#he’s so cute and silly I wish there were more scenes of him being a dad
toki-toro · 1 month
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Ummmm I don’t really understand the plot of this game despite watching a playthrough of it lol but I liked this guy
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skywxikers · 1 month
since i made a list about things i didn’t like about s4, here’s some things that i did:
- klaus and claire interacting, i love them
- gene and jean’s characters as a whole. they’re a phd couple who run a cult and kill people on the side for funsies. also their dominant/recessive joke was funny idc
- everyone started sort of opposite of how they were in s1. allison is an actor but less famous because she didn’t rumor her way there. klaus is scared of his own mortality. luther is happy to have his old body and becomes a “dancer”. you get the idea
- reggie is different from the original one, so we see some growth, but also he’s somewhat the same. he’s a complex character who was really only motivated by his love for abigail, although he went about it the wrong way
- viktor got closure with reggie
- i like how abigail is her own character with different views from reggie and isn’t afraid to take action on her own or put him in his place
- that cool thing diego did with the bullets
- imo it was refreshing to see everyone struggle somewhat with their powers when they got them back. i feel like in many cases that side isn’t portrayed much
- ben and jennifer’s relationship, i really wish they got more screentime
- viktor’s arc where he had so much hope to save ben and did his best to help
- diego and luther spending time together at the cia and their fight scene
- luther being so positive despite losing sloane, also the family pic he took of everyone is so cute
- all the fives in the deli, they’re so silly
- minor comic references, like the umbrellas saving the eiffel tower and klaus floating
- the concept of the subway itself
- the idea (not execution) of the ending where they sacrifice themselves
- the few interactions diego and lila had with their kids
- five and lila hug, ignoring their romantic undertones
tag: @itsmeyubin
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I visited the WGA library to read Yellowjackets scripts and wanted to share some of my findings! (Pt. 2)
Here are my notes for 1x03! Quotation marks indicate direct lines from the script, whereas everything else is me paraphrasing.
1x03 “The Dollhouse”
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•The script starts with a scene of a panicked adult Travis bursting out of his secluded house (shack?) with a “wild glint in his eyes” “as if desperate to find the source of something and also terrfied he will find it.”
•Then it flashes back to the 1996 teen timeline and Travis hears a whisper late at night in the woods. He is “inexplicably drawn” to the plane wreckage. “The breeze rustles the tree branches, and again he hears a soft, hushed sound, as if the wilderness is calling his name.”
Travis is interrupted by Javi, who approaches him saying he had a bad dream.
As Travis is walking back to their camp with Javi, “The breeze picks back up. We hear a low and sinister exhalation, as if the woods are whispering for Travis to stay and preparing to make him stay.”
Both of these scenes were obviously cut, but I do think it’s really interesting that Travis was originally made out to be, arguably, just as connected to the Wilderness entity as Lottie is. Travis is one of the first people to be “contacted” by the Wilderness and it seems to take a particular interest in him. Also that line about making him stay is eery as hell.
•When the group is voting on whether to go to the lake or stay at the plane wreckage, the script makes sure to point out how hesitant some of the girls are to go against Jackie. Some of them even vote to stay at the wreckage just to avoid pissing her off. This shows her influence over the girls at the time, even though it eventually fades as they become more adapted to their new way of life.
•While the group is hiking to the lake, Taissa sees the man with no eyes for the first time, crouching in the bushes staring at her blankly. It understandably freaks her the fuck out and she’s shaken by it for the rest of the episode.
In the final product Tai doesn’t see the man with no eyes until later on, but this scene sounds creepy as fuck in the script.
•When Nat is looking through Travis’s house and finds the photo of the two of them together on his dresser, we get this line:
“We realize Natalie’s not only seen Travis recently, but they were close. Intimate. Natalie glances up from the photo, and suddenly sees adult Travis in the mirror. He’s standing behind Natalie, and his eyes seem to be judging her.”
Just thought it was interesting, particularly the “judging her” line. Judging her for what? Maybe judging her for looking for him? For not keeping herself safely away from all this?
•When the girls are swimming at the lake and Jackie is sitting with Mari trying to make Shauna jealous, there’s a line about Jackie being “clearly tired of Mari’s yapping” but trying to hide it, which I found funny. Mari is a canonical yapper.
•The girls also play chicken at the lake, with Nat on Van’s shoulders and Laura Lee on Shauna’s shoulders. This is so cute and I’ll take whatever scraps of VanNat friendship I can get. I wish they kept it in the episode.
•And another deleted part from the lake scene, Lottie is standing on top of a rock above the lake preparing to jump in and she does the cabbage patch dance on top of it while everyone cheers her on (if you don’t know what the cabbage patch dance is you should definitely look it up). Then she sees the cabin in the distance and stops.
But I love a little hint at silly goofy Lottie! Before all of the visions, just a silly goose.
•While Nat and Misty are in the jail cell and Nat asks Misty about her messing with her Porsche, Nat and Misty stare each other down and the script then says this:
“So much history between these two.”
A little sneak peek at a lot more happening between these two in the Wilderness that we don’t know about yet.
•While Nat is on the phone with Tai trying to get her to bail her out of jail, this line:
“We realize these two are closer than we thought.”
Tainat friendship acknowledged!🙏
•Also on that phone call with Tai, the script says that “Natalie is struggling to even speak his name,” referring to Travis. This again shows just how painful and complicated Nat’s feelings are towards Travis.
•When Nat and Misty are bailed out, there’s a cut scene of Misty going through a plastic bag full of all of the things that were in her purse at the time of her arrest. Here are the items in Misty’s purse: peanut butter, condoms, Travis’s notebook that she stole, and a small plastic toy cat.
God, I love that woman.
•After Jackie spills the nasty canned food all over the floor and complains that they should have stayed at the wreckage, Van snaps at her “How is this helping?”, and the rest of the girls roll their eyes at Jackie. Jackie storms outside and we get this line:
“Suddenly, she stops, overwhelmed by her emotions—how scared she is, how alone she feels, how much she hates the wilderness, and the shame she feels for showing it.”
A great look into Jackie’s mental state and very representative of Jackie’s gradual loss of influence and power in this new environment. She’s used to being sure of herself and having this magnetism that everyone naturally follows. In society, Jackie is influential and powerful. But here in the wilderness, she cannot adapt and cannot lead the group like she once did. And the other girls can see that, hence the rolling eyes and snapping at her.
•After Nat and Misty find Travis’s body and they are driving away, there is a line that was cut from the final product in which Nat admits to Misty:
“We were together, on and off. We started up again about ten years ago.”
So this would mean that Nat and Travis started up their relationship again around 2011 and have been on and off for ten years. Does this mean they were not together after they got rescued but rekindled things about 12 years later? Or did they stay together for a little while after the rescue, broke up for years, and then got back together and that’s what Nat is referring to? I don’t know, maybe this line was cut for a reason and it’s definitely not canon yet so we’ll see. But the timeline of Nat and Travis’s relationship is confusing to me and I want to know more.
My theory is that Nat and Travis have broken up after Javi’s death and don’t get back together in a romantic capacity until 2011.
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strarri · 2 months
here is me just rambling about kimetsu gakuen obamitsu :33 1.6k word vomit i did not reread this whatsoever and i might just continue!!
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obamitsu in the kimetsu gakuen needs more appreciation… i find obanai and mitsuri’s relationship in the kimetsu gakuen just so cute and its tearing me apart GRHAHHHHH
it’s an alternate universe, so just imagine the two in a relationship without demons without trauma. i still don’t get why obanai still wears a mask even though we’ve seen the snake demon in the diner and he doesn’t seem to know her at all so i’m assuming they kept it for his signature designs sake. i understand it since there are alot of writing holes on all of the characters in the gakuen, since you do take away the demons that make them, well them?? small headcanon that obanai is just allergic to everything that it’s embarrassing
he still has issues with eating food in public and still eats small portions or nothing at all, and the writers just stuck with him being aftaid of women?? (shown in chapter 10 and the extra scene in chapter 30) so they really just kept him as obanai iguro with no trauma. it’s kind of sad that the gakuen author never mentioned a reason why he’s still the same but it is just a highschool au and there’s nothing we can do about it either way. i find it rather unfortunate that iguro barely appears in the gakuen at all
i really do love obanai and mitsuri’s wardrobe in this au though, their outfits look really comfy and even matching their personalities. a part of me doesn’t imagine mitsuri to be the type to wear revealing clothing, not that it’s a problem or anything!!!! but her vibes just remind me of a gal who lives in the fifth floor apartment taking care of 23 cats, i think she’s a cat lady. her outfits in the gakuen consists of pieces like turtlenecks, long skirts, jackets, and maybe hats and i LOVE ITT!!! considering she’s an artist as well so her outfit colors are so cute and sandwich well together
and i just love obanai’s wardrobe is like a basic middle aged teacher and it’s so funny he really is just some basic guy with or without demons…. the kind of guy who has “I 🩷 my GF”(mitsuri bought them matching mugs) or “No. #1 Snake Guy” (mitsuri gave him that as a christmas present) imprinted on his coffee mug. or OR his favorite mug is just a cute cat mug.. that mitsuri gave him….
it’s really obvious but i noticed that obanai and mitsuri are actually dating/ and their relationship is so healthy that it’s like “oh my gosh i saw a kite today” and sends a picture to the other person thinking they’d like how it looked, like they talk to eachother about EVERYTHINGG that goes on in their life, because they wish they were together in that moment!!! i think they just communicate alot and it’s adorable.. but i just noticed this cute detail in the chapter where gyomei was trying to get the cat plushy and mitsuri wanted to take a pic of tengen and him and send it to iguro because it was funnyy and the one where she was talking about her lil sushi manga.
i think their occupations in the gakuen are just really silly in general, i can visualize mitsuri stressing about her college terms and part time job and asks obanai to help her😭being a teacher is arduous work as well though so at times their schedules definitely aren’t well fitting so… i’d like to think that they visited each others places to study??work?? or just be in each others presence to lighten the stress <33
mitsuri is the cliche broke college student, working her ass off to pass her class and to pay for her month’s worth of rent soo, buying things for her own accord is probably a rare occasion for her, and obanai probably funds alot of it😭😭mitsuri isn’t the type to ask for things, so obanai probably volunteers to treat her to things like restaurants, get her nails done, buy some materials for her drawings whenever her money is in the slums, though i know mitsuri can handle herself of course!!
in one of the extra panels in chapter 30, though iguro is afraid of women, and especially eating food infront of others, he still tries his best to not upset the students who don’t deserve of it. he still thought of a solution to help the butterfly triplets with their medicine stall even if he himself couldn’t taste test their medicine and it shows that he still cares for his students, though definitely has a bad side with the lousy ones
mitsuris hobbies are like the silliest thing ever and it’s so fitting for her?? she just draws cute little characters just for the sake of making people smile and giggle and i love her for it. i think she’d go to iguro whenever she was facing writers block trying to make an outline for her manga considering he is a teacher and all??? if it were anyone else, iguro would probably think the idea of food manga was silly, maybe childish(?) but it’s mitsuri he has grown to her silliness!! if mitsuri were to ask iguro for critique or advice he’d probably have to broaden his own imagination because obanai seems like the type who can’t even comprehend the idea of walking food.. he is REALLY closed minded
mitsuri has an image of iguro where he’s like the sweetest, nicest, well adored teacher ever(maybe an overstatement?? im totally convinced) and it’s actually so funny.. like what if she found out iguro tied his students up on a daily basis and throws bottle rockets at them just for being noisy?? and even better what if this image of him still remained in her head after knowing that nevertheless??? she’s so hopelessly inlove its pathetic and it’s KILLING MEEE
i’d like to imagine that mitsuri would just text him while he was in the middle of the class and then he’d just run to get his phone the moment his gf texts him, and then someone like zenitsu goes like “mr. igurooo, how d-“ “shut up!” ???? he needs to cut zenitsu some slack but its way too funny
and and!!! even though they have phones since this au takes place in the modern era, they still send love letters to eachother crow style??? and mitsuri’s letters are designed so cutely it actually hurtsss… they’re genuinely so romantic and no shame in that at all!!!! like fuck texts look at them doing traditional romantic gestures:33
this applies to literally any other universe but i still think it’s cute, i don’t think iguro is written to have any trauma in the gakuen but he deals with ed and probably some stress from being a highschool teacher, yet mitsuri is the one person that melts those cold walls of his and he’s able to show vulnerability towards her :(( he really does his best to show how much he loves her by putting so much thought into his gifts and actions, like hell he needed help from two highschool students just to decide a gift for mitsuri but knowing her she would have love him to be with her all the same.
there is clear sign that mitsuri doesn’t doubt that he loves her at all!! there are still steps and layers in their relationship that are yet to be but mitsuri willingly waits for him nevertheless, and of course iguro waits for her as well.
i’m just so happy that there was nothing like demons and trauma to stop them from expressing their love for eachother, in the second fanbook it is mentioned that mitsuri never confessed to iguro due to the trauma from her previous marriage interview (fuck that guy) and that she has always thought he was just nice to others. which probably proves my statement from before? iguro could shoot her ex and mitsuri would still be head over heels for him?? OR MAYBE MORE????
but yeah again their relationship being official in the gakuen brings me pure bliss😭and the two wouldn’t have to embarrassingly pine for eachother until they reached their death bed. i just find their relationship so cute and intriguing, i’m dead glad it’s canon but i really wish there was more content of them shown in the anime in some way. especially mitsuri, she was barely given two minutes of screentime in the hashira training arc and it hurts me, it’s sad because her breathing style is such an awesome concept but it’ll barely be given screen time going forward. i personally love kimetsu no yaiba and its story, and i appreciate that it actually focuses on the fighting elements, but i really wish that they gave a bit more credit to one of their most significant romantic elements.. (includes hakuji and koyuki & amane and kagaya i love them) some more official art would’ve been nice i’d continue talking about this but it’s derailing from the gakuen topic😭
most of my source is just chapter 10 and some mentions from other chapters but… if you need pictures of my points i can provide. mostly?? i really just need more gakuen chapters specifically obamitsu centric it’s not funny anymore. i’d love to know how they got together and as i’m writing this im beginning to scramble my brain for ideas so i could make a fanfic outline that i’d probably just draft again… if someone were reading this post i encourage you to write an obamitsu gakuen au PLEASE.. maybe a long fic haha… but anything is enough for me really, there are barely any fics i find on ao3 considering most of the ones i find are really just obamitsu as a side ship which kinda makes me sad, i do personally aspire to become better at writing so i could start making stuff for others to enjoy as well but my time is diminishing as i have alot to do.
i think this is enough rambling<33 i’d hope to spread the obamitsu brainrot because i dont want to be the only one stuck here
anyways dropping screenshots but just read the kimetsu gakuen😭💗
Chapter 10 is obamitsu centric but there are bits on other chapters! :3
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34saveme34 · 3 months
Symbolism my friends.... symbolism tells me of protag Mr Puzzles
let's look at it a bit....... differently
the first 5 specials we saw, they symbolised something completely different
when 4 appeared, he was always a protag or a coprotag
and well... almost like future foreshadowing, the antagonist in Once Upon an SMG4, which once again, even outside of that, full of beautiful beautiful symbolism, something that could even...... show us where we are heading
I might be a crazy 3 liker, and you have to bare that in mind as you take a ride in my land of imagination........... where I show you a beautiful world I wish would come to life in the actual SMG4 as well
so... you see.... 4 was the antagonist in the PV special this time, similarly to, as I said above, Once Upon an SMG4
where 3 was the protag
and now another one where 4 is an antagonist (I'm not saying villain on purpose here, because they both count as villains in a sense but storytelling wise, as it stands in a vacuum in this episode, it would only be SMG4 although some of you will definitely argue against me on that)
and with Puzzles as the protagonist
and you can consider that hey! Puzzles had been getting.... a lot of attention
you know who else had been getting a lot of attention that people got tired of but probably forgot they got tired of it at this point? SMG3
Do you see where I'm going with this? I think they should team up. Idk if they will but it would maybe make sense
saying maybe because depends when
I still see the plot twist protag thing with Puzzles where he sees that SMG4 is far too gone and a lot more worse than what Puzzles would've expected
you know who else should show up then? SMG3
think about it, what was one of the things 4 mentioned in MEME HUNTERS, also an..... all capital episode (which I mentioned before that after You Used to be Cool the only episodes besides the movie that had all capitals were the episodes where the café failing was mentioned in some way. this makes CEO OF RIZZ important btw "but that doesn't mention it" he was literally shilling out for Boopkins for more people to go to his café, it literally sounds like the start of it is what I'm saying lol)........
3's café failing
I think even....... 3 would feel responsible for what's going on so he would go against 4 as well to try and get him back to normal.......... with Puzzles on his side :3333 I think it would be real awesome
also I think I need to mention this but this was the first Puzzlesvision Mario wasn't inside of, like as in the movie, I do know we see him fly by in the beginning of the episode itself but he never appears in the episode itself
you know, kind of silly to mention, but the only PV episode so far that didn't have Mario by 4's side was ALSO Once Upon an SMG4
Also, a lot of the points making Puzzles even more fitting to be a protagonist next episode
the parody being of Gru, which I would argue is about a villain slowly redeeming I'll be real. but also keeping the morals
the whole making friends with Leggy thing
the conversation he had with 4 where he offered to Puzzles that he could join, almost like foreshadowing for the future or something :3
"I am your-" you know what I think he would've said? "Father" you say. I say.... creator. Hear me out because when you think about it in a meta level, he absolutely is
the fact that he wielded the Good Jedi light saber in the scene with the cute ass Meggy plushie being the base of it, very villanous of you Puzzles
the fact that he get more feelings then being a maniac, something that is STILL present but now along with the tsundere ass "it's not like I think you're useful or anything" he was so close to saying some stupid shit like that I swear
I saw someone saying it and I'm so stupid for not realising but 3 being a RETIRED villain in this, like yes he literally is and HE IS ALSO working together here with Puzzles JUST LIKE how I WISH HE WOULD NEXT EPISODE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLASEPAPLEPAEPLEAPLAPELPALSDPELEPLEPLAPLDPWLEPDKLKSOKDÉ--
I think these points just come to show even more that he could easily become the protag of this next thing, and reasonably so-
but do tell me what you think :3 or if I'm just yapping lol
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pensbridge · 3 months
This is going to be my only post I ever do THIS. It needs to be said (if even only for me). Be warned. (& I'm totally being a little funny & unserious with my words, but I also mean it). but really I just need to be so silly for a moment..
I've been in some fandoms and every fandom goes through this, but...There's no fandom on earth that quite literally walked in with no changes to the picture of the Community meme like the Bridgerton fandom. yayyy! we made history again We are the exact same picture, because it wasn't that bad! I can nearly guarantee you, people noticed the quality change, but it literally wasn't bad like you say! Some of us truly stumbled in here like wtf, and still haven't gotten the answer. Stumbling into Part 1..was stressful, but Part 2 was actual insanity!
like, I honestly don't think some people watched it all the way (i saw something about ppl finishing in 2 hours)! If they even went back, who knows?! But the takes are just literal fables!
I actually think the blind trolls coming back from the dead & thin air for part 1 have deluded some of you into thinking that part 1 was bad (it wasn't; it was good), and as a result made you think that part 2 was worse than it is. I totally respect your differing opinion, but you're wrong!
There are 2 real "issues" with this season and the other stuff is artificial grass.
#1 The lack of happy couple moments that get replaced by boring side plots (part 1 was actually enjoyable to me, but this one I actually almost fell asleep watching Benedict before I was awoken by his bi awakening). But to be frank, it's always been an ensemble, and I find it funny that people forget: People bitched about polin season 2; they bitched about Penelope since season 1.
The fact that they don't get a full episode 8 of being happy in love was criminal (but i will admit my wrong expectation, because this is Bridgerton (what else is there to expect, lol). However they are cute! Naysayers, deny it all you want, but they are literally perfect! They are literally a cute engaged couple, the moms including Lady Danbury cannot help but squeal over them, and the only thing holding them back is that this conflict is seemingly dragged on, BUT it doesn't even go on long! (perhaps it felt that way because there were only 4 in this batch of eps). And I get you can be upset, but stop the bullshit because "WE WERE ROBBED." You are lyyyyinnnnnggggg.
He finds out in 6! Anthony was with her sister for 6 eps ... Simon....avoided her til she had to make the move at the end. If we're including Queen Charlotte, George got the most cohesive story, but we'll chalk that priviledge up to the fact that he got only 6 eps; and also don't lie, the recycle-rinse-repeat episode was boring(!!!!) minus the last scene & the visitation of his trauma (u can disagree w/this, but I was bored the first time watching and didn't ask for the copy & paste same episode).
#2 is the pacing (really the last 1⅓-ish episodes is the problem)- because I wish they made up by the end of 7, which is really more of the same of what I said about them being happier in the final one. However, (which brings me to my point) if they'd shifted him finding out earlier... (again they only had 1 episode prior to do this in (because there was no way it was happening in part 1 even if the 2 part split never existed), ...it could have fixed most likely all of this: if everything was moved up an episode (+ they switched Cressida's reveal + Colin finding out), they'd be fighting in 7 but united for Cressida's lie, then they'd make up by the end, and they wouldn't still be struggling with differences between them in the first part of episode 8 at all, thus there would be the happy couple moments from my point #1.
And I newly realized how this aspect of polin's season arc compares to the others. The conflicts of the other 2 seasons have been more heavily external obstacles preventing them from really getting together, while visiting some internal demons later after the drama; but this season is pretty much just them with internal conflict between them (if not for all of part 1 then for the entirety of part 2! (i personally think that the Debling stuff is less love-trianglry than what they've done in the past & fr he is in 2 eps really and not even fully courting her for majority of it)! Enemies to lovers does have internal conflict between them in the beginning, but it's not something actually between them that's "preventing" them from riding into the sunset (other than fake fighting like they hate each lol i say w/love 4 the characters & E2L). But since Colin and Pen's conflict is actually her (Whistledown) it maybe feels like they are more at odds than what is truly going on under the surface. Because they are established to love each other already unlike the other couples, who you are seeing the journey and getting to the end. While Part 2, you are seeing the unraveling of an established couple even though the love is there and the only important reason you need to get how they can work it out. We won on complexity and realness harder than the people w/bad takes can fathom, they have to make stuff up!
The other (kind of related for some) stuff:
The sex scenes: I get it! They lied (lol)! I hope we get them! But we know why it's lacking; they're deleted scenes; they exist! But the carriage scene - HOT. The mirror - HOT. The 30 second scene (lol) - HOT. But again: K*nthony got 2 spicy scenes their season! S*phne got a montage but it kind of sucked looking back (i'm not seriously hating but you know that it was too much, literally even then i think ppl knew) but plz don't start the ship discourse again & PLZ DO BE LOUD ABOUT THESE SCENES THO, I NEED THEM (lol)
But the love confession.....sssssssss. There were so many!!! *that book one is not good, i'm sorry (i'm being lighthearted here; you can disagree w/it but I do kind of hatttte it!)
"They didn't include..." don't know if you know but the writers make the story. Their story is not the book. You knew what you jumped into. (you can be sad but..) [i am not touching the conversation on Fran. But if we're really being real that side shouldn't wanna be grouped w/the side of The Departeds who are forever the head of online harrassers....by - now causing official pages to disable their comments (you don't have to tell me it wasn't all of you. I know 😔). it's actually kind of funny how I did not know like 95% of the actual discourse those first couple days (and there's a lot of discourse to see). but, anyway my main concern this whole post are my top 2 mcs. [ps the Departeds I meant traveling; i'm not that mean]
The misinterpretation of Colin: if you hate him, then go away! Thnx 4 the record-breaking views!
The baby? Cheers to 2 years in the future w/baby No Name! *lol* I'm not gonna say you shouldn't be upset about the name. For me, it was fine, because I knew they'd be back for s4. Also, preparation guys, I doubt we will even see the child that much if Daphne is any indication.
This show has never been comparable to your favorite Oscar-worthy film (literally obviously!), but the show is not terrible like some very widely popular of what's out there (and i'm not even talking about bad shows that everyone knows are bad). There is some depth to the characters and some ingrained-trauma to living in a male-dominated society with no autonomy, and traumas to the men as well. Re: the choices and drama every season. It's... a drama show! People need to go re-read the fantasy books if they want happy, lack of conflict all the time (and men yanking their wives by the wrists)... Go read fanfic if you don't like the show and a certain couple. Bridgerton is escapism and in some crazy overtaking of loud voices in the fandom, this fandom has been one of the least escap-ist fandoms ever. Because people will be like "*suspending my disbelief*" every 2 secs, but ...babe that's not doing what you just said. There's embellished "Based on a True Story" documentary fans that do this better than you tbh (i'm being a lil funny here, but honestly)
And I simply need to say this, regardless that it won't change, I need the acknowledgment jokes and the mental cleanse. if u don't want to read × The fandom...bro. I'm not even upset, I actually laughed at some of this - like, there's 3 types of people:
#1 offended people responding to op posts, because they don't like what they said; lol, the hypocrisy! The amount of people in my comments in this past month alone if I said something positive...abt the show, abt the characters...anything (new posts, old post) is more hatred than ever ever. The good polin fans are sensitive, but any and every bad typists in the comments are so easily offended...over positivity. Why.are.you.bitter?
"I'm bitter cause.." I literally don't care
#2 people reblogging things they hate to say what they hate. thnx for the notes??? bro, some comments on other ppl's gifs (rants on what they didn't like, crying abt a character/why they hate a character, and sometimes it has nothing to do with the scene gifed).
#3 "I'm allowed to be upset." why are you fighting for this? You can! Go in peace. Some people had no issues with what you say, but you are fighting this because you are determined to make people agree with your negativity no less. If you cared about the courtesy (i know that you don't) you'd let some ppl bask in what they weren't disappointed in & were excited to end the journey with (*and i expect nothing from the haters, but some of this was coming from inside the house lol). The reason you were wrong for this is because YOU WERE WRONG! There are ppl that liked it. You have no control; I get it. dw i'm sure you'll be fine.
Anyway, if anyone even read this far, you rock 4 that. If you got it, we're healing from this dumpster fire together; and if this even made 1 person laugh or feel better, it's worth it. I'm actually good now but it was rough that first stepping into the chaos and I had so many thoughts at first, so i wrote a lot from the initial shock those moments, [and now i'm in the laughing about this bullshit phase] so if u get it u get it (and can maybe have a chuckle) >>> This is literally just your neighborly (if ur nice here) joke!post *we're laughing thru the pain* / w/e to you (if you're not because i need to & this stuff isn't new & that one goes for all divisions of the fandom not just the main contented one of this post)
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annymation · 9 months
Reimagining the characters in Wish
(Part 5- The Goat)
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This will be the last one of these blogs about the characters. I was stalling on this one because honestly there’s really not much to Valentino in my rewrite.
Will his existence influence the plot tho? Yes, definitely way more than the movie Valentino did… Although that bar isn’t high.
So let’s go, animal companion time!
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- Valentino is a one month old baby goat, a little ball of energy, too pure for this world, doesn’t know basic math and we must protect him at all cost.
- His main gimmick is that he follows Asha EVERYWHERE to the point it’s comical, like, I didn’t write him much so far in my rewrite (we’re currently on chapter 3 and he was alive in only 2 of them, so no wonder) but even when I don’t mention him just assume, he’s there… All the time.
- He cares a lot about Asha and sees her as his mother, since well, she technically is, she took care of him all his life (a month).
Main Traits:
- Curious
- Loyal
- Silly
- Innocent
- Determined
(Because it wouldn’t be a rewrite of mine if the character didn’t have at least some angst, not even the 1 month old goat is safe from me)
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- A month before our story begins, Asha was drawing animals at one of the farms in the kingdom, to practice, when suddenly she heard a new born goat all alone.
- She asked the owners where his parents were at, and they explain they didn’t notice the little guy under the hay earlier, they sold their goats to be exported to a neighboring kingdom.
- Asha felt really sad for him, so she asked to buy him, the farmer said she could keep him for free, taking care of baby goats without a mama goat around was too much trouble anyway, Asha was basically doing them a favor.
- Valentino obviously doesn’t know all that, but even if you told him it’s not like he’d care, he sees Asha as his mama and that’s all that matters.
- He’s very thankful for her taking care of him, getting him a nice sweater and a cozy little bed… He wishes he could thank her.
Which leads us to:
This Book
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- So hear me out, there’s this kids book, “The Grateful Goat”, about Valentino, and it’s adorable, it’s my main inspiration for his rewrite.
- In this book we follow Valentino trying to communicate something to Asha and her friends, but they can’t understand him, since we’ll, he’s a goat.
- They try over and over to guess what he wants but nothing makes him stop bleating.
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- Then, once Star came down and granted his wish, it turns out all he wanted to say was “Thank you”
That’s cute, I like that.
- Imagine this, in my rewrite, once Aster does grant Valentino’s wish and makes him talk, it’s a cute scene of Valentino going like:
(And he sounds like a child by the way, because that’s how a baby goat should sound like DISNEY)
- Now, am I saying that Valentino is just gonna speak once to say thank you?… Kinda, but not quite.
- You see, Aster’s wish granting magic is only effective on you if you really really REAAALLY want it to be.
- As he makes animals in the forest talk for example, or brings the tress to life, they only remain like that as long as they really want to, and what do you know, turns out most trees are chill just being tress so his magic fades away from them in a short while.
- Valentino’s wish won’t be to permanently talk, he just wanted to thank Asha, so once he’s done doing that Aster’s magic fades away after a few hours.
-… However, some of Aster’s magic remains deep inside of Valentino, so if for whatever reason Valentino reeeeeally wants to communicate something… Something urgent perhaps… Then he regains the ability to speak.
- Not gonna lie, I’m really happy with this, because that just means I won’t have to come up with lines for him all the time, he’ll only speak when necessary.
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- It’s fine, I’m fine *breathes* we can fix him.
- First of all, he has horns, because believe it or not 1 month old goats already start showing their horns.
- Second, I debated a lot on this but we’re keeping the little sweater, yeah I’m surprised too, I hated it at first (still do hate it in the way that it is in the movie) but then I was informed it’s a reference to how Walt Disney used to put clothes on the animals of his family’s farm when he was a kid, and that’s the type of deep cut and cute reference I wish we had gotten more of.
- But the sweater won’t be so tight on him, like, let it be a little bit more loose, and maybe don’t cover his lower half.
- This concept art I used for the second chapter of my rewrite kinda illustrates it perfectly how I’d like him to be:
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- The fluffy tuff of hair, the big eyes, the long ears, the lil horns, it’s perfect, that’s it, that’s our boy. Tho I don’t imagine him being all white, lets say he has some brown spots.
Final Thoughts
This post actually made me really mad because I wrote it all once and it was perfect, but I forgot to save it before closing tumblr, so I lost it all, ughhh why don’t they have auto save on cellphones??
I have plenty of ideas on how to make him more plot relevant than he was in the Disney movie, he won’t be like THE MOST ESSENTIAL CHARACTER OF ALL, definitely not, but little things that he does move the story forward.
If my calculations are correct he’ll most likely be useful on chapter 4 of my rewrite (or chapter 5, cause like, I’m trying to make them a bit shorter)
Not gonna tell how he’s gonna be useful in the story tho cause I think it’s better as a surprise.
A bit of a quick tangent here, but have you guys ever noticed how some Disney animal companions are the opposite of their human friends?
Ariel is brave and curious - Flounder is a coward
Pocahontas is wise and calm - Meeko is a dummy and Flit has anger issues
Alladin is generous - Abu is a kleptomaniac
You get the idea.
We didn’t get that at all in the Wish movie.
I was trying to come up with ideas on how to make Valentino have an opposite trait compared to Asha, but I don’t really know how to incorporate that into the story, oh well, I might just figure out as I go.
Anyway, that’s our goat, hope you like him!
Thank You For Reading!
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soraisnotsleepy · 6 months
*:・゚✧ Pocky game with Azul *:・゚✧
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short notice: got this idea while randomly scrolling through leona ao3 fics lolololol also the reader is referred as the perfect + they/them used
CW: none really just azul being a blushing insecure mess + poor proof reading bc im lazy
"Huh, you want to try this?" Azul cocked an eyebrow whilst sitting behind his desk.
His eyes nervously darted from the Perfect's happy face to a well-known classical red pocky package in their right hand. The merman knew very well what those treats were for if it hadn't been for Idia babbling about it the other day. A silly thought of trying it out popped into his head back then, but he quickly dismissed it. It would be too embarrassing to do that, especially when it's with him. How he wished to to die on the spot, his cheeks were literally on fire. Oh how he prayed for it to be not that noticeable.
"Of course I do! As long as you're fine with it," the Perfect chirped as they practically radiated sheer excitement.
Azul couldn't say no to such beautiful sight, he didn't want to as well. Maybe this time he will let it slide, it's just a simple goofy game, nothing serious. It's not like he'll fail something this easy? It's not like they would feel repulsed by the end of it, they offered it first after all.
"My my, darling, you seem rather enthusiastic about it. Then I'm obliged to indulge you, how could I not?" spoke Azul while attempting to sound smooth and calm as usual.
Jumpy notes in his tone could be heard, which greatly contrasted his still somewhat composed stature.
The next scene showcased how the Perfect was waiting for Azul to take the other side of the pocky. Their hands were placed on both sides of the armchair, leaving Azul without a chance to slip away. A tad uncomfortable position yet they would do anything to fluster their beloved even more. And speaking of Azul, the merman was already dying of shyness. All his confident talk and looks gone in seconds. Soon he encouraged himself to gently bite his side showing that he was more than ready to hide if anything goes south. And like that it went:
With each careful bite their face got closer. The Perfect didn't budge even the slightest meanwhile Azul failed to stop his heart from jumping out of his chest. He only could wonder how they managed to keep themselves together. He wondered if they could hear how loud was his heart beating. Somehow the merman managed to get himself out of the stupor and he did what his beloved was doing — biting the pocky stick and slowly making their way to his lips.
Now the Perfect's lips were one inch away from his. Azul stopped for a second to realize it but as soon as he did so, The Perfect moved even more dangerously close. Finally their lips crashed into a soft honey-like kiss. The Perfect moved their hands to Azul's cheeks while straddling him, standing like before was so uncomfortable. Why not sit on Azul? The poor merman was about to explode from this close contact. He felt like he was melting under their touch. Throwing aside every unforthcoming thought, he pressed back. It felt so good to the point he forgot about everything. He didn't care that it was in his office where anyone could barge in, especially Jade and Floyd. Shortly after they pulled away, this kiss was way more passionate than Azul had expected. Both of them stayed silent for a few seconds until the Perfect's laughter broke it.
"H-hey! What's so funny all of a sudden?" apprehensively asked Azul with a slightly concerned face.
He was about to drown in his overthinking until the Perfect answered back:
"You're so cute when you blush this hard,"
"What? I AM?"
Azul hurriedly searched for some kind of mirror to see was it that bad actually. He unlocked his phone and before his eyes really was a blushing mess with a small string of salvia in the corner of his mouth from kissing.
"Thank god Jade and Floyd didn't see this, they wouldn't let me live it down... I would be forced to make them sign another NDA," he sighed.
"Tehehehe." Giggled the Perfect as they kissed his forehead.
Azul, despite being a complete agitated mess right now, sweetly smiled at his darling.
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latteart98 · 1 year
I keep rewatching scenes from Hidden Love because I simply can’t get over the drama and if I had to pick a favorite scene, it would be the airport scene in episode 7 when her heart gets completely shattered. Listen the drama is packed is so many cute scenes that I’m totally in love with, but the scene that really, really gets to me is that one.
Can you imagine being in SZ’s shoes? Anxious and antsy all night, she showed up in his city despite knowing the huge trouble it will get her in back at home.. all because she needs to ask him in person if he is really dating someone or was it just a lie? But poor girl didn’t even get to voice her questions because his coworker, whom she mistook as the girlfriend, came along with him.
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The moment DJX appears at the airport with the lady tagging along with him, SZ’s eyes are on the lady not him. Not her crush whom she hasn’t seen in so many months but the lady. He’s all worried about her safety and mad out of concern for her but all she can think about is “who is she? Is she your girlfriend? You promised me that you would tell me immediately if you got a girlfriend. Why didn’t you keep your promise?”
Notice how she’s not mad at him for dating because she knows deep in her heart that she’s too young for him and he has never seen her as anything more than a friend’s little sister. No, she’s not having any false hopes. Rather, she’s hurt that he didn’t remember the promise he made to her. And as a result, it became apparent that she was no one special to him nor were the times they spent together was of any significance to him. That he was only nice to her because she was in front of him and had it been anyone else, he would’ve behaved the same way. All the while she held on to every memory, every gift like a treasure.
And just because she knew that she never really had a chance with him because of the age difference, doesn’t mean it hurt any less to see him with someone else. She kept hoping against all hopes that she would, eventually, grow up and he would then notice her a woman but she figured he’s already found his “someone better” - someone that’s not her, that will never be her.
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And when she gives him one last sad smile and starts walking away, leaving behind the teddy and pieces of her heart with him, it’s a cinematic masterpiece. She’s walking away and with every step, her mind flashes back to a montage of DJX being kind to her and smiling at her and being full of warmth- all the things that made her fall for him to begin with. And she realizes that those memories, those little smiles of his, those gestures are just gonna forever remain as little treasures in her heart. Even before she leaves the airport, when she wishes him happiness and leaves the teddy with him, we know she’s bidding farewell. She’s mentally getting ready to never see him again. Oh, it’s breaking her heart and so is the audience’s hearts. The montage, the walking away first, the one last turn back, the background music, the fact that it’s at an airport… everything was so perfectly put together.
And finally when her brother comes to pick her up, she starts sobbing in his arms. He’s holding her and trying to comfort her through promises of buying her her favorite food or comic books or even beating the guy up.. all silly stuff thinking it was just an online fling. As if her whole teenage years’ worth of hopes didn’t just crash at her feet. As if her innocent little heart didn’t just break into a million pieces.
Listen I know teenagers are dramatic (gosh I would know, I used to be one) and most of the times, the love/crush they have as a teen is cringe and melodramatic… but sometimes, only sometimes they are capable of honest sincere feelings so when it hurts, it fucking hurts. We might say they’re being dramatic because it’s only their first puppy love but God, that’s exactly why it hurts so much. Because it is their first love. Because they didn’t know any better, they put so much of their mental space and time and hopes and fears into this one person and when it doesn’t work out, it fucking sucks. Yes they will move on, yes they will get over it eventually, yes with time they might even look back at their teen self and cringe. But this moment, the moment your heart breaks for the first time whether you are 17 or 30 or 49, it’s not a moment you will ever forget. This moment becomes a landmark in your heart.
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muniimyg · 1 year
+ extra ! in our forever
series m.list
note: omg hiii ??? helloo ??? okok this was supposed to be posted for yoongi’s birthday... then i planned it to be written in time for my birthday/bts birthday... now it’s being posted mid summer.... like hello? where did the time go? i felt so stuck writing this extra because it feels more like the ending than the actual ending ? does that make sense lol... i planned to write their first kiss scene but honestly i don’t think i’ll be able to do so [unless i get the random urge to write it instead of studying for a final or smt] ! hoping to back more regularly when my work schedule stops being a bitch <3 slowly but surely,, my fics will continue to be deleted off my notes/drafts and pushed out frfr. thank u all of ur patience ,, i TRULY miss u all... laughing with u guys after every update literally gave me a reason to wake up and have smt to look forward to. i look forward to all of ur love and support for my upcoming / ongoing works. 
muwah muwah ,, kimi 💛✨🥂
ps… it’s lengthy y’all 💀 it’s to make up for being so mia HAHHAAA
warnings: smut & angst ,, MY FAVE DUO <3
taglist requests are closed !
taglist: @j3nnie101​ @tarahardcore​ @bbsantc​ @jeonqkooks-main​ @whoa-jo @ellesalazar​ @exhibitachol​ @pamzn​ @floweryjeons​ @boraength​ @4ksj​ @joonsjuice​ @taegijns​ @avtrns​ @taegix94​ @bloopkook​ @jihopesjoint​ @firesighgirl​ @vantxx95​ @damn-u-min-yoongi​ @yoongukie-ff​ @hopeworldjimin​ @thisisaburnphone​ @pb-n-juju​ @xjiminsthighsx​ @miss-rainy-days​ @percyjacksonlovesannabethchase​ @whitefoxgirl​ @slutforheeseung​​ @lovelytaes-blog​​
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In the midst of the airport chaos, Yoongi finds you standing with a stupid sign that looks like it was decorated by your preschool students. 
It’s times like these when he can’t help but smile at how insufferable you are. Why are you so fucking cute? Standing there, looking for him in the sea of strangers with your warm greeting. It’s a sight he wishes to last forever. It makes his stomach turn knowing that it’s him you’re waiting for. It’s him you’re here for. 
It’s him. 
As usual, Yoongi finds you first and continues to let you look for him. He waits for your eyes to find his before he picks up his feet and makes his way to you. You smile, unable to hold yourself back from making your way to him as well. 
As you do so, Yoongi gets a closer and closer look at the sign. At that moment, his heart skips a beat, realizing that your preschool class knows about him.
The boyfriend. 
It’s such a simple label. It even sounds silly to say and even so; he never gets used to how it makes him feel. How excited he is to be yours and how others react to it... Something about little children running around the classroom, knowing their teacher ____ is loved and has a boyfriend makes him so happy. 
God, it’s so fucking embarrassing and it honestly doesn’t even matter... But why... Why was it consuming his mind so effortlessly? 
Though these thoughts and daydreams are so easily executed in his mind; being your boyfriend—the mere title of it—has him in shambles. He will never get used to this privilege. So, it’s only natural that he wonders if you talk about him to them just as much. He wonders if they’ve asked you any silly questions like... If you two have ever kissed or if you two were ever going to get married.. Better yet; if you have any babies with him...
All valid questions 3 year old's could ask you! Even more valid questions for your boyfriend to ponder. 
You talk about your students so much. Like, it’s a little ridiculous! You talk about them as if they’re yours. With that, the idea of having a family with you is prone to linger in his mind. However, that’s way down the line..
He’d have to propose to you first; marry you second, and then have children with you. All the while, loving you forever. 
These thoughts, though dramatic and honestly a little extensive—consume him. It’s a little strange and overwhelming considering that you two haven’t been together for that long. Not to mention, he had just left for nearly and month. 
Yet, isn’t that how you two bloomed anyway? Testing and proving that absence does make the heart grow fonder. 
He gulps as he watches you rush to him. You squeal as he picks up his speed and meets you halfway. There, you practically fall into his arms. 
Nothing is better than this. 
Yoongi has only been away for three weeks, but it feels like it’s been forever. You’re so used to having him by your side and these past three weeks just felt like torture. All the texts and photo updates were simply not enough. If anything, they made missing him even worse. 
But that’s all over now.
Now, he’s here. He’s kissing your cheeks and holding you close. He doesn’t think he’ll ever let go.. Why should he? 
“I missed you,” Yoongi confesses in a rather whiney matter. It’s as if he wasn’t the one that left for a trip.. You clearly remember asking him if he really had to go. Then, he pouts with eyebrows knitting together. You tilt your head in response. “Ace...” 
You snicker at his whine.
“Why haven’t you kissed me yet?”
“Hahahaa! Yoongi, you just arrived—”
His lips crash into yours, kissing you so profoundly that your back arches and melts into his touch. Everyone is probably looking at you two—ever so the dramatic couple.
Oh, whatever.
You missed him too.
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The boys are all patiently waiting for Yoongi back in his apartment. 
As you unlock the door, Yoongi drags his luggage in. Immediately, he’s greeted with a wave of affectionate yells and shoves. His friends, ever so the gentlemen, push him around so much until they all end up on the floor. Laughing together, you watch them help each other up. 
“We’re grown men. Stop embarrassing me in front of my girlfriend,” Yoongi reprimands his friends as he dusts himself off. The guys roll their eyes in response and you even scoff. 
“She was late to a game and you cried about it—”
Yoongi corrects his friend with a technicality. “I almost cried.”
“Same shit!” Jungkook laughs at Yoongi’s sad attempt to save face. He then wraps his arms around Yoongi and looks up at him with bambi eyes. “You know.. I’m really glad you’re back.”
“Because I was promised cotton candy if I showed up to your welcome home dinner... So where the fuck is it? Give it to me. Now.”
The boys exchange looks with one another. “Jungkook, we actually don’t have any cotton candy tonight... But, don’t you want to be here and spend time with us—”
“Fucking liars!” Jungkook flips everyone off before pushing Yoongi aside and exiting his apartment. 
Everyone stands there for a moment, unsure of what just happened.
“Did he really just leave?” Taehyung bursts into laughter. 
Before you know it, everyone joins in. Laughing together because Jungkook is so unhinged... Also because you all know Jungkook would be back in (give or take) 20 minutes.
It’s not like he has other friends that would put up with his dramatic ass. 
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As expected, Yoongi kicks everyone out. 
They all hurry out, leaving a bit of a mess behind. You shake your head as you collect all the dishes and bring them to the sink. Soaking the dirty dishes, you scrape off any extras and set them aside. Meanwhile, Yoongi is in charge of sweeping, mopping, and putting anything Jin, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook played with away. 
“How the fuck did Nam Joon manage to leave his sock here?” 
“His what?”
“Sock. He left one.”
You throw your head back, laughing and recalling how chaotic tonight was.
“He didn’t even drink that much tonight... I think you drank more than him,” you comment, turning to face Yoongi. He pauses on wiping the table and rolls his eyes at you. 
“Nam Joon is lightweight.”
“Yeah?” you challenge him, “what are you?”
“Wanna find out?”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Let’s see how sloppy I fuck you tonight.”
You send him a glare, trying your best to mask your amusement. How could he be so unhinged? “Min Yoongi!”
“Yes, Ace?”
He shrugs at you. “I’ve been behaving.. Don’t believe me? Punish me tonight.”
You gag at his line. He laughs a bit as you make a cringe face at him. “Is that why you wanted me to sleep over?”
“No,” Yoongi slurs. You raise your eyebrows, eyes softening, with a small grin. Yoongi folds; “... okay, fine.”
You chuckle.
“Shut up!” He defends himself.
“I didn’t say anything!” With that, you burst into laughter. 
To put into perspective, the idea of sleeping over occurred after a very mature and communicative compromise. The compromise was that Yoongi had won 2 of 3 in an intense rock, paper, scissors game and you (have to because you lost) decided to spend the next week in his apartment. This would be a great time to reconnect and catch up on his trip. Regardless if he called and texted you every day during it; it’s different seeing his face light up as he relives his stories. You love listening to him talk about the things he loves—oddly enough, you’re all he can talk about these days.
Nevertheless, Yoongi tells you about how great his trip with his brother was. Seeing a bunch of NBA games in real life made him feel like he was doing something for his inner child. He talks about how much his brother bickered with him and how their taste in food was exactly the same so every time they went to restaurants; they would argue about who should get the other dish instead of both of them ordering the same meals.
You’re glad he’s back. 
Having your friends over tonight was such a good reset and time together. Now, the night concludes with cleaning with the love of your life. Could the simple things in life get any better than this?
Your thoughts are put on pause as you feel Yoongi’s arms wrap around your waist. As you continue to rinse the dishes, he rests his chin on the crook of your neck. 
“___,” he murmurs into your skin. You put the last dish on the dishrack before turning your body to be face to face with him. Tilting your head at him, a little confused with the underlying look of seriousness on his face. “Do your preschoolers ever ask about me?”
“Hmm?” you hum, unsure of what he means. “What about you?”
Yoongi purses his lips. “Like.. Do they know I’m your boyfriend? Who they’re making a sign for and shit?”
“Well, to be honest… We’re not really allowed to be talking about our personal life—”
“Language,” you warn him. 
He kisses you in apology. 
“My bad,” he pouts. “Come on, ___. You’ve talked about me to them, haven’t you?”
You laugh, not quite understanding why he’s suddenly getting so heated about this. Sure, you’ve mentioned him once or twice.. How could you not? You’ve been in love with Yoongi for so long; it’s practically second nature to you. “Why do you care so much?”
Yoongi huffs, letting go of you. In a stiff manner, he shrugs. “I mean… The sign was made by them, right? They must know about me.”
“Umm, sure,” you roll your eyes. It’s not like this was turning into an argument or anything… But it’s just such an odd direction for the conversation to be going. “Aki, they’re a bunch of 3-year-olds. What does it matter if they know about you or not? I just asked them to help me make a sign because I was running out of time—”
“Do they ever ask you about marrying me?”
Your eyes widen. 
“What? No!”
Yoongi blinks. 
“Do you not want to marry me?” Yoongi crosses his arms, leaning against the kitchen counter. His chest tightens as he begins to feel offended. “Why’d you answer like that?”
“Like what?” you slightly panic. 
All his words are so new to you. He’s never been this straightforward… Or has he? Have you simply missed how seamless and blunt his words have been because you’ve been so into him? Suddenly, you can’t think straight. Now, you’re really confused. 
Was he getting angry?
Was he hurt?
From what? What did you say that’s triggering his reaction? You try to run it back, but it’s too late. Yoongi takes a step back and asks; “do you not want to marry me?”
You’re tongue-tied, unable to answer him. 
He scoffs. “You’re so fucking annoying.”
“Woah,” you instantly feel offended. “You can’t just bring up marrying me and then call me annoying for needing time to process what you just asked me!”
“Why do you need time to answer it? It’s yes or no. Do you want to marry me or not?”
You glare at him. “Are you proposing?”
“Then I don’t need to answer right now… And honestly? You could tone down the intense attitude. We haven’t seen each other in 3 weeks… Why can’t we just have a nice evening together?”
Yoongi sighs, slightly feeling more flustered. He takes a deep breath and surrenders to the feeling of hurt. 
“I think I’m gonna crash at Hobi’s tonight.”
“What?” you groan in disbelief. Is he actually serious? “Yoongi, this is your apartment. You won that stupid rock, paper, scissors game and I’m here. I had to switch my shift for tomorrow to be here with you and now what? You’re just going to leave me here?”
… And before Yoongi can think of a proper response to deflate or change the course this moment; he lets his sharp words cut through his lips. “Well, pardon me for not being in the mood to spend the rest of my evening with someone who I thought saw a future with me… Kind of a mood killer, you know? When your girlfriend is practically dating you to break up.” 
“I never said—”
“Drop it, ___. It’s whatever.”
Your face softens and you can’t help but tear up. His anger feels sharp and abrupt. 
“What now? Did I fuck up again?” Yoongi says coldly. 
You shake your head, eyes fluttering the tears away. “No, it’s okay. I know you’re upset.. But it’s Ace, you know? You always call me Ace. I haven’t heard you say my name in a while. It’s like you’re actually mad at me or something..”
Yoongi stays silent. 
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You never expected this. 
A whole week passes by and the most that has happened between you and Yoongi since are pathetic “good morning” and “good night” text messages. You two avoid each other and barely replied in the group chats. You’ve picked up extra shifts and Yoongi has been spending most of his time with the guys, with his brother, or alone. Thank god he warned the guys not to reach out to you regarding the argument.. Yoongi knows he was wrong to get so heated up so quickly… But also, he knows deep down his feelings were valid. 
It’s so stupid. 
The way he has been handling this entire thing is so fucking lame. He knows it and you know it. You both are acting like such babies—unwilling to communicate and understand each other. To be fair; you two have never reached the part of an argument where it actually made one another upset. This was the first time and it’s honestly the worst fucking thing you two have gone through. 
It’s sickening. 
It’s painful waiting for his calls and missing his daily updates… Avoiding eye contact and hesitating to hold your hand when you two are around each other. It doesn’t help that you can’t even remember the last time you two kissed and held each other since his arrival home. It has practically been a month since you two have been together together. 
Now it all aches. 
It hurt him to think that you couldn’t see a future with him when he knows his future is you. It ached so much to see the way your face went blank… Why were you unsure? Has he not given you all the reassurance you need? Has he not been doing enough? Was the 3 for 3 not good enough? … Rather, will he ever be good enough?
All these questions flooded his mind from morning to night. He waits for your reply every day and wonders if he should just swallow his pride and be the first to yield. 
This was your first disagreement as a couple and he isn’t too sure how to navigate through it. What is he supposed to do? His past relationships were never as dramatic as this.. Well, truth be told; he didn’t really care about his exes as much as he cares about you. Dramatic or not, the feelings were real and all more of the reason to push forward with begging for forgiveness. 
Begging to be yours. 
Begging to be loved. 
So what now? Does he surprise you with a significant gesture and make a bunch of promises that he knows are half-assed? In a sense, he was still angry. However, Yoongi knows better. His anger can’t be the reason he loses you.. And as we all know; Min Yoongi is a sore loser. 
Forever, Yoongi will refuse to lose you. 
The mere idea of dating you only for you two to break up… Sickening. He would rather crawl to you than walk away. As this realization hits him, he rushes inside his apartment and then into his room. He should go see you. 
He has to see you now.
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Yoongi doesn’t know where you are. 
At first, he had a few ideas of where you could be. At your apartment, in the library, or at the pool watching Jungkook’s swim practice.. He runs around campus desperate to find you. In all honesty, the speech he had prepared got lost along the way. As he hurriedly searches for you, the only words that ring are: it doesn’t end here. 
We don’t end here.
I love you—
Yoongi sees you sitting on the same bench you pitched three for three. You’re swinging your legs, watching the morning waves crash against the shore. He soaks in the sight of you looking so at peace. He loves how pretty you are from a far.
And then it hits him: he’s so lucky to love you.
It’s truly a privilege to love you because of everything you are. His anger and all the reasons he had gaslit himself into self-sabotaging your love for him—the extension of your beauty… It was so fucking wrong. Maybe he got too comfortable believing that he had you. Maybe he was too mesmerized with the idea of you two lasting forever that he forgot to even fucking ask it. 
He was wrong. 
He should’ve asked first. 
… But that’s the thing about being in love; you have faith. You believe in everything about the person you love. You believe in the good and that the universe sees you well enough to bless you forever. You believe in all the shooting stars and wishful thinking… You believe in forever when you meet the one that makes forever feel like it’s not enough.. But, you’d take it anyway. 
Drowning in his thoughts, Yoongi stands still and practically zones out. Meanwhile, from the corner of your eye, you see him. You see him standing there with the most devastated and desperate look on his face. Then, his eyes flicker to you. 
Your eyes meet and lock. His are glossy with tears building up. Even from a far, you can tell he has horrible eye bags. Perhaps, he hasn’t been sleeping well at night. Overall, he looks like a mess. He’s wearing grey sweatpants and your favourite white FOG shirt he owns. Even so… He looks restless. 
For his sake, you pretend not to see him. You turn back and watch the sea. Sitting in silence, you take deep breaths as you feel him walking toward you. You’re sure he’s here now but you don’t want to say anything. 
What could you say?
And it’s weird because you’d expect him to clear his throat and speak.. But he doesn’t. No, he stays silent. Yoongi also doesn’t sit down next to you. Instead, he stands a few feet away and watches the waves kiss the shore. 
Never has he ever felt so jealous of the sea.
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An hour and a half passed by since Yoongi found you and within this time: he stays silent.
He follows you around, trailing behind you like a fucking loser. His head is bowed down for the most part and he focuses on following your shoes. 
You don’t have any classes today so he finds it a little weird that you’re running around doing random shit. You aren’t buying anything or meeting up with anyone.. It just feels like you’re stalling. In a stupid way; he’s thankful you’re doing so.
He doesn’t say anything though.. Why would he? All the words he had prepared got lost as he followed you around. 
All of this simply angers you. 
The quiet moment shared between you two at the seaside bench was cute but now he’s just being fucking annoying. Is he serious? He blew up a week ago and now he can’t even apologize for leaving you alone that night? For how cold he’s been? For being the worst boyfriend ever? 
Oh my god. 
It pisses you off so much. For a man that’s such a sore loser; he surely isn’t doing much to win you over. 
That’s just it! All men do is lie. 
By now, your feet hurt and you’re too annoyed to keep playing whatever game this is. You pick up your pace and turn toward the direction of your apartment. 
Yoongi follows. 
Your irritated mood begins to cloud your thoughts. You can feel your frustration take over and you just know you can’t do this anymore. The silence, the sad puppy look on his face, and the simple fact that everything between you two just feels so paper thin—no. This is not it. This isn’t want you want. 
You pause and turn to him. 
He lifts his head and blinks at you slowly. Still, he stays silent. He doesn’t even greet you with a smile.. Nothing. What the fuck? What’s the point of any of this?
The fucking audacity of this man. 
“That’s it?”
Yoongi shrugs. 
“Coward,” you hiss. Taking a step forward, he follows your lead. You’re close enough to him to reach out and hit his chest with your fist. You don’t do anything. You stay still, just like him. In your head, you’re crying and he’s holding you. In your head, he’s already pouring his heart out and you’re mending everything back together. In your head; Yoongi is fighting for you. 
“Do you have anything to say?” you ask desperately. “You can’t do this, you know? You can’t ignore me for a week and then just show up and not say anything. You can’t follow me around like you care when you obviously don’t. What the hell, Yoongi? If it’s over, then just say it. Say it so I can go home and wonder why the fuck the universe gave me you just to lose you because I.. I’m falling apart here—I can’t—I don’t know what’s going on and you just spent like two hours not saying a single word to me. If you have nothing to say then fine! It’s over—I don’t fucking know what’s going on anymore. Do you?”
“Not really,” Yoongi reveals. “I love you.. That’s all I know.”
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His hands are on your waist, guiding you through your own apartment.
Yoongi’s kisses have never felt so good. His lips are so addicting—you can’t stop kissing him back. As innocent as the kissing goes; you can’t say the same for his hands. Once on your waist, now slipped in between your panties and your skin. 
Your body shivers from his touch.
“Slow down,” you pull away from him; “I’m still mad at you.”
“Good,” he snickers deviously, “hate sex sounds really good right now.”
“I don’t hate you.”
“I can change that.”
Without warning, Yoongi picks you up and throws you onto your bed. There, you watch him take off his jacket, his shirt, and then just as he’s about to take off his pants; you crawl to him. 
“Can I?”
Yoongi fights for his life to stay calm and cool. He succeeds as he lets out two words: “say please.”
In response, you glare at him. “You want me to say please when you’re about to get head—”
No warning. 
Yoongi tugs his sweatpants down and grabs a handful of your hair. He shoves his thick cock into your pretty mouth. It shuts you up immediately. The moment you feel his velvety skin in your mouth, you moan at the taste of his precum on your mouth. Yoongi throws his head back from the relief and literal pleasure of your warm mouth wrapped around him. In contrast to his initial action, Yoongi thrusts in gently. His tip hits the back of your throat and you gag—tears triggered. You suck him as he moves back and forth. It makes him weak. How are you so fucking pretty while you do the dirtiest thing? He doesn’t know if he hates himself or not… How could he be doing this to you? At the same time, how could he not? 
He’s wanted this for so long. He missed you so fucking much.
“Mhmm,” he moans, “hate me yet?” 
He pulls you away from his dick. You grab it with your hands and jerk him off. Tilting your head, you bat your eyes at him. You shake your head at him, “I love you, Aki.”
Yoongi’s heart collapses. With no time to waste, he bends down and kisses you deeply. “I love you too, Ace.”
Just as you’re about to continue, Yoongi shifts you to lie down. Though a little confused, you follow his lead. “Wait, I wasn’t done sucking your—”
“I need you,” Yoongi confesses so sinfully. There’s truth in his voice. The kind that feels urgent and “I need you more than you need me.. Please, ___.”
You nod, fully understanding what he wants. 
Laying on your back, you spread your legs for him. He assists you and helps you take off your pants. He tosses them aside before running his thumb on the band of your panties. For a moment, his hands roam around you. He runs his thumb against your heat before pushing them aside to see you bare. 
“Just take them off,” you advise him. He rolls his eyes at you. 
“I have a thing for your panties, Ace.. Holy shit, give me a fucking minute.” Yoongi hisses his words and it makes you laugh. “Don’t fucking laugh, you cockslut.”
“I’ll stop laughing when you finally fuck me.”
“Be patient.”
You cross your arms at him.
“Aren’t you the one that said you need me—oh my god!” you gasp, feeling yourself begin to throb at the feeling of Yoongi’s spit running down your folds. He smirks at how fast you shut up. Yoongi then takes off your panties entirely and then spreads your legs in front of him. 
He jerks himself off a few times before hitting his hard cock against your pussy. Your breath hitches when he does so. “Are you wet enough?” he asks with no intention of waiting for your reply. He uses his thumb and index finger to spread your folds and judges for himself. He then spits again and massages it into your wet pussy. “Better?”
You nod, unable to answer. “Don’t finger me,” you beg. “Just fuck me, okay?”
“You don’t want me to finger you? How about I at least eat you out first—”
“You didn’t let me finish giving you a blowjob!”
Yoongi laughs, “I would’ve fucking nutted so hard in your mouth if I had let you suck it for one more second. Come on, Ace! I love eating you out. I want to make you feel good—”
“You’re not being fair,” you whine. “I want to make you feel good too.” 
“You do more than enough—fuck. Wow. Okay. Rude! Don’t be a bitch.”
You took off your top.
Now, he’s distracted by your plump breast. In all honesty, his favourite thing is to watch your boobs bounce when you two fuck. Whether it’s missionary and he’s on top of you; listening to your soft moans and lewd praises or if you were riding him; heavily breathing and concentrating on getting yourself off… He loves it.
He fucking loves it all. 
And so be it. 
Yoongi gives in. You smile in pure happiness as he gulps and settles himself in between your legs. He pushes himself inside and you moan in relief. 
Fucking finally.
It’s been too long. 
Yoongi thrusts in and out, completely melting in how good it feels to fuck you raw. He watches intensely as your breast move up and down from his thrusts. He looks at you and your stupid fuck me eyes that have him weak. All he knows is that he’s yours. His entire existence is because of you—because of moments like these where he is completely and utterly yours. 
As he fucks you, all he can think about is how much he loves you. How this is what home feels like—how good life actually is. It’s you. Everything good in his life is connected to you. It completely tears him apart. 
The more emotional he gets as he processes his feelings, the harder he fucks you. Soon, you’re moaning like never before. He fucks you so good that the bed practically shakes and your entire world begins to spin. He sits up more and grabs one of your breasts to help himself stabilize. As he continues to fuck you, all you can do is whine his name. 
When you reach your climax, you cream all over his cock. He doesn’t stop there though. No, he keeps on going. He keeps on going until he can’t take it anymore and his body collapses and falls on top of yours. There, you wrap your arms and legs around him. Sloppily, he finishes inside you. 
“My universe,” he whimpers, “you’re my universe.”
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It’s a dewy rainy morning. 
Your bedroom window is open and the cloudy sky only makes your empty room feel gloomier. 
You woke up naked and alone. After the third round—because you’d be a complete idiot to think that Yoongi would call it a night after one round—you had fallen asleep next to the love of your life. 
Where is he now?
You’d be lying if you said it didn’t hurt to wake up alone. Was all of that… Just break up sex? It couldn’t be! In between rounds, you and Yoongi found it in yourselves to make jokes and basically sink into your old vibes… No way did he just leave you. 
You gather your sheets and prepare to get up. Just as you’re about to, Yoongi comes out of the washroom. His hair is a little damp and he’s only wearing his sweatpants. 
Oh, what a sight. 
You squint at him and rub your eyes. “I thought you left.”
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” he laughs, throwing his shirt at you. It lands on top of your head. Taking it, you put it on drop your sheets. 
“Can you pass me my panties please?”
Yoongi leans against your bathroom doorframe and shakes his head. “Nah.”
“Don’t be a dick—”
“Round four?”
You laugh. “You haven’t even said sorry yet and you think you can sneak in a forth round?”
Yoongi shrugs at you nonchalantly. “I snuck in three rounds last night… What’s another three? Three for three.” He mocks you. 
You stick your tongue out at him. 
Silence falls between you two as the sound of gradual raindrops hit your window. You turn your head and watch the rain begin to fall. 
“Didn’t know it was going to rain… Isn’t it the middle of summer? Kinda strange, don’t you think—”
“I’m sorry.” 
Yoongi folds. 
You turn back to him and see he’s on his knees before you. His head, just like yesterday, hangs low. 
“I overreacted. I felt like I was losing you. I was so stubborn and defensive that I ended up fighting for my pride rather than us… ___,” he pauses and lifts his head. “I’ve never been in love like this before. I never knew how much my feelings could consume me and how much I want us to work out. I was trying to fight for us. I know my words aren’t much; but I hope asking is enough.. I’ll be better. I’ll be so good to you from now on, I swear… The jealousy and insecurities I have… I’m so messed up sometimes—I know… But I’m trying to be good enough to stay in your orbit.”
“I was trying to pitch forever with you and I didn’t even give you a fair chance to accept or decline—”
“I would’ve said yes,” you interrupt him. “If you had asked properly; the answer is yes. Of course, I’d marry you… In due time.”
“Yeah… I’d have to introduce you to my preschoolers first but I’m sure you’ll win them over super fast—”
“Be serious.”
“I am!” you laugh, patting the spot next to you for him to join. He gets up and sits beside you. “I think we were just caught up in the moment. We were separated for a hot minute—I feel like it was just… Miscommunication? We can work on it. We’ll just have to be more patient with one another and maybe not ignore each other for a week?” 
Yoongi sighs and nods. “I still feel really shitty about everything.”
“Good,” you tease him as you cup his cheeks with the palm of your hands. He kisses them before resting in your embrace. “Make it up to me someday.”
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“... Did you do it?”
He stares at the ring box he purchased with his brother during his trip to the States. The engagement ring you had not-so-secretly pinned on your Pinterst board was only available in the States.. Of course, because the universe was on his side; the trip and the ring’s time and location lined up. 
“I thought you were going to propose to her when you got back? If that stupid fight didn’t happen, we would’ve been having a different conversation right now. Did you guys even make up?” Yoongi’s brothers voice echoes in the call. “You dragged me to that fucking store and had me pick out details for like twenty rings!”
Yoongi sighs as he closes the ring box and shoves it inside his desk. Truth be told.. He wasn’t planning to propose to you yet. He just wanted the ring ready for when the time comes. 
“Someday,” Yoongi promises. “I’ll make it up to her someday in our forever.”
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seaweedrain · 8 months
I wanna go off about Pentious and Cherri because I adore them
I saw a post in the cherrisnake tag explaining how the whole night club scene felt a little OOC, and I totally agreed! Until I thought... Is it? I agree with the person who wrote the post (here is link to post) that Pentious seems like the kind of dude who would be asking for her fathers permission to court her! I've honestly wanted to write fanfics just like this back when the pilot came out, he really does give off those types of vibes!
I feel like the first few gestures of buying her a drink was him being gentlemanly! But again, like the person who wrote that post said, the mans probably got a lil buzzed, lettin the drinks talk as he moved forward with his Rule Of 3 comedy moment! Again, I fully agree haha! However, I do think another side of his personality was showing during this moment!
Sir Pentious has a desire to be accepted by those he admires! He wants the V's to see him, he wants other Overlords to notice him and his work! He will act like them if necessary! He's hip and cool! Or at least he really thinks he is! That club was Cherris scene! He was invited out by her! He had to act like her! Right??? That would impress her, RIGHT?! Asking her to do things with him that didn't seem... like him? She'd like that, right? That's what she does! She brought him there, after all (only because Charlie told her to, but he never thought he'd make it this far!)
After talking with Charlie in those last few episodes (in the background), the girl probably gave him sound advice to be himself as he tried to confess to Cherri. Being like Cherri didn't work with flirting with her (altho I personally, think she thinks he's a cute silly), so he might as well be himself. Someone who isn't trying to fight with her and "enemies/arch rivals". As he fumbles and runs away, it does look like she's a little sad he didn't confess, although I've seen a few argue that she just looked confused. Even after Angel told her she could hit that, in my personal opinion there was a hint of sadness.
In the fun facts, it says Sir Pentious died in the 19th century. I know he's an inventor, but the fact that he wears a generals outfit makes me wonder if that was him just... Being a silly lil guy thinking back to his time where he could have been high up in the ranks for war, or if he actually was! How much has he been through in life? Was he unable to confess his love before dying? I went to the wiki and couldn't find any information, although even if there were, I'm not sure how much I'd trust from wiki or how much of the info might be considered outdated now that the show is actually out!
The idea that he knew he was risking his after life, about to double die, he didn't want regrets about confessing to Cherri, especially after failing to the night before. Whether he had a similar experience in the living life or not, I do adore that Sir Pentious was able to be himself at least somewhat. Cherri was clearly charmed.
I do see him as a character that would try to court her over time, something I could DEF write a slow burn about! But I do love that he was written as someone who WANTED to get these feelings off his chest! Maybe if he could have, then he could have woo'd her like a proper gentleman! Maybe if we had a longer season, we could have seen more of that. His different attempts, trying to act like others thinking that'd impress her. Not fully aware that being himself was actually the answer all along. Yes, being himself was in a 'life' or death situation and it PROBABLY wasn't exactly how he could have wanted it to go down, but he was nonetheless, able to confess. Not pretending to be someone he wasn't. Yes, he agreed he was out of his mind, but he was being crazy for sacrificing himself! There wasn't time to think, he just had to do. There wouldn't be regrets. He was doing this for his friends, for her, in hopes to keep them safe or buy time.
So I do wish he took his time with her. Was able to flirt, court, and awkwardly confess at his own rate (figuring out he didn't have to pretend he was just like her and could do everything she did, fumbling it lmao) I could see how someone could think this was a ship pushed too quickly and out of the blue- maybe if there was more time in the season it wouldn't have seemed that way! I'm biased, I've been shipping them since the pilot! However, with the screen time they did get, I think it was written well!
And who knows?! There are theories he will lose his memory now that he's in Heaven, he will have lost his memory (which would be VERY sad, but I also adore the drama). I've seen posts where Charlie goes up again or Emily reaches out and they find out Pentious is there! I wouldn't be surprised if Emily remembered The Rizz Master who failed to flirt with a girl 3 times in one night at a club. I do fear Sera is going to do something to him, prevent him from doing anything as the news sinners can come to Heaven shouldn't be known or smth idk... But, I like the opportunities for Cherri and Sir Pentious that they may have in the future!
For all Cherri knows, right now Sir Pentious is double dead! The shipping possibilities are endless with him now being in Heaven! I saw a cute post about them writing letters and sending them to each other via Charlie. I could see Pentious writing this long, elegant letter with a reply of "LMAO XD RAWR" and him LOVING IT!
I'd love to know others thoughts, I just wanted to ramble about them.
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Avatar: The Last Airbender Live Action Thoughts!
-First of all, ya'll need to leave those child actors alone, they are babies and they didn't write the show, nor was it their idea to do it. I have seen way too many people body shaming children; leave them alone they all did well!
-I think Gordon makes Aang just as cute and small and powerful as I always saw him as!! He manages to joke around and be fun even when the storyline is a lot darker and more serious.
-I really wish Sokka was able to be more of his goofy and silly self. I understand why he isn't, and his humor is more sarcasm and dark jokes, but I saw glimpses of him in there! His excitement when he was with the Mechanist, engineering and getting to do something other than be in charge. Also when he has any older brother convo with Katara or Aang. I'm hopeful with time he'll be able to loosen up!
-(Speaking of the Mechanist, my boy Danny Pudi was SO GOOD, I love him, him and his little son).
-I wish Aang would practice waterbending with Katara :( those scenes of them practicing together were always some of my favorites in the series. Just beautiful kataang moments. I'm glad they addressed it but I missed those moments.
-I don't understand how you guys can't be having fun watching this, I get so excited waiting for little moments of lore, or when Jet and Katara were fighting in the forest I was sitting in front of the TV like "WHERE'S SMELLERBEE AND LONGSHOT. OH MY GOD NO IT'S PIPSQUEAK!" It's just so much fun! The colors are beautiful, the effects are gorgeous, and the plot and characters are entertaining. Think about the piece as it's own thing and enjoy it!
-Adaptations are just that; adaptations, and things will be changed! I think so far I haven't minded their changes, I understand why they've been made. There are things to criticize, but I think this is pretty well done.
-Zuko is fantastic; I think all the child actors are fairly good but Dallas' pissy attitude and the faces he makes are so so fun! I feel for Zuko and I'm scared of him when he shows up, and he's just as annoying and bratty as ponytail Zuko should be. His physical motions are fantastic!
-TEO WAS SO LITTLE?? Oh my god, like as a kid I thought the cartoon version of him was kinda hot so when they wheeled that tiny baby in I was HORRIFIED.
-Idk why YOU ALL weren't scared of Lizzy Yu's Azula, but her little smile in her intro scene gave me a lil chill. Maybe it's because I was away when the show first came out so I saw post after post about how bad she was, but I just.... Thought she'd be worse?? She did really well! Ya'll better be careful though or Gaten Matarazzo will come for you, that's his girl.
-So far the mushing of plots has made sense to me. Yes, I miss the silly filler episodes and the traveling the Gaang did, but it allows us to sit in a scene longer, and to colorize the world better, when we're in one place and one plot for longer. I think that's important for this type of medium and this amount of episodes. They might be able to justify more next season if this show does well enough.
-I am OBSESSED with Zuko and the 41st division oh my god, what a fantastic and well thought out addition. The reveal, and they're bowing for him when he comes back was DEVASTATING.
-They we're GIVING us Sokka and Katara best sibling moments, I loved all of them. They are so cute, they just mean so much to me.
-I don't feel Appa or Momo as characters like I did in the cartoon. I'm hoping this can change, because rn they surprise me every time they get on screen. I'm like "WHAT- oh it's Momo, he's here." How are we going to feel Appa's loss as much as we did in the cartoon if they continue to like barely be in it.
-Ken Leung SLAYED as Admiral Zhao, I watched him go literally insane as the episodes went on.
-Aang's imposter syndrome and feeling of failure being focused on I will always enjoy, even if I hope he can be silly next season too. His entire character arc this season just made me want to cry.
-Bro the coloring during the the Siege of the North was A M A Z I N G. The way the color faded in and out with fireballs and the monster koi passing nearby, just so pretty. It looked awesome.
-Making Yue a waterbender? The best. Her freezing Sokka in place so he can't stop her? Heartbreaking.
-Iroh and Zuko paddling off looking for bestie Lt. Jee?? Okay.
-They really grew this show up for us adults that watched it in 2005 and focused in on the really painful moments, themes, and details.
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Characters We Desperately Want To Look Like (a slideshow)
Even though some of them contradict each other a little bit lmao
Each attached image will have a written version of what's written in the image
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Ethan from Spooky Month
Twink goals
Red and black alt aesthetic
Something about him speaks to the trans masc within us
Dyed hair <3
Also shaggy hair being tied up in a small ponytail <3
He is our favorite flavor of man and we need to be that flavor of man
Honestly if we had to choose one character in this list to model our entire visual identity after, it would be Ethan
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Ibuki Mioda from Danganronpa
Scene girlie!!
She's so colorful and vibrant and we want to Bleed Neon
Dyed hair part 2 <3
Accessorizing school uniforms? Yes!!!
Piercings and bracelets and cute stockings and and and and
This is one of the few times we'd accept wearing a skirt tbh
Sometimes you wanna dress like your entire personality is Paramour, fight me
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Light Yagami from Death Note
Hear me out
He's a plain brunet what else is there to want
Also we shair hair colors! That's something!!
Idk what else to say he's just gender envy in the most normal way possible
And sometimes you just wanna be normal
Also he calls to the burnt out gifted kid sleeping in our bones
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Cole from Ninjago
Big strong teddy bear
We long to hold the people we love with strong arms like those
Idk man sometimes we long to be a Big Strong Man
Shaggy tied up hair part 2 <3
(Yes I know I'm using fanart here but it proves our point better than Lego Man ever could)
Honestly, this is the least realistic on our list LMAO
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Izuru Kamukura from Danganronpa
Just look at him
He's the emo twink of everyone's dreams
We either want short hair or super long hair and there is no in between, can you tell? /silly
Also, pale pretty boy aesthetic
And we're already pale as shit so it's perfect!!
While Hajime isn't on this list, he's an honorary mention
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Kazuichi Soda from Danganronpa
Pathetic boy appeal
His fashion sense is Trash but in a good way
Sometimes you just wanna look like the sad pathetic loser boy you are
Also pink!!
We vibe with pink sometimes
Beanies are always a win
(Tbh I think we like him better in blue than yellow)
(His jumpsuit is fucking Piss Yellow, denim blue will always beat piss yellow)
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Leon Kuwata from Danganronpa
Tbh I think we just desperately want to live his life and become him in any and every way (we have a Leon introject in case you were wondering LMAO)
His jacket?? Hand it over???
Giant safety pin accessory is so real and we wish we had one to put on our jackets
Ignoring the facial hair though
Anyways HIS RINGS we want his rings
And his chain
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Lloyd Garmadon from Ninjago
Hear me out part 3 I suppose
Sometimes. Sometimes you wanna be a golden retriever boy
We wanna be his specific brand of cute
Like look at him, he's fucking Cute
The hair style is also part of the appeal
In case you haven't noticed, we love men with mid-length hair
Also his bangs??? GOD he's so gorgeous
We'd do so much to be a gorgeous boy like Lloyd
So. Much.
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Selever from Friday Night Funkin' (Mod)
...I can't defend this one tbh
The nonhuman desire to just... be a silly little demon guy
There isn't much more I can say, he's just Gender
Also his outfit? We want that shit
The boots... We would kill for those boots
Tbh he's just black and red part 2
Even though he's more maroon than red
He's babygirl, what can I say
Anyways, thanks for coming to my Ted Talk
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eldaryasharbinger · 4 months
MCL New Gen Ep 4 Review
I played the episode on early access so now it's review time! Like last time, I'll give a more generic and spoiler free opinion and leave all the spoilers below the cut!
First thing I want to say is that this might be my favorite episode so far, I've gasped in surprise A LOT while playing it, due to all the information we get to know about all the other characters, like there's a lot to unpack from this episode... I can't wait to hear what others will think of it when it's avaible to everyone!
The episode costed me exactly 1716 APs, uncle Archibald included! (I also finally found him and got the right answer! I forgot to look for him in ep 2 and 3 and missed taki's costumes :( )
So far I've only seen Jason's, Amanda's and Devon's illustrations so I'm really curious about the others. Amanda's is very very pretty and the special scene was soo good,, Devon's is pretty cute as well, I liked the idea and I wonder what the interaction was like!
Jason's kind of let me down, I didn't have much expectations and I'm not saying that it's bad, I just wish it was a little bit... more? Still the special scene was so good it fit the way I see Petronilla's personality/way of thinking if that makes sense?? Also I really enjoyed the story so me being low-key disappointed by illu is probably a me-only problem because it was perfect for the context
I'd say more but idk what others might consider spoilers or not so I'm playing safe and leaving all the other details below the cut, spoilers ahead! From the future: It's super long I really had so much to say, so if you're stopping here, remember to come back after playing the episode!
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OKAY BUT THE GASP I GASPED WHEN I SAW LYNN?? Absolutely loved seeing her animated, or yk, seeing her in general! I wasn't really expecting it but I loved the surprise!
Also lmao not Thomas just telling Lynn that he loved her as a kid I WAS SHOCKED but simply because the possibility never crossed my mind... Consider my flabbers, gasted...
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Like when I said we'd be learning a LOT about the others, I MEANT IT!! I didn't know how we'd even end up in the situation to talk about love and relationship with our coworkers in the first place (which was the premise of the episode) but it basically started after Thomas randomly revealed he loved Lynn as a kid, Elenda teasing him and him revealing (kind of) that she had a childhood crush on someone as well which is, well, DEVON!! It was so much because at that point anything could've happened... I was already so surprised and impressed by what was going on... BUT THEN !!
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I love how everyone was going crazy about Roy and Brune being in a relationship when these two have been together for two weeks, never kissed, slept together or anything
And we just have to watch these two having a the realization and simply breaking up like it was nothing...
To be honest I didn't even find it strange or weird although the other characters were kind of annoying about it, and that just because they were so chill with it?? Like, not every break up has to be screams and tears idk, maybe I didn't find it strange because I've only had good breakups? (lots of heartbreaks from relationships that never even started too ofc) Like, once two people both agree that the love is gone/was never there or anything like that I think it's only normal for it to go ok? idk I found it very icky how literally no other character said anything like this, they were all shocked because of the lack of drama? Honestly, Brune is a queen for saying "go watch a soap opera if you want drama" lmao, I love her (unpopular opinion?)
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Yeah you guessed it, I gasped AGAIN when Jason arrived at the café!
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AND I GASPED AGAIN WHEN THOMAS SAID THIS??????? HELLOOOOOOO??????? LMAO IDEK WHAT TO SAY I'm on cloud nine y'all with how the story with Jason is going, I'm THRIVING, my brain is getting back into brainrot, like everything I could've wanted, like this kind of silly fanfic trope, I'm loving it
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Okay Brune, ouch, but I still love you, you can call me anything lol
AND ELENDAAA!! SAME AS THOMAS !!! Yes keep saying these things as if we're teenagers/pos it's so so funny to me it gets me giggling and kicking my feet,, Like oooo he has a crush on you hehehehe hohohoho,, yeah I think it's the worms writing rn, they got control of my brain ;w;,
Okay so next, after we all saw Jason, we stayed on theme and Thomas started talking about how he follows him on insta in secret and how he's seen him with A LOT of women but never twice with the same one... then...
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I kind of felt bad for him because seriously, they not only started talking about his private life, they were also saying bad things about him and were so judgemental, and I get not liking the guy but at the same time it felt uncalled? all he did was go to cozy bear cafe at the same time as us and he didn't even approach us,, come on y'all no one taught you how to behave?? There's this saying that basically says "don't speak about those who are not here to listen" or something like that and I believe in that, if I'm with people who start doing this I either stay shut or remind them that they're being mean, they're supposed to be adults but some of them really think in a rather "twisted" way, like Thomas for instance, he said that since Jason uploaded those pictures himself, it was public (therefore they were allowed to talk sh*t) and man... that's such a scary way to think (I'm not calling him a creep, I get why he might htink that way), I've already stated before that I'm very paranoid and knowing that some people actually think this way (with evil intentions) is the reason why I feel so scared to post anything online, I want my life to remain private,, (these are just my experience with the situation, I'm not trying to make it sound like a big deal it just made me uncomfortable because of my personal beliefs)
Imagine "poor" Jason going for a coffee and then finding your rivals gossiping about your love life etc, and honestly the fact that I like Jason so much isn't even important because I swear I would've felt compassion for him even if I hated him with all my guts... BTW I'm not complaining about the writing, the story was very intresting and I wouldnt've wanted for it to go any diffrent!! "But Kaf! How can you say you liked it if it made you uncomfortable?" you see, I'm a weirdo and got questionable taste, I love me a pityful, loser and not really evil character, this is only making me root for Jason more, as well as making me want to put him in my mouth (means nothing I say this about all things I like so much that I just feel like I have to eat them,,)
Now get ready because next up we have the answer to Candy's question "why do we hate Jason?"
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They werent even friends to begin with, Jason was just this random guy who worked there, probably done with his job he saw Devon's file and decided to Plagiarise and try to get a chance at a better job, got caught, fired and decided that he was now enemies with this other random guy as if he didn't literally steal from him because HE IS A SORE LOSER!!!!!!!! He's unsufferable on purpose, probably very very sad inside and he kind of showed that when he caught them talking sh*t because he looked very serioius, no smile or anything
today is a great day for me, because I've now decided that I'm 100% right and this is how the story goes for Petronilla's story, even if in the future we might a diffrent story, this is how it is in my mind :D!
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I love how she's like "i'm just investigating the rival! I'm totally not zooming in on each and every picture!" she's so real this is 100% 'Nilla behaviour (me too)
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This is Jason's illustration and now you can understand what I meant with "I wish it were more"
More than a picture of a picture on my phone!! It's still accurate so I can't really complain about it too much, in the end I think it's good to have different perspectives (Also how pretty is he... wow...)
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Girl you're cooked
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yeah well, in my head I've already estabilished that Jason saw that and that he'll be overthinking it so much or he'll be like "ha ha, of course she liked this picture of me on purpose to send me a sign, she wants me, but of course cause she can't resist my charm! no one can!" and then feel so confident etc (a loser)
Now let's fast forward to sharing a taxi ride with our beautiful Amanda!
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do you want to kiss already or
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I don't even know why I thought that but with how things were going... the atmosphere yk... And yeah, I gasped about this too
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;A;, (yes, that's all the commentary I have left)
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The illu is so cute and I loved the outfit, just like last time I ended up buying the illustration becase the outfit was different for Jason... Although I think that this one is pefert for Petronilla! (I unlocked it in the shop with 150 hearts at the end of the episode)
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aaand this for last! to back up one of my recent reblogs talking about how Amanda isn't that bad and had her reason to be upset (in case you had the party at your house, I didn't)
That's all and wow, it's a lot
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the-skull-breaker · 5 months
so because I have VIP on my Roy account I had the ability to play the third episode on early access, but because I don't have it on my Thomas account I can only say things on Roy's route until public release.
so here you go, click on the "keep reading" button below for my opinion !
so first of I want to say that not much happened but I think it was okay, I liked the moments spent with Roy, he's proving to be really adorable and he made me feel happy every moments he was being cute, there were even times were I literally giggled at his silliness~ ! (cue the scene where he says "but if I must also carry you it will make things complicated" like... that's MY MAN right there !)
two things that I wanna point out though : 1. why did he react that way when Candy told the group about Taki ? like I know this isn't the farm but what's so weird about having a goose as a pet ? geese might be quite spicy at times but I'm sure you can make them a good pet ? anyway I don't understand his reaction and I don't wanna know how he'll react to pet snakes considering my Candy Mahanie has one. 2. I should have seen it coming but it seems like he and Brune are dating, and while I'm not mad, I'm sure they'd be a point when they'll break up and we might get closer to him later, but I wish we knew it sooner (tho I guess it would make people want to play his route even less than now) and that Roy didn't, like, gave away that he was easier to get than that, I especially don't want to be the reason why he and Brune would break up...
aside from that can we talk about the illus tho ??? it's soooo cute ! even though it was in the context of a dare and that we just learned about his relationship with Brune his little kiss on the cheek is so sweet, I thought that they were moving too fast when I first saw it but after playing the episode it made more sense.
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anyway, that's all I have to say for Roy's route, I'll do another post dedicated to Thomas once the public release is on ! later !
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ticklishbeans4 · 1 year
2D Beings Deserve Tickles To!
I've been wanting to write something with Prismo for awhile given all the art that's been floating around! And how could I not add Finn and Jake in there?
Jake and Finn were laying on the floor of Prismo’s cube, chilling out as they watched some other dimension stuff with the comic being. This had become a pretty common occurrence with the three, Prismo seemed to enjoy the company, and the two brothers were more than happy to provide it. Plus, it was super cool to see other versions of themselves.
“Oh this ones pretty cool!” Prismo gushed, “This one was made when someone wished that they could just live as a child forever. So I made a kid world! Aren’t they cute?”
“Awwww! Look at little Finn!” Jake cooed, “I forgot how cute you were!”
“Are you kidding? Look at puppy you!” Fin laughed, “You’re so tiny!”
“Not as cute as you!” Jake laughed, jumping on Finn and starting a wrestling match between the brothers.
Prismo watched fondly, this happened a lot when they came over, but it never stopped being amusing to see. It kinda made him wish he had a sibling, someone he could hangout with and talk to. A built in best friend, like Finn and Jake.
He was brought out of his thoughts by a sudden shriek, followed by a burst of laughter from Finn. Looking over, his eyes widened and he quickly looked away, if he could blush, he was sure he’d be red as Golb. Jake was tickling Finn.
Now Prismo was no stranger to the concept of tickling. Watching hundreds of universes with hundreds of people, he’d seen plenty of tickling. It always had a… weird effect on him. It made his guts feel twisty and fluttery, he couldn’t always look at it, but sometimes he couldn’t look away, sometimes he’d even replay those moments over and over. He didn’t really get why he felt like this, the only other time he felt like this was around Jake but… it was different. He knew that without a shadow of a doubt.
“HELP!” Finn cried, reaching a hand out to Prismo before he shot it back down when Jake scribbled into his underarm.
Prismo just tried to focus on the screen, not able to look directly at the scene. He wished he knew why he felt this way about such an innocent practice. He’d watched parents tickling their kids, siblings getting into tickle fights, heck! He’d seen babies in the baby dimension tickle each other! So it was just an innocent, fun, silly thing! Sure he knew it could be used in… other ways, but those didn’t make him feel all fluttery and twisty.
“Prismo, you good?” Jake asked, apparently having given Finn mercy.
“Oh! Uh, yeah! Yeah I’m good! Totally good! So good actually! Ha! Why do you ask?” he said nervously, moving from wall to wall with his jittery energy.
Finna sat up, rubbing his belly, “Dude, are you sure? You’re acting all weird.”
“Nope! I’m dandy as candy!” he laughed, “Hey! Let me show you the dimension where everyone is a stuffed animal!”
“Prismo…” Jake said, his voice sending shivers up Prismos back. “Are you ticklish?”
“Am I…” he thought for a second, was he ticklish? “I… huh, I don’t know. No one’s ever tried.”
“What?” the pair cried, immediately jumping to their feet.
“You’ve never been tickled?” Jake cried, “Dude it’s like, the best! How have you never been tickled!?”
Prismo shrugged, “Well, who’s gonna do that to the wish master? No one really does that kind of thing around here, ya know?”
The two looked aghast, which was a little funny. Till their faces changed with a single shared look, devious smiles spread across their faces.
Jake casually cracked his fingers, “Well… I guess there’s a first time for everything.”
Finn smirked, “I think it’ll be fun to be the first ones to try.”
Prismo felt that twisty fluttery feeling in full force. He didn’t know if he should run, or just let it happen. He did want it to happen, but also every part of him was saying to run. “I- uh- w-well!”
Jake chuckled as he stalked closer to the 2D being, “Don’t worry Prismo, we’ll be nice!” “For the most part.” Finn giggled, a distinctly evil sound to Prismo.
“N-now guys! Let's just chill! I-I mean, we can just sit back and watch some other dimensions and eat cheese crackers!” he rambled, waving his hands around animatedly.
Well it seemed the pair weren’t swayed by his incredible argument, as they pounced, scribbling at where his belly was on the floor. And Prismo was absolutely not prepared for the feeling. It was like… Glob he didn’t even know! He’d never felt anything like this! It was light, but scratchy, but it made him feel all tingly and light and weird!
Poor Prismo didn’t stand a chance against the feeling, especially since he’d never experienced it before. Immediately he burst into giggles, and shot himself over to the other wall. There was a pause, a moment where they all just looked at each other…
“Get ‘im!” Jake cried, and the two launched themselves at Prismo again. Prismo wasn’t fast enough to get away as they scribbled at him again. Finn targeted his belly, but Jake decided to try other spots. He stretched his limbs to scratch at his underarms and his neck.
Primso shrieked, a weird sound coming from him in his opinion, and fell into cackling laughter. He didn’t run this time, just flapped his hands and wiggled around in the room. Random things began appearing in the room as well, a feather duster, a pig, flowers, little glowy swirls, stars, and moons appearing on the walls. “Jake! Dude! His powers are goin bananers!” Finn laughed, picking up the feather duster and brushing it against Prismo’s side, making him screech and jerk away.
“NOHOHOHOHO! AHAHAHAHAAHAH! STAHAHAHAHAP!” he shrieked, not at all wanting it to stop. This was more fun than any wish granting, any dimension watching, it was even more fun than pickle making!
“Aw, you’re fine!” Jake teased, “You’re barely trying to get away! I bet you like it!”
“NOOOOHOHOOHO!” he lied, laughing wildly as the pair seemed to attack from all angles. They left practically no spot untickled, it was maddening, but also some of the most fun he’d had in his life! After what felt like an eternity, but also somehow didn’t last nearly long enough, Prismo had had enough. He zoomed just outside of the room, giggling as he caught his breath. “Prismo!” Jake called, “Where’d you go? Are you ok? We didn’t go too far did we?”
“No!” he called back, “I just… I needed a breather!” “We won’t tickle you again!” Finn shouted out, “You can come back!”
“...You won’t make fun of me right?” he asked, “Like, you promise?”
“We promise dude.” Finn answered.
“And we don’t break promises.” Jake added.
Prismo took a deep breath and came back in, looking flustered. “So… I guess that… happened.” “Yeah man! It was awesome!” Jake grinned, patting Prismo’s shoulder. “You took it like a champ! I doubt Finn could last that long with two tickle monsters!”
“I totally could!” the teen protested.
Jake smiled wickedly, “Oh yeah? Prismo, wanna help me out?”
Prismo grinned, moving closer to the kid, “I’m not usually one for revenge plots, but…”
Finn seemed to realize how bad he donked up. “Uh- h-hey now! Let’s talk about this!”
But there was no time to talk, as Jake jumped on his brother and pinned him down. Prismo only paused for a moment, he’d never actually tried to tickle someone, he’d only watched it. But… it couldn’t be that hard! He got his hands onto Finn’s knees, a spot he’d seen Jake tickle him, and began wiggling his fingers. Finn let out a hilariously high pitched scream before he fell into a fit of laughter. “NAAHAHAHAHA! PRISMOHOHOHO!” “What? I’m not doing anything!” he laughed, moving his wiggly fingers to the softer underside of his knees, making Finn scream again.
“Dang son! You’re a natural!” Jake praised, sending butterflies fluttering in Prismo’s belly.
“Awww, gee, thanks Jake.” he smiled sheepishly.
Jake grinned, before he joined in the wrecking, squeezing at Finn’s ribs, sending the boy kicking and shrieking.
“STAHAHHAHAAHAP FLIHIHIHIHRTING!” Finn cackled, which made Prismo splutter, before digging punishingly into the backs of his knees, getting a scream from the teen.
“We’re not flirting! Shut up!” There was no flirting! Jake was just a good friend! Nothing more! Besides, he had Lady…
Jake blew a raspberry on Finn’s belly, getting a loud squeal in return. “I’ll teach you not to make Prismo uncomfortable!”
Prismo laughed, “My hero!”
Jake flexed his arms, stretching them to look like muscles, which made Prismo snort as he giggled at him. Sadly this also distracted the pair from Finn, who promptly tackled Jake and scribbled into his belly. The poor dog immediately burst into bright laughter, his leg adorably kicking at the same time.
“NAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NO FAIR!” he cried, snorting as Finn attacked. Finn just grinned evilly and replied, “Too bad!”
Prismo hesitated for a second, but when Finn nodded for him to join, he decided to just go for it! He got his hands behind Jakes ears and began scribbling, making Jake bark in shock before falling into loud laughter.
“PRISMOHOHOHOHO! YOU TRAHAHAHAITOR!” the dog shrieked, kicking his leg and laughing loudly.
Prismo laughed at his friend, “All’s fair in love and war!”
“Especially tickle wars!” Finn agreed.
“YOU WAHAHANT A WAHAHAR!?” Jake cried, before stretching himself away from the pair and quickly attacking their bellies. “I’ll show you a war!”
Prismo shrieked with Finn as his friend tickled them to pieces. He wasn’t complaining though, this was fun! Probably the most fun he’d had in… forever! He never wanted it to end! He was definitely adding some tickle scenes in Fionna and Cake! And well… he’d probably ask Finn and Jake to come by a lot more often.
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