#he was literally the first card I got out of the gacha too like
earl-grey-love · 8 months
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noxinara · 6 months
Obey Me! Brothers and what kind of games I think they'd play
this is a very biased list (and long post) based off of games that I've played before :) (jk its really not biased, just games I think they would play!) I made this because I couldn't sleep last night and had brain worms-- Will probably make one for the dateables sometime soon, but this list is just the brothers!
Traditional Board Games.
There have been MANY times where he's been playing various board games with you, Diavolo, and Simeon.
Gets VERY competitive over games like Sorry!, Monopoly, Trouble.... Candy Land???
Will only let Diavolo win.
Shows no mercy to anyone else, including you. Sorry, love.
Card Games.
Particularly amazing at Poker. He would not let Mammon know this... until you guys have an in-house Poker night and he literally takes all??? Has the best poker face you've ever seen.
Won't even let you guys beat him at Uno or Go Fish. Boooooooo.
Puzzle Games.
I could see Luci being very good at Tetris for some reason?
One time Levi challenged him to the game to try and get out of going to RAD one day...
Let's just say he had to go to RAD that day and also had to stay over on cleaning duty. Courtesy of getting absolutely DESTROYED.
Controversial Pick: Rhythm Games.
I could 100000% see Luci tearing up some OSU! But only when all of the brothers are asleep and he's completed most of his work.
They help him unwind.
...Was that rhythmic tapping you heard when walking by his office late one night..? Interesting.
You saw him wearing Levi's VR headset playing Beat Saber one day.
No, you will NOT bring it up and you will NOT let him know of that video you took.
Oh. You posted it on Fab Snap?
Good luck. You're gonna need it.
Gambling Games/Apps.
Where I live you can just gamble from home because it's legal to have and play gambling apps?
He would have SO many on his D.D.D. They're taking up so much of his storage space.
Plays them a lot when you're around because he thinks that you're his good luck charm.
He also goes on a lot of Horse Racing and Sports Betting sites...
It got so bad that Lucifer had to figure out how to IP block him from these. it doesn't stop him--
Gacha Games.
Has absolutely insane luck for some reason??? Only on gacha games, tho.
Has definitely played Genshin Impact and Honkai Starrail because of Levi.
He got those 5 star and Ultra Rare pulls he wanted in his first 1-10 pulls? But you? It took you over 100 pulls to get what you wanted. WTF?????
You swear he must be cheating the system somehow. There is NO WAY.
Racing Games.
Particularly the ones that you can have a full racing setup for.
He's splurged thousands of Grimm on this.
Gran Turismo? Forza? F1? iRacing? He has them all.
He is VERY picky about who he lets touch his decked out setup... He'll let you use it any time you want, though. :) You're his treasure, ofc
Controversial Pick: Old School MMOs
Definitely played Old School RuneScape or Black Desert Online or Classic WoW and created gold farming empires.
Doesn't even do end game content, he's just a guild leader making bank off the work of his members.
He probably hosts fun events though.
Would definitely be the kind of guy that makes up scavenger hunts/fashion shows/trivia nights/etc. and gives out sick prizes...
Might also rig these to make sure you or his officers win the best prizes. How sweet.
He is literally THE gamer.
There probably isn't a single genre of game he hasn't played.
His favorite games are definitely MMORPGs and Visual Novels/Dating Sims/Bishojos/Gal games.
Could see him as a raid lead in all of the biggest MMOs like WoW, FFXIV and GW2.
He also 100% visits the degenerate RP server places like Moon Guard's Goldshire and Balmung's Quicksand.
He's definitely not a BLUSHING MESS and rushing to close his game if you catch him in one of these places!!! He would never go there!!! Oh... you want to join him? DEFINITELY NOT.
He would get too jealous of anyone daring to look at you to even let you breath in the vicinity of these degen realms.
He's also done plenty of MMO Ironman challenges and was one of the first people to complete Classic Hardcore WoW entirely solo. Didn't even group for dungeons. What a MAN.
Bishojo/Gal games are his guilty pleasure, how could they not be?
He gets all the waifus with none of the jealousy, right???
What do you mean he picks the same one every time? He can't just cheat on them MC!!
Loves JRPGs and Soulslike games.
Has definitely beaten Elden Ring more times than he can count. Knows literally all of the ins, outs, and secrets and is eagerly anticipating the DLC.
Has probably played every single Final Fantasy game and beaten them all. Would very much have a soft spot for FF4, FF7, and FF9.
Could definitely see him playing MOBAs and 4x strategy/Grand strategy games.
He's not the Grand Admiral of Hell's Navy for nothin'. He knows strategy games like the back of his hand.
The only brother that ever rivals him in strategic knowledge is Satan. (and Lucifer, but we're talking about GAMES here.)
He spends countless hours on League of Legends.
He mains JG/Mid and gets very toxic.
Has favorite characters, but honestly just plays whatever is in meta.
Owns every skin for Ahri, Lux, Katarina, Evelynn, and Akali.
He's definitely in Challengers.
Would 100% make a Smurf account if you wanted to play and would duo bot with you.
He'd play ADC and do anything to protect you, his loving support.
Would not be toxic in your games (unless you are too).
Faker who???
Controversial pick: Casual Mobile Games
Played Flappy Bird all the time when it was popular, still has a cracked copy on his D.D.D... I don't think anyone is beating his high score.
He's got a ridiculous amount of hours on Candy Crush, Angry Birds, and Fruit Ninja.
Would throw his D.D.D into his fish tank and have Henry 2.0 guard it before he'd ever let you catch him on one of these 'normie' games...
But... he secretly likes them so much.
Hear me out, Satan would be a SUCKER for CYOA (Choose-your-own-adventure)/IF (Interactive Fiction) text games.
Would have Choice of Games, Hosted Games, and Heart's Choice hidden on his D.D.D.
He LOVES immersing himself in story games and creating various MCs.
Oh, look! An RO that reminds him of you? Don't mind him self-inserting.
Probably has character sheets made for his favorite MCs. 
Will play through his favorite stories many, many times.
It all started with Choice of the Deathless and now he owns every game on each platform? (I'm jealous)
Also goes on Dashing Don... What do you MEAN author hasn't finished this story yet? AAAA-
Detective/Mystery/Escape Rooms Games.
I don't think any explanation is needed here. It's just who he is.
Would definitely get all of his brothers (minus Lucifer) together to do a virtual escape room... Unfortunately, it became so chaotic they never finished it. Oh well.
Once played Phasmophobia with Levi, Beel, and Belphie. Was very proud of himself for figuring out the ghost... Definitely did not sacrifice his brothers for the info.
Life Sims.
Specifically ones that let you own or are centered around cats.
Has played every single Sims game and bought their cat and dogs expansions.
Definitely did NOT recreate you and himself with 6 cute cats!!!
He did NOT get the mod that extends household size so that you two could own 97 cats. He wouldn't do that, no way!!!
...Was there actually a baby in the household, too..? Why did it have his hair and your eyes...? SATAN?!?!
you know the Catz DS game? He owned every single version and will NOT let you touch them... Okay. Maybe he gave into letting you touch them, but ONLY when he's supervising!
Very much enjoys RTS Games.
He's scarily good at games like StarCraft Brood Wars/2, the Age of Empires franchise, or Rise of Nations.
He's also gotten into 4x games like Stellaris and Civ. Thanks, Levi.
Don't try and challenge him, he can beat the hardest bots and WIN... THE BOTS LITERALLY CHEAT.
Controversial Pick: Fighting Games
Specifically games like Guilty Gear, Street Fighter, Tekken, BlazBlue, etc. Courtesy of Levi again. Thanks, Levi.
It helps him temper his wrath.
He'll sometimes play Mortal Kombat just for the finishers?? Why is he this way?
He could spend hours learning all the combos and tech of his favorite characters.
Has created himself some tech books and would only show them to you, esp. if you showed interest in learning the games with him!
I could see him and Levi settling disputes by doing best 3 out of 5 1v1s against each other.
Could see him maining Giovanna or Leo from GGST? Tends to prefer rushdown characters. (this one is completely biased, i named my cat after Giovanna from GG--)
Dress-up/Fashion/Stylist Games.
SuitU, Love Nikki, Covet Fashion - you name it.
He has all of them on his D.D.D and will shell out major Grimm to get any outfit he likes.
Might try to make the outfits he gets in these games for himself and you, because you're the perfect model!
Has a lot of fun with it and might try and talk you into playing with him.
Will definitely post amazing outfits he makes in-game on Devilgram. Will also post countless photos and videos of you two modeling those outfits he brings to life.
...NSFW/Eroge Games.
Not gonna go into detail on these ones because you already know what I mean.
Enjoys playing those games that haunt the front pages of my Steam.
Would proudly play them in front of you to laugh at how ridiculous they are sometimes (as long as you're 18+)
Like Satan, I could see him enjoying Life Sims...
Unlike Satan, it's not because he wants animals.
Plays games like the Sims, Stardew Valley, and Sun Haven.
Self-inserts himself and will romance EVERYONE.
Has the mods where you can marry every single villager and the bed mod that makes your bed MASSIVE so all your husbands and wives can sleep with you.
Made a Sims save with just himself romping around town... No sim is safe from Asmo.
Also has a Sims save with you and him that he openly enjoys more. It has both of you enjoying that Sims Nightlife as celebrities and living in a MASSIVE mansion he custom decorated.
Will also play any Visual Novel/Dating Game that is recommended to him by Levi.
Bonus points if it never shows the MC so he can self-insert himself.
Controversial pick (in this case, not really): VR Games
Specifically things like VRChat or Chillout VR.
Would be extraordinarily popular and have custom avatars of HIMSELF made with so many toggles that it'll make your head spin.
He would always be hanging out in night club or bar worlds.
Occasionally Mammon joins him.
Sometimes he also invites you to join him~! (Would not like it if people started hanging all over you, tho, and would probably bring you to a hot home world with just you and him if that happened...)
Sports games.
No doubts about this one.
Could definitely see him playing FIFA or Madden.
Levi thinks these are SUPER normie games and is offended to have them in the house.
Beel doesn't care.
Ooo, they made a game of Fangol?!?! He becomes an expert so fast, you have no idea. Would 100% teach you how to play with him.
Loves Cooking Games or Food-themed Games...
He just can't play them for long, however.
One time you got him to play Cooking Mama with you, Luke, Simeon, and Solomon but you had to stop because he got so hungry that he was trying to eat the television????
Would have to bring in MANY snacks and vow to make dishes from the games if you wanted to play these with him around... Which is a shame because he genuinely enjoys them. 
I could see him loving Multiplayer Party/Minigame Games like Mario Party or WarioWare.
You mean he gets to play silly mini games with all of his favorite people?
He doesn't care if he wins, he just loves having you guys around.
Almost always comes in last place when he's playing with you, Belphie, and Levi but that's okay. The faces you guys make when you get your stars are worth it.
Controversial pick (and I mean this one is VERY controversial): FPS games
Now, I know what you're thinking. Beel is a gentle giant and wouldn't play these types of games...
But! I could see him forming 5 stacks with you and his brothers in games like CS2 and Valorant and being scarily good because of his amazing hand-eye coordination and reaction times?
Like he and Levi could easily carry you guys to high Asc/Low Immortal lobbies.
He would just play fill when everyone's around, but his mains would be Kay-O and Breach.
He would always be the initiator in Counter-Strike, following Levi's IGL calls perfectly.
He would also probably love playing games like Squad or Modern Warfare or Battlefield with all of his brothers, you + the dateables.
Our resident Horror Game lover.
They give him ideas on how to prank his brothers dreams.
Once made Mammon go through Outlast in his dreams (nightmares??).
You better run, little pig.
But he genuinely enjoys them... When he can stay awake through them.
Hey, you, why don't you just play for him?
Loved playing through games like Amnesia... Unfortunately for you, his love for puzzle psychological horror probably contributed to how he acted in Act 16 OM--
Loves Psychological Dramas and those Interactive Media Games.
You know. The ones where you're combing through footage or watching videos and making choices to find out the hidden/deeper/darker meanings?
He LOVES those.
Usually has you or his brothers playing for him. It's most likely Satan.
You all get equally invested.
Idle Games.
He can run these while he's asleep.
There's nothing more to be said. 
These are the simplest type of games there are....
He's probably got a cookie empire.
Has a soft spot for Kart Racing Games.
Will regularly be in the room when you, Levi, Beel or Mammon are playing.
He's honestly pretty good at them??
When he's not falling asleep behind the wheel that is.
Controversial pick: Auto Battlers
These are games like TFT, Hearthstone Battlegrounds, and DOTA's Auto Chess.
He naps in between rounds and wakes up in 20s increments to prepare for his turn... Why does he have the timing down to a tee???
You're sure you've even seen him pick perfectly in his sleep??? How does he do it?????
Regularly comes in the Top 4, usually first or second. 
What do you mean he's a Challenger TFT player??? Wtf how???
Will not coach you if you ask, but you're free to watch!
Will definitely cuddle with you the whole time he's playing these.
All Brothers, with a bonus YOU!
I could honestly see them ALL enjoying CRPGs as a group.
They always get the mods that let you increase your party size.
Went through Baldur's Gate 3 with you on your recommendation.
They all fought over who would get to play Astarion and Mammon won?!?!
Satan got Gale
Beel got Karlach
Levi was Laz'ael
Lucifer was Wyll
Belphie got Shadowheart
And Asmo made a Dark Urge Bard that looked exactly like himself????
He literally doesn't even make any Dark Urge decisions.
He doesn't want blood staining his clothes. 😔
You got to choose whatever you wanted though!
You took the Dark Urge from Asmo and he just played a normal, flirty bard with impeccable fashion sense.
This playthrough took MONTHS and MONTHS... but you all had a blast!
You cannot count the number of times Satan 'accidentally' hit you with fire balls. (He claims he was aiming for Lucifer.)
Lucifer somehow ended up getting you all the luckiest ending? How did he roll 3 nat 20s?????
You're on to play Divinity: Original Sin II next...
Satan has already claimed Fane.
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riddles-fiddles · 1 year
Can we get the dorm leaders reaction to s/o telling them that Twisted wonderland is a game in her world? She gave them plenty of proof and even showed them the game on her phone.
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Riddle's confused and extremely intrigued from this piece of information
Though he's more on the confused side of things. He's not so acquainted with technology so it's a hard time for him to discern what's true or fake
And honestly, your claims are so absurd it easily slips on his side as a prank. He'll be polite and look interested the whole time, but his brain is racing against time to make reason of it all
"Cater always tells me about this 'effects' things you can add to photos and there are plenty apps for image manipulation"
Dismisses all the proof you show him as a very dedicated prank of yours, because how could he be merely an AI when he very much feels very alive? Bullshit.
He lays down on his bed for a few nights with a deep sense of dread, being unable to sleep from all the doubt that creeps on his mind. He wants to believe that it's all just a lie, but what if it isn't?
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Sleeps through half your essay about how everything he knows is a lie, growing in boredom as you stubbornly shove evidence, talking like some scientist presenting a thesis
Honestly half your argument has already gone through his head at some point so he's not truly impressed
Plays it cool saying you're gone nuts and that all this magic stuff fried your brain
"Geez easy now herbivore, nothing you're blabbering about makes sense", and he looks absolutely unnafected, shrugging it off
He can't help but dwell on it for some time though, but he'll never show it on your face or hesitate for even a moment in front of anyone
No, you are the crazy one, he's very much real. His pain is real, or else all the things he feels deeply rooted on his heart wouldn't hurt this much... right?
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At first he's skeptical and scoffs off at your attempts at making his mind around your little antics
He's got the mind of a businessman, he's not falling for such childish pranks, no matter how well made that photoshopped image looks. Oh, wait, it's an app? Well, you're probably just teaming up with Idia to piss him off
His interest is piqued the moment he sees the cards with his face, and as you tell him it's a gacha game, his features light up for a fraction of a second - but then he remembers that you're trying to shove some absurd nonsense down his throat. No, it's not the time for profit thinking
Though you sure did gave him an idea, and he'll be sure to talk it out to Idia some other time
Azul keeps on a composed and rational feeling to him, one he pridefully shows to everyone around him, but he's got his insecurities and doubts, and now you just sparkled something inside his heart
He can't quite grasp it, but it always leaves him choking and uncomfortable, something alike to fear and anxiety, something he used to feel when he was the pathetic little octopus with too much time alone
For the first time after many years, he finds himself pondering about life, questioning everything he knows, a sense of dread tugging at the confines of his mind. He didn't like to think that maybe you were right, that everything he might have experienced was nothing but a cruel lie
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Kalim can't quite grasp the concept of his existence being literally a video game, but he's the first one to not treat it like a joke
He's very interested on everything you says naturally, but he's very impressed to know that there's a game where he is a character!
"But... y/n, how could I be a literal game character when I'm right in front of you? Doesn't that mean that you are ficitional as well?"
He laughs light-hearted, taking things surprisingly well - because he can't understand he's not truly real. No matter how many screenshots you show, his wiki page, his cards, not even playing through the whole Scarabia arch will suffice to convince him
He just thinks you're a very talented person who made the game as some kind of diary or something, being inspired by everything that happened in Night Raven College
Eventually Kalim just convinces you to brush your point off, seeing how happy and entertained he looked. Maybe it's for the best to just allow him to eat up that lie
You wouldn't want to make Kalim sad now, would you?
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Vil looks at you like you have just insulted his whole bloodline and then threw all his makeup on his face
Stands there in awkward silence, processing all the information and carefully picked proof, snatching your phone to look through it
By the end of this tense moment, he shakes his head, laughing out as if finally understanding that everything was merely a joke.
But you don't laugh back, instead looking him dead in the face
Vil's unsettled by everything, from the way you look at him and the new, hard to swallow information
He asks you to go to therapy and says that he'll be more than happy to accompany you, sincerely worried about you
He doesn't want to believe the things you showed him, so just like the others, he'll just settle on the idea of you playing a prank on him for the sake of his own mental health.
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Idia.exe has stopped working
"I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!" shouts out once he snaps out of his paralyzed processation so loudly you're sure everyone at NRC could hear him
He looks mortified and equally thrilled as he goes on blabbering about some underground government bullshit
Red and blue pill kinda shit, you know? Talks about simulations and how he dreamed saw the walls around his room glitch for a moment while gaming (he's sleep deprived)
Shut him up or else he'll be wailing in his fake existence and talking to you about some conspirational theories he formulated with the source of his own brain
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Malleus is eerily silent as you present him with all the information you have, a perfect display of your confidence and everything that just fell right like puzzle pieces
When you're done and looks up at him, expecting an answer, he stares back, his emerald eyes deep and piercing, silently rummaging through your features though his gaze made you feel like he was reaching directly for your soul
"I know," he responds simply, an amused smile creeping between his lips
With a nod of farewell, he turns on his heels and simply leaves, unbothered to give any kind of explanation
Malleus leaves you with an existential crisis, hanging where you stood without understanding a thing
He knows? How can he know? Is he programmed to say that? Is he truly an IA?
You're not sure and will never be, because Malleus never gives you an answer eveytime you poke at the matter, simply smiling warmly before resuming to his tasks
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I, once again come to your blog because I love you /p
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My characters section be like 🐧
There are too much ssr cards that I don't know what to do with them 😭
And as you can see, that's all the 7 cards of Dazai and the others I manage to get after... What? 10 months or so? I don't really remember...
Idk if they actually loves me or not because why in the world did they come home so fast?! I don't even have enough materials to upgrade them equally smh 😔
Btw, I still feel bad for Dark era Dazai card tho, I literally used Oda as a bait to get him home 😭 (I actually got Oda first at that time and immediately used him as a bait-). I didn't think he actually came home but I still feel bad for using Oda tho (you can tell how much I love Dazai from how much I mentioned him)
Now that makes me questioning to myself what Dazai felt at that time.
I want to get Dazai of the autumn one but end up got Fyodor and I was like: Why Fyodor... Just why 😭?! 2 times too 😭😭😭
Did I manage to attract Fyodor's attention or sth 🤡💦???
I love all the characters in there but did they have to give me false hope every time I almost have my hands on Dazai 😔?
And yeah, maybe Dazai did hijacked the scout system or sth, because I mostly got him and/or everyone else at 40 to 50 scouts 🤡💦 (which is convenient actually, and I always use moonstones whenever there is a ssr Dazai card in there)
Now I can actually imagine how that guy get tied onto the chair so bad just because he wants to be with me the most (and I'll gladly take him 🥰) or get locked into some room so he can't hijacked anything with the scout system lmao
But why does my intuition tells me that he would be able to get out and hijacked the scout system again 😅?
All members of BSD Cast likes you. They didn't care, that you can't level up their cards. They just wanted to make you happy with SSR cards.
As for baiting Dazai with Oda's card?
Both are fine with that. They even find the situation a little bit amusing. They aren't angry.
Small fact. If it was the first SSR card of Oda you get, and you used it as Dazai's bait, Dazai will not only came home as in gacha meaning. If it was in his power, he would literally came home to you to crush you in a hug for bringing Oda back.
Oh, and Dazai is basking in your love. Trolls everyone he can for being your favourite.
Dazai interaction with any of the characters, you get SSR card of: [Y/N] get your card, Chuuya? So what?! I am still their favourite!
So, he does have people annoyed with his attitude.
Fyodor managed to hack the scout, to lower the chance of getting Dazai's card during autumn scout will be harder. But Fyodor didn't expect you to get his card. /And, yes, Fyodor is interested in you. He spared Karma for your sake and want to know you better./
BSD Characters just want to punish Dazai a little. They would let him go, hopping, that he will stop his attitude.
Or not.
There's also a chance that Dazai will get out on their own. He isn't heavily guarded.
He will be free. Ad, after some time, will hack scouts again.
My SSR card collection are here:
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goldenteaset · 11 months
What in Hell is Bad? (Belated) First Impressions
...AKA "This Hole Was Made For Me (But Oh God There Are Worms In Places)" XD;
Before I get into this, let me preface by saying I love otome games and have never played a Tower Defense game before. That is to say, I'm intrigued by the gameplay but am still in the "learning curve". With that settled, some bullet point'd impressions!
I've only able to actually play properly since yesterday, when all the crashes were finally fixed. (I do hope they fix the shop for the people who want to pay, though)
The quiz at the start immediately got me hyped! I knew I'd be having fun when I got to the "You've been trapped in an Angst Novel as a side character" question and one of the answers was "Create a 21+ romance out of it that's lewder than the original". My language, WHB (mostly) speaks it! XD
Actual R18 harem romance in an mobile otome game that isn't the Ikemen series('s non-canon events), truly incredible
It's funny, I'm aware that the translation is very literal in places and does need to be fixed, but there are also lines I genuinely adore and hope stick around. (Gabriel's introduction, for example. Gorgeous, ethereal language that perfectly fits an angel.)
On that note, I'm an absolute sucker for stories that deal directly with (Fallen) Angels, Devils, and what love and free will means for them. The plot so far is such catnip for me it's not funny
I also have a fascination with fetishes and what they could add to characters, and most of these I've only ever seen in research papers. Having them be this integral is like a dream...
...I'll cry in frustration if there's another hand fetishist who chops off people's hands again though. JUST BUY A MANNEQUIN'S
Minheok is way more interesting than I thought he'd be. Hearing him speak Korean compared to everyone else's Japanese (or "Celestial/Devilish" if you will) is really fun. :D
I'm loving the MC, even as I'm also adjusting her (in my case) for "OC with some self-insert" purposes. Love that she's so horny, love that she has a wide-range of tastes as a cute nod to the "MC gets along with everyone" trope, and love that she wants to make Gabriel cry!!
After Beelzebub (quiz starter) and Sitri, the third Devil to have my heart was Valefor. He's my MC's big teddy bear who protects everyone ;v;
The Secret Shop truly is secret, I haven't seen it yet
I'm loving being able to buy gacha currency with in-game money (pancakes) to better hoard. Please keep this, devs!
The level up etc. items keep making me hungry, it's genuinely great
I'm less keen on how hard it is to grind for certain items, but if I soldiered through FGO for five years I can survive this (I think)
That said, I don't think characters level up when you fight. That is ridiculous and would stop me from playing if the leveling costs became too high
Please let us play with the S- and A-Class Devils in Secret Club? :(
The chats are fun and cute, but I wish we had more...
Justice for Valefor let me put him in Secret Club he's been working so hard
Why don't the A-Class Devils have the boards like the L- and S-Classes? I want to learn about everyone!
The music is kind-of quiet? But I like what I can hear
I like the Day and Night-cycle on the home screen, very cute
Being able to have one of the Demon King's "assets" take up the whole home screen is both sexy and hilarious XD
The most YMMV opinion of them all: I wish the story segments were longer and that there was a way to do a kind of "Last time, in Chapter 1-(X)" to keep story info from being lost in the stream of battles
But in the interest of keeping things optimistic around here, I have one more impression to make:
Instantly makes this GOTY for me and I wish I was kidding
One look and I fell in love. And then I saw his potential L card/scene in the final trailer and fell even harder!!
I would feel dislike toward him re: Minheok and the Devils, but as far as he's concerned the sandwich that he rang up (MC) keeps yelling at him. I'm satisfied
My excitement at his L card reached such insane heights I started writing something starring him. That is a sign if nothing else!
...So yeah, I'm cautiously optimistic and will hopefully have even more to say soon. :D
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iheartgod175 · 8 months
Limelight on These Legendary Adventurers! Retrospective
AKA the post where I yell about two of my favorite characters in KonoSuba and how much I loved this event!
SPOILER ALERT: Contains spoilers for the Dust spin-off.
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So, uh…yeah. Part of the reason I wasn’t on Tumblr for much of the first part of the year is because I was busy playing KonoSuba Fantastic Days like mad, because the characters featured in this month’s Legendary Fest were Dust and Rin!
I started out playing this game with very little knowledge of it—my brother watched the anime, but I didn’t aside from some clips—and thought it was pretty cool. Less grindy than Revue Starlight and Princess Connect, generous in terms of rewards and power creep isn’t nearly as bad as those two games. As such, I left it as a strictly F2P game—no money is poured into it whatsoever. When I did my first pulls, I kinda wanted Darkness because I liked her the best out of Kazuma’s party, as well as maybe Kazuma. The two initial URs I ended up getting, though? Initial Dust and Rin, which carried me through the first part of the game until I got better cards.
(And that ended up being a blessing in disguise since I read later on that both Kazuma and Darkness’ initial cards SUCKED).
And over time, as I started playing more, I really ended up liking both of their characters. Rin is the most levelheaded and chill adventurer thus far, and is in general a no-nonsense, but sweet girl. Dust, meanwhile, is a street punk who’s more perverted than Kazuma, gambles his money away and literally lives in jail, often depending on Rin to bail him out, but is a fairly competent adventurer when he puts his mind to it and, despite his chaotic gremlin energy, does have a good side (mostly seen in the light novels). These two are often seen bantering and bickering majority of the time they’re in the same room, but they make a good team. And while I like Kazuma’s party as well as other characters in the series (Amy, Melissa, Darkness, Megumin, Chris, Yunyun, Iris, and Mitsurugi to name a few), these two are probably my top tier characters. So I ended up trying to collect most of their cards, though I’ve mostly succeeded on collecting Dust. The dude loves me so much that he’s spooked several of my pulls, lol.
Later digging into the series not only led to me learning that there was a spinoff focused on Dust, but within that spin off, it turns out that there are some unresolved tensions between them?? The event references some of that spinoff, too?? And both units are pretty busted in game?? You know I had to go all in on this event. I usually don’t save my gems, but I spent months saving up for Dust and Rin (even though I lost 15K gems on Forbidden Adventurer Aqua) because I really wanted both of them. Sadly, I was unable to pull Rin, while I got INSANELY lucky with Dust, pulling him three times, with the last one being when he was already limit broken. 😡 Ah, well. Maybe when they release the gacha for the featured Wind element, I’ll be able to finally add Rin. In the meantime I will be happy with my boy Dust.
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As for the event story, I quite enjoyed it (read: fangirled over it) because it gives some insight to their dynamic, and has a wholesome ending, too.
Rin and Dust are recruited by Lolisa to raid a dungeon that she wants to give to Lord Vanir, and the succubus promises that she’ll let them have whatever’s inside as a reward. What’s inside turns out to be some old clothes that for some reason fit them perfectly, lol, but they take them regardless, namely due to the fact that the dungeon collapses after they defeat the monsters inside. Not long after that, they return to town, where to Rin’s surprise, Dust is hailed as hero. This is mostly due to the effects of his costume. And while he did warn Rin and Lolisa to escape, he does take advantage of his newfound fame and exaggerate some of the story. Which pisses Rin off, but there seems to be a deeper reason as to why she’s not keen on Dust’s status as an adventurer improving—a reason that’s quickly picked up on by Lolisa. This comes to a head when they fight a wyvern outside of the town, and they start arguing. When a dragon appears, they attempt to escape, only for Rin and Lolisa to get hit by the dragon’s tail. Dust decides to go all out on fighting the dragon by himself…
…at least, that’s what Rin thought before she blacked out. Turns out that he retreated while carrying the two of them, which results in him failing the quest and losing his improving reputation. This doesn’t bother Rin, though—in fact, she’s rather pleased and invites him for drinks. And thus, the event ends.
Now, within the series proper, these two are constantly bickering, but they do care for each other. While he’s not above making crass remarks about her, Dust will go out of his way to help her and make her happy. As for Rin, the game kinda supports that Rin does have feelings for Dust, from debating about whether to give him chocolate, to this particular event where she outright says that she can support him with her new powers…and immediately takes it back, LOL XD. They definitely have that “old married couple” dynamic, which even Iris picked up on, haha.
The light novels featuring him (which also features Rin and the rest of his party), however, kinda gives insight into how Dust feels about Rin—he mentions that she strongly resembles the princess that Dust protected at one point, although he later separated her from the princess and started to see her as her own person, noting that he was captivated by her, and that he can be himself around her rather than the strict, uptight knight he was before. They have a lot of cute moments in that spinoff, although things don’t go anywhere between them in the end sadly.
Between Dust’s antics and Rin having to keep him in line, though, things are pretty ambiguous between them. Plus, I think Dust is pretty obtuse to the idea that someone would be in love with him—Lolisa straight up had to tell him that Rin thinks the world of him, and he looked kinda freaked out by it. We didn’t get to know what his real thoughts were on it, or get a proper conversation between them, but at least he’s aware now and that counts as something!
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If there’s a follow-up where Dust acknowledges this I will go absolutely insane. MAKE IT HAPPEN SESISOFT
I know a few folks won’t really support this ship. And I get it. But personally, I think it can go either way! I just love that for all the crap they talk about each other, they have each other’s backs.
Alright, I think that’s enough yelling for now. Thanks for reading my TED Talk, lol XD
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nimhmistsong · 1 year
After that, I tried lobotomy corporation and Limbus. Playing both a fair bit to get a good sense for them before making any judgments. These are my thoughts so I can come back, and any mutuals can ingest my thoughts. Because I do recommend all 3, but want to clarify why. With minimal spoilers other than names of characters met right off the bat.
Library of Ruina
Card/War Game - It's kinda hard to describe. You have an entire team and complete control of what's in their decks. Able to customize and use whatever play style you see fit. With each floor/team having unique unlockable abilities to further specific play styles. You face waves of enemies with your teams. Sometimes only one wave or one powerful boss. Many fights are battles of attrition, (Philip and your 7 stage fight you rat bastard) or if that's too hard you can always (just about anyways) unga-bunga your way through things. Some of my hardest fights became trivial when I gave up strategy and just HIT IT HARDER, REPEATEDLY!!
Stress - 6/10 Rising Stress. It starts out pretty manageable. Not an easy game, not a hard game. But difficulty spikes beware!! The final stretch of the game is a lot of really hard fights back to back. It is mentally exhausting. It took literal weeks for me to get through. Beating one maybe 2 bosses a day if I was lucky, and that is just the final stretch. This starts about the middle of the game and rises. So unless you like/can manage high tension and stressful game sessions. I don't recommend for relaxing. It is not a relaxing game. It is a 'clear your schedule because this will be all you have energy for' kinda game.
Style - Sprites are great! The horrors look horrifying and the cute things look cute! They have a fully animated anime opening. Each character design is unique and if you put a Ruina character in front of me. 7/10 times id be able to tell! Each one is charming in their own right! Does have an issue with text on cards being so tiny you can't fucking read them. So I often had to look up cards/bosses on the wiki just to read their effects. So beware my fellow shitty eyesight friends.
Lobotomy Corp
Management Gameplay - Lots of facets and things to handle. Very good game for this genre. Tutorial is good at explaining everything! Walking you through every important step. Disclaimer: I just suck at these types of games. Which does effect my opinion.
Stress - 8/10 Again, I suck at management games. I played to max out the first two teams. Then I got too shaky and stressed.
Style - Functional for the game it is! It does share the Library of Ruina problem of 'WHY THE FUCK IS ALL THIS IMPORTANT TEXT SO TINY MY SHITTY EYES CANNOT READ IT!!?!' Other than that it is cartoony and cute. While being able to express all the horrifying things that come with the setting. 10/10
Limbus Company
Gacha Game! - I love gacha games, but my luck is dog shit. So they don't love me that's for sure. The actual combat is simpler than RUINA and eaiser to read. Also way faster. While still being pretty complex allowing for strategy.
Stress - 4/10 Way less stressful than RUINA and Lobotomy Corp. Still enough I have to think about what I'm doing. It's a good pass your time game. Instead of a - 'I must have a clear schedule today so I can throw myself at this one obstacle over and over again without interruption' - kind of game.
Style - You can see the sprites are a big step up. The animation in combat is also way more fluid. Everyone is fitted and looking great as usual. (except Vergil who looks like the bus hit a bump and he fell out of bed after a hell of a bender then refused to bathe or change that morning) Personally, outside of Charon and Dante (MC), no character really stuck out to me though. Not to say the designs aren't appealing. They just hit you with a lot of characters at once instead of a slow introduction to each. Which makes it hard to focus on any one in particular.
Well, that's my thoughts for anyone who has nothing better to read! Thank you random person who convinced me to buy these games when they were on sale. Best $16 I've ever spent! Highly recommend even at full price if one of these games sound like your kind of game! Each were released within 2 years of each other. Showing vast improvement between each game despite that small amount of time! You can also play any game in any order, and still get the full story!
For anyone who has already played these games and read anyways. Hello!
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liliths-missing-pen · 2 years
*Slicks back hair again* Hey again babygirl I'm sorry you see I got lost again due to the simp syndrome so lost in thoughts thinking about you aha *lipbites* AHAH SERIOUSLY NAAUR I FORGOT TO SPECIFY WHAT FANDOM it's Twisted Wonderland cuz that game got my head and heart twisting thinking about it 😳
Im so sorry it took me so long to get to your matchups but yeah lol. I match you up with...
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Idia Shroud!
Ok so- First off, just the way you wrote your request I was like. "Even if you're considered introverted with your MBTI you definitely aren't scared to be a little unhinged at times" so yeah :) Here is your simp syndrome cure!
If we were talking about this from a scenario standpoint it's a hundred percent chance that y'all met online and been online friends before even considering meeting up. You probably flustered him so badly with your playful flirting and accidentally almost killed him?- Ortho was worried something happened to his big bro he probably got on the mic asking what you did lol
Since you play Twst I feel like it's safe to assume that you like gacha games so you two would spend all night playing and grinding on the games for cards you want till one of you realize they have a test the next day and then it sends the other into a spiral realize that they too have a test and then end up the rest of the night helping each other study for the test as the sun literally seeps through y'alls windows.
Also ngl you two are giving me vibes that it's an online friend-to-online lovers arrangement since well, it's Idia and he'd be extremely nervous to meet you and probably back out on multiple occasions to meet with you until one day he doxes himself to you accidentally and then boom next day you're outside of his door. The way he scream had Ignihyde students filing complaints with him not even knowing that they were complaining about their dorm head his voice was so high pitched.
Ortho as well would love you. He'd totally act as if you were his older sister! He's just so happy that his big brother has found someone!
Anyways, a happy ending I believe that Idia would be the best fit. You two could be alone for hours together and not even say anything to one another, but once you start the conversation (let's be real here Idia would have issues trying to start convos with you) it'll be hard to shut one of you up since you two are just the cutest couple together!
Jamil Viper
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lazyea · 2 years
I just really want to share my gacha experience and best luck ever and some of the worst cuz I'm addicted to gachas since 2017 and oh my god how many of those have I played.
Fgo bullies me almost all the time, but what years of playing it taught me is that if you honestly love your waifu/hasubando, they'll come, like Heroine X Alter or Sigurd or Lanling(4 copies in 10 tickets!! holy shit that man loves me!). I also occasionally get 5☆ one after another or in like 2-3 multis. Heroine X Alter is my only np2 SSR though. Foreigners and assasins love me. But riders and lancers... Where u at, homies?? No 5☆ of those at both jp and na, except for Europa that I picked for 5☆ ticket.
Then there's twst jp. Epel is my best man fr. When his dorm card was released I got 2nd Riddle and then the country boy himself straight after not even getting to 50 pulls. And when I aimed to get his groom card he also brought me Ace in first multis, ehehe. But when I was pulling for Epel's SSR in winter event he got me Jamil instead, also in first 10, I'm still mad. When Vargas camp was released I got Ruggie in first 10. My worst pulls in twst ever were in 1st Halloween event. I had to grind 25/8 for Vil and he only got home in 100 pulls. Last card literally. I'm happy that at least I didn't lose 50/50. Queen is mean :')
And then I also had some lucky genshin rolls that I didn't screen. My first 5☆ was Xiao and he came at around 75, soft pity. And then during first Zhongli banner, when I was rolling for Yanfei, I got Zhongli at 89 and Qiqi at 90. That was very spontaneous. No Yanfei still though. Then I lost soft pity to Jean, but I wanted her so it was fine. I got Raiden guaranteed thanks to that. And a few months ago I got Kokomi on soft pity! My artifacts luck is on next level. I guess I just must build crit Kokomi with these arts.
What got me into gachas was bungo stray dogs mayoi inu kaikitan. My first account was filled with SSRs and first UR that were released, but I lost it after 2 years of grinding. It still hurts. Then I got second one in jp and it's going great! No crazy multis or anything like that though. My best was 2 basic SSRs and no event SRs in one event multi. It's good but at the same time so damn disappointing. My na account has some good cards, but it's mainly Lucy SSR carrying me through all events and story. F for my first acc.
Then I also had Obey Me! phase. This game's gacha fucking sucks period. I lasted for about a year until I lost my account again. All this time the gacha was pure hell, devs didn't give much to pull. I had basic Mammon and Belphegor SSRs carry me, then I somehow got "something to tell you" Satan and maxed it out, it was my favourite card and I fucking lost my acc. This game's gacha and power scale system are so frustrating that I can't get myself to play the game again. I remember grinding a lot just to progress 3-5 levels and then grinding again. I love the story and the boys so much, but damn it's a tough love.
Then I got into bunaru when you could use ink to only get new writers. It's a pretty nice game with a pretty mean gacha. My dream combo were Nagai Kafuu and Shimazaki Touson, they got me 80% of my gold. No rainbows though. New system seems ehh, it can be frustrating.
And I'm also into Nikki games. Love Nikki is frustrating and when I just started playing it I was so confused about everything, there was just too much! Shining Nikki is great and its gacha system is fine, I love it when there's guaranteed. I get all URs in events thought and 50% of those are basic 2 sets. It took me 75 pulls to get full oceanic reverie set without 2nd reflection though and man that was infuriating. But overall I really love the game.
I also played Time Princess. Yes, dress up games are my guilty pleasure. Gacha? Quite nice. Story? Interesting. I love that they have female love interests for female mc, otomes need more of those!
And I also started playing Honkai Impact in September. This game is a masterpiece. I got HoH in my first multi! She carries me. Gacha was kind of strange for me at first but I understood it in a week. It can be frustrating and it takes time grinding, but you need just 1 good valkyrie from gacha and then you can get more from shop. Elysia is life, Elysia is love, breathe if you agree.
Then I tried Tower of Fantasy. I got 2 basic SSRs from gacha and 1 from release gift. In basic gacha I got the cube in 30 pulls and then the chakram in 30 pulls from limited banner. Gacha there has been kind enough to me but the grind it takes to get gacha currency.... And the game itself is fine, but it's rather repetitive and the story is kind of boring.
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artemismn · 1 year
wowww an essay thak you !
im assuming you picked the last option, which is like You need to do more than fanfarm
i agree with that one too, and i do think reading stories and having an understanding of the character you produce matter more than what you have of the character in the game. overall.
when i think of producing wataru, and what i want of him, i want lots of itabags and a truck full of nuis and every keychain thats ever been made
i also want a deep understanding of his character, i want to know him more so so so bad. ive read maybe 1/3 of the wataru stories so far
in the game i have 70k fans and am only missing a couple of his cards
ive been crazy about wataru everu day for over a year too
i was seeking peoples opinions and views, thank you for delivering so well 🙂
Hello! i’m glad that i didn’t annoy you with that essay in the notes haha
I actually picked the 3rd to last option, that the only requirement to produce is to like and pay attention. it most closely aligned with my view point that all you have to do it engage with the character on a regular basis, even if it’s not as grand as having a full ita bag or having 10k+ fans. since even if it seems small to me, like i said in my reblog, there’s so many different ways to enjoy a media like enstars that i feel like i don’t really have a place to draw a line on what’s “enough” to be a producer! i mainly used hyperboles in my “essay” to explain my point. honestly, as long as someone isn’t claiming to be a producer of a character then consuming literally 0 content of said character, not participating in any events, not pulling in gacha, and not even talking about the character regularly (basically not engaging at all) then i’m not going to say they aren’t a true producer of a character ^^ though i do understand your perspective.
my perspective probably comes from my relationship to enstars throughout the years. i started playing in late 2016 at age 12 and now in 2023 i’m 19 lol. i’ve always been a fineP, with tori being my first fave then wataru turning into my number 1 fave shortly afterwards. over the years my level of interest has fluctuated, with there being times of obsession and times of hiatus, but i’ve always come back to the same characters, to wataru and fine as a whole, you know? even during the times of hiatus, there’s never been a time where i didn’t consider myself a wataruP/fineP. same thing with the friends i’ve met through enstars, i’ve watched them leave and come back to the game (perhaps come back more casually), but i don’t see their love for their faves leave them. in my eyes, i still see them as producers for those characters.
sorry for giving my whole enstars back story lol, your post/ask just got me thinking about my relationship to enstars! ^^ very introspective topic.
to me, wataru is a character that has always brought me happiness. when i think about what i want out of wataru, what i think of first the is comfort and happiness he provides to me. i want to see him and i want to understand him as a character. he’s someone i relate to very much. i want his cards and i want to get merch of him.
right now i have all but one of his cards on enstars!! music (i missed his 7th anniversary card during a hiatus waahhh). i only have about 43k+ fans though (going for rank B rn) because like i said in my “essay”, collecting fans wasn’t really an aspect i really considered much or cared about, at least not until recently haha. (he’s on all my main teams, but they all got maxed out so i didn’t progress far after that). i was planning on making an ita bag for him/fine a few years back (even bought the bag for it) but uhh yeah that adhd slump hit and ive ran out of spoons for it ^^; it’s fine though i’m happy with my nuis and scattered merch
anyway thanks for the ask 👍 i think your perspective is very interesting and i liked hearing about how you view your relationship with wataru! sorry that this turned into another, even longer, essay i love talking about things. have a nice night/day :)
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zeynatura · 2 years
Returning to the hell that is Genshin
I stopped playing before Heizou came out, but came back because Scara got playable and i still had some primos so i decided to spend them all and leave the game for good this time but guess what happened c:
I literally had enough for 20 wishes, first 10 and got Gorou my sweet puppy general i've always wanted but didn't get even when i spent 70 wishes on his first banner and got Itto instead le cries
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So i was like: ok i'm happy with this, is nice c:
Then last 10 wishes hit me like a truck
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Ayo wha-
I did not expect this xD i was totally ready to get nothing and say c'est la vie! and goodbye to genshin forever... but then i got the opportunity to have the all geo team i always wanted and my dream all anemo boys as well.
None of my Geo characters have a good build, and i stopped playing before my anemo chars got to have a good one, at least they're decent, except for the new boi
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Wanna see what is like to fight an Eye of the Storm with an all anemo team?
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Tbh i had fun attacking physically while Wanderer was just there looking xD like the seniors showing the new kid how it's done pfft
I also found out Hoyoverse now gives daily rewards and so i was thinking of maybe loging daily for them and save them for when Baizhu is coming, bc we all know he's coming and he's the one i want the most that would make me want to pull for him..
But then the Hoyoverse bastards decided to have a TCG event right in the middle of my obession with Shadowverse and while my love for card games is stronger than ever
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So i've been doing nothing but having duels with NPCs ;u; i hyperfocused last night and didn't realize i played till 4 am help
The reasons i stopped playing Genshin was mostly bc of the toxic fandom, then not having enough time, between my complicated life and the many online videogames i play i decided to prioritize the ones i've been playing the longest and so genshin as the new game had to go, at that time i already got the characters i wanted and didn't like the rushing feeling of the story in Genshin and i still don't so it wasn't that sad, the best part imo is the fancontent which i continued to consume and the reason i found out about the new playable chars cause i literally blocked all the official genshin accs xD
Now i really hope i don't get too much into the game again, for my own good, cause is not even a game i can enjoy casually and on my time like King's Raid or Hero Cantare, in those games you have no rush to be up to date with the newest main quest and it does not punish you if you miss events and they're all gacha.. is just that Genshin is literally the worst gacha i've ever played and i play a lot of them and i am f2p in all of them cause i have a lot of trauma- i mean self restraint when it comes to spending money (i literally made a vow to myself that if Lucifer gbf ever gets playable and i don't get him with all my f2p currency i will spend irl money cause he's the only character that's worth it)
Anyway i just wanted to share my experience, cause i vented to my friends that don't play gacha and got silence as a response, well they did make a comparizon of toxic games some of them play like LoL and DBD saying that Genshin was my toxic game haha
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yandere-daze · 2 years
🦋 daze... i pulled 100+ times in mika's banner in engstars but i didnt get him... im literally so devastated rn, even if it doesnt feel like it from this ask alone.
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Over 100 pulls??? god, 🦋 anon I´m so so sorry!! Mika is being very rude to you and I can practically feel your frustration through the screen :/
30k dias is so much, I don´t think I ever had that many dias before. Have you done all the rehearsals for the main story? They give like 200 dias if you happen to meet the goals while playing. Also remember to do the link click collab event too, I got 100 dias from doing it today. I think there´ll be even more missions the following days so maybe you´ll be able to scrape together enough for another pull? I didn´t even know that we would be getting 10 free dia tickets, I hope Mika will finally come home to you then. Don´t give up hope!!
For the very first time since my engstars beginnings I actually managed to get a card I wanted. I´m clapping Mika on his back right as I´m typing this to make him come home to you😤
In terms of the self aware AU, believe me that Mika would be just as devastated as you are. He´s flattered that you care about him so much but it hurts him deeply to see you so sad and disappointed. All he can do is curse the gacha rates because you better believe he´s banging against the metaphorical door to be let out. He wants you to get his card and he wants you to smile when you finally get him! He just wants to finally be with you and he´s getting more desperate the longer this goes on.
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oriigirii · 3 years
💞 MC is a Genshin Simp 💞
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{ AN: Omg! This is my first ask so thank you anon (๑ↀᆺↀ๑)/!! This is such a vibe too haha, I hope you like it! } Warnings: None [Maybe Refs and Chars you wont get if you dont play Genshin Impact] * Probably a bit OOC too *
Reader: Gender-Neutral [Default]
( ⓛ ω ⓛ *)
< Genshin Impact was a game that took the human realm by storm, with its open-world gameplay, its competitive PvE and aesthatic settings, it was truly something that captured you the moment the beta was announced. Although, as with any Gacha games, you weren’t only attracted to the world and its setting.
No no.
The characters were truly the main eye candy of the game. You’d been worried that when you had been sucked into Devildom, you wouldn’t be able to access the game due to, yknow, realm differences, but luckily that wasn’t the case thanks to Levi, and hence why the moment it dropped, you had been spending your life savings simping for characters on every banner.
Yknow theres handsome bois in devildom too... Theyre just kinda waiting for you to put your game down for a moment and kinda notice em ~((Φ◇Φ)‡ >
ฅ⁽͑ ˚̀ ˙̭ ˚́ ⁾̉ฅ Lucifer
He usually doesn’t mind you playing games
Although, He would’ve preferred if you didn’t cause you kinda need to focus on your studies yknow?
But hey he’s not stopping you
Usually you would stay with him as he works, but he can’t seem to focus with you constantly begging beside him
Small little ‘please’ would be heard every now and then, and a sudden look of disappointment would show on your face.
He tried to ignore it, even giving little cues for you to quiet down, like clearing his throat
You didnt seem to pick up the hint though
He was just about to ask you what you were doing in the first place that has you praying beside him (which is hella rude) but your scream of happiness has him a little more irked and kinda taken back
You show him the screen showing your pull results
The character held a giant claymore with bright red hair
Before he can get another word in, you snatch your phone back and just sigh as if youd just had a heavenly (ironic) experience and mumble
“I seriously love him, Im so happy...”
Bro same though, Diluc pls come home
You were truly one of a kind, because youve just managed to break the Avatar of Pride’s... well.... Pride.
Did he just get cucked by a man in a video game?
Truly outrageous.
He seems to scoff and holds back a bit of an eye roll as he tries to focus back on his work
But boy oh boy, his salt is high
“If you are going to be causing a ruckus MC, May i suggest you doing it with Levi instead, I have no time for such games. I dont see why youre so caught up in such a character anyways, he looks quite basic.”
His words were sharp, and that was enough to shake you out of your fangirl/boy mode.
You were literally ready to fight the first born, a literal fucking fallen angel, for dissing Diluc like that
how dare
But then you notice how he seems to avoid your gaze and a small little red tint was on the tip of his ears.
Lucifer wouldve wanted to see you that happy with him, but no, a game character steals that spotlight.
Instead of being intimidated by the sudden coldness, you giggle and finally close your phone and set it aside
You can continue celebrating and bragging about it later, for now, you wrap your arms around his arm and give him a small smooch on the cheek, which definitely makes him blush a tad bit
“Awww Luci dont be like that, Yknow I love you more”
Potential apocalypse has been diverted
But Lucifer does smile the smallest of smiles as he sighs, finding it silly to really get jealous over such a small thing and says
“I love you too, my dear... but you do have to make up for distracting me from my work...”
Well you kinda deserve it, so it wasnt long before both his work and your phone had been ditched
( After a while you do kinda see him quite similar to Diluc and it just makes you smile everytime you think about it, seems you have a thing for the strict cold men huh?)
Σ(‘◉⌓◉’) Mammon
Why you simping for a fictional character when you already have him?!
He’s your first man!
Your homie!
“Yeah well hes my first 5* so can you blame me?”
But for real, this man is just so clingy
He has heard from Levi that you were playing a new game from the human world, and of course, he had wanted to see what it was about by watching you play.
But since it was quite grind-heavy gacha game, he grew a bit bored and asked you to come with him to hang out somewhere else, or even go to the casino and gamble his money away cause he just got goldie back
But no matter what he suggests, you were just so focused on your grinding.
He’d prefer a different kinda grinding right about now with how lonely he is, ya feel me?
But no, you still werent interested.
“Oi! Cmon MC, whats even so important about this?”
“I already told you Mammon, Im grinding for primogems from the event! Theyre gonna be gone soon and I just HAVE to get them! Ugh I swear to Diavolo, if I dont, Imma cry! I didnt get him on their first banner too... ugh!”
Wait no--
Cmon he doesnt want you to cry!
Mammon kinda stays silent for a bit as he watches you struggle to fight the monsters with your low level team, frustration growing on your face.
But as you finish, Mammon seems to snatch your phone
“Hey! whats the big deal Mammon?!”
“Shut up and show me where the store is geez”
Mammon’s demands kinda surprises you and you raise an eyebrow at him, but you do show where it was, and sit back for a while as Mammon just fiddles around with it. You werent sure what he was doing honestly, was he interested? Did you say anything that made him act this way? All you talked about the game was the gacha system so--
“Mammon! Wait you dont have to---”
“There! I got you as much primo things, or whatever theyre called”
He already has tossed you your phone back and he crossed his arms, looking away as the red blush covers most of his cheeks.
You look at your phone and you honestly felt your heart speed up and stop at the same time at the amount of primos on your account, it was enough for a full 180 pull! If you dont get the limited character on the first 50-50, you have another shot!
You felt your own heart speed up and your face burn so hard, but you do mumble him a quick “But... But why though?”
“Cuz! If you start cryin’ Lucifer’s gonna beat my ass! Dont think I did it for you, you human! I just dont want him taking away Goldie again!”
“But I thought this was your gambling money, isnt it?”
“w-well!... I mean... Hmph.. Gachas kinda like gambling right?, I know Lucifers gonna hang me if he catches me in the casino again anyways, so I thought I might as well just do this... with you...or whatever...” Hes dying, help
But so are you!
Hes too fucking cute and you just glomp him and just hug him as tight as you can!!
Flusterred boi 100
But you do spend you afternoon on his lap, both of you rolling the full 180 in excitement, whether you get that boi/gal you simped for on the banner or not, you still were happy to spend some time with Mammon
He doesnt mind losing a bit of cash for you
but you do promise to pay him back (maybe with a few kissy)
But to be honest, Gacha probably will help him with his gambling addiction...
He doesnt go to casinos anymore but he does whale with you now
Lucifer has such a mix feeling with these results.
But he still confiscates Goldie and your card on the end, yall need to chill.
ヽ(。_°)ノ Leviathan
He probably wasn’t even interested on the game at first
He already has enough games to play, and it just looks like another rip off of some other game he saw not too long ago with that elf looking guy
But when you came to him asking for his help to get the game, you bet your ass that he felt a switch click
Suddenly it was incredibly interesting!
You do share your interests to him almost immediately
By interests, of course i mean the peeps you simp for
The sexy ara ara in the library of mondstat, the pirate looking ass of the guards, the pirate looking ass’s brother thats a wine owner and still highkey reminds you of Lucifer, the demon slayer--- You were actually unsure if you should talk about Xiao but hey hes cool
You explain it all!
From their lore to their voice lines and whatever
But honestly what do you expect from the Avatar of Envy?
Of course hes gonna be a bit jealous! He cant compare to any of these characters! Hes not as witty as that eye patch man, hes not as sophisticated as that red head, hes not as flirty as that ara ara either!
As you go on, you notice that Levi was kinda... half listening....
It made you pout, but then, it made you worried
Uh-oh you know that look
its that, ‘im overthinking’ look
So to snap him out of it, you kinda grab his face as gently as you can
“Need Grimm for your thoughts?”
He flushes and he immediately looks away, but you usher him to look at you as you coo and ask him whats wrong
It takes a bit till he kinda explains to you how hes feeling
In your relationship, you both were practicing being more open with each other, hence why you were proud of Levi for saying it
but you did feel kinda sad and frowned as he finishes explaining
“You... feel jealous?”
“Ugh d-dont say it out loud normie....”
He covers his face with his arm and you just cant help but shake your head with a fond smile, but you do need to address this and comfort him.
“Levi... when you fanboy about Ruri chan, did you ever think she was better than me?”
Your question made him frown and look at you in absolute worry
Did you actually think that you were below Ruri chan?
Of course hes an absolute simp for Ruri but.. cmon
Now that he thinks about it, he does talk about her a lot doesnt he? oh no...
“MC O-Of course not! I love Ruri chan yes, but you... I... I Love... you more...” Levi exe do be dying
But you smile at his response and gently kisses his cheek
“I think thats sweet Levi... But thats how I am too... Youre still better than any of these characters, youre real and they arent, youre mine and I am yours~ Youre my personal 5 star!” You wink at him and Levi just dips
his heart couldnt handle the cuteness and he died, ladies and gentlemen
but for real he did pass out
Must be from all the blood on his head from the blush
But ah, he does get it, and after being showered with love from you, He kinda slowly got over his jealousy
its not immediate but with simple reassurances, you can manage to reel him in and have fun with you
He does end up enjoying the game cause he gets to spend time with you, and he gets to show off when events happen 
He also goes out of his way to memorize locations for materials for you, and when youre sick or busy, he pilots your account
true gamer
But ironically enough hed probably start simping for a character too and of course, you both start bonding over that, which just makes Levi absolutely happy
I wonder if hed simp for Barbara, she is an idol afterall like Ruri chan
Probably lowkey for now
Afterall she looks like a minor so-----
( I dunno i searched shes 16-18 lol )
But regardless, I can imagine you both just cosplaying each others fav characters too
Its a wack looking ship cosplay but yall just simp for each other cause of it, its pretty fun but the rest of the brothers just finds it hella weird
I only have energy for these 3 as always, Im sorry! But i promise Ill do the rest!! I hope you guys do enjoy, and Id love some feedback on the characters personalities cause I know they can be a bit Ooc, But feel free to send me an ask! Im pretty open lol 〜( ̄△ ̄〜)
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danteinthedevildom · 3 years
@dreamseeker1032 You asked about Obey Me! on a previous post, but I have a tendency to ramble so I thought I'd make a new one just so that one didn't get too long.
Obey Me!, a game created by NTT Solmare, is an otome game with a gender neutral MC (meaning that the player character is never described, never refered to with specified pronouns outside of necessary they/thems, and very little gendered language attributed to them). The basic point is to romance an angels, several demon, and a human, all of whom you'll get horrifically attached to and want to fist fight literal Death for (who is also a character in the game!)
If you know the basic story of the biblical Fall - have ever read Paradise Lost, watched Supernatural or Fox's Lucifer, etc... - then you'll know a fair bit of the game's basic lore, as it follows the same sort of basis for the main characters' backstories. That said, it's also got a fairly unique plot;
MC, a human without magic, has been invited to the Devildom (hell) to take part in an Exchange Programme that's meant to improve relations between the Devildom (demons), the Human World (humans) and the Celestial Realm (angels). They're to stay there for a year, living with the powerful Avatars of Sin in order to keep them safe from harm, after which (should they survive) they'll be sent home. However, things aren't quite as they seem, as MC quickly realises that there's a brother missing, a staircase they're banned from going towards, and a voice crying out for help in the night. Not to mention a seemingly incredible amount of unresolved trauma from the Fall that plagues the brothers in very different ways...
It admittedly follows a little more into the path of demonology in terms of characters and the like; the Avatars of Sin (the original romanceable characters) are listed in the same order seen in demonology (Lucifer = Pride, Mammon = Greed, Leviathan = Envy, Satan = Wrath, Asmodeus = Lust, Beelzebub = Gluttony, Belphegor = Sloth), and relationships between certain characters are lifted from things like the Keys of Solomon (King Solomon himself being an actual character, and Barbatos, one of his pacted demons, also appearing in the game).
It focuses much more on the plot than the romance, especially at first. The game's separated (fanonically) into arcs, with the first ending around Chapter 20, I think? That one focuses on MC settling into the Devildom, developing relationships with the Avatars of Sin, and uncovering a family secret that's frankly emotionally devestating.
Even if you don't like the romance aspect of things (which, if you don't, Obey Me! often has platonic options you can choose from to avoid romantic scenes if you don't want them), the plot itself is well worth playing the game. It's a refreshing take on the Fall that portrays the brothers sympathetically, and honestly makes you question if they even deserved to Fall in the first place.
The game recently made some prior secondary characters romanceable, too, so now you can romance Diavolo (the Prince of the Devildom), Barbatos (his butler and a demon of many talents), Simeon (an angel exchange student who seems to have a lot of love to give, regardless of whether he's allowed to give it or not), and Solomon (a human sorcerer, and another exchange student). Naturally this means the story has pulled away from the Fall and its consequences (emotional and mental, as well as physical), but it's even more interesting now because we're starting to see signs that maybe things aren't as good in the Celestial Realm as we're led to believe.
The actual gameplay is split into Story Elements called Lessons and Battle Elements called Tasks. To progress, you reas through the Lessons until you come across a Task, and then do a very simplistic Dance Battle. If you win, you unlock the next Lesson; if you lose, you'll have to boost your cards.
This is because the game also has gacha elements. You can pull cards from an in-game app called Nightmare, which will feature all of the romanceable characters, and use them to form your Battle Teams. Winning Battles gives you items to upgrade the Cards, and upgrading Cards lets you win Battles, so it's a pretty standard system
Some Cards also come with a Story, which you can read in another in-game app called Devilgram. This often gives you more information on the brothers and their relationships, but also affords you extra scenes with the characters that you might not get in the main storyline. A lot of the romance can be found there.
Of course, now new characters are soon to be added, so we'll likely be entering another arc in the story - which means anything could happen from here on out. But that's admittedly half the joy of Obey Me!. Yes, it's taken a basis in the form of a well-known source material and characters that have been used in media countless times before - but Solmare's interpretation, character development, and lore progression is so different to what I've seen before, I can happily say it's my favourite imagining to date.
The game can have its flaws, yes - later battles can be extremely difficult, and some of the events Solmare have run feel more like cash grabs than actual content - but if you're willing to overlook things like that for the interest of the story, I'd highly recommend the game.
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genshin-obsessed · 3 years
Hey pocket! Can I tell you something? I just need to vent...
Well, you see, in my group of friends where we all play gacha games (FGO, Arknights, PGR, GI, Feh and Honkai) I do have the highest chance of pulling an ssr. I dunno, they call me "Luck EX" even tho I'm not that invested in gacha, not until GI (also, I am not bragging. This luck, rng... it costed me happiness). You see, for the last banners of AK, I managed to bag all the operators present in that banner (Saga, Dusk, Nian and Mr. Nothing). Now you know what's next, Salt Party. This continued as I got Yoimiya and so on. Now, we decided to play Tears of Themis, which a friend of mine is really adamant on not letting us play. I pulled an ssr as a beginner, again salt party as I pulled another one on a single. Now I fell in love more with the gameplay. I loved it even more than the gacha. I promised that I'll stop but I had an episode of insomnia last night and decided to play it in hopes it's reading part will make me sleepy. I sent a few ss because I find some scenes funny. Now this friend of mine found out and told the chat, which I translate "When will I have gacha peace?" and has been saying so in a very, I dunno... fed up manner. She also tells me "Why did you installed it again" and I told her the reason but she ignored it. I slept at around 5:30 in the morning because my insomnia episode kept me from sleeping, even with ToT's music and all. I felt bad, not just for her but also for myself because I realized that I may have been causing them pain by playing. So I just decided to leave my friend group for a while. They're better off w/o me anyway. They love her Zhongli and has heard that they preferred her. Anyways. That is all... I deleted them all from my friendlist in all gacha games and left our GC. I dunno. I feel empty rn. Is it my fault? I enjoy the game and... I don't know. Thank you for listening to me. (btw, I love Marius. He makes me happy, atleast.)
-(Foggy) Ocean
Hey, hey Ocean!! It’s been a while!!
First off lemme start by saying THAT’S AWESOME!! You should be happy you’re lucky!!
Now, I get it, I have a lucky friend who usually gets all his choice characters, but that doesn’t mean I should get angry at him. I can understand that it’s frustrating, you want a character so bad and you try really hard, only to watch your friend get that character/card super easily.
But that doesn’t mean they can be rude to you. And they shouldn’t dictate whether you play a certain game or not. It’s literally not your fault that you’re lucky, nor is it their fault they’re unlucky.
You didn’t cause any of that pain unintentionally and they shouldn’t act like you did. You enjoy the games you like, you get super lucky, and collect all the characters/cards you want and don’t let anyone dictate how you play/feel!!
I’m super happy for you ^w^ you are a damn lucky bean!! And my only recommendation is:
Try a lottery ticket ^w^
Oh! And Marius loves you too!!!
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akampana · 3 years
I don't know how much of a ship it could be, but... What about Ruler Artoria or Lancer Alter Artoria with Gil? I know you said that regular Gil would probably dislike Saber Alter because she lost everything that made her unique in his eyes, but i wonder now how would both him and CasGil react to these drastically different versions of her.
Hello, Anon! Thank you for the ask. I spent a lot of time on this one, sorry for the wait!
Right, I’m going to preface this by saying FGO is a recent thing for me and I’m F2P, so I don’t actually even have Cas Gil or any other Arturia save for the OG. But as I love any version of these two way too much, I’ve obsessively gleaned whatever extra info I can from wherever I can with as much fervor as I apply to praying to the gacha, so I hope I can still provide some insight or at least give you a good read. :)
I’m gonna answer this in a slightly different format since we’re talking about opinions here. Lot’s of HCs included, since I wanted to illustrate better how their specific dynamics would go. See below:
Ruler Arturia is a casino owner and specifically a cards dealer. We also know thanks to Artoria’s material that despite not being the luckiest person alive, she has a talent for gambling. 
Regardless of the bet, the casino is usually at an advantage to win, which is what makes each game a gamble. And with our talented bunny dealer handling the cards, you can bet haha  the casino would earn a hell of a bunch. 
Enter Gilgamesh, with a ridiculously high rank of luck and LITERALLY ALL THE MONEY IN THE UNIVERSE 
Now this puts them both in a unique position because:
Arturia as a casino owner would want to glean everything she can out of that treasury
Gilgamesh is nigh impossible to trounce
What does that make for? The highest stakes round of blackjack that the world has ever seen. 
Funny thing is, Gil probably isn’t even playing to win. He’s so rich that any loss is immaterial. 
If anything, he’s staying for the challenge, and of course, the entertaining dealer.
Ruler Arturia is formatted after Lartoria’s attitude, though, so rather than sparks flying across the table, their battles would be quiet and consist of a lot of poker faces and piercing eyes. 
As Gilgamesh is technically a guest, it is not out of the question for them to share a few cocktails. 
He likes the bunny suit. He just doesn’t say so. 
Eventually, it comes to the point where he bets an irrefusable amount in exchange for a night with her. And boom, she loses, and gets treated to dinner. All in all, not such a loss. Especially since she finds that the amount he’d bet last night makes it into an expensive briefcase left in front of her casino the next morning. 
Ruler Arturia x CasGil
CasGil, I think would have the same interest, but rather than the kind of competitive rivalry Archer Gil brings to the table, he gets Ruler’s attention a different way:
He doesn’t lose. He just doesn’t.
Caster doesn’t even raise the stakes, nor does he bet such thriftless amounts like Archer Gil does, he just wins and wins and wins over a course of a few days, and Ruler eventually has to investigate why one of her tables consistently loses more than it gains
Lo and behold: it’s the King of Heroes, nonchalantly sipping on a cocktail waiting for her to arrive. 
Arturia offers to play against him, and they calmly proceed for enough rounds until he finally loses for the first time. 
Except when she checks his hand, she discovers he could have won again. 
Still possessing a knight’s honor, she tries to refund him, but he won’t take the money. He’d only take a date. 
The next day, they’re sharing her parasol, strolling on the beach with drinks in hand. She swears she’ll beat him for real next time. 
Oooh how I love older more mature Gilart. HNNNNNNNNGGG
Lancer Alter x Gilgamesh in General
There’s a lot of complexity when it comes to “Alter” Servants which I am still trying to grasp because not every Alter-ation is the same as I’m sure you know. 
Lancer Alter isn’t even Evil like Saber Alter is, she’s just more of a realist and in the eyes of her people, more of a tyrant. In fact, I think she’s closer to the essence of what a Lancer Arturia would be, and maybe she would have been the Lartoria we got had the Lion King not been conceptualized yet. But like other non-lancer Arturias she shoulders the same burden of a king. 
It’s on this basis that I say that Archer Gil also might not be attracted to Lancer Alter initially, because part of what he likes about Artoria is her idealism. He finds her idealism foolish sure, because he wouldn’t rule that way, but that’s also what fascinates him. 
Caster Gil, I believe, would have the better chance, because he’s already lived through and moved past the period in his life where he was a ruthless, feared tyrant, and he can therefore understand Lancer Alter’s mentality more than Archer Gil ever could. 
But whether or not Casgil and Lancer Alter Arturia ever end up together, entirely depends on CasGil’s interest, because he’ll be facing someone who is rather like his younger self. But a little more self-deprecating. Better feed her some junk food.
Thank you for the ask! It makes me happy to have stuff in my inbox. Hope I provided a good read for you at least. :) 
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