching her gradually.
“Hmm?” She brought a hand over her forehead and tried to sit up, however a hand pressed her shoulder back down.
“Good, you’re awake.”
She knew that voice… Sasuke-kun?
“What happened?”  
“You fainted?” He offered, as if he wasn’t sure himself.
“The dress. It was too tight, and then the wall... you couldn’t breathe.”
When she opened her eyes, blinking a few times to adjust them to the light, the first thing she saw was him. And she couldn’t help but to give him a faint smile.
He hovered over her; a hand placed on each side of her head. His white shirt was half opened, and the sleeves rolled up. His dark locks lurched forward, brushing against her cheeks.
The intimacy of the moment flickered in her eyes, making them gleam, while his worry – one that was only visible through a tiny crease between his eyebrows – warmed her heart.
“How are you feeling?”
“Mmm,” he moved away from her, giving her some space, and Sakura lifted herself onto her elbows, “just a little dizzy.”
Feeling his gaze upon her, she locked eyes with his mismatched ones, and he lowered them suddenly, as if he wanted to hide, ashamed of something. Was he regretting this?  
She searched for any signs, any clues, that could help her understand the person that was kneeling in front of her. Pursing her lips, she tried to organize the right words... was it too fast? Do you want to—
His eyes dropped to her form, but it never met hers again, and she noticed the tinge of pink springing over his neck and ears. Instantly, she followed the same path, looking down herself.
She paled.
What the—
She could feel the color draining from her face and then raising back up, boiling her skin.
Glancing down one more time, just to make sure she wasn’t in a dream – or nightmare – she found the object that was responsible for such destruction: a kunai, right beside her waist.
The connection was made quickly, and he didn’t need to explain any further, she was a smart cookie: said kunai, that was probably property of her boyfriend, had cut through the bodice of her corset and part of the dress, freeing her from the breathtaking prison she had brought upon herself.
The quick thinking and action probably saved her from any further scares, however, her dress was in pieces – as was her dignity.
The ruined corset fell in two parts, rested on each side of her, exposing her torso and breasts consequently.
She wasn’t a prude, but the situation she was in – full of expectations and firsts – made her curse her luck, her life choices, and Ino.
Ino who had convinced her that corsets were sexy. Ino who had brought her to that store. Ino who had helped her get ready for this damn ball.
She remembered how the blonde had crisscrossed the ribbons that laced the back of her dress, how she had done a tidy job, and how she had said that being a little uncomfortable through the night was part of being a woman.
Sakura scoffed inwardly.
She had stopped caring about these things long ago, however, when Sasuke indulged her in going to the Spring Ball – a civilian celebration – Sakura was eager to impress him, for she was a civilian after all and he hadn’t seen her in a gala dress yet!
Although the distress of her outfit had paid off, as Sasuke couldn’t take his eyes off of her the whole time, this was not what she expected to happen by the end of the night.
It was long due, and they have been dancing around each other for a long time. She couldn’t take that tension any longer, and she knew he couldn’t too.
But… this was not how she imagined her first time would be. This was not how she imagined her boyfriend would see her naked or half-naked for the first time.   She was sure that by now her blush covered half of her body, including all of the exposed parts. She could feel it. It burned her and it grounded her.
It took her three more deep breaths before she slapped her hands up and covered herself, crossing her arms over exposed skin.
The apologetic look he threw her way dimmed the situation a little. She could see he was as embarrassed as herself, and although this mishap was unexpected, it was necessary.
She cleared her throat, preparing herself for an awkward conversation, when the banging against the front door started.
They were still in the entrance of the living room, their tryst had barely started, and she remembered clearly how she was pinned against that damn wall, right beside the front door.
The knocking didn’t subside and the panic of people seeing her like this made her move swiftly. Sakura sat up and pushed herself against the wall for leverage, bringing the two pieces of the ruined corset together to cover her.
“Did you call Naruto?!” She whispered, hissing at Sasuke who was still frozen in the same place.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
“What did you tell him?”
“Uh—that you passed out?”
“What exactly did you tell him?”
“That I brought you home and I made you faint.” Sasuke said nonchalantly, as if it was a regular occurrence.
“What? You didn’t make anything, you idiot! This stupid dress did!” Yeah, ok, and the wall.
Sakura made a fist, ready to fling a light-hearted punch his way but stopped. Remembering her situation, she retreated her arm and quickly covered herself again. Sasuke smirked.
“Yeah, I killed her, and this is her ghost talking!” Sasuke shouted back behind his shoulder.
“Shut up! You know how he gets when we talk about ghosts – especially here.” She gestured to the room, and then to the Uchiha symbol that was painted in one side of the wall.
Sakura had just snapped her hand back to hold the corset in place when the front door was flung open and then fell to the floor.
Naruto ran to them, kneeling beside Sasuke and looking at her as if he wanted to reach out and touch her, to see if she was alive, if she was real.
Sakura chuckled. Shaking her head, she considered that their best friend’s concern was genuine, and she would let this dramatic reaction pass; she had scared both of them after all.
When Naruto confirmed she was really ok, he left his eyes trail over the ‘crime scene’ as he called it. He took in her disheveled state: tousled hair, ripped clothes, swollen kissed lips, and a handful of red and purple marks adorning her collarbone.
He raised a brow, smirking mischievously, and elbowing Sasuke on the ribs. “That good huh?”
When nobody replied, probably too shocked with the blonde’s audacity, he continued: “Come on, she fucking passed out. I didn’t know you had it on you bastard. Congrats!”
Sakura chanced a look at her boyfriend, her viridian eyes piercing him with an unspoken question. He nodded to the bedroom and she quickly sprang in action.
“Run…” Sasuke whispered to Naruto, for he knew that once Sakura had a shirt on (his shirt!), she’d go berserk on the number one knucklehead. 
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ill-skillsgard · 6 years ago
Baby - Zeitgeist/Axel Cluney
Title: Baby
Description: He told them that there would be no “next time”.
Warning: Brief mentions of sex and the aftermath of spousal abuse/violence
A/N: This was the very first short piece I ever wrote when we had caught wind of Bill’s casting as Zeitgeist. "All I can do is protect you"
whats wrong?
please just come here
She set her phone down on the back of the toilet after sending for him. It was dark except for the glow of half a dozen tealight candles. She didn't want him to see her face. She didn't want to see it either and purposely avoided the mirror as she crossed the bathroom with an exhausted limp. The bath was already drawn and she had but to submerge herself into it but even that proved to be a daunting task. Her muscles ached worse than if she had spent three hours at the gym. All the clenching and adrenaline left her arms and legs as sore reminders. To even lift herself into the clawfoot tub was a struggle and she could not do so with grimacing, letting out a whimper as she lifted her leg and lowered into the hot water. It sent a shiver through her body that traveled up her aching back and settled into the base of her skull. Once she stepped in she slowly bent at the knees and used her hands to balance her as she sat down. The water swayed and sloshed around her until she laid back and tried to relax. The cut on her lip was cracked with dried blood and throbbed when she thought about it. Same with everything else from her sore feet to the scabs on her knees and the red and purple splotches adorning her thighs and torso in intricate strawberry patterns. She took a moment to fully submerge herself in the water, head and all. Completely surrounded by water, she tried to revel in the warmth seeping through her skin to lull her muscles. Nothing could be heard but a soothing drone and she enjoyed the sensory deprivation as much as she could before having to come back up for air. Her eyes remained closed and she could have drifted off to sleep had she not heard the approach of a motorcycle followed shortly by the whining swing of the busted front door. He didn't take his boots off so she heard each step he took into the house. It was then she realized that she had turned out every light and he was probably wondering where to go. "I'm in here." She called out, voice tightened and shot from the day's previous screaming match. The footfalls approached the bathroom door and she looked up and saw him as he stood in the doorway. In the dim light, she could see he hadn't shaved in a while but still hadn't grown much of a mustache anyway. He was wearing one of his ratty tank tops, the ones he wore when he was working on his cars. Smears of grease adorned him much like his tattoos and smelled like the inside of a shop. She didn't care though. The smell was at least familiar to her. "Oh, Baby... What the fuck did he do to you now?" "Zee..." She tried to say his name but she felt tears erupt to choke her. He came in and knelt down beside the bathtub and took off his riding gloves so he could take her hand. His rings glittered in the orange light and she suddenly felt safe as he brought her hand up to kiss each of her knuckles and the back of her palm. His loving gaze coasted over her battered body and suddenly he felt the raging hot surge of his anger begin to make his insides gurgle with venom. Biting his lip, he willed himself to breathe deeply through his nose, to try to calm himself down before he lost control of his temper. "I'm gonna kill him." "Zee... No." "I told ya... I told him. Next time... There would be no next time." "Then what happens if you go to jail?" "At least he'll be dead in the ground." She exhaled deeply through her nose too, mimicking him. They remained in silence for a solid minute before his eyes began to wander down her naked body again after growing accustomed to the candlelight. He grimaced at the sight of all the angry purple, red and blue blemishes that spotted her from her arms to her chest and her thighs. He couldn't even look at her face. One eye had taken on the shade of plum and protruded like one too. When he tried to look at it he had to clear his throat to keep the bile from rising up his throat. "I told him you would find out. He ran off. I don't know when or if he's coming back." "Baby... I'm not going to keep doing this." "I know." She whispered. "He's going to come back eventually. Question is... Are you going to be here or not?" She turned her face away from him but he continued to hold her hand in a firm grip. He cleared his throat again but it was only to continue speaking. "I ain't no fucking superhero, you understand? I can't promise you a nice life or nothing. All I can promise is that..." When she turned her face back to him she saw how his eyes darted away. It was unlike him to get emotional. The only emotion he knew was placidity and then anger. She knew that he wasn't savior material but he was all she had at that moment and that made her scared. "All I can do is protect you. But if you're gonna keep running back to him, what's the fuckin' point?" "I won't. I'm done this time." His lips turned into a thin indication of his disbelief. "Well... He sure gave you a good one. Might have to take you to the hospital. Can you see out of that thing?" She suddenly began to sob and shook her head. "No." "Fuck... Baby." "I said I'm done and I am. I don't care if you kill him or if I have to run. I need to get out of here." "Listen to me... Listen," He said firmly. "If I take you out of here you have to promise me one thing." Gripping his hand with all of her strength, she nodded her head. "You have to realize... I am... What I am. Nothings gonna change that. You think he's a monster?" She rose up out of the water to bring her face closer to him but he backed off slightly. He didn't like the look of her bruised lip. He didn't like to see such beauty so pummeled and sore. It made his heart twinge. "You're not," she said. "I am. Worse. I've done worse things than he has and the people I love always end up suffering because of it." "Only difference is," her voice rasped. "he means to hurt people the people he loves. You don't." "Doesn't matter. Being with me... it's dangerous." "I know but... I need you, Zee." "I know, Baby." She laid back down in the water with her back up against the slope of the tub. He came back to the edge of the tub and rested his tattooed arms on its edge. They both stopped talking for a moment and she watched his eyes wander all over her naked body, lingering for a moment longer on her breasts. "Get cleaned up... I'm going to pack some of your shit and then... We'll go." "Wait," she stopped him before he poised himself to stand up. He didn't ask anything, just froze and waited for her to continue. "Don't go yet." There were few things in the world that made him feel sad and his Baby was on the top of that list. He shifted back to his position leaning over the edge of the bath. When she reached out her arm to weakly reach for the soap bottle he fell even softer. The way her bruised arm meagerly floated out of the water with pain made the tiny strings of his heart pull. "Lay back down," He urged. She did and he began to take his rings off before grabbing a washcloth and squirting soap on it. She tried to smile as she lifted her right leg so that he could cradle his hand in the ditch of her knee and run the cloth gently up and down from the top of her foot to the top of her thigh. He repeated the same slow process on the other leg, moving to her arms and shoulders and then to her back. When it came to her breasts he did his best not to take too long but did take pause to run his finger over one of her nipples. Biting her lip, she gazed up sleepily at him and became aware that the water was starting to cool. When he ran the cloth down her stomach he took another pause between her hips. She gave no sign that she didn't want him there so he continued down. "Mm, Zee." "I'm not fucking you like this so get that thought outta your head." "I know it's just... You feel so good." He smirked. If it were any other time when she wasn't reeling from a heinous beating he would have been balls deep inside of her, pounding away like a madman into every hole she had. The only thing that paralleled his volatile temper was his insatiable appetite for dirty, nasty sex. But he had to maintain his self-control. No matter how lost in lust for her he became, he made sure that he could maintain his composure, however hard she made it for him. "You probably have a concussion. I can tell your eyes are off." He told her. "No way I'm sticking my cock in you." "But... I want you, Zee." He rang out the cloth and tossed it over the edge of the tub. "When you're healed up and we're a thousand miles from this shit-hole...  Maybe then we can go at it but until then... Let's just hold off." "Okay," she agreed.
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thecandywrites · 6 years ago
Zorroku and Peaches Part 4
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I would like to make a shoutout to @royale-skeleton-key for reaching out to me and saying hi and giving me some amazing feedback and I just hope this has been worth the wait for you. And thank you to everyone who’s read this and liked this too. I appreciate your support. 
ok, so here is part 4!
Part 4
The next morning you woke up refreshed and invigorated and nursed Ori again before you bundled her up while everyone was still asleep. Then you got a big bucket from the kitchen and went to the river that was close by within sight of the rest of the village, packing your knife for protection just in case along with Razor and let him fly free to get used to the area and left Ori on the riverbank in a large basket with her own fur surrounding her so she’d still be warm as she continued to sleep in the basket, just in case you slipped and fell into the cold water, making short pants out of your skirt again as you used the bright sunrise to catch the crawfish, which this stream was practically crawling in them. In just a couple of hours you caught over a hundred of them, you could set traps for them and catch them all the time but as you hunted and caught the crawfish, soon, several crows flew in and sat in the trees above you, greeting you with their loud ‘hi!’ and ‘hello!’s.
“Shh! You’ll wake up Ori. I’ll get to you in a minute.” You told them and they obeyed as you focused on the crawfish.
“Good morning,” Zorroku greeted you as he seemed to appear out of thin air on the riverbank just as you got a crawfish in each hand but he startled you and you jumped and screamed slipped on the river rocks, letting go of the crawfish in your hands as they went flying through the air behind you and fell into the water backwards as Razor dove from flying high above you and that scream woke up Ori who started crying and Zorroku was torn about who to go to first as you floundered in the water before you found your footing and stood back up, drenched and freezing cold, coughing and sputtering as Zorroku was trying his hardest not to laugh as he got his daughter out of her basket and onto his shoulder and waded out to you.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you, I just wanted to see how you were doing with Ori.” He apologized as he was near tears from trying not to laugh.
“It’s ok, Glasha said you guys slept in late, I thought I would have things to myself this early in the morning. It’s ok, you can laugh, I can’t imagine how hilarious that just looked.” You chuckled yourself before he finally burst into the deep belly laugh he wanted to.
“Oh gods, it was so funny, your legs just went above your head as your whole body went crazy for a minute. I really am sorry, I don’t mean to scare you, I really don’t.” Zorroku apologized profusely as Ori was still crying and reaching for you despite Zorroku’s best efforts to get her to stop.
“Baby, I am sopping wet, I can’t hold you, I’m sorry, I don’t want you to get wet either.” You tried to explain to her as you nuzzled your face next to hers to get her to stop crying which worked.
“So I take it the bug looking things in the bucket are crawfish?” Zorroku guessed with a grimace as he looked at them and shuddered since you had put a rock into the bucket along with water to keep it partially submerged in the water with you.
“They are,” You nodded as you suddenly saw movement in the river.
“Oh my gods!” You gasped in excitement.  
“What?” Zorroku asked as he scanned the riverbanks for threats but didn’t see any.
“Oh I found a monster catfish, and since I’m already wet, I’m gonna catch him, get back on shore, and bring this with you please.” You bid him as you pointed to the bucket before you stalked across the river as Zorroku hesitantly obeyed you but watched you curiously as you stalked over to a hole in the river bank as you got down on your knees, the water coming back up to your breasts and thrust in your arm and cheered when the monster bit down on your arm and you grabbed it’s throat from the inside and pulled it out, stabbing it in the head as hard as you could before pulling it close to yourself since it was half your size and Zorroku just watched slack jawed as you wrestled with it before you stood up and carried it’s dying and still wriggling body and trying to topple you across the river to the shore before you got it a safe space from the river bank so it wouldn’t flop back into the river and gut it.
“You know, the more I think about it, Peaches is pretty fitting name because you’re sweet when you want to be but you’re a poisonous killer when you want to be too. Damn.” Zorroku praised and that got you to laugh and smile.
“Yeah, I guess I am.” You chuckled as you pulled the guts out and dropped the guts into the large bucket for the crawfish to eat on before you rinsed your arms and the knife off in the river again.
“Ok, now I’m done.” You announced as you headed back, Zorroku trying to help by getting the bucket of crawfish and tried not to look into the bucket while Ori was on his other shoulder and you got the catfish by the gills and called Razor and the crows to you and hand to keep your arm extended to fit all of them.
“Are they all from Shuzug?” Zorroku asked thoughtfully as he nodded to the crows.
“Most of them yes, I can’t imagine the foolishness they’ll contain.” You shook your head and rolled your eyes but chuckled and smiled none the less before you just shivered and your teeth started clattering before Zorroku put his cloak over you.
“Thanks,” you thanked him graciously even though it only covered your back, your front was still open and exposed to the winds and you were pretty sure your nipples were now so hard and sharp they could cut the fabric of your dress all by themselves, You dropped the catfish and the crawfish off at the kitchen before you went back to your tent to put Razor and the crows on the perch before you gave Zorroku back his cloak and told him to hang onto Ori while you changed into sadly the very last dress you owned and it was so tight you could barely breathe, it made your cleavage look bigger even before you got blessed by Arob and now it just looked ridiculous on you.
“Shit,” you cursed, you couldn’t wear the dress you wore last night today because that would make it look like you spent the night in a tent other than your own but you didn’t even want to leave your own tent looking like this. This dress hugged your upper body and hips like crazy. Your breasts practically touched your chin now they were so pushed up, you were barely able to tuck your nipples into the top of the dress, you looked like a whore.
“Shit, shit, shit, fuck.” You continued to curse and you heard Zorroku snort a laugh.
“Is everything ok in there?” He asked.
“No, I mean yes, I mean...that’s a complicated answer right now.” You answered as you blushed as you tried to find your summer cloak or look to see if you were given any more clothes last night other than the fabrics and you found none, it was going to be a hot day and you didn’t want to roast inside Zorroku’s cloak or even the heavy cloak you got given and once you got your summer cloak out, it wouldn’t fucking stay closed and just accentuated your cleavage even more and you found yourself growling in frustration to yourself.
“Ok what’s going on? Is there a way I can help?” Zorroku asked because he didn’t mean to but he was getting a hard on just hearing you growling, and imagining your wet naked body in your tent and wanting to warm you up the old fashioned way, the way he envisioned himself last night.  
“Can you get Glasha up and tell her to come to me please?” You requested and he just went over one tent and woke his sister up.
“Hey, Peaches needs you. Right now.” Zorroku said as she woke up and glared at him for waking her up so early and she grumbled as she came out of her tent in her pajamas and went to yours.
“Peaches?” Glasha asked.
“Yeah, hang on.” You requested as you came and hid behind the tent flap to let her in.
“What in the wor...OH MY GODS WOW!!” Glasha exclaimed when you shut the tent flap and tied it closed.
“Shhhh!!!! Not so loud! Ok I have a situation, I only own three dresses ok? I was in the river this morning and fell and that’s why it’s sopping wet and hung up over here and I can’t wear the one I wore yesterday because that’ll make it look like I spent the night in any other place except my tent and I don’t want to deal with that drama so all I have left is this and because of what your grandmother did to my boobs, I look like a whore in this dress, I can not leave my tent looking like this.” You tried to hush her but she was just standing there rocking with laughter.
“I hate you, so much right now.” You grumbled sarcastically as you tried not to laugh yourself.
“Oh I think you should definitely strut around in that today, it’ll solve all your problems.” Glasha continued to laugh.
“No! It won’t! It’ll be like asking all of your brothers and every other orc in this village to rape me, no, I can not.” You hissed.
“No, they won’t.” Glasha tried to reassure you.
“Really?” You said disbelievingly.
“Well how else are you going to go to the seamstress to get new dresses?” Glasha argued.
“Can she come here?” You asked hopefully.
“No, she’s bed bound, everyone goes to her.” Glasha informed you.
“Ffuuuuuuck me.” You whimpered.
“You know in that dress I kinda want to.” Glasha teased.
“My point exactly, fuck, you know what, fuck it, I’ll just wear my dress from yesterday, the rumors that will come with that dress are better than the conclusions this one has when I wear it.” You decided.
“It’s not that bad!” Glasha offered.
“Really? You want to test that?” You said as you grabbed her hand and walked her over to the tent flap again and ripped it open to reveal Zorroku, Yalak, Murag and Nar on the other side eavesdropping as they suddenly stared slack jawed at you, all four of them very clearly showing their hard ons suddenly tenting their pants.
“See?!” You practically screeched to Glasha as you ripped them back closed as she just fell to her knees and then the floor and rolled with laughter because the looks on her brother’s faces was priceless as you just dissolved into a string of curses in every language you knew, especially your own mother tongue.
“Wow, she is..feisty, I love it.” Yalak noted under his breath as he and his brothers went back to eavesdropping as they all just nodded dumbly back. You had been a vision. Like the epitome of sexy and they totally wanted to see you like that again. Holy shit they had thought your breasts had gotten huge last night, now they were, practically coming out of your dress to greet them.
“What the hell is going on?” Yotul demanded sleepily as she found herself standing outside your tent in her pajamas and her cloak watching her sons eavesdrop with clear irritation.
“Uh...” All her sons stuttered as they looked at each other before she just huffed and came into the tent to see you trying to get out of your dress but struggling.
“Sorry to wake you up, I have a problem.” You whimpered as you gestured to yourself.
“Wow, Honey, I would pay a hundred gold pieces to have a dress do to my body what that one is doing to yours.” Yotul chuckled before she gently kicked at Glasha’s side.
“Get up, you’re not helping.” Yotul chided her.
“Yeah except, you are The Warchieftess and no one would assume the things about you that they would assume about me if they saw me in this.” You tried to counter as you tried to wriggle out of it but just managed to pull your boobs out as they swayed and jiggled as you tried to peel the rest of it off of you.
“And what would they assume?” Yotul asked in curious amusement.
“Oh just that I’m a whore who sucks cock and drinks cum for every meal if I don’t get every hole on my body stuffed so full of so much cum my belly distends like I’m pregnant every gods forsaken fifteen minutes.” You complained as she came over to help you out of your dress as you heard some strangled snickers before the ravens all started cawing ‘BIG BOOBS!’ ‘BELLA BIG BOOBS!’ before you heard even more strangled snickering laughter from the entrance to your tent.
“And you all can go away! You’re not helping! Go find a tree to piss on! Or I’m going to escort her back to the Black Wolf White Rock Clan myself as soon as I get her out of this!” Yotul yelled at her sons angrily who all quickly scattered.
“We would never think that of you though Peaches!” Nar offered as he ran away as you just buried your face into your palms and shook your head.
“Thank you Nar.” You offered in a defeated huff in his direction before she finally got you out of that dress and you bent over and had to breathe, the seams of the dress imprinting on your body already.
“Not that I want you to go, because I don’t, I adore you, I want you to stay, but they really don’t want you to go so I’m going to use that against them to get them to behave.” Yotul reassured you softly.
“Thanks. I totally understand, Bula does that all the time to Shuzug too.” You returned.
“Fuck, how did you squeeze into this to begin with?” Yotul asked as she held up the dress and looked at you comparing the dress to you.
“Power of will I think. I didn’t want to wear this dress because I didn’t want anyone to think I slept in anyone else’s tent other than my own and I was hunting those crawfish and that river out there is crawling with them which is awesome but that was at sunrise, and Zorroku was just being a concerned father and came to check on Ori but we weren’t in here, we were at the river and I had her safely tucked into a basket on the bank just in case I slipped and fell into the water and Zorroku found us there and all he did was greet me, very nicely, very respectfully but I was not expecting anyone to be awake this morning and so I spooked, screamed, slipped on the river rocks went flying backwards and landed right in the river and flirted with drowning as it tried to carry my flailing body downstream, the poor crawfish I had had in my hands went flying upstream somewhere and I lost them. And it was, understandably, very funny,” You giggled as Yotul and Glasha roared with laughter at the story, both of them sitting down on your bed and holding their sides.  
“So since I only have three dresses, this one, that one and that one, I was hoping that one wouldn’t be as indecent and immodest as it was and the moment I finally squeezed into it I went… ‘no, fuck no’ and so here we are.” You explained as you got redressed in your dress from last night.
“Ok, well just let me get dressed and get some breakfast in us and we’ll go to the seamstress and get you dresses that will fit however you want them to.” Yotul offered before before she looked at all the crows sharing a perch with Razor.
“More messages from home?” She asked.
“Most of them are from your nephew, Shuzug and I can’t imagine the foolishness they contain, you can get them and read them yourself if you want, I don’t mind, you are family after all.” You offered as you continued to get dressed as she took you up on your offer and went over and got the messages off the legs of the crows before reading them herself and cracking up laughing again.
“How old is he again?” Yotul asked.
“Ten, how he’s managed to survive that long, I don’t know,” you answered her.
“Well apparently he managed to find some wolf pups, there’s a red one he’ll be training for you because it’s reddish fur reminds him of you.” Yotul repeated.
“Great.” You sarcastically quipped which got Glasha and Yotul to snicker a laugh. “Just what I’ve always wanted!” You added in the most sarcastic way you could and it got Yotul and Glasha to bark a laugh at that before Yotul got the other ones.
“Oh this is from my sister!” Yotul realized when one of the birds was carrying a different message in a different writing and was signed in her name.
“Actually if it’s ok with you, I’d like to tell her that you are the warchieftess here and that you’re family found and how your children are her own nephews and nieces.” You offered hopefully.
“I’d love that, invite them to come to us as soon as they can, I can’t wait to see her again.” Yotul smiled happily.
“You got it.” You nodded as you finished getting dressed and quickly wrote your responses back before loading them up and sending the crows home before there was even more screams heard from the kitchen tent.  
“Oh gods what now?” Yotul growled before the three of you left to the kitchen tent to find all the girls huddled together across from the catfish and the crawfish.
“It moved! The fish moved! It’s supposed to be dead!” One of them cried.
“And the bucket is full of bugs! Huge ugly bugs!” Another wailed.
“Oh calm yourselves, a lot of fish does that.” Yotul reprimanded as she came over to inspect both.
“Wow Peaches, you did good, how did you catch this?” Yotul asked as she gestured to the fish, usually fish this big needed big hooks and heavy line to get caught.
“With my hands, they don’t really have ‘teeth’ so to speak, you just find their dens in the water and stick your arm in and they bite your arm and you grab their throats and guts from the inside and them and pull them out and stab them in the head.” You shrugged as you illustrated that as the other girls gasped in horror watching you demonstrate that.
“That’s my girl.” Yotul smiled proudly as she gave you a side hug.
“And these must be crawfish, you’re right, little lobsters, who’d a thought we had them, how similar are they in taste to the real thing?” She asked as she picked one up and inspected it, using her experience with real lobsters to do so so she wouldn’t get pinched by their pinchers.
“Half way between shrimp and lobster but sweeter because they’re smaller.” You answered.
“I want it all for breakfast, I’ll help you skin this because I doubt they know how.” Yotul offered as she got a special set of pliers and a very sharp knife.
“Thank you,” you thanked her as you got your own knives and nailed it to the counter with one before you cut a ring around the head and tried to take off some of the skin from the flesh, just enough that she could grab it with the pliers and she got it and ripped the skin away as the others just continued to watch on in slightly horrified shock that their mother could do such a thing.
“Woo! You got it Mom! Look at you go!” You offered as you gave her a high five and she laughed and returned it.
“I like that, you can keep calling me that all you want.” Yotul invited and you both shared a bright smile.
“Want to filet it too?” You offered.
“How about you do one side and I’ll do the other, I haven’t filet-ed a fish in forever.” Yotul said as as you got the fish to lay on the side and showed her how you filet fish, from the back bone as Yotul’s mother had showed you and that seemed to jog her memory and once you finished you took the filet off and trimmed every bit of even slightly yellowish flesh off as she came and flipped the fish over and filet-ed it on the other side with surprising ease and smiling happily to herself as she removed it with ease before she did what you did and trimmed it of the fat and yellow flesh too.
“Oh this is going to be delicious, ok, let me get dressed for the day, I’m looking forward to seeing how you make all this.” She bid you as you nodded and got to work as the other girls slowly came forward to watch you curiously as they tried to make their own breakfasts for the rest of the family as you got the other large pot and filled it with a bunch of chili peppers before you, out of habit went to the garden part to fetch more and stopped dead in your tracks when you found a fully fledged and formed garden, everything you had planted the night before had grown into fully formed and fully fledged maturity, even the peach trees had grown and bloomed over night, they were half the size of full grown trees but still, they were blooming and even little peaches had started to form already. You stopped and you couldn’t help but cry. It was all so beautiful to you.
“Everything ok?” Glasha asked as she found her way next to you.
“What the hell was in that water?” You asked as you laughed through your tears as you wiped them away.  
“Grandma Arob blessed the water herself, it’s the same water she used to find you to show your glorious future with us and it’s the water she told us to use to water the garden so that the sting of missing home would lesson every day.” Glasha explained softly as she put her arm around your shoulders affectionately as you returned her side hug by wrapping your arm around her waist.  
“It’s a miracle, it’s...wonderful.” You praised as you went ahead and started harvesting some of the already ripe peppers and other ingredients as you noticed the other girls go ahead and come out and start harvesting from the garden too, as if this had always been here but they steered clear of the peppers as you went ahead and got those yourself for the crawfish water and once that was boiling and cooking you helped them slice the slabs of bacon and showed them how to fry it and sliced the hams into steaks and fried those in the bacon grease then fried the eggs in the bacon grease too before they saved it once they were done.
Once everything was set, you sat next to Yotul as you had sliced the big filets of catfish into smaller pieces so everyone in the family could have a taste of the fried catfish and you all devoured that first before Yotul and yourself began working on the heap of crawfish and the stew that had cooked overnight using the bones that the whole family enjoyed as they eyed you and Yotul curiously as you ate the crawfish- that now they were cooked and turned to a brilliant red, looked a bit more appetizing.
“Ok, how do you eat this?” Crowthu asked as he carefully picked one up before you and Yotul gave him step by step instructions on how to eat it.
“Now you don’t have to eat the head, it’s an acquired taste.” You told him before he tried it after eating the tail and quite liked the tail meat before he tried sucking the head and quickly spit it out and made a disgusted face before downing wine to get the taste out of his mouth.
“No, that’s not a taste I will be acquiring.” Crowthu shook his head before he got the tiny bit of claw meat from the claws before getting another one and saved the heads for Yotul to eat which she didn’t mind, this was the closest taste of home she had had in a very long time and she was thoroughly enjoying and savoring it. If anyone had told her this would have been happening yesterday morning she would have scoffed and argued with that. But now, she was embracing you joining the family harder than anyone- before everyone seemed curious enough to try the crawfish too.
“Yeah ok, it looks like a bug but it tastes really good.” Glasha admitted as she tried it and loved it.  
“I don’t know Dad, I kinda like the taste of the head.” Zorroku admitted as he once again sat on the other side of you with Ori nestled between you in her special little chair to help her sit at the table as Zorroku tried them too and really liked them too.  
After breakfast and after nursing all the women in the family escorted you to the seamstress with all the fabric that was gifted you including the very fine fabric for your wedding dress.
“Lazgar, meet my new daughter, Bella or Peaches as we’ve come to know her, she’s a Marfu from the Black Wolf White Rock Clan who has the great honor of marrying whichever of my sons she wants, and she will be needing new dresses and outfits, make sure they reflect that status.” Yotul ordered.
“Hello, it’s a pleasure to meet you Lady Lazgar,” you offered respectfully with a small bow of your head to her as you held your pile of fabrics in your arms before you set them down next to her on her spot in front of her work table as she blinked in surprise but smiled at you before she spoke to Yotul in Pregu before Yotul answered and you were getting a little better at figuring out what they’re saying, something about you being polite and respectful and how in the world did you manage a place in the warchief’s family before Arob joined in and began singing your praises so to speak which got Lazgar’s eyebrows to rise in surprise even more as she looked you up and down again as you got Ori back from Yotul and ran your fingers through Ori’s hair affectionately, noting how it had seemed to fill in overnight and kiss her cheeks as Lazgar, Arob and Yotul kept talking, not wanting to be rude and interrupt them as you were just happy holding Ori and swaying in place to keep her happy and content, Lazgar, Arob and Yotul smiling serenely and proudly watching you slip into the role of mother so effortlessly and so well.
“Come, I’ll fit you for your dresses, I take it you’ll need nursing dresses.” Lazgar assumed, switching back to the common tongue.
“Yes, and if I could get them modest please, like I want my breasts mostly covered when I’m not nursing.” You requested.
“Show me.” Lazgar said as she handed you a small piece of cloth as Glasha took Ori so you could tuck it in how you had the towel tucked in last night at dinner. “Well I guess a little won’t hurt.” You figured as you tucked a tiny bit down to show just a tasteful little peek but definitely not to the degree your current dress was showing them off.
“You are blessed with beautiful tits and you want them so covered?” Lazgar asked in shock.
“Well I don’t like being looked at like a piece of meat.�� You tried to gently counter.
“Oh but Honey, that’s the way to go around here, we flaunt what we got. It’s better than to be looked at than ignored.” Lazgar urged.
“She has a brilliant mind, she doesn’t want to be reduced to a pretty thing to look at, she’s to be the next Warchieftess, she needs to be respected and revered.” Arob pointed out.
“She can have both.” Lazgar argued.
“Just make the damn dresses and outfits how she wants. She is no slave to your will or mine. If she’s happy and comfortable she will wear them with pride instead of trying to hide herself like she has since she’s gotten here. Until she feels she owns herself and her destiny, which she does, she’s still new to all this, how can we expect her to be warchieftess and lead our clan if she has no control even in these things? If she wants to be covered from head to toe, let her be so, also make her proper riding outfits, I’d imagine she’ll need a lot of support to make sure her boobs don’t bounce off when the horses trot.” Yotul ordered in Pregu and that seemed to be the final word on that.
“Ok, so show me how you want the dresses and outfits.” Lazgar caved and you gave Yotul and Arob the most beautiful and grateful smile because you knew it was because of them that Lazgar was caving and you ordered very pretty yet comfortable and modest dresses and outfits, actually delighted that women around here often wore pants a lot instead of nothing but dresses all the time and when you were done, you went to her husband who was the village’s saddler and fit you for a saddle too.
“I don’t have a horse...” You began as you sat down on the children’s saddle since that fit you better than the average one did before there was a snickering laugh among everyone else.
“Yet, you’ll be getting at least a dozen very soon.” Yotul informed you.
“A dozen?!” You repeated, your own face showing surprise.
“One from each son, one from me, one from Crowthu and one from Arob plus whoever you choose, if he has a wife already, his wife will get you one too, it’s a Thunder Herd Clan tradition, I have over four dozen myself, one for each pregnancy, plus an extra one for each son I have given Crowthu and I get them for anniversaries or whenever we make out good with a raid and or battle. Trust me, chances are you’ll have more than that by the time you get to be my age.” Yotul explained without a trace of jealousy or resentment at all.
“Oh, wow, ok.” You nodded in understanding as you finished getting fitted for a saddle and took Ori back.  
“And I’d imagine you’d be getting a herd of cows pretty soon, and pigs.” Arob added as you walked back through the village as you noticed others in the village were looking at you curiously and fondly.
“I would prefer if we actually bought them or traded for them rather than steal them though.” You murmured quietly to Arob.
“Then say that to the boys.” Arob gently urged you before you changed the subject.
“So how many horses do I get if I give twin boys?” You asked almost teasingly to Arob which got her to laugh.
“Hey Yotul, how many horses will she get if she gave you twin boys as grandsons?” Arob asked.
“Ooh, at least another dozen, at least six from your husband and at least six from Crowthu and I, why? Do twins run in your family?” She asked.
“Yeah...” You answered with a nervous laugh. “I’m a twin, all my siblings are twins, it runs on both sides of my family.” You answered.
“Aww!” They all awed at you as you came back to the family’s main tent to relax and nurse the babies before you would have to make lunch before the crows returned again.
“Ok this is getting ridiculous and out of hand.” You grumbled as you paused and brought them back into your tent to see what messages they were carrying before you got the message back from Bula.
“Oh fuck,” You breathed before you took the message and hunted down Crowthu.
“Hey, uh, I really need to talk to you, um, privately.” You told him nervously.
“Yes daughter?” He answered as you got to a private corner.
“Hey so I asked Yotul if she would be ok with me telling Bula, Warchief Khagra’s wife, your wife’s sister about Yotul and finding her and about the fact that your children by Yotul and Bula’s kids are first cousins. And she said yes so I did, which I should have probably cleared with you first and I’m sorry I didn’t, anyway and so that was this morning, and the crows returned just now with this message.” You nervously explained before you handed him the message which he read curiously before he snorted a laugh.
“So I’m actually brothers in law with Warchief Khagra and his family wants to come and visit as soon as possible. That’s fine with me. I’ll let everyone know, tell them they’re welcome to come. They hosted us hospitably, we’ll return the favor, plus it’ll lower the tensions. I don’t mind one bit.” Crowthu returned calmly with a gentle smile.
“Oh thank the gods.” You blew out in relief.
“And you can call me Dad, don’t bother with that Chief, Warchief or Lord business.” Crowthu invited.
“Could I have a hug then?” You returned.
“Yeah,” Crowthu chuckled as he opened his arms and hugged you tightly as you hugged back.
“I want you to feel as well as know you’re welcome here Peaches, if there’s anything I can do to help, let me know ok?” He offered softly before his kissed the crown of your head affectionately.
“I will, thanks Dad.” You returned as you smiled to yourself, feeling more at home now than you had before.
“So what happened this morning?” Crowthu asked as he felt you start to let go before he let go.
“Oh my gods, ok so let me tell you a story...” You began as you went through the story again as Crowthu laughed so hard he was crying and barely breathing since you were so animated and gesturing wildly complete with sound effects as you went through the whole morning.
“Oh you poor thing, you just can’t catch a break.” Crowthu wiped the tears from his eyes.
“You know, that’s just the way things are with me, I have come to accept it.” You shrugged. “Ok, I gotta go show this to Mom and then I’ll write back and we’ll just… try to prepare as much as we can, I can’t imagine the craziness that will ensue cause it’ll be one hell of a family reunion.” You chuckled.
“Yeah it will be.” Crowthu nodded before you left and found Yotul and showed her the message and told her that her husband agreed to it and she literally squealed and jumped up and down while hugging you and suddenly she was barking orders and really orchestrating things as you quickly wrote back and sent the crows back before you started taking lessons from Yotul on how to really take charge of the whole clan like she did. You were used to running things in a kitchen but this was a whole new level of delegating and organizing that you found quite illuminating, if not very instructing and you helped the boys pick out proper tents and things for Khagra and Bula and their family, their tents getting set up nearby as the twin boys subtly measured you for the fur cloak they were making you out of the wolf hides as you watched appreciatively as they worked hard and worked together setting up everything, as they used the heat of the day to take their shirts off and may or may not have been flexing and showing off for your benefit and you may or may not have watched on and blushed and bit your lips watching Zorroku the most as all your dreams and visions came back full force as you felt yourself grow hot and feverish just watching him, to the point you almost felt like you needed another dip into the cold river to get yourself under control again because Zorroku was just that magnificent.
After lunch, all the girls then brought you to the bathing tent where they bathed daily and the water coming from a natural spring their forefather’s discovered, which had a giant copper heated tub on an iron frame with smoldering coals underneath it to keep the water hot, with all kinds of soaps in colors you didn’t think soap could come in but the bathing attendants were so happy to show off the different kinds they made, using ingredients and techniques you had never heard of because while most orc clans saw the benefits of keeping clean and well groomed to keep sickness and infection away, you suddenly realized the bit of extreme degree the Thunder Herd Clan liked to keep clean, not just in body but in clothes and bedding and tents too as you recalled your walk through the village earlier and how everything seemed nice, neat and organized. Then the attendants went through the oils and perfumes and you and Ori as well as all the other women and babies and little ones all got a nice hot bath, but not so hot that it would hurt Ori or the other babies at all as you all scrubbed and washed yourselves and each other before sitting down on the bench that was built in around the edge of the massive tub, that was honestly the size of a large pool and almost four feet deep while the little ones practiced swimming in the middle from one female relative to another and relaxing in the hot soothing waters as the attendants combed and braided your hair in the traditional Thunder Herd way which was just gorgeous as all the girls marveled at your red hair since they had never seen anyone with red hair before and thanks to some hair conditioners and oils was even softer than before. Then the attendants treated you to your first massage while you reclined in the waters as all the girls giggled at watching you get your neck and shoulders and back and arms massaged as you practically melted into the water, Glasha holding Ori for you and playing with her so you could relax completely. They used the pink salt of the mountains to scrub your skin until it was softer than it was when you were babe then drenched you in special perfumed oil and your own eyes threatened to roll all the way back into your head from pleasure. This was the greatest experience of your life and you soaked it up.
“So tell me about Grecko’s wives.” Yotul invited.
“Oh gods, they’re really beautiful and really talented but they fight. All. The. Time.” You answered honestly which earned a round of hums of agreement.
“Like to have more than one wife, and to keep them both or all of them happy is very difficult. To marry sisters is even more difficult and to marry twin sisters is like trying to climb to the top of the tallest mountain with no climbing gear. It’s next to impossible. Because between wives to the same man is a constant battle, it’s a battle for equality, it’s a battle for favor, it’s a battle for time, for affection, making sure your kids get the same amount of quality time that the others do, if you want sons or children period you have to calculate when you lay with him just right...” You explained as Arob and her daughters and daughters in law sensed that you didn’t take to the idea of multiple wives well which they all understood and to a degree agreed with but before then, they simply knew it was part of life and part of being in the warchief’s family as the other daughters in law were trying to make an effort to get along with you just in case you became their sister wife but they still realized they had better chances of befriending you and staying your friend if you didn’t choose their husbands, and despite their husbands requests, they had been subtly steering you towards Zorroku anyway, because they could see how much he actually cared for you rather than wanting you based on a prophecy.
“Wait, there’s a way to calculate that?” Yotul asked in astonishment as did all the women in the tub who all sat up and sat forward just as your massage ended and you said a word of thanks to the attendants.
“Oh yeah, ok so the secret to that is something that a very old midwife taught me, her name is Mama Gak and she is amazing, she came with Mama Borba when the twins came into the clan and I love and adore her too, anyway, so what she taught me is if you were to look at a month on a square, seven days are in a week, four weeks in a month right?” You began as you made a square gesture and gestured to the weeks horizontally. “So if you were to write down the day you start your moon blood and then count the number of days you have it and count the days in between each one, you’ll usually have between 25-33 days, usually it’s 28. So once you have that number, divide it by half, usually it’s between 12-16, usually 14. So on a calendar, you mark the half way point, that’s usually the day you can have sex and get pregnant on, and usually a couple of days before and a couple of days after that point is considered your conceive week. Now if you want a girl, have sex 2-4 days before the halfway point, in the first half of the conceive week, if you want a boy, have sex on the halfway point and the few days after on the conceive week but absolutely no sex before that point. If you have sex the day before the halfway point of conceive week, the day of the halfway point and the day after, it’s a gamble and there’s no way to tell until you give birth. That’s what she told me and that’s what Grecko’s wives have done, they both laid with Grecko all three days and Ahshna had a set of twin boys and the Aysha had a set of girls. Now another way Mama Gak told me is to test the wetness in your womanhood, if you wipe it with your fingers, and put your fingers together, if it’s wet like water like this, no go, if it forms a string between your fingers, in the words of Mama Gak-��ride that dick like you own it’.” You urged as you giggled which got them all to squeal, hoot, holler, laugh and giggle too as you got Ori back and let her lay down on your chest and cuddle with your chest, happy and content when you gently massaged her in turn, an attendant letting you get more oil for her skin too, Ori beaming a super happy smile as she cuddled up to your chest as you continued to talk and gossip the afternoon away until all of you were prune-y before you borrowed one of Urzel’s outfits, one of Yotul’s younger daughters, which was a little big on you but was much better than being too small for you and infinitely more comfortable than your dresses were and just like that, it was like you had always been here and always been part of this family and you loved it as Yotul’s daughters in law all checked their womanhood and Grat, Murnag’s wife and Rek both found that their essence from their womanhood was stringy. “Ooh, excuse us, we have dicks to ride.” Rek and Grat cackled as Yotul took YakYak and Glasha took her nephew Shum from Grat as the two left the bathing tent to go look for their husbands for what you assumed was ‘afternoon delight’.  
That night over dinner and again over the midnight meal you really got to know and drew very close to everyone in Crowthu’s family, especially once it seemed Yalak and Rek and Murnag and Grat seemed to be in a very good mood and especially once you got your guitar out and your violin and played and sang songs and told stories and legends and jokes as they were all amazed but not surprised you could sing and play so well and they were all just so delighted that you were so wonderful to be around and now that you were there, they really did feel whole and complete as a family, like you were the missing puzzle piece this whole time. Zorroku just looking at you with so much adoration, you thought it bordered on love. But part of you was still afraid to return it because you figured it was only a matter of time before he would get several more wives, you felt he deserved to have so many fawning all over him even though your dreams and visions showed you the opposite to be true but you dismissed them as simply dreams by your overactive imagination.
But that night they still didn’t let up, in fact, they got even more vivid, to the point you could see that you were in a different tent, this one a light silver gray with blues and greens embroidered into the panels and roof and it was so pretty, plus the bed you were on was even bigger and even more comfortable than the one you had now and you could taste Zorroku when he kissed you and feel the calluses on his hands as they reverently touched you as you felt the pressure of being full as his manhood that filled you, practically stuffed you and you could feel the heat of his breath and softness of his lips on your skin and feel the reverberations of his deep groaning and moaning as well as the heat from his body as it covered yours possessively as he made love to you over and over again, bringing you to your release, more times than he got to his as he whispered and murmured into your ears how he loved you and would always love you and only you and how you were the only one he wanted for as long as he lived while your underwear got soaked in your sleep from all the essence that flowed from you in your dreams.
Meanwhile in Zorroku’s tent his own undergarments were soaked with cum. The spell Arob had cast before she herself had gone to bed, allowing Zorroku to share a dream with you as he made love to you in the very tent his father had specially made just for his mother in her favorite colors of white, silver, blues and greens with gold accents here and there that he had shared with his first wife but had taken it down and gone back to his old tent of his youth shortly after she passed away because he missed her so much but now that you were in his life, he found that the sting of her death on his heart and soul lessened every day. His wife had pleaded with him to move on and to find another love on her death bed and he had fought and wrestled with the idea ever since and when Ori failed to thrive, he misconstrued it as Ori missing her mother just as much as he did. But seeing Ori take to you and for you to take to her as if she was your own, was all the healing balm his heart and soul needed. He understood your hesitance towards him and all he wanted to do was assure and you reassure you that he didn’t want what you thought he did. All he wanted was you and he did his best to convey that. He wanted to give you everything, he wanted to make you see and feel his affections and right now, this was the best way he knew how.
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otakugirlkrod · 8 years ago
Three years have passed
A/N: Hey everyone! This is my first fanfiction, it’s based on my doujinshi. I’m not a really good writer but I’ll try my best since I’m going to delete the previous pages of the doujin. But this is basically what happens. Tell me if you like it or not. If I should keep writing the story or just give up. Also, feel free to give me any recommendations and suggestions.
Anime: Fairy Tail
Couple: Gajevy
Rated: T (Language)
Genres: Romance, Hurt/Comfort
Status: On going
Summary: Tired of being “the damsel in distress”, Levy left the guild without telling anyone except Master Makarov. She spent three years far away from Magnolia learning new spells to improve her skills. But finally, is time to return home. What’s that strange magic she learn?
Chapter One: Returning Home
Magnolia’s most famous guild was no longer as cheerful as it was three years ago. Even if it still was noisy the environment inside was different. They have maintained the title of the strongest guild in Fiore. But there was some sort of emptiness in their hearts. The smartest comrade they had left without saying a word to her guild mates. The happiness she transmitted was very contagious. Especially to the ones who made cheers for her when things get difficult. But that emptiness was about to be filled again. It was time for the young girl to come home.
Long messy hair moving side to side as she walked, wearing a perfect red crop top that contrast with the blue color of her hair. In both arms she had white finger-less long gloves and shorts that exposed the delicate skin of her legs. As she was passing through the streets lots of the residents stare at her. But it wasn’t a bad thing, they were surprised of how she looks. It wasn’t a bit similar to her old style.
Levy McGarden, a beautiful and intelligent Fairy Tail member was making her way to the guild. Nerves were taking a toll on her, leaving her split between eagerness to return to the happy memories and sudden anxiety of facing the others. Standing outside of the guild, she let out a long sighed she was holding and murmured. “It’s time to come home”. She opened the doors softly and slipped inside quietly. She looked for her favorite spot, and there he was. The wisest exceed she had ever met and learned to love. Making her way to the table she stopped right behind him and bent over.
“Long time no see…Pantherlily”
Levy. Lily thought as he turned around and saw her with a bright smile and her arm stretched out.
“I missed you so much” She said. Her lovely eyes looking directly at his. She grabbed him and give him hug, squeezing the Exceed happily.
“L-L-Levy I can barely breathe,” Said a purplish Pantherlily.
“Oh! I’m so sorry Lily,” She offered him an apology as she moved him to the top of a table.
A pink hair mage noticed the presence and recognize the scent of his childhood friend. He smiled and whispered to his partner, “Hey Luce, I think today is your lucky day.”
“Huh? What do you mean, Natsu? The celestial spirit mage replied. He pointed to the blue-haired girl.
“It’s that Levy-chan?! Is it really you?!” The excited young blonde shout from the other side of the guild.
Levy’s eyes followed the source of Lucy’s voice. She ran and hug the busty girl, making them to fall on the flat ground.
“Lucy? Oh my! You look so gorgeous. How you’ve been?” Levy cried.
Lucy laughed. “You too, also, what’s with the tough look? You sure look more confident and stronger.”
“LEVY LOOKS SO BEAUTIFUL!” Jet and Droy said in unison with hearts on their eyes.
Smiling at the heart whelming scene, Lily flew to the entrance of the guild. “I guess this is the perfect chance to get out of here and tell Gajeel the big news.” And with that last statement he left the noisy guild.
At the outskirts of Magnolia, the iron dragon slayer was munching some metal while watching the view of the whole town. He felt the presence of his exceed coming from behind him. “What do you want Lil’? Did you pick up a job or what? I’m getting tired of bein’ here doing shit.” He tossed away a few scraps.
“Well, let’s say that won’t be a problem anymore,“ said Pantherlily cryptically.
Gajeel turned his head and giving Lily a confused look. He stated: “What the hell are you talking about? Somethin’ hit you while your way back here?” And then he noticed something was off. He sniffed the environment and the strange smell was coming from Lily’s direction. He walked over to the exceed and grabbed him.
“Hey, put me down you creep!” Lily said uncomfortably.
Gajeel kept sniffing. “You smell different! It’s like your scent is overshadowed by another.”
“Familiar isn’t it?” Lily smirked.
Wait a minute. His eyes widened as realization hit him hard.
Lily nodded, confirming his suspicions. “What you’re thinking it’s the correct answer.” He paused. “She’s back and looks very different.”
Gajeel turned his back to Lily. Looked at the full view of Magnolia as he said desperately. “Levy?! Where is she?”
“At the guild, isn’t that obvious. Thought you were smarter.” Lily mocked. “I have to admit that she almost most suffocated me with that killing hug.” He paused as he saw Gajeel still as a statue. “Maybe if you start walking you might have a chance to catch her. So, what do you want to do?”
Gajeel looked over the shoulder. “Just like you said. Isn’t that obvious?”
Meanwhile, shouting and music was heard at the famous Fairy Tail guild. “My child, you sure did grow up while your journey out of Magnolia.” Makarov said.
“Yeah, you can say that.” Levy laughed nervously.
“She’s also looking hot and ready to go with Gajeel, ain’t that right Mira?” Said Cana interrupting the moment as she forced Levy to spin.
“Hey! Cut it out Cana. Someone might hear you.” She hid her embarrassed face with her hands.
“Are you nervous?” Mira said. Levy looked at her in between fingers.
“About what?” She asked.
“Seeing Gajeel again?” Replied Mira with a devilish smile.
“I am. I do want to see him, but I doubt that he wants the same.” She paused. “Not after I left without saying a single word.” Her eyes watered.
“Oh come on” She leaned forward. “I bet he will burst those doors open in any moment.”
A loud noise from the guild’s entrance was heard. “You’re really here.” She trembled as she heard his voice. Strong footsteps were getting closer every second. He stretched out his right arm and took her by wrist to turn her around.
“Gajeel, what are you d-” She felt the other hand curled around her waist. His action spoke louder than anything he could say. Gajeel held Levy in his arms like she would leave him again if he ever let go of her body. Her eyes widened at the same time a crimson blush appeared on her face. “Gajeel…” She relaxed and closed her eyes, enjoying the hug.
Everyone in the guild was open-mouthed at the sight. “What the hell?” Said a very confused Jet.
I think this is the first time he hugs me. It feels so warm and comfortable. She thought. “Oh Gajeel….” He heard her say in a low and sweet tone. She placed her hand on his cheek gently.
This bookworm doesn’t know how much I worried about her. But there’s no way I’m going to spit that out. He thought to himself.
His lips reached her ear and whisper, “Hey Lev, I need to talk to you” Her eyes widened.
“Oh my, this is so unexpected, but adorable.” With her hands in both sides of her face, Mira expressed her happiness.
“Isn’t it weird that metal head does something like that?” A confused Natsu said as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. Suddenly, he felt a fist in his head.
“Shut up Natsu!” Lucy said.
“They’re in looooveee!”Said Happy and Mira in unison.
“Ok guys, cut it out, that’s enough.” An irritated and jealous Jet said with a very visible frown.
Realization hit her. Jet’s right. She started looking around. I got so carried away that I barely notice that everyone was staring at us. How embarrassing. Stupid Gajeel, why do you always make me feel like this? She twirled a small piece of hair and tucked it behind her ear “Umm..I guess I should be leaving.” She step away as fast as she could, breaking the heartwarming hug. Turning her back to the rest of the guild, waving, she shouted. “Bye everyone! Jet! Droy! We’ll go to a job tomorrow.” Stopping in her tracks, she looked back over the shoulder and smiled. “Shadow Gear is back to business!” She paused. “Talk to you later, Gajeel.” The last part was muttered under her breath while she kept walking.
He grinned. Heard ya’ Shrimp. He thought as he saw Levy’s figure disappear.
The sound of bubbles emerging from the water were heard in Levy’s personal bathroom. “Ahhh! This is exactly what I need it.” She said as she stretches and submerged in the relaxing bath. “It feels so good to be here again.” Letting her body have complete relaxation, she sank her head into the water. Not being able to hear the sound of her window opening.
A particular dragonslayer was sneaking in. Her room looks like a freaking library. He shuddered and looked around. She still doesn’t know how to keep her nose out of books. He sat on the edge of the bed while looking at her desk. Something on there caught his attention. It was a picture Reedus painted of them. He was smiling while Levy had her cheeks puffed. Suddenly, the bathroom door was heard and a cheerful voice came out: “That was a very good long bath.”
He stated: “And this is a very comfortable bed you got here. What took you so lo-” Finally turning around and seeing as the towel was sticking to Levy’s wet and beautiful small body. He felt his face was burning. I’ve never had a chance to see her like this. Damn it!
“Care to explain…” She started saying while approaching Gajeel with a dark aura emanating from her “…what are you doing in my room?!” She gripped his shirt, staring daggers at him.
“Oi! Calm down, I will but first you need to get dressed.” he said, grinning as she let go of his shirt and crossing her arms in front of her chest. “Unless you want me to keep seeing you half naked, Gee hee” He smirked.
“I’ll be right back. Don’t touch anything. Okay?!” Levy said before slamming the bathroom door.
“That’s exactly what I’ve been doing for the past 30 minutes.” He said, still thinking of the new steamy image of her.
She dressed as fast as she could with her shaky hands. “Could you please keep it quiet, remember that you or any man is not allowed to come here. Oh Mavis, if Erza finds out, you are so dead.” She said, turning into bundle of nerves.
“Titania’s not here” Said a confident Gajeel as he scratched the back of his neck. Trying to erase of his mind what just happened and ease his heartbeat.
“How do you even know that?” The sound of the door once again was heard.
“I’m a dragonslayer” Said Gajeel as if it were the most obvious reason.
“Ok Gajeel, now is safe to look.” Levy walked out of the bathroom with a pink semi-transparent short night gown. Leaning on the edge of the wall and placing her hand on her right hip. “Can I ask you a favor? Would you please stop posing like a supermodel in my bed? You really did make yourself at home.” He watched her step closer to him.
“Should you trust me? How can I know if you don’t want me to see you half naked again?” He teased her.
“Stupid, of course I trust you.” She blushed and looked away. “Anyways, care to tell me the reason why are you here?” Then a cold breeze made her shiver and she stare at the opening.  “…And why my window is open?”
He pointed to the window. “That’s probably because that was the only entrance I saw.” He crossed his arms as he continued “And you actually did invite me, indirectly.”
Levy’s brows bumped together in a scowl. “What? When?” 
Turning her back to the rest of the guild, waving, she shouts. “Bye everyone! Jet! Droy! We’ll go to a job tomorrow.” Stopping in her tracks she looked back over the shoulder and smiled. “Shadow Gear is back to business!” She paused. “Talk to you later, Gajeel.” The last part was muttered under her breath while she kept walking.
Her forehead puckered in an irritated way. “You’re not making any sense. I did say, ‘talk to you later,’“ she paused, raising her fingers to gesture quoting herself. “But that doesn’t mean in any way sneak into my bedroom. By the way, you were the one who said you needed to talk to me.” She looked at him intensely.
He turned his eyes back to her. “True that,” He said slowly. Levy slowly sits beside him.
“But if you want me to talk, then I will. You know it feels so good to be home. Seeing the Master, Lu-chan, Jet, Droy, Lily…” Moving her head to the side. “You…” she continued. “After all this years that I was gone. I can finally say that my journey was worth it.”
He shook his head. “Tsk”
Turning her head once again back to him, she sigh. “What about you? What did you want to talk about?”
“Never mind, not in the mood.” He lied.
“If that’s the case.” He watched her get close to his face. “I would love to keep this conversation,” Gajeel raised one of his studded eyebrows. “But I’m so tired.”
What does she mean by that? Is she kicking me out? Why the hell I’m staring at her lips? He slammed his eyes shut. In that exact moment he felt her hand on his firm chest, applying a little pressure to it to pushed him down gently. He held his breath.
Leaving her hand there, she snuggled her head to his shoulder to hide her blush and said: “I want to rest a little.” In a low, embarrassed voice she asked: “Would you stay here for a few moments?”
Letting out the air in his lungs, drops of sweat appeared on his forehead as his heart quickened. “Umm…okay…”What I’m supposed to do? And why I’m feeling so nervous? Is just Levy. He thought. A low and tired snore brought him back to reality. He shifted his gaze from the ceiling to the girl who was sleeping beside him.SHE IS ALREADY ASLEEP?!?!? A slight smile appeared in his face when he saw her peaceful face. Being with her like this, makes me feel different.
Arriving to his house past midnight, Gajeel felt the presence of his friend. “Hey cat. I thought you were sleeping.”
Lily looked at him and laughed. “I was, but your smell is pretty overwhelming.”
The comment hit a nerve. “What are you talking about? I’m not Salamander!” He shouted.
“That’s true. Is actually that Levy’s scent is clinging all over you.” Lily said while making his way back to his little bed.
”Shut up and go back to sleep.” Gajeel replied.
Beautiful hazel eyes open vaguely as the sun rays invaded Levy’s room and pierced the curtains. She stretched her arms up in the air while yawning. Memories of the previous night invaded her mind and without realizing it, she was already looking for Gajeel… He wasn’t anywhere to be seen…
“I can’t believe how forward I was last night, but I couldn’t be any happier.” She said to herself a little embarrassed. She got up, head to the bathroom and stopped at the mirror looking straight at her reflection. She said, “Rise and shine dear Levy. Today is the first day I go to a job with my lovely Shadow Gear members after all this years”
What never crossed her mind was that the job she was about to be heading would break her team apart
“…I should have told them my secret at the exact moment I saw them…they are my best friends…”
Tears streamed from her eyes.
A / N: That’s it for now. A little cliffhanger to leave you a little intrigued. Also, in case you are wondering, I will reveal Levy’s journey during those three years but in another chapter.  
Special thanks to @spikerr for helping me with the grammar and being so kind to me. Also, thanks to all of you that gave me writing tips, wanted to help me and for the support I received.
Characters belong to Hiro Mashima.
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