#he's a freak but pac is not an angel too
shen-mu · 4 months
listening to 'i was made for lovin' you' and then thought about modern au where teenager Ramon asks Fit about how he met with his pai (Pac) and he's just telling him a story where Pac accidentally punched him in the face. or smth like that. bc he likes his man dangerous
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fanficwhore1993 · 2 years
Billy Cranston x Skull (Eugene Skullovitch)
Part 2
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers fanfic
I honestly forgot to write a part 2 but then I randomly remembered and decided to do it. I honestly would say I would wanna take this in a more “heartstopper” type direction and keep it more PG but idk I might change my mind. I’m also sorry if there are any grammatical errors.I also changed it to dialogue format cuz it so much more easier😩.
CW:light hearted, one of the characters hyperventilates. Mentions of toxic friend
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It’s finally Saturday. It’s the day that skull gets to hang out with anyone but bulk and his other mean friends. Since that day when Billy saved him from the putties, he has slowly been starting to avoid bulk and flaking on the plans with him. And even though he has no other friends and was not even able to hang with Billy throughout the week since the only talk they got was them confirming this day's plans, he was alone. And somehow he still felt good. He spent the past few days sitting at home, listening to music and gluing studs onto his pleather jacket. He didn’t go out much but it gave him time to think to himself and feel comfortable for once. But now it’s time to finally hang with Billy at the mall.
Skull spots Billy as he is walking up to the angel grove mall. Billy is sitting on a bench reading a book. Skull decides that this is the perfect opportunity to jump-scare Billy. He slowly tiptoes up to the back of the bench and then jumps out behind him while screaming.
Skull: “RAAAHHH”
Billy: “AAAAHH”
Billy screams as he jumps up from the bench, dropping the book.
Skull: “Hahahahaha”
Billy(annoyed): “It's NOT FUNNY!”
Skull continues to laugh.
Billy soon joins in and starts laughing too.
Skull picks up the book off the ground, it seems that Billy was reading a science fiction novel about two best friends exploring alien planets together. Skull walks up to Billy.
Skull(while handing Billy the book): “You should’ve seen the look on your face HAHAHA it was so stupid and funny!”
Skull: “Haha you can’t deny I scared you good though.”
Billy: “Ok fine! You did!”
Skull: “You look so cute when you’re annoyed.”
Billy: “What?”
Skull realizes what he just said and decides to play it off like he didn’t say anything.
Skull says, acting as if nothing happened: “SO! THIS ARCADE YOU HAVE BEEN TALKING ABOUT, where is it?”
Billy pauses and then says: “It’s inside.”
They both walk into the mall. And they see a map of the mall near the fountain. They head up to the 2nd floor of the mall on an escalator. They reach and start walking.
Billy: “So, where have you been the past few days? I think I barely saw you and you only showed up yesterday to classes or at school at all.”
Skull: “Well I decided to take a break from school for a few days because I wanted to clear my head and just relax a little. That day I got attacked by putties kinda freaked me a little so I just needed rest and time off.”
Billy: “Well that’s nice. Rest is really important, especially after going through something like this.”
Skull: “oh and I also glued studs onto this jacket I’m wearing.”
Billy: “wow that’s so cool. I won’t say that I want to dress more punk but I do admire the fashion-forwardness of it.”
As they keep walking they see neon lights in the distance.
Skull: “hey I think that’s the arcade!”
Billy: “oh yes”
Skull grabs Billy’s hand and runs toward the arcade with him.
Billy: skull! Oh my god!!!
They both reach the arcade, out of breath, but ready to play games.
They both play Pac-Man and then skee ball together.
They then have a vs fight in Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat. And then played some racing games together.
They walk out of the arcade laughing and having a friendly debate about which is better, Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat.
Skull: “I’m telling you! Mortal Kombat is so much more better and fun than Street Fighter.”
Billy: “Nope Street Fighter has better backstories for the characters and the moves are cool too. And the art style definitely has more thought out into it than Mortal Kombat.”
Skull: “Sure, but Mortal Kombat has BLOODSHED!”
Billy: “Well, Street Fighter has Ryu and Ken…
Skull: “well can rYu aNd kEn rip each other’s spines and hearts out?”
Billy sighs and admits defeat.
Billy: “Fine! You do raise a cool point.
Skull: “haha come on, I’m hungry.”
Skull grabs Billy’s hands again and starts running toward the food court. While running Billy says.
Skull: “HAHA NOPE!”
They both run near the food court and as they are walking in Skull spots Bulk. Skull quickly runs out with Billy and stands in a corner.
Billy: “What happened?”
Skull: “Bulk is in there, I have been avoiding him for the past few days and if he spots me here with you he might just kill me!”
Skull starts hyperventilating. Billy tries to calm him down.
Billy: “Hey hey, it’s ok. We don’t have to see him. There is an ice cream place down the street maybe we can go there?”
Skull slowly starts to slow down, and starts breathing normally again.
Skull: “yea we can do that”
Billy nods in reassurance.
They both head out of the mall and go to an ice cream place.
Billy gets a double scoop with blueberry and strawberry.
Skull also gets a double scoop but with Oreo and butter scotch.
They both go to the nearest park and walk around talking to each other.
Billy: “So you haven’t met Bulk the past few days?”
Skull: “yea, I have been trying my best to avoid him. There were times when he would spot me and I would act like I didn’t hear him and just walk away. And the times he did get a hold of me, I would just make an excuse and leave.”
Billy: “so you’re just going to ghost him out of your friendship?”
Skull: “I guess so. Bulk is the kinda guy that thinks with his fists. So even if I do tell him how I feel, he won’t care and probably beat me up.”
Billy: “Wow, seems like bulk is a really shitty person.”
Skull: “What did you say?”
Billy: “what?”
Skull chuckles for a moment and then starts laughing.
Skull: “HAHAHAHA, I have just never heard you swear before HAHA!”
Skull continues to laugh.
Billy(while pushing skull in a friendly way): “IT’S NOT FUNNY!”
Skull continues to laugh as they walk out of the park.
They continue to walk and talk to each other. Talking about comic books until they reach a beach. It’s almost dark and no one is at the beach.
They walk near the shore.
Skull: “Hey today was a lot of fun. Thank you for inviting me to hang with you.”
Billy: “don’t mention it. I had a lot of fun too and I’m glad you were here with me.”
Skull: “you know this is the happiest I have felt in a long time. It feels like shit when you’re just this mean person and have friends like bulk who aren’t all that nice to you either. And since I’m a bully no one really talks to me. But you at least tolerated me HAHA! And I’m glad to get to know you a little.”
Billy: “I’m glad you feel that way. And I’m also glad to get to know you a little. Makes me see you as a better person.”
Skull: “wait.”
Skull grabs Billy’s arm. He looks into his eyes and then puts his hand on Billy’s cheek. Skull closes his eyes and softly kisses Billy. Skull pulls away gently with a little bit of fear in his eyes, wondering if he made a mistake. Billy then puts his hand on Skull's cheek and pulls him into a tender kiss. Skull's fears go away. A wave rushes onto their feet but they don’t care as they kiss each other. Billy pulls away. They both smile and start laughing gently while blushing.
Skull: “Billy, I like you, and I know that we only talked for like 2 days but since that day you saved me from the putties, I haven’t stopped thinking about you. You made me feel something that none of my current friends could make me feel. And that was comfort. You made me feel comfortable to be around you. And you don’t have to say yes or anything-“
Billy: “I like you too.”
Skull gets an excited smile and picks up Billy off the ground and spins around. He puts Billy down and gives Billy a peck.
Billy: “How about you meet my friends? I know that saying how you feel to bulk might feel scary but maybe if you have nicer people around you will get more courage.”
Skull: “I don’t think your friends like me though.”
Billy: “I’ll convince them, plus they only know you as a mean person, they haven’t seen the more nice and more caring side of you yet.”
Skull: “Are you sure?”
Billy nods.
Skull thinks for a second.
Skull: “Ok then. But can we hang after school hours? I’m still not sure if I can be spotted with you and your friends at the moment. It’s not that I’m ashamed or something I just-“
Billy puts a finger on Skull's lips and tells him to hush
Billy: “I understand.”
Skull smiles.
They both walk home together.
Skull was blushing the whole time.
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deathtriangles · 3 years
I'm still going with the top 5 questions because I just love wrestling AND I always enjoy your hot takes... So... Top 5 finishers (AEW and beyond)?? 💕💕
ASFGHJAKSL AW TY BESTIE !!! 🥺🥺🥺 this was another hard one but i've got some unlikely ones in here (since they're not really acts i talk about much~) mostly on looks this one though (so while i love one winged angel as much as everyone it's not in me top 5~)
1. black arrow - obvs for me~ but the most beautiful move in wrestling and i just can never get sick of watching it 2. ddtay - looks so fucking brutal !!!!!!!!!!! tay rules !!!!!!!!!!!! 3. nyla's knee on the hanging opponent on the rope - idk if this has a name LMFAO but it's SO FUCKING COOL AND UNIQUE !!! she also has the best sit-out powerbomb in the business imo the beast bomb rules !!! it looks so freaking brutal (pac takes best liger bomb for me which makes me want them teaming even more) 4. gin & juice - fave tag team manoeuvre in the game, it absolutely rules and i need more private party on my telly for it 5. F10 - it's so freaking badass . wardlow's knee to the face that he does is killer too!
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venusgirltarot · 3 years
okayyyy so this is a feedback ask- i don't like to call it feedback so it's a rant about your accuracy. BUT BEFORE ANYTHING can i just say that you're absolutely adorable? i am new follower and you recently reached 200 followers and you reblogged one of your posts which you had uploaded when you had 100 followers and THAT WAS SO SWEET OMG- 💗🦋 also i love the way you attach links to every PAC which leads to a specific pile. its such a unique way and HONESTLY IT MAKES THE READING EASIER TO UNDERSTAND FOR SOME REASON. alsoooo i love the aesthetics you use for each PAC and their pictures- how prettyyy 😭🦋
okay so now here comes the rant- it's about your "What do you need to focus on right now" (pile 2)
okay honestly, you just really talked about how beautiful i am inside out and honestly i am blushing 💗 YOU EXPLAINED IT SO CUTELY- AHAHSJDJSJJD cutie 🦋
you said a person might be coming in- (😃) and they'd wanna appreciate myself as they do... honestly i'm tRYING but it's hard-
also you said they get nervous around me (that's cute honestly-) AND IT'S ACCURATE cause well i get from other posts as well 🦋 they may stumble or stutter AND I WOULD FIND IT SO CUTE TO BE HONEST 😭
they're very flirty. are they? 😌 cause i flirt a LOT. with my friends and i tease people a LOT in the very flirtatious way so i would love that 💗
also stawp- stawp- saying that they might find me attractive or i'm attractive in general (i'm blushing way too hard pls- 🦋)
also you said you were seeing an angel when you said that. istg. that's really the sweetest thing i've come across (thank youuuu)
you mentioned that might be intimidated (honestly your accuracy is * chef's kiss *) you also said how they would feel like time has stopped when they see me like we see in cartoons when the main character walks in. That's SO FREAKING SWEET HOLY SHI- (YOU'RE WAY TOO CUTE FOR THIS WORLD 💗)
and let me tell you, the keywords you mentioned ALMOST ALL OF THEM RESONATED for example
• Leo Moon (i might have got that for the 5373838th time)
• 12th House (idk about him but I HAVE SO MANY PLANETS IN THE 12TH HOUSE-)
• stop doubting yourself (im tryinggg 😭)
• i think about you at night (🦋🦋)
• i messed up (every reading says that he might have some playboy vibes and that he might mess up his chance with me but he'll definitely correct himself and be back. this also explains why you said "when the time is right, it will come" & "the best is yet to be")
OVERALL I LOVED IT SO MUCH? LIKE GODDAMN- i have re-reading it so muchhhh 😭💗 thank you so much for posting this. i absolutely loved it and it absolutely resonated, thank you 🦋
ahhhh this is the sweetest feedback ever 😭 I’ve been reading this over and over again and I’m genuinely speechless 🥺
I’m so glad someone appreciates my links. I have to put them all in right after the PAC is posted and it’s genuinely the most stressful experience 😭 knowing that it makes the reading easier to understand makes me so happy.
I’m so happy so many people have liked the pictures 🥺 I’m so picky about which pictures I use and I probably spend more time on Pinterest looking for the pictures than I do on the reading 💀 I’m so glad you all like them as well!!!!
I’m so glad you liked the reading and it resonated! You truly are so so beautiful and I hope the reading has helped you realize that a bit more :) I’m so excited for you and your future with this new person and I hope you have so many more good things coming your way! You deserve it 💕
Thank you so much for the feedback. It’s made my whole week 🥺 and thank you so much for the many many compliments! They’re very sweet and I appreciate them 😭💕
I hope you’re having a good day or night. Sending you so much love and light and wishing you the best in all you do! 💕
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Who: Soobin [ TXT ] 
Word Count:  2,113 words
Genre: Fluff 
Warning: N/A
Request: No.
@ultkyu​ I had planned to write just a short simple little fic for your birthday, however we know how that goes for me, short turns into not so short, and it’s still not done. So, enjoy this instead, I just wrote this quickly so it’s not the best, but enjoy.
Also  💕 💕 💕 💕 𝐻𝒶𝓅𝓅𝓎 𝐵𝒾𝓇𝓉𝒽𝒹𝒶𝓎 𝒦𝓇𝒾𝓈𝓈𝓎  💕 💕 💕 💕
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You two would meet at a grocery store.
Like why do they always have to put the things you like on the top shelf.
You don’t mind climbing up the shelves, but that’s just sorta frowned upon, so you try not to.
You were just about to be giving up your goal of getting this one certain item, it being on the tallest of shelves, when you saw him.
He was over there looking all tall and handsome, but mostly tall, like really really tall, tall enough to reach the top shelf with ease.
It would have been an easy walk over, ask to get item, receive item, and thank them for getting the item, had he not turned around at that exact moment.
Of course, in doing so, he locked eyes with you, and here you are, that weirdo staring at someone else in the grocery store.
That was when you finally stuttered out “Help please”, after you finally got over being captivated by his stunning eyes and smile.
Like damn someone needed to write his parents a thank you letter, for giving birth to this god among men.
Maybe he was just used to this, or maybe he was just good at hiding his feelings since he simply chuckled, before asking “which item?”
That was just the first of many times you met him.
Often in that same grocery store, since his friends and parents often sent him on the food runs.
It wasn’t until one of your old friends invited you over to his house, that you got to really meet him.
While at Yeonjun’s, you learned his name was Soobin, despite all the times you met him in the store, never once did you get his name.
That was the first of many times you hung out with the guys.
Taehyun and Kai were like annoying younger brothers, and Beomgyu was as well.
It was about two months into being friends with them, that Yeonjun noticed something odd.
You always referred to all the guys as your brothers, but Soobin, he was just Soobin.
Yeonjun isn’t exactly a mastermind, but he felt like playing cupid, and that’s how you ended up at this restaurant with Soobin, waiting on 4 others who were not to come.
You had been sat about ten minutes when you finally got a text from Yeonjun, “can’t make it enjoy your date”.
That was followed by Soobin receiving identical messages from Kai, Beomgyu, and Taehyun.
He had set you up, and you couldn’t be mad at him, since they knew neither of you would have admitted your feelings and asked the other out.
The date was going well, however it still felt odd.
A fancy restaurant just wasn’t your vibe, and that’s how you two found yourself at an arcade.
That is how you stood here by the skee-ball machine, Soobin swearing he’s a pro, while also missing every single target.
This went on all night.
He was a skee-ball pro, a pinball master, a Pac Man wizard, and so forth.
But in reality, he wasn’t, he was just really trying to impress you, but it was sorta failing.
But honestly, it wasn’t really since you were impressed by his confidence.
As the night was nearing an end, he claimed he was a pro one last time, the crane machine.
While he played, you excuse yourself to the bathroom for a moment.
Had you stayed during that time, you would have seen him fail at the crane game many times.
During his times losing and his mumblings about wanting to win you something just once, he caught the attention of some other couple, who had their fair share of things from winning.
That was how he got the stuffed animal that he gave you, claiming he won it, once you returned.
Maybe you should thank Yeonjun, but his ego probably would inflate too much if you did, since it was due to him that you got a boyfriend.
After that, Soobin finally had the confidence to ask you out, well out again.
As he was dropping you off at home that night, he asked you for another date.
That one set off a string of other dates, before you two finally decided to become official.
Yet, in announcing it, it wasn’t anything the others didn’t know, since they’ve been knew, they were just waiting for you to confirm it.
You are dating the softest tallest sweetheart ever.
Like Soobin would treasure you, and nothing could ever stop that.
You would be precious to him, and nothing else can compare.
The two of you would have the cutest relationship, going on adorable dates to the arcade, the cafe, the beach, and stuff. 
You two would be dating about a month before he finally works up the courage to kiss you.
The both of you were just having an at home date, having dinner and a movie in the boys dorm.
That was your first mistake, having your date in the boys dorm.
The second mistake was thinking the others wouldn’t interrupt.
The dinner went well, you and Soobin cooked, and did not burn the kitchen down, which is a big achievement.
The movie was going well as some random romance movie could.
It being a bit chilly, you found yourself moving close to Soobin, as he wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer to him. 
It was at that moment that he decided to make his move, and he kissed you.
As your lips touched, it was a perfect moment.
Well, it would have been, had it not been for Kai and Taehyun running into the living at that exact moment.
 Usually this moment would be described with fireworks and butterflies, but instead this moment was filled with screams and a door slamming.
Not exactly the most ideal thing to happen during your first kiss with him, but the rest of the boys coming home at that time wasn’t exactly ideal either.
It hadn’t been five minutes before all the other four knew, and it somehow shifted from you two kissing to completely making out on the sofa.
Which concerned Yeonjun, until you quickly explained that you were not, and that the others were exaggerating it.
It was that moment that the two of you both realized that this was the real thing, it wasn’t some short lived fling, and you didn’t run off when Kai and Taehyun interrupted you both kissing.
From then on, Soobin would constantly be giving you kisses.
Like if he doesn’t give you at least one kiss a day, he’ll die, or at least he claims.
Often it’s soft forehead kisses and occasionally nose kisses, at least when the boys are around.
Kisses on the lips is reserved for only when the others are gone, since you have no doubt it would be exaggerated if they witnessed it again. 
Soobin would love just holding you.
Like you sitting on the sofa, not for long, your in his lap now.
You are sitting without holding his hand, not for long, now you are not only holding his hand but also have his arm around your waist.
He is here for pda, except he’s not that much here for it in public. 
Like in the safety of your house or their dorm, he will hold you to his heart’s content, but in public, nah, he might hold your hand, if even that.
He would give the best cuddles.
Like literally the moment he starts cuddling you, you just want to stay there forever, and he would honestly let you too.
You both would have been together for a while, when he finally realizes he loves you.
It was his birthday, and imagine his surprise when he opens one of his many presents from you.
It was something he had vaguely mentioned wanting months ago, but he didn’t think he would actually get it. 
You got him that, along with some other things he had mentioned wanting, but never bought for himself.
It was at that moment he realized that he didn’t only love you, but he was in love with you.
You remember little things about him that others forget, and you remembered all the vague little things he mentioned wanting, and the others had either not heard or forgot about.
Would probably immediately say “I love you” without thinking, just for you to reply “I love you too” and he’s just like so confused, like what just happened.
He would love seeing you wear his clothing, if they fit you. 
Like he’d purposely leave his hoodies in your closet when he’s at your house, just so you wear them.
And if they don’t fit you, he’d purposely buy then bigger, and then be like “I like over-sized hoodies” when you ask him about it.
He would purposely buy couples hoodies and leave one at your house, and then you’ll wear it and he’ll also wear his and be like “oh look at that, I guess I had two.”
But you catch on easily, since he’s not that discreet about it.
He probably claims something like it was buy one get one free or something, but you know it wasn’t, he’s just not gonna admit he purposely bought one for you.
He would call you hella nicknames, like everything but your name.
His favorites are angel, prince/ss, and baby; and he probably has you in his phone as 💕My Angel💕 or something like that. 
He says Angel so much, his parents will think that’s your real name, until he explains like no it’s not.
He’d probably introduce you to his parents after a few months, and you’d be so nervous, but he’d be even worse.
Like he would be freaking out the whole time running through different scenarios, and in his eyes, the worst thing that could happen is his parents hating the one he loves.
But they love you, and call you both adorable, and it goes well.
He would enjoy going places with you, and doing things with you.
Like you want to go shopping, he’s fine being your hype man for three hours as you try to find the right pair of pants.
You wanna go to the beach, he’s up for it.
He doesn’t mind where you go, as long as he’s with you.
He sends you good morning and good night text.
When he is gone, he’d facetime you every night, if he could.
He’d call when it’s night for you, talking to you until you fall asleep. 
You wish he’d wake you or something, but he probably says some cute things like “seeing you sleep makes me feel like I’m close to you” or something.
He hates leaving you, so be prepared for daily selfies, and he would also like it if you sent him at least biweekly selfies.
Claims he’ll forget what you look like if you don’t.
Also overreacts saying you’ll forget what he looks like if he doesn’t send you daily selfies when he is gone.
Probably also fills your phone with selfies of himself before he leaves, so you have something to look at while he’s gone.
He loves taking photos of you, himself, and you both together.
He has a whole album of selfies of himself to send you, along with a whole album of photos of you he took, and a whole album of couple photos.
Normal people run out of storage from memes or music, he runs out of storage from photos of you.
Probably does something cute like compile photos of you and you two together, and then makes some cute scrapbook for your first anniversary. 
Wants to document each moment he has with you, so he’ll never forget it, which leads to you having tons of photos around.
Totally plans on telling the story behind all of these stories to your future children, whether the two of you have children or you just consider the other boys’ children yours. 
Loves taking you out to make these memories.
But absolutely under no circumstance are you to order mint chocolate chip ice cream, especially with him, the president of the mint chocolate chip ice cream haters club.
If you hate it as well, he’ll enlist you on clowning Yeonjun about liking it.
If you like it, well at least you have other redeeming qualities to him.
Sees himself with you in the future, but is sorta shy to admit it.
You are both young, and he just doesn’t want to scare you off by telling you.
But honestly, you see yourself with him in the future as well.
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ohsamulet · 6 years
Sam and Dean and Hugs
As promised, here's the Sam-style-hugs analysis/expansion to this post! Hope you're all looking forward to some serious rambling. (thanks @jbt111886 for the inspiration!)
So, let’s jump right into it!
The first time Sam goes in for a hug is in 3x11, Mystery Spot, and if that isn't a tackle-hug then I don't know what is.
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Dean doesn't even know what hit him. Notice also how Sam throws both his arms around Dean's neck, when it's usually the other way around? Well, I say "usually", but let's go into more detail here because why the hell not. I've pointed out in a different post that Dean actually initiates most of the hugs we get to see (death/injury-hugs and heaven/memory-hugs excluded), and he also likes to go all big-brother on Sam, make himself as big and protective as possible, and have his arms over and around Sam's shoulders. And even when it's Sam who initiates the hug, as long as Dean knows that there's a hug about to happen, he'll have at least one arm on top. In Mystery Spot, he has no idea what's coming, and Sam is free to tackle-glomp-hug him, basically throw himself at Dean, and be the protective one for once. Which, I feel, is very understandable given what he's just been through. Another thing that amazes me about this hug is that Sam somehow manages to look like an impenetrable barrier between Dean and every possible imaginable danger, but at the same time so damn vulnerable, clinging to Dean like there's no fricking tomorrow.
I also want to point out that, even though Dean is confused as all hell and has no idea what's gotten into Sam, he just hugs Sam back and lets him do his thing, waiting for Sam to move away first because it's obvious that Sam needs that right now.
Okay let's move on.
The very next hug we get is 4x01, Lazarus Rising. Now, for some reason I always thought that this one was an instance where they both went in for the hug at the same time, but re-watching and giffing it I realized that it's actually another Sam-hug. Look here:
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Dean's just standing there, waiting for the penny to drop for Sam, and when it does, well. There goes Sam, throwing himself at Dean again. But this time Dean knows very well what's coming so they end up with both of them having one arm over and one under. And I think this is the most mutual clinging and rib-crushing hug we got so far? I mean look how they're already all tangled up in each other and then Dean clutches Sam's shoulder and pulls him even closer.
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And again, Dean just holds Sam until Sam pulls away.
Moving on, the next hug we get is in 5x16, Dark side of the Moon. It's another Sam-hug, and it's a memory that we see in Dean's (or actually Sam and Dean's) heaven, and I won't go into too much detail on this one but I want to point out that it's Sam who hugs Dean, and it's also Sam who let's go first.
Two hugs later and it's 6x12, Like a Virgin, and Sam just got his soul back. For a second while writing this I was tempted to call this one the most intense and desperate Sam-hug, but then I remembered 3x11 and 14x12 so.. scratch that. But Look At This:
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See how the moment Dean hugs him back, Sam almost breaks down then and there? Cause I see it and it makes me c r y. From Sam's POV, he only threw himself into the pit a few minutes ago, something he never expected to come back from. He doesn't remember anything that happened in the last year and a half, he has no idea how he got out of hell or what happened since. He's incredibly relieved but also unsure and probably scared. But Dean is there and he's fine, so whatever happend can't be too bad, right?! And even if it is, as long as they're together, they can fix it. So Sam clings – quite literally – to the one thing he can be sure of. Which happens to be Dean.
And, again, (surprise!) Sam's the first one to let go.
Can you believe season 7 left us completely hug-less? A CRIME. Anyway, all of season 8's hugs are Dean-hugs so I'll skip those for now (worry not, I'll come back to them later).
The next two Sam-hugs are 9x23, Do You Believe In Miracles and 10x14, Executioner's Song, and for one Dean is dead for most of it, and the other is really more Sam catching Dean before he collapses than it is a hug, imho, so I'll skip both.
Fast forward over season 11, 12, 13, most of 14, (and 4 Dean-hugs), and we finally get to 14x12. Prophet and Loss. Damn that was a good episode, and it blessed us with another Sam-hug. And also the second longest hug ever, after 2x21. And Sam was dead for most of that. Let me just put this hug into perspective a little bit.. the Prophet and Loss hug is 28 seconds long. The second longest one after that, for which both brothers are alive, is 4x01, Lazarus Rising, about which I talked earlier – and that's only 15 seconds! The Prophet and Loss hug is almost TWICE as long.
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We all know what happens a few seconds before the hug, and isn't it the most heartbreaking thing?! Sam has kept his emotions in check for the entire episode but he can't take it anymore and he just explodes at Dean, so overwhelmed by worry and fear and love and desperation that he doesn't know what to do. Because for once, it's not some monster, demon, angel, or other evil thing he has to fight to save Dean's life – but it's Dean himself, and his damn stubbornness and selflessness.
Okay so this post is supposed to be about how Sam's hugs are more desperate and bone-crushing than Dean's, and I mean if this isn't the perfect example, then what is? He literally punches Dean in the face and then pulls him into his arms where he somehow clings to him for dear life AND holds him firmly in place in a silent "don't you dare go anywhere" and "please, please don't leave me" at the same time. For 28 seconds, can I just say that again!!!! Because that's how long it takes for Dean to agree to toss this self-sacrificing plan of his out the window! And only then does Sam let him go. What if Dean hadn't agreed to try and find another way? Would Sam just have kept holding on to him? Honestly? Probably. Because as long as Dean has a Sam around his neck he can't get into the stupid box, and if that's what it takes then that's what it takes.
Okay let's move on from 14x12 maybe because I'm getting too emotional. Let's look at some Dean-hugs and compare them to the Sam-hugs, shall we? For fairness' sake, I'll skip death-hugs again. Okay, ready? Here we go.
I want to talk about Dean-hugs in general for a bit, first. Of course there are exceptions, but compared to Sam-hugs they're generally less aggressive and desperate, and more loving and gentle. Like in 8x20, Pac-Man-Fever, he walks up to Sam very calmly, grabs him by the shoulder, pulls him into his arms and holds him firmly but gently. And have you ever seen so much love and affection and contentment on a face as we see on Dean's right here? Yeah. No. And of course, since it's a Dean-hug, and one that Sam didn't expect at all, of course Dean gets to go full big-brother again, with both arms over Sam's.
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Speaking of soft and gentle Dean-hugs, let's look at the one from 12x22, Who We Are, in which Dean does one of my Favorite Things, which is his little "c'mere". Off the top of my head I can think of 4 times he says that to Sam in situations where it's pretty obvious that a hug is definitely in order but they're both kinda struggling to figure out who's supposed to go for the hug first and if the other one even wants a hug and "okay how chick-flicky are we going to make this". And Dean's "c'mere" is Dean-speak for 'it's okay' and 'i can see that you need this, and damn it, i do too'.
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Or what about this one from 13x22, Exodus:
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Just. Look at Sam for a second. He looks so damn lost and insecure, and 'I need a hug' is basically written all over his face, but 'no chick-flick-moments' and 'we're not gonna have to hug or anything, right?' is so ingrained in his brain that he can't move. But Dean needs this just as much, maybe even more than Sam, he just has more control over his face. So he goes for the big-brother hug again, wrapping both arms around Sam and just holding him, silently saying everything he can't put into words. "I was so scared", "I'm so glad you're okay", "I love you", "I'm here", "I'm so sorry" and it's so damn soft.
And you know what else is soft as all hell?? The freaking hug from 14x11!! Can you believe this one actually happened? I mean have you ever seen anything SO SOFT??
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Look at how Dean's hands hover in the air for a moment before he lays them down on Sam's shoulder so incredibly gently and pulls Sam into a hug. The entire purpose of this hug is to show Sam how much Dean loves him, how much he means to him, so Sam can remember that when Dean is gone, and it shows. Let me talk about this hug some more because !! listen, the first time I saw it, my initial reaction was: 'wow, awkward', and I wasn't the biggest fan of it, at first. It felt a bit forced, a bit strange, a bit uncomfortable. But once I thought about it for a bit, I realized: that's exactly how it's supposed to feel!! It IS forced, it IS strange, it IS uncomfortable, nothing about this situation is comfortable or ordinary or natural. Dean is forced to leave Sam, for good, and he can't even explain why, he can't even say goodbye, and on top of that Sam is probably a little bit hurt by what Dean just asked of him, and that is NOT what Dean wants Sam's last memory of him to be.. he just has to do something. And this hug is the weird and awkward and messy result of all that and it's beautiful. Also, and this has nothing to do with anything, I just want to point it out: look how Sam doesn't move away or even really flinch – instead he automatically leans into the hug, closer to Dean, even though he has no idea what's going on. How soft can you get??
Okay, moving on, because there's one more thing I want to talk about (only briefly, don't worry), and that's the tackle-style Dean hugs. Because funnily enough these always seem to happen when Sam's hurt in one way or another, and being pulled into a bone-crushing hug is definitely not the most comfortable thing for him right then, but Dean can't help himself and it's not like Sam minds all that much.
The thing that gets me though, is that even though it's very clear that Sam's in pain, he doesn't pull away but let's Dean hug him for as long as he wants. The two most notable examples of this are 2x22, All Hell Breaks Loose, and 8x19, Taxi Driver.
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This is starting to get pretty freaking long so here's the gist of it.
TL;DR – Sam usually tries to express his emotions with words, first. Remember "You're my brother and I still love you", "You were the one who was always there for me", "I could always count on you", "There's nothing I wouldn't do for you", "I looked up to you since I was four", "I followed you to hell and back". He doesn't initiate a lot of hugs, but when he does, HE REALLY DOES. When he's overwhelmed by emotion and words completely fail him, then it's full on tackle, wrapping himself around Dean, body and soul, desperate, bone-crushing, rib-bruising, holding on for dear life hugs.
Dean isn't as good with words – or, well, he is, he could be, but he's just a more tactile person. To him, touch says more than any amount of words he could string together, so he goes in for a hug way more often than Sam does. And since he doesn't have to be completely overwhelmed with emotions to go in for hugs, his are usually less explosive, less desperate, but gentle, calm, soft, warm, loving.
And they both live by a strict 'hug and let hug' policy, meaning that they always wait for the one who started the hug to end the hug. There's no refusing hugs, there's no cutting hugs short. If one of them needs a hug, he gets one. For as long as he wants or needs, no questions asked. It hurts? Tough it out. It takes forever? Deal with it. Got other shit to do? So what.
Say what you will about their unhealthy, messy, tangled up relationship with each other, but this is something they do right, and it makes me so damn happy.
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paradisobound · 5 years
It’s Time to Begin
Summary: Dan and Phil went through hell and back when they were teenagers to fight against the evil clown. However, when they get called back to Derry, they know that the fight is just beginning again with whatever it is. But old feelings begin to get rehashed and they decide to confess something to the other before they head towards the fight for their lives. 
Phan IT Part 2!Au 
Word Count: 3.9k 
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of violence, homophobia, emetophobia, alcohol, death (not MCD) and general horror movie elements 
Written for the @phandomreversebang for the art by softphiily and beta work by @flymetomanchester! 
**Read on Ao3**
A/N: I purposely left the ending as hopeful because if you've seen the movie, then you know the ending and it's extremely sad. So i left the ending ambiguous because I want people to not read this and feel sad but read this and feel hopeful for the end!
When Dan got the call that was about returning to Derry, he vomited. It wasn’t that he was feeling queasy before then, but it was because he knew what the call meant.
The call had come in from Joshua. All he said was the words, “Come back to Derry” and the words had filled Dan’s head with dread.
He was due to go into his comedy show that afternoon, but the words rattled around in his head and he failed to say anything. People booed him, and he laughed because he tried to make the best of it.
He left the stage without announcing so and vomited in the bin on stage right just behind the curtain. He prayed that the microphone on his shirt was turned off and no one could hear him.
It had been so long since he’s thought about Derry, so long since he’s left there. He was convinced that he never wanted to think of the name of that town again, and he had been successful up until this point.
Joshua had told him to take a flight to Maine but Dan was all the way in Los Angeles and was reluctant to do so. He could drag feet, pretend he didn’t actually hear the words, and move on with his life.
But that wouldn’t be fair.
Oh, yes, why wouldn’t it be fair? Dan remembered the blood pact that they had made on the other side of the Stone bridge that one afternoon all those years ago. At the thought, his hand itches and he instinctively itches his palm, raking his fingernails over the slightly raised scar.
He can’t go back. No, there is no way that he could. Too many memories. Too much trauma. Too much everything. If he goes back, that literally only means one thing: it’s back.
Dan doesn’t even want to think about it. He doesn’t want to think about any of it. He doesn’t want to think about Derry, about his former friends, and especially about what they experienced the summer when they were 14.
No, Dan refuses.
He rubs the bridge of his nose between his fingers as he managers rushes a cold bottle of water to him and he takes the damp plastic and shoves it to the nose of his neck and holds it there.
He stands up a bit straighter and makes a beeline past his manager for the table of food and drinks in the back. He grabs the first bottle of wine that he sees, some white bottle that says it’s a Moscato, and he unscrews the cap and begins to drink it down.
Alcohol is going to be the only thing that can numb his feelings tonight.
It all started in Derry, back in 1991.
He was a young nerdy boy who just wanted to spend his summer playing the shitty arcade games at his local theater. He’d gotten pretty good at Pac-Man and Donkey Kong that summer, setting multiple high scores just to show off to all of the weebs around him that he was the best.
But when school came around that fall, things began to change a bit more. Namely, his friend group. He’d begun to hang out with Robbie and Steven.
Robbie had a bit of a stutter, but Dan didn’t mind. He likes to pick on Robbie, and sometimes Robbie took it well, and sometimes he didn’t.
Steven was quiet, kept to himself. He was Jewish and while Dan himself wasn’t any religion, he still decided to go with his new friend occasionally to temple to see what it was all about. As they grew up, Dan was willing to always help Steven with his studies for his bar mitzvah.
And then there was Jenna and Bradley. But Dan didn’t know them as well as he knew the others. Yeah, they all hung out, but he still knew the others better.
But it was Phil who Dan liked the most. He was a little bit of a hypochondriac—well, maybe a little bit isn't the correct way to phrase that. Phil panicked a lot about anything. His mom had him conditioned to believe everything and anything was a germ and it was a miracle to Dan that Phil even lasted this long in a public school without having an actual freak out.
But there was always something about Phil that Dan never forgot. Not even all these years later, as Dan is sitting in his car in the parking lot of the studio for his show, fighting back tears as he struggles to breathe.
His phone continues to vibrate on the seat next to him, texts from Joshua rushing in asking him to come back to Derry, that Derry needs their group there to save everything.
Dan knows what is waiting for them, and he’s not sure he wants to ever face it. He had faced it once when they were kids, trying to stop the monster from hurting any other children like they had hurt Robbie’s little brother.
For many years, Dan has tried to act brave because he tried to forget about everything that had happened to them. And really, he had pretty much done that until today's text and all of the memories came flooding back.
He starts his car, turns on the radio as loud as it will go as it blasts Radiohead out of its speakers. The couple in the car next to his turn their heads and he sings alone, trying to forget and drown out the buzzing of his phone on the passenger seat.
No...he won’t go back to Derry.
He can’t go back.
Despite Dan’s best efforts, he finds himself in the small town he grew up in, driving past the old arcade where he held all of his records and he sees posters still tacked on the outside from the ‘90s, the last time it had ever been open. Dan’s gut aches a bit more but he’s gotten sick way too much over the last 3 days to still have anything in his stomach.
Dan books an overnight stay in the only bed and breakfast in all of Derry. He books only for one night because he has no intention of actually staying. Part of him hopes that this is all a sick joke to get all of the Losers group to meet up again but he knows deep down that’s not gonna be the case.
After all, it had been a long time since the first ordeal happened.
Dan’s not even sure if he wants to see any of his old friends. It seems like so much has happened since they left and he can’t even decipher if he wants to try and make up for lost time. Maybe the only person he would like to reconnect with is Phil, see how he’s doing, how his health is doing.
Dan laughs to himself as he sits on the edge of the bed with the key to the room in his hand. Phil...good ole’ hypochondriac Phil. Dan does miss him, miss the way he used to freak out over just touching a handrail on a staircase and immediately start dousing his body in hand sanitizer.
He hasn’t heard from Phil in years. The last time he did, he heard Phil got married. And while that’s great for him, Dan can’t help but feel the punch in his gut over the fact that Phil got married.
Mostly because Dan is still harboring a crush on him after all these years. So many years of repressed homophobic language and words. He’s not out to anyone he knows. He’s not even out to his friends back in Hollywood. The only person he is out to is himself.
Dan drops the key out of his grasp and he jumps at the clatter it makes on the hardwood floor in the way too silent room. Part of him wishes he had gotten the nerve to come out to Phil before they all left for college--which Dan dropped out of anyway. They hadn’t even said that much before they all left for their own lives. Dan just gave Phil a quick hug goodbye at graduation and gave them all a promise he’d keep in touch and then they were all gone.
A knock sounds through his door and his shoulders jump as he stands up from the bed and walks over to the door. He opens it slowly and a bit of glee jumps into his chest as he sees Jenna standing there, her strawberry blonde hair tucked behind her ear.
“Hey, Dan!” She says, a voice wavering a bit with tiredness but her eyes still bright green. “Long time no see.”
Dan nods and lets out a laugh. It’s been so long that he’s seen her that it feels a bit unreal to see her now as 30 year old than her teenage self, “You look really good!”
A loud laugh escapes her lips and she waves him off, “Stop lying.”
Dan’s really not but he laughs along. She invites herself into his room and they find themselves talking about their life from the last however many years that they haven’t had contact.
Dan learns that Jenna is going to be filing for divorce from her abusive husband soon and Dan wishes her well in that. He tells Jenna about how he has an upcoming comedy tour beginning in a few months and she jokes that she’s going to buy tickets for one of his shows in New York City.
It feels nice to catch up, but in the end, they both still sit in silence because they deep down know the real reasons why they are here right now. Jenna begins to shake a bit and Dan feels sick again but they both just smile at each other and then Jenna tells him that the others are here too. So they walk downstairs together.
It’s like a mini-reunion but upon seeing everyone standing there, he quickly realizes that they’re missing someone. Steven isn’t here. Dan looked around to make sure he wasn’t just missing him.
“Where is Steven?” Jenna asks before anyone can say anything. She folds her arms over her chest, standing next to Dan.
Robbie stands up and Dan sees the pain behind his eyes, “Steven...Steven passed away. I got an unfortunate call from his wife.”
Everyone opens and closes their mouths and Dan particularly feels the wave crash over him. Did that fucker get to Steven first? How is that even possible? Steven didn’t live around here.
“I know you guys all have questions,” Joshua says, “And I’m sure that you already have some of the answers for them too.”
Dan nods along with the others. Joshua reaches down his side and opens the messenger bag on his shoulder, pulling out a notebook. As he does this, Dan turns his head and looks at Phil for the first time since he came downstairs.
Phil looks so much different. He’s wearing a pair of glasses and his black hair is pushed back into a quiff. His body has also filled out a lot more, more muscle and more definition. And if Dan wasn’t totally in love with him when they were teenagers, he definitely is now. He still is looking at Phil when he looks down at his hand and sees that Phil’s left hand is missing a ring.
His heart stutters for a moment.
“...So you all will need to go out and get that piece to put in our sacrifice to kill it.”
Dan wasn’t listening to much of what Joshua had told all of them. But he was listening now.
“So…” Bradley asks, sitting his hips against the bar behind him. “You’re asking us all to disperse on our own to relieve our teenage trauma just to find that missing piece.”
“I’m not doing that,” The voice is Phil’s. He’s stood up straighter, his body a bit more rigid. “I can’t do that.”
“How do we even know where to look?” Dan speaks up. “This town is basically vacated. None of the locations we knew as teens are still going to be here.”
“Well, you have to try,” Joshua speaks up. “Or else we’re all going to end up like Steven.”
An uncomfortable silence lingers in the air and Dan swallows back the tension in his throat. He doesn’t want to do this. This seems like such a ridiculous idea and he really wants no part of it.
“If we all don’t get our objects,” Robbie says, speaking up again, “It’s not going to work.”
“So when do we need to have these found by?” Jenna asks, uncrossing her arms from her chest.
“We should all meet here by 6 tonight,” Joshua responds, “So we can make sure everyone has their object. We’ll also need to find Steven’s.”
“How are we going to find Steven’s?” Dan asks. “There isn’t…”
“We’ll find it,” Robbie speaks up, “We--we have to.”
The stutter in Robbie’s speech brings him back to the days of his youth when Robbie had a really bad speech impediment and Dan used to pick on him about it. Of course, he regrets all of that now, but he can’t take back what he did in the past.
“Okay, let’s break up then,” Bradley says, smoothing his hand over his face.
“I’m still not going to do this,” Phil says, standing his ground. “This isn’t worth it.”
“So everyone dying is?” Joshua asks, his voice serious. “If you don’t go and find your object, we’re all going to die. There is no question about it.”
No one else says anymore. Joshua and Robbie both leave and Bradley, Phil, and Jenna are left standing there. Jenna leaves eventually too and Dan stands there with Phil. He takes one last look at Phil before he leaves and he tries to ignore that he can clearly see Phil is crying. If he stays for a second longer, he’ll start to cry as well.
Dan doesn’t even know where to start. He gets into his car in the parking lot of the bed and breakfast and turns on the engine. He’s not sure where he wants to go, where he should go. He supposes he can just drive around because there has to be a sign somewhere.
He ends up on the main street and he finds himself parked in front of the old arcade. He remembers this arcade so clearly. It wasn’t really an arcade, it was a movie theater with some games in the front.
But Dan treated it like an arcade. He spent many afternoons here during the school year and during the summer. He particularly loved the Donkey Kong machine and as he opens his car door, he wonders if the machine is still here.
He gets up and walks towards the front of the dilapidated building and looks at the way the broken glass glistens in the sunlight behind him. The doors are completely broken open and when he looks down at the floor just beyond them, he can see many pieces of glass.
Maybe this wasn’t the best idea for him to come here.
But then he sees it in the distance, the donkey kong game that he used to play every single summer. He laughs to himself and braves the glass as he walks inside and goes over to the dust and cobweb-covered machine.
It probably doesn’t even work still, but he wants to try it out anyway. He pulls the sleeve of his jacket down over his hands and he quickly wipes the screen off and presses some buttons. The machine suddenly boots up and he laughs at the luck. He moves the joystick to the high scores and he feels a hit of nostalgia as he sees that his initials still hold all of the top ten spots.
He kind of wants to see if he can beat his old score. Just for the hell of it. But when he presses all of the buttons, it says he needs to insert one token and he knows that those must be long gone. But he starts to look for them anyway.
He looks beside the machine and on the floor and he looks inside the coin flaps of the machines in case any were left there and never picked up again. He kicks over a few pieces of glass, trying to be careful but still eager to find a token. He suddenly finds one and picks it up, looking it over in the sunlight.
It’s the classic gold token he remembers so much, having to pay a quarter for every token back in the day and his mom only giving him $2 at a time. He used to blow through all of that to play every game for as long as possible but sometimes that didn’t happen and he’d waste his token.
Especially when the bullies started to come more and more frequently. He remembers so vividly one day in particular. It was the summer after everything had happened with it. He came to the arcade every single day to get his mind off from the horrors he experienced and he quickly became a target.
He was called a nerd for a while. Weeb became more and more of an insult. But when the words stopped working, next came the punches and Dan became accustomed to them. They started calling him a ‘fag’ or a ‘homo’ and those were what stung the most.
He would always run to try and avoid them. Normally he ended up in the park across the street because he knew that’s where he could get away from them since the bullies didn’t dare to touch him while he was in front of everyone else.
Dan falls back to the present and looks down at the token in his hand. This has to be the object he needs to give to Joshua. He felt such a strong emotion from it just by picking it up in his hand.
He walks back out of the arcade and sucks in a breath as he sees a red balloon pass by him and continue down the street.
Dan winds up in the park by himself, twisting the token in the pocket of his jacket. It’s so empty around here now. It’s like no one even lives here anymore but really who can blame them? After all the horrific shit that happened, he’s surprised anyone stayed at all.
He’s sitting on the bench when he hears footsteps come up to him and he sees Phil standing in front of him, his own hands in his pocket as the cool spring breeze blew through, “Did you find your object?”
Dan nods and pulls out the token from his pocket, “Arcade token.”
Phil nods and takes a seat beside him, “I found mine too. My inhaler.”
“You used to rely on that all of the time,” Dan says with a chuckle. “I remember you wouldn’t go anywhere without it.”
“Did you know I didn’t even need this?” Phil asks, pulling it out of his pocket. “I was told a few years back that I didn’t even have asthma.”
“So what were you even using that for?” Dan asks because surely that’s not healthy.
“Nothing,” Phil says with a laugh. “I was just listening to what my mom told me.”
Dan just nodded and sat there,  silence between them.
“How is your wife doing?” Dan asks because he’s trying to just make polite conversation.
“Oh, we’re not together anymore,” Phil says. “We settled our divorce over a year ago.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” Dan says biting his lip.
Phil just shrugs, “She reminded me too much of my mom.”
Dan let out a snort and Phil did too.
“Oh gosh.”
“Plus I just realized something about myself that...well, that made it so it was hard to fully be in love with her.”
Dan bites his lip and tries to not get his hopes up by what Phil means. Of course, Dan would love for his crush to be reciprocated after all of these years but he knows that that won’t ever happen.
“What about you?” Phil asks. “Never did hear much about you once you left.”
“Oh, I never really had any relationships,” Dan says at first. “I put so much focus on my comedy career and it’s finally starting to pay off. I have a big tour coming in the next few months.”
Phil smiles at him, “That’s awesome to hear.”
The wind bustles around them and the sky begins to darken as the night rolls in. Dan didn’t realize he had been out for so long. It feels like only an hour or so has passed.
“Hey, Dan,” Phil says, his voice wavering a bit, “Can I tell you something?”
Dan swallows back his feelings and nods, “Of course you can.”
Phil sucks his lips into a tight line and then opens them as he says, “It’s just...if I die here, I want someone to know this about me so I didn’t live my entire life a lie.” He takes a deep breath. “I’m gay.”
Dan fights back the smile that plays on his lips at Phil’s confession because as soon as the words sink in, Dan feels his tears well up in his eyes as well.  After all, he feels the exact same way. If he dies within the next few days, no one is going to know his secret either.
“Phil, I’m gay too,” Dan says.
Phil turns to him and forces a smile on his lips as a stray tear makes its way down his cheek and Dan fights back the tears that want to spill down his as well. He takes a few deep breaths.
“Well, that wasn’t so bad,” Phil chuckles out with a watery laugh.
Dan just nods and chuckles as well, “You’re the only person who knows.”
“You too, for me,” Phil says. “I haven’t told anyone else yet.”
The sun sets a bit lower and Dan feels his phone buzz in his pocket. Just as he grabbed at his, Phil grabbed at his own as well and sighed.
“It’s from Joshua,” Phil answers. “They all have their objects and are at the hotel so we should go too.”
“So this is really happening then?” Dan says, his voice wavering more. “We’re really going to finally kill this thing then?”
Phil nods, “I guess so.”
They stand up from the bench and make their way back to the main street. They round the corner towards the arcade and Dan sees his car is still sitting there. A single red balloon is floating next to the driver’s side window.
Dan takes a deep breath and he looks at Phil next to him as he takes one as well. As they walk towards the car, their hands brush for a second and Dan fights back the tears as he realizes that this may be the last time he can have a conversation like this with Phil.
Because they may not be alive after tonight.
Dan just prays to whatever God that is above that they can finally finish this battle tonight, kill the thing that’s been torturing them, and make it out alive. Because he wants to be able to see Phil on the other side.
And as Phil looks at him too, and their hands suddenly intertwine without either of them initiating it, Dan realizes there is nothing he wants more than to get revenge and move on with his life.
It’s time.
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hexblooded · 5 years
This might be my favorite episode this season so I decided to make a full review (mainly me gushing, lol)
Spoilers past this point.
First, all the wholesome kids. The cute little angel sunflower boy, the little girl who wanted to save her cat so bad she went and got burns on her arms and Zola with her butterfly wings and missing her dad. I was almost as bad as Bailey, randomly crying at these cute kids. Some other adorable stuff:
Levi making a matching sunflower costume for himself was also really cute and Nico just wanting to join in on the fun. Cuuuuute.
Deluca talking to Zola and letting her express her feelings and telling her the stories he heard around the hospital about Derek. Stop making me cry.
Jackson’s patient missing Dr. Alex and Jackson impersonating him to make her feel better. 10/10
Meredith in jail with the creepy lady was a good check in on reality for Mer. She is so so privileged and she’s not taking the right advantage of it at all. She could be doing so much more and instead she keeps making the inconsequential choices. Hope that have her some perspective. (Also that final scene just left me a little weirded out, that lady looked a little creepy, idk if it’s just me seeing stuff but yeah).
Bailey’s talks with both Amelia and Tom left me happy because they’re not characters who usually interact but Amelia actually helping Bailey when she just wanted to vent and then her getting a little perspective into Tom’s personality was heartwarming (I like that she’s starting to see Tom as more than the one dimensional arrogant guy and maybe she’ll start warming up to him and they can find common ground in running the hospital) also love when Bailey gets to geek out a bit, even if Tom’s story left me sad.
They claimed we’d see Teddy struggling with motherhood and were seeing it used as comic relief, which is fine, I guess. I just wish it’d have more depth and have more to do about her personally than just generic stuff, idk.
Alex and Webber at pac-north was the best decision they could’ve made, ever. Alex has grown so much and I love seeing that on my screen and he and Webber make an awesome duo. I’m hoping they succeed in getting the hospital back on its feet. Jo walking around the halls creeping people out was a great bonus.
Loved their Halloween wedding. Very in character for them. Also I almost had a heart attack at her joke on the end. People around here have been joking so much about her getting preggers I guess everyone thought it was true.
Amelia and Link are little angels and they deserve the world. It does worry me, they seem way too happy for disaster not to strike soon (I mean, just go watch next episodes promo, Amelia doesn’t deserve this shit).
But anyway, loved the insight on Link’s past and his relationship with his parents. Loved seeing him being in the though position this time around and Amelia sticking up for him. They deserve best couple award, honestly. Their baby is so so lucky to have such amazing parents. (And Amelia made him a cancerversary cake, so freaking cute and wholesome, I love them).
So yeah, very very good episode, I always love Halloween themed episodes on grey’s. This one didn’t disappoint. It had interesting plots all around, great dynamics, great comedic moments, great heartwarming moments. My favorite episode of the season so far.
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scribeofmorpheus · 5 years
His Girl Tuesday {Part 1}
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Tuesday Adams x  Billy Hargrove
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[Prologue] [Series Masterlist] [Main masterlist] [AO3]
Series Warnings: This series will contain NSFW, Language, Drug use, horror themes, potentially gore and the occasional racist depictions (because it’s the 80′s people)
Words: 3k
Part One: Infectuous
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The plastic bottle pressed between Tuesday's palms shook slightly. The trapped water inside, sloshing against the flimsy material that was pressed inwards -deforming with rounded indentations on contact with her fingers.
Tuesday felt numb to everything. The rapid pounding of her heart beneath her breast reduced to nothing more than a distant thrumming of white noise. The shake in her limbs transformed into a tingle of discomfort that refused to subside. But most notable of all was the outward silence.
There she sat, in a crowded, bustling mall. A dizzying panorama of people laughing, talking, arguing, chewing, stomping, and yet, everything was so distant. It was as though someone had turned the dial on her piece of junk television set and now static was the only thing blaring through the dust-covered speakers. Leaving only one voice to speak up inside her cranium. One confounded voice.
She needed to find her way out of this maze, she needed to return to the now.
"One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi..." she counted idly by within the safety of her private thoughts. Savouring that one truth that still held true. Unless…
Tuesday pried her eyes away from the air bubbles trickling to the surface of the water bottle, placing her attentions on the group of kids across from them in the arcade, "She can't read minds can she?" 
Steve drummed his fingers on his thighs, lips pursed in a half show of amusement and concern, "No," he replied. "At least, if she can, she hasn't told me about it. I don't typically ask too many questions. It makes it easier to hold onto my marbles."
Feeling redundant, Tuesday rotated the lid until it popped off and rolled away, devouring the contents of the plastic bottle as if she'd been tittering on the precipice of unquenchable thirst. It hadn’t helped. The liquid, though refreshing, didn’t freeze up her mind. She yearned for her action potentials to stop racing across her wired synapses so she could stop hearing the singular overlapping sound of her own voice inside her head. The voice kept multiplying into a cacophony, overlapping over itself again and again.
Steve ignored the meandering rivulet of water making its way from her mouth to the space between her breasts –moving awkwardly in his seat.
Tuesday wiped the cool liquid from her chin and the underside of her jaw using the side of her shirt -overalls half peeled off at the waist.
This was turning into the kind of day where Billy's proximity was sorely missed. His dominant nature made him an overwhelming persona to be around. It was demanding and dark, a crack in the universe that led to a solitary grotto away from everything.
Some days Tuesday felt as if she was viewing her entire life through neon coloured glasses accompanied by that electric hum that was always present, even in the dark recesses of her mind. Billy was her sedative. He kept her in a state of euphoria, an enticing escape from her woes.
There were two things that sent her over the edge, into that euphoric bliss she craved. One of them was Billy. The other was the smell of his cigarettes. Lucky Strike was his go-to brand, he always had a burning fag in his mouth at one time or another. It's bitter and oaky scents mixed into a heady blend when it diffused together with his musky aftershave. It was an intoxicating mix. A cheap odour that she'd grown accustomed to. And now she found herself scanning the crowd for puffs of smoke, looking desperately for that distinguishable red dot on a filmy white packet.
"Look, I don't mean to be pushy but..." Steve leaned closer. "What are you planning on telling your boss? About the freak accident you narrowly avoided? Heck, what are you planning on telling anyone, period?"
She almost didn't hear him, his gentle nature was a rarity to her, it didn’t demand to be seen, instead, it whispered. "Do you have a smoke?" she asked, her nails scratching at the mystery bruise on her arm.
Steve's eyes skittered about before he said, "Uhhh, n-no. I'm trying to lay off."
She hissed as she scratched at her scalp, ankles springing with pent up energy underneath the table. "Shit."
"Listen, I know all this can be overwhelming, believe me. But you have to promise to keep this a secret. She may have superpowers but she's just a kid, and all she wants is to have the same kinda life as any other regular kid," there was compassion in his words. The way his tone fluctuated from a serious whisper to a soft muttering informed Tuesday that Steve actually cared for those kids.
She wanted to listen, wanted to be wholly attentive, but she just kept searching for a white stream of cigarette smoke. Her mind drifted away again as he continued his plea: "And it's not just her life that would be affected either. I mean, Dustin, Mike, Will, Max, they're great kids and--"
"Wait, Max?" she careened her head. "As in Hargrove?"
"Y-yeah. You know her?"
"In passing. Why isn’t she here?"
"Sick with the flue apparently."
Tuesday's mouth stayed agape until she caught sight of a man with a moustache sucking in the air through the cotton filter of a cigarette bud by a clothing store. "Excuse me a minute."
She dashed from the table with a near-jog. Butting into the strange man's conversation to ask if she could bum a smoke. When she returned, she had a fully lit cigarette strategically placed under her nostrils so she could be bombarded by the smell. It wasn't Lucky Star, but it was a close alternative.
After a satisfied inhale, she turned to Steve, fully present this time.
"Well?" He pressed after she spent a whole minute just staring blankly at his face.
"Well what?"
"What are you going to tell your boss really happened?"
He was confused by that, "I guess.”
She looked back at the kids all hovered around a Mrs Pac-Man arcade game. "People survive near-death experiences in inexplicable and miraculous ways all the time. Perhaps my guardian angel finally awoke from its slumber. Maybe it was divine providence. Though sometimes it's best to leave things unexplained."
Steve nodded a thank you in gratitude, stress leaving his face with a deep exhale. "Thank you, Wednesday."
"Tuesday," she corrected like it was second nature. "Wednesday Adams was the nickname Tommy H. and Carol gave me in high school."
"Oh," regret was present in his eyes.
"Ingenious, I know," she chortled sarcastically. "Don't sweat it. We were all a little screwed up in high-school. It's no one’s fault I was a little weird too."
She noticed him push back his hair, an old habit she would have swooned over had they been sitting at the same table two years ago -before Billy.
“Doesn’t make it alright,” he said.
“C’est la vie.”
He fidgeted, "I always wondered…" he trailed off, unsure if he should be treading over these particular eggshells.
Tuesday recognised that look. "If my name is somehow a rip off of a popular 60's television show?" she finished his unspoken question for him.
He nodded.
"No," she blew the miniature logs of ash off the table. "At least, I don't think so. My dad says I found my way to him on a Tuesday morning. He was never one for television. I guess it was just another stroke of divine providence is all." she joked flatly before standing from the table. "I'm beat and I feel gross. I'm gonna head out. And don't worry. I'll keep your secret."
 Tuesday didn't have the energy to towel dry her long hair, the wetness of it made it look blacker than coal. Her head fell back onto her thinly stuffed pillow, the landing much harder than she intended. She could feel the moisture seep into the cotton pillowcase, but she was content with ignoring the coldness at her back so long as sleep came quick. And it did. She went out like a light.
Eyes filled with terror. A stench of copper and urine turning the air humid. Fear clung around opened sweat glands. A nauseating feeling upturning stomachs as Tuesday's vision was impaired by the spin of vertigo.
The unfamiliar room was a striking show of gestating entropy; shadows born from pale, sickly, yellow lights; dust covering every crack and crevice; the smell of gasoline and burning rubber ghosting off a rusted metal drum placed next to tattered and torn couches. This was a den. A derelict place of rest. And someone had claimed it as their own.
The lord of this domain sat on a leather chair, the whites of his eyes and the stained yellows of his teeth were the only thing visible about him. Tuesday stood under a circle of light that flickered out of beat.
"Who are you?" her voice came out distorted, a ringing echo that morphed into the voices of others –those she had heard whispered to her during the day.
He shifted closer to the light. No. It was more like the darkness had peeled itself back, like a cloud he could control hovering around his body. Even with the dark cloud pulled back, he was still enveloped in blackness. It was slick, wet. Like his body was drenched in tar.
That's when Tuesday realised that here, in this wretched place, he was darkness. From his aura, to the veins around his aqueous humors and the chipped off nail polish on his bitten down fingernails. He was void and Tuesday had unknowingly trespassed into his domain.
She was unwelcome here. The weathered concrete walls leaked of despair. Seeping out like a pustulous boil. It made her want to retch. But there was something else too. Something primordial and infectious rolling off his menacing presence. It snaked its way to her through the soles of her bare feet, veins turning black the higher up it climbed.
Tuesday was petrified in fear as this unwelcome sensation burned at her toes and her ankles and her knees and her stomach until finally, it blocked out all the light in her eyes. She looked down at a materialising pool of oil and what she saw made her scream –only no sound came out of her. Her eyes, they were gone, replaced only by orbs of blackness. She was like him now.
His body turned to air and mistified off the couch, materialising a second later behind her, the stench of stale beer and cigarettes trickling off his pierced tongue. "It feels good, doesn't it? Rage."
She swallowed but her throat remained parched.
"Do you know why you came to me? Why it was so easy for me to worm my way into your pretty little brain?" He dug a fingernail into her temple, the pulsating vein turning dark, spreading like a stain. "Someone tried to hurt you and you can't let such an injustice go unpunished. You can’t bear it for a moment longer."
He appeared a mere inch from her nose now, his eyelids carrying the same epicanthic fold as hers. "Are you going to lie down and take it, like some weak, powerless, frightened little girl who's too afraid to leave her pathetic life behind? Or are you going to give in and do the one thing you've been thinking about since that car nearly crushed you?"
His words were a cajole to join him in his darkness. A temptation to embrace her baser instincts. An awakening of a vehement desire. A violent urge.
Now she was grinning, as he was grinning, their faces mirrors of each other.
"Atta girl," he praised before turning into mist and tunnelling down to her chakras through her nasal cavity and throat. And then she was burning, a fire burning through her flesh.
She was infected now.
Tuesday's eyes flashed open, but her body remained relaxed. It was noon, the sun still high up. She washed her face, noticing a dark purple outline encircling her eyelids. Then she grabbed her car keys off the hook, dropping the note that that was stuck onto the pinboard, stepping on it with her dusty boots. It went unread.
 The sputtering sounds of her engine vibrated through the entire car. Tuesday set in in park, but kept the motor running. Sam and his brothers were welding off car door hinges, stripping it for parts. The red flashing signpost of their establishment blinked in the back, several bulbs blown: Carson Bros Metal Works and Junkyard.
One of Sam's brother's noticed her arrival, peeling back his welding helmet, "Yo, Sammy, we got a visitor."
Sam Carson was not the most refined specimen Hawkins had to offer, and that was about all Tuesday cared to noticed of him. His entire body stunk of sweat and burning, the tell-tale signs of leading a life that relied on scraping by. The smell stuck to him like flies over rot. All his foul persona was missing was that constant buzz that accompanied large house flies.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't the beguiling Tuesday Adams," he snorted with a pinch of his nose.
Tuesday bit down on her teeth until they sent trembles up to her cochlear nerve. "Can you even spell beguiling?"
"Yeah," he leered, thumbs in his back pocket. "I believe it goes: B-E-Blow me!" He mocked.
Tuesday narrowed her eyes and he bent his pelvis so he could look at her at the same level.
"Can you even see when you squint like that?" his brothers let out huffs of amused noises and Tuesday balled up her fists. He noticed her fingers strain under her shaking fist and he held up his hands as though he were innocent of whatever feelings of antagonism she held towards him. "Oh, hey now. Don't get your knickers in a twist. We're just making light." He propped his frame on top of a newly salvaged JTO. "What brings you to my place of business?"
"Jack brought over the car-jack yesterday, he said you told him you fixed it." It was a statement, but it implied something else.
"Jack? I don't know no Jack. You must have your wires crossed honey," he leaned further back with a smug smile on his heat blistered lips.
"Your botched up job nearly cost me my life," she was seething now. "I nearly got crushed!"
"Yeah, well," he pulled out a cigarette from his breast pocket, lighting it with a match. "I can't be held liable for any accidents that happen at other people’s businesses. It's not my fault your boss is a negligent cook. You get what you pay for, and he’s the one who wanted to play hardball. Take up your grievances with him."
Tuesday could feel that infectious rage swirl inside her, her breathing rising and rising the same time her knuckles turned white. She didn't come here to talk. In that moment, she knew exactly why she came here.
In a flash, her hand swung back as she planted her feet and powered her right hook into the unsuspecting Sam's cheek, his cigarette spitting out on contact. Her form was off, sacrificing technique for power and as a result, a cracking sound came off her proximal phalanges.
Sam was sent reeling into the dust, his brothers scattering to come to his aid and gang up on the very riled up Tuesday.
"You bitch!" He sucked on his split lip. "Are you fucking insane?"
He picked himself off the ground and in an instant of red, he struck Tuesday with a heavy open palm. She landed on the hood of the car, trading places with Sam, a gasp of air knocked out of her lungs. She massaged her jaw muscles and spun around to promptly kick him in the crotch. Her fists pressed to her cheeks.
Sam groaned, buckling to the floor again. One of his brothers rushed at her but was deterred from his path by a threatening Trans-Am almost ramming into him.
Billy got out of the car with flaring nostrils and a baseball bat.
"Get the fuck back," he growled as he strode over to her side. The bat pointed at each of the men lick a swinging pendulum. "Tuesday, get in the car."
She didn't listen to him, in fact, her focus was fixed solely on Sam. She made a motion to advance, to trade another blow and this time Billy snaked his arm around her waist and heaved her off the ground. Tuesday was dragged, kicking and screaming, into Billy's car. Face turning beat red from anger.
Billy walked back up to Sam after he locked Tuesday inside, he walked with his usual slow, swaggerful gait. He appeared to be extending a white flag when, without warning, his bat abruptly crashed onto Sam's knee, making him howl in pain.
Billy pulled him by the collar and threatened him, "The next time you lay hands on someone, you better pray it's someone I don't know." He pushed him back into the dirt and taunted his brothers, arms wide open. "Anyone else?"
They all took an instinctive step back when Billy motioned to step forward. He spat at the ground before climbing into his car and speeding Tuesday home.
 "The fuck were you thinking?" his voice was harsh as he grabbed a packet of frozen peas from the fridge.
Tuesday stared at her reflection in the television screen, the voice from her dream returning to taunt her: "Someone tried to hurt you and you can't let such an injustice go unpunished."
The cold press of peas to her face brought her back. She looked into Billy's eyes, so filled with anger and worry. Her right arm stiff from the tight bandage Billy had wound around her undoubtedly fractured hand.
"I- I don't know what came over me..."
He sighed, placing his forehead to her knee. "Something could have happened."
Tuesday was reminded of the harrowing image of the car hurtling towards her small frame, "Something nearly did."
“How did you learn to fight like that?”
“I was raised by a single dad…”
Billy didn't move and for a while, neither did she. They just sat there, stewing in their unpleasant emotions until they proverbially pruned.
Her eyes caught sight of the note that had been stamped with a dusty boot print, "Hey Champ. Won't be home for dinner. Don't wait up. Taking a double tonight. Love dad!"
Her chin quivered, barely. "How did you find me?"
Billy sat up, removing the bag of peas that turned soft. "I went over to the garage. Jack told me what happened. When no one answered the door I figured, if you were anything like me, you'd be itching for payback. I got lucky." He turned her head to examine the red palm mark. "It won't bruise."
Tuesday noticed he sported a new bruise beneath his shirt, she trailed a finger over it and he shivered, biting down hard. "How'd you get this?"
"Does it matter?"
"It does to me."
Billy held her gaze, and now she was reminded of their proximity. Of the cheap aftershave and cigarette smell that turned her limp. She pulled him close, savouring the feel of sedation. And then her lips found the sensitive stop of flesh behind his ear and he groaned, fingers digging into her back.
Without a word or look or a warning, Billy pulled her off the couch and carried her towards the bedroom where he proceeded to fuck her against her old, creaking dresser -the wood groaning and legs lifting from his fevered intensity. Their kisses all tongue and teeth and with no propriety -it was a primal instinct fuelled by heat and savagery. When he flipped her over and backed her into a wall, legs locked around his waist while he increased the power of his strokes, he noticed her hand had been kept over the bruise she had seen earlier. Her unintelligible whimpers fuelling him to go even deeper -harder. When he came, he had pulled out just in time. They leaned against the wall, ragged breathing, raspy voices and aching limbs. He watched his cum slide down the length of her inner thigh, waiting for it to reach the dip in her knee before he let her drag him to the bathroom.
That night, as he held her in his arms, he couldn't help but notice that the purple-bluish marks had almost faded into the yellowish-brown of a nearly healed bruise. Billy ignored the strangeness behind the colour change and focused on smoothing the raw skin of her cheek as she let out small breaths through lips agape.
Tuesday was drawn back into the dreamscape from before, but this time it wasn't drowning in darkness. The red and orange hues of the sunset covered the room in orange paint. The man from before looked less animalistic and spectral. He resembled a simple human now.
He held a bloody bat over his shoulder, the plasma smearing onto his wrist as he craned his neck to the side and side-stepped so she could see the fruits of his depraved labours. On the ground, a man in a security guard uniform lay barely breathing, incisors surrounded by splotches of blood around his face, no longer rooted in his mouth.
The nightmare-man turned to her, and with a mockingly high pitched tone, he screeched like a deranged parrot, "What are you? Some kind of ffrrreeeeeaaaaakkk?!"
His yellow teeth in full view through thinly pried lips.
And then she was forced awake.
Tuesday grumbled when she was conscious again, an epiphany dawning over her now that she was sober and in full possession of her bearings.
“Damn it,” she cursed as she realised she had left her car at the Carson’s Junkyard.
To be continued...
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Meet Cute & Robin’s Girl taglist:  @chims-kookies @electroma89  @mochminnie @timeladygallifrey
Permatags: @gruffle1 @thechickvic @notawarriorjustyet @savethehoneeybees
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orchidrene · 2 years
Orchid bro??????
You're not allowed to be so accurate???
Because wth I feel like crying now???????
Ugh. Your PAC about the romantic soulmate was wayyyy too accurate like all the freaking placements on point! Dude had Aquarius sun + Pisces venus and like you said, I might have threatened to leave, I left actually. I didn't threaten him, it just didn't feel right? He is a fuckboy, or was whatever. There were too many differences, that felt like red flags.
However, he was very patient with me, even though I was passive aggressive because I couldn't make sense of my emotions (indecisiveness at it's worst ok, Libra moon) I walked away. The reading felt like a slap on my face when you said he wouldn't take me back :/
You've also predicted about us meeting the second time and working it out??? Can't wait to see how that unfolds???? I have Neptune in 4H like you said I AM????? FELT LIKE A CUSTOMIZED READING WTF, I'M SCREAMING. YOU'RE WAY TOO GOOD. TOO GOOD.
Glad your paid services are open! Thanks for helping so many people out!
Sending you massive love and hugs <3
You're a freaking angel!
Helppp ㅠㅠ thank you so much, I'm glad that I was of some help ♡ sending love to you too <3 don't shed your pretty tears ahahaha ☁️ take care !!!
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home-of-monsters · 3 years
Season 8, part 2
I’m only on episode 12, and my post was getting a little long, so I split it up.
As Time Goes By
-Oh man, was season 8 MoL too? How much did they try and cram into this season? No wonder so much of it is a blur.
-You mean to tell me all the times Dean fixed up baby, he never made her windows stronger?
-One of the many, many reasons I hate the MoL story line is because they couldn’t just… have John be a normal dude who went through some shit. After making Mary and her whole family be hunters, they had to have John’s family be connected to hunting too.
Haha skipping the Hitler episode.
-“I haven’t had my own room…ever” 🥺
-Dean being a good cook 💖
-“Get cancer and die, old man.” “You first sweetie.” How did the writers get actual lines from my family holiday dinners?
Mans best friend with benefits
“Cop murders hooker with bare hands” hits a little different in 2021
Dean is absolutely a sub.
“There’s no medicine for this!” How do you know? You don’t even know what’s wrong with you.
It’s kinda frustrating that, even after 8 seasons, they keep having the boys have this all black and white thinking when it’s convenient for the plot.
“You can only trust you.” Well yeah. Deans got a shit ton of trauma from people disappointing him.
Chief-dude, could you be any more suspicious?
Dean gets weirdly interested in other people’s sex lives. Definitely putting a pin in that.
That witch killing spell was pretty anticlimactic.
Remember the Titans
Ah yes, because when I’m sleepy, I often thinking drinking will make it better.
Look, Supernatural is a hot mess. But one of the thing it does right is that the only cops that are competent are the ones who are also good people.
Dean with kids is *chefs kiss*
“While we were-ya know - he had a heart attack.” “awkward.” Dean omg
Dean is hypersexual when Cas isn’t around, until a kid comes into the picture. Interesting.
I wish we got more of this Sam.
Goodbye Stranger
Conversion Therapy is evil
Mishas eyes are so dark in this episode.
Voluptuous Asian Lovlies. Really?
Remember when the show cared that angels and demons were using humans as vessels? Yeah, neither does the show. That’s why the whole ~iT’s CaSs’S vESsEl~ arguments don’t make sense: the show stopped seeing the bodies as vessels several seasons ago.
Meg makes Castiel question. Dean makes Cas rebel.
“I took how many bullets for you guys, and you didn’t even look for me? Not once?” This show did Meg so dirty.
“You hit a dog and stopped. Why?” “That whole story, and that’s your take away?” That’s everyone’s take away, Sam.
When Naomi orders Cas to kill Meg, he negotiates. When Naomi orders Cas to kill Dean, he fights her. When she tells him to chose, he chooses Dean. But. Ya know. In a straight way.
Can we also talk about how Dean doesn’t fight Cas? He’s defensive the whole time Cas is punching him, but never tries to fight back. Even though for the last however many episodes he’s been suspicious of Cas.
“What broke the connection?” You, Dean. The show tries to play it off that it’s because Cas was holding the tablet, but once he looses it, Noami never gets him back.
Freaks and Geeks
I don’t really have much to say about this episode. It was a good filler episode.
Taxi Driver
Kevin deserved better.
Wouldn’t the reapers, rogue or not, fall under Death? Why would they be afraid if Crowley? Also, wouldn’t Death be mad that Crowleys killing Reapers?
Why isn’t Sam’s humanity a beacon like Deans was?
Dean missing that Benny doesn’t want to come back 🥺
PAC-Man Fever
Do Sam and Dean have the same email? Or does Charlie just e-mail Dean?
Charlie called Cas dreamy. Charlie has never met Cas at this point. Why would a lesbian think Cas was dreamy? The only thing she has to go on is the way Dean and Sam talk about him?
“Strong, kind, taken from her family too young. Remind you of anyone?” Oh Dean, you’ll change that tune soon.
“He reaked of fear too.” Aw, Dean was afraid while Charlie was hunting with them.
Dean gets all the friendships, and Sam gets plot lines that are easily forgettable.
The Great Escapist
This would have been better if they’d had J2s stunt doubles play Dean and Sam.
Sam, Cas is not here, you know how your brother gets when that happens. Sit down, shut up, and eat your soup.
Cas traveling around to all the Biggersons is hilarious. Cas doesn’t not get enough credit for how clever he is.
What happens to the angels vessels when the angels go to heaven? Do the angels have to ask EVERYTIME they come to Earth, or is it a “one and done” kinda deal?
Sam thinking he was “unclean” as a kid. Damn was John a shitty father.
“My demons were too polite?” Damn. Ouch.
Remember when Metatron was actually an interesting character?
Dean recognizing Cas, even though Cas was collapsed on the road with his back to them.
Clip Show
Man, Tommy survived a wendigo, just to have his head explode.
Dean only acknowledging Cas when he had to. BB. I know that trick. Trust me, it’s not doing what you think it is.
I really want to know who’s idea it was to make popcorn.
Cas just… randomly buying things he’s seen the boys buy.
Poor Cas. He just wants so bad to do the right thing.
Does Sam just… literally remember everyone they’ve ever saved?
This Crowley is the best Crowley. It’s such a shame that they ruined his character.
The fact that Crowley comes to deal with Jodie personally…
“Brother, it’s 10am on a Tuesday.”
Damn Dean, don’t hold back about what you think Sam should ask forgiveness for.
Crowleys accent gets super fucking weird as he gets more human.
0 notes
deathtriangles · 3 years
I've got a fun game for you to play! Book an AEW trios tournament with RANDOM TEAMS! Put the AEW roster into a random generator and generate trios teams with 1 woman and 2 men. Even more fun - put the managers in too and generate managers for the teams! Then, deduce who you think would win and why! Have fun!
THIS SOUNDS SO FREAKING FUN AND I AM HERE FOR THIS !!!!! LETS GO !!!! ✨✨✨ So for this, I’ve randomly generated 16 teams ~ each has 2 men, a woman and a manager as requested~ As for who i think would win, I, as a lover of a good babyface team, am going with TEAM 4 !!! 👀
TEAM 1 : Angelico, Wardlow & Diamante, managed by Matt Hardy: OKAY THIS IS PRETTY BADASS!!!!! With Matt Hardy managing them, this would be a heel team for sure!
TEAM 2 : Matt Jackson, Serena Deeb & Chuckie T, managed by Jake Roberts: OMG this is a far cry from Lance for poor old Jake the Snake!!! 😂 I feel like Jake’s role as manager would basically be that one grumpy grandad at all the school meets. A face team which Jake would want to be a heel team
TEAM 3 : Stu Grayson, The Butcher & Riho, managed by Arn Anderson: this is even more random than the last one LMFAO !!!! would pop for riho and stu doing their flying moves off of the butcher’s shoulders! like jake arn is just looking at his team like 👁👄👁 A face team for sure, as the sweet Stu and Riho melt the Butcher’s hard exterior and let him have fun!
TEAM 4 : Jon Moxley, John Silver & Yuka Sakazaki, managed by Billy Gunn: FAVOURITE TEAM SO FAR I STAN THESE 4 !!!! this team , especially with lovable goofballs Yuka and Silver, is so freaking fun! Billy would be like that dad who cheers his kiddos on with everything he has ! 🥺🥺🥺 A proper baybface team who i would book TO WIN for the lovable goofballs to come out on top!
TEAM 5 : Cody Rhodes, Alan Angels & Nyla Rose, managed by Sting: OKAY BUT NYLA BULLYING FIVE WOULD BE SO FUNNY !!!! A proper tweener team, Cody and Nyla butt heads all the time while poor Five is stuck in the middle. Would definitely go out of the tournament early due to bad teamwork dynamics costing them the opening match
TEAM 6 : Pac, Cash Wheeler & Thunder Rosa, managed by Taz: THIS TEAM IS F*CKING BADASS!!!!!!! A trio of absolute asskickers with the baddest manager!!!  Cash would like Pac since even though he flips, he uses a lot more fists nowadays! A tweener team who just wants to kick ass and take names and this philosphy will lead them to the finals, but sadly not to the win.
TEAM 7 : MJF, Luchasaurus & Kris Statlander, managed by Vickie Guerrero: MJF IN BIZARRO WORLD BASICALLY ! 😂 mans forced to team with a dinosaur, a cougar and a freaking alien. He would pull a Mox from Episode 3 and just flip them off and leave. Wouldn’t make it far. 
TEAM 8 : Dax Harwood, Miro & Red Velvet, managed by Tully Blanchard: Dax keeps his manager !!! A heel team with Velvet outnumbered in the dynamics and she leaves the trio early in the tournament, therefore forfeiting their place, because the team keeps using dirty tactics to get ahead.
TEAM 9 : Rey Fenix, Orange Cassidy & Jade Cargill, managed by Reba: OMG THIS IS RANDOM BUT AMAZING ! 😂 orange takes every opportunity to not get involved. the reba scream haunts everyone. think they’re a heel team but in reality they’re a face team 💅🏻
TEAM 10 : Hangman, Brian Cage & Tay Conti, managed by Paul Wight: This is a babyface team of badasses as well !!! PLUS tay and hangman can technically recreate the buckshot/v-trigger combo! 🥺 their teamwork would take them far, likely to the semis!
TEAM 11 : Chris Jericho, The Blade & Dr Britt Baker D.M.D., managed by Don Callis: A BUNCHA CARNIES !!!! Chris and Britt together is lit as anything, gotta love the role models~ ofc they would come in to Callis’ amazing IMPACT entrance music
TEAM 12: Lance Archer, Sonny Kiss & Anna Jay, managed by Jerry Lynn: Sonny and Anna being together is EVERYTHING !!!!! lance doesn’t care as long as everybody dies. jerry is the wholesome dad. babyfaces for sure
TEAM 13 : Brandon Cutler, Jungle Boy & Penelope Ford, managed by The Bunny: What happens when a D&D Geek, Tarzan, a psycho bunny and Penelope meet in a bar ??? weird team for sure but honestly it could work! At least penelope got her book club bestie there
TEAM 14 : Kenny Omega, Evil Uno & Big Swole, managed by -1: VIDEO GAME DORKSSSS !!!! Swole better be organising their cosplay gear is all I’m saying !!!! 
TEAM 15 : Eddie Kingston, Penta El Zero M & Maki Itoh, managed by Tony Schiavone: I’M CREASING THE WAR BETWEEN EDDIE AND TONY CONTINUES 😂 maki sings over every promo the team cuts for her simps. a fun comedy team for sure, with some heat from the former best friends Eddie and Penta!
TEAM 16 : Powerhouse Hobbs, Ricky Starks & Hikaru Shida, managed by Excalibur: THEY DID THE DEAL!!!! Amazing luck that Ricky and Hobbs get paired together and Shida is badass enough to carry any team. Would make it far for sure~
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petty-crush · 7 years
“No Small Affair”
-an odd, wonderful, joyous teen comedy that resonates quite well, even over patches of sparseness
-it lingers in the mind due to the strong direction and especially the magnificent, tender cinematography
-no surprise, as the main character is a photographer, and there is a warm blanket of nostalgia by both the writer, director, and cinematographer
-I actually really really enjoyed Jon cryer’s acting here, he plays a earnest vulnerability surrounded by a wall of faux cynical protection
-nice bit with all the frame with a frame as cryer’s character tries to photograph moments of empty space and animals, +he wearily notes how he cannot stand humans
-I can’t tell if his character’s voice over narration was part of the original intent, or a boardroom note. +It comes off as unintentionally clumsy in the first twenty minutes or so (as does the music)
-I laugh as I see cryer’s father figure(really step father) is played by Jeffry tambour. He really filled in that niche early, didn’t he?
-funny bit where cryer talks to his mom about his brother bringing home another fiancé, which leads them to argue about whether or not he is just saying that so he can sleep with them with impunity
-great visual moment where Cryer notices that he accidentally did snap a shot of a human and, more shockingly, he likes her. +He then proceeds to blow up several photos of her, assembling them in his wall like a giant jigsaw piece
-the mysterious woman is played by Demi Moore, who handles the role with good cheer
-I must stress that cryer’s character is 16, and combined with his numbness to his family (and those feelings coming out obtusely) this makes clear why cryer does certain acts but does not condone them
-Tim Robbins plays a wanna be punk dork, and he has his moments
-cryer is getting TV eyed by this nerdy girl who loves arcade games with coke sized glasses, and her thirst is palpable
-personally I think this girl is way more of a catch than Demi moore’s character, but there is no accounting for taste
-the fact that she’s played by Jennifer Tilly at the dawn of her jaw dropping beauty and attitude doesn’t hurt
-ok, now cryer’s brother and his fiancé is revealed and she is played by Elizabeth Daily (“Dottie” from pee wee, the singer of the title song of “Better Off Dead”) +this director has an eye for interesting and stunning women
-Demi Moore is finally found, and she is a singer in a band, reminding me of that early tori amos album where she did all that hair metal/“material girl” stuff that just didn’t suit her
-cryer’s brother is a tall glass of knucklehead with a thin layer of good hearted slobbering dog
-cryer’s awkwardness is like a beacon in the night
-there is an odd subtext of cryer’s character being a minor wandering in strange lands he shouldn’t
-the next day he goes back to the bar and overhears Moore arguing with her guitarists; perplexing moment where the guitarist says he is too old at 28 for bands and if he doesn’t make it young, he’s out the game (I call chickenshit)
-Moore goes to the aquarium to see a tumor fish to calm down
-cryer ingratiates himself to Moore in a bewildering way
-cryer’s brother has a bachelor party where they all buy him an escort; leading him to drolly note “there’s only one room in this apartment; where we gonna do it?”
-so cryer takes a under aged drink (first of many) and suggests they go see Moore sing
-the escort is touched by this tells cryer he can have her
-cryer’s blushing is a thing of beauty
-this is definitely a 70’s vibe where pretty much anything goes,
-cryer is too shy but meekly asks for a hug; the escorts laugh and adds “now that is a first”
- cryer’s mom catches them (they hilariously share a pillow to cover themselves-although cryer is still wearing underwear) and the escort excuses herself + kids in the 80’s got away with everything
-cryer boyishly finds Moore again and tries to connect more
-I don’t believe for a second Moore finds anything of loving value in cryer, but I do believe she loves the attention-the desire to be loved as a icon; in turn he can only appreciate her on a surface level + this disconnected relationship gives the film a unique emotional registry
-Moore follows cryer to school and wants to be photographed again, shocking his classmates
-again, cryer ignores the cauldron of lust that is Jennifer Tilly’s arcade girl, and I just gotta wonder why
-what is tambour even talking about with being a dope smoking kid who grew up? I find this a pretty accurate summation of a certain group of people who can’t accept they aren’t hip anymore. Pretty funny
-I also laugh at the fact the owner of the bar Moore plays at is acted by George Wendt, who did a pretty gotdamn similar role in TV. +I guess bar crawls are a mixed media thing
-this 80’s montage is one of the very, very best I have seen; the great cinematographer Vilmos Zsigmund is texturing every shot in this film with outstanding lighting and angles + it parts the oceans to let the synth music land like a ufo
-funny spot where cryer is trying to take moore’s picture, but a couple asks for a photo of them, so in one long double speed shot cryer runs around and takes twenty shots of them +kinda reminds me of “A Clockwork Orange” or “Benny Hill”
-in one of the best sequences of the whole film, cryer and moore crash a wedding for free food and drink; while she’s in the bathroom cryer is accosted by the father who demands money +his sputtering is a joy to behold
-cryer gets Moore to sing, and she totally slows down his style to do a cover of a old standard, essentially turning into a 80’s Norah jones
-this is where the film really gets cooking, this pause and abstraction shows that even with the robo music, there was a artistic bent to directors in 80’s films if they had the courage to pursue it
-this is definitely one of the most 80’s films I have ever seen; I mean that as a compliment
-in that it is a series of escapades, very loosely connected, but also surprising and varied
-in a move wholly surprising and seemingly out of a young banksy, cryer takes all his money (six grand) and has his photos of her plastered on every cab in the Bay Area
-this leads to my favorite line in the film “I’ve learned that you may be disappointed by people’s humanity, but never by their greed”
-Moore is getting all kinds of sketchy calls, realizes what happens, then freaks out and finds cryer at French class
-the French teaching is both irked and delighted at being told to fuck off in French
-cryer’s reasoning is so perfectly adolescent, and so starkly sad in his inability to differentiate true feelings and obsessions
-so after they part he goes to drink himself to death
-Moore is talked back into singing at her old bar (people are waiting around the block to see her) and she stuns then with her throaty renditions of older songs, perhaps proving people don’t want a new drug, just one in a newer suit
-I’d call bullshit but every five years some other sparkling turd carries on the baton + thus proving “same as it ever was”
-cryer has a trash bag apparel, to die like the garbage he feels he is
-thank gawd “Dottie” is here to take slobbering dog brother to find him, and then slobber bro breaks his foot on the bike
-funny jump cut to said foot
-as cryer finds out that Moore “loves” him he goes back to her apartment (which I neglected to mention is bohemian to the extreme) where she tells him thank you, and now she must go to Los Angeles
-cryer comes off as rather small here for selfishly wanting her, but, again, he is sixteen and has no healthy emotional support
-this clearly didn’t blip as a problem at the time, but now moore’s young twenties character is clearly doing statutory assault
-but I guess it’s love (or something approaching it) so sure why not
-ok, funniest moment of the film, where cryer (in bed next to Moore) calls his mom(in bed next to tambour) and says he won’t be coming home tonight +tambour says to say goodnight and then takes the phone and says “good job, son”
-like he knew without ever seeing it; he just had a hunch
-this is the first time I’ve ever seen a couple naked in bed calling another (let alone older) couple naked in bed + usually it’s a lawyer or some shit
-a long lingering look at each other in a airport, then off forever
-why am I getting recollection of “la la land”?
-so this airport has a arcade
-cryer remembers his brother saying that “love only happens once, but sex washes off” (source?)
-so, finally, (and with one more montage to establish all her past horniness) cryer goes to Tilly’s arcade girl to see if he can gobble her ms pac man fruit
-this is a very kitsch, offbeat teen humored film that is a series of escapades; there is a weird alternatively randy and sentimental vibe that permeates it; it’s also a blast and I can’t recommend it enough
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sysig · 8 years
TAZ Ep. 56 Liveblog
⦁ Oh shit starting off with the alternate planes in the reminder, that's exciting ⦁ So ready for Boss Rush ⦁ CASUL ⦁ Yas retcon for Taako's wand, Ron Weasley style ⦁ What the heck ⦁ What the HECK ⦁ Squoosh goes the meat monster ⦁ Y'all are way too chill with Cam having multiple actions ⦁ This is only the second boss, why are you using so many actions Mango ⦁ "Jerkins", bless ⦁ Oh no ;; Angel babe ⦁ Dispel magic doesn't dispel weird mannequins I guess ⦁ Red Robe what are you doing ⦁ Obviously you should've rolled a woodworking check rather than an arcana check. This is why Magnus knows what's happening ⦁ Awesome, recurring locations *u* ⦁ Is this Taako's first intentional Scorching Ray? ⦁ How does that work....it's a real wand? I ⦁ WOAH AWESOME ⦁ Oh no it's Sloane isn't it ⦁ Oh okay no alright, I can handle this ⦁ Griffi what are you planning ⦁ "Please wait I must pray once more" ⦁ Omgsh Merle please ⦁ What the heck did you get another new phone Pan ⦁ "I believe in Pan" "But he doesn't believe in you" ⦁ No thank you ⦁ Also new music, I like ⦁ Magnus my son please be okay ⦁ Phew ⦁ "You" choose, do you mean yourself Griffi ⦁ Red Robe, what ARE you doing ⦁ All I can see is the mechanical shark thing from James and the Giant Peach when I hear the Shark Tank's description ⦁ I mean ⦁ Why are you like this Magnus ⦁ Well, alright. Kinda like the worm, I guess that works. Always arms ⦁ I thought you were going to use Rail Splitter but no I guess fire ⦁ IT'S LUC ⦁ Okay nevermind ⦁ Taako with a gun, new aesthetic ⦁ "Pistol of Patroneous" amazing ⦁ Most innards are inside, yes ⦁ WHAT ⦁ Please let it be Knife Dad ⦁ Jaa'm ⦁ WHAT THE HECK TAAKO ⦁ Hello more music I appreciate you and your existance ⦁ NAT 20 BABES ⦁ 8d12 I'm going to die ⦁ HOLY SHIT ⦁ HOLY SHIT ⦁ Heck yeah Marvey's dead again ⦁ Oh yeah, this is the Suffering Game, power creep with a fruKING T-REX ⦁ Dupri the tiny-hatted Wizard T-Rex ⦁ Woah ⦁ No please ⦁ Okay, phew ⦁ OMGSH YES GIANT FLAMING PURPLE WORM I AM SO INTO THIS ⦁ Woah ⦁ Okay but where's Legion ⦁ I need Legion please, it was like the first Boss Rush ⦁ Heck yeah, Magnus is safe, I am happy ⦁ "WTF Cam" same ⦁ MERLE ⦁ YOU'RE GOING TO DIE ⦁ No why, that's not fair ⦁ THE DOOR ⦁ Oohh ⦁ Happy Red Robe, maybe ⦁ If you close that door as soon as Magnus is in that door I'm gonna scream ⦁ Ow ;; ⦁ I like the idea of Merle and Cam in a T-Rex's mouth ⦁ Canon: Merle tastes bad ⦁ *greets music with open arms* ⦁ Woah awesome, WHERE WILL THEY BE?? ⦁ Are they even gonna be in Wonderland anymore?? ⦁ Hey bby, ready for this Advertisement Zone ⦁ Thank goodness, this is the only arc I am looking forward to coming to a close ⦁ On Tumblr checking the tag, I love how much we're all freaking out, bless everyone in this fandom <3 ⦁ I know babe, I'm all caught up on my Raandyy tunes~ ⦁ Feb. 23rd, I might die ⦁ Back into the fray ⦁ Big open space, yas ⦁ "38" sounds important :| ⦁ "He's still levitating," Jinx ⦁ Cam ⦁ Poor Merle ⦁ CAM ⦁ "Tad" "Chad" "Tam" ⦁ Hahahaha ⦁ Oh that's actually cute, I like ear-tucked wand ⦁ Pac Cam ⦁ Ohhhhh now I know what this room is ⦁ Man if it had said Lucretia, that would've been amazing ⦁ Hey what a shock ⦁ Still tho how did Cam get there ⦁ "I do that" I am complete ⦁ More fruking mannequins, I'm so done with mannequins ⦁ Are Lydia and Edward mannequins ⦁ I guess Magnus would've seen that, nvm ⦁ Hahahah ⦁ True but you're also beautiful Taako ⦁ Yes, awesome, amazing, I am so into this ⦁ Yes, nat30, my favourite ⦁ What crowd ⦁ COLD SHOULDER MERLE I AM INTO THIS ⦁ Thank, bless, "cosmetically enhanced friend" ⦁ GIVE MERLE HIS APPLAUSE ⦁ I don't trust this ⦁ "Very few" I thought it was 30 this year, Lydia ⦁ Ugh ⦁ You mean Kurtze? ⦁ I don't remember asking for lich backstory?? ⦁ Seriously tho what prompted this ⦁ Can this please end with "Because no one will believe you" ⦁ WE ALL KNEW IT ⦁ "Word of mouth" ⦁ OH DEAR BAD L U C K ⦁ No ;; ⦁ Merle knows what's up ⦁ Oh ⦁ Ohh ⦁ My boy ⦁ Who is this ⦁ WHT NO THNAKL YP ⦁ KRAVITZ DO SOMETHING PLEASE ⦁ W ⦁ NO ⦁ NO NO NONON ⦁ OH GOD NO PLEASE THANK YOU NOOOOOO ⦁ I'M THINKING NO THNAK YOU ⦁ NO NOT BACK TO MERLE AND TAAKO ⦁ NO THANK YOU ⦁ IMMEDIATE MERLE CHARACTER VOICE I'D BE SO HAPPY IF I WASN'T SO SCARED ⦁ Edward as Magnus is scary and weird ⦁ Merle ⦁ Edward ⦁ Taako save this please ⦁ WHAT IS HAPPENING PLEASE THANK YOU WHAT ARE YOU DOING ⦁ OH MY GOD???? ⦁ THIS HAS TO BE THE 500 WORDS DELETED, IT'S GOTTA BE ⦁ GO CATCH YOUR BOY TAAKO ⦁ Tug of war between Kravitz and Taako over Magnus please ⦁ "Spell Magnus" don't you know he's not magical ⦁ Scared precious boy ;; ⦁ No Kravitz isn't there ;; ⦁ Grab his hand, my poor boy ;; ⦁ Ghost-dope ⦁ Touching dope moment between my sons ;u; ⦁ What ⦁ KRAVITZ ⦁ MY SON ⦁ THIS MUSIC ⦁ IT'S BACK HOLY SHIT ⦁ WHAT IS HAPPENING TO HIM ⦁ NO ⦁ HOLY SHIT THANK YOU FOR THAT NAT20 ⦁ WOAH ⦁ WOAHHHH ⦁ WOAHHHHHHHHHHHHH ⦁ MERLE YOU'RE SO HEROIC AND I LOVE YOU ⦁ THIS IS SO SICK HOLY SHIT ⦁ THIS IS THE MOST DRAMATIC THING ⦁ OH MY GOD????????????? ⦁ THIS IS SO BADASS ⦁ I ⦁ GRIFFIN ⦁ MAGNUS RUSHES IN ⦁ I KNEW IT ⦁ I LOVE MAGNUS ⦁ SHIT IT'S OVER Well okay, that was amazing episode. SHIT I HAVE TO WAIT TWO WEEKS FOR THE NEXT ONE
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eyedelater · 8 years
my hero academia chapter 125 post
i haven't made a chapter post in a while, but the chapters have been quite good lately. i especially enjoy new characters such as noclip mickey mouse and snake boy who faces the wall. iida tenya has been the ura-star of the last few chapters too, bless him
at the end of the last chapter in particular, there were a FEW things i could comment on, so let's go back in time really quick:
all might's former sidekick, Sir, in his plainclothes outfit, looks like he should be some kind of Best ____ist. either that or the seme of an extremely generic yaoi manga (the kind with yaoi hands)
oh yeah, i remember this recently introduced villain, it's the lead singer of Plague Doctor and the Plague Doctors
tomura's outfit change signifies that he has exited the "also shops at pac sun" phase of hot topic shoppers and graduated to the "probably also shops at online bondage retailers" phase of hot topic shoppers.
and i thought "tomura, why are you smiling, what do you have to smile about after getting your ass kicked so thoroughly last time we saw you?" but i must concede that his smile does look significantly less cocky. as far as i can tell with that hand in the way.
anyway, chapter 125
(beginning of the first page) hmm i see the villains have moved their base out of the most populous city in the entire world. probably a good move
(beginning of the second page) looks like they're sorely missing their old array of barstools, though. also tomura is standing all chill against the wall there as if he's hiding from view that one pair of supernumerary hands that specifically clutches his bosom, like he wants to save that reveal for a dramatic moment later on
actually, ok, i've read the rest of the chapter without comment, and i've also noticed that the two scanlation groups that both work on heroaca (without collaborating, in a way that some might call redundant) have both released their versions on the same day this week...!!! the first version i read was the f*llen angels (which i'll abbreviate as FA) translation, and now i'm reading the mang*stream (which i'll abbreviate as MS) version. because that's what you do when there's two scanlations available. so let's compare~
color page: MS wins. their fonts, and the color effects thereof, are amazing compared to the cheesy comic book font choices made by the other version. both translations are fine, though i guess i'd give FA at least a bonus point for avoiding a line break by using "thrives" instead of "prospers."
first page: MS wins this one too, because FA did the "emphasize certain words with bold or italics" thing (which always messes with my head and is generally unnecessary and annoying) to get the punchline across, but MS totally nailed it with twice's "no worries. the folks inside are especially sick." and although i haven't seen the raws, it seems more likely that plague mask here would be speaking politely (as in the MS tl) than mouthing off (as in the FA tl).
second page: looks like MS got the better scan on this one, at least, but we're gonna have to go by panel here. first panel: i'm not sure which translation is more accurate, so i'm gonna ignore that first sentence in the first speech bubble, but i have to give it to FA for the second sentence. it's just better. second panel: MS wins. third panel: we've got "the so-called yakuza, the young leader of the eight precepts of death" versus "they call him a gangster. the capo of the 'eightfold cleansers.'" now, i'm 98% sure that "eightfold/eight precepts" part is some buddhist phrase, but i gotta say, "eightfold cleansers" works better with plague doctor's apparent fear of contagion. and i'm also 98% sure it literally says "capo" transliterated into katakana, so i'd prefer that version. HOWEVER. i can't give the full victory to FA, because although they say "they call him a gangster" in this panel, they proceed to translate it as "yakuza" for the rest of the chapter. they should've just used "yakuza" to begin with.
third page: MS earns no bonus points for translating the SFX in the first panel, but they win for the translation overall. it's just much better than FA's. however, both versions tanked the last line on the page. 
fourth page: this one is really a mixed bag. i'd give panels 1, 4, and 5 to MS, but panels 3 and 6 go to FA because the word "kingpin" is quite good.
fuck i'm getting carried away. the fifth page, all i can do is offer an alternate script cobbled together from both, like "and so the question is... who will be the next kingpin?" "You ask that despite claiming to know who my sensei is... Do you mean to provoke me?" "The next kingpin / will be me." and then MS gets the rest of that page.
sixth page: there's a huge discrepancy in tone between the two versions (with MS having both tomura and plague doctor speak more eloquently, while FA gives them the jabbing, mouthy banter of american comic books) and i honestly can't know which is more accurate without reading the raws. but i will say that "pipe dream" is better than "delusion," "glee killer" is better than "hedonistic murderer," and "twice... next time, confirm their intentions before bringing anyone here" is better than "twice... next time you bring someone, make sure you have your head straight first." (that last one especially, i love the slightly exasperated but somehow forgiving tone of that tomura line)
seventh page: again i can't tell whether jaunty or serious is the actual tone of this guy, but forget all that and forget all your troubles as you stare into the gleaming gaze of bright eyes here. dude's inspired. bright eyes it is
eighth page: FA unequivocally wins this one for their translation that just feels way better. although i think MS got it right that the "shy and timid" in the last panel is referring to the girl and not to magne.
ninth page: i think FA did a better job with the first line, but MS did a better job linking the first line to the second line. third line goes to FA, fourth line goes to MS. and for the record, the sound effect for bright eyes interacting with magne's arm is "kari" = "scratch"
tenth page: did magic man change his mask? and it seems himiko is the last one to realize what has happened...
eleventh page: bright eyes’s sound effects as he complains about the filth: drip drip, wipe wipe wipe
twelfth page: both translations are fine. the real question is, is that a projectile in the second panel? oh, did one of bright eyes's allies send that flying in from the shadows to keep compress from compressing him? and then, in the fifth panel, the sound effects "bua" = "freaking out" (approximately)  and "putsu putsu putsu" = "bubbling up" seem to indicate that bright eyes is breaking out in hives from pure panic.
thirteenth page: there's a pretty big difference between "AAAAHHHHH!?!" and "M-M-MY ARMM!!" does he say "ude ga" or not? anyway i love all the tomuras on this page. sprightly dash
fourteenth page: there's a pretty big difference between "things would have been clearer if you just did that from the start" and "it was fairly simple to foresee you'd do this from the start." my money's on the former tbh. and i'm pretty sure when bright eyes says something like "you were slow" in the penultimate panel, that ought to be translated as "you're late." 
fifteenth page: MS misused the word "casualty," which does not mean "fatality" but rather refers to deaths OR injuries, such that the villain alliance team actually has one more casualty than team plague doctor. thus, the FA version wins that line for the sake of accuracy in translating it as "we each have one dead." as for the rest of the page... tomura-kun is looking awfully fucking wrinkly as all hell, isn't he. and bright eyes is tossing away his business card in that panel, not opening the door, so MS got that sfx translation wrong.
sixteenth page: thank god we got an unadulterated shot of pure tomura ankle in this chapter. bright eyes is like ":* call me" he can't help going easy on a fellow smizer***
seventeenth page: nap room... all might was the one napping? at first i thought both boys had settled down for a good nap before consulting all might. i like having deku stand next to someone with a properly tied tie so that you're forced to realize that no, it's not some abnormally small tie he's wearing, it's just a normal tie that's been wrapped around one too many times during the tying process.
well this post turned into a bit of a wreck, but it's... something...? i know it’s gonna be near-meaningless to someone who doesn’t have both translations in front of them, but so it goes
***smizer, noun, “one who smizes.” for more on smizing, consult tyra banks
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goodshitpostedhere · 4 years
Bernie's Defeat Shows Why Socialism Doesn't Work
Senator Bernie Sanders, berated his staff, forced female staffers to sleep in the same rooms as men, exposed them to sexual harassment, spread hate, allied with terrorists, all to win two elections he lost. The only thing the socialist got out of his failed campaigns was membership in the 1 percent. That and memories of flying around the country and the world on private jets, and his three homes, and bulging bank accounts paid for by an army of gullible idiots who believed in his cause more than he did. Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren could be locking up the Democrat nomination right now. Instead they wasted $300 million and lost to a crooked senile hack who can barely complete a sentence. The two socialist candidates had raised the most money directly and through PACs, $182 million for Bernie, $151 million for Warren, had the most passionate supporters, and the best media coverage. Why then did these two sprightly septuagenarian socialists lose? Because they’re socialists. Socialists believe in redistributing other people’s things, but fiercely cling to their own. The greediest people in the world are lefties. The two socialist senators were full of big ideas for what to do with other people’s money, but don’t touch their homes and their millions. And don’t redistribute their voters. When other Democrats dropped out and united behind Biden, Bernie and Warren couldn’t make way for each other. Even when Warren dropped out, she refused to endorse Bernie, dooming him to defeat. Bernie and Warren were running on the same basic issues. When Warren refused to endorse Bernie, it was a suicide bombing that not only blew up his campaign, but took down her own platform with it. It wasn’t about the issues. Bernie and Warren were really motivated by greed and ego. Neither Warren nor Bernie could do what all the other candidates in the race did, drop out and endorse somebody else. The socialists stayed in and doomed each other in a political suicide pact because they were too petty and greedy to overcome their differences for a higher cause. That’s how socialism dies. Socialists pretend that they want everyone else to sacrifice for the greater good, but they never do. The Soviet Union’s Communist leadership reacted to Chernobyl by moving radioactive dairy products away from Moscow and to other parts of the country. China’s Communist leadership dealt with the coronavirus by lying to their people and to the rest of the world to maintain their regime’s credibility. The EU has descended into infighting in every crisis, from Muslim mass migrant invasions to the coronavirus, over who has to make the sacrifices. New York City’s Mayor Bill de Blasio insisted on going to the gym, with an NYPD detail, while others were told to practice social distancing. Chicago’s Mayor Lori Lightfoot decided to get her hair cut even as the city’s small businesses were being closed down. It’s easy for politicians to tell ordinary people to sacrifice while they live it up Masque of the Red Death style during a plague. But what happens when a trolley problem of two top socialist politicians arrives, and they have to decide which of them makes the sacrifice for the greater good? The answer is deeply revealing. Socialist leaders won’t sacrifice for each other. Not for the sake of their cause. Or for anything. Ideology didn’t unite Bernie and Warren. Instead, one by one, the two socialist politicians were forced to drop out, leaving both of them alone with nothing. Socialism doesn’t unite us. It divides and isolates us. Like the Chinese Communist virus. Socialism doesn’t work because instead of the noble altruistic leaders the ideology calls for, it actually attracts meanspirited and greedy control freaks who use it to set up their own private fiefdoms. Once implemented, actual socialism never turns into a utopia of angels, disdainful of materialism, but descends into a hell of demons who fight each other over the last stale cookie on a tarnished plate. That’s why idealistic revolutions end in cycles of purges fueled by ego, malice, and greed. Bernie and Warren couldn’t put each other up against a wall, so they had to settle for the next best thing. He brought down her campaign and then she brought down his campaign. Neither would serve in heaven and won’t even have the opportunity, like Milton’s Satan, or Stalin and Mao, to rule in hell. Before the two of them become footnotes in electoral history, there is a question they should answer. How dare they demand that everyone else sacrifice for the greater good, when neither of them would? Where did these two socialists get the chutzpah to lecture Americans on everything from how much deodorant they use to how much taxes they pay? Where is their commitment to redistribution? Bernie Sanders quadrupled his net worth since he began plotting to run for president in 2012. He made his millions from his national profile. And he also used that profile to funnel money to family members. Every time he ran for President on a platform of taking away everyone’s money, he came away richer. Why did Bernie take so long to drop out? Because even ActBlue idiots wouldn’t go on paying for his private jets if he dropped out. It took a pandemic and the effective shutdown of the election for the scam to end. If it wasn’t for the Chinese Virus, Bernie would have dragged it out to the last million. But there’s no private jet flights paid for by ActBlue donors to the Vatican in a pandemic. Bernie’s campaign slogan, “Not Me, Us”, was the biggest lie since, “Hope and Change.” It was always about “Me”. It was about Bernie, his book deals, his houses, his private jets, his interviews, and his fame. At his age, he knows that he will probably never run again and never cash in again. None of that makes Bernie a hypocrite. Worse. It makes him a socialist. Bernie Sanders has spent his entire miserable life figuring out a way to make money without working. The socialist lifestyle of collective farms wasn’t for him. He wanted to get into politics because he’s lazy, narcissistic, a control freak, abusive, greedy, and incompetent. Those character traits left him with two options: Hollywood and Washington D.C. And Bernie is a bad actor who can only memorize a few lines. His career was built on pandering to the same radicals when he first got into politics and when he tried to crawl into the White House. Along the way he completely changed his views on any number of issues from immigration to gun control. But he never stopped figuring out how to cash in on his politics. And now he’s done it. Bernie leaves his great socialist crusade as a 1 percenter, a millionaire with three homes, despite accomplishing absolutely nothing. Socialism isn’t real for ordinary people, but it’s real for socialists. “Not Me, Us”, Bernie claimed. What have the “Us” gotten out of the Bernie campaign beyond the opportunity to pay for all his stuff? The same thing anyone gets under socialism: the privilege of paying for the lifestyles of their leaders. Socialism isn’t about helping people. It’s about helping socialists. Between the two of them, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, brought down the socialist cause. But nobody destroys socialism like socialists. It was the Communists who really brought down the USSR and if the EU and Communist China’s leadership fall to the pandemic, it will also be entirely their own doing. Lefties have always been the great destroyers of their own movements. Bernie and Warren followed in that proud tradition, sacrificing their own movement to their greed and egos, and leaving the dumpster fire of their campaigns with millions in book payments from the very corporations that they condemn. And if you think they were a grifting disaster, wait until Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez runs for president.
SOURCE:: http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/2020/04/bernies-defeat-shows-why-socialism.html
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