#he's been active on messanger
wawek · 1 year
Could you write something about your dnd character/s? Love hearing about other people's ocs!
hehe i finally have a moment to answer >:3c this is gonna be long so im gonna get a read more involved
my only character thats actually from dnd (my online group plays other ttrpgs) and "active" (we played two sessions 3 months ago ;w; but! might play again) Is Yeshe :3
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Its a mdzs inspired campaign... im pretty sure, i havent watched it... so i based her off of tibetan folk clothes and ofc off of a pallas cat. She hadnt had time to shine as a character yet and her backstory and motivations are bit murky =w= but the gist is that she takes care of her magically gifted little sibling (another player character, my sketch attached), they were raised in a remote commune and are now going to the big city.
Now, the character from a finished campaign of City Of Mist (really cool system!!!) thats been on my mind a lot recently is my beloved Theooooooo
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He was originally an oc completely detached from any specific setting, then I put him with my beloved Rochelle (in the blue dress, she started out as a dnd character but got only like 2 sessions back in 2020 :'3) in my own version of feywild (ill get to it later).
And then!!! I decided to play him in that CoM game and it was the best decision everrrrrrrrrr he was so so so so sos ososoosososos fun :3. CoM is urban fantasy where people become "rifts" for mythical beings and are able to use their power.
Theo was a Detective and a Fey and i really enjoyed playing an absolutely devious, controlling and charming guy =w=. His main motivation was power, he thought most people (except for his wife rochelle altough they have a tomshiv thing going on) are beneath him and mostly there for him to order around like chess pieces. And something that made this campaign insanely fun for me was that in order to get more powerful he had to do a task for the fey queen - kidnap and deliver a singer to her. A singer which also happened to be the person we had to protect during our investigation... dm and me kept it secret.
It was so insanely fun to walk into every scene thinking of how to find an opportunity to do that... in the end I managed to, in a very tense scene (the greyscale sketch at the top, the girl smiling behind theo is one of the fey messangers). The other PCs didnt stop him because they had some trust in him... got away with it completely :3. Tho I agreed not to play him in the next campaign (even tho id love to >_<) bc his jig was kinda up. Great character tho, and thanks to my dm i finally get warlocks, i might play one sometime!
Now, still in the city of mist im playing Valerie :3
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Her mythos is "Vampire" but she refuses to drink blood... she gets all sorts of issues bc of that, has trouble keeping down frineds and jobs ect... Still very early in the campaign but shes pretty fun :3 tho i prefer chracters who are a bit more commanding, i made her more of a follower to let my group breathe after theo but i kinda naturally fell back into organising the party again last session so i think i just need to stick to making charismatic characters next time sidugfsd. shes a nice change of pace tho, im excited for whats in store for her.
My feywild!!! It's a setting ive had in my head ever since i made Rochelle, Its sort of an early modern france mixed with Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell which sounds pretty lame and ig it is isudgfsd.
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Theres a lot of ideas and a lot of characters that i dont really have time to develop and am prolly gonna rework a million times =w= but its fun, and its fun to make plalists for random archfey.
Last character I'll mention =w= even tho i never got to play him because the campaign fell apart before the fist session, as they often do, I really love Byk and I wanna show you guys...
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Tadeusz Byk born in 1880 in Poland, Emigrated to the usa (boston then moved near new york) with his mother and grandma when he was 13... Operates a temporary house for immigrants that his mother started. Now 40, works as a tailor and sells moonshine on the side. Depressed, repressed and with a big heart... hope i get to dust him off for something someday...
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stxrrywildflower · 4 years
disbanded (1)
pairing - spencer reid x reader
summary - after emily’s death, the still grieving bau team disbands in hopes of the time off doing some emotional healing. however, for you and spencer, strauss recruits you for your own individual team almost immediately. months later, after new case details are discovered, you and spencer are forced to call in your old team for assistance
warnings - case details, angst
series masterlist
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seven months.
seven months had gone by and the team had barely heard anything from you or spencer.
there were occasional texts, letters, and phone calls. the messages were always brief, never lasting more than a few sentences or minutes.
j.j. returned to the bau around three months in. she was changed, everyone noticed that. the blonde agent put on a facade, masking any signs of trauma or difference.
the only crack in her foundation was when she saw the practically empty desk. it came as a suprise to see desks normal covered in pictures and other items now almost cleared. the only reminder of your presence was both of your name plates remaining.
everyone felt a toll with what was going on. they were missing three out of eight team members. sure, they weren’t working active cases, but just having everyone around made a difference.
hotch was the leader. the alpha-male. he kept everyone in line while providing the support and care any member of his team needed at all times. though his leadership in the middle east was more then successful, they missed having the role model to look up to.
spencer was the kid. the boy genius. his intelligence was more than impressive, though he often used it as a shields. his facts, while sometimes unneeded, provided the final piece of a profile to catch the unsub. the team never knew they could miss his rambling more.
you were the glue. the one that kept the team together. though your presence was still fairly new in comparison to others, your witty remarks and overal care for everyone acted as a backbone. your relationship with spencer was almost model worthy, something everyone wanted to look up. you changed spencer in the best way possible.
they knew where hotch had gone. but for you and spencer, no one had any clue. when j.j hunted down and questioned anderson, the man had very obviously lied about not knowing before leaving to go back to work.
eventually they stopped asking.
four months later, hotch returned. his return back was less then minimal, being greeted with smiles, hugs, and even the stray comment about the beard. the reunion was short lived as hotch had requested them all to meet in the conference room.
curious and concerned gazes were thrown back and forth. no one voiced their confusion, choosing to obey the orders of their leader and take seats for the first time in seven months around the round table.
“we’ve been called in,” the unit chief started.
across the country, you threw your head back in annoyance with the case. spencer leaned against the table, one arm crossed across his body while the other ran over his lip.
the recent case was becoming increasingly difficult. a series of robbery homicides involving a team of seven different members was terrorizing the city of los angeles.
you had successfully identified four members though the other three were a mystery. there were many facts pointing to the possibility of involvement in organized crime. one wrong move in your investigation and a lot more could go wrong.
three days and no solid leads.
usually you and spencer were wrapping up other cases by now. instead, you were sitting in one of the rooms at the los angeles police department reviewing the profile over and over. spencer, on the other hand, was going though every report you had on the unsubs, desperate to find something that could like them all together to give you a clue.
what didn’t help was the heat. the summer heat was hitting the city hard, you and spencer shedding your suit jackets as a result.
“have you checked prison records?” you asked, looking at the board in front of you.
“yes, absolutely no connections there.”
you huffed. you weren’t getting anywhere despite having a near perfect profile and organized board showing a whole crime family tree.
“we need to call in some extra help,” you finally admitted.
“y/n,” spencer started. “i don’t think we really need them. i mean we work perfectly fine on our own. we’re pretty much the new rossi and gideon.”
“look, i don’t really want to see them either. but if we don’t figure out something soon, more people are going to die. a fresh set of eyes could do us good,” you replied.
spencer fiddled with collar of his shirt, a nervous habit he had picked up a few months ago. it was a telltale of his growing concern or anxiety over a situation.
you sat down beside the genius, resting your hand on top of his. “hey, it’s one case. after this we’re back solving cases on our own. does that sound okay?”
“i’ll go make the call.”
“why do they need us? we don’t even have a full team,” morgan was already protesting after the very minimal briefing.
“because y/n and reid requested our help,” hotch answewd.
j.j. most notability flinched at the mention of your names. “what do you mean they need out help? i haven’t really heard from them in months,” j.j. pipped in.
hotch sighed. “back when we split up, strauss inquired y/n and reid to continue doing our job, traveling and all. i was only aware of it because technically i’m still their boss. it’s a lot more intense then when we were traveling, hence their absence. but their success is incredibly high. i don’t have the exact number but it’s around sixty-three cases solved in seven months. of that, five or less have ended in having to shoot the unsub.”
rossi let our a low whistle at that. “have either of them been hurt at all?”
“a few minor injuries but none involving hospitalization
the unit chief looked around at his team, all displaying very conflicted emotions.
“we’ll leave here at five tomorrow morning. be prepared for a long case.”
the team arrived the following morning, heading up to the second floor of the police department at promptly nine am. everyone was slightly jet lagged, time zones the direct cause of that.
just seconds after they had arrived, who they presumed was the police chief headed over on their direction, already extending a hand to shake.
“i’m detective henderson. the other two agents on the case apologize for the absence and should be back soon. one of the family members requested to see him,” the police chief introduced. “but you can all set up in here.”
the team followed the chief through the office and into the usual conference room they were offered. no one failed to take note of the other room occupied, a familiar messanger bag resting on the table.
“and here we are. there’s information posted on the board but i’m sure the agents will explain it when they arrive. please feel free to come to me with any questions.”
hotch was the one to thank the chief. “alright let’s sit down and go over the files. we didn’t have a lot to go off of back at quantico but there’s a ton here.”
it couldn’t have been more than thirty minutes that they waiting, using that time to run through theories about the identified unsubs and ways to find the missing three.
the room seemed to stop, all eyes going towards the elevator.
the team stood up all at once, already suspecting who was about to walk in. their suspicions were proven to be correct as you and spencer stepped out, eyes looking straight ahead.
to put it simply, you two looked and acted different.
seemingly small things for outsiders but things that meant everything for the team had changed.
handshakes replaced hugs. nods replaced smiles. iced coffee replaced hot. even spencer’s revolver he used since the ldsk case was replaced with a glock 19.
since when did spencer drink red bull?
even your style of clothing altered. spencer’s dress pants and sweaters were swapped out for one-piece suits, tie and all. your blouse and dress pants changed into suits, having matching patterned tight pants and blazers, heels to top it off. your outfits both looked ten times more formal.
“agent hotchner,” you greeted, extending your hand.
it was obvious hotch, as well as the rest of the team, was taken back by your words and presence. the last time anyone close to hotch refer to him as ‘agent hotchner’ was when they first met him. he was always very clear about preferring the abbreviated version of his last name.
spencer was the exact same as you, his discomfort with shaking hands seemingly vanished. it pained morgan that he couldn’t reach out and hug the man he considered to be his little brother.
“i apologize for us not being here when you arrived, i know from experience that it’s a long flight. the board in your room has all the information we’ve collected. there’s a timeline, victim list, crime scene photos, and then a family tree. we also have transcripts which can be sent to your tablets. other than that, the case details are in the file folders and you’re good to go,” you explained.
“y/n,” hotch called, stopping both you and spencer from walking away.
“before you ask, i really think we need to focus on this case before discussing transfers. don’t you think so?”
☆ ☆ ☆
tags - @tinylumpiaa @rumplebutterbitch @itsmyblogandillreblogifiwantto @the-quarantine-diaries @ah-blossom @dr-reid-ismyspiritanimal @aperrywilliams @kissessforharryyy @garcias-batcave @reidswords @etherealgubler @spenceneedsahug @jjandreidsgirl @zoseph @emilouu @mortallythoughtfulgurl @alexxcorona113 @swiftspaperings @gia-kerks @mggstyles
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purplerose244 · 6 years
And adding this to the pilot episodes, which are four in two episodes, we finally reached 100 episodes of Ninjagooooo!!! 🎊🎊🎊 YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! 🎉🎉🎉
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I can't believe we really achieved this, like, I remember getting interested because of that elevator gag with Jay in season 1, now look at this!!! 😍😍 I love this show, I love how much I have grown during it, and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for it!
And after getting all hyped with this, let's get to the episode! 😎
I wanna start by saying that, back when I watched it, I really liked Day of the Departed, but I would've LOVED IT if it was a season. Like, it's clear that a lot could've been done, and it came out really freaking cool but not mindblowing (and I kinda expect that from my favorite show, not sorry 😙)
My opinion on March of the Oni is similar, I definitely enjoyed more than DotD because it was basically a season of four episodes, it's just that some parts went by a little fast.
But you're asking if I liked it, right?
And let me tell, with the amount of parts coming from pilots and first season, I can die happily 😆 That's what I love about Ninjago, even when I think it's not perfect, there are still moments that I fall in love with immediately!
For the start, Faith's story. I'm so sorry for the poor dragon hunters, can't even have the time to fully redeem themselves that darkness arises 😅
To be honest, when the ninja arrived and Wu was smiling at them like waiting for good news, I was too worried for Cole and was grieving like all of the ninja 😢 Then it reminded me of that one scene in Kung fu Panda with Shifu being all "ah yeah, I really need good news" with his messanger and it turns out it's fricking Tai Lung coming for him 😂😂
But yeah, that was heavy. And Garmy was still merciless with his brother, as much as with his wife (weird that I kinda enjoyed that part? He never went all bad against her, not even as Lord Garmadon. He is full beast now)
And oh man. WU'S REACTION.
One of his first pupil, the first leader of the team; not only that, Cole was always there when Wu turned into a baby and grew up, he basically became a second father for him in a weird but cute way. Can you imagine the grief? It would be really sad if he got to remember him being to affectionate with his infant version, singing for him 😭😭 (woa, fanfiction idea!)
Well played, I must say, Ninjago crew. I'm already on feels mode 👏 But don't think you can fool me again writers, I'm not that easy to impress for y-
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... I screamed at that part. A LOT.
It's been AGES! He wore it two pilot episodes, period, he looks so young 😍 From this point of few I appreciate that he changed design, it's like he really grew up from before. And he looked so worried, or disappointed? Maybe because he gave up on being blacksmith a long time ago for doing something he's actually good at, and going back again it's like saying he didn't improve at all...
... or maybe I just overthink Kai all day all night
Well, forge happens, no Ray and Maya but it was kinda hopeless anyway 😅 I really want them to come back, come on Tommy!
And bam, golden weapons. BAM 👊
They made me feel way more excited than I thought, I really squeaked all over while they were fighting! ☺ Back then there was nothing more important and powerful, and now they are back. But I think the golden power in them is weak? I guess they forged in a different way the first time, or maybe they need to be charged by golden power user. I don't know but good job anyway, my hot blacksmith 😚
Meanwhile, in another dark place...
I screamed again 😅
I was just super happy to see Cole fully alive and not frozen and stuff. I thought it had a deeper meaning him moving, but then I guess he woke up in time? And wasn't in the middle of the toxic darkness, thank lord 😵😵
Or maybe they'll explain it better next season and it's important? You never know
Kirby did his best at talking to himself 😂 Rocky you gotta stop loving your best bud that much, you were panicking just like him 💙 Also the part when he was so close to despair, man if I wanted nothing more but broke my phone screen and give him a hug 😢
Luckily, cuteness came to my rescue
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My bruise heart is beating faster? My bruise heart is beating faster 🖤💙🖤💙 Sorry, can't help it, moving on!
I missed some full team fighting action! I wanted more, especially with the new golden weapons and how amazing the landscape look now near the monastery ☺ But it was cool, and I love Nya and Lloyd fighting back to back since they don't have golden weapons! Also Wu is getting so active in season 9 and 10 😊 And Faith is a queen 🖤
While we're at it, my idea is that Garmadon's doubts about his evilness are meaningful, but not for now. I like that they didn't push him into full redemption, it would've been too early. He clearly wants to know more about himself and his family. I think that the next adventure will be important for him, even if I still don't know how, maybe a full life-changing field trip (if so, my warlord, I have a half burnt prince from the Fire Nation to recommend 🔥)
... I did enough serious stuff for him, right? Well then...
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... OKAY I CAN'T 😂😂😂😂
Like, I get the point and everything about him being almost full oni and stuff, but I can't look at his face 😂 I think it's the only part I really don't think it fits, the rest is pretty cool. I like the staff, looks all sorcery. They even used the design of the oni masks, nice touch.
... still, the face is weird, happy it didn't last 😙
Back to the monastery, everyone's scared, it might be the end, I actually liked the situation very much for the yang proposal. Jay stopped overthinking and went for it, it's hard for someone like him 😂
And of course Nya was ecstatic, and when our goddess is happy I am 💙💙💙
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I'm a sucker for romance, I'm sorry 😅
I'm also a sucker for references from past seasons, so...
They played it as they didn't use it again because it was kinda a miracle... I guess I can buy that, even if the Hagemans explained that they didn't expect Ninjago to continue and put the ultimate power immediately in the pilots... regretting it 😅 So I'm not hard on the writers in general, I'm happy to see this old friend back 💛
They all used spinjitzu, and the new design is so good, I was so happy!!! 🤩🤩🤩 Well I was, but then... boy... 😳
Now... let me tell you... how FREAKING nervewrecking... the last minutes of the episode... have been for me
First of all, the transition in black and soundless was so sudden that it got me thinking "okay this is new, got a weird feeling about it". Lloyd wakes up into such a heavenly beautiful place with a paradisiac great view. And I was already on what the frisk mode, because the others are gone and there's a beautiful golden dragon right there. And I freaking love those (I WANT ONE), so I got distracted.
Then a voice. Good Garmadon? I guess it could be, but why now and here? The heck?
Then of course I recognized him...
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Because he still gives his back to the camera 😂 Also he freaking called him Lloyd MONTGOMERY Garmadon, I can't even 👏👏 This compensate the fact that I kinda wanted green bean to just go and call him granpa 😘
And while I thought it was super cool and over the top and reminded me again of Kung fu Panda, the third movie this time, I was still thinking from time to time:
"This looks like afterlife."
"The first Spinjitzu Master is gone."
"This can't be happening."
"This can't... can't..."
And after making sure to remind us that yes, first Spinjitzu Master-san is indeed Wu's dad, with his wise words because...
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... he said that. THAT. Come back to your friends, or come with me. Go back being the green ninja, or reach the light once and for all. And darn it. I could feel my heart pulsing in my head. It ached when Lloyd extended his hand, and suddenly everything went white.
Back to the monastery. Guys are fine, Jaya is still beatiful and my poor sweetie flame got under a colomn thanks Cole I bet lavashippers appreciated
Then the worry. All of then running to him, checking, my flame so scared, "come on buddy, wake up". Wu following, he's the only hope, he can manage...
He can... can...
"There is nothing to be done."
I sobbed. Like, I didn't even dare to look at the time, I was too scared. I just didn't want it to be real.
Gotta say, when it comes to grieving, Ninjago makes me feel the most. Jay stuttering, asking Wu to help him. Nya sobbing calling his name. Kai slowly shaking his head, so desperate, like it wasn't enough they lost Cole even if not for long, and then going to comfort Wu because Garmy is not his brother right now and he's not showing emotion at all (although he was backing off, I wonder if he was trying to keep the distance from such a strong scene)
... and then Lloyd came back
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Also Kai and Cole hugging, it was really sweet 🖤❤🖤❤
Oh man, OH MAN 😵
They put everything into that last fragment, now did they? Very nice, loved every part of it and it's really cool how we now kinda know what could be waiting on the afterlife 🤩 I wonder if there is more of that world...
This is why I said I wanted a longer special/season, we had two beautiful moments of pure sadness, really impactful and intense, that could've been even stronger if we had more time to struggle. But you know what? I died inside twice, came back to life twice as well, and nobody died!! 😊 ... except the oni I guess. I think... they died, didn't they?
Well whatever, going for the end!
Okay can I call upon myself the frame meme of Gravity Falls without actually showing it? I can't put more pictures 😅
"Oh, this."
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"This is beautiful."
It's both extremely funny for the claw lego thingy, and meaningful. Only they could do that. Only those that really follow Ninjago could recognize this. I just like it a lot, the Tornado of Creation in its on way ❤💚💙🖤💦💎
(give me white and gray hearts emoji you COWARDS)
And of course, reunion for the finale
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Sky you have no idea how happy I am to see you, girl I missed you a lot 😘 Also dat wink, Kai you might be the next to the yang proposal 😙 Cyrus is okay, I'm happy, and random Ronin because why not? He has better things to do than being caught up with all this drama 🤣
AND THE POSTMAN IS THERE 😎 Of course, our greatest ruler appear! 💪💪💪
While at the end that little moment between Wu and Garmy, I wonder what's waiting for the two sons of mister too shy for facing the camera 😜
And of course our Ninjago alphabet, THE END, with mama dragon who seems to be okay, good 😊 Pretty cool
Well guys, this is it. I enjoyed, no matter how it could've gone as a full season or other formats, it's refreshing knowing that they still remember stuff from the very beginning (MONTGOMERY 🤣🤣🤣). I think we had a good ending for a good beginning to a new fragment of Ninjago, involving what, I have no idea 😅 Also I really appreciate what they did with my Kai, the hotheaded, cocky but selfless warrior that I love so much. Thanks a lot ❤❤
Guess we'll find out sooner or later what's in store for this show, for now I'm done! Thank you guys a lot for all the notes in the last post, you guys are amazing! 😁
Nothing else to say, see ya around! 💜
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jostenminyard · 6 years
Heya! If you don’t mind me asking, what happened with Alex the diarrhea guy? Jut delete this if it’s insensitive! Ily
hey love it’s not insensitive at all! i def post everything about my personal life on here haha
well after realizing i still like him, we began messaging each other back and forth. he responded and would keep the convo going and send me kermit memes and i was like wow! he likes me! and when i went to the states on vacation, we continued to talk whenever i was in wifi. so bc of this i genuinely believed we were cool and whatnot
so i bought him a sf keychain because we were joking about keychains and it’s so funny bc it says ‘alec’ on it instead of alex bc i’m so witty n cute! i sent him a message saying ‘hey are you free this weekend? i’m rlly excited to give u this keychain’ and he………… just left it on read.
which yeah, maybe that isn’t a huge deal. but it’s also fucking insensitive. like if you don’t like me/don’t want to hang out, say no. reading it and choosing not to reply is such a dick move because a) he thinks that lowly of me b) he thinks he’s better than me c) he doesn’t care about me or my feelings at all. i don’t care at this point if he doesn’t like me (ok it stings but i’ll get over it) i just care that he’s a huge asshole and i for real thought he was better than that
and the cool thing is i can’t do anything about it. i can’t message him again, i can’t get angry, i can’t reach out to him at all. and if i see him in person, i have to be civil! and pretend like it never happened. yaaaay
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galasdian · 6 years
Man, yesterday was a lot. Long post incoming. So, because it was super bowl, we were doing a late start, instead of starting at 5 we start at 7. I left the house at 5 30ish. Remembered my roomie asking me to bring food in for him because he was in early to do the router guys job. So I stopped for tacos. It began to rain So far so good. Shot him a message letting him know I got the food, and asked for ETA for bus. 12 min. So I walked up a stop to the Fred mayers, where they have a seat and like, half a cover. Got on bus. Immediately noticed my phone wasn't on me. All pockets and bags pat down. Got off at next stop, walked back to Freddie's assuming I'd left it on the bench. No phone on bench. Went in to ask, no luck. Went back to bench. Sat there until 7:40. I know, because that's when the guy from Micronesia squished in next to me. And not like people usually sit on bus benches, with most possible room, or the compact version where you sit in the middle to leave a third spot, but like overlapping my side a bit, actively in my space. And he starts talking to me. His English was pretty decent but his listening skills were shit. He would ask the same question over and over. His favorites were asking my name, if I had a boyfriend, can he hug me, can he touch me and don't I trust him? After a few asks of a question he would give himself the answer, for some of them. "Do you have a boyfriend? Oh, you have two" He also would just, try to wrap his arms around me, to which I would either put an elbow up, catching him and keeping him too far to hug me, or just grab his wrist and remove his hand from trying to slide around my back. Like, even guys at strip clubs know better then to grab girls like that. For half a fucking hour. I didn't really want to hurt the guy, and getting help ment leaving the bus stop and I had no idea when the bus was going to show. In total I was at the stop at least an hour and a half. With my cold tacos. In the rain. By the time I got to work I was an hour and a half late, was actively shivering, no phone, and still hadn't eaten. In better news, my roommate got a message from my mom partway through the night. My phone had been turned into the bus, and they had sent a message to the messanger that was open (my mom and boyfriend) so mom let me know and my boyfriend picked up my phone this morning and dropped it with my door guy. I have good people in my life.
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brittysaucefanfic · 6 years
Operation: Voltron
Part 15
Shiro opened the door to Allura's house cautiously.
Pidge had texted him a half hour ago, merely saying '911 Allura's house. Now.' He wasn't sure what he expected to walk into but Pidge met him at the foyer. She was standing in front of the stairs, laptop in hand. The moment Shiro closed the door behind him, he heard shouting.
He winced as he recognized Keith's voice.
"What's going on?" Shiro asked, already taking a step into the direction of the voices. Pidge barely glanced up from her screen, which reflected off her glasses. She shrugged helplessly.
"They've been going at it for, like, twenty minutes now. Keith isn't happy. You should probably stop him from killing her." She stopped, then scoffed with a roll of her eyes. "If he could even get close enough."
Shiro flinched when there was a crash, taking a step forward. "Why is he mad? What did Allura do?" He asked, glancing at Pidge but putting his eyes back on the archway that would lead to where Keith and Allura were arguing. He wanted to just bust in and stop it, but his better self needed to know what was going on first.
He's been on the receiving end of Keith's wrath.
Best to know what was happening first.
"Allura did something involving Lance, and Keith's pissed. Hunk is trying to keep up damage control, but I just decided that was far too much drama for my mental health." She said. She shut her laptop with a click and pushed up her glasses as she tucked the laptop into her messanger bag.
Shiro paused, actually looking at her for a moment and ignoring the shouting that picked up volume for a moment before lowering. "Who's Lance?" Shiro asked, genuinely confused.
Did something happen while he was out of town?
Pidge looked at him like he was naive, and coming from someone a decade younger than him, it made his cheeks burn in embarrassment. "Lance McClain." Shiro just blinked at her stupidly, his feet turning to move again when Allura's voice picked up in a shout.
Pidge sighed, pushing up her glasses again.
"Blue Lion. Or rather his alias." Pidge said slowly, as if talking to a child, and Shiro nodded in understanding. Guess stuff really did happen while he was gone.
Another crash.
"You should probably go in there now." Pidge said, already moving out of the room to lead him to the commotion.
Shiro dutifully followed on her heels. They bypassed the very pink and rose decorated living room and hooked a right into the next. The moment the doors opened under Pidge's hand, the shouting became much more clear.
"-o right Allura! He is not your play thing and I will not tolerate you going behind my back in my own place of work!" Shiro stepped into what looked like an office. The room was about the same size as Keith's but windowless since it was dead center in the house. Allura stood behind a desk, her hands planted on the surface of papers and folders as she leaned forward.
Her brow was lowered, and her lips, painted a dark red, were turned down at the corners. Her hair was pinned behind her in a loose but elegant braid, and her dark red dress was rumpled. Behind her stood Coran with a hand on her shoulder.
Keith stood with his back to Shiro. He was wearing a suit, like usual, but the shirt was untucked and the top two buttons undone. His hair was wild, like he hand been yanking at it. Between them stood Hunk.
He was dressed casually, and looked the least frazzled in dress, but the most frazzled in his expression. One hand was on Keith's shoulder as he stood perpendicular to the two arguers.
Allura straightened her posture at Shiro's entrance, straightening her dress in humph. She pointed at Keith like a child and addressed Shiro, making Keith whirl around with a glare to kill.
"Tell him he's overreacting and he has no right to be so put out about this!" Allura shouted, her accent slipping in on the words 'put out about'. Almost like a slurring, but more refined. Sort of British, but not.
Shiro raised a placating gesture with his hands just as Keith returned fire. "Tell her not to meddle in things that she has no right to do so!" Keith yelled. He turned half way back to facing Allura with that same deadly glare. Oh if looks could kill.
"Alright, both of you, calm down. Hunk, explain to me as plainly as possible what the hell is going on." Shiro said, slipping his old commanding tone he used to use in the military into his words. Keith and Allura both quieted with a glare at each other and Hunk visibly relaxed.
"Allura asked Lance if he would like to work as a part of this team, and went behind Keith's back to do so. Keith is pissed because she didn't consult him first." Hunk said quickly in a single breath, keeping one hand on Keith's shoulder while using the other one to gesture at the two in question.
Shiro nodded, a weariness making his metal hand heavy. He rubbed his flesh hand down his face as he thought about what he should do. Both of them were hotheads, siding with one would just escalate the problem. It sucks being a metaphorical Switzerland.
"Alright. Listen." He started. "Keith don't get so worked up, let's just talk this out civilly." Allura smirked in triumph, already opening her mouth to deliver an 'I told you so'. Shiro cut her off with a pointed look. "And Allura, you can't go behind someone's back just to fulfill your own desires. Next time, talk to us first." At that she deflated into childlike guilt. Coran patted her shoulder silently in support. He didn't look like he would butt in any time soon.
"Now, tell me exactly what it was you asked of Blue Li-er, uh, Lance I suppose now." Shiro demanded, tripping over his words slightly.
Allura sighed and collapsed backwards into her chair, a hand on her forehead. Following her example, everyone else took their seats as well, not including Coran, who stayed in his place behind Allura, his hand falling to her chair instead. Pidge and Hunk took the couch to the right of the door, while he and Keith took the chairs. Shiro made sure to sit in the chair closest to the opening for behind the desk, which pressed against the wall on the other side.
When he took a seat, Shiro noticed a stack of papers and a couple nicknacks and other items strewn across the floor. With he frown he looked at Keith, who shrugged with arms crossed. Not even an ounce of guilt on his face. Upon Shiro turning back to face forward, Hunk had already gathered the mess and was placing them strategically back onto the desk.
Allura spared Hunk a grateful glance before facing Shiro, actively avoiding Keith's burning glare.
"I gave him a proposition. Told him, that if he worked alongside us in our endeavor to stop Zarkon, he would be granted a smaller sentence so long as he pleads guilty to at least two major charges. Said time would be spent as a Criminal Informant for as much as he is useful." She said. Her hands started fidgeting with her papers, straightening out the mess Keith caused.
She barely looked up as she spoke.
"He originally declined, but when I told him I had pull with the President he seemed to reconsider." Keith scoffed beside him, it silenced with a glare from Shiro. "Then he countered that if he took my offer, he would only work with Agent Kogane as his handler." Allura finished. Her tone was strictly professional this entire time. She thumbed through the papers and folders she had stacked up, looking for something.
She handed to Shiro what she found, a folder that opened to Lance's contract.
"When I brought this up to Keith, in my own living room as well, he blew up on me." Allura said, losing her professionality to be replaced with spite.
Keith butt in at this point, his voice deadly calm.
"Then she stormed into her office like a child. She ambushed me with Hunk and Pidge, asking me here as a friend before dropping this bomb." Keith leaned forward. "She had no right to speak to MY collar, but she did so anyways behind my back!"
Shiro quickly pacified Allura with a raised hand before those wide eyes full of fury transferred to insults and yelling. Again. He put his other hand on Keith's chest and forced him back into the chair, causing it to wobble a little before setting back on the ground.
"Enough." Shiro said. They calmed down immediately.
"Now that I'm in the loop, we are going to talk this over, and come to a decision. Come to multiple decisions actually. Keith never agreed to join the team yet, so that will be the first to be discussed." Shiro said as clearly and precisely as possible. "Understood?"
He was answered with a chorus of 'understood' right back, two voices clear, two grumbled. Shiro slowly let his hand come off of Keith's chest, making sure he wasn't going to attack or do anything else stupid.
"Now let's begin." He said, crossing his arms, shifting a little to make the prosthetic not pull so much.
This would be a long night.
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icarussolved-blog · 7 years
(( take note that while most of these acts have been thought out for years now they are EASILY subject to change. The story of Price is a tricky one that I dont have all the kinks worked out yet & I will definitely be going more in-depths into the events listed in the future. But for RP purposes this is all important information for Nathaniel Price  ))
First thing to note is that the city had always had gang  activity but here is where it starts to get hectic. Four gangs start to make large leeway into the city : the Bogdan, the Reginalds , the Vegas, and the Cruises.
The city notices and so does the police as gang related crimes begin to increase.
Price is out of the hospital and back on the job as almost nothing has changed. He remembers all the words of Thatcher but he’s keeping his mind focused on his cases.
It is in this act that Price and Hope get closer and also Price begins to subconsciously open up more to people. He gets friends and talks to people for purposes outside of just being a detective he becomes more human in his responses and the truer side of him is shown.  
Of course while Price is getting better as a person this doesn’t really change his mindset. His pride. His needing to win. His need to be respected and adored by so many. 
A major keystone in this act is while the villain underbelly is starting to erupt members of The Circus is murder good citizens. The city in a mob mentality rounds up any homeless or strays and wants to execute them. Price and his fellow detectives stop it but their public image does drop substantially. After catching the real killers The Circus does decide it’s probably best to leave. And never come back. Which would mean Hope would have to go with them.
Cue super emotional lovey dovey talk between Hope & Price and Price finally admitting that he wants Hope to stay w/ him. Because she makes him feel different and makes him feel alive and makes him feel something he’s never felt before. And that’s all she wanted to heart. It’s great stuff at least in my mind. Hope moves in with Price and leaves The Circus much to their dissapointment who greatly believes that Price and Hope are only meant for ruin.
They move in with each other cue shenanigans of Price learning to now live with someone else again. 
More cases. Yadda. Yadda.
Now here’s where things get interesting and it’s all because of two kids
Maria Bogan ,daughter of the head of the Bogan family, & Oliver Walker, messanger to the various Mobs located in the city who carries messages across along with important packages.
The two became star crossed lovers and didn’t want this life for them. They wanted to be together and be free from just this criminal lifestyle. 
So one night Oliver stole her away. On the night she was supposed to be kidnapped by the Reginalds. Which caused great problems but also delayed the oncoming war. 
Oliver took her to the one person he could trust which was Price. Knowing Price was definetly on the straight and narrow. Maria stayed with them while Oliver continued to do his thing. 
Tensions rose among the mob family with the missing daughter of the Bogans but the Reginalds had one thing in mind and that was getting the Bogans out of here. They would find a way to get rid of them and their operations one way or the other.  And if they were going to do that they needed the Messanger. So they got him. Kidnapped him. And pretty much killed the kid. In killing the messanger the Reginalds broke a rule and became open season for the rest of the gang families.
The Bogdans are the first to fall. With maria being the sole survivor thanks to Hope’s help. (and of course the police ). With Price telling Maria and Hope to go back to his place and stay there. And stay safe. He and the police had to fend off the city and themselves as the city became a battleground for the gang war. 
Price and his cohorts manage to arrest the Reginald leaders along with key member in the Cruises. But the Cruises arrest were a setup. Planted with a bomb and moments before Price can even realize that there arrest seemed too coincidental the bomb is detonated inside the police station. Price and a lot of his fellow detectives manages to survive but so many others are dead. A sergeant of the Cruises walks in and the leader of the Reginald starts to escape. Price has to take them both down even with a bunch of pain in his system and the station up in smokes. 
Spoiler he does manage. He kills the leader of the Reginalds and captures the sergeant and gets the location of their leader. 
IN a huge gunfight the Cruises are taken out but Price and his partners are held at gunpoint and handcuffed by the Vegas who were waiting for this situation. Who were organizing things from behind including the Reginalds jump to action. For the detectives to handle this mess and for the Vegas to pick up the pieces. 
The leader of the Vegas shoots one of Price’s detective’s and kills him and say she’ll do the same for the rest of the boys and gals in blue. One by one.  Price is frightened for his life and keeps thinking back to Hope and all the people he knows. So he devises a quick plan because this is not where he dies. He won’t die with so much left to do and so much left to live for. And so much. And so much. So even while outnumbered they attack and retaliate. Price manages to get a gun in his hand thanks to Maria who enters the scene only to shoot a Vega member and kill him that way Price is able to grab a gun. With a gun in his hand a shootout occurs with Price taking cover and the rest of the detectives grabbing guns off the fallen and joining the frey. The detectives do manage to win it out in the end, thanks to the assistance of one of the Vegas,  and arrest the Vega and therefore end the war.  The leader Vega is arrested and so are her sergeants but one of them is freed thanks to the Commissioner of the police who states that this Seargent was actually just an undercover agent. That agent is freed and the war is over. (( this part is subject to change a bit the final sequence is ROUGH and I’d like to give it more thought ))
Price and the rest of the detectives are given a few weeks off for holiday reasons and to let the city recover and to rebuild the station. Price for once is grateful for this time off and spends the holidays with Hope.
Maria takes control of the Bogdan family and shares a final moment w/ Price at Oliver’s grave before leaving the city with them.
The Vegas is taken over by this unknown Seargent  and their criminal involvement dies down.
Price and the detectives are hailed as heroes along with the Commissioner 
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esparkbiz · 6 years
A broad range of advantages that chatbots are offering to BFSI Industries
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Chatbots, PC programs use the content-based live visit as an interface to complete errands for clients for the benefit of the business. They are developing as a cheap method to present AI in keeping the money.
New digitally smart firms have discovered accomplishment in drawing in buyers with easy to understand contributions. The heritage banks are thinking that it’s hard to put resources into and receive original items.
To stay focused these large banks should adjust their customary administrations. They do this by joining more mechanical autonomy in managing an account that will draw in more educated clients.
What Is a Chatbot?
A chatbot is a computer-based program intended to emulate discussion with human clients on the web. Utilizing AI & robotics, a chatbot can help clients without the need for a client administration specialist on the opposite end.
Chatbots can run from easy to profoundly shrewd contingent upon how they are customized. Guidelines based chatbot can deal with quite specific directions.
A chatbot that utilizes machine learning will get more astute with every cooperation. Significant brands, for example, American Express & Bank of America are using chatbots on apps like FB Messenger. It is to give client administration through conversational saving money.
The Development Of Chatbots
To comprehend chatbots, individuals need to think back to World War II and Alan Turing, the dad of present-day software engineering. He built what is known as The Turing Test, otherwise called The Impersonation Diversion. It is to check how human-like a machine is in content-based cooperation. It’s been an essential piece of the improvement of AI.
Right up ’til today, it’s utilized as a standard for testing the estimation of innovation like Google Duplex. It is an AI framework that conducts natural language processing chatbot via telephone to execute on certifiable errands, for example, booking arrangements.
Clients began to see chatbots in managing an account in the mid-2000s through content informing. These bots could do necessary errands like the show record balance when given a particular direction.
Presently, AI sellers like Abe are making chatbot communications. It is to keep the money as regular as talking with a companion crosswise over stages like
FB Messenger
In banks’ portable applications
By What Means Can Chatbots Be Utilized In Saving Money?
Messaging applications, like, WhatsApp is the most favored strategy for connection on cell phones. There are more than 100,000 bots on FB Messanger. The same number is offered on WeChat crosswise over different businesses. The banking sector is changing the client experience by using these stages and chatbots.
Erica – the chatbot of Bank of America can take directions using text & voice order and perform capacities. For example
Planning an installment
Investigating late exchanges inside their application
Erica is relied upon to have prescient abilities also to lead clients to better money related wellbeing. Capital One has a related content based chatbot that enables clients to director their cash.
They do it using an instant message, including activities like review installment history and pays a charge card bill. Mastercard uses a bot on Facebook Courier. It does a large number of the mentioned capacities. It also gives reports on cardholder benefits and informs clients about offers. Click here to read more
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kadobeclothing · 4 years
9 of the Most Inventive Interactive Marketing Examples We’ve Ever Seen
If you really think about it, the content formats we rely on today have an uncanny resemblance to the content formats we relied on yesterday — our blog posts look like print articles, our offers look like books, and our slide decks like look presentations.
Relying on the content formats we used yesterday to educate and entertain our audience today is fine: Our audience is ultimately used to these mediums. At the same time, “fine” is not exceptional, and we’ve missed a huge opportunity to engage them at record levels because we glossed over the fact that screens and computers are so much more than just digital pieces of paper and printing presses. Fortunately, the interactive marketing movement is charging along, and their early adopters have proven that if marketers want to cut through the noise, they can’t just do what they’ve always been doing. They need to refresh their work.
What Is Interactive Marketing? Interactive marketing is an innovative type of marketing where your audience can interact with engaging visuals or videos within your content. This new form of marketing unleashes your creativity and, in turn, allows you to tell more gripping stories, crowning it as one of the best ways to capture your audience’s attention.
Interactive Marketing Campaign Examples Capturing attention sounds great in theory, but you may be unsure of how to incorporate interactive marketing into your strategy. To get some great ideas, learn from some of these great examples of interactive marketing: 1. Interactive Music Experience | Clash Up by Eko
Mash-up remixes like Two Friends’ Big Bootie Mixes are some of the most popular tunes around today, racking up over 35 million SoundCloud streams over the past three years. However, Eko, an interactive storytelling platform that produces interactive shows, music videos, and branded content, has created a remixed music experience that’s arguably more entertaining than any of Two Friends’ mixes. In Clash Up, Eko’s interactive music experience, you are able to mix a variety of songs from different genres and decades with one main track. For instance, in their first episode, Six Degrees of B.I.G., you get to choose from a diverse range of songs like A-Ha’s “Take on Me,” Jason Derulo’s “Wiggle,” Brandy’s “I Wanna Be Down,” Devo’s “Whip It,” and The Flaming Lips’ “When You Smile” and blend it with one of The Notorious B.I.G.’s most legendary songs “Big Poppa.” 2. Interactive Slide Show | The Structure of Stand-Up Comedy by The Pudding
Stand-up comedians might seem like the lucky wisecrackers who are blessed with the talent to improvise some of the funniest jokes and bits you’ve ever heard, but in reality, they polish their performance with painstaking precision. To crack their audiences up as much as possible, they make sure their routines’ stories seamlessly flow from one to the other. However, some comedians like Ali Wong take their stand-up preparation to an entirely different level. In their interactive slideshow about how Ali Wong structured her Netflix special Baby Cobra, The Pudding, a digital publication that crafts visual essays about culture and entertainment, describes how she sculpts her routine into a narrative instead of just telling a bunch of separate jokes. By visually outlining her entire routine, The Pudding reveals how Ali Wong weaved all her bits into a story, building her world and perception of life in a way that her audience can truly understand, which left them with a deeper feeling of empathy, meaning, and ultimately humor. 3. Conversational Marketing | HubSpot We rely on messaging apps to interact with friends and family, so it only makes sense that brands should incorporate them for communication to reduce friction in the buying journey. Despite this, marketers have been sluggish to adopt conversational marketing — using chatbots, live chat, Facebook Messanger, and other chat features — into their inbound marketing strategies. In fact, according to Business 2 Community, only 36% of companies have adopted these tactics. At HubSpot, we hope to change that by offering new messaging tools that can integrate with your entire marketing suite and database. We double down on this idea by using our own conversational marketing software on our homepage. Website visitors are asked a question and given several choices of potential answers. This allows the prospect to engage in website content almost like a “choose your own adventure” story. This improves the overall site experience and ensures that the site is serving up the content (or actions) that will benefit them the most… without any sales pressure. 4. Interactive Infographic | Family Fun in Scottsdale by Marriott
Marriott Hotels manages to make vacation planning even more fun while positioning their brand in front of potential customers with an interactive infographic. Vacationers who are headed to Scottsdale are able to take a customized path through the flowchart to receive destination advice. Just a little bit of animation goes a long way, and it adds a touch of personalization that normal infographics don’t.  The beauty of this is that infographics are a great visual tool that have a ton of utility. By using lemonly.com, Marriott pushes the envelope just a step further, which provides unexpected delight. 5. Interactive Slide Show | The New Media Message by Velocity Partners In their interactive slideshow, which honestly looks like it belongs in Tron, Velocity Partners, a B2B marketing agency, explains why innovative marketers need to leverage new content formats in order to tell more refreshing stories. Velocity Partners shows, not tells, how their interactive slideshow can captivate an audience. This is in stark contrast to how marketers have churned out so many blog posts, eBooks, and SlideShares that they’ve become dull and predictable. The end result of this message hammers home the point that the most engaging and surprising mediums are the best at delivering the most engaging and surprising stories. 6. Interactive Article | The Big Gronkowski by Ceros In honor of Rob Gronkowski’s retirement, Ceros, an experiential content creation platform, decided to create an interactive article that spotlights the two things Gronk will always be remembered for — his athletic prowess and goofy attitude. When you visit their interactive article, you can toggle between Gronk’s “Warrior” and “Goofball” side, clicking on hotspots that reveal his impressive achievements, his laundry list of injuries, and some of the funniest things he’s ever done. Once you finish interacting with the article, you’ll truly understand how Rob Gronkowski is just as athletic as he is goofy. 7. Immersive Video | Scotland From the Sky by BBC Scotland
In 2019, Rough Guides, a renowned travel guidebook, named Scotland the most beautiful country in the world. And a big reason why it’s such a spectacle is that Glen Coe, a Scottish valley that cuts through the ruins of an ancient supervolcano, is one of the most striking landscapes in the world. With their immersive, 360-degree video of Glen Coe, BBC Scotland can grip viewers because they’re able to experience the landscape from an intimate point of view at every possible angle, making them feel like they’re actually there. 8. Playable Video Game Ad | Narcos: Cartel Wars
In the past, video game apps had to use video/gif demos to advertise gameplay in hopes to attract new players and increase app downloads. The thing about watching videos, though, is that it’s a passive activity. The visuals of the game may be enough to attract prospective players’ attention, but it may fall short of giving them enough inertia to actually engage and play. FTX Games found their way around this by partnering with Glispa for their game Narcos: Cartel Wars. Prospects are immediately drawn into the action of the game with the ability to try it before buying it. Rockets and explosions abound for a few rounds before the demo prompts the player to install the app and continue their game. The good news is that this type of functionality is about to become much more mainstream with Facebook offering playable video ads on their platform. Much like the Cartel Wars example, these playable ads are composed of:  A short video preview A playable demo to get people hooked on the gameplay A call-to-action to get the users to take the next step 9. Interactive Voice Ad on Pandora | Doritos
Pandora for Brands has recently begun testing a new interactive ad functionality on their platform that allows users to verbally engage with the ad. Doritos is one of the first brands utilizing this new interactive format on Pandora. The audio uses the distinctive Doritos crunch and then prompts the user to answer a yes or no question. Using artificial intelligence, the ad can then serve up a personalized experience based on how the listener answered.  This is exciting for the same reason as the playable video game ads are: They disrupt passive listening in an attempt to get the listener to engage and actually process the information being conveyed to them. Plus, by being able to respond hands-free, there is less friction in order to learn more.  The campaigns in this article should give you a few takeaways to apply to your own marketing. As you create great content, you should also be thinking about:  How to disrupt expectation to earn attention, engagement, and interest How to best personalize the experience for each individual prospect How to reduce friction as much as possible to increase momentum By putting concepts these concepts in action, you’ll be in a position to generate buzz, make your content stickier, enhance the experience, and fuel your flywheel.
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source https://www.kadobeclothing.store/9-of-the-most-inventive-interactive-marketing-examples-weve-ever-seen/
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biilwy · 5 years
05/06/19, 4:56 am
last night, i saw that he was on messenger due to the “recently active feature” where is shows who is and who has been active, either on facebook or just messanger specifically. he had a little number 26 by his profile. it gave me such a bad feeling. it was past the time he’d normally be told to go to bed, and i didn’t know that he really did that with just anyone. i thought he and i did it because there was more to us and because we don’t actually get to see each other yet. my brain was telling me “what if he’s already talking to some other girl, or his ex?” and i told my mom this and she said he could be talking to anyone because he doesn’t have me to talk to right now. or that if he is talking to his ex that it doesn’t mean he’s trying to win her over again. and i sure hope not. based off of what he’s told me, he can do so so soooo much better than her. he deserves so so much more than he knows he does. if i see that i’ve been blocked on facebook, i’ll know that he’s been reading these. which in a way is nice, because that means he must be concerned with how i’m doing. but at the same time, he still hasn’t reached back out. he hasn’t done anything to actually help me. and i can’t help him with anything either, which breaks my heart. if he does block me, i will definitely have another panic attack. i know i will. just like i did when i saw that he removed me from his instagram followers, and just like when i saw that he blocked me on snapchat. i don’t want that at all. i just want my best friend back.
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clininfos · 6 years
The Federal Government of Nigeria has launched a campaign to end open defecation.
The campaign which is titled, ‘the Clean Nigeria Campaign’ is aimed at ending open defecation in the country by the end of 2025.
Federal Government launches a campaign to end open defecation.
Federal Government launches a campaign to end open defecation.
According to reports, the minister for Water Resources, Suleiman Adamu launched the campaign at the ministry’s headquarters in Abuja, yesterday.
The minister disclosed that a website has also been created to monitor the progress of the campaign. He said that the website will serve as a link to the public as well as a means of monitoring the progress of the campaign.
According to him, the website will also be used to create awareness and sensitize the public on activities of the clean Nigeria campaign.
Speaking on the campaign, the minister said;
“The ministry has put in place the clean Nigeria program to end open defecation by 2025 with the slogan: “Clean Nigeria, use the toilet !”.
“The cleannigeria.ng is the official website for the national campaign to end open defecation. It is one aspect of the campaign to visualize information for advocacy and communication.
“We want Nigerians and the world to follow the progress being made to end open defecation in the country.
“We want users to be inspired to take action and contribute their quota to the progress being made to end open defecation in Nigeria,” he said.
Finally, minister Suleiman disclosed that the federal government is committed to ending open defecation by the year 2025.
He said that this objective made president Muhammadu Buhari to launch the National Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Action Plan back in 2018.
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            Federal Government launches a campaign to end open defecation. The Federal Government of Nigeria has launched a campaign to end open defecation. The campaign which is titled, 'the Clean Nigeria Campaign' is aimed at ending open defecation in the country by the end of 2025.
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The app that traps Facebook users
New Post has been published on https://worldhackernews.com/the-app-that-traps-facebook-users/
The app that traps Facebook users
on Friday, February 23, 2018 |
Facebook users, mostly, have become the common targets for the hackers these days and if these are not properly looked into in this stage, the things are set to go from bad to worse.
The victims keep receiving some mysterious messages from fake Facebook accounts, mostly, in the name of women bearing soft and sober names which initially don’t seem fictitious. A victim is asked to download a specified application for exclusive chatting which is said to be uncharitable. A victim confessed to have downloaded spyware as Kik Messanger app before he came to learn the entire nefarious network.
When he lodged complaint, the experts discovered the spyware to prove beyond doubt that the Kik Messenger app was fake indeed.
Only after handling a few cases, the experts got wind of many people being trapped in the Tempting Cedar Spyware, a mechanism devised by the hackers to pilfer the details of contacts, SMS, and photos, call logs and what not. Further, it is used to trace the movements where all sounds and conversations get recorded on every passing moments.
The experts have concluded that the clues suggest that the hackers who might have deployed the Tempting Cedar Spyware are Lebanese. As of now mobile anti virus provider like Avast, preferably, can firmly deal with the new menace.     
The gang of hackers is believed to have been remaining active for the last three four years targeting the Android phones in some selected areas of their operation, mostly in the Middle East.
But, the experts find reasons to believe that the hackers keep infecting the system in Israel albeit many victims hail from US, Germany, France and China.
Need of the hour, now, is a slew of strictures to firmly deal with this threat to be enforced by the cyber security agencies.
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Randy’s Answers
I’m… Dan I don’t hate you!!! Even though i looked like a bitch who took everything personally I took everything as a game move. I tried to work with you and you nominated me twice!! I just couldn’t convey myself to trust you again for the third time because i didnt want to get backstabbed again. I’m sorry you were taken out so late, you had a good game going, love you dan <3
1. The move that brought me to where im standing isnt the buyback. The move I did was taking a jab at the power duo of Ruthie and Ashley in final five. While I love these girls to death, at the time, I felt like I was losing Colin to them. And for me to make it to final two without stressing, I needed Jeff and Colin f3 with me. So when I won HoH, i decided to go against Colin’s wishes and make an individual move. So that meant instead of taking out Jeff (a person who would take me final 2) I took out Ashley (a person who I thought would cut me at final 4 or 3). This changed the whole dynamic for the rest of the game in a positive and negative way. The negative was that Ruthie and Colin really went to distrust me, while the positive was that I gained Jeff’s total trust, explaining why I’m in final 2 right now since he didn’t cut me final 3. 2. The people who deserve it the most to be honest are Ruthie and Colin. It’s not because I was aligned with them for most of the game, it was because they just played so damn well. Me and Colin always talked about game moves before executing them. While Ruthie had us all under her spell until I tried to expose her in final 5!! 3. Dan: Where is the love? Dominic: Dog days are over Jordan: Cough syrup Chrissa: Animal Ned: Marry The Night Elijah: Problem Ashley: ABC Ruthie: Candyman Colin: Teenage Dream
-------------------------- Jordan
Yall really aint leaving me any hair after these questions huh. I guess the only fake thing I didnt do was breathe, and thats borderline! To answer your question honestly, I wasn’t really that fake to anybody. I told Ruthie i was evicting her when it was her against Ned, I told Dan ahead of time that I would evict him if it ties, etc.. I love you all as individuals so i really didnt go behind anybody’s backs in this game to the point it would be called fake. --------------------------
I have done a lot of things that make me think I should deserve to win. One of these things is that, when compared to Jeff, I actually I had to work hard to get what I wanted. I wasn’t blessed with many premades, I was cursed with a preexisting enemies who already wanted me out . When I was nominated week 1 I knew my rat ass would have to play hard in order to make it as far as I could. So that lead to me to making alliances with some of the most active people in the house at the time, Chrissa, Colin, & Darian. I also started making underground relationships with you and also with Jeff and Ruthie. I was well aligned with mostly everybody in the house. And when I came back into the house, everything was practically handed to me.    Sure it looks bad that I was evicted, but it just proves my statement more that I had to work hard to get what I want. All that hard work before my eviction, paid back when I got back into the house. The alliances I left in prejury got back together and became even stronger. The wishy washy alliance that included Colin, Chrissa, Ashley, Ruthie, Andrew, and me, then became the alliance (without andrew, sorry bud) that ran the first part of jury when I came back. The alliance gave what I wanted, to get Dan and Dominic out.    Another reason I deserve to win this game is because of my strong ass social game. When the game started I was always talking, I never left the housechat dry whenever I spoke in it. I also sparked activity within the house when I did random ass housecalls, in which were also so much and led people like Colin to trust me and work with for practically the whole game! I had a shit ton of alliances, but even though most of them were kind of a hoax, they still took me farther one week at a time. I deserve this over Jeff 100% because jeff hasn’t been the most active houseguest, i was. Jeff didn’t win the most competitions in this game, I did (a whopping 2 hohs and 3 povs). I deserve it over Jeff because I stuck my neck out every week and gave it a 100%, while Jeff was nowhere to be found, hiding in the Dark Rooms, waiting to start playing (and just riding coattails) when it hit final 5. --------------------------
without talking in circles (read the other answers!) im going to bring up another reason on why i deserve to win.
Compare me to Jeff, Jeff lacks one thing i had throughout this whole entire game. a backbone.most of the moves i made, mostly everybody was affected, that led to pressure on me from other people and i had the will to keep my game the way i wanted to play it. when i evicted ashley in the tiebreaker i had to endure the pressure exerted from colin and ruthie. when I evicted Dan in the tiebreaker i had to endure the pressure from Dan and Dominic.
Jeff on the other does not deserve to win because he lacked a backbone. He hid in dark rooms for literally the whole entire game, he didnt take any chances. Maybe if he went in and got prizes I would cut him some slack. But he literally picked safety because he wanted to play this game safe. Its not hard to be a social player in an online reality game, anybody can make final 4 with just pming people every week. It is hard to make game moves and not leave the house. Which is what i did, from week 2 when I won a prize from the puzzles to final 4 when i cut ruthie.
I deserve it over Jeff because my gameplay is a harder game to play. Jeff will call himself a “floater” or “manipulator” but the only person he is facading is himself. He didnt take any real risks (or risks as heavy as mine) in his visible or “underground” gameplay. Me on the other hand? I played the hardest big brother strategy, comp threat social queen. And i still made final 2, while Jeff has done two things: evict Colin & CoHoH with Ashley. --------------------------
yeehaw 🐴🐎🍂 --------------------------
My biggest regret in this game was not using power of veto during the double! Me and Colin had this expert strategy to use our povs and make a big game move. However I think it was either you or Ruthie (probably BOTH!!) who had us so convinced that we thought Chrissa would stay. (Im so sorry Chrissa aa!! <3)
The person I originally wanted to take final 2 was Colin. We had a final two since day one, and even though I made other final 2 deals with Jeff and Ned, Colin’s was really special because he did so much for me. I won’t lie, I wouldn’t of minded losing to Colin in final 2, but since I lost my  best ally in final 3 what do i have to lose?? I believe that if I won part 2, it would’ve been me and Colin in the house still.
I don’t want to talk in circles about my gameplay (please go read the other answers!). My strategy makes me deserving because I played Big Brother the way you should play it. Cutthroat without many regrets. If I wanted to lose this game, I wouldn’t of won the prejury buyback. If I wanted to lose this game, I wouldn’t of won the most competitions in this season (2 HoHs, 3 PoVS). I played really socially before and after my eviction, I had alliances with the whole house excluding Dan Dominic and Jordan. I think I should win because the moves I made really changed the course of this game, when I came back it was a house divided (the 4 to 4 vote tie) half was with Dan, the other half wasnt! When I evicted Dan, everybody knew I didn’t come to play games, so mostly everybody became submissive. The people who were with Dan like Elijah and Jeff, then came to go against Dominic and Jordan because they wanted to convey themselves as allies and didnt want to gain attraction voting in the minority. I think it is impressive that the first three Jury evictions went the way I wanted them to. Jeff didn’t have that much control over this game, he wasn’t a puppet master, he didnt make any visible game moves that altered the course of this game. Every game move I did make, is the reason I’m here in final 2, and the reason why I should win because Jeff wasn’t making visible game moves, and probably not any impressive “underground” game moves either.
The person I really hated seeing the most go was Ruthie, like I won’t lie I cried after Ruthie got evicted. I know that seems ironic since I voted her out, it was just because I couldnt trust her if she would take me final 3 over Colin, somebody whom she has been loyal to. I hated seeing Ruthie go because she is literally a messanger sent by God. She worked so hard in this game while always being so damn happy! She made this game active, while always making everybody laugh in the houseguests sechat. I hated seeing such a great character like Ruthie leave (even though I would’ve loved for her to win over me), but I needed to separate my personal emotions from my gameplay. --------------------------
I was most loyal to Colin of course, from day 1 to the day he got evicted. I knew that he would end up hating me at the end of the game, but he was just so nice to me and shit that I didn’t care if he hated me. Me and Colin made a lot of game moves together (probably half the game moves of the season). We always strategized and thought about the different possibilities that I knew he was my strongest and wokest ally.  The reason he isn’t here is 50% Jeff cut him and 50% that I didn’t win part 2. I truly feel like if I had won part 2, no matter who won part 3, it would be me and colin answering these questions.
Ok yall been scalping me now its time to return the favor!!
Dan: A bad thing about your gameplay was that you knew how cut throat I played (meangirlsbb) but you still came after me! You probably would’ve made it here if you got on my good side! But at least you had the balls to go straight forward to take me out prejury!
Dominic: You kept on evicting me every chance you got and i HaD ENOUGH! oh FISH aLLy!!! You did play well socially since you finessed the shit out of me and colin and stayed week 2.
Jordan: You can’t insult a gameplay if a gameplay doesnt exist. Just Kidding, but your biggest miss steak was aligning (or making it look like) with the minority of the house. You were playing under the radar and probably aligned yourself with bigger targets in the game!
Chrissa: You just need to win one COMPETITION chrissa, and you’ll make f6 or higher in every game you play in!!! But you were literally the most active houseguest in that housechat, always responding and making conversation
Ned: I felt like you were holding back on winning competitions?? Its just that you won week three pov with ease. However I think that helped you because you were a final nom against big players (Darian, Kaelan) and you got to escape eviction because of that!
Elijah: ur a cracked ass FLOATER. But you made that up with your Charisma Uniqueness Nerve and Talent.
Ashley: I think you and Colin would be here right now if you didn’t use power of veto on Ruthie : \\ however your HoHs were so fucking strategic that I had troubles finding out what your intentions were until it was too late.
Ruthie: YOU WERE SCAMMING EVERYBODY RUTHIE!!! But i mean I was too so who am i to talk am i right??? A good thing about your game was that you played socially and were always aligned with the right people at the right time, keeping yourself under the radar.
Colin: i guess you shouldnt of trusted me?? but you stuck your neck out for me and still played an individual gameplay --------------------------
answered that in Dominic's question fksjdk so instead of repeating what I said to him. I want to give a rebuttal to all the things you pointed out. I’m not saying i played clean, when you make moves you make enemies.
The real reason i randomly called you to talk game was because i needed a different perspective. The way i think of game moves is the way people brain storm. I spew out a bunch of shit until a good idea comes out. Thanks to you talking to me, the game moves i made were thought out and the repercussion wasnt as bad.
If y’all feel backstabbed, you really shouldnt. Every eviction, i either told people or people already knew that i was evicting them. I was just playing for myself and not for y’all. In the grand scheme of things i was playing for me. I did what I had to do to make final 2, and i did exactly that. I hope yall aren’t too mad at me, and realize that I didnt play to lose. I just came to play dark in a game called big brother darkness, i’ve been playing big brother. I hope the jury knows that i dont hate any of yall personally and everything i did was to further myself to final 2. And here i am.
0 notes