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Trigger warning: grooming, selfharm, SA, implied underage (17)
Also implied Christian Reader just in case
R-baby neglected batsis plot dump—I honestly just kept typing until I couldn’t think further lol
Yandere brothers, Bruce isn’t Yandere just mentally unstable
I saw someone write about a ‘what if Bruce was groomed and he protects the kids from same groomers’ post and it inspired me for a plot of Neglected Batsis.
Same idea, Bruce is groomed but by an older woman when he was still rather young and she got pregnant with his kid. Never admits it’s his because she was just manipulating Bruce and when it’s obvious she’s his because of her features and such, Bruce is thrown with the child. You’d think the woman would face justice but no, she’s wealthy too so she uses the corrupt justice system to just have to pay out and she isn’t allowed to see her baby.
That’s why batsis is neglected. She came from something so horrific he can’t look at her, he can barely call her his daughter. For him, she’s just a reminder. It leads Alfred to taking care of her and at first… she doesn’t question it because the first few years she’s young. A kid.
Then Dick who is older than her by some years comes in the picture. Freshly lost his parents, she tried to connect to the best of her five year old ability but she’s only five. She doesn’t understand death or loss. She doesn’t even connect herself to her own father. He snaps at her and she doesn’t try again.
The neglect never seems to end even at events. She’s left alone when she’s old enough to go but that brings problems. No one protects her. At some point the people targeting her get bolder. The worst part? Her mother would by this time would no longer be pushed out thanks to the court mandated restraining order expiring and she’s not necessarily targeting her, but is definitely encouraging her friends to.
Batsis would endure this silently until Jason finds out. It would start as him thinking Damian struck her again with his katana and he’d confront Damian about the rules. Damian would obviously deny and say she probably was being clumsy or something. Damian would have been very dismissive at first as he didn’t see his older half sister as important, their father doesn’t even like talking about her. It’s like she’s just a picture he doesn’t want to look at , but feels obligated to keep up. Jason keeps eyes on her and continues his interrogation over to Tim because he has a bad feeling.
Tim would suggest bringing it up to Alfred, getting annoyed with Jason for worrying over someone he sees as a bum, someone he sees as a worthless person in the house. He long tuned anything about her out, he doesn’t know anything about her currently. He doesn’t know her hobbies, her grades, her dreams or goals, hell he doesn’t even know she participates in charity work like volunteering at the local soup kitchens or what she’s doing on these ‘trips’ she goes on every once in a while.
Jason would ignore him and try Dick next, who by his adulthood would have a sense of guilt for his actions when he was younger, but was never able to move himself to apologize to batsis. It’s also very easy to forget her. Dick would say he hasn’t noticed anything new, and after hearing Damian also denied doing anything Dick goes with Jason to ask Alfred about it.
Alfred’s hand would twitch. Much like Bruce was a son to him, he couldn’t help but get a similar attachment to Batsis. Sure, Bruce chose to keep her and provide her what she needs, but Alfred was the one to raise her. In many ways he would never voice, he was more her father than Bruce. When he hears the news, he’s reminded of that time when her mother had ruined Bruce. He would try to approach this to her, but she’d deny deny deny, just like her father did.
He’d later try to discuss it with Bruce who also dismisses it as soon as he mentions her name. He didn’t want to know, he didn’t even get to tell him why he brought her up—no idea it was about her wellbeing. Jason would check in next time he visits and be pissed off hearing she wouldn’t say a damn thing and Bruce was being a bitch, a child about it. Instead of invading her space, as he knew they weren’t close, he started to stalk her outside the house.
Nothing of substance happens, not related to what he saw. Alfred is still worried but without knowledge he can’t tell Alfred what was truly going on. Jason didn’t know what possessed him to care suddenly, maybe just someone outside the family doing this irritated him? Or the fact she was the only person who shouldn’t be hurt like that?
He gets to know her, how she’s very faithful to her faith and goes to church Wednesdays and Sundays without exception. How she’s well liked by the older women in the fellowship and her ‘work’ outside it. He learned that work was volunteering at the soup kitchen but she’s never been announced doing this.
Jason sees she loves medical documentaries, tv shows, and follows social media doctors on her social media, which was private. He couldn’t figure out what could have happened even began wondering if Damian lied until a banquet he also spied in on that everyone else went to, except him because he was ‘dead’.
That’s where the problem was. He saw Bruce keeping an eye on the boys, even though dick was a damn adult and he saw he didn’t even pay attention to what was happening to her. She was surrounded by some men he remembers he was told to stay away from back when he went to these stupid things. There he’d see a woman who only encouraged the men and Jason wanted to throw up.
They were grabbing, groping, just doing things they shouldn’t ever be doing. The woman reminded Jason a bit of batsis, especially the eyes, but she took more of Bruce’s traits. He about had it seeing them try to make her drink something when he called Dick.
Dick would be annoyed at first since he knew Jason wasn’t at the banquet. Then he hears what Jason was saying and Dick looks in the crowd and sees what’s going on. He can tell you’re uncomfortable, trying to find a way out—anything to use as a way out of what was happening. He almost lost his cool too. He would get in between the men and spoke as calmly as he could about them touching his little sister. He pulled her out from there.
While Jason lit the fuse, he was not the first to get obsessed; it’s Dick. Dick was already feeling guilty for his shit attitude towards batsis when they were just little kids, but to find they were getting hurt because none of them paid enough mind? He had taken her to a family bathroom and insisted he check her. He found everything on her body, or at least without getting her naked. He saw the bruises and the cuts. He asked if she drank anything they gave her and she’d tell him about the champagne they forced her to drink. He could see the bruises forming along her chin from that too. She never felt such concern from any of them, she was utterly surprised. He did take camera evidence of the bruises and cuts, just in case it’s needed, he told her.
Next, unsurprisingly is Jason who isn’t afraid to mention he roughed the guys up a week later as it boiled in his mind. Damian is still annoyed by this as well as Tim, they didn’t get it. Alfred had her excused from school for a few days to properly let her heal. Dick came by more often or stayed longer to speak with her. He never did that before yet Jason wasn’t quite where Dick was.
Alfred would eventually be disgusted further as Jason shows a picture of all parties involved, but none of the men made him angry or disgusted as the woman. At first the boys thought it was a woman standing by or even participating, but were sick to the stomach when Alfred explained the woman involved was batsis’s own mother. He tells the boys what she had done to Bruce and it explained so much to Jason and Dick, but obviously it didn’t mean she deserved it. Batsis isn’t her mom, why didn’t Bruce just see someone to get through it? Alfred then said “He still doesn’t know, he won’t let me speak a word about her to him.”
This only further infuriates Jason. This would trigger the more intense feelings he has surrounding this and her. Mind you, Jason himself until that point hadn’t really interacted with her. Jason leaves in a rage? Takes her with him. It does make Tim and Damian upset since usually he wants to be alone, why were they dragging the loser along?
Jason would teach her how to hold and use a pistol. After what happened he’d want her to have some way to defend herself. He wouldn’t really apologize for the past, that’s just not how Jason is. He isn’t like Dick who is a bit more comfortable with that stuff, he’s a bit more stonewall than him. After the pistol lessons he’d drop her off at home after they get ice cream.
For me Tim would eventually crack try to figure out what the living hell could have slipped Jason’s and Dick’s switches on her and first logically updates his knowledge on her. He sees her schoolwork and is actually surprised. He never took her for the academic type and she clearly had a trajectory towards the medical field based on the classes she was taking. Hell, they’re apparently in the same mathematics, which makes sense since she’s older and for his age it’s advanced. What annoys him is she’s better grade wise. Then there’s her personal life, he sees the church activities she’s been a part of, the church related trips turned out to be missions typical of most churches. Helping out communities outside the country and spreading the word as they did so. He sees her charity work at the soup kitchen and all before seeing how accurate he was in thinking she wanted to go to the medical field, everything she liked on social media related to doctors and she loved medical shows—documentaries to just medical drama. He never really thought there may be more to her than what he saw until then. He always called her useless and a bum, but he ends up rethinking that realizing he was mad that she didn’t need to be a vigilante to be under the Wayne’s wings. He was being unfair for no reason other than his own spite.
Then he speaks to Alfred… because maybe he in formed one of them? He was just curious how the other two found out and is utterly winded by the real reason. He remembers the injury that was brought up but hadn’t thought much of it. She had been SA-ed at the banquets? Alfred shows the bruises Dick had found on her through the photos he sent and her cuts. He felt sick, staring at each deep purple and black bruises, some actually in the form of a hand.
He couldn’t see her the same at all after all that. He also wasn’t the best at giving apologies, but not because he couldn’t do, he just failed at sounding completely sincere and not forced. This leads back to Damian still getting annoyed by them and Bruce hears about it, is confused but because it involves her he blanks it out. It actually is quite alarming how he does it and even Tim who tries to say something can’t get him to listen. He mutters about him needing to see a damn therapist. Especially when he remembers what Alfred said about one of the abusers, while not directly, was her own mother. As he saw it they both have trauma from her so you’d think they could bond over it, but with how Bruce has been handling it… in his mind if he was keeping the baby, he should at least have tried. It’s clear he never did.
I feel like Damian would be the last before Bruce to come around. I debated if him or Bruce would, but it would definitely be Damian… it just would take more time. More accurately it would be three months after Tim came around, that he actually finds anything out about her. What happened was an attack downtown and he was involved of course while Batman handled another further up town. They thought it easier and while it was handled, Damian was legitimately hurt. She happened to be working at the soup kitchen that night and found him. Usually she was timid to Damian, but when she saw his arm she hushed him and told him to be quiet while she does some on scene first aid. She made a tourniquet to stop the bleeding and later Red Robin found them. Tim would comment on the scene clearly, but aside from insulting Damian for poor performance to annoy the brat, he would comment her time learning at ‘the’ center since she turned 18 must have helped a lot. She says “This is literally covered in nursing I at school, Tim.” Tim will respond “Hey, don’t smack my compliment like that.”
Damian never had seen her actually talk like that. He had never seen any version of her but the one who hides behind the timid and scared barriers she had put up—especially after he had struck her when he first arrived. Damian is taken home to recover but now he’s annoyed by something else. What else is she hiding? Why did she immediately revert back to that timid posture when they got home?
Dick eventually would ask how Damian’s doing and Damian would snip at him for information. Dick would sigh, trying to think of a way to explain. Sure he’s someone violent and willing to kill… but he’s still a kid. He had to explain things with a certain tone.
He first asked Damian if he remembers the men his father told them to stay away from and would sometimes get inbetween if they approached. When Damian nods, Dick explains he never warned or did the same for Batsis, he thinks he didn’t even notice. At the last banquet that Batsis attended, he caught a chunk of those same men and a horrible woman that Bruce had a bad history with, not explaining it was her mother.
Damian saw the pictures too. Mind you, he isn’t immediately jumping into this either. He at first just understood the basis for the sudden protective nature they had. Someone had hurt a family member, it’s natural to get offensive especially when they’re not one of them. The line started when he asked what got Tim involved to Tim and he said it wasn’t actually the incident but the sudden research. Showed him everything and he was stunned. Sure, she wasn’t impressive by what he grew up knowing, but considering her upbringing she was an incredible person. Over the next two months he slowly warmed up to her, the last two weeks of which were easier once he found out Jason taught her how to shoot guns. She was best with a pistol, but she could shoot.
It’s not like she was his favorite, but he admits he is protective at that point. To the point he found himself going off on Bruce one day when Alfred mentioned she was starting medical school, which he couldn’t even get to that part before Bruce reminded him. Damian thought it was getting ridiculous, didn’t see why no one could even talk about his sister with him. It surprised Bruce to hear it from him, Jason he understood well by then, but from Damian?
She was gone for college one morning and Bruce forced himself to look in her room. He sees a plethora of items from her Bible and Jesus cross statue on her desk, a stack of medical books and he sees an old calendar and looks at the markers. They mentioned things like soup kitchens, church missions, church events, reminders for college. On her desk were also acceptance letters. He looked through the names, but one had labeled her a free ride. Followed was two scholarships from church groups, 500 dollars on one and another 700 dollars on the other. He was surprised, he never knew any of this. Then he thinks to himself ‘I never let anyone tell me.’
He sees pictures, all of them included Alfred. From simple birthday pictures, to prom, to graduation. Some that didn’t have Alfred was her in a group photo with mission kids and some at the soup kitchen, some older lady was affectionately pinching her cheek. In a recent picture, her graduation from high school, Alfred, Dick, and Tim were there and there was a picture of her and Jason at some shooting range.
He looks away only to notice the medical posters, the medical dramas and documentaries stashed on the bookshelves. He couldn’t help but look back at the pictures, specifically the prom photo. He knew it was hard looking at her because she’d look like her mom, or at least he told himself that. Yet he looks into her prom photo, the picture of Alfred, her and a blond haired boy and he couldn’t see a lot of that horrible woman; only the eyes shown any resemblance. Yet he couldn’t see himself either really. He looked at her and tried to think where he’d seen it before.
Alfred would interrupt and comment on not expecting him to be there. He’d tell him what Damian said hit him hard so he decided to look at her room when she isn’t here. Alfred hummed to that and he asked what she was planning on doing in college. Alfred said “Well, Master Bruce, she’s going to medical school. She wants to be surgeon, if you’re going to ask.”
I feel like this would still not put him in the right space, but it would bother him enough. He’d eventually be in a situation where he talks to Superman about it and Clark is basically like “So the guy who told me to cut Conner some slack and try… can’t even look at his own biological daughter …? I’m sorry, Bats, but you need heavy therapy if she’s spent her whole life essentially being shunted because of one woman’s actions. She isn’t responsible for what happened, she was just a result. You can’t punish her for that.”
From here I don’t really have a clearer idea, I know I’d have Reformed-attempt Harley maybe being his therapist (aka Harley who is done with Joker) and the trigger to him truly going to therapy was an incident where he had to catch an unconscious batsis and instead of seeing batsis’s mom when he caught her, he saw his mom, Martha.
Also wanna make it a later storyline shipping but don’t know who yet since I’d need to figure out everyone’s ages by this point (timelines are confusing lmao)
As you can tell, and guess, the brothers would all kill for Batsis by the time Bruce starts to open up to her and therapy. Jason nearly did back at the banquet. Dick, if he ever dies, would’ve been on accident. And no baby bird nicknames, doesn’t really make sense since she doesn’t participate in the Batman life. Tim would psychologically torture and cause they to do something dangerous that gets them killed. Much like Jason, Damian has no problem or issue in just killing someone for her, only that is his objective unlike Jason. That’s all I have so far, I only warned about the religious stuff since it’s part of her character and some people do have religious trauma and I didn’t want to accidentally trigger anything.
#yandere#yandere x reader#batfam neglect#batfam x batsis#batman#batsis!reader#batsis#yandere batfam#dc#get Batman a therapist#tw grooming#tw self h4rm#tw sa mention
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American style, I should add
Getting tired of the Yandere bully trope—not because it’s hypocritical but because you’re telling me every Yandere bully is going to intensely bully their darling?
For one I want to read a Yandere bully (probably wealthy) who at most just teases his darling and bullies literally everyone else. He isolates her, but for her it isn’t obvious. If she had more serious bullies before, they have backed off because of him. His intentions are obvious to the rest of the school.
Give me a Yandere bully just isn’t *your* bully.
His breaking point would be one of two options. One guy thinks he’s playing around and continues their horrible treatment if you and your get hurt…
Or he finally confesses and you decline—even explain it to him that didn’t feel safe entering a relationship right now.
Either way man gets worse. Before he just protected you from everyone and made sure you got on your bus safely. Now he stalks you all the way home. He drives his own car to school so it just looks like a student might have moved and lives on the same route as them. He parks his car in the skate park across the street your brother oh so loves. He watches through your window.
I once night comes he watches you change. If you have a bad home life he had at first thought to kill them but then thought he could use it to his own advantage. Besides if you ever found out, in his head anyway, you were the type of person to be happy he didn’t commit to a crime. You would have freaked.
As high school goes on he just got worse and worse. He was meaner and uglier to others and you felt more alone. Yet, he remained teasing and the same guy you’ve always known when he’d speak to you. It was easier to pick up on his affections now that you know they existed.
He followed you to college. He couldn’t just bully everyone but thankfully, since you were so out of it at home and your high school days when it came to being social, you didn’t really make friends. so he worms his way back… he’s ready to have you for himself.
He’d find at a party you decided to give a try but you felt more like a wallflower. He found you and offered you a drink. You hadn’t realized the party had spiked punch, not normal punch. He got you to dance a little and feel comfortable as your mind got looser thanks to the alcohol.
He eventually got you drunk, led you away, found a place to have his way. You passed out in his arms so he brought you back to his apartment, he didn’t live on campus, so you’d wake up with someone to help you. He wouldn’t think anything he did was creepy at all.
He snuck an after pill in with the rest of the medication. He wanted you, but he didn’t want to fuck up your dreams. He claimed to have left you alone for a bit and someone else must’ve found you, that he’s sorry when you realize what happened a few days later. It’s a lie, but you don’t know that. He gets you to warm up to him after all that.
I just need, no crave that type of bully Yandere. Not all bullies need to bully their crush >.<
Sorry this was a bit of a ramble 😅
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I’m bored but I had a funny idea for a neglect story. Have a neglected batsis go through all the normal stuff, even Damian hurting her. Tim thinks he’s so much better as does Damian and Dick is sick. You are older than all of them and the only person who actually give af about you isn’t Alfred but Jason. He started to care AFTER he came back as you left the house for college seeing you also meant no bat.
The batfam for years for gets how old you’re getting except Jason… until one day finally getting their heads out the gutter that is Gotham for the election for the president… THEY FIND OUT YOURE RUNNING.
They are astounded and Jason is like “Are you telling me you didn’t pay attention to who our senator for the last year was?” Which makes Tim’s head turn. Jason is irritated and says “Are you telling me in the entirety of the past ten years none of you thought to check the damn news involving politics?”
Like literally they were so absorbed in crime, once they bring up politics they’d always turn the tv off. They never knew. And imagine their surprise when she wins and they’re like “how many episodes did we miss?”
I just find the whole scenario funny. I would do a full fanfic, at best a drabble, but the scenario is hilarious. Imagine you think you’re better and then the sibling you called useless just becomes president of your damn country as a big middle finger to you.
Also may I present Jason as her secret bodyguard. No one questions why she’s friends with red hood,at least her security doesn’t, as he once shot a sniper for her so they see him as making their job easier 🤣😂
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More isekai batsis because I love it so much.
So mine in particular doesn’t go by Y/n to the bat family since it is an isekai but when she’s by herself she will refer to herself as Y/n. Her Isekai name is Illia Birdges-Wayne.
I didn’t go too deep into the details of Damian’s obsession yet, just vague stuff so that’s what this post more or less is.
I’d like to say that Damian has a somewhat emotional-incest connection to her. He will not get physical as he’s been raised better, but there are signs-blatant signs I’ll add, that if they were not half-siblings he’d try. Once it’s obvious to Damian she understands he legitimately cares for her as I do feel Damian could tell her walls were still up, he’d be over the moon in his own lack of enthusiasm way.
When Damian and her start going to school together, it’s definitely more clear as well. Damian deals with her ‘friends’ at first to be close to her. He doesn’t like them and batsis isn’t truly friends with these ‘friends’ either. Their use is to keep her social standing up and Damian can see it.
While in a lot of fanfics Damian would egg the others on, as do they in turn, I don’t think Damian would exactly agree with any academic manipulation. If anything Damian thinks it’s the stupidest thing in the world because he doesn’t see it as just affecting her. As I’ve mentioned, he sees her friends as to keep a social standing. He sees them not as her friends, but pawns. As far as he’s concerned, her pawns are his too. So it legitimately upsets the little dude. I can just see the family trying to fuck with it and Tim back tracks because Damian put a venomous snake in his computer chair. They fuck off when it came to school after that because who wants to fuck with that.
Also this attempt would be without Bruce’s knowledge. He actually shuts Tim and Dick down on these attempts. Also scolds Damian in his perspective but it literally does nothing in regards of convincing him that his sister’s friends aren’t pawns.
He would tell his mom about her too. He won’t shut up, to the point she jokes about it sounding like he’s telling her his crush rather than a sister, but Damian disregards that statement.
If they were older, Damian is the brother who scared off any boyfriends since he’s always with her in public. If she somehow snuck it behind his back yes he’d be upset, but he would take it out on the partner. Now, Damian doesn’t worship her—even if he sometimes comes off like that.
These two would at some point using Arabic, Japanese, Korean, Irish and mandarin would make a code language that no one else in the house understands. At first Bruce thought it was just Arabic so he learns it and realizes it’s not just Arabic. So he figured out some of it is Japanese and mandarin, but can’t figure out what the other two are. It’s also the fact the two learned all of these, of course some they already knew, just so no one else could understand what the hell they were saying.
And just as he doesn’t want anyone dating her, he also gets offended when guys don’t won’t to. It’s even worse if they have an actual reason that doesn’t involve him. How dare they claim you’re too skinny? Too fat? The list could go on.
I can also imagine once Damian and her are comfortable enough, Damian would help “Illia” train in the martial arts she’s taking since Damian would have been trained in them from a far younger age. One day they come to dinner with bruises and gives everyone a panic attack and they’re like “What’s wrong? Damian was helping me train.” Followed by Damian complimenting an improvement but then going straight into what she needs to improve next.
He’s so damn attached. Sure he cares for the rest of the bat family but she has a different place in his life than them. They’re the people who mentor him, they’re the people he fights crime with—she is who he can go to and just be his age for damn once. They can only teach him how to be a Robin, her? She shows him what a Wayne is. There’s a difference whether they’d like to see it or not.
Next person I’ll get into (and how their obsession evolves) is Bruce. This is in order of who gets obsessive first to last btw.
#yandere#batfam neglect#batfam x batsis#batman#batsis!reader#yandere batfam#batsis#dc#isekai#Batman isekai#isekai! Batsis#damian wayne
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Concept I’m trying to write:
Neglected Batsis is adopted by Talia because she finds her in a lab facility where Batsis had murdered all the scientists. Talia was originally there to steal their experiments’ data.
Batsis was de-aged at first by the scientists before using the de-aged body to become a meta human like their birth mom but in hopes with their mom’s mutated dna she could be stronger… careful what you ask for. From age sixteen to four then six when Talia finds her, she decided to take her in with her high level of potential. Post Damian is given over to Batman, obviously, and Talia trains Batsis. First time in her life she is valued and her meta human abilities keep Talia’s interest to when she decided to officially adopt her. No one is aware that batsis has been missing until Damian finds Batsis’s room and asks whose room it is and that’s when everyone including Alfred is like ‘wait, where is she?’
Then Batman remembered a hostage note and he hadn’t even thought they meant her. So while they go down the rabbit hole, Talia has no idea she adopted Damian’s half sibling (like she’d complain, there’s a reason she chose Bruce as his father) and there’sno way for them to think much of it until Damian has to visit home.
It’s still WIP so I’ll see if I stick with it or not, just thought I’d share.
Also her powers let heal quickly, read minds, inhuman strength, and she has a vision ability that lets her essentially see people’s organs and nervous systems. Also that ability can give her migraines.
Also add batfam only recognizes 12 year old and older Batsis.
#batfam neglect#batfam x batsis#batsis!reader#batman#batsis#dc#neglected reader#neglectful batfam#damian wayne#bruce wayne
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Not related to my stories at all, just….
That moment you speak a loud a thought but what you mean didn’t come out with said thought. I was getting food and was choosing what looked the freshest but when trying explain what I meant after I said my thought aloud it just got worse because in the moment I didn’t say freshest, no my dumbass said ‘doesn’t look that great-‘
🥲hate it here
I won’t say what the server said, it just came off passive aggressive with a sliver of ‘nice’ but now I just want to crawl in a hole. I think im gonna food getting my lunch there for awhile… yeah this is going to eat me up all day
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Another thought, because she can see them, she can see all ghosts. She tried mentioning it once but because the family ignores her, no one knows. She told Alfred once but thought she was playing pretend because at the time she was 4.
Imagine living in Gotham and seeing all the ghosts that practically thrive with all the death around them. Also if she sees a particularly populated ghost area, she avoids it. Clearly that’s a hot spot for criminals to end their victims.
Eventually the family would find out because either they try to figure what’s going on by calling Constantine (?) or Jason who I’ve mentioned in this would also see ghosts. He’d lowkey be worried as to *why* she can see them because of why he’s able to.
Been seeing a lot of neglected batsis fics but may I say?
Imagine if Thomas and Martha Wayne’s ghosts are also looking out for neglected reader not just Alfred. It’s even better if batsis can see them. Just imagine the impact one day if batsis started wearing makeup in a way Martha did, maybe styles her hair like hers too because ghost Martha teaches them how to be a lady.
Bonus points if batsis is another biological kid to Bruce. The shame the couple feel when Bruce neglects her.
They get annoyed with Damian the most because that’s his sister, what the hell was he thinking? Imagining Martha ghost blows the card Bruce set to the side on Father’s Day right in his face XD
I could make a list of scenarios of ghost grandparents being good grandparents for batsis. Imagine one time Batsis asked to do something with Tim and Tim rejects her rudely so Thomas makes his computer short-circuit.
Martha would cut his phone off. Weirdly it works JUST FINE when off the property.
Thomas hides Damian’s katana because he used it on batsis. They can’t find it for weeks until Alfred goes up to the attic and there it is in a box labeled ‘Disappointment’. They freeze dick next time he visits for not keeping a promise… the list could go on.
Meanwhile batsis is taking a business course because Thomas insisted, completely unbothered.
Imagine they forget her birthday and they for the next week ruin any cake that comes in the house.
And when they do their turn around imagine they lock the door of whoever locked batsis’s room last until next meal time. Nothing works to let them out. NOTHING. Oh they told her she couldn’t have friends? Oh look your window is wide open and they just made them all go to sleep.
Just some thoughts :3
#batsis#dc#yandere batfam#batfam x batsis#batsis!reader#batfam neglect#batfam#batman#martha wayne#thomas wayne
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Isekai Reader having taken etiquette lessons, maybe even continuing to take etiquette lessons, and ends up purposely styling themselves like Martha Wayne. Maybe Reader looks like Martha, and the only part they kept in the isekai is their race? So they look mostly like a dead ringer for their 'grandmother' and play into that for the media.
After all, Reader knows the media expects the Wayne children to look and act like 'Wayne's'. Along those lines, Reader studying to become a doctor, maybe a surgeon, and the media praises her for following in her grandparents' footsteps.
It also adds to Damian viewing Reader as the perfect Wayne child.
But I'm also imagining when Batman comes to save Reader, and he tells them he called an ambulance, Reader 'slips' and says, "Thank you Father, I will take it from here. You'll be leaving, yes? So you can receive the call from the police that I was recovered and am in the hospital? There will be no need for you to pick me up afterwards. Just send Alfred when the doctors say I can come home."
Bruce, and every one of the siblings is shocked. "You know of our identities?"
"Of course. Did you really expect me to never know? You're not subtle. I thought you were being obvious on purpose?"
I actually did have that in mind a little bit. (I started actually writing a fanfic, still a WIP at this point.)
As I’m writing it, she’s studying specifically to be a general surgeon. This decision, however, has nothing to do with Thomas Wayne but her previous life before her untimely death. Reader before the isekai event was a resident for a large hospital and had planned to become a general surgeon herself. There is a few more layers to this as well besides the eye. For example, after the family knows she is aware, she’s probably the only child of Bruce’s who can’t disappoint him. She literally is going into a career to save lives which we all know Jason and Damian struggle with that concept 😅
I have a rather different idea of revealing how she knows. Rather than her slipping up here, she’s going to essentially confess about it to Damian. He’ll deny it at first, then she’ll respond “Damian, you’re the only person who calls me nickname. You’re expecting me to believe an entirely different person would by chance call me nickname?” He will admit defeat there only for her to ask him to keep it a secret. He does because he is a rather possessive younger brother.
I will agree 100% though she would purposely dress and style herself to mirror Martha.
#batfam neglect#batfam x batsis#batman#batsis!reader#yandere batfam#martha wayne#thomas wayne#batsis#dc#isekai ask
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Back with batsis stuff and kinda wanna do the whole isekai thing. Have reader meet their end somehow and wake up in a fanfic that was never finished of a neglected batsis. Have them wake up at the incident that made them get sent over to Bruce.
Have the original girl’s memories and knowing already they didn’t like her, didn’t want her, etc. she decided to just live for herself and future. Girlie went with her father who gave her that initial attention but after that she was taken to her room. She’s six. Have her give that grieving period of two weeks where she just got used to the room and the manor before she started asking for things. It’ll be probably one form of martial arts and later on probably also either music or dance. When she isn’t doing either of those things she sketching in her book and she’s actually really good.
Have her be closest with Alfred but still keep a certain wall up against him just like the others. Have her be a few months older than Damian and Damian isn’t quite in the picture yet. She ignores when the others are in the house despite being a part of said home. She only looks for her father for school needs and while still keeping her distance will set birth cards and Father’s Day cards on his desk in the study. She never hands them to him so she doesn’t know what he does with them nor does she care.
If the character she is reborn as is meant to be neglected, why should she bother trying to reach out?
She eventually had no choice but to meet Jason because he was there… they didn’t know how to explain to her why red hood is there. She simply said “Hello, I would chat but I have Jujitsu in 20 so I have to leave. Nice meeting you.” It was concerning how she brushed it off. Of course she realizes after ‘oh none of them would know I know… nah I’ll just continue on. Who knows, it might bother them!’
By the time Damian gets there, she’s been through karate, jujitsu, and only a year of Taekwondo while also taking dancing/music lessons. She has won art competitions but only Alfred has ever seen or heard. Bruce may have heard but he barely listened to the announcement of it. He knows from a portrait she was forced to sit for with Bruce, Tim, and Dick, she exists. Yet, it takes a week for him to ever see her.
He asks questions like in the original, but what batsis reader doesn’t understand is she changed how Damian sees her since she wasn’t immediately clingy to anyone. Dick TRIES to remember anything and realizes he doesn’t really know her. Tim can’t really tell him anything either other than medical records in case anything happens. Literally all Tim gave Damian was that Damian and batsis have the say blood type. They realize they really don’t know batsis which does unnerve them. All they can say is she stays to herself. That both irritates Damian and intrigued him. He tries Alfred next who is able to at least tell him what she does routinely at least. How she’s been in martial arts after her first two weeks living here, implied she was grieving, and she’s also been in music/dance lessons as well. Also explains she enjoys participating in art contests. He goes on about her being an A+ student and explains she doesn’t interact much with the rest of the family. He even says “To be honest, I’m pretty sure I’m the only one she talks to in any capacity that isn’t out of necessity.”
Jason pretty much only knew about one of the martial arts being jujitsu. He explains she didn’t seem phased that red hood had entered her home and that she didn’t know about the Batman secret.
He doesn’t immediately approach her either. He doesn’t have all the information he needs. All he knows is she’s his half sibling, her usual activities, at least one of the forms of martial arts she knows, and that otherwise she’s a bit of a mystery. Eventually they’re forced to eat at a family dinner together. Since it really bothered Dick that he didn’t know anything he starts asking her about school. No one ever asked her questions, half the time they act like she isn’t there, so she’s confused, but politely says it’s been fine. Talks briefly about her classes, the mention of what classes she’s currently taking makes Tim and Dick shocked. For Tim it’s simply the fact that *she* was taking them and for Dick it’s the fact someone her age was taking such advance classes. Tim coughed and asked her what she did after school on Friday, mostly to hear anything else and she’s like “Oh just another art competition. I placed first with my painting.” She says and continues eating.
Bruce honestly is trying to process what he heard and saw and Damian treats it as a way to analyze her. The way she eats, the way she talks, her posture, and of course the tiny bits the boys were getting out. She then says “I’m sure Alfred has already told you about that, however, right father?” He coughs for a moment and nods as to hide the fact he himself has been caught off guard. For Damian she isn’t like a role model for what he’s grown up with, it’s more she’s a role model for what a Wayne is. She’s perfect in all things you’d expect the public to see a Wayne for. Knows arts, has some martial arts background, and has a certain air of modesty yet wealthy around her.
This attention to her is still brief at this time for Tim, Dick, and Bruce. They ask if she’s met Damian and she says “Not really, at best some glances. I’m always moving after all.” That dinner felt awkward, but Damian decided she wasn’t Particularly a threat…
And by all things holy it annoys the crap out of Tim. He actually tries to speak to her—which she is cautious at first because she knows what he did to the original Batsis. Instead of drawing his sword on her, he asked about her martial arts since that’s really all he can… talk about with her… and the part that annoys Tim on it… is simply he won’t shut up about her-
And he thought when Damian called himself the blood son was annoying! Now it’s ’blood sibling’ this and that if bringing her up in conversation occurs. It’s clear he respects her in such annoying ways.
I just imagine the Yandere Batfam doesn’t all happen at once. It starts with Damian. You don’t see it at first because you blame his upbringing. He’s stuck to your side during banquets as much as he despises them. He mirrors some of your ‘mask’ etiquette in that all the Wayne’s have an image. You kept yours on as rock solid as possible, you are not the same person. He can tell you must have some inspiration from your father as yours is a rather innocent persona. You act like a social butterfly amongst the people and seem so damn sweet. He just doesn’t like how many eyes are on you. You acted like you couldn’t feel it, but it’s hard to ignore Damian. In fact, it accidentally wentinti his persona as people saw him as a clingy little brother to his slightly older sister. That it just made ‘sense’ since you two are so close in age.
Damian would just get worse as time went on. It’s get to the point you realize he isn’t faking or anything he actually just likes you. Then you get kidnapped.
I imagine no one but Alfred and Damian realize something is wrong. He’s the reason they find you and he nearly kills the guy who kidnapped you. Of course it’s not like you just let them take you, there was evidence even before they were brought to an inch of their life. You hadn’t made it easy and they could tell you had injured them beforehand. However they had broken your legs and that’s when I’d get worse for Damian and start in Bruce.
I might add more thoughts later I dunno it’s kind of an idea dump
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Don’t have much of a concept for either yet, but a) imagine neglected batsis (bio for bonus) and for years they pretty much deem you useless and unneeded. Maybe batsis’s mom is a villain or at least a Villian type so they don’t want to get close. Then they end up one day having no choice but to introduce them to their friend because they happened to be getting something from the kitchen, only for the friend to immediately like batsis. There was no warning, just straight up when batsis awkwardly left they say honestly “I like her, she’s cute.” I feel like Damian or Tim would try to downplay batsis but Jon or Conner is like “so…?” Especially in Damian’s case because Jon who could be like “says the guy raised by assassins???” But also Conner would be like “You do know I am technically the son of Superman AND lex Luther right? It’s important to me that you know that.” They get jealous of batsis , but slowly they get to know her through them and they’re like “wait she does martial arts?” “What do you mean she’s been down town helping (insert charity)?” “Since when did she get in to robotics?!” Etc. They end up now jealous of their friend which will confuse batsis
Now b) is neglect but instead of the whole family rejecting batsis imagine she stopped attempting after Damian. Case, Duke, and Steph are basically out the loop as to why she doesn’t talk to any of them and first they all let it be. That is until they see how close she is to Alfred and they ask what the deal is, does she just not like anyone else in the manor? Then Alfred explains she used to try with the first five (Barbara included), but they all pushed her to the side or made it clear they didn’t like her. He says Damian was her breaking point so she ignores them so she knows they can’t hurt her. Cass would be the most fragile to hearing the reason behind her distance I think. Duke would probably start pushing more and Steph would be conflicted. Duke would probably also be the one to break down the little Barrier she has up. She’d give them a chance only because of Duke but would continue to hide from the other five until an incident occurs.
#batsis!reader#batsis#batfam x batsis#batfam neglect#batman#yandere batfam#dc#just something i've been thinking about
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More to this, not much, but imagine Jason after he comes back can also see them and just learned not fuck around and find out. Have it mildly annoy Damian, Tim and Dick. Bruce doesn’t think much of it since Jason visits instead of living there so doesn’t take into account that he’s the only one who isn’t really messed with.
Just imagine him stay for a sum of days and Damian irritated that first he gave batsis ice cream and then Damian suddenly gets flour fallen on his head, not hiding him just painting him white. Martha just giggles from the shelf.
Dick comes over and doesn’t see Jason despite the fact he knew he was staying over for a few days. Later comes back with Batsis from a Halloween fest and ask where they’ve been and Jason just bluntly replies “The amusement park you told (name) you’d take her to last week… and never showed up for yesterday.” Then thomas trips dick with a loose floorboard.
Tim gets annoyed Jason and her are playing a PVP game in the living room and the ghostly grandparents hide his phone and controllers in the bathroom. Jason just laughs the mischief.
The three question why nothing bad ever happens to him. Man is like: “maybe because I’m not a complete dick to the only non-vigilante member in this household? Or give false promises repeatedly?”
Imagine Jason is how they learn Martha and Thomas are haunting them like some time after learning he sees ghosts. Maybe Tim thinks Batsis is going crazy because she caught her talking to someone and Jason is like “No she’s just talking to Granny Martha.” And they’re like “TALKING TO WHO?!”
Jason literally knows better because Martha probably spoke to him once she realized he could see her. He was so embarrassed he tried so hard to appease them and batsis he didn’t realize how long he had been fucking with the other four until maybe the first few instances. But as soon as it comes out he’s like “We had our fun, but yeah yall have Bruce’s parents haunting your asses. They hella protective and of (name). I mean look at a picture of Martha and her next to each other man.”
Imagine they forget to tell Bruce because time and dick are shocked and Damian figured he must know by now right?
Been seeing a lot of neglected batsis fics but may I say?
Imagine if Thomas and Martha Wayne’s ghosts are also looking out for neglected reader not just Alfred. It’s even better if batsis can see them. Just imagine the impact one day if batsis started wearing makeup in a way Martha did, maybe styles her hair like hers too because ghost Martha teaches them how to be a lady.
Bonus points if batsis is another biological kid to Bruce. The shame the couple feel when Bruce neglects her.
They get annoyed with Damian the most because that’s his sister, what the hell was he thinking? Imagining Martha ghost blows the card Bruce set to the side on Father’s Day right in his face XD
I could make a list of scenarios of ghost grandparents being good grandparents for batsis. Imagine one time Batsis asked to do something with Tim and Tim rejects her rudely so Thomas makes his computer short-circuit.
Martha would cut his phone off. Weirdly it works JUST FINE when off the property.
Thomas hides Damian’s katana because he used it on batsis. They can’t find it for weeks until Alfred goes up to the attic and there it is in a box labeled ‘Disappointment’. They freeze dick next time he visits for not keeping a promise… the list could go on.
Meanwhile batsis is taking a business course because Thomas insisted, completely unbothered.
Imagine they forget her birthday and they for the next week ruin any cake that comes in the house.
And when they do their turn around imagine they lock the door of whoever locked batsis’s room last until next meal time. Nothing works to let them out. NOTHING. Oh they told her she couldn’t have friends? Oh look your window is wide open and they just made them all go to sleep.
Just some thoughts :3
#yandere batfam#batsis!reader#batsiblings#batfam x batsis#batfam neglect#martha wayne#thomas wayne#tim drake#dick grayson#jason todd#bruce wayne#batman#batsis
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Been seeing a lot of neglected batsis fics but may I say?
Imagine if Thomas and Martha Wayne’s ghosts are also looking out for neglected reader not just Alfred. It’s even better if batsis can see them. Just imagine the impact one day if batsis started wearing makeup in a way Martha did, maybe styles her hair like hers too because ghost Martha teaches them how to be a lady.
Bonus points if batsis is another biological kid to Bruce. The shame the couple feel when Bruce neglects her.
They get annoyed with Damian the most because that’s his sister, what the hell was he thinking? Imagining Martha ghost blows the card Bruce set to the side on Father’s Day right in his face XD
I could make a list of scenarios of ghost grandparents being good grandparents for batsis. Imagine one time Batsis asked to do something with Tim and Tim rejects her rudely so Thomas makes his computer short-circuit.
Martha would cut his phone off. Weirdly it works JUST FINE when off the property.
Thomas hides Damian’s katana because he used it on batsis. They can’t find it for weeks until Alfred goes up to the attic and there it is in a box labeled ‘Disappointment’. They freeze dick next time he visits for not keeping a promise… the list could go on.
Meanwhile batsis is taking a business course because Thomas insisted, completely unbothered.
Imagine they forget her birthday and they for the next week ruin any cake that comes in the house.
And when they do their turn around imagine they lock the door of whoever locked batsis’s room last until next meal time. Nothing works to let them out. NOTHING. Oh they told her she couldn’t have friends? Oh look your window is wide open and they just made them all go to sleep.
Just some thoughts :3
#batman#batfam neglect#thomas wayne#martha wayne#batfam x batsis#batsis!reader#ghosts#yandere batfam
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Been seeing a lot of neglected batsis fics but may I say?
Imagine if Thomas and Martha Wayne’s ghosts are also looking out for neglected reader not just Alfred. It’s even better if batsis can see them. Just imagine the impact one day if batsis started wearing makeup in a way Martha did, maybe styles her hair like hers too because ghost Martha teaches them how to be a lady.
Bonus points if batsis is another biological kid to Bruce. The shame the couple feel when Bruce neglects her.
They get annoyed with Damian the most because that’s his sister, what the hell was he thinking? Imagining Martha ghost blows the card Bruce set to the side on Father’s Day right in his face XD
I could make a list of scenarios of ghost grandparents being good grandparents for batsis. Imagine one time Batsis asked to do something with Tim and Tim rejects her rudely so Thomas makes his computer short-circuit.
Martha would cut his phone off. Weirdly it works JUST FINE when off the property.
Thomas hides Damian’s katana because he used it on batsis. They can’t find it for weeks until Alfred goes up to the attic and there it is in a box labeled ‘Disappointment’. They freeze dick next time he visits for not keeping a promise… the list could go on.
Meanwhile batsis is taking a business course because Thomas insisted, completely unbothered.
Imagine they forget her birthday and they for the next week ruin any cake that comes in the house.
And when they do their turn around imagine they lock the door of whoever locked batsis’s room last until next meal time. Nothing works to let them out. NOTHING. Oh they told her she couldn’t have friends? Oh look your window is wide open and they just made them all go to sleep.
Just some thoughts :3
#batman#batfam neglect#thomas wayne#martha wayne#batfam x batsis#batsis!reader#ghosts#yandere batfam
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It’s been some time since I’ve been on here… but I’ve been having this idea on my mind for awhile. Yandere dollmaker with a darling who reads Yandere stories—she knows the signs but isn’t the best at avoiding getting kidnapped because she thinks “I’m not the person people obsess over”. Have Yandere be an actual label in this world. Have it be an arranged marriage. Have her freak out because by law she has to know her fiancé is a Yandere and she knows he’s also a dollmaker. Have her remember every creepy Yandere dollmaker story ending up with their partner being turned into a doll…
And after meeting him get embarrassed because he finds the stereotype ridiculous and depending on which novel it is, hilarious. Have it obvious he is disgusted at the idea someone would literally make their target of affection into a doll. He says “It’s cliché at this point, like authors can’t make up their own ideas. I get maybe comparing them to a doll or doing things to make them doll like—but full blown make them a doll… UCK!”
Have dollmaker Yandere not help the case when he takes notes of the kind of clothes you wear and start sketching outfits. If darling has any deformities he’s already making the limbs to be exactly that. It absolutely doesn’t help that one time he makes you sit still so he can model a doll face after your face.
It gets worse when your parents decide you have to move in.
You see it all in real time. The outfits and at some point you see it. The doll he made to look like you. It was freaking you out and all he did was say “I made her just like you~”
You have further reason not to believe he wouldn’t commit to your fears because the staff on hand mentioned how all his exes mysteriously disappeared. You’ve read too many novels to not assume the worst.
He gets tired of this chase for your affection so he makes you sit with him while he works. It’s creepy being around so many limbs and eyes that you feel follow you.
After weeks of that he’d finally address the comments. He doesn’t say what happened to them, just that “I didn’t turn them into dolls” to make you feel better. He’s aware of the fact you’re always going to hop back to that.
You don’t know why but his parents seemed relieved when you actually make it to the marriage date. It told you enough though-clearly his exes never did. Against your better judgement you had to ask in the honeymoon.
He tells you youll never find them. They’re gone, vile, and didn’t deserve anything. It doesn’t make sense…
It starts to, however when he lets you talk with the maid again who tell you more about the girls. From the sounds of each, they were of higher standing than you and more outgoing. They went to parties! Closest thing to going to parties you did was book signings… it was clear after hearing everything that maybe he hated their outgoing personality…
Until he finds out they’ve been talking about them. It’s clear they’re side subjects and the next time you see the maid, her eye is badly injured. You ask and she just tells you a punishment was given and she can no longer speak about the former ladies.
You kept digging and digging despite what you’ve read, honestly you were turning into the protagonist that dies if you look back on your actions.
Then you find not female skeletons, but male skeletons in the basement. They forgot to lock it. He found out.
He questioned why you went down there. He loses control, which resulted in your face getting hit and your ankle broke. He’s upset when he comes down from his manic moment. Holds you… then tells you who they are. The only one without a head was his first fiancée’s affair partner. The others were men who wanted his others and he had no idea if they actually had affairs or not.
That’s why he loves you so much. You don’t have those types of connections. He doesn’t have to doubt you. He takes you upstairs and has the maids get your ankle set. It still didn’t tell you what happened to the girls… but if he kept the skeletons of the affairs… what about the girls? He said he didn’t turn them into dolls, so what did he do?
You couldn’t leave bed for weeks. He himself came to take care of you. You were his everything,the one person who didn’t betray his love once… and creepily you begin to notice something… your ankle did not get better once you healed. You needed a cane to walk. Then one day someone poisoned your food.
He went on a rampage of the servants. Blaming each one as the doctors took care of you and you learn you’ll never walk again, but at least you’re alive. You’re still able to “provide” as the man put. Your husband didn’t see it the same way you did… you saw freedom lost, but he saw an opportunity gained. He loved taking care of you, choosing your clothes and brushing your hair…
So he started doing that again. You protested at first but it seemed futile. You didn’t understand how this all could happen. You did find out it was the brother of one of the maids that poisoned you.
You felt anxious all the time… as he does your hair, as he chooses your outfits, as he takes you with him throughout the home in your wheelchair.
But he doesn’t see why? He told you how this would end. Didnt he? Didn’t he laugh at the idea of literally turning you into a doll? Didnt he say he understood doing this that made them doll like… he may have not been the reason for your legs to be paralyzed, but now you are doll like. You need him to move around the house. He picks your outfits. He brushes your hair and teeth. He personally bathes you! The only thing you ever do by yourself is eat, but if it was his way he’d do it too.
And that’s without the NSFW
Might make a part two of what would happen if you passed away. I just find the ‘makes you an actual doll’ thing too overdone at this point for this type of Yandere.
#yandere#yandere x reader#Yandere dollmaker#yandere oc#yandere oc x reader#yandere oc x y/n#yandere x darling
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I’m currently leveling Gaming and omg why is he so cute. I’ve never had a four star character just GRIP ME this hard before while playing Genshin 😭
#genshin impact#genshin impact gaming#gaming genshin#why is he so cute#he’s baby#I just wanna hug him
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