Big Brother Darkness
95 posts
A Big Brother Season hosted by Rhea
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bigbrotherdarkness-blog ¡ 8 years ago
Video below: 
0 notes
bigbrotherdarkness-blog ¡ 8 years ago
Randy’s Answers
I’m… Dan I don’t hate you!!! Even though i looked like a bitch who took everything personally I took everything as a game move. I tried to work with you and you nominated me twice!! I just couldn’t convey myself to trust you again for the third time because i didnt want to get backstabbed again. I’m sorry you were taken out so late, you had a good game going, love you dan <3
1. The move that brought me to where im standing isnt the buyback. The move I did was taking a jab at the power duo of Ruthie and Ashley in final five. While I love these girls to death, at the time, I felt like I was losing Colin to them. And for me to make it to final two without stressing, I needed Jeff and Colin f3 with me. So when I won HoH, i decided to go against Colin’s wishes and make an individual move. So that meant instead of taking out Jeff (a person who would take me final 2) I took out Ashley (a person who I thought would cut me at final 4 or 3). This changed the whole dynamic for the rest of the game in a positive and negative way. The negative was that Ruthie and Colin really went to distrust me, while the positive was that I gained Jeff’s total trust, explaining why I’m in final 2 right now since he didn’t cut me final 3. 2. The people who deserve it the most to be honest are Ruthie and Colin. It’s not because I was aligned with them for most of the game, it was because they just played so damn well. Me and Colin always talked about game moves before executing them. While Ruthie had us all under her spell until I tried to expose her in final 5!! 3. Dan: Where is the love? Dominic: Dog days are over Jordan: Cough syrup Chrissa: Animal Ned: Marry The Night Elijah: Problem Ashley: ABC Ruthie: Candyman Colin: Teenage Dream
-------------------------- Jordan
Yall really aint leaving me any hair after these questions huh. I guess the only fake thing I didnt do was breathe, and thats borderline! To answer your question honestly, I wasn’t really that fake to anybody. I told Ruthie i was evicting her when it was her against Ned, I told Dan ahead of time that I would evict him if it ties, etc.. I love you all as individuals so i really didnt go behind anybody’s backs in this game to the point it would be called fake. --------------------------
I have done a lot of things that make me think I should deserve to win. One of these things is that, when compared to Jeff, I actually I had to work hard to get what I wanted. I wasn’t blessed with many premades, I was cursed with a preexisting enemies who already wanted me out . When I was nominated week 1 I knew my rat ass would have to play hard in order to make it as far as I could. So that lead to me to making alliances with some of the most active people in the house at the time, Chrissa, Colin, & Darian. I also started making underground relationships with you and also with Jeff and Ruthie. I was well aligned with mostly everybody in the house. And when I came back into the house, everything was practically handed to me.    Sure it looks bad that I was evicted, but it just proves my statement more that I had to work hard to get what I want. All that hard work before my eviction, paid back when I got back into the house. The alliances I left in prejury got back together and became even stronger. The wishy washy alliance that included Colin, Chrissa, Ashley, Ruthie, Andrew, and me, then became the alliance (without andrew, sorry bud) that ran the first part of jury when I came back. The alliance gave what I wanted, to get Dan and Dominic out.    Another reason I deserve to win this game is because of my strong ass social game. When the game started I was always talking, I never left the housechat dry whenever I spoke in it. I also sparked activity within the house when I did random ass housecalls, in which were also so much and led people like Colin to trust me and work with for practically the whole game! I had a shit ton of alliances, but even though most of them were kind of a hoax, they still took me farther one week at a time. I deserve this over Jeff 100% because jeff hasn’t been the most active houseguest, i was. Jeff didn’t win the most competitions in this game, I did (a whopping 2 hohs and 3 povs). I deserve it over Jeff because I stuck my neck out every week and gave it a 100%, while Jeff was nowhere to be found, hiding in the Dark Rooms, waiting to start playing (and just riding coattails) when it hit final 5. --------------------------
without talking in circles (read the other answers!) im going to bring up another reason on why i deserve to win.
Compare me to Jeff, Jeff lacks one thing i had throughout this whole entire game. a backbone.most of the moves i made, mostly everybody was affected, that led to pressure on me from other people and i had the will to keep my game the way i wanted to play it. when i evicted ashley in the tiebreaker i had to endure the pressure exerted from colin and ruthie. when I evicted Dan in the tiebreaker i had to endure the pressure from Dan and Dominic.
Jeff on the other does not deserve to win because he lacked a backbone. He hid in dark rooms for literally the whole entire game, he didnt take any chances. Maybe if he went in and got prizes I would cut him some slack. But he literally picked safety because he wanted to play this game safe. Its not hard to be a social player in an online reality game, anybody can make final 4 with just pming people every week. It is hard to make game moves and not leave the house. Which is what i did, from week 2 when I won a prize from the puzzles to final 4 when i cut ruthie.
I deserve it over Jeff because my gameplay is a harder game to play. Jeff will call himself a “floater” or “manipulator” but the only person he is facading is himself. He didnt take any real risks (or risks as heavy as mine) in his visible or “underground” gameplay. Me on the other hand? I played the hardest big brother strategy, comp threat social queen. And i still made final 2, while Jeff has done two things: evict Colin & CoHoH with Ashley. --------------------------
yeehaw 🐴🐎🍂 --------------------------
My biggest regret in this game was not using power of veto during the double! Me and Colin had this expert strategy to use our povs and make a big game move. However I think it was either you or Ruthie (probably BOTH!!) who had us so convinced that we thought Chrissa would stay. (Im so sorry Chrissa aa!! <3)
The person I originally wanted to take final 2 was Colin. We had a final two since day one, and even though I made other final 2 deals with Jeff and Ned, Colin’s was really special because he did so much for me. I won’t lie, I wouldn’t of minded losing to Colin in final 2, but since I lost my  best ally in final 3 what do i have to lose?? I believe that if I won part 2, it would’ve been me and Colin in the house still.
I don’t want to talk in circles about my gameplay (please go read the other answers!). My strategy makes me deserving because I played Big Brother the way you should play it. Cutthroat without many regrets. If I wanted to lose this game, I wouldn’t of won the prejury buyback. If I wanted to lose this game, I wouldn’t of won the most competitions in this season (2 HoHs, 3 PoVS). I played really socially before and after my eviction, I had alliances with the whole house excluding Dan Dominic and Jordan. I think I should win because the moves I made really changed the course of this game, when I came back it was a house divided (the 4 to 4 vote tie) half was with Dan, the other half wasnt! When I evicted Dan, everybody knew I didn’t come to play games, so mostly everybody became submissive. The people who were with Dan like Elijah and Jeff, then came to go against Dominic and Jordan because they wanted to convey themselves as allies and didnt want to gain attraction voting in the minority. I think it is impressive that the first three Jury evictions went the way I wanted them to. Jeff didn’t have that much control over this game, he wasn’t a puppet master, he didnt make any visible game moves that altered the course of this game. Every game move I did make, is the reason I’m here in final 2, and the reason why I should win because Jeff wasn’t making visible game moves, and probably not any impressive “underground” game moves either.
The person I really hated seeing the most go was Ruthie, like I won’t lie I cried after Ruthie got evicted. I know that seems ironic since I voted her out, it was just because I couldnt trust her if she would take me final 3 over Colin, somebody whom she has been loyal to. I hated seeing Ruthie go because she is literally a messanger sent by God. She worked so hard in this game while always being so damn happy! She made this game active, while always making everybody laugh in the houseguests sechat. I hated seeing such a great character like Ruthie leave (even though I would’ve loved for her to win over me), but I needed to separate my personal emotions from my gameplay. --------------------------
I was most loyal to Colin of course, from day 1 to the day he got evicted. I knew that he would end up hating me at the end of the game, but he was just so nice to me and shit that I didn’t care if he hated me. Me and Colin made a lot of game moves together (probably half the game moves of the season). We always strategized and thought about the different possibilities that I knew he was my strongest and wokest ally.  The reason he isn’t here is 50% Jeff cut him and 50% that I didn’t win part 2. I truly feel like if I had won part 2, no matter who won part 3, it would be me and colin answering these questions.
Ok yall been scalping me now its time to return the favor!!
Dan: A bad thing about your gameplay was that you knew how cut throat I played (meangirlsbb) but you still came after me! You probably would’ve made it here if you got on my good side! But at least you had the balls to go straight forward to take me out prejury!
Dominic: You kept on evicting me every chance you got and i HaD ENOUGH! oh FISH aLLy!!! You did play well socially since you finessed the shit out of me and colin and stayed week 2.
Jordan: You can’t insult a gameplay if a gameplay doesnt exist. Just Kidding, but your biggest miss steak was aligning (or making it look like) with the minority of the house. You were playing under the radar and probably aligned yourself with bigger targets in the game!
Chrissa: You just need to win one COMPETITION chrissa, and you’ll make f6 or higher in every game you play in!!! But you were literally the most active houseguest in that housechat, always responding and making conversation
Ned: I felt like you were holding back on winning competitions?? Its just that you won week three pov with ease. However I think that helped you because you were a final nom against big players (Darian, Kaelan) and you got to escape eviction because of that!
Elijah: ur a cracked ass FLOATER. But you made that up with your Charisma Uniqueness Nerve and Talent.
Ashley: I think you and Colin would be here right now if you didn’t use power of veto on Ruthie : \\ however your HoHs were so fucking strategic that I had troubles finding out what your intentions were until it was too late.
Ruthie: YOU WERE SCAMMING EVERYBODY RUTHIE!!! But i mean I was too so who am i to talk am i right??? A good thing about your game was that you played socially and were always aligned with the right people at the right time, keeping yourself under the radar.
Colin: i guess you shouldnt of trusted me?? but you stuck your neck out for me and still played an individual gameplay --------------------------
answered that in Dominic's question fksjdk so instead of repeating what I said to him. I want to give a rebuttal to all the things you pointed out. I’m not saying i played clean, when you make moves you make enemies.
The real reason i randomly called you to talk game was because i needed a different perspective. The way i think of game moves is the way people brain storm. I spew out a bunch of shit until a good idea comes out. Thanks to you talking to me, the game moves i made were thought out and the repercussion wasnt as bad.
If y’all feel backstabbed, you really shouldnt. Every eviction, i either told people or people already knew that i was evicting them. I was just playing for myself and not for y’all. In the grand scheme of things i was playing for me. I did what I had to do to make final 2, and i did exactly that. I hope yall aren’t too mad at me, and realize that I didnt play to lose. I just came to play dark in a game called big brother darkness, i’ve been playing big brother. I hope the jury knows that i dont hate any of yall personally and everything i did was to further myself to final 2. And here i am.
0 notes
bigbrotherdarkness-blog ¡ 8 years ago
Jeff’s Answers
What is your biggest regret? My biggest regret in this game oddly was taking as many dark rooms as I did. In the back of my mind, I was confident enough in my social game that I wouldn’t be nominated or voted out regardless, but I still wanted to ensure my safety anyways. I feel as if some people might look past my game for taking as many darkroom safety’s as I did. However, I feel as if I used them to my advantage and didn’t just sit back and not play while I was safe.
What person did you originally plan to take to f2? Throughout the entire game, the main two people I was working with were Dan and Elijah. I knew strategically that if Dan made it to the end, that I would have no shot at winning against him because he was a power player, was good at comps and was influential towards a lot of players. I was going to take Elijah because I feel that I could have beat him in the end and I was always loyal and looking out for him. I made sure that when he was on the block twice that he stayed in the game, even up to his eviction. However, Colin used his Ruby POV and was solely evicted due to that.
How does your strategy make you the best person to win? I think my strategy makes me the best person to win because although I was immune for majority of the game, I was still extremely social and used the dark rooms to my advantage, which I stated above. I didn’t know a lot of people entering this game. I knew Elijah, Ruthie and Dan, who at the beginning of the game, we weren’t friends at all. I knew that patching things up with Dan would work to my advantage in this game. I didn’t make alliances with the entire house, however I did talk to people and I was loyal to the people I spoke to often (Elijah, Dan, Ruthie and yourself). Whenever I was granted safety, a lot of people came to me and I was able to gather a lot of information and knowledge about the game and who was working together. Because of this, I was able to influence a lot of the votes and who went home. During the double, I made sure that Elijah was the one to stay because I wasn’t working with Jordan or Chrissa and I knew that Chrissa staying would benefit Randy more than myself. Once it came down to the wire, I decided to work with Randy to get out you, Ruthie and Colin because I knew that you three were super close and I would have had no chance at getting to the end otherwise.
Which houseguest did you most hate seeing leave? I honestly hated seeing Chrissa leave so much. Her and I weren’t super close game wise, however, she was always so honest with me in her decisions and votes. The only reason I voted her out is because I felt she was closer to Randy than to me. But I wish we had worked more closely together because I know she’s trustworthy.
Hi Ruthie!!
I know that a lot of people don’t hold my game up to the standard of Randy’s because he won competitions, however, I do think that my game was more strategic and under the radar. I was always planning out every move in my head. Once jury hit and Dan left, I knew that Ned, Jordan and Chrissa had to leave because they were the people that I spoke to the least and would probably not keep me safe had I won hoh. I honestly think my biggest move in this game was during my HoH. I played it really strategically I feel. Randy and Ashley were safe and I knew that Colin had a POV and I wanted Ned out but I knew Colin wanted Elijah out. So I nominated Colin and Ned off the bat, knowing Colin would use his POV to save himself, and then I put Ruthie up knowing that Elijah, Ashley and Colin would keep her 100%. I knew that Ned was social with other people minus myself.
However, I was using my social ties to get people to leave throughout the entire game. I knew that Dom wanted Elijah out, so I made sure that I spoke to Randy who didn’t get along with him and made sure that we would be able to get the votes to get Dom out (love you Dom). And during the double, I knew that my relationships with Ruthie and Ashley would ensure that Elijah stayed as well, and once Randy’s allies were evicted I knew that keeping him safe when I won hoh would make him put trust back in me but also make it seem like it was his idea.
And now onto people’s gameplay:
Ned- I just don’t think you were active enough to go super far in this game, however your personality is so kind and sweet that people really liked you and wanted to take you to the end!!
Ruthie & Ashley - I’m doing y’all together bc you’re such an iconic duo and that’s the negative aspect about your game. It literally amazed me that you guys didn’t get nominated WITHOUT darkrooms until final 5 and I honestly think that was your downfall, being a duo. You’re both such genuinely sweet people and I loved playing close with you guys!!
Dan - Honestly going after Randy was your biggest downfall bc it unfortunately came to bite you in the ass. But your passion for games and your ability to never give up is extremely admirable.
Dom - Dominic I feel like you trusted the wrong people because whenever you told people things it would always get back to me. However, I’m super proud of you for winning a competition and ily very much and you are loved by everyone :)
Elijah - hi bb, your game unfortunately fell short bc you didn’t really try hard bc you were so busy but somehow you were always targeted, probably bc ppl knew we were close. but you never gave up, and you always had protection from me and ruthie <3
jordan - honestly you were really funny and we literally just never got to know each other? but i know from talking to other people you were extremely well liked but you just kinda gave up at the end there :/
chrissa - hi queen. i think you unfortunately put too much trust in randy and i think that’s why people kind of swayed against you because you were a number for him to stay. a positive about your game is that you were always super honest with what you were doing and how you were voting which i really respect
COLIN - omg colin lol i feel bad typing this out right now bc you are there because of me. your game i feel is a lot similar to mine, however, i feel like you just fell short at the end by ignoring me and randy’s pleas to work with us, which let me know that i had no chance to work with you. this isn’t negative, but the jury loved you so thats pretty much why i evicted you. a positive though is that you sat back and let randy make moves for you! -----------------------------
Hi Chrissa <3
Thank you very much (for the game compliment, it’s weird responding to this as if you were standing in front of me)
I think I deserve to win because I think I played a perfect, honest, under the radar, social and strategic game. At the end of the day, the jury is going to vote for whichever type of gameplay they respect more. Not to say that Randy played a bad game, I just feel as if it was more flawed.
Throughout the entire game, I relied on one on one conversations and personal relationships with people to ensure my safety and to ensure who went home each week. I was in one TRUE alliance the entire game with Ruthie, Ashley and Elijah but that lasted maybe two weeks when Ashley nominated him which instantly let me know that she had other allegiances to Colin and Randy. Although people think I took the easy way out by taking dark rooms, I know that people would have taken it if they had the opportunity as well, I just used them to my full advantage. I was a vote every week, and people would constantly come to me and give me information which I used to figure out alliances and who was working together. I think people also wanted to work with me because they just assumed that I would be safe and in the dark room the following week. Even when I didn’t get dark rooms, I still wasn’t nominated.
I wasn’t nominated until final four with or without safety and I knew that near the end of the game that I didn’t even need to win competitions, minus the final hoh, to get me to the final two. -----------------------------
Hi Dom <3
1. Why do you think you deserve this win over Randy? I think I deserve to win this game over Randy because I feel that my game was more strategic. For starters, Randy was evicted and when he came back into this game he had to rely on dark rooms and competition wins because he knows that if he didn’t win those, he would have been evicted for a second time. I personally don’t think that competition wins equals a great game. Sure he had to fight to stay, but I think the fact that I never had to fight because I was so solid and confident in my game and social relationships, is even better. I think I maybe won 2 competitions the entire game and I don’t think I needed to, it was just the extra insurance to make sure that who I wanted out would leave.
2. What was the moment that improved your game and got you to final 2? I think the moment the improved my game was after Jordan and Chrissa left during the double. After that moment, I basically was working or in good graces with most of the people left in the game. I was working with Elijah, Ruthie and Ashley, me and Randy began to talk again because he didn’t have many people left, and me and Colin spoke occasionally about game. After the double, I was able to see a clear path to the end of this game using my social ties and the information that I had gathered from everyone throughout the weeks.
3. Give each juror a song covered on Glee based on their personality.
I’m gonna send youtube link of Glee based songs that I wanna dance to with you guys and matches your personalities.
Ruthie - You truly were the smooth criminal of this season in the best way possible. You weren’t nominated until final 5 without one damn dark room!! It’s incredible. Not to mention how you got ashley to sacrifice herself for you. iconic.
Colin - I don’t think this cover does any justice to the original. However, I think you fought through this entire game. I know you wanted to walk for personal reasons, and I really admire the fact that you stuck it out, kicked ass and made it to final three <3
Elijah - the name of this song speaks for itself <3 and its funky just like u!!
Ashley - you truly are as iconic as this song is. You really were such an amazing and you really did run this game. no doubt in my mind you would have won if you were in final 2 <3
Dan - um we’re literally trashy messes and love to drink and i feel like if we hung out irl this would sum up our saturday morning after a night out together lol <3 so glad we made up
Dom - i don’t know why this reminds me of you but i can picture us performing this performance together bc its one of my all time favs LOL ily
Chrissa - this song is so much fun and full of life just like you and i feel like marrying you would be super fun LOL
Ned - one of my fav performances. its so sweet and pure and genuine just like i feel you are honestly :)
Jordan - i picked this song for you bc i feel like you’re a bad bitch and we both like bad girls club and i feel like this is a bad bitch anthem that embodies who we really are inside -----------------------------
I think what makes me the most deserving to win is that people overlooked me the entire game whether I was in a dark room or not, because even when I wasn’t safe, people still talked to me, gave me information and I was ultimately safe regardless. I’m so used to playing games being targeted from the beginning and being a comp beast but it was refreshing being in a game where I didn’t have to do that because of my genuine relationships with people. And when I say genuine, I mean that I actually enjoyed every single person in this cast. We fought but at the end of the day, we were all civil and got along and were able to joke around with each other and enjoy each other’s company.
I think I played a super genuine and honest game. I was working with who I was working with and that was that. I was loyal to them, and even the people I wasn’t working with were loyal to me and gave me lots of information, confided me and trusted me. I didn’t have to be sneaky, use, and lie to people to make it to the end and i’m honestly so proud of that. I didn’t have to rely on anyone or competition wins to ensure my safety in the game.
Hello Colin :)
If we were gonna base a game off of game moves and game as a whole, I feel like Randy would win. However, like you both said, Randy was a meat shield and you were the puppet master who orchestrated the moves, he was just winning comps to make them happen.
I may not have been the HoH when people went home, but I did a lot of behind the scenes work to ensure that certain people stayed and certain people left. I don’t even think Randy had a bad social game, I just think he did a lot of people dirty in the game. He was evicted first of all at the beginning of the game, and when he came back he just relied on competition wins or else he would have been evicted again. I didn’t have to make alliances with the entire house that everyone saw through and I didn’t have to make final 2’s with everyone in the house either. People wanted to work with me and trust me because that’s what I gave to them. This game is about how you treat people to an extent and you literally get back what you give to people. People wanted Randy out because they knew he was working with the rest of the house. I had one set strategy that I went into the house with and it literally took me to the end of this game whether I was safe from a dark room or not.
I think the fact that I stayed completely under the radar this entire game is proof that I played a really well rounded game, because I may not have won as many competitions as Randy but I still won them when I necessary. I might not have been the HoH when people left, but that doesn’t mean that the HoH made those moves happen. Anyways, you played a great game, which in my eyes was similar to mine and I’m sorry I had to evict you. -----------------------------
You literally were my number one in this game. The only thing is that me and Elijah were closer on a personal level bc you and I had just made amends in the game which I’m super happy about. I knew that I had a better chance of getting further with you however you got evicted r i p. ilysm!! -----------------------------
Hi bb,
i think my biggest move in this game other than getting colin out was ensuring that chrissa and jordan left during the double because after that point I knew that I would be good with everyone left in the game and that people would gravitate towards me and trust me. I was only hoh twice, but I still made sure that certain people left including darian, jordan, chrissa and ned. and once it was at the end, i joined forces with randy to make sure that we would get ashley and ruthie out bc they would have won definitely in the end. -----------------------------
Jeff- What did you do in this game in general?
I don’t think I did a lot on the surface of this game. However, if you dig into the actual components of this game I think I did a lot of under the radar scheming and planning. I won 2 hoh’s, and I was safe majority of the game which allowed people to come to me and trust me, like I’ve said in a lot of my answers. I used my social relationships in this game to help dictate a lot of moves in the game that would ensure that the people i knew would get me to the end, would stay in the game.
sure i didnt win comps and i didnt have to “fight,” however i think i was overlooked in this game until it was too late and by that point people i didnt talk to were evicted or people i couldn’t beat in the end got evicted!
0 notes
bigbrotherdarkness-blog ¡ 8 years ago
For Part 2 of HOH, you will be playing ‘Hour To Win It,” and here is how it’s going to work, you will message your DR when you’re ready, and when you do, you will be given links to many quizzes. You’ll have ONE hour to complete as many of the games and quizzes as you can. This is a matter of playing it smart, and picking the things you are the best at. You only have an hour, and everything must be submitted within the hour. So if you start at 10:05, by 11:05 you’ll have to have submitted whatever you completed. if the clock hits 11:06, and you have not submitted, you get a score of 0! You will need to be on a computer for this. Your name will need to be in the URL Bar, and the current date and time must be on it. The quizzes will all be Sporcle quizzes because they are easy to make sure they were done properly. To ensure that you’re not just quitting quizzes, you need at least HALF the answers right on the quizzes for the submission to count. 
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bigbrotherdarkness-blog ¡ 8 years ago
Jeff could not compete in Part 1 of HOH, but he let me know! 
The winner of part 1, who is moving onto part 3 is 
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RANDY SCORE 0 IN ROUND 1. RANDY SCORED A 0 IN ROUND 3. RANDY SCORED A 0 IN ROUND 4 RANDY SCORED A 0 IN ROUND 5.  Randy chose to EDIT A MESSAGES, which is not fair because it said mess ups meant you needed to restart. You can’t argue that with me, because the post says you must restart. If you’re not going to follow the rules, don’t expect to win the comp. Sorry but it’s final HOH, and I’m not letting that slide. I even said I was going to verify it. And perhaps it was a mistake, but I said what I said in the post, and Colin restarted every time he messed up, I saw it happen. So this is the outcome! 
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bigbrotherdarkness-blog ¡ 8 years ago
Feb 28th- PART 1 HOH DUE+ Part 2
March 1st- PART 2 DUE + Part 3 DUE 
March 5th- ANSWERS DUE 
March 6th- FINALE (Might be live, might not be, we’ll see). 
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bigbrotherdarkness-blog ¡ 8 years ago
For Part 1 of final HOH, you will be playing “Fight To The Finish” and here is how it’s going to work: You will count as high as you can in FIVE sets of 5 minutes. You will be in charge of keeping time, and it will ONLY count if you start at times ending in 0 or 5. Meaning you can start at 10 or 10:05, but not 10:01 or 10:06, and I will check.  If you mess up you MUST restart or you will automatically get a score of 0 (this applies to each time you choose to count). 
NOW, there’s a little twist, once you’re done, you can choose to keep the amount or REMOVE the amount from someone else. There is no rules as to how much you keep or how much you take away, but you might want to play this smart. 
You cannot do your next round of counting until you have decided what you’re doing with the previous round.
The winner will automatically go to part 3! 
This is due TOMORROW @ 9:30EST!
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bigbrotherdarkness-blog ¡ 8 years ago
The winner of the FINAL POV IS RANDY
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bigbrotherdarkness-blog ¡ 8 years ago
Colin is HOH 
Noms: Randy and Jeff
For this POV competition, you will be competing in “tasks” and each task has a different point value. For some “tasks” only one of you will get points, some only two of you, some just three, and some all four of you. So read each task closely. This is the FINAL POV competition and this the most important one! So fight hard! You can do as little or as many tasks as you want. It is at your discretion, but the more you do, the more points you’ll score and you want to have the most overall points. 
COUNT to 500 and backdown to 0 in UNDER 5 minutes (2 Points) 
WRITE a poem about how much you love me (Must be at least 5 lines) (3 Points), if you make a voice recording of you reading it OR a video of you reading it you get 2 point BONUS 
Get people to vote in THIS POLL, the TOP 2 % will score (4 Points)- ONLY TWO OF YOU WILL SCORE. You can get people to vote from anywhere, and you can vote as well. And people can vote multiple times. 
Get a score of AT LEAST 60 000 In THIS GAME  (5 points) 
Get a TIME of 5:00 Minutes OR LESS in THIS PUZZLE  (5 Points)
Complete this SLIDE PUZZLE in the FASTEST time (3 Points)- ONLY ONE OF YOU WILL SCORE 
Play THIS game, and the top THREE scores will earn points (3 Points) 
COUNT to 1000 and backdown in 6 MINUTES OR LESS (5 Points. +1 point for every minute you have left on the clock)
COMPLETE THIS QUIZ  and the TOP THREE HIGHEST times(If you get a perfect score) (this quiz counts down), will score. (4 Points) 
Complete THIS PUZZLE, THE TOP LOWEST TIME will win this section (3 Points) 
Complete a video of you taking a shot of Hot Sauce (1 Point) 
Make a Voice OR Video DR that is at least 7 minutes long (1 Point) 
Choose THREE songs that make you think of me, and provide a 150 word explanation as to why you chose the songs. INCLUDE AT LEAST ONE LYRIC PER SONG IN THE EXPLANATION(this doesn’t count toward the 150 words). (5 Points) 
Find a Youtube Video that makes you think of me, and provide an 80 word explanation as to why you chose it. (2 Points) 
Make a Collage of the following people: Matthew Gray Gubler, Evan Peters, Jack Falahee, and Finn Wittrock. (At least 2 pictures of them each) (2 Points) 
TIE BREAKER: How many total points were scored in this competition? 
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bigbrotherdarkness-blog ¡ 8 years ago
Last week, Randy won HOH, and he chose to nominate Ruthie and Ashley for eviction. 
The POV was a word search, and Ashley won the POV. She chose to save Ruthie! 
Randy chose Colin to take Ruthie’s place. 
The vote was 1-1 and RANDY had to break the tie. Randy chose to evict Ashley! 
The final 4 is : Jeff, Ruthie, Colin and Randy. They are currently competition in Final 4 HOH, which ends tonight at 11EST! 
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bigbrotherdarkness-blog ¡ 8 years ago
Ruthie and Ashley are nominated for eviction. 
For this POV Competition, you will be playing “Search It For The Win,” and here is how it’s going to work. When you’re ready, you will message me and you will be given a link to word search. Once you get the link, your time will begin. You must submit your image with the words circled, along with a list of the words you have found. You will be given a wordbank. The goal is to complete the wordsearch in the shortest amount of time. 
The competition is due by tomorrow, Feb 24th, 2017@7:30EST! POV ceremony will be at 8:30EST and Eviction will be @10:30EST! 
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bigbrotherdarkness-blog ¡ 8 years ago
For this HOH competition, you’ll be playing Traveling to the darkside and here is how it’s going to work: Below is a list of FIVE boxes, each with a different point value attached. In each round, you must enter a box. BUT there is a catch. 
If you are the ONLY person in the box, you get the full amount of points, if TWO people choose the same box, then you will each get HALF the amount of points that is value. IF 3 OR MORE OF YOU enter the box, you will LOSE the amount of points for that box. 
Box 1: 46 Points
Box 2: 30 Points
Box 3: 10 Points
Box 4: 28 Points
Box 5: 12 Points 
There are SIX rounds, so submit your choices from rounds 1-6 by tomorrow @10:00EST! 
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bigbrotherdarkness-blog ¡ 8 years ago
COLIN won a ruby POV, which is a power of veto that allows you to play it AFTER the votes have been read. 
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bigbrotherdarkness-blog ¡ 8 years ago
It’s time to find out who has been evicted this week. 
By a vote of 3-0 
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bigbrotherdarkness-blog ¡ 8 years ago
It’s time to find out who won the POV. 
With a perfect score of 21 
Your decision is due tonight by 10EST! 
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bigbrotherdarkness-blog ¡ 8 years ago
For this power of veto, you’ll be playing “Movie Night” and here is how it’s going to work. Below, are links to FOUR videos, in which you must study and study as well as you can. When you’re ready, message me and I’ll link you to the quiz. I would suggest studying as much as you can because once you get the link, you’ll only have 10 minutes to answer the questions. 
Here are the videos: 
You have until tomorrow, Feb 18th, 2017 @10:00EST to complete this POV. 
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bigbrotherdarkness-blog ¡ 8 years ago
Ruthie has chosen to nominate 
Here is what Ruthie had to say: 
 Okay, here are my reasons for nominating the two of you—
Randy- you are one of the nicest people I know, that being said you are a social, competition, and a strategic threat.  I don’t want to be sitting next to you in final two if I make it that far.  Good luck in the Power of Veto, I love you dearly and as happy as I was that you won the buyback- you have to go.  <3
Elijah- I love you SO much.  Please don’t take this personally.  You are my son <3.  As much as I loved getting second place next to you when you won Trashy 4, I don’t want to get runner up sitting next to you again.  I know, that’s a stupid reason to nominate someone, because this is a new game but there you go!  You are not my target this week and good luck in the POV!
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