allthingshetalia · 5 years
I love angst, so may I request the reactions of Romano and Germany when their abused s/o has a nightmare where he is replaced by her abuser and s/o is scared to tell him about her dream because she doesn’t want to hurt his feelings and is scared that he’ll be angry at her?
💕I love angst too!💕
Your breath came out as a wild pant. Your legs shook and your knees wobbled, but the sound of heavy footsteps coming down the hall made your flight senses kick in running up to your shared room you quickly through yourself into the bathroom and into the cabinet under the sink. Before you were completely under the cabinet you pushed the door slightly closed with your foot, praying he didn’t hear you. Tucking yourself up as small as you could you closed the cabinet door.
Your heart seemed to be pounding throughout your body and you had to stop the wave of nausea that cane over you. You winced as the deep purple bruise on your back brushed up against the plumbing under the sink.
That was just from this morning.
“Y/N.” His deep voice rang out. His voice was one of the things that attracted you to him at first. It was deep and his accent almost made it sound like it was rumbling in his chest. It was powerful and you felt safe- until one night he came home ‘drunk’ and kicked you around.
You didn’t believe his drunk story. You were with him before when he got drunk and the only thing that changed was that he became a little more childlike and giggly- not a ragging monster.
“Come on Y/N.” He chuckled. “I know you’re here somewhere. Come on. I didn’t mean what happened earlier. Next time just be more careful when making coffee.” You could hear his voice getting louder and louder. “I didn’t mean to hit you. I was trying to push you out of the way so you wouldn’t get burned.” You heard the light switch to the bedroom flick on. “Now come here so I can take care of you. Show me where I hurt you and I’ll make it better, I promise.”
You thought for a moment maybe it was an accident. What if he was just trying to help you? You are a little bit clumsy afterall. Tears Welt up in your eyes. Shaking your head you hoped that the thought of him trying to protect you flung out of your mind. ‘He hates me.’ You repeated to yourself eternally. ‘He doesn’t love me’ you continued. ‘He’s an evil monster.’
“Oh I’m an evil monster?” You heard a chuckle from the other side of the cracked door. You heard the bed creak signifying that he sat down.
You’re heart sped up and you wondered if you said it aloud.
‘How did you hear me?’ You asked. Not aloud of course. The sound of your voice bounced of the walls of your brain and you just wanted to scratch the feeling away. Bringing your hands up you yanked at your hair and whimpered softly.
“How can I hear you? Darling I am you.” He said aloud. The bed creaked again and you heard his heavy footsteps drag across the floor.
‘Wha-what. N-no.’ You mumbled, tears were rolling down your cheeks now.
“Yes, sweetie. I’m the monster you created.” He said again. This time the door to the bathroom creaked fully opened, and you could see the light flood through the cracks of the cabinet. “All of this is going on in that beautiful little head of yours- but it’s only a matter of time before it comes true.
“What a-are you sa-saying.” You asked. It was the first time you said something out loud.
“Well you always seem to have a knack for messing up perfectly good things. It’s your fault you get treated like this. You were born for this.” You could hear the ruffling of his clothes and you wondered what he was doing. “You were born to be weak.”
“No.” You said softly.
“Yes darling.”
Everything got super quiet before he spoke again. His voice sounded like it was right against your ear and you swore you could feel his breath against your neck.
“Your Just born to be someone’s prey.”
The cabinet door swung open.
Your eyes snapped open.
Everything was dark.
You tried to sit up so you could flick on a light, but a heavy arm kept you from doing so. Looking over you realized who the arm belonged to and used all the strength in your shaking body to push the arm off of you.
Throwing yourself to the night table you knocked the lamp over trying to find the string to pull.
“Kätzchen? What’s wrong?” The bed jolted and two strong arms wrapped themselves around you.
“No! Don’t touch me!” You screeched. Those arms quickly faded away from you and you jumped off the bed and tucked yourself against the wall.
His bedside lamp flickered on and illuminated the whole room. You pressed yourself deeper into the wall and wished to fade away.
“Kätzchen? Look at me.” Ludwig’s voice called out softly. You shook your head and vigorously whipped away the tears that were flooding down your face. “It’s me, Kätzchen, it’s me. Why are you afraid?” The tenderness in his voice caused your heart to crack a little.
Working up the courage you finally looked over at him. He was standing next to his side of the bed facing you and he had his hands raised, like he was showing you he wouldn’t cause you any harm. The dream quickly flashed through your head and another choked sob left you lips.
A shaky breath left his form and you knew that this was hurting him as much as it was you. He walked away from the bed very slowly and made his way around to your side of the bed. He didn’t try to touch you though, he simply sat down on the bed. He was about 5 feet away from you.
“You’re shaking.” You murmured softly.
“Yes.” He replied softly. He lowered his hand that were still up in the air and rubbed them together, like it would stop the shaking. “You’re Freaking me out.” He continued. You could feel his soft eyes staring at you but you couldn’t bring yourself to look at them.
“I scare you?”
“Mmmmh.” He hummed in agreement. “Your scared of me aren’t you?” He asked.
You didn’t answer- you couldn’t.
“That’s what scares me.” He said again. You heard a crack in his voice and cursed yourself in your head. “Nightmare?” He sighed.
You nodded your head.
“You were hurting me in my dream.” You mumbled after a short quiet minute. “You could hear my thoughts and told me I was weak.”
“You aren’t.” He said quickly. “You know I once had a dream,” he laid down on the bed, “that I was falling from space and I fell into the ocean and I was adopted by a school of fish.” He stated. You couldn’t help but give a small giggle. “Now first of all- I would never go up into space- even if I had the opportunity. Second of all, even I would die if I fell from space.” He chuckled softly.
You adored this side of him.
“The point I’m trying to make is that dreams- while they can be scary and stupid, they aren’t real. And they shouldn’t be something to worry about especially since I’m promising you, I would never do anything to hurt you, Kätzchen, ever.”
You smiled softly and felt all of your fear slowly drift away.
“Can you tell me more about your dreams?” You asked softly. You got into bed next to him and laid your head and his stomach. Bringing one of his hands down he gently massages your scalp making you relax.
“Of course.”
You stayed silent as the car hummed quietly from underneath you. You tried to stare out your window but your eyes nervously made their way back to him. He was in the drivers seat. His grip on the stealing while was so tight it looked like it was going to snap under his strong hands.
His breathing was labored and he would shift uncomfortably in his seat every few minutes. He could feel you staring and turned his head to look at you. You didn’t dare make eye contact with those fiery olive eyes.
“Lovi, I’m sorry. Please don’t get mad.” You murmured finally. You always knew he was protective- but this was becoming a whole new level.
“Well maybe if you didn’t dress like such a slut, he wouldn’t have come up to you.” He growled. The car sped up as did your heart rate.
“Excuse me?” You gasped, turning your head to look at him.
“You heard me, bitch.” He spat. You felt a sharp pain go through your heart as it broke. Tears welled up in your eyes as you struggled to get oxygen in your lungs.
“What, gonna cry?” He mocked as he pulled up to your shared house.
“What’s wrong with you?” You shouted, as you quickly opened the car door before slamming it shut. “I didn’t do anything wrong and you know it!” You shouted again walking up the driveway. You felt nauseous as you practically stumbled up the steps.
Before you could get to the top step the back of your head received a hard slap. The action caused you to almost fall, but Lovino gripped your hair before you fell and yanked you back up so your back was against his chest.
“Don’t make a fucking scene.” He grumbled, He then shoved you forward causing you to smack against the hard wooden door.
A loud sob escaped your lips as you prayed this was all some kind of sick dream.
“Don’t you dare cry, Bella.” The use of your nickname made your head snap up.
You shot up and almost hit Lovino in the face of he didn’t have fast reflexes.
“Jesus, What happened.” He murmured from beside you. “Y/N” He asked a little after you didn’t respond.
You whimpered softly and tucked your knees to your chest. “Bella?” He mumbled tenderly. He softly scooted so he was next to you. This wasn’t the first time a dream like this had plagued your nights.
“Was it bad?” He asked. You nodded your head and leaned against him slightly. He made no move to hold you, in fear of scaring you. “Will You be able to go back to sleep?”
You thought for a moment but shook your head no.
“How about we go downstairs and I’ll make you some of my famous breakfast.” He smiled.
“Your famous breakfast is just pizza with a side of scrambled eggs.” You giggled slightly. He chuckled and hummed in agreement.
“But it’s the best breakfast you’ve ever had, don’t lie.” He smiled placing a small kiss on your temple.
“Thank you, Lovi.”
“Anything for my beautiful girl.”
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
Germany and Romano w/ an emotionally exhausted s/o due to family, school, and mental health? Thanks so much! 💕
Hands softly ran up and down your shaking back as you unloaded a weeks worth of tears onto their shoulder. Whimpering pitifully you pressed the side of your face under his chin, against his chest. His hands stopped rubbing and his large arms just enclosed around you. He rested his chin on top of your head. His shoulders hunched over you, like a shield.
If anyone were to walk in they probably wouldn’t even be able to see you buried in his large frame.
“I feel stupid for crying.” You admitted. He hummed in question and moved his head so his lips were pressed against the top of your head. “I mean people go through crazy, horrific, terrible things and here I am crying.” You continued.
“Everyone goes through their own things Kätzchen.” His deep voice rumbled. “You can’t compare your situation with theirs. Everyone has things that effect them and things that don’t.”
You nodded your head in agreement. “I know, but I just wish I was stronger, like you.” You pipped up.
“I’m not as strong as you think. And I know it sounds bad but I don’t want you to be. Half the reason I’m as strong as I am is because I’ve seen the worst, lived through the worst and been the worst. And because of that I’ve been an emotionless cold shell most of my life. It’s easy to close yourself off, but it takes being strong to cry and feel all those emotions coursing through you. You think being strong is not crying, but that’s not true, Kätzchen. Being vulnerable and weak, is sometimes the strongest you’ll ever be. I don’t ever want you to be your idea of strong.” He finished. You moved your head away and stared back up at him in awe.
“I wouldn’t mind being like you though.” You said softly. He chuckled lightly and pressed you back against him.
“I hate everything.” You grumbled.
“Mood.” Roma snorted. You rolled your red and puffy eyes and buried yourself deeper into his chest.
You had just finished crying into your boyfriend’s chest while he assured you that everything was going to be okay.
“Hey look at me.” He murmured, softly tapping his finger against your chin. You didn’t completely lift your head up from its spot but titled it up at him. “Don’t get tunnel vision. This is just one week out of your very, very, very long life. And next time don’t wait till you are at your wits end to tell me about how you feel, especially when you put up a facade, to make me believe you were alright.” He said. His thumb softly rubbed against your blotchy cheeks
“I didn’t want you to worry.” You mumbled. You moved your head so it was nuzzled right into his neck.
“It worries me more when I come home and see my girlfriend having a break down on the kitchen floor.” He grumbled. Your face flushed with embarrassment. “Don’t get embarrassed, it’s me, I have had my fair share of break downs.” He chuckled, placing a kiss against your heated forehead. “But you scared me. So next time please tell me. Even if you think it’s stupid. It isn’t, okay Princess?” He asked, shaking your body gently. You smiled and nodded, kissing his jaw softly.
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allthingshetalia · 4 years
☯ ☮ ♦ ★ ☆ for Romano please? 🧡
likes= The smell of a cooking pizza
Dislikes= when he finishes eating a whole pizza and has to make another one
He is protective and thoughtful, but you have to break down his walls and assure him you won’t leave him
Quirks= sometimes he has an arm spasm and accidentally will smack someone
Hobbies= He really likes to read, it’s a little escape for him. 
He wants nothing more than for someone to choose him over his brother. He doesn’t want them to even hesitate. As soon as he walks into a room with his brother by his side he wants someone to turn to him and smile and greet him before Feli. 
Hes fondest memory is of a younger him and Spain walking through the city and picking up fresh ingredients for diner. 
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
Can you do Romano for the last ask you posted?
💕Omg! I forgot Roma in the make out Sess! I am trash with a capital T! I’m sorry!💕
As soon as you walked into the dark room you were shoved up against a wall. You smirked lightly as familiar hands gripped your waist and tugged you to them.
“Lovi? Am I that irresistible?” You giggled against his lips.
“You know the answer to that my Bella.” He grumbled trailing his kisses down your cheek and neck with each word.
Bitting right at your pulse he smirked as you instinctively pushed yourself against him.
“I don’t wanna get caught.” You murmured tugging at his shirt.
“We won’t, they weren’t even paying any attention to us Bella.” He assured before capturing your lips in a more loving kiss than the last.
“Fine ten minutes and then we go back.” You stated wrapping your arms around his neck.
“We both know I need a little more time than that.” He teased, hoisting your legs up and around his waist.
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
Idk if you do imagines but if you do maybe some characters reacting to their teen’s first break up? (Definitely not using this to cope with a break up 🤪)
💕☺️your secret is safe with me lol☺️💕
“Hey, n/n?” You heard your fathers voice from the other side of the door. A soft knock came after and the door slowly creaked open.
You didn’t bother getting out of your blanket burrito.
“Come on kiddo. Let me see that pretty face.” He sat down on the edge of the bed and softly pulled the blankets away from your form. “Oh, yikes.” He cringed jokingly as he saw your matted hair and bright red, blotched face.
“Not helping.” You groaned pulling the blankets back over your head.
You heard a deep sigh and the bed dipped down even more signaling he was laying beside you.
“You know I never liked that kid.” He stated firmly.
“Yes you did! You went fishing and worked on cars together!” You sobbed, pulling the blankets tighter around you.
“I know, but he broke my kiddos heart, so now he is dead to me. He’s a good kid, but an idiot. Which I can relate too. And let me tell you, he will regret letting you go, it may not be now, but he will.” He soothed. He pulled the blankets away from you once more, only to place a soft kiss on your forehead. “Now, I bought some of your favorite ice cream and am making f/d tonight. So when you are ready come downstairs.” He smiled, tucking you back into your blanket burrito.
“I’m sorry maple. He’s young, stupid and doesn’t know what he wants in life.” Your father soothed placing yet another pancake on your plate.
“I know but I thought he loved me.” You whined, shoveling another spoonful into your mouth.
“He did maple, and that’s probably what scared him off. He just didn’t want to settle down, I mean you are both so young and the thought of not being able to live the life you want scares you. Some just choose to handel it different.”
“I know your right.” You mumbled. “Can you pass the Nutella?” You asked. He nodded and slid the jar to you. “Hey, does this mean I can date Gilbert?” You asked.
Your father spat out the coffee he was drinking and looked at you with wide eyes.
“What?” He asked, swallowing harshly.
“You said it yourself in need someone older and he’s very old. His may act like an idiot but we all know how smart he actually is! And we know he would never hurt me! Like remember that time when I was walking around town and this guy wouldn’t leave me alone and Gilbert totally knocked him out and escorted me for the rest of the day.” You stared. You may have had a small crush on the albino since like forever.
“Ummm why don’t we wait for you to feel better, before considering another boyfriend.”
“Does this fucker not know who your father is? He’s an idiot.” Romano roared, he grabbed his phone out of his pocket and quickly started to dial a few numbers.
“No!” You shouted, lunging at your father and yanking the phone out of his hands.
“What- hey. Bella, give it back.”
“No!” You yelled, hiding the phone behind your back. “I may slightly hate him at the moment but I don’t want him hurt!”
“Ugh.” He groaned, falling back onto the sofa you had in your room. “Who said I was going to hurt him! I was just going to pushing him around a little- verbally.” He smirked.
“Papa, please!” You begged.
“Fine!!! Fine!! I won’t hurt him- unless you say so! Or he does another stupid thing, which giving his present history, is very likely.” Your father agreed getting up and off the couch. Walking over to you he placed a gentle kiss on your forehead before snatching the phone away from you. “Now what do you want for dinner?” He asked smiling at you softly.
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
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Romano x Reader
“I don’t know? Does it look like I’m trying to hard?” Lovino asked as he stared at himself in the mirror.
“I think you look good.” You chimmed in from your spot on the bed.
“I don’t want to look gOoD, I want to look great.” He established, fixing his buttons.
Rolling your eyes you got up from your place on the bed.
“Lovino, my love, they will love you no matter what.” You smiled, placing your hands on his chest.
“I know but I’m meeting your parents!” He exclaimed, running a hand through his hair. “And I’m this close to crapping my pants!” He shouted putting his index finger and thumb together. Giggling softly you walked back into the closet and grabbed his green sweater.
“How about this. It always makes you look fantastic and the green shows off your beautiful eyes.” You said, holding up the sweater to him.
“It isn’t green, it’s deep depths. It was a very popular color at one point- I think.” He corrected taking off his suit jacket and unbuttoning his dress shirt.
“Whatever.” You snorted flashing him a small smirk.
“I’m sorry, my Princess, I’m just nervous.” He explained his olive eyes scanning up and down your form. “I-I Just need to make a good impression. I mean what if they hate me and then they cause you to hate me. Or they want you to break up with me. Or the”- “Lovi, that won’t happen!” You shouted cutting him off.
“They will love you, because I love you. They already like you! I always tell them how good you are to me and how amazing you are. You have nothing to worry about.” You assured wrapping your arms around his neck.
His deep olive eyes closed and reopened only to show some small tears welling up inside them.
“Thank you, Princess.” He murmured planting a kiss on your lips and forehead. You smiled and buried yourself into the soft fabric of his sweater.
Leaning up and planting a kiss on his chin you pulled away causing a small groan to escape his lips.
“See! Handsome.” You laughed pointing at his reflection in the mirror. A smile spread across his cheeks causing his dimple to pop out.
“You’re beautiful. I’m handsome. We really do make a great couple, dont we, Princess?” He asked sending a small smirk over to you.
“Yes we do! And my whole family is going to see it!” You laughed, kissing him on his cheek. You were about to walk out of the bedroom when a strong arm stopped you.
“Whole family? I thought it was just your parents?” He asked raising an eyebrow. The arm around your waist tightened and you paled.
“Ya about that”..........
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
How about a fluffy cuddle session in bed with Romano and s/o?
“Loviiiiiii stop.” You giggled softly pushing your boyfriend away.
“Shhhhhh.” He replied barley stopping his trail of kisses even when you pushed him away.
It was around 9:30 am and both of you didn’t have any desire to get up. You’re boyfriend decided that the best way to spend his time was to plant kisses down the back of your neck stopping when he reached your bare shoulder blades and making his way back up.
“Ugh.” He groaned burying his face in the back of your head. He laid down on top of you, making sure to support most of himself with his arms so he wasn’t putting all his weight on you.
“I’m tired.” You complained flipping over so you were face to face with your godlike boyfriend.
“Tired? You slept for 10 hours.” He chuckled rolling over with you so you were tucked to his side.
“It wasn’t enough.” You murmured against his lightly muscled (but yet chubby) chest. “And you wore me out.” You smirked.
“I wore you out? More like the other way around.” He argued bringing his hand under the sheets and giving your bottom a playful pinch.
“Ow!” You jumped smacking his arm. He just laughed.
“You’re right I did do all the work.” He reasoned.
“Not all of it.” You grumbled still not satisfied with his answer. He brought you back against him and planted a kiss on your messy head. “What should we do today?” You asked bring the sheets up so both you and him were wrapped in a blanket burrito.
“Nothing .” He sighed squeezing your hip softly.
“Nothing? At all?” You asked, wanting to know if he would at least get up and make you some breakfast.
“Nope, Nothing, not even food. You’re on your own princess.” He stated opening one of his closed eyes to see your reaction. He had to stop a chuckle once he saw your shocked and slightly heartbroken face.
“But you make the best food ever! Please Roma!” You begged kissing up his chest to his jaw. You felt his cheeks heat up giving you some confidence.
“Fine, I’ll make some food but you have to help and then we come back to bed immediately, understand?” He asked making you nod and hop up rapidly. “God if I didn’t love you so much I swear.” He mumbled to himself as he watched your naked form rush down the hall to the kitchen.
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
Can I get some headcannons with Romano who has an S/O who is just as stubborn as he is.
You two would probably fight a lotttttt
But don’t worry he would baby you afterwards
Would also be proud whenever you stood up for yourself
Lots of make up sex
You two would never be able to stay mad at each other long
People might not think of you guys as a good match but you guys can actually work really well together
It would take a lot of work but you guys could be the greatest pair the world has ever seen
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
Accidentally grabbing their crushes boob and they just go "ya could have just asked ya know?;)" with whatever countries you want to,thx hon love you
He stared at you in shock.
He had accidentally almost tripped and tried to grab onto for support but he ended up grabbing something that wasn’t your shoulder.
“It was a-an accident.” He stuttered removing his hand realizing it was still in place.
You shrugged and leaned up closer to his face planting a soft kiss against his bright red cheek. He watched you with wide eyes as you pulled away softly.
Your eyes bore into his as your faces inches closer and closer until he could feel the light brushing of your bottom lip against his. But before he could slam into you, you pulled away abruptly, flipping your hair and walking away.
Watching you retreating figure he quickly snapped out of his trance and ran after you mumbling curse words.
“Mein Gott Y/N, I didn’t mean too! I’m sorry, did I hurt you?” A bright red Ludwig asked quickly removing his hand.
“You know if you wanted to touch them you could have just asked, Ludwig.” You giggled bitting your lip. He flinched when he felt all the blood from his head rush to another part of his body. He heard Gilbert wolf whistle from some other part of the bar but couldn’t care less.
“Y/N, are you okay? Maybe I should drive you home.” He said taking his jacket off the seat and wrapping it around you so you wouldn’t get cold.
You got up from your stool and pressed up against him, making him grab your hips and push you away lightly so you didn’t feel everything.
“Ya maybe you should.” You replied in the most sultry voice you could muster. Before he could say that wasn’t what he meant you leaned up and bit the side of his neck making a small groan escape his lips before he clamped them shut. Grinning at him widely you grabbed his hand and tried to drag the massive German out of the bar.
“Oh Sunflower! I am so sorry! Did you hurt you?” Ivan asked putting a hand on your shoulder, like he was checking for a injury that would just randomly pop up.
“You know Vanya, if you wanted to grab one you could’ve just asked.” You chuckled leaning your chin against his chest so you were looking directly up at him.
“Sunflower, that is crazy talk. Maybe you should go get some more sleep, Da. I know when I don’t sleep I get loopy too. Come on I’ll carry you.” He stated picking you up bridal style.
“Yes please take me to bed.” You purred, leaning up in his arms planting a long kiss against the corner of his mouth. The action almost made him drop you.
“Oh God, help me.” He murmured looking up at the sky while he carried you back to his mansion.
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
Hey I was wonder if I could get a bit of Romano as a dad, I mean tbh him as a dad would be cute.
Is an actual soccer dad
Like he’s going to be the dad that yells on the sidelines to pump his kid up
And a lot of people hate him but you can’t kick him off the team cause he’s the one who brings the snacks
Would display his kid’s artwork all over the house
Has a picture of his kid in his wallet
Will mess your ass up if you hurt or even look at his kid wrong
Super Uber protective
Will 100% read bedtime stories (they won’t be good stories, but hey, it’s something)
Let’s his kid sleep in his bed
Makes dinner with them every night
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
Would it be ok to request a scenario with Romano and a s/o who gets small anxiety attacks out of nowhere?? Sorry if that's upsetting you don't have to. ❤
💕please, this is one of the least upsetting things on this app😂💕
“Princess, I’m home!” A deep accented voice rang through the silent house. Kicking off his shoes, Lovino looked around the living room waiting for your smaller form to press itself against him. The scilence made a shiver run up his spine. His pessimistic side kicked in and immediately thought the worst.
Reaching in his suit pocket he took out his gun that he always had on him. Sneaking around the couch and quickly checking the kitchen, bathroom and closet he made his way to the door of the basement.
“Princess?!” He shouted again, before opening the door. Not hearing a response he opened the door and peeked down the stairs turning the light on. Finding it was all clear he turned the light off again and closed the door. He creaked up the stairs making his way to the second floor. “Y/N I swear to god.” He yelled, picking up his pace. He walked sideways so his back was facing the wall. Checking the other closets and bathrooms, upstairs family room, and spare bedrooms, he finally made his way to the master bedroom.
(I know this sounds like it would take a long time but this whole process has only taken him like two minutes)
Noticing the door was completely shut made his palms get a little sweaty. Tightening his grip against the hot handle of his gun he abruptly opened the door making the knob smack against the wall. His eyes scanned around only to be met with an empty room.
The bed was messy-but it always was.
There were clothes that he and you wore the night before on the ground- but there almost always was.
“Baby.” He whispered into an empty bathroom. His stomach twisted and he felt as though he could throw up. Walking up to the walk in closet a choked whimper caught his attention.
I taking air sharply he gripped the door and threw open the door. The room was darker than the rest of the house so he had to flick the lights on. Squinting as the warm light filled the room, his eyes landed on you.
You were curled up in his hamper cuddled up in his clothes. The top of your head peaked out over it and instead of meeting his gaze you shrunk back into the clothes pile. “What the fuck, Princess?” He asked quickly walking over to you. He placed his gun on the shelf. Pulling the hamper away from the wall he bent down and lifted you up by your underarms. He pressed you against his chest and tucked his arm under your but while his other one wrapped around your lower back insuring you wouldn’t fall. Your legs lazily hung next to his. Your feet were at least a foot away from touching the ground and you tiredly laid your head on his broad shoulder.
Turning around he sat you both on the bench in the closet and held you so you were straddling him.
“What happened, Baby? Do I need to take care of something?” He asked suggestively. He placed a hard kiss against your heated forehead. You were no longer crying but your red and blotchy face told him how intense it was. You body still slightly shook with dry sobs every now and then. Tightening his grip he leaned away from you and tilted your head to look at him. “Hmmm?” He hummed, his olive eyes stared at you demanding you tell him what had happened.
“I-I just- I don’t know. I just.” You stuttered.
“It’s okay not to know Princess. But you gotta give me something. At least let me know it wasn’t another person who did this.” He said assuringly. His olive eyes flickered back up to his gun when the words “another person” fell from his lips.
“No, I’ve just been anxious lately. I mean- I don’t know why, but I am and I guess I just broke down.” You mumbled leaning back against his shoulder. Your nose dug into his shoulder, inhaling his natural scent.
“Next time you feel like that tell me. Or at least call me. You gave me a damn near heart attack.” He scolded, but your could hear the softness in his voice. He kissed your hairline also making sure you knew his words were out of love and protection. “Tell you what, how about we go take a bath/shower and then we can order some take out?” He suggested, chucking softly when you nodded rapidly.
“Can we cuddle?” You asked removing your head from his shoulder.
“When can do whatever you want Bella.”
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
Would it be ok to request some cuddly Romano with a touch starved s/o, just being sweet and intimate. Headcanons or scenario or anything is fine, I just need some fluff rn :(
💕I feel that💕
“Mmmm.” You moaned as you stepped into the steaming bath. You thanked god that Lovi decided it would be best to get the hotel room with the XL bath, because it was practically a jacuzzi.
You were both currently in Finland for a world meeting. Lovi refuses to go to one without you now because one time the meeting got extended to 3 weeks instead of just 2 and that was hell for the both of you.
But sadly only Countries were allowed in the meeting room (besides maids and stuff) so you were on your own from 9am to 6pm, or sometimes even longer.
Your body was use to hot Italy air, not the chilled air of Finland, so it was almost torture to go outside. But you still managed and wandered around the touristy town. But now your feet were bruised and rubbed raw from you snow boots. You skin and lips were dry and you couldn’t wait to get back to the hotel room and take a nice hot bath to defrost.
So here you were.
Your slightly snow damped hair was tied up into a bun. (Or if you have short hair it just stays the same). Everything from your chin down was submerged in the pink bubbly water. The entire room smelled like roses and vanilla. You had a glass of wine and some leftover pizza Roma insisted on making so you weren’t stuck eating ‘crappy Finish food.’ His words not yours.
“Vita Mia (my life), I’m back!” You heard your boyfriend shout almost slamming the door behind him. “Where the f*ck are you?” You heard him mutter somewhere in the other room. You laughed loudly giving away your hiding space.
“Oh, well this is a slight I want to come home to everyday.” He smirked pushing the cracked door all the way open.
He had already taken off his blazer and was mid unbuttoning his dress shirt exposing more of his tan, slightly hairy chest.
You had to pull the pizza away from you lips in fear of choking. Why did he have to be so attractive?
His olive eyes scanned you up and down in the water making you instinctively cover yourself. Even though he had seen you naked many times it always made you blush. He rolled his eyes at you and mouthed “you’re beautiful” making you blush dark red and chug what was left of your wine.
Once he was done undressing you scooted forward so he can sit behind you.
The calm water turned into a light tsunami as extra weight was added in it. You felt his thighs rub against your hips and you were lifted up making you grip his leg out of fear. He sat you completely on his lap and pressed your back against his chest. He chuckled against your bare neck at your reaction causing you to shiver.
“So what have you been up to?” He asked as you for udjusted. His hand suddenly darted into the water grabbing your sore foot. His thumb skimmed against the ball of your foot, applying light pressure. “Why didn’t you wear some thick socks?” He asked massaging your ankle.
“I didn’t have any. I thought I packed some. I know you asked to make sure I had them and I thought I did.” You mumbled pushing your foot down silently begging him to massage your calves.
“You should’ve just taken some of mine.” He mumbled digging his fingers into the muscles of your calves. His head was bent kissing up and down your neck and shoulder, while his other hand was lightly running up and down the back of your thigh.
“They won’t fit me.”
“If you pull them up and roll them. They may not be completely comfy but it’s better than having a hurt foot, Bella.” He reasoned applying more pressure to his actions.
You were practically liquid in his hands, just completely melted against him.
“How was your day?” You moaned out causing an airy chuckle leave his lips. His hands left your body making you whimper in discontent. He leaned forward grabbing the opened bottle of wine and your empty wine glass refilling it almost to the top.
Taking a large gulp he placed the glass on the rim of the tub bringing one hand down to your hip massaging it. His other hand moved to your inner thigh gripping it whilst tapping his thumb against it, like it was dancing to some song Lovi had trapped in his head.
“It was boring. I almost killed 3 people and wanted to throw myself out the window.” He groaned against the back of your head. You giggled loudly and tilted your head back so you were staring into those beautiful olive eyes.
“I’m happy you didn’t throw yourself out the window.” You laughed bringing your hand up and brushing his slightly curly hair away from his eyes. The steam of the tub caused his normally straight hair to shrink and curl.
He kissed your forehead softly, leaning his head into your hand.
“Well I couldn’t just leave you here, after all who would protect you, make you delicious food, take care of you and give you their socks?” He asked causing both of you to laugh. He reached over grabbing the wine glass again taking a few sips before handing it down to you.
“How about I skip the meeting tomorrow?” He blurted out making you stop drinking.
“Can you do that?” You wondered putting the wine glass down and turning around so you were straddling him.
His eyes scanned down your body before he snapped out of his trance.
“I’m sure, I mean half of them skip one or two days anyway and as long as I get my paperwork it’ll be fine. And Veni will be there.” He explained. Nodding your head you leaned forward so your head was buried in his neck. His hands ran up and down your back, lightly squeezing your bottom.
Smirking lightly you kissed his neck making him tense. You kissed all the way up until you got to a certain spot and bit down making him groan loudly into your ear before attacking you with kisses and nips.
He’ll be to tired to go tomorrow anyway.
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
Hello it's your local Romano anon again, how do yo think our dear boy would take care of a sick, bed ridden s/o??
💕welcome back💕
He would go into momma bear mode
He would actually be really sweet
Make you the best soup
Cuddle with you
Would freak out a few times and call the doctor
If anyone showed up at the house (like his brother) he would shoo them away
If he had paperwork he would bring it in the bedroom and lay next to you while doing it
Watch your favorite movies
10/10 surprising niceness and support
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
Romano headcanons plz
His favorite food is a tomato (obviously)
He likes them because even though they are a fruit they aren’t considered a fruit and he relates to that a lot
He has nightmares a lot and that’s the reason he sleeps a lot during the day
He doesn’t sleep cause he’s lazy he sleeps because he has a hard time sleeping at night
He also gets depressed a lot and that drains him
He actually looks really good with facial hair
But he always shaved it before a world meeting cause he knows people will tease him
He has a Bernese Mountain dog and a St Bernard
The St. Bernard is named Avalanche
The Bernese Mountain dog is named Brutus
He loves dogs because of their loyalty to him, because even if their in a room with other people they always come back to him
He is 100% involved in Mafia Activity
Because of that he is an extremely good fighter and a really good shot
The one thing he can’t stand though is torture
He would go into a different room if someone needed to be tortured
He wouldn’t be like the head of the mafia but he would definitely be the mafia bosses right hand man
He can knock someone out with 1 punch
He is a little chubby!!!
Most of this is from eating pizza and pasta 24/7
He isn’t like muffin top chubby but there is some fat
But it’s nice because it makes him super comfortable to cuddle with
His relationship with Feli is a rocky one
On one hand he loves his brother
But on the other hand he just doesn’t really like him
He’s isn’t jealous of him as much as he use to, but he is envious that so many people love him and care about him
That’s part of the reason why he really likes the mafia is because they are a big family
A big aggressive family
He just can’t help but feel that he is better than Feli in a way
He’s stronger, more passionate, smarter
All of these things but yet they choose Feli
He still would do anything for his brother though
He also doesn’t hate Germany
He actually really admired Germany for a long time and he in his own way tried to be friends with him
But Germany just ignored him and kept going back to Feli
He does enjoy Spain’s presence
He’s just annoyed that Spain can have a tendency to be slightly insensitive
“Go outside”
“You shouldn’t be eating that!”
“You need to stop being so lazy”
“I didn’t raise you like this, did I?”
“When was the last time you worked out?”
This causes him to lash out
He really just wants someone to choose him
No and or buts
He just wants to be someone’s first choice
He would absolutely loves to have someone he could wrap his arms around
He would 100% have his s/o sit in his lap during a mafia meeting
(A lot of people do it so it wouldn’t be weird)
He is very protective of his s/o and would expect his s/o to look up to him for protection
A slight yandere
He would never, ever, ever, ever hurt you
Nor let anyone else even place a finger on you
Is an amazing lover
Like you won’t be on cloud 9 you’ll be on cloud 27 like damn
He will treat you like royalty
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