#he’s literally the most popular OC I’ve ever had
konoa-t · 8 months
Reuben, my apparent magnum opus
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twistedtummies2 · 11 months
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I have ssspark! I have charm.
I know painlessssss ways to harm.
Look right into my eyes…
Let yourssself be hypnotized…
I am in the Mood
To Play With My Food.
“A Mood For Food,” Jim Cummings
Happy Halloween, everybody! I have a treat for you all: this is the first of five images I got from various artists, for a series I simply like to call “OCs and Inspirations.” In honor of Disney’s 100th Anniversary, I decided to get some images of some of my major OCs for Twisted Wonderland - the first five introduced in stories - posing with their source inspirations. This first one is made by @hooter-n-company, and shows the first boi I ever made: Nakoda “Nako” Spivak, based on Kaa from Disney’s Jungle Book.
Nakoda was not meant to be a major character when I created him, but in the course of writing his introductory piece, “Snake-Like,” I fell in love with what I had created. So, part of the way through, I decided to have him become a student at Night Raven College, and thus allow him the opportunity for more adventures later down the line. He has since become one of my most popular OCs for this universe, even though he honestly hasn’t shown up in THAT many stories yet. I think part of the reason for this IS his inspiration from Kaa, since Kaa has become such an iconic character, ESPECIALLY within this particular “kinkdom.” That was part of what I love(d) about Nakoda: he’s a character who allows me to play with Kaa’s tropes and traits - Kaa HIMSELF being a rather overused and slightly overrated figure, in my personal opinion - while putting my own spin on things.
Like Kaa, Nakoda is insatiable in every sense of the word: about the only thing harder to satisfy than his hunger is his seemingly limitless “thirst.” This was meant to be a sort of in-joke for me on how over-sexualized Kaa himself has become in a LOT of places, but it actually works pretty well for Nakoda on a lot of levels, which is why I’ve kept it: for example, I recently was reminded that, in the original Kipling stories, it’s indicated Kaa has had many mates over the years, so even though we can presume the Disney version (being a VERY different character) is not the same, there’s no reason my guy can’t be. Ha Ha.
On a deeper level, what Nakoda takes from Kaa is what I like to describe as “directionless control.” Both are characters who seek to control other beings, and enjoy the power they have over their prey, toying with their “playthings” before consuming them. Both enjoy the sensation of being in control of their own little world. HOWEVER, in Kaa’s case, there is no greater cause behind all this: he is ruthless and ambitionless in what he does, recognizing no friends, and with seemingly no other desire than to fill his belly and enjoy everything that comes with that. Nakoda’s great issue is that he’s someone who very much lives in the moment; he doesn’t really know what he wants in life, nor how to achieve it: just this vague, nebulous concept of having control and gaining respect and recognition. He, himself, isn’t sure what to do with himself or his gifts.
Off the topic of the character, I just want to say this artwork is absolutely freaking spellbinding. Kaa looks magnificent, and Nakoda…I could comment on a LOT of things in the image that make it so great, but…can we just take some time to appreciate how positively THICC and STACKED this gluttonous hedonist is here? I never want to see Nako with curves ANY smaller than this EVER again, good Lord, they take one’s breath away…possibly literally, if he gets those pythons around somebody. He won’t even NEED the coils of his naga form then. >////>
Thank you for your contribution, Hoots! She's actually made one more image for this same series, which will be released in the near future. Look out for the rest of this series of pics starting tomorrow. ;)
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Starlight — Prologue
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pairing: fae!ezra x princess!oc (Marigold)
rating: M (first person POV, split second mention of death, strained paternal relationship, arranged marriage, fantasy elements, i literally created a world and lore for this so if none of it makes any sense that is why, this chapter is just meant to build the world—we meet Ezra in the next chapter)
wc: 1.2k
a/n: hi everybody!! i’m well aware this book will not be one of my more popular series, but i really just wanted to write something fantastical, and even if i’m the only soul who reads this, it’s fine! we love a bit of self indulgence every now and again! anyways, hope you guys like this little prologue. i’m hoping to have the next chapter out within the week 🤍
series masterlist
All I’ve ever known is summer.
In my world, Etos, there are five kingdoms: Heims, Oceanus, Florere, Ember, Nox, and Solis. Anywhere else is far too dangerous for a mortal to step foot into, even if they could manage crossing the sea that separates us from the Fae lands and beyond.
The furthest land from my own is Heims, a frosty wonderland full of people hardened by the perpetually cold weather. Most of our coal comes directly from Heims, as well as my father’s toughest soldiers. My eldest sister, Wilhelmina, or Mina, as far as our family is concerned, married the charming Prince of Heims, Kristofer, and currently resides in the castle made of crystal so clear it almost looked like ice, setting the standard for the rest of my sisters.
Oceanus, too, was an important ally to have—their land producing the entirety of our fish as well as guarding the coast from those who seek to take back Etos. My father knew this well, and soon arranged for my second eldest sister, Peregrine, or Peri, to be married off to the King’s highest ranking emissary, Lord Titus, assuring the alliance between our lands. Luckily for soft-natured Peri, Titus seemed to be a gentleman and truly in love with my sister. I would have never allowed my father to marry her off if he wasn’t. Her gentle and kind spirit was far too precious to me to allow some man to ruin it.
Ember, a land of constant autumn, was where the academics went to study the arts and the sciences. My sister, Wilhelmina, was the actually the very first woman to be admitted into the university. I always admired her tenacity in the face of adversity, but even in my admiration, I feared her intellect and drive, just as my father must have after breaking down and allowing her to leave Solis.
The softer lands—at least in the minds of the northerners—were Florere, a land of eternal spring, and Solis, my land, the eternal summer. Octavia, the sister closest in age to me and by far the only one I couldn’t bring myself to enjoy due to her mean-nature and competitiveness, had recently left Solis to be with her betrothed, the Prince of Florere, Ignacio. I didn’t bother to vet her partner, but from what I could see by his solid gold carriage and fine regalia, he seemed to be just as pretentious as she was. A perfect match as far as I was concerned.
Even in all the beauty of Etos, all the varying climates and scenes, I never wanted to live anywhere else but my home. Solis.
Here there was no reason to be cruel and cold. Here, we appreciated the arts, and believed that leisure itself was an artform. We worshipped the sun, we worshipped our gardens, and when it came to love, we worshipped one another.
My father, his mother, and her father before her all wore the golden crown of Solis. Warmth and sunlight was woven into my bones, tanned my skin, softened my heart. My mother once told me, long before she passed, that my sisters and I were all born beneath a blazing sun at her request. I suppose she believed a warm birth meant we’d all live warm lives and die warm deaths.
As I wandered through the garden contemplating my newly revealed fate, I couldn’t help but wonder if her efforts were in vain.
My father, a once-loving, soft man I cherished more than the sun itself, had changed since my mother’s shocking and violent death after she was mauled by an injured wolf while attempting to remove an arrow from its side in the very forest I now padded my feet into. He grew cruel and hateful towards me, his youngest of five girls. I suppose I understand why, if I truly think about it.
Unlike my four older sisters, I took after my mother so much that even I found myself shocked at the resemblance. And even if I didn’t have her shimmering, gold eyes, or her caramel-brown head of long curls, or the same dimple in my left cheek, I had her heart. Soft, curious, and empathetic. Everything my father once loved about my mother, he now hated about me.
Of course he found it hard to look at me, to talk to me. I was his grief personified.
But even in all his iciness and hatred, I never expected that he’d sign my life away to the coldest, darkest realm in the world. To Nox. To marry the infamously insufferable King Kaius and become the future queen of the starland.
Whether I wanted to or not.
It felt personal, his choice in my betrothed. A daughter of the sun being forced to never see it again. It almost felt like another death to endure. Everything I have ever known and loved gone overnight.
As I found my place underneath my favorite elm tree, the one me and my mother used to sneak off to with our stolen bundle of sweets from the kitchen, I couldn’t bring myself to loathe him the way I wanted to.
Perhaps the distance would chill the warmth I still held in my heart for him.
Perhaps then, I could hate him the way he deserves.
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My sister, Cosabella—the most cautious and maternal out of the five of us, happily married to the head of our father’s King’s Guard—and my father stood in front of our palace, its white marble and green grass beckoning me to stay. To fight for my right to live here in the sun, just as my mother had. But one look at my father’s cold and emotionless face and I knew there was no point.
This was how he wanted it.
“Take care of yourself,” Cosabella warned, slipping me a golden dagger. “Do not trust anyone. Write when you can. I will see you…” She trailed off, but I knew why. She didn’t know when we’d see each other next, if at all. “Just…be careful. Remember that just because the sun is gone, does not mean mother isn’t right there with you. She lives in you, Mari—“
“Enough,” my father shouted, gesturing behind me at the carriage waiting with two footmen and two Kingsguards. “Off you go.”
“Yes, father,” I replied, my voice as small as a child as I gave Cosabella one final hug, memorizing the citrus of her perfume.
“Go on, now,” she smiled as she pulled away, wiping the tear from my cheek. “Go introduce Solis to Nox. Bring them a little light.”
“I love you,” I managed, nodding my head at her command. “I will see you.”
“I love you too.”
I knew she wouldn’t promise me anything she couldn’t assure, but it didn’t help my cracking heart as I climbed into the carriage, leaving everything I’d ever known behind.
I placed my hand upon the glass window and watched as she lifted her own, waving at me before resting it over her equally breaking heart.
“Make yourself comfortable, Princess,” the footman that I’d known since I was a child called back into the carriage. “It’s a long ride to Nox.”
To the eternal darkness.
I wasn’t sure how they managed any of it. How cold they must be, not only their bodies but their hearts and minds. I couldn’t imagine any beauty in a black sky.
I’d heard about stars in my astronomy courses, learned that the sun itself was a star, but it never seemed to make any sense to me to spend time contemplating a billion little specks of light when I could lay beneath the biggest. A light bright enough to shine over the entirety of the world—except for Nox.
My father had said it was cursed by the fae Kings and Queens who once ruled over these lands, a punishment for the mortal revolution. And based on the description he gave of his own visits, I was inclined to believe him then. But now…
Curse or no curse, this was my fate. I could either accept the cards dealt to me and make something of them, or I could fold.
My mother taught me to never fold.
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callsign-relic · 7 days
rambly personal thoughts, nothing bad but no need to read, just want to put it somewhere
I saw a tweet just now from a popular tf content creator (Keyan Carlile) saying how it’s his dream to eventually write something official for transformers one day. And lowkey he’s already been building up to it so much. He made the combaticons pilot. He made the tfa fan comic the headmaster levels up. He’s done so so much, and yet he’s still so motivated to keep improving. Keep going. All the way until he’s where he needs to be.
And I can’t help but think about myself. How really, creativity is my life. I love writing. I love drawing. I love coming up with ideas and creating worlds and putting lines and colors to a page and seeing it come to life.
And yet.
I haven’t really been doing any of that recently.
I haven’t properly written a fic in months. I’ve been drawing a little more sure, but most of my time has just been spent… literally doing nothing.
I was gonna go to college at a really great art school to learn 3d animation, but I had to withdraw my application. It was too expensive, for a career I knew wasn’t going to be stable. Plus the industry is shit atm. Plus with how much pressure I put on myself, I didn’t believe a school environment would be good for me anyways. I wanted art to be the thing that would always keep me happy.
But right now I just feel stuck in a cycle.
I love art. So what I make has to be great. So then I intimidate myself out of doing what I love, and feel bad when I don’t make anything.
And then there’s the matter of… if I love art, but I’m not going to do anything with it, then… what am I going to do with my life?
Right now I don’t really know. I don’t have a goal I feel passionate about. I feel passionate about some things, yes, but… for my own future? The road looks unclear. And I guess that just worries me.
I’ve been feeling more motivated the past few days more than ever to keep making things with my ocs and stuff. And one day I would love to make a bigger project. I really love the creative process.
But, idk. I feel stuck in a dilemma of it being the thing I’m most passionate about, yet cannot pursue.
I can do it in smaller ways, true. I just worry that it won’t be enough. It’ll be too much work and effort just for a result that isn’t worth the work. I know you can only improve the more you try, but idk.
Damn this turned out more vent-y than I meant hahaha. Just had to put my thoughts somewhere since I haven’t really had the time to think about them with how much I’ve got going on in my life anyways. I just feel a little bit stuck :/ but it’s okay. I have my whole life ahead of me. I just want to figure things out for myself one day.
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smilingformoney · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
no one tagged me in this but I saw @hirukochan do it and decided to steal it
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
425,915 (most of them Soul of Ice, obviously)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Harry Potter but specifically Snape, and Alan Rickman characters
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
See, this won’t work so well because I have eight stories, but if we could have chapter kudos it’d be a much more interesting exercise to see my five most popular chapters. Anyway:
Soul of Ice
Happy Ending
Soul of Ice One-Shots
Professor Snape II
Morality is an Illusion
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Not unless I have something to say, maybe I should?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Definitely Three Secrets considering you die at the end.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I want to say Happy Ending for the title lol but really it’s Soul of Ice, which so nearly had a heartbreaking ending but I couldn’t do that to my babies!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope, the Snapedom is generally very positive! And who could hate Dad Snape?!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I’ll write pretty much any smut, but I prefer it to be part of a wider context, hence why I don’t write a lot of one-shot smuts. The one-shots I do write are pretty freaky though 😎
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No, I’d get too lost in the lore trying to explain why the crossover was happening 😂
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yeah, y’all remember when this happened?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, nobody is insane enough to try and translate my whopper of a fic 😂
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, I don’t see how it’d work personally, although I am big into using people as soundboards. Soul of Ice would be very different without @sevsnapes and For the Love of Books wouldn’t even exist without @snowblossomreads
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
doctorrose, though I’ll probably never write for them. Any form of Snape/Happiness is a-ok in my book but Snephy is obviously my favourite form of that.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I’m gonna finish them all! I promise! Eventually!!
16. What are your writing strengths?
Characters. The most common compliment I get is that people like my OCs, Abbie in particular.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I’m always conscious that my narration isn’t very descriptive. It feels very “he did this and she did that, then they did this and that.” I do try to go back and flourish it a bit but I struggle to be anything other than literal in my descriptions. eg, if I had to describe a table I’d be like, “The table was a rectangle with four legs. It was made of wood.��� 😂
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
If I felt the need to do that for whatever reason I’d probably do it like, “Insert dialogue here,” she said in German.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I DON’T THINK I’VE EVER TOLD THIS STORY ok so I was like 9 or something like that and I wrote a snamione story but my mum found out and made me stop because Hermione was like 13. So I did stop but I didn’t just ghost the story, I made a post that my mum said I couldn’t write it anymore but that Hermione finds out Snape is getting married so she gets together with Ron instead. I don’t remember much of what I actually wrote, only that it started with Hermione noticing that Snape had very sad eyes. I’m pretty sure this was before the last book came out so I clearly knew what was up!
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Soul of Ice, always and forever. (I count Professor Snape II as being part of it.)
Tags: @sevsnapes @giosnape @mamawolfsmith87 @snowblossomtumbles @thestephanieflora
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thedastrash · 9 months
OC Tag Game!
Ooo thanks for tagging me @kittynomsdeplume & @cleverblackcat!! This took a while to get to but it was very fun!
Favorite OC: Evil question to start. I can't possibly choose unless I set some limits for myself so I'm going to cheat and say my most popular OC. I have the most art of her by no fault of my own. Velaneth Surana is my canon HoF and Warden Commander. Vela is a very open person: never lies, has no body shame, and loves to learn about other people and where they’ve come from. She walks into every hostile situation with her best foot forward trying to make friends and allies.
Newest OC: I’m slowly congealing my ideas about Orlagh Trevelyan because I’ve been imagining what the different cultures of the Freemarches look like - especially on the coast where trade is frequent. She’s from Ostwick of course and trained as a Templar as a youth but spent summers at a monastery with her aunt in Wycome which I imagine a bit like Morocco. I’ve been staring at my Pinterest boards imagining her lonely days growing up and what it means for her to leave her walls behind and be thrust into this new organization with all these people and their differing ideals. I'm particularly interested in exploring her being a templar but having some latent magic that has been tied up in her templar abilities so long she didn't realize it was ever there.
Oldest OC: In DA my oldest OC is Topaz Brosca from my original run of origins. The one where my save got deleted right before the Landsmeet lol rip. I've recently revisited her and I'm falling in love with her again. She's a hot trans girl and stabby rogue and she falls in love with the surface world immediately. My oldest OC ever though... might be a self insert hobbit character I made for myself as a child before I knew what fandom or fanfiction was lol! I think her name was Charlie? my memory is BAD but I know that's a name I loved as a kid.
Meanest OC: Szadrine Aeducan is my final origin from DAO to get an OC and I'm slowly growing deeply obsessed. She’s involved in (literal) cutthroat Orzammar politics and ends up skipping the warden bit after the whole betrayal and exile thing. She simply deserts at Ostagar. I think she should end up kicking ass in Orlais because she would be so good at the Game.
Softest OC: Bearnard Cousland is a soft, sweet, bookish baby-gay who would rather bury himself in his research in a library than seek glory or fight battles or do politics. Bearn is the second son so he’s gotten away with avoiding some of that but of course he has to attend his lessons and participate in the tourneys. His scholarly work lends him some political savvy since he’s intimately familiar with Ferelden’s history, but he’s most interested in lost texts and translating ancient works. He never had good gay role models growing up and thinks of himself as homely and forgettable, so he never felt like that was an option for him, but Maker does he ever pine lol!
Most Aloof/Standoffish OC: Gotta be Irene Amell. She's a real bitch with resting murder face. Incredibly unapproachable, intimidating Domme energy. Tends to default dislike people and keep to herself, prefering to slink around and eavesdrop than talk to people for info. She’s very protective and loving toward her close friends and lovers, but it’s hard to get close in the first place.
Dumbest OC: Myrna Hawke is a smart woman, she's an accomplished mage, enjoys reading, quick witted, but she has zero self-awareness and has a very hard time even understanding how she feels, much less how other people feel about her. She’s absolutely clueless and fully blindsided by anyone’s interest & gets tongue tied and stupid when she’s horny. She’s also very impulsive and acts before she thinks things through which leads to getting into a lot of dumb shit.
Smartest OC: There are excellent contenders here: Bearn with his book smarts and Topaz with her street smarts, but I want to say Ithadhea Mahariel because even though they are incredibly dense when it comes to interpersonal relations, their wealth of traditional knowledge from their clan is incredible. They are not really a people person, usually quiet and solitary, but they took to hunting like they were born for it and eagerly learned everything in the realm of woodcraft and survival. They know all their clan's stories by heart and and know resources by seasons in a way that is part of their internal clock. I think this kind of generational knowledge probably outstrips the scope of any of my other OC's knowledge.
OC I’d Be Friends With: Edric Cadash is so laid back and friendly I think he’d be one of the easiest to make friends with. I want to have tea and gossip with him and have that turn into late night drinking and telling stories by the fire. Vela would be an instant friend as well; she wants to befriend everyone and she'd have an easy time with me!
no pressure tagging some of my DA OC enjoying friends: @sinquisition, @highwayphantoms, @lets-get-brave, @sandalinbohemia, @dismalzelenka and anyone else who wants to share! Feel free to @ me so I can see your post! <3
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tomodchis · 1 month
Hi there! Just wondering if any dachi members had other faceclaims, groups, or personalities at one point? They are pretty interesting so far!
hello anon!! this question is literally tailored to me since i will forever be indecisive so they have definitely changed over time 😢 thank you for ur kind words!!! ♥️
more unformatted messiness under the cut!!!
i will go in group order since it’s just easier for me to keep track. so first is JEYEOL. oh man. him and i have HISTORY…
he was originally the main vocalist, fotg, and centre of a group called machina back in 2022-ish**. he was the bae suzy of the group, always getting brand deals, other appearances, etc. he was just generally More Popular than his other six members. he virtually had the same backstory, but ‘original’ jeyeol was estranged from his parents in his teen years. i scrapped that concept because i just wasn’t satisfied w an excuse like that 😭😭😭 idk i Rlly enjoy the concept in other characters but for Me it was an excuse for shitty writing
** i only discovered the fic idol community back in oct of last year i believe? n even then i only checked the tag once every month. but i’ve been creating kpop ocs since 2019 and had No Idea that other ppl even creating kpop ocs 😭😭 like trust me i thought i was WEIRDDDD but im so glad im able to express my creativity while also seeing other people express theirs!!!
fun fact: jeyeol is also a mix of another character totally separate from my kpop oc-verse named canis. as you can tell he has Lots of dog motifs. canis is one of my most fleshed-out characters and i thought Hey, i might as well???
he has many connections w other characters in my verse which i am thinking should make an appearance. we shall see where my motivation takes me
in terms of fcs he has been jyou from to1, sangyeon from tbz, and very briefly chaein from purki (rip hong jein 2024–2024) (he was also even more briefly jeong jaehyun but i don’t count this era because it was for 5 minutes)
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miss chorong is my angel baby who can do no wrong. she (along with seoyi) was part of a k-band named cherry theory. they were in it for the arts not the charts but were eventually tossed in the can because… well… everyone was a filler member except for seorong. so i kept her in my pocket until i realized she perfectly fit in w dachi!!!
her personality has Drastically changed since her switch over. she was originally a pastor’s daughter, very soft spoken, deeply afraid of conflict, and overall a people pleaser. whenever i think back i still can’t believe i thought That was gonna be chorong forever 😭😭😭 nuh uh she deserves her freedom. i can at least make One oc happy. and then cheerleading happened so i guess we can’t win (saying this like i didn’t birth her from my mind)
in terms of fcs she has been mayu from triples and gowon from loona. a girl with soft features and brown eyes that could kill millions is my best friend
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seoyi… oh seoyi… humble esoteric weird girl and woman attractor 3000. she stems from many concepts, not exactly people or other characters. some concepts in my mind while creating her were as follows: effects of fame, naturally-occurring spirals in nature, rabbit in the moon, and isolation of magical girls in media. odd combo i know 😭😭 but idk. that’s her Vibe. that’s Go Seoyi in a nutshell
as mentioned before, seoyi was part of cherry theory. her backstory used to mirror jeyeol’s, aka famous since birth and still rising in popularity. because he already snatched up That storyline i decided to deviate completely. her fresh slate has given me freedom to make her a little more odd than everyone else. i find that when i have a ‘set’ archetype i tend to not be as creative??? idk it could be me and then i sound weird again
in terms of fcs she has been haewon from nmixx, yujin from ive, and ryujin from itzy. seoyi was actually ryujin for the Longest Time Ever before i fleshed out eun. n then i realized they might be too similar. and then gaeul-seoyi was born!!!
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eun joobi, youngest of dachi. and unfortunately the member w the least development (oopsies) i didn’t mean it 😭😭 she exists because i stole one of my other characters aesthetics n then wanted a four member group instead of a trio. but also dachi wouldn’t be the same w out her??? needed a deeply angry girl to balance out the sad emotions i am brewing rn
once upon a time she had a sister (who i may bring back in tenderheart) n they had a very close connection n it makes me so sad because i completely erased that girl from her plot. n then lonely baby eun makes me so SADDD GODDDDD
anyway. just because she is the least developed doesn’t mean i will be erasing her any time soon… she also just happens to be the least popular… she will be making more appearances i promise
in terms of fcs she has been yves & kim lip from loona and karina from aespa. one thing abt eun: she’s always had angular features
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deeply sorry that this post is ugly as hell i just couldn’t make myself organize my thoughts unfortunately
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scolop98 · 1 year
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OC created by @giantchasm
from Adventures in Solitude
Quick break from my regularly scheduled dinosaur propaganda to present my propaganda for the best-written OC I’ve ever seen in a fanfic. I didn't create Kiyoshi, but he lives in my head rent-free now. He looks like a normal-ass preteen but he is such a fascinating and hilarious being. He is simultaneously a serious and dramatic character study on the ethics of reincarnation and a character whose mere existence feels like a hilarious cosmic joke. He is the personification of an Angsty Crack-Taken-Seriously Fic.
“Fun” Facts About The Boy:
Has a big fluffy Samoyed named Taros.
He’s a trans boy! Came out when he was ten, and his parents & family friends accepted and supported him. These first two are fun facts and not “fun” facts, unlike pretty much the rest of his preteen existence
His sleep paralysis demon is his best friend’s past life
The reason he turned out good this time is, canonically, because he burned some ants with a magnifying glass when he was three and felt really bad about it
As a baby he hated this one aunt on sight for no discernible reason. He came around pretty quickly and now she's his favorite aunt, but 12 years later they found out that this was because that aunt was his past life's younger sister-in-law who he once tried to murder. She also happens to be his current middle school teacher's wife for some reason
His best friend once clapped at him so threateningly that Kiyoshi dissociated and almost had a past-life flashback/panic attack in the middle of capture the flag
He would be personally offended if he saw someone online call Heinz Doofenshmirtz a mad scientist*
Was once a popular kid… when he was a preschooler. Then his anxiety and self-judgement got so bad that now he just sits in the back of the classroom judging everyone and had no friends outside of his parents’ now-adult former students prior to the start of the fic
Despite being a neurotic ball of anxiety and self-loathing, he and his mom (who love each other very much) regularly cuss at each other. He’s probably better at saying “fuck” than any other thirteen year old
Is the voice of reason in his friend group despite having been, y'know, a war criminal in his past life
His best friends got into a fistfight on school grounds over whether or not he should be forgiven for his war crimes
Part of the reason that his redemption arc is so satisfying is that his awful past life knew his parents and friends and fucking hated them all. That man would’ve been legitimately horrified to learn he’d be reborn as this couple’s neurotic little scrimblo of a child. Pretty much every aspect of Kiyoshi’s personality is tailor-made to piss off his past life, and that was mostly a coincidence b/c most of Kiyoshi's character was created before the author had even considered making him a reincarnation. Kiyoshi literally just being himself and accepting who he is is a fate worse than death to the horrible narcissistic man that he was in his past life.
he’s not a natural blond
When he tried shit-talking his past life with a friend, the best insult they could come up with was “Ghetsis from Pokemon”
"'WILL YOU PEOPLE STOP CALLING MY SLEEP PARALYSIS DEMON HOT!?,' Kiyoshi wails” is an actual quote from this fic. Both of his best friends, and half of his middle school class, agreed that his sleep paralysis demon was sexy
canonically ate a live rat in his past life*
*these are the only fun facts not explicitly mentioned in the original fic. everything else is real, I'm not making any of it up
And finally, some relevant memes and quotes:
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m1ckeyb3rry · 3 months
Hello!! I was the one who requested the Karasu academic rivals piece and oh my god when I tell you I squealed seeing the word count!!!! So happy to have found another Karasu fan I was literally shaking reading it and it was executed so perfectly??? Chef’s kiss a million times quite possibly the best thing I’ve ever read THANK YOU SO MUCH I hope you had as much of a blast writing it as I did reading it. If you’re ever looking to write more Karasu I’ll definitely always be here to request hahaha
Continue taking care of yourself and ignoring the haters your work is truly like gold <3 Looking forward to reading more of whatever you put out there! I can’t get enough of your writing :)
HIII!!! omg originally i was thinking it was probably going to be about 5k-ish words based on how the other requests (minus seabird) have gone but then it ended up being almost double that 😭 YAYYYY I’M SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT THOUGH it was sm fun to write 😫 not my most romantic story ever but honestly i feel like him and reader being menaces fit better w his personality and the vibe i was going for 🤔 I AM SUCH A KARASU FAN YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW…i’m hoping he becomes more popular once the second season comes out and he gets actual screentime because there is like 0 content of him out rn and i am in the trenches looking for more!! send any requests for you have my way 🙏🏻
i’ve been pretty lucky in that i haven’t gotten much if any criticism or hate for my writing!! luckily people are always positive about the actual quality of the work which is nice. whenever people complain it’s mostly them being upset that the pov character isn’t behaving in a manner THEY deem suitable or just general complaining about one of my ocs doing something (all of my long fics have ocs which i’m sure turns people off but 🤷🏻‍♀️). it’s one of those things that isn’t a big deal in isolation because of course not every plot is going to be to everyone’s tastes but it can definitely get annoying because like. why are you bothering ME about it 🤨🤨🤨 go write your own fic…i also just like to complain sometimes HAHA it’s really not as big of a deal as i probably made it seem 😓 but regardless thank you so much and i’m so glad you’re here 💖 i hope you keep enjoying whatever i post and like i said karasu thoughts are always welcome in my inbox so don’t be shy 😈
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oddballtumbles · 8 months
Building a Percy Jackson OC in my head right now. Have not read the books in years, I plan to reread them, just can’t right now. But this just WON’T leave me alone.
(Adult language and shit btw)
Daughter of Hephaestus, her mom met him in her early 20s, girl is 7/12, mom was pregnant 7 times, multiple sets of twins. ALL of them are kids of Hephaestus, their house is basically warded against monsters because by the time the second set of twins were on their way, Mom had enough and made Hephaestus deal with it. Hades now has a state of the art fetch machine for Cerberus, and monsters don’t bother her family until she dies. (Spoiler alert, Momma achieves minor godhood eventually due to popular demand and the invention of … something I haven’t decided yet; but it accidentally causes no monsters to be able to go after her bloodline. EVER lol)
Daughter is NOT an engineer (most of her siblings are engineers, tech developers, etc) but is thorough in SASS, and is more of a tinker type. The kind of person who knows random stuff and always carries ducktape but is more likely to only quick fix then refer you to professional than actually fix the problem. Just because the crack is taped doesn’t mean the bucket is fixed.
Specific interaction that keeps popping in my head:
Aphrodite (mad about long relationship with her husband, taking it out on the child of said relationship that happens to be in front of her)
Daughter (full of sass and absolutely fucking done with any and all dieties who think they are above the modern world just because they deign to exist within it occasionally. She has read the texts and watched the OSP videos. Nope)
A: I can’t believe anyone would even last that long! What could there possibly be to interest her in him???
D: idk but I can tell you that she likes the chair. Admittedly if she sat in it less there’d be less of us soooo.
A: please I be he’s only paying attention because she is the only one to look back.
D: well seeing as I’m a combo of both of them and when I went to camp everyone tried to send me to your cabin I’m not sure what that says about your poor taste. Or maybe eyesight?
A: are you calling me old?
D: you are literally older than Greece. What do you want me to do with that?
A: you-
D: look I’m just going to say this. If you paid even half as much attention to the husband you say you don’t want as you do to the lover you jerk around like an angry chihuahua, I probably wouldn’t be in your face sassing you.
A: Zeus arranged-
D: Oh please don’t get me started on that slut. We will be here longer than my mother’s been pregnant. Idk why Hera doesn’t just divorce the walking penis. It is a thing that exists! Also her taking out her rage on the kids and victims of his philandering is just avoiding the problem and causing more grief for the rest of us. If it’s some sort role play they are doing, nobody else is consenting the involvement, they both need to stop.
(Shocked silence.)
D: oh please, I cannot be the first to come up with that.
A: I’m not sure whether to smite you or give you a job.
D: I’ve never been smote before! Unless we count that time in the metallurgy which we do not talk to mom about. I came back fine! Barely even counts!
Idk if I want her to have a Greek name or just a random one. I feel like she would get along with PJ-Dionysius in a “let’s drink and get high” kinda way.
She definitely has slept in all the cabins for no reason other than she broke in and felt like it.
Occasionally Hermes feels like she might be threatening his job a little, especially when she worked as a courier with heelies and a skateboard.
She’s ace by the way. Probably aro too, which is why she has no fear in front of Aphrodite.
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alto-tenure · 2 years
Klapollo Fic Reclist
I should really do these more often.
In advance of the Klapollo Minibang dropping a bunch of reading material for Klapollo fans (which I'm participating in!), I've decided to compile a reclist. All of these fics are SFW, hosted on AO3, and complete. I've done my best to source the authors' Tumblrs, if they have one.
A lot of my bookmarks with Klapollo are all really popular fics, so I decided to go through the tag picking for some less popular fics. The results are a mix of fics you've probably heard of and/or read, and some you probably haven't.
Without further ado, let's get into it.
Perception by @queenitsy | T | 3.6k
Author's Summary: Everyone has a public persona, a way they'd like the world to see them. Apollo's perception lets him see through it all to the truths people try to keep hidden.
My Notes: This fic is more about how Apollo sees the world around him, and the people in it. Includes the things they lie about -- and the things they don't. It's a fascinating lens for a fic.
Things Are As They Are by @hechiima | T | 34.5k
Author's Summary: Klapollo cabin fic. That's really all this is.
Based on the events of "You Ever Been In Love?", in which Edgeworth gets drunk and rents a romantic cabin for Klavier and Apollo in Joshua Tree. Things go about as well as one could expect.
My Notes: You can, imo, read this without having read the Narumitsu-centric prequel (but you should read that anyways!). This fic can stand alone. I love the general laid-back atmosphere in this work -- even at its most tense, they're still on vacation. Almost all the stakes are emotional.
Turnabout Electric by HopeStoryteller | T | 87.9k
Author's Summary: You know, Apollo had high hopes for 2028. He and Klavier were actually kind of friends now, there were no impending disasters for once, and things were looking up. And then, literally on the first day of the new year... this happens.
Some cosmic force somewhere has got to be laughing at him. Some cosmic force somewhere definitely has it out for him, that's for sure. But the joke's on them, whoever they are, because his name is Apollo Justice, he's fine, and he is not losing anyone else... even if Klavier has already confessed to the murder Apollo can't believe he committed. And why does Mr. Wright keep muttering about this entire scenario being so familiar?
Or, Turnabout Goodbyes 2: Klapollo Boogaloo.
My Notes: I really enjoy the look into Gavin Law Offices pre-Turnabout Trump. All the OCs slot into the Ace Attorney universe well, and the way the author formats the cross-examinations is truly excellent.
(they long to be) close to you by @bevioletskies | T | 23.1k
Author's Summary: All Apollo wanted to do during his last summer before starting law school was relax, play video games, and flirt with the boy next door. He never expected to become a small-time Internet celebrity after his mother's YouTube channel for her animal therapy foundation turned into a cat rescue livestream. Things only get more complicated when everyone in the chat is interested in the cute guy who keeps coming around with his guitar and his dog.
My Notes: A sweet slice-of-life-y AU. The cats are all adorable for a bunch of plot devices.
just finally say you love me by ahmackalak | T | 20.4k
Author's Summary: “Backpacking through Europe?”
“Ja! I’ve wanted to go for ages – it’s been so long since I’ve been back home, I figure I might as well make it a whole journey.” Klavier’s smile is as easy and agreeable as always, but Apollo isn’t buying it.
Barcelona, Paris, Geneva, Rome, Vienna, Prague, Berlin, Copenhagen.
A trip to Europe with Klavier Gavin...this’ll be fine, right?
My Notes: Written for last year's Klapollo Minibang. Heartfelt. The travel feels very well-grounded in reality.
Words Come Fluently by @queenitsy | T | 50.8k
Author's Summary: Klavier Gavin is the most famous rockstar in the world. Guilty Love is about to go platinum and the tour sold out fourteen stadiums. So there's really, really no reason why one anonymous music critic on Youtube who hates him should get under his skin. And yet somehow he'd do just about anything to convince MikekoMusic to like him.
Apollo has been doing Youtube as a fun side hustle while he tries to break into the talent management industry, and he's just landed an assistant gig working for Kristoph Gavin. Whose main client is his golden boy younger brother. Whose music Apollo has been anonymously trashing for years.
Yeah, this is all going to go fine.
(No lawyers, no murders, just shenanigans. And Clay Terran lives.)
My Notes: I liked this fic so much I drew fanart for it. Identity shenanigans, and a fun Kristoph-Phoenix-Apollo dynamic.
fame vs infamy (the price of writing fanfic out of spite) by @letapollojusticesayfuck | T | 12.1k
Author's Summary: In which Apollo Justice becomes the most popular fic-writer in the Gavinners fandom.
(and, along the way, realizes his Big Gay Crush on Klavier Gavin might not be as hopeless as he thought)
My Notes: I always love a fic with CSS. In-universe RPF can sometimes hit a little too close to home for me, as someone who used to be involved in RPF-dom but got out of it. This fic treats the subject seriously, but still has fun with it, which I like.
despite everything, it’s still you by griffinhawk | G | 8.7k
Author’s Summary: “He’s probably not home, Trucy.” There was his voice, clipped at the edges, yet unease sparking around the edges like his guitar only a few weeks ago.
The same one that pointed, the one that objected, the only voice that had kept him steady throughout the courtroom today. The one that Klavier had learnt onto. The one that would spin Klavier onto the truth, whether he would want it to or not.
The one Klavier had trusted in that moment. The moment where he realized that - like his best friend Daryan - Kristoph had also been a murderer.
One who had manipulated others for their own self control. The one who desired the control so deeply. Having all the puppet strings cut loose after seven years of lies and deceit in three days time.
(or, Klavier, despite all the truths that were unshed during the Misham Tiral - has a few more truths to unlock - with himself and a certain defense attroney.)
My Notes: Klavier recovery fic, spurred by Apollo. Trucy and Apollo’s siblinghood is great, and I love the general softness of this work.
Apollo Justice, Magic Rabbit by EmpireofSocks | T | 9.5k
My Notes: I never realized “Turning Catworth” had a sequel until I read this lmao. Animal transformation is a funny trope, and I love this fic’s expansion of the Gramarye lore. They are literally magic!
Author’s Summary: Trucy accidentally turns Apollo into a rabbit. Chaos ensues.
lose your reputation by @littlethief | T | 8k
Author’s Summary: “Klavier never bothers to clean his office, and last week was no exception. Though everything had changed, the room would look exactly the same as he’d left it; blueprints of Sunshine Coliseum open on his monitor, the charred remains of his favorite acoustic guitar on the desk, and an open file folder, page turned to Daryan’s police department ID photo.”
in which klavier gavin releases his first solo album
My Notes: I love this look into Klavier’s second job -- the musicians he collaborates with, the people managing his career as an artist. Both the law and the music are integral parts of Klavier, and this fic negotiates the balance.
sleep is getting hard to get by @baratrongirl | T | 6.8k
Author’s Summary: The first of four stories about Klavier and Apollo's relationship with each other and with sleep.
December 2026. Klavier has had a difficult Christmas with his family. He invites himself round to Apollo's apartment for dinner and drinks because he's desperately lonely. He ends up staying over, and has nightmares. Apollo has to comfort him in the night.
Also features Apollo's cat, Mikeko, as a major character.
My Notes: Some nice hurt/comfort. Glasses!Klavier is a nice headcanon that I enjoy. 
can i go where you go by parchmints | T | 40.5k
Author’s Summary: Apollo Justice has rotten luck: he actually wins the grand prize for a mail-in contest, but It's a couple's getaway to a fancy ski lodge in the mountains and Apollo is aggressively single. With no one to go with, Apollo offers them to Klavier since surely, a rockstar would be able to find a date before then, but Klavier has a better idea—they go together and pretend they're a couple. That way, they both get a vacation, plus free food and wine.
And well, Apollo's never been one to pass up free food.
My Notes: A very good fake dating fic. I loved every bit of this.
Signed, St. Nostalgia by Synthpop | T | 26.5k
Author’s Summary: The Wright Anything Agency has earned itself an award for outstanding achievement, courtesy of one of the most renowned criminal attorney conferences in the country. Apollo has been tasked with accepting the award on everyone's behalf—problem is, the conference is in Chicago, and he doesn't have any means of getting there. Luckily for him, though, a certain prosecutor is more than happy to give him a ride.
My Notes: Roadtrip fics are always fun, and this is no exception. Written for last year’s Klapollo Minibang.
undeniable you (the currents pulling me onward) by @letapollojusticesayfuck | T | 59.1k
Author’s Summary: Kristoph Gavin is found dead in his prison cell, and Klavier Gavin is the prime suspect.
With nobody else available to defend him, Apollo Justice flies in from Khura'in to take the case--but during the course of the trial and its aftermath, long-hidden secrets come to light.
My Notes: Love the development of Kristoph's world and his complex relationship with Klavier.
it’s all that i am, and it’s all that i have by @x-eternalmagic | T | 58.4k
Author’s Summary: Apollo sucks in a breath, attempting to steel his nerves. Should he honestly send this...? He doesn't even know who this man is. This is a huge, huge mistake. But, even so, he hits send before he can remind himself of how awful an idea this is. 
Dear You,
I think I love you. Just wanted you to know.
Klavier's phone pings with an email notification, and the moment he reads it, the smile fades from his face. God, this was so much easier when he didn't know that the sender hated him in real life.
[ or, the you've got mail au. ]
My Notes: I love a good enemies-to-lovers story, and while I’m unfamiliar with You’ve Got Mail, this fic is impeccable. I love the lowered-stakes of the music store business.
Hot for Justice by indirectkissesiniceland | T | 43.4k
Author’s Summary: After the events of State v. Misham, Klavier finds himself in a slump, stressed at the prosecutor's office and unable to pen new songs. To his surprise, he finds creative inspiration—and unexpected feelings—spending time with Apollo. Now if only he could release the new tracks without raising any suspicion as to whom his love songs are for.
My Notes: A humorous and light-hearted fic. Love Klavier finding inspiration in his pining for Apollo. Some parts of this might trigger second-hand embarrassment for those that easily get that.
the streak of green in sunset skies by @crowned-ladybug | T | 18.6k
Author’s Summary: “I guess I needed a moment when I was just...Klavier,” he laughs at the absurdity of it, but saying it out loud hurts more than he'd expected. It’s been so long since he'd existed without doing it for other people that he's not sure where the expectations end and he begins anymore. He's not sure there's even a him left under everything.
Mia nods, and when Klavier looks over she’s smiling, and he doesn't understand how. “Klavier, who pretends really badly to know nothing about coffee so that Diego will get to talk his ear off about it.”
For seven years, Klavier searches for answers. Along the way, he finds a family.
My Notes: A canon divergence AU featuring found family as the primary theme. Love the slow reconciliation and bridge-building between Klavier and the others.
amor meus, pondus meum by vnjc | T | 3.2k
Author’s Summary: It’s not like their separation agreement had a ‘The parties agree to never sleep together again’ clause, but as far as Apollo knows, the point of separation is, well, separation. Not this. At least that’s what he remembers from law school.
On reconciliation, loss, and awkward conversations. Not in that order.
My Notes: Love the usage of history here and the general structure & vibe of this fic.
if it’s really me you seek by @hychlorions | T | 83.3k
Author’s Summary: “Anyway,” Ema keeps going, fully ignoring his sarcasm in favor of staring at a neat corner where the walls meet the ceiling. “I asked if he wanted to go to your party together, but he said he wasn’t going.”
“What?” Apollo suddenly finds it very hard to breathe. “Why?”
“Hell if I know,” Ema says nonchalantly, but then she turns to him with a smirk. “See if you can figure it out: I believe he told me, and I quote—ahem—'Ach, I would, Fräulein, but I believe Herr Justice would be more comfortable without me there.’”
Or, when Apollo comes home from Khura'in only to learn that Prosecutor Gavin is avoiding him, the last thing he expected was for Gavin to offer to let Apollo stay at his house while he looks for a new apartment.
My Notes: It’s been a while since I last read this fic, but I love the progression of the relationship in this fic.
This list is not a comprehensive list of every single Klapollo fic I think people should read. You can check out my AO3 Bookmarks for more recs, if you so wish.
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lexosaurus · 3 years
hi! I’m so sorry if this is a bother, but i thought you might be a good person to ask. i recently rewatched danny phantom as an adult - i loved it as a kid and wanted a good dose of nostalgia. after typing in the tag it was wild to find the phandom still up and kicking (honestly with more passion than i’ve seen from any fandom in my 8 years of tumblr). i immediately came across fanart for phantom of truth which i devoured along with its sequel in just a few days. i also read pits by cordria and loved it, but in the last week i’ve hit a bit of a research lull. i was wondering if you could fill me in on some details - maybe point me in the direction of popular fics or material? also, could you please explain wes weston to me - is there a particular fic he was born from or did he just sort of appear in fan lore? if not no worries, but i’d appreciate anything you had to offer!! thanks :)
Welcome to the phandom!
So the phandom in general is SUPER big on events. We have a year round event's calendar of which we're currently celebrating Ectober Month! You can find the details to that in the calendar along with other upcoming events!
In general, you'll find a LOT of incoming dp fan media through events and their tags, and that's where I tend to find new writers/artists to follow each year.
I've made two in depth posts on Wes Weston, so I'll just link them here [1: the older detailed wes] [2: a more updated wes]. The basic intel though is that yes he's entirely a phandom made OC that we've just adopted to fill a social hole in the dp universe.
There are tons of amazing DP writers and fics. I'll link you a few of my faves! In no particular order,
1. @imekitty (her ffn) is an older phandom writer who is kinda my personal gold standard for angst. She's also done some awesome slash fics though! Her current most popular series is the Disparaged/Dissembled series and fair warning, it's pretty dark!
2. @ecto-american (ghostanimal on ao3) is another older phandom writer who's still super active! He's currently most known for his fic Broken Ectoplasm, which is a bit darker than his usual pieces. Regardless, he has a pretty good range!
3. @five-rivers (marsalias on ao3) is an absolute writing fiend. I literally can't think of a genre of fic that they haven't written. They're currently best known for their monster of a longfic Mortified, which is ongoing and currently sits at a 258 chapters, or a little over a half million words. I personally am a big fan of their Exhumed series.
4. @wastefulreverie (her ao3) doesn't write a ton for dp anymore, but her archive of fics is AMAZING. Every so often I'll just go binge her writing, it's seriously fantastic. I think she has written some of my favorite angst fics that I've found so far.
5. @ladylynse (lynse on ao3) is another really big writer who also does a fair amount of crossovers if you're into that. Currently, her biggest fic is The Trouble With Ghosts which is an extremely popular fic currently. Good stuff!
6. @things-i-cannot-do-in-amitypark (their ao3) has several extremely popular fics on ao3 and ffn. I definitely recommend checking out their stuff. They've been writing DP for years and really have a great grasp on narration and building an exciting story.
7. @kinglazrus (UnluckyAlis on ao3) is actually one of the fastest writers I've ever freaking met. They're most known for their fic The Survivalists which is about Danny's class disappearing only to be found stranded on an island. Overall, really fun writer and also a cool person as well.
8. I know you said you read Pits, but @cordria has a TON of oneshots on her Tumblr as well as her ffn and ao3. I've been following her works for years and she really is an absolute S tier writer.
9. Shift by CaptainOzone is literally my favorite dp fic ever written. The basic premise is that Danny didn't grow up in Amity, and is revealed as Phantom right before he moves there. Oz is an outstanding writer and I'm super pumped they dipped their toes into DP for this fic.
10. when im dead, my dearest by redrobin1989 is only three chapters long, but i think honestly it really exemplifies an incredibly well written Valerie-centered fic. I go back and reread it every so often because wowowow.
11. Roughing It by Haiju is a big phandom favorite. You already read PoT/SOAD, so I know you'll like this one hahaha.
12. The Ghost Of Heroes by Enigmaris and ScarletNightFury is a really popular DP/MCU crossover starring an amazing bond between Danny and Spiderman. It's a pretty lighthearted fic, but it's super fun and the storylines are really engaging.
13. Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time by MissMegHolden is a DP/Young Justice fic that's very popular right now if you like that crossover. It's ongoing and updates semi-regularly. I've been following it for a while and I love it, though this is one of my fave crossover types (and I'm a big fan of DP crossovers lmao).
14. In The Eye of a Needle by mystyrust is an extremely popular DP/BNHA crossover fic that is completed. This is another one of those fics I go back and reread a lot.
Okay I could keep going but I'm going to stop here for now. All in all, I definitely recommend scouring event tags for new writers/artists. The phandom also has a discord that you can always DM me for an invite. The phandom in general is extremely chill. We're an older fandom so we really don't have drama or anything.
Once again, I welcome you and I hope you have fun!
(oh quick plug my own ao3 i write a lot of angst)
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twistedtummies2 · 2 years
My Twisted Wonderland OCs (As Of Now)
So, for most people who follow me, this post is gonna be kind of redundant. XD But, sort of as a way of just catching people up to date with stuff, I wanted to give you all a quick rundown of all of my major Twisted Wonderland OCs…at least, the ones that have some form of art to reference so far, which is thankfully most of them.
Not all these characters have shown up in stories YET, but I do have plans for all of them. And if anybody ever wants to commission a story featuring any of them, I’m open to hearing the ideas. Also, keep in mind, I’m only including what I consider “Major” OCs, meaning they’re students of NRC. I won’t be counting any staff OCs I’ve made, any oneshot characters I don’t plan to use again, nor any characters I still don’t have art for. I also won’t be including OCs that don’t actually belong to me, so you won’t be seeing the likes of Tock Crockwork or Harmonia here. I will be including some very, VERY basic information about each character here, including a super, SUPER condensed bio, and an art reference. With all that said…in order of appearance…
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NAKODA (Art by @horriblehooter)
Full Name: Nakoda “Nako” Spivak
Source/Inspiration: Kaa, from Disney’s Jungle Book.
Dorm: Savanaclaw.
Nakoda is a naga who can transform from his true half-serpentine form to a more humanoid look, which is pictured above. His Unique Magic is called “Trust in Me,” and when activated, anyone who looks into his eyes and hears his voice is put under his spell, becoming a brainwashed servant, subservient to his will, adoring him and willing to do anything for him. Nako grew up in a poor neighborhood, and never really felt he had much control over his own life; he turned to crime in an attempt to gain control of his life, and eventually made his way to Night Raven College. Nako is both constantly hungry and constantly thirsty; when he says he wants you inside of him, he can mean it two different ways, sometimes at the same time. He has a very dirty mind and constantly carries himself with a sensual, seductive, domineering air. However, under the lusty bravado, he has many insecurities; he’s prone to throwing tantrums when he’s particularly frustrated, and if he’s threatened, his inner cowardice shows itself quickly.
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BILLY (Art by @horriblehooter)
Full Name: Billy Géant.
Source/Inspiration: Willie the Giant, from Fun & Fancy Free.
Dorm: Pomefiore
Billy is a literal giant; an ogre who hails from the Kingdom Above the Clouds. He is actually a distant descendant/relative of the legendary Giant who terrorized Happy Valley and stole the Singing Harp, although the way HE learned the story was rather different: he is proud of his heritage. His Unique Magic - “Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum” - is a throwback to his ancestor, and allows Billy to change into anything he wants. Billy is actually a pretty gentle giant: having not had many attachments growing up, he really just wants to make friends above all else, and tends to be cheerful and affectionate in everything he does. At times he does show a slight ego, or a slightly aggressive, even occasionally mischievous, edge. However, he’s usually very friendly and sweet-natured. While he isn’t very bright…AT ALL…Billy is very loyal to those he considers his friends (which is practically everyone), and will do anything he can to help them. HOWEVER, there is a dark side to Billy Géant: he has a bit of a temper, and when he’s PARTICULARLY enraged, he becomes downright dangerous. Sweethearted as he often may be, he’s still a man-eating giant, and you DO not want to cross him.
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ELIAS (Art by Laizy_Boy04 on Twitter)
Full Name: Elias “Eli” Gottfredson Inque.
Source/Inspiration: The Phantom Blot, from the Mickey Mouse Universe.
Dorm: Diasomnia.
Elias G. Inque is a theatrical soul of the highest sort. He is the consummate “theatre kid,” in love with popular musicals and Shakespeare, especially, and forever craving the spotlight. Elias’ Unique Magic, “Inkwell,” allows him to physically transform into a being made purely of Blot, and allows him to manipulate the inky substance to his own ends. However, staying too long in this “Blot Form” can lead to an absolutely MONSTROUS Overblot situation, so he uses his powers as sparingly as possible. Elias used his UM to take on a dual identity: the mysterious thief called The Phantom Blot - a title that has been passed on over the centuries to different people. As the Phantom, Eli enacted an elaborate scheme to try and gain some form of recognition, which he never felt he had enough of in life; nowadays, he’s more or less reformed…but you should still make sure to mind your valuables around him. Eli is in some ways a very grounded, casual individual, and in other ways a total and complete ham. He’s typically laid-back and easygoing, but he has a decided flair for the melodramatic, unable to resist the chance to deliver over-the-top monologues and sing grand musical numbers. Being a dogboy, he’s also pretty constantly ravenous. Do not trust him when he activates the puppy dog eye maneuver.
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RENO (Art by @belliesandburps.)
Full Name: Reno Rovar.
Source/Inspiration: Oogie Boogie, from The Nightmare Before Christmas.
Dorm: Ignihyde.
Reno, much like Nakoda, is a beastly creature in disguise. His true form is a green half-bug creature, but he typically hides this by taking on a more humanoid appearance. Reno is crass, crude, loud, rough, and slightly paranoid. His parents are the owners of a once-prosperous casino and hotel, which - until recently - was in bad danger of closing down due to lack of sufficient support and funds. Reno grew up around gamblers, and he’s become VERY fond of various games: from chess to poker to various dice games and more, Reno is a master player of many things…but he doesn’t always play fair. Hypocritically, he’s quick to call others cheats if he feels he’s losing too easily. Reno’s Unique Magic is “Bug Eyes,” which allows him to control the minds of insects and even see through their eyes. The more insects he controls at once, the more magic he has to output, which means that overuse in large doses can lead to Overblot. Being an insectoid type himself, Reno is very fond of bugs, and actually keeps an ant farm in his room, treating the ants like truly beloved pets. Underneath his surly and slightly unsettling demeanor, Reno does have a soft side…he just doesn’t always like to show it.
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JAMES (Art by “The Shy Art Anon”)
Full Name: James Killian.
Source/Inspiration: Captain Hook, from Peter Pan.
Dorm: Heartslabyul.
James is the son of a teacher and a sailor, and his personality matches both. He’s fond of using nautical phrases, and knows a great deal about the ocean, sailing, and other such things. On the flip side, he’s a bit grandiloquent and scholarly, enjoying classical literature and subjects of history, in particular. He’s also skilled as a swordsman; a gifted and practiced fencer who actually carries a cane sword on him at all times. James is an attention hog of the highest order: he is ALWAYS trying to play himself up as a charismatic and grand figure, in the typical style of a swashbuckling cavalier, and has no small amount of vanity. In reality, much of this showboating hides a deep-rooted sense of insecurity, as James has always felt like nobody appreciates him, due to events that happened in his life before coming to NRC. On that note, James has an arch-rival who attends Royal Sword Academy: Matthew Satyr, a former classmate and fellow fencer who has long been a thorn in James’ side. Whenever Killian and Satyr are anywhere near each other, or when Matthew’s name gets brought up, James becomes OBSESSED and filled with passionate, vengeful anger. It is one of his many great weaknesses. James’ Unique Magic is called “Doubt & Deception”: whenever he touches someone with his left hand, he can then activate this power by snapping the fingers of the same hand. The person he has touched will then suddenly be overcome by a wave of intense, depressing emotions, and the weight of these thoughts will quite literally drag them down, forcing them to move slower, or even outright become paralyzed with despair. The insidious thing about this power is that, once James has touched somebody, he can activate it at any time…but once he uses it one time, he has to touch you again before he can use it a second time.
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SMITTY (Concept Sketch by @belliesandburps.)
Full Name: Smitty McCarthy.
Source/Inspiration: Smee, from Peter Pan.
Dorm: Heartslabyul.
Smitty is James Killian’s best friend and effective partner in crime. The two have known each other for years, long before both came to Night Raven and were each sorted into Heartslabyul. Smitty is extremely loyal to James, genuinely looking up to him and wanting to help him in any way he can. He worries about his friend constantly, always trying to find ways to help James relax when he knows he’s stressed out…and less-than-secretly hoping James will someday put aside the grudge he has on Matthew Satyr. Smitty is small and sweet-tempered, very mild-mannered and occasionally a stutterer, which often causes people to underestimate him…which he really doesn’t mind, as - unlike James - Smitty has never really demanded attention nor the spotlight. He’s perfectly happy just following his friend. However, Smitty’s Unique Magic - called “Blast Them!” - is probably one of the most potently destructive of any ability: it works similarly to Bakugou’s power from MHA, as Smitty is able to create and project fiery, explosive pulses. In smaller doses, they do little more than knock opponents flat onto their backs, but they can become much more dangerous when used in rapid succession. Smitty doesn’t fully have control over his power (he’s not the best aim), which makes it all the more unpredictable when activated.
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MAELSTROM (Art by @twisted-brainrot​.)
Full Name: Maelstrom Baleno.
Source/Inspiration: Monstro, from Pinocchio.
Dorm: Octavinelle.
Maelstrom is a mer-whale in disguise, with a bullying, thuggish personality. He suffers from what might be called “I Am the Hype! Syndrome.” Basically, he grew up believing that he was perfect: the strongest, toughest, most powerful thing in the entire world. Something happened, however, that caused Maelstrom to rethink his own worldview…and, unable to fully cope with the realization of his fundamental weakness, he effectively snapped. Maelstrom now spends his time flaunting his powers and strength, belittling and oppressing rather than seeking to help and serve. He’s a total glutton, too, and this fact isn’t helped by his Unique Magic: “Belly of the Whale.” This ability allows Maelstrom to form a whirlpool-like suction that can drag anything (or anyone) of virtually any size into his stomach, trapping them in a sort of hammerspace type situation. Typically, victims who are swallowed by Maelstrom will not be allowed to escape his stomach unless he allows them to. Beneath this nasty exterior, however, Maelstrom does have his soft sides: he secretly has a deep love of music and art, in particular…but don’t bring that up, or you might end up his dinner.
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THEODORE (Concept Sketch by @belliesandburps​.)
Full Name: Theodore “Theo” Hamilton.
Source/Inspiration: Theodora the Wicked Witch of the West, from Oz the Great and Powerful.
Dorm: Diasomnia.
Theodore is a vindictive, ambitious young man who feels cheated by the world. He actually doesn’t WANT to be a part of Night Raven College, at least at first, and thus behaves in a cruel, vicious, brutal, standoffish sort of way. His temperament is highly mercurial, able to go from relatively calm and collected to cackling like a deranged lunatic almost at the drop of a hat. He’s snappy, snarly, and doesn’t like crowds. He’s also very power hungry…literally. Theodore is constantly seeking ways to increase his power levels as a mage, believing that only by gaining more power can he get what he truly wants. His Unique Magic - “Fly, My Pretties!” - allows him to summon a horde of shadowy creatures that resemble Flying Monkeys, which serve his will. Theodore is a flying ace: he’s INCREDIBLY skilled on a magic broomstick, and it’s a talent he’s extremely proud of. Once again, while he often seems quite unpleasant, Theodore does have his soft sides: for one thing, he has a massive sweet tooth, and eats perhaps too much candy and cookies for his own good…but that’s another story. There are some other OCs I have in mind for TW, but they haven’t been given workable artwork yet. Some of these characters - namely Theo and Maelstrom - haven’t even been featured in writing at all yet. Time will tell when those events occur.
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elfyourmother · 2 years
those comments are pissing me off the longer I sit on them and I need to vent. again please do not reblog this I am not here to start shit or debate people I am just expressing frustration in my own space
first of all Estinien’s attraction to WoL is just as ~instant~ as the other lads any damn way, if WoL isn’t a Dragoon he literally says “my blood fair sang” when he heard they were coming to that parley at Camp Dragonhead, the very first time they would have met (and let’s not forget the thirsty camera angles framing him like a femme fatale)
more importantly though like. one of the very best things about this corner of the fandom is just how multiship and polyship friendly it’s been. quite possibly the friendliest and most chill and welcoming of polyshipping I’ve ever encountered and it’s been such a balm and an encouragement for me as a poly person who primarily writes polyships, and with these specific Ishgardians. Even people who don’t ship these elves together have historically been very chill towards those of us who do. And a lot of us do!!! This is one time polyshipping is popular!!! And all three of The Lads(tm) are comfort characters to me, all of their relationships with Gisele and with each other (and Ysayle/Steph) mean so damn much to me, I refuse to choose a favorite one because I love and appreciate the differences in the dynamics sfm. And I have been so heartened by the response to my fics and gpose etc. Not one person has ever implied one is better than the other. Not one has ever denigrated folk for polyshipping them. this is the closest thing to a safe space for myself and my work as a poly person that I have had in literal years
So the idea that anybody would start up with the ship superiority complex, and try to disrupt that? isn’t just disheartening, it’s infuriating. I left the BW fandoms in large part because of that kind of shit, because of prescriptivists and deranged stans of various LIs who were convinced the only way to gas up their fave was to tear down others, folk who were not content unless LIs were pitted against each other and their fave was The Best. God forbid you or your OC should love more than one or ship them together.
Fam, all of us are just working with the ship tease given and our own interpretations of canon. One True Wayism is fucking absurd in every fandom but it’s extra fucking stupid in this one. there is no canonical romance in this game!!!
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Five years ago, the women on this site who treated me like trash over loving Labyrinth and shipping Jareth/Sarah were almost always obliviously consuming Radfem propaganda, or were out and out Radfems/Terfs themselves.
They were the types of people who casually threw the word “pedophile” around against grown women who shipped an adult Sarah with Jareth, aka literally one of the most popular ships for women in fandom for 30 years.
Pretty much invariably, these women had serious sex-negative anxieties, which included a severe paranoia about any and all kink and fetish, and porn in general. I saw a lot of shocking, fear-mongering propaganda surrounding sexual expression. Pretty much invariably, their method of approach involved immediate personal shock-value attacks on anyone they perceived to be “bad.”
Today, you can look at the way some people react to other popular so-called “problematic” ships and recognize the same toxic, fear-mongering rhetoric coming from women who consider themselves regular, trans-inclusive feminists. Sometimes it even manifests in the words of very well-meaning people (including myself here), who feel the need to talk about specific issues that pertain to their own experiences of trauma and oppression.
The people who shit on Labyrinth often seem to not really be able to comprehend that the Goblin King, like the film itself, is canonically a representation of a teen girl’s psyche, a soup of fears and anxieties and desires and dreams. He’s not a literal human adult preying on a literal child, and to read the film that way seriously undermines the entire point of the film. 
When I (and people of many fandoms) say “This is fiction, calm down,” I’m not just saying it’s not real so it cant hurt you and you can’t criticize me. I’m trying to call attention to what fiction actually is - artistic representations of feelings and experiences. The Goblin King is Sarah’s fiction. Therefore, he can be anything she or any woman who identifies with her wants him to be, including her lover when she’s grown and ready for such a thing.
I once took an alarming dive into Beetlejuice fandom to see what content was there (the cartoon was a favorite when I was little). Chillingly, what you’ll find is an extremely wounded fanbase, with a sharp divide between the older women who had long been shipping BJ/Lydia because of their love for the cartoon series (and whom were previously the vast majority of the Beetlejuice fandom), and a massive amount of young people riding the wave of the musical fad who had decided that the entire old school Beetlejuice fandom was populated by literal pedophiles. 
I saw death threats. Suicide baiting. Constant, constant toxic discourse. It did not matter how the BJ/Lydia fandom dealt with any particular issues that would exist in their ship, in fact I’m certain that the people abusing them cared very little to even consider if they were trying to handle it at all. The only thing that mattered was that they were disgusting subhuman scum asking for abuse. If you have at any time reblogged recent Beetlejuice fan art or content from fans of the musical, you have more than likely been engaging positively with the content of someone participating in toxic fandom behavior.
Nobody is really sticking up for them, either, as far as I saw. It’s really hard to imagine how painful it must be to have such a large group of people explode into into your relatively private fandom space to tell you that you are evil, vile, and deserve constant abuse, and also you are no longer allowed into the fandom space to engage in it’s content. But I think there’s something very alarming indeed about this happening specifically to the BJ fandom, and I’ll explain why. 
The pop-culture characterization of Beetlejuice, which is heavily influenced by the cartoon series to be clear, has always in my mind been a vaguely ageless being who matches with the psychological maturity of whatever age Lydia is supposed to be. He’s more or less like an imaginary friend, a manifestation of Lydia’s psyche. In fact, I would argue that i think most of us who grew up with the cartoon or it’s subsequent merchandizing before the musical ever existed probably internalized the idea as BJ and Lydia as this ageless, salt-and-pepper-shaker couple beloved by the goth community, similar to Gomez and Morticia. In each version of canon he may be a creepy ghost in the literal sense, but any adult who is capable of identifying literary tropes (even just subconciously) would read cartoon!BJ as an artistic representation of a socially awkward outcast girl’s inner world. Lydia’s darker dispositions and interests, which alienate her from most others, are freely accepted and embraced by her spooky magical friend. BJ/Lydia in the cartoon were depicted as best friends, but to my memory there was always an underlying sense that they had secret feelings for each other, which I identified easily even as a small child. In fact, their dynamic and behavior perfectly reflected the psychological development of the show’s target demographic. They are best friends who get into adventures and learning experiences together, who have delicate feelings for each other but lack any true adult romantic/sexual understanding to acknowledge those feelings, let alone pursue them.
Though I haven’t seen the Musical yet, I’ve read the wiki and I would argue that it embodies this exact same concept even more so for it’s own version of the characters, in that Beetlejuice specifically exists to help Lydia process her mother’s death.
This is not a complicated thing to recognize and comprehend whatsoever. In fact, it looks downright blatant. It’s also a clear indicator of what BJ/Lydia means to the women who have long loved it. It was a story about a spooky wierd girl being loved and accepted and understood for who she was, and it gave them a sense of solidarity. It makes perfect sense why those women would stick with those characters, and create a safe little space for themselves to and imagine their beloved characters growing and having adult lives and experiencing adult drama, in just the same ways that the women of the Labyrinth fandom do. That’s all these women were doing. And now, they can’t do it without facing intense verbal violence. That safe space is poisoned now.
Having grown up with the cartoon as one of my favorites and been around goth subculture stuff for decades, I was actually shocked and squicked at the original Beetlejuice film’s narrative once I actually saw it, because it was extremely divorced from what these two characters had evolved into for goth subculture and what they meant to me. It’s not telling the same story, and is in fact about the Maitland's specifically. In pretty much exactly the same way two different versions of Little Red Riding Hood can be extremely different from each other, the film is a different animal. While I imagine that the film version has been at the heart of a lot of this confused fear-mongering around all other versions of the characters, I would no more judge different adaptations of these characters any more than I would condemn a version of Little Red in which Red and the Wolf are best friends or lovers just because the very first iteration of LRRH was about protecting yourself from predators.
I would even argue that the people who have engaged in Anti-shipper behavior over BJ/Lydia are in intense denial over the fact that BJ being interested in Lydia, either as blatant predatory behavior a la the film or on a peer level as in the cartoon (and musical?) is an inextricable part of canon. Beetlejuice was always attracted to Lydia, and it was not always cute or amusing. Beetlejuice was not always a beloved buddy character, an in fact was originally written as a gross scumbag. That’s just what he was. Even people engaging with him now by writing OC girlfriends for him (as stand-ins for the salt-and-pepper-shaker space Lydia used to take up, because obviously that was part of the core fun of the characters), or just loving him as a character, are erasing parts of his character’s history in order to do so. They are actively refusing to be held responsible for being fans of new version of him despite the fact that he engaged in overt predatory behavior in the original film. In fact, I would venture to say that they are actively erasing the fact that Musical Beetliejuice tried to marry a teenager and as far as I’m aware, seemed to like the idea (because he’s probably a fucking figment of her imagination but go off I guess). The only reason they can have a version of this character who could be perceived as “buddy” material is because...the cartoon had an impact on our pop cultural perception of what the character and his dynamic with Lydia is. 
We can have a version of the Big Bad Wolf who’s a creepy monster. We can have a version who’s sweet and lovable. We can have a version that lives in the middle. We can have a version who’s a hybrid between Red and the Wolf (a la Ruby in OUAT). All of these things can exist in the same world, and can even be loved for different reasons by the same people.
I’ve been using Beetlejuice as an example here because it’s kind of perfect for my overall point regarding the toxic ideologies in fandom right now across many different spaces, including ones for progressive and queer media, and how much so many people don’t recognize how deeply they’ve been radicalized into literalist and sex-negative radfem rhetoric, to the point where we aren’t allowed to have difficult, messy explorations of imperfect, flawed humans, and that art is never going to be 100% pure and without flaw in it’s ability to convey what it wants to convey.
This includes the rhetoric I’ve seen across the board, from She-Ra to A:TLA to Star Wars to Lovecraft Country. We don’t talk about the inherent malleable, subjective, or charmingly imperfect nature of fiction any more. Transformation and reclamation are myths in this space. Everything is in rigid categories. It is seemingly very difficult for some of these people to engage with anything that is not able to be clearly labeled as one thing or another (see the inherent transphobic and biphobic elements of the most intense rhetoric). They destroy anything they cannot filter through their ideology. When women act in a way that breaks from their narrative of womanhood (like...not having a vagina), then those women must be condemned instead of understood. Anything that challenges them or makes them uncomfortable is a mortal sin. There is an extraordinary level of both hypocrisy and repressive denial that is underlying the behavior I’m seeing now. Much like toxic Christian conservatism, these people often are discovered engaging in the same behaviors and interests that they condemn behind closed doors (or just out of sheer cognitive dissonance). As an example, one of the people who talked shit to me about Labyrinth was a huge fan of Kill La Kill, which to my knowledge was an anime about a teenage girl in like, superpowered lingere (hence why I stayed the fuck away from that shit myself). Indeed, they even allow themselves plenty of leeway for behavior far worse than they condemn others for, and create support systems for the worst of their own abusers. 
Quite frankly, I’m tired. Instead of talking about theoretical problematic shit, we need to start talking about quantifiable harm. Because as far as I can tell, the most real, immediate, and quantifiable harm done because of anybody’s favorite ships or pieces of media seems to consistently be the kind that’s done to the people who experience verbal violence and abuse and manipulation and suicide baiting and death threats from the people who have a problem.
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Maglor/Spouse headcanons
(featuring my OC for his hubby, Ringwë “Ringo”Ilyannon)
Despite being the shorter of the two, Mags is the big spoon (he also tops most of the time)
Ringo is a NEAT FREAK and his eye twitches when one thing is out of place while Mags is literally a hot mess “it’s organized chaos, Ringo!”
Ringo followed his husband to ME, not because he was swayed by Fëanor’s words but for two other reasons, first was loyalty to Mags and the second was because he was just getting mad bored in Valinor (where nothing ever happens unless Morgoth is around to stir shit up) and he needed material to write a play about that wasn’t The Merry Misadventures of Gods Part II (his very popular comedy series about the Valar). He wanted to be around when history was being made.
He and Maglor fought side by side on several occasions even though Maglor was a spell-singer and Ringo had to learn fighting skills on the go (“I never fought but I’ve air-fenced for roles before”)
Ringo was Mags’ biggest support when Mae was captured and he got into fights with his brothers about his “failure” to rescue him (“I’m writing a new play. It’s called ‘if you don’t leave my husband alone I’ll kick your fucking teeth in”)
Ringo is a total blanket hog which Mags doesn’t mind because it gives him excuses for cuddles “you’re gonna share this warmth one way or another”
When the Gap fell, Mags ordered Ringo to go with the retreating survivors and this stubborn bitch said “if we’re dying, we’re dying together whether you like it or not.”
Whenever they get bored of their wandering, they stay in Amon Ereb (which is a perfectly serviceable keep that Mags sings an enchantment around to make it look like ruins)
Mags calls Ringo “coivenya” (my life)
They argue in the dumbest ways, Mags will sing obnoxiously to annoy Ringo while Ringo recites increasingly insulting poetry.
They’ve definitely sucked each other off under the table when meetings got boring
Ringo was away when Maedhros killed himself so he came back to find his husband and law-brother gone and the fortress a mess, he at first thought that they’d been assailed by orcs. But then he heard Maglor’s singing and found him at the edge of the water.
Weirdest place they had sex? On Himring’s roof. Maedhros had them up there patrolling for orcs and whatnot but when a couple hours passed and all they saw was snow, they were like “Welp, bored now” and banged on one of the turrets (facing forward so they could still scout for enemies). When Mae heard about this, he tried to be the intimidating older brother but ended up laughing his ass off because him and Fingon did that same thing one time.
Whenever Ringo’s having a bad day, Mags would pick him up some of his favorite fruit (strawberries, but when they were Exiled and on the road it was hard to get them. He learned to freeze-dry them from Celegorm so they’d have a supply when they were on the go). When Mags is having a bad day, Ringo does hilariously bad but surprisingly accurate impressions of people Maglor dislikes and it has him cackling every single time.
Ringo may be a neat freak but that doesn’t extend to his hair. His hair is curly as fuck and most of the time it’s thrown up in a braid because he can’t be assed with it, so Mags usually takes care of it.
Feanor didn’t like Ringo at first because his family were Fingolfin’s supporters and said that no son of his would marry a potential “plant.” Ringo’s parents didn’t like Maglor cuz of his dramatic and admittedly arrogant musician personality, fearing he would be as flighty as his stage persona. So the two of them did what any reasonable elves would do, eloped. They did the equivalent of a drive-thru Vegas wedding with like three of Mags’ brothers there.
When he got back home, Mags didn’t even bother hiding it from Feanor. “Where did you get to, son?”
“Oh, I went out and got married” cuz at that point the marriage was already performed and Feanor couldn’t do shit about it. He eventually warmed up a tad when he saw how happy Maglor was (and how Ringo made the twins laugh)
Ringo was happy that Mags had such a large family since he was an only child himself and always wanted siblings.
Maglor just saying “fuck u dad, I’m getting married” inspired Mae to be public about his own relationship with Fingon.
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