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alabasterpickles · 3 months ago
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Here’s a little family portrait I whipped up a few days ago because I had some questions about Makaria 😂 so I formally present —
Zagreus, Melinöe and the twins, Brimos and Makaria
Ages are 17, 16 and 5 (the twins were a happy accident hence the gap)
Second drawing is for color reference exclusively, it was my first pass! Everyone else’s designs are preeeetty much the same except for some minor changes tweaks with color.
Aaaand bonus smooches from a week or so ago while I tried to get back into the Hercules style (also because I wanted to draw some good ol’ fashioned lovin)
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river-in-the-woods · 9 months ago
Me: What kind of practice should I focus on right now?
Hekate: Purification.
Me: Oh, okay! I’m gonna do purification so I can remove psychic blockages, so I can actually be cool and sense energy! You know, like witches are supposed to.
Hekate: No, actually, we’re going to revisit your childhood trauma. Prepare to feel sad for the next few days.
Me: Ah, not again…
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lovesickorchid · 6 months ago
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donttouchhadesbaklava · 4 months ago
Pretending that Zeus let them be happy together, how would Persephone and Hades adapt to having a newborn?
And, since we're on the subject, how would Hades handle the terrible twos? yk, with his fiery temper and all
I think they both had their ups and downs when they first had their son Zagreus. Like any couple who become parents for the first time, you think you know everything. You think you've read all there is to know about babies. But oh boy, is the reality a lot tougher 😅.
Persephone definitely struggles with the long nights of feeding, trying to calm down the baby despite her desperation for sleep. You can't blame her. A flower needs to rest their petals if their going to bloom the next day 💅🌷.
Now for Hades, he's overjoyed to have a child, but he gets so nervous when holding his newborn, is he holding them correctly? Is their head supported? Are they comfortable?.
When it comes to the terrible twos, Hades patients were truly tested. He understands that the kids are just exercising their growth and development to the world around them. All he can do is try to keep cool and not get angry because he knows that won't go down well.
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alyona11 · 2 years ago
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Small watercolor pic
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breath-of-venus · 8 months ago
Hail to You, Crowned in Serpents, oh Face Twisted in Rightful Wrath, Sharp-tongued, Dread-inducing, Horrifying Hekate. Hail to you.
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thewitchstones · 2 years ago
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Philosophumena (Refutation of All Heresies) — Hippolytus, circa. 220 C.E.
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brimo5 · 9 days ago
Mercury, passionate suitor of Proserpina?
related post: Mercury, son of Proserpina and Liber?
Another strange story tells of Mercury's unusual love for Proserpina. It may originate from the cult traditions of Phlya in Attica, a certain aged man and a mysterious woman are identified in late texts as Mercury/Hermes and Proserpina/Persephone/Hecate, as suggested by M. David Litwa in Phikola, a Mysterious Goddess at Phlya. The following unmarked passages are quoted from his work.
There is, however, a portico in this (city)[Phlium of Attica], and on the portico is inscribed a representation, (visible) up to the present day, of all the words which are spoken (on such occasions). Many, then, of the words inscribed upon that portico are those respecting which Plutarch institutes discussions in his ten books against Empedocles. And in the greater number of these books is also drawn the representation of a certain aged man, grey-haired, winged, having his pudendum erectum, pursuing a retreating woman of azure color [or: depicted like a dog/a dogfaced woman]. And over the aged man is the inscription phaos ruentes(Φάος ῥυέντης/Φικόλ��),  and over the woman pereeµphicola(περεηφϊκόλα).  (Hippolytus, Refutation of All Heresies, 5.15)
Other sources:
Cicero (106 BC -43 BC) Some copies without this line
One Mercury has the Sky for father and the Day for mother; he is represented in a state of sexual excitation traditionally  said to be due to passion inspired by the sight of Proserpine. (Cicero, Nature of the Gods, 3.55)
2. Propertius (50 BC-15 BC)
How can this face remain mortal, on earth? Jupiter, I'll let your early dalliances slide. Her hair is blond, her hands slender, her whole body's perfect. When she walks, she's a worthy sister for Jove, or when Pallas strolls to the Dulichian altars, covering her breast in the hair of the snake-bearing Gorgon. She's just like Ischomache, heroine of Lapith stock, who reveled in the pillage when Centaurs were taken mid-glass, or Brimo, the one they say lay her virgin body with Mercury by the waves of Lake Boebeis. (Propertius, Elegies, 2.29c)
3. Maurus Servius Honoratus (4th CE)
non nulli tamen quattuor Mercurios tradunt, unum Caeli et Diei filium, amatorem Proserpinae, alterum Liberi patris et Proserpinae filium, tertium Iovis et Maiae, quartum Cyllenii filium, cuius mater non proditur, a quo Argus clam occisus est, qui hoc metu in Aegyptum profugit et ibi invenisse primum disciplinam litterarum et numerorum dicitur: qui lingua Aegyptiorum ΘΕΥΘ appellatur, de cuius nomine etiam mensis dictus est.(Servius, Commentary on Virgil's Aeneid, 4.577ff)
4. Arnobius (4th CE)
Again, the first Mercury, who is said to have lusted after Proserpina, is son of Coelus, who is above all.  (Arnobius, Against the Heathen, 4.14)
5. Tzetzes (12th CE) There is a english copy in Topos, but it is translated by GPT
cf. Tzetzes, Scholia to Lycophron's Alexandra, 679, 698 & 1176
Tzetzes' scholium to Lykophron 679 indicates that Hermes had three daughters from Hekate (ἐπεισελθὼν τῇ Ἑκάτῃ τρεῖς ἔσχεν ἐξ αὐτῆς θυγα��έρας).
In his scholia on Lykophron, Alexandra 698, John Tzetzes (ca. 1110-1180 CE) gives another version of our story from ancient tradition: 'Hermes attempted to force her [Obrimo/Persephone] while hunting. She growled (ἐνεβριμήσατο), making him stop his attempt.'
* The lines by Lycophron(4th BC) and the identity of Obrimo is unclear.
And passing the tomb of Baius, his steersman, and the dwellings of the Cimmerians and the Acherusian waters swelling with heaving surge and Ossa and the cattle-path built by the lion and the grove of Obrimo, the Maiden who dwells beneath the earth, and the Fiery Stream, where the difficult Polydegmon hill stretches its head to the sky; from which hill's depths draw all streams and all springs throughout the Ausonian land; and leaving the high slope of Lethaeon and the lake Aornus rounded with a noose and the waters of Cocytus wild and dark, stream of black Styx, where Termieus made the seat of oath-swearing for the immortals, drawing the water in golden basins of libation, when he was about to go against the Giants and Titans – he shall offer up a gift to Daeira and her consort, fastening his helmet to the head of a pillar.(Lycophron, Alexandra, 698ff)
6. Etymologicum Magnum (12th CE)
cf.Etymologicum Magnum s.v. Βριμώ
The Persephone/Brimo referred to in the story of attempted rape was widely identified with Hekate. In the Etymologicum (magnum) genuinum 263 (s.v. Βριμώ), we read that Brimo is Persephone who is 'also called Hekate.'34 In the same text, we hear another version of our story: 'It is said that Hermes, who fell in love with her as she came out to hunt, wanted to have sex withher by force. But she growled at him (ἐνεβριμήσατο). Terrified, he turned away. Hence she is called 'Brimo.'
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rasiooid · 4 months ago
Waspadai Penipuan Mengatasnamakan BRImo FSTVL! Kenali Ciri-Cirinya agar Tak Terjebak
RASIOO.id – Penipuan berkedok undian hadiah masih marak, dengan modus-modus yang semakin canggih. Salah satu yang kini beredar adalah penipuan mengatasnamakan BRImo FSTVL, yang mengiming-imingi hadiah berupa mobil, motor, hingga uang tunai ratusan juta rupiah. Penipuan ini biasanya bermula dari unggahan di media sosial atau pesan yang mengarahkan calon korban untuk mengklik sebuah tautan guna…
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breath-of-venus · 8 months ago
All glory to You, my Titaness of Flaming Eyes 🔥
Crowned With Snakes and Branches of Oak: Hekate Brimo
This is a post specifically on Hekate Brimo, for Brimo as a general epithet and goddess, please read @nehetisingsforhekate’s post on Brimo.
The Name:
Brimo (Βριμὼ) is an epithet Hekate is sometimes referred to in Her chthonic manifestations, and this name means ‘angry’ or ’terrifying’. Hekate is also called by different names of a similar nature. She is called “δασπλῆτις” (Dasplêtis), meaning frightful or horrid, in Theocrates’ Pharmakeutria. She is also named “θεά δεινός” or “δεινὴ θεὸς” (Thea Deinos/Deini Theos), meaning dread goddess, or frightening goddess. This phrase is used in the Argonautica, referring to Hekate named as Brimo.
Historical Usage:
Brimo is most notably used to refer to Hekate in the Argonautica. She is called Brimo three times, specifically in the rituals of magic that are performed. This shows a trend of calling on Underworld deities specifically by their epithets when worshipping their chthonic manifestations, as well as the trend of magic’s association with chthonic powers. These passages are reproduced below:
“Medea, clothed in black, in the gloom of night, had drawn off this juice in a Caspian shell after bathing in seven perennial steams and calling seven times on Brimo, nurse of youth, Brimo, night-wanderer of the underworld, Queen of the dead. The dark earth shook and rumbled underneath the Titan root when it was cut, and Prometheus himself groaned in the anguish of his soul.” (132)
“Then he dug a pit a cubit deep, piled up the billets, and laid he sheep on top of them after cutting its throat. He kindled the wood from underneath and poured mingled libations onto the sacrifice, calling on Hecate Brimo to help him in the coming test. This done, he withdrew; and the dread goddess, hearing his words from the abyss, came up to accept the offering of Aeson’s son. She was garlanded by fearsome snakes that could themselves round twigs of oak; the twinkle of a thousand torches lit the scene; and hounds of the underworld barked shrilly all around her. The whole meadow trembled under her feet, and the nymphs of the marsh and river…cried out in fear.” (141)
These passages indicate that Brimo was a particularly frightening manifestation of Hekate. One which shook the earth as She emerged, and was attended by fearsome creatures. She even frightened the nymphs who resided in the place where She manifested. 
Brimo is also used as the name for Hekate in Lycrophon’s Alexandra. The passage has been reproduced below:
“O mother, O unhappy mother! thy fame, too, shall not be unknown, but the maiden daughter of Perseus, Triform Brimo, shall make thee her attendant, terrifying with thy baying in the night all mortals who worship not with torches the images of the Zerynthian queen of Strymon, appeasing the goddess of Pherae with sacrifice. And the island spur of Pachynus shall hold thine awful cenotaph, piled by the hands of thy master, prompted by dreams when thou hast gotten the rites of death in front of the streams of Helorus. He shall pour on the shore offerings for thee, unhappy one, fearing the anger of the three-necked goddess, for that he shall hurl the first stone at thy stoning and begin the dark sacrifice to Hades.” (1174-1188)
Here Hekate is called Triform, or three-formed, Brimo. This description of Hekate is also far from one of a peaceful and friendly goddess. Here She is described as angry, and being attended by frightening baying hounds. Thus, Brimo is used to indicate Hekate’s more horrifying manifestations in its historical usage.
Hekate Brimo in My Practice:
In my practice, Brimo is ‘the lowest manifestation of Hekate.” To me, this indicates that Hekate Brimo is the most fearsome, Underwordly version of Hekate. She is a terrifying goddess, crowned with venomous snakes and oak branches. She carries daggers and torches, and sometimes has snakes instead of legs. Her skin is grey and Her eyes are like flames. In Her wake, the ground shakes, and out of Her steps grow the most noxious flowers and roots.
Brimo is the name I give to any of the more dreadful manifestations of Hekate. She is called on for petitions for justice and revenge, and is the goddess invoked in harmful magic. Hekate Brimo is the version of Hekate I associate with the Restless Dead, and who I view as roaming the roadsides on the night of the dark moon. This Hekate is also what I equate with Her role as the Queen of Witches, but not necessarily as the goddess of magic more generally. Her association with magic lies within curses, spells for justice and punishment, spells involving the dead, and rituals which invoke the inhuman daimons of the Underworld, over which She has dominion.
Hekate Brimo is also closely associated with the Erinyes, or Furies, in my veneration of Her. These Underworld goddesses of punishment and justice are frequently associated with Hekate in the PGM, as well as other literature. In Statius’ Thebaid, they are invoked and propitiated together (along with Hermes). These goddesses also mirror Hekate Brimo’s appearance, with snakes in their hair and carrying flaming torches of yew. 
Hekate Brimo is honored with chthonic offerings: libations of milk, honey, and wine. She was also historically offered black sheep. These are burned in a pit, and once these offerings and rituals are completed, one must turn away and not look back. Hekate Brimo is also attended with the hounds of the Underworld, and dogs on earth are in tune with Her presence. Whenever I have done a ritual invoking Hekate as Brimo, I have heard dogs barking before, during, and after. She may also send snakes to you. Plants I associate with this goddess are oak, yew, and various poisons, mainly aconite and mandrake.
Brimo is the face of Hekate which most often captivates audiences, and is the one that should be feared and is the representation of Hekate who is given offerings in hopes of averting Her. This is not an epithet of Hekate to be called on lightly, and these invocations must be done with the utmost care and reverence. She is one of the most frightening goddesses in the Ancient Greek pantheon, and is the stuff of nightmares.
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Art: “Hecate” by Johfra Bosschart
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alabasterpickles · 2 months ago
Hi ! I love your style !
I wanted to know: what’s Hades and Persephone's relationship with their kids? And the kids’ with the other gods and mortals? After all, their father betrayed Zeus 🤔
SO excited to answer this one, sincerely Anon.
Persephone falls into the role of mom so naturally and easily and I think because she’s felt like such an outcast her whole life she takes extra care to make sure her children feel loved and accepted. She can be intense, and a little over protective, and she might sometimes overstep boundaries out of care, but generally speaking she’s a pretty damn good mom.
She and Zagreus are kindred spirits and so I think perhaps they get along the best — they have similar dispositions and Persephone sees a lot of herself in him. He’ll come to her with all his problems, and Persephone is more than happy to lend a patient, listening ear. When he gets older? I like to think he travels with mom on her Spring expeditions and helps out.
Melinöe is very different from Persy but admires and respects her mother very much. Persephone is what her angsty teenage brain imagines the perfect “woman” to be (a fact that Persephone finds very sweet and ironic) and so Mel often finds herself feeling insecure when she can’t live up to that. Persephone obviously thinks she’s perfect exactly as she is, so she makes an active effort to encourage Melinöe to be the best version of herself that she can be! Persephone is very supportive, even when she doesn’t always understand her daughter.
Brimos and Makaria are Persephone’s babies so they definitely get a little of that special youngest sibling treatment! And I think Persy can be a bit doting and maybe even a little too forgiving of their behavior. She’s watching her two oldest grow up so fast, she sorta wants the twins to stay her babies. 😂
In short, she loves them all very much!
Hades’s relationship with Zagreus is comedically awkward — he and Zagreus are polar opposites when it comes to personality, and as his firstborn and oldest son, Hades feels this pressure to make Zagreus like or relate to him (like how Hercules and Zeus are so similar to each other — it’s a bit of a competition thing). Hades doesn’t mean to be, but sometimes his pushiness can be bothersome to Zagreus.
He’ll go out of his way to spend time with Zag, but doesn’t have a clue on how to establish a genuine connection with his son. He tries. So. Hard. though, and Zagreus comes to appreciate that this is Hades’s strange way of showing he loves his son.
Hades and Melinöe don’t always get along, mostly because Mel is a moody teen and doesn’t necessarily want to be as much like her dad as she is. She’s a little embarrassed that she’s an Underworld goddess, and self image can be very important to her — especially since she doesn’t make friends easily. However, Mel and Hades work together incredibly well, and Hades loves his daughter immensely. He wants her to be happy and is proud of how smart and capable she’s turned out to be. Both of the girls take after him, and Mel specifically has a knack for Underworld management — the monsters and minor gods of Tartarus respect her and just generally like her better than Hades, so having her along makes his job much easier. I think she’s often surprised at how well her father understands her, and that often proves to be a blessing in disguise.
He knows how it feels to be an outcast, to be ignored and ridiculed for being different. But he appreciates all the qualities about her that she finds unpalatable and so Hades faith inspires more confidence in Melinöe, especially as she gets older. He’s very proud of all his children, even Brimos, the troublemaker.
As for the twins, they’re both pretty attached to their parents still. Now that mom and dad have got some experience under their belts with child rearing, I think they take raising Brimos and Makaria very seriously, despite the fact that Brimos has their hands full 90% of the time. He’s a USDA certified mama’s boy and usually skirts punishment because Persephone is so lenient with him and his sister. “They’re just kids, they don’t know any better” is usually her excuse 😂. Brimos shares Hades’s hot-headed tendencies but without the problem solving abilities or maturity, so dad often finds himself flustered trying to wrangle him, where Persephone does so with ease (probably because she’s married to Hades!).
Makaria shares her mother’s melancholy and her father’s aptitude for working with the dead — only the caveat is, she’s more sympathetic to the plight of the deceased, and shows less of an interest in the divvying out punishments part, and more of an interest in understanding them, or recording their stories. Makaria has a wisdom beyond her years that only Persephone seems to understand, but like her brother, Makaria feels a particular draw to one parent and it tends to be Hades. This is likely due to the fact that they both share more traditional Cthonic traits. Also, Makaria is very quiet and shy and Hades demands very little of her!
When it comes to the other gods, Zagreus seems to get along fairly well with the Olympians, his three younger siblings, however, are total black sheep. Where Zagreus straddles the line between Oympus and the Underworld (mostly thanks to mom’s genetics) Melinöe, Makaria and Brimos are almost strictly death gods and it’s evident that they don’t fit in with the higher ups. I like to think Demeter loves all her grandchildren, and the kinder Olympians are pleasant, but generally? The Hades family prefers to keep to themselves.
That’s a looootta text, thank you for the ask, Anon!
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realitajayasaktigroup · 10 months ago
Pembayaran PBB Tahun 2024 Semakin Praktis: Gunakan Aplikasi BRImo!"
RELASIPUBLIK.OR.ID, JAKARTA II Pembayaran Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan (PBB) tahun 2024 kini semakin mudah dan praktis dengan menggunakan aplikasi BRImo. Setiap pemilik tanah dan bangunan wajib membayar PBB setiap tahun, dan dengan adanya aplikasi ini, prosesnya menjadi lebih efisien. Menurut Pasal 41 UU HKPD, tarif PBB akan disesuaikan dengan keadaan objek yang dimiliki, termasuk tanah kosong, rumah…
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riniisparwati · 10 months ago
Apakah Tabungan BRI Junio Bisa Diambil?
riniisparwati.com – Apakah tabungan BRI Junio bisa diambil? Bank Rakyat Indonesia memiliki beragam jenis tabungan yang dapat dipilih oleh nasabah sesuai dengan segmennya. Jika kamu memiliki anak, maka masih tetap membuat rekening tabungan di BRI dengan nama Tabungan Junio. Jenis tabungan ini memang dikhususkan untuk segmen anak. Tentu saja ada kelebihan dan kekurangan bri junio yang perlu kamu…
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melianaaryuni · 1 year ago
Dari Sebuah Jempol untuk Mendapatkan Layanan yang Nampol
Aplikasi Brimo “Jika saja saya bisa berandai-andai kembali ke masa lalu, saya akan lebih cepat menggunakan BRI. Sayangnya, waktu tidak akan kembali. Tak mengapa, kini bersama BRI saya menemukan manfaat dari layanan dan digitalisasinya.” Seperti itulah yang saya rasakan di dalam diri setelah setahun lebih saya mengaktivasi aplikasi Brimo di ponsel. Mengapa sih saya gaptek banget dengan…
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alyona11 · 2 years ago
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They are up to no good
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breath-of-venus · 1 year ago
Brimo keeps winning btw ✮
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