#he’s a quiet character
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adrift-in-thyme · 8 months ago
Despite how obviously chaotic the other boys are I think that two things are actively disadvantaging and maybe even endangering Time rn
1) his worry for Twilight’s welfare and that of the others
2) his penchant for distancing himself from others.
He’s healed a lot from his adventures and the trauma of them thanks to time (heh) and Malon’s kindness, patience, and unconditional love. HOWEVER the things we endure remain with us even if they do not hurt quite so badly anymore (especially when they occur in such drastic ways during such formative years). Somewhere inside (perhaps not so deep now) is that terrified little boy who won’t allow himself to trust or love again. Who doesn’t want to get too close cause “nothing ever lasts”
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He’s used to going it alone. He’s spent longer being solo than he has being married or teamed up with the other Links. His approach to tackling dungeons — whether chaotic or organized or somewhere in between — has always been the same.
He’s the one who plummets down endless abyss.
He’s the one who bleeds and breaks and gets lost.
He’s the one who figures it out in the end.
And that’s okay. Because it’s lonely. It’s scary. But it’s only him who is in danger. And he can deal with that.
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“You laugh because you know it’s true”
“You laugh because when it’s you who drags yourself home half-dead, it’s ok, it’s under control, but when it’s one of our boys…”
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When it’s only him he doesn’t have to worry so much. He’s got a certain degree of control (real or imagined). And that is what he’s grappling for right now. Control to change a terrible fate he still sees looming. Control to keep his boys from suffering the way he has.
But now, with this last update, he realizes he doesn’t have it.
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And while his expression here makes me laugh, it also saddens me. Four’s right and he knows it, he’s trying to resign himself to it.
Them remaining together — remaining with him, under his watchful eye — will end in their deaths at this point. It’s just not working.
He’s virtually powerless to keep them all safe. He’s the Hero of Time and he’s virtually powerless.
And that might just break him. Because the fear is still there. The fear that something will happen to one of his boys and he should’ve been there. He should’ve been there to stop it.
But he wasn’t.
Like he wasn’t there to protect the others from the Iron Knuckle
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And that will consume him, weaken him. Until the Shadow can exploit it
Image credits @/linkeduniverse
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egophiliac · 2 months ago
TREY NOOOO you weren't supposed to look so cool, I was supposed to be able to save my keys for all the upcoming birthdays, how could you do this to me --
also hey. hey Trey. what's in that bowl.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months ago
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Vibes based grading system.
(for @epistemologys, who wanted some post-canon, teacher WWX)
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zorangezest · 3 months ago
Shockwave somewhere off in the corner with starscream watching this personality swap unfold that he caused somehow
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you inspired me to make this comic why is this becoming an actual au why does this stupid blucking au have lore I’m going to cry
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chloesimaginationthings · 1 year ago
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FNAF Pizza sim’s plot is just the Afton’s fighting
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canisalbus · 6 months ago
He’s so fun to draw!
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alabasterpickles · 4 months ago
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Here’s a little family portrait I whipped up a few days ago because I had some questions about Makaria 😂 so I formally present —
Zagreus, Melinöe and the twins, Brimos and Makaria
Ages are 17, 16 and 5 (the twins were a happy accident hence the gap)
Second drawing is for color reference exclusively, it was my first pass! Everyone else’s designs are preeeetty much the same except for some minor changes tweaks with color.
Aaaand bonus smooches from a week or so ago while I tried to get back into the Hercules style (also because I wanted to draw some good ol’ fashioned lovin)
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snorlaxlovesme · 2 months ago
wait. so Mama Cheng told Cheng Xiaoshi that she's in the process of essentially trying to change an unchangeable node, so please don't fuck with the timeline because I'm trying to save your dad's life
Cheng Xiaoshi: 🫡 aye aye captain
Cheng Xiaoshi: *starts a time travel business with his bestie, where fucking with the timeline is like his favorite hobby*
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bumblingbabooshka · 3 months ago
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Thinking about marriage/women's rights on Vulcan Some may think that T'Pring not being allowed to divorce Spock was because he was going through the pon farr but if she were allowed to divorce him at all she probably would have done that a long time ago, confirmed by T'Pol when she's speaking with Koss, who isn't suffering from the pon farr. She says that he can choose another mate (without invoking a fight it seems: note the difference between a 'mate' and a 'challenger') and after he makes it clear that nothing she says will change his mind about marrying her, she finally threatens to declare a kal-if-fee. It's clear that Vulcan women cannot divorce/refuse to marry a man they've been betrothed to under any circumstances if A) He himself doesn't consent to ending their marriage or B) She doesn't have someone else waiting in the wings to be given to in his stead. Though, if the challenger she selects fails to win the fight, she'll have to marry her betrothed anyway unless (again) he decides he doesn't want her after the challenge. That seems like an incredibly unfair system, heavily biased towards men. SNW is an alternate universe in many obvious respects but most egregiously in that T'Pring has a lot of non-canonical agency over her relationship with Spock. It's interesting to me that Vulcan society has women in many positions of power and treats women as equal to men from what I've seen despite these laws. We don't really see Vulcans exhibiting a misogynistic attitude towards women in general but in TOS (perhaps because of its general writing style but it's still interesting to note) both Sarek and Spock take on patriarchal attitudes specifically regarding wives. Amanda says that 'of course' Sarek commands her because "he is a Vulcan and I am his wife." It's worthwhile in my eyes to note that she specifies 'wife' instead of attributing this attitude to women as a whole. Again, with TOS' writing style it wouldn't be out of place for her to say "he is a man and I am a woman." Spock, while in a pon farr induced irritation, states that it's "undignified for a woman to play servant to a man that isn't hers" - again implying that there's something specific about being a Wife in Vulcan society which is different from being a woman in general and demands subservience to a husband. This could perhaps stem from the extreme sense of ownership that Vulcan law has permitted men to have over women. A woman legally cannot point blank refuse marriage. There is no option which guarantees she won't have to marry her betrothed other than death. When T'Pau speaks of T'Pring she refers to her as being 'property' and Stonn, before being interrupted, states he's made 'the ancient claim' - we don't know what this is because he gets cut off but it's obvious they're both using the language of Vulcan law. Men are permitted true freedom to choose. If a woman wants to choose someone else to be with there is no option available to her other than the kal-if-fee which might result in the death of the one she wants to be with. And, if her lover fails, her husband can still just decide he wants to marry her and she'll be forced to. T'Pring gives two scenarios: One where Spock 'frees' her and one where he doesn't - it's still ultimately his decision which is clear when he ends the conversation with "Stonn, she is yours." This again isn't just because of the pon farr as T'Pol also goes through this. Koss can choose another mate and when the option is talked about there's no implication that this would result in any sort of fight (both by the casualness of its mention and by the fact that there's no formal word for it unlike the kal-if-fee.) Also, the fact that Koss does eventually grant T'Pol a divorce and it's all fine means that T'Pol isn't lawfully required to have another man waiting if her HUSBAND doesn't want her. It's ONLY required if SHE doesn't want her husband. Tradition must take precedence over individual desire UNLESS!!! You're a man. Then it's fine. Like, your parents might not be happy but legally you're golden.
#as a note do NOT read the comments on any T'Pol marriage clips on youtube they're full of 'haha women amiright' jokes about#how she's leading Trip on and being a bitch for not choosing him etc - if you become interested in female characters you learn#quickly just how much people still hate women displaying any amount of complexity/doing anything that isn't just falling into a man's arms#even if that hatred doesn't take the form of outright vitriol (aka: 'I feel so sad for Trip bc T'Pol's marrying some other guy')#Trip: T'Pol listen this arranged marriage stuff is no good - you've gotta be free! You have to do what YOU want to do!#T'Pol: -legally seen as property of her husband in the eyes of the law- ...............#<- not dunking on Trip it's just funny how easy it makes it seem - but!! He doesn't know all the facts#as evidenced by him saying T'Pol might 'call off the wedding' to her mother - T'Pol can't legally call off shit#It's also interesting how gender isn't really mentioned in any of the clips I've seen - it's very clear to me that T'Pol has no options#specifically because she's a WOMAN within her culture but that's almost like a quiet undercurrent and not focused on as a main#point of dissatisfaction - which I imagine it 1000% would be for Vulcan women when men have infinitely more freedom#Vulcan Man: I don't wanna marry this lady#Vulcan Law: Ok#Vulcan Woman: I don't wanna marry this guy#Vulcan Law: Noted. So - if you and your lover are willing to risk his life there's a chance (if he wins) that you can get out of marrying#him BUT if your husband kills your lover and still wants to marry you you DOOO have to marry him sorry you just gotta#<- this also makes it incredibly dangerous to in any way warn your legal husband that a kal-if-fee might be incoming#the element of surprise is a HUGE advantage when it comes to winning a fight to the death (which your lover can train for)#Vulcans#T'Pol#T'Pring#star trek#I don't think this is bad necessarily (as a fictional worldbuilding thing) but I wish it were explored more#It's especially interesting because it's an aspect of logical Vulcan society - it's clearly not logical but it's also clearly rooted deeply#in tradition which may mean Vulcan long ago used to have a much more extreme gender bias towards the male population#it just implies a lot that Vulcan has these old laws which are unfair towards women yet they still follow BUT women are treated as equal#citizens OUTSIDE of marriage! Maybe there was a feminist movement before? Is there another brewing? Where are the Vulcan feminists!
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minimujina · 4 months ago
wanderer in his season of healing makes me so happy. i love that he is safe enough to become softer again, that he is regaining some of his previously “weak” attributes and finding peace with them. he is becoming measured and introspective, and thinking before he speaks, perhaps a result of both his healing and his melancholy; i think it’s beautiful that he is finally able to safely feel his sadness and process the things that have happened. he is simultaneously finding peace and feeling all the difficult emotions he previously consumed with anger. it is painful, but right.
his sense of humor is still intact, certainly rough around the edges as you’d expect, though much less biting than before. it’s easy to tell that most anything aggressive he says is a front, a front that he is no longer concerned with presenting as absolute truth. perhaps the front is his sense of humor, and his affection is all thinly veiled behind jabs and sour grumbles—he is not willing to divulge the intimate details of that, however, preferring to leave it up to interpretation.
i just think of him and his healing and i feel like if he were to fall in love, it would be such a sweet and gentle and quiet sort of thing, just like his newfound peace. he ponders over many things, brooding by himself as much as he can, though he occasionally allows space for others to brood with him. that, i think, is something unique he may grow in. there are people who cannot tolerate strong emotions in themselves and certainly not in others—but he is the kind of person who can. he is the kind of person you could sit with and exist in your sadness and just be sad, and that’s okay. he’s not offering words of comfort or anything, but he doesn’t need to. anything he’d say would be useless anyways, he knows what it’s like and knows that a presence is enough and existing in your emotions safely is enough. he can appreciate someone who is straightforward about feeling unwell, who doesn’t seek pity, who is alright with sitting in the mud. he will gladly sit with you, then, as long as you don’t expect him to get all mushy about things.
he would do well falling in love quietly, not having to beat around the bush. naturally, pieces would fall into place, and he’d find himself yearning to be in the presence of another in a way he’d never before experienced. he had never really wanted to be around anyone, had never sought out anyone’s presence. but once he has been treated gently, has fallen softly into the arms of a likened soul who has the patience and understanding to touch his rough edges without recoiling, he finds his third space being with this new safe person.
and despite his reluctance to be anything but mysterious and nonchalant, i believe wanderer in his healing season would become quite the romantic. not in the sappy sense, but in the quiet love sense i’ve been talking about. firm and protective, subtle and gentle, almost gentlemanlike if it weren’t for his falsely rotten attitude he enjoyed projecting. romantic in a princely way, in a reverently respectful way, in a grotesquely wholesome way.
only the most chaste touches and kisses; he’s still getting used to affection, and would abhor pda. in private he’s much more open to being touched, because he is safe. if he is not safe, he is deeply conditioned to be conscious of his vulnerabilities, and it’s something that will take a lot of time to override, if even at all. but it’s a massive and beautiful step that he is even willing to receive affection at all, that he would want it from a partner in any amount.
hates eye contact, likes playing with hands. likes tracing veins and creases in skin and freckles and scars; he finds them fascinating, as he has nothing of the sort on his artificial body. one of his unique ways he shows affection is what could be called “studying” you. he likes to brood (with you there; perhaps it could be called parallel brooding) and take your arm and trace all the splotches, imperfections, veins, tendons he can find. he likes to touch more than he likes to be touched i think. perhaps he becomes amusingly selfish in this way. perhaps he is more averse to receiving than giving the affection because his disgust towards himself still lingers. perhaps he still has harmful core beliefs to unlearn.
i think he is full of a love that is strong and quiet, a love that he gives so sparingly, and only in pieces, never all at once. unless, that is, someone comes along and manages to drag it all out like a magnet—his carefully crafted exterior is in pieces, just like that! but oh, once someone is in possession of his love, he begins to know them so intimately, more intimately than he lets on. he so deeply knows who he loves and he knows how to give and to take action and so he does it, silently, for he is adept at perceiving the needs of his loved ones. reading body language and facial expressions is second nature to him at this point; nothing can get past him.
he studies you wordlessly with the expression of a cat who loves and reveres its human, except it’s the kind of cat who believes it owns the human, not the other way around. you’re his responsibility that he has taken on like an extension of himself because he loves you, and you have loved him, and now he hardly wants you out of his sight. his journey of rediscovery and learning self acceptance has been mentally and emotionally arduous, but ever since you came in and made loving him seem so easy, he’s felt much more at peace, and has had the capacity to reflect and process with much more freedom to sincerely feel.
stupid fictional character i hate him i hate him so much he is not real and i hate him
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deadpoetsandlivinglegends · 1 month ago
Something something every time Charlie isn’t fighting to be the center of attention, he is always looking around to others to gauge their reactions and silently observing them all something something he is searching for connection, to fit in and be loved but he doesn’t know how to ask for love so instead he gains their attention by acting out in ways he knows they’ll notice and tries to pretend their attention and love are the same thing
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#Charlie knows how to push people’s buttons just right to make them pay attention to him because he’s always observing them first; like he’s#not as reckless as we all think he is; he’s fairly smart and also#like Charlie seems so emotionally intelligent in the way he can gauge most peoples reactions from observing them and I think that’s why he#liked keating because keating didn’t act the way he expected and so it was amusing and enthralling to see someone he couldn’t clock#keating would do weird things and Charlie would watch in amusement and he would try to push Keatings buttons in the ways that would make#other teachers upset but they all just slid off Keatings back without him getting upset so Charlie had to try harder but keating seemed to#praise him so Charlie actually started getting what he was craving and so he tried to do something big for keating only to be confused when#keating didn’t like what he did; but then Keating still gave that unconditional support even tho Charlie didn’t get the right action and I#think that’s at the root of their relationship like you can’t have the keating and Charlie dynamic without Charlie being smart#charlie dalton#dps#dead poets society#dps fandom#dps symposium#dead poets fandom#like it’s so interesting to watch him in scenes not about him cause it feels like he is such a more dynamic and complex character when you#do cause we all say he doesn’t know how to be quiet but so often he is silently in the background watch and observing like the walking#scene is a good example and idk I just feel like Charlie is silent and observing more than we think he is we just don’t realize cause he is#so loud in his other moments we take those as him#and ignore him otherwise which feels like exactly what he wants because he wants to connect with people but he wants it to be on his terms#because he spent so long manipulating people’s perception of him that to be vulnerable or not in control makes him scared and he can have#this front he puts on criticized and made fun of because it’s not the real him but if the real him was ever rejected I don’t know if he#could handle it and I think he knows that; idk I just think we need to give Charlie more credit than we are giving him cause hes so complex
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storytellingbadger · 2 months ago
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Turns out Old Moon and Solar's Sun "Swift" have a lot in common.
Both are back from the dead. Both feel responsible for the devastation and destruction they left behind. Both are a little lost, trying to forge places in a family that went on without them. Both fiercely love their brothers. Both mourn a life that's long behind them.
As it transpires, they also both love numbers and mathematics, and bond over chess and sudoku.
Unexpected besties.
Based on my TSAMS AU Celestial Phenomena over on AO3. Mind the ratings.
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mieczy-stiles · 4 months ago
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Paris + that thing he does around his scar
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incomingalbatross · 2 months ago
Don't quite know how to put this but there are certain story beats that, in order for me to actually like/admire the story, specifically have to be accomplished without being a big deal.
Like, does your story present ordinary, mundane, even ridiculous people as possessing worth and dignity? Cool. Does it pat itself on the back about doing that? Unfortunately, that has circled back around to patronizing.
Does your character make the lives of bit characters and nameless bystanders a priority, even when it distracts them from Important Plot Things? Nice! Does your character make a big production of/express a lot of angst about doing that? This only barely edges out "leaving them to die" in terms of my respect for said character.
Ordinary people are just as valuable and important as Our Heroes. But the narrative should have enough conviction about that to take it for granted, and let the audience catch up if need be. A Hero should definitely take it for granted, unless they're still in the process of becoming heroic.
Otherwise, I'm left with the sneaking suspicion that the writers don't really see this themselves.
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lgbtlunaverse · 6 months ago
Horrible thing to say but I think there's a real chance Jiang Yanli was both of her parents' least favorite child and knew it and just kinda. Had to go on with her life knowing that.
#mdzs#jiang yanli#yunmeng siblings#madam yu's favorite kid is jc. she doesn't. um. SHOW it in a very affirming way but he's clearly the one she's emotionally most invested in#jfm's favorite kid is wwx. is he even one of his kids? doesn't matter. he's the favorite#(madam yu does NOT see wwx as her child so he doesn't factor into the calculation for her.)#i think jfm's neglect of jc is talked about. mostly because the both jc and wwx are clearly aware of it and so it's mentioned in novel#but um... DO we see either of yanli's parents give much a shit about her? ever?#jfm doesn't even ask if she WANTS her engagement dissolved before doing so#also the reason stated by other characters for jfm not liking jc is that he's madam yu's child. you know who is ALSO madam yu's child?#i think jfm may find jc.. harder to get along with. but i also think whatever discomfort from his marriage he projects onto his kids#it also extends to yanli. it's just that he's not constantly REMINDED of yanli like he is jc#(because madam yu keeps yelling about it)#and so he just... doesn't think about her much at all#madam yu meanwhile treats yanli with this air of disappointment. she seems to resent that she's 'weak' and gentle and quiet#and that she cares so little about status so as to treat wwx like her little brother#i think yanli is just fundamenally so clearly... not the child either of her parents wanted. and it shows.#i'm slightly peeved fandom doesn't talk about this as much as they talk about the effects the jiang parents had on the two boys.#but to be fair to fandom the book doesn't either#which is probaly just danmei-typical misogyny. but to give a slightly more watsonian reason#i think the yunmeng bros are genuinely unaware of this. yanli is PERFECT how could her parents not love her?#(of course they notice something like zixuan's initial dislike of her but that's blatant.)#(vs the attitude of the jiang parents towards their daughter which seems to be mostly... disinterest and disappointment)
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year ago
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Chu Wanning, kit-tea man. (Part 2)
(for @onionlings)
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