#he was the reason maxi was on fire
blurbgreenstars · 8 months
How dare you people call him an overpriced cheerleader
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When did you see one being this diligent and effective at their work
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nurse-floyd · 23 days
Oh Viv...this is PURE absolute filth and you are 100% to blame haha!
Warnings: pure pure smut, pegging.
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Max was pissed. You could hear it in the way his voice sounded when he let his engineer know his car was actually on fire. Couldn’t miss it in the way he stomped out of the car and ripped his helmet and balaclava off and ran a frustrated hand through his hair. You wanted nothing more than to run to his side, hug him and tell him it was okay. But, he still had a job to do, a race to watch and a debrief to attend. Later that night, you’d just have to show him just how much you loved him and give him a reason not to write the whole day off as a shit show. 
“Hey Maxie,” you knew he loved it when you called him that, “come here,” you said softly as you held your arms out toward him. 
The weight was still heavy in his shoulders as he practically fell into your arms, his head resting on your shoulder. You knew Max inside and out and could see he was still beating himself up, despite it not being his fault. 
Yeah…tonight was going to be all about him. You were going to remind him of his worth, why Max Verstappen deserved to be called world champion. It was going to be a night to erase the day he’d had. 
Max dragged his feet as he moved across the hotel room and sat on the edge of the bed, his shoulders sagging as he let out a long sigh. You followed him and climbed on the bed behind him and wrapped your arms around his chest. You could feel his frustration as you gently massaged his shoulders, stroked his hair and offered him comfort. 
“You’ll get them next time,” you whispered in his ear,” that ended with you nipping at his ear. 
He leaned his head back, his eyes closed as he let out a groan. You could tell it was working, could feel him relaxing as his body sagged against your chest and you knew it was time to take things further. With your free hand, you ran it down his chest and stomach before you teased at the waistband of his jeans. It had the desired effect as you saw the bulge in his pants grow at your touch. 
“Let me take care of you tonight,” you murmured, your hot breath tickling his ears. “Just relax baby, let me take away all that frustration. Make you feel good.” 
You stood on your knees and made an attempt to unbuckle his belt, it was difficult from the angle but he gladly helped. As soon as the belt was off and the button and zipper were undone, you slipped your hands beneath the waistband of his boxers and wrapped your fingers around his hardening cock. 
Max gasped at the contact, letting out a hiss as his eyes fluttered closed at the pleasure that shot through him. You started slowly, your movements gently as you teased him, knowing exactly how to drive him crazy. 
“That’s it sweetheart,” you growled softly in his ear, “you might not have won today, but we're definitely going to make up for it tonight.” 
You could feel just how much he was enjoying it as you watched his chest rise and fall quicker as his breathing picked up. This was only the beginning though. He groaned as you released your grip on his cock and stood up from the bed. He watched as you slipped out of your own clothes, revealing the lacy lingerie set you knew he loved. Regardless of whether he won or lost you knew you’d be having sex with him that night, so you were prepared. 
“Got a surprise for you tonight, baby,” you said as you retrieved a strap-on hardness, lube and a pink dildo from your luggage. The perks of traveling on a private jet…no TSA. You strapped it on, watching as his Adam's apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed. The sight of you taking control with the bright pink dildo strapped around your waist had his cock twitching all over again. 
“Get undressed for me, Max. I’m going to take charge tonight. Give you just what you need,” your eyes darkened a little, you loved watching him like this, all submissive. “I’m going to fuck you Max, peg you hard and remind you just how fucking special you are.” 
Max didn’t have to be told twice. He pulled his top off, revealing his toned abs and shrugged his jeans and boxers all the way off, throwing them to the side. He was putty in your hands. 
You made a move to where he stood, completely naked and pushed him backwards onto the bed. Max’s breath caught in his throat as you joined him, straddling his waist and positioning yourself between his legs. 
“Like the view?” you teased, seeing the way he was staring at you, chest heaving as he focussed on the bright pink dildo. “You’re going to let me take care of you tonight. Take my cock like the good boy I know you are.” 
He nodded, licking his dry lips. You leaned down, capturing his lips with your own, deepening the kiss as your tongue dipped into his mouth. You gripped his hard and swollen cock and gave it a few tugs as you stroked it in time with your kisses. 
“I want you nice and hard for this, baby,” you whispered into his ear with another nip before you sat up and positioned the head of the dildo at Max’s entrance. With a gentle but firm push, you entered the tip of the dildo, pausing for a moment for him to get used to the stretch. 
“Such a good boy for me,” you groaned, as you looked at his face, wanting to savor the pure bliss of his expression. “So tight for me.” 
Slowly, you pushed in further and let him adjust to the girth a little longer before you began to slowly move your hips in a steady rhythm. Max’s eyes closed, his mouth open as he became lost in the sensation. The bliss was heightened further when you leaned down, angling the dildo just right as you kissed and nibbled at his neck. 
“You like taking my cock like that, baby?” 
“Fuck…yes,” he moaned as he moved his head back, expposing his neck for you further. 
His response only encouraged you further as you increased the pace of your thrusts, sliding the dildo in and out of his tight hole. Your hand joined in as he wrapped around his cock, stroking him in time with your thrusts. 
“Cum for me, baby,” you urged, “want to feel you tighten around my cock as you explode.” 
Those were all the words he needed to hear, the angle of the dildo and the strokes on his cock were enough to send him over the edge as he cried out, his body arching as the waves of pleasure washed over him and he released himself. 
He collapsed back on the bed, chest heaving as you pulled out from him. You lay down beside him, tracing patterns on his chest as he calmed down. 
“That was incredible,” Max murmured, his voice hoarse from the night's activities, “I needed that.” 
“Anything for my man,” you replied. 
As you lay side by side, Max forgot about the frustrations of the day. He knew he’d make it up next time. For now he was content to just lay with you and enjoy what the rest of the night had in store.
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dreamauri · 1 year
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♪ — 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗗𝗔𝗬 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗠𝗨𝗦𝗜𝗖 𝗗𝗜𝗘𝗗 - part six max verstappen x girlfriend! driver! reader (angst + fluff, minor smut) “. . . Where have you been?”
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( fic master list | general master list ) ( previous | first )
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"Oh my lord Max." You laughed watching your boyfriend jump in the pool. He was most definitely drunk, because he was fully clothed. The reason why he was in the pool was because literally. "You're so hot, hotter than the sun." "But you're hugging the sun, aren't you going to catch fire?" "Oh shit! I'm on fire!" Splash!
You laughed looking at the boy who was treading at the edge with his eyes looking at you with the most loving gaze. You were quick to get on your knees and try to reach for the blond. Alcohol does not mix with water. "Maxie, take my hand." "No, I don't wanna be on fire."
He swam ( more like paddling like a puppy ) away from you. You were getting a good laugh out of this, setting your wine glass down and getting a spare towel. "Maxie stop running away." "I want to live." He replied as he escaped you once more.
You slipped into the pool swimming after him, finally catching him and pulling him out. "Noooo." Max whined as you wrapped the towel around him. "My sun went out." He sighed looking at you, leaning into your embrace. You laughed rubbing his shoulder to comfort him as you pressed small kisses on his lips.
"I'm fine, Maxie." You chuckled looking into his blue eyes that looked at you with worry, leaning your forehead against his. He smiled gently pressing a kiss to your lips. "I'll always be there for you, Maxie."
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"Look at that dribble." Carlos laughed as he watched you get past Daniel and Max like a pro, shooting towards the goal but ultimately missing. The three boys laughed as you looked disappointed at the empty goal. "How do you miss that?" Daniel asked wheezing on the floor.
You frowned at him, giving Carlos ( your team mate who was making fun of you ) a dirty glare. Next was Max, who was standing straight like a pencil, doing his best to hold his laugh in. "You look like shit." You scoffed at him, folding g your arms and looking away embaressed. Your insult only made all the boys die even more.
Max lost his composure falling to the floor, laughing as he pleased. Your gaze softened for a moment, you never heard him laugh this much before.
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"Did you know? The fans behind you, they're Y/N's fans." "I've been told, yeah." Max looked back, looking at the crowd cheering for him. A warm smile covered his face as he turned back to the interviewer. "And how does that make you feel?" "It's uh, definitely a good thing. Makes me feel like she's here with me." Max nodded looking back at the crowd singing in your native language.
When max walked back to his garage he looked at his new car for this season. Although not much has changed with the paint job and the sponsors, your racing number was on the nose of his car ( something he begged your father to have ) even though he could have the number 1 now that he won the World champion title after you left.
The pre season testing had been completed and Max can finally go home. Passing through the fan zone, Max met his and your fans alike. He took pictures and signed autographs, as well as received gifts.
Upon entering his empty apartment, the blond took refuge on the couch. The spot where he had turned into his bed, even though there was a one in perfectly good condition in the bedroom next door ( which has not been touched since you received your world champion title ).
It's been like this for two years now, Max liked to pretend you were too lazy to get out of bed, napping or eating while watching Kimi's races. But deep down, he knew you weren't. With a deep sigh he pulled the extra bag he had to buy to fit all the gifts he received.
Most of the gifts were for him, minus the few pink themed ones for you which was a result of your obsession with your pink coloured Porsche sitting in the garage. The pink stuff was set on one side for you and the blue or orange on another side for him.
Max received shirts, bracelets, letters, a lot of things really. What caught his eyes the most was a flip book, a work of art containing water paintings of moments you shared with Max across your journey though f1.
When he flipped to the last page his eyes where met with a printed QR code. This could be either a bad or a good thing, and before he got the chance to find out his phone rang. "Hey Verstappen." Your father's voice rang through the apartment.
"What's so important you had to call me in the middle of the night?" He sighed rubbing his face tired.
"You might want to come down to the hospital." He replied sighing. "Hi, Max" he heard Daniel in the background. That's all Max needed to put on something appropriate and go down to the medical centre. When he finally found the two men through the ER, he was welcomed by a nice surprise.
"I think I stubbed my toe." Daniel joked looking down at his broken foot. "What did you do?!" Max was panicking, the season had barley started and Daniel ( who was finally in a RB seat ) was out.
"Someone slammed the door on his foot." Your father explained sighing in annoyance. Max never liked your dad, since he was a kid. He was always so mean and cruel. And although he tried to fix things recently, whether by comforting Max or you, he still had this dark and intimidating aura.
A former world champion and the father of one, sitting on a stool, eating mac and cheese. Very scary. Daniel laughed seeing Max looking at your dad amused. "Who gave the old man food?" Your father rolled his eyes as he continued to eat.
"It should be an easy recovery, a month or two." Max sat on a spare chair listening to Daniel explain the injury in medical terms he didn't understand. And soon, after Christian Horner was informed of the inchident, Max was able to return to his apartment, laying on the couch facing the racing sims on the other side of the room.
"Maxie, you hungry?" "I'm good, Mijn liefje. Thank you." [my love] He looked up at you, a soft smile spread on his face. Although he should've been concentrating on the online race in front of him, you had his attention wherever he went.
You chuckled gently putting the pair of glasses you found on the boy. "Since you're not hungry, I guess I get the beautiful tomato soup in the kitchen all to myself~" You teased kissing his cheek. "Hey! No fair! I want some." "Then you'll have to hurr-" ring! ring!
"Kan ik geen moment van rust hebben?!" [can i not get a moment of peace] Max shouted over the phone agitated. Who was interrupting him this late?! What he heard next made him feel like a maniac. He was back in the hospital, jogging ( he was told he wasn't allowed to run ) through the halls and up the stairs.
Once he reached room 717, he came to an abrupt stop. A deep breath escaped his lips as he opened the door. "Your late."
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"I'm hooked on a feeling. I'm high on believing. That you're in love with meeee. I'm hooked on a feeling!" Max sang through his radio as he completed his cool down lap. Once he jumped out of the car, he was greeted with cheers from the fans and his team. But most importantly, your smile.
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"There's nothing for miles." "You don't say. We've been walking here forever." You groaned arms dangling down. You were sitting on Max's shoulders, dangling down upside down out of boredom.
The beach was stretching out for miles on end, the waves crashing into each other was the only noise you could hear.
"You think the kids are fine?" He asked worriedly, stopping for a second and looking back. "Yes, Maxie. Have a little faith in them." "I do have faith, I'm just-" "I'm scared too. But you know, I've got you, so I'm less scared." You assured, patting his thigh.
"Ps. Why's your ass so big?" "It is not." Max defended swinging you sideways. You could only laugh, smacking him over his swim trucks before wriggling out of his hold and running away. Max was quick to follow you, running after you. "Come back here!"
"Run run as fast as you can. You can't catch me, I'm the- AAAH." "Gotcha!" Max wrapped his arms around your waist, lifting you up and spinning you. You were laughing loudly, relaxing in his arms as he pressed kisses on your cheek.
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leggerefiore · 8 months
How would the Pokémon villains ask their partner to marry them?
cw: proposals, fluff
characters: Lysandre, Maxie, Archie, Volo, Cyrus
☕️ Truthfully, he is not sure why he has not proposed to you at some point. Lysandre does not expect to find another person he views as beautiful as nor does he think he would have you slip away from him, yet somehow, in the midst of his plans, it just never comes up. His work consumes him, and he barely has the time to contemplate marriage in his schedule. Yet, it crosses his mind after listening to a grunt talk about his plans to pay for his spouse's entrance fee. It suddenly occurs to him that many men his age and position are married. For a moment, he feels foolish for not acting sooner. There was no need to wait for his beautiful world to get married, after all.
☕️ He spends time bouncing ideas about how to do it with those he feels most comfortable with. Sycamore ends up encouraging him to do just do it naturally. Feeling that if he tries to make a show of it, that would become uncomfortable or distressed by what is supposed to be a happy moment. Malva asks if he cannot just delay it a bit longer, which he ignores. Suddenly, his perfect world cannot be achieved unless he is married. Lysandre begins to make plans for a trip in order to get away from work and make a memorable thing for you both. (Perhaps a proper farewell and remembrance of this world to him partially.)
☕️ A ring was bought to be something discreet yet meaningful. He had been extremely picky to the point that having it commissioned to be custom-made had been the only way to fulfil whatever he felt was necessary for his ring. A Hessonite Garnet had caught his attention, and a golden band felt like the only pairing he would allow. When he finally had it, his heart felt at ease. The orange shade of the gem was a colour that he had long since been fascinated with.
☕️ A trip to Snowbelle for a quiet getaway in the colder locale proved something much needed for both of you. Spending time cuddled up in a cabin was a pleasant escape from the endless stresses related to both of his organisations. Though, there were also a few trips out into the nearby forest for a relaxing hike and a trip to a nearby mountain range to try skiing and other winter proclivities. Of course, it was after a long day spent out in the freezing weather that he found himself with you snuggled into his side in front of a fire. The crackling of flames made his mind wander. The ring box was pulled out of his slacks' pocket.
“For many years now, I have been blessed to have you at my side,” Lysandre spoke with his voice down to a soft rumble, “I am eternally thankful that you and I met, and would never wish to lose you.” He grasped your left hand within his own as he knelt before you. His height made it feel a bit ineffective, but his eyes met yours with a strange gentleness that was solely reserved for those he deeply cared about. He brought out the ring and watched as it glimmered in the fire's light.
“Will you marry me, my love?” he asked with an exposed heart. Your denial could well and truly destroy him. “There is no other I find as perfect as you… Please, let us spend the rest of our lives entwined.”
🪨 He thinks about it unfortunately pretty often. Most men his age are married. Though, granted, most men his age also did not nearly destroy the world in pursuit of their own ideals. But, he did have a partner. One he was quite committed to. One that, if provided the opportunity, he would marry. Yet, he just had not found it in himself for so many reasons. His plans had required his full attention previously. Though, now, nothing like that stood in his way. A slight insecurity burned the Great Maxie's chest. He was not someone worthy of such things after what he did. An off-handed comment from Archie about you being his spouse is what finally set him over.
🪨 He quietly debates how to get everything together. There were many things that would need to be done in the case you said yes. Like meeting each other's families properly for a wedding discussion. Maxie truly did not want to do that part, but it was what was proper. He has a headache thinking about how to do it, too. Rings were the most common choice for proposing to a partner, so he knew he would need to look into that as well. Detailed lists are made and spied upon by Tabitha, who makes the rare decision to interfere. A suggestion to take you on a trip to Lavaridge seemed to make Maxie become a bit more grounded towards you.
🪨 Maxie about drives every possible jeweller in Hoenn insane. He is far too picky about the origins and details related to the gems in their rings, which makes him an annoying customer. There is little debate about what ring exactly he plans to give to you. He had already designed it on his computer and was searching for a shop either willing to make it or with something close enough that he could feel contented with it. A ruby ring with a golden band. He would settle for no more or less. The shimmering red of the gem may have reminded him of the shade of the Red Orb, but it also forced to mind his team's colour. Not to mention it just being his favourite gem. Somehow, he eventually found someone through Steven, who only sent aid when seeing a fellow rock enthusiastic in him.
🪨 The trip that Tabitha suggested ended up being a wonderful idea. A traditional inn and the shifting of the season into autumn made for a relaxing visit to the area and hot springs. While he may not enjoy the cold, he could recognise a good pairing. You seemed to enjoy the trip, too. Happy to get away from all the stresses of helping him run Team Magma and Courtney's new persistent glaring regiment. It was after a trip to the hot spring, that you found yourselves alone in your room, watching as the sun set behind the mountainous surroundings of the town. The swirling of leaves in the air and a quiet moment made him recall the ring box in his pocket.
“For what reason that has continued to see you at my side after my incalculable lapse in judgement, I do not know,” he began quietly, feeling that insecurity rise once again. You could do much better than him; you deserved much better than him. But, when you looked at him with eyes full of love, those thoughts were forced back. “I am ever thankful that I still have you in my life and that I was stopped before I destroyed this world,” Maxie felt his hand come to grasp yours. You felt so warm in his grip, your pulse beating in tandem with his own.
The ring was revealed by him as he swallowed. His glasses felt much too heavy on his face as he became aware of just how surreal everything was. “My dear, will you marry me?” The question felt like a solid weight in the air. “I don't think there's another person that I could see myself living out the end of my days with.”
💧 It crosses his mind a few times. He has been with for so long, and you have stuck at his side through his worst moments. Honestly, he just felt like it did not need to be done. You both clearly were basically married without all the official documents and what have you. The whole of Team Aqua already thought you to be his spouse, anyway. Something official felt redundant. Though, the second he heard Maxie intended to get married, suddenly his opinion shifted hard. Of course, the nerd would feel the need to go through all the legal channels and whatever else. He refused to let the redhead get ahead of him, however.
💧 He debates how to go about it. Between asking Matt and him just telling Archie to go ahead and do it with little thought, to Shelly forcing him to actually be realistic and doing something romantic first, he felt a bit confused. He sighed as the admin made him remember that he probably should speak to his and your families, but he felt that was all tiring. Who cared about tradition? All that mattered was love, and he certainly had that. He did find the talk about a gift of jewellery while doing it more interesting. Could he get you something to better match his anchor? His interest was not in the expected avenues. Archie highly doubted you were going to say no.
💧 He pretty quickly settles on a sapphire ring. It's blue, he likes blue, and it makes him think of the Blue Orb. It works pretty much to fulfil everything he would possibly need it to. Though, despite the insistence of the store clerk to go for a silver band, he demands a golden one. He needed it to match his necklace, after all. His original plan had been to get you a necklace like his, but Shelly shut that down the second it left his mouth. (Matt told him to still go for it, but he could tell the ring was probably a better choice in the end.)
💧 He takes you out for a quiet stroll on the beach of Lilycove as the sun was setting. The sound of the waves lapping against the shore almost felt in tune with his heartbeat. His eyes darted to you a few times, taking in how the light made you almost seem to be glowing. The ocean was nothing but a complimentary scenery as he felt whatever small nervousness melt away. You stuck with him even after the Kyogre madness and supported him wholeheartedly when he changed the direction of his team. He reached into the unzipped part of his wetsuit to go for the ring box.
“Luvdisc, I know tha' I have made some pretty unforgivable mistakes,” Archie felt a rare, sheepish grin fall across his face, “And I'm thankful that you have stuck by me through all that.” His eyes met yours as you cocked a brow up at where he could possibly be going with this. The two of you had long since discussed everything that happened, but he felt the urge to preface it all with that. He grasped your hand tightly as his usual grin split his face. There was nothing to worry about, the Aqua Leader reassured himself.
“Let's get married,” he proudly announced while pulling out the ring, “I already see ya as my spouse, so why not just make it official? I want to spend every day to come at your side.”
⭐️ Marriage never crosses his mind. Honestly, he doesn't even consider a long term in his life about most things. Marriage is not something overly common in Hisui. Sure, his people had traditions like it and the clans did, too. In his case, marriages were usually decided by the parents of the person, which resembled what most of the Galaxy Team seemed to favour. But, he could tell you viewed it differently. It was obvious you wanted whatever it was you saw it as with him. And then, after what happened at the Temple of Sinnoh between you both, he just saw it as impossible.
⭐️ Volo listened intensely to what you had to say about your time period as you went on about it. From what he deciphered, it was clear marriage is mostly viewed as a romantic thing to do in your time, not as a way of combing powers or funds. It interests him, as you continued onto proposals and modern married life. All of it interested him, but everything was impossible in the period you both resided in. Marriage between you two would be essentially nothing more than a quiet declaration between you both. There would be no rings or jewellery, only a common understanding of a dedicated relationship. While, he would have been fine with that, something told him that you would crave the image you had in your head of a wedding ceremony.
⭐️ Before he had time to even discuss such things with you, you were gone. The sky which spit you out in Hisui had consumed you once more and taken you back from whence you came. His frustration boiled in his chest. Arceus was mocking him at this point. He gripped a precious agate bracelet in his hand as he glared harshly at the sky. The accessory was difficult to obtain, having to sway previous merchant connections to have it. His plan had been to offer it as a gift before promising to spend his life at your side. It was far too late for that now. He fell to his knees in exhaustive feelings.
⭐️ It was his immortal life that granted him a second chance, he realised. What was meant to be a punishment – a curse, benefitted him greatly. You were in the future, after all. He had nothing but time. Which is how he ended up intercepting you as you stepped out into a more isolated place within Sinnoh. You had just held some sort of meeting with a descendant of his, something he cared little for. The bracelet was still with him all these years later. Volo caught your hand as he gave one of his more friendly smiles. Whatever stunned state you fell into passed quickly. The yellow agate caught the light dully as he slid it onto your wrist.
“... My, don't you look surprised?” he chuckled at your reaction to seeing him again, “I told you, didn't I? I'd meet Arceus even if it took me centuries.” His eyes met yours, feelings twisting in them plainly. It had been so long for him, yet no time for you. Unfair, he wanted to call, completely unfair. Your mind raced with so many things. It was certainly a bold move to propose so soon after re-meeting for the first time in who knew exactly how long, but he did not care. There had been more than enough time for him to reflect on his feelings.
“No matter, that's irrelevant,” he shook his head and pulled you close to him, smiling even brighter at you, “My love, let us finally be together. I want nothing more than to spend the rest of time with you.”
☄️ It crosses his mind at some point when he realises his age. Sure, many people hold off on marriage well into their thirties, and many people even then still opt against marriage due to how stressful it could be. Memories of attempts of arranged marriages by his parents scorn his mind. Business partners still offer their sisters and daughters to him in order to better strengthen deals and raise his status. It was after one of those particular meetings that he felt the urge to finally marry you. His plans had failed, already. There was no point in delaying things further here.
☄️ Cyrus plans a nice dinner at one of the more expensive restaurants in Jubilife, trying to set the mood more than his original plans. Mars had seen his notes about telling you plainly that he planned to merge your family registers and have you legally listed as his spouse. It seemed easier than all the elaborate bells and whistles of inviting you to marriage. A ceremony was deeply unwanted by him. He knew you would not say no, but she insisted on him being romantic and being polite to at least consider your feelings. Besides, it was not like he had parents for you to discuss this with, and yours likely would not be opposed to a marriage with him. At least, as long as they did not know of his previous plans, he supposed.
☄️ He struggled with what to do. Mars insisted he get you a gift. A ring screamed romance to her, but she suggested that he focus on something that you would like. A ring was a common choice, so he presumed it was the safest option. A bright heliodor gem with a silver band seemed pleasant enough to suffice. The clerk had ecstatically explained to him the meanings of them gem, but he cared little to recall much more than some odd association with leadership. Though, the name itself was admittedly what attracted him. Perhaps your waxing poetic about his name's meaning had unconsciously wore off on him.
☄️ It was after the dinner that he brought you out to an isolated place within the city that he took your hand within his as he turned to face you. His eyes gazed at your ring finger as thoughts rushed through his mind. He hated how breathless he felt. The thought of you both unified together made him feel strange. Feeling in general was hard for him, but the idea of finally tying himself to this world was exhausting. Your voice calling his name with a lightly concerned tone snapped him out of it. His hand fished the ring box out from his suit coat pocket.
“... I know I am not the easiest person to live with,” Cyrus began while meeting your eyes, “Every day I am eternally grateful that I have you in my life still. Your presence calms me down from the strange emotional turmoil that foolishly claims me.” He stops himself from going further. Memories of all the time you two had spent together dances behind his eyes. You were the only reason he left the Distortion World. The ring is presented by him with a desperate need to hide his shaking hands.
“Allow us to marry,” he forced down any unwanted hesitation, “I believe you are the only person I could ever wish to spend my days with.”
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my-soupy-brain · 1 year
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Description: You and Jason are living together an a delivery driver tries to get a little too familiar with you. How dare he.
Relationship: Jason Sudeikis x reader (f)
Warning: Angst, smut
That UPS guy is a little too friendly.
Since you moved in with Jason six months ago, you’ve fallen into a perfect rhythm. As a remote worker, you can stick around and take care of the house, answer questions for any of the caretakers he has around the property, and even watch Otis and Daisy when needed.
And you love online shopping, which he fully supports. But you’re especially shopping because his birthday is coming and you’ve got an itch to get him some great gifts.
But that damn UPS guy… 
He’s watching you interact with him as he loads up his car. Your arms are crossed, you’re standing a good distance away, but UPS Guy keeps edging closer. You laugh nicely at something he said, and Jason can tell it’s not genuine. No. He knows your laugh, it lights up a room. 
But you’re being nice, which is a big reason Jason fell in love with you. You’re so damn nice. 
But that UPS guy… 
“So, do you live here?” Jason hears him ask you. You smile and nod, “Yeah, of course.”
“Do you go out around here?” he follows.
“Yeah, sometimes. I’m kinda new to the neighborhood.
The UPS guy smiles at you, shifting on his feet.
“Well, if you ever go out, you should give me a call…”
That’s it. That’s enough.
“Hey sweetheart, you need help getting those in the house?” you hear Jason ask, his hand low on your back.
“Hi, I’m Jason. And your name?” he asks a little forcefully, holding his hand out to shake…
“Jake, I’m Jake,” he answers. 
…Jake’s hand.
“Nice to meet you, man. You new to the route?” Jason asks, his jaw tensing at his annoyance.
“Uh, yeah. I am. This is my first week.”
“Jake’s new to the area too, just like me!” you answer brightly, unaware that Jason’s keeping a close eye on you. His jealousy is starting to prick at his stomach, making him bite his tongue.
“I was just asking if she goes out around here. I assume she’s your…sister?” Jake asks. 
Okay, now Jason is seeing red. 
“No, actually, he’s my boyfriend,” you offer, giggling at the odd insinuation. “We’ve been together, what now? A year?” you ask, turning to Jason.
He smiles and nods, putting his arm around you tightly as he holds you to his side. “It feels like yesterday and forever at the same time,” he says lowly, kissing the side of your head, improving his posture as he eyes down Jake.
“Cool, ah, good for you two,” Jake says, taking off his hat and scratching his hair. “Well, I better be going. Catch ya later!”
Jake fires up his truck and leaves, onto his next delivery. You catch Jason glance at the truck as it leaves his view. 
“What is that look, honey?” you ask with a smile. 
“Nothin’,” he murmurs. You can’t help but grin. If looks could kill, that delivery man would’ve died a thousand deaths right there. 
The following week, another delivery comes and Jake comes to the door. You answer it, brightly, in a maxi dress with your hair pulled back, just about to head out to lunch. 
“Nice to see you again, y/n,” Jake says, smiling at you. He hands you the box. 
“Wanted to make sure this got to your hands personally.”
You nod and smile. “Thank you! Have a safe route!” you reply kindly, but as you close the door, Jake stops it. 
“So, I mean…how serious are you guys?” he asks a little bashfully, his eyes looking around the entryway for signs of Jason, who’s somewhere in the house.
“I love him to death, if that’s what you’re asking.” 
Your eyes narrow. This is a little too bold. 
Jake takes off his hat again, running his fingers through his thick, dark hair. 
“I just… I’d love to take you out sometime…” Jake admits, and your face drops. But before you can say a word, Jason is behind you again.
“Hey pal? I think you should go,” Jason says sternly. “And honestly, next time, just drop the package off at the door. Sound good?”
Jake steps off the step, nodding. 
“Hey man, I’m sorry. I wasn’t tryin’ to…”
“No, I know what you were trying to do. You were trying to move in on my girl,” Jason replies, a little more angry than he was a second ago. 
“Hey, it’s a big world. Just givin’ her some options, okay?” Jake says, shrugging as if he didn’t just try to home wreck your relationship. “She doesn’t need to be tied down to some has-been.”
Your turn to see red.
It takes two wide steps out the door to get in his face.
“How dare you, you pathetic coward. You're gonna stand there and talk that way about this accomplished award-winner? Ha! He’s more of a man than you’ll ever be! Get off our property!” you shout, nearly nose-to-nose with him. 
“What was with all those signals you gave me yesterday then?” he asks, raising his voice. “That’s on you!”
“Signals? Signals. I was being polite. Oh God, you scumbag. So you take any politeness as flirting? Boy, do you have a lot to learn,” you laugh, pointing at his truck. “Now get the fuck out of here.”
Jason joins you, his arm around your waist as the truck drives away, Jake sticking his middle finger up at the both of you, and you dishing it right back. “Have fun, fuckface!” Jason shouts as he waves. 
Jason grabs your hand and tugs you back in the house. 
“I swear to God I’m gonna find out who his manager is and…”
Before you can finish a word, Jason’s roped his arms around you and is kissing your lips, his tongue sweeping into your mouth, his hands cupping your ass through the dress. His breath is coming in deep pockets of air through his nose, unable to let you go. 
You pull away for just a second, smiling. “Well what was that for…” you start to ask and Jason nods his head and looks up the stairs. “Bedroom.”
His look says he means it. You’re not sure what he’s gonna do but the intensity of that kiss and the look in his eyes mean something fun is about to happen. You practically skip up the stairs and he’s not far behind you, closing the doors and wrapping his arms around you for a hungry kiss.
He pulls away for just a second to take a breath.
“Watching you get flirted with burned me up,” he says with a low, husky voice. “I can’t blame people for wanting you, you’re fucking perfect.”
You smile, feeling a blush on your cheeks.
“But watching you get in his face? Defend…me?”
He dives back in for a kiss, moving you both to the bed where he lays you down, your hands clutching his shirt to bring him down with you, over your body.
His lips and teeth nibble along your ear, your neck. “You’re so sexy everyone wants you,” he mutters to your skin. “But you’re mine, so they can look but they can’t touch.”
You moan, arching your back into his body. His big hands touch and grab every curve, your breasts, your hips, your ass. 
“And seeing you get in his face, fuck…” he murmurs, kissing down your body. “You don’t take shit from anyone, and it’s so hot…”
Your fingers tangle in his hair, pulling his face up to yours to kiss him, his body slotted between your open legs where he works his hand to run his fingers along the outside of your panties. 
“You like this attention, don’t you?” he whispers low to your ear. “You like knowing someone else wants you but only I can have you?”
Another moan slips from your lips, unable to contain it. “Yeah baby, you’re mine, this is mine,” he coos, his fingers wiggling underneath your panties, stroking you. 
Your body writhes on the bed, and he loves to see it, smirking as a whimper escapes your lips. He slips a long finger inside your wet sex, ready for him. 
“You like this? You like when I claim you?” he murmurs against your chest, sucking on your breasts and rolling a perked nipple between his lips. “It’s so sexy when other people want you…”
Your mind swims with ideas…role playing…games… it’s like this unlocked something for him. 
“He did want me,” you coo, running your fingers through his hair. “He wanted to take me out, buy me drinks…”
Jason’s eyes narrow at the thought. 
“Did you want him, too?” he asks you huskily in your ear, his hand gripping your thigh. You roll slightly, exposing your round ass to him. 
When you don’t answer, he swats your ass playfully and grabs it.
You smile at him mischievously, grabbing his hair, bringing his lips to yours.
“Mmm…I don’t know…” you answer, his hands grabbing you. He yanks his pants down his thighs, pulling your body down closer to his. 
“What was that?” he asks, peeling your panties off in a hurry. His fingers find your slick heat, stroking you. 
“Maybe,” you answer, your head thrown back as he inserts a long digit in you.
He nods. “Mmkay.”
He pumps his fingers a couple times, your body so turned on you can almost feel the climax in your thighs already. But when he gets between your legs he asks again.
“Think he could do this?”
And he licks a stripe against you. His slick tongue laves at your center, his fingers pumping in rhythm. 
“No, baby. You know I only want you, always,” you purr. His lips curl into a smile as he continues, moaning into you. 
“No one gets to taste you but me,” he grumbles. “No one gets to make you come but me.”
He curls his fingers just right, your hips bouncing off the bed before he lays a strong forearm over you. 
“I’m not done with you,” he purrs, adding his tongue and making you clutch his hair and cry out his name. 
You see stars, your eyes blacking out for a moment, and before you can return to earth he’s climbing up to you, kissing your breasts and then your lips.
His eyes are dark and full of lust and need, and you’re more than happy to submit to him. He kneels between your legs and cages you with his strong body and you kiss his neck.
“I only want you baby, don’t you worry,” you murmur to his skin, and his eyes close when he moans in response as he slides into you. 
He snaps his hips hard, making your body and the bed bounce. It unleashes a fury of passion for you, seeing him get possessive and then turned on by your defense. The way he pushes into you is full desire. 
“Mmm…you like knowing this is only for you?” you coo into his ear as its near your neck, running your fingers through his hair. “This is just yours.”
He moans your name deeply, in that low, rumbling voice he has when he wants to. “Keep talking, baby…”
You smile as he pushes into you harder, making you see stars. 
“I’m not goin’ anywhere, baby. No one can give this to me like you can, no one turns me on like you do,” you add, making him groan hard and deep. “God, y/n…”
“Feel that? Only you can do that to me, baby…it’s yours, only yours…” 
His thumb moves between your bodies to your center, rubbing it as he continues to push into you. Your eyes close as your moans increase, moaning his name, cursing — you name it. 
“Yeah, y/n…I want to show you how mine you are,” he mutters, watching your face react, the blush climb up your chest to your face as your insides quiver and BAM! Your climax hits like a Mac truck and you’re gripping him and shouting. 
While your eyes are closed he smiles, leaning against your ear.
“There’s my pretty girl… listen to you…” he smiles, kissing your neck. “Oh, God…”
And with that, he increases his pace and falls over with you, your lips on his jaw, against his ear: “Claim it.”
As your bodies wind down, your legs fall off his hips and you take a deep breath. When he pulls up to look at you, your faces are coated in a thin sheen of sweat, hair all over the place from being pulled by greedy hands. You kiss him tenderly. 
You smile at each other for a moment, and you giggle. “Maybe we need more pushy delivery men to stop by, huh?”
Jason laughs, grabbing your hand to kiss it before laying next to you. 
“Nah, I think the memory of that dude will last us a lifetime.”
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safetycar-restart · 5 months
i need cat!max like i need water good lord. i wanna scratch and massage at his ears until he’s purring so loudly that i can’t hear the atrocious christmas film playing on tv while snuggled on the couch (maybe with a fake fire because poor maxy nearly burnt his tail on a real fireplace once)
and speaking of his tail,,,i just wanna lightly run my fingers through the ends while he sleeps—not enough to wake him, but enough to keep him sleepy and relaxed while it snows outside. is that too much to ask
Aw yes cat!max!! I love cat!max so much. So for some reason I really hyper fixated on the idea that he once almost burnt his tail on a real fireplace, and then playing with his tail. So um, I swear I started the intended to discuss cat max in general but uh... yeah it's just about his tail.
So obviously since his dad wanted him to push down his cat instincts and ignore them, wanting him to pretend to just be a normal human and not a cat hybrid, I think he'd have max hide his tail most of the time? Unfortunately he can't hide his ears, but his tail he can hide. He can keep his tail folded up tightly, maybe even bind it to his leg or stomach? So no one will see it.
Obviously that's not healthy and when you find out you're absolutely horrified and tell him that he needs to stop that immediately. He starts to let his tail be free when it's just the two of you, but... but the poor thing doesn't even proper control of his tail because of how long he spent trying to act like he never had one?
He's uncoordinated with it, he tries to flick his tail to the right and it barely moves, he tries to grab your hand with his tail and he can't even make it wrap around properly. It makes him so upset, that even when he allows himself to be a cat hybrid, he can't even do that properly.
That's how the fire incident happens.
He's napping next to the fire, spread out on the comfy rug next to the fire and for once he's just enjoying himself. He stretches out on the carpet, purring lightly cause he feels so good and the fire is so nice and warm and you're sitting on the couch watching him and it's just absolutely perfect.
But then he rolls onto his stomach, and he means to move his tail out of the way of the fire, but he doesn't have the tail control needed for that and the next thing he knows, his tail is in the fire!
He jumps up and quickly rolls away, but his poor tail is burnt! You run to see how bad it is and then quickly get some cold water to put his tail into. You grab some burn gel and bandages to put on his tail and poor max is just sobbing. It doesn't even hurt that bad, he's not crying from the pain. He's crying because he feels like a failure as a cat hybrid. He was finally enjoying himself and letting himself relax and he couldnt even do that without burning his tail.
You give him loads of extra attention over the next few days, always petting his tail and making sure he doesn't scrunch it up.
Once it's all healed, you start helping him build muscle mass for his tail again maybe? But you make it fun! You praise him every time and give him scratches and cuddles and kiss his nose. You turn it into a fun play session and he loves it, so much.
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mamasplat · 2 months
This is heavy in headcanon, this is purely me tossing ideas out and this is absolutely an open conversation.
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Based on this post ( @turtle4you you absolute genius you deserve full credit I would’ve never looked this far into it without you ) And also taking some notes from the XY kalos quest episode Cloudy Fate, Bright Future! Let’s discuss the possible cause and effect of Courtney having some type of psychic abilities
Pyrokinesis – The ability to control flames, fire, or heat using one's mind. This just seems like a fitting ability for her given her profession, that’s my only reason
Telekinesis - the ability to move and or throw physical objects with one’s mind. It would be purely based on her emotional state and out of her control (as i believe all her powers would be) so like, storming out of a room and a random object going and smacking a grunt in the face because she’s frustrated.
Clairvoyance — The ability to see things and events that are happening far away, and locate objects, places, people, using a sixth sense. A very weak ability she tries to strengthen under maxies skeptical guidance, I.e. being blindfolded and having to tell him how many fingers a grunt is holding up two doors down.
Future Sight - The ability to see the future. Specifically only in dire times of crisis regarding only the possible outcome of death (like the generations episode)
With her design being based on a psychic type trainer her having abilities like shown in this video is more likely than I first assumed even if it appears to be a scrapped concept as it’s, again, only brought up once. However if they did revisit the idea-
In Cloudy Fate, Bright Future! gym leader olympia gives us a lot more insight into what a powerful psychic trainer goes through, she lacks control over her visions and her powers took what I imagine to be years of practice along side her pokemon. So if Courtney does have powers it would make perfect sense why it never comes into play during our time against her, she doesn’t use any psychic types so she’s not polishing her powers and she can’t control her visions.
She’s weak in power but born with it naturally, olympia’s power is brought by the stars so this leaves many possibilities to be thought on with how Courtney is blessed with her ability, obvious pick being groudon in one way or another.
Her abilities are dictated in her emotional attachments and her lack of regulation (autism, she’s heavily autistic coded I think we’ve all accepted this) it’s subtle enough most people won’t notice it unless left with her for a very extended period of time, such as: Maxie is a scientist, he’s a nonbeliever by definition in the paranormal, but when taking Courtney under his wing these little coincidences begin to pile up…and he begins to run none invasive tests to understand the super natural within his admin. Meanwhile Tabitha joined the team after her and was quickly signed on to assist in said tests rather he believed in it or not.
Seeing is believing, after all.
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king-zacharyy · 4 months
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 (Here)
"Oh, Maxie.." Steve breathed, pained, as his eyes landed on the prone teen.
"Steve! You should be resting." El said, not getting up from her spot at Max's bedside. Lucas was on her other side, and they were both holding Max's hands.
"Ellie," Steve said on a sigh. Robin wheeled him over to her, and he took her unoccupied hand. "I'm tired of resting. I needed to see my girls. How have you been, kiddo?"
Ellie's head dropped to his shoulder, and she squeezed his hand, practically sagging against him. "Tired. I missed you. I was not happy when I found out you were hurt. Again."
He winced, apologizing, and looked at Lucas. "Lu." He looked up from Max's hand, and Steve could see the tears gathering in his red eyes. "C'mere." He raised his free arm, and Lucas reluctantly let go of Max to tuck into Steve's side.
"She's going to be okay." And he believed that. Max was a fighter, and she had people to return to. "She's going to be okay. We're going to be okay."
Steve took a moment to look around the room, taking note that only Robin, Hopper, and Erica had joined them. It was then that he noticed the lack of one Susan Mayfield.
"Where’s her mom?" Steve asked, though he was sure he already knew the answer.
"We don't know. No one has been able to get in contact with Ms. Mayfield since the earthquake. We're not even sure if she's alive." His dad's answer was enough confirmation in Steve's mind, though.
Susan wasn't doing good after Billy's death, and when Neil Hargrove up and left, she just got worse. She was drinking, he knew, and working all the time, but she loved Max. He knew she did. He could see it every time he talked to her about Max. If she was alive, she'd be here.
He nods and finally takes her in. Her right arm is wrapped in a cast. Little drawings, as well as The Party's names, are all over it in different colored sharpie. It draws a smile out of him. Both of her legs are also in casts, elevated by pillows, and also decorated. The air punched out of his lungs as he took in her face. She had an oxygen mask on, and her skin was pale. Her fire red hair was in two braids, and she looked– small.
Max was never small. Even when face-to-face with a demodog, she never shrank. Even in the face of Billy Hargrove threatening her friends and beating Steve's face in, she stood her ground.
Steve had to choke back a sob, guilt and despair clawing at his throat. This was his fault. It was his fault she got hurt. It was his fault Erica and Lucas got hurt. It was his fault Dustin got hurt. It was his fault Eddie almost died.
He was their protector. He was the one who took the hits. The kids weren't supposed to get hurt. That was his job. What good was he if he couldn't even do that? What reason would everyone have for sticking around if he was so useless?
Maybe it would be better if he had been taken instead of Barb back in '83. Then Nancy would have her best friend, Robin and Erica never would've been dragged into all of this, and Max and Eddie wouldn't be hospitalized right now.
"I can hear your self-deprication from here, Dingus. It's not your fault." Robin's voice snapped him out of his spiral, and he cut her a glare, without any heat behind it.
"It’s no one's fault but Vecna's. And Jason's." Lucas said into his shoulder, and Steve kissed the top of his head in thanks and acknowledgment.
It would probably take a while for him to genuinely believe them, but for now, he pushed the negative thoughts aside. No matter what, he wasn't letting any of the kids get hurt again on his watch. When Max woke up, and she would wake up, he would be there for her.
"Okay, kiddies. I've gotta go check on Eddie and Mike, but I'll be back in here when Robin next allows it. I love you both." He pressed a kiss to both El and Lucas' heads, squeezed them goodbye, and detangled from them with a not-small amount of reluctance.
Robin wheeled him to Max's head so he could press a kiss to her temple and whisper an, "I love you, Maxie. Get better soon, my little zoomer." With that sentiment, he was wheeled out of the room and towards Eddie's room.
"Where'd everyone else go?" He asked Hopper. Erica stayed with her brother, so it was just Robbie and his dad with him now.
"The Byers left to find a place to stay for the night, the Wheelers went with them, and Henderson said he was going to Munson's room."
"Eddie hasn't woken up yet. The doctor said that it might be a while before that happens because of how much blood he lost and the extent of his wounds. Mike was with him, but he was in your room a bit before you woke up. That's all I know so far, though, because I've mostly been with you." Robin added, and Steve's stomach dropped a bit with the news about Eddie.
Before Steve could comment or question further, they reached the room. He felt the last of the tension in his shoulders unwind at the sound of Eddie's heart monitor, secure in the knowledge that everyone in the party was alive.
"Hey, Dust." Robin parked him next to Dustin, where he was sitting in a chair by the bed. The boy immediately sagged into his side, and Steve wrapped an arm around his shoulders.
"I'm going to go talk to your doctor and try to find Joyce." His dad said, ruffling his hair and leaving the room. Robin pulled up a seat on his right and clasped his hand in hers.
"So... Are we gonna talk about how you called Hopper 'Dad'?" Steve suppressed the blush that wanted to spread on his cheeks at Dustin's question, and ruffled his hair.
"What’s there to talk about? We're all aware my parents are shit, and over the last year, Hop's been more of Dad than my actual father. He is my dad. In all the ways that matter. And I refuse to be embarrassed about that."
Dustin gave him an analyzing look before nodding and resting his head back on Steve's shoulder.
Steve took a minute to take in Eddie's state and felt the same strangeness as he had with Max earlier.
Throughout the time that Steve had known him– both in school and over the past week– Eddie was in constant motion. From pacing to walking on tables to a bouncing leg to fidling with his rings to restless hands while talking. But he was never still.
Now he was– save for the rise and fall of his chest– motionless. And the last time Steve had seen him motionless was–
Steve's breath caught in his chest, a lump caught in his throat blocking his airway, and he couldn't breathe. He couldn't–
Steve felt this urgent, all-consuming need to feel Eddie's heartbeat, then. As though his own heart would stop beating if he didn't.
It was irrational, he knew. Steve could hear the drumming of his heart in his ears, and the EKG Eddie was hooked up to was beeping without a hitch to be seen or heard, but–
His fingers wrapped around a pale wrist– and when did he let go of Robin's hand?– thumb pressed to the pulse point there and waiting, waiting, waiting until–
Thump ... Thump ... Thump
The roaring in Steve's ears dissipated as his heart slowed to a matching beat, and he could finally breathe, almost like nothing had ever been wrong in the first place.
It should have been surprising, scary even, the speed at which Steve fell for the other man, but in reality? Well, he had known he liked both for a long while, and Steve had always loved hard and fast. Always gave his heart out as easily as someone handed out candy on Halloween. He always gave more than he received, and it always backfired.
(Well– that's not entirely true. It wasn't that way with Robin, but Robin had always been different. Robin was the first– and only– person where the give-and-take was equal. She was his best friend, his sister, his other half, the platonic love of his life. His soulmate. (With a capital P as they always emphasized) His Robbie.)
But– it wasn't like he could help it. No matter how many times his heart got stomped on, no matter how many people did the stomping, he couldn't stop giving his love. Even if he– and said love– was just bullshit.
This time would be different though, he promised. This time, he'd hold his love close to his chest. He'll feel it, but it won't be given. Steve was barely friends with Eddie, and honestly? If that was all he got? Steve thinks he could live. He thinks he could be content. As long as he has Eddie, even if he isn't his.
Well, after some sever hiccups in the writing process as well as some writers block and lack of motivation, here is part 3! Don't worry, this is certainly not the last part, I only do Happy endings, nothing sad or hopeful.
@thespaceantwhowrites @child-of-cthulhu @plantzzsandpencilzzs @thebadasshistorian @stevesbipanic @daeb820 @flocon-tourne-en-rond @melonmochi
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rainbowrocketquotes · 11 months
do you mayhaps have a family tree for how maxie, silver, lance, and arianna are related? seems really interesting :D
Okay so eomeone asked this a while ago and I was too lazy to look for it, but I found it a while ago so basically this is me explaining it. Under the cut it goes!
Basically, Maxie and Lance are half siblings on their dad's side (Lance is younger). Skyla is their sister (red hair & flying type reasons) and Clay is their brother (ground types & land industrialization reasons). Mars is their cousin. Unrelated, Ariana is their collective half-cousin.
Lorelai is Flint and Flannery's mom for no other reason than I thought it would be funny to make two fire-type specialists the children of an ice-type specialist. (also red hair). Flannery & Flint are Maxie's cousins, which, using context clues you can figure the rest of that out.
Jupiter is Ariana's sister, Byron is their brother. (all give me similar vibes) Then, canonically Roark is Byron's kid.
Silver. I always thought would be so fucking funny if he wasn't even Ariana's kid, then someone brought to the forefront of my mind the idea of GioMaxie exes. I think you can see where I'm going with this.
So essentially Han's brainworms are perpetually stuck between "Ariana is Silver's mom, and Giovanni shotgun wedding-ed her." and my funny haha headcanon of "Giovanni is Trans and Maxie is Silver's dad but he doesn't know." Regardless, Giovanni and Ariana are married and nobody in their family is happy about it.
If you have any more questions, send them however, but keep in mind Tumblr mobile forces me to reply from main in replies. I also tag all my stuff on this as "extensive maxie family headcanon" if you wanna look at it.
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Here are the REAL bold choices.
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sword-symphonia · 4 months
A comprehensive list of every fictional character I have ever been mentally unwell over for any amount of time (that I am able to recall)
Buckle the fuck in I'm bored (mentally unwell in this case does not specifically mean horny, sometimes they are just my little scrumblies)
Number one pooksters of all time are in bold if you even care
God help us all.
Zenkichi Hasegawa (and the crowd expected it completely, ladies and gentlemen)
Takuto Maruki
Ryotaro Dojima
Tohru Adachi (sighs loudly)
Yusuke Kitagawa
Kanji Tatsumi
Mitsuru Kirijo
Akira Kurusu
Naoya Toudou
Haru Okumura
Maxie and Archie, but only sometimes (stares at tumblr user gleaming_glasses)
Avery (very short-lived, actually)
D*NGANR*NPA (Listen shut up it's a pipeline):
Leon Kuwata
Kazuichi Soda
Kaito Momota
Rantaro Amami
Kirumi Tojo (I'll save you baby)
Hajime Hinata
...Kokichi Ouma. SIGHS
Gonta Gokuhara
Byakuya Togami (both versions)
Aoi Asahina
Nagisa Shingetsu (save him please oh my god)
Shunsuke Hayasaka
Naomichi Kurumada
Nao Egokoro
Reko Yabusame
Alice Yabusame
Kazumi Mishima (I don't want to talk about it)
Tia Safalin
Q-Taro Burgerberg (I still don't want to talk about it)
Joe Tazuna
Mika Kagehira
Mayoi Ayase (my girlfriend. My wife. We're legally married, actually)
Adonis Otogari
Nazuna Nito
Hajime Shino
Mitsuru Tenma
Arashi Narukami (someone rescue her for the love of god)
Tsumugi Aoba
Niki Shiina
Chiaki Morisawa
Midori Takamine
Mao Isara
Yuzuru Fushimi
Makoto Yuuki
Akiomi Kunugi
Jin Sagami
Jun Sazanami
Hiyori Tomoe
Madara Mikejima
Koga Oogami
Souma Kanzaki
Divus Crewel
Sebek Zigvolt (born on Paddy's day Irish rep get in lads)
Epel Felmier
Floyd Leech
Azul Ashengrotto
Riddle Rosehearts
Ruggie Bucchi
Jack Howl
Vil Schoenheit
Kalim al-Asim
Arataki Itto
Sangonomiya Kokomi
The otters. I can't even make this shit up the fucking OTTERS
Affogato Cookie (I thought he was a girl)
Espresso Cookie (I also thought he was a girl)
Strawberry Crepe Cookie
Red Velvet Cookie
Roguefort Cookie
Almond Cookie
Sour Belt Cookie
Wizard Cookie (the silliest of guys, and also my son)
Pancake Cookie
Clover Cookie (You won't fucking believe this, yall)
Black Raisin Cookie
Pistachio Cookie
Whipped Cream Cookie
Peach Cookie
Mocha Ray Cookie
Captain Ice Cookie
Croissant Cookie
Earl Grey Cookie
Aloe Cookie
Butter Pretzel Cookie
Abyss Monarch Cookie
Stardust Cookie
V Cookie (he counts. I do not go here however)
Captain Caviar Cookie
Elder Faerie Cookie
Andrew Kreiss/Gravekeeper
Martha Behamfil/Coordinator
Luca Balsa/Prisoner (The tragic, tragic origin of my name.)
Aesop Carl/Embalmer
Emma Woods/Gardener (Dressed up as her for Halloween once)
Joseph Desaulniers/Photographer
Robbie White/Axe Boy
Naib Subedar/Mercenary
Freddy Riley/Lawyer (fucking awful as a person but his gameplay is nice)
Helena Adams/The Mind's Eye (Main for life. Love you, baby) (I cannot kite for shit) (I also haven't played in about 8 months)
My Pocket Camp villager. She's a little train conductor I adore her
Tengen Uzui
Giyuu Tomioka
Shinobu Kocho
Kyojuro Rengoku
Tanjiro Kamado
Seteth (Horny reasons.)
Vander (...Also horny reasons, unfortunately)
Griss (...Don't look at me)
Catherine (She is so... oughhh)
Cockrrin (It is spelled like that for a reason, hi Sunny)
Red Son
Monkey King
Ne Zha
The Mayor
Damien LaVey
Oz (my main for life forever n ever)
Amira Rashid
Scott Howl
Nicolas Cage (I downloaded a Nic Cage mod therefore he counts) (I care not for the man himself)
Calculester Hewlett-Packard
Hazel (I do not know if she has a surname)
Watermelon Tourmaline
Phos. I refuse to try to spell their full name
Lapis Lazuli
MHA (I don't like it anymore but I gotta save my boys):
Denki Kaminari (Whenever I tell someone I like him they nearly always go 'yeah' and I have no idea how to reply to that)
Eijiro Kirishima
Yuga Aoyama
Koji Koda
Gentle Criminal (It was because he's an old man. He's like 30 or somethin but. Idk whisht)
Boyd Cooper
Sasha Nein
Quentin Hedgemouse (Silly)
Hollis Forsythe
Lizzie Natividad
Augustus Aquato
Razputin Aquato
Fred Bonaparte
The stupid fucking maternity ward easter egg the entire thing oh my god
The Tockles
Kurt Lynos
Cypher Lynos
Peri Lynos
Lazzi (he is a platypus)
Ainsley Laurent
Charlotte Laurent (Peri's girlfriend)
April Kosova (Ainsley's wife and also her lawyer before they got married)
Myron Bouras
Mizuki Suou (May or may not be an x canon oc... glances away)
Abebah Kopiona
MISCELLANEOUS (Not enough people to justify a category):
Sanji Vinsmoke- One Piece
Sabo- One Piece
Alfendi Layton- Professor Layton series
Clive Dove- Professor Layton series
Anthony Herzen- Professor Layton series
Cinnamoroll- Sanrio
Pompompurin- Sanrio
Larry Butz- Ace Attorney
Rosalina- Mario
Luigi- Mario
Espio the Chameleon- Sonic
Princess Luna- My Little Pony
Flash Sentry- My Little Pony (I was eight unfortunately)
Timber Spruce- My Little Pony (I was still eight)
Nathan Pandit- Criminal Case (I should not have been playing this aged six but we ball)
Frank Knight- Criminal Case
Stitch- Disney (I am in fact one of those girls sorry)
Winnie the Pooh- Disney
Anakin Skywalker but specifically the animated Clone Wars one- Star Wars
That one guy from Rebels with the fuckass manbun- Star Wars
Mr. Tumble- British Television (He was like crack cocaine to me)
Chase Devinaeux- Carmen Sandiego 2018 series
Tulio- the Road to el Dorado
Shiro- Voltron. Derogatory.
Hunk- Voltron
Dr. Montgomery Montgomer- a Series of Unfortunate Events
Jacques Snicket- a Series of Unfortunate Events
Jem- Hetty Feather books (Nick Sharratt made him look a right fitty)
Fizzy- Moshi Monsters (THE ONLY MOSHLING EVER I LOVE FIZZY I HAVE EIGHT OF THEM IN MY MONSTER'S HOUSE [Six of them are plushies tho])
Tingaling- Moshi Monsters (Okay Tingaling can stay)
Daffodil- Spiritfarer
Astrid- Spiritfarer
Akane Hino- Smile PreCure! (Made me realise I was queer)
Captain Barnacles- Octonauts
Vyn Richter- Tears of Themis
Artem Wing- Tears of Themis
Vincent Brooks- Catherine (I could fix him)
Shizuku Hinomori- Project Sekai
KAITO- Vocaloid
Camui Gackpo- Vocaloid
Octodad. Do you think I'm fucking around? Not round here, brother.
The entire cast of Fantastic Mr. Fox. I CUSSING LOVE that movie what the CUSS
Howl Pendragon- Howl's Moving Castle
Lego Batman, and SPECIFICALLY Lego Batman- DC
Reigen Arataka- Mob Psycho
Saiki's da- Saiki K
Marina Ida- Splatoon 2
Wheatley- Portal (Steven Merchant has captivated me)
Rodney Copperbottom- Robots (I had the FATTEST crush on him as a child stop)
The villain guy I'm too lazy to google him- Robots (also on him)
Timmy- Shaun the Sheep
Mr. Bean- Mr. Bean (my goat)
Harvey- Stardew Valley
Simeon- Obey Me (my obey me phase was rancid lads)
Satan- Obey Me
'N das all for now :3
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last-lorekeeper · 4 months
( @admin-courtneys-corner )
“shamefully i will admit…my curiosity is peaked…if you’re gonna dangle a berry on a stick in front of my face…i might as well bite.”
“what was you’re courtney like..?”
Well, I mean, first of all "is" would probably be a better word to use here. "Was" implies she's dead or that she disappeared which would be very funny in an ironic way but also very sad.
Well, when I knew her back when I was undercover in Magma she didn't really have many friends. It was pretty much just Tabitha, everyone else was too off-put by her. I think the first thing the Grunt giving me the tour told me was to avoid her as much as possible. So, of course, I ignored this suggestion completely and snuck into her office at the first opportunity. I almost got fired right there but using my roguish charm and sick skills I ended up getting promoted to Agent instead.
We became fast friends after that which is to say I just kind of hung out around her until she went from being mildly annoyed at my presence to enjoying my company. Us weird, unsettling girls have to stick together, after all. Tabitha was also there but we spent most of our time bickering. I like to think he liked me, though. Course, I was doing all of this under a fake name because I wasn't really supposed to be doing this and wasn't keen on anybody who knew me recognizing me. It's why I wore a full face mask too.
Wait, none of this answers your question. I think you two are pretty similar. You share more or less the same speech pattern, you both claim a dislike for Aqua despite hanging out with Shelly (no word on if that's led to a relationship in my world, yet, but I'll avoid gossiping for once in my life), you're both incredibly smart, neither of you is exactly a people person. Though, recently, my Courtney's been coming out of her shell more. She used to let Tabitha do most of the talking in most situations, rarely interacting with others unless she was giving orders. She's been more social recently. Not, like, a lot but I've seen her having actual conversations with people who aren't Tabitha or Maxie, which is an accomplishment on her part. And I mean that as praise.
She also... well... she really holds a grudge. And she's really scary when she's angry which is saying a lot because I don't scare easily. To this day I don't think she's ever fully forgiven me for betraying her (she puts it as "betraying Team Magma" or "betraying Leader Maxie" but I know what she really means) and she definitely hasn't forgiven Mare for, you know, obvious reasons. I guess that's why she was such an easy target for Groudon to use as a backup Chosen. Very easy to get inside the head of someone whose mind is clouded by anger.
I've tried reaching out a few times with... limited success. The only time we ever really interact in a meaningful way is Board Game Night and it's mostly her slaughtering me (I'll beat her one of these days I swear). So I guess, ironically, she's the one who's spurning me.
Also I taught her how to throw knives. I wonder if she's been keeping up with her practice on that.
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idkwhatimdoinghere1655 · 11 months
|1|The Sound Of Rain - Pierre Gasly|
Tumblr media
<word count - 2961>
Patience Wears Thin as Time Draws On
"Look, Etta, I just don't want to go," I complained, looking at myself in the mirror as my best friend, Antoinette, tried to convince me to go to my performance tonight. I had been performing at the same pub (The Horse and Trough) for about a year and tonight I just didn't feel like it. 
It was always the same people in, every single night. My main night there was a Saturday, but I also did other weeknights. They were never as busy, though. Etta said that tonight, however, was going to be a different one. A few of our friends apparently knew a guy who was racing at Silverstone the next day. The only reason this was supposed to matter to me was because he was going to be at the pub with them tonight. 
Etta had insisted that I look 'extra hot' (her words, not mine) as he was a fellow Frenchman, single, had a great job and handsome (again, her words, not mine). So, she dressed me in a long, flowy maxi-dress in a stunning sapphire blue. To be fair, I did look quite nice.
 But, it's not like I wasn't going to go, I'm getting paid for it. Doesn't mean I wanted to be there. "You might not want to go, but when you're there, my dear Leone, you will never want to leave," she tried to coerce me, "Pierre is absolute boyfriend material,"
"Have you got any pictures of this Pierre?" I asked her, the name feeling right on my tongue.
I expected her to show me some specky-looking racing driver. Boy was I wrong. She pulled her phone from her purse and scrolled through Instagram for a minute, before turning the screen to face me. Wow was all I could think as I gazed at him, hopping out of the car. He still had his helmet on, but he just looked great. She scrolled to the next picture, and I could swear my heart skipped a beat. 
His hair was all ruffled and his suit was rolled down to his waist, leaving him in a set of white fire-proofs. I didn't believe that this was the guy that was going to be at the pub. "You're sure that this is the guy who Will knows?" 
"Yes, I'm sure. I've talked to him as well,". Maybe tonight wouldn't be as bad as I thought it would be. "Oh I see that smirk! You like the look of him, huh?" Etta teased, nudging me with her elbow.
"I'm not going to say he's not attractive," I rolled my eyes, picking up my purse and walking towards my apartment door. "I can't wait to play matchmaker!" she giggled, following along as her heels clicked on the wooden floor. 
Being the start of August, the weather was still very warm and the sky was still very blue as we drove to the pub. I needed to get there early to set up and make sure all of the tech was working. Etta would probably disappear into the storage cupboard with Will for a while, they always kept each other occupied. 
Nearer the start of my set, Will and Etta re-emerged from the cupboard, their clothes slightly askew and their hair was rather disorderly. People also started filtering into the pub, ready for their Saturday night drinks. Before I started, it was packed. There was barely any standing room left and the bar was crammed with people. 
I stood there, adjusting my microphone slightly. The pub looked as boring as ever, as I was searching for something to be different, just to have a change. Of course, there was nothing out of the ordinary.  
I thought about how I should just get a normal job and leave this place. I should get a job that can actually get me somewhere, not performing in a pub most nights a week, desperate for the right person to walk in and spot something in me. 
I always started with a song in French, just to see how the crowd took to them. Before I could let my thoughts of stardom and success run away with me, the soundtrack started playing. "Mon cœur, mes mains, mes yeux, mes reins," I started, scanning the crowd for any sign of Will's French friend. 'Evidemment' was a newer song I had written, but people didn't seem to care too much.  "Dans mon jardin d'enfer poussent des fleurs," 
I looked at everyone and they seemed to be bored out of their minds. Looks like we'll be heading back to the club classics then. Anyway, even if they didn't enjoy it, I certainly did.
 I carried on with the night, no sign of Pierre anywhere. Finally, I had reached the end of the set. "So everyone, for the final song, grab your special someone and come down to the dancefloor for me," I said, watching as Will grabbed Etta's hand and dragged her in front of me, as well as a lot of other couples making their way to the dancefloor. 
I approached the keyboard that the pub had with my microphone in hand, positioning it in front of me. I started playing the song, trying to ignore the jealousy I felt of the couples on the dance floor. How I longed to have someone that I could slow dance with, someone to spend my life with, someone to love. "When we're out in a crowd, laughing loud, and nobody knows why,"
"When we're lost at a club, getting drunk and, you give that smile," I smiled to myself as I sang the words, imagining someone smiling at me from across the club. "When we're done, making love and you look up and give me those eyes," I turned to look at the audience, hoping to see the happiness on their faces. However, my eyes met with a striking pair of blue ones, and my fingers almost stopped pressing the keys. 
Getting back to the hotel and seeing a text from Will was never a great sign. I had just gotten back from the qualifying laps and I would be starting in P11 on the grid, which wasn't too bad, but could be better. Going out was honestly the last thing I wanted, but I would feel bad if I didn't. He was always texting, asking how I was and everything. We could never meet up because I was always somewhere in the world, so I felt I owed him tonight. 
I wouldn't be drinking or staying out too late, I would just be going to chat and have a good time. He also mentioned that there would be entertainment, one of his other friends was singing, so that would be nice. He said she was really good. 
Will last seen: 2 minutes ago
Will: Hey Bud! I'm heading down to the pub tonight and just wondering if you wanted to tag along? Thought it would be nice to see you since you're here. 
One of my friends is singing and she's really good, so you'll have good entertainment as well. 
Let me know asap!
You: Hey Will! I've got the GP tomorrow, so I won't be staying out too late or drinking.
Text me the address and I'll be there in a bit.
What time does your friend's set start?
Will: Around 6? You'll love her, she's brilliant.
You: Alright, I'll be there soon! See you later
Will: See you later, bud!
Right, here we go. I hopped in the shower quickly, throwing on whatever clothes were at the top of my suitcase. No, I hadn't unpacked. Why? Simple answer: I couldn't be bothered. I'll be leaving in a day or two anyway.
I wouldn't have to stay at the pub too long. I'd just have to show my face, watch the set (which I assumed to be around an hour or so) and come back to the hotel, ready for the GP tomorrow. 
I found out the pub wasn't too far away from the hotel I was staying at, so I decided to walk there. It was only 5 minutes. 
I zipped up my jacket, only so that I had the pockets for my phone and wallet. I quickly figured out that I didn't need it as I strolled along the pavement, so I took it off and draped it over my arm.
When I arrived at the pub, it was... Quaint? It wasn't the nicest building, but it had a cosy feeling that became overwhelming due to the British summertime heat. I spotted Will and a girl who I guessed was his girlfriend, and approached them.
"Pierre! You made it!" he exclaimed over the noise of the chattering of the bar as he rushed over to embrace me. I hugged him back, offering to buy him and Etta a drink. "You see that girl on the stage over there?" Etta asked, pointing in the direction of the stage.
I looked over and I saw her. She was wearing a stunning blue dress and she was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. I tried not to look gobsmacked, but Etta just laughed at me. "That's Leone, she's going to be singing." She said, patting me on the shoulder, "Don't worry, she had the same reaction when I showed her your picture earlier,"
Before I could respond, music started playing and then she started singing. In French. It was the best thing I've ever heard. On the other hand, the crowd around me clearly didn't seem to appreciate her talent and the beauty of the song. The majority of them were chattering amongst themselves, or on their phones. 
I couldn't take my eyes off her. The way she embraced every word she sung and how she clearly didn't care for the lack of appreciation from the crowd because she loved being up there. 
I had never heard the song before, either. "Did she write that?" I asked Etta as she whispered something in Will's ear. "Yes, she did. It's one of her newer ones," she explained, smirking. 
Listening to the lyrics, they were deep. Loosely translated, the chorus was something along the line of, "Obviously, it's always quiet before the storm. Don't you forget - it's always too good to be true, but never too ugly to be unreal,". It was genius and it sounded brilliant. 
Unfortunately, there were no more French songs played, probably due to the lack of interest from the crowd. 
I couldn't tear my eyes away from her for the entirety of her set, which lasted quite a bit longer than I expected it to. For the final song, she asked people to head to the dancefloor and she made her way to the keyboard. I lost my company to the dancefloor, leaving me by myself at the bar. 
She looked in her element at the keyboard, singing a heart-warming but also heart-wrenching song with every ounce of emotion in her body. "When we're done, making love and you look up and give me those eyes," she turned to look at the audience, but her eyes landed on mine and I could swear she nearly stopped playing. 
I never really believed in love at first sight, but gazing into her eyes from a distance, for even a second made my heart jump and butterflies came to life in my stomach.
Not really listening to the rest of the song, I kept on replaying the moment again and again in my head. I thought I was just being silly, thinking about things too much, but I could have sworn I saw something in her eyes too. 
She finished the song, earning a loud round of whoops and cheers from the audience as she thanked them. She hopped off stage and wandered over to Etta on the dancefloor. Without giving her a second to think, Etta grabbed her by the arm and dragged her in my direction. 
Nerves bubbled in my stomach for some reason. I drove cars at over 170 miles per hour around tight bends, and I was nervous to talk to this girl I've never met. 
"Pierre, this is... Actually, I'll let her introduce herself to you," Etta smiled, nudging the green eyed girl in the ribs. Etta leaned into her ear and whispered, well tried to whisper, "Good luck, tell me how it goes tomorrow," she winked and fled into the crowd. 
The poor girl choked on the air and took the bar stool next to me. "So, I'm Léonide Adélaïde Poirier, but everyone calls me Leone and it is a pleasure to meet you," she said awkwardly, like she hadn't had to introduce herself to anyone before. "Well, Leone, I'm Pierre Gasly and it is a pleasure to meet you too," I followed, trying to make her feel as comfortable as possible. 
"J'ai adoré les chansons, tu es génial," I complimented her in her native language, hoping to make her feel more relaxed with me. "Merci, Pierre, j'apprécie."
"Do you want a drink?" I asked, watching as she picked up her purse and fished around in there. 
"Yes, please, let me just get my purse,"
"Oh no, I'll get you one," 
"Oh, thank you. Can I get you one, then?" she asked, a light blush creeping up her cheeks. 
"I'm not drinking tonight, I've got the GP tomorrow." I said, waving the bartender over. 
"What can I get for you?" he asked with a smile.
"I'll have a gin and tonic, please," she replied, earning a nod from the bartender.
"I completely forgot that you're a racing driver! That is a very cool job," she gushed as the bartender placed the drink in front of her on a coaster. "It is, I'm very lucky to be able to do it," I said, not wanting to talk about myself. I wanted to know more about her. 
"So, how did you end up here?" I asked.
"I moved here from France when I was 18, because I thought I could get more into music over here, but it turns out I was wrong. I never wanted to do pub gigs, but it's not too bad," she looked bored talking about it, something about her twitching for a new adventure. 
"You want to be famous?"
"No, not really. I just want my music to be appreciated," she said, a solemn look in her eyes. How no one had appreciated her brilliant talent and songs was beyond me. It was unbelievable. "I appreciate it," I said, and cringed at myself after the words had left my mouth. 
"Thank you Pierre, I appreciate it," she giggled slightly, causing a smile to instantly spread across my face. She has such an infectious giggle. 
For the rest of the night, we talked and laughed a lot. After a while, I checked my phone to see what the time was, and it was late. Well, eleven pm isn't late, but it was considering that I had a GP tomorrow. "I'm going to have to go now, sorry. I have to get up pretty early tomorrow," I said, not wanting to go to the hotel but it was the responsible and professional thing to do. 
"No, no. Don't worry about it," she said, looking slightly disappointed but I was as well. "Do you want me to walk you home?" I asked, hoping she would say yes. 
"I don't want you to have to go out of your way, it's a pretty long way," she said, looking around to try and find Etta. She knew where they were, though. I pretended like I didn't see them sneaking into the storage cupboard. "No, its fine, I insist,"
"Alright, I'll just go and say goodbye to Will and Etta," she chirped, standing and hooking her purse over her shoulder. "I think they're a bit... Occupied?" I muttered, glancing towards the storage cupboard. "Oh, right." She said, realizing exactly what I was trying to convey.
We left the pub, her directing me where we needed to go. We were talking about where abouts in France we were from, when I saw her shiver as the breeze blew past. "Are you cold?" I asked, her looking at me as the moonlight shone on her face. "No, I'm alright," she tried to reassure me, shaking her head. 
Without saying anything, I draped my jacket over her shoulders, earning a smile from her. "Thank you," she said, turning down another different street. Leone took me into a tall apartment building, and I wondered why I was letting a stranger take me into a random building, but it was her.
After we stepped up a few flights of stairs, she stopped outside of a green door, shrugging my coat from off her shoulders. "Well, this is me," she sighed, not making any attempt to enter her apartment. "You're welcome to go to the GP with Will and Etta tomorrow, I can find you a seat with them if you don't have a ticket," I asked, hoping she would come.
"I'll see. I have some stuff to do, but I'll probably tag along with them since they got me a ticket anyway," she said, looking down at her feet. "Alright, I might see you tomorrow then," I joked, listening as she laughed lightly. "Goodnight, Pierre," she said, placing her hands on my shoulders before giving me a swift kiss on the cheek. 
I started blushing profusely and she did as well, as she opened her apartment door and disappeared inside, leaving me stood in front of her green door.
I kissed him on the cheek then ran out of pure embarrassment. People don't kiss people on the cheek anymore. I tried to brush off my nerves and relax before heading to bed. 
I already knew I was going to the GP tomorrow, so I don't know why I said I might go. I put it down to playing hard to get, but I doubt he was interested in me. At least we could be friends? I hoped we could.
A/N - I've had this written for a while, so I thought I might as well post it. It is 22 chapters long in total, so let me know if you'd like to read the rest of it! Do you guys prefer OCs or Y/Ns? If you prefer Y/Ns, I could always change it :)
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semperama · 2 years
share some of your au ideas if you want!! it’d be fun!! i’m sure a ton of ppl are interested like me ❤️❤️
Thank you, anon!! Here's a little sad, sad, ficlet, just for you. <3
They only stay at the cabin for four days. It's all the time they can spare, before Daniel goes home to Perth and Max goes home to his perfectly constructed family and they pretend not to care overmuch about each other for months.
"We don't have to do this, you know," Max says on the last morning. He always says it, just like this, when they're in bed together and he's sex-dumb and sated. He pulls Daniel's arm tighter around him and interlaces their fingers, half-turning his head even though he won't be able to see Daniel's expression without turning all the way over.
"Yeah, we do," Daniel says, speaking his line like he's supposed to. He kisses the skin behind Max's ear and nuzzles in there, pretending for a moment that this is enough. "You know we do, Maxy."
Red Bull is...well, it's Red Bull. And Formula One is Formula One. Even if things are changing, even if you can get away with wearing a rainbow helmet now or speaking up for others' rights, you still have to give up a good amount of your own. Max can't be a World Champion and also be gay and in love with his rival--or, now, his reserve driver. Daniel can't be....whatever he is, and also be this, the one who spoons up behind Max in bed, the one who makes him cry with his dick, the one who adores him so much it's terrifying.
"We can tell them to fuck off," Max says. "What are they going to do? Fire me?"
They could, Daniel thinks. Max doesn't believe it, because even though he pretends otherwise, all this does go to his head. He knows he's the best, and he thinks that makes him irreplaceable. But the truth is, none of them are. Not really. Cash is king, and the moment any of them is the threat to the cash, they'll be out on their ass.
"Not worth the risk." Daniel kisses the shell of his ear, then props himself up so he can lean over, meet Max's eyes. "We've been through this. I can't be the reason anything happens to your career. You think I could live with myself?"
Max scowls, always so annoyed in the face of cold logic that proves him wrong. He shrugs off Daniel's arm, then seems to think better of it and grabs his hand again. "What if I don't care? What if I'd rather be with you than drive?"
It takes everything Daniel has in him not to laugh. They both know it's not true. Neither of them would give up the drive. Daniel spends most of his energy trying not to think about what that means, whether that's a bad sign. All he knows is that these four days have been the only time he's felt whole all year, and he only really feels alive when Max is near him--but he still wouldn't give it all up. And more than that, he can't let Max give it all up for him.
"It's temporary," Daniel says. This, too, is his usual line. "And we still have this."
Max flops back to the bed, defeated for now. He's beautiful, there in the cage of Daniel's arms. He turns his head and kisses Daniel's bicep, then rests his head there, closes his eyes. "I don't want to leave tomorrow," he says, his voice rough.
"Don't think about it now," Daniel says in a rush, just before his throat closes up. He kisses Max, squeezing his eyes shut, making himself pretend.
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potential-fate · 1 year
Sims Tag
Tagged by @andrevasims ~~
Tagging: uhm... idk this was quite long, so I don't wanna tag anyone, so I'm not going to.
anyways, my answers under a readmore, cause they're 26 questions.
1.What’s your favourite sims death?
there's so many funny deaths in ts2, but I rarely see them (I can't help it I like keeping my sims alive lmao....) I have seen the satellite death only twice in.... almost 20 years? Also think murphy bed death is pretty entertaining. oh, and that sims can spontaneously combust if too warm.
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
funny I was just talking about this with @nappe-plays-the-sims on discord. My style is definitely maxis mix/semi-realistic. I think it'd probably be fully alpha in ts4 though, if my computer could handle it. but for ts2, I don't like how a lot of alpha cc looks, so it stays squarely in the mix category.
3.Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
hm. mostly not? there are certain sims that don't fit personality wise and I've cheated (in both directions both fat loss and gain) sheerly because their fitness just barely dipped and it didn't make sense. also as a storytelling simblr, I need consistency, so sometimes I'll cheat it for the moment, but then return them to their new fit/fat state once I have a bit of a time lapse.
4. Do you use move objects?
literally constantly. I mean, I have to to pose scenes, but also decoration in my game is ridiculously off grid so 🤷‍♀️
5. Favorite mod?
I legitimately don't think I can pick one. I have like 200 'curated' mods that I have mostly been using for literally a decade. Even in my "cc free" game I still have my mods folder and my defaults in. That being said, if forced to, I wouldn't be able to live without ACR/Romantic Standards, and the Traits Project.
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
Glamour Life Stuff, but I pretty much followed the release date for ts2. for TS4, the entire reason I redownloaded the game was Cottage Living so... that one.
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
Live as in 'we are Live 🎬" (because literally that's how I always pictured it. the game is in action now, it's live.)
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
uhm.... probably Evren, though no one has seen much of him yet. I just think he's pretty.
9. Have you made a simself?
I have.... about 12 years ago. and that sim can stay back there LMAO.
10. What sim traits do you give yourself?
hm. I suppose Gloomy, Maker, Socially Awkward. it took me a while to decide though.
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color?
in ts2, I guess the red is okay? idk there's a reason all my hair is defaulted.
in ts4, I specifically like the light blonde and the dirty blonde, but would like to set the one labeled "blonde" (the yellow one) on fire.
12. Favorite EA hair?
see above answer. I'm just... not a fan of ts2 hairs. When I was a baby, I used to use exclusively this hair on men (like they literally all had that hair it was kinda funny), before I discovered cc. but now I think I'd probably pic Caesar if I had to.
13. Favorite life stage?
Teen through Adult. I like them all probably equally, but I spend a LOT of time at Uni 😂 I don't understand why everyone wants shorter UNI mods lmaooo.
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
can I say neither? what you guys are playing the game???? jk jk. uhm... I guess I'll say builder, but honestly a good portion of my time is literally posing. though said scenes are normally based off gameplay. but I don't get to play that often. like ie: the story posts I'm posting now are literally based off gameplay from 6 months ago so....
15. Are you a CC creator?
Yup!~ though it's not consistent, in posting schedule or what I tend to make so 🤷‍♀️ (that being said, I do have hair retextures I'm literally planning on posting this week.)
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad?
I feel like I do, but I don't wanna post favorites and hurt someone's feelings. 😂 that being said, there's like 3-5 people I talk to almost daily.
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4)
in case it's not obvious, it's ts2. I do like ts4 now with all the dlc now though. but ts2 will always be my ride or die tbh.
18. Do you have any sims merch?
I... don't think so.... I'm pretty sure I don't. I would be willing though probably. I mean, I sorta want a sims tattoo, and that's a lot more permanent than merch so.
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims?
I do not. I don't really.... like youtube that much. or letsplays.... or filming myself.
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing?
oh god. idk man, I was heavy into the whole scene kid 2008 type stuff back when I first started creating cc and stuff, let alone playing, so like.... "a lot" is really all I have. I'd like to say that it's improved? I definitely think my photo/editing skills are better.
21. What’s your Origin ID?
I want to say it's potential-x-fate but i am not 100% sure on that... I don't think I've ever shared anything for ts4 anyways though.
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator?
that depends heavily on what you're looking for. @deedee-sims, @mdpthatsme, and @serabiet for clothing come to mind.
Makeup by far is probably @lilith-sims. and JesstheEx (LJ).
Hair I do a lot of my own retextures, but @antoninko also does a lot of sunshine retextures.
For b/b I couldn't even begin to decide. I don't have as much and it's all over the place.
for TS4, like, literally 85% of my CAS is @pralinesims and I have 0 B/B so.... it's pretty much just Praline LMAO.
23. How long have you had a simblr?
technically? since 2008. I migrated here from LJ around then. but this account is newer than that, cause I used to have it as a side blog and that was not very convenient. the old account I deleted after I moved everything I wanted over. I also took a 3 year break from 2016-2019.
24. How do you edit your pictures?
Carefully. lmao. jk jk. uh.... lets see. I crop them (via my own action), apply actions (mostly other people's) depending on the scene, edit any clipping by hand painting, add in hair strands a lot of the time, and uh, then I add a 1% monochromatic noise filter, and the white border frame.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next?
since I play ts2 this isn't really applicable. but in the magical world of Allie Gets What They Want, I'd want a fix for ts2 to allow more customizability via CAS. by that I mean, I want more slots for skin details/tattoos/etc and accessories and such like they have in ts4, but in ts2. Obviously this is theoretical. but it's the thing I miss most in ts2.
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far?
ahhh.... for ts2, I probably play with Uni the most, but ts2 was better at integrating gameplay elements into their EPs so I'd be hard pressed to drop any of them, even ones I "don't use" that often. (ie: nightlife came with chemistry and I'd die without it, even though I don't use any of the downtown functions often.)
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leggerefiore · 4 months
Camerupt Maxie and Sharpedo Archie headcanons?
cw: pokehybrid au, general romance hcs,
characters: Maxie, Archie
☀️Camerupt Maxie🌋
🪨 Camerupt hybrids were not overly common… Well, the ones who decided to live among human society were exceedingly rare. Maxie supposed it made sense, as the preferred lands for his species were volcanic craters. He still would have preferred that, as he felt cold, no matter how hot humans complained that the temperature was. His body was quite like a “centaur,” he supposed. A human-like torso rose out of a body like a Camerupt's own. Though, all of it was his body, of course. Lazy, furred ears were on the sides of his head instead of human ones. It was fairly obvious to any casual observer what he was, and there was nothing in him that wished to hide it.
🪨 Maxie will admit that he had the temper of a Camerupt at times, but he purposefully manages to keep himself cool and collected. There was no need to explode either literally or metaphorically over so many different things, even if he desperately wanted to. Team Magma also provided a herd sense to comfort his urge to be around others, too. Though, he does make more frequent trips towards Mt. Chimney and the Fiery Path to recollect himself in a comforting environment. Sometimes, he even dared to take a nap there among the wild Numel. Their sleepy faces had an unexpected effect on him.
🪨 Though, of course, one of these naps would be interrupted by a curious person approaching him. The Numels around scrambled off and left him as the sole person for your intrigue to be on. His cheeks grew warm, and he fought his immediate response to explode. You just gasped at him curiously and asked if the heat in there was more bearable to him since he was a hybrid. Magma Leader Maxie's upset was suppressed as you softly pet the fur on the side of his body.
🪨 Maxie soon almost had a new recruit out of you when he mentioned his interest in making more land for people to live on. You seemed to follow along with ease. It was clear that his fire-ground typing certainly kept a dislike of water in his heart, almost reasonably so. It was not long until you and him actually just built a normal friendship out of your interactions rather than a normal recruiting process for his team. In fact, he opted against asking you to since he felt that it was a burden that he could not place on you.
🪨 Unconsciously, he found himself often wanting to spend more time with you. While his work may have kept him busy, Maxie simply needed to fit in time with you into his schedule, for her felt even more irritable than usual. This time was usually spent around Mt. Chimney, with discussions about geology often coming up from him or you asking him something about him. Every so often, he would even dare a nap with you. This activity typically felt the best to him, yet he wasn't sure why. His feelings were completely obvious at this point to you, but not to himself somehow.
🪨 Eventually, Maxie nearly roared when Tabitha of all people got too close to you during one of your meetups when he had come to get him. It was then that he realised exactly how he felt and embarrassingly confessed to you after dismissing his admin normally. To his admitted surprise, you happily agree, and he feels light as air (despite his weight being near 220 kilos). It then clicks entirely in his head that he had been treating you like a mate instinctually and becomes flustered again. Well, at least you already knew what you were in for.
🪨 Most of his urges are dealt with carefully. He does not want to keep making a complete fool of himself by roaring at any person he deems too close to you, nor does he want to have his decision-making influenced by you. Of course, this is overwhelmed by his instinct to spend more time with you. Simply existing in the same space is enough, which means he has you join him in his living quarters. Your presence is so comforting that it makes focusing on his plans easier, despite the new distractions that come with it. He makes a strange sound when dare to reach a hand out to scratch his ears. Maxie reminds himself not to push it weight into you carefully.
🪨 Overall, he is a pretty interesting hybrid and lover. Maxie often goes between fighting his instincts to just accept them, which is mostly a result of being around humans. He knows his actions are pretty strange to any outsider. But, the Magma Leader is more than used to being disciplined and keeps it mostly under wraps unless he is alone with you. As for those around him, his team simply adores his hybrid status and sees his ability to create magma, almost an example of the team's capabilities. Others do struggle with him, however. Camerupt hybrids just are not super commonly seen outside of volcanic areas, so it is a sight to see one just casually shopping at the Lilycove department store. But, overall, he is left mostly to himself. (Until he seems an ancient ground deity)
🌧Sharpedo Archie🌊
💧 Sharpedo hybrids were known and feared. Known for their fast swimming speeds and apparent cruelty. Archie would want to proclaim those unfounded and demanding towards his species, but he was aware that some of them did target boats and bite through the iron sheet metal of hulls. Instead, he tried to counteract those beliefs for the most part. His body looked pretty humanoid from his waist up, but underneath that was a body more like an elongated Sharpedo's lower half. Though, patches of that rough skin were also on his upper body, too, and his gills, of course. Despite his upfront amicable nature, most people preferred to avoid him in the waters since Sharpedo and their hybrid forms were bad news. It might have stung, but he got it.
💧 Sure, he had the urge to bury his sharp teeth in metal when he felt a boat was disrupting the nature of a habitat, but he was not going to kill anyone. Just scare them off. Archie had self-assigned himself a guardian of sorts to the ocean. His ability to swim at top speeds made his movements terrifying to those he deemed his enemies. And, well, his amicable nature let him make good acquaintances with both those on land or in water, enough to establish a group of sorts that supported his ideals. He almost seemed to reject the more individualistic nature of his species and preferred being in groups. Nearly all of his time is spent out in the waters, either hunting for food or checking out the greater ocean for any signs of human pollution or activity. Though, he also hangs out along beaches, which does scare off some poor people just wanting a beach day.
💧 Amazingly, however, during some of his time up near the shore, he found a human genuinely just curious about him. You stepped closer to the shark merman in intrigue, simply amazed by many things about him. Your questions were happily answered by Archie, who enjoyed a good conversation partner and getting to gush about the ocean and general marine life to anyone who would listen. It was no surprise that you two made plans to meet up again when he had to go out for food once more.
💧 Your meetings after that were filled with many different activities. Sometimes, Archie would have you hold on to him as he swam you out into the ocean proper to show you something he found interesting or pretty. Other times, you would be allowed to prod his body curiously as long as he could do the same to you. You soon discovered his body was not smooth, while he was amazed by the texture of your own. Sparingly, he would share his ideals about how humans kept harming the sea and how he felt it would be better for pokemon if there were more water. You did not entirely get it but nodded along anyway.
💧 Archie hates the odd urge he has to bite you to show his interest and resists it hard, knowing that the damage it would do to your body would be much worse than another Sharpedo hybrid. Instead, he simply tries to just enjoy time spent with you. Showing you waters that humans found it too dangerous to venture into due to the large Sharpedos population. He felt happy to swim around you in the water and almost do parts of mating rituals to give himself some comfort. Though, he could tell most of it was lost on you to his distress. He supposed that humans were not all too familiar with Sharpedo mating habits in the end.
💧 Whenever he does just confess, you seem confused. Apparently, you thought it was obvious that you were both in some kind of relationship. Archie just shrugged it off and grinned, happy that in some way, his intentions were understood. This, however, does mean that he wants to request trying a bite. Should you dare agree, there will probably be a scar, but at least it will look cool. You could also request one of his fallen teeth as a mating gift, too, which he would easily oblige to.
💧 While you are both separated by land and water, you do try to meet each other halfway. Naps are somehow shared in both the water and on land. Archie jokes that he would be okay with a tank in your house just to sleep in to be closer to you. He does feel a bit saddened by your inability to live together, but he understands that he likely would not constantly be around another Sharpedo hybrid in the water. So, instead, he was contented to keep to the same things with you while also admittedly working on some of his plans with his team. You, however, have shown him that humans absolutely are not the worse, and maybe he should be open to other ideals.
💧 Archie is a big sweetie despite his scary appearance as a Sharpedo hybrid, and this becomes learnt as he makes more and more trips to the shore for various reasons. He is also a loving boyfriend to you and brings you assorted gifts from the water while also wanting to show you around the beauty of the sea. He also loves to show you off to anyone he can, simply proud of his choice in a mate and wanting everyone to see it. While he obviously still faces some scrutiny from people due to his hatred of overfishing and polluting of the sea and how he handles it, it is clear that he is simply just trying to protect the ocean. Team Aqua specifically adores him, at least. All his team members are happy to praise their amazing shark leader. (And then he nearly flooded the earth and panics after realising you won't survive that.)
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zahri-melitor · 8 months
New(ish) Comics:
Batman #138: I’m reading this again as this is just such a great comic. Seriously Zdarsky, well done. So many different fight details here. I particularly noticed Bruce is demonstrating super-strength on this read for some reason – he breaks both Dick’s escrima stick and Tim’s bo staff, he rips the door off a car (??!!). There are so many neat details of ‘something is seriously wrong with Bruce’ here.
Blue Beetle #2: I like the note here that Booster is taking Ted away to heal somewhere else in time. I also enjoyed that all the JLI folk instantly nominated Tora to go comfort Jaime. And finally, I am delighted to see characters finally suspicious of Victoria Kord because! I have been so sus on her! Since her first appearance in Graduation Day! Her vibes are indeed off! (And it’s not just the clear autism – I do not get nearly these levels of ‘when do you turn out to be an evil plant’ from say Dani Garrett, who is also intensely female autistic about the scarab and her grandfather)
Birds of Prey #2: The art in this comic remains immaculate. I love the x-ray, out of panel drawings for passing between the ‘real’ world and the magical world. In terms of the plot – I’m still not 100% in here trust wise, but Thompson is winning me over, issue by issue, by reassuring me she understands the characters and is making considered decisions to justify why this lineup. I really really think they screwed themselves a bit with the way they announced the lineup – the vibes in the comic itself are far more clear on who’s a long term choice (Cass, Barda) and who are more likely ‘this storyline only’ choices (Harley, Zealot).
Fire & Ice: Welcome to Smallville #2: This continues to make me so happy in its level of fun and metacommentary. I love the collection of villains, because there’s one existing rogue in each line (Beefeater, Maxie Zeus, Gentleman Ghost) and the six new ones, though admittedly Linka and King of Cats are somewhat linked to existing characters/mantles. The goof levels are off the charts (I lost it at the “Guns don’t kill people. I kill people” line) Anyway come for Bea and Tora remaining extremely ‘on a break’ as they definitely don’t date…uh…siblings, stay for the shenanigans. Maybe Bea and Tora will finally get to kiss in issue #6 (the kiss will obviously be a cheek peck or an accident during a fight scene or something)
Shazam! #4: Garguax the Distressing, Emperor of the MOON! I love him. He’s so silly. Chew on the scenery a bit more, Garguax! Also Billy manages to avoid mind control by realising he’s about to have his first ever kiss with a bee supervillain and deciding he’s not cool with that. Go you, Billy. This comic remains deeply committed to serious silliness and Silver Age vibes (Mark Waid. Dan Mora. Do we need to enforce the ‘one gorilla a month’ rule from the 1970s on you?) which is exactly what I want from the Shazamily. Also Darla appeared, my beloved.
Warlord #22: this week in Skartaris Travis was fighting a werewolf! I would pretend this was a surprise revelation on the very last page, but given someone turned up and shot a silver arrow during the very first fight scene, let’s just say this revelation was signalled.
In addition to the amusement I always get when archery occurs in this title, Grell enjoyed two full pages of serpent bondage scenes. Enjoy some assorted scenes.
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Oh Mike Grell. Never change.
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