#he went for a swim XD
idiotdriftinginspace · 2 months
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is this even funny
someone please laugh
Any way, I saw this meme and my immediate thought was to draw Riptide, 'cuz and I hope I'm not going crazy here - HE FITS HERE PERFECTLY (any other bot with aquatic alt mode just doesn't fit here XD)
Like, I have a feeling he would try to do that XD
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
I love looking at the little details that changed between botw and totk, it gives little insights into what went on in those five or six years. Like sure, there's all the obvious stuff, with the house and the landing and the school, but there's smaller things too.
For example, swimming and climbing both take significantly less stamina! Staying afloat no longer takes stamina passively! He's been getting his practice in! All that running around in botw has improved his technique XD.
His attacks using a spear are no longer slowed down when hitting an enemy, his final combo strikes using both one and two handed weapons have more weight to them! He's gotten even better at using them.
Similarly, swimming up waterfalls now replenishes stamina - he's improved in that area too, perhaps mastering the subtle magics of using the zora armour. Wall jumping in the climbing gear takes a fraction of energy to what it used to. Hopping ledges is noticeably smoother too!
This one is a headcanon, but I find it quite funny: There are still durians, but Link is no longer allowed to eat them because Zelda realised with horror he was allergic to them and that they aren't supposed to taste 'spicy'. So you can't collect them anymore XD.
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silversurfersx · 2 months
Films of Anger
Sebastian Vettel x Schumacher!Reader
-- Brocedes 2.0 basically. Childhood best friend's fight on track turns into a fight in real life
Light Angst with a bit of fluff sprinkled in xD
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"Papa, let me go!" Michael Schumacher's arms around you were the only thing that stopped you from attacking Sebastian right now. You fought against the stone grip around your body, trying to reach for Sebastian, who was held back by Kimi, though he wasn't exactly fighting much against the Fin's grip.
Michael moved his head down so it was leveled with your own. "You have to calm down." His usually soft voice when he spoke to you, was stoic. You were scared to look at him after hearing it so close to you.
"He almost killed me!" You insisted, voice firey as you stared Sebastian down. Your statement was followed by aggressive shouting from both you and Sebastian, catching the attention from all around. Although most of the people couldn't understand the angry german words leaving either of your lips, the tone spoke more than words could.
"If you drove properly, neither of us would have DNF'd." Sebastian shouted. Once again you started to fight your fathers iron grip, trying to fight Sebastian. You heard your father huff, and felt your feet leave the ground as the man behind you lifted you up in the air, to carry you off.
"Papa!" You shouted, wiggling your body. "Let me down!"
"I let you down if you promise not to try and beat up Sebastian and come and talk to me."  He announced carrying you around the paddock. The more distance he brought between you and Sebastain, the more embarrassment started to fill you after noticing the many judging looks people threw at you. Cameras were locked onto the two of you, filming the whole ordeal.
"I promise. I swear, we can talk, just please let me down." You said quickly. Michael nodded and let you down, his hands though stayed put on your shoulders to make sure that you won't run off.
"Do you want me to grap your mother?" Michael asked, looking down at you, but you just shook your head. You didn't want to see the disappointing look in her eyes, knowing that she probably saw the whole scene live on TV in the garage. "No." "
Alright." Michael nodded, one arm thrown around your shoulders, the other gripping the other. Silently he led you through the paddock. You kept your head down, still feeling eyes and cameras set on you, trying to get a look at your face. Your father threw each and everyone a look that silenced them without doubt.
He was well aware of the stupidity of the situation you and Sebastian acted upon, but he didn't think that it was anybody's business to know what truly went on.
When you passed the garages you frowned, thinking that Michael was gonna drag you into a silent corner of the Ferrari or Mercedes garage, but your journey went on towards the motor homes. Pushing into the Ferrari Motor home, you went through the halls up to your drivers room.
When the door closed your shoulders dropped, sluggish you moved to the couch, throwing yourself onto the cushions. You felt your father's presence standing by the door and without a look, you knew what he looked like. Like waves, the questions rolled off of him.
Trying to waste time before you had to speak, you opened your driving suit to let your body cool down from the heated situation.
"What happend?" His voice broke the tension. You thought you were prepared for anger in his voice, but all you heard was sympathy, and that broke you. Tears filled your eyes, while you tries to keep it together you looked up through swimming sight. Your voice was on the verge of breaking as you spoke.
"I messed up, Papa." Michael sighed at the sight of you. He wanted to be angry, but how could he when you looked so broken. He shook his head, moving to sit next to you and pull you in his arms.
"What happened?" He asked again head on top of your own. You had your head pressed against his chest, breathing heavily.
"I think I broke our friendship off." You muttered thinking about what happened just after the race.
The first time you met Sebastian was when your were seven years old. He was nine and just won a race. Your father was the one handing out the trophies.
You weren't old enough to drive in the same league as Sebastian yet, but you were always tagging alongside your father when it came to anything racing related. It was your thing. Papa and Y/N's thing.
Racing was what connected you. The hours you spent in your garage building on your kart alongside your father. Nothing brought you more contentment than that.
It was lunch time when you were standing by a concession stand waiting for your food, when little Sebastian approached to order his own.
"What did you get?" He asked noticing your wide eyes looking up at the counter, waiting impatiently on your food. When the little blonde boy spoke, you looked over. An adorable smile graced his face when he noticed your wide eyes.
"Currywurst. For me and my Papa." You had announced to him, giving a toothy grin. Sebastian nodded excitedly.
"It's his favourite." You added whispering as if it was the most important secret. Sebastian laughed leaning over to you to answer in the same hushed voice. "It's my favourite as well."
Giggling filled the air around the two of you.
"I just saw you race." You told him after the giggles stopped. "I think you were really good, and so did my Papa."
The blonde boy blushed lightly looking down at his shoes.
"Thank you."
"Did you race as well, or a sibling?" He asked but you shook your head. "I do race, but I'm not old enough to race with you. I'm here because my Papa was giving out the trophies."
Sebastian halted, his eyes were wide as he stared at you. You titled your head at him, although you were used to these types of reactions from people, it never seized to amaze you what kind of presence your fathers name had on people.
"Your father is Michael Schumacher?" Sebastian stuttered, making you nod. Humming you agreed with a bright smile. Pride swelling in your chest at the thought of your dad and his impression on the young boy in front of you.
"That is so cool." Sebastian exclaimed, jumping on the spot. You giggled at his excitement, listening on to Sebastian's words. "He's my hero. And one day, I'll be just like him."
That was your first of many meetings with the blonde haired boy you would call your best friend for many years. At one point you started karting together, slowly moving up the leagues until you both landed in formula one.
Sebastian had already been in formula one. Having moved from Toro Rosso to RedBull, when you finally joined formula one as well, signing your contract with Ferrari. The announcement didn't just make you beyond happy, but Sebastian and Michael as well. It was what you all had dreamed about, the three of you driving together in formula one. Sebastian and you driving alongside your childhood hero. Driving alongside your best friend and your father.
It was like a fairytale come to life. And even the hate and doubts from the outside world couldn't kill the joy you felt. It was all magical, until the inevitable had to happen.
It was always a fight on track. Even if you were friends beside it, on track everyone was your enemy. And especially when you were young and wanted to prove something, that could mean nothing less of reckless behaviour. Sebastian was a model example of exactly that. It was an one on one between the two of you.
You were leading, Sebastian wanted through. Obviously you didn't want that so you defended. And that was the moment when it all went down. You were coming out of a curve. Sebastain was on your right, overstearing, you still weren't sure if that was on purpose, but almost knocking you off the track.
Trying to keep your car steady, your front wing interlinked with his car. You both noticed too late what was happening, simultaneously trying to pull away from the others, and knocking you both out, while trying to get away from the other.
In your mind it was clearly Sebastian's fault for overstearing. In Sebastian's it was you for hitting his car trying to get back in track.
Michael sighed. He hadn't had time to watch the footage of what exactly happened, yet. All he knew was that the two of them had an accident and DNF'd no one told him what exactly happened. He was just on his way to rewatch the accident and to look for his kid to make sure she was alright when he came across the screaming match.
"I'm sure it wasn't that bad." He told you.
You shook your head against him, tightening your arms around the man. "That wasn't the bad part. I tried to talk to him after, but he was mad, Papa. Like proper mad."
When you were wheeled back into the garage, you couldn't stop tapping the wheel out of impatience. You were itching to give Sebastian a piece of your mind.
What in the world was he thinking, trying to push you off the track. Was he crazy?
When everything was good you stepped out of your car, took off your helmet and the HANS, before storming off. A few of the Ferrari mechanics tried to stop you, but you moved out of their way, before running off towards the RedBull garage.
It was the last lap, how could Sebastian be so stupid to risk it all at the last lap.
From afar you could see the grimace your friend had on his face as he spoke to his engineer. When he saw you, his brows furrowed and his face formed into a grimace, similar to the one you had.
"Sebastian, are you fucking crazy or what?!" You shouted in german fron afar as you approached the boy. The blonde looked at you angrily. 
"Me? What were you thinking crashing right into me? This isn'tfucking bumper cars."
"Yes, exactly, it isn't." You agreed, stopping beside him right in front of the RedBull garage. "So why in the world did you think knocking me off track was a good idea?"
"Knocking you off track. Fucking hell, there was enough space a fucking hippo could have walked past." He hissed back, eyes filled with an angry fire. "It's your fault, you can't fucking drive. The only reason your even in formula one is because your father is fucking Michael Schumacher."
"Oh, let's be fucking real, Sebastian." You shouted. "You know that that is not the reason, I fought for my place, just like you did. And if you look at the listing you would see that I've got the numbers to prove it, because I am in front of you."
"Oh, piss of will you." He shouted back.
Neither of you noticed it, but your voices hot louder and angrier the more you spoke catching the attention of many bystanders and drivers getting back to the pits after finishing the race.
"If you think you're so much better then get on with it, will you. But I will prove to you that I am much better than you are, little rich kid"
You saw red at his indication. Of course you had the money, you knew your family was rich, but you told the boy often enough that you hated being reduced to simply that. That the thought of being reduced to only being a spoiled little kid was something you despised.
That was the moment you tried to leap at him, though Kimi Räikkönen pulled him back before you could get to him, while you felt your fathers arms around you.
As you told him exactly what happened you felt his arms tighten around you. You knew he was angry with Sebastian about talking to you like that, but he tried to hide it.
"Oh, Schatz." He mused strocking a hand over your hair. "I'm sure it is only half as bad. You both probably just need some time to cool off and the you speak again."
Michael was trying to be reassuring. Always the positive thinker, the joy bringer. He was always trying to see the best in people and he knew that Sebastian wasn't a bad person. He's known him since he was a little boy. Michael hoped that it really was all just because of the heat of the moment. Even if the words spoken were cruel in nature, he hoped that they had not broken your friendship, which had gone through so much already.
"It's gonna be alright, Maus." He muttered into your hair.
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naffeclipse · 6 months
Hey, Naff! I was thinking of the AU where y/n is a dolphin mermaid and Sun, Moon and Eclipse run a mafia pod, and then I thought of the alternate scenario someone sent asking what would have happened if y/n had a kid with them, and then I had a thought! XD Not to contribute to the baby fever but!
What if the initial encounter went the same, y/n is chased, caught and forced to accept the deal of working for them, but in this scenario they are already expecting. Like super early pregnancy stage. Y/n does know about it, but it's so early that it's not outwardly visible or noticeable to anyone else.
And since that first encounter was so rough they are hesitant to ever mention it to the trio because they don't know how the mafia works and they are afraid either them or the future baby would be seen as a liability (unable to tell that's not actually the case). So they do the jobs they ask, while trying to hide it to the best of their ability. And thankfully for them (at least they think so), it's one of those pregnancies that doesn't really show until much later, but there comes a point where they can very much not hide it anymore.
But what if that point comes when there is a lull between jobs for them, and the trio of bosses is pretty busy, so they are left alone for a while and they are like "Great! Maybe I can have this baby unnoticed!" But then just as they approach the due date they are finally summoned back, but at this point they know they can't go to them. So when they don't respond to the call it causes for one (or all three) of the boys to get suspicious and come looking for them. And that's all I thought about gkjfhgkfh No idea what happens next XD
Chaotik, I'm rattling you so hard right now! It's a sweet little twist on dolphin Y/N dealing with the mafia sirens + baby, and I'm entirely here for it!
Continuing where you left off, I like to imagine that Sun and Moon are the ones to go look for Y/N.
They can't have one of their own go rogue, especially without consequences. They make no exceptions as they explained what would happen to those who aren't loyal, but Sun and Moon are especially sullen. Dolphin Y/N is all three of the bossess' favorite, and to have them try and think they can get away spears their pride (and hearts) when they've been so good to them. Of course, that's not to say they haven't taunted, teased, and grabbed Y/N mercilessly, as they have full rights to do within their territory and those under their protection, but they thought Y/N was growing closer with them in return. Regardless, they're on the hunt.
On the farthest northern edge of their territory, where it was confirmed that Y/N was summoned back but did not follow through on the command, they come upon a thick Arctic ice pack and towering, roaming glaciers. Sun catches sight of Y/N first. They're hiding behind a sizeable outcropping of ice, flukes flitting anxiously. Moon swims around to catch Y/N from behind should they decide swimming away is a possibility.
Y/N is panicking, doing their best to keep their now very visible pregnancy concealed while also pondering their fate. The due date is close but the ferocious bosses are upon them. How useless will the two orca sirens decide they are while carrying a child?
Sun calls out to Dolphin Y/N to come out before he has to make them, and though Y/N reluctantly answers, they still keep their belly hidden. Moon, however, sees them entirely from his position, baby bump and all. Caught off guard, Moon slips behind Y/N while Sun is still interrogating them, and he takes their arm and firmly but gently pulls them out into open water. Sun stops midsentence to stare at Y/N while they flounder internally, deeply unsettled by their reactions—or the lack thereof.
After Moon and Sun silently stare at Y/N and process the new situation, they share a sharp look. Sun asks where Y/N's mate is. Y/N says in a small but no uncertain voice that they have no mate. They intend to raise their baby alone. Both sirens seem to relax at this. Y/N begins to babble about being able to care for the baby and still perform their work but Sun and Moon have made a silent decision together. Sun softly takes Y/N's other arm to guide them back to the center of their territory, where they belong.
Of course, Sun and Moon now recall certain moments from the past few months, such as Y/N being especially skittish whenever they or Eclipse grabbed onto their hips or caressed their sides. Another siren under their pod commented on Y/Ne eating better for they're a little thicker around the middle, and Y/N quickly brushed aside the remark. Of course, Sun and Moon see now how much softer Y/N's face is and that their movements are slow and careful, not as slipstreamed as they were when the brothers first chased them down. They're a bit bewildered (and abashed) that they missed the signs.
Y/N is still panicking at how closely Sun and Moon guide them back into the heart of their territory before taking them to a sizeable ice cave, carved out by claws. Sun darts away once they pull Y/N inside. Moon asks Y/N more questions about their pregnancy: how are they feeling, do they need to eat, are they tired, do they know when they might have the baby, and so on. Y/N grows increasingly anxious by the grilling but answers truthfully. The due date is soon, very soon. That's why they couldn't answer the summons. Moon dismisses Y/N's stumbling overexplaining with a wave of his head. He's already pieced that bit together.
Then Eclipse arrives with Sun. His burning eyes immediately land on their big belly in plain view, and Moon tending closely to their side, his claws curled around their hand. Y/N finally asks what the bosses are going to do with them. They don't want any harm to come to their baby but Y/N is well aware that they can't fend off three orca sirens. (Eclipse remembers a time he noticed a slight swell to Y/N's belly but attributed that to providing well for their Dolphin Y/N after they've been so loyal and hard working in return.) Eclipse is silent for a long heartbeat before he flashes his teeth and chastises Y/N for not telling them earlier. They could have protected them more, allowed them to rest and stay closer to them, and given them less dangerous work.
Y/N stammers for a moment before falling silent. Did the terrifying eldest boss just say what they think he said? Sun leaves to retrieve a fish before Moon speaks low into Eclipse's ear. Sun returns and gives all his attention to Y/N while he ensures the fish he caught for them won't trigger any nausea. After Y/N says the fish is fine, Sun caresses their cheek once. Then, the twins disappear, leaving Y/N with Eclipse as he watches them eat. He explains that their child falls under the orca sirens' protection because he and his brothers already protect Y/N. They will see that Y/N is given whatever they need to rest and recover. Y/N is struck dumb, but the fish is delicious and they haven't been torn apart yet, so that can only be a good thing. Right?
Eclipse catches Y/N's chin in his hand, lifting their head to hold their gaze as he grins. It will be lovely to have a little one around, he says. Y/N believes he's sincere, still wrapping their head around how they started the day off terrified and somehow finished it with devotion and support from the three orca sirens.
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desperate-daydream · 1 year
I LOVE YOUR WORKS SO MUCHHH!!!! Could you please make a headcannon or short story of Five having a husband who's more chaotic than Klaus? Or a shy husband but more deadly than Five?
☂️Umbrella Academy
❀ five hargreeves x male (chaotic husband) reader ⚣
A/N: thank you so much!! I’m glad that you like reading what my crazy brain creates. XD. alright, I hope you like this one.
tags/warnings: you‘re five‘s husband, you and klaus are the chaos duo
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so, yeah, you‘re sometimes even more chaotic than klaus
five still can‘t believe how he fell for you
well, actually, you were the one to fall at your first meeting
like literally. you fell into his arms even
he caught you and you had looked up into the most handsome face you‘ve ever seen (and that cute little frown)
that wasn‘t the last time you fell and he had to catch you
when you walked somewhere you either jumped or ran around or you were walking on top of a wall
it seems like there is nothing to stop you from your antics
get up in the middle of the night to go swimming? okay
steal a little something from that ignorant asshole that had insulted you mere moments ago? why not?
bring home any pet you find on the streets and convince five to let it stay for a while? definitely
start singing and dancing out of nowhere, wherever you are? always
five will never admit it, but you manage more often than not to convince him to help you with your crazy ideas
he will say it‘s because he has to make sure you don‘t accidentally kill yourself
but he‘s mostly just deeply in love with you
he would do anything for his husband
he‘s killed for you before and he‘d do it again
everything to see his precious chaotic husband happy
but he also saw his life flash before his eyes when you and klaus met
he literally went and got a knife to carry around at all times in case you two got into serious trouble
another thing he would never admit is that klaus was probably his favorite sibling
apparently he had a lot of sympathy or whatever for the chaotic ones
okay so, the next thing he knows he finds klaus and you laying half naked in the living room
and somehow you two had found a stray kitten again and brought it back with you
together with at least ten bags full. of. clothes.
he made his way through the bags while purposely avoiding the cat that followed him with its gaze
then he slowly shook you awake
“(y/n)“, he sighed, “..love, wake up.“
you grumbled and slowly opened your eyes
a smile formed on your face when you saw that it was your husband and you reached out your arms towards him
he sighed again but let you pull him in to cuddle
you snuggled closer but five wouldn’t let you fall asleep again, he sat up and pulled you into his lap
you took the chance to kiss him
as much as he loved kissing you your husband pulled away after a few moments
“brush your teeth“
you let out an annoyed whine and pinched his cheek
“okay, can we talk about the cat now?“
five gestured to the creature that had approached them
you bent down to pick it up and the kitten started purring while it snuggled against your chest
„Can we keep it? Pleeeeease“, you put on your best pout combined with big pleading eyes, „for just a few days?“
five sighed another time, he knew he couldn‘t resist you
he nodded and you cuddled closer to him together with the kitten
yeah, five really loved his chaotic husband
so much that he let you get through with most of your crazy ideas
in the end your chaos brightened up his days much more than anything else
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animeomegas · 1 year
Hello! Recently I'm having Haku brainrot.
Can I request Haku spending his heat with his Alpha. It didn't need to be NSFW(maybe they are cuddling in his nest🥺🤧) honestly, I just want to spoil him and kiss him lmaoo
(Understandable, anon, I too am often plagued by brainrot XD)
Post-Heat Relaxation with Haku
Sometimes, your mate reminded you of a cat.
Not all the time, of course. He loved swimming, smelling his herb garden, and he quite frankly thrived in freezing temperatures, likely due to a side effect of his bloodline limit. In those regards, he was very human.
And yet now, as you watched him lounge on the window seat, naked and stretched out, languishing in the sun, you couldn't help but draw a comparison.
Haku had a kind of aura that drew others in, lulled them into a sense of security and safety, like a siren at sea, and as his mate, you were not the exception to that power.
You were supposed to be cleaning up. Only one of the two large bags of nesting supplies were clean, and none of the back up supplies were out yet, but Haku's power was too strong. When you heard the little contended purrs that he was letting out, you simply couldn't resist approaching him.
"The nest is almost ready for rebuilding," you said gently, crouching down by the window seat and resting your cheek on the smooth, warm skin of his bare waist. You pressed a kiss there and Haku hummed in delight.
"There's no rush, I'm quite happy here." Haku stretched languidly, grumbling pleasantly at the stretch. "The sun is so lovely today."
Yes, you thought, amused, definitely a cat.
"Not as lovely as you."
Haku smiled, his stomach jumping in amusement under your cheek. You pressed a couple more kisses to the heated skin before sitting upright. His hair was still damp from his earlier bath and you couldn't resist running your fingers through it, careful to avoid tugging on any tangles.
"How are you feeling?"
"Amazing," he breathed, closing his eyes again.
"Are you sure?" you asked, still stroking his hair. "Your heat was more intense than usual this year, and if I'm tired, you must be."
He laughed lightly, "I'm sure I'm fine, stop worrying so much, silly." He turned his gaze back towards the window, seemingly happy to gaze at his much loved garden.
You remembered the first ever nest Haku had built when he moved to Konoha. Well, you hadn't been allowed inside it at the time, but you remembered him speaking about building it inside his wardrobe. Wardrobe's weren't an uncommon place for omegas to utilise for nest building, but for Haku it had been a sign of his anxiety in a new place.
Now, here, he seemed so much more at home, where nature bled through to where he was nesting, where he could bask in a cool summer's breeze and warm patches of sunlight. The idea of him being contained in a small, dark wardrobe didn't feel right at all.
You had provided this den, this home, for him, and he felt safe here. Your omega felt so safe, he could lay naked, in front of an open window, at one of his most vulnerable moments. Your stomach clenched, as every instinctual part of you purred in delight.
"Just call me back over when it's time for me to rebuild the nest," he said, yawning. "I might take a nap here."
You ran your hand from his hair, down his body, appreciating the subtle curves and grooves as you went, "Okay, darling, have a good nap."
"I will." His beautiful eyes fluttered closed. He was the picture of contentment.
You nuzzled into his neck, placing one final kiss on his newly refreshed mating mark, before stepping away to continue washing the soiled fabrics of his nest.
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Hey bbg, can you please do something with mermaid or dragon reader🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
*blushes and tucks hair behind ear* jk jk, this request did catch me off guard a little though XD but i went with mermaid and just one character, i hope you don't mind! i just saw mermaid and the geras started rocking and rolling :3c
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Warning: this post contains yandere-themes, including implied stalking, delusional behavior, obsessive behaviors, and other potential topics. Please read at your own risk!
Yandere!Freminet with a mermaid beloved would be like a match made in heaven. He loves to go exploring underwater with you, swimming through ruins and talking about all the underwater flora. He always thinks it fun when he knows more about a fish species or plant type than you, despite you having lived in Fontaine’s waters all your life. If you’re able to transform your tail into legs and travel on land as well he would be even happier!
Freminet smiles to himself as he adjusts his helmet, ensuring that the seal was adjusted properly to avoid any water leakage. When he was sure it was set, he got himself ready to dive, plunging himself into the cool ocean water. It didn’t take long for him to find you once he was submerged, knowing all your usual hangout spots. In his pockets were some more land treasures for you, things he had picked up whilst on land to bring back to you. Smile still prevalent on his face, Freminet swims towards you, calling your name with a wave as he sees you turn towards him. Oh how he couldn’t wait to make you his. One day, one day you’d see just how much you mean to him.
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beanibon · 1 year
I see you’ve got requests open and your Mermaid AU has me hooked 👀 Could you write about Mer!VashOr Mer!Knives with an s/o that’s part human (whatever the other part is can be up to you :})? literally go nuts with this request tbh-
Oml yesss!!! Also I have to stay true to my mermaidness, so reader is gonna be half-mermaid!
So reader essentially is human appearance, but with colourful webbed fingers and feet to help swim, and when they're in the water gills will open on their necks. This is how Mer!Vash and Mer!Knives children would look like in their respective lil headcanons (not saying that reader is their children, let this be separate from those ones xD)
TW: none really, just mating bites, a little suggestive in Vash's :3
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You were a bizarre sight, unlike the other humans who overlooked him and his brother. You had a kind of aura that intrigued Knives, that seemed oddly familiar as you went about your work, following Rem as you assisted her in regards to the brother's.
The moment you revealed what you actually were, as Knives dragged your unaware body into the freezing depths, pausing as gills opened along your neck.
Curious chirps sounded as Knives squinted at you, flipping you this way and that as he studied your now prominent mermaid features.
You were patient, laughing as the usually aggressive mermaid circled you, poked and prodded you in his confusion. Not to mention Rem had made no effort to help you, the woman remaining at the observation pools edge.
When his own webbed hands grabbed your webbed hand, Knives huffed. Boredly swimming away, he made his presence scarce around you since then.
It wasn't until weeks later, being informed the news of a severely injured Knives who got into a scuffle with another of his species, defending Vash who 'stole' a prized shell, that you had to look after him.
No one else was allowed in the recovery tank, Rem tried at times but Knives' aggression was too much for her this time, and she didn't want another oxygen tank exploding within the tank and shattering it. That's where you came in.
Entering the tank, you slowly approached the injured Knives, flinching at his high-pitched shriek. It wasn't until you replied with your own did he simmer down, reluctantly allowing you to treat his wounds.
This continued on for a couple weeks and each visit resulted in Knives slowly looking forward to your visits, so much so he'd curl around you while you just kept him company, updating him on his worried brother.
The moment he could return to the ocean, Knives missed you already, knowing you couldn't visit as often now that he's recovered. So he gives himself minor injuries, pathetic scrapes, or even purposely slapping a sea urchin or two onto his tail and presenting it to you with no evidence of it hurting.
Rem was quick to catch on, offering you longer breaks to be with Knives so he'd stop injuring himself no matter how minor the wound was it was making other employees wary whenever he appeared. And Knives couldn't be more happy when Vash dragged him away from a toxic jellyfish to you, instantly having the larger twin latch onto you with excited chirps and purrs.
Eventually Knives and you marked each other, sealing your mateship as he nuzzled contently into you, purring non-stop while you combed his hair.
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Vash tends to wander, his favourite place is a large reef just a few kilometres from the observatory, where he collects shells, avoids getting into fights with other mermaids and just harasses the local fish.
That's where he bumped into you, literally. You were diving along with some close friends, friends that knew what you were and made sure to keep you safe. So you can imagine their surprise when a curious mermaid collided into you chasing a parrot fish.
Vash startled very quickly, hiding between some coral when he realised the group was staring at him, you were rather curious going to follow only to stop when Meryl stopped you. She signed it probably wasn't a good idea, but you at least wanted to apologise for startling him.
Approaching his hiding place, you gained his attention by sliding an iridescent shell between the spines of coral, to which the quivering mermaid chirped, revealing himself as he studied the gift. You gained Vash's attention, frowning as you chirped back at him, broken merfolk language in form of an apology.
You were very inexperienced with your father's tongue, but you knew enough to form small conversations.
The look Vash gave you was full of astonishment, eyes sparkling as his lips formed a massive smile. Placing his shell into his seaweed satchel, Vash spun you around, tugging you upside as he admired your legs. You yelped when he innocently spread your legs, trying to communicate how inappropriate it was, only this new friend didn't listen. Not until your closest friend, Wolfwood stepped in.
The overly friendly mermaid screeched at the burly man putting him in a headlock, signing if you were okay. Of course you were, just startled this curious creature was so forward.
Asking Nicholas to free the distressed mermaid, he obliged yelling as Vash hid behind you, rapid chirps and shrill clicks shot his way. You knew they were a lecture of sorts, with some colourful language that made you snort, but that's how Vash made a friend of you.
You frequented the reef often, as it was home to your father before he was poached, now the reef was under protection of the observatory a little further out. So you often visited Vash, allowing him to appropriately admired your legs and any other features he took interest in.
He'd bring you colourful shells and pearls as gifts, whereas you'd bring him either food or items he'd be allowed to keep in the ocean. It became a small tradition, one that lead to Vash making a bold move on his part.
It was another day that your friends took you for a dive, also befriending the blonde mermaid. It wasn't until you entered the water, instantly seeing Vash making a beeline for you. You were happy to see him, yelping as he collided with you, growling the moment his fangs sunk into your shoulder.
Your friends had never seen you be aggressive, not in your mermaid half way at least. When your eyes slitted, teeth forming sharp points as you screeched at the mermaid, causing Vash to return the sudden aggression as he felt justified in his actions.
Nicholas and Meryl tried separating you two, but when you surged forward sinking your own teeth a little too painfully into Vash's neck. Only then did the two settle, Vash's annoyed pouting and clicks turning into happy wiggles and nibbles of your flesh.
You still held a small grudge to being marked without warning, not that you opposed the idea, a heads up would've been nice. Now you endured endless teasing from Nicholas, proudly showing your other friends Vash's mating mark with no shame.
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octuscle · 1 year
I need help. This guy just walks up to me on the street and pricks my hand with a needle! He said something about me becoming a “real country boy”. The thing is, I live in the middle of the city. My friend said you could help.
Help? Yeah sure, but what exactly do you have in mind? Maybe you could sit in your smart EQ fortwo and take a look at the countryside. You seem a bit tense right now, some country air might do you good… You're struggling through inner-city traffic. The city can really suck. You're glad to be over the bridge. Slowly the air gets better. And the view is clearer. And the traffic less. Fuck, the tank is empty! You urgently need a gas station. Wait, the car is electric… Anyway, it says you need to refuel… You steer your little runabout with the last of your strength to the next gas pump. Shit, 33 gallons. Then there really wasn't a drop left in it.
You pay at the cash register in cash, credit cards are newfangled shit. And you take another coffee and a donut with you. The drive is still long. You love your Dodge RAM. Gliding down the country road in it is simply majestic. Of course, it's not made for the city. But then, neither are you. Remember when you thought you could be a veterinarian? You went to university. Far too many people in one place. You could only stand it for two semesters.
You just stop at the hardware store. You still need a few things. Old Pete is always happy to see you. And you always have time for a little chat. Life in the country is relaxed. Back in the car you take off your sweaty wifebeater. Although the sun is setting slowly, it is still very warm. You roll down the windows. The breeze cools your sweaty bare chest. You still have one customer, after which you can perhaps go down to the river and swim a bit. And with a little luck, Mikey will be there, too. You could use a little fun with his cock tonight…
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The idea of dropping out of veterinary school and becoming a blacksmith in your village was the best idea of your life. You love horses, you love the people here. And you would always prefer good sex in the hayloft to slinging in the darkroom.
Hot guy with cap? Will probably be from @simonsx XD
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dropthedemiurge · 7 months
Love for Love's Sake final episode BTS were released, and I really don't want to let this story go x) But I loved watching cast play around and tease each other. And in this particular video, everyone went really heavily on flirteasing and especially... on joking about Myungha's drowning scene x))
(tw suicide for following translations)
We saw on IG that Joowan (Yeowoon) and Minsoo (Sangwon) were playing and throwing flip stones on a beach. While fans joked Taevin (Myungha) would get jealous, he actually was watching them from behind xD He was preparing for diving, and those two played around.
PD: It's the day of Myungha submerging, any words? J,M: *said they were gonna go home but since they were worried for him so they stayed.* PD: But I saw you having a lot of fun throwing stones right now? J: Well, if the atmosphere is happy and playful, Myungha will have a hard time dying:D
Then they came back to Taevin.
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T: You two are having so much fun playing with stones... M: We laid down stones so you would die a little bit later~^^ J: It's too sad I really won't be able to live! Т__Т
And then Myungha went into the water, and after the first take everyone shouted that it was perfect (for real! it looked so good! woah!) I think it means they got this long difficult and emotionally heavy shot on their first try? Taevin, you should really keep being an actor!
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Taevin arrived to the underwater filming set.
T: It looks fun! Woah, it's deeper than I thought so I'm a bit nervous. Today is the day when Myungha dies... I'll do my best dying!^^ (/I'll be diligently dying!)
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After practicing swimming, rehearsing and dressing up:
PD: Say something before you go? T: Let's die well! Fighting! (i can't with his excitement for emotional scenes lmao)
My comments: Woah, Taevin actually is such a pro at swimming! Especially lowering yourself in the water, I wonder if the water for such shoots have some special addition to make sinking easier.
Anyway, there were cute scenes as well and I'm annoyed I can't understand 100% Korean because it's too noisy or quiet and I wish I knew what their banter was about. But Taevin just casually joking and then easily crushing his suicide scenes while the viewers were all emotionally suffering for days... I can't with him xD
Btw, guys, I also started writing notes while I was watching their livestreams, does anyone need brief translation summaries of LFLS lives? There are edited videos on youtube that put together well the funniest moments so idk whether anyone needs other casual comments but I have them partially in my drafts. But it'll take a lot of effort to finish %)
Or let me know if you want me to translate some other moment from BTS (I'm not really good with translating by ear yet but I can try my best, at least these videos have Korean subtitles xD)
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captain039 · 1 year
PART 7 Stains of red
Astarion x omega!reader
Warnings: Vampire things, blood, light gore, witch things, fantasy things, swearing, age gap, heats, smut, shameless flirting, virgin reader, indulging in pleasure xD, pining
Previous things <-
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Astarion didn’t leave your side for the day. You could feel the slow approach of heat, but ignored it and slowed it more with your magic. Astarions scent was stronger and it made your mind always in a daze when he was near you. It was the middle of the night and you’d been going through your books to find out what thing could do what it was doing to you both. You were exhausted though, falling asleep at the desk, you needed to fix this though.
“Sweetest” you frowned glancing to Astarion as he stood in the doorway arms crossed over his broad chest.
“You’re falling asleep at the desk, hop into bed, before I make you” he grinned lightly at the end and you felt your cheeks go hot. You stood and closed your book, passing him to head to your bedroom. He followed you and your mind began reeling at all possibilities. You grabbed a night gown and glanced to Astarion, he smirked, but turned around. You undid your corset and slid it off before taking off your shirt and skirts. You left your underwear on before slipping the nightgown over your head and over your body.
“It’s safe” you mumbled and heard him shuffle.
“Pity” he said playfully and you flushed keeping your back to him.
“Why so shy?” He asked as you felt him at your back.
“You confessed to me remember” he whispered in your ear and you flushed remembering clearly, gods you were stupid.
“Stop” Astarion said and you frowned turning to him.
“You get too lost in your mind, overthink every detail” he said and you knew he was right. You sighed and sagged a bit, you hesitated, but you rested your forehead on his chest. He tensed a bit and you panicked before arms wrapped around you and brought you closer.
“I didn’t know” he muttered after some silence.
“Didn’t know what?” You asked eyes closed.
“How you felt” he added and you scoffed lightly pulling back.
“Was I not obvious?” You asked and he frowned shaking his head.
“Darling you’re a witch, you hide things better than a thief” he smirked.
“You locked me out of all the parts of your head” he gently poked your forehead and you huffed playfully.
“Because my thoughts are not clean” you said embarrassed and he grinned even more.
“Neither are mine” he whispered and you flushed eyes on the ground.
“Let me see” he said softly, a small beg behind it.
“What is it I do to you?” His hand cupped your jaw and you looked to him. You sighed and closed your eyes, opening you mind to him. All the dirty thoughts you have to all the innocent hand holding and cuddled on the front porch, swimming naked under the moonlight in your lake, enjoying the feel of him and waking up to him, your nightmares horrid deaths and visions-
You cut your mind off panting harshly and feeling tears well in your eyes.
“My sweet” he said breathlessly and you shook your head going to push him away.
“Darling, look at me” he said a little stern and you did.
“Dreams cannot hurt you” he said keeping a gentle but commanding grip on your jaw.
“I won’t allow them too” he added and you sagged a bit.
“I am right here, I’m sorry I didn’t act sooner” he said eyes sincere, his words genuine. You felt tears in your eyes as he sighed gently and pulled you to him again. Your arms went around him this time enjoying the cool feel of his body, the safeness of his arms.
“You didn’t know” you repeated his words and he hummed.
“What is it you desire right now?” He asked lowly in your ear and you felt your body grow hot. You debating opening your mind to him, allowing him full access to your dirty thoughts, it’d be easier than talking. You pulled back and he kept his hands rested on your hips as he stared at you. Your mouth opened and closed and you felt stupid as heat filled your cheeks. You leant up and he smiled happily meeting you and pressing his lips to yours. Your arms wrapped around his neck and he pulled you flush against him.
“Gods I’ve wanted this for years” he muttered deepening the kiss. You whined softly as he turned you around and gently pushed you to the bed. You landed with a soft Oof and rested on your elbows, legs slightly hanging off the edge. He rested between your legs and leant down, hands holding him up either side of your arms as he kissed you. You tugged him closed and he placed his knee on the bed, nudging it against your heat making you gasp. He smirked and took the opportunity to seek your tongue with his own. He rested on his elbows and you struggled to breathe. You had to pull back, you panted harshly and he looked a little worried.
“I don’t have any practice in this” you mumbled breathlessly and a dark lust covered his eyes.
“Then we shall practice more” he smirked kissing you softly again, nudging his knee against your clothed heat. You moaned quietly hands lifting to tangle in with his white curls, they were so soft like you imagined. Your need for friction though grew and you began to move your hips to grind against his knee. You felt him smirk against your mouth as he moved his kisses away from your mouth to your jaw then neck. Butterfly’s filled your stomach as he gently kissed along your neck, finding the sensations overly sensitive. It made you squirm slightly and he nipped gently making you tense. You trusted him though and relaxed again before he kissed over your mating gland. You put a hand over your mouth holding in the gasp that threatened. That spot was always sensitive even if you touched it, his lips against it though- gods.
“Feel good?” He whispered and you nodded a little too quickly.
“Darling, don’t hold back, nobody’s here, but you and me” he lifted his head and removed your hand from your mouth and lifted it to kiss the back of your hand.
“Sorry” you whispered and he frowned.
“Whatever for?” He asked head tilted as you stopped moving your hips.
“I don’t know what I’m doing, or-“ you struggled with words, stumbling over then as he smiled. It was a gorgeous genuine smile as he kissed you gently, it made you feel so at ease.
“Let me show you” he whispered against your lips as he stood. You stared confused before he untucked his white shirt and shrugged it off, dropping it on the floor. You glanced down his chest, he was well defined, abs strong from over those many years, a few scars littering his body. You sat on your elbows again, admiring his pale body, gods he was beautiful.
“Stand up” he ordered and you did on shaky legs. He kept his smirk on as he scrunched up the bottom of your nightgown. You lifted your arms and he pulled of the garment and laid it with his shirt. You grew embarrassed, looking to the ground, too many sweet things in your life caused more flesh on your body.
“You’re exquisite” he whispered and you looked to him. He was in awe, the vampire had his mouth slightly open as he looked at every inch of your body. You flushed looking away when his eyes met yours, he gave a small growl in his throat that almost sounded like a whine as he stepped forward and kissed you hungrily. His hands went to your hips, gripping the flesh there before they trailed up your sides and around your back. He pulled you closer again, chests flush together, hips together. You could feel him hard against his pants and made a small noise against his lips. He pulled back breathless, eyes gazing at you.
“The things you do to me” he muttered kissing you briefly before guiding you back to the bed. You sat down as he held your hand, kissing the back of it again and your inner wrist. His eyes briefly opened to glance to you, they were glowing slightly.
“You can” you whispered and his eyes snapped to yours as his breath hitched against your wrist.
“I’m afraid if I do, I won’t stop” he said and you gave him a soft smile.
“You won’t hurt me” you said his mouth opening, tongue darting over his lips.
“Are you sure?” He asked and you nodded. He bared his fangs, giving you one last look before he closed his eyes and bit down. You hissed briefly at the piercing of flesh, but it went to a cold numbness. He shuddered a groan leaving his mouth as he drank, it was the hottest thing you’d ever heard. He stopped breathlessly, licking over the wound, he looked in a heavenly state as you cupped his cheek.
“Sorry” he said breathlessly eyes opening.
“You didn’t hurt me” you said tilting your head slightly.
“No, I- you taste better than anything I’ve ever imagined” he said embarrassed still in a slight state of bliss. You took it as a compliment not truely understanding what he meant. He licked his lips again, sighing before he pressed his lips to yours.
“Lie back” he said standing up to untie his boots. You shuffled down the bed and rested on the pillows, body trembling in a warm hum. He crawled on the bed and over you, you parted your legs so he could rest between them. He kissed you again moaning softly as he rested his hips against yours.
“What do you want?” He whispered lifting his head to gaze at you again. You felt yourself blush and found words extremely hard. You closed your eyes opening your mind to him, you want his mouth, his cock, his mark….anything.
“Needy thing” he chuckled making you pout.
“I’ll give you anything” he whispered with a smirk as he slid back down your body, peppering kissed along the way. He stopped above your waist band of your underwear glancing up to you with a smirk. You quickly looked away embarrassed as he chuckled and hooked his fingers under your waist band.
“Hips up” he ordered and you listened. He pulled down your underwear and discarded it on the floor. You covered your eyes highly embarrassed, expecting criticism.
“I’ve always wanted to taste you here too” he said and you bit back a whine. You went to close your legs, feeling his eyes burning.
“Uh uh” he said lifting one of your legs over his shoulder. You glanced down, watching get comfortable and slip his other arm under and around your thigh. He nipped the sensitive flesh of your inner thigh before his tongue swiped through your folds. You gasped, back arching at the new feeling, he kept your hips still though, arms holding your thighs as he began to swipe his tongue and suck. You moaned quietly, biting the back of your hand.
“Let me hear you” his voice rumbled against your sex and you faltered, but moved your hand. He moved slowly at first, teasing and tasting before he quickened, tongue going in and out of your entrance slightly. You felt his arm move and briefly frowned before fingers joined his mouth. You groaned softly as he gathered up both saliva and slick on his fingers before slowly thrusting one in your warmth. You sighed loudly back arching slightly as he kept sucking at your clit and slowly moving his finger in and out before brushing up against something inside you that made you gasp and moan. He smirked against your sex and added another finger, slowly scissoring and making slight ‘come here’ motions. You squirmed and shook as you felt your stomach tightened.
“Astarion-“ you gasped and he growled softly quickening and hardening his pace slightly. Your eyes sealed shut and you held your breath as you came. Your walls clenched down on his fingers as he kept running your high. He slowed and removed his fingers and gently moved your leg off his shoulder as he sat up. You looked to him with dazed eyes as he licked his fingers clean, keeping his eyes on yours. He sighed deeply wiping his mouth and you flushed, heart pounding in your chest. He crawled back up your body gently kissing you, the taste of yourself on his lips.
“Do you want more?” He whispered.
Next part ->
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stomach-bugg09 · 2 years
hihi! first time requesting ever but I just love your blog its too good xD maybe a fluffy imagine of when the tulkuns return and y/n and fali meeting his spirit brother and its just super cute and fluffy <333 I love this whole thing so much ahhhh
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summary: in honor of the tulkuns and their return, [y/n] is introduced into the beautiful world of these creatures—as well as the festivities that follow!
a/n: i finally got this done !! it took forever to write this because i kept rewriting and rewriting — it’s still not my favorite piece of work , but i really wanted to get something published. hope you guys enjoy. feedback + reblogs are always appreciated !!
tags: @pinkhotdogsfr @wxnderingthoughts @liyahsocorro @bonnibuckets @hjkshshjkhklhkl @itssiaaax @grierpilots @fleurbeass
warnings: underage ( ? ) drinking , drunk [y/n] and fali , pda , parents making fun of their children , that’s kind of it i think
words: 1.5k
welcome, brother
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it was a time for stories after a season apart.
[y/n] watched in complete awe from where she waded above fali and his spirit brother. the scene was bustling with joy, with beauty. nearly every metkayina had a spirit sister or spirit brother of their own, their na’vi hands moving with grace through the thick waters to communicate with the gorgeous tulkuns. the sounds of the creatures reverberated through the water, a beautiful song ringing in [y/n]’s ears.
some looked somber. [y/n]’s eyes caught sight of a na’vi that rested his forehead against the side of his spirit brother, a low hum vibrating through the duo. as if, even in the darkest times, there was still comfort in the relationship that they held between them.
some were exuberant. a smile burst onto her lips at the image of an infant taking her first sights at her mother’s spirit sister, bobbing up and down in the water as she took deep breaths of the surface’s oxygen.
old friends.
her eyes traveled to where tsireya swam with her spirit sister, choking back a laugh at the backflip she did when retelling a very exciting story.
new loves.
but, of course, even when there was so much to watch, [y/n]’s sight would always return to the na’vi that floated beneath her.
fali spoke to his spirit brother, epayno, with an exhilarated smile that did not leave his face once. oh, how his childlike wonder made [y/n] melt.
what she did not expect, however, was when he suddenly looked upwards and caught her eyes. his arm raised, gesturing to her to swim down to him. he must have seen the way that her eyes widened for a blip of bubbles left his mouth.
“please, you must meet my spirit brother,” he told her, once again beckoning her to come to them.
she gave him a look before shakily signing, “i do not want to embarrass myself in front of your brother.” she winced as a laugh-like sound echoed from epayno’s body.
fali only sent the tulkun a look before turning back to her. “he wants to meet you. i promise, he will love you. i cannot say that same vice versa.” he smiled at epayno’s offended noise. “i only tease.”
with a nervous shake of her hands, [y/n] pointed her face downward. she began to kick her feet, arms wading their way through the water as she swam towards epayno and fali. once she finally reached the side of her love, a blush errupted onto her face as he grabbed her hand.
with his free hand, he signed, “i introduce you to epayno, and epayno meet ma [y/n]. my yawne.” and there she went again—melting at his mere words!
the creature rumbled, although he sounded very amused. after he was clearly finished speaking, fali turned to [y/n] and translated for her. “he says that you’re very beautiful. and that we look happy together. that is all.”
another wave of sound, this time with an undertone of disagreement.
“yes, that is all he said. nothing more than that!” he side eyed epayno. “because he would never dare say anything inappropriate or violating at all.”
[y/n] suppressed a laugh, although it was difficult. “something tells me that he is more than willing to expose and embarrass you.” she turned to epayno, a smile on her face. “i must learn to understand you soon. i must learn of all embarrassing fali moments!”
a click-like sound vibrated through her ears, although she understood it as more of a chuckle. she sent a teasing wink towards the tulkun at that.
“i told you! of course he would like you.” fali rolled his eyes. “and of course you would make it the bane of my existence.”
“what else would i do but make your life more difficult?”
he smiled, biting his bottom lip to fight back a grin. “maybe give me a kiss?”
she swam closer, grabbing his wrist to pull him onto the flipper that epayno was offering. once they were seated, hands running over the textured skin of the tulkun, he swam upwards and lifted them above the surface.
she grabbed his neck, pulling him into her. “i suppose that can be arranged.”
never did [y/n] expect the night to hold even more pleasantries than the day they just had.
music vibrated through the ground, drums and a melodious tune flowing freely in the veins of every na’vi that danced to the rhythm. a smile overtook [y/n]’s face, her eyes squinted because of the lower half of her face scrunching up into a joyous expression. her jaw was dropped open as she inhaled and exhaled, deeply taking in oxygen to try and regain composure within her lungs as her body moved with each beat of the drum.
beside her danced fali. his face was lit with joy, eyes stuck on [y/n]’s beautiful figure that swayed to and fro. paint swirled over her body, each color highlighting a different one of her features.
the na’vi danced on the beach, waves crashing onto their ankles as they swerved gracefully. their toes sunk into the wet sand, the salty water constantly returning to wash them off.
in the distance, the tulkun sang with the music, their own dance moves causing young children to gasp in astonishment.
“oh, this is wonderful!” [y/n] cried, feet stomping as the shells that were tied around her feet shook against the impact. “almost as good as parties back home.”
“almost?” fali raised his eyebrow muscles at that, his hand grabbing her as he pulled her into a twirl.
she only smirked. “well, i mean, there could be more drinks. less children. you know, that kind of stuff.”
“oh, just wait until the sun goes down!” he teased, hands wrapping around the middle part of her waist to lift her in the air.
she screamed a laugh, hands going straight to his forearms as if she was in imminent danger. “put me down,” [y/n] cried joyfully, tears pricking her eyes due to her uncontrollable laughter.
for once in their time together, the other na’vi paid no attention to the couple. their loud exclamations of happiness were drowned out by the combination of wind, water, dancing, and music. finally, after months of adapting to the metkayina ways, [y/n] and fali were able to dance the night away. together. and not one na’vi bat an eye.
hours passed, but they didn’t stop. soon, they were dancing into the next morning. sure, their feet were sore, their throats hurt, their heads were clouded by alcohol, but they did not care. they could not care.
around them flashed other young na’vi who still raged the dance floor. children were fast asleep back in their maruis, young parents having the burden to care for them, and the older warriors were far too aged to continue dancing for as long as fali, [y/n], and the others had.
occasionally, [y/n] would catch a glimpse of her siblings, although once they spilled into the next morning, kiri and tuk seemed to have disappeared. soon enough, neteyam followed after them, lo’ak eventually being forced to leave tsireya when neytiri ordered him to go home.
the sully parents sat to the side with toniwari, ronal, and both of fali’s parents. they were chatting up a storm, the omaticayans learning everything they could. neytiri was utterly infatuated with the beauty of this cultural aspect. she couldn’t help but try and learn from it.
jake was all too amused with the young adults that stumbled in front of them, their movements drunk and sloppy after a night full of dancing, singing, and drinking.
the amusement faltered the slightest bit when he caught sights of his daughter tripping over her own feet, fali attempting to keep her upright although it was doing more harm than help because he, too, had quite a bit to drink.
jake bit back a laugh when neytiri grabbed his arm, her free hand going to cover her mouth in astonishment. “oh, dear.”
neytiri slammed her forehead into her mate’s bicep when her daughter fell straight into the sand. “oh my eywa.”
the parents of fali were losing their minds as they watched their son attempt to help his love up onto her feet, unfortunately causing him to fall into his knees beside her.
simply put? the adults were howling with laughter.
it took quite a bit of time, but eventually the pair was back on their feet, continuing to try and make progress so they could leave the area that was determined as the “dance floor.” they didn’t even notice their parents.
instead, they were too wrapped up with every other bright flashing color that surrounded them.
while [y/n] was quick to make the smallest, most straight-forward comments to every na’vi that they passed, fali could not get enough of the sully girl. he kept grabbing her hands, pressing kisses against her temples and trying to tempt her to dance with him again. she was far too busy complimenting some metkayina on her jewelry to even fall for it.
and yet, somehow, even when shitfaced and quite out of it, they still managed to be an adorable and compatible couple, something that all the passerbyers idealized, even if some of them judged fali for even going for an outsider.
outsider or not, she was made for him, and he was made for her. and it was beautiful.
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inkspottie · 2 days
I wanna know how sadao’s hair is holding up. That man has been fighting for his life for the entire fic, plus he went for a swim. His hairs at least gotta be a little messed up by now right?? (This is me desperately wanting more sadao with his hair down cuz he’s a cutie pie)
But also when no one is looking he is slicking his hair back frantically because he hates how it looks when it’s down xD
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teecupangel · 9 months
Just saw the Mermaid!Desmond post and it reminded me that i have been playing around with the idea that Desmond gets transported to the past as a mermaid(he prefers the term 'merman' thank you!). With my obsession with EziDes(i'm shameless XD), i imagined 2 scenarios:
1) Ezio meets Desmond in Venice and though at first Desmond is shy and hides away, Ezios persistence and charm wins him over. Desmond has the ability to launch some sticky "vines" from his hands to drag people into the water(based on what the mermaids in Pirates of the Caribbean can do), so he helps Ezio with assassinations from the canal. We could even have some drama where the Templars catch Desmond in a tank on land and when Ezio comes to save him, the tank breaks and at first Desmond is suffocating, then he is in immense pain while his body transforms into a humans. So good news: he can walk on land and even "sleep" with Ezio without risking drowning him(No Ezio, we are not trying it again!). Bad news: it hurts like a motherfucker to transform and it takes a hot minute. At least he can see Monteriggioni now!
2) The classic "Desmond takes Older!Ezio and himself to the past to save Ezio's family" but Desmond is turned into a mermaid(merman!) and is stuck in the disgusting river that runs through Florence. They get transported a day before the execution(Ezio just needs that scar, i love that connection too much XD), so they get a plan to bust out the Auditore family during the night and use a boat to get far enough away from the city before switching to a wagon. Giovanni is confused to what his son is doing("Why didn't you deliver the papers to Uberto, Ezio?"), but decideds to trust his son. During the trip, a guard almost raises the alarm but before he can, something whips out of water and drags the man in. Everyone but Ezio is shocked and when they get to the wagon, they see a small tub with water in the back. Before they can ask about it, they see Ezio lift something from the river before turning around and revealing a mermaid(MERMAN!) in his arms. Ezio is not leaving Desmond behind, no matter how difficult transporting him is(in this version i'd have Desmond need to learn how to shift forms, so for a while he has to be transported in a tiny ass tub if he was to follow Ezio around). The ride back is pretty awkard 'cause it turns out only Ezio can hear Desmonds voice(he speaks mentally, so even underwater he can talk to Ezio and the connection can reach pretty far).
We can also use Altaïr and the funny scenario of him being afraid of water, but still has a mermaid(for the LAST TIME: I'M A MERMAN!) boyfriend. XD Though Desmond would be very helpful for the guy that hides on the boat.
Maybe the treasure in Solomons temple started glowing after the entrance collapsed, distracting the templars enough for a hurt Malik and bruised Kadar to grab it and flee? And on the ride back to Masyaf, during an attempt to cross a river to lose the Templars on their trail, the treasure falls into the water, causing an explosion of light. Kadar was blinded by it, but Malik escaped the worst of it and swears he saw a large dark shape swimming away from the orb before he went to grab it. When he returns to Masyaf, with a dead arm and a mostly blind brother, he still blames Altaïr for everything that went wrong, but knows it could have been so much worse.
Altaïr is sent to find the traitor(the same as cannon), but afterwards is sent to the river Malik experienced the light explosion, to search for whatever came from the treasure. Altaïr curses Malik for his clumsiness, to lose the treasure in the river! If it hadn't been glowing it would have been lost. So Altaïr is in a very bad mood when he reaches the river to start his search. He is forced to spend days following it to the ocean, but when he reaches it, he sees something gold, glittering underneath the waves. Before he can try to even figure out how to get closer without having to get near the water, it moves upwards, revealing a strange creature. A half man, half fish spirit that looks like him, just staring at him from the water. They stay there, staring at each other before the spirit swims back under the water, dissapearing before Altaïr can even utter a sound of suprise. No matter how hard he searches the coast, the spirit does not show itself. Altaïr is once again forced to return to his master with another failure.
Phew, okay, this took almost an hour to write(i'm a pretty slow typer). XD Words just came pouring out during the Altaïr section. Lol
Additions to the ask from @thedragonqueen1998
Follow up on my Mermaid!Desmond ask:
I completely forgot to add in a description for Desmonds mermaid design. XD I'm a fan of the more spikier designs, so he'd have sharp fins on the side of his tail, a large one on his back, razor sharp claws and webbing on his hands and his ears would be fins. His teeth would be large and sharp and his jaw could almost shoot out like a goblin sharks one. It also opens wise enough that he can bite someones head off. His colouring would be a shiny gold that would dampen the more tired he becomes and the shine would fade if he is sick. So if he spends alot of time in the Venice canals his colours would fade quickly to Ezio's panic. XD He's fine, he just has the mermaid version of the flu.
Additions by teecup:
Desmond being a mermaid during Renaissance Italy would be so fun. Of course, Leonardo would have to paint him, maybe even call him the ‘Siren’ of Greek folklore, going as far as painting what looks like a lot like Templars as the people the supposed Siren drowns.
Centuries later, people would debate if Leonardo Da Vinci’s ‘Siren’ is androgynous or is actually male. Shaun has been part of that debate far too much.
Desmond probably has the habit of lifting his tail then smacking it down, making water splash all around the tank, an instinctive move that mimics humans saying their feet when they’re dangling.
There was actually an ask about what kind of merfolk design would each Assassin have but I can’t find it (as usual).
One of my suggestion for Desmond though is a tail similar to an angler fish like this:
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Not exactly like this but a combination of this and your idea of sharp fins. They seem to glow but it’s more noticeable when using Eagle Vision.
Also… the water underneath Monteriggioni is a good place for Desmond to stay as well (although Ezio would be everything to renovate Monteriggioni to have a pond large enough for Desmond, it will become his priority even if they don’t profit from it XD).
If you want an alternative meeting, Ezio could meet Desmond in the underground waters of Monteriggioni while he was exploring Monteriggioni.
For the AltDes version, I’m just kinda imagining Altaïr would be too stubborn to return to Masyaf until he was certain what he just saw. He had already failed, he can’t afford to fail again.
Both because of his pride and because he had lost faith in Al Mualim and the Brotherhood too much that he actually believes that they would execute him if he failed again.
So he’s just camping there, staring at the waters.
Every time he feels like someone is staring back, the feeling would be gone by the time he turns around.
He had read about many mystical beings that live in the waters and Altaïr had started to write about what he can observe, even going as far as drawing what he could remember of what he saw.
If anyone was to see it, it would look like the ramblings of a man imagining something that doesn’t exist.
Or perhaps they would believe it.
Many people do believe in such rot.
Altaïr did not.
Not until he saw the spirit.
And now…
Altaïr was simply too stubborn to retreat.
He would capture the spirit and drag it back to Masyaf if it’s the last thing he does.
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factual-fantasy · 1 year
I HAS 25 ASK :}}}}}🍤
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@nihilityart Thank you! And,
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I am now! Some kind of ice and fire guys? They look neat :}}
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For me clothed VS unclothed is the same as Civilized VS uncivilized. Or perhaps Intelligent VS unintelligent..? Captain Barnacles VS a salmon. The very humanoid Captain polar bear is gonna wear clothes and the lil fish guy just gonna swim around and be a fish XD
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I'm thinking that the Cupcake Factory and Mazercise were never built following Chica's decommission.. the only thing that remains of her is the small party stage her and Freddy used to preform on. :(
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Proud :}
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Well, my Jevil gains the power create mirrors and walk through them into other AUs and timelines. So maybe his power matches up?? I'm not familiar with that Kefka character <XD
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Glamrock Foxy still suffers from baby disease XD He may be bigger then Chica and Freddy, but they can still push him around fairly easily.
I also imagine becuase he's so light he can easily be picked up by the other Glamrocks. Poor Foxy can never catch a break XDD
Also Swap Foxy would never pick up OG Foxy. He couldn't do that to him man he knows the pain all too well <XD
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Freddy would be really sad seeing Bonnie like that. He doesn't even have to ask anyone what's up with him. He knows that Bonnie cant handle constant activity, noise and lights. He's just not programmed with that kind of processing power. After every performance back in the day, Freddy was the first one check on Bonnie and get him to his room if he was wiped out.
And he was always the last to speak with him after he emerged from his room. Waiting for Bonnie to talk to him first when he was ready.
Seeing him like this now.. so.. hollow. It just breaks his heart. He can tell just by looking at him that no one has treated Bonnie right or attended to his needs in any way. For years. He wouldn't take any of Bonnies rudeness or sarcasm personally. It would bounce right off him because he knows why Bonnie is saying those things and he means none of it.
If Glamrock Freddy was in the swap AU, he would completely leave Bonnie alone. He wouldn't talk to him or address him in anyway. Buuuut maybe he would hover nearby. To be there to give Bonnie an escape from any given situation or if he happens to need someone or something, Freddy would be there to help.
But still. Never talk to him or look at him. Bonnie doesn't need any more things to process.. :(
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Thanks for ask! Don't be shy to send more, I love getting them! :DD
As for the perfect sandwich? Oooo that's a good question. Uhhmmmm.... hmm.. Well, tbh I'm kind'a craving a cursed PB&J with cheetos in the middle ngl..
Oh! Or maybe a sandwich with toasted bread and some mayo, turkey, Ham and cheese?? Its kind'a basic but man does that sound good right about now XD
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I imagine it works much like the show/real boy scouts. There's not really any major changes I can think of..
I mean, I guess in my AU Professor Natquik was probably the main polar scout leader- or maybe even the founder of the polar scouts?? Or at the very least he could have been a beloved polar scout leader for like.. 20-30 years or something before he dipped and went to the Antarctic. That's all I can think of <XD
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Thank you! I'm having a ton of fun drawing this Deltarune stuff so far! I'm doing a ton of world building on it and I have another set of drawings to post right after this ask post goes up! :}}
As for Jevil's lore, I made this post that talks about his lore thus far. But the post I'm going to make after this kind'a overwrites that so be on the look out XD
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They grew up on the Octopod yes. And I don't think its a thing of child labor XD I imagine that all the Octonauts can cook for themselves. The Vegimals are just very eager to help out and they love to cook! Its become their way of helping out around the ship because they want to help. But they can stop when ever- no one is forcing them to be their cooks or even live there. They can leave when ever they want! But they choose not to because they love the crew and they love to cook!
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Actually, google says that Barnacles is from Northern Canada. Something about a decorative banner he has labeled "MV Manitoba", which is a reference to the province of Manitoba..?
Which I guess if he is from Northern Canada, that banner and wheel is the only Canadian thing he brought to the Octopod.? XD
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Thank you so much!! :DDD
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And King Resh you say? Ooooo, I like that name :00 And yeah, boy his design sure is spooky <XDD
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@ariisonfire (Post in question)
SKKJDKJSFKJ SORRY! That probably didn't feel great-- <XD But don't worry I had no idea your character existed when I made blue Grillby so I'm not copying! XD
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I've seen that floating around. I don't have much of an opinion on it myself. I just hope the fans are satisfied with it :0
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I have actually! I watched Elvis the Alien review it on YouTube XDD
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1: In the partial swap with Gregory.. I imagine there was a moment like in the classic AU where Monty and Foxy sat down with Chica and told her that Freddy was gone. She probably got some old posters and pointed Freddy out to Gregory. Eventually communicating that she wanted to look for him. In which, they would find him all beat up..
In the true swap, with little Vanessa, I imagine its the same thing. Despite Bonnie taking the place of Freddy, its still Monty and Foxy that sit down and explain Freddy's disappearance. In which again, Chica points out Freddy in the posters to Vanessa and they go find him.
2: I believe in both the Partial and true swap, Freddy and Chica's decommissions happened the same way/for the same reasons as Foxy and Bonnie in the Classic AU.
3: Fazer blast doesn't actually exist in the partial or true swap. In the classic AU Freddy and Chica's attraction was just the main stage and party area. And Bonnie had the Bowling ally and Foxy had Pirates cove.
When the Glamrock era began, Bonnie bowl and Pirates cove were left untouched. Meanwhile Freddy and Chica's roles expanded and they were given Fazer Blast and Mazercise.
In the true and partial swap, that stage and party area are just kind'a.. left there. Maybe sometimes big party's happen and one of the bots come and preform on that old stage.? But mostly the giant stage is used and that old party stage is left to collect dust. Which is a blessing in disguise. I cant imagine the pain the bots would feel preforming on that stage where their friends once stood..
As for Bonnie bowl, yeah it was expanded big time. And is way more decked out than it was before. As for the Pizzaplex its name is still the same. But I imagine the logo looks a bit different :0
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Thank you so much!! :DDD
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I mean, personally? I don't really like it but that's just because I don't ship Fronnie. But hey its not my artwork so its not really any of my business-
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Huh? What about him? Looks like he's from tiktok.?
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Thank you! And that would be something that would shock the classic Glamrocks. Swap Freddy is in significantly worse shape than Classic Bonnie.. (which was intentional ;}})
Freddy would be rather disturbed seeing his old model so messed up. Considering how much he misses the past and his old body.. seeing an eye hanging out, his arm broken- his leg twisted in the wrong direction.. ehg, it would really freak him out. He'd have a hard time looking at himself..
Chica seeing her old self would disturb her, but also make her jealous somewhat.?? My Chica doesn't like being a Glamrock and misses her old body and role on stage. So seeing herself back in her pink dress and soft yellow feathers.. despite the removal of her beak and hands she'd be weirdly envious.
Monty and Roxy wouldn't have any unique or interesting reactions. They'd just be like "wow you guys look janked up I'm so sorry" XD
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This post I made a while back talks about that! :00
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(post in question)
XD Yeah. Eventually his fur grew out and he trimmed all the green back. But it sure was funny while it was there!
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skeefee-sky · 20 days
it's mah birfday today :D
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and to celebrate, i wrote a lil something-something between Gordon and Four that's, not related to that main story i'm writing with them, but, just as a side thing, if that makes sense xD c: here go! enjoy them being cute >w<
(i dunno why but i was listening to Kingdom Dance from Tangled on repeat while writing this. it helped motivate for some reason :D)
💛💙~~~ TB ~~~ TB ~~~ TB ~~~ TB ~~~ TB ~~~ TB ~~~ TB ~~~ 💙💛
Early mornings before the rest of the island was awake were often the best parts of the day. Especially when you got to soak in the silence before rowdy brothers, or a klaxon alarm, interrupted it. Gordon had missed his morning swims.
His arm finally healed, he could actually enjoy them again, and strode down to the pool with a pep in his step. Hopefully he’d have just enough time to do a couple of laps (and maybe relax a bit) before they were called out on any rescues.
Just as he stepped forward to dive into the water, a louder splash sounded out from the sea, down by the shores of the island. Amber eyes brightened as the aquanaut curiously went to investigate. Had something fallen into the water? Was there a creature splashing about in the sea? Was there an intruder on Tracy Island? Gordon half-ignored the last thought, but decided he’d better go down and check it out anyway.
It was a bit of a walk from the poolside down to a safe spot of the shore where he wouldn't slip and fall, but he found he didn't need to go to the water's edge to find what had been splashing about. His Thunderbird stood tall in the water, ripples around her knees where she kept her ground on the sand as it disappeared into the watery depths. The aquanaut hid a laugh in his hand as the craft suddenly twirled around, and landed on her backside in the water, having tripped on something he couldn't see.
"Gordon!" the sub chirped happily, ignoring that she'd fallen, just being glad her pilot had found her. "Look! I found a spot that's the perfect depth for me!"
"So you did." Amber eyes swept over her frame, Gordon grinning as he moved a little closer to the water's edge. "You okay though?"
"Yep! I-..." The Thunderbird suddenly paused, dropping her hands into the water at her sides. Sea-green optics trailed over her pilot, a little sullen in guilt. "Oh... I didn't, wake you, did I? I thought, I couldn't be heard from the villa.."
Gordon shook his head with a laugh. "No you didn't. I was already poolside when I heard you; thought I'd come investigate the splashing though!"
If the craft couldn't tell where he was headed by his outfit and the towel slung around his shoulders... The ocean was starting to look mighty inviting. And he didn't particularly feel like trudging back up to the pool... For now, the aquanaut sat himself on a rock next to the water, dipping his feet in and just watching his Thunderbird enjoy herself.
"... It's weird being in water not in my craft-form," the sub observed, lifting a servo and watching the water run off her digits.
"You're gonna be more salty than normal," Gordon commented with a snicker. "And don't even get me started on the sand-!"
Thunderbird Four let out a soft huff... and tossed a handful of water at him. Gordon yelped and nearly slipped off the rock, spluttering as the water hit him like a tidal wave. It certainly felt like one-! He sat there, dripping and stunned, for a moment before swiping water out of his eyes. His sub looked a little shocked herself, before bursting into giggles.
"You can be sandy with me!"
"Hey no fair! I can't splash you back!"
The Thunderbird continued her giggles; she might have been the smallest of the crafts, but she had still had advantage over their human pilots. She didn't notice Gordon get to his feet, and back up to take a running leap into the water, chanting 'cannon ball!' as he landed. An attempt was made - the water merely only splattering against the sub's arm. He surfaced a second later, floating on his back to stare up at the yellow Thunderbird, her frame shading him from the sun. He felt warmly comfortable at her side, knowing she was keeping an eye on him, so she didn’t accidentally move and sweep him away in the water. Who said you couldn’t be friends with a giant robot-?
Gordon rolled over and changed position, treading water so he didn’t slip under and blindly tried to find a submerged crook of metal he could find his footing on. He found one in her hand as she lifted it to gently aid him; the aquanaut then tilting his head at her.
“What made you decide to come out here anyway?”
“I was… maybe a little bit bored…” Thunderbird Four sheepishly admitted. Gordon had broken his arm, which meant she’d been grounded unless one of the other brothers piloted her for a rescue. What made her decide to come out to the water today, she was still thinking about. “Needed to get out for a bit. Poke around the island… explore.”
She could have done it any other day, now that she thought about it. But… something about today told her she’d eventually meet up with her pilot… and she had! Craft and pilot could enjoy the water together, where they belonged.
“I stopped here cause, something about it felt special. When I transformed, I wasn’t expecting to be able to stand! I thought there’d be another drop-off, like every other part of the island!”
She laughed, and Gordon lightly joined her with a laugh of his own. That was true, and the ocean was pretty deep to begin with! He suspected his Thunderbird would have likely sunk to the seafloor had she not figured out how to float. The aquanaut turned and swam over to a spot he could grasp onto metal, before hauling himself out of the water to climb his Thunderbird. The sub sat quietly as she let him, waiting until he was sat on her shoulder before she moved freely, sitting more comfortably as the water shifted around her.
“… Why have we never done this before?” Gordon then asked softly.
“I guess, there was never an opportunity to,” Thunderbird Four answered, peeking at him from the corner of her optic before looking back over the horizon. “I’m glad you’re my pilot, Gordon.”
“I’m glad I am too.” 🐟
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