#he's literally so talented but you can see that he's got them insecurities
cosmicdahlias · 13 days
🌜ford x reader headcanons🌛
part 5
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• you watched titanic and he spent the entire time telling you facts about the actual ship
• when he gets a phone he’s constantly sending you OLD memes, like “i can haz cheezburger” old
• when you’re on your cycle he’s busting out all the remedies. heating pads, herbal tea, ibuprofen, chocolate. you’re getting PAMPERED
• you make him feel young again
• loves taking romantic baths with you. goes the extra mile with candles, rose petals, bubbles, and wine
• genuinely can’t tell when you’re flirting unless you explicitly tell him
• knew he wanted to marry you from day one
• actually got very into planning your wedding, mabel helped him create a scrapbook/planner
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this is all he hears when you try to explain streaming services to him
• the 30 years he spent in other dimensions left him with severe PTSD, you’re the one who convinces him to get a service dog. it’s a german shepherd named orion
• was the first to say “i love you”
• gets so wrapped up in his work that he sometimes forgets to eat unless you remind him
• does enjoy going out with you but prefers cuddling up with you at home watching a nature documentary or something
• if you’re an artist he’s very supportive and always shows off your art to just about anyone, he’ll be talking to the cashier at the grocery store and be like
“look what my partner made, aren’t they so talented?”
definitely has a handful of your pieces in his study
• when you told everyone you were dating mabel knitted you two matching sweaters
• smells like fresh pine and leather
• stan was the one who convinced him to tell you his feelings
• before you dated he knew you and dipper had gotten semi close over your shared interest of the journals. he would ask dipper questions about you, this always confused dipper who completely didn’t see how glaringly obvious it was that ford was into you
• insecure about his tummy and scars on his body, you love both of them
• you know that thing that dads do where they fall asleep literally 5 minutes after sitting down? yeah that’s ford when you cuddle with him on the couch
• when ford was considering proposing stan told him to do it for tax purposes
• very attentive to you when you’re sick. researches what you’ve come down with so he can best take care of you
• always reminds you to take your meds
• had a hard time enjoying watching jurassic park with you. constantly complained about how it was inaccurate.
“velociraptors and t-rexes didn’t exist in the jurassic era, it might as well be called cretaceous park! and they didn’t even live at the same time as the brachiosaur!”
• had night terrors for months after weirdmageddon. hearing your voice telling him that everything was okay and that bill was gone was a huge source of comfort.
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mangocustard16 · 9 months
📁....Seventeen's reaction to having an actor/actress s/o₊˚🎬📼🎥✩。
genre: fluff warnings: pet names, cursing lmk if i missed something w.c: 970 a/n: thank you! anon and I'm sorry i won't be covering another req that asked me to write about ghostface/scream cuz i already saw someone write about it<3 sorry anon!
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He is very supportive of your career and is proud of your accomplishments. He's clearing out his schedules to attend premieres, to silently cheer you on, and is not afraid to publicly express his admiration for your talent. Would casually appear during your shootings with your favorite flowers and snacks for everyone. "Babe! Aren't you supposed to be on the other side of the country?" "No, I'm supposed to be wherever you are."
Oh boy! he's taking tips, no jokes. He's got his notepad out and is ready to jot down directions and suggestions. He is ready to polish his acting skills which will come in helpful when bluffing others during the mafia game.  Bonus: he shares the prizes he wins from "Going Seventeen Mafia Games" with you. "Hannie that's the third Dyson air wrap you've won this year!"
Your supportive lil' boy. He helps you practice your lines and gives valuable advice. Everything flows smoothly until you reach a scene involving a kiss. joshua.exe has stopped functioning. He's momentarily frozen, and you can't help but wonder if he's even breathing. He had anticipated a kiss scene cuz you were the main lead, but it still bothered him a little to see you kiss someone else who is not him. But he's definitely not insecure or anything, just a peculiar sensation. And for the cure, just kiss the living daylights out of him so hard that he forgets the world except for you.
Well....he's an actor himself, so it's quite obvious that he's exceptionally proud of you. He's shamelessly promoting your movie/drama every chance he gets. Dedicates an entire Weibo live suggesting your movies and dramas to carats while explaining the plot in great detail. "You know The Dreamcatcher's plot twist caught me so hard that I almost fell off my seat"
He wants to accompany you everywhere – to set, to your trailer as you practice your lines, to premieres and other events. He adores the world you live in and wishes to learn more about it. He tried out acting(a period drama) and continued talking in that manner for days. "What an interesting food this is, 'twixt two buns lies a delicacy that-" "It's just a burger calm down."
He would be so proud of you. He'll be your silent cheerleader. When the two of you are alone, he will lavishly compliment your acting and take you out to a lovely meal to celebrate the premiere. So, while it may not appear to others that he makes a big deal out of it, you'll know how proud he is.
Please DO NOT bring him to events – Woozi almost blends in with the numerous cameramen and women, his own phone in hand as he photographs picture after picture of you as you go into the premiere of your new film — he's a very proud boyfriend, after all. "Look here! babe. Damn you look so good"
He is gonna hype you up so much omg. He like, Jun, won’t hesitate to promote your movie every chance he gets. His darling is building a name for themselves, and he'll be damned if he doesn't do everything he can to help them. He's always bugging Carats to go see the latest movie. Whenever you watch the movie alone, he will be more sincere and serious in his compliments. "No problem, carats! If you've already seen the film, you should go watch it two more times."
He'd be captivated by your performance and would shove his face very close to the screen every time you appeared. And, while he may not shamelessly promote you as some of the other members do, he will certainly speak highly of you and your acting abilities to everyone he knows. That's all he talks about when he's out with his '97 liner buddies. Literally. "Y/n had to act like they had not found the killer while sitting right beside them. They are so cool!"
Minghao is buying the CD regardless of whether he could simply ask you for a copy of the movie you're in or even if he's seen it hundreds of times. He is one of your biggest fans; he owns all of your movies, has seen all of your shows, and knows all of your interviews by heart.  "Are you watching y/n’s movies again? Aren’t you tired?" "Fuck off"
He actually got to know you during an event promoting your latest drama. He's your biggest fanboy, watching every drama/movie you've ever starred in, and bombarding you with compliments. Winces slightly whenever he sees you kiss a fellow actor on screen. "So your type is Song Jung" "Come on!! Stop sulking, we filmed that 6 years ago" 
Leaves 15-line reviews on your movies complimenting your acting skills. He is always pulling out your movies during movie night and doesn't understand why wouldn't wanna watch your own movie for the nth time again. "Babe, we have watched Wandering Dreams more than 20 times" "So, do you wanna watch 'Written in Sand'?" *dies* Bonus: All the movies you've starred in receive an obvious 5-star rating.
He'd be so freaking excited! It wouldn't be strange to spend endless nights practicing your lines with him. Coffee would be essential for those nights, as the caffeine would keep you up as you practiced. And whenever someone pointed out how much the critics praised you, he'd say, "Yeah, of course, my love did amazing." It's as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.
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BONUS:: Sends coffee trucks to the set during shooting: Minghao, Seungkwan, Jeonghan, Joshua ♡
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
Have some more language brainrot for your brainrot
Writer reader getting kind of insecure that even if they write something nobody will understand it, so when Al haithem askes you if he can keep a draft or two just for analyzing, there's hesitant agreement but ultimately you tell him to please burn the documents once he's done. They're too awkward to look at now...
Only he doesn't burn them, in fact he ends up recruiting several people close to the creator with knowledge of olden speak to analyze them. A funeral parlor consultant well known for his historical knowledge, a 500 year old shrine maiden who owns and runs her own publishing house, and a bard who somehow butted his way in on the project. None of them could resist the opportunity to witness the creator's sacred scriptures with their own eyes.
Needless to say, the papers ended up being fought over and have been making their rounds around your acolytes. It started with Ei, who insisted that as an archon she also should see the creator's work with her own eyes. Then once Ningguang found out, she ordered they be handed over to a team of literary analysts in order to be properly handled and deciphered. Things got really messy quick, but have luckily come to a halt as none of the acolytes want the creator to know their random writings are being fought over.
Especially when it comes to the creator's sullen additute. Their acolytes first have to convince their holiness that their inability to read and understand the creator's writing shouldn't prevent you from doing what you love. In fact... could they convince you to write some more?
On one hand, same 💀 id be terrified for my all time fav skrunklies to see my bs
But at the same time i rlly wanna show them goddamit- THANK U FOR THE BRAIN FOOD IM RUNNING LAPS AROUND MY HOUSE THINKING ABT THIS-
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Sun: Gender Neutral Reader (they/them), Writer!Reader
Planet: Language Shenanigans
Orbit: Scenario
Stars: Alhaitham mostly, some of Kaveh, mentions of other Sumeru characters
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: Insecure about craft/writing, anxious first pov (not serious),
& Trigger Warnings: Mild Negative self-talk, insecure perspective/reader “you”, possible anxiety depiction.
You were not a very confident writer.
This had been an avoidable feeling ever since you picked up a pen for the first time and were asked to write a story for school.
You were always anxious turning in essays, letting friends proofread them, anything that would expose your writing to more eyes, because you’d learned the hard way early on that as you get older and better at something, the stuff from the beginning… starts to look a lot different than you remember.
things you used to be proud of after having completed them in the moment, were something you struggled not to rip to shreds a year or two after you re-found it.
If it weren’t for other writers advising holding onto old work so you can see your progress over time, you’d have probably literally nothing older than one year on your ao3, wattpad, etc…
So when you had the fortunate luck (no it is not unfortunately, you are very happy to be here tbh) to fall headfirst into your video game you’ve been obsessed with lately,
You were not planning on showing them any of your writing.
Why would you, after all? You’ve got the weapons, the artifacts, everything they need to be more powerful. Why would you show them a silly little story you wrote? Fanfic or otherwise, not that theyll recognize any characters besides themselves, but still.
Alhaitham, bc ofc it was alhaitham, cocky, deviously aware bastard he is, caught you writing in your spare time first.
You’d gotten your hands on an old journal (if made you feel better than something completely new, a nice worn leather journal, sold at a secondhand shop from an old adventurer) and had started to write what you could remember about some of your ideas you’d had drafts for in your old world
After initially walking in on you writing in the House of Daena (it was the closest you could get to lofi girl, god u missed her lmao), you nearly jumped a foot in the air bc Haitham’s a nosy bitch and leaned over your shoulder and scared the absolute shit out of you, mans goes from asking politely, to begging you to let him read some of your writing over the course of 3 weeks (a month really)
Finally, after this 6 ft (about 180cm) man leans down one day (you’re sitting writing again), and gives you the most insanely good?? puppy dog eyes??? you’ve ever seen on a man???
you give in, revise a draft about 5 times in a row, lose sleep bc ur having a breakdown about alhaitham judging ur writing the night before you give him his copy-
and hand over a small short story for him to read. you specifically leave a little note not to judge you so hard for Haitham bc u werent used to people reading ur work/let alone someone as highly academic as him, ESPECIALLY since your speech is already so much more archaic than his/all of Teyvats-
His stupid green eyes with diamonds look into your soul (are they sparkling??) and he braces your shoulders after you give him his copy,
“Mine Greatest Guide, you hath deemed this one worthy of thy trust of your creations personally, I would be a fool to gaze upon it in jest. To take this work as anything less than a masterpiece in its infant stages.”
…you just leave him to it, and are nearly running out of there (u managed to be calm enough to just speedwalk),
and you make a point to not ask what he thought about it, or even bring it up at all
you’re kind of hoping he forgot tbh… and so nothing happens!
Nothing happens… for 2 weeks after you gave Haitham a copy of your short story.
You still don’t know Alhaitham’s opinion when you see the advertisement, a sign saying something about, a new book? By YOU???
You nearly start a mob because the shopkeeper insisted you sign some copies, but you only signed a few before too many people overwhelmed you, and seeing it was that same draft- !! Oh god, you’d been agonizing over the spelling errors you’d missed when you gave it to Alhaitham, and now it’s just out there???
(luckily it seems the reviews are positive, but dammit you’ve been rereading ur story u gave him for days, and now ur positive it’s shit-)
You make a break for it, and are literally running (more like speed-walking after a while, since u got further away) thru Sumeru City:
you pass by the open patio of a restaurant, the scholars are heatedly discussing ur characterization-
you pass by Dehya, Candace, and Dunyazard, the merc is waving around a copy of ur book, the other two women look excited abt the conversation-
oh my god-
Nahida is relaxing in one of the many little gazebos thruout Sumeru, while Wanderer seems to be reading your story to her-
You fucking track down Alhaitham’s house like a bloodhound.
You are banging the infamous gay roommates’ front door, panting til ur throat burns raw.
“Yes, yes, alright, greetings to you too! I was simply visiting the Acting Grand Sage Alhaitham, tis why I’m here- Greatest Lord?!”
Kaveh is nearly jumps a foot in the air at the sight of you, but recovers, (you’re still not tho lmao)
and invites you in bc apparently, Alhaitham’s been meaning to talk to you about your draft you gave him!
Oh yeah, you’ve got some words to give Haitham after giving him that damn draft privately-
But when he sees you, the fucker just- smiles??
Like he’s done nothing wrong???
You’re about to tear into him when he speaks first to tell you the good news!
He grabs your hands at the table and gets down on one knee, ohhhh no.
Alhaitham is giving you those damn begging puppy dog eyes again.
“My Greatest Lord, Giver of Power, and Guide to All, your exquisite story has entranced all of Teyvat, might I please insist you write a sequel? It is an excellent literary piece to analyze… or perhaps, even better, share other stories you’ve written??”
Hello I’m alive! I just took a longer-than-usual break between posts from those last 2 mammoth pieces about gifts,
1: bc they were a lot to write in between writing other stuff like fanfics im already working on lol 2: I got busy with holidays and trying to apply to jobs!
Not that I’m still not doing that.. but you get what I mean!
Safe Travels Anon,
That being said, as you’ve probably noticed, I’ve made a kofi! so if you ever liked my writing (hot mess it is) and want to show me some love, feel free to leave a tip! :]
Iced coffee?? :0
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk / @the-dumber-scaramouche
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incogrio · 3 months
can you do idol!reader x idol!soobin and a fic of how the two of them catch feelings idk
c.sb - idol!soobin x idol!reader falling in love hcs
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pairing: idol!soobin x idol!gn!reader
genre: fluff fluff fluff
synopsis: hcs on how u and soobin started dating :33
warnings: none! except for cat ears but nothing can be done there ☹️
a/n: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE REQUEST!! i hope you like it (this is very intimidating) and i hope you don’t mind that i made it hcs!! hope you enjoy and feel free to send in as many requests as u want hehehe
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i think you guys would have had to meet at mnet, or something of that sort
he was a rookie, you had debuted a year before him, and he was always a huge fan of yours
he didn’t really know much about you, other than how talented you were.
so you may be asking, how did he catch feelings?
all of the members had their own little introduction moments when you first debuted
you were all nervous and he was a trainee at the time and something about seeing someone he looked up to being nervous brought him so much comfort
and then he watched more and more of your videos. and performances. and interviews.
it may have started as a comfort thing, but then it turned into being jealous whenever your fans would talk about you
or when the members would make fun of him
yeah he has a few posters of you in his room what about it
so a little bit after txt debuted, he was the MC that year with arin, and was so excited to interview u!! until he was told that for the cat & dog promotion he had to wear dog ears. the. whole. day.
“i’m gonna end it,” “you’ll survive” “THEYRE GOING TO SEE ME IN DOG EARS!!”
cut to members laughing hysterically and him pacing back and forth
he was soooo red during the interview that you even went off script, pointing it out which made him laugh and cover his face (he wanted to implode on the spot)
but then… him being flustered made u laugh and…
yeah he got a little hard on stage SO WHAT??
after the interview and after he had calmed down he was walking with his members (all dressed in cat and dog ears) and he saw you and i think he actually died
tried to hide behind beomgyu (stupidly) and was immediately met w a “yahh!” and a shove into the wall
the loud bang of his back hitting the wall made you look over and he literally refused to look at you
you felt sad for him and wanted to make him feel better, so u tried to give him a compliment!
“nice ears!” you smiled, but his flustered mind immediately made him think you were making fun of him. he didn’t respond, just bowing slightly and shuffling away awkwardly
when you told your members, they were absolutely horrified
what do you MEAN you complimented the ONE thing they had been insecure about?? OBVIOUSLY THEY THOUGHT YOU WERE MAKING FUN OF THEM!!
oh. oh god.
the next day, you were absolutely mortified and had to make things right, especially since you were a big fan and had a raging crush on the long legged loser
this day, you had an interview with the mcs as a group, and after you had promoted your new album, you went up to him.
yeah no soobie was pissing his pants
“hello.. i just wanted to say that i didn’t mean what i said yesterday to be mean! i genuinely think it’s cute and i love your group so much!” you beamed at him
he literally reached to his arm and pinched himself
no fucking way dude
he smiled nodded and physically could not do anything else other than bow
you seemed overly professional with him, and that made him sad
“alright well, i have to go. fighting!”
bro just nods like 😦
on the very last day as a mc, he knew he HAD to get your number
he tried to talk to taehyun, since he has borderline gotten every idols number
taehyun laughed and said he didn’t have rizz.
so he decided to just wing it
yeah haha that didn’t go well
he found you after your performance, you were sweaty and WOAH brother he was having thoughts
“hello!” he bows, “you did so good!” you didn’t really respond bc like.. why is he talking to you?? you have a strictly professional relationship
you smile awkwardly and thank him, before falling into DISGUSTING silence (how soobin describes it)
“um… i just wanted to say that i really liked your… your performance? and… i really like… you?”
L RIZZ!! (it worked on you so bad)
he was stuttering and nervous and was basically ASKING you if he liked you
you decided to put him out of his misery
“thank you!” you bow, “i have to go soon, but if you give me your number we can talk more?”
soobin borderline got on his knees and thanked jesus personally
in reality he just nodded super eagerly and was shaking so bad he had to rewrite his name in your contacts four times
now, you’ve been dating for three years
you still make fun of him for that whole event, and he wants to die everytime but it makes you laugh so he doesn’t care all that much
he still hates how he needs to act super professional towards you on camera
he wishes he could kiss you in front of everyone so they’d stop shopping you with people other than him
and so everyone knew you were taken
physically pains him whenever he sees a fan try to flirt with you
or another idol even doing so much as talking and laughing with you
my bf crazy he kill people
you just need to reassure him with kisses to his little bunny lips and he’ll be fit as a fiddle
no guarantees if you’re getting anything done that day tho…
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justasecretflower · 7 days
~🪻 sdv men as boyfriends headcanons ~
Incl- Alex, Elliot, Shane, Sam, Sebastian, Harvey, Willy, Gunther, M. Rasmodius (Wizard.)
- He’s the type that’ll make you become apart of his workout. Lemme explain..
- he kisses you in between every push-up and crunch.
- you sit on his back during pushups
- he sees how many times he can deadlift you. (It doesn’t matter what size you are, yes, he can deadlift you.)
- “babe” “baby” “sugar”
- he’ll talk your ear off about his childhood, gridball, his feelings when he first met you.
- he’s GREAT to have conversations with because they keep going on for hours.
- when he cuddles you he like..crushes you. He always ends up snoring loudly, drooling on you, and his whole muscular body right on top of you.
- touchy touchy TOUCHYYY.
- he’s the type to run up to you and spin you around then hug you saying how much he missed you. Even if you’ve only been gone for like 5 minutes
- he doesn’t cry often, thinks it makes him weak, but the one day that you got him crying in your arms, your fingers in his hair and quietly whispering that it was okay, he literally fell in love again x2 harder.
- you alr saw that coming though.
- writes you poems and puts them under your pillow like a tooth fairy..
- he likes holding you. Makes him feel like he’s a protector.
- romantic home dinner dates with balloons, rose petals galore, candles, fancy table cloth, ect.
- love language is words of affirmation muahaha..
- “my love” “my dearest” “my darling”
- tells you everyday how much he loves you in old Shakespearen English
- slow dances in the living room with you.
- he’s really insecure and gets jealous easily.
- it’s like. You’re talented, hard working, beautiful, how could you ever like him?
- in his eyes, he was old, washed up, no longer a fit gridball player, alcoholic, suicidal.
- he distances himself from you whenever he has these episodes.
- it’s really bad, he knows, but he doesn’t want you to know how insecure and helpless he is.
- you do find out, and you hold him.
- his safe space, his savior, is you.
- he gets better for you, for himself, and for everyone around him and he constantly tells you how much you’ve saved him.
- “doll”
- he gets a new coat and has your initial on it with a heart (Marnie sewed it)
- movie nights. Not those aesthetic ones. The messy ones.
- the ones where you have dirty plates on the floor, pizza rolls, a bag of candies in between you and popcorn on the couch.
- it’s comfy, and it’s fun either way.
- he’s so cute.
- “babe” “baby”
- DEFINITION of golden retriever bf
- skateboards over to your house.
- he gets cuteness agression😭.
- he just randomly, aggressively, nuzzles your shoulder, or pecks a thousand kisses all over your face.
- makes songs for you and sings them to you.
- his favorite place to kiss you is your shoulder. Not even sexually he just loves kissing your shoulder.
- teaches you how to skate so that you can skate with him.
- he’d def be that cliche that’s like. Tried to flirt with you by leaning on the doorway but missed the doorway💀 (SAME WITH ALEX)
- He likes skating dates, MESSY cooking dates, and playing just dance with you.
- owns an “I love my girlfriend” t-shirt and wears it all the time. No shame
- kisses the tips of your ears and nose.
- very soft and gentle kisses.
- black cat …muahahhaaha
- he likes to make bracelets with you!
- matching bracelets
- also, matching pjs
- movie nights are the best with him. Matching pjs, snacks, cuddles, the rain pattering in the background.
- he’s a listener, not a talker.
- he said he can listen to you talk for days.
- of course, he mumbled that while flushed but he still said it.
- you’re his comfort person.
- he gets insecure but he doesn’t project it on you, just gets extra clingy.
- he gets flushed easily if you flirt with him.
- he goes on rambles about medical stuff and it just 😩
- takes care of you while you’re sick. Carries you to a bath with salts and bubbles in it, cuts up fruits, feeds you, helps you drink water, dab a cold rag on your forehead.
- he’s super romantic, makes you dinner sometimes and makes it healthy / canon
- kisses your forehead to get you to wake up in the morning.
- breakfast in bed on your anniversary.
- he’s a family man / canon
- give him a picket fence life /srs
- he likes kissing you deeply. Just pouring his whole heart into it.
- he likes fishing with you, if you don’t know how, he’ll stand behind you and guide you.
- “darlin” “hon” “pretty thing”
- puts your initial on his favorite fishing pool.
- he likes you sitting on his lap, just because he likes to be close to you.
- date nights on the beach, or on his fishing boat watching the stars together.
- he gets up “bright and early” so he just holds you, whispers in your ear with a raspy morning voice, gently kissing your shoulder “g’mornin pretty thing”
- really values quality time, even if you’re not talking just sitting near him while he’s fishing.
- definitely thought he was gonna stay single until he died before he met you, like he wasn’t even being pessimistic, just thought that he wouldn’t find anyone in that small town.
- I feel like he would’ve messed around when he was younger but never settled down.
- so when he moved to pelican town, he never expected to meet someone that would make him wanna be all lovey dovey and stuff.
- teaches you about history. His head in your lap, hand up to your cheek gently stroking it with the pad of his thumb as he yaps on, with a deep, smooth voice.
- remembers everything about you. Every detail even if you were just mentioning it in passing.
- “hon” “my darling” “love”
- date nights are those little missing persons cases (the fake ones), discussing history under a willow tree, taking small naps intertwined I
- prolly has a kid from a hookup…sorry?!
- not much for physical affection, but he’ll indulge a little, hand holds, cheek kisses, kisses.
- his love language is acts of service 100%.
M. Rasmodius Wizard
- he kinda watches you with his magic..not creepily !!
- stops you from falling all the time.
- “my love” “dearest”
- not touchy, but shows his love for you with actions.
- gifts you flowers, makes you food, cleans your room for you.
- fine..he’ll go to the flower dance for you.
- he’ll just end up dragging you to a secluded area to do the dance tho.
- it’s kinda cute ngl.
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grogusmum · 6 months
Part 3 @han_shot_first
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SUMMARY: Set before the events of The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent. Javi and Reader are friends online, and after a year of DMing they decide to meet. (The only change is Javi and Gabriela are just friends)
WORD COUNT: 1800ish
WARNINGS: Reader has insecurities about her size and appearance. Javi is adorable, be warned. Things get spicy.
Part 2
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“Girasol,” he whispers; voice husky. Your knees go a little watery not only from the want in Javi’s voice for you but for the sweet nickname, sunflower.
His warm, plush lips taste your mouth, chin, and neck. Tickling behind your ear, you had never kissed anyone with a mustache or much facial hair. It tickles and rasps over your soft skin deliciously, especially your neck, causing your shoulder to jump with a smiling gasp. 
Being pressed against the wall was also new to you like this gorgeous man can't get enough of you and needs to be as close as he can possibly get. One hand is cradling your jaw; the other travels from your hip under your sweater, where he has found that the dress is sleeveless. He hums, pleased by his discovery. You try not to feel emotional and keep the thought - thank you. Thank you for being attracted to me, even though… inside your head. But it brings up some tears that you blink away. 
The moment you open your eyes, the lights flicker, signaling you to return to the theater.
“Hmmm?” He murmurs, distracted by devouring your neck.
“The next film-”
He pulls away as the lights flicker again. 
“We will pick this up back at the hotel,” he rumbles. 
Javi takes your hand and leads the way to the theater. Since you are among the last to sit, Javi looks and tugs you toward the back of the theater. He noticed your glassy eyes when he pulled away. He wonders if he overstepped.
After you settle into your seat-
“I'm sorry,” Javi looks at you with his puppiest eyes.
“Well, I- for,” Javi struggles. “ Maybe I was too forward, and now we don't have good se-”
You smile; Javi really is the sweetest.
“Javi, I have never been so turned on in my life,” you murmur in his ear, and his face breaks into a broad smile, his eyes dancing. 
While the rest of the day flies and is more fun than you've had in a long time, every once and a while, you get a little in your head when hobnobbing with “the beautiful people.” But somehow, Javi seems to feel it every time, and he brings you closer, his lips grazing the shell of your ear, murmuring a sweet check-in.
Online, late at night, you would talk and talk, and you thought you felt a tension in the last month before planning to meet, but you always half-heartedly dismissed it. And when you saw his picture, you wholeheartedly dismissed it. How can someone like him…but here you both are. He doesn't even see the other women. Javi has at least one hand on you at all times. Holding your hand or on your thigh with his thumb chasing little circles during the films and Q&As, his arm wrapped around your waist during intermission. This new layer to your relationship is exciting, if a little scary. 
All you have been thinking about since the alcove is getting back to the hotel, but as Javi checks you both in, your traitorous brain starts to race; you know Javi is a good guy, he would never just presume, and if you put on the brakes he would respect that…but now that it's here. It's not that you don't want to; you want to, by the gods, do you. But what if he doesn't like what he sees when you are, quite literally, laid bare?
Javi returns with the key cards, his stomach knots in new and exciting ways. 
“It's a two-bedroom penthouse suite,”he murmurs, primarily to his feet. He can feel the tips of his ears going hot, “I got them before - but you know, if you don't - I mean, if we-”
Javi doesn't know what you are thinking. But he can easily see the anxiety scrawled across you. But he doesn't know what has you in this state—
Watching him, you can see his effort. To keep you comfortable, respecting your boundaries, and he keeps showing you he is attracted to you, all of you.
So you tell your liar of a brain to shut up for once, and your first finger goes gently under his chin, tipping his head to look at you. 
“Javi? Please take me upstairs.” 
This is when Javi’s brain short circuits.
The penthouse is, of course, gorgeous, just as Javi hoped. There’s a fireplaced living room, with the spread of chocolate-covered strawberries, soft cheeses, warm crusty bread, and the champagne he asked for on a coffee table. 
“Javi! This is, does this just come with penthouse suites or…”
“There are always, well, ‘amenities,’ but um, I asked for your favorites.”
“As soon as you said you’d come to visit.”
“I know it was a little bold of me, but I - sort of had this big plan to try to win your heart this weekend. But like I said, I got two rooms, I wasn’t, you know, ‘expecting something’,” All of this comes out in a rush, but Javi takes a breath and slows down, his eyes taking in your lovely face.
“‘Han Shot First’, I’ve been having feelings for you for a long, long time.”
It's your face’s turn to warm, as romantic as his nickname Girasol is, as beautiful as it makes you feel... There's something about him using your url handle at this moment - the name he knew before he had seen your picture… You fling your arms around him, and without hesitation, his mouth seals to yours. His hand goes to your cardigan, peeling it off. Before you can have another wave of anxiety, the groan Javi lets loose as his hands run up and down your upper arms and around your back settles your qualms. He presses you as close to him as he can without occupying the same space, thus defying the laws of physics.
“Girasol”, Javi murmurs. “I can't believe how lucky I am.”
His hands rove your back, hips, and backside. You keep beating back your traitorous brain, so you can just enjoy how this feels. He likes everything he's touching. 
One of his hands comes to the side of your face, holding you tight in his kiss. 
“May I undress you?”
Javi begins unbuttoning your dress, his hands so sure at every button. He pulls back the top of the dress off your shoulders, and his needy kisses travel from one to the other, stopping to enjoy your collarbones and the hollow of your throat. Then he lets the dress fall, a circle at your feet. You slip his blue blazer off his shoulders and start unbuttoning his shirt. You peek back at his face to see adoration.
You nod, and the look he gave you in the alcove returns causes a pleasant zing in your lower belly.
Javi becomes impatient and brings his arms hurriedly out of his sleeves, and pulls you against him once more, his arms wrapped around your waist. With urgent kisses, he walks you backward until your calves hit the bed. 
Giving a yip as you drop onto it, a nervous giggle bubbles up, and you take a breath, eyes closed. Mirroring your action in the lobby, Javi's curled forefinger gently lifts your face to him.
“I am enamored with every inch of you, Girasol. Every last inch.”
Against your will, your eyes swim, so that is where Javi decides to start in his worship. His hands cradle your face, thumbs brush the tears away. Pressing kisses to your cheeks. 
Your hands rest on his narrow hips as you look up at this beautiful man, this silly, passionate, delightful man.
He wants me, you think, all of me.
Your hands travel up his sun-kissed torso, the sweet curve of his belly, but just as your hands settle on his chest, he has your shoulders, pressing them to the bed. And this was that moment you feared, laid out on the bed. Suddenly Javi’s got you behind your knees with those enormous paws of his, and with a quick and decisive pull, he's got your ass at the edge of the bed and thighs over his broad shoulders, and you can feel his breath at your core. 
“Javi!” Breath quickening, you are pretty sure you almost came from being moved like that; you don’t get “thrown around”
Javi's hands run up your thighs, his thumbs massage the crease where your hip meets them  -
“Did you like that, Girasol?”
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Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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riddles-fiddles · 1 year
Can we get the dorm leaders reaction to s/o telling them that Twisted wonderland is a game in her world? She gave them plenty of proof and even showed them the game on her phone.
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Riddle's confused and extremely intrigued from this piece of information
Though he's more on the confused side of things. He's not so acquainted with technology so it's a hard time for him to discern what's true or fake
And honestly, your claims are so absurd it easily slips on his side as a prank. He'll be polite and look interested the whole time, but his brain is racing against time to make reason of it all
"Cater always tells me about this 'effects' things you can add to photos and there are plenty apps for image manipulation"
Dismisses all the proof you show him as a very dedicated prank of yours, because how could he be merely an AI when he very much feels very alive? Bullshit.
He lays down on his bed for a few nights with a deep sense of dread, being unable to sleep from all the doubt that creeps on his mind. He wants to believe that it's all just a lie, but what if it isn't?
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Sleeps through half your essay about how everything he knows is a lie, growing in boredom as you stubbornly shove evidence, talking like some scientist presenting a thesis
Honestly half your argument has already gone through his head at some point so he's not truly impressed
Plays it cool saying you're gone nuts and that all this magic stuff fried your brain
"Geez easy now herbivore, nothing you're blabbering about makes sense", and he looks absolutely unnafected, shrugging it off
He can't help but dwell on it for some time though, but he'll never show it on your face or hesitate for even a moment in front of anyone
No, you are the crazy one, he's very much real. His pain is real, or else all the things he feels deeply rooted on his heart wouldn't hurt this much... right?
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At first he's skeptical and scoffs off at your attempts at making his mind around your little antics
He's got the mind of a businessman, he's not falling for such childish pranks, no matter how well made that photoshopped image looks. Oh, wait, it's an app? Well, you're probably just teaming up with Idia to piss him off
His interest is piqued the moment he sees the cards with his face, and as you tell him it's a gacha game, his features light up for a fraction of a second - but then he remembers that you're trying to shove some absurd nonsense down his throat. No, it's not the time for profit thinking
Though you sure did gave him an idea, and he'll be sure to talk it out to Idia some other time
Azul keeps on a composed and rational feeling to him, one he pridefully shows to everyone around him, but he's got his insecurities and doubts, and now you just sparkled something inside his heart
He can't quite grasp it, but it always leaves him choking and uncomfortable, something alike to fear and anxiety, something he used to feel when he was the pathetic little octopus with too much time alone
For the first time after many years, he finds himself pondering about life, questioning everything he knows, a sense of dread tugging at the confines of his mind. He didn't like to think that maybe you were right, that everything he might have experienced was nothing but a cruel lie
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Kalim can't quite grasp the concept of his existence being literally a video game, but he's the first one to not treat it like a joke
He's very interested on everything you says naturally, but he's very impressed to know that there's a game where he is a character!
"But... y/n, how could I be a literal game character when I'm right in front of you? Doesn't that mean that you are ficitional as well?"
He laughs light-hearted, taking things surprisingly well - because he can't understand he's not truly real. No matter how many screenshots you show, his wiki page, his cards, not even playing through the whole Scarabia arch will suffice to convince him
He just thinks you're a very talented person who made the game as some kind of diary or something, being inspired by everything that happened in Night Raven College
Eventually Kalim just convinces you to brush your point off, seeing how happy and entertained he looked. Maybe it's for the best to just allow him to eat up that lie
You wouldn't want to make Kalim sad now, would you?
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Vil looks at you like you have just insulted his whole bloodline and then threw all his makeup on his face
Stands there in awkward silence, processing all the information and carefully picked proof, snatching your phone to look through it
By the end of this tense moment, he shakes his head, laughing out as if finally understanding that everything was merely a joke.
But you don't laugh back, instead looking him dead in the face
Vil's unsettled by everything, from the way you look at him and the new, hard to swallow information
He asks you to go to therapy and says that he'll be more than happy to accompany you, sincerely worried about you
He doesn't want to believe the things you showed him, so just like the others, he'll just settle on the idea of you playing a prank on him for the sake of his own mental health.
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Idia.exe has stopped working
"I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!" shouts out once he snaps out of his paralyzed processation so loudly you're sure everyone at NRC could hear him
He looks mortified and equally thrilled as he goes on blabbering about some underground government bullshit
Red and blue pill kinda shit, you know? Talks about simulations and how he dreamed saw the walls around his room glitch for a moment while gaming (he's sleep deprived)
Shut him up or else he'll be wailing in his fake existence and talking to you about some conspirational theories he formulated with the source of his own brain
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Malleus is eerily silent as you present him with all the information you have, a perfect display of your confidence and everything that just fell right like puzzle pieces
When you're done and looks up at him, expecting an answer, he stares back, his emerald eyes deep and piercing, silently rummaging through your features though his gaze made you feel like he was reaching directly for your soul
"I know," he responds simply, an amused smile creeping between his lips
With a nod of farewell, he turns on his heels and simply leaves, unbothered to give any kind of explanation
Malleus leaves you with an existential crisis, hanging where you stood without understanding a thing
He knows? How can he know? Is he programmed to say that? Is he truly an IA?
You're not sure and will never be, because Malleus never gives you an answer eveytime you poke at the matter, simply smiling warmly before resuming to his tasks
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Character Musings: Neige vs Vil Fairest of them All
Aight so this is a fun little musing. This is not a full character analysis and based on my personal speculations. May be inaccurate as I am making headcanons along the way but its fun to write.
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Neige Leblanche was warm. He was relatable, approachable and his naive ways was endearing. In the point of view of people, Neige was more like the masses. The People's sweet Prince.
Vil Schoenheit was cool. He was perfect in everyway. On camera he is as polite as amicable .Professional, Perfect and put on the pedestal. His beauty enchants his fans however, he is untainable. The Inhuman Queen.
In the point of view of the audience in Twst, Neige was more human because of his flaws, while Vil is more of a monarch. Someone to be worshipped but not approached.
They are both put in a pedestal, two Stars shining bright, however only one wished is upon.
That's the awfulness of parasocial relationships.
Vil's constant effort to strive for perfection, in the most ironic and insulting way possible, backfired and kept him in second place.
He may be a versatile actor but he is always type casted a a Villain because no one wants a "hero" the audience cannot relate with.
The villain is always cold, calculating and beautiful like the moon. The Hero is always warm, hopeful and dazzling like the sun.
Some Fans and people (referring again to Twst NPCS) like to delude themselves that they have a chance with an Idol, even unconsciously, even if they know its impossible, romantically or platonically. That is why they gravitate to the more approachable and flawed Neige. They want to be Neige or be with him.
While Vil?Oh they adore him, but he is seen as a star you gaze upon, not wish for. Vil, in the point of view of the masses, is in a different league than all of them.
So Vil is adored, worshipped and admired, like a painting in an exhibit, meant to stay under the bright lights but never approached. And somehow that makes him less popular, because some fans cannot delude themselves with Vil the way they delude themselves with Neige. They cannot fathom themselves being looked upon the untouchable Vil. They can fathom themselves living as "perfect" as he does. They cannot even imagine being his friend. He is just a literal "Idol"
Its awful, yes. Showbiz really is awful. It tears someone who doesn't have the strength to stand apart.
No camera can see how hard Vil works to be the best version of himself. No audience to hear his more inner thoughts, his fears and insecurities. Vil is a impenetrable wall.
Have you ever wondered how discouraging it is to be defeated by someone who is born talented while you, your whole life, have to work hard to be on par with them? It eats you up.
It eats Vil up.
Not to say that Neige doesn't struggle. He went from probably destitute to famous, and the road towards that path isn't easy. Do you know how hard it is to be kind when the whole world isn't ? It takes a special courage to choose to see the better in people, no matter how naive that may be.
Also, do you think he got the opportunity Vil did when they were younger? Did he have the leisure of a childhood while taking care of 7 other people? Ah, this is all speculation but everything else is, isn't it?
Neige would not have grown watching movies or going abroad. He wouldn't be doing skincare routines or trying to improve his beauty . He was simply beautiful as is and that helped him survive.
Both have their struggles .
Both the masses would not know that.
Neige isn't the fairest of them all because he is more beautiful than Vil, he is the fairest because people find his flaws endearing.
Vil isn't less fair than Neige, he is put in second place because the Twst audience find him too unreal.
It feels like a sin to love him more than a fan does.
Or to think he is within reach.
A mix of envy and admiration.
This, is something the Twst NPCs do not know. Perhaps if Vil opens himself up a little, the (NPC) masses would love him more.
And that's why its so confusing to us Vil isn't on top, because we know his story the way the Twst NPCs doesn't.
So yes, The Fairest of them all is a biased title.
Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder, unfortunately , the beholders do not see beyond the veil.
Yuu wonders, if Neige and Vil knows they are more alike than they know.
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thelostgirl21 · 1 year
English Translators: "Jaskier" translates as "Buttercup", but we can't just let a manly man use "Buttercup" as his nickname! That's way too feminine, and our readers would be horrified! Let's call him "Dandelion" instead. Yes, much better... Mucho macho...
Netflix & Joey Batey: Yeah, no. We'll just call him Buttercup by keeping the original Polish name, i.e. Jaskier.
So, this is our very own Prince Buttercup. He's a damoiseau in distress that's regularly in need of being rescued, enjoys chatting with animals, and might randomly break into song.
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He feels very comfortable asking a strong, stoic, muscular man to accompany him to the Royal Ball for protection, and will attempt to convince him by rubbing chamomile onto his lovely bottom, giving him a bath, washing his stupid hair, and dressing him up in stylish, fine clothing.
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He tends to see the good in everyone, and will spontaneously attempt to become friends with things that want to eat him (both figuratively and literally).
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However he can occasionally become pretty condescending with commoners, and treat those that fail to appreciate his talent as beneath him; often with a complete disregard for his personal safety, as if it doesn't seem to occur to him right away that they'd actually dare lay their filthy hands on him.
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He cries very pretty (so pretty), and will look at you with gorgeous doe eyes when he feels sad, hurt, scared, or needs a favor.
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He's very distrustful and afraid of power-hungry sexy witches coming at him from many different angles, until they stop being all predatory and menacing, and begin rescuing and protecting him instead.
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He gets along very well with other princes/princesses, and will resent not being invited to one of the most important social events of the Continent, but not getting to spend more time with them.
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And he never experienced what romantic love truly was until he finally got to meet his very own Prince.
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Obviously, Prince Radovid fell in love with our Buttercup at first sight, and was willing to give up his Kingdom for a chance to be by his side.
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And as far as Prince Buttercup is concerned, he sees himself as a
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because that's simply who he is, and that's also what masculinity looks like.
So, unless Jaskier, in the books, is a very insecure man that constantly worries about being mistaken for a woman, I can't help but find it hilarious that the translators of the books, in English, got so worried over "Buttercup" sounding feminine...
...when the character himself likely wouldn't have been bothered by the way it sounds in the least, and would totally have rocked that nickname while making it work perfectly for a guy!
Hell! As a non-native English speaker, other than the fact that I've seen the movie "The Princess Bride", and the princess in it was named "Buttercup", my brain does not at all perceive "Buttercup" as inherently feminine, nor "Dandelion" as inherently masculine.
Perhaps because, in French, each word has its own gender, and "bouton d'or" (i.e. "buttercup", but the literal translation would be "button made of gold") is masculine.
Un bouton d'or (a buttercup) is masculine.
Un pissenlit (a dandelion) is masculine.
Une rose (a rose) is feminine.
Une tulippe (a tulip) is feminine.
"Princess Buttercup" is thus named "Princesse Bouton d'or" (it's actually the title of the movie) in French.
But "Bouton d'or" (Buttercup) is, by itself, a masculine word.
The funny thing is that, where I'm from, I think the dandelion is literally the single most hated flower I can think of.
When I was a kid, my parents - and pretty much all our neighbors - spent countless hours trying to remove every single dandelion they could find on their lawn and in their garden while making sure to fully eliminate the whole root, because they tended to replace all the grass, and some of the other flowers and plants from their garden.
Some of our neighbors had their lawns treated with very harsh chemicals (many of which are thankfully illegal today) in a desperate effort to get rid of them.
Dandelion always makes allergy season a complete and utter nightmare, makes it harder to breathe outside (those floating bits clouding the air always get stuck in your nose, throat or even eyes), it also clogs the air filter of your car...
And, when you cut them at the stem, your hands wind up all sticky and smelling awful.
Unless they want to make a point that they'll be extremely annoying, unwanted, sticky, smelly, trying to get into every single exposed orifice of your body as soon as you're exposed to them, and hard to get rid of, why would anyone ever wish to nickname themselves "dandelion"?
I mean, "pissenlit", the French name for "dandelion", comes from "pisse-en-lit" and literally means "peeing-in-bed".
Because if you eat dandelion leaves, they will make you pee and wet your bed (they have a strong diuretic effect).
Yes, we hate the dandelion so much, that we've decided to name that freaking flower "peeing-in-bed".
So, if you go from the original Polish name to the English translation of the name, and then translate the English name back to French...
You've essentially replaced:
Jaskier - > Buttercup - > Button made of gold (Bouton d'or).
Jaskier - > Dandelion - > Peeing-in-bed (Pissenlit).
It's hilarious!
All because some English translator got scared "Buttercup" would sound "too feminine".
The good news is that we kept Jaskier's name as "Jaskier" in the French translation of the books and the games. Although Bouton d'or would have worked just fine.
But yeah, come on! Jaskier would have made a beautiful Buttercup!
#the art of creating some gender issue where there's none.
When in doubt, just ask the character...
Would Jaskier have had what it took to call himself a "Buttercup"?
You bet your lovely bottom and bloated biceps he would have!
Still can't wrap my mind around him being a peeing-in-bed flower in English... Just... Nope! Does not compute.
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weebsinstash · 1 year
Dunno if you watched SK8 the Infinity, but one important conflict is literally the protagonist Reki becoming extremly insecure and unmotivated in skating after seeing how his new friend Langa (a snowboarder) who has barely started skating is a prodigy and so much better at it than him, who has been skating since he was a child.
Langa is naturally talented at skating while Reki works hard and still cannot measure up to someone who just started, which makes him consider quit skating altogether and leads him to distance himself from Langa because of insecurity and jealousy.
Those type of scenarios just pull at the heartstrings, you know?? Like there is nothing worse than working hard and still feeling inferior to the people around you, which DOES make for juicy angsty scenarios :)(
No but literally those are the kinds of plots where you kinda immerse yourself in the grief and it can be empowering to see your underdog recover, but also GOD is that shit so depressing and hits close to home, for real the kind of plots I soak up and throw pity parties for myself for lol
You know I've been pretty open about it but like, every so often I get compliments on my writing that are very sweet, but ultimately I do have to acknowledge like 😅 I AM basically a self taught high school drop out. So especially when I personally start writing about these sorts of stories "lol what if Reader is a depressed fucking loser absolutely struggling through the mediocre machinations of life and has Strong Hot Person come save them" like. You know where that's coming from lmao 😂 extremely unsettle but I figure what I write is usually relatable enough that it's like why the fuck not be a little personal sometimes
God though I had initially considered that when I was talking about like the Spiderverse You vs YouTwo ideas, initially considered making YouTwo drastically superior to you, but the route I've decided on is, you're on equal footing and there are certain things you each do better than the other but, seeing them be better than you at anything is salt in your wounds since you're feeling replaced.
I also like obviously have mentioned it several times but like. Living with Damian Wayne specifically would be absolute awful for this scenario, especially if you make your yandere mean or whatever. Like you could be minding your own goddamn business doing your favorite hobby and have this snot nosed fucking 10 year old (this one, the nasty one, before he gets tamed down, potentially by you?) and he's just like "that's not how you're supposed to do it" and physically takes it out of your hands, does it for you, and explains to you what you were doing wrong the entire time
Like imagine platonic yandere Damian who can't communicate his feelings for shit and is still deep in his Little Hellion Phase so you think he's just constantly insulting you and trying to show how much better and smarter than you he is when in reality he's just like. Very Poorly being like, "oh, a chance to show my sibling how cool and smart I am, and then I can teach them and they'll like me :) and they like to learn new things so I should teach them as much as I know and they can feel smart too :)" and on your end you're thinking he's an egotistical MEAN little kid who's making you extremely insecure and feel worthless and stupid and maybe sometimes often he's, not always using the best language with you because he wasn't really raised with kindness. "Why would you think THAT'S how you do it?" With a tone like youre a fucking idiot, "I don't understand what you're not seeing, I've been doing this for years and I'm an actual child"
like genuinely it's all of those "someone else one upping you" ideas but WORSE because you can't leave this fucking house and he's TEN. Youve got a fucking TEN YEAR OLD physically and mentally one upping you CONSTANTLY with the mental abilities of like a fucking adult man. I feel like the entire family being trained in violence, you'd think they would understand having like a physical fight and have probably had many themselves, but the second YOU lose your temper and put a hand on any of THEM, SACRILEGE. Damian couldve been saying the cuntiest things to your face and the SECOND you swing on him, just absolutely lose your shit, suckerpunch that brat in his face, give him a literal black eye that he didn't block because he didn't expect his beloved sibling to hit him, Bruce is UP YOUR ASS about, "you know better than this! That's your brother!!" like straight up, I think messing with one of the Robins or members of his family is the fastest way to have yandere Bruce lose patience with you and do something less loving. Takes away privileges, grounds you, makes you do labor around the house or labor for him in the cave or Damian, forces you to apologize and also acknowledge "that my brother just wanted what was best for me 🙄"
He's the kind of overbearing calculating shit where he waits until everyone is at the family dinner table and he casually pauses in between spoonfuls of soup, "so I see sister has been sneaking out of the house. You didn't do a very good job of washing the cigarette smoke out of your jacket" ousting you in a double whammy combo for sneaking out without permission AND smoking, and of course you're responding something like "you little PRICK!!" and now Bruce is standing up, jabbing a finger towards the stairs as he demands you go to your room with the unspoken threat that's he's coming up there to speak to you about this after everyone eats
Like legit living in that house would be a nightmare because everyone is gifted and everyone's doing somersaulting backflips and it's like. Lmao my knees pop when I stand up :) you're all like insanely gifted in your fields and I'm like. Normal. Some would say a simple minded burnout, even. Like. Lmao. Imagine a scenario where you're still independent and doing your own thing bur Bruce is, you know yandere mode and keeping tabs on you, and he's constantly trying to like, nudge you towards better opportunities. You're in costume on a rooftop and suddenly he's asking you about your schooling. You're working a shitty day job and one day the in universe equivalent sends you am email "based on your qualifications, this employer is interested in your resume" and its a super well paying WayneTech job that you. Turn down because you'd either fail the drug test and don't think you're good enough lmao. Bruce just tearing his hair out as he decides "ok fine I'll make your life better by force" and just starts buying your apartment building and where you work or some shit so he can improve your quality of life from the outside
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ms--lobotomy · 8 months
May I request Primarchs with an insecure reader? Like they don’t think they’re talented/attractive enough to be with them because they’re literal demigods?
Howdy, anon! I feel like I could go really in depth with one Primarch so I'm going to do that. Hope you like Fulgrim!
summary: fulgrim reminds you that you are worthy of his love.
word count: 956
content warnings: he's a bit possessive but we're all primarch fuckers here, are we really doing ok?
You sat on the cold, hard ground of an abandoned corridor of the battleship and scribbled away at your sketchbook, trying to get his delicate features right. He wasn't in the room with you, but you knew his visage well enough to know what it should look like. But no matter how many times you tried to draw your lover, he never looked right. His eyes were always too big, or his nose was the wrong shape, or there was too much detail on his mouth compared to the rest of the picture. And when you tried to detail the rest of the picture, it looked wrong again.
You sighed, burying your head against your sketchbook. You knew that contact with skin wasn't the best thing for your art, but it wasn't like your art was anything that was good enough for him. His art was so perfect that it was unnerving to look at. When he painted, the eyes uncannily followed the viewer. When he sculpted, it was like someone living, breathing was trapped in the marble.
You heard the clinking of armor getting ever closer. Must be one of the Emperor's Children. Would any of them care if they found you like this? You weighed your options, wondering who would be the worst to come across in this moment. After a few moments, you decided that--
"Ahem." You perked up and looked towards the source of the noise as your heart sank in your chest. It was him, beautiful and perfect as always. His white hair cascaded down his armored chest in perfect waves, and his violet eyes were concentrated on you, with your graphite-sodden forehead, cramped hands and eyes widened at the revelation that he was here in this abandoned corridor with you.
"I did not expect to see you here." His smile was almost angelic, the corners of his mouth turned up at exactly the right angle to make you fold.
"I guess I can say the same," you managed to blurt out. You could feel your heart thumping in your chest, and the words you spoke almost got caught between your teeth.
"What are you doing?" he asked, kneeling down. His armor shifted ever so slightly, clinking against itself. He plucked your sketchbook from your hands. Your heart raced. Nobody did that. He held it to his face and was greeted with pictures of himself. Some had a neutral expression, and the faces of some were contorted into a smile. Some were full-body pictures, and some were just head shots. Some of them were scribbled out, your pencil pressuring the paper so hard that it left indents in the next page.
Fulgrim chuckled. "You've taken a liking to me," he said, flipping again through the messy pages of your sketchbook before handing it back to you. "Why, pray tell, did you scribble out some of them? Are you trying to cast a spell on me?"
"I..." you started. "I just didn't feel like I did you justice."
Fulgrim laughed, brightly and heartily. "Suffer not the witch to live," he said before giving you a playful punch on the shoulder. You felt the corners of your mouth turn up for a split second before they fell again, and you looked away from him. You felt your cheeks go warm in the silence between words before you felt a hand at the bottom of your jaw. Your face was turned to face your lover whether you liked it or not.
"Tell me what's wrong, darling," he said quietly.
"I said that I feel like I didn't do you justice in those ones," you muttered again. Your eyes darted around the room, looking for anything that you could focus on instead of confronting your lover.
"Hmm." Even though he was squeezing your jaw lightly, it still slightly hurt. "I can tell you're hiding something, darling." He tilted your face up slightly further as if to study your neck.
You sighed, closing your eyes tightly. The world became a dark blur around you before you opened them again. "You're just so good at art and fighting and everything, and I'm just... me, I guess," you said. "I have no idea how I ended up with someone like you."
Fulgrim's gaze softened. "That's what you're worried about?" he asked. His hand fell from your chin, and you rubbed it before he took your hand. Even though Fulgrim wasn't one of the largest of his brothers, his hand engulfed yours. His armor was cold, colder than the air around you. You trembled a little bit in his presence, and he let out another chuckle.
"I can assure you that you have nothing to worry about, darling. Your art isn't why I decided to take you as mine, although it is quite wonderful. I decided to take you because I have grown to care about you, and I want to see you happy. Do you understand how much it takes for someone created for war to care about someone so deeply?"
You gulped. You nodded.
"I don't think you really do," he said, leaning over you to plant a kiss to your forehead before he stopped there, brushing a lock of hair behind your ear.
You nodded again. "Thank you," you said quietly.
"Now, why don't you get up off the floor?" he asked. "Someone like you deserves a proper place to sit."
You felt your face go warm again. "Oh..." you said softly. He offered a delicately armored hand to you with that same old smile on his face. You took it, and you both stood up.
"I will love you for a million lifetimes if I have to," he said quietly as you started to walk.
Continuation here!
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lyrakanefanatic · 3 months
4: brady daniels
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closest to in the game: knox landry, odette morales
love interest: odette morales
person he dislikes the most in the game: savannah grayson
personality traits: kind, outgoing, loyal, loud, intelligent, interesting, strong, cheerful, warm, charismatic, and talented
negative personality traits: incredibly insecure, impatient, needy, jealous, irritable, and desperate. he spends a lot of time building up his charisma so people don’t see past it to what lies underneath.
• he’s really tall. like, 6’4 tall.
• he has sandy blond/dirty blond hair and tan skin, (he defo gets really dark during the summer) and he’s 22 years old.
• he has a golden retriever personality
• he was definitely that one golden boy at school. did well in class, was popular, and got into many school programs that were extremely difficult to get into as well.
• although he was bullied when he was younger a lot because he had crooked teeth and went through puberty late. he used to go home early every day from ages 8-11 because of stress stomach aches. (if yk how those feel ☹️)
• a lot of kids that knew him at those times always get shocked whenever they realize it’s him because he has straight teeth now and changed himself completely to fit in
• he’s AMAZING at cooking. you best believe he can gordon ramsey up any dish and makes people shed literal tears at how good it is.
• him and libby grow a special bond over it, so sometimes brady cooks dinner and she bakes desserts
• is anazing at math too, and solving questions in his head
• he’s an only child
• he’s actually very strong, but doesn’t really know what to do with the muscle as he can’t fight that well 💀 (although he will if somebody talks crap about the people close to him)
• he does his best to defend his friends and family no matter what and will always speak up for them, even though sometimes it makes him uncomfortable
• forced to listen to kanye west born to listen to taylor swift
• he had a phase where he would get bad grades in school on purpose to fit in. he ended up eventually realizing that it wasn’t worth it so he got his act back together and started getting 100’s again
• he has the bluest eyes you will ever see
• he’s great with parents and can immediately make good first impressions
• he is not great with people if he feels uncomfortable with them, and usually ends up finding an excuse to leave 2 minutes into the conversation (although he tries his best to leave good first impressions with people no matter what)
• lyra kane: him and lyra actually end up being really close, although brady knew that she distanced herself away from him quite a bit due to the fact that he was close with knox. (and we all know the deal with lyra and knox 🙄) once they do get closer though, they end up being besties. brady always makes fun of her for being short, but never takes it too far bc although he’s a foot taller, she can still beat him up. example:
• “hey i think we finally found the answer to this riddle! it’s: ___!”
• “oh hey we did!”
• “up top!” *brady reaches his hand way over his and lyra’s head, grinning*
• “fuck you.”
he ends up asking her for advice on how to ask out odette bc her and odette are besties, and lyra is always happy to help (as long as brady doesn’t ever hurt her. if he does, she will reach her hand down his throat and rip his skeleton out. 😊)
• knox landry: him and landry are best friends and spend a lot of time in the game hanging out with each other. although there is a significant height difference, (since brady is 6’4 and knox is 5’10) that’s never stopped knox from kicking his ass in boxing. they spend a lot of time going over clues together, and during these times brady accidentally spills about his crush for odette. knox instantly makes fun of him, but also finds it cute and tries his best to create moments where they can be alone together for brady. brady usually has to drag him out of fights and tries to be the “peacemaker” one in the scenario bc knox will beat anybody up bc he has no chill LMAO
• odette morales: ever since he saw odette, he immediately found her interesting and beautiful. he loves how she can be so quiet and soft spoken and yet still draw people in and make them listen. he also loves how easily he can make her blush. although she only ever has a faint blush, brady can tell when she’s nervous. she darts her eyes away, everytime she smiles it’s a downward smile, and she looks for an opening to leave the room quickly. he finds it’s so adorable but doesn’t do it too often because he wants her to stick around so he can talk to her. i like to think of their relationship as being similar to nick and bree’s from legend born, except nick and brady are the same people and bree and odette couldnt be more different LOL. he loves to call her “smart girl” and has never undermined what she’s been able to do. plus, she gets him to open up his music taste and now he likes SO. MANY. different artists it’s not even funny. odette is semi tall at 5’8, but even then brady towers over her and honestly it’s so new to odette because she’s been taller than, or the same height as, almost everybody in her life.
• savannah grayson: brady and savannah aren’t that close due to the fact that their personalities are way different, but they’re still friends. brady does kind of feel threatened by the fact that grayson is her brother and feels like she might get special privileges from that, but like knox, tries not to hold it against her because she’s like 4 years younger 😭😭 brady grew up playing tons of sports, so they usually find each other in the gym (if there’s one at the house they’ll be staying in on the island) late at night. at those times, they usually 1v1 in basketball, but brady has gotten her to try other sports. although they aren’t that close, they’re still good friends. (even though brady felt the most threatened by her in the beginning)
• gigi grayson: brady definitely got bored one day when it was super slow at the house on the island, and slipped her coffee, and ever since then gigi declared that they were best friends. he also is very much taller than her, although he could not manage her crazy self if he tried. he always tries to cheer her up when he sees that she’s under the weather (like if she can’t figure out a riddle or sum) and makes sure she’s okay. they have done so many karaokes together it’s not even funny, and brady sometimes gets scared of how extroverted he is. AND HE GREW UP BEING THE POPULAR EXTROVERTED KID!! 😪😪
• rohan: he finds rohans quick comments and comebacks funny, but also gets a bit envious at times of his never ending confidence. he felt the same way about rohan as he did about savannah at the beginning of the game, but as they got closer, he started warming up to rohan more. although rohan wins significantly more when it comes to casino games and whatnot, brady still wins the other half of the time because he uses gambling mathematics to win (and whenever he does, rohan calls himself a nerd.) brady has made fun of rohans accent so many times, but stopped when rohan started threatening to beat him up. ☠️
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Hi! I really liked your dad!jake stories and I've got an idea for an alternative version of Picasso (Specifically PT 2) where The reader ends up feeling really insecure and starts changing everything about herself, like she removes the color from her hair And doesn't even do her art anymore, and even begins to talk less and less and starts to just avoid people until Jake confronts her about it comforts her
I'm a sucker for hurt/comfort with dad!Jake lmao If you do take this idea could you tag me in it if you don't mind? :))
Oooh I love this idea <3, I literally wrote this during my planning period so I apologize if it isn't the best. Anyways dad!jake warms my heart, I wish he was real :(
Picasso P.II-Alternate Ending
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Your dad was the first to notice you changing and not for the better since arriving at the island. It started with the removal of the pink from your hair which wouldn't have been a big deal until he asked if you wanted to put color back in and you shook your head no before he even got the question out of his mouth.
"Hey is everything alright with your sister?" He asked your twin.
"I haven't noticed anything different about her yet but I can keep an eye on her." He offered as your dad nodded his head.
The next red flag was that you stopped doing your art completely which neteyam brought to his attention. It had started when Tuk asked you to help her draw something and you said no poor Tuk didn't understand so neteyam stepped in and you bit his head off about it before leaving and leaving your siblings confused. 
"She just snapped at us." Neteyam said to your parents concerned.
Your parents looked at your room in concern as your siblings told them about your changing behavior and tried to figure out what was going on.
"Give her some space maybe she is just having a hard time adjusting to the situation." Neytiri said but your dad couldn't help but feel like something deeper was happening.
And he was right just as your siblings told him a few days ago, you truly stopped doing art which made him sad to see because you were just so talented in his eyes and he didn't understand what was happening with you. 
The final red flag was when you started avoiding everyone and talking less. Your dad noticed that you were less talkative with everyone but especially him, it was like you were closing yourself off from the world.
Your dad had enough and was planning on talking to you about it when you got home only when he returned he could hear your cries.
"Babygirl?" He asked stepping into your room.
All he saw was your tears before you ran into his arms and wrapped them around his waist making him concerned as he comforted you.
"It's okay baby girl, I'm right here." He said as your tears finally stopped and your breathing started to mellow out.
"I don't fit in here Dad...ever since we got here I've been picked on about my hair, my art, and just everything and I thought that maybe if I stopped doing that stuff I could fit in....but it still didn't work they still picked on me and I didn't want to say anything because it seemed like Neteyam and lo'ak we're adjusting fine...so I that kept it to myself but I can't do it anymore." You said as your father's heart broke.
"I just want to fit in." You said quietly snapping your dad out of his thoughts. 
"Look at me baby, you were born to fit in. You were born to stand out...the hair color... the art.... everything about you is born to stand out you're not supposed to be like me or your mother or your siblings....you are supposed to be your own person...and I know it's hard right now and I know what you are going through right now but don't conform....show them who you truly are...because the right ones will love you for it." Your dad said staring into your eyes as you nodded your head. 
"I love you baby and the next time you are even remotely feeling like this, I want you to come to tell me, I don't want you to ever suffer in silence again, you hear me?" He asked you. 
"I do. I love you, Dad, thank you." You said hugging him and feeling him squeeze you a little tighter. 
A few hours later, you were passed out in your dad's lap from all the crying when your family had come back for the evening...all laughing until they saw you and your dad and instantly shut up not wanting to disturb you. 
"Is she okay?" Your mom asked taking a seat next to your dad, running a hand through your hair. 
"She will be. Turns out some of the islanders had been making some comments about her and she took it to heart..she just wanted to fit in." Your dad said as your mom frowned not realizing her daughter had been hurting so much. 
"Oh, my sweet girl." She said placing a kiss in your hair. 
"You two..." Your dad said but they stopped him.
"Already on it..no one hurts her and gets away with it...but tomorrow let's spend the evening with her." Neteyam said taking a seat on the other side of your dad as your siblings gathered around you to make sure you felt how loved you were.
You smiled a small smile to yourself hearing all the kind words your family had to say about you and your uniqueness maybe being different was a good thing after all. 
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ok putting my saiki k pony ideas here, mostly so i can maybe draw them someday, but also i put so much thought into these ideas and i want everyone to see them
tried to do EVERY character
kusuo- alicorn, no cutie mark
hides his wings under clothes and pretends he doesnt have them, would rather hide his horn but cant and just pretends he doesnt have much magic instead
why does he not have a cutie mark, you may ask?? because he hasnt accepted his quirks+powers as a part of himself.. his special talent is probably helping people but he thinks he only does that because the magic he has makes him basically obligated (its not true ur just a good person!!)
nobody really calls him out on constantly wearing clothes with so much coverage because they think hes just insecure about being a blank flank so late in life (kinda true, but it defeats the point if everyone KNOWS..)
will he ever get his cutie mark?? um.. i dont know.. maybe ?? definitely not in his high school years
chiyo- unicorn, baking cutie mark but idk what specifically, maybe a heart shaped chocolate like the one she made for kaido
specialty magic for tracking, she was a late bloomer with her cutie mark because she discovered her tracking talent really young and thought that had to do with her special talent for a longgg time
shun- pegasus, black feathers cutie mark
underdeveloped wings (like scootaloo obvi)
convinced hes just a late bloomer but hes almost an adult and still cant fly (never will but he doesnt know that)
gets these cool wing extensions that allow him to glide but still not fly
tells people his cutie mark is his "jet black wings" but its actually writing quills
riki- earth pony, heart shaped ramen bowl cutie mark ?? idfk what his special talent is i just think he has a lotta love in him..
HUGE stallion.. HUGE..
aren- a kirin..
has a huge scar where a cutie mark would be on a pony in the shape of an exclamation point
used to let his anger free when he was a delinquent and when he transferred, he was pretty self deprecating about his control of himself but he actually has a crazy amount of self control..
chisato- pegasus, hammer cutie mark maybe ?
almost made her an earth pony cuz of the brute strength thing but i like this better
got her cutie mark REALLY late because she was absolutely convinced her special talent had to do with food, and when she got it while doing a job she was like "WORKING IS MY SPECIAL TALENT??" but it wasnt about the job, shes just really strong, hardworking, and adaptable
kokomi- zebra, golden heart cutie mark
couldnt decide if she was a crystal pony or a zebra, decided on zebra
her mark LITERALLY seems to glow golden light, it doesnt actually but.. it really seems that way
ik her being a zebra may not sound like it makes sense because zecora got a bunch of NEGATIVE attention, but HEAR me out okok.. this pony au would be in a modern setting with more diversity and people would focus less on her being a zebra and more on her being beautiful and having such a unique pattern..
zecora is the only zebra we see in mlp so theres no reason to think other zebras couldnt have blue hair, esp in the era of saikis mind control (idk how that would tie into this universe cuz ponies already have crazy colors but shhh) so her hair is prob blue with dark and light stripey highlights
mikoto- griffon
ik she might make more sense as a unicorn but her fortune telling strikes me as more of an.. outside magic ?? like.. she was born with the ability, but its not a physical magical power, its like pinkies pinkie sense!!
so yea i like her as a griffon, its unique and i like the idea of her feathers having a unique pattern around her eyes thats akin to gyaru makeup (see: gilda but make it gyaru esque)
and yes she can still be colorful, we see colorful griffons in the late seasons of mlp
metori- a crystal pony, diamond ring cutie mark
tells people thats his cutie mark because its expensive and hes rich as hell but his special talent is actually MAKING jewelry..
i like the idea of him lying about his special talent so i had to think of something that he could say its cuz hes rich.. i kinda wanted his talent to be baking for some reason but i couldnt think of how that would work
reita- earth pony, cutie mark is like a cartoon-like ghost surrounded by a scary purple and black aura
was gonna make his mark something more meaningful but i think its funny if people see it and are immediately scared of him but literally all it means is like he SPEAKS to ghosts, like in the most normal way possible
and same thing as miko, he doesnt need to be a unicorn cuz his powers are different from unicorn magic..
touma- unicorn, magnifying glass over a thought bubble cutie mark
the mark is hard to explain but tell me u get me when i say its because hes got stupidly good detective skills and can tell what people are thinking
jokes around and manages to convince people he has crazy magic and his cutie mark actually means he can read minds but he actually isnt very good at unicorn magic at all
kineshi- is a changeling..
why ?? because he just is!! doesnt it make sense for him to be a creature that feeds off of making other people feel happiness and love ? it totally makes sense
honorable mentions 😛
saikis parents are both earth ponies, and i have no idea what their cutie marks would be but heres some silly ideas: kurumi has a cradle cutie mark (meant to be a mama😋) and kuniharu has a boot and he tells people that it's symbolism for like hard work but people know hes lying and think it means hes a boot licker METAPHORICALLY, which is almost right but.. it means literally
kusuke is an earth pony and his telepathy canceler is probably shaped like a unicorn horn in this universe hehe, and his cutie mark is maybe like a microscope or something ? hes just a mad scientist idk
btw chono in this au would def be like trixie lulamoon if u know what im saying.. he would be a unicorn but his special talent is STAGE magic and his horn doesnt do anything☠️
satou prob has that little hourglass cutie mark thats really common in background characters for animation purposes, idk what his special talent is but that would be really funny
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ianthoni · 22 days
I saw a rb on your post implying that Ian might not have an outlet anymore to express himself unlike others, this made me extremely sad because you could truly see Ian's spirit in the sketches they made and them not performing well would again make him question himself and his creativity. You mentioned the thing about Shayne saying that he doesn't think that he is funny enough and them losing money in sketches, and being pressured to discontinue them to suit the current algorithm must be disheartening and I can see why he is frustrated or defensive because yet again his comedic capabilities are questioned in some way or the other, because though they did make a few nostalgic sketches initially but later the sketches had nothing to do with nostalgia and were genuinely good. I wish he gets something where he can create and express himself because he is extremely talented!
Exactly! The problem with cancelling the sketches is that Ian has nothing left to have an outlet now. Like you guys said Anthony has his own channel, he has painting, he has his guitar he has so much to take his creativity and stress out. Meanwhile Smosh and sketches are all Ian has and now he lost half of that.
I'm already extremely sad that Ian doesn't have his own Ian Hecox identity where he shows how talented he is. Like a channel for himself, or writing his own comedy script for example, or doing voice acting cause he said he loved doing that, dancing, writing, streaming. Literally anything that he can express his creativity and show how talented he is. He was mostly writing the sketches himself, the jokes and everything. And like you guys and Shayne said he is insecure about himself a lot, about his jokes, about himself. He doesn't get appreciated enough. I wish people could see how talented he is. I wish he had his own thing just like Anthony so he can get as creative as he wants. He had sketches for a while and now he lost that, he is probably upset about that but also angry at himself for the failure. He wouldn't blame anyone he'd probably blame himself for failing. And he reads comments so he probably sees people talking bad about sketches, about him that's why he's so frustrated and sad. Last week's lunchtime he was literally so stressed he couldn't even say his jokes without Anthony calming him down, telling him he's next to him and he got this. This is so sad. I wish people realize how amazing and how talented Ian is. I wish people realized he's not a robot but he has his feelings too cause he's a fucking human being. If only people see how good of a person he is and how underappreciated he is. He needs to be appreciated more. He doesn't deserve hate he deserves all the love. Idc this is parasocial I'm just sad that man helped everyone and everything yet no one appreciates him or supports him the way he deserved to be supported.
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hiuythn · 2 months
"What do you think are x and y’s greatest personality strengths and weaknesses? Why? What do you love about their dynamic?"
So, just found this kinda ask for various ships, I was thinking to ask you (one of my all time fav fics writer), if you don't mind and have free time, of course.
For your fav ships: Iwaoi, Klance, Kiribaku, Ranwan or Bingqiu (feel free to pick whichever you want to answer). 🌻🌷
I pick them all because Im physically incapable of shutting up:
iwaoi: greatest strengths gotta be their hard work, passion and drive. they're extraordinary in their mundanity, not to say their story is more boring compared to others, it's just more grounded in reality. they're good role models (despite oikawa constantly being voted no.1 anime villain of all time). individually, iwaizumi is just a Dependable Guy and I feel like all his juniors have intense admiration for him. I'm about to wax poetic but I can't seem to find a major weakness for him. if he had some sort of insecurity about not being able to go pro like oikawa (insecurities that are common in friends/rivals like reki/langa or klance), then I'd say that's a weakness, but instead iwaizumi had the sheer manliness to make a whole speech to oikawa on their walk home about how insanely proud he is and how he knows oikawa is gonna make it big. Dude literally is perfect I'm so biased i don't even care. maybe his feet stink or sth, idk.
oikawa on the other hand is so. he's so. he's my favourite little ball of complex emotions, dude feels so much and his desperation is so palpable in everything he does that it makes my molars ache like I'm about to bite down on something. on the surface he's an ikemen flirty guy with an unyielding sense of pride and a competitive streak 50 miles wide. He's the best setter and he knows it—but he also DOESN'T know it. he's so afraid of pausing for one second and getting overtaken by natural geniuses. so he won't stop. he keeps going, keeps eating volleyball up morning midday and night. it's that hunger that makes him such a formidable opponent. like baby you're so hungry I know you want to trample all these players under your feet and i feel like I have an alien infant that I'm panicking and rushing to feed it enough food. like I love him but he scares me a little. but he's also a testament to the indomitable human spirit in the fact that he wasn't gifted the talent that seems so prevalent in the people around him. he's on their level from willpower alone but he's STILL not satisfied. is this a weakness or a strength, is it both, can I even articulate my thoughts about him coherently???
klance: Keith why wasn't the world kinder to you. why did it take your mom and your dad and your brother and why did it trade you all that for your role as a protagonist, when I know you would've been content as a normal kid. Keith was drafted for the spotlight. he's cool, he's red and black, he's scowling and fights with knives and he's resourceful, resilient, he can survive off the land on any planet in any galaxy, he's a (lone) wolf and he's everything you could want in a character who's only concept is "You're strong, you're stronger alone, you're on your own." He's got the adaptability, the tenacity, the mindset, the spit-blood-out-of-my-mouth-and-hit-them-back-harder type thing. he's never relied on anyone to make it another day. isn't he so strong? but how could I laud him for it when it almost led him to self-sacrifice?
thinking back on Lance makes me so irritated. he was such a roiling, lashing tumble of growing pains and teenage insecurities. he has so many things going against him. you could say he was too loud, too joking but I wanted to watch him unravel himself. wanted to see him unspool and knit himself into a bigger tapestry than the show painted him as. isn't he a soldier drafted to a millennia-galaxy-spanning war? why are you telling me his only concern is still girls and romance, when he should be facing death and disappointment every time he gets into his lion and everytime he limps out of it after a battle thinking "am I even suited for this". why didn't I get to see him realize that Keith's strengths aren't his, that they don't NEED to be, that his own disregard for his own skills and constant need to acquire what others have, is what held him back from leaning into what he's good at? he's good at being water he's good at gluing and cooling and directing a blocked stream to find a way past this mountain. he had everything you could want in a right-hand man, had all the pieces laid out right there, but I never got to see it built up to the foundation it could've been.
kiribaku: there is not a single fic I have written about them that isn't obsessed with their flaws and strengths. it's all I think about constantly when it comes to them. how can there be a pairing that clicks together so easily like lock and key? what insightful thing can I saw abt them that I havent already written lyrical about in my fics, they make me so speechless. sometimes I'm afraid to look at kirishima head-on and sometimes I can't help basking in his warmth. he reminds me too much of the terrifying feeling of being left behind, of being mediocre. dont we all remember wanting to make a difference, wanting to stand out? he reminds me of all the things I used to be afraid of, seeing myself in his insecurities and wavering middle school presence, and the way he tries desperately to stuff that past under his bed. and yet, he's so warm. he's such a comfort. it puts me at ease, to see someone so familiar to my own hurts and fears manage to grow past what he used to be, that he could become almost unrecognizable in his brilliance. he's just a kid. he's just a boy, but he grew and cultivated his future self so painstakingly that I can't help but be proud and admire him for it. if you can't be a natural hero, homemade is fine too.
if I were to list all the strengths and weaknesses that bakugou embodies, we'd be stuck here until Luffy finds the One Piece. never have I seen a more baffling character. there's a reason he's been voted no. 1 in every single popularity poll held. he's so complex that sometimes he seems more real than myself. where he used to be callous and derisive, dismissive and self-centered, he's now pensive and self-reflective. he's still ambitious still driven but now he's opened up enough to utilize the connections he's built with others to achieve the best possible outcome, instead of believing that only he is worthy of results. he's lost his blinders, his self-focus, and he's all the better for it. he's not diminished or nicer or sweeter in any way, his sharp tongue and temper are still there, but still you can see that's he's grown so, so much.
ranwan: I want to tear my hair out when I think about chu wanning. surely, I agonize, he's the most pitiful character I know. and then I turn my head and mo ran is right there and then I scream and actually tear my hair out because he's suffered so much too and the thought of both chu wanning and mo ran's combined agony is enough to eclipse the Andromeda Galaxy. chu wanning...do I even need to go into his weaknesses when he already rips himself up for slights only he can perceive? "ugly, old, cold and rigid"??? the only rigid thing are his morals, too upright and sincere for the world he was made into, and nobody likes a nail that can't be hammered down. his sense of duty, his quiet care and attention, his intellect utilized for the common man—am I supposed to take his ascerbic tongue seriously as a weakness when his personal character is so...good? maybe his only fault is that he took every injustice too seriously. that he cared too much too young and when thrown into the world his Shizun didn't prepare him for, he was torn up until he turned cold just to save himself the disappointment. maybe his only fault was being too scared to open his mouth and ask for comfort, to make known his own humanity.
mo ran the world owed you everything and by god you took it. who am I to blame you. let the one without sin cast the first stone and all that. good intentions pave the road to hell and all that. you just wanted save your Shizun from a flower. why did the world take all your sweet consideration for itself, for its rain and its earthworms, and decide to put you in harm's way? you had the mind to thrive, to build a legacy and live well, and it made you turn all those strengths towards scorching the earth anew. you're so strong for trying to protect others, how could I call your mind weak for succumbing to years of induced violence? I can only call you strong for bearing 2 lifetimes of suffering.
bingqiu: Shen Yuan you motherfcker please stop embarrassing yourself stop making jokes when the situation is serious people are going to take you at face value and say you don't care about the people around you. you offer yourself on a platter to your would-be murderer to protect your sect and then die for your murderer to make him happy (???) and you'll call that nothing. you'll put no worth in it while your people cry over your corpse. how are you going to treat them with unrelenting cheer and care, then turn around and assume they'll continue on their predetermined path as novel characters, how could u be so kind and so cruel, to both love them and disregard them like that? how do you manage to not see them at all Shen Yuan do you mean to hurt your loved ones when you don't hold them accountable for their actions, when you don't see their actions as their own but just the will of the system just because they're novel characters because they don't know that they're all scripted Shen Yuan how can you look at these people and their earnest pleading to keep yourself safe and say that they're predetermined cannon fodder Shen Yuan please won't you just look at them for once??
binghe (bing-ge)? well there's nothing wrong with him. don't you know he's the protagonist? don't you know he's unbeatable. he's handsome and strong and smart and merciful and every wrong he commits is just to right a slight made against him. it's only fair. it's only what he was taught. if he can't be given something, he'll just take it. he will take everything he wants. see, if he's kind and sweet, if he sticks to what his mother taught him, if he stays filial and loyal, eager to learn and help—what does that get him? nothing. whether his Shizun whips him or treats him with care, in every world he gets nothing. so he should take it instead, should exchange his steadfast dedication for a relentless pursuit, his painstaking attention to care for a exacting manipulation of every situation. maybe then he'll achieve something worth his suffering. maybe then he'll be able to say that it wasn't him, that the problem wasn't him, that there's nothing wrong with him at all.
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