#he's essentially set the standard y'know?
darthmaulification · 2 years
yes i can say that i bawled like a baby seeing my Big Metal Man again, but also simultaneously recognize that the dialogue sucked cock ball and ass and there was some ~Weird Implications~ but i’m not entirely surprised because this is Favreau’s Disney we’re talking about
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tacticoal · 2 months
「V.I.P. for me ?!」: ̗̀➛ part 2 to biker!racer!simon
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ sfw, gn reader, unedited, suggestive content if you squint, mdni !!
wanted to throw in a big big thank you for all the recent support loves, you have no idea how welcomed you've all made me feel. please enjoy.
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you. are. beaming.
ecstatic, delighted, overjoyed, hysterical, your mind lists all the words that could only ever possibly describe how you're feeling as you grasp your phone with nearly enough force to crack the screen.
simon riley, the #1 motorcycle racer in britain, upholding a 5-year champion streak, the man you've known and adored for years, is doing a meet-and-greet in your town.
and you're staring down at the VIP ticket on your phone.
your friends messaged you in the group chat, explaining that they all chipped in for your special invitation, buying the standard, cheaper tickets for themselves to come with you. the VIP admission gives you access to a shorter line that simon gets to first, as well as a photo with him and his bike. oh, that work of beauty, you think, already smelling the gasoline it burns off.
you spammed them with several thank you's and holy shit's, before calling a nearby restaurant to reserve a table (the poor lady on the other end could barely make out your warbled and giddy speech). just imagining next week makes you squeal and giggle into your pillow all night.
next week. the event is next week. exactly 6 days, 10 hours, 54 minutes and 4 seconds from now. 6 days to go out, get a fresh set of clothes, hair trimmed, and figure out any other essentials. surely that's more than enough time, right?
well, with no more than an hour left until you have to be out the door, you're pacing around your bed, 5 different outfits splayed over it. your friends -- who knew you'd be in this situation and arrived about an hour earlier already dressed up -- sit around your room, either watching you or on their phones listening as you ramble about how this outfit would catch his eye, but this one looks more comfy--
they knew not to interrupt you, providing the most company they can while you grumble, beginning to get impatient with yourself. eventually, you settle on something loose and airy, but revealing enough to gather the right kind of attention.
"what if he thinks i'm ugly.." you mutter, brushing down a stray hair in front of the mirror with a shaky hand.
"then y'know he's knocked his head into the concrete one too many times," your closest friend giggles.
huffing out a laugh, you nod and go to arrange a tote bag, throwing everything you want simon to sign. an official t-shirt promoting his name, two framed photographs of him, and a notepad. obviously the bag is getting signed too -- you'd throw in your arm and forehead in there if they weren't attached to your body. sigh, modern day problems.
finally, finally the time comes where you're waiting in line. holy shit, this is really happening. you can see a glimpse of his tracksuit from here, your body trembling with nerves. you've separated from your friends a bit ago, jaw dropped as you passed by the crowds of people lined up for this event. music blasts through your earbuds, in an attempt to tune out the bass blasting throughout the streets and boisterous screams 'n chatter. keeping your friends updated on where you are, you stay hunched over your phone as you slowly inch up the line.
"'nd what's your name?-"
simon's gaze tilts up from the checkerboard table to you, his breath immediately caught in his throat. you were still looking down, thumbs tapping on the screen in your hands. your glance flickered up for a split second, before your head completely snapped up to him, eyes widening as they get caught in the riptide of his deep, darker ones. with your mouth agape, you both stare at each other in silence. a beat or two passes before you rip your earbuds away, shoving them into your bag, alongside your phone.
"oh my god, i'm so sorry, i wasn't paying attention to the line, i was texting my friends and got distracted with them-"
it's you, he thinks. the one from the pub those few weeks back. he clears his throat and nods, watching you hastily pull out the things for him to sign, his heart clenching the same way it did when he first laid eyes on you. you giddily point at where you want his signature, and he's quick to oblige, the permanent marker squeaking against glass.
"i'm a really big fan," you admit bashfully, unable to hide the excited grin that stretches across your face, "since freshman year of college, 'm pretty sure."
now, simon's heard that from basically every fan he's encountered, but he's never truly believed them until now. he looks up to you, sliding the framed pictures to the side to make room for your notepad. your eyes glitter with a childlike glee as you stare back at him, and he wonders what your pretty head's thinking.
"that so, love?" he muses, tilting his head.
"yeah," you beam at the nickname, "i don't know how you do it -- everything you do is so cool."
he breathes out a laugh, ignoring how he's holding up the line behind you.
"i'd be glad to show y'round it sometime."
you watch him with gleaming eyes, jaw dropped, as he writes a string of numbers below his name.
"text me anytime, love," he teases, handing it back to you before flicking his hand, "now shoo off, before security gets on ya."
"what about the photo?" you pout at him in disappointment, and he can't help but grin wolfishly in return.
"i promise you much more than a photo if you keep in touch."
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@ tacticoal do not repost !!
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hiriajuu-suffering · 2 months
Kamala aunty and the Hindu vote
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Getting this out of the way, I'm voting for Kamala Harris. Biden really should've dropped out two months ago, and there's no other corporate democrat I would really endorse besides her, and not because of the identity politics. Well, sort of. If the Republican primary taught us anything, is a person of South Asian descent will continue to be the ideological punching bag of the white community.
South Asian men get deleted so hard I can't even find a GIF of Vivek Ramaswamy
How Kamala was treated the past four years by the democratic administration of Biden's was nothing short of egregious. Every impossible problem to solve she was blamed for with no tools address the root cause, and she stayed in there looking dumb like a loyal corporate employee. Now the entire system is banking on the political capital they were sweeping from underneath her to stop a literal convicted felon from retaking power and pardoning himself.
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Not to mention the states where votes actually mattered 8 years ago were too sexist to put in a woman in power before, so now we're hoping a woman of color would go over better?
Candace Owens already showed how envious she is of Kamala's biracial swag with some really dumb comments.
Her black half isn't what's the issue is, because she embodies a lot more blackness than Asianness in her disposition to the American psyche. And the precedent for half black Presidents that perfectly fall within the cookie-cutter corporate democrat on policy has already been set.
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It's her Asian side that might stoke the xenophobia that caused the whitelash red wave of 2016; y'know, because she's going to be subject to nearly the same misogyny Hilary was.
As an Asian-American, Kamala Harris and Andrew Yang weren't just the two candidates I identified most with, they were the best candidates in that primary, period. But they got dismissed and belittled so immensely because of the need to appeal to milk-toast whiteness. Republicans pander hard to grab minority votes, Democrats just avoid putting any minorities in significant positions influence. Don't believe me? Seen any LBGTQ+ positions in real moving and shaking positions?
The DEI stuff the right is going to criticize the entire scope and sequence of how Kamala became the candidate isn't good or fair, but it's not entirely wrong. Because of just how hollow the Democratic Party treats anyone with the poor affliction of being a minority.
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There's a key part of the South Asian diaspora Biden lost exactly that Kamala herself is a part of, which makes things interesting to say the least..
Kamala does have the best policy on Israel of any candidate, but that's not saying much since her policy is essentially Obama-lite.
But that means she might lose her own identity vote on just that considering how abhorrently Islamophobic naturalized Indian-Americans have gotten in their support of Narendra Modi
I don't care how effective the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue has been at curbing Chinese aggression, the Nationalist imagery isn't a good sign for any society, really.
Especially when Muslim civil rights in India have all but evaporated. Nikki Haley wasn't particularly bad on Muslim civil rights compared to other Republicans, even as a half-Indian, she didn't buddy up to Modi (probably because he's done more to encourage gender-based violence in India than stop it), and I expect Kamala to actually get the misogynistic slander from conservative Indians because the hyperpatriarchy only comes when it comes to the opposition.
Being half Brahmin though certainly can't hurt her chances with her Hindu base, right? Well, Hindu men certainly have deeper roots in the red pill movement then we'd like to believe, and the first ones they point the finger towards are Hindu women that didn't choose them. Nikki Haley was polling better but Vivek Ramaswamy ate up her press pretty handily. Everyone sees Asian feminine beauty as valuable, but our misogynistic standards prevent us from seeing that type of ethnic image as leadership-worthy.
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At least it's not Gavin Newsom. But that might not be enough for South Asian American males dissatisfied with their lot in life. Trump's message is appealing to us because it feeds into our vanity and takes responsibility off us as to why our sisters are meeting the model minority myth and we aren't. While we're not solely to blame, at least the right has some crazy narrative that explains why life didn't turn out to what was expected of us, even if that narrative twists it in a way that will end up just making us feel more isolated, because the right has the most racist women in the country, bar-none.
Well, women on both sides of the political spectrum are equally pretty racist in their courtship preferences, it's just liberal women will explain things in vague externalities and icks rather than being a sign for public restrooms in pre-1963 America.
In either case, this is a biracial black woman who was never in touch with the struggles of an Asian man, never really having been related to one even though she's an Asian woman. To a lot of Asian men, Trump is just more of what we expect of the lunacy of American politics, versus Kamala might be one of those people who actively makes us feel subhuman by being of the same race but still treating us as less than, like many desi women have been doing since biracial marriages within 1st generation South Asian Americans began getting normalized.
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The normative view has to become where femininity isn't inherently more attractive than masculinity, especially so that women aren't just fit to be more educated and start making more, but actually lead society in meaningful ways.
I think if you're an AAPI in any capacity and you're not voting for Kamala Harris, you're missing the point somehow. But we're not the movers and makers of these elections, because we always reside in states that are firmly blue or red (well, at least until 2016 when Georgia did a thing). Kamala Harris's black vote definitely extends further than Biden's, but by less than makes actual sense. Can't do much worse than Biden on the Hispanic vote, but Kamala Harris if anyone is how you do that.
So if there's fundamentally just about how identity works in America, we will have a POTUS 47 in 2025. But we've learned the two decades in America has been anything fair to identity. Heck, as a Muslim teacher of a liberal arts content area in a red state I feel at the time. My supervisors won't make exceptions for me they readily make for anyone else, not that they were requirements to begin with, just because my identity bears the ugliest parts of the model minority myth. I don't look Asian enough to be Asian, and the media makes my ethnic identity look to threatening to be trusted with novel ideas, at least.
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That's at least something this candidate and I have in common. Biraciality and Multiethnicity isn't well understood in our discussions of intersectionality in social and political discourse. The only people that try to make sense of it are the ones that actively try to erode the ethnic barriers enclaves self-segregate on. Kamala has had to think about that because it's a fundamental part of her identity.
I'm not voting on identity or identity politics, as the right would claim I will. I'm voting because at least this candidate has the capacity to understand me, because they're not a white, entitled, spoiled brat that tried to overthrow the government when he didn't get his way. Y'know, fundamental stuff like that.
Because I'm still American through-and-through, regardless of what my ethnic background is. What's more American than having a minority prosecutor in a liberal enclave? That's literally one of the top 5 career options every desi child is given when they think about their careers.
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So yeah, Kamala2024. Bite me.
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blubun0309 · 4 months
(CW: mention of s#¡cide encouragement and ab#se)
I think more Vox fans need to let go of the good person image they have of him 'cause bro IS AWFUL, maybe at the same level as Valentino...(No, actually not quite there, but like very close)
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The number of times I've seen Vox stans be like, "Oh, but he's a good person underneath," is insane. Cause like, NO??? He's in HELL for a REASON, bestie. I mean, did we forget that he literally told Pentious to off himself? DID WE FORGET??? What gave you the impression he's a good person? We've literally only seen him manipulate people (including his partner, but we'll get there), be a petty mfer, and that he has big evil plans in store, I guess.
I know we haven't seen much of the Vees to really pinpoint their moral standards (except for Valentino's...you know why), but it's very clear that they are setting up Vox as a big antagonist for season 2.
And about Vox and Val's...relationship. Yeah, it's toxic as shit. Wow. They're both evil, and they're both either using each other or deserve each other. We don't know yet. So far, we've only seen their relationship through Vox manipulating Val in episode 2 because Val is an idiot (which I do love, btw), but that kind of behavior could very well be reciprocated. Again, we haven't seen enough to quite tell yet. It's more of a headcanon than anything, but I love the idea of Vox being Val's sugar daddy. It's funny and also great characterization for both of them. Vox only seeing Val as a gullible idiot he can control with expensive gifts and manipulation, and Val essentially using Vox as a way to gain influence. Dunno, it's kinda interesting, right?
I've also seen people say that Val "abuses" Vox. Uhm....where? We haven't seen this in the show. I mean, you could be correct, but once again, Vox also manipulates Val. Cause again, it's a toxic relationship. Guys. There's two sides to this coin. Neither are the good guys in this situation. Vox uses Val just as much as Val (hypothetically) uses Vox. And even if Valentino abused him, like, that doesn't make his actions good. It makes them understandable, but if he actively chooses not to be better, then it's his problem. But that's just not it because Vox, as previously stated, is a piece of shit.
I don't want to come off as a Vox hater because I do have high hopes for him and his role as a villain in season 2, I just want people to realize that HE IS A VILLAIN. He probably won't get redeemed. He isn't a good person, and I LOVE that for him. I love the potential he has as a villain, and I want to see his plans for hell and his relationship with Val. I want to see him be BAD. Or pathetic, both work.
Vox sucks just as much as Valentino, but his potential is so tasty. That's why I love him. This pathetic, petty jackass.
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That is all sorry if I worded myself poorly in some places or if I repeated stuff too much, we just don't have enough Vox screen time yet to REALLY get into him, y'know.
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
I also want to add that my dad didn't.... read an article calling Bernie a radical? The framing around Bernie has been that he's radical, whether the leftists like it or not. He may not be, if you read deep into his policies or tweets or whatever else, but most voters are not doing that. Most voters are going by outrage-driven news headlines or TV reporting. The facts don't matter and the left won't win votes by "well actually"-ing people. It's all how the narrative is framed, in the end.
Well, yeah, because America is a deeply racist, imperialist, savior-complexed, essentially conservative country that was built on white settler colonialism, systemic Native American genocide, and African-American chattel slavery. Its existential conflicts about race and its unwillingness to solve the slavery question are written directly into the Constitution and are the core cause for a lot of our current social and legal angst. So yes, of course the most milquetoast left-of-center views are treated as a terrible existential threat by the shrieking right-wing noise machine that, due to the shifting demographics that might finally and generationally put them out of power, is more desperate than ever to keep (white) Americans stupid, angry, afraid, and viewing POC Americans as the "enemy."
Aside from all my other problems with Bernie as a functionally useless totem of white online leftism (as noted a few days ago, African-Americans generally don't vote for him either), obviously he's going to be heading upwind in regard to either shedding the socialism label (which he doesn't seem keen to do, seeing as he has previously defended Castro and that was what made him DOA in Florida) or getting over America's deep-rooted conservatism. The founding white supremacist state was then supplanted by Reaganism in the 1980s, and has been taken to its logical and hateful neo-fascist extreme under Trump. When that's what is treated as the "normal" standard, it sets the Overton window wildly to the right and makes even centrist Democrats (of which there are fewer than people tend to think; the Democratic Party overall has moved firmly liberal) look extreme. When Bernie leans into being "far left" without any attempt to educate, or any attempt on the part of his followers to educate, it's easy to spin and demonize. It can be undone, but it takes time, effort, and engaging in the real world with people who don't necessarily think like you, and a lot of Online Leftists seem deeply averse to actually, y'know. Doing that.
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cleromancy · 10 months
still thinking about those priest interviews like. y'know you knew it was bad for comics writers rn but somehow having some of the specifics is just...
anyway the thing i can't stop thinking about is that. they essentially replaced the comics code with the more nebulous, more ominous "corporate interests."
bc like. bc dc comics is a division of dc entertainment which then is owned by warner. your pitch gets approved by dc all the way up to the finalized script where it then goes out of house to Warner lawyers--like ive read both priest and willingham as well when he released fables to public domain, they both said they have no fucking clue who these people are. just somewhere above their heads. and they send it back to be like "you can't have so and so do that because of the movie we're putting out," but they also don't let the comics writers see the movie scripts? and it was also heavily implied that they objected to anything with too much uh. substance. the phrase priest used was "protecting corporate interests."
so like on a practical level not only do the writers not know how many issues theyre getting, they fully like. are writing to meet the approval of a panel of lawyers' approval. out-of-house lawyers theyll never get to talk to, and they also dont know what the standards are, and if they don't meet those unknown standards they will probably find out AFTER the script is finalized and have to make rush edits to excise whatever their "sensitivity people" objected to (priests phrase. important to note that sensitivity readers are great when theyre reviewing your work for potentially harmful stereotypes or misinformation, shit like that. thats not what a panel of sensitivity people whose job is to "protect corporate interests" are gonna be doing.)
abd these are like. warner people, too, who arent going to know or care how comics work or what appeals to comics readers beyond like. understanding that comics with #1 on the cover automatically sell better. but also theyll be objecting to shit the writer had been setting up from the word go *right before publication...*
like no wonder there's less comic per comic, no wonder there's pacing issues and no follow through, no wonder nobody can establish any serious continuity btwn series rn, no wonder they keep setting up stakes and completely fail to deliver anything remotely resembling consequences... jfc guys. hope youre talking about unionizing or *something*
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dandansposts · 2 years
good MORNING more about witches/answering some very good questions from @aloe-vera-ghost below the cut
as it is 6:30 in the morning and i am sitting in the bath tub bc i feel far too nauseous to eat or make myself a cup of coffee, you'll have to forgive any nonsense that may occur in the following paragraphs.... tummy hurty and i am very tired. id go back to bed but i have to work in an hour and a half so that's a bit of a non starter.
are there limits to how many spells can be cast or in use at once?
yes and no? as for casting, bc magic use is all intentions, if you can somehow intend to do two or more different things at once, sure, you can cast multiple spells. as for in use, though, not really.
the big example here is v, and i am directly addressing whether they can cast another spell while using their body as a focus for shadow griffon and nightmare.
the answer to that one is Yes; the tattoos v has are sssssort of like the writings in the grimoire in that they exist to make casting and using whatever spell they're for easier. v's tattoos are what bind the other 3 to them and while it takes a little bit of focus on everyone's part for one of them to manifest, v's adept enough at magic to be able to cast something else with their cane or the grimoire while doing that.
essentially, v's turned their body into a magical artifact in order to keep the 4 of them together; this takes a massive toll on their already very weak human body, but, y'know, desperate times. it helps that all 3 of them but shadow and griffon especially act as mobility aids. the spell binding them to v has already Been Cast and shadow, griffon, and nightmare all have their own abilities and are all also capable of witchcraft individually should their (limited) demonic power not be enoug, so it's not much of a feat for v to, y'know, manifest the other 3 and then do some other magic with their cane. they may refrain from doing this more than is absolutely necessary on the grounds that they are Extremely frail, but they can anyway.
if the other 3 were to use v's body as a focus, and v were to also do that, it's possible that it's work but also equally likely that they'd get wires crossed and fuck things up worse just because they are connected mentally and might confuse themselves. personal experience, tryjng to think when you're cocon with several ppl is just fuckkng miserable.
i hope that makes sense? clarifying questions welcome and encouraged, i'm not always the best explainer.
while some ancient witches might have specialized in different .. we will call it expressions of magic, this would be extremely uncommon, or at least expressed differently in modern/dmc present times just bc there are so few witches. any specialization in ancient times would also be related almost entirely to the demon that's being worshipped; so if your demon god is somehow related to fire, you might be more inclined to use your magic for pyromancy. in modern times, it's a lot more down to what's easiest and most intuitive for the caster.
that being said, there really is no standard spell for anything. u could say like. higgledy piggley and if your intention w that is to set something on fire, you're gonna set something on fire. if your intention is to heal, you'll heal. it'd be easier to learn different ways to use your specialty just because you're more familiar with the feel of the magic and just what exactly you need to do to get it to work correctly.
so. yes? specializing does make it easier to learn new spells in your specialty. not for magic reasons, just for familiarity reasons.
a person might fall into a specialty by accident too like you might just be way better or find it way easier to cast healing spells than combat related spells or whatever.
that is the questions answered i think but youve got me going and now i want to break down what i think each of vergil's alters specializes in.
vergil tends to go for combat specific magic; anyrhing to protect himself, anything to give him an edge, u know how he is. he thinks he's a finess guy but he's actually a brute force guy so his spells are big and showy (think something like a super judgement cut or that fucked up think you can do with beowulf where he just wrecks everyones shit) and deadly but don't tend to be overly complicated.
v tends more towards esoteric shit. they're the real witch here, the one who might pull an eva and try to summon a demon to bargain for more power rather than killing it outright. they're really good at the kind of magic required to create a focus (their cane is entirely their work as is their human body, the yamato was a team effort with vergil when they were still very young). they're adept at getting the grimoire to do what they want it to which essentially means they can cast whatever the fuck they want assuming they have the book, but without that, it's all illusions and self defense and weird shit like weaving symbols into their skin to keep errant alters attached to their body.
griffon, on the off chance he decides he wants to use magic rather than his demonic abilities, tends more towards combat stuff similar to vergil, but he's also got a knack for spells that alter a person's perception; think illusory magic, mainly stuff like calming a target or causing a target to turn on an ally, stuff like that.
shadow, being largely nonverbal, doesn't often use magic but Should She, it's usually combat related.
the same goes for nightmare, though it's also decent at healing spells by necessity. i mean. someones gotta patch up the body after mundus torture hours.
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tomwambsgans · 2 years
i fully believe that (on top of likely a conservative and/or catholic upbringing) tom has managed to totally repress his homosexuality by rationalizing his lack of real for desire for women as simply having really high standards. shiv was a fixation of his for the promise of power that a relationship with her wielded, which he internally attached to her objective physical asthetic and his sexual narcissism that allows him to be aroused by the mere concept of sex that involves himself. plus frankly inside of him, underneath all his bullshit, is a genuine drive for romance and true love and specifically monogamy, the romanticization of which is yet another factor in his attachment to shiv. yes, he loves her, but a lot of circumstances outside of him being innately attracted to women had to come together to make that happen. there's a lot of sense of obligation, both to her as a person and to his duty of being successful. of being the right kind of man.
ntm that when they have their stag night arrangement, part of tom struggling to get someone is def partially that he's using rules outside of himself to decide what woman he wants. as in, trying to decide which women he's supposed to want. ultimately the woman he chooses looks a lot like shiv - objectively striking, with cat-like features. it's really easy to think that you're attracted to women when you simply tell yourself that your type is the ones that "look interesting" (which i say from experience, lol)
and y'know it's funny, for all that tom clearly turns his desire for men into violence and control and other classic toxic masculinity-esque type shit, he still has a genuinely kind of... foppish way about him? like, yeah by definition all these rich guys technically do, but tom is different, and not just because he wasn't born into it. if the roy boys have the zuckerberg vibe, his is dorian gray. he's airy, he's dramatic, he's... dare i say, softer? in a way that there's plausible deniability for - the way that wealth is often correlated with some effeminacy, especially for british old money types. moreso, the way that money is an excuse for effeminacy. when a working-class guy cares about designer brands, is extremely hygenic, loves wine, etc, he's automatically assumed to be gay; when a rich guy cares about all those things? no one bats an eye. and i really do think that if it wasn't a factor in him pursuing it in the first place, then tom at least now essentially uses his exuberantly wealthy lifestyle as a tool to buffer his inclinations. perhaps even to the extent that he can sometimes have this sense of awareness of what he is and that he only chooses not to do anything about it.
which is then wild for its self-fulfilling nature - he's deeply ambitious for the sort of power that can protect him, but as he's moved higher and higher his environment only became more and more hostile to actually being himself.
......and THEN of course along came greg, who is genuinely key to tom accepting himself somewhere down the road (or at least coming the closest that he COULD get) bc he's the man through whom tom is gonna be able to subvert the heterosexual path that he'd set for himsef - push his wife down the stairs and marry him instead - proving that he doesn't need all that in order to Succeed with a capital S. at which point would at the very least be the thematically, narratively perfect moment for him to be fully grounded in what he really wants. he just needs to see with his own two eyes that it's not going to be world-shattering and then he can take it.
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Bloody, Beaten, Bruised or Maximum Effort
Quick Tag List: @kuruumiya @spacelizardtrashboys @enigmaticandunstable @nattinngrst @amyofaquitaine
This passage contains potentially: scenes of one (or more) characters swearing, blood, self-harm (unintentional) and scenes of a violent nature. whump content and potential tear-jerking moments.
Summary: In this 'chapter' Kirby has her first fight in New Jersey, and stay in New Jersey for a week, leading to some heavy whump content by a certain someone.
Kirby's POV:
Standard match, one on one with a ten minute time limit. Not much for a debut but it's made into a big deal upon learning the opponents were male and female and not the standard male on male.
Jobber VS Newcomer.
Andrew Strong VS Kirby 'Gluttony' Lucifarian.
The bell rings and the fight starts.
"Strong throws the first punch and misses."
"The Ogress capitalises and hits him with a Feeding Frenzy."
"Strong is backed into the turnbuckle but the Ogress continues her attack."
"The referee is forced to separate them and Strong gets The Ogress in a lock-up."
"A swift knee to the stomach and Strong is staggered."
"The Ogress hits Strong with the Organ Grinder and it looks like it's all over."
"She covers Strong and … one … two … three. She's done it! The Ogress has won!"
Walking back to the locker room, I caught a glimpse of Moolah as she sneers at me and I shrug her off, focusing on getting into some clean clothes and going back to the hotel. I change and walk out of the dressing room with my bag slung over my shoulder.
"Good work out there, Kirby."
I recognise the voice and turn to see André, "Thank you, Drey."
"Moolah, doesn't seem to like you girls."
"We're stealing the hag's time in the sun. She always hates people who do that, even if she brings them in. I'll see you soon Drey."
"See you soon, Kirby."
I start walking back to the hotel when I start hearing a voice behind me, gradually getting closer.
"Hey, Miss, I think you dropped this." A distinctly masculine voice called out.
I turned around to see what the person wanted. To my surprise they had picked up my wallet, "Huh, I didn't feel it fall out of my pocket, thank you."
The man handed it to me before introducing himself, "Paul Orndorff. I saw your match earlier, you're fast for a giant, tough too."
"Thank you, Mr Orndorff."
He looked over his shoulder, "Oh, well, I have to go, Piper's waiting for me."
"Uh well, bye Mr Orndorff."
He left without another word and I unzipped my bag slightly to place my wallet inside, zipping it back up and continuing back to the hotel. I spent the night in a cramped hotel room and went to the gym the next morning.
Setting myself up at a heavy bag and practicing as per usual, no interruptions, no one else near by to talk to.
It was as if my mind just drifted away and I went into this mental fog, no gloves on but punching as if I did, breaking through the skin on my knuckles and only stopping after I noticed smears of blood on the heavy bag.
I wiped it down and bandaged my knuckles before moving on to doing push ups, lunges, squats and other exercises that wouldn't leave me covered in blood.
I was alone for the rest of the day, so I ordered some pizza (simple, pepperoni) and relaxed in the hotel, I pulled out a sketch book from my suitcase and began sketching.
I didn't plan on sketching anything too important so I just went with what was on my mind, which happened to be Roddy, Jeez it's like I'm becoming emotionally attached to this idiot.
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When I see him next I'll give him the drawing if I have it with me. I close the sketchbook and go back to the gym for around an hour, before coming back to the hotel and getting some rest.
I woke up the next morning (January 9th) and had a day much the same as the last, got up, did my morning routine, went to the gym, came back, ordered Chinese food and started drawing. It was just a shitty little thing, but once again, the Rowdy one came to mind.
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What is it with Scottish men and me, is it because I'm a quarter Scottish, is it maybe because I believe in the folk tales and stories of old, of knights on white steeds, saving fair maidens and living happily ever after, while the monsters they kill or maim lie in a pool of their own blood and wish they could've had a different life?
I have no idea, and the idea of my own mind comparing me with those monsters makes me regret ever reading those stories while growing up, rather I should have stuck my head into scientific textbooks instead of tales of heroism and fantastical ghouls, then I would have never become and wrestler or met the amazing people in my life.
I look back down at the paper and decide to let Roddy have two final full page drawings on the other side of the sketches I've already drawn of him, I add in a small note on the page under a picture of Roddy that Sam had found.
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The more I looked at the drawings and that lone picture, the more I realised the small details of Roddy's features, the strong jaw with a cleft chin, his hazel eyes? or are they dark blue? either way they intrigue me. And that musculature, Roddy's not slim but not a big man either, he's at that almost perfect weight to body fat ratio. Good lord, listen to me calling … Piper, Roddy, Him, perfect. I think I want to be sick, just to be rid of those thoughts.
Right as I run into the small bathroom I hear a commotion in the hallway and someone being thrown or more accurately, hurled into the other side of the bathroom wall. I take a deep breath, re-fix my mask into it's usual position and dart out into the corridor, right as the commotion ends.
The obvious victim of the bout was on the floor face down with a long, not to deep cut down the back of their left leg and was breathing heavily when I reached them.
"Woah, hey, hey buddy." I whispered to them in an effort to calm them.
That Glaswegian accent, fuck, He's not even supposed to be in town, or is he?
"Piper?!" I whisper-yelled, more to myself than to him.
"Hey…" his voice trailed off, I heaved him over my shoulder and went back into my hotel room, tossing him down on the only bed and grabbing his left foot, reaching over to my suitcase and getting my personal first aid kit, nothing too fancy, some bandages, plasters, the bare essentials. I cleaned the cut and bandaged it, taping the bandage in place.
I glanced up from Roddy's leg and saw that he had passed out, "Shit." I muttered to myself, louder than I thought and his eyes flickered open.
"Kirby? Is that you?" His voice weak but still understandable.
I stood there, frozen to the spot, unable to move, I wanted to cry as I realised how badly he had been beaten up, his eyebrow cut, coming close to his eye, his hairline a mix of matted brown hair and blood that was starting to coagulate and then I started to notice more things wrong with Roddy's visage.
His shirt (a Piper classic, yellow with a wild cat graphic) was torn in several places, showing bruises and nicks in his flesh. His kilt, however, was fully intact, including his belt and sporran, though all of it was scuffed with little scratches, but no cuts.
"Kirby? Kirby talk to me, please?" He spoke so carefully and it broke me.
I dropped to my knees, weeping, and Roddy shot to his feet, before dropping down on his left side and leaning on the bed, getting only a couple of steps closer to me.
"Kirby, are you okay?"
"Roddy, look at ya," I took a deep breath in, "How can you be so beat up and worried about me? How is that possible?"
"Kirby? look at ya, you're crying over me? I thought you didn't care about me that much?"
I wiped the tears from my face and got Roddy back on the bed.
"Stay there, Piper."
"Oh, feisty."
"Roddy! Stay on the bed and don't move."
"Yes Ma'am."
I trudged into the bathroom and ran a long cold shower, and I heard him move off the bed before swearing and sitting back on the bed.
"I thought I said, DON'T MOVE Roddy!"
"Alright, alright. … feisty"
After the shower, I dressed in the bathroom after drying myself off and exited the room. I instantly noticed a sleeping Piper.
"I guess I'll sleep on the floor then."
"C'mere." He lazily waved his arm to try and beckon me over.
"No, Roddy, get some rest."
"Come here and get in the bed." He rolled over and picked up the duvet, lackadaisically blowing a joking kiss in my direction.
"Jesus, Roddy, fine."
I climbed into the bed and felt Roddy's arms curl around my waist and his face between my shoulder blades.
"Rod, get off."
"Get off of me."
"Aren't you married, get off."
"if I was married, there would be a ring on my finger," He waved his left hand in front of my face, "No ring, no wife."
"Oh. Still, get off."
"Now, would that be 'get off' in the, leave me alone, way or the 'get off' in the, I love you take me now, way." The latter a clear joke but it annoyed me even more.
"Leave me alone, Roddy."
He slid his arms off and rolled to face the other way.
"Small bed, Kirby."
"I wasn't expecting company, Piper."
"Your tattoos are nice."
"Sleep, Piper."
"I'm just saying."
"Roddy, you are injured, sleep."
"I looked through your sketchbook earlier, y'know, when you were in the shower, just flicked through it, and wow, you're a great artist."
"For the love of God, Roddy! would you please just get some sleep."
"Alright!, alright. No need to yell."
"One more word and I'm chucking you out the nearest window."
We both fell silent and managed to get some sleep, it wasn't until sunrise that either one of us awoke. As I stirred from my slumber I was face to face with the Scottish idiot. I yelped and, without realising his legs were intertwined with mine, fell off the bed with him falling on top of me, waking Roddy up in the process.
"Oh, well, morning sweetheart, did I wake ya."
"Rod, get ya damn 'Loch Ness Monster' away from me."
Rod's cheeks turned pink and he quickly looked down between our bodies before sheepishly standing up and hurrying to the bathroom, I took the chance to change into a graphic tee and some black jeans, not noticing that Piper had left the bathroom door wide open, until I heard his voice.
"Woah, so uh, all of you is bigger than normal?"
I yelped and threw one of my shirts at his face, before realising that I had thrown the shirt I was planning on wearing at him, "Wait, Roddy, I need that shirt."
He laughed before handing me back my shirt, "Uh, thank you … for …saving me last night."
"Were you even supposed to be in town?"
"Well no, but I …" He trailed off
"I can't hear you, Roddy?"
"It's nothing, really."
I continued on with my normal routine, mindful that Roddy was in the same room as me and injured. It wasn't until the phone rang that I had a problem, before I could reach the phone Roddy had already answered it.
"Who is this?"
I could hear a loud, angry voice on the phone and Piper got defensive.
"You think you're a hard man do ya?!"
Damien. That's got to be Damien, which means I am in some real trouble now. Thanks Piper, ya dafty.
"I'll get her to call ya back once you've calmed down."
He slammed the phone back into it's place and breathed out a hefty sigh.
"Kirby, is Damien your boyfriend?" He seemed instantaneously calm
I almost choked on air for a moment, "No! He's my manager, and he's like double my age. He's Vic," I paused for a moment, "He's my dad, as well as the other members of the D.O.D. We're not all his biological daughters though, just Vickie."
"So, he adopted you?"
"I guess you could say that." I avoided looking him in the eyes.
"Tell me the truth. Now!"
"Promise you won't tell anyone first."
"I won't tell a soul, now, why are you so, uptight, about who he is to you."
"First things first, my name isn't Kirby Lucifarian, it's actually Kirby Trevor."
"Oh, so Damien's not you're adoptive father, either?"
"No, my real parents are Heaven and Eric Trevor. Damien's Vickie's dad and only Vickie's dad."
"Are either one of your parents giants? or is it just you?"
"Just me, the closest person to me in height, family-wise was my uncle Rory. He's the reason I have the tattoo on my wrist."
I walked up to Piper and showed him the 'R' tattooed on my right wrist.
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"So, he passed away?"
"Yeah. He died, eleven, no no, twelve years ago now, when I was Seventeen, My uncle Vaughn died a couple months later, he's why I have the lighter on my left arm, my uncle Vaughn was best known for being, in the nicest terms, a layabout smoker, and the smoke took him in the end."
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"So, you have a lighter to remember a man who died by smoking?"
"Dark, I know, but uncle Vaughn would've laughed at it. Erik laughed at it when I explained it to him."
"Eric, your dad?"
"No, no, Erik, with a 'K', my old tag partner before I joined the D.O.D. I think you would've liked him."
"Really, now why would I like a guy I know nothing about?"
"Well, Erik's Scottish, He's from Edinburgh. He's tall-ish, then again I am a giant, so who am I to say what's tall, he's six-foot-five. He played the bagpipes when he was younger, he quit playing when he was twenty-three, same year we lost the tag titles."
"Rough," He interrupted "Continue, please."
"Uh, well. Erik's strong, very strong, he would compete in the Highland games and well, … I guess back then I thought I'd never leave him, until Damien gave me an offer I couldn't refuse and I left him. I had a whole life with him planned inside my head and I left it all behind, for what, cramped hotel rooms and breakfasts with André."
"You had breakfast with André the giant and you didn't tell me … You, You had a good Scottish man, and you left him, for," He gestured to the room, "all this?"
"Well I jus-"
"No," He held my jaw and looked me straight in the eyes, "You had a life, a man who obviously a close relationship with you, and you gave it up for breakfasts with André and shitty hotel rooms."
"I know I'm stupid."
"But you're not stupid, you saved me, I could have died in that hallway and you brought me in here, you stopped that bastard from killing me. I could kiss you."
"Please don't."
Sorry for cliff-hanger ending, but … END OF BLOODY, BEATEN, BRUISED or MAXIMUM EFFORT.
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endangered-liaison · 4 years
FFXIVWrite Prompt #11/13: Ultracrepidarian
[This is my fill for the Free Day, going back to Day 11 since I missed that one the first time around!]
A vaguely ominous but jaunty tune plays through your vox. After a moment, a voice, low and raspy, begins to speak.
"Hey. Today I have a Gridanian Emergency Ration, 7AE 2, cold-weather ready. It's pretty heavy, comes in two packs. The main pack weighs 2 ponze exactly, and the accessory pack weighs 1 ponze and 6 onze. Not a lightweight ration, yeah?
"The menu is number two type or whatever the fuck they call it in the Shroud: Peppered Popotoes. Prefer the number one type, that's a dehydrated stew as its main, but beggars can't be choosers or whatever I guess.
"Lemme open this up."
There's the sound of a knife being unsheathed, then a blade cutting through what sounds like a canvas bag or something similar.
"Alright. The main bag has the peppered popotoes main, uh. A bunch of jerky, dunno what meat and I dunno if they want us to know. Might be mutton? Somethin' to eat on the go, good salt content. Peppered popotoes is a no-protein meal so I'd guess the jerky is to compensate for that. The type one menu has dried fruit instead, so that might be an advantage to this menu. Fuckin' love jerky.
"Also got some chocolate, and some oat biscuits. Whole lot of filler. Makes sense, cold weather food's for either Coerthas or Ilsabard. Guerrilla fightin' the Empire or the Temple Knights, lots of food on the go. Just the one meal to sit down and eat.
"Accessory pack might be more interesting."
There's more ripping, cutting noises, then the girl on the vox makes a delighted noise.
"Fuck yeah! See, here's where it gets good. Standard issue Gridanian spoon; pewter. The Garlean ones are better, but, y'know, hard to beat them. These aren't bad though. Better than the Ishgardian ones. Fuckin' teaspoons to eat a meal with.
"And here's where all that weight comes in. Cold weather gear needs a lot of heaters. To melt snow for water, and to heat up their main, y'know? So they've got a fuckin' great fire shard heater unit, I love this design. This design's shared across the whole Alliance. The Ishgardians and the Mhigans have their own, and I dunno what the Domans have since I ain't tried a Doman ration yet, but the three core city-states all use this design. This one's got extra fire shards to replace the first set when they burn out, since you'll be usin' 'em for pretty much everything."
The sounds of something being pulled from the bag, and being pieced together.
"They've got a few light-tinged water shards too. Gives you water if you ain't got any other source, an' purifies snow water real good. I'll admit, these are better than the Garlean method. I fuckin' hate the taste of chlorine, an' these leave it all clean and fresh. Only thing is, if you leave the crystal in there and accidentally swallow it, it'll kill you or make you sick as fuck. So you gotta spoon it outta there, which is hard since it's the colour of water.
"Alright. Let's get this out on to a tray."
There's a cut distortion in the vox feed, before her voice returns.
"Nice. Okay, so. Got the popotoes heatin' up on the burner, an' I'd say it's time to try the jerky. Smells like mutton, looks kinda like it, so we'll see. It didn't have the type listed."
There's the sound of rough jerky being torn through, then chewing noises uncomfortably close to the vox.
Then there's a few seconds of silence.
"I can tell you one thing."
Her voice sounds vaguely pained.
"That definitely fuckin' weren't mutton."
She spits out whatever is left in her mouth, making discomforted noises. "I'll eat near fuckin' anythin', but that just...ugh. Is that diremite meat? Are they fuckin' feedin' their soldiers diremite meat? 'Cuz that's what it tastes like."
She takes another loud bite and chews on it anyway.
What the fuck.
"Okay." She speaks with her mouth still full. "Popotoes are smellin' pretty good. Actually smell pretty peppery, so that's a plus. Steaming real good, so...probably ready. Got my spoon, and..."
There's more chewing. A humming noise, so close to the vox it distorts over your feed. Ow.
"It...tastes of popotoes, and a little butter. The pepper was all smell. There's no fuckin' flavour to it, they're...bland. This was just a waste of pepper. Helps the smell, but...whatever they did to it to have it keep longer just drained all that flavour. I've had spicier food from Ishgardian menus. An' yeah, today's insult-Isghardian-food day apparently. It's a mess."
She chews on it for a few more seconds, then sighs.
"Yeah, this is useless. If I had this in the field, I'd be tempted to grind up a fire  shard as seasoning. Which, again, will kill you. Don't do that, even if it would be tasty."
Who is this woman? More accurately, what is this woman?
"Anyroad. The chocolates and the oat cakes actually won't be shite, so I'm gonna enjoy them while I go through my fanmail from the last moon."
She starts chewing on what you assume to be an oat cake, making happy little mm noises every few moments.
"Got a letter here from a Mister Calldew in Ishgard. He says I'm a tasteless heretic traitor, and a violent goon, and that Halone would be deeply shamed by me if she acknowledged my presence at all. Hah. Thanks! That's sweet.
"Next I've got...oh, one from Limsa. Sergeant Svalwhatever, I don't know Roegadyn names, that's my girlfriend's thing. Blah blah blah, stealing essential supplies from military warehouses, blah blah blah, serious criminal action, blah blah, if we find you we shall arrest you forthwith, blah, Llymlaen curses you. 
“To that I say: bitch, if you've got a direct line to Llymlaen, get that watery whore to buy you some better fuckin' locks."
There's a snap and chewing. She evidently just bit down on the chocolate.
"I'm Max1562. See you next moon, when I'll be coming back at you with something new. Or old."
The music fades in to the vague sounds of this strange girl loudly chewing on chocolate and oak cakes, and you begin to wonder if she actually knew anything about what she was talking about.
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rayo1-productions · 4 years
Cartoon Network Universe: Earth One - A Tour of California
Unfortunately, no this isn't Chapter 7. But it is something worth reading.
So if you've been following this story for a while, you've probably noticed that there are a few anachronisms in the world of the Cartoon Network Universe. I do have an explanation in mind, but for now, let's just keep it at me having to make certain calls when it comes to merging the worlds of so many Cartoon Network shows, as the majority of them were produced independently from one another.
But I also realized it wasn't entirely fair to you guys, who might not be able to keep track of worldbuilding and expository content.
So, I've come to a decision that I am probably going to regret in the future, specifically in terms of the style and genre. I am going to have, between each 6 chapters, a little cutaway bumper that informs you on the map of this world. This will give me the chance to clarify all things that you might be confused by when it comes to my writing (Honestly I don't blame you. My English isn't the best...which is ironic since it's my first language.)
The reason why I was so apprehensive of this idea at first was because of the tone it might cast over the rest of the story. Informational bumpers like this are a staple of certain anime like Attack on Titan and My Hero Academia, but with this story's subject matter leaning closer to AOT, I feared that these bumpers would create a "history-book" vibe to it. Y'know, like these alternate history stories people write where they go in-depth into the layout and politics of the war.
What's problematic about that approach for me is that it can be a very adult motif, one that can strip the story of any fantastical elements by grounding everything into hard square reality. Furthermore, most fellow FusionFall stories implement a personal touch into their work. Granted, by focusing on the entire cast of NPCs and the larger CNU, I haven't made this job easy for myself. But come future chapters and the personal touch will be essential, just as it was essential with Volume 1.
But I guess that's a bunch of superstition. Right now, enjoy reading the layout of the setting of my story. Be ready for even more creative liberties than seen in the OG Game, because the Map I created here is vastly different compared to that of the original or remakes. This map also comes with nice little exposition blurbs, all of which are set One Month before the Time Travel Experiment and thus two months before the invasion begins. I will be listing heroes that claim these areas or districts within each city. As the story moves forward from this bumper, heroes covered by a [SPOILER] tag will be revealed as they claim positions throughout the war and beyond. For future stories outside of FusionFall, it's also very possible that you'll be seeing this bumper more than once and with updates.
The Sister Cities - California
SIYENN: The largest of the three Sister Cities situated in the Western state of California, Siyenn City is a melting pot of countless businesses, families, and liveliness, all enhanced by the ever-growing pursuit of innovation. With a multitude of heroes, technological corporations, child geniuses, and casual life, this city is not only fortified, but ensured of a brighter tomorrow!
TECH SQUARE - Dexter McPherson, Simon Astronomonov; Once Siyenn Square, it was rechristened as Tech Square in honor of the astounding technological achievements transpiring there. Home to partnering and competing companies, Dexlabs and Mandark Industries, Tech Square has become the center of innovation and impossibility, inspiring countless geniuses by any standard to look sharp for a fine day for science!
-- Dexter McPherson, founder, CEO, and Chief Scientific Developer of Dexlabs, has announced a private time travel experiment to the public! Seeking to send volunteers or a volunteer approximately one hour into the future! The seclusive but famous scientist reportedly received supplies from various suppliers, such as Goat's Junkyard, Maxwell's Plumbing Services (oddly enough), an unnamed investor rumored to be in Quahog, Rhode Island, as well as MIT and the CERN research project! For any brave and daring volunteers, answer the call, for the time is now! And the test subject can be YOU!
GALAXY GARDENS - N/A; This emporium of greenhouse greatness was marked as a sign of good faith and will towards the ecological salvation of the planet. Galaxy Gardens is a thriving plant and animal sanctuary for all to enjoy, and though some might denote it as a simple zoo, Dexlabs has announced its intentions to study plant-based solutions to climate change and other potential problems facing the planet.
STEAM ALLEY - [SPOILER]; Though the most economically staggered of the city, this district, nicknamed "Steam Alley", held an astounding position as home to leaders of the automotive and energy industries, such as that of the Rainbow Factory and WERK Co. Though with the rise of tech giants like Dexlabs and M-Industries, it's not in that great shape anymore. But before its time, Steam Alley saw rise to oil trade tycoons such as Boss Franklin Fullbright, and even renowned bio-engineers like the late Rafael and Violeta Salazar.
-- Homeland Security agency Providence have been spotted in the area, more than likely in the hopes of opening a city-based installation. Though many people are feeling safer already, some have objected for opposite reasons, as well as the plans not offering any economic resurgence to Steam Alley.
MOREBUCKS TOWERS - [SPOILER]; As part of a housing initiative with the Morebucks Corporation, namely on the behest of Jennifer Morebucks, the city looks to open more housing options for those in the middle class or lower. Using the latest advancements in technology from Mandark Industries, the construction of these houses will be sped up to a considerable rate. The future looks bright for what used to be a normal everyday district.
-- Ms. Morebucks, a former supervillain, made a clear and distinct threat to her markets and shareholders that if they did not invest in the project, she would have them evicted from their houses and would use them for menial purposes. The shareholders were almost immediately confused by the nature of this act, wondering how a threat such as that could be fueled by a genuinely noble and thoughtful initiative. They all chalked it up to an ulterior motive on her part. Nevertheless, they all decided to fund her project.
CITY STATION - [SPOILER]; The heart of Siyenn City is also the best way to get around town; the City Station district is the public transportation staple of the entire city, and even more as its Slider Buses can carry you all the way to Townsville and Bellwood. Its transportation-focused industry has made it the centerpiece for a cultural metropolis, with bright lights lining the skyscrapers, joints and hangouts for people of all ages to enjoy. City Station's refurbished place in Siyenn City was a part of Dexlabs and Mandark Industries' massive technological initiative, building the massive Station Tower to serve not only as a hub for all passengers, but to also provide extra connection services to the entire district. City Station continues to thrive thanks to Dexlabs and Mandark's continued efforts.
-- City Station High School would like to publicly recognize one of its own students, Vana Thunderwarp, for her bravery and heroic saving of Dr. Gale Spacebyte, a government scientist who would have been killed by a malfunctioning slider. But that's not all. The young anthro-wolf student immediately contacted Dexlabs and helped identify the issue that caused the malfunction. We at City Station High School value dedicated study and civic duty within our students, and open our arms to those like Ms. Thunderwarp willing to make a difference in this vast world. (even if our moron Principal is the literal opposite - Noah V., friend of Vana)
GENIUS GROVE - [SPOILER]; The innovation does not stop at the city, as the suburbs of Genius Grove are home to some of the most impossible things the world has yet to see. The birthplace and home of both Dexter McPherson and Simon Astronomonov, they both grew up with like-minded intentions concerning technology, actively working together to see their dreams come to fruition. It is here in Genius Grove where great minds not only think alike, but aspire to be greater.
-- Shady businessman Benedict Uno and his delightful wards recently attempted to close a deal with Alderman Jeff McPherson, father of Dexlabs CEO Dexter McPherson, to open their delightful developments project. McPherson declined, much to the chagrin of Uno. There's been no official word on his next steps, though some say he may attempt to try again in Bellwood's Peach Creek Estates.
ENDSVILLE - Billy, Mandy, The Grim Reaper; Endsville may seem like the most haunted place on Earth, probably because it is. But behind a gloomy and shocking exterior is a community that thrives on liveliness and prosperity. No matter how many people try to escape our beloved town, Endsville is your last stop...to not die, but to...just come here, please. Please?
ORDINAL HEIGHTS - [N/A]; A calmer neighborhood for a calmer time, Ordinal Heights is a place to keep away from the various calamities of the universe and relax. Once you rent a house, you'll never want to leave. So come visit our little town!
-- Due to unexplained bursts of gravitational fluxes and massive surges of radiation emerging from a [REDACTED], Dexlabs and Providence have advised that this neighborhood be quarantined and cordoned off until further notice. For your own safety, DO NOT VISIT.
CRYSTAL COVE - [Formerly] Mystery Inc.; Before Endsville was dubbed the most haunted place on the West Coast, Crystal Cove held that title, famous for being the final place of activity from Mystery Incorporated, and infamous for giving the Ohio-born detective group genuine supernatural threats to investigate before they all vanished and (presumably) disbanded.
MASSACHUSETTS PARK - Mordecai & Rigby; Founded by Curtis Montgomery and his lollilander pupil Stick Maellard in the late 1800s, Massachusetts Park has stood the test of time in blazing through history and struggle. In the center of the park lies the Maellard Residence, providing the area with a feeling of home and safety. Despite reports of the zany, unpredictable, the surreal, and worst of all, various reports of employee misconduct, the Park and its staff stand ready to preserve this historic foundation.
-- Last week was the 2-year anniversary for the death of Pops Maellard, the son of Mr. Stick Maellard and the then-groundskeeper of Massachusetts Park. In what could only be described as launching an entire acre of land into space, the Park was reported to have been caught in a battle between the forces of good and evil in the cosmos, to which Pops sacrificed himself. There has been no comment from the Government-sponsored Galactic Guardian Group (G3), or the Department of Metahuman Affairs and Abnormalities, who specialize in investigation of the cosmically supernatural. All the latter group had to say was that classified intergalactic contacts were looking into the aftermath. The Special Extraterrestrial Containment Team arrived shortly after to debrief all members trapped aboard the Park in launch. In this anniversary, many of the Park's staff were there to pay respects to their dear friend.
- Goat's Junkyard, West Coast Division - Megas (Coop); Originally founded in New Jersey, proprietor and former tattoo artist Scot 'Goat' Rienecker expanded his junkyard operations to the other side of the United States. In Jersey, his junkyard gained a notable reputation for housing a vast array of salvaged technology, with many complaining simply because the city would be destroyed by robots and aliens before they could visit. Goat's Junkyard is the place to go if you're looking for off-hand items and re-engineered technology, no matter how illegal it might be!
TOWNSVILLE: - Powerpuff Girls; The City of Townsville! A safe haven for all, a flourishing and lively populace, a loyal and brave community, and home to the world's youngest and greatest trio of superheroines! This fine city has been under their protection for 10 prosperous years, and the skies have never been brighter since. This fine city is a place to go to see hope before your very eyes. Ignore the high insurance rates and outrageous crime waves, because the Powerpuff Girls will always be there to save you in the City of Townsville!
-- People are still worried for the middle Powerpuff, Buttercup Utonium, who suffered a major blow during a battle with the evil Mojo Jojo. The Powerpuff was smacked far off into the Pacific Ocean and disappeared into the waters. The green Powerpuff returned to her family a week after her disappearance, but has refused to offer any knowledge or word on what happened to her during her absence. We wish our toughest fighter the best in health and spirit as she continues to keep the city safe!
- Townsville Square - Jenny Morebucks; A bustling shopping industry incarnate, this plaza is at the heart of the city and maintains its great variety of malls, studios, and more, with the trademark location of the Sunken Super-Mall, this is a center for consumerism, and we invite YOU to find everything you'll need and want.
-- With the retirement of her father, Oliver Morebucks, young heiress Jennifer Grace Morebucks has since taken over his place as head chairwoman and CFO. Having been in this position for about 4 years now, Morebucks has brought the company into several disputes over acts of corporate greed, villainy, and subversion of ethical...anything, things that were mostly avoided by her lack of ownership in the company when she started her career in villainy. Morebucks has yet to recuperate from the low financial position and brand image the "Princess" has put them in, though Jennifer herself has ceased most villainous activity in recent times.
- Townsville City Hall - The Mayor of Townsville; The headquarters of Townsville's government is a dedication to triumph and might in the face of hardship. Here lies the Mayor's office, and the Mayor himself as he guides Townsville through times of despair, thanks in part to our terrific triplets that the Mayor dispatches to handle situations. It's because of this landmark that this fine city has stood tall and never backed down, even when a giant monster knocks it down.
-- Just today, the Mayor announced the undoing of his latest decree: that all pickle jars be made with paper lids. Buyers of pickles found their food to have been spoilt due to the poor standards of containment imposed by the Mayor.
TOWNSVILLE PARK; This local and public park is the perfect spot for peace and quiet, especially when the city life can be so overwhelming. Townsville hosts many of its local events and celebrations here, as even this peace would not dare be disturbed by villainy.
- Mojo's Volcano - Mojo Jojo; Before even the crime wave, Townsville has always seemed in danger, thanks to the massively slim volcano located near the Park. Nowadays the inactive volcano is under new management: The primate supervillain Mojo Jojo, who lives in his Observatory Lair planning and scheming his maniacal and destructive ideas for destroying the Powerpuff Girls and other villainous acts. However, the city of Townsville is lucky to see Mojo exercise an honor code when it comes to engaging our beloved metropolis, and how fortunate we are that it not occur to him.
-- Following an incident that occurred in 2009, many citizens of Townsville have speculated Mojo's connection to the sudden appearance of green gooey aliens that manifested from glowing plant-like eggs. Speculation also arose from the East Coast, with many citizens of New Jersey identifying the spores to be Gynok, a plant-based lifeform from Saturn that once invaded on a Thanksgiving Parade. However, multiple reports indicated that Gynok was capable of speech, and could mimic objects living and non-living, abilities that were not displayed by these spores, which instead spawned blobby creatures that terrorized various cities instead. Many are wondering what this has to do with Mojo, but have not been able to get a word in due to the primate's limited parole.
MARQUEE ROW - Gangreen Gang; This small but vibrant district holds a special place in the hearts of Townsville's greatest musicians. Currently the focus of the Gangreen Gang's album tour, Marquee Row's impressive auditorium famously held the debut performance of Sunny Bridges, the Atlanta-born jazz-rap musician that currently teaches at Atlanta's Westley School for the Arts; he has since gone down as a legend in contemporary music. It also was notable for holding one of the highest ticket-sales rates for concerts of the West Coast in 2005, thanks to a spectacular performance from J-Pop/Rock duo Puffy AmiYumi. Marquee Row is full of legacy and variety as it has quickly become the hot-spot for Townsville's musicians and many more.
-- The Gangreen Gang are set to perform in the Sunny Bridges Auditorium this July, where they are also set to reveal a new member of their band. Speculation has arisen as to who this member might be, and some rumors report that it's a female backup player. Some have denounced this as pandering, while others have embraced the band's sense of diversity. Others less trusting of the band wonder if this is a ploy to pull off a heist, given their criminal record.
- Harada-Bridges Records; The Harada-Bridges Record Company is a Townsville-based label founded through a joint partnership between former musician/performer Sunny Bridges and Kazuo Harada, former band manager and possible kleptomaniac. Harada-Bridges Records distributes music from many such talents as the TrendBenders, Pizza Party, the Gangreen Gang, Hair to the Throne, Scream-O, and Puffy AmiYumi among others; it even allows for one-time titles, such as "Love makes the World Go Round", or a rather catchy cover of "Surfin' Bird". It also sells redistributions and collections of older albums, including the famous 70s group Shag Carpeting, Fist Pump from the 80s, and smaller names like Mr. Universe.  Their building is furnished with a high-end recording studio, in which much of the music they distribute is recorded. Due to Bridges' teaching obligations, the company is partly run by JoJo Melodytour, former manager for the TrendBenders.
-- Famous rappers 'the CrewCrew' were recently excommunicated by the record company for their foul attitude and slanderous speech, and their apparent disrespect towards the memoriam services for Pops Maellard. They have since gone to social media to voice their frustration, only to lose several followers on all relative channels, Instagram in particular.
- Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends; Venture into our quiet and socially vibrant suburban areas to get away from the action, and find a place where the community is tight, trustworthy, and lasts forever. For example? This grand estate that has been a staple of the community since the 1930s. Originally the grand mansion of eccentric heiress Martha Foster, her home has seen a repurposing like no other over the last 60 years. Founded in 1954, the mansion was reimagined as Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, a place for runaway or outgrown imaginary friends to spend their time and look for new human friends. We in the Wilson Suburbs are proud to see such progressive community work continue for so long, and to maintain a lasting legacy across the country. Regardless of the nanite-related problems that have plagued the imaginary community, Foster's Home keeps its doors open to all real and unreal for refuge and safety.
POKEY OAKS SUBURBS (North & South) - Powerpuff Girls, Professor Utonium; Named after the county Townsville is located in, the Pokey Oaks suburbs are home to many of the denizens of the larger metropolis, appreciating the quieter life contrasting the busy city ahead. In the Northern suburbs, you will find Poakey Oaks' High School, the Morebucks Mansion, the precinct for Townsville PD, and the abandoned home of former supervillain Fuzzy Lumpkins. In the Southern suburbs, you will find the Utonium residence, home to the Powerpuff Girls, Poakey Oaks Kindergarten and Lower School, and the Pokey Oaks highway leading into the larger Townsville city.
-- Not to be confused with the Pokey Oaks county in Los Angeles, California.
HABITAT HOMES - N/A; A thriving suburban community defined for its rising anthro population, Habitat Homes is recognized as a place for...well, whatever it is normal districts do, because this area seems to be set on selling "we have anthropomorphic animals" as their only highlight, which is pretty exploitative. This suburb is home to the Charles Darwin Middle School, notable for having an overwhelmingly anthro-based student body.
BELLWOOD: - Ben 10; This is no ordinary city. Enter a world beaming with possibilities, wrapped up in one of the most popular cities on Earth. Located within Delmarva County and founded in 1638, the city of Bellwood started out as a small town notable as "the most ordinary town on Earth". That has been proven wrong many times over. Since Ben 10 started his super-heroic career at the ripe age of 10, Bellwood has seen a massive amount of attention for sightings of alien life and activity on Earth, and allowed this small town to grow and expand into a bustling city in the same leagues as sister cities Townsville and Siyenn.
- Bellwood Square; The heart of the city and the home to many of Bellwood's landmarks, such as Bellwood Zoo, City Park, a museum, a mall, Madison Elementary, even a Brain Bank!
- City Point; Whoever could forget this small district, host of the annual Summer fair for 20 years in a row, several of which have showcased the Dizzy World Circus hailing from Townsville. City Point also houses the largest amount of alien activity in the entire city, with many wondering how so many aliens appear in and out. But no matter that, City Point is hailed as a place for diversity and acceptance of all lifeforms, no matter how secret.
-- The Dizzy World Circus is set to open business in City Point this summer after a performance in Gateway City, Virginia; this will be the first time they have returned to Bellwood in ten years. However, brand image is being considered as a risk, due to the supervillain Zombozo welding his Ferris Wheel to the ground five years ago and making it near impossible to remove. Architects and engineers are still trying to determine how to bring the Wheel down, as the structure itself appears to be made of Promethium, one of the strongest and most durable metals on Earth.
OFFWORLD PLAZA - Grandpa Max; Seeing humanity's future in the stars, Offworld Plaza was setup in a partnership between Dexlabs, NASA, and Providence whilst being overseen by the Department of Metahuman Affairs and Abnormalities. Offworld Plaza is meant to be the world's first spaceport, with a Dexlabs-modified STS shuttle meant to be the world's first form of public space travel. The project has seen backing from several Bellwood residents, including Ben 10 himself and partners included, and several alien citizens amongst the population. This is being seen as the foremost attempt to fully engage Earth with the larger galactic community.
- Madison Valley - Ben 10; This mostly quiet neighborhood is close to the Peach Creek community, and is notable for being the birthplace of Ben 10 himself. The neighborhood has received a lot of attention since his public debut last year.
-- Residents of this neighborhood continue to search for Gwen Tennyson, cousin of Ben 10 and former partner in crimefighting. Gwen had reportedly manifested something akin to alien powers, due to alien heritage in the family, and disappeared soon after a conflict involving the Ship-It Corporation and an invasive race of microchips. The search has been continuing for 4 months, and we send the Tennyson family our best wishes.
- Gallagher Commons/Sector V - KND; Home to Benedict Uno, this proud neighborhood prides itself of the progress brought about by its educational system, confident in the molding and shaping of young minds for the larger world. To that, Gallagher Commons also takes pride in its large park statue dedicated to the various superheroes of the world (though due to the lack of heroes in these suburbs, it has yet to be adorned with any holograms or statues). This monument, christened as "Hero's Square", has been the sight of attraction to many, though children seem displeased with the amount of attention it receives, but who cares about them, right?
- Bellwood Sheriff's Department received more reports of angry parents complaining about their kids' whereabouts after school; reports include children whispering secret codes and messages, sneaking out at night, raiding closets of random neighbors of varying ages, and mention of weapons storage in a treehouse. These reports have been dismissed as a case of kids being kids, and parents being parents. Though the mention of a treehouse caught their eye, as there are no reported treehouses in the entire Gallagher neighborhood.
- Peach Creek Estates - The Eds, Rolf, the Urban Rangers; Peach Creek Estates has been a foundation of the Bellwood suburbs for as long as it could remember, founded shortly after the city was built, Peach Creek retains its reputation as the most normal suburb in the entire country, even as the larger city stepped into the larger and more unexpected world. The center of our neighborhood lies in the Peach Creek Commons, a Cul-De-Sac with a loving community that never expect anything out of the ordinary.
-- The Bellwood educational board was happy and elated to give a $100,000 research grant to 16-year old Eddward Zimintator, affectionately known as "Double-D" by his neighbors and friends, for outstanding scientific papers on the applications of nanites towards the reduction of cancer cells, and the correlation between nuclear energy and dark matter. Dexlabs and Mandark Industries, tech companies from Siyenn City, helped pay for the grant, and Mr. Zimintator was excited to have received the honor as opposed to the money. Double-D expressed worry that the large sum of money would be taken advantage of by his friends.
- Bravo Beach City - (formerly) Steven Universe, the Crystal Gems; Bravo Beach City, rechristened after philanthropist and entrepreneur Bunny Bravo, has a history spanning 2 whole centuries, beginning in 1814 with Captain William Dewey founding the city. The city has been under the protection of an alien team dubbed the Crystal Gems, who protected this sub-city of Bellwood for over 200 years since they arrived on Earth. This town has seen alien invasions of lovecraftian/angelic varieties and universe-ending catastrophes unlike any other, and yet it pulled through without the presence of Ben 10. That's worth a look-(#KeepBeachCityWeird - Ronaldo F.)
- Grover Mill - The Amalgam Kids; [REDACTED]
ASTORIA GROUNDS - The Saturdays; Located on the edge of the Pacific Coast, Astoria Grounds was once home to reputable cryptozoologist Doctor Solomon Saturday and his family. After their mansion here was destroyed, the Saturdays maintained operations here by means of their blimp. Astoria has since seen a level of peace unheard of. We have great TV too, renowned for various movie production studios located right here, such as Sumo Slammers: Legends, Weird World (formerly), Tiny'Mon: The Live Adventure, and other great content!
BELLWOOD MOUNTAINS - Camp Kidney, Acorn Flats; Bordering the state of Oregon, the Bellwood Mountains offer citizens a fantastic night-sky view, and a lovely day for campers. The site was recently chosen as the new location for several Midwest-based Summer Camps, such as Camp Kidney and the Acorn Flats Scouts. Originally located in Northern Wisconsin, the Camps were relocated to the West after dangerous reports of robots and monsters were coming in from the nearby state of Illinois, as well as various surreal reports from the nearby city of Elmore. Amongst the Bellwood mountains are the Pimpleback Mountains, Mount Blackhead, and a forest noted for various amounts of exposure to unstable nanites; said site is also reported to be a major hotspot for cryptid activity. Be wary of entering this Twisted Forest.
- CITY SQUARE (Currently under construction); As part of the Movement Ink Initiative, the Three Sister Cities of California are coming together under a united cause: to open new avenues of business and provide a safe and healthy environment for all. Meant to be the most technologically advanced area between all three cities. The Movement Ink Initiative will also see construction of a center studio to foster all creative and health-related activities.
NOWHERE, LAS VEGAS - Agents Black and White; [REDACTED]
PORKBELLY CITY, ALBERTA - Johnny Test; Alberta's least notable city, built upon the morally dubious legs of the meat-grinding industry, has seen a surprising rise in the extraordinary over the last five years, with various mutations and technologically influenced threats appearing over time. More often than not, a kid from our suburbs has to save the day, but it also happens to be his fault. For Porkbelly, things just seem to balance out.
-- Congratulations to local scientists Susan and Mary Test for getting jobs in the states with Dexlabs! We'll miss you while you're away very much! Just don't blow anyone up and don't cause a massive chemical accident!
ORCHID BAY, SAN FRANCISCO - [SPOILER]; Arguably the second largest district of the city, this beach-side town is big enough to call itself a city on its own. Renowned for its beach city theme and harbor history, Orchid Bay has been a cultural diaspora, giving children a welcome touch of life from all areas and ethnicities. Admittedly, there have been supernatural occurrences here and there, but it's not like an ice castle is going to rise out of the water.
MARZIPAN CITY, VLATAVA- N/A; This small European city in the Romanian Province of Vlatava is well-known for being home to Mung Daal's Catering Company, one of the world's tastiest European cuisine menus. With their food and this city, you can never go wrong with your vacation.
-- Mung Daal has reportedly taken up a search for a potential apprentice. More details are to follow.
LANGLEY FALLS - CIA, Department of Metahuman Affairs and Abnormalities; [REDACTED]
If you've noticed any inaccuracies or liberties taken with these settings, then I apologize for the liberties taken to make all of this work. When I started my story, my aim was to tell the most grounded FusionFall story I possibly could, which meant that to realistically illustrate the various shows of CN in the same setting and together, I had to change various tiny details (such as the location of Camp Kidney) or massive details (such as moving Steven Universe from the East Coast to the West Coast). Really sorry about that. I wasn't intent on simply transposing the map from FusionFall, which would have simply been mashing all the locations together. Each show has its own unique setting, some of which are integral to the shows' aesthetic. I wanted to honor that as much as possible, and every major change made hurt to make, especially since it fits into the grander plan.
Now obviously, scenic descriptions aren't going to be much help, but since I can't really draw out a map of the CNU’s California here, I'd like to direct you to my associated Deviantart page: https://www.deviantart.com/noahvilgaxsane. I might be able to draw out the map and post it there.
If you've already clicked, you might notice that I've created a non-spoiler wallpaper for this wonderful project! Not just for FusionFall, but for the series I have planned as a whole.
Thank you all for letting me give you the layout of the Cartoon Network World so far, and I'll see you guys in Chapter 7, written on Fanfiction.net. Make sure to leave a review and follow the story if you’re interested!
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chaseagainstonision · 5 years
Friendly reminder that Onision is a rapist~
I lue of his new video "Something You Should Know..." (direct link, please watch with and adblocker), I wanted to poat this in the tags again just as a refresher for those familiar with the situation and those who are new to this.
If Gerg were telling the truth, he shouldn’t have to sit there and insult someone and say something like “She goes to insinuate that, when we did make love, that I was forcing her into it. That I was pressuring her into it and she didn’t really want to. That’s funny coming from someone who’s slept with over twenty people. That’s really funny.”
Or like “You shouldn’t text a person repeatedly all the sexual things that you want to do with them and tell them on the phone all the things you want to do with them and talk about oral on a road trip, all the way back home, because you’re planing on taking is from one state to another. You shouldn’t be extremely sexual with someone if you don’t plan on being sexual with them and then turn around and be surprised when they have sex with you when they met you like… Two or three hours after, like in person.” (and this is echoed in the very last image in this post).
That’s rape apologetics straight from the videos that are linked further down. That’s essentially him admitting he raped someone because he’s excusing his own actions and pinning it all on AJ, like it was her fault because he thinks she couldn’t have been pressured into sex. Because you apparently can’t rape someone who’s slept with a lot of people. And you apparently can’t rape someone who you’re been sexual with through various forms of communication because you apparently now owe them sex. Because he assumes that pressuring and coercing someone into sex isn’t rape.
But he lied. He wasn’t in the right. His story isn’t fucking consistent at all and he keeps making excuses. And, I mean, rapists are wont to like, just like any other criminal. They are wont to deny their crimes. Because, y'know, he’s an actual fucking rapist an all and realized he dun goof’d when he admitted she was right and tried to back peddle and cover his ass. Unlike AJ, who’s always had the same thing to say about this.
And it’s cute that you lot think she’s lying when it comes to these emails, all because Gerg keeps taking them out of context:
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(click through to read)
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click through to read
Nowhere in there does she apologize for her letter. She apologizes for the mudslinging that went on after he started trashing her name but that’s it. Actually sit and read the letters and emails that she’s sent instead of taking his word for it. I mean, I have been paying attention to both sides of this argument and Gerg’s just got a lot of holes and inconsistencies while AJ’s been very forthright and doesn’t have any excuses (like Gerg and his “well, I couldn’t have raped her, she slept with over 20, you can’t rape someone that’s slept with over 10 people” excuse) or any variation of what happened.
Gerg’s still lying about raping AJ. Rapists (and criminals in general) are wont to do such. She DID admit, though not initially, to being raped. I mean, if you want her admitting to that, look at this link and you’ll see.
Okay, so, while his ex, AJ, doesn’t outright say that she was raped in her original letter (which was meant to be a private conversation between the her and a friend, if I recall, and I’m assuming that the other person leaked it), she said no, he continued, and she gave in because he was so persistent, which will be shown below. In legal standards, he absolutely raped her. He even says that at least 90% of what she said was true without refuting it in his really creepy voicemails. He even proceeds to lie and say she had a smelly vag and later retracted it and went ahead and try to slander her character without actually making a rebuttal or trying to come up with a different story of what happened that night. Again, you might want to check out this letter, too, from AJ.
It doesn’t matter if AJ said that she just felt pressured into having sex (which, technically and legally, coercion and persuasion are considered rape since rape isn’t just forcefully having sex with someone against their will. It also means that, if you don’t get a clear, concise, enthusiastic yes, it’s a no and if you continue, guess fucking what? Congrats, it’s rape! You win nothing! Go straight to jail!) because it’s still rape in the eyes of the law.
This is proof that he raped someone. Straight up, the fact that this happened is disgusting:
We drove back to his hotel room, we walk in the door, I set down my bag  and instantaneously he starts making out with me. He immediately starts  taking off articles of my clothing, and we had only been there for not  even 30 seconds. He gets me on the bed, still kissing me and touching me  — between his kisses was me going “nononononono”, and him kissing me  harder to shut me up. I finally pull away long enough to remind him that  he said we were supposed to wait a month, and that maybe we should get  to know each other in person a day or two before we jump into having  sex. He asks me “Why?” as he continues kissing me. Eventually I realized  I was fighting an uphill battle, so I gave up and just went with it.
Because, once you say no, your partner should absolutely stop. No if, ands, or buts about it. The fact that he continues is legally considered rape.
Then he goes on to be really creepy, as the following:
During sex, he’s looking me in the eye, petting my hair, and asking  me if I want him to cum in me. I told him only if we can get Plan B in  the morning. He looks at me with these disappointed and frustrated eyes,  and says “Don’t you want to be pregnant with my child? Come on, let’s  make babies together!”, I told him absolutely not. And he still came in  me anyway. Luckily for me, he’s not that big of a creeper that he  refused to get me Plan B the next morning.
Basically the first 2 days of him being in Austin was him repeatedly  trying to have sex with me, cutting off everything I was saying to ask  me a sexual question or to make a sexual innuendo. It got to the point  that we got into an argument about it, because it was legitimately  starting to hurt my feelings. For some reason or another, he would take  me being frustrated and argumentative as a sexual challenge, and would  pin me to the bed and basically try to fuck me (or, as he says, “make  love”) into submission. It became pointless to try and fight it, so I  let him do whatever he wanted — which resulted in him cumming in me  countless times after the Plan B had worn off. With him citing: “If you  get pregnant, I will immediately marry you and will step up as the role  of the father for our child”. What a turn on.
This was all against her wishes. This was all essentially forced upon her. Tell me that this isn’t proof enough that he forced her to have sex against her will.
And, as an addition, Gerg likes to take all of what AJ said (via their back and forth in emails and some blog posts and things of that nature) out of context and like to twist her words and make it seem like she apologized for everything when that isn’t the case. AJ only apologized for any mud slinging on her part but stands by everything else. Taking only Gerg’s word on this at face value is being intellectually dishonest and being biased, which is, quite honestly, not a good thing.
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And here he is, still trying to say that she obviously couldn’t have been raped because they were talking about sex before hand and obviously couldn’t have been raped because of the amount of partners she had prior to their relationship. I mean, it’s common sense that, once you start talking about pervy things, you have to oblige, right? I mean, it’s not like that’s rape, even if they tell you no numerous times… Right?
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fire-the-headcanons · 5 years
"Ah, the scabbard's got an ejector." She reached out and pressed a button on the cylinder in Raven's left hand.
An ice-blue blade shot from the sheath and smashed against the wall, erupting into a jagged star of ice. Raven shrieked as the cylinder nearly tore itself from her grip, dropping her sword to catch it with her other arm.
Carmine paled. "Whoops. That's significantly stronger than standard. Are you all right, dear?"
Follow the Beacon Qrow—Whoops
[This really should have been two chapters. Link to Masterpost] 
The squat stone building looked more like a warehouse than anything else, except for the various chimneys. A set of metal double doors opened straight onto the shop floor, where a half dozen Huntsmen and Huntresses were doing some kind of work on their weapons at the workstations scattered around the room. At the sound of the doors, one of them yanked off her goggles and Qrow recognized the red-haired professor they'd spoken to yesterday.
"Ah, the Taupe twins! You're early!" she said cheerfully, hopping down from her stool. A couple of the floor's other occupants glanced up, but quickly resumed their work. 
"S-sorry," he stammered as she reached them. 
"No problem, I could use a break," she said, gesturing for the two of them to follow her into a much smaller room—probably the classroom, actually, from the number of desks. "It'll be a bit quieter in here."
Raven scowled quizzically at the door. "Aren't they old to be students?" 
"Well, they're not," Carmine said. "Pro Huntsmen use the schools' forges all the time for upgrades, repairs, what have you. It's one of the main benefits of being licensed. And the kingdoms build a few big, well-stocked facilities instead of dozens of small ones that only have the bare essentials. " She rubbed her hands together excitedly. "But school hasn't started yet, so I'll save the lectures for next week! Let's see what you've been using." 
The twins drew their weapons and set them out on the workbench. Carmine kicked a short stool over without even glancing at it and hopped up for a better look.
"Garbage," she said dismissively, flicking Raven's two-handed sword before seizing Qrow's shotgun and popping it open to inspect the Dust assembly. "Though well-maintained. You one-shotted a Beowolf with this? "
"Again, you did a great job fixing it up," she said, tossing each piece in the scrap bins behind her as she broke it down. "But you didn't come to Beacon to keep using hand-me-downs, did you."
"No, ma'am."
She yanked the Dust assembly free and inspected it. "Hmm. Less terrible." she muttered, setting the assembly carefully back on the bench. "So what do you two have in mind? We don't really have time to forge custom pieces before classes start, but you'll need to use something while we work on your designs."
"Something like that would do," Raven said, looking up at the long single-edged blade hanging on the wall.
"I said basic, not simple," Carmine said. "That's practically a template."
"I want something simple. Easy to maintain."
"Hmm. Y'know, I think the SDC sent something a while back that fits the bill." She stepped down and crossed to a large cabinet emblazoned with the familiar snowflake. "They keep asking me to come and work for them, say they want to expand their weapons catalog beyond just ammunition. As if I'd ever leave Oz hanging like that. Here we are!" she shoved a few rifles out of the way and grabbed a black cylinder. 
"What is it?"
"The blade's removable," Carmine said, seizing the hilt and pulling it from the large scabbard. Instead of a blade, there was a nub about a hand's breadth wide for one to be slotted into. "People have been trying to make swords out of Dust for years—the ultimate engineering challenge. Too brittle and rigid. The Schnees' solution was to give you a few replacements." She angled the scabbard so the twins could see the rainbow of different blades inside. "Let's see how it does, shall we?"
She slotted the hilt back into place and pulled the trigger with an audible click. When she drew it again, it held a glittering, blood-red blade. "Looks like they've suspended powdered Dust in some kind of resin. Crystals of this size would cost a fortune."
"Resin wouldn't hold an edge very well." Raven said.
"There's a few steel blades in there too. But with Dust—" Her aura sparked around her hand and the blade ignited. "Not bad for mass-produced! Wanna give it a swing, kid?"
Raven accepted the blade and scabbard—it was definitely a better size for her than the Professor.
"I'm surprised they didn't put a pistol in the hilt, that's pretty standard these days. We can work on some modifications later." She frowned. "Although… I could have sworn there was some ranged component," Carmine muttered, returning to the locker and hauling out a box from the bottom. "You'll want the manual anyway." 
Raven inspected the hilt of her sword as the Professor dug through dozens of near-identical books. "Here we go!" Carmine beamed, flipping through one. "Ah, the scabbard's got an ejector." She reached out and pressed a button on the cylinder in Raven's left hand.
An ice-blue blade shot from the sheath and smashed against the wall, erupting into a jagged star of ice. Raven shrieked as the cylinder nearly tore itself from her grip, dropping her sword to catch it with her other arm.
Carmine paled. "Whoops. That's significantly stronger than standard. Are you all right, dear?"
"I'm fine," Raven said, strapping the cannon to her belt. Qrow didn't miss the pointed glare she snuck at him over the professor's head.
"A bit excessive," Carmine muttered. "But handy against something big. Anyway! They're manufacturing this with private security in mind, I think, but you know the SDC. You'll be able to walk into any Dust shop and pick up more blades for a pittance." She squinted at the manual. "What do you think?"
Raven retrieved the hilt, careful not to brush anything as flames danced along its length. "It's a good size."
Carmine raised an eyebrow. "Well, uh, why don't you take it outside and get acquainted. I've got a couple other 'basic' options if this one doesn't feel right."
Raven nodded and clipped the scabbard to her belt, turning away.
"What about you, son? How are you with Dust?" the Professor asked, one hand on the cabinet door.
Qrow shrugged. "Kinda lousy."
She nodded, closing the locker. "I always say the modern Huntsmen rely on it too much. Are you looking to stick with dual wielding? Sword and shotgun?"
His face grew embarrassingly warm. "I'd, uh…I'd like to learn to use scythes."
"Scythes?" Carmine looked bewildered.
Qrow stared at the floor, too embarrassed to make eye contact, ears burning like Raven had singed them with that fire blade. At least she wasn't in the room right now.  "...Like the Grimm Reaper?" The professor probably wouldn't even know what he was talking about, why would she know about some obscure character from—
"Oh! Those are kamas, more like sickles than scythes. But there aren't any kama wielders at Beacon, you wouldn't have anyone to teach you."
"…Oh." A blanket of disappointment settled over him. He should have known it wouldn't—
"Hey, cheer up! I'm not saying it's impossible, I'm saying it'll be a challenge," Carmine insisted, tapping him on the elbow with her fist. "But you'll need a more conventional weapon too. Something you can work with in class without your teachers coming to yell at me. So, dual-wielding, or combination?"
"Combination." He wanted to be able to use recoil better…and it probably wasn't a good idea to keep mimicking Bones' style.
"Let's try in here." She opened another cabinet and started flicking through various blades. "How about this?"
"Isn't it a little big?" Qrow asked apprehensively as she dragged a massive broadsword out and extended it—the thing was more than half his height, and at least two palms wide for most of its length. It was so massive the blade retracted in the middle to make it possible to wear.
"They don't put a gun this big on a rapier," she said, tapping the shotgun embedded into the blade. "Besides, it's better quality metal than that hacksaw you brought in. Here." She handed it to him, handle first.
It was surprisingly light, barely heavier than his old sword had been despite being twice its size.  Now that he was holding it though, he could see the blade was hollow.
"We usually use adamant alloys here, it's far lighter and stronger than steel. The blade's width makes it better for defense," Carmine said as Qrow gave it a few experimental swings. Despite its size, it wasn't too hard to wield one-handed. "It's big enough to kind of use as a shield in a pinch—it'll cover your vitals, anyway. Take it outside, swing it around a bit, see if it feels all right."
"O-okay," Qrow said, following the professor out into the yard. There was ice everywhere, and Raven looked fairly pleased as she swung at a practice dummy. She'd always been pretty good with Dust, even if it was hard to come by at home.
"You two spar for a couple minutes and I'll observe," Carmine said, drawing a small pad of paper from her pocket. Raven shrugged and swapped out the glittering ice blade for a metal one. "Don't let your auras fall below fifty percent, you'll want to be fully recovered by the start of school."
"Yes, ma'am," Qrow said, raising his new sword. Raven copied him and stepped to the left. He mirrored her in turn, and they slowly circled, waiting for the other person to move first.
"I didn't think you'd pick something so simple," she said, swinging down in an overhead strike. Qrow pushed forward, swinging up to knock it away even as he stepped right to avoid the spear of ice that shot from her scabbard. It crashed behind him, tinkling like broken glass as the ice grew.
"Careful, Miss Taupe!" Carmine warned. "That's a bit excessive for practice!"
Raven rolled her eyes, striking at Qrow's shoulder. He knocked her blade away again, fired the shotgun to change the blade's direction more quickly, and swung at her exposed side. She flipped back, taking the strike on the scabbard's case.
"It's just to start with." Qrow grinned. His sword wasn't too different from his old one, but Raven's seemed like it was much lighter. He might actually win today, if he could focus on keeping her off-balance.
He leapt forward, sweeping at her shoulder. She ducked beneath it and struck at his knees—he jumped, changing the blade's arc to plant in the ground and kicked with both feet at Raven's stomach.
She stepped back but not far enough—his foot connected with her hip hard enough to send her stumbling back a step. The momentum carried him over the sword, and he landed with both feet behind it as Raven recovered. She screamed as she leapt forward, swinging at his right ear—he fired again, using the recoil to force the sword out of the ground and into her blade's path.
Whomph. Now it was his turn to sprawl back as her knee caught him in the stomach. He parried three more strikes, trying to regain momentum.
There—an opening—her sword was just a little too far out from her center. He sprang forward and leapt right past her exposed side, swinging at her back as he passed. She raised her left hand from the scabbard and caught it, her aura flashing around her hand under the pressure, before jabbing her blade at Qrow's stomach. His own aura glowed from the impact, and again in response as he knocked a second strike aside with the back of his arm and fired the shotgun to wrench his sword from Raven's grip.
"Tournament rules, for pity's sake!" Carmine screeched, and the twins froze in alarm. "I've never seen such a reckless display!"
Qrow stepped back, heart pounding harder now than when they'd been fighting. What had they done wrong?
The professor took a deep breath. "Miss Raven, I would recommend rolling forward in a situation like that. Grabbing your opponent's weapon may seem like an easy way to win, but it will drain your aura exceptionally quickly and get you disqualified from a proper match. Mister Qrow, a simple kick to the knee would have sufficed."
"Yes, ma'am," he said quickly.
"All right. Well. You'd both better call it quits for the day," she continued, still breathing harder than before. "You should make another appointment by the end of the week, so we can begin customizing your weapons. And do yourselves a favor—look up the tournament rules before term starts. Professor Mikado won't hesitate to give you detention despite your current lack of formal training."
"Yes, ma'am. Thank you." Qrow's heart was pounding in the back of his throat, and his knuckles were white on the hilt of his sword. He couldn't see what Raven was doing.
Carmine's expression finally seemed to soften. "…Remember, the rules are there to keep you safe too, not just your opponent. A big part of becoming a Huntsman or Huntress is learning your limits. You and your team have to be able to rely on each other, and that means managing risk." She glared at Raven, waiting for a response.
His sister's face was impassive. "Yes, ma'am."
[Again, Carmine Eitri has nothing to do with Carmine Esclados.
I wanted her to do the "crazy engineer" trope, but make her high-empathy and momlike instead of the usual asocial/"lol wut is human" traits that are common with that archetype, especially when it's a woman. Not sure if I got that across as well as I'd hoped but I love her anyway.]
Next Chapter: Summer—First Impressions
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twatd · 6 years
DIEing Thoughts: Impressions of Issue #1
The first issue of DIE, the Image series that looks set to define where Kieron Gillen goes next after WicDiv, lands this Wednesday. Tim + Alex have read a review copy of the first issue, so we decided to talk it over and share the highlights with y’all.
We tried to ensure the discussion is pretty much spoiler-free. But obviously, if you want to go into the first issue knowing nothing, maybe bookmark this and come back on Wednesday.
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Alex: So, what did you make of it?
Tim: I enjoyed it a lot. I don't think it had quite the same immediate impact as the first issue of WicDiv, but there's a lot I'm excited about.
Alex: That is, unsurprisingly, the first comparison I immediately reached for. Is it the first creator-owned ongoing Gillen has launched since then?
Tim: I think so? Uber launched before WicDiv, and Mercury Heat was only 12 issues.
Alex: Anyway, for me it definitely has that same feeling of, oh, okay, this is what Gillen is interested in doing next.
The Wicked + The Divine #1 surprised both of us, I think, because it was so firmly plot-driven. After years as dedicated Phonomancers, it was weird to see a Gillen + McKelvie pop-music comic that ended on a big cliffhanger.
Tim: Yeah, whereas this has a much more obvious plot built into the premise, so there's not that same element of surprise.
I don't think the themes jump out as cleanly as WicDiv (with its big skull on page one) but that may be a function of the subject matter – maturity and regret, etc. It sort of makes sense it would be a slower build, even if it's got that big fantasy hook
Alex: I think the question of 'growing up', and what exactly that means, is fairly front and centre – but you're right, there's no single image that captures as cleanly as that big ol’ skull.
There's something about DIE that took me right back to Phonogram: Rue Britannia. It almost feels like it's from a completely different career trajectory that Gillen could have followed. The one I would have extrapolated from first reading Rue Britannia, maybe – but then Singles Club came along and nudged him in a different direction.
It might be in the captions – as Gillen himself pointed out to me, just the sheer quantity of them – but I think it's also got something to do with the emotions it's handling. But also, there's a line in the second issue (I've read #2 and #3): “This is what happens when thoughts curdle”. That kind of sums up DIE’s vibe, and it reminds me of the way Rue Britannia presented people.
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Tim: One thing it did make me think about is the convergence of ‘everyone plays more or less the same character in every RPG’ and Gillen's author insert characters.
There's an interesting journey to chart from Kohl to Loki to… Woden + Baphomet + Cassandra? And wondering who (if anyone) his avatar would be here.
Alex: I think the muddle of that final equation probably tells you everything you need to know about how his approach to characters has evolved. I suspect everyone is him, to a more-or-less equal extent.
Tim: I feel like there was talk in at least one WicDiv interview about that book being part of a process of sorta symbolically killing himself off. It makes sense that he'd try to fall back on that idea less, even as he touches on themes that are very connected to his current mindset.
Alex: There are definitely connections there, though. The ritualistic obsessiveness of Sol takes me back to Lloyd. I suspect Chuck is Gillen’s own worst fears about becoming, essentially, Garth Marenghi. The quiet mathematician of Matthew is a part of himself I don't think he's put in a character yet.
Tim: Have you played any Dragon Age?
Alex: I have not. I'm not a nerd, Tim.
Tim: Chuck's look in the game is very evocative of a character in that, who also happens to be a storyteller and producer of pulp novels.
Alex: This actually raises a kind of interesting point. DIE is the furthest a Gillen comic has ever strayed from my particular pool of reference points. Fantasy and role-playing games aren't something I have a particularly strong relationship with. It's kind of the first time I've been able to test out the claim that, y'know, you don't need to know about Britpop to enjoy Phonogram.
All that puts it much more, I think, in your territory?
Tim: To a certain degree, but I've never been a particularly big fantasy reader outside of Pratchett and a one-time slog through Lord of the Rings. I've no history with Moorcock and the other big names of that world.
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Alex: But when it comes to RPGs, you are the Master.
Tim: I certainly got all the references.
Alex: Did it ring true to your experiences of sitting around a table with paper and pens and dice? By which I mean, have you ever disappeared into a fantasy world of your own creation for two years?
Tim: Yeah, I think so. There are certain concessions made for the sake of storytelling, if that makes sense, but it certainly captures a lot of the atmosphere.
Alex: Here's a thing – I've now read the first three issues, you've only read #1 so far – do you get a feeling from that first issue what DIE is?
Tim: I would say not? I think I need to see more what a ‘standard’ issue looks like to get a proper sense of it. Right now, I'm intrigued to see how it's broadly structured – i.e. whether we're going to have time in and out of the ‘game’ each issue (presumably in the form of flashbacks).
I think I could probably tell you what it's about, but not necessarily what it is.
Alex: The main feeling I had after reading that issue for the first time was just hunger. I needed to see more, and I think what you mention is part of it. This is the cold open, the pitch, the hook.
Tim: Yeah, absolutely. I'm sure I'll be buying it in singles, but I also have the sneaking suspicion it may read better in trade?
Alex: The weird thing about that – which I can totally see – is, it does feel like you get a lot for your money. Because each issue is a couple of pages longer than your average comic, I think, even after the first bumper issue – but also because they're quite wordy, and Gillen's writing proper backmatter essays again. And because there's a lot to drink in in Stephanie Hans' art.
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On which note… the WicDiv connection means we've talked a lot about Gillen, but DIE is an absolute star turn from Hans.
Tim: Oh absolutely. I'm really interested to see what she brings to the table, both in terms of art and the story.
I feel like this could be a Fiona Staples-on-Saga type book for her, with Gillen just letting her go wild with the fantasy landscapes and designs
Alex: That’s the exact comparison I went to, actually. There's a moment in issue #2 specifically that gave me what I think of as the ‘Saga giggle’ – y’know, where you laugh out loud at the audacity of a new planet or monster design.
A little tease for everyone there, to make sure you come out of issue #1 with the same hunger for more that I did.
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thedistantstorm · 6 years
A Steelponcho Dawning - Part 12
A Dawning romance featuring the Commander and the Clan Steward, their feelings for each other coming to a head during the first Dawning celebration following the Red War, featuring Lord Saladin, city food, eventual smut, and a whole lot of pining. Continues from: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11.
Cayde returns the Clan Steward to Zavala’s office not long after the Commander and Ikora arrive. The worktable is still covered in Dawning gifts and the bushels of cards from what seems like an eternity ago to the full-bellied woman who is feeling even more drowsy now with a belly full of the Ramen Shop’s house special.
Cayde pats her shoulder - she’s recovered enough to be over his clingy personality, needing her space and flinching away awkwardly. She does thank him for putting both their meals on his tab though. He’s almost bashful over being recognized for his good deeds, but then he manages to come up with a mild snark about her being able to repay him by doing some paperwork for him next time they’re on strikes together. She lets him have it, it’s unspoken that she always does paperwork when they run strikes together(usually in this office).
She pulls out her new tablet and sets out to answering messages, ignoring the mild pull of exhaustion, the in and out of focus of her vision as her eyes droop. She catches herself twice before she thinks any of them notice, but Zavala is always two steps ahead. He waits for her to reluctantly meet his gaze before casting his eyes over at the small couch on the far side of the office and back, pointedly.
Suraya shakes her head just a fraction. His eyes narrow in response. She refocuses down at her tablet intently while Ikora continues on beside her about potential restructuring options they could explore. The Warlock happened to have attended the last meeting on a whim and had some ideas of potential relocation areas for the displaced people of the Farm. Cayde remains mostly quiet, loitering against the wall between large windows, interjecting when necessary.
They don’t actually know the full number of people who will need to relocate. They won’t for a while, the current numbers just growing estimates that induce more and more anxiety. It will depend on what rebuilding efforts look like at the Farm, and what is the quicker, more advantageous solution for all parties involved. In short, until they go and get an idea of the damage for themselves, there is no way that they will be able to do anything of use besides plot and plan. And even that can’t be done fully without knowing the full specifications the resulting efforts will require.
Zavala’s tablet beeps and blinks at him with a message from Devrim that pulls him out of Ikora’s soft spoken discussion of available sectors. The EDZ scout is messaging him with a standard update. Updated death toll, estimated displaced - unofficially set at a couple thousand and rising. Considering there are still thirty thousand City-folk living at the Farm, it's a staggering number.
The Commander frowns, looking up at Hawthorne, who has clearly also received the update without the audio alert. She sighs and sets her tablet on the edge of his desk after typing a reply expressing her thanks, blatant concern, and asking if there’s anything she can do.
Devrim replies for her to take care of herself, because they need her. She swipes the tablet back reluctantly from the desk and replies that he needs to be safe, too and something about a good salve for a burn that he can make with plants that grow in the area.
With a typed out laugh, Dev replied to the group message that he'd taught her that one, if she recalled and he would be just fine. He'd already made some in his few minutes of downtime yesterday.
Ikora is just about finished talking ten minutes later when Suraya tips her head back and rubs her fingers into her forehead. Her head is pounding from trying to stay focused amid her exhaustion. Around her, Ikora looks at Cayde and then Zavala, with a quick dart of gold-toned eyes toward the Clan Steward and back.
“Suraya,” Zavala finally says, ignoring both of his Fireteam members’ weird looks at his lack of formality. There's no need to be formal right now. Certainly both of them know they spend time together. She blinks up at him, eyes bleary. “Take the couch. I'll wake you if something happens.” Gently, he affirms, “I promise.”
Cayde lets out a mote of sound as if he's going to second the idea and jump on the bandwagon when she protests, but the woman simply slides her tablet across the desktop so it comes to rest on the Commander's side. “Just for a few minutes,” She acquiesces. “Get me if Dev or Marc call, even if it's not an emergency. Please.”
“Of course,” Zavala agrees easily. He's sure both men would argue against just that, but he's not about to start a fight since she's agreeing.
When she settles in on the couch, crochet blanket pulled down over herself, Cayde plops into the recently vacated seat. “Well, that was way easier than I expected.”
“Quiet,” Ikora reprimands tersely. “Let’s not disturb her if we can help it.” And then, even softer, “I cannot imagine what she saw. The reports my hidden have given me are… disturbing. It’s a civilian staging area, barely a warfront. For this to occur...” Ikora has a difficult time empathizing, though she is not without feeling.
Cayde's optics are serious. “She, ah, told me a little bit, when we were waiting for our meal. Burning isn’t fun. We’ve all spent enough time in Shaxx’s Mayhem to know what a solar genade feels like on the receiving end.” He makes a weird little halfway gesture with his hands, uncomfortable. “Kinda worries me, her being like this. We should keep an eye on her.”
Zavala doesn’t quite roll his eyes, having a bit too much decorum for that, but he does gruff out, “I am.”
There’s a quiet scoff across from him. “Clearly.” Ikora glances over her shoulder at the woman on the couch, her eyes returning to bore into Zavala’s luminescent ones, as if to say she suspects Hawthorne’s agreeable demeanor to his instruction is no happy accident. Ikora was also the second or third person at most consensus meetings(after Zavala, or Zavala and Hawthorne together), and one of the last to leave. She’s seen them together, knows they’re a bit closer than colleagues, and more than likely in the territory of friends.
“Obviously,” Cayde says, as if he's led the discussion up to this point, then winces at his own volume, dialing it down a notch. “I just mean that, y'know, if there’s anything we can do, let us know.” Ikora looks mildly uncomfortable. She's aloof by nature and Hawthorne isn't exactly in her circle of friends - not many hold such an esteemed title - though they are amiable, of course. She manages a stiff nod to Cayde's statement.
Zavala nods, and their impromptu meeting is adjourned. He doesn't plan on taking either of them up on it, strike operations are on hold with very few exceptions in the EDZ, and whatever Farm restructuring plan will be best handled by the two of them, even with Ikora's well-meaning advice. Ikora and Cayde are excellent at managing operations abroad with their wide reach and ease of access. He's content to leave their usual work to them without adding extra. Besides, Suraya would surely be embarrassed to hear that Cayde essentially offered himself up to act as a babysitter.
The sounds of quiet discussion - low, rolling voices, like waves in the sea - bring her drifting closer to wakefulness. It's dark, she doesn't need to open her eyes to tell, the afternoon light long gone on the other side of her eyelids. She shifts and feels the distinct chill in the air of an open window. The quietest of chitters echoes from across the room and precursors a laugh that's deep and purposely dampened, likely by hand or fist.
“He likes attention, I see,” Suraya recognizes the voice immediately. Saladin.
There is a little chirp, the scuffle of talons on what she's guessing is the plasteel of Zavala's gauntlet. She focuses, wants to hear this.
Zavala hums. It sounds affectionate. Her chest blooms with warmth despite the ache of grief and bite of returning stress threatening to overwhelm her. “Louis is an interesting falcon. Certainly full of personality,” The Commander admits. She knows his sounds, her bird certainly agrees.
“Much like his handler,” Saladin replies.
The sound of something sliding captures her attention. Zavala speaks again. “Select what you'd like. I'll have it delivered here.”
“Are you sure? Perhaps she would-”
“I'll wake her when it comes, if the smell doesn't first.”
She assumes he's stroking Louis in that way he does, down his chest with his fingertips, the way she always said would get him nipped but her partner for some reason allows. She also guesses he's ordered Indian, and the thought of warm naan and malai reminds her that she needs to catch up on meals, too. She hasn't been very good about taking care of herself in light of recent events, and ramen isn't an incredibly filling meal for someone who hasn't eaten properly in days.
However, she's warm under the blankets, Louis is incapable hands, and the couch is comfortable enough. Even the silence that settles over the two Titans is soothing. She is safe to let herself doze a while longer. It'll be another hour before the food will be delivered, if she knows anything about the delivery systems around here(and she does).
It's slightly less time than that when the food does arrive, and she's coaxed awake with fingertips against her cheek and a whisper in her ear. She must have been in the upswing of a REM cycle because she comes to a bit disoriented, feeling like it's morning and not late evening, panicking over something she doesn't remember until it all hits her again, all at once. Zavala has her fingers wrapped around a mug of tea nearly instantly, his eyes gentle, body blocking his mentor's view.
She's grateful for that. His gaze is a steady anchor, and she smells notes of jasmine in the tea. He knows her well. When he steps away, she sees the steaming containers of food and knows the little tick of his brow means for her to join them when she's gathered her bearings. She hears a soft flutter from the window by his desk and knows Louis is waiting for her, too.
Saladin sighs. “I'd like to come,” He tells Zavala. “When you go to the Farm, to survey-” Suraya gets over herself quickly, on her feet and padding silently across the office without her boots, tea placed beside Zavala's similar mug, hers red and his blue. Saladin's is yellow, but looks to be coffee instead of tea.
The Iron Lord's gaze follows her all the way over to the open window, where Louis is perched. “Hey Bird,” She says, and the raptor cries out, the sound shrill. Concerned. She thumbs the ruffled feathers of his head. “I'm fine,” She assures him quietly. Behind her, Saladin drops his volume and continues speaking, but she knows the ice-water feel of eyes on her back. “I'm sorry I haven't been around. Gonna be that way for a little bit longer.” He nips her, hard enough to chastise but not to break skin. Makes eye contact. Cheeps a few times and pushes into the hand that smooths against his feathers.
“He will be fine, Suraya,” Saladin addresses loud enough to break her concentration, a few moments of doting later. “The Commander here spoiled him with treats while you were resting.”
Zavala harrumphs at being caught. Suraya always yells at him for fattening up her bird. (“He's a falcon, not a turkey, Zavala.”)
“He’s less spoiled and more like a con artist,” She replies instead, surprising Titan who’s preparing for a reprimand. Louis nips more affectionately now, and she cracks the window a bit more, indicating it's okay for him to take to the sky. He does, and she watches his wings beat once, twice against the cold air as he flies away. “When did he drop in?” She asks as she shuts the window behind him. Her memory recalls waking up earlier but she has no idea how long she's been out.
“A few hours ago. Come eat,” The Iron Lord commands. Her stomach rumbles in answer as she joins them, and she nurses some of her tea first. Sitting between them, she watches both of them glance at her as if to assure themselves she’s alright.
“Did you pick the day?” She asks Zavala, referring to the topic Saladin had been on when she rose from the couch. “And did I miss anything?” Hawthorne forces herself to eat slowly, realizing that she is positively famished.
Zavala nods. “It's on your calendar. Two days time.” He pauses to take a bite of chicken tikka. “Devrim sends his regards-”
Furious - no, he knows her better now. Anxious dark eyes, like soil and earth turn to him as she sets down her utensil. “I told you to-”
“He only messaged you.” Zavala lays a palm on her shoulder when she bristles. She’s incredibly tense. “I called him for an update.”
“Is he okay?” The surge of protectiveness is not missed by either man.
The Commander nods. “He was getting off his shift for the evening. He wanted you to know they have plenty of help and the Clans are helping admirably, and not to fret about him. I believe he said that is Marc’s specialty.”
“He doesn’t get a choice,” The Clan Steward says, stabbing a piece of meat with force, though her rage has significantly receded. “I’ll worry if I want to.” It’s almost a pout.
Zavala shakes his head at her reaction, eyes lighting up in a way that Saladin does not miss, his eyes silently dancing from the woman and back to his former pupil. Zavala's eyebrows raise in a questioning arch that subsides when Suraya reaches between them for a piece of warm naan, still wrapped in paper and foil.
“Is there something I’m missing?” She asks skeptically when both their expressions school themselves into something less expressive. Her eyes are dark and she still looks tired, but far better than she had before. Her mind felt clearer with every bite, and that meant she was well over being coddled or treated like an invalid. “You two are making weird faces.”
“It’s nothing.”
“Uh huh,” She looks at Saladin instead of Zavala. Her eyes narrow, and Zavala winces at the knowing look she gives him. His stomach flops and his heart beats loud in his chest.
Lord Saladin has absolutely talked to Suraya. His mentor has absolutely said something to her. Something personal, if that look is any indication. Insecurity washes over him like a cold shower. Did he say something to her about his feelings? Or worse, her own?
After a moment, Suraya drops her gaze to her meal and they both continue eating, letting it go. Zavala finds that he can’t take another bite.
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qqueenofhades · 3 years
Keeping my fingers crossed for that Black Widow meta
Aha, okay. As usual, I am ludicrously easy to enable, so let's take a crack at this. The ask obviously contains SPOILERS for the Black Widow film (and is also tagged "black widow spoilers" if you're planning to filter), and discussion/reference to other films/properties in the MCU, though I don't feel like any of those are still a secret.
Anyway, as I said in my earlier post, I can't believe I am actually still trying to critically analyse a Marvel production in the year of our Lord 2021, but then, I feel like we all have a complicated relationship with it. Likewise, the feeling of "oh wow NOW you're giving Natasha a solo movie after you killed her off in a cheap and fairly sexist way in Endgame?" If this film had come out ten or even five years ago, it would have been major, but holding it off until now seems to have left most of us justifiably unimpressed. Plus, as I am absolutely not the first person to point out, it renders Natasha's sacrifice in Endgame "because I don't have a family" even more narratively incoherent. I realize that this film was written after that one by totally different people, there's no point in expecting the MCU to make consistent canonical sense throughout its eighty billion different films/series, we were all stuck with a mess after the Whedonified Age of Ultron Nat, and so forth, but still. Natasha explicitly SAYS that she has two families (her wacky Russian found family of spies and the Avengers) and her decision to leap off the cliff in Endgame to save Clint and his retconned perfect white heterosexual nuclear family.... Hmmmm. To which I say to you, I do not bite my thumb at you, sir, but I do bite my thumb at Male Writers, sir.
Likewise, while I am wildly attracted to Florence Pugh as Yelena and deeply desire to be wrapped between her thighs, the movie felt more like her story than Nat's. Yelena drove most of the plot and the action, while Nat was just kind of along for the ride. As a solo piece, we really didn't learn that much about Natasha aside from the opening scene (which felt like it was straight out of The Americans and probably worked the best of the whole film for the reason) with her childhood in America. But even the infamous "what happened in Budapest" backstory with her and Clint was quickly info-dumped rather than shown, and they could have taken more narrative risks or included more flashbacks or otherwise given us more NATASHA, y'know??? Instead of cramming the film into the small space between Civil War and Infinity War and making it even weirder that Nat seemingly has no memory or reference to these events when she returns to the team at that time. Why not show her looking for Yelena or her actual defection to the Avengers or anything else we might want from a film that purportedly exists entirely to provide backstory for a now-dead character? It felt like even in the film universe, the main quest was being repeated -- she tried to kill Baddie McSoviet once before and it didn't work out, so she has to do it again, something something. Okay.
As for that, good ol' Marvel and its American Superiority TM. The only actual Eastern European actress in this film about Eastern Europeans was Antonia/Taskmaster, played by the Ukrainian Olga Kurylenko (and I was very interested in her?? If she's supposed to be a narrative foil and a ghost of Nat's past and mark of her former sins, etc., why not develop her as an actual character?) Everyone else were Brits and Americans hamming it up with even more chew-the-scenery fake Russian accents than Elizabeth Olsen's "Sokovian" accent as Scarlet Witch. If it's established that they all have perfect American accents at the start of the movie, why is Nat the only American-accented character in the modern day if she had presumably the exact same childhood as Yelena? I know it's another way to set her apart, but that and Baddie McSoviet (the Russians are finding a way to steal free will from people's brains! Zomgz!!! Is this 2021 or 1981?) were straight out of the Cold War in terms of its not-so-veiled American Supremacy Message. Likewise, making modern!Natasha a former KGB agent never really made sense, since she says in Winter Soldier that she was born in 1984, and we see her in this film as an 11-year-old in 1995. But the USSR collapsed in 1991, when she was seven, and the Red Room appears to be an entirely unrelated flying....lab....thingy run by a generic evil Russian (Ray Winstone, likewise Hamming Up Accent). So like. What is she, guys?? Make up your minds!!!
Likewise, Baddie McSoviet/Dreykov as a villain obviously plays into the hoary old Hollywood "All Bad People Are Recognizable As Being Terrible Sexists and Also Probably Russians" trope, but aside from that, he doesn't make sense. He has this entire army of basically unstoppable Widows and he has just been.... waiting around and causing random explosions? Or was just waiting for Nat and company to return so he could Put His Evil Plan Into Motion? Are we really supposed to believe that this guy has just been sitting up in his flying saucer and essentially never doing anything this whole time? He had about a million chances to launch this take-over-the-world plan long before Natasha ever got there. Plus, I.... am.... not sure what to think (aside from /deep sigh/ MARVEL) about the fact that all the Widows we see dying/getting killed on screen are women of color. (Then the Black surgeon who was about to remove Yelena's brain in the Red Room and the only other Black guy being Natasha's errand boy, which just... in context... YIKES.) I think the fact that there are random Black background Widows are supposed to mean that they're inclusive and badass or something? Scarlett Johansson also has her own issues with White Feminism and all the other things we've critiqued her for before, so after TFATWS and the Flag Smashers, Marvel clearly has found its subtly racist sweet spot. As usual?
The end of the film also just basically turns into the standard Marvel empty-spectacle/cool-looking fights/people flying through the air thing, and I wanted a lot more focus on the wacky found-family Russian-spy hijinks (I did love them, for reasons) and character dynamics, rather than all of them separately fighting baddies in different places. I did obviously have feelings about Natasha putting the parachute on Yelena to save her life. But why were we then denied Nat/Gamora parallels/relationships/any character development or interaction at all in Infinity War/Endgame? Both of them are trained assassins adopted into a non-biological family that they have a complicated relationship with, but end up forging a strong bond with their sister (Yelena/Nebula) nonetheless. Of course, that would have required Endgame to put more effort into its female characters than what it did, which was one (1) Epic CGI Charge Scene at the very end, and literally nothing else. Not that I am still salty about this or anything.
Anyway. The movie was genuinely fun in places. The wacky Russian found family of spies was definitely the best part, even if it made Endgame even more nonsensical as a result. But I wanted this movie to be a lot better than it was overall, though I probably would have liked it more if it had actually come out in a timely fashion and wasn't only released after they killed her off. It just feels like there were so many possible threads of potential that could have been done with Natasha if they were actually interested in experimenting and exploring the character and not just coming up with new baddies and ways to go boom, and it unfortunately missed the mark with that.
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