#he’s just being Tiergan
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Tiergan when the council comes to talk to him, just to spite them with his rock man Black Swan disguise and blatant disregard for gender norms,
he calls them idiots the entire meeting.
@gay-otlc @aphelea
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synonymroll648 · 2 months
headcanon that the reason sophie still has eyelashes to pull on the regular is that grady and edaline worked something out with the dizznees to get a tasteless formula to help eyelash growth specifically to put drops of in her bottles of youth. because there’s no way her ptsd-induced trichotillomania (oversimplified definition for those who aren’t familiar: hair pulling disorder) is gonna die down during the war, so they’re trying to make sure she doesn’t move from eyelashes to eyebrows or her Hair hair by giving her More Eyelashes
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camelspit · 10 months
ok gang. goal this year is for someone thats not fintan to win the sexyman comp. i believe in you o7
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aphelea · 9 months
i call myself tiergan angst factory but when was the last time i even posted tiergan angst...
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everliving-everblaze · 11 months
One of the things that's stood out to me most while reading this book in a visual format is how much this series is about caring adults. I always knew, from my first read, that KotLC was at its core about belonging. It's about the lonely, bullied child's desire to be swept away to a world where they belong. It's about family.
But reading the graphic novel, I've been struck by how many of the people who first make Sophie feel that she belongs are the adults, not her peers. Sure, Fitz is important to it, but he and Biana both scoff at her lack of knowledge, while Alden and Della constantly reassure her, and even try to adopt her. Mr. Forkle protects her and looks out for her while her peers bully her. Tiergan instantly recognizes how hard her life has been and seethes at how she was put in that situation. Elwin sees her, cares for her, and makes her feel comfortable and intelligent when she's felt anything but. I haven't gotten to Grady and Edaline yet, but I know they're going to be right there too.
It's really making me realize why this series was the one I latched onto, over so many others I read. I was the kid who was friends with adults, who didn't get along with kids my age. I looked to those who were older over my peers; I was the teacher's pet.
There's something so significant about this series, over so many that are about kids being given power they aren't ready to handle, in that this one says you shouldn't have to handle it. Over and over, adults are angered at responsibility being placed on children. Over and over, they care, being not just assistants to the kids like in so many middle grade books, but being instrumental to everything that happens. The adults still aren't the protagonists—but how many middle grade series do you read where there are more important adult characters at the beginning than other kids?
I realize something now about why this series was comforting to me over every other. It's still a story where kids get agency and get to be the most powerful, the rulers of the story. But where so many middle grade stories make me go, "Where are the adults? Why don't they care? Why are they so incompetent?" this series shows me adults who love kids deeply and do everything for them—but still can't help that the kids are the ones who have to save the world.
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tam-shade-song · 10 months
Things in KOTLC universe that are canon, actually, I'm Shanon's keyboard
Keefe is not a natural blond. He started dying his hair in his second year.
When Fitz and Keefe were in their second year, a rumor arose that Biana was the result of an affair, and because Lord Cassius was starting to get associated with the Vackers through their son's friendship, he didn't want any rumors to spark about his own son. To make Keefe look more like him, Cassius had Keefe start dying his hair.
Sophie was named at birth Sophia, but since no one ever calls her that she accidentally gave Alden the name Sophie when her legal papers were being made. Now she's just gaslighting the entire lost cities into believing her name's Sophie and the only one who knows is Dex, Biana, and Tam.
Tam has a lisp. Keefe used to tease him about it until Tam shoved him down a flight of stairs.
Rayni has killed three people. The first time she used her ability, and for a while, she hoped that the black swan member survived, but later she learned through Tam he died. The second time she set someone on fire like how you can use a magnifying glass to start fires with light. The third time she stabbed a girl around her own age in the chest. Rayni held her hand as she bled out.
Rayni is the tallest out of the Solroof kids. She's five-seven, Wylie is five-six, Linh is five-two and Tam is five feet even.
During the time that Dex wasn't involved much, like around flashback, he hit a massive growth spurt and is almost as tall as Fitz, but because of his bad posture, he looks shorter.
Dex also didn't get a haircut for a while, so for a short period of time, he had a mullet off-screen.
Tam is trans ftm. He managed to keep it a secret from Tiergan and Wylie for a while, but when Tiergan had to enroll him in Foxfire he found out. By then, he had already come out to Rayni.
Tam and Linh didn't actually dye their hair with metal. They would occasionally sneak into the lost cities and shoplift out hair dye.
Tam and Linh talk to each other in Vietnamese when they want to have private conversations.
If we're going off the normal high school languages, (Spanish, German, French, and Mandarin) I think Sophie would choose German. If her school had extra, (I have a friend whose school offered Japanese, Arabic, ASL, and maybe some more, but she goes to a private school) I think Sophie would be on the fence between Arabic and ASL, before ultimately choosing Arabic. She read Frankenstein and saw Clerval's love for Arabic poetry and wanted to understand it herself, but at the same time, because she was always surrounded by noise, she liked the quiet. She picked Arabic because it would be more useful.
Upon manifesting as a Polyglot, Sophie really wanted to learn ASL but found out her ability wouldn't instantly make her fluent bc it wasn't something she heard.
Rayni talks to herself in Hindi
Wylie does actually know ASL, and Sophie was absolutely delighted. She made him teach her a bunch of words.
The Diznees speak to each other in English all the time, partly for privacy and partly to annoy their snotty customers.
Tam's dead name is Tien.
Tam and Linh both took piano lessons. Linh liked learning the music, but Tam preferred to either make stuff up or sound out his favorite songs. Later, Tam learned to play guitar, and he mostly played bass.
Rayni can play piano, violin, and cello. She wanted to be a musician and introduce more human-style music to the lost cities.
Rayni never graduated, but Tiergan tried to get her to return to Foxfire so she could enter the nobility.
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A small collection of KOTLC things Shannon told me at 3am
I promise she told me guys, this is totally legit
Dex Dizznee isn’t actually blonde but ginger, he gets his hair color from his dad. The three triplets all have strawberry blonde hair like their mom. His hair is also curly but like, loosely curly, and it’s really dry from all the shit he ‘experiments’ on it with.
Fitz Vacker once accidentally stumbled into a musical while in the human world and now absolutely loves musical songs. His favorite is Phantom of the Opera. It wasn’t like Alden was constantly watching him in the human world so he’d sometimes just sneak into theaters to listen and watch the shows.
Maruca Chebota is the most middle child ever. She has an older and a younger brother, but also another older cousin (Wylie) and two younger cousins. She’s even in the middle in terms of that, which is ironic because her mom is also the middle child between her two siblings.
Terik is Talentless, but he’s got basically a watered-down version of Empathy from his parents, who were both incredibly powerful Empaths who had been tasked with making sure Elves turned into myth for humans. He’s been scamming the whole Elven society for centuries and isn’t about to stop now.
Alina’s family was involved in a scandal when she was very young that resulted in them being cast out from the Nobility and their birth funds being revoked, though they were allowed to remain in Talentless cities. She decided to pursue Alden primarily for his family name - and the fact that she would up being one of the first people on his Match list was just the cherry on top. It made it even worse when he decided to marry Della instead, though at that point it was later enough she could detach herself from her family anyway.
Sophie Foster’s human family were anti-vaxx, Protestant, and Republican. Sophie was always a bit too busy trying to manage her telepathy to notice much about their political stances. Amy is growing to be significantly more liberal and had began to openly argue with them before everything in Nightfall happened.
Alina is Fitz’s biological mother. After Alvar was born and already not shaping up into the son Alden wanted by age 11, she used his desperation to Beguile him into having a child with her. When Alden realized what she’d done he did his best to cut all contact with her, though he did take Fitz, something with both Alina and Della resented. Alvar knew about this, which is why he dislikes Fitz so much while still loving his younger sister, Biana.
Livvy Soden is a triple agent, working in the Black Swan as a spy for the Neverseen as a spy for the Black Swan. No one is quite sure what her intentions are any more.
Wylie Endal has his own group of friends, who are all in their early 20s, and who love making fun of him for being forced to hang out with a bunch of teenagers. His best friend among them is Tanho, who’s Talentless, and was kicked out of his house at age 15 as a result after an abusive childhood. He stayed with Wylie and Tiergan for a few months after while trying to sort himself out, and is a large part of the reason why Wylie is now as observant and skeptical as he is.
Stina Heks isn’t actually an Empath, she’s a Mesmer, but a weak one. Not that she knows it.
It’s not actually Fitz who has the Nobility attitude towards humans, as in condescending and ignorant, though it does seem that way - he spent far too much time in the human world to not pick up on some of the good and interesting parts of humanity as well. It’s Biana, who spent most of her childhood being raised in a fairly isolated group of Elves who all had huge superiority complexes towards other species.
Ruewen is Edaline and Juline’s last names. Juline took Kesler’s last name to finally shut up her parents, who were harping on about how Kesler was using her for her family.
Grady Ruewen’s mother disappeared soon after he manifested as a Mesmer at age 12, resulting in a huge amount of people blaming him for it and his family, already in a precarious social position, to get hit even harder. Taking Edaline’s last name allowed him to entirely reform himself to a new person to the outside world. At least, until Jolie died.
Jolie Ruewen was a part of the Elven equivalent of a punk rock band, which tends to have a slightly more melodious (though still loud and chaotic) sound than human rock. Brant was their singer, and they had their first kiss during a concert, to excite the crowd even more. They decided they liked it and just kept doing it even off stage.
The movement began a few decades earlier, after an illegal trip to the human realm gave some twenty year old elves the idea to begin making their own instruments to try and mimic the sounds they found in the human world.
Tam and Linh Song grew up purposefully separated from each other, with Tam mainly spending time with their Dad and Linh their mom. As a result, Linh developed a love of painting, as it’s some of the only pleasant times she can recall with her mother, and Tam developed a hatred of economics and desk chairs.
Keefe Sencen and Linh Song are really good friends. No one else is aware of this. They also regularly vandalize council buildings.
Despite what certain artists and books will tell you, Elven houses are not made of crystal. They’re based on Ancient architecture, mainly using stone or wood or both, and have a wide variety of designs and patterns depending on where you go.
Most Elves do live in populated cities. Rimshire is a small-ish house located on the outskirts of Mysterium, not as close to the more densely populated parts of the city, but still with a lot of people. However, as Nobility usually do love in isolated, grand estates, it took a bit for Juline to get used to it. As Kesler grew up in a much smaller house with five siblings, he had the opposite experience.
Marella Redek’s favorite aunt is a Neverseen member. Marella is a Black Swan member. They have fought each other before and the next day hugged at a family gathering. Neither are aware of this.
Fitz Vacker talks to his stuffed animals. He has more than one - he has Mr Snuggles, obviously, but also Biana gave him one during Flashback, and Keefe made him one before he left for the Neverseen the first time. They all give different advice. Mr Snuggles sounds like Tiergan, the one Biana gave him sounds like Alvar, and the one Keefe made him sounds like Keefe.
Rayni Aria (Glimmer) was lying about her entire backstory in Stellarlune. Tam is the only one who knows what actually happened to her.
Rayni and Linh eventually grow to tolerate each other, if for Tam’s sake only. Linh can’t deal with having to share the one person she’d always thought would put her first (nevermind if he always would anyway); Rayni sees Linh’s hostility and automatically returns it with her own. As they get used to each other, they can be in a room without arguing or passive aggressively insulting each other.
Despite this, they’re actually very similar people, which makes them both even angrier. Linh can’t even make fun of how he acted with Keefe anymore now because of how she and Rayni act.
The reason Bronte is so mad at Fintan is that he found out that Fintan was dating JRR Tolkien at the same time as they were secretly dating (as to avoid being kicked out from the Council). Fintan was under the mistaken impression Bronte was also dating him, Bronte had misspoken and said he was ‘dating’ Tolkien instead of ‘rating’ Tolkien (as in, his books).
Fitz and Dex are in love, the Vackers are Desi, and Fintan has a flat ass. This is common knowledge though.
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brontekotlcyan · 3 months
Okay so i wrote the Solreef family fanfic. Its very short and surprisingly tragic. Fic under the cut.
He couldn't shake that feeling. The feeling that everything was going to collapse again. Tiergan fiddled with his beaten-up rings, contemplating his life choices as a quiet melody played in the background.
This somewhat peaceful scence was quickly abrubted as someone bust through the front door. Tiergan jumped up, expecting a battle to commence, but it wasn't a Neverseen member at his door, rather a dripping wet linh.
Tiergan immediately assumed she had flooded her parents house again, or something along the lines of that. Except... She was wrapped in a towel. How peculiar.
As she cried, Linh spoke, "I was just in the shower when the hot water ran out- I didn't care but about two minutes later I heard my mother banging on the door. She yelled through the door, There better be hot water left!" Linh stopped for a minute to catch her breath, then continued, "I was immediately scared, so I told her a feeble no...then she unlocked the door with an old metal button! I was exposed-obviously and this shock caused me to instinctively propell water at her, before I could tell what had happened, I was being pulled put of the shower without a towel." Linh fidgeted with her towel, gulping down the knot in her throat. 
"Then she started yelling about how I was a good for nothing child who deserved to die abandoned and alone...she went on to say how much she hated me and my uncontrollable ability, and-" Before she could find the power to continue, she was weeping again.
Tiergan was astonished- but at the same time unsurprisied. How could parents be so hurtful to their children when it's all some people want...? During the crying fest, Wylie had heard and was now at the bottom of the staircase, mouth a gape. (He was visiting Tiergan, like he did nearly every day.)
"Uhm. That is completely unacceptable! How could she do that? Hold on." Wylie said. 
"I'm sorry for coming her unannounced, but I just couldn't bear being around them any longer." Linh muttered through sobs.
"No- It's fine. You can come over anytime." Tiergan told her.
"Do you want me to give them a piece of my mind?"
Linh half-smiled, "No thanks. I'll probably have to be back over there in a while anyways..."
Wylie called Linh from one of the downstairs bedrooms. She walked over, with tears still rolling down her cheeks. Tiergans anger was rising. People just didn't have any critical thinking skills. Never mind common sense. 
Within two minutes, Linh was back and fully clothed, Wylie had found some stuff to fit her. 
Linhs silver-tipped hair was like a satin curtain as she looked at the floor.
"You can stay you know. For however long you want." Tiergan offered her. Linh did a couple little sniffles,
"Could I stay for a couple of hours...?" 
"Of course."
A couple of hours later, Linh was all dry and wrapped in a blanket Tiergan had given her. Prentice had arrived and he and Tiergan were discussing which Star Wars film was the best.
"Yeah I don't care if it has walking robots. That's not as good as Darth Vader turning to the light side!"
"That's exactly what an uncultured person would say. Hmh."
Wylie was watching them, smirking while sipping on cinnacreme. Eventually they stopped fighting and decided to watch The Last Jedi. They all loved Star Wars. It was one of Tiergans comforts, mostly because it was a distraction from everything going on around him.
It was dark now, and all four of them watched the movie peacefully. But Linh's mind was still running. Tam would come back any minute. She couldn't bare to face him. She just wanted things to go back to how they were. She wanted loving parents.
Meanwhile, Tiergan was glancing at his 'family' none of them were his. Linh, Wylie and Prentice would have to go home eventually...and he'd be alone again. Tears swelled in his eyes but he knew he had to force them back. It was his own fault for never making an effort to find a wife. But at the same time, Wylie was thinking about how safe he felt in this make-shift family.
Within the next few hours, everyone had gone home and Tam and Rayni had arrived. Tiergan used to love Tam like a son, but now he was even more closed off and obviously struggling. But Tiergan didn't want to push too far.
Tiergan lay in his bed, the stomach pain had come back and he just wanted someone to be there for him. He wanted a hug. Or for someone to tell him how much he means to them. He stared at his gilded curtains. Wishing the pain would end. It wouldn't. Eventually Tiergan fell into sleep, hoping the next day would be some improvement.
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my kotlc hc (gay edition)
Biana: straight (don’t hate me) but has definitely tested the waters
Linh: lesbian
marella: bi but w a heavy preference for hot guys (I ship Marella and linh what can I say)
Dex: gay thought he had a crush on Sophie bc he had never had a friend before and couldn’t tell the difference
Fitz: bi bc I ship fedex and he’s just not straight idk what to tell u (keefe found out pre-keeper)
Tiergan: Gay. In love with prentice. Has been for decades. Wants him BAD. Even Wylie ships them
Prentice: Bi, develops a crush on tiergan only after he gets out of exile
Alvar: bi but in a straight way
Ruy: bi or gay idk but he’s dating alvar (in secret ofc)
Bronte: not straight that’s it hes just not straight I’m not sure what he is but it’s not hetero
Fintan: also not straight (had a thing with fallon)
forkle: aroace
I feel like the elves would be homophobic but not in a “let’s hate crime the gays 🤪” way but more in a “the match system doesn’t allow for being gay so gay couples are a bad match” way
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gay-otlc · 8 months
there's nothing i wouldn't do to wake up and remember
Happy tiertice week! I couldn't make myself write an actual fic because my brain said No but I wrote a small fic for day 4: separation/reunion. Behold! 350 words of bad metaphors!
Title is from Everybody Lost Somebody by the Bleachers, and if I had a nickel for every time I wrote a tiertice fic with a title from this song, I'd have two nickels. It's a good song okay.
Prentice forgets Tiergan like a ripped up love letter. 
There are some pieces big enough to salvage, some fragments intact enough to read. Those parts, he reads over and over again. He treasures them, will treasure them until they crumble away live everything else.
Most of the letter is so torn up that none of the fragments have context. They’re all just a word or two. A feeling. A sound.
Lips brushing against his cheek, so light he almost could have imagined it. Warm laughter. A hand reaching for his, the nails painted blue. The opening notes to a song. The lights of a concert. 
The rest is too damaged to decipher, bits of paper scattered to the winds.
Tiergan forgets Prentice like an hourglass.
It’s slow, sure. Only one grain of sand at a time. But it’s constant. He could almost ignore it, these little pieces of his lover being lost to time, but it’s all he has left. 
Details start to fade. Sometimes, Tiergan knows it’s his own fault, because just after Prentice’s mind broke, he pushed away the memories that hurt the most. Now, he’d give anything to have them back.
He can’t quite remember the sound of Prentice’s laugh, can’t play it in his head. He doesn’t know what Prentice’s favorite book was. There are a thousand mundane moments he let himself forget, because he didn’t know how valuable they were. How limited.
One grain of sand at a time.
(Prentice remembers Tiergan like a song he hasn’t heard in years. 
Like a song he had nearly forgotten, couldn’t remember how it started, but the lyrics are carved into his heart. It all comes rushing back when he hears Tiergan’s voice, and suddenly it’s like no time at all has passed, and the melody comes as naturally as breathing.
Tiergan remembers Prentice like the first day of spring. 
Like he’d forgotten what warmth feels like, but Prentice wraps him in his arms, and oh. Oh, this is sunlight, this is home. This is what it’s like to feel okay.)
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doodle-do-wop · 3 months
First off tyy for tagging me for your lightlight reasoning request <3 And second here are a few of my main reasons for shipping lightlight (Note I haven't read stellarlune in foreverrr soo)
I had to look in my copy of book 9 for this but when Rayni reveals her identity to them, Wylie recognizes her almost immediately. Like he knows that he's seen her before, despite not seeing her for almost 5 or so years. He also (kinda?) remember what her name was (He messed up a bit there) and Rayni was genuinely surprised that he knew her.
I'm pretty sure there was another moment or two in the book, but honestly I can not remember-
ANYWAYS they have a lot of stuff they can relate too!!
For starters, both lost their parents at a young age.
Both have some kind of older sibling relationship with Tam (they can definitely bond over that; trust me).
They're the oldest of the Solreef household kids, and as the oldest daughter of 4, no matter what the situation you can always, ALWAYS relate to being the oldest.
They have a bunch more things they can relate too, but for now imma move on.
Similarities. Both are usually calm, collective, and mature.
But they also have a good amount of differences to balance it out. Rayni's more of an openly sarcastic person, putting out remarks and slightly insensitive comments, while Wylie's a bit more quiet and reserved.
I feel like they could help each other with themselves a lot too; Like I said either both struggle with loss of parents (though Wylie did got adopted by Tiergan and did get Prentice back, the trauma is still there), both have bad stuff with the Neverseen, and honestly I feel like they could help each other over come those troubles.
In all honestly, if you ship them or not Wylie and Rayni would make an amazing duo, platonic or romantic and I love them for it <3
Also there ship name is literally LightLight??? And I've seen before as Light Squared?? And other cute stuff like that like CMON UHGYOIUHY THATS ACTUALLY ADORABLE KJNHBGT
ANYWAYS ngl that convinced me to ship Lightlight even more lmaoo XD Hope this convinced you to join the two person WylieRayni squad! *bows*
(btw you did get my user right lol xD I'm probably gonna change it back to tiana4evahh later today, but yeah <3 you got it right lol)
Hmmm okay okay I see
While Rayni lost her parents around Level 5 or 6 I think that is still super young of an age especially to lose a parent much less both parents 16 is not as old as people think it is
I wish canon Rayni was less sarcasm and snake and I know it could've been a defense mechanism but god that just annoyed me so bad (Shannon write a good girlfailure please, I don't want girlbosses anymore I want girlunemployed)
Tam is out numbered in solreef fr, Linh is younger yet tells him what to do anyway (sibling core), Wylie and Rayni are both older, smh, man is against the world when it comes to four people telling him to hydrate even though he just drank water, hasn't even put down the glass
Damnit I do love a good trauma bond, I eat that shit up fr (when it's written well)
I'm seeing a little bit of the appeal now
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 months
You are so so so right about the fucked up family dynamics that Wylie and Sophie could have had and I applaud you for that. Want to tell me how her being taken in by Tiergan might have an impact when it comes to Tam and Linh, who, if I remember correctly, were given Wylie’s old room when they came to whatever Tiergan’s house was called (was it Solreef or something else?)
Also, hi Quil!
Zayn 🥌
Hi Zayn! I haven't seen you in a while--I hope you've been well :)
And yes, I would love to. Tam and Linh are implied to be in Wylie's room at Solreef, though it's later called a suite since it's "more like three rooms" (Nightfall 218). From this I'd assume Sophie would live in Wylie's old rooms when she first arrived (since he was in the Elite levels), which has GOT to be difficult all on its own.
For Wylie, the girl he blames for destroying his life is living in his room. For Sophie, she's surrounded by the echoes of that life. Perhaps nervous to touch anything, worried to upset Wylie further--we see she doesn't decorate at Havenfield already, and this could just compound that further.
I'd presume then Sophie'd share the space with Linh and Tam when they move in, which would strengthen their bond. Seeing each other more, more opportunities to talk, more vulnerability. The details. Their sleep schedules, favorite foods, when they do their homework and which subjects they like/hate, what it means when they go quiet, where they like to retreat to, what bugs them most.
This quiet building of such a strong bond, a chance to explore and recognize in each other the feeling of displacement and judgement. Their world hates them for different reasons, but that ostracizing for things outside of their control is a bridge. One Wylie can connect to as well, though on a different level (as it's less HIM and more his family).
Wylie seeing these three kids his dad's taken in, who didn't have anywhere else to go, who he's learned are so good and have been so shunned and mistreated by their world. And understanding, perhaps more clearly than ever before, why his dads made the choices they did.
For the first time, they each have a family who actually understands, in a way. Sophie spent her entire life different, and now here's a group of people shunned for just that, too. Tam and Linh spent their lives with only each other, but now it turns out they don't have to. Wylie spent his tied to a scandal he didn't choose, but now they all have scandals; they're all finding a new life under Tiergan's roof.
That's not to say I think everything would go perfectly--case in point, my whole post about Wylie and Sophie pre-Tam and Linh. There's so much grief and hurt and anger in that house it's bound to grate at times. But in the end the uniqueness of their situation transcends that, and ties them in a way indescribable to others.
And this doesn't even factor in Prentice's return. Forever thinking about the Tiergan, Prentice, Wylie, Sophie, Tam, and Linh household.
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First off, the outline of everything we will be using in our creation of book 10, or Elysian (Endgame is a great name, but Marvel), as I call it.
Next, everything I'm using in Elysian.
I am also tagging everyone who has helped me come up with ideas, as well as edited, since we share one braincell, and have a lot of similar things.
Sorry for cut it's LONG
Council gets overthrown
Sophie gets to kill Mr Forkle
Alvar dies in Fitz’s arms
Sophie starts an human outreach program
Jensi remains Talentless and helps other Talentless
Exillium gets to be relevant
Tiertice adopt Tam and Linh and Rayni
Ruy appears and does something idk
Trix joins up with the gang
Biana, Stina, and Dex team up
Biana has a sword
Sophie teaches the rest of the keeper gang about lgbtq+ people
Crazy fights
Gethen and Ruy show up to do stuff
They/them Elysian
All the mysteries are finally revealed
Lady Gisela to die
Amy to have a bigger role
Lord Cassius to either formally apologize to Keefe or else shove a stick in it
T h e r a p y
Ships to finally sail
Elysian’s big naturals
frognate rings
explicit language
vertina pagetime
more void lore
Sophie strikes out on her own and forms her own group
we learn about Keefe’s human friends
Details on some of the parents top secret missions (mentioned in their unlocked files)
Embarrassing middle name for keefe
foot power
Sophie channels someone’s heart/skull, or uses telekinesis on someone’s neck (it’s them or her friends. And she’s already lost enough.)
Biana and Sophie commit arson again (Neverseen)
the triplets
Elwin officially adopting Keefe
Biana kills somebody (can we just bring Vespra back so she can kill her)
Tam gets hurt and Linh goes batshit
Bronte with curly hair
Sophie eats sweet and sour chicken to everyone’s horror
Alina redemption arc (literally wouldn’t suggest this but Ciara is the one running it and they’re part of the Alina deserves redemption club)
Dex losing an arm (his name means right handed it’s ironic oaky!)
Tiergan punches Quan song when he tries to say something to the twins
Sandor and Giselle scenes
Juline and Edaline being sisters
Keefe and Grady bonding
Alvar isn’t dead and gets redemption
Caprice is relevant other than just being the crazy lady
Sophie loses it during a battle to fulfill the whole "the moonlark could tear this whole place down" thing
Sandor finally has to dance in sparkly pants
Someone punches Alden
Or Cassius
Or both. At the same time.
More of Grady's mesmerizing please and thank you
Gradaline moments
Sophie's dad reveal (maybe do a poll on who people think that should be? I'm hoping for Fintan)
Oralie actually fights in a battle
Someone finds out about Oralie and there's a bunch of drama with all the people
more jensi, dex and rayni
jensi not manifesting an ability yet playing more roles in the story (eg. fighting the neverseen with a weapon or something)
keefe and fitz friendship moments/actually being best friends again
more backstories? tinkers maybe?
blur or wraith or tinkers identities
the return of the amazing amy foster
keefe’s human friends (hoping at least one is a celebrity) and human world adventures
Next, breaking this up. Anyone can join, I just need people to help organize this, and the plan is we sort it up by character/group, and eventually break it down into chapters, ordered by what would make sense in a basic plot structure. Then we will start figuring out technical things such as who is writing what.
Simply send me an ask or message if you're interested in helping me organize this!
And, if you have any and all suggestions, feel free to tell me!
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thefanboyhub · 1 year
Cannon Things In KOTLC People Seem To Forget:
Also me just being mad that people don't talk about something I love lol
- Sophie is SHORT. She is SMALL. Which also means Dex was even SHORTER in the first book or two.
- Biana feels left out and forgotten by her parents because of Fitz.
- Alvar was a glass child. Invisible, which is ironic considering his ability, but yeah. He was pretty much outshined by his siblings. (Probably gay to tbh.)
- Fitz has daddy issues and he's spoiled. Have you seen how Alden is with him? If I had a dad like that I'd have tantrums too. (Lucky me I got a pedo dad and an mostly absent mom... ✨ yay✨)
- Keefe is a year ahead of people his age, he's younger then Fitz too but is still second place in class ranking.
- Marella's mom had a head injury. She has brain damage. People don't talk about that enough.
- Sophie has crippling anxiety and self worth issues because of her up bringing. She was literally bullied and if that wasn't enough she had to hear what EVERYONE really thought about her. She is literally so brave and has incredible patience. (Y'all need to hop off my home girls ass, she's literally so fucking interesting.)
- Bronte has curly hair... WHY DOES NO ONE TALK ABOUT THIS???
- Everyone has british accents but crisper. (I always forget this when I read unless it's Fitz talking 💀)
- Cognat's are like married couples. (PRENTICE AND TIERGAN MAN— GET TOGETHER ASDNJSJD)
- There are a lot of blond haired characters. Like... a lot.
- Stina is a tall girl with curly hair and is so pretty.
- Dex, Lex, Bex, Rex, and Kesler are RED. HEADS. GOD DAMNIT. STOP MAKING THEM BLOND.
- Edaline and Julien are sisters. I feel like we don't talk enough about that and we don't see enough of them being sisters.
- Most of the adults are manipulative, even the good ones. Edaline and Kesler are like the two safest options in the series.
- Ro cares a lot about Keefe (it's buried deep but it's there.)
Anyways. That's all. Oh and my name is Ollie ✨
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prof-polarbear · 4 months
A wild Cubchoo appears!
Hello Hello!
I am Moose aka Modigo aka Vamoose aka- i could go for a while.
I run (counts on fingers) 4 active rotomblr blogs and 4 inactive ish ones and wow i have 9 blogs now. yikes!
This is mostly me copying Phyto (love you dude /p) for a space to rant about my characters in a visible place, and also answer peoples questions about that that they may not be able/comfortable asking in the character's askbox themselves!
Some of my favorite posts will probably get put in here, as well as some ooc art of characters!
Summary of characters under the cut!
Active Blogs!! @prof-polaris : My first ever rotomblr blog, and the one that this blog is jokingly named for! Polaris is 27, and the father of- how many kids now? So many. They are my beloved silly guy who trains service pokemon for others, and is doing their best to keep their family stable and alive. Polaris is generally very mild mannered and easy going, unless their family or friends are being threatened. Oh, and they're a mite bit haunted by their families past. Don't worry about that too much. Polaris' blog is also occasionally taken over by their cousin Violet, who just so happens to be a Zoroark. mostly chill but occasionally mid-high stakes due to their kids
@unovan-gardener : CD!! or Cultivar Deo, Boy, turned plant boy, turned leafeon boy, and my accidental punching bag! Whoops! CD is- near constantly going through it because of the traumatic events leading up to and through his hybridization as a leafeon, their father's C- parenting, and their inability to work through their feelings as they feel like nobody listens or cares! But also they love plants so much and love and care about their friends so much so when there isn't angst happening around them that they get dragged into generally they have a good time!! I promise!! Warning for occasionally body horror, there is a plant inside him keeping him alive <3 mostly mid-high stakes because of his friends whoops-
@naptime-noct : My darling narcoleptic guy, daze is. doing dazes best! daze is mostly active at night, and mostly just. talks to dazes boyfriend Casey @/bones-poison-and-pokemon and dazes (in my opinion) bff Ceti @/rising-normal-type-star. generally low states, except for occasional darker themes in reference to dazes parents and disability
@moose-from-animals : whaaaaaat whos this guy??? definitely not just- me but pokemon lmaaaooooo oops all low stakes except when i am going through it irl because we are the same man Inactive/Barely Active Blogs
@csamhp : Chroma Sactuary and Museum of Hisuan Pokemon, run by Skie Tiergan!! Xe are doing their best. This is a sanctuary Polaris runs, but honestly i forget about it alot. shoot it an ask if you wanna know more about it tho!
@newgrowthspaest : Polaris' business blog. all their service pokemon training stuff is here
@chromacorporation : ooolldd chroma corp blog. completely retired. only go here if you want older polaris lore.
@cedar-scavenges: guy gets cursed. more at 7. every time he sleeps he wakes up in a new region (randomizer blog). the idea was cool but lack of interaction made me lose interest in sprout, and i kinda didnt really know where i wanted to go with him. might get rebooted someday if i get ideas.
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ahoyimlosingmymind · 7 months
So I had a silly thought about the complexities of Fitz and Tiergan's mentor-mentee relationship and wrote an angsty fic. Chapter two will be out tmr, I just have to edit it lol. It also really explores Fitz and Alvar's relationship, and just the Vacker's in general. (This is also my first fanfic so be nice <3)
Tiergan sat before him, dark skin ashen in the lowlight. He leaned forward, hands clasped in his lap. His eyes met Fitz’s. “Fitz, I understand that you need to find someone to blame for the way Alvar’s turned out, something or someone to explain why he’s done what he’s done… and correct me if I’m wrong, but I think you found the answer a long time ago, and you just don’t want to accept it.” Fitz felt anger rear its ugly head in his chest. Great- so now Tiergan thought he knew more about Alvar than Fitz did, after seeing two memories??
OR Fitz asks Tiergan if there's a way he can hide his own memories from himself, they visit some memories of Alvar and Alden that Fitz wants to get rid of, and some dark things come to light. Fitz gets a hug btw
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