#sorry if there are typos i wrote this so fast
semperama · 2 years
share some of your au ideas if you want!! it’d be fun!! i’m sure a ton of ppl are interested like me ❤️❤️
Thank you, anon!! Here's a little sad, sad, ficlet, just for you. <3
They only stay at the cabin for four days. It's all the time they can spare, before Daniel goes home to Perth and Max goes home to his perfectly constructed family and they pretend not to care overmuch about each other for months.
"We don't have to do this, you know," Max says on the last morning. He always says it, just like this, when they're in bed together and he's sex-dumb and sated. He pulls Daniel's arm tighter around him and interlaces their fingers, half-turning his head even though he won't be able to see Daniel's expression without turning all the way over.
"Yeah, we do," Daniel says, speaking his line like he's supposed to. He kisses the skin behind Max's ear and nuzzles in there, pretending for a moment that this is enough. "You know we do, Maxy."
Red Bull is...well, it's Red Bull. And Formula One is Formula One. Even if things are changing, even if you can get away with wearing a rainbow helmet now or speaking up for others' rights, you still have to give up a good amount of your own. Max can't be a World Champion and also be gay and in love with his rival--or, now, his reserve driver. Daniel can't be....whatever he is, and also be this, the one who spoons up behind Max in bed, the one who makes him cry with his dick, the one who adores him so much it's terrifying.
"We can tell them to fuck off," Max says. "What are they going to do? Fire me?"
They could, Daniel thinks. Max doesn't believe it, because even though he pretends otherwise, all this does go to his head. He knows he's the best, and he thinks that makes him irreplaceable. But the truth is, none of them are. Not really. Cash is king, and the moment any of them is the threat to the cash, they'll be out on their ass.
"Not worth the risk." Daniel kisses the shell of his ear, then props himself up so he can lean over, meet Max's eyes. "We've been through this. I can't be the reason anything happens to your career. You think I could live with myself?"
Max scowls, always so annoyed in the face of cold logic that proves him wrong. He shrugs off Daniel's arm, then seems to think better of it and grabs his hand again. "What if I don't care? What if I'd rather be with you than drive?"
It takes everything Daniel has in him not to laugh. They both know it's not true. Neither of them would give up the drive. Daniel spends most of his energy trying not to think about what that means, whether that's a bad sign. All he knows is that these four days have been the only time he's felt whole all year, and he only really feels alive when Max is near him--but he still wouldn't give it all up. And more than that, he can't let Max give it all up for him.
"It's temporary," Daniel says. This, too, is his usual line. "And we still have this."
Max flops back to the bed, defeated for now. He's beautiful, there in the cage of Daniel's arms. He turns his head and kisses Daniel's bicep, then rests his head there, closes his eyes. "I don't want to leave tomorrow," he says, his voice rough.
"Don't think about it now," Daniel says in a rush, just before his throat closes up. He kisses Max, squeezing his eyes shut, making himself pretend.
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just finished yellowjackets
The show is amazing and would recommend it to anyone but I am gonna mainly complain in this post ♡.
I was not that interested in the pilot but it does get better and the intro is amazing. I feel like it would have been better if they focused on the teens rather than adults. the teen scenes lost some effect because of it. Some adult scenes could have been replaced with teen scenes. Adult Nat reconnecting with Kev and then messing it up just shows that she is selfish and self-destructive which we already know. Instead, show how Lottie was dealing without her meds we know she is dealing with something but the show doesn't really show the other characters reacting until her freakout during the seance where Tai says it wasn't that surprising, why? they could have shown how they started out survival at first or how characters were coping more in-depth which would have been more interesting and added value scenes. They shouldn't have revealed that Travis survived the wilderness because the shrooms orgy/murder attempt didn’t have stakes. Also didn't care about the Travis situation as a whole teen Travis wasn’t that good any chemistry in the scenes was because of teen Nat and adult Nat wasn’t great either. His whole murder situation was kinda whatever it'll probably matter more in season 2 but for now, it just feels like wasted time. I think Travis should have died in the wilderness (can't really back that up but whatever). They also should have killed Jackie. Her value to the team pre-crash was that she was the leader, after the crash that went away. She refused to contribute and everyone was mad about it would have been more interesting if the “side characters” revolted against the “main character”. Instead, she just freezes on accident… RIP Luara Lee ♡ the second she got on that plane I knew what was gonna happened but still sad. Tai is the most interesting adult character and can't wait to learn more. The sleepwalking plot point ♡♡♡. Like teen Tai too wish the expedition would have lasted longer and to see her as a leader. I’m a Misty hater, love her scenes cause she's interesting to watch but within the narrative she sucks. Shauna was an average character but I think that was intentional even 25 years later she is still in Jackie’s shadow and that makes her an awful person which is cool. Hated teen Jeff and adult Jeff is dumb but funny no real thoughts on him. I totally support Lottie starting a cult if she wants I think it'll be good for her. I don’t remember if the number of survivors was stated which is good really think it was a mistake to involve adult Travis. Overall this season was mainly set up to get to the point of the first scene so I hope they focus more on that in season two. Also not to be that guy but, if once coach was good to walk, if as a group they moved south they probably would have been fine and would have stumbled upon some civilization.
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Just made two of my playlists public and I am so nervous (even though maybe only like two people will come across them haha, and they won’t even know how intimate it is). I feel like there are knots in my stomach. I’ve been working on them every day for just over two consecutive weeks, for multiple hours on end on some of those days. The songs were very carefully chosen, going through many revisions of the story and message I wanted to tell, yet with an attempt of giving justice to the inspiration behind it.
These two playlists and majority of their songs are so personal to me that it feels like I am baring myself to the world. I have always wanted to make playlists with these themes (but kept private for myself), yet never got around to making them. So thank you to Jean Moreau and Jeremy Knox for giving me the movement to actually make these playlists. These two characters are the inspirations of the playlists, and their characters and story have always been kept in my mind as the foundation, but I also put in as much of me, of my own story and thoughts, into it as well as I could. So thank you also for that space.
The first playlist was made with Jean Moreau in mind. A story of survival. Of deep pain. Of loneliness that seems endless. Of abuse. Of succumbing to the pain and numbness, accepting it and craving it even, because it’s a messed up sense of comfort with it being a constant presence we know. Of endurance and holding on through it all. Of healing. Of hoping for change, hoping to be okay, and reaching for help. Of freedom, and learning how to breathe with and through the pain. Of falling down, multiple times, but coming back up each time even if it may take a while because we know we deserve better. Some of the songs chosen were songs that I have listened to since I was a child when I couldn’t see or believe there was any light. They were (and still are) the songs that I cried along to and help me to feel a little less alone while I was silently screaming fighting crying to be heard. Hope is without a doubt a fragile thing, but if we ever feel it, we have to grab on as tightly as we can. The songs in this playlist are ordered into a story, intended to be played without shuffling, which I think is unintentionally fitting with Jean’s personality and structured approach. The backliner. The defenseman. The survivor.
The second playlist was made with Jeremy Knox in mind. Sunshine, hope, and positivity personified. Some people seem to be naturally kind, but I have always believed that kindness is also a choice, seen through action and conscious thought. With enough work, it can become as instinctive as breathing. Choosing to actively do the right thing, to being there, to caring, to giving chances, to wanting to see the good in things and people. Choosing kindness despite despite despite it all. In face of it all. Without a doubt, there is always going to be times where we encounter challenging moments, and we’ll falter and fall, but it’s about the want and the trying and the choice to see the brighter side of things and not giving up in ourselves and others. This playlist is also pretty gay, with a few gay songs, because of course it will be. He’s gay, I’m gay, and queerness is a good and resoundingly amazing thing! It’s a playlist of being a figure of unwavering support and holding belief in humanity. Of happiness, of comfort, of strength, of care, of love in all its forms. Again, some songs chosen were also songs that I have listened to since I was a child, when I needed my hand to be held. I still do at times. The songs in this playlist are put in without order, to be or not to be shuffled, which I think is also unintentionally fitting with Jeremy’s personality and flexible approach. The striker. The captain. The believer.
Both playlists include reflections of my story (Jean) and thoughts (Jeremy), though of course not perfect. But it’s there at its core, in soul, which is why I feel so exposed. I feel both excited and apprehensive of the idea that someone may be listening to my interpretation of their stories as well as my own story. They are public now, because maybe, just maybe, someone will enjoy and find comfort in them as well. Maybe it’s also a way for me to reach out—to help and be helped, because we aren’t alone, and that’s the whole message of it all, isn’t it?
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dakotalun · 1 year
"Oops" | Eddie Munson
pairing: Eddie Munson X Fem Reader
summary: Part 1--Eddie "accidentally" sends a tasteful pic to his best friend.
warnings: mutual pining, pet names (sweetheart), strong language, description of naked Eddie
word count: 3.4k
Part 2
a/n: went a little crazy at 3am the other night and wrote this. Part two will be up later this week!! Luv y'all <3
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Eddie is your best friend of many years, the two of you being inseparable from the moment you met. So when you got a text from him tonight you don’t think much of it, figuring it was just a dumb meme he saw or a random thing from today.
What you didn’t expect to see was a picture of Eddie standing in his bathroom, towel slung over his shoulders with a prominent boner happening.
His hair is wet as if he just got out of the shower and hadn’t bothered to dry it yet. The long dark brown locks stick to his neck and chest in a way that can only be described as godly. The tattoos on his skin are glistening but covered by the towel around his neck and as you move your eyes downward the path of hair that leads to his dick is delicious.
And talking about his dick it is, mag-fucking-nificent! The way that it hangs there, the tip swollen and red, leaking the smallest bit of precum. It has your mouth watering.
You nearly choked on your own spit when you saw it. Never in a million years did you think that Eddie would be sending you of all people nudes. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t wonder what he was packing but you never really indulged in those thoughts, until now. You couldn’t tear your eyes away from the screen, memorizing every little detail in the photo.
Eddie sends another text but you’re too distracted to see what it is. Then a stream of texts start flooding in from him.
You giggle at his frantic typing, noting all the typos. Curiosity gets the better of you and you scroll up a little to see what he had said after he sent the picture. You’re eyes go wide at the words displayed on your screen.
‘Couldn’t stop thinkin’ about you. Jerked off twice while in the shower and I’m still hard. Wish you were here with me right now ;)’
You had no clue who this was really meant for but if it was meant for you you would 100 percent be on your way to him right now. The bottom half of the picture stares back at you as your eyes acan over the text again and again. You can’t deny the small hint of wetness that you feel on your underwear while looking at the two.
Twice? He came twice and is still hard. Whoever he thought about must be really hot if he can go 3 rounds without breaking a sweat. Could he go more?
Your thoughts were interrupted by your phone receiving a call, from none other than Eddie himself. You sit up in bed and pull your knees towards you as you answer his call.
“Sweetheart I am so so so sorry I sent you that. It was clearly meant for someone else. If I had known it was your contact that I was on I would have never sent that at all. I want you to know that I don’t go around sending nudes to everyone or anything, I’m not a slut I was just-”
“Eddie it’s fine. No need to apologize. I figured it wasn’t meant for me anyways.” It pains you a little at the thought that someone else was supposed to receive that message from your best friend.
“I’m still sorry. Is there any way I can make it up to you?” His voice sounds smooth like spreading butter onto fresh pancakes.
“Hmm,” You fake thinking about what you want even though you know exactly what it is you want, “You’ve gotta tell me who that text was really meant for.” Silence. For a whole minute there is just silence on Eddie’s end, you’d think he was dead if it weren’t for the fast pace of his breathing.
“Sweetheart,” The nickname is not helping the situation you have going on right now, “You don’t mean that. Can’t I just take you to breakfast or buy you a new outfit?”
“Nope.” You respond popping the ‘p’ as you say it. “Either tell me who it was meant for or I send it to the groupchat.” You were bluffing. You couldn’t let the others see him like that, that was for your eyes only. Not that anyone needed to know that.
“You wouldn’t dare,” His voice turned deep and threatening.
“Try. Me.” You challenge back.
Eddie groans, “Fine. You win,” A smile spreads across your face, “It was meant for Callie. This girl in my chem class, we’ve been talking for a little bit.”
You’re a mix of emotions right now; happy that Eddie found someone he’s interested in and took his shot, confused because he never told you about it, sad because you thought he trusted you with things like that, and slightly jealous because you want to be the one Eddie sent nudes to, purposefully.
“Sweetheart? You still there?” You completely forget that you’re still on the phone with Eddie until he says something.
“Uh yeah yeah I’m here. I’m um happy for you Ed. Glad you found someone. Look I gotta go to sleep, big test tomorrow, talk later. Bye.” You hang up before he can say anything else. 
Why did you feel this way about all this? You shouldn’t be thinking of Eddie in this way, he was your best friend. Best friends don’t think about going down on each other, or the way it would feel to have his cock inside you, or the moans he would release when he finally cums in you.
You shake it off and lay back down, setting your phone on your nightstand to charge. You try for half an hour to fall asleep but your mind can’t stop thinking about that damn picture. So you unlock your phone and go back to your messages with Eddie, looking to see if he deleted the picture or not. And to your luck it was the latter, the picture and text below still there for your viewing pleasure.
You’re still horny from the initial thought of him so it doesn’t take long for your hand to wander under your shorts and underwear to your clit. The thought that your fingers were his and the way he would whisper in your ear egging you on to finish.
The images of him jerking himself off in the shower flood you, his hand on the cold tiles, water hitting his back as he fists his cock, rubbing it slowly at first but becoming impatient and going faster until he cums all over the wall and his hand.
The image of his face when he does and the moans that would leave his mouth is what throws you over the edge yourself. Wishing it were him between your legs pulling it from you not your own fingers. Finally your body is tired enough to let you go to sleep, dreaming of Eddie once more.
You’re sitting with Eddie and the rest of Hellfire at lunch a week later. Neither of you have talked about what happened that night, both too embarrassed to say anything.
Things were normal though, Eddie would pick you up and drop you off to and from school. You’d talk on the phone every night about whatever happened that day that the other wasn’t there for. You liked the thought that the text didn’t hinder your friendship but you can’t help but be a little jealous about Eddie fucking someone else. It’s not like you were expecting him to confess his hidden undying love for you the next day but the realization that Eddie really did send you that accidentally; hurt.
The freshman are talking about some video game coming out when Eddie lean over to you.
“Whatcha’ thinking about?” There’s a smile on his face, one that you always loved seeing.
“Nothing,” You go back to eating your fruit.
“Alrighty then. Hey I was wondering what time you wanted to come over tonight?”
Your eyes grow wide, mind going back to the text, “Why?”
“Um it’s Wednesday. Horror movie marathon night, remember?” His head cocks to the side a little, his hair falling into his face. It reminds you of a dog questioning what it’s owner has in their hand.
“Oh right yeah. Um I don’t know if I can make it tonight.” That was a lie, you had nothing going on. But being in the trailer alone with Eddie after knowing what he looks like naked is not what you need right now.
“Awe come on! I rented Scream, Saw, and Halloween for tonight. You can’t make me watch them all alone,” He lowers his voice and leans closer, “What if I need protection from the bad guys?” His big doe eyes large and pleading with you.
You roll your eyes and push his face away from you, “Ugh fine. I’ll be there, how’s 8?”
“Perfect! I’ll order the pizzas, do you think you could make those amazing cookies for us?”
“You mean for you?”
“No. I mean for us, I would never eat all the cookies myself.”
“You did like 3 weeks ago! There were 30 cookies there and I had none of them.” You stare at him as he thinks back to then.
“Nope don’t remember which means it didn’t happen. So will you?” There are those puppy dog eyes again.
“Whatever but I swear if you eat all of them again I’ll castrate you.”
Eddie’s hands fly to his groin, protecting it from your threat. “Ouch, sweetheart. Didn’t know you hated my dick that much.”
I don’t. Just hate that it’s not mine. You thought, but you just rolled your eyes and continued on eating lunch until the bell rang.
Eddie rushed around his room looking for his favorite shirt when you showed up for movie night. You let yourself in, per usual and set the cookies down on the coffee table before heading to Eddie’s room. He was squating in front of his closet when you come in, you don’t announce yourself just stand there staring at his back.
He got a few new tattoos since last summer, two of which on his back. A skull and crossbones along with a knife wrapped in barbed wire. You haven’t seen them in person yet, it still being too cold to sit out in the sun. But looking at them now was a pleasure, the detail popping out as his muscles flex.
Eddie huffs and stands, defeated about not finding the shirt he wanted. He turns around and finds you standing in his doorway.
“Jesus! Why didn’t you say you were here?” His hand is over his heart as he catches his breath from the unintentional jump scare.
“I texted you like 20 minutes ago that I was on my way. Figured you knew I’d be here soon,” You say as you enter his room fully to sit on his bed.
“I did not see the text, I was in the shower,” The mention of this brought back memories of the photo, and what you did whilst looking at it, “Anyways pizza should be here soon and I’ve got beers and soda in the fridge.”
Eddie walks around you to his dresser, grabbing a random shirt and throwing it on. You’re sad at the loss of his bare skin but quickly shake the thought away. You get up from his bed and head to his living room, Eddie following in toe.
“So what are we watching first? I’ve seen Scream a few times but the other two I haven’t seen,” Eddie remarks as he grabs two beers from the fridge, opening them before handing you one.
You mumble a thanks before taking a sip, the bitter liquid coating your tastebuds. “I’ve seen Scream and Saw but not Halloween. Heard good things about it though, at least that’s what Robin said, Steve had other opinions.”
“Lemme guess pretty boy hated it and wished he never saw it?” Eddie laughs as he sets up Halloween on the tv.
“Yeah pretty much,” You laugh along. The thought of your friend sitting there watching the movie curled up in a blanket next to Robin bringing a smile to your face.
Eddie finishes setting up the movie and walks back the kitchen. He grabs a bag of chips and some dip before returning to your side on the couch. He opens the chips and pops one in his mouth, crunching it loudly.
You smile at the normalcy of everything right now, it’s as if nothing ever happened between the two of you. Which if we’re being honest nothing really did happen, Eddie just sent you a nude on accident. It’s not like you kissed or anything. Not that you’d hate it if you did.
You snack on the chips and dip with him while waiting for the pizza to show up, never starting the movie without it. The two of you talk about nothing in particular while you sit there. Eddie tells you about the upcoming DnD campaign he’s been working on.
His eyes lighting up and hands flying around erratically as he explains what he planned, the animation in his character brings an even bigger smile to your face.
Just as Eddie concludes his explanation, inviting you to come sit in and watch it at the end, the doorbell rings notifying the both of you that the pizza was here and it was now time for movie night to begin.
Eddie pays the guy and happily walks over to the couch and sets the food on the table in front of the two of you, he can’t even wait til the movie starts playing to begin eating. You laugh at him as he opens and closes his mouth quickly trying to cool the hot pizza in his mouth, you just hit play and start watching the movie.
The pizza is gone, same with half the bag of chips and the cookies. Eddie actually let you eat  a few of them before he scarfed down the others. You’re nearing the end of Scream, the third and final movie of the night when you look at your phone for the time. 12:25 stares back at you, you groan knowing that your parents are going to kill you for coming home so late on a school night.
Eddie hears you and turns to see why you made that noise. You just wave him off and go back to watching the movie, watching as Skeet Ulrich gets shot for the final time in the head. A few minutes later the credits roll and Eddie turns off the tv, letting the trailer fade into silence.
“Wanna tell me what that groaning was about?” Eddie asks turning to face you completely.
“Nothing, just didn’t realize that it had gotten so late. Parents are gonna kill me if I go home at this hour.”
“So just stay here,” He says with no hesitation, “You still have a few clothes here after last movie night. They’re just siting in my drawer.”
You think about it for a minute. You and Eddie have had sleepovers in the past, nothing special about them, just two people sharing a bed, occasionally cuddling because of the small size of it. But now the thought of it made you nervous, having him so close to you, so near yet not being able to touch him. It killed you, but it’s better than going back home right now and having your mom and dad rip you a new one.
“Alright, I’m gonna need to shower though. Coach had us run the mile today at practice and I still feel disgusting.”
“Yeah no problem, you go ahead and shower, I’ll clean up here.” He stands and starts clearing the trash from the table. You get up too and head into his bathroom, but no matter how hot the water is or how long you stand under it you can't get the thought of the picture and the words under it out of your mind.
He was right here, jerking off to the thought of someone. You scold yourself for thinking about him like that, again. But you couldn’t help it.
Recently you’ve thought about him more and more; his smile, the dimples that show when he’s really happy, how animatedly he talks, the way his hair is always unkempt but still looks so damn soft. You thought about him in ways you never did before seeing that picture; his arms, his muscles, his hands, his rings. Everything about him turned you on and you needed it to go away.
Eddie finished up cleaning and sat down on his bed, beer in hand while he took out his metal lunchbox for a joint. You walk into his room, towel wrapped around yourself, hair dripping wet from the shower. He stops his actions to just stare at you, the same way you did earlier that night.
“Uh could I borrow some clothes? I don’t have anything to sleep in,” You say wrapping your arms under your boobs, pushing them up ever so slightly.
Eddie clears his throat, “Yeah, sure.” He gets up and walks over to his dresser, rummaging through it to look for something you can wear tonight. He pulls out a pair on your underwear that you “left” there a while back and one of his Hellfire shirts. You denied his offer of some pants, saying they would be way to big on you and you’d rather just sleep in the shirt.
Eddie’s mind went straight to the gutter at that thought, you sleeping next to him, in just his Hellfire shirt and a pair of underwear he stole from you. His dick was growing hard just thinking about it. He quickly got back to looking for his joint and lighting it upon it’s appearance. He took a few hits while you changed in the bathroom, his mind slowly fogging over.
You return, hair still slightly wet with the towel in your hand. You toss it into his hamper before laying on his bed, grabbing his beer and taking a sip. You lay back and close your eyes, letting the serenity of this moment wash over you. Eddie offers you a hit but you decline, being that you don’t ever mix weed and booze together.
He finishes the joint while you finish his beer. The two of you just sitting there with the light sound of whatever record Eddie has playing. Your thoughts are quiet for the most part, just soaking in the time with your best friend, until you think of something. A question you’ve been meaning to ask for a little bit.
“Hmm?” He responds head leaning back onto the wall where a headboard should be.
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Sure, hit me.” You reach your hand out and hit him in the thigh.
“Ouch! Not literally, I meant with the question, sweetheart.”
“I know,” You giggle.
“Brat,” He mumbles back.
“Anyways, I was gonna ask -and you don’t have to answer this if you don’t want to it’s just something I’ve been thinking about- but did you really not know it was me you were sending that picture to?” The words lay heavy on your tongue as you say them aloud. You’ve been thinking about this for a while, it’s hard not to.
How did he not know it was you he was texting, your name was right there at the top of the screen. And if he was sending it to someone else how could he not double-check to make sure he wasn’t sending it to someone like Wayne or Robin.
He’s quiet for a moment, thinking about the best way to tell you that, yes he did know it was you he was sending it to. And yes he knew it was stupid but he wanted to try something to see if you felt the same way about him that he does you. Eddie’s loved you for about a year and a half now, never saying anything to anyone in fear of running your friendship.
But that night he was watching a show and one of the characters did this thing where they pretended to send a text to someone “they didn’t mean to”, to see how they’d respond. He thought that maybe this was an easy way of figuring out how you felt about him. But when you didn’t respond to his photo or texts he got scared and called you. Needing to clarify what he sent, and why.
Eddie Taglist: @ali-r3n @dixontardis
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alexawynters · 7 months
Mommy Knows Best - w.m x r blurb
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Summary: Wanda convincing R to let her to all the thinking for her
Warnings: Ehhh... allusions to manipulation, kidnapping, stalking.
A/N: So ahhh... I wrote this in 15 minutes while at work in a part of the office I very much didn't want to be in. This isn't connected to anything. I don't intend on expanding this bc I have no spoons and the plot bunnies won't settle on anything definitively. But if anybody wants to take a crack at it, pleeeeaaase do! Just like.. link me so I can read it because I am thirsty. Also all of this was typed up on my phone so sorry for any typos, or formatting issues. I left my laptop at home today like a dumbass..
Wanda's hand cradled your face with a gentle yet possessive grip. "I knew that you needed me the moment I laid eyes on you in that coffee shop."
Your eyes widened at the older woman's confession. Out of all the times you had met up with Wanda, it had never been at a coffee shop. Her implication that she had been watching you sent a bolt of fear down your spine.
"Such a sweet little thing, so easily flustered." She appraised you with a keen eye, searching for any hint that you might try to run. "You were just trying to substitute the milk in your coffee order, yet you couldn't even do that without nearly breaking out into tears. Poor thing. You just needed your Mommy to do all your difficult thinking for you, huh?"
The older woman's voice had taken on an almost saccharine quality, while simultaneously dripping with condescension. You couldn't have explained it if you tried, but something about her tone, her words, turned your head all fuzzy.
Alarm bells that should have been clanging loudly were but a distant detail in your peripheral, not worthy of your attention when the alternative was listening to Wanda's honeyed voice. You should be concerned. A normal person would be leaving this crazy woman as fast as their legs could carry them. Yet instead, you practically meted into Wanda's touch, almost craving it.
The witch gave a subtle smirk at the way your eyes glossed over when she talked down to you. This was going to be even easier than Wanda had thought. She might not even need to use her magic if you were already this responsive to her. Frankly, Wanda was delighted.
"Use your words, kotenok. I know you're just a dumb baby, and words are hard, but when Mommy asks you a question, I expect an answer."
Her grip turned firm, border lining on painful. Glassy eyes snapped open.
"Y-yes, Mommy. I just needed you to do all the thinking for me."
Your face flushed bright red as you spoke the words, but you couldn't bring yourself to take them back. Now that they had been released into the universe, the words rang true for you. They simply felt... right. Your trusting gaze met Wanda's domineering one, seeking any sign of her approval.
The older woman gave a salacious grin, very much reminiscent of a cat who caught the canary. "There's my good girl," she cooed, caressing the apple of your cheek with her thumb.
Lulled into a false sense of safety and security, you tilted your head. Leaning into her touch, you were practically simpering from her praise and touch. Why had you ever been concerned, you wondered? This was Wanda. She would always take care of you. She would never even dream of harming you. If only you knew the extent of the very real danger you were in, you might have tried to run. Not that you would have gotten far, but Wanda might have enjoyed the thrill of the chase.
Nevertheless, she had you right where she wanted you and why make it unpleasant when you were so... willing? The witch reveled in how pliant you were. Like putty in her hands, ready to be shaped and molded into the perfect plaything for her.
"Now kotenok," she said softly. "Why don't you go get changed into something comfortable and we can watch movies? I took the liberty of bringing over some of your clothes from your apartment as you won't be staying there anymore."
The former Avenger patted your cheek gently, sending you off on your way. It was only a few feet you had made before hesitating, turning to look at the older woman.
"Mommy...." You tried the title, and it rolled off your tongue surprisingly easily. "Why. won't I be staying at my apartment anymore? I'm still paying rent on it for another seven months." Uncertainty rolled off of you in waves.
Wanda bit the inside of her cheek, reigning her temper in. She needed to be understanding, but firm with you if she planned to get you completely under her thumb without scaring you off.
"You let Mommy worry about all of that. Those are big girl thoughts, and you wanted Mommy to do all the thinking for you, isn't that right?" Her voice was filled with exaggerated patience and condescension.
Part of you wanted to push the question. If you weren't going to be staying at your flat anymore then Wanda must mean for you to stay with her. Unfortunately, you couldn't afford rent in both places, so if you needed to sublet your flat, the sooner you knew for sure, the better. Not once did you question how, when, or why the redhead had picked up your clothes, being so focused about this rent situation.
Still, as you caught Wanda's steadily hardening gaze due to your lack of immediate cooperation, you could have sworn you almost saw a subtle flash of scarlet in her eyes. Opting not to upset the woman you were quickly falling for, you promptly turned on your heel, intent on doing as she had asked.
Unbeknownst to you, Wanda Maximoff was observing your trailing form with a razor-sharp gaze. She felt triumphant, everything was going according to plan, and you were honestly making it too easy on her. Soon you would belong to her, and by the time you realized, it would be too late.
A/N 2: What are we thinking? Bin it? Try to write it from the beginning? Or maybe keep going and only have the beginning appear in flashback format? I know I need to update Scarlet Whispers and I'm gonna, I swear! Just... effort. lol
576 notes · View notes
wolfish-trickster · 2 months
Pen pal
Geto x fem!reader
College AU
Word count: 12,6K
Summary: After your meme post about your STEM studies is noticed by a kind stranger the two of you start a conversation and become internet friends.
Warnings: cussing, typos, grammar mistakes, probably not accurate for all colleges since I'm using mine as a reference, fluff, angst, slowburn, eventual smut (i'm bad at writing it so sorry)
A/N: wanted to write angsty af, but turned to smut.... enjoy and don't get used to it 😂
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You hit send and stretch on your chair, your spine cracks after sitting down and hunching over your laptop for so long. It wasn't the healthiest but once you started writing you couldn't stop. Words in your begged you to let them out into the world. Or rather your final essay.
It took a while but it was finally finished. A week in advance, might you add. With this thing off your hands you could finally relax and concider the first year of your college to be officially over. All finals done and graded, no fails or retakes. And you have three months of doing absolutely nothing before you.
You smiled looking at the mail to the professor, your essay attached and secured.
Wait a minute.
The file you saved and attached has a different name than your final version.
You panic, quickly attach the file titled "final draft" and write: I'm sosorry mr prof i acidentally sentd the wrong file, this is the corr.rect one.
Only after you hit send did you notice all the typos but frankly you didn't care. Even this little embarassment was way better than your little what you deem funny notes written everywhere in your essays. It's like a fun excercise for you, using humor to keep your brain from falling asleep and potentionally hitting a block.
"Calm down heart, everything is okay," you whisper to yourself, "look, the correct version is there. Now you can start a summer break. So please, stop beating so fast."
But your heart knew something you didn't yet and kept rapidly beating. You stared at the new mail. The correct file was right there so why-
You didn't copy the conclusion from the draft to the final file. You checked the final draft just in case and sure enough the three paragraphs you wrote ten minutes ago weren't there.
"How can I be this fucking stupid?!" you cussed at yourself while you were pressing ctrl, c and v keys fixing your mistake.
This time you took deep breaths, wrote gramatically correct apology, attached the correct file (which you opened before you attached it) and finally hit send.
You finally calmed down. Now that you think about it the poor professor of yours will be so confused but amused as well. You chuckled to yourself and already formed a meme in your head.
After couple of minutes it was shining proudly on your laptop screen:
Tumblr media
Maybe it was the sleep deprived state you were in or the hilarity of your dumbness but right now you though this was the funniest meme you've ever created. You proudly logged on your tumblr account and posted it.
Your blog was relatively small, only reblogging interesting pictures and almost never making your own original posts. And even those you did make didn't get any recognision so you started treating it as your own personal diary. Venting about stuff that went wrong in your life, making memes either about things happening to you or after your brain once again made a weird connection between two subjects discussed in class. Almost no one but you found them funny, hence the lack of notes under your posts but you stopped caring a long time ago. You found them funny and it was all that mattered.
But now all that matter was you finally getting a good night's sleep with no stress, no alarm waking you up early to study, absolutely nothing.
Being dumb as always you forgot to turn off your usual 7am alarm. Groaning you rached for your phone and with one eye still closed you tried turning it off. Only to notice something unusual. You got a notification. From tumblr. Someone liked your post. And commented too!
All sleepiness left your body as you quickly went into the app on your phone and checked the notes.
⬛ black-swallow commented: damn and here i thought i was the only one making dumb mistakes in college 😂
For your first ever comment it was certainly...something. You didn't know whether to comment back playfully or leave it. But out of pure curiosity you commented back.
@ black-swallow yeah nah, there are more of us. Btw what was the dumbest thing you did?
The reply would probably take a while, if ever, so you started your morning routine: skin care, brush your teeth, hair, etc.
As you sat down with your breakfast you checked the notes and surprisingly your new buddy commented back.
⬛️ black-swallow: i basically did the same thing you did with your essay, but i did it with my application. Had to send it four times...
You almost spit out your water. Four times? Poor fella. Must've been so stressed.
@ black-swallow oh that sounds really stressful. But hey you got in in the end!
⬛️ black-swallow: yeah, and got kicked out too :')
Okay now's the time to stop talking, unless you want to embarass yourself even further. Cringing at yourself you closed the app and turned off your phone. First person you interacted with on that god darn app and you embarass yourself like that. Unbelievable.
After finishing breakfast you had no plans for the day. Other than enjoying your fellow freshmen stress about their finals which you since long passed. You just propped up your legs and relaxed. Until you heard another tumblr notification.
But this time it was a dm.
Sorry to bother you like this but can i ask what does bioarcheology mean? Sounds terrifying.
"Calm down," you said to yourself, "it's just a dm, nothing difficult. Besides this person sounds nice. They don't know you, they can't see you, they can't hurt you."
The years of your parents beating your head with 'don't talk to strangers online' went out the window the moment you replied to the very first person reaching out to you through internet.
Nothing interesting really, i picked that class for extra credit anyways 😅
The reply came in imediately. You and this person must be in the same timezones. How lucky!
Come on, don't be so humble. When i passed my first scary sounding class i was talking about it to everyone willing to listen
Well, what was your scary sounding class then?
Holy 💀 physics alone is hell but mixing it with biology as well?
Ikr? Honestly some lectures were really interesting but others were like a lullaby for me 😴
I understand, some bioarcheology lectures were boring for me too. By the way what college are you on?
*were. Medicine.
Sorry, i forgot 😣 and yeah, should've guessed... sorry
Hey it's okay. And don't apologize, maybe things were supposed to be like this
What do you mean?
I wasn't feeling very well on that school, i just didn't wanna quit in the first year. And before you ask i dropped out after second
So you were forcing yourself to stay on a school you didn't like anymore for two years?
Yup. Everyone else had gotten to the schools they wanted and loved it, i felt like i was wasting my time but if i left willingly only after a year i would be a year behind everyone else. So i left it up for fate
And fate decided to kick you out
True to that. But i still like science, just not the medicine part of it...
After studying biophysics i'm not even surprised...
It took your college drop out some time to write a reply so you made yourself a cup of your favourite tea, force of habit since you studied with it too. So far you're starting to like texting with some complete stranger. Getting to know their story. Is this why people casually slide into others' dms?
Your friend finally replied.
Sorry, my roommate needed help with packing. As for your last message there were lots of other classes that were equally if not harder than biophysics, but all of them either dealt with anatomy or physiology which is basically memorizing. When it comes to finding patterns and math and using logic i'm pretty slow
You chuckled and typed a reply.
You'd like it on my college then. Lots of memorizing, very little logic. Which sucks for me because i'm the exact opposite 😂
Well, now that i'm a free man and know an insider i just might apply 👀
So now that you know he's a man. Okay, you can live with that. Even though you felt a tad more nervous now that you know something a bit more specific.
What's your school called?
It's the natural science one. The same city as your previous school
You vividly remember your bus passing by the best medical school in your entire country. You just hope he really was attending that one and not a different, less prestigeus one.
Natural science? So STEM in other words
Yeah i know which one. Coincidentally after highschool that one was my second choice in case med doesn't work out.
See, maybe fate wanted you in STEM all along
Haha, maybe 😂 My name's Suguru Geto by the way
I'm Y/N, nice to meet you :)
Summer quickly passed and the only thing you remember was your talks with Geto. They were shy and reserved at the begining, mostly starting with 'how are you?' continued with 'good, and you?' followed by some awkward silent minutes before it evolved into a deep conversation about the immortality of a cockroach.
You found out lots of things about his life. How he met his best friend in highschool, how the two of them and one other girl used to wreak havoc across the town, how they all got into the same college albait with different intentions. The girl called Shoko genuenly wanted to become a doctor dreaming about it her whole life. Geto's best friend Gojo, being very competitive but also a son of a wealthy CEO didn't need to go to a college but wanted to to be with his friends (later he admited to Geto he got into that school just to show Shoko it's not as hard as she said it was). And Geto applied because he had no idea where else to go. He liked science, biology, chemistry, being in lab, creating something new which would help the world. Med school sounded like the clear answer for him, if it wasn't for the boredom he experienced the first semester.
He told you how he struggled in some classes finding them absolutely unnecessary and beneath him, his professor condescendingly talking to them as if they were less than worm beneath the ground if they didn't know an answer. He went above and beyond to at least pass the class hoping next semester would be better. Oh how wrong he was. No matter what he did, no matter how selflessly he helped his classmates they never showed gratitude. When he upped his grade from barely passing to top of the class no one even bat an eye, as if that was a sure thing.
By the time second year came he was so mentally drained he didn't even bother to show up to classes anymore. Why bother if the teachers are just reading the text off of their powerpoint presentation and he has to learn it by himself in the end anyways?
The more he ranted to you the more you pitied him. For you STEM was the first and only path in your life, dreaming about it since you were a kid. For him though? Thinking you finally found your path only to be this utterly disappointed must've been like a stab to the back.
Getting a letter about him being expelled must've been half relieving to him and half disappointing. On one hand you have your freedom of choice back on the other you have the stress of possibly not making it in.
The entire summer wasn't just about him talking to you, no no, he was also a great listener. You complained about mundane things to him and he always answered in matter of minutes. He was always there for you, but now you were the one to be there for him as well.
Y/N i'm so stressed i feel like puking
You'll be fine, don't worry about it. If anything there are lots of plant pots on hallways for you to puke in and fertilize them ^^
As if... i'll go to the deanship like a civilized person thank you very much
Very classy geto 🙄 By the way which place holds the entrance exams? Have you found it?
B1 404, standing infront of it. Why? Did you take it someplace else last year?
No, never had to take it, had grades good enough
Show off
I know 😘
You cringed as you realized what emoji you just sent him. Force of habit from sending it to your friends whenever you manage to prank them. To your surprise he sent you back a winking AND smirking emoji. You blushed. He has never sent you anything flirty or suggestive. Why would he? The two of you didn't even know eachother that well or what the other one looked like. He could be a slimy looking weirdo with a pedo-moustache for all you knew.
Okay Y/N, gotta go now, wish me luck
Always Geto, good luck!
Can I ask you something?
It was weird for him to start your everyday conversation with this sentence, you thought.
Sure. Is it something about the school mister accepted?
No, don't worry, i'll get to exploiting you later 😏 I wanted to ask, what do you look like?
If the first message didn't make you blush the second one sure did. You never asked eachother about your appearance. You already made an image of him in your head. The longer you knew him the more your imagination turned him from a questionable weirdo to an almost cute nerd.
You'll see once the semester starts
You really think i can wait that long? Do you even know me? If you're shy would it be better if i showed you how i looked like first?
Yeah, that would be better.
It took couple of minutes before your screen lit up with a new message.
You almost passed out. There's no way someone can look this good in just an oversized tshirt and sweatpants. And a man bun of all things! The jawline, you were pretty sure it could cut diamonds. His eyes, narrow and sharp, with irises dark enough to not even see his pupils. And yet they seemed oddly kind to you.
The longer you looked at the selfie he sent you the more heat rushed to your face. There's no way a guy this gorgeous has been texting with you this entire summer.
That's not you
It is
It isn't! You just googled a model or something
A model you say 😏
That damn emoji will kill you one day. Before you could get a hold of yourself you got another selfie from him. This time he had a post-it note with your name on it between his lips.
Believe me now?
It's been a couple of days since he sent you that picture and you still haven't replied. Every morning Geto woke up and checked his phone but still no replies from you. Well, aside from a picture of a naked cat and calling it your nude.
"Your girlfriend still not talking to you?" Gojo asked.
Geto sighed. "Stop calling her my girlfriend. And yes, still nothing. I told you that last selfie would be too much for her."
Gojo took a bite from his apple. "Was worth a try," he said mouth half full of his granny smith, "didn't she send you a pic back?"
Geto showed him his phone screen and Gojo coughed out his chewed peace of apple.
"Ew, you're cleaning it," Geto jumped back from the mix of apple and spit that landed next to him on the couch.
"Hey and whose fault it is to bag a girl with an excellent sense of humor?" Gojo reluctantly went to the kitchen to get a wipe to clean up his mess. "And even if she's ugly her being funny may make up for it."
Geto sighed. "She's just a friend who happens to be my future upperclassman, I don't care if she's ugly. I mean, I'm friends with you afterall," he smirked.
Gojo showed him his tongue while pulling one of his lower eyelids down and left the living room. (A/N: what Gojo just did is like giving someone a middle finger but in japanese way)
You were more stressed than ever. Which was partially understandable, you're about to enter the second year of university tomorrow. The assignments, the lab reports, the midterms, the finals.... Your head was already spinning from the amount of studying that's infront of you. And they say the first year is usually the hardest.
But other than the usual fears you had another one called Geto Suguru. A guy you've been talking to the entire summer. A guy who has sent you bunch of winky and smirky faces. And his actual face. Twice.
Since then you'd talked sporadically. Not that he was pestering you about your own face reveal, he was oddly conciderate about you not wanting to show yourself to him just yet. Both of you were just busy. You with buying new supplies for all your classes and him with probably the same.
It wasn't that you thought of yourself as ugly or anything. On your best days you even thought of yourself as quite cute. But compared to other girls around you... you just fell into the background. Forever the side character.
Either way, the closer it got to the first day of the semester the more messages from him blew up your phone every day. Stuff as "where is the xyz class" or "does this professor take attendance every lecture?" was on a daily basis now. Gone were the deep talks or good mornings that made your heart skip a beat even before you knew what the guy sending you these messages even looked like. But you couldn't blame him. New environment. New people. If you were in his place you'd probably act the same.
For the last time you checked your phone for new messages from him. Aside from the one thanking you for a map of the campus nothing new. He must've gone to sleep already, you thought.
Checking your backpack for the last time before bed has soothed your thoughts about possibly bumping into your internet friend tomorrow. You finally went to bed.
The bus is usually empty whenever you take it to school. Which you thank all gods for because it's a thirty minute drive and with the amount of walking you still have to do to get to the school you were greatful for always finding an empty seat. Sitting by the window as usual, looking at all those different people going about their morning routine. Kids of all ages going to schools, adults either nervously honking at the car infront of them or taking their dog for a walk with no care in the stressed out world around them. You were stuck inbetween these two worlds. Still burdened with school work but also with adult chores. Stuck in your own personal limbo.
The bus turned right. A huge light blue building appeared in the corner of your eye. Outside the window was the medical school you always passed by kn your way to school. The same medical school your new friend attended few months ago. You started to wonder about him for the first time that day and your usual angxiety returned. How will you meet? And when? Would it be today? Should you approach him if you see him? How will he react?
Your train of thoughts came to a stop just like the bus. Outside the window at the bus stop stood a familiar modelylike face. The same face you took a screenshot of and stared at every day since he sent it to you.
Suguru Geto boarded the same bus. Eyes still half asleep never even looked your direction. He took a seat right infront of you giving you a perfect view of his luscius hair tied in a half up bun. You stared at him as if he was a ghost. You weren't ready to meet him this soon. What should you do? Should you tap him on the shoulder? No. Rather not. You remember how he told you about his morning temper and how he can snap at people if he doesn't get enough sleep.
Out of fear of him snapping at you you pulled your hand back and stared out the window again. You'll bump into him later. Hopefully.
You were tense the rest of the drive to your school. When the bus finally came to your stop you practically sprinted to the bus door and out onto the busy street. Not even bother to look back if Geto gave you a weird look you quickly walked up the stairs and up the hill quickly getting surrounded by fellow students. Some were familiar from the previous year, some were complete strangers. You could easily spot a freshman, by their nervous faces and unsure steps. You looked just the same before.
Now your step was more confident, knowing where to go, but your hands were nervously rubbing eachother. Sometimes you checked behind your shoulder and sure enough Geto was right there towering above most of the students. You had guessed he was tall but that tall?
No matter. Pretty soon your paths would drift apart. He already told you he has a virology lecture which takes place in a completely separate building than your biochemistry labs. If you were lucky you could pass by him in a hall today. You hoped not to though. Sitting behind him has already made your heart nearly beat out of your chest, how would it react if he was walking right towards you?
Suddenly your phone vibrated in your pocket as you walked through the front entrance. It was Geto. You exchanged phone numbers in case he ever needed anything and you weren't online to see his message. Which was what you told him. In reality you really wanted to hear his voice at some point. In a safe distance.
You pulled out your phone and checked to see what he had sent you. It was a picture of the front entrance with a caption "i'm on a highway to hell". You chuckled. Of course he would be into that type of music. Before you turned the phone off something caught your eye. It was the back of your head. Right there in the middle of the picture about to enter the school. You blushed. If only he knew he already took a picture of you.
You only replied with a smiley face and informed him you're already on your way to your first class. He wished you good luck as you did him and both of you stepped into the new chapter of your lives.
You traitor
Only a week into the semester and he already scared you half to death. Did he already find out what you looked like?
Why didn't you tell me i have to take organic chemistry again 😫
You sighed in relief.
Sorry buddy. But hey, look at it from the bright side: you already studied all of it once before. And i doubt our organic chemistry is more difficult than yours was
The lectures are fine, already had one this week. But the labs. THE LABS
Come on it can't be that bad. Judging by the pictures of your cooking over the summer, you're quite skilled at measuring and mixing ingredients. It just won't be edible
It's not that. The labs are super boring. You don't acomplish anything during them and their only purpose is for you to learn how to behave in labs in general, how to work with the various tools and how to properly write lab reports. They just prepare you for AFTER you already graduate
Isn't that how all labs are though?
Well, yes. But we at least had little competitions during our morgue classes
No, don't worry. Me and Satoru called it that. It was actually autopsy room
Satoru. Your friend right?
Do you miss him?
Sometimes. i mean we are still roommates but since we have different scheudals we don't get to interact much outside of weekends... But on the bright side as you like to say i can finally focus on the lectures 100%. Before Satoru used to always taunt me into playing tic-tac-toe. I miss the winning tho...
You chuckled. He was so goofy, despite looking really serious every time you caught a sight of him. Maybe he just has a resting homicide face.
Anyways, have to go now. Tomorrow is my first organic chemistry lab
Okay, good night Suguru! Good luck!
You called me Suguru
Only then you realized your mistake.
I'm so sorry 😣
It's fine. I like it. Good night. Sweet dreams <3
As unlucky as you were while texting Suguru you were lucky in other aspects. Your morning lecture got cancelled. Which meant you had around two hours of free time. Which you couldn't spend in bed unfortunatelly, because the little remnants of bad luck caused you to read the mail about cancelation only after you were already in school. It was fine tho. You could finally get a taste of true college life.
You got a coffee from school café, bought a sandwitch from the diner, found yourself a couch in a chill zone near the chemistry department, which were usually all full of stressed out or relaxing students, pulled out a laptop and worked on your lab report.
Working came easy to you even though you had rushing students all around you. Even through all the noise and distraction your fingertips still dance across the keys, your mind still produced intelligent sounding senteces. You were about to save the whole file when someone tapped you kn the shoulder.
"Yeah-?" you looked up and nearly died right then and there. It was Suguru. Towering above you with his hair fully pulled up except for a small strand framing his face. Has he found you already?
"Sorry but, do you know where the room CH1 409 is? We're kinda lost and only have like 7 minutes to get there," he said sheepishly as he stepped aside revealing what you assumed were his three lab mates. Two of them were girls. You hated how jealous you started to feel.
"S-sure," you managed to stutter out. "I can take you there actually. It's a little difficult to find and I'm not the best direction giver," you chuckled awkwardly while putting your laptop back to your bag.
"Wonderful! Thank you," said one of Suguru's friends.
You nodded and walked ahead of them. It was a shame you didn't get to hear his voice more. You decided to change it.
"So, you're freshmen," you started. As much as you hated smalltalk you really wanted to hear that smooth baritone of his.
Your unluckiness strikes again. "Yeah, how did you know?" said one of the girls.
"You dummy," told her the other girl, "she knows where the lab is, she's probably had to take the exact same classes as us!"
"Oh, yeah you're right."
"And how do you like it here so far?" you tried again.
"It's great here," answered the guy, "though some classes are pretty difficult. I have no idea how I'll be able to pass."
"Don't worry, if you have motivation you'll pass," you tried encouraging him. "What about you?" you directed your question at Suguru who was walking behind everyone.
He only shrugged. "Don't know, has only been a week. Too short to judge," he answere a bit coldly.
"Oh don't mind him," one of the girls patted your back, "he can be a giant ass sometimes."
Not to me though, you thought. What about all those times he was the sweetest guy with you? Maybe he just hasn't slept well. Yeah, that must be it.
Before you could try to conversate a bit more you arrived at the lab. There were other freshmen already waiting in their lab coats on and their notebooks in hands. Suguru and his friends pulled out their lab coats as well. Disappointed at your very first (albeit unofficial) meeting you turned around to leave when one of the girls stopped you.
"Thank you so much for showing us the way!" she said cheerfully. Behind her stood Suguru. Now that you think about it he was always walking behind her. If you inspected her more closely you noticed she had a miniskirt on with fishnets underneath.
Jealousy is a beast that you usually fight off quite quickly. But today you lost. "Can I give you an advice?"
"Sure," she smiled, her perfectly white teeth stood out against the deep red lipstick she had on.
"Don't wear too much make up to labs, the fumes from chemicals could react with it and burn you. Also tie your hair up," you gestured at her long silky waves while noticing how she tried to hide her big forhead by letting it down, "they could catch on fire."
Hopefully you desguised your pettiness as good enough of an advice. The girl you were talking to seemed convinced as she thanked you prefusely before asking around for a hairtie. The other girl already pulled out hers.
You waved goodbye to the freshmen, mostly Suguru. They waved back, except for Suguru who kept looking at you quizicaly.
Your previous spot on couches was occupied. You opted for a different resting place, near a room where your next lecture will be held in. It wasn't as cozy as the couch but it was free of any people and it had a desk too. No more balancing your laptop on your thighs.
As you sat down you pulled out your laptop, notebook from labs and a phone who was already telling you about one unread message from Suguru.
Met my first unpleasant person in this place
Your heart tightened. Unpleasant?
What do you mean?
However he didn't respond back. Of course he didn't. He had labs. He was probably busy with titration or other bullshit you did a year ago. You will just have to wait.
The waiting took half a day. Right as his labs were finishing your lecture was about to start. And since this professor wasn't one of the kind ones to send you his presentations you had to take notes manually. It took more than two hours for you to finally get on your phone.
We were lost on our way to organic chem labs and i had to ask someone on a way there. The girl was nice, she even lead us there. But then she made some passive agressive comments to my friend
Oh shit. Were you really that bad?
What did the girl say?
Just told her she can't wear that much make up and has to tie her hair back. My friend has acne she masks with the make up and pretty big forhead which she told me she's self conscious of. Whatever that girl was a bitch for saying that to her
You resisted the urge to cry, swallowed the huge lump in your throat and sat down on the nearest bench. You didn't mean to be that bad. Were you really acting like a bitch? Maybe he's just exaggarating. It was only pettiness. It won't happen again.
Those were good advices tho. The fumes from chemicals could mess up with the make up and burn her skin and if she leaned down above a burner her hair could catch on fire
Once you realized how much you sounded like "that bitch" Suguru was talking about you quickly typed another message.
It was the first thing our professor told us and he beat it into our heads every time a girl came in with lose hair
A reply from him came couple of minutes later.
Yeah, maybe you're right. It's just that That girl had a weird look on her face
You had no way of replying to that. Or mood to reply as well. You just wrote him a quick ttyl and went to the bus stop. On your way downhill from the school you felt your face heating up more and more from embarassement. You knew you should've fought with jealousy more. You knew you should've kept your mouth shut. Now that moment will haunt you forever. And not only that, if you ever get enough courage to reveal yourself to him he will instantly remember you as his first unpleasant person in there.
All in all, it was just the first week but you already want the whole semester to end.
Couple of weeks passed. Suguru and you texted nearly every day. Mostly after school. Sometimes he teased you by sending you picutres of stray cats near the campus with captions 'this you?' to which you always sent a rolling eye emoji.
Makes me wonder how many times we passed eachother 🤔
Lots, trust me
Whaaa? And you never bothered to talk to me?
We did actually
Your last message made him lean back too much on his chair and fall.
"You okay?" asked Shoko who still visited him and Gojo either out of boredom or nostalgia's sake.
Suguru ignored her concern and quickly shuffled in his memory. He has talked to so many people outside his class already. Mostly asking for directions to different places. But for the love of him he couldn't figure out if he talked to any girls or how many he talked to. Or how they looked like.
Aaaand can you tell me what we talked about?
You were asking for directions to a lab
Do you even know how little that narrows it down? And why are you so talkative today anyways? Did i tell you something rude or?
No. It's biochemistry. I can't figure it out 😭
Aaaw, my poor girl
As much as he liked the flustered reactions whenever he happened to mildly flirt with you he genuenly meant it this time. He remembers his own time figuratively and literally crying over biochemistry. He decided to take a leap of faith.
How about i study with you? I had biochemistry for two whole semesters and passed it by some miracle
You'd do that for me?
Sure. Besides after all the material you've already sent me and how much you already helped me it's about time i helped you back. Otherwise i just feel like a leech
There was no reply from you for couple of minutes and Suguru was affraid he maybe overstepped this invisible line you drew between them.
He heard hushed voices behind his back.
"What?" he snapped a little more annoyed than he intended.
"Is that girl ignoring you again?" Shoko puffed out some smoke from her cigarette.
"She isn't ignoring me," he waved his hand around in the cloud of smoke clearing the air a bit, "it just takes her a little longer."
"Riiight," Shoko put her cigarette between her lips again.
"I don't understand how the two of you haven't met already," Gojo complained. He should be studying along with Shoko but as usual he kept lounging around, dismissing Shoko's comments about him failing this class for sure with that attitude.
"Half of the semester is behind us already and you still have no idea how she looks like."
"She's shy, let her be."
"Aaaw, look how he's defending his girlfriend," Gojo cooed.
Geto glared.
"Soon to be girlfriend," Gojo corrected himself.
"With the way she's talking to me soon to be an ex friend. She's been so distant lately..." he rubbed the bridge of his nose in frustration.
"Don't worry, maybe she's just busy," Shoko reassured him.
"She did mention something about biochemistry."
"Even then, her messages have been rather weird. Sometimes she's her happy talkative self and other days she barely texts back a full sentence," he sighed.
Gojo patted his shoulder. "That's girls for you. Which reminds me," he pulled out his own phone out of his pocket, "there's a joined party for med students and scientists as well. How about we go? You'll finally get to relax," he adressed poor Shoko hovering above her notes, "and you can invite your soon to be slash maybe never be girlfriend and finally meet her! I plan on meeting this one lady myself so we can organize a double date if you're shy."
"No matter how much you try Utahime will still tell you to go fuck yourself," Shoko reminded him.
Gojo turned around at her. "Well first of all-!"
Geto payed no mind to their arguement anymore. His phone buzzed in his hand. You replied.
Okay. But can we study right now please? Through a phone call?
In a speed of light Geto sneaked out of the living room to his own bedroom and searched for his old biochemistry notes. Even though he offered to help he himself was pretty clueless and barely passed the finals. Still the urge to finally hear your voice was bigger than the embarassment possibly awaiting him.
As soon as he found the old dusty notebook he sat down at his desk and dialed you.
It took only two rings for you to answer.
By god your voice sounded so cute. He wanted to squich your cheeks so bad. Unfortunatelly he couldn't remember a single person he talked to who would even come close to sounding like you. Granted, the phone makes everyone's voice sound a bit robotic but still. Should he start recording every conversation he has from now on?
"Well hello there," he greeted back with a smile. "So, what is it you need help with?"
You hummed. He distantly heard ruffling of couple of papers. Eventually you answered. "Gluconeogenesis."
"Okay, a bit more specificly?" he already started looking for a page about it but couldn't seem to find it. Did they even cover it?
"Well, the whole thing basically. I know it's glycolysis but backwards but in the presentation the professor showed us were couple of reactions that looked confusing and I don't know what else to do."
Even though he found your whine at the end of your sentence cute he was frantically turning page after page looking for any headtitle starting on G but nothing.
Someone opened his door.
"Who're you talking to?" both his best friend and Shoko peaked through the opened door.
Geto waved at them to leave. "Uhm give me a moment okay?" he said to the phone and then pushed it to his shoulder. "Shoko do you have a biochemistry notebook here?"
"Is that your girl?" she asked insted, excitement in her eyes. "Put her on loudspeaker!"
"Do you have it or not?!"
"If I say I do will you let me hear her?"
Geto contemplated. He wanted to keep you just to himself for a while longer. But without Shoko's help...
Gojo came in with his own half torn notebook dangling it infront of Geto. "It's all yours if you let us hear her."
Geto frowned into his best friends smirked face which matched Shoko's. He rolled his eyes and finally spoke to the phone again. "Listen Y/N, my friends want to hear you, can I put you on a loudspeaker?"
"Uhm, sure?"
As soon as he did Gojo started asking bunch of questions. "Heey how are you? Are you the Y/N Sugu won't shut up about? How do you look like? Why didn't you send my boy a selfie? He likes black so go on and buy some nice black lingerie for him yeah?"
By the time he finished his little rant Geto covered his phones's microphone and nearly kicked him in the gut. Hopefully you didn't hear most of his questions.
Shoko punched him as well chastising him for scaring you off. "Don't mind him Y/N, you'll get used to him. Now say something already!"
After a second of silence you peeped out a shy: "Hi."
"Oh my god Suguru she sounds so cute," Gojo gushed.
"Don't let her near him," Shoko pointed at Gojo. "It was nice to hear you Y/N, can't wait for Suguru to introduce you to us properly. Enjoy your study date!" she said as she dragged Gojo away before he could blabber out some more inapropriate things.
Suguru turned the loudspeaker off and it was just you two again.
"What the hell was that," you asked with panic in your voice.
"My friends trying to ruin my life. They mean well though, don't worry. It's just rare for them to see me interacting with a girl."
"But whenever I see you on the halls you're surrounded by couple of girls though."
Geto smirked. "Is that jealousy I hear?"
Before he could press any further you asked about biochemistry and he quickly found the page he needed. Thankfully back then Gojo was at least trying to take notes in classes so the entire gluconeogenesis was neatly explained. After about twenty minutes you exclaimed you finally understood and thanked him.
"My pleasure Y/N. Was this why you weren't talking to me that much?" he leaned back on his chair.
"This and another thing, but it's okay now."
"Aaaw, what other thing? You know you can always talk to me right?"
"I know, but not this time. Sorry."
"It's fine," he said sadly. In the back of his mind he imagined bunch of different scenarios that could trouble you. Failed test, mean classmates, or worse a crush on a classmate.
"Hey, you have a nice voice," your words pulled him from his thoughts.
He chuckled. "Look who's talking. Even though are you sure it was me you talked to? I swear I never heard such a melodic voice from anyone in school."
"Well, you were kinda in a hurry. And was focusing elsewhere too..."
"Huh? What do you mean?" he genuenly didn't understand. Focusing elsewhere?
"Nevermind. By the way how do you like it so far? It's been almost half a semester now."
"It's going pretty good. Much more interesting than med school. Even though," he rocked on his chair back and forth, "it would've been nicer if we could've met face to face."
"Yeah, really."
"I don't think that's a good idea though."
He quickly stopped rocking and sat up straight. "What? Y/N..." he couldn't even find words. Why wouldn't you want to meet up with him? "Y/N, have I been rude to you? Have I scared you off while we talked in real life?"
He sighed in relief.
"You barely even looked at me."
His heart tightened again.
"It's just that," you paused for a second trying to put together a whole sentence, "I've seen the girls you hang around Suguru and all of them are really beautiful. Standing besides them I look nothing special. You would be disappointed if we met and you knew it was me. Isn't it better this way? I bet you imagine me as this model or something," you chuckled but he could hear the sadness in your voice.
"Y/N, first of all my imagination is pretty bad so I only imagine you as a girl with your name written across your face," you chuckled at that which made his heart swell, "and second of all those girls hang around me, not the other way around. Most of the time we travel in groups and look for places together which is way more efficient than getting lost alone. Besides, none of them can even hold a candle to you intellectually. Once in a virology lab this one girl gathered a sample of bacteria on that wire thingy and put the whole thing into the burner. She was very surprised why she had nothing grown on her petri dish a week later"
"Oh my god," you laughed out loud. "How will she pass?"
"Maybe she won't. I heard some other upperclassmen say the first year is usually treated as a sorting out year."
"It's possible. But her effectively killing all her bacteria sample is something else."
"It is," he chuckled at the memory. "Now that I think about it do you remember that unpleasant girl i told you some weeks back?"
"Yeah," you said emotionlessly but he paid it no mind.
"The girl she gave advice to was the same girl who burned off all her bacteria. Maybe she was right about advicing her like that. Maybe she could smell the stupid on her."
There it was again. The one word answers.
"What is it now?" he asked concerned.
"Nothing, I just," you paused. He could sense a hesitation from your side. Eventually you spoke up again. "I just think I know that girl."
"Oh? Is she your friend?"
"More or less."
"Then I'm sorry if I offended her."
"Nah, it's fine. Do you still think of her as a bitch?"
"Then all's fine," he could hear you smile and he smiled as well.
"Well Suguru, as much as I like hearing your voice I have to go to sleep now. Thank you for explaining it to me again. I don't know what I would've done without you."
His heart sped up at the praise. "It was fine Y/N, that's what friends are for right? Oh and one more thing!"
He hesitated but finally he gathered enough courage. "Satoru told me about an upcoming party for scientists. Are you coming?" he asked hopefully.
"Maybe. It should be after a midterm from embryology. Let me check."
He patiently waited while you checked your calendar. Even if you wouldn't be going he would still find a way to meet you. Now that he knows what you sound like he could just walk around and listen to people talking.
"No, unfortunately it's the night before the midterm. I'm so sorry."
"It's okay," he tried masking his disappointment. Even though he admired how dedicated you were to your studies he really wished you could make an exception.
"Hey, maybe next time, okay?"
"Yeah, maybe fate will arrange my life again," he joked and you chuckled.
"Yeah. You never know. Good night Suguru. Sweet dreams."
Your midterm was around the corner. As was the party Suguru mentioned. You still see him in halls here and there, often surrounded by a group of people. There didn't seem to be a time where he was alone. Unsurprisingly so, since he looked like... well, like him. To sooth your jealousy there didn't seem to be any prominent lady hanging around him all the time. The faces in his close circle were always changing. Even the famous dummy from virology seemed to disappear. Maybe his words about merely traveling together were true.
Today however you payed no attention to him or his newfound friends. The only thing on your mind was your midterm. Other groups have already taken it and you heard them say how life draining it was. Their words were confirmed after you passed by a group of your friends who just finished it. Well, friends was a strong word. As freshmen you often relied on eachother but now that you know your way around and you were sorted jnto different groups you talked less and less.
"Hey," you greeted them. "How was it?"
"Run for your life girl," the one who had most prominent eyebags replied.
Some other people who you didn't know nodded, their faces equally as tired. Eveb the biggest know it all you've met in this darn buidling was mumbling something about retaking it.
From there your legs took you straight to library. It didn't look like those in movies you watched growing up. No fancy decoration or tables with green lamps. Just basic library with books stacked up to the ceiling, basic wooden uncomfortable looking chairs and tables with chipped edges. A pleasure to study there.
With a list of helpful books in your phone you walked around not looking for a particular one. Just procrastinating. If you managed to find one off your list you just flipped around and put it back in. All terms in there were already familiar to you. You doubted you could learn anything new by now.
Few rows bahind you something fell to the ground, the loud noise making you jump. A pretty loud 'fuck' along with a very familiar scolding from librarian soon followed. Amused you peeked into the corridor to check the poor guy's first experience with the dreaded librarian. It must be a freshman. Everyone else already knows to not even breath when in closed proximity of that witch.
It really was a freshman. But your freshman. Suguru stumbled from the alley into the corridor and quickly hid in the same row you were in, running by you, barely sparing you a glance.
The librarian calmed down and returned to her usual spot, a spawnpoint as you liked to call it. Once she did Suguru sighed and leaned back, a small smile tugging on his lips.
You admired him for a bit. It's been a long time since you've seen him, let alone been this close to him. Once he calmed down his head fell back to its usual level and he finally noticed you. His smile faded and your heart cracked. "Hi," he politely greeted. You only nodded back aknowledging him and opened the book you held on a random page. The whole book could be upside down and you would never even know, the only thing you were focusing on was his figure. Which was moving slowly towards you.
"Uhm, excuse me," his melodic voice made you look up at him. Your cheeks got heated as you waited for his next words. "Could you move?" he asked and pointed at the shelf you were leaning on.
"Oh, sorry," you whispered back and quickly moved. Your legs itched to walk away completely to not embarass yourself even further but something stopped you. A sudden urge rose inside you. 'Talk to him. Tell him.'
He flipped through his book, completely unbothered by his surroundings. Thank god for that. It gave you some time to psych yourself up. Twice you opened your mouth and closed it again. He took out his phone to snap couple of pictures of the pages in his hands. An idea.
You pulled your own phone out and messaged him.
Hey, you there?
After hitting send it only took couple of seconds for his phone to vibrate. He glanced at it again with annoyance but after a while a smile creeped up his face as his fingers danced across the screen.
Well hello, how was the study session?
Good. Listen, where are you right now?
Butterflies flew around your insides as you watched him type.
In library. Why? Wanna meet? ;)
This is it. It's now or never.
Look left.
With hope filled eyes you watched him and waited. The message finally got delivered. He read it. Then he turned his head. Your eyes finally met.
"Hi," you said carefully.
"Hi," he repeated, a dumbstruck expression on his face.
You expected a lot. Everything actually. But not what he did. It was just a small movement, some would write it off as just a spasm of muscles. In split second his eyes drifted from your face to someplace behind you and back down to you. As if checking if you're really the only one there.
Your throat tightened as tears slowly clouded your vision. "You're disappointed, right?"
That brought him back to reality as he shook his head. "No, no, of course not. Just surprised, that's all!"
How you wished you believed him. A tear has already escaped your eye and you cursed yourself. Not wanting to embarass yourself even further you turned around ready to leave.
"Hey, wait up," he stopped you by putting his large hand on your shoulder.
"SHUT YOUR MOUTHS," came an angry voice of the librarian. Both of your hearts stopped beating for a moment.
"Outside?" he mouthed to you.
You nodded and both of you practically sublimated out of there. Standing outside he finally took a good look at you. His eyes resting only on you, despite people walking around. Feeling selfconscious you tugged on your coat. It was supposed to snow today so you took the fluffiest you had, making you look three times your size.
"Ehm, so," you broke the silence, "it was nice meeting you and all but, I have midterm to study for sooo..."
"Oh, but we only just met," he pouted. It was cute, seeing a hunk of a man like him pouting like a kid who lost his favourite toy.
"Sorry," you apologized genuenly meaning it. Even though you'd love to stay time was pressing down on you.
Suddenly his eyes lit up. "Do you remember the party I mentioned to you?"
"The one in two days? Yeah, I remember. Why?"
He grinned. "My roommate is going there so my place will be free. And I need to study as well so we can study together. What do you say?"
His suggestion was tempting. But then again, being with him, all alone, possibly even staying the night? But you always studied much more efficient when you had someone beside you.
After few moments of pondering you nodded making his eyes even brighter.
"Great! I'll text you the address," he held up his phone and winked. "See you later kitten."
"This was probably a bad idea," you tell yourself as you check the address one last time. You were already standing under the building. A pretty fancy one. Didn't look like dorms at all. Maybe it wasn't. He did mention his roommate is unholy rich though so maybe this is one of the perks of being his friend?
First snowflakes dropped on your phone screen. You looked up. The clouds didn't even look dark enough to start snowing. The weather forecast didn't mentikn it either. You pulled your coat tighter around you a regretted not putting on another layer just in case like you use to.
The front entrance opened revealing Suguru in black sweatpants and black knitted sweater. "There you are! Come in before you freeze," he stepped aside and held the door open for you.
His place was on the eighth floor. The ride in the elevator wasn't long but for you, being so close to Suguru, it seemed like hours. Finally the elevator dinged and the doors opened. A white haired man wearing a pretty expensive looking shirt stood infront of it. You looked up and him and gulped. What kind of a man wears shades in the building?
"Sugu, is that her?" the man asked pointing a finger at you not even looking in your direction.
Suguru pinched the bridge of his nose. "Yes, this is her. Y/N, this is-"
"Satoru," he took your cold hand in his and leaned down, "pleasure to meet you."
Before he could kiss the back of your hand you pulled it from under his nose and held defensively against your chest. Suguru's shades slid down his nose slightly, revealing surprised blue eyes.
Giggling came from behind him. "I like her," said a brunnette in dark blue dress. "I'm Ieri."
"I'm Y/N," you smiled.
Suguru cleared his throat. "Okay now that we all know who the other one is," he placed his hand on your lower back making your blood quickly travel to your cheeks, "we better go study. Enjoy the party you two," he gently pushed you inside the open apartment door.
"Fine, fine," Satoru rolled his eyes. "If you need condoms I put some of mine in your bedside table."
"We are really going to study though," you said but he only chuckled.
"Yeah I know. Embryology," he winked under his shades and pulled Ieri along with him leaving you and blushing Suguru behind. Alone.
"Ignore him," he said and offered you Ieri's soft slippers. "Tea?"
"Yes please," you took of your coat and hanged it. Their place didn't look like it belonged to a pair of students at all. Everything looked expensive. The ridiculously giant aquarium in the living room wasn't helping at all. Upon further inspection you only saw two fish in there, one black the other white.
Suguru came back from the kitchen. "Those were Satoru's idea," he tapped the aquarium glass.
"It's cute. To represent you and him?"
"Yeah," he put his hands in his pockets and stood beside you. In the glass' reflection yout two almost looked like you were on a date in aquarium. You smiled at the thought. "He also wanted Ieri to have one as well but she refused. I have a feeling she's shipping us."
You chuckled. "Then my presence must be ruining her ship."
"Hmm, are you suggesting something?" he smirked and leaned in closer to you.
"Ehm," you averted your eyes and pulled your backpack off of your shoulders, "we got work to do."
"Right," he straightened back up, his expression unreadable. "Do you want to stay here or go to my bedroom?"
"We can go to yours," you say without actually thinking how it might make you look. Thankfully Suguru found no deeper meaning behind it and lead you to a decently big room. You could tell he was preparing for your visit. No man is this tidy. Even though it's Suguru.
"Make yourself at home, I'll go finish the tea."
You walked around a bit. There were some pictures of his youth. Some were with people you didn't recognise, some with young Satoru. On all of them he looked extremely cute. Puberty must've hit him like a truck. You also took notice of the dumbells and other training equipment hidden in the corner. You always assumed people like him just went to a gym, or better yet had their own personal gym. Guess he's more of an introvert than you gave him credit for.
Without any further inspections you sat down on his bed, so soft and welcoming. You resisted the urge to lay back and drift off to sleep. It would be perfect. Big soft warm bed, picking up snowstorm outside, a handsome man laying by your side. You shook your head. You're just friends. You're just a friend.
"Tea is here," he walked in with two mugs in his hand handing one to you.
You just held it, wamring up your cold fingers. "Thanks."
With a small smile he nodded and sat right across you on his gamer chair. Did he play videogames as well?
"So, how does the whole studying in pair go?"
You sipped on your tea. Actually you had no idea. The only collective studying yoj ever did was with him through a phone that one time. It was more him explaining things to you rather than mutual teaching. In the end you shrugged. "We'll have to figure it out as we go."
"Guess we will," he leaned back.
He gazed at you so long it made you selfconscious. "What?" you giggled nervously.
He shook his head. "Nothing, just," he moved to lean forward on his legs, "never thought I'd have you here."
"Weren't you the one to beg for a meeting?" recalled all the times he asked on which floor of the school you were or asking for your schedual to surprise you after class.
"I didn't mean that," he said and pointed at his bed. "I meant here."
You looked down and blushed. "Oh."
He chuckled at your flustered expression. "Don't worry, I'm not like Satoru."
"Like Satoru?"
You choked.
"C-can we start studying now?"
He nodded.
The clock on his bedroom wall slowly ticked away. You revised everything yoh needed and now was just helping Suguru. In the past hour he restlessly moved from sitting on his chair, to sitting on the parapet to now sitting on the ground right between your legs while you were playing with his long silky hair.
"Come on Suguru! I know you know this!" you tapped his scalp.
"Even if you threatened to shoot me I wouldn't know," he groaned and flipped through his notes again. "Maybe it won't even be on the damn midterm."
"The last time I said this I had to retake it. Besides if you don't pass on the first time then you'll have to retake after Christmas along with your finals. Do you want that?"
He leaned into your hands and closed his eyes. "That won't happen," he tilted his head back and looked at you, "because I have you now."
You chuckled and somehow didn't get flustered. Maybe you were desentisized after spending multiple hours on end with him? "Like I will sit there with you while you take it."
"Why not? I could squeeze you up," he got up from his spot and hugged you real tight against him, "and put you in my pocket like a talisman."
You giggled at him hugging and squeezing you. Without even realizing it he fell down with you in his arms on his massive bed, laughing along with you. When you opened your eyes you were met with his bare neck and long hair framing it. You looked up and realized how close the tow of you are. And how dark it has gotten outside.
He noticed how awkwardly you held your hands infront of you and losened his grip. "I'm sorry. Do you want to go?"
You shook your head and shushed the butterflies in your stomach. "Nope, I just-" you looked away from him, "maybe you're used to it but I've never been this close to a man before..."
He smiled and brushed your hair out of your face to get a better look at you. "I'm not used to it. I told you it's not often I'm close with a member of the opposite sex, and that's why Satoru and Ieri acted so weird. Besides," his hand fell from the top of your head to your neck and rested there, "you're the first girl to lay in this bed."
Your eyes went wide. "Really?"
"Yeah, really."
You had no words. How do normal people even react to something like that? You just hummed and let your eyes roam around his face. He looked really cute right now. Like a cat. Even before he always reminded you of a cat. One of your hands rose up from your chest and with the lenght of your forefinger petted him under his jaw, like you would a cat.
"Meow," he said and you chuckled. But your finger didn't stop petting. Hiw own thumbed rubbed the back of your neck, his palm heavy on the side of it.
"I like bwing around you," you confessed."
"Me too. You're so calming."
You hummed and closed your eyes. "Would you mind if I stayed the night?"
"Not at all. I"ll even drive you to school tomorrow so you won't have to freeze in a bus."
Your eyes shot open. "You have a car?"
He shook his head. "Satoru does. He owes me for so much already. And he forgot his keys here too."
You swatted his shoulder lightly. "You're the worst!"
"Only for you."
There it was again. That damn smirk you imagined every time he sent it in an emoji form. Now it was right infront of your face. You readjusted your head. Now it was on the same level as his face as opposed to before when it was underneath it.
"Why did you message me that first time?"
He thought for a while. "Out of boredom mostly. But I'm glad I did," his hand moved from your neck up to your cheek.
"And why did you keep messaging me?"
"Why did you?"
You weren't sure yourself. "I don't know. You were nice I guess."
"And?" he moved closer to you, the tip of his nose brushing your own.
"I don't know!" You whined and moved your head to brush his nose. "What do you want to hear from me?"
"A confession or something," he mumbled. "I really want to hear you say you like me."
Your movement stopped. He wanted what? "Why?"
"Because," he brushed his thumb on your cheek, "I like you and I want to hear you say it back."
"You like me?" you asked not believing him.
"I do."
"Why?" some self-hating tears burned your eyes. There's no way you were this lucky. There's no way he's serious. Someone like him won't just start liking someone like you.
"Because I felt like it. Will you let me?" he asked and quickly glanced down at your lips. His question was about more than him liking you.
You closed your eyes and let the fate play out this scenario however it wanted. It was its fault he came into your life in the first place.
Suguru smiled and pulled your head towards him. His lips were soft. At first it was just a snall peck, filling your chest with warmth much sweeter than the tea he made you. When he pulled back you kissed him again. He locked your lips together, enjoying the way you moved against him. His other hand pulled your waist towards him and you sighed into his mouth. No one has ever touched you like this before. You could get used to this.
When sweet kisses weren't enough for him anymore he rolled you on your back while stradling you and deepened the kiss. You were surprised, sure, but certainly not dissapointed. You pulled on his lose hair, making him moan into you. This amount of power over a man wasn't so bad. Your hands snaked around his neck while his lowered to your thighs propping them up to lock around his waist. Something hard poked into your center.
Your eyes shot open and you gently pushed on his shoulders to give you some time to breathe.
"Do you want to stop?" he asked. From this short of a distance you could finally see his pupils agajnst his dark eyes. They were blown wide with desire.
You gulped and shook your head. "I'm scared."
He smiled gently and stroked your cheek. "Shh, it's okay. I'll be gentle."
His other hand played with the hem of your shirt, silently asked for permission. Which you gave.
He pulled your shirt of exposing your bare chest to him. You don't even know what you thought that morning not putting on a bra. But right now you were kinda glad you didn't. Less time wasting.
He immediatelly started kissing a path from your neck down to your chest. Sucking a hickey on your sternutm while both of his hands squeezed and massaged your breasts, thumbs flicking across your nipples. You whined at the foreign feeling. The hardness between your legs got even more prominent. Your legs locked around his torso and lifted your upper half to be close to him again. While your ass was off the bed he tried to pull down your warm trousers. Eventually they joined your shirt on the floor.
"Not fair," you whined and pulled on his sweater.
"Lemme fix it," he mumbled into your skin and sat up to pull his clothes away.
Of course he had a six pack. Of course he did. He leaned down and continued kissing your chest. You saw his back muscles. You swore he had muscle groups you thought were a myth.
Once his mouth got to your panties you came to a horrifying realization: you didn't shave.
"Sugu, stop," you tapped on his back making him look up at you.
"I'm sorry, I-I didn't," you looked away in embarassment.
"You didn't what, sweet?" he caressed the inside of your thigh and you shivered.
"It's a mess down there," you finally admitted hiding your face in your hands.
He tsked and pulled your hands from your face giving you a soft kiss. "No good man is affraid of a little forrest," he winked at you and dove right back where he stopped.
"Oh my- Sugu~"
He made out with your lower lips just as passionately as he did with your upper ones. Not used to the new sensation your legs tried to close but he held them wide open, even folded them up against your chest giving him better access. You moaned and whined, everytime you did he tried something new. New speed, new preassure. He spelled his own name on your clit with his tongue before sucking it, making sure to make you feel as good as possible.
Suddenly something poked your entrance. You shot your eyes opened panicked but quickly shut them closed when his long finger stroke your insides. No one has ever touched you in there. Not even yourself. Once he made a 'come closer' motion you were done for.
With a final kiss he pulled out his glitening forefinger. "Well, that was fast," he commented.
"Shut up," you hid your face once again.
He chuckled and moved up again, your legs found their home around his waist. He kissed your hands hiding your face. "It's cute kitten, don't hide away from me," he tapped your wrist. You pulled your hand away revealing your flushed face. "There you are," he smiled and kissed you. He licked inside your mouth and you tasted something more than just his saliva.
While he made out he pulled down his sweatpants and the hardness you felt before sprang free now. Too embarassed you didn't even attempt to glance down. Feeling how big he was down there was way more than seeing it.
"No way that will fit inside," you sighed into his mouth.
"We'll make it," he kissed you before straigthening up and leaning to the side of the bed.
"What are you-?"
"You wouldn't want to study embryology in practice now, would you?" he winked and opened his bedside table.
Embarassed you looked away from him and studied the arm that was still resting beside your head. His bicep must be bigger than your face. And the veins on his fore arms! A wet dream of every nurse for sure.
You mentally slap yourself. Why must you always think like a scientist?!
While you were scolding yourself he quickly slipped on a condom and his tip was now poking at your entrance.
"This will probably hurt," he whispered into your ear.
You found his hand and held it tightly, his fingers interlocking yours. "I trust you."
Slowly, inch by inch he moved inside. If his finger was way too long you weren't even ready for his nether region. He stretched you out in all directions, but mostly forward as he disappeared inside you more and more. You whined here and there but he kissed your cheek and told you how well you're doing and how it will feel good afterwards. His thumb kept rubbing the back of your hand as he moved his hips thrusting up into you.
Then, you didn't even know how but he was all inside. Once he was he groaned. "Fuck," he breathed out and his head fell into the crook of your neck and kissed you there. "You're so soft."
He breathed against your neck and you felt shivers run down your spine. He pulsed inside you and by the way he was breathing you knew he was trying to control himself to not hurt you. Oh how you loved this man.
Your other hand, the one not holding onto his, got lost in his hair. "Y-you can move."
You felt him grin against your skin. He pulled out, making you feel awfully empty, but quickly filling you up again making you gasp. "Oh~"
His arm moved from beside your head to hold your ass in place as he thrusted inside. Slow and steady. His tip always caressed that one spot his finger previously discovered. Every time you moaned he kissed yet another hickie into your neck and you feared you won't be able to last long.
A new feeling grew inside you. Much more powerful than the one before. "S-Sugu~" you breathed out, not being able to finish your sentence.
"Yes kitten?" He lifted his head. God he looked amazing. With his black hair framing his face and little beads of sweat forming on his forhead, like a crown of dewdrops.
"I-I-" he hit that spot again and you moaned seeing stars.
"Oh, you like it here," he angled his hips and poked that spongy spot again.
"N-n-n-" in this new position his pelvis rubbed just perfectly against your clit and it was damn near impossible for yout to even think.
"You're close?"
You nodded.
"Right behind you," he moaned and kept hitting that one wonderful spot unditl both of you fell apart. You first, him following closely after, filling the condom to the point of it leaking around his base. His head fell back into the crook of your neck, leaving soft kisses and catching his breath. Your own chest went up and down, touching his toned one with every breath. He stayed inside, staying nice and warm. You came to love being stretched like this. Unfortunately, both of your bodies would soon grow cold and would have to separate. He pulled out making you hiss.
"Sorry," he chuckled.
"Nah," you caressed the side of his face, "I loved it."
He smiled and kissed your palm. "Sleepy?"
You nodded and as if on cue yawned. Damn he was only with you once and he already knew your body better than you.
He got rid of his condom and threw covers over both of you, pulling your bodies together in the process. This was great. Exactly as you imagined. You and him together after a good and thorough study session, nice and warm while winter went crazy outside.
How could one stay awake?
Suguru stroked your naked back. Up and down, then back to your head again, scratching you like a cat. He woke up in the middle of the night and had been caressing you ever since. Usually he would curse this sudden wave of insomnia but now he was greatful. Who knows when will the two of you be like this? With how seriously you take school and his own hectic schedual mixed in? Better to enjoy this while he can.
Sun began to rise when he heard noises outside his bedroom. Satoru must be back.
Sure enough the white haired man stumbled through the threshold, his shades aslant and shakimg from the outside cold.
He made his way into kitchen but stopped once he got a peek into his bestfriend's bedroom. Thankfully you were laying chest to chest on him and most of you was covered by his blanket anyways but still Suguru tried to cover you from unwanted eyes.
Satoru grinned. "Just study?"
Suguru threw a pillow at him.
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madeofkay · 8 months
Rainy Nights | Moon Knight X Reader
ONE SHOT (maybe?)
warnings: jake/marc/steven x fem!reader, angst, !!!dv abuse (not by them, but by an ex), stalking, creepy text messages, and so many typos (ill edit it soon— i wrote this at 4am lol)
summary: When your coworker Steven has growing concerns regarding your safety from an ex-boyfriend, he decides to drive you home one night.
please reblog if u liked it! i love to see comments too :)
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Anxiety pooled in the cavity of your chest as you walked through the dimly lit museum, its halls empty now past closing time. A relentless patter of rain against the roof amplified your defeated mood, casting a pall over the end of your shift. Leaning wearily against the gift shop counter, you let out a deep sigh, feeling the weight of the day pressing down on you.
“A long day for you?”
The male voice behind you jolts you, and you spin around, startled. "Maybe a warning next time?" you suggest, holding a hand over your racing heart.
Steven's lips form an 'o' of surprise before he nods hastily. "Apologies, really. I won't sneak up on you like that again." His eyes carry more guilt than he deserves, and you regret snapping at him.
"No worries, I might just startle too easily," you reply, resting your elbows on the countertop. "Nevermind me, how was your day, Steven?"
Steven's nerves spike at the chance to converse with you, a rarity amid your busy tour guide schedule. "Oh, you know," he stammers, grappling for words to make his boring gift shop shift sound cool. "Just a usual day for me." His gaze unintentionally dips to your attire, and he flushes, flustered by the sight of your breasts pressed together.
He shouldn’t look at you that way, he knows that. But you make him so nervous.
“I’m starting to think that I should’ve had control of the body for this interaction,” Marc spoke in his mind.
You nod and smile, charmed by Steven's shyness. "I hope that’s a good thing," you remark, recalling the challenges of your day as a tour guide at the museum. "Today, I was basically herding a bunch of primary school children. They were running off in every direction, and the chaperones were on their phones! It felt like I was conducting a circus instead of a museum tour." You gesture an explosion with your hand, prompting a cheeky smile from Steven.
A pinging sound from your pocket interrupts his response. Your eyebrows furrow as you dig it out of your dress pocket, unlocking it with your passcode.
Where are you, y/n?
Your heart sinks as you read the text from an unknown number, fear washing over your expression. Steven notices the shift in your demeanor, and resists the urge to glance at your phone. "I'm sorry, I just need to respond to this message," you murmur, turning away, your breaths growing shallow.
Please, it’s over. Just leave me alone.
His response came fast.
You know that isn’t true. I’ll come get you, why aren’t you home? I still care.
Are you already cheating on me with somebody else?
Please just tell me where you are, I’m sorry. I miss you so much. I just want to fucking talk to you.
A barrage of texts from your ex-boyfriend fills the screen with message bubbles. You swallow, feeling the weight clog your throat, your hands trembling as the desire to go home fills you.
To hide. That is, if home was still safe.
Steven's concern deepens as he draws near, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. You flinch at the touch, hastily shoving your phone back into your pocket. But you know he's already had a glimpse of your phone screen. "Is everything alright, love?" he inquires, his voice laced with concern.
Marc was pissed off inside Steven’s head. “Who the fuck was texting her all of that?” he spat. Confusion grew in Steven’s mind as he contemplated the identity of the person behind the creepy messages. Lines of worry formed at the base of his forehead from the sound of your silence.
You force a tight-lipped smile, attempting to mask the turmoil swirling within. "It's nothing, just someone texting the wrong number," you respond, your voice strained with feigned nonchalance. Deep down, you know it's far from nothing. The barrage of texts dredges up memories you've tried so hard to bury, reopening wounds you thought had healed.
Steven's brow knit together, his gaze probing but respectful of your boundaries. "If you ever need to talk about it, I'm here," he offers gently, his sincerity evident in his soft tone. His words offer some reassurance amidst the anxiety raging inside your head.
You take a deep breath. “Thank you.”
Steven nods his head in understanding after a few moments, unsure as to his next words. “Y/N,” he pauses, “allow me to drive you home tonight, it is quite late.”
Your mouth parts slightly without a response as you turn back to look at him. His eyes drag over your sunken expression, clearly worried. The sound of rain hitting the museum roof and the darkness of the night influence your decision. “Okay,” you smile gratefully, “I’d appreciate that very much.”
Steven guided the way to his car, his presence feeling like steady anchor. The car ride unfolded in silence, punctuated only by the soft tunes of the radio's top hits playing at a low volume. Each bump in the road sent tremors through the small cabbie car, accentuated by the relentless rain hammering against the windows. You felt a sudden jolt as the car hit a rain-filled pothole, splashing dirty street water against the passenger window.
With trembling hands, you power off your phone, the text messages echoing in the back of your mind. Your clammy palms press together, trying to hold onto something solid. As the car gets closer to your neighborhood, your gaze slowly lifts from your lap, uncertainty flickering in your mind.
"Y/N," Steven's voice breaks the silence, causing your heart to slam against your chest like a trapped animal. "This might sound strange, but I want to ask you something."
You nod hesitantly, the taste of blood coating your tongue as you gnaw on the inside of your cheek, a nervous habit of yours.
"Are you sure you want to go back to your apartment alone?" His words hang heavy in the air, abundant with concern. He pauses, using the weight of his gaze to prob you for a response. "I saw some of those messages," he continues upon your silence, his voice gentle but firm. "If you need anything... I mean it, I can help you."
You interject sharply, a defensive edge creeping into your tone. "Please, don't get involved. I'm sorry you saw that, but he's harmless, I swear." Doubt snakes its way down your spine as you utter the words, his past violent outbursts echoing in your brain. The phantom memory of dark bruises left behind from the hard grip of his hands on your skin.
Grabbing, pulling, pushing you.
You fight your facial expression to seem happier, trying to reassure him that everything was alright despite the dread pulling down at your faux smile.
His car rolled to a gradual halt in front of your apartment building as the contents of your stomach threatened to come out of your throat in the form of vomit. You avert your gaze, but you can feel his eyes on you, silently pleading for a change of heart.
"Thank you, Steven," you say quietly, drawing in a sharp breath. "I don't know how I would've managed without you."
You muster a grateful smile, reeling yourself in as you gather your things from the car floor and step out. He breaks the silence by clearing his throat, causing you to pause and lean back into the open door to meet his gaze. Rain hits the clothing on your back.
"I can be there for you whenever," he says earnestly, “Please, don't hesitate to call me if you need me for anything, truly." He extends his hand, offering a taxi business card with his phone number written on it.
London Premium Taxi Service
Lockley, Jake
+44 20 1234 5679
Your eyebrows knit together at the unfamiliar name on the business card, but with rain still trickling down your clothing, the question fades from your thoughts. "Thank you again, Steven," you murmur, finally closing the cabbie door.
You walk hurriedly out of the rain and into your building, watching the cabbie car drive off as you make it inside. It felt worse to watch your reassurance of safety leaving. With a deep sigh, you enter the arriving elevator and watch as it ascends to your floor. A sense of unease nips at your resolve.
As the doors slide open with a soft hiss, your heart lurches in terror at the sight of him down the hall. A tall man standing outside your apartment door.
Shock freezes you in place, your breath catching as you lock eyes with your ex-boyfriend. “Oliver?”
“Y/N,” he proclaims breathlessly, his eyes widening with an intensity that sends a shiver down your spine. As you cautiously step closer, you can see a strange look to his pupils, as if under the influence of some kind of drug.
He speaks again, reaching out toward you. “I’ve missed you so much.”
You instinctively pull your arm away from him, but as quickly as you do, he grabs it again with greater force. You squeeze your eyes shut for a moment, trying to steady your trembling nerves. “Why are you here?” A crack in your voice gives your weakness away.
"I just said I missed you, babe," he replies, his tone muddied with false concern. "You're all wet. Let's get inside and get you into something warm."
Your mind races, but every idea that comes to you gets jumbled. You never could properly articulate your thoughts around him. Today was no different. This was your fault, you should have hid yourself better.
You summon the last shreds of your resolve. “I don’t need your help, Oliver,” you manage to say, but your tone is not as firm as you wanted it to be. “Please, just leave.”
His lip curl upward as he tightens his grip on your arm. You suck in a breath, watching his as he slowly moves his free hand to your face. A stand your hair gets pushed back by his fingers, gently yet his fingers forcefully press into the skin of your face. “I won’t ask again,” he whispers.
You comply, digging your apartment key out of your work tote and hand it to him, your apology tumbling off your lips. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you,” you say shakily, trying to placate him.
“Good girl,” he says, taking the key from your trembling hands. And with a sense of dread pooling in the pit of your stomach, you watch as he unlocks your door with ease. The sound of the latch and the creak of the opening door echo in your ears. “Let’s go inside, love.”
As his hand releases your arm and slides down your waist to the small of your back, a shiver runs down your spine at the touch. With a guiding push, he leads you inside, the door closing with a soft click behind the two of you.
Oliver strides into the kitchen with an air of familiarity, his movements purposeful as he rummages through the cabinets and refrigerator for food. "Make yourself comfortable, love," he calls out, carrying a hint of authority as he commands the space.
You take a hesitant seat on your couch, the weight of his presence looming over you like a dark cloud. With trembling hands, you slip off your shoes, but in that moment, you think of what to do.
“Thank you, my love,” you force, “I’m going to go to the bathroom first, okay?”
He nods his head silently, gripping a bottle of wine as he pours himself a glass.
Walking into the bathroom, you close the door behind you with a shaky breath. You flick the business card between your fingers nervously as you dial Steven's number. Your heart pounding in your chest as you wait for him to pick up.
A gruff voice comes through the phone. “London’s Premium Taxi Service, how may I help you today?”
"Steven, is that you? It’s me, Y/N," you whisper urgently, the words tumbling from your lips in a frantic rush. "My ex-boyfriend is inside my apartment, he may be high on something, I’m not sure. I don’t want to get the police involved again, what do I do?”
A screech of tires pierces through the phone line. “Where are you in your flat right now? W—what floor is it on?” Steven stammers, his concern noticeable even through the phone.
You hear the unmistakable crash of a dish breaking outside of the bathroom in your kitchen, sending your heart racing in panic. “I live in 3D. I’m in the bathroom right now,” you reply, your voice barely above a whisper.
“Stay there and keep the door locked, do not come out no matter what, okay? I’ll be right there to go get you,” Steven’s voice serves as a lifeline for a brief moment before the call ends abruptly. Tears begin to spill as you choke back your sobs.
You hear footsteps from outside the bathroom door. “Y/N! Come clean this fucking mess up,” Oliver’s voice permeates through the door, sending you into a quiet spiral as your hand drags over your lips to keep them shut.
“Y/N. Fucking answer me, open this door. What the fuck are you doing in there?” A pounding knock hits the door as it rattles against its frame.
“Open the door!” The sound of his shouting muffles in your brain and you slip into a panic attack, air refusing to saturate your lungs. The door shakes with every hard pound and pull of the door knob.
With a final slam, the door comes off its hinges as Oliver forces his way inside the bathroom. Your body trembles with sobs as you beg him for forgiveness, but his heavy hands fall on you anyway.
The force of his backhand sends you tumbling to the floor, the impact echoing through the small confines of the bathroom. In your haze, you’re unable to comprehend the words he shouts at you. The world blurs around you as his blows to your body continue. Your eyes flutter, the world spinning dizzily around you as he beats you with a savage force.
Until it stops. You take several moments to collect yourself, regaining your strength to be able to open your eyes. Two voices echo in the walls of your apartment as the ringing stops and your hearing slowly returns. A loud thud shakes the floorboards, followed by footsteps towards you.
“Y/N?” says a sweet voice, unrecognizable to you. “I should have gotten here faster, I’m so sorry.”
A gentle hand caresses your face as you try to open your eyes. Steven’s worried face comes into view, the coworker you’ve grown a liking to over the past few weeks. His phone is pressed against his ear and he speaks urgently into it.
“Steven?” you whisper, the words barely above a breath. In your daze, perhaps you had been delusional, mistaking his British accent for an unrecognizably coarse American one.
“I’m right here,” he exclaimed softly, caressing your hair. “I’m on the phone, an ambulance is on its way.”
As sirens soon begin to wail in the distance, piercing through the thin walls of the building, you find comfort in Steven’s gentle touches. You know that you’ll be okay.
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hopelesslonelyghost · 6 months
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kyle “gaz” garrick x DA!fem!reader
i know i promised more angst but i simply can’t get the right words. so here! have this cute lil gaz whip i wrote today 🫶🏻 again, not beta read, sorry for any typos!
this is completely self indulgent because i wish i had gaz as my patient. i also wish i could have my fingers in his mouth
kyle hates the dentist. ever since he was little he hated going. but what child likes going, right? he thought by now he’d grow out of his dental phobia.
but it’s that time of year again and his file needs to be updated and well… he needs to see a dentist.
his previous dentist retired and in his stead, a new doctor took over.
new doctor and new assistants by the looks of it. kyle sat in the lobby, waiting to be called. his leg bounced.
“kyle garrick?”
his head snapped up and now his stomach was fluttering for a different reason. the assistant was pretty.
her eyes crinkled as she smiled at him. pearly whites flashing him. kyle quickly stood up, subtlety trying to gulp without her seeing.
‘damnit, don’t make a fool out of yourself’
you introduced yourself, led him down a short halfway and then stood by a door to the left, motioning with your hand to step inside.
“have a seat kyle, we’ll be getting started shortly.”
after taking a seat and answering a few questions in regards to his health, you tore open a bag with yellow, blue, and red hooks, a gray circle, and two metal arms, one angled at a sharp 90 degree angle. both had two tiny metal tips at the very end.
you giggled.
“don’t worry, i’m just updating your x-rays today. after this, the doctor will come and do your exam. that okay with you?”
you must’ve caught him staring pretty hard at the instruments. kyle nodded at you and gave you a sweet smile.
“perfectly fine wit’ me, love.”
you clicked a few things in the computer behind him and then stood up, grabbing a blue lead apron and coming to stand beside him.
“gonna be a little heavy, okay?” you placed it down gently, “now i’m going to strap this around your neck. lean forward a bit for me…good thank you.” you whispered, right into his ear.
he couldn’t help the goosebumps that littered his arms. pretty and whispering into his ear? yeah, he’ll be thinking about today all night. maybe even all week.
quickly getting to work, you begun his x-rays. quietly asking him to open and close. gently angling his head in whichever way you needed him to. while the instruments and sensor in his mouth felt a little uncomfortable, it all felt worth it when you kept praising him after each beep! of the x-ray machine.
“open….good job… okay, now close. perfect. don’t move.”
he wouldn’t dream of it. he’d get on his knees right now if you asked him to. you already had your fingers in his mouth, might as well, right?
once you were done, you made quick work to get the apron off kyle.
“wow, that was fast.”
you smiled at him, “i try to be a fast as i can. i know getting your x-rays taken isn’t the most comfortable experience.”
you leaned over him for a split second, tying a bib around his neck. kyle was breathing in as you did, catching a whiff of your perfume. you smelled divine. sweetly floral, but not overwhelming.
fuck. you were pretty, empathetic, AND smelled good? yep. suddenly coming to the dentist’s office wasn’t that bad.
soon after, the doctor came in and checked out his teeth. humming and calling out notes which you were rapidly typing into the computer.
“well kyle! everything looks great! not seeing anything wrong in the x-rays or visually. you’re doing a great job. you’ll only have to come back for a cleaning! my assistant here can help you set up an appointment for that.”
the doctor thank you as they walked out. true to their word, you helped him set up at appointment for next week.
“you’re all set for today, any questions before I let you go?”
kyle stood up, “no doll, thank you. you’ve been wonderful.”
you gaped lightly at him, but quickly recovered. you flashed him a bashful smile.
you were so goddamn cute.
you led him out back towards the front and held the door open for him. you waved at him from the doorway as kyle made his way across the lobby and back outside, “have a good week! see you soon.”
kyle chuckled and gave you a two finger salute, “see you soon sweetheart.”
n/a: just a lil disclaimer, not every dental office works the same. every place is different. this is just the way the office i work at does things. obviously i didn’t go into too much detail in regards to treatments bc i would be insufferable and i truly believe from the bottom of my heart that gaz flosses and brushes twice a day religiously. for the sake of fanfics being fanfics, reader isn’t wearing a face mask. realistically she should be wearing one.
DA= dental assistant <3
okay i’m done rambling!
thanks for reading!
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agi-ppangx · 1 year
💭let me help you
pairing: bang chan x gn!reader
word count: 806
tags: non!idol au, gn!reader, angst, fluff, pre established relationship
warnings: hospital, broken leg, a bit of crying
author's note: hiii, i hope yall are doing fine!! wrote this pretty quickly and its totally not proofread, so please dont mind any typos and mistakes </3 feedback and reblogs highly appreciated 🫶🏽
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you tried calling your boyfriend several times now and finally, after what feels like forever, you heard his voice. "channie! hi, um… look, i'm really sorry, but we have to cancel our date tonight…" you said with a pounding heart. you felt guilty, knowing that today was one of rare times when chan could wrap up his work earlier and spend some time with you. "everything alright? you sound worried" chan asked, concerned about your well-being. you started to panic a bit, not wanting him to worry about your problem. "yeah, it's nothing, i swear it's just-" "y/n, what's going on?" he interrupted you, clearly lost in your rambling. you sighed and mumbled "i'm at the hospital right now. but it's fine! really, i'm fine, just won't be able to go to the movies later". chan didn't respond for a while, but you heard rustling and the door closing. "which hospital?" he then asked, his voice shaking. you knew it was useless to argue with him and you told him the address. "i'll be there in 20, wait for me, okay?" chan stated and you hummed, ending the call.
you and chan have been dating for a little over 2 months and throughout this time you weren't able to go on many dates, since chan's job was quite time consuming and your schedules collided every time you wanted to go out together. and today was one of the rare times when you could meet up. you two planned everything a week in advance, chose a movie you were going to watch and the restaurant you were supposed to eat dinner after it. but you had so much to do today before the date and in a rush your feet slipped on the stairs, causing you to fall down and break a leg. you were in a hospital for a while now, nervously waiting for your doctor to carry out essential tests and put a plaster on your leg. it felt like hours and you didn't know how long it would all take.
chan arrived pretty quickly, bursting into the emergency room and looking nervously around it. when his eyes finally met yours, he sprinted to your side and took a better look. "what happened?" he asked, his voice quiet and unstable. "i… fell down the stairs this morning" you murmured, ashamed that a grown up person could be that clumsy. "i'm really sorry channie, i wanted to run errands before our date and i just…" you sighed, pointing to your leg resignedly. you mumbled a quiet "i'm sorry" once again and looked down to hide the tears that gathered in your eyes. after a while, chan finally spoke. "y/n, you don't have to be sorry, you did nothing wrong. i was just really worried about you and for the whole drive here i was praying for you to be fine" he said, placing his hand on your cheek and wiping the tears from your face. "does it hurt?" he then asked softly, although he knew the answer. "it does, so bad, and i don't know how long i have to wait for the doctor" you whispered, sounding defeated, and more tears ran down your face. he kissed your forehead and then got up. you didn't know where he was going, but soon you saw him talking to the nurses and to your doctor. you didn't hear the conversation, but you saw that chan was impatient, his jaw clenching and unclenching as he was speaking. he returned to you after a while with a smile and a soft "they'll take care of you now". then everything happened really fast, the nurse taking you to examine you and within an hour you were ready to leave with a plaster on your leg.
chan offered to give you a ride, helping you to get to the car. "you'll spend a few days at my place, okay? i'll take care of you" he stated and you looked at him. "chan, you don't have to, i'll be fi-" you started but he interrupted you, "baby, you know your place is too cramped and complicated for you to get around with crutches. please, let me help you". you sat in silence for a while when you suddenly asked "baby?". it took you off guard, being in a fresh relationship you two didn't really use affectionate names yet, but you liked it a lot. you saw chan's face become red like a tomato and you giggled to yourself. "fine, let's go to your place, baby," you grinned. chan smiled to himself and then there was a pleasant silence between you. you wondered how you got so lucky to have chan in your life - someone who treated you with care and love and was there for you for good and for bad.
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hotchnerobsessed · 2 years
Alone Again
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Fem!Reader x Hotch | When Aaron unintentionally interrupts your alone time, it sparks a new desire in him.
Warnings: 🥵 Smut (Soft!Dom!Hotch, fem!masturbation, cockwarming, praise kink, slight exhibitionist kink) and a few swears!
Word Count: 3583
I wrote this pretty fast and only checked for mistakes once so I apologize in advance for any typos 😅
It had been ten days. Ten days since you’d seen him. Ten days since you’d kissed him, and felt his arms around you. The cases that took him so far away from you never got any easier. But you always made a point of talking to each other every day, even if it was only for a short 30 seconds so he could tell you he was safe.
The day started as they usually did, as you woke up to the sound of your phone buzzing next to your head. You didn’t make a habit of sleeping with your phone so close to you, but when he was away, you couldn’t help it. Sliding your thumb across the screen, you answered through a sleepy voice, “Aaron?”
“Hi sweetheart,” he laughed softly, “I’m sorry did I wake you?”
“No, no it’s okay, I’m up.”
He could tell you were lying, the grogginess in your voice giving you away. “Shit, I’m sorry, it’s Saturday. I should have let you sleep in. I always lose track of what day it is on these long cases.”
Your chest ached at his words, it had been too long, and you desperately wanted him to come home. “I miss you so much.”
There was a pause, and you heard him breathe deep. You were certain it was because he missed you too, which was absolutely true, but you’d come to find out soon enough there was another cause for his hesitation. They had just wrapped up the case, and in a few short hours you would be in his arms again, but he wanted it to be a surprise. “I miss you too, my girl.”
Another pause on the phone, this time it was you who hesitated. “Everyone is good? Everyone is safe?”
His chest swelled at your concern for not only him, but for the rest of the team. Your massive heart was the reason he’d fallen for you in the first place. “Yes, everyone is fine.”
You nodded your head, aware that he couldn’t see it, but in an attempt to comfort yourself. “Good. That’s good.” You knew there was no point in asking him when he’d be coming home, these things were unpredictable, so you simply asked of him what you always did, “come home to me in one piece, you hear me?”
You could hear him smile through the phone, “always.”
“I love you, Aaron.”
“I love you, too, sweetheart.”
“Talk again tomorrow?”
Another pause. “In person,” he thought to himself, but answered, “you know it.”
No more words were needed, as the line was silent for a couple seconds, both of you simply listening to the other’s breathing, before he finally hung up.
Setting your phone on the bedside table, you rubbed your eyes before opening them slowly and staring up at the ceiling. A deep sigh escaped your lips before you finally pulled back the covers and got out of bed.
Time passed slowly, as anything you tried to do to distract your mind from how much you missed him was unsuccessful. You’d watched short bursts of about six different movies, constantly flipping between channels, unable to get your mind to focus on any one alone.
The longer you sat there, faced with the knowledge of spending another night alone, the more you kept replaying the phone conversation over and over in your mind. Something about talking to him this morning made you miss him even more than usual, and you couldn’t shake that lonely feeling.
It didn’t take long for your mind to wander elsewhere, to other means of distraction. The perfect distraction from thinking about Aaron being gone, was thinking about the times Aaron was home; the times when he was close to you, touching you, and inside you.
As you changed the channel on the television one last time, you crossed one knee over the other. The slight relief this provided to the aching between your legs made it impossible for your to ignore any longer.
Finally turning the TV off for good, you closed your eyes and imagined Aaron on his knees in front of you. Sitting right in this very spot in the living room, where many times before he’d devoured you like you were his last meal, made it very easy for memories and sensations to come rushing back.
The slight rocking of your hips, and shaking of your foot just wasn’t going to cut it; you needed more, and you wanted room to get comfortable. Eagerly standing from the couch, you made your way towards your bedroom. Once inside, you tore off your pyjamas that you’d been wearing all day, and tossed them on the floor.
Climbing into the middle of the bed, you allowed yourself to lay back and spread yours legs. Just as you’d thought about the times you’d spent together in the living room, your mind now focused on the times he’d had you pinned to the mattress, endless pleasure washing over you.
Trailing your hands down your body, your hand soon made contact with your swollen bud, and the moan that escaped your lips filling the room. Not to your surprise, you were already soaking wet, as you trailed your fingers through your folds. The ease with which your fingers now moved across your core was euphoric, and it didn’t take long until you were imagining his lips all over you.
As the circles you were rubbing became tighter and faster, your climax approaching, you were completely unaware of the outside world. All your mind was able to focus on was the building pressure between your legs. That fact, coupled with how intentionally quiet he was trying to be when opening the door, made Aaron’s presence unknown to you.
Gently setting his bags on the couch, being careful not to let his keys make a sound, he smiled to himself knowing his surprise might actually work. It was at that moment that another moan escaped your lips, one so clear it made it’s way down the hallway. As Aaron’s ears perked up, he stood still, wondering if he’d just heard what he thought he had.
Sure enough, another deep moan made its way from your lips to his ears, followed by a breathless, “ohh.. Aaron..”
The smile on his face grew even wider; he couldn’t deny how it felt, knowing that even when you were all by yourself, he was still able to make you feel this good.
Taking extra care in his gentle footsteps across the floor, in no time he was standing just outside the bedroom door. He’d had you right there before, teetering on the edge of eagerness and pure bliss, so when another soft moan filled the air, he knew by the desperation in your voice that you were close.
Although he’d already heard too much, he didn’t want to cross too many boundaries; hearing you like this was different than seeing you like this. He wasn’t naive, he knew you still had a relationship with your own body, outside of your relationship with him. You were still more than entitled to your alone time, especially when he’d been gone for so long.
So he waited, not so patiently now with his hard length straining against his pants, for you to finish.
That would come sooner rather than later, with one final whimper of his name, you crested the wave and felt the bliss you’d been chasing rush through your veins.
Giving you a few seconds to regain composure, he took one final step forward and gently leaned against the wooden doorframe. As he gazed at you from the doorway, seeing you so exposed like this, sparked something new in his mind. He’d been inside you countless times before, and could get himself off simply by thinking about how it felt as one of your orgasm squeezed the life out of him. But he wanted to try something different, and he was hoping you would be eager to as well.
Just as you pulled your hand away from your core, your breathing still laboured, you were brought out of your trance by the sound of a familiar voice. He spoke gently in an attempt to not startle you, “you missed me that much, huh sweetheart?”
Your eyes flew open, and you sat up with a jolt, the fog in your brain gone in an instant. Glancing across the room, you gasped as your eyes took in the sight in front of you. He stood there, full suit in tact, hair slightly tousled, no doubt from a quick nap on the long flight home. He looked absolutely divine. You would have thought so regardless, but especially now, after having just made yourself cum while thinking about him.
Before you could form any words, you were slipping your legs off the side of the bed and playfully bounding towards him. With his arms outstretched to you, you wrapped your arms around his waist and he pulled you into his chest. Neither of you cared that he was fully clothed and you were not, simply being able to hold one another again was all you cared about.
You clenched your fists, gripping the fabric of his suit jacket and pulling him impossibly close. Breathing in the familiar scent of his cologne, you felt him place a tender kiss to the top of your head. One of his hands was combing through your hair gently, and the other was resting on the small of your back, pulling your body against his.
Finally answering his question, you whispered against his chest, “yes. Yes I did miss you that much.”
A comforting laugh rumbled in his chest as you squeezed him even tighter. It didn’t take long for you to clue into the fact that he must have heard you calling out his name, but you didn’t care, because it clearly had a desirable affect on him. You could tell he was ready for you, his length pressing into your hip, so you teased right back, “looks like you missed me a little bit, too.” Bringing one of your hands to the front of his body, you gently caressed him through his pants, revelling in the hiss that escaped his lips.
“Just a little bit..” he confessed.
Finally tilting your head back to look into his eyes, he smiled down at you, until he was unable to hold back any longer. Learning forward, his hand that was on the back of your head tugged on your hair gently, and he connected his lips to yours passionately.
You quickly began removing articles of his clothing as he trailed kisses along your jaw, and down your neck. Mumbling against your warm skin, he asked, “think you have a few more in you?”
You stopped where you were, his chest now bare to you as you tugged on his belt. Placing tender kisses across his chest from one shoulder to the other, you stated, “for you? Always..” before picking up right where you left off.
The urgency in your movements was evident, with both of you now completely undressed, the feeling of skin on skin soothing both of your lonely and aching minds.
As he laid you back on the bed, you admitted, “I’m already so wet..” implying you didn’t need him to go down on you like he always did. You missed him, and you just wanted him inside you again. “Please Aaron, I just want you to fuck me.”
He let out a deep moan at your admission, his bare length making contact with your core. Pulling back slightly, his eyes darkened, and you felt heat rush to your face. You knew that look. You’d seen it many times before. He was going to fuck you. But not until he got what he wanted. And whatever it was, you were eager to give it to him.
He stood from the bed, and you watched intently as he pulled open the top drawer of the bedside table and grabbed a condom. In no time at all, he had it rolled down his length and was back between your legs. His voice was deep and commanding, “Don’t worry my sweet girl, I’m going to fuck you until you can’t walk anymore, but I want you to do something for me first.”
Nodding your head, you anxiously listened for what it was he wanted you to do.
“I want to hear you say it.”
Your voice was shaky as you spoke, “I’ll do whatever you want, Sir. I’ll be a good girl.”
The look on his face at your words made your walls clench around nothing. Before you knew what hit you, he was running his length through your folds and pushing himself inside you. The feeling knocked the breath right out of your chest, and you let out a short gasp. Giving his hips one final thrust forward, he collapsed on top of you and moaned against your neck.
He kept his hips still as he trailed kisses along your neck, before capturing your lips with his passionately once more. Pulling back, he gazed into your eyes and you could see the contemplation on his face; he knew what he wanted, and he hoped you would be comfortable giving it to him.
You both trusted each other completely, it’s why you worked so well together. You both knew there was no judgement between you no matter what, but you were still gentle, and honest, and respectful when it came to trying something new.
Lifting his body weight off of yours, he leaned back on his heels, all while his hands kept a firm grasp on your hips, holding you in place. With his length still buried deep inside you, your legs draped over his thighs, you were completely exposed to him as he glanced down at where your bodies met.
You couldn’t help the heat that rose in your cheeks as you watched him take in the sight. You were unable to pull your eyes away from him, trying desperately to read every micro-expression on his face and figure out what he was thinking. You would soon find out, and you would not be disappointed.
You felt his hand spread out against the inside of your thigh, his thumb rubbing gentle circles against the soft skin. His eyes trailed along your body, across your breasts, before your eyes met.
“I didn’t watch.. earlier, when I got home.. I could hear you, but I didn’t watch.”
Mild disappointment clouded your mind; though you adored the gentleman he was, not wanting to intrude on your personal time, you almost wished he had peeked. You had nothing to hide when it came to him.
“But I wanted to.”
His admission made the knots in your stomach tighten. “Me too,” you thought to yourself, but you stayed silent, knowing you were finally going to find out what he wanted from you.
“And I still do.”
Blinking slowly a couple times, you tried to interpret what he meant, and as it finally clicked in your mind, he spoke once more.
“I want you to touch yourself.”
Your mouth dropped open at his words, as you started breathing heavier.
“I want you to make yourself cum while I’m inside you.”
You exhaled deep, your mouth already dry with anticipation. “Oh fuck,” you swallowed the lump in your throat, “okay.. yes..” you stumbled over your words, “yes, Sir.”
His lips curled upwards into a smile that set your entire body on fire. If you weren’t already soaking for him, the desire in his eyes would have made you wet in an instant.
“Good girl,” he cooed, his thumb still rubbing those same circles against the inside of your thigh.
The level of comfort you felt with him had you acting on his request immediately. In a moment where your instincts might normally be to cover up, to shy away, he had you blossoming and eager to show off.
His eyes followed the trail of your fingertips, along both of your breasts, down your stomach, and between your legs. You started by resting one hand on top of his that was still rubbing gentle circles along the inside of your thigh.
You knew how much he loved the feeling of your nails on his skin, so you used your other hand to gently run your nails down his stomach. The muscles in his abdomen tensed and his eyes flickered shut momentarily as a low moan graced his lips. You smirked to yourself, knowing that even when he was the one in charge, you still had that kind of an affect on him.
Once your hand trailed all the way down, you let your fingers caress the base of his cock, as it lead straight into your heat. The countless times you’d been together, you’d never felt this before, the direct connection of your bodies with your fingertips. It was new and exhilarating for both of you, so you took a second to simply enjoy how full you felt, even from the outside.
“You’re teasing,” his voice was strained as he spoke through gritted teeth. Looking up at him, you blinked not-so-innocently, causing him to swallow hard. “Go on, be a good girl, I want to watch you make yourself cum.”
His words made your hips move involuntarily, and that slight taste of movement had you whimpering in no time. Now with both hands on your hips, his grip tightened, fingers digging into your soft flesh. He was trying to hold you still as much as himself; it was taking everything in him not to pound you into the mattress right then and there.
The look he gave you made heat pool between your legs, and your body reacted before your mind had a chance to catch up. With your fingers now directly on your clit, the feeling was euphoric. You didn’t know if you’d ever be able to describe it.
He’d made you lose control around him so many times before, but one of you was always moving. The stillness of your hips now, combined with the familiar stretch of him deep within you, and the furious circles you were rubbing against your body, had you coming undone in no time.
“Mmm.. fuck..” he groaned, “I can feel you, sweetheart. Fuck..” he was nearly breathless himself, “your pretty little pussy is squeezing me so tight.”
The soft whimpers that escaped your lips was music to his ears, “I’m close.. Aaron..” the break in your submissive exterior causing him to shiver at his own name, “Sir.. I’m going to cum..”
The faster your fingers moved, the closer that edge became.
“Such a good girl. Go on. Cum on my cock pretty girl.”
Before you knew it, pure bliss was consuming your mind.
“Yeah.. there you go.. fuuuuck you feel so good.”
With his strong hands holding your hips still, your back arched off the bed, your fingers still connected to your core. You were right on the verge of over-stimulation, but not wanting the pleasure to end. With a couple final swipes of your fingertips across your swollen clit, your body shuddered and you pulled away.
A deep exhale relaxed your entire body, as your sleepy eyes slowly opened. You were greeted with the beautiful sight of Aaron’s eyes raking across your entire body, before settling between your legs once more. “Damn sweetheart, that was so sexy.”
You smiled bashfully, as your eyes slipped closed once more. You’d hardly had a chance to get your breath back, before he was knocking it out of you once again. The sudden movement of his hips against yours, and the long drag of his length out of you, was swiftly followed by his body weight on top of yours and his length slamming back into you.
“OH FUCK!” You couldn’t help the scream that escaped your lips, as his pelvis continually brushed across your still sensitive clit. With every thrust, you felt every nerve ending in your body explode.
He kept true to his promise of fucking you until you couldn’t walk. You’d lost count of just how many times he made you cum. As the 6th? 7th? orgasm of the night washed over you, he abruptly snapped his hips into you one last time, as he spilled his release inside the condom.
Your nails dug into his skin, no doubt leaving marks up and down his back. With both of your breathing heavy against each other’s necks, you let out a faint but content laugh. “That.. holy shit..” you spoke between deep breaths, “that.. was incredible.”
His laugh matched yours, airy and weak, but blissful, “I think..” a couple deep breaths, “we need to do that more often.”
A blush crept onto your face as he lifted his head to look you in the eyes, “you like watching me, hey?”
He nodded profusely, your soft Aaron was back once more as a love-sick smile crossed his face, “can you blame me?”
Shaking your head lovingly, you placed your hand on the back of his head and pulled his lips to yours. After sharing a breathless yet passionate kiss, he rested his forehead against yours, and you confessed, “I liked it too..” you laughed again, “I mean, I really liked it..”
A cheeky grin tugged at the corners of his mouth, “yeah?”
All you could do was nod in agreement, as his lips captured yours once more.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Tag List: @ssamorganhotchner ; @ccristata ; @anlin2058 ; @sannunah28 ; @hotchgirlsummer
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hiimawarish · 1 year
there's no hiding from the thought of us
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s. jing yuan is busy reminiscing at work. cw. female/afab reader. implied childhood friends to lovers. angst? slight fluff? tw. slight mention of death (jingliu). wc. 0.8k a/n. this was supposed to be fluff, and then it turned sad really fast. i'm sorry. i wrote this at... 11pm? not proofread so excuse any typos. also, this man has ruined me so yeah. credits. dividers by @/cafekitsune.
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There is something about you he doesn’t quite understand.
Maybe it is the fact that, despite the long centuries you both have endured, you seem to glow while he feels like withering. The years have served to mature your soul, to make you bloom into this ineffable flower he can’t quite touch. A curious thought, he finds, that you’re this close to him yet remain so far. Longing fills his molten gold eyes as he looks at the picture of you he keeps at his desk, a bittersweet nostalgia to go back to who you two were before all of this; to when you were just a couple of kids playing around, dreaming.
Before reality kicked in and forced you awake.
Jing Yuan sighs, then, as his mind continues to spiral into thoughts of you. The pile of documents on his desk seems to grow with each passing second, but it does nothing to keep him focused. The emptiness of the Seat of the Divine Foresight reminds him of his lack of you—your absence—, and the overall heartwrenching sorrow that seems to fill the void within his heart whenever he remembers. If you were here, you’d scold him, he realizes. “I’m not dead, just working,” you’d say, your delicate lips curving into an amused smile, eyes glowing with knowing glee. Then you’d go on about how needy he was, how unsightly clingy the General of the Xianzhou Luofu turned out to be. 
He can almost hear your voice, the tinkling bells of your voice echoing in his mind. He can almost see you, those damn robes wrapped around your curves that made him want to play hooky—but you never allowed him to. No, you held Lady Fu too highly to allow him to slack off, even if just for a second.
The Dozing General sighs, heavily, letting most of the air within his lungs out before taking another big breath. He shakes his head for a bit in an attempt to focus—he does need to get through this paperwork today, no matter how much he despises it. Nevertheless, it becomes obvious quite quickly how useless the attempt is. His thoughts naturally drift to you the moment he relaxes, as if you were nothing but an oasis to his mind amidst the desert his work posed. You’ve always been a magnet, he thinks. He has always found himself attracted to you, whether as willingly as a moth to flame or as begrudgingly as tranquility to war he does not know. The only thing Jing Yuan knows is that you have always been a part of him.
Too big of a part.
Having lost so many friends over the years, so many battles, Jing Yuan knows defeat too well. It welcomes him with open arms every time, as an old friend would. The losses he has suffered overpower the wins, he knows. You know. You’ve always know. That is why, when he lies awake at night, you have never asked; the silent understanding between the two of you is enough to comfort the raging storm within his heart, yet sometimes he wishes he could speak. He doesn’t need to, he knows—you were there through most of them. You were there when he had to turn his blade against his master, when he was forced to clean up the mess from his friends, when he was left behind… You were there. You’re still here.
Maybe that is why such sorrow fills him when he finds himself idle.
Perhaps the possibility that you, too, could leave his side fills him with such dread that he finds himself lost. He finds himself reduced to the child you met a lifetime ago, the imposing figure of the General long lost among his fears. It is unbecoming—Jing Yuan is more than aware of it—, but what can he do? Although centuries trail behind him, he is still just a man. Even if Yanqing looks at him with stars in his eyes, ears full of legends and stories of him, Jing Yuan knows better. He is just a man.
A man afraid of losing the one love he has found.
A man afraid of losing the one comfort he has.
A man afraid of losing you.
Yes, he is terrified of trouble and change; the raw possibility that Fate could still steal you away from him; the imminent danger that you could become mara-struck, cursing him to having to slay you, too. Legends may sing praises about his prowess in battle, his skill in strategy, all the battles he has won, the peace he brought to the Luofu… But Jing Yuan is terrified for you.
There is something about you he doesn’t quite understand. As his eyes focus once again on the document before him, Jing Yuan sighs. He doesn’t understand when or how you became his own soul—his only weakness, the one thing he knew better than himself, better than the back of his hand.
He is aware that counting all the things he would miss is not a way of loving someone, but that is the only way he knew how.
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more works.
©2023 hiimawarish do not translate, repost, copy, modify
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maikissed · 1 year
being a girl in love
Kylian Mbappé x reader drabble, au
i've literally wrote this in an hour, idk what this is, the rainy weather made me feel like this. sorry for any typos, kisses
She readjusted her skirt feeling the coldness of the seat making her skin grow numb. The girls kept giggling and rattling about some trivial things but she didn’t keep her mind on the conversation as she sat immensely focused on the boys playing football on the pitch in front of them. She acted interested in the game but kept her eyes specifically on one of them. The sight of him made her feel a tad warmer. She loved watching him play, no doubt he was the best of them.
“Oi, Kylian!” she heard one of the boys shout as he thrown his hands in the air in frustration.
She smiled when he scored. He was smart on the pitch and fast, obviously, and it made the rest of them helpless and furious. They simply couldn’t keep up with him. He’ll become a star one day, that she knew for sure.
She heard him laugh as he celebrated. For a second she thought he looked her way.
“He’s something else” a comment caught her attention and so she turned her head “And he’s very skilled, not only with his legs but also with his fingers”
She scrunched her eyebrows with confusion as she listened to her friends. Laura gasped and giggled shortly after, pulling on Lea’s arm “And you said nothing?! Did you fuck him?”
“It was this weekend, at Theo’s party, he made me come with his fingers”
She shivered and went rigid then, trying to comprehend if she heard right. She blinked fast, wondering how this unexpected information made her feel, but she felt cold back again and squished her thighs together at the thought of him with someone being so intimate. Not in excitation but repulsion. It made her slightly dizzy and uncomfortable.
“God, I want details!” Elisa jumped on her seat and it made her stand up abruptly, but the girls didn’t seem to notice her skittish reaction.
On shaky legs she strutted down the stairs to stand by the gates, closer to the players. He noticed her and smiled but she didn’t return it. The unwanted vision kept replaying itself in her mind and she felt like she might vomit any second. Why would she feel this way if she haven’t any right to this boy? Matter of fact despite the all-consuming affection she felt for him, she sensed that he never felt nor will ever feel the same for her. He treated her more like a little sister, he was friends with her older brothers after all, so it all kept on going for some time now - little sister and big brother. He would never touch her the way she’d want him to. What a pity, what a heart-breaking realisation.
“Hi” he approached her, breathing heavily.
He seemed hot, covered in sweat and she stood there almost freezing. Of course he’s been warmed up because of the game, she looked down his muscular arm. What should she do to make him look at her different? Wear shorter skirts? Paint her nails? Put some red lipstick on her lips? Fuck other guys? Maybe the last one will do, since he haven’t even noticed her becoming a woman yet, or so she thought. But she made an invisible note in her mind.
“Congratulations” she muttered with her hands crossed on her chest, her gaze hard and sharp.
What exactly did she congratulate him on? She wondered if her girlfriends watched them now.
He smirked at her nodding his head “Do you have any classes left?” he asked wiping his face with a towel.
“No, I’m going home” her voice emotionless.
“Wait for me? I was about to go see Nico now”
“I’m in a hurry” she murmured coldly.
“It’ll only take me 5 minutes”
“Bye, Kylian” she turned around feeling slightly embarrassed by her own behaviour.
Being a girl in love is not a privilege, it’s a curse and she wished she could rip her chest open to get rid of every organ inside her body that fluttered anytime she looked at him. Stupid and immature little girl.  
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I didn't double read it or check this after writing. It's just pure - fast before I'd be too lazy to write this! So I'm sorry for any typos.
So y'all I'm typing this on my phone in English with Canadian French keyboard, before my hype dies out! This one is set in the @uselsshuman 141 families AU. I know that the idea behind the 141 wives is to keep them as blank slates for anyone to picture themselves but I can't help but give them distinguished personalities because why not 👀.
You can treat it a sort of
'what kind of girl I see each 141 guy with?'
Let's begin! I wrote those with civilian partners in mind 👀.
Warning: sex mentioned (it's a normal part of being in a relationship but minors better sit this one out)
John 'Soap' MacTavish
I picture him dating a daydreamer, someone who has imagination and a dash of wildness in her. Soap is an adventurous guy and he'd like to share this with his love. They definitely travel a lot together because world is beautiful and they want to experience it with one another.
Soap's girlfriend can allow herself to be a bit idealistic, with her mind in the clouds, because it keeps Soap's mind away from the harsh reality. In case he dies, she still will have a strong support system in his family, friends and community. She's not alone.
Their relationship is very affectionate and like a never ending honeymoon phase. Basically both of them are aware that what Soap does is dangerous and their relationship can end on a dime with his death. That's why they try to keep it constantly fresh and exciting. Who knows how long they can enjoy one another's company so they better spend it in the best possible way.
I think that they're the kind of couple that doesn't have big arguments. They're a team not rivals. Sure, Soap sometimes leaves the toilet lid open and his girlfriend tends to burn dinner a bit because she's been focusing on some random idea instead of paying attention but at the end of the day those things don't really matter - they're together for the good time and not necessarily long time (as in he can die at any moment, because those two are together for life.)
If any big arguments happen, they're regarding their son. As in "I know what's best for him" kind. Whenever arguing they do try to not yell at one another, and go to bed angry. Banishing to sofa doesn't really happen because both of them have hard time sleeping alone when they know their partner is nearby.
Sue me but I really like John dating a Polish girl 🫣 and I guess I'm not the only one. Soap surely gets protective of her and is ready to throw fists if anyone disrespects his missus. Sometimes he'd just annoy her how she's constantly grumpy because of the 'no smiling in public spaces' culture in her country. Other times he'd say she's like a model on a runway "because I'm so hot 😍? No, because you never smile 🤣. John!"
Their relationship is very physical, both romantically and sexually. They boink a lot and it is usually pretty funny. They do laugh a lot because sex is awkward sometimes and they are a playful couple altogether. Sometimes Soap will romance his way like Gomez Adams, other times he'd just put his penis on his girlfriend's shoulder while she's reading a book and say in a high pitched voice "hello" and that's his idea of charming his lady. I feel like they'd be the couple on a search for the most wacky condom. Neon green, glowing in the dark, and tasting like bacon - they've tried all of those.
MacTavish duo definitely cuddles a lot. Both at home and in public. It's not unusual to see Soap's girlfriend just nuzzling him or Johnny holding her tight and giving her forehead kisses.
Some might think that Soap's girlfriend is just a damsel in distress, waiting patiently for her prince charming - nothing further from truth. Since her boyfriend disappears for months, she has a life outside of the relationship. She goes to work, meets with her numerous friends (her skill of finding accidentally everyone's identity because she's friends with X wife is quite famous) and has her hobbies. She probably likes nature and keeps multiple plants (only after making sure those won't hurt their three cats) so her and Soap's place looks like a jungle on occasion. She might have some artistic hobbies like writing, painting or drawing. She's self sufficient on her own, but her life is better with Johnny.
She calms him down and grounds Soap in reality. After all she's mostly in Hereford so whenever Johnny gets back she informs him what has changed in the town or their house and how they're now doing certain things.
While Soap is a clown, she's his audience and even though she tends to react like she's annoyed with his antics, she loves how playful he is. Like Jessica Rabbit - he makes me laugh.
She's the disciplinary of the family, mostly because she knows that Soap won't be. He wants to be the fun dad for Fergus, because again he doesn't know how long he'll be there to cherish this life. Nevertheless, sometimes you have to lay down the rules and here's where Soap's girlfriend enters the scene. They're both pretty chill and loving parents though.
Simon 'Ghost' Riley
Simon's wife is pragmatic and doesn't accept any bullshit, she has a job to be done and that's her focus. Unlike Soap's darling, she's on her own if something happens to her husband, and she knew it upfront before getting into the relationship with him.
Ghost got serious with her because he knew that she can carry on if he's KIA, he knows she can handle his emotional baggage and his character. She's not the one to cry or complain about her life, she just gets shit done, no questions asked.
Sometimes she gets frustrated with Simon's bullshit (who wouldn't honestly) but she's the only person whose opinion really matters to Ghost. She can lift him up and knock him down like nobody else. She's equally calm and understanding person who soothes Ghost, and the force that pushes Simon to be a better person if he needs to be told off.
I think that's the main reason why he married her, she makes him a better person. She's strong but calm, patient but reasonably so, and she cares about him. He had difficult life and his upbringing was anything but perfect but this woman makes him care. She makes him feel something else than anger and pain and for that he's forever grateful.
Their love language is quality time but since they're unusual couple it's not what you think. Their home is their castle and they relax the best while at home. Even if their house is full of children they do bond together via chores. Soft conversations while folding the laundry together, sprinkled with jokes, Simon fixing the leaking pipe without being asked to do so, her making his favorite dish just because he'd enjoy this, cooking together - Simon as an ex-bucher appreciate would handle meat while his wife prepares veggies, on occasion they'd compte who can make their part of the dinner faster. Just mindlessly watching TV together with their dogs and commenting how ridiculous Come Dine with me is or how "this blonde chick should have picked Zack rather than Jacob! Zack at least tried, and prepared his dessert from scratch to impress her" while watching Dinner Date. Trash talking game shows participants is their definition of entertainment.
When his wife was expecting their first daughter Simon panicked. He was sure he'd be a horrible dad and kids aren't for him. His wife was quick to knock him down to Earth - you're a dad now so step up. She'd remind him that he's his own person and regardless of how shitty his dad was, he turned out to be a good guy and he's so caring he'll be an amazing dad.
Their sex life is a mess. I think they're the kind of couple that gets so into it that sometimes wrapping it takes a back seat. Hence the five children they have together. With brood this size, it's difficult to take time for the proper intimate time but they're doing with what they have. Unlike Soap and his girlfriend, Riley's have the bunny phase behind them. They still boink and it's still very satisfying when it happens, just with five kids it's not always possible. Sometimes they're just too tired and it's ok. There are days when Ghost doesn't feel like having sex and his wife gets it. Sometimes she's not in the mood and he's ok with that. Their need for intimacy can be fulfilled by just having a moment for themselves to cuddle and hold one another.
Mrs Riley has her own business. Idk why but I can see her having a very niche, online business. Like she's making stained glass windows and decorations. She has her own workshop and she's making money on her hobby. It lets her stay at home with her daughters (and later with her son) but she's not fully dependent on Simon's income.
I remember someone mentioning that she's an American so I'm going with that. She has the 'fish out of water' moments, even after years of living in the UK. Like the little moments of 'right, you guys do/don't do that'. She's probably fascinated how old/small everything is in England or how brick house are basically a standard instead of drywall.
Even though both she and Simon are similar when it comes to discipline, I think their children are more likely to ask her as she's a bit less strict than their dad. When her daughters start dating she's more calm about it. Simon isn't the shotgun dad, but he does feel uncomfortable that his girls are growing and he was often absent. He would do the whole "scary dad show" but it's nothing more than a show. He's not intimidating his daughters' boyfriends on purpose. It's like a by-product of him looking like a tree trunk. His wife definitely plays along and they later laugh about it together when the young couple leaves on their date. She also supports their kids no matter what and she's as proud of Lottie making a cake as she's from Aya getting an A from the test. She knows that her kids are different people and she supports their decisions and goals for the future.
Mrs Riley isn't much of a romantic soul. She'd take a practical gift over flowers any day. If Simon isn't there to fix something she'll do it herself because there's job to be done. She's a hard-working person and someone very practical. She's calm but not beyond calling her husband a dumbass if he deserves this. However, she'd never call him names when she can see he has one of his episodes. She's ultimately there to support him through thick and thin.
John Price
Mrs Price is the OG wife as a captain's spouse. She and Ghost's wife are the OG 141 wives so she's a bit like a mom-friend to the group. She's the closest to what a typical army wife would be (in non Karen way) as she's the only homemaker in the group.
She is a bit old fashioned, just like her husband she's in her late 30s. She's still a sassy lady so you better not underestimate her as she's the ultimate leader of all military wives in Hereford. Not because of her husband's position but because she's a nice person and a true leader. She's not the queen B who makes everyone bow down to her, but rather someone so helpful and wise that people are willing to follow her lead.
She's engages in her community and is always there to help, especially the new girls and guys who just learn what's like to be a spouse of a soldier. She organizes a lot of events and get-togethers for them so they'd develop a nice support system to comfort one another, whether it is because of the distance or death of the spouse. While Soap's girlfriend knows everyone on accident, Mrs Price knows people on purpose and can match friends perfectly.
She's from New Zealand so she does bond with Mrs Riley over being a non-European in Europe. She misses the Pacific Ocean, hence trips by the seaside are pretty common in the Price household. She makes sure her children are at least familiar with their Kiwi side.
She and her husband are something between MacTavish duo and Riley's when it comes to affection. They do like to stroll together, hold hands and share soft kisses, but you won't see them glued to one another like the MacTavish Turtledoves. However, she finds them adorable and likes to reflect on "young love" with her husband. Little does people know that back in the early 2000s when not-yet-captain Price was on his training in New Zealand he was quite a romantic when he tried to woo a nice, Kiwi lady. One could say that they were whipped for one another.
She's super confident in herself and her relationship, without being narcissistic. She knows where she stands with her marriage and she knows her value as a person. If anyone tries to knock her down from her throne, they're in for a surprise. Mrs Price is nice and very motherly but you don't want to get on her bad side. Remember she's a well respected member of the community and an influential figure without pulling the "My husband is a captain of an elite squad" card.
Her and her husband sex life is very fulfilling and they still keep things fresh. Just because they're reaching their 40s doesn't mean that the passion just died out. They might not have sex every day anymore but when it happens, oh boy they're definitely very VERY satisfied afterwards. Both sides try to look desirable for one another so no boredom in bedroom for sure. Price probably still keeps a sexy pic of his wife on him when he's deployed.
Even though Mrs Price is very wise and responsible for everyone she's not boring. She's pretty chill person who avoids conflicts. Like the perfect client who once told there's no chicken salad, instead of wanting to talk to the manager would just order Greek salad because people working in services have difficult job already. She likes to joke too and it's not uncommon to hear her make fun of herself or her husband.
She could run for a local politician office and would win because she's clearly the most competent person for this job. She's aware of this but we're back to her pretty chill personality - she doesn't want to. Official function would keep her busy and away from her family and friends. It would make her unhappy in the longer run. Just because she's not employed doesn't mean that she has no work experience or experience in case she'd have to/want to work. She's constantly learning new things and developing as a person. Organizing the school's Christmas Market that turns out to be bigger than the Christmas market organized by the town surely counts as management skills.
Just like Ghost's wife she can handle being left alone if her husband dies, but just like Soap's girlfriend, she has a strong community to rely on if something happens. She has been there for others so the others would be there for her.
I picture her as a very elegant lady. She'd wear pearl earrings and pencil dresses. She always looks very elegant and professional whenever she's outside. At home it's a different story altogether and Price (and their children) is the only one who gets to see her in yoga pants and a hoodie.
She's the disciplinary parent for sure but just like in case of Riley's it's 50/50 when it comes to being the responsible parent. Mrs Price does points out to her husband whenever he's not as strict with their daughter as he was with their twins.
Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick
Now Kyle is a pretty chill guy so I can picture him as the soothing partner to his wife. Mrs Garrick is definitely the louder and emotional one of the two. Ironically she's the one that brings chaos into their lives but Gaz is into it actually.
Mrs Garrick tends to overthinking and overreact a little, and Kyle is the only person who can calm her down almost instantly. Just knowing that she's enough to him and he's proud of her, calms her down a bit.
She's a primary school teacher and she loves her job. Kyle just likes to hang around her when she's grading tests and sometimes she'd read him funny and stupid answers her students put on the tests. Yes. They're making fun of how stupid children are sometimes. Nothing against children themselves, they're just funny.
Just like Mrs Riley and Mrs Price, she's a busy woman who loves her job. Gaz support her and encourage her to develop her career. Sometimes Mrs Garrick feels insecure but her man is always there to proof to her that she's amazing. He admires her a lot and how she's putting an extra mile to help children from the poorer communities because everyone deserves good education in her eyes.
Both she and Gaz would like to see the world as a better place, that's why they're doing what they're doing. Their relationship is also very funny, as they have many inside jokes that started as something awkward. Like Kyle saying that his "friend thinks you look cute" then pointing out somewhere and running to that exact place, and the time he tried to come up with the conversation started so he asked "Sooo...do you like ducks?"
Their idea of romance is watching Bee movie together and laughing. Garrick's also like to walk together in a park, feed ducks and enjoy the outdoors. Not in a wilderness sense like MacTavish but in a nature in the town sense. They like to go on a little trips in their county and visit unusual places that they know one another would like Cider museum or The Chained Library. They can be unapologetically themselves when they're together and they embrace their weirdness. They definitely attend the annual Cheese Rolling Competition at Cooper's Hill, near Gloucester. Now whether or not Gaz actively participates and tries to catch the cheese is only for his wife to know.
Gaz didn't want any children and his wife always said that she already has 18 children in her care so she doesn't need more. So Rose was a very much an unplanned child but she was still a wanted one. Both parents were panicking once they've learned that there's a bun in the oven but in the end they decided that parenthood is yet another crazy thing in their life that they'll embrace together. Both parents love Rose and after she was born they felt even more happy and in love than before. Neither of them thought it was possible.
Mrs Garrick is a Welsh woman so her mom is a very important figure in the family. It often causes arguments between her and her husband because he feels like his mother-in-law's influence on their family is bigger than he'd like it to be. However, he understands that when he's gone for months it's good for his wife to have someone to rely on.
Garrick's are still a young couple so sex is a pretty common activity they engage in. I'd place them 2nd after the MacTavish duo (3rd place is Price's and 4th belongs to "I pity your wife if you think 6 minutes is forever" Riley's) they tend to treat the activity more seriously than Soap and his girlfriend. I'd say that they are the old school romantics in this department but whatever floats their boat is still there. They want to please one another so they definitely discuss kinks and what they want to try next time.
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lilishivert14 · 10 days
Hi you can call me Vee, this is my first time writing fics for the Bear! this is also my very first story! also a little disclaimer english isn’t my first language so please bear with me!
summary: You borrow carmen’s jacket leaving your ipod in his pocket by mistake, one day he’s walking back home and finds your ipod in his pocket, where he sees a playlist called, “Carmen🧸”
disclaimer: english is my first language please go easy on me😭 hopefully there are no typos, i wrote it in a rush😭 requests open! a few mentions of being a queen fan, sorry couldn’t help myself, but i can make changes if anyone wants a customised one, being a swifte etc😭
Invisible String
Carmy walked home in his jacket that now smelled of you, he could smell your favourite perfume that always sent a chill down his spine. He smiled lightly thinking of you, it had been 2 years since you came into his life, helping him set up the Bear.
he’d be lying if he said he didn’t feel for you.
you came into his life roaring, miss sunshine, a full swiftie and the biggest heart he’d ever seen.
you had seen him at his worst. crying, panic attack, missing Mikey, guilt, family trauma stress oh so much stress. you were there through it all, the good the bad and the ugly and you loved it. loved him everything.
tugging his hand in pocket he found your ipod, intrigued he opened it, he loved your taste in music, you were a big queen fan, like loved freddie mercury, he smiled of that night when all the staff went to a karaoke night, you sang your little heart out that night, you were so out of tune smiling all drunk, but for him it’s like time had stopped, all he saw was you, in the vibrant blue lights of the club all of you went to.
he smiled scrolling your multiple playlists, tracks stopping on the one labelled “Carmen🧸”
mind racing, heart beating he mindlessly clicked on it.
Delicate by Taylor Swift
he played it as he walked home, hanging on every word of miss swift.
Dive bar on the East Side, where you at?
Phone lights up my nightstand in the black
Come here, you can meet me in the back
Dark jeans and your Nikes, look at you
Oh damn, never seen that color blue
Just think of the fun things we could do
he looked down at his dark jeans and nikes, that colour blue? you hadn’t told him but you fell in love with his eyes. you two always had a flirty banter, but this made it real.
Is it cool that I said all that?
Is it chill that you're in my head?
he was in your head? his mind raced, heart was beating fast, he could feel his palms get sweaty as he rubbed them on his dark jeans. not wanting the night to end.
the song came to an end as the next track played, the gap of silence between the two, he walked faster than ever only his path changed. he walked to your house. the urge was sudden, unexpected even. but he knew it now or never.
then came along, invisible string
oh this one he had heard, spending nights together exchanging song recommendations, the night you found out you went to the same coffee shop when you were teenagers.
there was an invisible string that always tied you and him. a string of gold finally flourishing as carmy paced towards the door of your apartment.
knocking rapidly, he bruised his knuckles. he didn’t care once he saw a sleepy you, messy hair, wearing his favourite sweatshirt.
“what happened?” you asked sleepily.
that’s it. he kissed you, you fit perfectly together. you kissed back. hands wrapping around his head reaching up to grip his curls. pulling him inside. slamming the door behind you two. don’t worry, you two would talk tomorrow, but right now, you had him and he had you, his invisible string.
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ilovemcisehr · 1 year
why do people mischaracterize gojo so much?
spoiler alert ‼️
ofc he got some problems and ofc he isn’t a saint but comparing him to sukuna, naoya, kenjaku or mahito is MAD (i’m mostly talking about the „when he’s a red flag😍“ tiktoks) or calling him a womanizer because of some mistranslations. it annoys me so much.
he may be cocky and arrogant sometimes and ofc duh that man is the strongest but calling him straight up evil and narcissistic is too much for me.
gojo is the strongest but he can’t save everyone, if he could then he definitely would but he can’t man and calling him evil for that is mad.
and yeah he was a bit cold when people got murdered infront of him in shibuya but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t care or that he’s evil. i think we all know that he doesn’t show his true emotions.
he’s a complex character who went through so much shit, he lost some of his friends, he lost his BESTIE geto (mans still ain’t over him btw), he has seen people dying because he couldn’t save them and much much more. and he doesn’t show it but he does CARE ‼️ he cares for his friends and students and he appreciates them all.
and tbh I don’t think he was ever „loved“ by anyone before he met geto. his friends and students respect and admire him but LOVE? nah. do yall think he was ever loved by his clan? by his parents? do yall think he got love when he was a child ? i mean the love a normal child needs to feel secure, valued and supported and not the „love“ „the strongest“ needs.
tbh I don’t think he got the healthy type of love and that shit is traumatizing even for the strongest.
gojo definitely had A LOT of pressure and responsibility being born into the gojo clan and because of his immense power (the six eyes, limitless) and that’s why he had to grow up so fast and maybe that’s why he acts so childish as a grown up (to heal his inner child).
and then the whole break up thing with geto happened 💀💀 geto turned evil and gojo didn’t even kill him after geto murdered over a 100 people including his own parents, gojo let him roam free killing more people for over a decade (that’s pretty loyal to me idk lmaooo) like that shit must have been sooo traumatizing for gojo.
like ofc he’s going to have some commitment issues after that and some people really out here calling him a player for that. i don’t see gojo with someone romantically because of his trust issues and his big responsibility as the strongest, but I also don’t see him as some playboy cheating on his partner. gojo isn’t built like that in my opinion.
and i don’t see him as a womanizer or him sleeping around because he is the type of person who needs to have a special bond to someone to do all of that, you know? am I the only one who feels like this or? lol
that man still calls his dead bestie his one and only and now imagine him with a partner?! 😭 listen, that man is LOYAL !! he cares deeply about protecting others, he’s intelligent, he’s lovely, HES A PRETTY AWESOME CHARACTER STOP MISCHARACTERIZING HIM lmaooo
i have so much more to say about him but not today.
sorry for the typos I wrote it too fast and english isn’t my first language 😭😭 sorry !!!
SPOILER ‼️‼️‼️‼️
and i know that man is probably dead but who cares, he’s alive in my head, it ain’t gojover yall !! ‼️‼️
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ququb444hm · 10 months
𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐭, 𝐜𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝
part 30 / sassy man apocalypse ☆
warning(s): *REUPLOAD* bc i didnt like the first one n i am in love with angst/comfort, possible typos, profanity, kys joke
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rain pitter-pattered against the glass windows of mr. ramirez’s classroom as soft jazz filled the empty conversations of college students writing out their history essays due at the end of the week. 
“aw man. what the hell.” rin groaned as he accidentally wrote down the wrong citation on his worksheet. “mori, do you have white-out? i keep fucking messing up and i’m so close to throwing the whole paper away.”
rummaging through his green pencil pouch, the sandy blond shook his head with a frown. “think i might’ve forgotten it in my dorm, sorry. nn* might have some though,” he stood up from his chair, walking over to yn’s table which was as quiet as ever.
(nn = nickname)
keiji had just left to go use the bathroom a few minutes ago, the seat in front of his being vacant also because that student barely came to class, today was no different. the girl who was assigned to sit in front of yn was fast asleep and the other kid who was supposed to be in front of kozume had moved to talk to their friend across the room. this left yn and kozume alone together. awkward. 
but yn didn’t seem to care... or to notice.
actually, she didn’t even seem mentally present.
mr. ramirez was still getting used to being in a physical classroom after persistently having asynchronous classes for almost two years because he simply “didn’t wanna get out of bed.”— he often supported his statement by falling asleep after his short lectures and with the current weather, it was easy to do so. 
so whenever yn had history class, it was basically a free period. which was very much needed after the conversation she had the previous day with shoyou. just what did he mean when he said kozume was scared of letting himself be happy? so focused on the question at hand that everything around her all mushed together into an unimportant blur. the pen in her dominant hand moved on autopilot, creating messy scribbles all over her notebook– seemingly illustrating her disordered mind.
“yn, do you have any white-out? cause oh! uh-” mori peeked over her shoulder, seeing the black ink pour out of the pen and dance like there was no tomorrow all over the lined paper. “uhm.. yn?”
noticing her unresponsive behavior, kozume placed a gentle hand over hers, squeezing it ever so slightly. “hey,” his soft touch mixed with the familiar comforting sound of his voice lulled yn’s tangled thoughts, bringing her back to the present moment. “are you okay? mori was trying to talk to you but you weren’t responding.”
“hm? oh.” collecting herself, yn turned to face her friend with a smile. “sorry, mori.”
the libero raised a brow at the interaction, his eyes lingering on the physical contact of their hands that still continued even with yn snapped out of her daze. “uh yeah, all good, nn. rin just needed some white-out 'cause i forgot mine. so i’ll be taking this-” he situated himself in between yn and kozume’s chairs, purposely hovering the top half of his body over their joined hands (with his ass poking out because of the weird position) to emphasize his nonverbal disapproval at the blond, before dramatically grabbing the white-out and dragging it to the edge of the desk, successfully (and awkwardly) separating their hands in the process. “pleasure doing business with you.” he chirped, giving kozume a dirty look before trudging back to his own table.
“sorry.” kozume mumbled, turning his attention back to his work. he internally groaned, scolding himself for what he did. ‘couldn’t you just tap her shoulder? but noooo you just can’t keep your hands off her. stupid.’
“it’s okay.” yn reassured. “actually, kozume i-” the sound of the chair next to her sliding against the vinyl flooring made her stop her sentence– keiji was back. “nevermind."
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as time drew on, it was finally the end of morning classes, and yet it was still pouring outside. even heavier than when class started.
“be careful out there!” mr. ramirez warned, watching as students bustled out of his class and into the rain. “make sure to turn your essays in by friday, midnight! each minute after the deadline is my increasing disappointment in all of you!”
“you sure you’re okay going with him?” mori asked for the fifth time as yn packed her bag. kozume blankly stared at mori, wanting to get out of the class as soon as possible because he could feel keiji staring at them, eavesdropping on the conversation. he internally begged keiji wouldn’t try to confront him about walking with yn. 
but, in all honestly…he was a little happy that yn had asked. even if it was because of tetsu. he missed her. every single fiber in his body yearned to be with her. hate coursed his body ever since that night. but only for himself. he wouldn’t, couldn’t, never blame anyone else, even keiji, for his actions because he knew that in the end, he was the one that told yn all those cruel words. so when yn asked if he could accompany her to pick up tetsu, he was grateful that they were able to have some time alone. just the two of them.
yn sent her friend a comforting smile. “i’ll be okay, don’t worry about me. just let coach know we’re gonna be a little late m’kay?” mori sighed, knowing he couldn’t change her mind even if he physically dragged yn away from kozume– they’d just find their way back to each other one way or another.
“see you.” rin murmured, ruffling yn’s hair before walking out with mori.
“which building is tetsu in?” kozume asked, getting his umbrella ready.
yn fixed the straps of her bag, waving at mr. rameriz as she and kozume exited the class before answering, “pretty sure it's on the second floor of T building.”
“is that okay?”
“yeah. that’s okay.”
the walk to T building was quiet and a bit tense. yn fidgeted with her hands, shoyou’s words still circulating through her mind. she wanted answers from kozume. she wanted him to tell her why things were the way they were between them. but she didn’t want to force it out of him. she wanted kozume to come to her first. her eyes focused on the path in front, letting the sound of the rain calm her down. 
kozume on the other hand, he couldn’t stop staring at her. he never could in the first place. yn was just so spellbinding, and the rain wasn’t helping in the slightest. he had so much to say, but he could never find the right words when it came to her. he stopped in his tracks, holding onto the umbrella tightly. his free hand pulled at the hem of yn’s jacket so they were facing each other. “yn, i’m sorry.” his voice was soft. it was almost hard to hear over the harsh rain. 
the sudden gesture caught yn off guard. “wha..?” kozume’s apology, though expected because of how much they both knew his words affected yn, came out of nowhere. “kozume-”
“i know i haven’t been honest with you, but i..” he pursed his lips, mind going blank as he stared into yn’s inquisitive eyes. “i don’t know what to do.” his voice sounding desperate. sounding lost.
“kozume,” every time she said his name, it felt like a stab to the heart. he missed how her voice was laced with so much love when she’d call him kozu or koz, but now his name seemed foreign as it rolled off her tongue. she placed a comforting hand on his, returning the gentle squeeze he gave her previously. “you’re my friend before anything that happens. i don’t know what’s happening with you, and it physically hurts to have you push me away, but i’ll always want to be someone you can talk to.” her thumb rubbed the back of his hand, soothing all his anxious assumptions of how the conversation would’ve turned out.
her touch was so soft and warm, a heavenly contrast to the heavy rainfall. kozume’s features relaxed, his head falling forward to rest on yn’s shoulder. her other hand reached to caress his head. “i don’t want to keep hurting you.” he mumbled.
“i don’t want to keep getting hurt either, kozume.”
“i know, i’m sorry yn. please be a little more patient with me. i didn’t mean anything i said that night, i was just overwhelmed and i regret taking it out on you.”
yn continued running her fingers through his blond hair. she slowly nodded, letting his words sink in. “i don’t forgive you for what you said, and how you constantly kept confusing me before that night, but i’m not mad at you, kozume.” her hold on his hand tightened in just the slightest. “it hurt when you made me feel you liked me back and kissed me only to call everything a mistake, and it hurt when you told me you weren’t being honest with me just now. you hurt me kozume, but still, i don’t want to lose you.”
the two stayed in their positions for a few more minutes. allowing themselves to bask in each other’s comfort. yn was the only good thing in kozume’s life, he knew that. and for a moment he let himself forget just how much he needed her. but he wouldn’t make the same mistake again. 
he knew he had to talk to keiji.
“what took you guys so long?!” tetsu fussed. after what was about 15 minutes since the bell, the two had finally made it to tetsurou’s class. “and why is my sister wet, kozu!? i thought you had an umbrella??” he quickly removed his own jacket, placing it on top of yn’s smaller figure. 
“it’s raining hard as fuck out there.” kozume groaned, also damp from the rain
“why do you guys still have practice anyway.” yn shivered, wrapping herself in the added fabric. “i know your game is coming up but what if some of you get sick?”
“no pain, no gain!” tetsu insisted, grabbing kozume’s umbrella from him and pushing the two out of the class. “now we gotta hurry..coach called me like three times telling me to get my ass to the gym!”
yn checked her phone to see if she had gotten a call also,
2 missed calls from milo’s dad 🫶🏼 1 missed call from SUNAVABITCH 🤣🤣 3 missed calls from alcoholic (coach) ⭐️
“well, fuck.”
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part 29 secret little personal diary <- | masterlist | -> part 31 old man
note(s): me when i lie n say i'll finish this before thanksgiving break but i didn't >p< (IM SORRY.) anyways.. am i or am i not dragging their argument too long like.. let's wrap it up kenma! also i don't like the ending..but i wanted to post SOMETHING so i might change it later. next part is also written.. but AFTER that r a few text msgs :3
✩⡱ taglist !! + @writing-for-the-hell-of-it @sherryuki-callmeyuki @anny-bah @ast4rg1rl @sukunasrealgf @dani-shitting-around @whokillednyx @vernon-dursley @limaswife @sugawara-levi @sixxze @ryoiii @literally-a-ferret @444sunarin @llearlert @lloyd4x @usermins @2baddies-1porsche @vernon-dursley @lyzisbitchingagain @h3xi2g0n3 @l0v3do11 lmk if u want to be added (msg or inbox)ヾ(・ω・`;)ノ
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