#he’ll be fine and not at all traumatized
jaybee2000 · 3 months
What most people are celebrating on July 4th
What I’m celebrating
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salsflore · 1 year
i think i should kill all my f/os with my own two hands btw
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luveline · 5 months
Hiii!! Could I request a bombshell reader x Spencer where someone (a local police maybe) says something rude to her about her appearance or something and normally it doesn’t really get to her, but something snaps and she kinda shuts down/is rude to Spencer until he coaxes it out of her? Sorry it’s long I had an idea and ran w it loollll
ty for requesting angel! confident fem!reader, 1k
Spencer shouldn’t expect his colleague to hold his hand, especially one so confident. What sense would that make, a woman as established as you are, who smiles without a lick of worry nor smugness, wanting to hold his hand? 
But you do it all the time, is the thing. In the car on the way to crime scenes, in the hallways of the office, under the round table. It started as a tethering for his distractedness, when one day he’d wanted to talk but hadn’t had the presence of mind to walk at the same time, so you’d taken his hand and led him to the office. You’ve been taking it at your discretion ever since.  
Spencer knows something is wrong —you haven’t tried to hold his hand all day. And even if you aren’t interested in him romantically, Spencer has come to crave the touch. He’ll accept platonic hand holding. Anything, really. 
“You’re staring very deeply, Dr. Reid,” you mutter, shades from your usual lightness. 
“I’m thinking.” 
“Aren’t you always?” 
“About you.”
“Well,” you smile fleetingly. “You should always be thinking about me.” 
“You’re truly humble.” 
His joke doesn’t land, it crashes and burns; your smile fades completely into a short, sharp line. Your gaze moves back into the restaurant, waiting for the team's food order in silence once again. 
Spencer’s pinky finger twitches across the gap. 
“Is everything okay?” he asks. 
You stay quiet, Spencer worries. He takes the bags before you can when they bring your food to the collection desk, two lumps of heat he holds to his thighs as you begin the walk back to the hotel. Tonight, the team will pick at their food together and rehash the same arguments they’ve been making all day, filling in each other's gaps, and tomorrow the work will start again. He can’t have you this unhappy again tomorrow. 
“You’re amazing,” he says, watching you turn to him from the corner of his eye, “you know you are, we all do, everyone who meets you. I know you don’t need me to tell you that, or to feel better, but… I’m here for you. If you want to talk. It’s been a hard couple of days, and talking about traumatic events as they happen and directly afterward make them easier to recover from.” 
“I’m not traumatised.” 
“Upsetting,” he corrects. “Having a shoulder to cry on is good for you, and I can be that shoulder. You know, if you need me to be.” 
He can’t know this in the moment, though maybe one day you’ll tell him, further down the line when the hand holding is better defined, but you look at him and you love him. To know Spencer is to love him. Or at least that’s how you’ve always felt. You’d love to cry on his shoulder about what transpired that morning if it weren’t embarrassing to think about, you’re upset over a throwaway comment made by nobody important. 
Spencer offers his company earnestly. He stammers. It’s amazingly sincere, as he usually is. He won’t mind if it’s embarrassing, he’ll just listen. 
You clear your throat. “I know I’m not to everyone’s taste. I know that the way I… present myself isn’t what most men like. People love confidence, but not when it’s bossy, not when it’s– when it’s vain. And I am vain. I think about my appearance a lot, I think I’m beautiful most of the time, I try so hard to have that be true.” You eye him thoughtfully. “Do you realise that?” 
He shakes his head gently, one ear toward one shoulder and then the other, as though balancing. “Sort of. I know you put effort into your appearance, but I also assume a lot of it to be natural.” 
“Right, well. It’s not natural. Not really. My natural beauty wouldn’t be all the beautiful to most people. And I’ve accepted that, I know what I like about myself, and–” You’re losing the thread of your point, an upset creeping into your melodic tone and turning it ragged. “When people tell me they don’t like how I look now, I guess it hurts because I know they wouldn’t like me before, either, and I feel defeated because I know I can’t win.” 
“Who said they don’t like how you look?” Spencer asks, confused, on his way to annoyed. 
“Officer Friendly.” You look to your shoes, watching the steps you take. “Guess he wasn’t as nice as we thought.” 
“What did he say to you?” 
You shrug. “Same story. He doesn’t like girls who wear makeup. Doesn’t like uppity women.” 
“Did he call you that?” 
“What are you gonna do if he did?” you ask without malice. 
“Morgan’s teaching me self defence for a reason.” You smile at his light joke, though it doesn’t last. He transfers the takeout bags into one hand, the other held out to you, his fingers sliding down your arm to your wrist. “You know you’re beautiful, with or without makeup. And you’re not uppity, you’re out of his league. There’s a difference.” 
“You’re flirting with me.” 
“No.” He wishes he had the wherewithal sometimes, but this isn’t flirting. “I’m being honest with you. Men like that don’t like you because they know they’ll never, ever have you, or anyone like you. There isn’t anyone like you,” he adds, sliding his hand into yours. 
He squeezes all your fingers together twice in quick succession. 
“Don’t let a jealous chauvinist halfwit make you think you’re not good enough,” he says. 
You curl your fingers around his before he can take his hand back. Slowly, you squeeze his hand. Then, smiling, you let him go. 
“I’ve never heard you say something mean like that,” you say. “Halfwit. That’s crass.” 
“I was going to say he’s an asshole, if that’s better.” 
Your laugh echoes off of the sidewalk. “That’s perfect. Say something meaner.” 
The insult he uses next doesn’t bear repeating. 
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 month
Will you do a scenario of how we’d meet Bill for the first time and what he would be like if you were sort of “friends”? 🙏
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You were minding your business while walking through the woods of Gravity Falls, just needing a change of scenery and finding the woods to be the perfect place to do so with it’s mushrooms, flowers and the wildlife that crossed your path.
Everything was seemingly fine and not out of the ordinary until you started to feel like you were being watched from somewhere, you looked to see if you could spot anyone, but all you could see were birch trees that had markings on the bark that suspiciously looked like eyes. You were just about thinking of leaving until you heard a voice from somewhere.
‘Hey kiddo!’
You looked to the left, nothing
‘Other way kid.’
the to the right, nothing
Up? Nope, nothing.
‘You’re practically an human popsicle at this point.’
How about looking down? Still nothing. Now you were getting confused, scared and annoyed.
You heard the voice sigh and say ‘you’re starting to make me feel sad, here I’ll make this a little easier for you.’ Then before you could say anything, a small yellow triangle with one eye wearing a top hat and bow tie appeared before you.
‘It’s great to finally meet you y/n.’ It said and immediately you were freaked out.
‘Who are you and how did you know my name?’ You asked, uneasy.
‘The names Bill Cipher and I know lots of things, lots of things.’ Bill replied, shrugging. ‘Wanna see what I can do?’ He adds after a brief pause but before you could answer him, he held his hand out to a nearby deer as its teeth were taken out of its mouth and into his small hand in a neat pile. ‘Deer teeth for you kid hehe.’ He then chuckled as he dumped the pile of deer teeth into your hands.
You on the other hand didn’t find this funny and fought the urge to vomit as you offered Bill the deer teeth back. ‘Mind giving the deer its teeth back? I’m sure it has more use for them than either of us.’ You ask as Bill did as you asked and gave the deer its teeth back as it galloped off elsewhere, leaving you alone with the weird triangle in the woods. Everything that had happened within the past five minutes had been overwhelming for you, too overwhelming that you had to sit yourself down on the trunk of a fallen tree and put your head in your hands, muttering to yourself.
‘This isn’t real, this is all some weird fever dream or I’m tripping balls. There’s no other explanation.’
Bill only chuckled as he floated next to you and patted you on the shoulder. ‘There, there human I can reassure you that what you just saw was very much real.’
You looked at him from your hands, unamused. ‘You fucking suck at comforting people you know that?’
‘I think we’ll get along great!’ Bill chirped gleefully.
‘We absolutely will not.’ You replied but you had an inkling that your opinion on the matter didn’t matter.
Now onto how bill would be if you were sort of ‘friends.’
He’s got a weird way about showing his feelings in any capacity.
The little shit put rats, dead rats outside your door, spelling out your name on random ass occasions that made it look like to others that a) you were haunted or b) had a weird stalker who liked to form your name out of dead rats.
He doesn’t want you having friends outside of him because and I quote ‘I’m the only friend you need, why bother with anyone else. So don’t even try cuz I’ll be watching you.’
Will leave sticky post it notes anywhere and everywhere saying to get more silly straws or else he’ll find a way to possess you and make you do embarrassing shit. Ie: walk through town in your underwear, make you speak backwards, kick a child-
Bill was a brat and his pranks were often traumatic but apparently they were ‘light’ in comparison to the stuff he did to his other meat puppets. You didn’t ask any further questions about what he meant by that in fear that he’d show you one as an example.
You are probably the only person who bill has told about his secret technique with mascara and eyeliner, even seeing him do it once when he insisted that you had a ‘sleepover’ at your place. He even points the mascara brush at you warningly as he threatened that you were to never tell people about this or else.
His version of jealousy when he sees you spending time with others is to trash your house and try to act cute when you catch him in the act. You don’t fall for this and give Bill the silent treatment for the rest of the day as he practically lost his shit over your lack of attention.
Probably air horned you awake once.
Bill Wouldn’t tell you this but he make your enemies do stupid shit that resulted in their deaths, for fun he claims but he didn’t want his favourite meat sack to start leaking water from their eyes every time something went wrong in their life. So he just cuts them out in the most brutal way possible.
Bill was stuck to you like glue and there’s was no way to hide from him as he would ultimately appears where you are, even if you’re in the fucking shower, he don’t care.
Bill: *appears in shower* my favourite meat sack have you- stop screaming it’s only me, have you seen a king cobra anywhere, I must’ve dropped it somewhere here-
He probably once threatened you with the whole ‘steal your eyes’ thing like he did with Ford but you had witness enough of Bill’s behaviour to know that he was joking about that, to which he was proud and would magically make a cake filled with worms, bugs and other unpleasant things appear in celebration.
You may or may not have been sick that day.
Your and Bills friendship was weird, probably not the healthiest in all honestly and you should seek help and or maybe therapy for the shit he’s out you through.
You were his property, you were his pet, HIS MEAT SACK and you wouldn’t be allowed to go anywhere without him knowing and or being nearby in hopes of catching your eye.
Just a yellow triangle with one eye and a top hat and bow tie floating ominously in the background was enough to unnerve anyone.
You had no freedom as far as you were concerned in this ‘friendship’ but bill likes to claim that he has given you the most freedom out of anyone who has ever existed.
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girlboypersonthingy · 6 months
Hiiii I wanted to request hazbin boys x injured male reader? Reader gets into a scuffle, gets roughed up quite a bit and comes home not looking too well (I wanna see em fuss over the reader lol)
Mmph, yes yes, I love boys fussing over their injured darling. Too fuckin cute! I have so many great requests for Hazbin and Helluva, I’m so excited 🫨 thanks for the request and enjoy anon 💟
Notes: gn!reader bc anyone can get into a scuffle so why not, mostly fluff with a sprinkle of angst
TW: blood, bruises, fighting, cussing, of course it’s suggestive during Angel’s part 😉
Includes Lucifer, Angel Dust, Husk, Sir Pentious, Vox and Alastor
Hazbin boys x reader- Bruises 🖤
You’re not sure who roughed you up, you barely got a look at the dudes before you were laid out on the dirty sidewalk getting punched and trying to push one of the perpetrators off you. Whoever he was, he was strong and brutal and must’ve really had a problem with you because damn, you were fucked up. Not that you couldn’t hold your own, but there was more than one of them and they really caught you off guard. You had suffered several blows to the face and a few kicks to the stomach and back. Seemed like the group showed just a bit of mercy tho- they could’ve broken your legs or straight up killed you. Luckily, you limped away with only minor injuries but a huge blow to your psyche. While it could’ve been worse, it was horrific and traumatizing regardless.
It’s hard trying to stay tough and take care of yourself because you’re scared, feeling like you’ll have to look over your shoulder from now on when you’re out on the streets. It was also a bit embarrassing considering Husk and Angel offered to tag along with you to keep you safe but your dumb ass insisted you were fine alone.
It was late now, around the time everyone went to bed at the hotel so you were expecting to silently creep inside, hobble to your room and take care of yourself in secret. And if anyone asked about the marks or bruises the next day, you’d just blame it on a wild night of partying. To your surprise, as you walk in the door the entirety of the hotel’s staff and residents were sitting on the floor and couches in the front room, drinking and talking by the fireplace. Of course, Charlie had everyone doing some bonding bullshit late at night. The sound of the door clicking open has everyone’s eyes looking towards you now. “Ah, shit…” Leaves your swollen lips as the crowd gasps and one by one, they all stand and approach your damaged figure. Finally, the one person you really didn’t want to see you like this comes rushing forward to get a good look at you.
Lucifer 🍎
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“Oh, Satan! (Y/N), are you okay? What happened? Ohhh, my poor angel!”
Proceeds to fuss and worry over you while wearing the saddest expression :,( his poor bb
Might actually cry a little…just hurts him to see his darling all banged up.
It’s not just the physical pain he senses, it’s the emotional pain you feel too- the fear and the trauma and the stress of it all
His hands just hover all around the most damaged parts of you- fingers almost touching your eye which was now swollen shut, his thumb ghosting over your busted bottom lip
Whisks you away to his room and runs you a bath. Gets you all clean and is probably still whining and crying over you as he watches the bath water turn red with all the blood washing off you and gets you ready for bed.
He’s an emotional man, okay?
He also feels extremely guilty for not being there to protect you. Even if you bluntly told him you don’t need his protection, he feels like it’s still his fault at least a little bit.
Miiiiiiight start a silly little argument over you never leaving the hotel or his side ever again lol
“I just want to protect you, my love. Please! Stop being stubborn.”
He’ll really really baby you tho.
Like even if your legs are working fine, NOPE! Don’t move an inch. Luci will carry you anywhere you desire.
“Lucifer, I just have a black eye and some scrapes. I can walk just fine, babe.”
And he’ll just ignore you and continue to coddle you and do everything for you
For sure this man peppers very gentle, very soft and slow kisses on your tender face once you’re cleaned up and finally resting in his bed
And he for sure cries again in the morning when he wakes up and your face looks even worse
Probably even panics a bit like-
“It’s just some bruises! Luci, they always look worse before they look better, I’m fine.”
Just calm him down with some kisses and words of love
Angel Dust 🕸️
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“Holy shit! What happened, babe? Oh no…this is bad. This is sooo bad! This is why we wanted to go with ya.”
Also gets very dramatic and concerned, looks so sad over your battle wounds
But of course he’s a flirt even under tough circumstances and can make a dirty joke even in the most dire situations
He’d definitely tell you you look hot asf and that you’re soooo brave~
Tries to lighten the mood a bit
“(Y/N), I wanna be the only one who gets to rough you up.” *pouts but also winks at you*
Angel has had his fair share of beatings courtesy of Valentino so he’s very good at first aid and knows tons of tricks to help with bruising, cuts, scrapes, preventing scars, relieving the pain.
He’s great at the clean up part but even better at the comfort part
Brings out all six arms to wrap you up in while you lay in his bed, cuddling up to you while offering soft kisses to the parts of you that aren’t so sore.
Angel is always down to fuck so if you’re feeling up to it, he’ll offer you some great sexual healing while being oh so careful of all your wounds and all the painful spots.
Will let you take control too, he hopes it’ll make you feel better and maybe return some of the confidence you lost from this scuffle.
He can spot a bruised ego from a mile away and he’ll do anything to get you feeling happy and secure again.
Also argues with you about never letting you go anywhere alone ever again lol he just loves you too much. If you’re gonna get jumped, he’s either gonna be there to help you out of it or he’s gonna be taking half the beating right next to you.
Reminds me of a song…
“I wanna walk with you, wherever you go to. I wanna hurt with you. Whatever you go through, I do too.” -sour switchblade by Elita
Yeah that’s Angel, just wants to be beside you no matter the circumstances
Husk 🃏
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“Oh, you dummy! This is why we wanted to go with you. Oh, doll face. Who did this? You alright?”
Yeah, he’s mean sometimes so he’s gonna scold you for going out alone before the comforting starts.
Ultimately, he doesn’t pull you away to get you cleaned up or anything. Lets you decide what to do next, where to go. He just follows you and keeps a hand on you somewhere to let you know he’s here for you.
Will whip up any drink you ask for in hopes of it relieving the pain a bit
But he’s sneaky, he’s gonna ask you tons of questions about what happened, who did it, where you were, how many of them there was. Won’t give you your drink until you answer him.
Husk is plottin and schemin, wanting to get back at the assholes who did this to you. Hes thinking about all the cool, little weapons he has and what he can do with them to teach those jerks a lesson.
In the end tho, he does get more sentimental and soft spoken later while cuddled up to you in bed.
He’ll purr softly in your ear while letting his hands gently roam your body, tracing comforting circles all over your bruised skin
Will def wrap you up in his silky wings and then proceed to pour out his entire heart to you.
“I love you. I’m so glad you’re okay. You need to listen to me. I know better than you, I’ve been down here a long time. You have to be more careful. I dunno what I’d do if I lost ya, doll. You gotta stick with me, I’ll always protect ya.”
Once you fall asleep, he wanders out to the lobby to find Angel at the bar and there they talk about teaming up to get revenge on the assholes who dared to touch Husk’s little babe
The next morning, of course they’re still talking about it. You’ll have to tell these idiots to stop and just let it go bc omg they sound crazy rn they’re gonna make a mess if you let this continue
Buuuut if you kinda like them fussing over you this much, then by all means let them do their thing as you sit back and enjoy the attention
Ooooh, Husky is getting maadddd. Kinda cute when he lets a protective growl slip out while talking to Angel. Aww he loves you~
Sir Pentious 🐍
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Immediate tears and full blown panic attack at the sight of your battered face.
“OH MY GOODNESSSSSS!!! My baby! My darling! Ohhhhhh, you poor thing, come here! I’ll take care of you.”
Doesn’t care that the entirety of the hotel residents are crowded around watching you two- Pentious holds you like a baby in his arms and carefully sinks to the ground with you, holding you so tight it actually kinda hurts due to all your bruises.
Cries for a while like this- goes back and forth between examining your bruises and cuts and bloody nose with his watery eyes to then burying his face in your neck as he weeps for you.
“Pen, I’m okay. Just a little banged up. Nothing I can’t handle.”
“I CAN’T HANDLE IT!!! You’re too pretty to be beaten up like thisssss. Aawwwww.” And he’s crying even harder now.
And this goes on for a while until you finally decide to get up and go to your room with him to get cleaned up.
Babies the absolute fuck out of you- brings you food in bed and tries to feed it to you, gets you in the bath and refuses to let you touch anything while insisting he do all the work for you, carries you everywhere.
It’s actually so nice tho- he washes your hair for you real slow and firm as he scrubs your scalp, very carefully washes the dirt and dry blood from your skin only to reveal more bruises he hadn’t seen before, carefully applies ointment to your bloody cuts and scrapes
Listen…this man is not gonna stop crying until you are 100% healed up. Even the next morning, you wake up beside him to see his face wet with tears as he sniffles.
At least you know he really truly deeply cares for you and loves you 💚
“Oh, it’s okay, babe. I’m felling so much better today, especially since I get to start my morning in bed with you.”
And now he decides he’s gonna keep you in bed all day and continue to baby and pamper you
Keeps his tail and most of his body wrapped around you loosely all day as you watch movies and relax. Cant stop staring at your face and focusing on each blue and black bruise you wear, eyeing every cut and scrape and the split skin on your lip.
You took a beating and he thinks it’s only fair that you and him stay in bed until you’re truly feeling well enough to resume your normal daily tasks.
Of course, he has to stay with you in case you need something! Can’t leave his injured partner alone, wouldn’t dream of it!
Vox 🖥️
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(I know he’s not at the hotel, pretend you just walked into V Tower instead, k?)
You’ll have to cut him off or he’ll go on an entire raging tangent about revenge and eventually short circuit lol
“Voxy, I’m okay. Don’t worry about it. I just wanna get clean and go to bed.”
He slowly cools off and begins to focus more on you and your injuries, asking if you’re okay or if there’s anything he can do. Now behind closed doors, his entire attitude changes.
He’s following you into every room, watching you with an expression of intense sadness and concern, wishing he could take all your pain and give it to himself instead. He’d suffer for you if it meant seeing you happy and healthy
Sits in the bathroom in silence but keeps you company while you wash up. He might ask if you need help but also wants to give you space and make sure you feel safe
Assists you in getting dressed while making it very romantic and being very attentive. Vox will so slowly slip your pajamas onto you while letting his claws ghost over all your bruises.
Will lean in and kiss your busted lips right as your head pops through the top of your shirt, followed by a smile and probably more kisses
Listen, most of these boys are gonna become way more over protective after this incident okay? Vox is most definitely not an exception
Insists that either He’s gonna be with you every where you go from now on or he’s gonna send security with you every where you go from now on.
And no matter who is with you when you’re out in the streets, his cameras will also be watching over you.
Oh yeah, and he goes back in the cam footage and has a perfect view of the whole incident. He watches it over a few times before ordering a hit on every sinner who dared to mess with his lover.
You’ll never have to worry or look over your shoulder or worry again 😘
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Alastor 🩸
Doesn’t say much or even stay long to worry about you at first.
He’s more angry and bent on revenge than anything. He’s worried about you too but he knows you’re strong and can take care of yourself.
He slips off to do some exploring and investigating to find out who did this to you
Spends maybe an hour figuring it out and then promptly goes on a murder spree to take care of all those pesky sinners who dared to lay a finger on his beloved
Okay, now that that’s out of his system, he can come back and take care of you.
Isn’t as cuddly and romantic as the others but he still babies you and refuses to let you do anything for yourself.
“Now now, darling. Just relax. I’ll have you cleaned up and feeling better in no time.”
Bathes you, dresses you, tucks you into bed all while humming slow tunes to you
Doesn’t cuddle you but sits on the bed beside you and gives your head some gentle pets
“You won’t have to worry any longer, my dove. I took care of those degenerates and I’ll never let you wander the streets of hell alone ever again.”
Will place a gentle kiss on your throbbing head before leaving you to rest.
He’s serious tho, anywhere you go he goes too. You’re never leaving his sight again ❤️‍🩹
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thewritetofreespeech · 5 months
Could I request Grimmjow getting jealous of his s/o gushing over cute cats?
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“Who’s a pretty kitty? Are you? Yes you are!”
Grimmjow growled under his breath. Watching [Y/N] pet some stray that had walked up to them and scratching behind the cats ears. Their loud purring and [Y/N]’s incessant cooing at them was getting annoying.
“Can we go? I’m tired of standing around out here.”
[Y/N] gave a quick ‘oh, sure’ and stood up. The two of them moved to leave and just as they got a few paces ahead, the cat was following them. “Awww! Look Grimm! He’s trying to follow us home.”
“This is why you shouldn’t pet strays.” He grumbled.
“But he was just so cute! Do you think he’ll really follow us the whole way home?”
Grimmjow growled again, then turned around a hissed loudly at the cat. The feline instantly shuttered and took off with it’s tail between his legs. “What was that for??”
“I don’t want it following us home.” He told them. Grabbing their hand and pulling them along.
[Y/N] frowned and tried to wrench their hand away. But, no luck. His grip was too strong. “That was still really mean Grimm. There’s no reason for you to scare the poor thing like that. He’s probably traumatized.”
The Arrancar scoffed. “Please. He’s a wild animal. He’ll be fine.”
“He’s a stray cat. Not a jaguar.”
“Which you already have at home.”
[Y/N] stopped all of a sudden. Acting as an anchor to their walk and stopping Grimmjow as well. “Is that what this is about? You’re jealous of a little cat.”
He looked shocked before he quickly frowned. “No! Don’t be stupid! I just don’t want all those fleas around the house. I don’t want to get contaminated just because you keep picking up strays.”
He pulled them along again, and this time [Y/N] followed. After a moment they told him, “if you want me to pet you when I get home I can.”
“I’m not jealous!” He snapped at them. But, after a moment as well, he told them, “if you wash your hands first….”
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persephonesdreams21 · 6 months
NSFW Alphabet with Lee
A/N: I had to write something for him. This is the character that threw me into my Timmy obsession. Ugh Lee, my tragic handsome baby. I need everyone to write more fics for him kay thanks! Also side note- I try to keep my readers a little ambiguous so that everyone can feel included- but Lee and a chubby! Reader just make sense to me.
Warnings: Not safe for work. Smutty. Talks of Switchy/Bottom Lee. Lee x AFAB!Reader.
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After Care(what they're like after sex)
Lee is surprisingly gentle after sex. He’ll grab the towel from the hamper in the corner and clean both of you up with it. You were super embarrassed about it the first time he did it but like. It’s something he enjoys doing, a part of his inner routine. He wants you to open your legs and let him wipe you down. Then a lot of the time he wants you to play with his hair. Needy thing.
“Spread em” Lee drawls as he comes back from the bathroom with a wet rag. You’re still loose limbed and fuzzy brained and it takes a minute for you to realize what he’s saying “Seriously, I’ll clean you up”
“You don't have to, it’s fine” Your messy cum wet thighs clamp shut.
He approaches you slowly, like you’re a skittish animal that might bolt. You’re two seconds away from burying yourself under your thick duvet and hiding from him. Lee sits by your feet and reaches for you. His rough fingers run along your smooth calf.
“But I wanna. If you’ll let me”
Body Part(their fave body part of theirs, and of their partners)
Lee’s too skinny, his words not yours. All ribcage and gangly limbs. If he’d have to pick a favorite, he’d say his hands. They’re capable; he’s got long tattooed fingers and calloused palms from hard manual labor. He can build just about anything with them. He can take care of you with them.
Lee loves your thighs and what's between them. They’re so wide, so plush. You complain about cellulite and ingrown hairs and he’s just like? What? They’re perfect. Let me use them as earmuffs. He wants to be cradled by them forever. Loves your belly too any thing he can dig his fingers into.
Cum(anything to do with it)
Lee is into watching both his cum and your own drip out of your puffy pussy after an intense bout of fucking.
It’s almost routine now, like praying before bed. Like watching the sun rise with your morning cup of coffee warming your hands before work.
The sex with Lee is always good. Always surprising. There’s nothing this man won’t do to you, or let you do to him. It’s an adventure with your best friend, one that ends in you both writhing in pleasure.
With him filling you up.
You and Lee hadn’t been together for long, your six month anniversary’s just on the horizon, but if you know anything about this man. It’s that once he got the green light, he doesn’t finish anywhere but inside of you.
And then. Then he wants to see the damage. He wants to peel your thighs apart and stare right at your puffy, swollen cunt. Ah, his poor baby’s pretty pussy. He’s gentle as his bony fingers probe the tender lips. Spreads them-
There’s your hole. The one he’d just pulled out of, all tiny again now that it’s not stretched around his girth.
He watches hypnotized as milky fluid, both his cum and yours, leaks from inside of you. So much that your body just can’t hold it, no matter how hard you try.
You have your routines. Your prayers. He has his. His religion is right here. In between your legs.
Dirty Secret(self explanatory)
Lee loves anal play. On both you and him. This boy wants to be pegged!
“Have you ever done that?” He asks as he sucks on the end of the joint he’d rolled for the two of you. There’s no judgment in his voice, just curiosity.
The topic is anal. And if you’ve ever had it.
“Yeah” you bite in your bottom lip. “It kinda sucked if I’m being real”
You’d had an ex who’d shoved his prick up your ass and made you cry. He hadn’t even taken the time to properly relax or lube you up. It had kind of traumatized you to be honest. You tell Lee all about it, because you tell Lee about everything these days. There’s no secrets between the two of you.
He frowns, thick brows furrowing “nah, it’s not supposed to be like that. That fucker didn’t treat you right, it’s supposed to feel good”
You shrug “If you say so”
“I do. I love the way it feels whenever anyone does it to me” Lee says it so casually, but keeps an eye on you, gauging your reaction.
“Really” it’s factual, punctuated with a little nod “I’d let you try it. If you want. We can like- do me first and then I could show you how anals actually supposed to feel”
Your pulse picks up with excitement. You can feel it in your pussy, and you know the way you squeeze your thighs together to get any kind of friction isn’t discreet.
Lee pretends not to see but his smile is hungry.
“Okay, yes. I want to try”
Experience(how experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?)
Um. He’s so experienced. With both men and women. Lee’s done alot in his young age. Had to, to survive a lot of the time.
When he realized you didn’t judge him for his past, that's when he really started to feel the emotional attachment form.
“You’re not a bad person for what you’ve done, Lee. Everyone’s done shit they’re not super proud of…it doesn’t take away from who you actually wanna be”
Favorite Position(this goes without saying)
He doesn't really care. But he’s partial to you riding him. He loves feeling pinned underneath you and watching you bounce on top of him.
Goofy(are they more serious in the moment? Are they goofy?
Lee’s a fucking goofball. He’s making you giggle. He’s choking on laughter as you choke on his cock. He can be serious, for sure. But a lot of the time the two of you are very playful with one and other.
Hair(how well groomed they are)
Lee never really cared before you, but he gives himself a courtesy trim now. Still a pretty thick dark bush. You kind of love it. You also do not play about personal hygiene- showers Lee. You’ve got to take them. You know there was a point in his life when he didn’t have access to them. Had to bathe in rivers and McDonald’s bathrooms- but that’s not the case anymore.
He tried to pretend he doesn’t like your expensive skin creams you share with him but you’ve got him hooked.
Intimacy(how they are during the moment? The romantic aspect)
Lee has had a lot of sex with a lot of people, but it’s never felt like this. He's addicted to you. He wants to be close to you, inside of you, like 24/7. He really cant believe he gets to be with you and alot of the time when he’s fucking you he’s just staring at you. In awe.
Jack Off(masturbation headcanon)
Lee’s always got a hand down his pants lol. He loves to masturbate. He loves when you watch him stroke his cock. He wants to watch you play with yourself too. It’s a whole thing.
Kink(one or more of their kinks)
Peg him. Also- mommy kink. Yes. Lowkey might have a thing for breastfeeding/titsucking. He just thinks your’re the most luscious woman he’s ever met…and yeah he does lowkey have mommy issues.
Location(favorite places to do the do?)
After fucking and being fucked on the side of the road or in dirty bathroom stalls, he really just loves having sex in the safety of your apartment. In your big cozy bed or the comfortable couch.
He also likes it when the two of you go camping or stargazing and he can fuck you under the night sky, with only the stars at witnesses.
Motivation(what turns them on? Get’s them going?)
You and that teasing little smile you give him. The one where your canines look like fangs. The one that's usually followed by coy barely there touches and feather light kisses. Yeah. All it takes is a smile.
No(something they wouldn't do? Turns off’s)
He doesn't want to hurt you. He’s hurt so many people before. He can't do anything past mild choking and spanking. He WON'T.
Oral(preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc?)
He loves it. Both giving and receiving. But he just feels so good when hes between your thighs. He’s your pretty boy when he’s sucking on your clit. PLEASE sit on his face.
Pace(are they fast and rough, slow and sensual?)
Lee wasn't used to someone wanting to take their time with him. It almost made him uncomfortable the first time that you slowly ran your hands over his body. Cherishing him. Savoring the closeness to him. Kissing every inch of his skin, not caring about scars or cheap tattoos. It makes him feel flayed alive. He learns to love slow paced, agonizingly tender sex.
Quickie(their opinions on quickies, how often?)
Hell yeah.
Like he gets home from a long day at his shitty grueling job he just wants to quickly fuck your brains out, and then watch one of your shared TV shows before bed.
Or when you’re getting ready for a nice dinner out with your friends, and your makeups done. And your hair is all bouncy and you smell good enough to make his mouth water.
Or in the car before an aquarium date. Lee will take what he can get when ever he can get it when it comes to you.
Risk(are they game to experiment? Do they take risks?)
Loves taking risks in the bedroom. Honestly once the two of you have built that trust between each other, there’s not much you won’t do. Lee’s a Sub leaning Switch(in my humble opinion) and will literally lay back and let you have your way with him. He doesn’t care. There’s no shame in his sex game.
Stamina(how many rounds can they go? How long can they last?)
He can fuck. Over and over. He’s like a rabbit.
Toys(do they own toys? Will they use them?)
Lee’s game. But then again he’s game for pretty much anything. He likes making you writhe on your vibrator, overstimulating you until you're sobbing. Have you made him wear one of your butt plugs to dinner? Yes you have lol
Trips to Sex Shops are frequent, fun affairs.
Unfair(how much they like to tease)
Lee’s a fucking TEASE. He's just too good at playing the game of cat & mouse.
Volume(how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc)
Lee is sooo vocal and you adore it. You’ve never been with a vocal man and he’s such a whiner. He’ll whine and grunt and beg. He’ll dirty talk you to the ends of the earth. He’ll call you Mommy, Pretty Girl, Sweet Heart. Babe. Sexy. It all makes your head spin.
Wild Card(a random headcanon for the character)
Lee wants you to fuck him. Wants you to hold him in your arms and play with his rim. Prostate massages are “awesome babe. Here. Let me show you how to do it”
X-Ray(let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Big thick cock on that twiggy man. A healthy 7 1/2 inches and girthy. The first time you see it your eyes nearly bulge out of your head. You guess its true what they say about skinny tall boys.
Yearning(how high is their sex drive?)
Lee’s a very sexual creature. Like in a primal way. Every interaction can be erotic with him and its honestly a little bit overwhelming to be around.
Zzz(how quickly they fall asleep after)
Lee has his little routine after sex. Cleans the both of you up, half assed sometimes, and then he’s out like a light. No seriously. Lee has been homeless more than a few times in his life(I was exploring. It was by choice! he’d protest when you pointed it out) he’s slept under bridges and in tents and surfed lumpy couches. You and your warm pussy and your lush bed knock him out.
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sophrosynesworld · 2 months
Just Friends?
actor!Katsuki x actress!Reader
The studio lights cast a warm glow over the set as the host welcomes everyone back from the commercial break. I stand in the wings, nervously fixing my hair. Katsuki stands beside me, unfazed by the upcoming interview. The audience buzzes with anticipation, eager to hear from us about our latest movie.
"Welcome back to the Midnight Mic, everyone!" Late-night talk show host Hizashi Yamada greets the crowd, his voice bouncing around the room, riling everyone up. "We have a great show lined up for you tonight, so don't leave your seats!" Hizashi walks from center stage over towards his desk, pulling out the chair before directing his attention towards the second camera.
"Tonight, we have some amazing guests. Please join me in welcoming two of the biggest stars on the silver screen, Katsuki Bakugo and his leading lady!"
The applause is deafening, and I can't help but smile. Katsuki gestures for me to walk out first, my heels clicking as I wave to the audience. It's instantly twenty degrees hotter as the stage lights beat down on me. I don’t have to look back to know when Bakugo follows; the crowd’s excitement peaks as he steps out, giving a casual nod, his usual confident demeanor softened by a playful smirk. He glances at me as we sit, leaning over to adjust my dress.
"It's great to have you both here," Hizashi begins, turning towards us. "You two have been the talk of the town with your new film. How's the stardom feel?"
Katsuki leans back in his chair, clearly relaxed. "It's been a wild ride," he admits, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Most of us have done fine with the publicity. My co-star, on the other hand," he jokes, nodding towards me, "couldn't handle the heat at first."
I laugh, covering my red cheeks before nudging him playfully. "Yeah, this is just my first major hit. I wasn't used to the more persistent fans. This has been a wonderful experience though. The entire crew has really bonded over the last twenty weeks.
Our host raises an eyebrow, intrigued. "You seem to have a great dynamic, both on and off screen. What's it like working together?"
I glance at Katsuki, who gives me a look that says, "Go ahead." I smile and turn back towards Hizashi. "It's honestly been amazing. I don’t think Katsuki liked me very much in the beginning—"
“I didn’t.”
"—but I finally wore him down enough to tolerate me." I laugh, swatting his arm away while crossing my legs. "He’ll never admit it, but we clicked right away. It'll inflate his ego, but he's won three Oscars for a reason." I laugh lightly, smiling at the memories.
Katsuki grins, crossing his arms. "She’s being modest. I've won 4." The crowd laughs as he changes the conversation. "Honestly, she's the best costar I've had in a while. She's going to kill me during the nominations this year. I mean, there was this one scene where she just—"
"Oh, no, not this story," I interject, laughing.
He chuckles, ignoring my protests. "We're filming this one scene with all these seasoned professionals, folks who have been in this business for decades." He pauses, looking at me. "They had to rewrite the first version of the scene because her acting was so horrifyingly raw and realistic that it traumatized the crew. They thought she was actually dying."
Our host leans in, clearly shocked. "Are you going to tell us more? You can't leave us with crumbs!"
Katsuki shakes his head, his crimson eyes sparkling with mischief. "Definitely not. You'll have to see it in theaters to find out."
I shake my head sheepishly. "I don't even know if they left it in or not. They told me to act, so I did."
"This is why I love you guys. You're always so honest about your lives." Hizashi grins. Now, I hate to gossip, but there's been a lot of questions about your off-screen relationship. Care to clear up the rumors?"
Katsuki and I exchange a knowing look, a silent agreement passing between us. I decide to answer, leaning forward slightly. "We have a really close friendship. We're both super passionate about our work and love what we do, which makes working together even better. We definitely have a flirty friendship, but it's all in good fun."
Katsuki nods, his expression softening. "Yeah, she's great. We just get each other, you know? It's easy to be around her, whether we're on set or just hanging out."
Hizashi smiles, clearly enjoying our interview. "Well, it's clear that you two have a special connection. Before we go, is there anything you'd like to say to your fans?"
I turn to the camera, feeling a wave of gratitude. "Just a huge thank you to all the fans for their amazing support. This entire experience has been mind-blowing, and I can't wait for everyone to see it. We hope you love it as much as we do."
Katsuki chimes in with a grin. "Yeah, thanks for sticking with us, extras. Our new movie comes out in theaters September 22nd!"
The audience laughs and claps, clearly enjoying their money spent. Hizashi wraps up our segment, and as the band leads us to commercial, Katsuki leans over, nudging me gently. "You did great," he murmurs, a genuine smile on his face.
I grin back at him. "You weren't too bad yourself," I tease, standing up and heading back towards the green room, waving goodbye to some of our fans in the audience.
Katsuki is quick to follow, his steps only a few paces behind mine, practically pushing my bodyguard out of the way. I open the door and sit down on the oversized couch. Katsuki follows my lead, plopping himself close to me. His large hands almost instantly wrap around me, lifting me up and pulling me into his chest. I straddle him, our bodies dangerously close together.
"Just friends?" Suki whispers, his lips grazing mine as he looks at me.
"Just friends," I reply, the words soft and delicate as my freshly polished fingers wrap around the fabric of his shirt, closing the distance between us.
Authors Note: I'm obsessed with this idea and could probably write 200 of these little one shots.
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your works are jaw dropping broOOO. gorgeous. a work of art. you SLAY at writing hcs i love it so much i really hope you can write more <33
demon slayer povs: the hashiras tending to your wounds
this comment really motivated me to write more of this TYSM ANON ily
wc: 1.1k>
he’d probably complete the whole procedure silently, as he’s scared you’d waste your energy talking to him
you saw him carefully unwrapping the bandages and painstakingly wrapping it around your arm as you slightly winced at the pain
‘oh-, y/n, you okay? sorry, I didn’t mean to do that,”
you reassured him with a small nod as he gently continued to wrap the bandage, placing a kiss on it once he was done
“thanks hun,” you smiled weakly at him
“get well soon, darling,” he said before he got up to fetch some water
just like giyu, he’d do it with silent treatment though you’d hear kaburamaru’s quiet hisses along the way
throughout the bandaging, he momentarily stopped as it reminded himself of the time where he had to bandage his own mouth to hide his traumatic scars
“darling, you okay?” you asked, worried at the sudden slight widening of his eyes
“oh, its nothing,” he shrugged it off, but you sensed that it had something to do with the bandage on his mouth
while he was calmly wrapping the wound on your leg, you leaned down and placed a heartfelt kiss on his forehead
“you're beautiful just the way you are,” you said as he glanced up at you
his eyes crinkled slightly; you knew that put a smile on his face
she’d probably tend to your wounds the loudest way possible, constantly asking if you were okay
“oh dear, y/n, this looks terrible,” a pouty frown emerged on her face as she cleansed your wounds with cotton pads. “you okay??”
“im fine, honey, don’t worry too much,” you replied with a smile as you admiringly watched her bandage up the injuries on your knee
“alrighty! i hope this makes you feel better, darling. i put some ointment that kocho offered,” she smiled cheerfully, as she gave you a gentle headpat
“thanks ‘suri, youre the best,” you returned her smile with an even happier one from you
would be quiet too but would occasionally check up on you
he’d go like “oh, does this hurt?” or “you feeling okay?”
you were technically the only person he could express his true behavior to
he’d be experienced in this kind of stuff since he had to take care of his mom when she was sick
the thought of his sick mom made him want to protect you even more. he’d already lost his family, he couldn’t afford to lose you too
he’d treat the wound as meticulously as possible to prevent it from worsening
“thank you, mui. you don't know how much i treasure you,” you warmly smiled at him
though he didn’t say anything back, you knew his smile was all you needed to see.
tbh i feel like he’ll just treat you like how he treated tanjiro when he got stabbed during the mugen train arc
“kyo, it huuurts,” you whined, hoping that he’ll do something instead of keep asking you to control your breathing
“okay okay, i’ll go fetch the med kit. make sure to control your breathing to stop the blood from coming out!” he darted to the other end of the house to get the necessities, his voice still loud as ever
when he got back, he tended to your lacerations as gently as possible, doing all of it with a proud smile on his face
“why the long face, y/n?” he noticed that your usual happy aura had dissipated all of a sudden
“i- i just hate being weak. i hate that you have to get distracted by your missions just to tend to my injuries,” you pouted, biting your lip
“my love, its part & parcel of your journey to make mistakes. as you continue on, you’ll find that these obstacles are nothing compared to what you’re actually facing. so, heads up, and look brightly into your future, okay?” he cheered you on while giving you a soft pat on the shoulder
“thank you, kyo.” you gratefully smiled as you dozed the rest of the evening off
he definitely wasn’t the best at playing it gentle
“ouuuch, nemi, be gentler please,” you winced as he placed a bandaid on your collarbone
“bold of you to say, y/n. somehow you don’t act like this when we’re making out,” he sneered, as he discarded the cotton wools in the trash
you were left speechless as an obvious blush sprawled across your face. only your boyfriend could make you like that, and you loved him for it
“yeah that’s right hun. now be a good toy and rest till i come back,” he taunted, though you swore you heard him mutter “get well soon darling” before he uttered those words
he most likely cleans injuries with flamboyance no matter how bad it was
definitely has custom bandages embroidered with random stuff just for you
you saw him putting on gloves and stuff although your wound was really mild
“tengen- babe, there’s no need for all this,” you sighed in embarrassment; your boyfriend would go out of his ways just to treat a mild scratch
“nuh uh, i aint letting you pass with this wound. it could be infected, who knows?” he cocked his eyebrow as he placed a not-so-modest looking bandage on your wound
“aight, i really hope that helps, darling! want me to bring you some munchies?” he chuckled as he packed back up the amenities
“there’s really no need for that, babe. you’ve done more than enough,” you smiled, softly caressing his cheek
obviously he couldn’t care less about your response as he brought you snacks and then cuddled the night away
DEFINITELY would come up with an antidote just to cure your injury
“darling, we need you back on the ground as soon as possible. all your mentees are worried for you, and i can't bear seeing you in a state like this, okay?”
in this case, your injuries were quite bad and she had to put you on an iv drip
after she was done tending to your wounds, she placed a soft kiss on your cheek
“get well soon, honey,” she smiled as she rubbed her thumb on your fingers
“thank you, love. i’ll definitely recover fast thanks to you,” you chuckled weakly, squeezing her hand and never letting go
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Even before the episode, while rewatching old seasons, I was just struck by how big an impact Buck’s had on Eddie’s life. 
Like, please, picture this: 
You are Eddie Diaz, ok? An army vet who quite literally just went through an extremely traumatic experience, immediately got left by your wife and in a desperate move to find happiness for you and your son you move across the country to start a new life. 
You are the new guy at work and this man about your age really has it out for you. That’s fine by you. You’ve put up with enough bullshit in the army, you are just here to do your work, it’s harder than that to get under your skin. Plus, this guy seems okay, aside from all the dick measuring, and you’re sure he’ll tire himself out if you just don’t play along. Then, oh surprise, after a single shift you give the guy one compliment and he folds completely, before you know it he’s decided you two are friends. Fine, good. You miss the army’s camaraderie. This will probably be just like that. 
Few weeks in, Christopher comes up. You hesitate because you don’t like talking about your kid with strangers, but you are worried about him being out there alone during the earthquake and there’s really no way to avoid the subject forever. You’re already dreading the pity looks from people who don’t understand this kid is the best thing that’s ever happened to you. Instead, you get a wide smile, “he’s super adorable, I love kids”. In retrospect, you should’ve expected it. What you don’t expect is the way Buck spends the entirety of the shift reassuring you that Chris is alright, even when you’re pretty sure you’ve done nothing to betray your worry (you know better than to panic, it does nothing to help), but Buck seems to notice anyway and keeps sprouting curiosities to reassure you. He even drives you across the torn up town at a reckless speed to make sure you can reach your son as soon as possible. 
Few weeks later, abuela has an accident. Buck drives you to the hospital, even though you could’ve taken a cab to the firehouse to pick up your truck, and goes all the way in with you. He’s a good friend like that. Turns out, he’s a very good friend, because he catches you by surprise calling ahead to let the Cap know you need help with Chris and arranges a whole day of him hanging out with the 118. You didn’t ask for it, and he doesn’t expect so much as a ‘thank you’. 
Next night, he makes a big deal of introducing you to a woman and you are already dreading, once again, the reveal moment when you have to explain that thank you very much but you are still married and really your only priority right now is your son and- wait, that woman is the perfect caretaker that might or might not be the solution you’ve been desperately searching for to get your and your son’s life together.
This guy you just met a few weeks ago has given you friendship, reassurance, company, thoughtful help without you ever asking (you’ve never been good at asking for it) and he’s just sitting there smiling proudly while he helps you possibly assure your kids future.
All of this... it happens in the first FOUR episodes of s2 after Eddie is introduced. No wonder he’s in love ride or die for Buck. Who wouldn’t be?
In a year, they are inseparable. In two years, Eddie makes him Christopher’s legal guardian in case he dies. In three, Buck saves his life. In four they are basically a family and the person Christopher goes to in a panic. Five years in, Buck is in a coma and Eddie Diaz cannot even look at him, cannot picture a world where he’s dead, cannot envision his life without him. 
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spicemaidenfic · 10 days
How do they feel about dress-up? 🦸
Featuring the OG Avengers + Loki. Written from a bi woman's perspective. NSFW under the cut! ⚠️🔞
Tony Stark
Tony Stark is Iron-Man, but also believes that if you’re nothing without the suit, you shouldn’t have it. It’s never actually occurred to him to fuck you with it on. Approach him about it and he’ll probably give you a look and tease you about being such a kinky girl, but he’ll oblige you (nanotech makes it easy). He may or may not be thinking inwardly that he finds your being into that a little weird, if he’d never tell you so. Maybe if you put on the little suit he made you for your birthday one year and start bossing him around a bit, he’ll start to get it.
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Steve Rogers
Steve would laugh and shake his head if you told him you wanted him to wear the Cap suit to bed. Once he realized you were serious, he’d oblige you, and maybe even be kind enough to throw in a cheeky “I could do this all day,” but he’d find the whole thing too cheesy to bust out the costume any more often than very occasionally. Maybe you can come to some kind of a Fourth of July arrangement. What Steve would really like? You telling him how good you think he looks in uniform—the other uniform, which has come back into his possession, and which he would make love to you in readily, if only you would ask.
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Thor loves his Asgardian get-up just as much as the next Asgardian guy. Makes him feel like a hero. Yes of course he’ll fuck you in full dress! Of course. Of course. It’ll make for a fun change of pace from his default buck naked.
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If you've gotten to the point with Loki where you're both fully in the nude when you fuck, that's when you know he's officially fallen for you. Tell him you kinda miss the armor, and he’ll understand. He'll call you a wanton wench, or something similar, but he'll understand. "Did you also want me to wear the horns, lambkin?"
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Bruce Banner
You think the Hulk is hot? That’s flattering…and a little weird. Look, Bruce has hulked-off before, as Smart Hulk, if you must know, and in his opinion it’s just not worth the clean-up. Fine, he’ll do it on you once, just to prove to you what color it is. If you want to play dress-up, he’d honestly rather fuck you in his glasses and trusty lab coat, and he wouldn’t say no to you calling him “Dr. Banner” for a change.
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Black Widow
Natasha has a traumatic history with the catsuit, but she’ll be able to compartmentalize that when you confess that you find it sexy on her. She knows how good she looks, and she’s liable to give you a smirk that says as much. Tell her you want to play spy and have her take you down with some karate then fuck you with a strap-on? That’ll give her pause for about two seconds, then she’ll head promptly to the closet. But what would get Nat really hot? You trying to undress her when she’s just got off a job. But don’t go all the way with it. She’d love it if you’d unzip her just enough that you can play with her nipples. That suit is tight, and she’ll be able to get a good amount of friction down below just by rocking her hips with it on (ask her how she knows). It might even be enough for her to come, if you’re helping her along.
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Clint will laugh in your face when you make the request. Then he’ll have the audacity to say, “Oh baby, I thought you’d never ask.” Get ready for some dirty archery wordplay, because he’s making the most of this opportunity.
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gif sources: x, x, x, x, x, x, x
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enidette · 5 months
NICE FOR A SAVIOR carl grimes x male!reader
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warnings — reader is negan’s adopted son, this is literally shit because i couldn’t come up with anything for this request i’m sorry </3
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carl first noticed you at the lineup. someone his age, looking disgusted and terrified at the acts your gracious leader was doing. he saw the panic in your eyes with every strike, using his curiosity towards you to distract him from the traumatizing events unfolding right before him.
the ptsd from it all, as much as he’d like to deny it, had him forgetting about you. but that day he popped a cap in a few saviors’ asses he saw you again, following negan around. you always walked in silence, your father’s words going through one ear out the other. your focus was more on carl.
“i can’t, i can’t do it.” your dad laughs, “it’s like talking to a birthday present. you gotta take that crap off your face, i wanna see what grandma got me!”
you roll your eyes at his immaturity, giving carl a pitied look. but he’s not even looking at you, his eye glaring at your dad instead. “no.”
“two men!”
“dad,” you give him a dirty look, causing negan to run a hand down his face. carl grimaces at the revelation that you have to deal with negan as your father.
“two men.” his voice gets lower, “punishment. do you really wanna piss me off?”
you sigh, “just do it.” carl’s head turns to you, squinting his eye at you. you mouth a ‘sorry’ at him, causing him to swallow thickly and sigh. he sets his hat on the table in front of him and reaches behind his head to unwrap the bandages.
you lean back in your seat and look out of the window to respect him, hearing your father go off on him. you stand up quickly, surprising both of them. “i’m gonna take him back, i’ll check on what they have going on while i’m at it.”
you walk over to carl and negan sends you both his weird, sinister smile. “you sure? i think our new friend here would really like to see the iron. i mean, that guy’s eye is gonna be seriously fucked. way worse than his.”
you give your dad a fake smile and motion carl to follow you out of the room. he brushes his hair back in front of his face and places his hat over his head to keep it in place. you both walk in silence for a bit, carl only breaking it when you both get in the truck.
“he’ll just… let you go?” his face is turned up in either confusion or disgust, you couldn’t tell. but you wouldn’t blame him if it were either one.
you nod, “i’m his son, he wants me to be all independent and shit.” you motion your head towards him, “probably why he takes such a liking to you. you’re what he wants me to be.” carl doesn’t say anything for a moment. you notice he does a lot of that.
“do you like it here?” he blurts. now it’s your turn to be quiet. you don’t know how to answer that question. it’s shelter, it’s protection, the big bad guy in charge is literally your father.
you shake your head with a laugh, “i would if my father wasn’t so bloodthirsty. he says he only does it when he has to, but like the other night, with your friends… he went too far.” carl turns his head to look out the window when you say that, “should i not have brought that up?”
“it’s fine.” is all he says, adjusting his hair again.
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when the two of you enter alexandria there are certainly a few starers. “look, i’m not actually here to do anything. i just felt bad and wanted to take you home.” he fixes his hair again, pulling it so more and more covers his face. “why do you keep doing that?”
he clears his throat, “it doesn’t make you uncomfortable?”
you look at him oddly, “your eye?” he nods, you could tell it affected him by the way his cold facade shattered when your dad made fun of it. you shake your head and roll your eyes, “no, why would it? i think it looks cool as hell.”
carl stops walking and turns to you fully, tilting his head and looking at you with an unreadable expression.
“why are you doing that?”
“why?” you echo, turning around as well so you’re face to face.
he squints, “you’re being too nice for a savior.”
“don’t call me that,” you snap. “i’m not like them. i’m only there because i made the mistake of trusting negan.” carl looks down for a bit in thought.
“then come stay here.”
you laugh humorlessly, “so my father can hate your people more? have another reason to destroy what you have going here?”
carl shrugs, “we can protect you.”
you give him a weird smile, running a hand through your hair. “okay, why are you being nice now?”
“at a time like this you should be, to the people who deserve it.”
you nod in agreement, beginning to walk with him again. “you know, i’m starting to like your company carl.” you kick a rock as you walk, “we just met and all, but there aren’t many people who give me a chance.”
carl shrugs like it’s nothing, “maybe i’m starting to like your company too, uh…” carl trails off when he realizes he still doesn’t know your name.
“y/n." carl nods with a smile, leading you to his house.
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kikyo-writes · 1 year
Reader with a memory loss condition, any character, hella angst 🙏
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Katsuki thought he’d lost you for good. The sight of you covered in blood, eyes squeezed shut, and barely even breathing... it was almost too much to bear. If he couldn’t even protect the person he loved most, then how the fuck could he call himself a hero?  
But against all odds, you survived. The universe decided to have mercy this time, even though he’d failed to protect you. He’d fucked up, and the guilt would follow him forever, but at least he was being granted a second chance.  
Unfortunately, your life had come at no small price.  
“I have to warn you, Bakugou,” the doctor frowns. “She’s... different now. All of the healing and surgery have taken care of her life-threatening injuries, but she suffered severe head trauma, and it’s put her in a state of disorientation.”  
Katsuki clenches his jaw. “What are you trying to say? I know it’s gonna take her a while to recover. It’s not like I expect her to be up and running right away. As long as she’s safe—”  
“I’m referring to her brain. Well, more specifically, her memories. We did an initial screening, and it’s quite clear that she’s suffering from amnesia.” The doctor offers a sympathetic smile. “I just wanted you to know, so that you can prepare yourself.”  
Katsuki doesn’t know what else to say. Really, what can he say? You’re alive. That simple fact alone is worthy of celebration. He's just grateful that you’re still here, living and breathing. He doesn’t have to say goodbye to you. He’ll never, ever be ready to say goodbye to you.
“This is still a very early diagnosis,” the doctor reassures. “Following a traumatic event, some patients suffer memory loss for a few days, weeks, or in rarer cases, months, but it’s not guaranteed to be permanent. In fact, temporary amnesia is far more common. It just takes a while for the brain to repair itself.”  
“I get it,” Katsuki nods. Right. It’s all going to be fine. You’ve just come out of a life-threatening battle, so it’s no wonder if your mind is in disarray.  
There’s no need to panic. Katsuki loves you, and you love him.  
As long as you’re together, whatever it is, you’ll get through it.  
“If you’re ready, then you’re welcome to go see her now,” the doctor encourages.  
Katsuki doesn’t need to be told twice. He steps into the hospital room without sparing a breath, and sure enough, there you are. Sweet, lovely [Name]. The love of his life, all covered in bandages, but looking just as beautiful as always.  
Katsuki swallows his tears. He already cried his heart out when he first thought you were a goner, and he cried even more while you were in intensive care. There’s no point in crying anymore, not when you’re alive and well. Seeing him with a weak, broken expression won’t do you any good.  
For your sake, he needs to be strong.  
“[Name],” Katsuki mumbles. He walks over to your bedside and pulls out a chair so he can sit close. He isn’t normally much of a smiler, but being next to you like this—something he thought he’d never be able to do again—makes his lips curl up at the sides and tremble in relief.
You’re alive. Your injuries have been healed, for the most part, and there won’t be any lasting damage. There’s no reason why you won’t be able to keep enjoying life, just as you've done up until now.  
Overwhelmed with emotion and the desire to feel the warmth of your skin against his, Katsuki reaches out to grab your hand.  
You recoil immediately, and in that moment, Katsuki’s heart shatters.
“Sorry,” you swallow. “Um. I don’t... I don’t know who you are.”
He feels like he’s about to throw up. The doctor mentioned amnesia. He did mention amnesia. But... isn’t this way too extreme? This is like the kind of stuff that happens in movies, or when elderly patients are in the advanced stages of Alzheimer’s.  
You blink, searching his expression for a clue. “I’m sorry,” you frown. “I feel like I should know you. It sounds like you know me. But it’s just hard. It feels like my head is all foggy. I’m really, really sorry...”  
And then you start crying. You cry and cry, even though you can’t possibly be to blame, and all the while, Katsuki is helpless to do anything but watch.  
“It’s not—” He swallows hard, wiping his eyes so that he doesn’t start crying too. “I-It’s okay,” he chokes out. “It’s not your fault, [Name]. I’m Katsuki. Bakugou Katsuki. Does that name sound familiar at all? It’ll come back to you. I promise it will.”  
“I don’t know,” you sob. “I don’t know. I just don’t know...”  
He’s never wanted to hug you more in his entire life, but how can he? From your perspective, he’s nothing more than a stranger. You wouldn’t even let him hold your hand. All of those years spent together, all of those incredible memories you’d shared... they’re gone. Just like that.  
“It’s not your fault,” Katsuki mumbles brokenly.  
He says it again and again, but he’s not even sure you hear him over the sound of your own cries.  
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The past few months have been the hardest of Katsuki’s entire life, and regretfully, the days ahead aren’t going to get any easier.  
Your amnesia is permanent. Or, at the very least, the odds of you making a recovery at this point are so small they may as well be zero.
Katsuki isn’t the only person you’ve forgotten. You forgot a good chunk of the classmates you went to U.A with, major life events, and even certain encounters with villains—including the very incident that nearly claimed your life. The doctor said it’s very common for traumatic events to be forgotten, and while Katsuki is glad that you don’t have to remember something so horrible, why did you have to forget all the good stuff too?  
It’s just not fair. Katsuki knows he should be grateful. He still gets to see your pretty, smiling face, he still gets to talk to you and hear you laugh from time to time. None of that would have been possible if the doctors hadn’t fought tooth and nail to save your life. At least you’re still young, your body is in healthy, functional shape, and the personality he fell for is still largely unchanged.  
Katsuki doesn’t want to complain. He doesn’t want to take what he still has for granted.  
But it just really fucking hurts.  
He hasn’t been able to hold you in months. He hasn’t been able to kiss you either. Even though he’s told you that the two of you used to date, you’ve forgotten all the reasons you fell in love with him in the first place. It’s taken time for you to let your guard down, especially since everything’s so difficult to make sense of.  
You’re friends. At the very least, Katsuki is still a part of your life. But every time he cracks an inside joke or accidentally makes a reference to something that happened in the past, and he sees the confused look in your eyes, a part of him breaks.  
Still, he refuses to stop trying. He’ll never stop trying. The doctors said that certain memories can trigger other ones, and in rare cases, even patients with severe memory loss were able to make a miraculous recovery.  
Katsuki never used to be the type of person to hold out hope for a miracle, but nowadays, it’s all he ever wishes for.  
“It’s pretty here,” you say, sighing happily. Your gaze flickers towards the beach’s shoreline, and you admire the gentle, rippling waves as the sun descends through the sky.  
Katsuki just stares at you. “You’re prettier,” he replies.  
“Oh, pfft,” you brush off. “Quit hitting on me.”  
He wants to do more than just hit on you. He wants you wrap his arms around you and slam his lips against yours, meeting you in the most desperate, passionate kiss he can muster. If it was up to him, the two of you would already be rolling around in the sand right now, bodies pressed together so close that you could feel each other’s heartbeat.  
But he can’t. You’re not ready yet. You’re not ready, and... you’ve forgotten. You’ve forgotten the happiest moments of his life.  
So, he’ll wait. There’s nothing else he can do but wait. Starting over from the beginning is painful and gut-wrenching. It’s an endless cycle of despair. You might never remember. There’s a chance you might not even fall in love with him again.  
But at least you’re alive. At least you’re here with him right now.  
Katsuki will never stop trying, no matter how much it hurts, no matter how much he cries. He’ll form new memories with you, and even if those disappear one day too... 
He’ll just start all over again. 
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d3sserts0ul · 2 months
Have a little request :33. The DOA with a member who’s afraid of blood, I feel like it’d be interesting
Sure! Right below~ ( Little warning though, they might be a bit out of character..)
“ 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘢 𝘣𝘪𝘵 𝘣𝘭oo𝘥𝘺.𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘰𝘯’𝘵 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵, 𝘥𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶? ”
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𝘋𝘰𝘈 [ 𝘋𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘈𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘭𝘴 ] 𝘟 𝘎𝘕!𝘙𝘌𝘈𝘋𝘌𝘙 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘢 𝘧𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘰𝘧 𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘥.
𝘞𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 ;𝘉𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴,𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘯 𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘢𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶/𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳,𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧.
𝘛𝘌𝘙𝘔𝘚 ;𝘏𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘱𝘩𝘰𝘣𝘪𝘢 - 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘰𝘧 𝘉𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘥.
Дорогой — Darling (Russian).
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- 𝘚𝘪𝘨𝘮𝘢
• When you two went on a mission together, he was pretty confused and concerned on the fact that everytime he shot someone and blood splattered on you or him or anywhere for that matter, you started to freak out.
• Of course, he managed to calm you down. But that didn’t explain why you panicked or what even caused you to feel that way. Was it the gun or the sound of the gun? Maybe it was you seeing a corpse? All of these questions echoed in his head, and he wanted (needed) them to be answered so he could help avoid the issue in the future. So he decides that this will be talked about as soon as you get home, and he WILL be focused on that topic whole day because he’s worried something might be wrong with you, and you’re too precious to lose.
• Once you tell him that you have hemophobia, and get bothered when you see blood, everything started to click. Even this didn’t seem like a big deal to you, it became one to him. After all, he wants you to enjoy yourself, even during missions.
• Sigma understood that blood can traumatize people and cause them to have a negative reaction to it and he was fine with it, but what worried him was that since you are a member of the Decay of Angels, the job can have a lot of bloody work and preventing you from being upset from the sight/thought of blood could or would be inevitable.
• To carry out with his plan, he does some extra research on the phobia particularly just so he can clearly understand it, as well as using his ability by touching you to find out if you have any more phobias. ( in case he hasn’t already use his ability on you. )
• Sigma tries to come up with something to help you do your job without any problems, ranging from him doing the bloody work and having you look away, or maybe you can work behind the scenes rather than being on foot and having to deal with killing people or watching people get killed. He even talks with Fyodor and Nikolai in which Fyo responds brutally, calling you unworthy of being a DoA member. On the other hand, Nikolai wants to try to help you on feeling comfortable. But since Nikolai is Nikolai, it’s a good chance he’ll also call you make fun of you and weak for being afraid of blood.
• Absolute sweetheart and supportive unlike the others in the group, even fascinated that hemophobia is even a type of phobia. If you want to tell Sigma why you have that phobia, he’ll listen closely and comfort you if you happen to cry while explaining the reason. Overall, Sigma deals with you very nicely with someone who has hemophobia.
Sigma leans against a wall, breathing heavily after fleeing a bloody scene from earlier. You didn’t know what had happened back there, but you did hear some screams and gunshots. Who would’ve thought that Sigma was deadly and cute. “ I hate missions like this. I'd rather be up working on the sky casino than this. ” He mumbles under his breath. You felt shakened up from before and he could tell, telling from your legs shivering. “ Is everything okay? I hope nothing scared you. ” A worried tone says to you. “ I’m fine. I didn’t see any blood or something but I’m just… shaken up from that. ” You replied.
“ Understood, I hope the method we chose eased your trigger. If you need anything, I’m at your call. ” Sigma fixed his posture and walked up to you, putting your hands in his. His eyes showed gentleness and warmth.
“ I talked with the other members, and they will try to fix a position for you to not be around blood. ”
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- 𝘍𝘺𝘰𝘥𝘰𝘳
• Fyodor probably either knew you had a phobia of blood, or just didn’t at all. Safe to say, he took the information and used it to his advantage.
• He listened to you explaining your hatred or fear for blood, beginning to laugh halfway through the explanation. You were confused on what was so funny, until he told you that you were weak as hell for that and you aren’t really worthy of being a Decay of angels member.
• Don’t get him wrong, he thinks you’re stronger than an average human/ability user. But blood? Yeah no, you’re going to see that anytime you go on a mission with him— And you always accompany him on missions, whether you like it or not.
• Thinks you need some training in learning how to deal with blood. This training is harsh, usually having you watch him take out a target with his ability, then ordering you to stay there and endure the sight of blood. His eyes watch your every move and expression as you begin to panic.
• Fyodor threatens to force you to watch him kill someone if you get out of line. As long as you follow his every order and not be a brat, you won’t have to go through anymore psychological trauma.
• But there are times where you bawl your eyes out from the sight of blood, and sometimes (rarely) Fyodor offers you to sit on his lap and calm down once you both are at home. Stroking a hand up and down your back, it’s a sugarcoated action and his voice an be sweet like honey. But since Fyodor is… what he is, this is to only make you come back for more and become obedient to him.
• If he unfortunately happens to be in a bad mood, and you also happen to be triggered, he won’t beat you psychically but will hurt you with his words, going on and on about how pathetic you look crying about something humans have daily and that some people have it worse.
• Though he ‘apologizes’ through touches right after though and will gaslight you. Saying that he didn’t mean it and that you’re such a snowflake.
• If it makes you feel any better though, Fyodor finally decided that your phobia is permanent and irreversible. Therefore he will no longer let you go to missions and might just have you stay home since you’re supposed to be a housewife/husband for him anyways. You’ll usually have Ivan watch you, and if you happen to accidentally see blood, he is quick to distract you and cover your eyes.
You sat in front of him, teared up and sobbing.“ Stop crying Дорогой, it was just a small injury. ” Fyodor spoke up with a smug look on his face, wrapping his hand in bandages. You were in a vulnerable state and he admired how you trusted him during a time like this, so he suppose he could help his precious angel. You try to stop the tears from forming and fall down your flushed cheeks and was successful. Once you calmed down, Fyodor sighed softly in a bit of irritation. “ I came up with a solution with your illness— ”
“ It isn’t an illness, Fyo. ” You corrected him. He obviously didn’t like that, and it was evident on his face. “ Don’t speak unless I tell you to. You know what happens when you’re a brat, yes? ” He warned. You cross your arms as a response. “ As I was saying. I came up with a solution. You will be staying with Ivan now and any mission there is where it doesn’t involve death, you will do. Understand? ” Fyodor asks. You nod.
“ I still don’t understand why a little bit of blood can invoke fear in one. You really are an odd one. ”
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- 𝘕𝘪𝘬𝘰𝘭𝘢𝘪
• When you first told Nikolai, he just asked an overwhelming amount of questions about it.
• Honestly really intrigued and proceeded to tell some phobias of his own. Even if this thing was about you only.
• He kinda wants to help but also wants to prank the hell out of you with it, which he usually does.
• Sometimes Nikolai would say that the mission you two are going on is a rather tame one, involving no blood. But once you two go on the mission and end up have some ‘ company ’, he smirks and asks “ things are going to get a bit bloody, you’re fine with that right? ”
• Not funny, didn’t laugh and he could tell you didn’t find that funny. Always apologizes if he does that even if he did it unintentionally.
• Comforts you if you just so happen to freak out or get sick when seeing blood. Loves seeing your pretty tears, even if your upset, sometimes it makes him want to reward you.
• tries to talk to fyodor to make you not go on too dangerous missions, because he thinks that if you fight with some thugs or whatever, you’ll see blood from a injury or corpse and freeze up, causing you to be killed by who ever you’re fighting. And since Fyodor and Nikolai are… friends… then Fyodor tell him to do whatever he thinks fit.
“ Oh how sensitive you are, doll. It’s adorable to me. ” Nikolai smirks as you cling on to him, a person Nikolai just killed laying in a puddle of their own blood. You didn’t feel too good seeing this and he could tell, therefore cupping your cheeks and having you look at him. “ Come on now, it’s just a corpse, breathe. ” Nikolai chuckled, before placing a kiss on your lips. That seemed to have calmed you down and he did it again, and again and once more.
“ You are just so desperate for my kisses, aren’t you? ”
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I love how sigma is the only normal one out of the bunch…😭
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uzurakis · 3 months
hunnie bunnie . . . x-x i’ve been thinkin’ . . . who in bllk would be the best fathers / babydaddyz ? ? x-x hehe choose wisely !
( my bllk brainrot is cummin’ (hehe) back . . . eeerrrrgrgeheh (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ)
my sweetiepie . . in this essay i will make immensely clear of who i think would be the best papas in blue lock.
first on the list . . reo mikage. it’s crystal clear he would luxurize his family in everything. well, with his wealth and capabilities, why would he not? once he has a family to take care of, 100% would step up and never wanna let you guys down. although he’s busy, he’s gonna make the most of it when he’s free from work; playing with the kids, taking them out, buying their clothes personally (even though he has baya, i’d think he trust baya to take care of his kids when he’s not available). oh my god, he’s just going to spoil you with everything, EVERYTHING. you give a glance at a dior bag? he gon’ take it PERSONALLY and buy it most immediately. same with the kids, just one index finger pointing at a set of clothes, he’ll by three of them in different colors. best daddy or . . sugardaddy?
next we have . . rensuke kunigami (pre-wildcard). i could definitely see he’s the type to play with the kids by lounging them up to the air as if they’re flying, plays hide and seek; jus a typical humble and modest happy family ^^
yoichi isagi, our mc! i bet he’s going to b a decent father also. like . . he grew up normally with affection and he’s just going to be a loving father in the household, definitely.
special mentions: kurona, nanase.
1-4 leans more on the canon side, but fanon? oliver aiku TRUST ME ON THIS, ITS FANON AFTER ALL! jus forget that he cheats on girls and it’s fine! also kaiser, duh, if he could come over his traumatic past, he’ll be a good one of a father.
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m4ctavish · 2 years
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ghost — you and i.
pairing : simon “ghost” riley/gn! reader
desc : simply put, ghost needs to come to terms with how he feels for you.
a/n : treat him right 🫵
simon “ghost” riley :
keep in mind that he’s a fairly traumatized person. he’s got his own baggage that’ll take a while to unpack and because of that he’s not exactly the most emotionally vulnerable person. it’d likely take him a bit to come to terms with what he feels for you. it’s dangerous for him and it’s dangerous for you; all it takes is someone with a vendetta to use his feelings against him. romantic feelings for someone?? gotta shut that down QUICK
initially, he may not realize he’s doing it but he drops little hints that he likes you as more than a friend or someone on his squad. perhaps it’s that he talks a bit more with you, sneaks glances at you when he thinks you’re not looking, or his grip on your upper arm may linger a bit longer than normal
when he comes to that realization that he harbors some sort of feelings for you, i feel as if he’d take the initiative to try and nip it at the bud by avoiding you or keeping contact with you to a minimum unless necessary. he’d swallow down the feeling he gets in his chest whenever you lock eyes with him and send a nod his way.
it’s detrimental to his work and possibly your relationship with him as friends or work partners (depending on how you know him). you’ve taken notice of his behavior, how he steps out of the room the moment you enter, how he pulls away from your grip on his arm like your touch is scalding when all you wanted to do was ask him something, or how he’s been more sarcastic with you than he usually is.
it hurts you and he can see that— he can see how you swallow down your pride and look the other way. but he believes it’s for the best, he believes that pushing you away will cause whatever he feels for you and whatever you feel for him, to shrivel up and die. (jokes on you simon, that’s not how this works!)
if you really wanted to pursue something with him, you’d have to make it known that you enjoy his company and want to be with him. you’d have to say it firmly and clearly lest you want to make him think that you’re fucking with him or he takes it as you being like “i like being around you, as a friend.”
might spark an argument with him going on a tangent about how he doesn’t want to put you in harms way simply because he cares about you and you care about him. (“this isn’t up for debate! i’m not putting you in harms way because you think that you love me.”) it’s not that he doesn’t want to be with you, god, anything but that. it’s just that he doesn’t want you to get hurt because of him— he’d never be able to forgive himself for that; it’d be blood on his hands that’d never wash away.
it’d probably take a bit to work out the fine details and lots of reassurance. you’d have to let him know that you’re with him throughout it all and that he’s the one that you want— not someone who works a 9-5 job, not someone who lives in the suburbs, not someone who lives a “normal” life, but him. you want simon “ghost” riley.
on the off chance that you don’t say anything to him about how you feel, he’ll carry those feelings with him until the day that he’s buried. (dead or alive haha) as much as it pains him, he believes that you deserve someone better. someone that won’t result in an untimely demise, or someone that can be there with you all the time.
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