#he's about to make arwen really sad too
lordgrimwing · 9 months
Friends and Family #05
“Hello, Arwen,” Elrond greeted the black-haired teen sitting on the living room couch surrounded by a veritable blizzard of note paper. He continued to the kitchen before she responded. The hospital was an absolute madhouse today. He felt so worn down that he was considering asking Celebrían if they could reschedule their date to another day.
In the kitchen, he set his backpack down on the counter and sighed. He rubbed his tired eyes and let his shoulders slump with exhaustion. He could really do with a nap but he knew if he laid down now, he either wouldn’t be able to fall asleep tonight or else he’d wake up far too early tomorrow. One of those days.
“Hi, Dad,” Awren said. The fourteen-year-old smiled as she came down the stairs. “Mom said to tell you she’d be back in twenty minutes with Elladan and Elrohir. They forgot their homework at school, again.”
He sighed and sagged against the counter, knee hitting the pan cupboard. How did the twins manage to not bring home their schoolwork so consistently? Did the teacher not check that all the kids had their assignments before sending them home? What were they doing? “Thank you for letting me know.”
“No problem.” She grabbed a bottle of apple juice from the fridge.
He paused, brain catching up to what was happening. “Weren’t you just in the living room?” He asked.
“No,” She grabbed two cups from the drying rack beside the sink. “I was upstairs.”
He blinked. “Who’s in the living room?”
“Maeglin. We’re making a presentation for our Middle-earth history class.” She gave him a look that said that as her father, he should have known that.
“Oh, right.”
He accompanied her back into the living room. Sure enough, the child sitting on the couch was Maeglin. Elrond wondered how he mistook the pale teen for his daughter. Yes, they both had dark hair, but his black hair was cut short around his ears in a style more common in young children who couldn’t be expected to look after it. He wore an oversized t-shirt from a dwarf-human metal band that probably would have gotten him sent to the office if he had it on at school. Definitely not something Arwen would dare do; she'd never gone to the principal's office for anything other than a student of the month award.
“Hi, Maeglin,” Elrond greeted. 
The teen looked up. The purple circles under his eyes were worse than usual. “Hello, Mr. Marillion,” He muttered and then looked down again at the textbook in his lap.
Elrond and Celebrían suspected that Maeglin’s home life was less than ideal, something more than being a latch-key kid whose parents were gone too much. Celebrían saw his mother at a parent-teacher conference once, though she hadn’t been able to catch up to her to talk to finally meet the mother of the child her daughter had been friends with for several years. She looked harried, hair flying out of a sagging bun and stress lines marking an otherwise young face. They’d never seen his father, though Arwen said he occasionally mentioned him. As it often did, concern stirred in Elrond’s chest for the child. He’d always rebuffed any attempts to connect or learn more about his family life, though, and there was little they could do at this point other than make sure he felt welcomed in their home.
Arwen put the juice and cups down on the book table, pushing aside neatly written note pages (clearly hers) to make room for them. “We’re just doing an assignment, Dad. You don’t need to watch us.”
“Right,” He said with a tired smile. 
There was an awkward few months at the start of the school year where they declared themselves as girlfriend-boyfriend. Other than a very nervous and sweaty Maeglin taking Arwen to a sophomore dance, and occasional uncomfortable hand-holding, very little about their relationship changed. Elrond felt like he had to chaperone dates/hanging out anyway when he was around. Celebrían laughed about it and hadn’t been at all surprised when Arwen came home from school one day and announced that she and Maeglin were back to being just friends. Turns out, they really only got together because the other kids said they were dating, so they had to be girlfriend-boyfriend. Their daughter was a little embarrassed about the whole thing now.
“Well, call if you need anything. Mom and I might get pizza for dinner.”
Both teens perked up at the suggestion. 
“That’d be awesome, Dad. Thanks!” Arwen said, then turning to the other, she added, “You can stay for dinner, right?”
Maeglin nodded. “Yeah.”
Elrond walked back through the kitchen and settled in one of the chairs at the dining room table so he could finally sit down without interrupting the presentation-making extravaganza. He wondered how Celebrían would feel about pizza and a movie in bed as their date night. Would she mind if he fell asleep partway through? Probably not if they were cuddling.
He’d have to ask when she got home with the twins.
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thelordofgifs · 9 months
Ranking all the Kings of Gondor
Based on what, you may ask? Vibes. Let's go.
Eldacar. Twenty-first King. THE bestest boy in the legendarium. The hero of the Kin-strife, the archetype of immigrant child trauma, the exiled king, the vengeful father... we love him so so so much ok!!
Aragorn. First High King of the Reunited Kingdom. Yes I know your list would put him at the top but this is my list and I do what I want. Anyway he's wise and kind and "the hands of the king are the hands of a healer" and he's brave and clever and has an excellent fairy-tale romance going on and I am very much not immune to Viggo Mortensen covered in blood with unwashed hair.
Elendil. First High King. He's brave he's cool he's wise he DEFEATED SAURON. Love him.
Isildur. Second High King (co-ruler). Justice for my boy the movies did him so so dirty!! Anyway he saved the line of the White Tree and fought so so bravely and he did his best. I will not countenance Isildur slander actually.
Valacar. Twentieth King. Ranks this highly mostly because he's my blorbo Eldacar's father, but Valacar is cool! His father sent him to the Northmen to build an alliance and Valacar promptly fell in love with their chief's daughter instead. And then Vidumavi died long before he ever even became King and you have to wonder if Valacar feared he would outlive his children too :(
Aldamir. Twenty-third King. Also ranking highly mostly because of genetic proximity to my guy, but Aldamir is sooo tragic actually. He's a second son who never should have become King except his older brother was MURDERED and maybe he spent the rest of his life trying to live up to him!! Also he was also killed in battle which I am sad about. This family cannot catch a break.
Eärnur. Thirty-third and last King. This is the idiot who challenged the Witch-king of Angmar to single combat and was never seen again, but I have a soft spot for him on account of. that was really sexy.
Eldarion. Second High King of the Reunited Kingdom. We don't know much about Aragorn and Arwen's son, but movie!Eldarion is very cute which is enough to earn him a high rank.
Rómendacil II. Nineteenth King. An all-round competent guy who ruled as regent for years for first his lazy uncle and then his lazy father. Built the Argonath!! Also he's Eldacar's grandfather which again earns him points.
Eärnil II. Thirty-second King. Ended up with the crown after his predecessor and both his sons were killed in battle (although NOT his daughter. JUSTICE FOR FÍRIEL). Anyway Eärnil strikes me as a decent guy who was doing his best. Props to him for taking pains not to alienate the Dúnedain of Arthedain.
Ondoher. Thirty-first King. The aforementioned predecessor, who is mostly ranked highly because I feel bad that he died :( and he tried to ensure Gondor would still have an heir to the throne if he and his eldest son were killed! But his youngest son joined the battle in disguise and got killed anyway!
Minardil. Twenty-fifth King. Another tragic one, he was Eldacar's great-grandson and was slain in battle by the descendants of Castamir. I am upset about this.
Meneldil. Third King. We don't know much about him, but he was the first solo ruler of Gondor and also the last child born in Númenor before the Downfall, which is cool.
Telumehtar. Twenty-eighth King. Finally got rid of the last descendants of Castamir, excellent work.
Calimehtar. Thirtieth King. Defeated the Wainriders attacking Gondor in a great alliance with the Northmen, which we love to see. Also he built the White Tower of Minas Anor! Good for him.
Anárion. Second High King (co-ruler). He was initally a lot higher on the list because I feel for him always being overshadowed by his father and brother, but then I learned he was killed by a THROWN ROCK which is kind of pathetic ngl. Sorry, Anárion.
Tarondor. Twenty-seventh King. Had the unenviable task of rebuilding the realm after it was ravaged by the Great Plague, but unfortunately he moved out of Osgiliath for good (which makes me unreasonably sad. I love Osgiliath) and also allowed the watch on Mordor to lapse for good.
Eärendil. Fifth King. We don't know much about him, but his name is nice.
Anardil. Sixth King. We don't know much about him, but his name is also nice.
Telemnar. Twenty-sixth King. Died in the Great Plague, sad for him I guess.
Narmacil II. Twenty-ninth King. Slain in battle with Wainriders, made no impression on me at all.
Siriondil. Eleventh King. We know very little about him, but that's a good name.
Cemendur. Fourth King. Boring and doesn't even have a good name.
Turambar. Ninth King. Mainly this low down because THAT'S A TERRIBLE NAME WHAT ARE YOU THINKING.
Hyarmendacil II. Twenty-fourth King. Defeated the Haradrim in battle, good for him I guess.
Atanatar I. Tenth King. No personality. I don't like his name either.
Rómendacil I. Eighth King. Defeated some Easterlings in battle, but apparently not very well because they later killed him. Oh well.
Ciryandil. Fourtheenth King. A Ship-king, and I don't like Ship-kings (mostly because Castamir tried to be a Ship-king).
Ostoher. Seventh King. Didn't do much, although he started the practice of the King spending his summer in Minas Anor. Good for him? I guess?
Eärnil I. Another Ship-king. Died in a great storm, which is one of the perils associated with being a Ship-king!
Calmacil. Eighteenth King. Generally incompetent. Gains a couple of points for being Eldacar's great-grandfather.
Narmacil I. Seventeenth King. Also pretty incompetent. He let his nephew do all the work of ruling for him.
Atanatar II. Sixteenth King. Lived in indolence and splendour, and neglected the watch on Mordor which was not very wise of him!
Hyarmendacil I. Fifteenth King. Ok he actually sucks. The King who defeated the Haradrim and instituted the practice of taking their sons as hostages to live in the court of Gondor.
Tarannon. Twelfth King. The first of the Ship-kings, also known for his loveless marriage to his wife Berúthiel who gets blamed for everything for some reason.
Castamir the Usurper. (Technically) twenty-second King. Should not be on this list and is here purely so that I can say. FUCK. THIS. GUY.
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Hiiiiiiiii !!! First hello glad your reading this, wanted to say, you write absolutely amazing! Love it.
This is a request, hope your interested.
Can you write Chubby Reader x Larissa. Where Reader and Larissa are married and by Larissa efforts ( unprotected shape-shifted sex ) reader gets pregnant. While there’s a parents meeting in the school, (students knows that pregnant Reader & Larissa are married with a baby on there way, parents don’t know.) a single student’s father begins to flirt and try to seduce a 6 month pregnant Reader thinking she’s single. Larissa turns passive aggressive and manages to run the single father away, and showing everyone who Reader belongs too by wrapping a hand around Reader’s swollen middle and resting a hand on Reader beautiful baby bump. In the night in the privacy of their bedroom, Larissa shape-shifted cock pounds Reader’s needy wet cunt, to show her who she belongs to, while gently grasping Reader’s baby bump on her hands and moaning about how gorgeous reader is by being pregnant with her child and how she will keep reader always pregnant. (Can you put Heavy breeding kink, mommy kink, doggy position, cock warming.)
Bump 18+
*Authors note~ i couldn’t seem to fit cock warming in their im sorry! This is one of my favourite tropes though I had a blas writting it*
Trigger warnings~ heavy breeding kink, mommy kink dom l sub r pregnant r shifted dick praise kink worship? Oc jake mentioned
Prompt~see ask^^^^
Marrying Larissa Weems is nothing short of a dream come true, but carrying her child? Out of this world. By the gift Larissa was bestowed with you were blessed with a beautiful baby girl that you we're currently six months pregnant with. Your little Arwen Saige would be here soon, the students of Nevermore were all buzzing at the prospect of a new arrival, they even went as far to throw a little baby shower last weekend. It was adorable and such a surprise for you and Larissa. You'd have to remember to thank Enid for that day.
This weekend was parent's weekend so you made sure to adorn a lose fitting dress to conceal your beautiful bump just enough to make it slightly less noticeable to the parents. It went smoothly at the start, parents weren't really taking much notice of the potions teacher, Larissa did her speech before settling down at the table with you and some students who's parents didn't come to see them. It was sad but some of the students had been at this very same table since their first year and had got use to the disappointment but some were new and fresh faced, and struggling to understand what was happening now. The look of abandonment fresh in their eyes alongside poorly hidden tears.
When it came to mingling you were immediately caught in a conversation with Jakes dad about how his grades were poor. Truly he should be doing better than he was but he was a very complicated young man and you knew his mental health was struggling. He mentioned the recent death of his late wife and how Jake needed a mother figure. Jake did nothing but rave about you and apparently that made you a prime candidate.
Larissa couldn't help herself, she noted the way he looked at you. Her wife. Like you were free and claimable, you were not. You are hers. She immediately came to stand behind you and place her hands on your baby bump, moving the clothing to show the bump more defined. A simple kiss to your cheek, and a gentle rub to the bump as Arwen kicked her other mothers hand. With a sickly sweet smile, Larissa managed to tear you away from his preying eyes, guiding you away with her hands on your bump showing everyone who's you both were.
The rest of the day went smoothly, you sticking with Larissa as she placed her hand on your stomach whenever she could, a soothing measure. As soon as you both retired to your bedroom Larissa was on you instantly, her lips making home on your neck and leaving purple blemishes in their wake. "Ris" you whined tilting your head back to give her more skin to work on. You're pregnancy hormones had been wild recently, alongside cravings. But this, the need to be taken by her over and over again. An insatiable desire for her to help you. "Ris please please I need you" you whimpered with need as you moved her hand off the bump and to your needy core as best as as you could do. "Okay darling, I know love. Mommy's gonna fix it baby, gonna stuff your needy cunt with cum until it can't hold anymore" she purred while shifting her anatomy.
"Mommy" you mewled feeling it pressing into your body as she tore through the clothing creating a barrier between both of you. That was how you found yourself on your back Larissa mercilessly pounding into your absolutely soaked cunt walls. One hand on the mattress to hold herself up while the other hand caressed where Arwen laid. Her mouth working on showering your swelling breasts with love and attention, taking extra care as you were feeling sensitive these days. "Mommy! God mommy I god fuck" you whimpered as the head of her dick bumped against your cervix repeatedly.
"God, the way you're gripping me darling, can't wait to fill you up with my cum. You're so beautiful like this. All round and full of our child. Gonna stuff you full with my cum. You're always gonna feel me inside you baby. Gonna keep you pregnant with my children forever. God these breasts, the way they got bigger as you prep for our Awren" she panted and moaned with the labour of her thrusts. With your heightened sensations due to your hormones, it wouldn't take much more to having the coil snapping and throwing you into pools of ecstasy. The same process happened time and time again in different positions, Larissa’s favourite was you on your hands and knees as she supported your bump.
You came with her hand caressing your stomach as your fluttering walls clamped down around her shaft which triggered her own climax. Larissa's warm white spurts of cum painting your walls white. One thing pregnancy had done for you meant your orgasms were that much more overwhelming now but also you became sensitive quicker. "Mommy, no more please no more" you whined causing Larissa to hush you as she worked you both down and cleaned you both up. Truthfully she could've gone round after round with you but not wanting to hurt you or Arwen she happily settled between your legs to place sweet little kisses on your bump. "Hi baby girl, mommy loves you wen wen, so so much. You're gonna be the most beautiful baby every darling, gonna take after your momma."
Arwen choose that moment to kick you stomach, where Larissa's lips had just pressed. "Oh you cheeky little monkey. "We love you so much Wen now you be a good girl and not keep momma up tonight my darling" she murmured before she gave your daughter one more kiss goodnight. "Ris?" You whimpered, "I uh um I'm craving orange sorbet." Larissa chuckled and moved to grab a cover, "right away my queen, we must give our princess what she requires."
Word count~ 1205
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i-did-not-mean-to · 11 months
Soft Cuddles
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Today is my wedding day, yes, really.
Whatever, here is today's Novemberstory because I am nothing if not obsessive <3
Characters: Glorfindel and a whole lot of other people
Words: 1 655
Warnings: many cuddles, little sad, cultural differences
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Glorfindel had learned a good many things that others could never even imagine—he had wrestled a Balrog, he had known death and re-embodiment, and he had met the mighty Valar after the Great Sundering of the Doom of the Ñoldor.
Dark and terrible were many of his experiences and haunted his wisdom, but—on some days—he considered them a welcome price to pay for the immeasurably beautiful pieces of knowledge that were his own.
“Come here,” he whispered and slung his arms around Erestor who was in a particularly foul mood on this misty morning.
As soon as the solid warmth of his strong body seeped into the tender flesh and delicate bones of his lover, Glorfindel felt him relax against his chest and released a shivering, relieved sigh of his own.
“How did you—” Erestor murmured, ashamed now of a need he did not share with most of his peers.
“I once had the honour of watching over Eärendil,” the golden-haired revenant explained in soothing accents. “I myself was raised in a gaggle of elflings—kin and friends—and we grew too fast and were too carefree in our blessed serenity to ever cling to our parents overmuch.”
Picking his temperamental colleague up, Glorfindel carried him over to a window to cradle him on his lap while whispering his most precious confessions into his perfectly shaped ear.
“Eärendil was the first child I had seen in a long time, and he was different. He yearned to be held, carried, hugged, and Eru knows, I was eager and happy to comply. I seem to recall now that there must have been days when I did not set the boy down for a single moment—I’d even hide from his parents just so they could not snatch him away from me.” He gave a heavy sigh of regret and longing at the bittersweet memory of the soft hair and pealing laughter of his little protégé.
“Those were different times, and the safety of the Hidden Kingdom was a fraught, ever-threatened dream,” he went on in a voice that grew increasingly hollow with pain.
“Later, oh so much later, I came here to find that Elrond—my very own darling prince’s son—harboured much the same needs and desires as his father, and so did his children in turn.”
“Glorfindel,” Erestor gasped. “Are you telling me that you sneak around hugging not only children but grown Elves? Our Lord? His formidable sons? His noble daughter?”
Shrugging sheepishly, Glorfindel adjusted his hold on Erestor’s frame and settled his chin against the crown of his dark-haired head tenderly.
“I have the arms for that,” he said, a hint of insecurity and guilt sneaking into his tone. “You cannot imagine the relief and the joy I’ve drawn from the knowledge that the strong build that makes me an excellent fighter also allows me to offer comforting embraces. We all need redemption sometimes.”
“You are indeed very good at this,” Erestor mumbled sleepily. “I feel unafraid and soothed by the way you hold me tight. Maybe, we should make this a generally accepted behaviour, so you don’t have to do it in secret, and I don’t have to feel so embarrassed about enjoying hugs so much?”
“That is a stellar idea,” Glorfindel replied and smiled blissfully at the empty room.
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“Safe travels!” Elladan and Elrohir stood at the gates, smiling brightly at Glorfindel as he led his horse by the reins.
“Erestor will be insufferable,” Arwen groaned, her beautiful face puckered with dread. “He always is when you’re away.”
Leaning closer to her until his cheek touched hers ever so lightly, Glorfindel whispered into her ear that she should try hugging him every now and then.
“Does he not smell like dust and death?” Elrohir joked but regained his composure immediately when a hard, unamused glare hit him.
Smiling wickedly, Arwen seemed to consider that new-found piece of information for a moment and then nodded slowly.
“Yes,” she said, “that, I can do. I remember quite well how you used to rock me in your arms, singing songs that were highly inappropriate but eminently entertaining for an elfling such as I was.”
“Don’t let your father hear you,” Glorfindel squeaked, and—sweeping the tall, graceful lady into his arms—he threw her into the air until she was breathless with laughter.
“You,” she wheezed, “are one of my best childhood memories.”
“And ours,” the twins added; they were checking Glorfindel’s pack and saddle like they always had, and he gave them the same serious, grateful smile they remembered from the time when he still had had to hold them aloft so they could tug at various straps and nod ponderously.
“Your childhood,” he replied as he hoisted himself onto the back of his trusty steed, “is one of my most cherished recollections as well. Be kind to Erestor, and I shall be back before you even have time to miss me.”
As he looked back at the proud descendants of his dearly missed Eärendil, his heart was full, and he whistled a wistful song as he rode out to honour a promise he had once given.
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“Welcome to our—my father’s realm,” Legolas laughed, scratching his head sheepishly.
“Have you been back long?” Glorfindel asked, interested, and beamed when a burly, stout frame moved into view.
“The Lord of the Glittering Caves,” he exclaimed, genuinely happy to find Gimli in good health; they had conversed but very briefly before the Council in Imladris, but Glorfindel had listened to his tales with rapt interest.
At that time, he had also been invited to visit the Greenwood Realm—after the threatening shadow had been vanquished—and Glorfindel had ever been one to honour the word he had given.
The trees were different here, he thought, dark, old, and—if he was not very much mistaken—as ill-tempered as his very own lover could be at times.
“I shall have a small repast brought up,” Legolas cheered, excited to share the much-doubted and abnegated hospitality of his native kingdom with honoured guests.
Waiting in relaxed expectation, Glorfindel soon found out that Lord Gimli had as many questions about the Elven folk—he apparently only believed half of what Legolas told him on pure principle—as Glorfindel had about the elusive Khâzad.
“Are you all as stuffy as his father?” Gimli asked, jabbing a well-spiced drumstick forcefully into the quiet, fragrant night air. “I know my friend here is quite a jokester, but is the average Elf more like King Thranduil or more like Legolas?”
Glorfindel’s eyes grew round with surprise, and he cocked his head—making the small, festive bells braided into his hair jingle—and gave the matter some thought before answering.
“As you can clearly see,” he said, giving his hair another merry toss, “not all of us are very stern and dignified. As for the average elf—”
He fell silent and shuddered. “There—thankfully—is no such thing. I would say that King Thranduil can, at times, be the most formal and pompous of those who remain, but, then again, most of the High Lords and Ladies are undoubtedly very impressive.”
“Has time to become all that,” Glorfindel interrupted kindly. “At the same time, I’ve lived a very long time, and it has never happened for me, so don’t take my word for it.”
As the evening progressed, and the wine flowed, Glorfindel was soon overcome by a flood of longing when he thought of his loved ones in Imladris.
“Is he sad? Will he die now?” Gimli asked Legolas in a slightly alarmed tone.
“No,” Legolas laughed. “I dare say Lord Glorfindel is homesick.”
“Aren’t you pointy-eared tree-huggers always melancholy and yearning for some lost place?” Gimli commented dryly, scratching his beard and setting aside the wetting stone he had been passing over his axe in practised, regular movements.
“Can we help, Lord Glorfindel?” Legolas then inquired politely, ready to sneak into his father’s private reserve to fetch some of the rarer and more precious treats this Kingdom had to offer.
Startled by his words, Glorfindel was quick to wave aside their touching concerns.
“D’ya need a hug, Elf?” Gimli asked after having observed Glorfindel for a moment in contemplative silence. “I know your kind usually does not hold with that kind of physical affection—drastic, they’d call it, I am sure—but you look like you could do with one.”
To his surprise and delight, Glorfindel eagerly accepted that offer and extended his arms to welcome the strong, densely muscled arms that were slung around his midriff like ropes of braided steel.
“I…I find that I have been changed by the people around me,” he explained with an apologetic smile; even though he was not typically one to feel uncomfortable or even ashamed about the way he led his life, he felt nevertheless that he owed the prince of the realm an explanation for his highly unusual, nay even inappropriate, behaviour.
“Oh,” Legolas chuckled. “No need to justify this to me. After the tragic loss of my mother, my father would hug and cuddle me often, and I do not hesitate to admit that Gimli and I quite enjoy exchanging physical gestures of affection.”
“Skinny as a twig,” Gimli muttered good-humouredly. “All skin and bones.”
“Yes,” Legolas added, nodding wisely. “My dearest friend also insists on feeding me well—he is inordinately worried about my well-being.”
Eyebrows rising in bewilderment, Glorfindel wanted to object that—if anything—it was incumbent on Legolas to tend to the various vital needs of a being so woefully prone to illness and death, but his host almost imperceptibly shook his head.
“We all have our ways of expressing affection and support,” Legolas said and stretched out on the soft forest floor with a deep sigh. “And I, for one, think all of them are wonderful!”
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Thank you so much for reading <3
-> Masterlist for November (by @cilil)
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thranduilswifesblog · 2 years
Just spend my time to annalyzed the detail Robert Aramayo gave to us as the young version of lord Elrond. Cause I'm bored, and this post literally spend me like almost 4 hours! So if you didn't like it, comment, or reblog it. Melkor will haunts you! (Just kidding. It's not Melkor, but Saruman)
The first detail is when he hold something with his hands
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Hugo's hands is so pale, long, and beautiful. (Okay I need to stop) and so do Robert's. And Hugo managed to hold anything, or touch anything so gracefully, wether is it a sword or a piece of old paper. And as you can see, Robert do the same with anything he touch. he will move his fingers slowly, but slightly stomp firmly as a statement
The little smirk/smiles
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Just like Hugo did in The Hobbit, while he talked to Bilbo. He will stares directly to your eyes and then just pulled the corners of his lips, and gave the impression of a smirk or a little smile. Robert nailed that too!
The pose and the way he stand
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Hugo Elrond stood tall, confident. he gives off a charismatic impression, and is also a gentle leader. Robert slightly imitated how Hugo posed, but he didn't overdo it. In here he still counts as a young Herald, and not a lord. This what I hates about Amazon's costume departement (sorry boys), he makes Elrond's clothes is to baggy, and gave him this kind of cloack, and it's bad for his body shape. And it don't give his body shape a statement like they do with Arondir or Gil Galad. While on the other side Peter Jackson nailed the costume. They literally highlight his tits body shape, especially his waist.
The serious side profile
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This is why I think Robert is the perfect choice for Elrond. His facial features is really looks like Hugo's. They have the same line, same gaze, almost same lips. The different is Hugo's eyebrows is sharper than Robert's. but Robert's jawline stronger than Hugo's. Cause Hugo is Older in here, but if you checked his early work in the 80s the jawline is literally as strong as Robert's
The Sad confused gaze
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Hugo Elrond gave us a full of emotion in his eyes, when Arwen confronts him and said she choose Luthien's path. Hugo just staress at her right in the eyes, and I don't know how this man did that. But you can see light tears in his eyes. He don't squished it, neither let it fall. But we know he is crying and confused in the inside. And once again, Robert nailed it, you can clearly sees in his eyes he's so confused but also sad when he though he must abandoned middle earth
Say what you want to say about Robert as Elrond, but he's perfect and he understand about the character he has to played. And he also said that when he was a kid he used to takes his mum sheets and dresses as Elrond. What a cute boy! And now he's the Elrond. He's not trying to replaced Hugo, and no one can't. But he's trying to connecting the younger character he played to Hugo. And the little detail he gave is incredible, you'll not gonna notice except you watched both of their version over and over. But that's the point. He wants is as subtle as possible to the audience.
Kudos to Robert Aramayo!
And I borrowed some of the gift from @elronds-pointy-ears thank you for let me borrow your stuff! 💙💙❤❤
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frodo-with-glasses · 1 year
More Reading Thoughts: The Epilogue, Version Two
Like all good writers, Tolkien couldn’t quite make up his mind how he wanted to write this part. Once again tagging @lady-merian and thanking her for her patience X-D
Jirt’s Text
“…with many pauses for thought he was writing in his slow round hand…” I chose to believe this refers not only to the printed script but to the actual hand that’s writing it X-P
*Smash Bros title screen* Primrose joins the battle!
It’s Elanor’s birthday :-D
Elanor has red-gold hair confirmed
Sam: Only you have heard the whole Book more than once. Elanor, being Very Precise: Three times.
Hello yes Elanor is adorbs and I love her
Mirkwood is called Greenwood now!
Sam, sighing: “These questions and answers aren’t fit to go in a book like that. :-(” Meanwhile, Sam, literally in a book:
“Mr. Meriadoc might help me. He’s clever at writing, and he’s making a splendid book all about plants.” Confirmed: Merry is an herb nerd and I would die for him
Sam still says Elanor is just as pretty if not prettier than her flower, and she’s still like “okay Dad” LOL
“Though it’s over, as we say, things don’t really end sharp like that.” Way to elbow the readers for criticizing your 13,594 endings, Tolkien
“I think it was very sad for him. And for you, Sam-dad. For your treasure went too.” HI HELLO YES OKAY IT IS FRODO TIME
YOUR TREASURE holy honey-nut feelios i die
“It was sad, Elanorellë. It was, but isn’t now.” (Tolkien I see you but I’m still gonna write angst and you can’t stop me ‘cause you’re dead)
Sam takes comfort in the fact that Frodo got his reward, and he himself got abundant reward as well. “I am a very rich hobbit.” And one more thing:
“Before he went Mr. Frodo said that my time maybe would come. I can wait. I think maybe we haven’t said farewell for good. But I can wait.”
WAIT. ELANOR WANTS TO GO WITH HIM. “I shall not part with you, like Arwen did with Elrond.”
Okay okay okay if you don’t have this book, you’re not gonna believe me, but I swear this is a 100% verbatim quote:
Elanor: Good night, Sam-dad. But… Sam: I don’t want good night but.
I freakin’ love Lord of the Rings 🤣
Elanor “spied” and saw Sam receive the scroll from the King! Just like the Conspirators spied on Frodo and the Ring! And Sam goes “well that’s karma if I’ve ever seen it” LOL
Okay so he went with the Fullwise name here
Elanor: When should we get ready? What will we wear? HOW MANY CURTSIES SHOULD I DO??
Sam: You wanna see elves, kid? You’re gonna see elves. Elanor: 🤩
Sam thinks the fire burns lower when Elanor leaves ;u;
This is the second time Tolkien makes fun of the hobbits praising the predictable clear weather at the end of March as “something unusual for the season”, which tells me he was very fond of that joke
Yay! He went with the singing version! X-D
And still ends with the sounds of the Sea. ✨Foreshadowing✨
Christopher’s Notes
Okay Tolkien’s “resumé” of the end of the book here gives some fascinating insights
“But Frodo cannot be healed. For the preservation of the Shire he has sacrificed himself, even in health, and has no heart to enjoy it. Sam has to choose between love of master and of wife. In the end he goes with Frodo on a last journey.”
He sacrificed himself…but has no heart to enjoy it… :-C TT~TT
“To Bilbo and Frodo the special Grace is granted to go with the elves they loved – an Arthurian ending, in which it is, of course, not made explicit whether this is an ‘allegory’ of death, or a mode of healing and restoration leading to a return.”
No wonder the ending is so haunting. Is it death? Is it healing? It’s both, and it’s neither, and it’s incredibly mythical and storybook-ish. Holy cow.
Also thought this was funny:
“Hobbit-children were delightful, but I am afraid that the only glimpses of them in this book are found at the beginning of vol. I. An epilogue giving a further glimpse (though of a rather exceptional family) has been so universally condemned that I shall not insert it. One must stop somewhere.” Tolkien really be like #I’mNotBitter lol
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emblazons · 1 year
hELLO do you have any fun specific hopes/theories/headcanons for st5?
Honestly I am not like super headcanon forward as a watcher because I think I have expectations trust issues from other television and therefore stick to what I can see on screen before speculating, BUT!
Headcanons + some things I would love to see explored (that aren’t just aggressive amounts of pining byler)?
The whole “Will is suppressed in his queerness being attached to soteria/suppression of powers” is like. 11/10 concept imo. It goes along with horror history so well (shout out @pinkeoni for that analysis) and plays so well into the whole relating to “Alan Turing” bit that we were introduced to start of S4, given his history as a gay man.
re, the last point: the contrast in queerness between Mike and Will being explored as someone who shows more blatant attraction to men but struggles to accept it as an identity versus someone who accepts their identity while suppressing their attraction (by outside forces or not) is also a dynamic I think would be cool to explore. I am not an ace Will truther at all but. I do think he shies away from his own sexuality a lot in a way they don’t do with Mike.
I really want “samfro caught on mount doom together while the rest of the fellowship fights an army” byler vibes—something about El and Lucas as Aragorn & Legolas with Dustin (Gimli) and Erica (Merry/Pippin) while Will struggles with feeling alone carrying the heavy burden of a connection to Vecna? Some “I can’t carry it for you, but I can carry you” heroism from Mike? El getting a moment to reunite with Max (Arwen) at the hand of Lucas, just like in Return of the King? Fucking mint lmao
I need scenes of Max in whatever place she’s still alive in like I need oxygen. Working from “the inside” to do exposition on Henry + the UD while she’s in a coma while the party sorts through it in Hawkins feels like such a phenomenal writing opportunity I’ll be desperately sad if they don’t explore it. I hope they include some elements of like. The duality of presence a la The Talisman in that given Lucas was reading it to her in the hospital? But 🤷🏽‍♀️
GIVE ME TIME FKERY OR GIVE ME DEATH. I know it’s pretty much guaranteed at this point but. I need Mr. Clarke back stat, with some convoluted ass theory explained on a paper plate again. I need the most elaborate UD reality just, absolutely borderline nonsensical lore for like a full episode so I can watch this series back again and see it from SECOND ONE (or minute 8:15) and giggle like a schoolgirl knowing the duffers really are smart/the haters were wrong.
I want more Wheelers! I know Nancy is central to the supernatural given she was the only other one pulled in by Vecna and not killed—just sent as a messenger—but. I have so many Wheeler and Creel thoughts at this point I don’t know where to start, but. They are the PERFECT family for exploring picture-perfection against horror themes (just like the Creels) and I want it. Like “don’t care how, I want it now” level focus on them, along with their Byers.
I said it before but: an exploration of motherhood as a theme makes so much sense to me, and it seems to be important to The Duffers too, so. I want it.
Kinda want RoVickie as the couple who introduces the idea of the supernatural + queerness v Hawkins element at the start of the season, and for byler to be the ones who “end it.” I think that would be a fascinating way to parallel them more, though…I haven’t much thought this through.
If they don’t make Finn Wolfhard sob his little eyes out this season I’m going to feel betrayed. I need him like. Noah level pressed at least once next season, for the culture (Finn said he wanted to do more dramas. Let him defeat the bad actor allegations here so they let him LMAOOOO)
That’s all I can think of for now! I’m sure there are more, but. Those were the firsts that came to mind haha.
Thanks for the ask!
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for the characters ask - what about eowyn? :)
oooooh, yessss I love me Eowyn-Dernhelm
First impression
You know, I initially didn't like her. At least in the movies. She came off a little too much of "I'm not like other girls~~~" for my tastes.
In the books, though, I always loved her because she was a stone cold bitch for 90% of the time until her personality transplant at the end.
Impression now
I still prefer book Eowyn to movie Eowyn (I personally find move Eowyn too 2D for my tastes).
I like book Eowyn for her flintiness. Strike her at the right (wrong?) angle and you'll start a forest fire. She would walk on you in a sexy way but it would also absolutely hurt. And that would be the point.
I also like book Eowyn's selfishness that runs equal to her brazenness, her fearlessness, her rage, her love. She's just as impulsive as her brother, it's simply masked more. I also really love her as a foil/mirroring to Grima - especially the mutual selfish Oath Breaking aspects of their characters. She's also just as likely to burn the world down, if for radically different reasons and done through a radically different way. I think that's a very nice, subtle touch on Tolkien's part.
The ambiguity of her gender subversion is also fun. It doesn't feel like the "~~I want to be a knight UWU I'm not like other girls UWU~~~" that a lot of characters can fall into who follow the same trope line as Eowyn. I'm so glad she escapes that and it feels more nuanced and complex.
I just love, love, love Book Eowyn's anger and recklessness and yeah. All her faults. She, like her uncle, is deeply human in a way that I appreciate.
Favorite moment
In the books - absolutely her argument/heated discussion with Aragorn before he leaves for the Paths of the Dead. Where she says that line about how when the men have died in battle and honour, women have leave to be burned in the houses the men left behind. And also that if someone tells her do her duty one more time she's going to shank a bitch (perhaps not exactly what she said, but the essence is there).
I also love the scene in the books when Theoden is like "but who will take care of Edoras while we're at Helm's Deep? My son is dead and Eomer won't listen to me if I told him to stay put. No one is left" and Hama is like, "???? Eowyn???? wtf how are you overlooking her???" And then she takes her vow/oath to stay and defend Edoras and she gets the great like about how there will be a Return of the King (to Edoras, she just means her uncle).
In the movies - I'm not sure. I suppose the scene with Grima at Theodred's deathbed is an interesting one.
Idea for a story
Same one as I did for Boromir: What if Boromir lives and Eowyn gets to shack up with him and Aragorn as the ultimate power couple? Let the woman be queen of Gondor!!
Unpopular opinion
I think movie Eowyn is a bit boring/too sad/needs way more rage in her. Be uglier! Be more insane! You're from the House of Eorl - no one in that family is normal!
In both book and movies, I don't think her relationship with Faramir is earned. And I know it's because Tolkien initially intended her for Aragorn then made a last minute change-up so there's really no building up of why they're good for each other and how it is she could possibly be happy settling for something we have been told over the course of last two books isn't what she wants.
Yeah, yeah, "she healed" or whatever and found a happier way to be after the war but it just reads as weak. Like, to me it just seems clearly shoehorned in as Tolkien absolutely pulled his punch so far as Eowyn's ending is concerned. He could have done better.
(Honestly, Aragorn has always made waaaay more sense as a partner for Eowyn than Faramir. It was such a let down to me as a kid watching the movies that they didn't end up together. I was like "whatever, Arwen has 2 minutes of screen time. Don't care. Let Aragorn get with this woman who sword fights and makes him laugh.")
I suspect my other unpopular opinion is that I don't think she and Eomer were ever very close. They do not give off vibes of siblings who confide in one another. It's clearly the sort of relationship where Eowyn is like "yeah that's my brother...I know absolutely nothing about him and vice versa. Despite his absence from my life he is still somehow overbearing and over-protective."
I mean we get that scene in the books where Eomer basically admits he doesn't know his sister at all and was always too busy to make time for her (and he regrets this).
But I know fandom likes to write them as besties.
Favorite relationship
Theoden, of course! I love her relationship with her uncle who is her veritable dad. I think it's so sweet and probably one of the most important relationships in her life. I can't imagine what she felt when he died in front of her. Like, the heart shattering and the anger and the grief and so on. It must have been a red-hot knife to the chest.
I also like her and Aragorn in the book. They have great conversations and clearly are able to push against one another yet still clearly respect and care for each other.
Favorite headcanon
(Power couple with Boromir and Aragorn)
She cut her hair when she became Dernhelm. None of this flowing locks down to her ass somehow hidden under her helmet. Do you know how much hair she would have? Absolutely not. She chopped that shit off Mulan-style. It was somewhere between chin and shoulders in the style of Rohirrim men.
Thank you so much for the ask! :D :D
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runawaymun · 9 months
Ok but the real question is what modern music would the Rivendell gang like?
This is brought on from listening to guns n roses and Meatloaf and thinking god what would their faces be
I think Elladan would really like rock & metal actually. He strikes me as that kind of guy??? And Glorfindel. I bet Glorfindel would LOVE metal. I have no evidence to support this it just makes sense to my brain. Also 80s ballads. I'm envisioning him rocking around his room singing his soul out to Heart & Bonnie Tyler. Elrohir would like orchestral stuff, especially soundtracks for films and games. Arwen needs something Sad and Croony to listen to when she's in her wet pathetic lying around pining about Aragorn girl hours. Like incredibly sad cheesy music. Like the kinds of stuff that teenagers would make 2000s music vids to.
Cel would love a lot of folk, I think. Stuff that's fun to sing along to and chill. I'm thinking First Aid Kit & Raising Appalachia. I think Elrond loves those genres too! But I also kind of think Elrond would like all kinds of music? You'd be hard pressed to find something he doesn't like!
Lindir's a classical nerd. Erestor is also a classical nerd but he's not as loud about it.
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okay let’s do more
thoughts on gwen + lancelot
ohhhhhhhhh, this is a good one—so many thoughts on these two.
okay, in order to ~properly~ give you my thoughts on them, i also have to give you my thoughts on arthur and gwen. more specifically, season one arthur and gwen.
when we meet lancelot in season one, i'm sorry, but it doesn't look like arthur and gwen are going to be together at all. there are several points (too many, tbh) where arthur arrests her or someone related to her (like her father) without even flinching. the only reason he ever intervened was due to morgana initiating it and bringing athur into the conversation. overall, arthur really doesn't care about gwen. there's nothing wrong with it. it's not his fault; he just doesn't know her. he cares about people like merlin and morgana far more.
enter: lancelot. i will admit, the part where lancelot is supposed to fall in love with gwen is arguably terrible. horrible. abysmal, if you will. but the actual love? *whistle* it's awesome. (and to be fair, arthur's and gwen's was pretty bad too. obviously wayy better, but still bad.) they're so sweet and loving to each other, and you can really tell that they would make such a good couple with good communication and just a healthy relationship in general. they could have been so great, but they ditched gwen and lancelot for arwen. remember, up until this point, arthur did not give two shits about gwen. then suddenly, out of the blue, they fall in love in an episode in season two after showing no signs of this in season one?? especially when the only relationships that would have made sense when building off of season one were gwen and lancelot??? i'm sorry, it just doesn't make sense to me.
but that isn't even my biggest problem with all this. my biggest issue with both gwencelot and arwen is that they gave us this dramatic love triangle and did... absolutely nothing with it.
i'm sorry, where's the drama? where's the emotional turmoil? where's the who could i possibly choose of these two completely different men, the blonde one or the brunette one? they set up a scenario that should have had so much drama and angst and just completely ditched it in favor of making lancelot leave and not return until like season three for AN EPISODE before FINALLY coming back semi-permanently in season four. like. what?? but honestly, that could've been fine, if gwen expressed any kind of loyalty or devotion to lancelot!! of course they weren't in a relationship, so she wasn't under any moral obligation to, but gwen obviously really cared about him. it felt so odd to me when the show writers just dropped gwencelot like a hot potato so they could pick up arwen and show it off to everybody, like baby simba in the lion king. yk what im talking about. it just felt so out of character to me.
even worse? gwen and lancelot never once have a real conversation about their feelings!! there's one verge-of-death "i love you" (kind of) from lancelot in season two, but again, he disappears and gwen never has the chance to really communicate to him whether she reciprocates or not (which she probably did.) then, when lancelot comes back again, her and arthur are together and that whole drama isn't really addressed.
overall, i think gwen and lancelot could have been such a great relationship if it had just been given the time to properly grow and develop. instead, they only gave it to us in tiny patches without actually developing the relationship, so all we were left with was this sad mess.
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shipcestuous · 2 months
Never really considered Elrond/Arwen as a ship, but that anon's message and your reply to it reminded that I HAD thought of them in hypothetical "this sounds like a love triangle" terms before.
So, here's a couple of details I hope you guys will appreciate!
In the movie, Elrond looks like a stern, mature, authoritative figure in contrast with Arwen's youthful beauty. In the book, however, they're both said to possess an ageless beauty, looking neither young nor old. Book!Elrond has the wise, venerable air of an old king but the vigor of a young hero, as well as a beautiful face and an appreciation for both merriment and pleasant things (good food, good music, comfortable rest, etc.) and quieter, more introspective moments. Book!Arwen, with her lustrous black hair, grey eyes glittering like stars, smooth and soft white skin, and stark resemblance to Luthien (Arwen's ancestor and possibly the fairest Elven maiden in Middle-earth's history, to whom Arwen is said to be so similar, she could pass for her reincarnation) actually looks so much like him that Frodo figures out they must be related in some way at first glance.
Elrond had a wife, Celebrian, who gave him three children: twins Elladan and Elohir, and then Arwen, the only daughter. Tragically, Celebrian was captured and tortured by orcs, and while her sons later rescued her and she recovered from the physical injuries, Elrond never managed to help her mind heal from the trauma. So, eventually, she sailed to the West, hoping to find peace in Valinor. I'm not sure how old Arwen would be by that point, but I could imagine her stepping in to take on her mother's duties as the lady of the house in some capacity, leading to potentially suggestive scenarios. I could also imagine her trying to console both her father and her brothers, telling them that what happened to Celebrian wasn't their fault and helping them face the sad truth that they simply couldn't have done more for her.
From The Tale of Aragorn and Arwen in LOTR's Appendices: "And [Arwen] stood then as still as a white tree, looking into the West, and at last she said: "I will cleave to you, [Aragorn], and turn from the Twilight. Yet there lies the land of my people and the long home of all my kin." She loved her father dearly." 'Nuff said. Beautiful juxtaposition whether you ship them or not.
Aragorn himself is both distantly related to them and was essentially raised (at least in part) by Elrond. For the former, as the last descendant of the kings of Numenor, his bloodline actually started with Elros, Elrond's twin brother who, when faced with the choice between Elves and Men due to his half-elven nature, chose mortality. For the latter, when Aragorn was only two years old, his father Arathorn was killed by orcs, so his mother Gilraen took him and went to Rivendell, where Elrond took care of Aragorn as if he were one of his sons and only revealed his true name and heritage to him when he was twenty. Unfortunately, what could have been a sweet foster/adoptive brosis romance was thwarted by... Arwen spending that whole time on a visit to her grandmother Galadriel (yup, she's Celebrian's mom!) and missing out on Aragorn growing up, only coming back when he was already a young adult. Still, Elrond is less opposed to Aragorn marrying Arwen in the book, worrying about her marrying a man of lower birth than her (Elrond's has a VERY illustrious family!) and a mortal at that but being more accepting of their love (after all, Luthien herself fell for the mortal Beren and never backed down on her decision in spite of a long strings of hardships, dangers, and deaths), so it couldn't be too far off to imagine him being at least somewhat moved by the idea of his "son" making his daughter happy.
So many great details, Anon. Thank you!
The love triangle vibes are so amusing. I love the idea of Arwen stepping in as a substitute mom. And yeah, the movie depicted Elrond in a certain way, but just because he's older than Arwen doesn't mean he's old. He's not even an especially old elf, compared to someone like Galadriel, right?
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mischieffoal · 1 year
LotR Musical: Round 3!
Just a bunch of my thoughts, once more. From Wednesday 4th October matinee
Hobbit!Gimli asked if I wanted to play Ring-toss, and Lobelia challenged me to a game… if I gave her a spoon if she won. I went on stage, shook hands, bowed, played and failed, she got one, shook hands, happily congratulated her with a spoon. Which Rosie then accused her of stealing from me! The audacity!! 
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Also, I gave Fatty a chocolate bar, and he loves it when people come back again because they always bring him snacks. Got some very funny photos with him. Also, he was having great fun yelling about food - “Hey! Everyone! If you want a Mars Bar, they’ve got a whole bag!”
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Mrs. Bolger came and chatted to us about the party, and birthdays, and Rose having her birthday the day before Bilbo’s, and Fatty and Mrs.’ twins being born then too! A busy time in the Shire! The little fauntlings are over their with Fatty’s mum! For Bilbo’s speech, Gollum sat right behind me on the picnic table! He was wearing such a cute jumper. I have a problem. 
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Act 1:
Gandalf!! I like this understudy! Actually much better than the original! Patrick Bridgman. More sure of himself, powerful in a way, authoritative. Felt more magic and different from the elves than Peter.
Aragorn carries Frodo in so many different ways in the space of about a minute (fireman's, bridal, piggyback, shoulders round)
When Bilbo says "I'm worried I'll turn into him", Gollum pokes his head in from the side and sneers. I’ve never noticed it before, it’s that subtle. You would only notice it at all if you’d seen it before, because he’s still in full hobbit costume. Holy shit it sent chills down my spine.
Each time they mentioned rings and losing their power, they all held theirs, including Elrond who doesn't even mention his
All the Hobbits are so HAPPY all the time up to and during star of Earendil, when around them others are worried and scared and sad - but they’re still set on their Adventure!! I love them!!
Gimli's outfit has the knotwork on the set, lit up in Moria, I really like that detail. It’s obvious, I just hadn’t made the connection before. He’s connected to the “earth” around them. 
Gandalf hugging Sam into Moria. Everyone in this show hugs so much and I love that.
It's *Legolas* who tells Merry that Gimli is singing a song of his ancestors. Goddddd the elf/dwarf everything in this musical. (Earlier, in the council, Gimli has to sit down on a bench next to Legolas, clearly hesitates, and Legolas literally turns his body away from him once he’s sat down)
The movement in Lothlorien is so *different* and fluid
Frodo just fucking crying his eyes out in Lothlorien. Everyone else is having the time of their lives. Poor poor man.
Boromir really is the bad guy in this musical, huh?
All the chest and head hand signs are so so sweet - touching you to me, sharing my mind and heart and soul. Elrond does it from his heart to Frodo’s heart, touching his chest and it’s just… so affectionate. The three hunters do the same to Boromir’s body, along with all their different prayer signs, and it makes me cry. 
This time the flute music truly was menacing - Saruman’s evil grin held for a while before playing
Have some accidental floating hobbits for the intveral:
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Act 2:
R’s favourite bit was Aragorn and Arwen, she kept talking about it!
Aragorn/Arwen’s duet ends very abruptly with lighting changes and Arwen disappearing to aragorn finishing last note kneeling alone surrounded by men. Yes. God. Dream sequences for the win.
Legolas leaps around and does not-quite-flips in his fighting, whereas Gimli is always on the ground
Legolas snogging his bow
Legolas always looks so... clinical, practiced when fighting
"Come back when you're sober" catty asshole
Wonder - bunch of men (including many principles in human gear) sit on the round. As Galadriel sings each "out of", another person gets up and stands before her, until Aragorn, sword held high, “WONDER” - really uplifting. I also really really love Aragorn’s little bit “day may end”, why isn’t it in the cast recording.
When Gollum climbs, it’s up the wall rather than the ladders like Sam and Frodo, and in act 2’s lighting you can’t even see the holds - very creepy
Shelob was actually fantastic when I was properly aware of her. Beautiful and creepy and so much going on. 
Frodo and Gollum moving together and also SPEAKING together, when Gollum hears Sam say they'll destroy the ring
When Sam is convincing Frodo to get up so they can walk to mordor, he's reaching out to him, everyone comes on stage and reaches out to him, and he eventually manages to grab his hand
Sam yelling as he carries Frodo on his shoulders is spine-tingling again
Gollum's death, was, again, incredible
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Sam and Frodo and Rosie standing together hugging as they wait for the wedding, making me awwww
Group Hobbit foot goodbye aaaaaaa
At the end as Frodo leaves, Gollum and then Bilbo play the tune accompanying him aaaaaa
Final observations:
Head holding situations: 
Aragorn and Boromir practically in each others’ faces as he dies
Aragorn and Frodo practically kissing
Gimli and Legolas do this too!! After they’ve proposed!! The spotlight has gone to Aragorn but they’re holding each other in the darkness!
Funny hobbit versions: 
Gollum x Aragorn Hobbit AU, 500k
Mrs. Bracegirdle is actually in the show! She’s Kelly!
Gollum is a Proudfoot. Need I say more.
Rosie is Scottish! How could I forget this!
After the show, I congratulated Rosie, Legolas, Haldir, Bilbo and Saruman! I passed on E’s praise of “gay supervillain audacity” and they laughed and said “well it’s hard to hide”. (Side note: they’re enby, of course this is why I find him so attractive)
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And, finally, my favourite thing I noticed in the whole show:
For all of Act 2, Frodo's voice is tremulous, breathy and tired EXCEPT directly after Sam says “Well, there’s nothing we can do about that” (the elves leaving for the West). 
“Yes we can.”
Completely normal voice. Terrifying.
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x-authorship-x · 10 months
i feel like we're not helping you write the red Istari but these pairings are too fun to stop 🌝 any other combinations you'd care to share?
I always was too much of a multishipper to function 🤦
The OG Idea Ship: Shisui x Faramir:
I love love love Faramir so much, and I absolutely do love him with Eowyn don't get me wrong, but my desire was to explore his time with the Rangers of Ithilien and becoming a brilliant Captain despite Denethor's....everything, and I wanted him to meet Shisui, who is this crazy glowing motherfucker, and be both awed and bemused lmao
The Obligatory Magical Girl Ship: Shisui x Legolas
Honestly this was born from both impatience and sadness for mortality because Faramir is gonna die, he's not going anywhere off Middle Earth, and there's a lot of time between the current chapters and when Shisui gets to meet him. Legolas however is kicking at this time, working on removing the stick from his ass courtesy of his father, and I loved the idea of them finding themselves through knowing each other. Also it's funny to imagine Aragorn trying to live undercover as a random soldier/Ranger BUT TRAILING BEHIND HIM ARE THE ELVEN PRINCE AND A SUSPICIOUSLY HARAD-LOOKING WIZARD 😂 Aragorn what have you got there? A smoothie?
The Bros Are My Hoes Ship: Shisui x Boromir
I have a previous Istari!Shisui fic with this pairing and, well, I never could leave anything alone. I love the idea of these two being sensitive but also slightly meathead-ish. The closest the Fellowship can get to having two all-star sportsmen eyefucking in the locker room. Hold my hand on the battlefield, my brother in arms. Handle my sword, as if it were your own. I'll be your shield, your armour. You look stunning in the dawn of victory; come, place your forehead to mine and we shall draw breath together. This idea will never leave me alone.
Protective Husbandry Ship: Shisui x Samwise
I don't need to preach to the choir about this glorious mix of protective instincts, plant care and good food. It really does speak for itself. Also I love the imagery of Shisui, who alternates wildly between deadly gorgeous and sunshine gorgeous depending on if you can see his dimples, and Sam, who is no doubt the Shire's Hottest Bachelor with a head of sunny curls and a kitchen/garden to drool over. A summer wedding under the Party Tree, please and thank you.
Majestic Heart attack Ship: Shisui x Aragorn
I'm sorry but the inherent homoeroticism of a knight genuflecting to his chosen king. Like. A KING AND HIS WIZARD?! also Aragorn is the fav poetry, brooding, sweetheart and you're telling me you can't imagine Shisui sliding him a tender smile, sitting down beside him at the campfire and twisting their fingers together. The promise of what little happiness they can find now, knowing that 'later' could mean Aragorn sworn to a crown, with the ensuing duties, and Shisui, like a distant star, sailing away with the other Istari. Um. My eyes are glinting with unshed tears in the moonlight. Neither would ever leave the other but fate might not be so kind. Also Shisui wounded at some point and whisked away to be cared for by Gandalf and Radagast and then he gets to make his Arwen-Coronation entrance and declare that he will NOT sail 😭❤️
Sexual Tension and Gorgeous Hair Ship: Shisui x Eomer
Shisui is in Big Trouble because he's a feminist in a world where feminism is a 'weird and not really a thing' thing. Yes he expected Eowyn to be wielding that sword, why wouldn't she, and why are you getting all up in my face for encouraging her. This is different from Aragorn complimenting her desire to defend her people, this is Shisui helping Eowyn smuggle armour and showing her how to garotte an orc. Eomer wants to punch the red wizard so bad, from the moment he dared OUTRUN A HORSE (wtf) to the moment he dared flash that cheeky grin and JUMP ONTO A ROOF TO LEAVE A CONVERSATION. There is a lot of tension and unnecessary interactions, like if they actually hated each other they would avoid and ignore lmao. The very slow slide into allies and gruff trust. Shisui doesn't appreciate being stifled, thanks. Eomer is ramming his head into the wall until he gets a better idea and uses biting kisses to shut Shisui up. Everyone thinks these two need to be hospitalized. (Aragorn, with those healing hands on Shisui's forehead: I have never seen you behave this way?????)
The Holy Fuck My Eyes Ship: Shisui x Arwen
I cannot unsee this, I did this to myself in The Red Ally when I suggested that Elrond had hoped that Shisui could marry Arwen so they could all sail together. And then I went and described Arwen like a goddamned marble sculpture who stepped off her pillar into a pool of moonlight and she held Shisui's arm so gently and they were supposed to be friends but now I cannot UNSEE AND I NEED YOU ALL TO SUFFER WITH ME
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cosmic-ships · 9 months
OOPS IM WATCHING FELLOWSHIP OF THE RINGS AGAIN also got me thinking about my s/i. So since I'm self shipping with not just Aragorn but Arwen too now.. basically I'm revamping my si ....welcome Kaden you stealth elf archer/theif...sonofabi---
*we'll be right back screen and loud beeeeeep*
It seems like whenever I make a polyship it's always me being like "I love you both and I don't know what to do" but THIS TIME I'm making that person be Aragorn. He falls for both Arwen and Kaden and for awhile he struggles to voice his dilemma in fear of both of them walking out of his life.
Also Kaden is 1000% already from the get go openly states that they like Arwen as more than a friend.
Which is pretty funny because Kaden gets the balls to walk up to her father and just go "Not to sound blunt but, I love your daughter."
He smiles and says "who doesn't she is most stunning." In a joking manner and Kaden is basically like
"No you don't get it... I'm IN love with Arwen"
And he has a wtf moment later because he wasn't listening fully. Ever since then whenever Kaden comes around Elrond is always like
"Arwen. Your.........person is here"
Both Elrond and Kaden never actually TELL Arwen that Kaden is in love with her lol
then it becomes a huge big kerfuffle when Kaden sees Aragorn with Arwen in a somewhat loving embrace and Kaden is all like
"well duh she wouldn't go for someone like me..."
And they get all sad and depressed and that's when they finally officially meet Aragorn and he noticed how down they were. He manages to cheer them up and ever since they've become close friends to the point where Aragorn starts to feel a little more than friendship towards them and Kaden feels the same BUT Kaden also remembered that time they saw him with Arwen so they don't say anything right away because they think he has Arwen, confessing would only end badly, which this leaves Aragorn feeling conflicted.
Arwen is pretty upset as well, after Kaden saw Aragorn and Arwen together they stopped coming around, only when absolutely necessary and it broke Arwen's heart a bit because she really does enjoy Kaden's company and missed their laugh, their smile, and the way they'd always be so funny and goofy in front of her. (Kaden never really told Arwen that hey seen Aragorn and her together as it would be weird to do so) Arwen did humor the idea of these feelings possibly be relating to love for them, more than friendship kinds of love. She just wasn't sure until she could have a proper visit with them again.
It's Messy :)
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laneynoir · 2 years
Who is your favorite elf in all of Tolkien-verse (yes, including the massive cast of Silm) and can you please share your favorite headcanon(s) about him/her?
Oohh that's a though one. I haven't read the simarilion yet. (I dont have access to a paper copy and the PDF file hurts my poor eyes. So... I'm pirating it on Wattpad so I can change the font/colors.)
Their are so many to chose from, and if I'm honest I suck at making decisions about favourites. Elrond, hes awsome. Major important and a dad figure for most of middle earth. But also Galadriel is neat, and lives in a whole treehouse community. Like come on. Legolas would be an obvious answer, I love him and all his sass (the snow scene will always be a favourite) then we have Arwen- and Linder-
You get the picture.
However, if I had to pick I would probably go with Thranduil. The last Elven king and father to Legolas (and your whole cast!)
There is so much about him that I absolutly love, and I don't have time to write it all out right now. But a few of mine would have to mention;
His strength of charactor, Elf's wife died. And for a race that litterally DIES of sadness the fact that he didn't is huge. I would also point out that he probably stayed strong for Legolas, and that alone should tell the people who say he is a bad father something. Come on guys, he's running a kingdom and being a single dad.
He is a cool king too, The Hobbit mentions the fact that his subjects love him (and so do we) and he's out there in the spider infested woods having a party with them.
Adding to the party scene, Thranduil has enough power to relocate the entirety of it and knock the dwarves out, giving them dreams of the food? Flex.
He also dosnt have a ring of power. Thats all him. He really is just that badassian.
Another unrelated headcannon is the classic "Elrond, where is my son?" Moment. Did he send and envoy to Rivendale to retreave Legolas? Did he go himself? I just like to imagine the redneck elf king, rolling into Elrond's vally, and seated on his elk with at least a couple warriors behind him. Then elrond is just... "Oh dear"
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oceanmusings · 2 years
Arwen -♡- Spencer | ABC Fluff
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(gif made by khat)
A - Admiration (what do they admire about each other?)
Arwen just melts whenever she can witness how deep Spencer cares about things. From his random rambles about the care he goes into learning, or just about people in general. And how he is ashamedly himself. It makes her sad to witness it change the more he goes through things, but she reminds him daily how proud she is of him.
Spencer loves seeing how strong Arwen is for everything she goes through, getting to watch how she can get back up. He feels honored when she allows him to be there too when she breaks down, getting to see all these sides of her.
B - Body (favorite body part?)
Arwen - his hands and chest
Spencer - her shoulders and chest
C - Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
Very much needed, especially after bad cases. Spencer having a bad day or a case is getting to him? Arwen will hold him close to her and let him listen to her heartbeat. Or they would spoon with Arwen being the big spoon. Help him feel secure and safe.
when Arwen needs it Spencer is more than happy to hold her for however long she needs. And neither are allowed to leave the bed without some prime cuddling time.
D - Dates (ideal date?)
With their job it’s a little hard to find time to go on dates, most of it is after getting back home like going out for dinner, catching a movie, or even just finding somewhere quiet like the library or park. Occasionally it's ordering pizza while on a case and eating at the hotel.
E - Emotions (how do they express emotion?)
Spencer and Arwen are the king and queen of keeping shit in. Especially with negative emotions. It’s not until it becomes too much for either that they'll blow up with everything they are holding in. Both have had the talk of needing to tell each other stuff or when emotions are troubling either of them, but it hasn't stuck yet.
F - Family (do they want one? If they do, when? And what does this family look like?)
At some point, yes they have a family.
Arwen said for the longest time: "If Spencer can assure me I can't have twins, then we can have a baby genius." And Spencer never could, especially since Arwen does have twins run in her family so that increases their chance.
Fortunately when Arwen and Spencer do begin to start their family, they have only singleton pregnancies. And Arwen makes really sure that there is only one heartbeat so there isn't any surprises. They do decide to have at least 2 so their oldest wouldn't need to be alone.
They have 2 daughters before adding a "surprise" son to the mix.
- Clementine "Clem" Reid-Valentine
- Theodora "Thea" Reid-Valentine
- Leonardo "Leo" Reid-Valentine
G - Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving?)
They cherish anything either give to each other. Arwen's favorite part of giving Spencer anything is finding where he will put it, she thinks she's bad at gift giving because of how much thought Spencer puts into his own whenever he gives to her. Makes Arwen nervous to give him anything when she does, but he seems to like anything she can give him.
H - Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
Love holding hands, when on cases or at work they won't just to keep being professional. But when they can Spencer always grabs for her hands and interlock their fingers, and Arwen loves to play with Spencer's fingers and just trace them over them.
I - Injury (how would they act if either of them got hurt?)
Spencer is a mess if Arwen is hurt. He can't sit still and can't help but think of every possibility there is. Someone may need to help him come back to earth so he doesn't spiral too far.
For Arwen, she is a complete mess too. She starts preparing for the worse case scenario there is. Sometimes if the team are there they'll need to help her sit still and slow down her panic.
J - Jokes (do they like to joke around or play pranks? How does that play out?)
If Spencer is pushed to he will. Which Arwen will, not enough he'll be terribly mad but occasionally she will do harmless ones. She expects him to return the favor in some way. But it's not something they do a lot. Derek does it enough for her.
K - Kisses (how do they like to kiss?)
Almost kiss each other like it's the last time they can. Arwen always makes sure Spencer gets one at least once a day, if she isn't able she makes sure to give him two the next day, which doesn't happen often for how much either like to kiss each other.
They might have been late to briefing cause of it.
L - Love (how do they show/express their love?)
Both leave little things at their desk or bedside table. Arwen will sometimes leave little treats for him with a sticky note of some joke she looked for online, refilled his coffee or also left a water bottle for him.
Spencer lets her borrow his books, loving to listen to her talk about it with him, leave notes in her own romance books for her to find when they go on cases or on her desk when he goes in early in the morning.
M - Memory (favorite memory together?)
Arwen’s is when he first kissed her. He was so nervous and she couldn't figure out what was happening until he kissed her. His face was so red after he pulled away, her heart and stomach couldn't settle down, she kissed him again and it became more eager and not as nervous and shy anymore.
Spencer’s is when he was starting to ramble and when he realized he was doing it, he started to apologize and stop, but Arwen stopped him and made him continue. Genuinely looking interested instead of trying to be nice or anything.
N - Nicknames (what nicknames do they call each other?)
Arwen - Baby, Darling, Honey, Genius Man
Spencer - Baby, Honey, Sweetheart, My Love
O - Obvious (what’s it like when they fall in love? How is it for everyone else?)
Arwen became like a school girl with a crush when she realized how much she liked him, especially when someone caught on what was going on. Crashing into things, losing track what she was saying, and refusing to be alone with him for long. She denied it for a long time cause she broke her rule of not falling for her co-worker, but it was extremely obvious to everyone and they had to encourage her to say yes to Spencer when he did get the courage to ask her out.
P - PDA (How do they feel about pda? Are they shy or shameless?)
Spencer isn’t that big on pda, kinda shy but also wanting to keep it private. The most either will do in front of anyone is press a kiss to the cheek or hold hands. But Arwen is the one who will kiss him in front of the team when they are at work.
Q - Quality Time (how do they like to spend time together?)
Reading in the same room or to each other, watching shows or movies together, cuddling or kissing on the couch or bed. Just soaking up each other’s presence.
R - Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?)
Spotify playlist about Arwen and Spencer's relationship
S - Secrets (how open are they with each other?)
Like what I said in “emotions”, they are the king and queen of keeping stuff in. Neither says anything until one finds out, it becomes too much, and then they need to talk about it. It’s honestly the thing both constantly need to work on and the source of a lot of their arguments.
T - Time (how long did it take to get together?)
First time? A year and were together for 3 months before Arwen got scared of her feelings and broke up with Spencer.
Second time? It wasn’t until 2 years later she asked him out. Apologizing for how she treated him. Next time she got scared and Spencer noticed the pattern’s like last time they were together is when he stepped in and made her not give up on this, not let her fear take over.
U - Upset (how are they when either are upset?)
Arwen tries to be there for Spencer, listening to anything he needs to say or just hold him if he needs it. If he just wants to be alone she tries to listen to that one, but that's hardest for her to do cause she doesn't want him to shut her out.
Spencer tries to do the same thing and just be there for her. The best thing he does when she's having an anxiety attack is when she gives him a worry is he asks what the percentage of that worry happening and giving her statistics. That seems to work wonders for her.
V - Vaunt (do they show each other off? What are they proud of?)
With friends and family, absolutely. Love showing how much they love each other and talk about how proud they are with each other with everything. Despite any teasing thrown their way. With their job they have to be discrete, Arwen wears her engagement and wedding ring either in her pockets or as a necklace. Spencer keeps his in his pocket.
But either will take the chance to talk about how proud they are of each other.
W - Wild Card (random fluff headcanon)
Arwen has found the quickest way to get Spencer to go to sleep is to play with his hair. He will fall asleep in minutes. It's commonly seen on the couch on the jet, Arwen running her hand through his hair as he uses her lap as a pillow, completely passed out.
X - X-Ray (how well can they read each other?)
Fairly well, Arwen can tell when things are bothering him or when he’s excitedly holding something back and Spencer can too. Especially when Arwen is getting scared or an anxiety attack is coming.
It's the problem of getting out of either of them for what's bothering them.
Y - Yes (how would they propose?)
They both did it.
She felt ready for that step in their relationship, and felt they were in a space to do that. And they have talked about it in the past, to the point Arwen thought it was time they start making it a reality.
She got a ring and after a couple weeks of planning and getting up the courage to finally ask him. She decided after they got home from a case, not able to wait any longer when to ask him. And it was a happy thing to do to (hopefully) lift up both their spirits. So when Spencer sat down, she sat down with him, and started the speech she had been practicing.
Apparently Spencer had been planning the same and pulled out his own engagement ring for her. Arwen couldn't help but laugh, feeling good to laugh after not being able to for weeks. And both said yes to each other.
Z - Zen (what makes them feel calm?) 
If they aren't together on a case they will call just to check in, settle any anxiety might be creeping in. Reaching for the other's hand and squeezing their hand. Watching comfort shows/movies or reading their favorite book to the other. 
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