#he’s just of the actions over words mentality on that i think 🤔
akkivee · 4 months
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according to canon at least lol
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
jax with an s/o who is sweet n kind to everyone, handles jax’s bullshit,,,
until one day, one of his pranks just causes them to lose their temper and lash out 🤔??
or like a jax x reader who has anger issues ykyk
Jax x sweet!reader finally snapping
was gonna write this last night but i wanted to draw + im still having some stomach issues that (at least for now) have calmed down a little so!! think imma write this and one more thing then imma get right back to working on art written with you guys already having a good relationship established, can be read as platonic or romantic!
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jax doesnt really know when to stop, and when he does he tends to double down because he thinks most of the stuff he does isnt that serious
that in of itself is an issue, since it leads to some conflict between him and other circus members
and today, for the first time youve finally reached your limit
be it jax just being in a pestering mood and you already being overwhelmed from being in the circus; or he took one of his pranks too far with you and ended with hurt feelings.. i think either are likely! maybe even both, the combination pushing you over the edge?
kind of visibly jolts a little when you whip around to look at him, probably also telling him off... eyes wide, maybe his shoulders are a little hunched up in surprise
i mean you usually let his bullshit just roll off of you, and youve never raised your voice at anyone in the circus. ever... so this was definitely new to him
usually, if this were anyone else he might egg the other person on; theres only few exceptions to that.. but i dont think hed be able to bring himself to do it mostly out of shock that you finally got fed up with him
once you two are separated he might spend some time trying to dismiss his guilty feelings and try to mentally frame it as you taking something too hard
again, not the best thing, but jax doesnt seem to be the most mature out of the cast
but i think over time (and after being berated by ragatha for his actions) hes going to admit that he really messed things up, so he might try to patch things over with you
if ragatha getting on his case doesnt push him to fix things, you avoiding him is going to really do it
hes not going to just. not be an asshole overnight, thats going to take time, but i do think it would be obvious that hes trying to not piss you off again.. you can definitely tell hes struggling a bit
i think word would get out about what happened so you two are gonna have fun with that gossip and people sticking their nose in your business, ect ect ect
i dont think he would outright apologize, at least not verbally.. but he will show it in his actions; doing stuff for you that he wouldnt normally do for others like doing some favors for you as well offering you things he knows you like. stuff like that, you know?
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lutawolf · 2 years
Thought & Notes for Episode 8
I was actually going to skip doing this episode. I thought I was the only one that enjoyed them. Then I got a message from one of my darlings 💜💜💜 So here we go.
If you notice Porsche's pants look the same from the bathroom. So they went straight from the hand job to the bedroom.
I love that they slept holding hands. And that Porsche is making sure there is no miscommunication about this experience. "Last night was amazing." He is absolutely glowing from waking up in Kinn's arms.
I love that Kinn is really recognizing the needs of Porsche. He is a confident gay so he is really respecting Porsche here. He isn't demanding that they come out. He's letting Porsche find his feet first.
I don't think they will be able to hide it well. Porsche is starved for those relationship touches. Being able to reach over and just touch when you want.
Porsche says "Don't get caught yet" he is very much talking futuristic. This might be his first relationship but in his head it's his last as well.
Kinn shows a side to Porsche that others won't see.
Here is the thing about Pete. He gave relationship advice to Kinn. He reported everything about Porsche to Kinn. He was there when Kinn busted into the bathroom and then he left them in the bathroom with no door, together. Are we really thinking he doesn't know. I mean he knew what happened that drugged night. Pete knows he needs to pretend.
Omg the product placement!!
Pol out here doing finger guns. 🤣🤣
Are these bodyguards all virgins that they can't make out sex sounds!?! 🤔
The thing I noticed though is that Ken is happy about Porsche being punished. Big seems indifferent. No smirk, just an ah okay.
Porsche and that dumb-ass lie. No way Kinn bought it. So Kinn is trusting him. Probably realizing that Porsche would need to talk to his friends about all this.
Jom being so perceptive surprises me. I thought he was just a lovely coconut. Makes me wonder how much of the shit he said was on purpose. 🤔
Poor Tem... who broke your heart I wonder.
I know he is saying "I never dated a guy before" but he's never dated anyone before. He just can't let it get out that him and Kinn are dating. And we know Khun comes to the bar now. That doesn't mean I don't think he is nervous. He never imagined dating a guy before so there is some mental adjusting there. You clearly straight if you don't understand that
He has never dated. Never! He wouldn't know really how to start with a woman much less a man. Which is essentially the same but he wouldn't know that because he has never done any of it before.
Look how easily Porsche lies about why he doesn't have a phone. Remember, his friends aren't in on everything.
They just left their clothes. Somebody has to be coming to pick those up but who? Who do they trust that much 🤔
Kinn isn't as vocal as Porsche. He's too used to being secretive but I really don't think he had these types of moments with Tawan.
I fucking love that he won't let him not hold hands. This screams intimacy and relationship. Kinn isn't saying the words like Porsche but he is trying to show with action.
Also notice that Kinn isn't surprised by the date. If Porsche has no access to the internet. Shouldn't he be. No Kinn knew where Porsche was going when he left that day.
I love how Kinn is giving this moment to Porsche. He absolutely could care less but he knows it's important to Porsche. He's being so fucking indulgent.
I don't think it's because Kinn has that much experience with dating. He just really doesn't care as long as Porsche is right there. We gonna take pictures. Fine. As long as I'm taking pictures with you.
I also want to point out that Kinn needs actions. He likes that Porsche says love but Porsche acting like this. Is what's driving it home.
Sherlock Kim. He is trusting Big more than I would expect. He did drop that mistress bs though. He wants to see how fast it gets around. That was completely on purpose.
Why is this the last thing he'll ask about Porsche?
Okay so some important things to notice that reaffirm the above notes. Porsche says that because this was his first date, he studied everything wanting it to be perfect. Once again, Kinn is not surprised. Reaffirming he knew what Porsche did that day he went to the bar.
Then Porsche says "I intend today to be a good memory" so basically something special they can always enjoy looking back on. Again speaking futuristic.
Porsche has picked this man. He wouldn't do that if he was having an internal gay struggle. We know he has no intention of hiding forever. He's waiting to get caught. Porsche has picked Kinn
That phone. Why did you wait to give the phone? Did you enjoy Porsche and that silly camera, hmm. I'm betting money 💰 that Kinn got that phone when Porsche went to the bar. I'm also betting that phone has a tracker on it.
Why is Tawan acting like a ghost? Is it because he knows Porsche is afraid of ghosts? Is it because he knows everyone believes him to be dead.
All I can think about the pool scene is: I could do it but why. I want to see saliva people. I can't see your tongues tangling in the pool!
Why is Porsche quitting smoking? Why do people usually quit? For their health. To either do something better which the smoking impending them from doing. Plus, they have a reason they want to live longer.
Porsche wants to live as long as possible with Kinn.
Do you notice Pete isn't really surprised at Porsche quitting smoking.
Pete proposes that it could be one of the guys on Kinn's list that has been dumped. Now Pete knows what rent boys Kinn sleeps with. How does he know they were dumped unless he knows about Kinn and Porsche.
Pete takes Porsche to Kinn's personal bedroom to find evidence. Pete who is extremely loyal to Kinn. Do you really think he would do that unless he knew Kinn wouldn't really be upset if he caught Porsche.
I love that Porsche is going through Kinn's phone like, and he called ME loose!!
You guys, if you get punched in the neck it's gonna be bigger welts than that. Pete would have to know that!!
Porsche's feet over Kinn's is just too fucking cute!! Like he needs that touch and he isn't going to deny himself.
Porsche isn't doubting that Kinn loves him. Though Kinn hasn't said the words. Makes me worried that Tawan will spot that and exploit it.
Tawan sold information. Pretty sure I called that somewhere.
Notice Kinn is concerned about his relationship with Porsche. Not surprised or upset that Porsche snooped in his room.
Kinn is the one that venerable saw next to Porsche. 🥰
They are such a couple here!!! Ahhh!! Go away Tawan! Kinn appears to be genuinely surprised. Did he think he killed him or did he never plan to see him again?
For not planning to do this it sure got long, lol. Guess I saw more than I thought. Hope you enjoy 💜💜💜
It's come to my attention that there are people who didn't understand the whole monk scene. Okay so the monk "saw" a man next to Porsche. Porsche thinks that it's the ghost of Tawan so he asks for help warding the ghost away. The monk gives him the phallic. When Kinn and Porsche come back together, the monk thinks the phallic has failed because it was Kinn's energy he saw all along.
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ghcstvalleychief · 2 years
Inspired by this amazing post. You should go check it out. 
Kinn is a fucking softie, fam. I never understood this strange assumption that he's this evil boogeyman. Considering the show he's on and compared to the other characters on this show, he's probably the most tame out of everyone on this show. Kinn wears his emotions on his sleeve and he's so easy to read. Especially when it comes to people who know him best. He can hide who he is around his enemies and allies, but he's an open book around those closest to him. 
Not to say this is a bad thing, because it’s not. We love a softie who can do what needs to be done when necessary. Kinn cares too fucking much and I would definitely like to see him treat the people around him the way they treat him but I know he wouldn't do that. He can stand to be more selfish and less merciful, but we have to understand that's not who Kinn is. At his core, he cares about his people (canon fact). Kinn's selflessness comes at a price. It's why he's drowning. Mentally, he's unwell and he just allows certain things to happen to him and he doesn't retaliate when he could or should. I wonder if he allows it because he feels like he deserves it? 🤔 Does he think he deserves to be treated like an afterthought? Just as long as he's receiving the requited love he's always wanted, maybe. I'm sure that's the effects of Korn's abuse as Kinn doesn't know love without conditions. He doesn't know how to receive unconditional love as he's never had it, so he overlooks betrayal as long as he's still loved. He won’t rock the boat because he’s been conditioned to believe the only way he can obtain and maintain validation and approval from those he loves is if he turns a blind eye to the bad things.
Despite this selflessness, Kinn is not stupid. He's far more intelligent than people give him credit for. You don't have to believe he's smart and that's your right, but that wouldn't be factually true. That wouldn't be accurate according to canon. Regardless of how the writers wrote him (or didn't write him) in the last half of the season, Kinn sees all. He notices everything. He knows when something isn't necessarily right. He won't confront the issue and he won't discuss it, because he thinks it's normal. It's normal for him to receive that kind of love. I love Porsche but his shenanigans would have been enough to make the average person leave without question. The mixed signals that come with his actions would make a perfectly stable person to wonder if he even loves them. That's just something to note. I'm not saying that Kinn is this innocent uwu baby, but I am saying that Porsche isn't innocent either. 
Korn has established a baseline for the way Kinn receives love. I don’t doubt that Kinn may have realized that Tawan wasn’t the real thing, but I think Kinn overlooked what was right in front of his face due to his upbringing. It all goes back to the way Korn uses his children as pawns in a chess game. Kinn has an abusive father who doesn’t raise a hand to him but he wields words in a way that doesn’t leave any room for agency and choice. I don’t think Kinn realizes he has a choice in the matter. He accepts whatever he can get, because it appears as if Korn held his love over Kinn’s head just as long as he did what he’s told. Just as long as he’s Daddy’s perfect little mafia heir, he will get that love. Unfortunately, he won’t ever reach that point of realization until he confronts that issue and receives professional help dealing with it. Kinn is trapped in a mental prison his father has created for him. 
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plan-d-to-i · 3 years
Thoughts on this https://sapphicdalliances.tumblr.com/post/673266218401169408 please!
LINK - proof that people will really like and reblog anything...
If you've ever asked yourself how obtuse and absurd JGY stans are the above post should answer all your questions ...
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"i genuinely feel like The Whole Point of Jin Guangyao’s demise is that it was not justice. in-universe, it did not actually come about because of any of his deeds that we the modern audience would consider the most heinous. Nie Huaisang plotted against him because he killed Nie Mingjue specifically"
Revenge, when justified, is justice in-universe which is what matters when discussing the story. So the whole argument has zero actual worth. JGY's demise came as a result of NHS avenging his brother, which MXTX considered righteous enough that she saw no reason to have NHS caught :
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JGY wasn't advertising the messed up shit he was doing, it only started coming to light as NHS, who had seen his true face, started exposing him.
"Mingjue explicitly and with pre-meditation tried to kill Jin Guangyao three separate times, with the novel (my preferred text source) heavily implying he only started playing the evil music after that third time. this could very reasonably be argued to be self-defense."
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. This isn't how "premeditation" or "self defense" work... 🙃
And ofc we can't have a post about JGY without the fucking "watchtowers" ! This is a pretty big reach from what is actually written in the novel, op's "preferred text source" lmao.
"and since I’m being petty anyway, I’ll once again throw out the fact that the person who affected the largest-scale positive societal change was in fact JGY, whose watchtowers were repeatedly praised for saving countless civilian lives, by the narration and by WWX himself"
-petty is the wrong word here... 🌝. So is "largest- scale positive societal changes" ... but wait bc op also says this earlier!
friend izzy points out that in the world of MDZS, “justice only happens on a personal scale”. there is no societal change.
lol 🤔🌝
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People who attacked a guy and are big mad he didn't just let them kill him =/= finding out your brother's sworn brother used him for status and legitimacy then with a smile, slowly poisoned him with what was supposed to be healing music until he died painfully and violently, then chopped his body and soul into pieces 🤡
"i’m making this post because a lot of people have told me point blank that JGY “earned” his miserable ending by doing bad shit, that Jiang Cheng/JGY/LXC/whoever the person thinks is an antagonist because they were mean to wangxian were “punished” with horrible fates, and this is how MXTX is codifying who the villains and who the heroes are, and the story is actually explicitly about moral uprightness prevailing over repugnance. and i just think that’s kind of a lackluster reading for a text that’s so blatantly explained that in this universe, good or bad things will simply happen to people completely regardless of whether or not it’s fair."
MXTX explaining why NHS is not a villain:
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( translations x )... MXTX has a whole extra about how XY and JGY are villains. She assumed ppl would fucking come to her story with a bare minimum level of reading comprehension (her bad). In universe bad things can happen to good people sure, but people still have control over how they react to those bad things, over their own actions. They're still held accountable. What's morally reprehensible are ppl like jc, like jgy, like xue yang who take out their personal shits on others who are innocent. Op's hot take "summation" is just Xue Yang's mentality lol:
"Xue Yang stood up and kicked the stall over.
The vendor himself had been busying himself all over the place. He was shocked speechless by the kick. He stared as the young man perpetrated his assault and, after the kick, said nothing as he turned around to leave, a wide grin on his face. Only a few moments later did the vendor realize what happened. He caught up and scolded, “What are you doing?!”
Xue Yang, “Wrecking your stall.”
The vendor was half-dead with anger, “You’re sick! You’re mad!”
Xue Yang didn’t move an inch. Pointing at his nose, the vendor continued, “You little bastard! You eat my food, you don’t give me money, and you have the guts to wreck my stall?! I…”
Xue Yang’s thumb shifted. The sword at his waist was unsheathed with a ‘clank.’
The sword shone coldly. He gently patted the vendor’s cheek with Jiangzai’s blade, his voice saccharine, “The dumplings were nice. Add more sugar next time.”
After he finished, he turned around and continued to march forth.
The vendor was a mixture of shock and fear. He was mad, but he didn’t dare say anything, gaping as he walked into the distance. Suddenly, he was filled with rage and frustration. A moment later, he let out a furious roared, “… Under broad daylight without rhyme or reason—why, why?!”
Xue Yang waved his hand without even looking back, “There’s no why. There are lots of things in this world that happen without rhyme or reason. This is called an unexpected disaster. Goodbye!”
lol ...
Night had already fallen. It was quiet all around, with few passersby. The two talked as they walked, passing a street side stall. The vendor was in the middle of dejectedly tidying his tables. He looked up and suddenly screamed, jumping backwards.
His scream and his jump were both quite frightening. Even Jin GuangYao paused, his hand moving to Hensheng’s handle at his waist. When he saw that it was only the average street vendor, he immediately ignored it. Yet Xue Yang didn’t say a word before he went over and kicked over the booth again.
The vendor was both shocked and terrified, “It’s you again?! Why?!”
Xue Yang grinned, “Haven’t I told you? There’s no why.”
I mean... quite obviously there's is a why.
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theangryjikooker · 3 years
People are nuts. Taekookers think a few seconds video from a concert proves a 7 year old conspiracy of a hard fought love triangle they somehow won (their behavior towards others that day was pure crazy town). Jikookers think everyone are beneath them and that they know best and they can’t be wrong ever and only them love the guys when the rest are just ~frauds. It’s laughable watching people over analyzing moments that happened before with all of the members at least a dozen of times. Aside from 3 or 4 instances that (personally) made me go 👀 during the years nothing about what’s going on is actually new. Especially dancing moments or feeding moments or laughing together. I’m loving all the moments and even enjoy shipping but the length people go through to shame, attack and flat out lie sometimes is really too much. And I think a lot of it comes not out of love for the boys but from people, who are probably mostly teens, that project their own issues and mental health and lack on a situation or a fantasy to feel good about their own lives. None of them deserves to be treated like a tool for a fantasy, especially when awful things getting posted on line where they can clearly see them. They all worked so hard and they are very humble professionals and obviously enjoy being around each other, it annoys me people dismiss that. And holy shit some of the things I read about jimin makes my skin crawl
That's... interesting. LOL. I'm sorry, I'm not laughing at you, but that information about what the Tkkrs side saw is funny. I really can't speak for the toxic Tkkrs side because I'm not constantly exposed to the weird shit they say.
A toxic Jkkr in my ask accused me of having a superiority complex, which I found laughable, because it's basically their personality trait. I don't think my words are the be-all, end-all, but I do think some of the extreme thought processes they have are... not thought out that well, to put it nicely. You make a good example here:
"It's laughable watching people over analyzing moments that happened before with all of the members at least a dozen of times." This touches on a type of analysis I see used often where they spotlight something Jikook do to each other but completely ignore the fact that they do [insert action here] with the other members. And if it happens to other members, the reaction is: Oh, but the WAY he did it to Jungkook/Jimin is different--shhh, just stop. Listen. Just because these moments aren't isolated to Jikook doesn't make the Jikook moment any less touching or cute. Carry on your merry way because at the end of the day, you have, undeniably, other viable reasons to prove your ship is real (or suspiciously not that platonic, if you're like me) if you so choose. If you think a few chinks in your Jikook armor are so precious that you can't bear to have someone counterargue your points, then you're showing your ship isn't strong enough to begin with. But it can be and it is, so lay some gold in those cracks and wait patiently for whatever exciting clip comes our way.
Even as someone who doesn't fall over every analysis I see, I'd say there are definitely more than 3-4 moments that have made me side-eye Jikook or where my brain tries to rationalize a particular Jikook behavior but instead short-circuits because there's no way to explain it. However, in my opinion, the ones that make me go 🤔 are significantly more damning (in a good way) to me than all the other insubstantial/nonsensical evidence they use combined.
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